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Nursing Research Set A Ready To Print

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1. The researcher may be guided by the following steps when doing research studies:
a. Statement of the problem and hypothesis
b. Results, interpretation and conclusion
c. Data collection and methodology
d. Theoretical framework and definition of terms
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,4,3,2 c. 1,3,4,2 d. 1,2,4,3
2. This type of research focuses on finding solutions to existing problems.
a. Basic research b. Applied researchc. Experimental research d. Qualitative research
3. A systematic and abstract explanation of some aspect of reality is:
a. Problem b. Hypothesis
c. Construct
d. Theory
4. In the research question, does smoking cause lung cancer, the presumed cause is:
a. Independent variable b. Extraneous variable c. Dependent variable d. Constant
5. If the nurse studies the effect of Nifedipine in lowering blood pressure among hypertensive patient admitted at
Baranggay San Antonio, Paranaque City, Nifedipine is the?
a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Extraneous variable
d. Demographic variable
6. It is a tentative explanation for certain behaviors, phenomena or events which have occurred or will
a. Constructs
b. Hypothesis
c. Problem statement
d. Theory
7. What is an example of a null hypothesis among the following statements?
a. Patient using the method of faith healing will get well because of their strong faith
b. The negative attitudes of the caregivers affect the help seeking behavior of the patients
c. Fish oil is effective on the treatment of anemia
d. There is no significant relationship between heredity and mental ability
8. Data stability over time and over conditions.
a. Reliability b. Validity c. Trustworthiness
d. Confirmability
9. In research, the extent to which findings can be applied to other settings is:
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Generalizability d. Confirmability
10. Describe the tools, devices, tests and measures used in data collection:
a. Questionnaire b. Sampling
c. Research methods d. Instruments
11. A questionnaire item that allows the respondent complete freedom:
a. Open ended
b. Close ended
c. Indirect d. Direct
12. If a nurse researcher wishes to assess what activities are considered as health-promoting in order
to importance to a particular group of persons, which technique would be used?
a. Checklist
b. FHSIS c. Simulation
d. Rating Scale
Since studying the entire population may not be possible because of certain factors, researchers can draw valid
inferences from the population from a small portion of it. The process of drawing a small portion of the population is
called what?
a. Inferential statistics b. Operationalization c. Sampling d. Randomization
14. Sample needed in every 10th name on the list, or patients in odd number rooms, or every 15 th house on the
blocks, this sampling is called:
a. Stratified random sampling
c. Purposive sampling
b. Cluster sampling
d. Systematic sampling
15. This is a kind of sampling technique wherein the researcher asks the subjects to suggest other subjects to the
researcher. This technique is utilized if obtaining subjects are quite difficult especially when the topic is highly
a. Purposive sampling
c. Convenience sampling
b. Snow-ball sampling
d. Quota sampling
16. A portion of the population to represent the entire population.
a. Accessible population
b. Target population
c. Sample d. Participants
17. The main sampling goal in quantitative research
a. eligibility criteria b. Representativeness
c. Inclusion criteria d. Reliability
18. In the research process, which phase involves the following: defining the problem to be studied, doing a
literature review, engaging in clinical fieldwork for clinical studies, developing a framework
and conceptual definitions, and formulating hypotheses to be tested?
a. Conceptual phase
c. Empirical phase

b. Design and planning phase

d. Analytic phase
19. The purpose of research report is to:
a. Proven hypothesis
c. Suggests topics for further research
b. Communicate what was done with the study
d. Gain recognition as a scholar
20. An abstract is:
a. A brief introduction to the study
b. Anther way to state the research problem
c. A brief summary of the contents of the entire report
d. A summary of the important findings
21. The only research study where the researcher is opinion permitted is in:
a. Recommendation b. Methodology
c. Conclusions
d. Review literature
22. A measure of variability of scores or values about the mean is the:
a. Standard deviation b. Range c. Mode
d. Median
23. The distance between the high and low score in statistics is:
a. The range b. The mode c. The mean d. The standard deviation
24. What is the term used to describe the condition in which performance in an experiment is affected
by the knowledge of participants that they are in an experiment?
a. Hawthorne effect
b. Halo affect
c. Null effect d. Fatigue effect
25. The following are examples of basic research, which is not included?
a. The relationship of stress to the number of working hours of the nurse
b. The grieving process of the caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients
c. The effectiveness of banana leaves in the prevention of decubitus ulcers
d. The factors affecting the recovery of stroke patients
Situation: A group of nurses decided the influence of religion on the attitude of staff nurses in the care of dying
26. In your review of literature, under what appropriate topic would you focus?
a. care of terminally ill patients
c. concept on death and dying
b. attitude and religion
d. the dying patient
27. The variables in your study are the following except:
a. religion
c. care of the dying
b. setting of the study
d. quasi-experiment
28. This is an example of a continuous variable
a. Religion b. Staff nurses
c. Patients d. Age
29. A sample is a group drawn from the study?
a. Population
b. Universec. Study subjects d. Representative group
30. What is the purpose of conducting research in any setting?
a. improve health care
b. publication c. court order
d. legal document
31. Research in nursing is mainly aimed to:
a. Contributes to professionalism in nursing
c. Improve nursing practice
b. Ensure safe nursing process
d. Setting criteria for quality nursing
32. The correct sequence of steps in the research process is:
1. Selection and development of the tools/ techniques for collecting data
2. Formulation of hypothesis
3. Determining the research design or the approach suitable for the study
4. Formulation of the problem
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 1, 2, 3
c. 4, 2 ,3, 1
d. 1, 3, 4, 2
Situation: As a nurse researcher, you must have a very good understanding of the common terms and concepts
used in research.
33. The title Development of Industrial Simulators in Medical and Allied Education is an example of?
a. Quasi experimental
b. Historical
c. Experimental
d. Descriptive
Situation: A research study was undertaken in order to identify and analyze a disabled boys coping reaction to
pattern during stress.
34. The study which is an in depth study of one boy is a:
a.evaluative study
b.case study
c. cross sectional study
d. longitudinal study
35. Which of these does not happen in a descriptive study?
a.manipulation of variables
b.exploration of relationships between two or more phenomena
c.investigation of a phenomenon in real life context

d.exploration of relationships between two or more phenomena

36. The investigator also provides the nursing care of the subject. The investigator is referred to as
a. advocate
b.observer researcher
c. participant observer
d. caregiver
37. To ensure the reliability of the study, the investigators analysis and interpretations were:
a. subjected to an inter-observer agreement
c. scored and compared standard criteria
b. correlated with a list of coping behavior
d. subjected to statistical treatment
Situation: as a nurse you are expected to initiate or participate in conducting research studies to improve nursing
practice. You have to be updated on the latest trends and issues affecting the profession and the best practices
arrived at the profession.
38. You are interested to study the effects of meditation and relaxation on the pain experienced by cancer patients.
What type variable is pain?
a. dependent b. independent c. correlational
d. demographic
39. You would like to compare the support system of the patient with chronic illness to those with acute illness. What
type of research is this?
a. Descriptive
b. experimentalc. correlational
d. quasi-experimental
40. In any research study where individual persons are involved, it is important that any informed consent for the
study is obtained. The following are essential information about the consent that you should disclose to the
prospective subject except:
a. assurance of anonymity and confidentiality
c. consent to complete disclosure
b. explanation of procedure
d. description of benefits, risk and discomforts

Situation: As a beginner in research, you are aware that sampling is an essential element of a research process.
41. What does a sample group represent?
a. control group
b. general population
c. universe d. study subjects
42. In studying the attitudes of nurses in Metro Manila toward their work, a small sample from each hospital will
be taken. This uses what type of sampling?
a. Cluster Sampling
c. Stratified Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
d. Quota Sampling
43. Random sampling ensures that subjects have:
a. an equal chance of section
c. been selected based on set criteria
b. been selected systematically
d. characteristic that match other samples
44. Anna finally decided to use a simple random sampling. Which of the following actions is correct about this
kind of sampling?
a. She plans to include whoever is present during the study.
b. She determines the different nationality of patients frequently admitted and decides to get representations
samples from each.
c. She assigns numbers for each of the patients, place these in a fishbowl and draw 10 from it.
d. She decides to get 20 samples from the admitted patients
45. Which of the following sampling methods allows the use of any group of research subjects?
a. Convenience
b. Purposive
c. Systematic sampling
d. Random sampling
46. You decided to include 5 barangays in your municipality and chose a sampling method that would get
representative samples from each barangay. What should be the appropriate method for you to use in this care?
a. cluster sample b. stratified sampling c. systematic sampling
d. random sampling
Situation: You are actively practicing nurse who just finished your graduate studies. You learn the value of research
and would like to utilize the knowledge and skills gained in the application of research into nursing service. The
following question applies to research.
47. Which of the following studies is based on quantitative research?
a. A study examining the bereavement process in the spouses of the clients with terminal cancer
b. A study examining clients feelings before, during and after a bone marrow aspiration
c. A study exploring factors influencing weight control behavior
d. A study measuring the effects of sleeping deprivation
48. Which of the following studies is based on qualitative research?
a. A study measuring differences in blood pressure before, during and after a procedure.
b. A study examining clients reactions to stress after open heart surgery
c. A study measuring nutrition and weight loss/gain in clients with cancer
d. A study examining oxygen levels after endotreacheal suctioning
49. An 85 years old client in a nursing home tells a nurse, I signed the papers for the research study
because the doctor was so insistent and I want him to continue taking care of me. Which client
right is being violated?
a. right of self determination
c. right to privacy and confidentiality
b. right to full disclosure
d. right not to be harmed
50. A supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomenon best defines:
a. a concept b. a conceptual framework
c. a theory
d. a paradigm
Situation: A nurse professor assigns a group of students to do data gathering by interviewing their classmates as
the subject.
51. She instructed the interviewers not to tell the interviewees that the data gathering are for his own
research project for publication. This teacher has violated the students right to:
a. Disclosure b. not be harmed c. Privacy
d. self determination
52. Quantitative research involves numerical data. Which of the following is based on quantitative
a. The effects of regular nurse visits to clients bedside on the number of clients call to the nurse.
b. A study on the effects of the white uniform of hospital personnel on pediatrics patients.
c. A study on benefits of pre-operative health instructions to clients feeling of anxiety.
d. A study on the effects of touch on the clients of isolation.
53. Before the nurse researcher starts her study, she analyzes how much time, many materials and people
she will need to complete the research project. This analysis prior to beginning the study is called:
a. Validity b. Researchability
c. Feasibility d. Reliability

54. Data analysis is to be done and the nurse researcher wants to include measures of variability. These
include the following except:
a. Range
b. Variance
c. Mean
d. Standard deviation
Situation: The use of massage and meditation to help decrease stress and pain have been strongly recommended
based on documented testimonial.
55. Martha wants to study on the topic The effects of massage and meditation on stress and pain., the type of
research that best suits this topic is:
a. basic research b. applied research
c. quantitative research
d. qualitative research
56. This type of research design that does not manipulate independent variable is:
a. non-experimental design
b. quasi-experimental design c. quantitative design d. experimental design
57. Martha does review related literature for the purpose of:
a. to identify if the problem can be replicated
b. gather data about what is already known or unknown about the problem
c. answering the research question
d. determining statistical treatment of data
58. This refers to the restrictions that the researcher places on the study prior to data gathering.
a. Limitation
b. Delimitation c. Scope
d. Non Directional
59. This is a trial developed to test the hypothesis.
a. Pretest b. Pilot Study
c. Validity
d. Reliability
60. Which of the following usually refers to the independent variables in doing research?
a. Result
b. Cause
c. Output
d. Effect
61. The clients right to be protected when doing research using human subjects, Martha identifies this right as
follows except:
a. right to self determination
c. right to not to be harmed
b. right to compensation
d. right to privacy
62. What is considered the most current priority for nursing research?
a. Improvements in patient care and outcomes
c. Content of nursing curricula
b. Problems relating to nurse professional identity
d. Staffing and shortage problems
63. The correct sequence of steps in the research process is:
1. Selection and development of the tools/ techniques for collecting data
2. Formulation of hypothesis
3. Determining the research design or the approach suitable for the study
4. Formulation of the problem
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 1, 2, 3
c. 4, 2, 3, 1 d. 1, 3, 4, 2
64. When selecting your study sample. Which of the following activities should you do first?
a. specify the sampling frame
c. specify the criteria for selection of subjects
b. identify the target population
d. identify the available population
65. You decided to use convenience sampling. This is an example of convenience sampling:
a. selection with consent
c. availability of subjects
b. simple selection
d. first come, first selected basis
66. You decided to use Prospective Longitudinal Sampling. Which of the following is an example of this?
a. Growth of newborn 2 years ago to the present
b. Mastectomy patients are studied from operation to 3 years after discharge
c. Asking high school students their choices of career after graduation
d. Asking mothers their past experiences in giving birth
67. A type of sampling that starts with one participant or member of the population and uses that members
contacts to identify other potential participants for the study is:
a.cluster sampling
c. snowball sampling
b.convenience sampling
d. purposive sampling
68. The following explanations are found in the review of related literature EXCEPT:
a. Awareness of the most recent development in the area of interest both in content and methods
b. To demonstrate the researchers comprehensive understanding of issues related to research
c. All written materials published or unpublished local or foreign pertinent to the topic investigated
d. All of the above
69. An abstract is:
a. A brief introduction to the study
b. Anther way to state the research problem

c. A brief summary of the contents of the entire report

d. A summary of the important findings
70. The only research study where the researcher is opinion permitted is in:
a. Recommendation b. Methodology
c. Conclusions
d. Review literature
71. The purpose of research report is to:
a. Proven hypothesis
c. Suggests topics for further research
b. Communicate what was done with the study
d. Gain recognition as a scholar for the writes
72. The process that takes place after data are analyzed and includes generalization about the findings is the:
a. Evaluation
b. Conclusion
c. Recommendation
d. Implication
73. The devise or technique an investigator employs to collect data is called:
a. Sample
b. Instrument
c. Hypothesis
d. Concept
74. Describe the tools, devices, tests and measures used in data collection:
a. Questionnaire
b. Sampling
c. Research methods
d. Instruments
75. Which of the following is not an example of nominal data?
a. name
b. weight
c. age
d. race
76. If a nurse researcher wishes to assess what activities are considered as health-promoting in order to
importance to a particular group of persons, which technique would be used?
a. Checklist
b. Interview
c. Simulation
d. Rating Scale
77. The interview schedule that is read to a respondent based on a previously given questionnaire is known as:
a. Standardized
b. Non-standardized
c. Semi-standardized
d. None of the above
78. A questionnaire item that allows the respondent complete freedom:
a. Open ended
b. Close ended
c. Indirect
d. Direct
79. Nursing theory articulates the relationship among person, environment, health, and nursing. What term
would a nurse use when referring to these four concepts collectively?
a. Paradigm
b. Conceptual model
c. Grand theories
d. Metaparadigm
80. Definition of the population and the procedure for the sample/subject selection is included in this selection
of research:
a. Data collection procedure
c. Research design
b. Sampling design
d. Scope and imitation
81. When selecting the study sample, which of the following activities should the researcher do first?
a. specify the sampling frame
c. specify the criteria for selection of subjects
b. identify the target population
d. identify the available population
82. Improving conditions on a research situation so that classes are minimized and maximum precision and
validity are attained is done by means of:
a. Controlled variable
b. Generalized
c. Extraneous variables
d. Randomization
83. A review of related literature provides:
a. characteristics of subjects
c. synthesis of previous studies
b. a rational of the research
d. the research methodologies
84. The only research study where the researcher is opinion permitted is in:
a. Recommendation b. Methodology
c. Conclusions
d. Review literature
85. In writing the research report, the researcher maybe guided by the following consequences:
1. Statement of the problem
2. Results, interpretation and conclusion
3. Formulating Hypothesis
4. Review of related literature and studies
5. Theoretical framework and definition of terms
6. Collecting the Data
a. 543216
c. 145362
b. 156432
d. 416532
86. A scale ordered from more to less be the:
a. Interval Scale b. Ratio Scale
c. Nominal Scale d. Ordinal Scale
Situation: Alex is a Community Health Nurse, and is very much interested of his work with Mang Pedro, the
communitys traditional faith healer. As such, he wants to find out some personal facts, beliefs, values, attitude and
practices of the barrio folks regarding healing practices.
87. The best type of research for him to undertake is:
a. Qualitative b. Quasi-experimental
c. Experimental
d. Quantitative
88. In doing the survey, Alex may use any of the following except:
a. Questionnaire b. Telephone survey
c. Interview schedules d. Field experiment

89. If Alex has to examine the association between personal beliefs and values and the healing practices. His
study would be:
a. Methodological
b. Correlationalc. Case study
d. Comparative
90. If Alex formulates another research problem and decides to find out the number and extent of cure among
Mang Pedros clients, his main independent variable is:
a. The number of patient cured
b. The number of patients not cured
c. Mang Pedros personal touch with the patients
d. Faith healing practices and techniques
91. You are interested to study the effects of lack of sleep and with enough sleep on the school grades
experienced by students. What type of variable is the school grade?
a. Dependent
b. Independent c. Categories
d. Continuous
92. In question number 32, what type of variable is the amount of sleep?
a. Dependent
b. Independent c. Categories
d. Continuous
93. The statement of the problem of the null hypothesis among the following is:
a. Patient on faith healing get well because of their strong faith.
b. Negative attitude of nurse affect help- seeking behavior of patients.
c. There is no significant difference in the health service provided by Mang Pedro compared to the
health center.
d. Beliefs of patient will not provide healing power.
94. Based on this Hypothesis Infants born to heroine addicted mother have lower birth weight than infants with
non-addicted mothers. You consider this as:
a. Null, complex and directional
c. Complex, alternative and non directional
b. Simple, alternative and directional
d. Simple, alternative and non directional
95. There is a difference in the speed of memorization of children whose parents are together compared with
children whose parents are separated is a hypothesis that is:
a. Complex and directional
c. Simple and directional
b. Complex and non directional
d. Simple and non directional
96) Research is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer questions or solve problems. The
research question What are differences and similarities of social drinking and chronic alcoholism on the cognitive
ability of middle-aged men? is a type of study that Is:
a. case study b. descriptive c. quasi-experimental d. experimental
97) The ultimate goal of research Is to develop, refine, and expand a body of knowledge. Anna wants to study the
Effects of deep breathing, and biofeedback on acute and chronic pain. Which of the following is the type of study
that suits
this research title?
a. Basic research b. Qualitative research
c. Applied research
d. Quantitative research
98) A research design is a blueprint for conducting a study. The purposes of design is to maximize control over
factors that can interfere In the validity of the findings. There are several types of research design. Which type of
research design facilitates the search of knowledge and examination of causality in situations in which complete
control is not possible?
a. Quasi-experimental design
c. Randomized clinical trial
b. Experimental design
d. Pretest-posttest design
99) A research topic is a concept or broad issue that is important to nursing. From this topic, research problems
arise wherein
there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing practice. The following statements are about research
problem, except:
a. Identifies an area of concern for a population
b. includes significance of the problem
c. provides background for the problem
d. Is a creative process that depends on Imagination and ingenuity
100) A wealth of Information from nursing studies is available In the literature for clinicians and researchers. A review
related literature is done to:
a. Identify If the problem is researchable
b. find an answer to the research question
c. choose which statistical treatment and design to use for the study
d. gather information of what is known and not know about the problem

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