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Prepared by: Atty. Rafael Dela Cruz
Take One Nursing

RESEARCH (2006, 2010, 2018)

1. Which of the following research designs require a hypothesis?

a. Historical c. Ex-Post facto
b. Survey d. none of these

2. Which of the following statements is true about the research process:

a. A research instrument which is reliable is also valid
b. If the external criticism of documents revealed an old document, one proceeds with internal criticism of data
c. An experimental study which is internally valid is automatically externally valid
d. none of these

3. The independent variable in the research question, “What is the effect of noise levels on postoperative pain or blood
pressure fluctuations in ICU patients?” is:
a. blood pressure c. noise levels
b. ICU patients d. postoperative pain

4. The independent variable in the hypothesis, “Baccalaureate degree-prepared nurses will practice more rehabilitative
nursing measures on a client in an ICU than will associate degree-prepared nurses” is:
a. associate degree-prepared nurses
b. baccalaureate degree-prepared nurses
c. rehabilitative nursing measures
d. type of educational background of nurses

5. Simple hypotheses are also known as:

a. complex hypotheses c. univariate hypotheses
b. multivariate hypotheses d. none of the above

6. This type of hypothesis states an expected relationship between an independent and dependent variable:
a. complex hypothesis c. univariate hypothesis
b. multivariate hypotheses d. none of the above

7. Statistical hypothesis are also known as:

a. research hypothesis c. alternative hypothesis
b. null hypothesis d. none of the above

8. a hypothesis is well stated if it meets all of the following criteria except:

a. stated in declarative form
b. identifies the variables
c. identifies the population
d. it is not empirically testable

9. All of the following are properties of a true experiment research design, which one is not
a. control c. validity
b. manipulation d. non-randomization

10. The following are threats to the internal validity of research except:
a. selection bias c. maturation
b. history d. halo effect

11.The following are threats to external validity of research except:

a. Hawthorne effect c. halo effect
b. experimenter effect d. mortality

12. This refers to the randomization and experimental treatment of the subjects that were completed, followed by a
post test on the performance of the subjects on certain variables:
a. double-blind method
b. post-test only design
c. pretest and posttest design
d. Solomon four group design

13. The researcher assigns subjects to a control or experimental group on random basis which means that every subject
has an equal chance of being assigned to any group:
a. validity c. control
b. manipulation d. randomization

SITUATION: Nurse Lydia was tasked by the administration of the hospital where she is working to make a research on
the rapid turnover of nurses due to the increasing demand abroad.

14. Which of the following will be the priority action of Nurse Lydia?
a. Formulate and delimit the research problem
b. Formulate research hypothesis
c. Develop a conceptual framework of the study
d. Conduct literature search on the topic.

15. A basic characteristic of a research problem is that is researchable, which means that:
a. It can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data
b. It can make great topics for debate
c. It deals with philosophical or ethical issues
d. It has no practical significance

16. After the research problem and purpose increase in clarity and conciseness, the researcher has greater direction in
determining the feasibility of the study which includes:
1. Time and money commitment
2. Researcher’s expertise
3. Availability of subjects, facility and equipment
4. Study’s ethical considerations

a. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 3, 4
b. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 4

17. After the problem has been carefully delineated and clearly stated, Nurse Margarita is now ready to conduct a
literature review. The review of related literature involves which of the following:
a. Systematic identification of literature sources
b. Locating documents
c. Analysis of documents
d. All of the above

18. The major purpose of reviewing the literature is to:
a. Familiarize oneself with different types of research studies.
b. Find a similar study and replicate
c. Familiarize oneself with research formats used by different authors
d. To determine what has already been done that relates to your problem

19. She considers accessing electronic databases for her literature search. Which of the following is the most
appropriate databases for nurses?
b. Psych INFO d. CINAHL

20. When reading a journal article, she first started reading the brief summary of the article placed at the beginning of
the journal report. This is referred to as:
a. Introduction c. Abstract
b. Background d. none of the above

21. Which of the following research design is most appropriate for this study?
a. Descriptive c. Case study
b. Historical d. Phenomenological

22. Nurse Lydia plans to collect data from nurses by using a questionnaire. Prior to administering the questionnaire, she
should fist determine the degree to which the test consistently measures what it measures. This is called:
a. Validity c. Reliability
b. Normality d. Sensitivity

23. She should also conduct a small-scale trial run of her research study which is referred to us:
a. Rehearsal c. Hawthorne studies
b. Sampling d. Pilot study

24. Nurse Maya is designing a research project that will involve clients, from the options presented, the most important
point to be included in the written consent to participate is:
a. the directions regarding the use of black pen
b. the anticipated date of publication of the completed research report
c. the assurance of privacy and confidentiality
d. the number of previously published research studies about the topic

25. The scientific method for conducting research uses the null hypothesis, which is statistically based. The correct
format for the null hypothesis is:
a. There is no significant difference between two groups
b. Group A is greater than group B
c. Group A is less than group B
d. There is a 95% probability that group A is different from group B

26. Cultural background in your study is what level of measurement?

a. nominal c. interval
b. ordinal d. ratio

27. The difference between univariate and multivariate studies is:

a. the number of subjects in the sample
b. the number of variables being studied
c. the number of sites for collecting data
d. the number of statistical hypothesis
28. The theoretical basis for nursing practice is:
a. a relatively new approach to nursing care
b. borrowed from other professions such as medicine
c. as old as formal nursing and began with Florence Nightingale
d. unrelated to the conduct of nursing research studies

29. In an Ex-post facto study, as compared with an experimental study, the researcher forfeits control of:
a. the independent variable
b. the dependent variable
c. the criterion variable
d. the attribute variable

30.A pretest of attitudinal measure was administered to both the control and experimental groups before the
intervention of a workshop to improve the nurses’ attitude towards AIDS patient on the experimental group.
a. Posttest only design
b. Pretest-posttest design
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Solomon Four-Group design

31. The pretest is all of the following except:

a. Baseline measure
b. Initial measure of the independent variable
c. Outcome measure
d. None of the above

32. The research which involved exposure of same group of subjects to different levels of the treatment:
a. Solomon Four group
b. Factorial
c. Repeated Measures
d. Randomized Clinical Trials

33. In an experiment to investigate the effect of a new post-op routine, the nurses and patients who are aware that a
study is underway. This might alter their actions accordingly.
a. Rosenthal effect
b. Hawthorne effect
c. Double blind
d. Single blind

Variables in research are the focus of the study.

34. The characteristics of variables are as follows except:

a. It is a quality of person, group or situation that varies
b. It is always quantifiable
c. It has a wide range of values
d. It may be present or absent in some individuals

35. What is the effect of pain on facial and cry behavior, heart rate and palmar sweating in infants 0-12 months. Heart
rate is:
a. The only independent variable
b. The only dependent variable
c. One of the independent variables
d. One of the dependent variables
36. The relationship an independent and dependent variable is:
a. They cause effect on one another
b. The independent causes effect on the dependent variable
c. They co-exist
d. No relationship at all

Ethical consideration should be foremost in the minds of researches.

37. The safeguard mechanism by which even the researcher cannot link the participant with the information provided is
a. confidentiality c. informed consent
b. anonymity d. right to privacy

38. Confidentiality of study participants can be increased by:

a. avoiding the collection of any identifying information
b. avoiding introducing the participants to any of the research personnel
c. placing all identifying information on the computer files rather than manual file
d. all of the above

39. Vulnerable subjects would include all of the following:

a. women hospitalized for a mastectomy
b. members of a senior citizens group
c. people who do not speak English

40. Informed consent is not obtained when;

a. the researcher pays the subjects a stipend
b. the researcher collects information covertly
c. the risk/benefit ratio is low
d. the researcher’s study is determined to be exempt from IRB review

Rosie wanted to conduct a research study on the growth and development of school age children.

41. The research project collected data on the height and weight of subjects at one point in time. This is referred to as:
a. cross sequential studies
b. cross section studies
c. longitudinal
d. panel studies

42. Which of the following study, if undertaken by Rosie, would require the longest time to conduct?
a. trend study
b. prospective study
c. retrospective study
d. qualitative study

Qualitative studies are required if the researchers need a lot of flexibility in conducting the study.

43. The focus of this study is what people actually experienced or the lived experiences of people:
a. Ethnographic studies
b. Grounded theory research
c. Historical studies
d. Phenomenology
44. A nurse-researcher came across a diary believed to have been owned by Florence Nightingale. External criticism
would involve asking which question?
a. Are the contents of the diary essential to nursing?
b. Is the paper, which the diary is written of the right age?
c. Both A & B
d. None of A & B

45. An outbreak of diarrheal diseases is being investigated in a community of Aetas. This may be an example of:
a. Historical research
b. Ethnographic research
c. Case Study
d. Methodological research

46. Original documents such as manuscripts and artifacts are considered:

a. Primary source data
b. Secondary source data
c. Third hand information
d. None of the above

Sally is a new Public health nurse. She recognizes that research is very imperative in her work.

47. Investigation of incidence of communicable diseases involves case finding through interview with people in the
community. Sally uses an outline of the questions she needed to ask the people. This is an example of interview which
a. Structured
b. Semi structured
c. Focused
d. Unstructured

48. The following are uses of research in community and public health except:
a. To diagnose the health status of the community through community diagnosis
b. To detect cases of communicable and infectious diseases at its early stages through case finding
c. To promote health and prevent illness through the felt needs of the people
d. None of the above

Mrs. Henson is a nurse in the ICU. She is conducting a study on the perception of post myocardial infarction (MI)
patients on the causes of coronary artery diseases (CAD).

49. She sets the following as conditions present in an individual to be included in the study: 40 years old and above;
with 2 years’ history of heart problems; hemodynamically stable for at least 24 hours; and oriented to time, place and
person. This depicts:
a. Sampling
b. Eligibility criteria
c. Exclusion criteria
d. None of the above

Situation: The following questions refer to the Research Process

50. In the review of the related literature, the nurse researcher may:
a. locates pertinent data useful for the researcher’s study
b. finds comparative data that will be valuable in interpreting the conclusion on the researcher’s study the researcher’s
c. determines if some research has already been done on the researcher’s study
d. does all of the above

Situation 16 – Nurse Lyn plans to enhance her personal and professional development

51. Choose an indicator that models personal and professional behavior and values.
a. Utilizes communication and social media responsibly
b. Attends conferences
c. Enrolls in school
d. Joins civic organization

52. Nurses should have knowledge about professional organization. Which of the following is the accredited professional
organization of nurses?
a. Maternal Child Nursing
b. Philippine Nurses Association, Inc.
c. National League of Government Nurses of the Philippines
d. Association Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines

53. A profession is characterized by the following except:

a. Body of knowledge
b. Code of ethics
c. Member of professional organization
d. Engages in research

54. Which of the following is an example of self-directed learning activity?

a. Research at work
b. Attends webinars
c. Attendance to graduate school
d. Resource person

Section 3(w) Self-directed learning refers to learning activities such as online training, local/international
seminars/nondegree courses, institution/company-sponsored training programs, and the like, which did not undergo
CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Council.

55. Aside from attending seminars which of the following informal continuing education programs should the nurse
engages herself EXCEPT:
a. Attending professional conventions
b. Webinars
c. Symposium
d. Doing research as academic requirement

Section 3(l) Informal learning refers to learning that occurs in daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation and
accreditation process, and which can contribute to a qualification;

Situation 17 – Nurse Betty is assigned as team leader of the group of Community Health Nurses who are tasked to
conduct a Community Diagnosis in one of the far – flung barangays of the municipality.

56. While preparing to depart to their assigned barangay, Nurse Betty informs her group that the PRIMARY purpose of
conduction community diagnosis is to
a. Do assessment of the community profile
b. Count the number of morbidity in the place
c. Assess the number of indigenous people
d. Form a core group of selected residents

Community Diagnosis (community assessment) is the foundation for improving and promoting the health of community
members. The role of community assessment is to identify factors that affect the health of a population and determine
the availability of resources within the community to adequately address these factors.

57. Nurse Betty and her group followed the steps of community diagnosis. Which comes after the formulation of
a. Determine data to be collected
b. Define the study population
c. Analyze the collected data
d. Collect the needed data


1. Determine the purpose and scope of the assessment.

Decide whether the assessment will focus on a specific population within the community versus the community at large.
Decide which health topics to prioritize, limiting the scope of the assessment to what can reasonably be accomplished.
2. Define the goals and objectives of the assessment.
3. Select data collection methods to use
Find out whether the desired information exists or if a new data collection effort is needed.
Common methods for new data collection include surveys, interviews, focus groups and observation.
4. Select or design the necessary instruments and procedures for data collection.

Look for valid and reliable instruments that have been tested in similar communities with similar populations. It is much
easier and less costly to adapt an existing instrument than to create one from scratch.
5. Pilot test the instruments and procedures.
6. Prepare a timeline and budget.
7. Collect the data
8. Analyze the data.
9. Prepare and disseminate a report of the findings.
10. Evaluate the assessment's merit and worth.
Consider what worked well, what problems were encountered and what could have been done better.

58. Is the step of community diagnosis where data are collected, which of the following tools is utilized less?
a. Interview guide
b. Observation checklist
c. Survey questionnaire
d. Case study

59. To prepare the collected data about the health status of the community for analysis, which is the APPROPRIATE step
that the group of Nurse Betty should do?
a. Analyze data
b. Interpret data
c. Present data
d. Make conclusion

60. Ones the group of Nurse Betty is able to identify community health problems, which would be APPROPRIATE for
them to do in order to be able to plan for necessary intervention?
a. Present the data
b. Formulate objectives
c. Evaluate the data
d. Set priorities

Situation 19 – Health education is one of the essential services at the community setting. Nurse Nena is in charge of
health education activities of the rural health unit.

61. Which of the following is TRUE about health education in public health?
a. Its only done by professionals like nurses.
b. It is every health worker responsibility.
c. It remains constant.
d. It is seldom use is public health setting

62. The BEST result of health education process is

a. It influences and changes behavior
b. It provides new inputs
c. Update others
d. Information transfer

63. Which of the following explains health education is creative process?

A. It could employ a variety of strategies
B. It is can be done anywhere
C. It could perform by any member of the health team
D. It is a valuable health service

64. The team leader decided to ask Nurse Trining the meaning of informed consent. After being able to define what the
term means, she was further asked the reasons for its use. Nurse Trining’s answer should be, which of the following?

1. To fully understand what the research is all about and what will happen should the participants opt to involve
themselves in the research study.
2. To get assurance that participants have the right to withdraw from participating in the research at any given time.
3. To get complete and full information as to the objective of the study, procedures to be implemented, data
collection, benefits and harm and options in the method of treatment.
4. To get assurance how anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained.

A. 1, 2 & 3
B. 2 only
C. 1, 2, 3 & 4
D. 3 only

65. As to observance of respecting privacy, Nurse Trining explained about___

A. Breach of contract
B. Anonymity
C. Ethical dilemma
D. Confidentiality

Privacy refers to “persons and to their interest in controlling the access of others to themselves,” and no participant
should ever be forced to reveal information to the researcher that the participant does not wish to reveal.

66. In nursing, Nurse Trining explained that the MAIN goal of conducting a research is to
A. Justify is the role of nurses as health care provider
B. Establish a credible body of evidence to support and improve the delivery of care
C. Identify research priorities that will justify the oversupply of nurses
D. Develop a body of knowledge to address non-nursing problem
67. In conducting a study on sleep, Nursing Trining was asked which of the types of research will be used should it
involve collecting numerical data which is most often under considerable control. Her answer should be:
A. Ethnographic
B. Phenomenological
C. Qualitative
D. Quantitative

68. Should a 24-hour period clinical observations and activities be considered in conducting the research on sleep, the
type of study that training will be conducting is?
A. Quantitative
B. Descriptive
C. Ethnological
D. Exploratory

In a descriptive research the data is collected through primary data collection methods such as case studies,
observational method, and surveys. This kind of data collection provides us with rich information and can be used for
future research as well.

Observational studies
Observational studies are ones where researchers observe the effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, treatment or other
intervention without trying to change who is or isn’t exposed to it. Cohort studies and case control studies are two types
of observational studies.

Cohort study: For research purposes, a cohort is any group of people who are linked in some way. For instance, a birth
cohort includes all people born within a given time frame. Researchers compare what happens to members of the
cohort that have been exposed to a particular variable to what happens to the other members who have not been

Case control study: Here researchers identify people with an existing health problem (“cases”) and a similar group
without the problem (“controls”) and then compare them with respect to an exposure or exposures.

Experimental studies
Experimental studies are ones where researchers introduce an intervention and study the effects. Experimental studies
are usually randomized, meaning the subjects are grouped by chance.

Randomized controlled trial (RCT): Eligible people are randomly assigned to one of two or more groups. One group
receives the intervention (such as a new drug) while the control group receives nothing or an inactive placebo. The
researchers then study what happens to people in each group. Any difference in outcomes can then be linked to the

SITUATION 3 – Sienna, a patient with severe preeclampsia is admitted to the hospital. She is a student from one of the
local universities and insists on continuing her studies while in the hospital, despite being instructed to rest. The patient
studies approximately 10 hours a day and numerous visits from fellow students, family and friends.

69. When the researcher would like to determine the possible risk factors of one Princess Mikaela in developing pre-
eclampsia, along with the appropriate interventions that can be done to address the disease process, what type of
research design will suit the inquiry?
A. Case study
B. Methodological
C. Descriptive
D. Observational Studies

70. In the hierarchy of evidence-based practice, which of the following is the most credible source of guiding every
nurse’ clinical decision making process?
A. Systematic Review Observational Studies
B. Systematic Review Physiologic Studies
C. Systematic Review Non Randomized Clinical Trial
D. Systematic Review Descriptive Studies

71. Nurse Mauve is now on an ethical dilemma. This occurs when ____.
A. A decision had to be made quickly under stressful situation
B. Choices are unclear
C. There is a conflict between the nurse’s decision and that of his/her superior
D. There is a conflict of two or more ethical principles

72. Despite the reaction of the patient, which of the ethical principles that the nurse is responsible of providing all
patients with caring attention and information?
A. Beneficence
B. Nonmaleficence
C. Veracity
D. Advocacy

73. Nurse Mauve should plan to initiate which action to provide a safe environment?
A. Take the patient’s vital signs every 4 hours
B. Encourage visits from family and friends for psychosocial support.
C. Maintain fluid and sodium restrictions
D. Take off the room lights and draw the window shades

74. To families and individual in the community, which is the MOST important goal of health education?
A. To study their life history
B. To identify their weaknesses
C. To totally change their lifestyle
D. To motivate them to develop skills and literacy in health.

75. As a whole health education in public health aims to ________.

A. Transfers information
B. Make life changes
C. Better health opportunities
D. Change personality


76. Which type of plan should the nurse employ to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization?
A. Nursing care
B. Operational
C. Strategic
D. Program

Note of the SWOT ANALYSIS, PERT Flow, Decision Tree and Decision Grid

77. Which best describes the planning function of Nurse Ellen in her role as nurse manager?
A. Get and develop people to do the work
B. Distributes and arranges work to ensure with the desired output
C. Determines the actual performance compared with the desired output
D. Determine how to achieve the mandate of work

78. To assist them enhance their performance at work, the nurse manager should review regularly pertaining to the
A. Number of submitted incident report
B. Academic performance in college
C. Job description
D. Family dynamics

It is the standard of their respective job.

79. Doing year end performance evaluation of the staff is an example of

A. Planning
B. Controlling
C. Organizing
D. Staffing

80. Which is the most important criterion in budgeting

A. Flexibility
B. Standardized
C. Consistency
D. Cost effectiveness

Situation 7 – Nurse Mely considers teamwork and collaboration as important components of community HEALTH

81. Which of the following is the primary goal of collaboration?

a. Less number of people is needed
b. Camaraderie
c. Accomplish goals
d. Work is faster

Single most effective conflict resolution

82. Which are key element of collaboration?

1. Shared vision
2. Partnership
3. Working together
4. Unity

A. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2
B. 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4

83. Which of the following is the most important purpose of teamwork?

1. Work is faster
2. Promotes trust
3. Sense of security
4. Unity

a. 1, 2 c. 3, 4
b. 1,2,3,4 d. 1, 2, 3

84. Which of the following best describe a strong team?

A. Cohesive
B. Shared goal
C. Driven
D. Sense of mission

(Formation is to Group)

85. Collaboration and teamwork are essential in Public health to improve

A. Staff performance
B. Proper use of resources
C. Equity in service
D. Quality health care

Situation 13 – Nurse Mae is a new supervisor of the health center. Her program thrusts include excellent and quality
provision of services and performance of the staff.

86. What is BARS?

a. Behaviorally-anchored rating scales
b. Behavioral Expectation Scales
c. Both
d. None of the Above

A person is rated on a series of dimensions or qualities.

87. To ensure that the staff adheres to their job responsibilities which should be the appropriate tool should Nurse Mae
utilize in evaluation staff performance?
a. Memorandum
b. Performance evaluation
c. Incident report
d. Anecdotal report

Methods of Performance appraisal: Anecdotal Notes: Objective description of behavior, no rigid structure. Systematic
means for recording observations.

Checklists, Rating scales, BARS, BES, Behavioral Observational Scales, Ranking, Management by Objectives, Self-
Appraisal, Peer Review, 360 Degree.
88. As a nurse manager, which nursing action should do to let the staff imbibe the culture of quality at the health
a. Become a role model
b. Reprimand every now and then
c. Frequent meetings
d. Allow them to read books

89. Which measure will be used in the unit to ensure patient satisfaction of the delivery of health services?
A. Encourage to use social media
B. Provide means to evaluate services
C. Verbal feedback
D. Ask the local officials
90. Which is the simple meaning of standards of nursing care?
a. What protects the nurse
b. How the nurse will behave
c. How much work is done
d. What to do

The "medical standard of care" is typically defined as the level and type of care that a reasonably competent and skilled
health care professional, with a similar background and in the same medical community, would have provided under the
circumstances that led to the alleged malpractice.

91. Which is the BEST strategy that Nurse should employ to give feedback on patient’s evaluation of health services?
a. Put the evaluation at supervisor’s office
b. Send letter to all
c. Conduct staff meeting
d. Through bulletin board

Situation 15 – Nurse Rica finds effective communication as the key to successful community–health nursing.

92. When writing a memorandum, which of the following is the MOST important guideline
a. Purpose is included
b. Content Clear
c. Friendly tone
d. One topic at one time

93.Which of the following is an INDICATOR of effective communication?

a. Receiver
b. Feedback
c. Sender
d. Nonverbal communication

SITUATION 5 - Nurse Pat is a newly hired Registered Nurse together with 5 licensed graduate nurses coming from
different regions. It is their first day of orientation in a big health facility. The continuing nurse educator started the
session by projecting the organizational structure of the the medical center.

94. Which of the following is the MAJOR PURPOSE of an organizational structure? It is a:

A. Blueprint representing committees for delegation of roles and functions
B. Flow chart that shows interaction among members of major and minor groups
C. Framework of relationship of units, departments and channels of communication
D. Design that identifies roles, collaboration, interdependence between functions of people.

Tomey: The organizational structure furnishes the framework within which, management process takes place.

95. Line and staff functions are identified in the presented organizational chart. What does line authority mean?
A. Staff relationship in the organization is advisory in nature
B. Staff mix of personnel reporting to the “Boss”
C. Decisions are made from bottom to top in an organization
D. Direct responsibility over a subordinate within an organization.

Note of the difference between responsibility and accountability.

Discuss the matrix employees

96. Which of the following statements is CORRECT of nursing service system in health care?
A. Informed leaders are more effective than formal leaders in an organization
B. A shared governance tends to be controlling and with less autonomy
C. Institutional policies are more powerful tool in nursing practice than laws and regulations.
D. A situational leadership style provides effective means in achieving patient outcomes.

Note of the difference between Situational leadership, situational theory and contingent theory

97. The mode of nursing service delivery system is being revisited in respond to patient’s outcome. Which of the
following is NOT TRUE of the manager’s role in the health care delivery system?
A. Provides direct nursing care when needed
B. Manages resource utilization
C. Act as a liaison in litigation cases in court
D. Collaborates with members of the health

98. Budgeting is an important aspect of financial management. When a unit manager allocates expenses for unit
supplies, stocks and medical-surgical supplies. This is considered?
A. Cash budget
B. Operational budget
C. Capital budget
D. Flexible budget

SITUATION 12 - Nurse Eileen has just passed the Board Examination for Nurses and set her goals for her Nursing Career
for the next 5 years. She is aspiring to become a Diabetes Nurse Educator after completing her 2 years as a bedside

99. Which of the following can Nurse Eileen adopt to visualize her future?
A. Flow chart
B. Decision tree
C. Gantt chart
D. Decision grid

Graphic method that can help managers to visualize the available alternatives, outcomes, risks and information needs
for a specific problem over a period of time. (Short term and medium-range planning but speculative for long term

Decision Grid: Grid analysis is a valuable method for decision making, and is particularly useful when there are a large
number of options, with several issues that should be considered.

Program Evaluation Review Technique: network system model. Key activities and assignment of duration of events. (one
of a kind project)

Critical Path Method. Single time estimate for each activity. (longest possible time)

100. She started to create her personal and professional portfolio as a preparation for her application to a university
medical center in Metro Manila. Which of the following is NOT a major purpose of keeping a portfolio?
A. Keep on ongoing records of skills development
B. Create a system for documenting accomplishments
C. Set career and educational goals
D. Set system for a possible shift to another job

Portfolio: A portfolio is a compilation of materials that exemplifies your beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training
and experiences. It provides insight into your personality and work ethic.

101. One area of the professional portfolio is to indicate one’s philosophy of life. Which of the following workplace
values should Nurse Eileen consider as NOT favorable to be written in her portfolio?
A. Customer service based on acceptance, empathy and selfless duty.
B. Time and compensation limiting her pursuit of excellence in her job
C. Commitment to continual life long and self-directed learning.
D. Challenges which can lead to growth, responsibility and accountability

102. In order for Nurse Eileen to be active as a bedside nurse, she has to comply with the renewal of PRC ID by
undertaking continuing professional development (CPD) as mandated by the CPD law. The purposes of which are
I Promote and upgrade the practice of the profession.
II Improve the competence of the professional
III International alignment of competence.
IV Develop quality assurance for accreditation

A. I & III
B. I, II & III
D. I & II

Republic Act 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016: Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is
hereby declared the policy of the State to promote and upgrade the practice of professions in the country. Towards this
end, the State shall institute measures that will continuously improve the competence of the professionals in
accordance with the international standards of practice, thereby, ensuring their contribution in uplifting the general
welfare, economic growth and development of the nation.

103. Nurse Eileen is aware that her personal and professional portfolio has to include and keep up to date the following
A. Certificate of CPD attended
B. Letter of reference
C. Photographs
D. Confidential information from past employers

SITUATION 16 – The Department of Health (DOH) is an agency that set standards for safe and quality health care
together with Phil health Insurance which takes care for accreditation and reimbursement of cost of health care

104. The professional conduct of doctors, nurses and other health care providers in the health facilities belong to which
of the following quality standards?
A. Improving performance
B. Organizational ethics
C. Patient care standards
D. Leadership and management

ISO international standards are by far the most widely accepted set of quality standards in the world. ISO 9001:2015
specifies the requirements for a quality management system that businesses can use to develop their own quality

Quality standards are defined as documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics that
can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.

105.The positive practice environment (PPE) is part of the quality standards of every health facility in the country today.
Which of the following is NOT a component of PPE in the work setting?
A. Waste management
B. Peer review
C. Electrical wires
D. Infection control

Establishing positive practice environments across Management Practices

health sectors worldwide is of paramount importance if √ Commit to equal opportunity and fair treatment.
patient safety and health workers’ wellbeing are to be √ Provide adequate and timely compensation
guaranteed. All health sector stakeholders, be they commensurate with education,
employer or employee, private or public, governmental experience and professional responsibilities.
or non-governmental, have their respective and specific √ Maintain effective performance management
roles and responsibilities to foster a positive practice systems.
environment. They must work in concert if Quality √ Offer decent and flexible benefit packages.
Workplaces for Quality Care is to be achieved. √ Involve employees in planning and decision making
The following presents a checklist of key characteristics affecting their practice,
of quality workplaces for health care professionals. The work
checklist is intended for use by employers, professional environment and patient care.
organizations, regulatory bodies, government agencies √ Encourage open communication, collegiality, team
as well as health sector professionals. It is designed as a work and supportive
reference tool to enable these groups to assess the relationships.
quality of their practice environment, identify any √ Foster a culture of mutual trust, fairness and respect.
deficiencies and develop strategies to address priority √ Adopt policies and procedures that positively
gaps. Each of these characteristics implies a set of rights encourage the
and responsibilities for the concerned stakeholders, reporting of professional misconduct or violation of
whether they be employers, employees or managers. laws/regulations.
Mutual respect and consideration are basic components √ Provide clear and comprehensive job
of the organizational climate that must be established descriptions/specifications.
and rigorously maintained. √ Promote transparency in decision making processes
Positive practice environments for health care (where applicable).
professionals: √ Ensure effective grievance/complaints procedures are
Professional recognition in place.
√ Recognize the full range of competencies provided by √ Demonstrate effective management and leadership
health care professionals and provide the autonomy for practices.
these competencies to be fully utilized. Support structures
√ Promote professional autonomy and control over √ Invest in health and work environments.
practice and pace of work. √ Foster strong employment relationships between and
√ Recognize and reward employee among
contribution/performance. employer/employee/co-workers/patient.
√ Regularly assess employee satisfaction and act on √ Adhere to regulatory frameworks that ensure safe
outcomes. working conditions.
√ Provide access to adequate equipment, supplies and √ Regularly review scopes of practice and competencies.
support staff. Education
√ Engage employees in continuous assessment and √ Support opportunities for professional training,
improvement of work development and career advancement.
design √ Offer thorough orientation programmes for new hires.
and work organisation. √ Foster effective supervisory, mentoring and peer
√ Promote healthy work-life balance through policies coaching programmes.
and programmes that Occupational Health and Safety
support √ Adhere to safe staffing levels.
fair and manageable workloads and job √ Adopt occupational health, safety and wellness
demands/stress, and flexible work arrangements. policies and programmes that
√ Offer employment security and work predictability. address workplace hazards, discrimination, physical and
√ Ensure employees practice under an overarching code psychological violence and issues pertaining to personal
of ethics. security.
√ Communicate clearly communicate and uphold
standards of practice.

106. When a health facility formulates its Vison-Mission to guide the Management and health personnel in the work
place is what part of quality standards?
A. Human resource management
B. Patient care standards
C. Leadership and management
D. Organizational ethics

107. When Nurse Sarah distributed a Patient satisfaction survey form to be filled by the consumer to be discharge in a
hospital setting is in compliance to what quality standards?
A. Organizational structure and professional ethics
B. Identification of Patient rights and welfare
C. Improving performance of health care personnel
D. Human resource management and staffing pattern

108. When an accurate documentation whether done manually or by electronic by the healthcare professionals in their
work setting is a component of what quality standards in a health care delivery system?
A. Patient care standards
B. Information management
C. Leadership and management
D. Human resource management

109. What are the Donabeledian framework used to identify the different variables that interrelates health and other
social factors?
a. Structure, Process, Outcome
b. Management by Objectives
c. Program Evaluation Review Technique
d. Pareto Chart

What is pareto principle? Most effects come from few causes. Once the major cause of the problem is identified, and
solved, it will have. A huge impact.
Note of the three classic frameworks of evaluation

110. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. The Joint Commission
b. Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals
c. ORYX Plus
d. Nominal Group Technique

"ORYX" relates to the ORYX Performance Measurement Initiative that The Joint Commission initiated in the 1980's. With
as much as The Joint Commission uses acronyms, surprisingly enough, this is not one of them. Why "ORYX"? An oryx is a
swiftly moving and graceful gazelle-like animal by definition. This information, along with the fact that it is a short,
unique catch word, comes together to provide an explanation as to how the initiative received its name.
If you don’t comply with ORYX and provide timely outcomes information, your facility will automatically receive a
special Type I recommendation.

The Delphi is a survey technique for decision making Nominal group technique (NGT) is defined as a
among isolated respondents while the nominal group structured method for group brainstorming that
technique (NGT) is a highly controlled small group encourages contributions from everyone and facilitates
process for the generation of ideas. quick agreement on the relative importance of issues,
problems, or solutions. Team members begin by writing
down their ideas, then selecting which idea they feel is

Nurses should be excellent leaders and managers because they should be able to lead, influence and manage the care of
their clients efficiently and effectively. Theories and concepts on leadership and management are very important tools
for nurses, as these will provide the basis for every decision and action made by nurses in their practice.

111. There are significant differences between managers and leaders. Which among the following is not correct
managers and leaders?
a. A leader is challenged by change; while a manager is challenged by stability or continuity
b. A leader looks at the future; a manager is concerned about the present
c. The question asked by a leader is “why?”; the manager asks “who, what, where and how?”
d. The motto of a leader is to “do things right”; a manager’s motto is to “do the right things.”

112. What is the main function of a community health nurse?

a. coordinator
b. Facilitator
c. dictator
d. manager

113. The main concept of the Transformational leadership is:

a. Inborn characteristics c. Empowerment
b. Emergency power d. Emotional maturity

114. Mr. Corpuz gives strong orders, makes decisions and fosters dependency on his subordinates. He is a leader who
a. Autocratic c. Laissez-faire
b. Democratic d. Bureaucratic

115. Marissa and the other head nurses in the hospital are usually the persons who receive the most complaints from
the staff and memos from the higher administration. This depicts:
a. Chain of command c. Unity of command
b. Centrality d. Responsibility

116. All the faculty in University A are focused on developing competent future nurses and work collaboratively and
cooperatively towards that objective.
a. Unity of purpose c. Span of control
b. Authority d. Chain of command

117. Elena is administering an IV antibiotic to a patient. She makes sure she followed all the rights in giving medication
and accepts the outcome of the procedure. This reflects:
a. Responsibility c. Authority
b. Accountability d. Duty

118. A group of employees walks in the room of the Medical Director to complain about the treatment made by doctors
on the nurses and attendants. This is a form of:
a. Upward communication
b. Downward communication
c. Lateral communication
d. Grapevine communication

119. Leah emphasized the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations of the hospital and the possible sanctions
if violations occur. This reflects the principle of:
a. Authority and responsibility
b. Chain of command
c. Order
d. Discipline

120. Chief Nurse Marie may have delegated some responsibility to her supervisors, but she continuously monitors the
work of her supervisors. This situation shows:
a. Chain of Command C. Responsibility
b. Span of Control d. Accountability

The management process provides the cycle of activities intended for every organization. Planning is the start of the
management process. Activities of planning should be familiar to nurse managers and they should be able to apply it

121. This is a statement of the end to be accomplished:

a. Vision c. Philosophy
b. Mission d. Goals and objectives

122. These are means to accomplish the goals and objectives of a certain company:
a. Vision and mission c. Policies and Procedures
b. Philosophy and Values d. None of the above

123. The hospital experienced a mass resignation of their staff nurses due to low compensation and unfair work hours.
Because of this, they immediately planned on increasing the salary of nurses and to study the most effective working
hours for them. This mode of planning is:
a. Proactivism c. Inactivism
b. Reactvism d. Preactivism

124. The Chief Nurse of the hospital plans to purchase new computers for every unit in the hospital. She projects that
these computers will be used for about 5 years. The purchase will be included in the company’s:
a. Operational budget c. Capital budget
b. Manpower budget d. Flexible Budget

125. The activities in planning include:

a. Supervising, motivating and staff development
b. Developing goals & objectives, policies and procedures
c. Staffing, orienting, developing organizational chart
d. Staff evaluation, accreditation, quality control

126. The following statements were seen in the hospital lobby:

1. “The ______ of Marian General Hospital is to deliver comprehensive health care services to promote physical and
mental health, prevent diseases and promote healing of the body”
2. “The _____ of Marian General Hospital is to be the leader in health care in the region”

Statement 1 is the hospital’s:

a. Vision c. Philosophy
b. Mission d. Goals and objectives

127. In your assessment of one company, almost all employees are single. Although no written policy has been made
on the requirement regarding marital status, married applicants seem not accepted. This may be interpreted as:
a. Expresses policy c. Written policy
b. Implied policy d. Verbal policy

128. Dean Cora is making the plan for a college of nursing where one of the objectives is 100% passing rate in the Nurse
Licensure examination. She detailed that selective admission, selective retention and In house review are among the
steps to achieve such objective:
a. Operational planning c. Strategic planning
b. Proactive planning d. Reactive planning

129. The hospital is guided by their belief that men are created in the image and likeness of God; thus, they should be
treated with respect. This statements reflects the hospital’s:
a. Vision c. Philosophy
b. Mission d. Objectives

Organizing is the phase of the management which creates the structure and determines staffing needs.

130. The relationship between Rommel, a staff nurse, and Joan, the head nurse in Unit Y is all of the following except:
a. Chain of command c. Structure
b. Functional d. Line

131. The organizational chart tells the nurse which of the following: (1) leaders and subordinates in the organization; (2)
roles and positions in the organization (3) number of individuals in the organization (4) location in the hierarchical levels
a. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 4
b. 2, 3, 4 d. All

132. Staffing needs are affected by the following except:

a. Communicability of ailment
b. Degree of dependence
c. Rapid turnover of nurses
d. Acuteness of patient’s illness

133. The total nursing staff needed by your hospital is 180. If 60% of them are professional nurses, distribute them in
the three (3) different shifts:
a. AM 81 – PM 67 – Night 32
b. AM 79 – PM 68 – Night 20
c. AM 49 – PM 40 – Night 19
d. AM 50 – PM 39 – Night 18

Marissa is a head nurse who officially reports to the Supervisor in her area and likewise reports to the Head of Training
for concerns about the student affiliate.

134. Marissa belongs to a:

a. Task force c. Matrix
b. Project management d. Collegial management

135. The head of training to whom Marissa reports to has what type of structure in the hospital?
a. Line structure c. Informal
b. Staff structure d. None of the above

136. The line structure is seen in which of the following relationships of Marissa?
a. Marissa and the doctors in the hospital
b. Marissa and her Supervisor
c. Marissa and the Head of Training
d. Marissa and the head nurse in another unit

Directing is the phase of actual interaction between managers and subordinates. The managers, during this phase, must
be equipped with the necessary tools to implement all the plans for the organization.

137. Which of the following statements is true about delegation?

a. Delegation is performance of a task provided by the job description
b. Delegation assigns competent individuals the responsibility to carry out tasks
c. Delegation can happen without supervision
d. None of the above

Discuss the concept of empowerment. (delegation v. assignment)

138. Senior staff nurse Jojo was delegated the authority to attend a planning meeting by his supervisor. He was likewise
asked to share his comments and suggestions. The level of authority he was given was:
a. Level 1 c. Level 3
b. Level 2 d. Level 4

Level 1 Delegation: Assess and Report.

Level 2 Delegation: Recommend.
Level 3 Delegation: Develop Action Plan.
Level 4 Delegation: Make The Decision.
Level 5 Delegation: Full Delegation.

139. Marty is lobbying for majority rule within the group to decide on what new equipment will be purchased for the
department. This decision making model is called:
a. Collegial c. Garbage can
b. Political d. Swallow hard

140. A personal conflict between two nurses has been affecting the overall operation of the unit. The cause of the
conflict is perceived favoritism. As the head nurse, you must immediately use which of the following conflict
management strategy?
a. Avoidance c. Competition
b. Compromise d. Collaboration

Controlling is the last phase of the management process.

141. Controlling, as a step in the management process, is observed in which of the following situations:
a. The Chief Nurse tells the HR department to post advertisement for job vacancy for 10 staff nurses
b. The Nursing Supervisor monitors the activities of the five units she is responsible for.
c. The Head Nurse makes a performance evaluation of her staff nurses
d. The Chief Nurse develops the goals and objectives of her department

142. What is the main function of a psychiatric health nurse?

a. coordinator
b. facilitator
c. dictator
d. manager

143. What is the primary goal of quality assurance?

a. Quality awareness by all employees
b. Zero-defect planning
c. Recognition for meeting goals
d. Do it all over again


SITUATION 13 – Mr. Reynaldo is tasked to conduct a study to determine the level of patient satisfaction on the care they
received from the hospital. In doing so, he plans to include all adult patients admitted from May-October, first
admission, with an average length of hospital confinement of 4-5 days, and with no complications.

144. Which of the following is an EXTRANEOUS variable of the study?

A. Age of patients
B. Absence of complications
C. Length of stay 4-5 days
D. Date of admission January-March

145. Which of the following variables will he likely EXCLUDE in his study?
A. Salary of nurses
B. Caring attitude of nurses
C. Responsiveness of staff
D. Competence of nurses

Salary of nurses is not an indicator of patient satisfaction, hence need not be included as a variable in the study.

146. He plans to used likert scale to determines

A. Compliance to expected standards
B. Degree of agreement and disagreement
C. Level of satisfaction
D. Degree of acceptance

Likert scale is a 5-point summated scale used to determine the degree of agreement or disagreement of the respondents
to a statement in a study.

147. Which criterion refers to the ability of the instrument to detect fine differences among the subjects being studied?
A. Reliability
B. Sensitivity
C. Objectivity
D. Validity

Sensitivity is an attribute of the instrument that allow the respondents to distinguish differences of the options where to
choose from.

148. This technique refers to the use of multiple referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth?
A. Delphi technique
B. Meta-analysis
C. Triangulation
D. Experiment

SITUATION 14 – Nurse Tarly, the research coordinator of a Tertiary hospital where there was a growing concern of
patients and family complaints that Nurses are “rude and cranky”. In response to this, She organized a core group to
conduct a study on the “Caring behavior of Staff-Nurses and satisfaction of Women with Ostomy”.

149. Based on the research statement, what is the independent variable in the study?
A. Staff-Nurses
B. Caring behavior
C. Women with ostomy
D. Satisfaction

150. What is the dependent variable in the study?

A. Staff-Nurses
B. Ostomy
C. Degree of satisfaction
D. Caring behavior

151. What are the relevant related literatures that Nurse Tarly and her groupmates can utilize in this study?
I Caring behavior
III Ostomy pathogenesis
III Contentment and satisfaction
IV Concept of body image

B. I, II & III
C. I & III
D. I, II, III and IV

152. If Nurse Tarly and her core group decide to formulate a directional hypothesis it will be?
A. There is an increase relationship between the caring staff nurses and degree of satisfaction of ostomized patients
B. The caring behaviors of the staff nurses is related to increased satisfaction of ostomized patients
C. The staff nurse’s behaviors has an effect on the patients’ satisfaction with ostomized patients
D. A significant relationship exist between the caring behaviors of the staff – nurses and degree of satisfaction of
ostomized patients.

153. Based on the research problem, what is the Reseach design of the study?
A. Quasi – experimental
B. Descriptive
C. Expost – facto
D. Experimental

SITUATION 1 - The Hospital Research Coordination is discussing the basics of research with the members of the Research
facility as part of continuing Education. Questions and answer are also part of the program.

154. During the open forums, the Hospital Research Coordination raised the question as to, who among the following,
provides information in the questionnaire.
A. Participants
B. Key informants
C. Respondents
D. Subjects

155. One of the members of the Research Committee wishes to conduct a study involving an interdisciplinary colleague.
This study is termed as _________.
A. Clinical
B. Exploratory
C. Collaborative
D. Applied

156. In conducting qualitative research, a nurse should follow logical reasoning process termed as, which of the
A. deductive
B. Intuition
C. Causal
D. Inductive

157. The lecturer reminded the committee members that bias in an influence that distorts the study results. In
qualitative research, which will eliminate bias?
A. trustworthiness
B. Credibility
C. Randomness
D. Triangulation

158. One of the committee members raised the question on how to make an abstract. The question was followed by
how many words are required in an abstract should (APA) style be followed? What is the correct answer?
A. 450-550
B. 250-350
C. 150-250
D. 350-450

Situation: Knowledge of research in Nursing is an important must in promoting the profession of Nursing.

159. Which of the following is a probability sampling?

a.Quota b. Convenience c. Cluster d. Purposive

160. In a research study, 30 men and 30 women admitted in the ER were being studied. What sampling method was
a. Quota sampling c. Convenient sampling
b. Fishbowl method d. Purposive sampling

Situation. Research in Nursing is a continuing saga, an important criterion for any profession, most especially in Nursing
to expand knowledge and improve patient care. The nurse must be knowledgable of the basic knowledge in research.

161. A measure of variability of scores or values about the mean is the:

a. Standard deviation c. Mode
b. Range d. Median

162. Another name for the manipulated variable is:

a. Dependent variable c. Independent variable
b. Criterion variable d. Controlled variable

162. The Hawthorne effect is best illustrated, in which one of the following groups?
a. Experimental c. Standardization
b. Control d. Norm

163. A factor to consider when determining whether or not a problem could be searched is the:
a. Importance of the problem c. Cost kind of instrument needed
b. Time factor d. All of the above

164. When initiating the library research for current work, the nurse researcher should first use:
a. Abstracts and indexes c. Books
b. Card catalog d. Reader’s guide to periodical literature

165. Guidelines for developing an instrument include:

a. Instrument should be valid and reliable c. Should be free of bias
b. Must be suitable for its function d. All of the above

166. If a nurse researcher wishes to assess what activities are considered as health-promoting in order to importance to
a particular group of persons, which technique would be used?
a. Checklist c. Q-sort
b. Stimulation d. Rating Scale

Q SORT: A type of comparative scale where respondents are asked to sort between 60-90 objects (usually) into piles
according to some criteria. It is a useful technique for sorting relatively large numbers of objects quite quickly.

167. Statistical analysis of the data utilizes several measures to estimates the chances that the findings can be
generalized to the larger population. These may include:
a. mean c. mode
b. median d. the standard deviation

168. The interview schedule that is read to a respondent is known as:

a. Standardized c. Semi-standardized
b. Non-standardized d. None of the above

169. The selection of statistical approach depends on all of the following factors except:
a. The purpose of the study c. The Hypothesis
b. The conclusions of the study d. The size of Sample

170. A pilot study and case study are design used which type of research?
a. Non-experimental c. Historical
b. Explanatory d. Descriptive

171. The most common type of data-collecting instrument is:

a. The questionnaire c. The interview
b. The survey d. The critical incident

172. The process that takes place after data are analyzed and includes generalization about the findings is the:
a. Evaluation c. Recommendation
b. Conclusion d. Implication

173. The following explanations are found in the review literature, EXCEPT:
a. Awareness of the most recent development in the area of interests both in content and methods
b. To demonstrate the researcher’s comprehensive understanding of issues related to research problem
c. All written materials published or unpublished local or foreign pertinent to the topic investigated
d. Either to define or revise research problem, instruments or some feature of previous study

174. The purpose of a research report is to:

a. Prove hypothesis c. Suggests topics for further research
b. Communicate what was done with the study d. Gain recognition as a scholar for the writes

SITUATION 2 - The clinical instructor is conducting a ward class on how to perform breast self-examination.

174. The CI is expected to set the atmosphere by welcoming everyone and by ______.
A. Showing everyone the picture of the breast.
B. Discussing the objective of the ward class.
C. Giving an anecdote about an old man.
D. Going ahead with the first part of the lecture.

175. For the students’ better understanding about the anatomy of the breast, the CI shares_____.
A. Various pictures of the breast, external and internal views.
B. Pictures of different types of mastectomies.
C. The experiences of breastfeeding mothers.
D. Artistic drawing of breast.

176. The clinical instructor proceeded with the lecture to the students using the _____.
A. Question and answer method
B. Entertainment style of presentation
C. student as the resource persons
D. outline of the lecture she just presented

177. When the lecture presentation was finished, the CI proceeded with the ______.
A. Evaluation of the activity
B. Q and A on anything that the students are interested to tackle
C. Open forum to solicit questions related to the topic under discussion
D. cracking humorous anecdote to keep the class alive

178. The last necessary part of the activity is ______.

A. Informing the students their next day’s assignment
B. The joke portion for good vibes
C. evaluation so that future but similar activities can be improved
D. after care venue, an earlier reminder of the head nurse

SITUATION 5 - Nurses should not only abide by the law, but be guided by the Code of Ethics for Nurses as well.

179. 21. The Code of Ethics for Nurses have articles relating to the relationship of nurses on ______. ( SATA)
I. People
II. Practice and the Profession
III. Co-worker
IV. Society and Environment

D. I. II & III

180. The Code of Ethics adopted all the principle under the ______.
A. Code of Good governance
B. Patient’s Bill of Right
C. ICN Code of Ethics
D. American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of ethics

181. According to the code of ethics, WHO determines the coverage and scope of the examination for the practice of
Nursing in the Philippines?
A. Professional Regulation Commission
B. Association of Deans of the Philippines in the College of Nursing
C. Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
D. Professional Association of Philippines Regulatory Board

182. What are the three important legal principles in nursing professional ethics?
i. Autonomy
ii. Informed Consent
iii. Confidentiality
iv. Truth-telling

A. I, II, IV

183. The “end- justifies- the- means” ethics is described as ______.

a. Having no correct or wrong conclusion
b. Basically, without any ethical issue.
c. Conclusively unethical
d. Unavoidable during these modern times

SITUATION 16 - The nurse when practicing the profession must adhere to ethical principles.

184. When the nurse treats the patients in the air-conditioned rooms favorably compared to those in the charity wing,
she violates which of the following ethical principles?
A. Veracity
B. Justice
C. Respect
D. Autonomy

185. The nurse has an obligation to tell the truth. When she admits mistakes promptly, she manifests________.
A. Fidelity
B. Veracity
C. Respect
D. Autonomy

186. The cancer patient has been frequently complaining of pain and demands that the pain reliever be administered
even before the due time. The nurse prepares to inject NSS as a placebo. Which principle will she transgress?
A. Respect
B. Veracity
C. Justice
D. Fidelity

187. The nurse knows that ethical dilemmas may be referred to the regulated ethics committee that the PRIMARY role
to _______.
A. Prevent the physicians from making the wrong decision
B. Decide what must be done under the circumstances
C. Prevent ethical dilemmas from occurring
D. Provide guidance for healthcare terms and family of patient

Note of the institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Committee and Research Ethics Board.

188. Nurses were overheard talking about the patient and his prognosis. What ethical principle is violated?
A. Autonomy
B. confidentiality
C. non-maleficence
D. Beneficence

SITUATION 17 - Nurses must continually grow as a person and as a professional.

189. As a newly licensed nurse employed in a tertiary hospital, you are required to attend Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) program. When the training program is for the enrichment of nurses in the hospital, it is
A. Informal training program
B. Formal education program
C. Self-directed
D. In-service training

190. The professional development of a nurse can be achieved through various ways, such as _______.
A. Participating in political rallies
B. Attending in socio-civic activities
C. Attending demonstration of baking
D. Engaging in CPD program

191. When Nurses are projected in a television advertisement as sex symbols, what APPROPRIATE action is expected
from a concerned nurse?
A. Keep your silence, it is the television’s prerogative
B. Go to the street to manifest displeasure of the nurse’s portrayal
C. Make a petition paper to denounce the advertisement
D. Condemn the issue in the radio program

192. To grow as a person, the student nurses can attend lecture-demonstration on which of the following procedure?
A. Bathing the newborn
B. Proper bandaging
C. Doing first aid
D. Doing make up

193. Nurse Merry’s application to Canada has finally been approved and she was advised to depart in three months, but
she is also enrolled in the graduate school and ambivalent to go because of this engagement plus the fact that her
mother has just been discharge from the hospital. Which of the following action is BEST?
A. Tell the family that the money spent in the graduate school can be easily earned in Canada.
B. Inform the agency that she could go anytime as they wish
C. Tell the recruiter to give her more time to settle her personal affairs
D. Share to her friends this is her escape from her sad life with her family

SITUATION 19 – You are the Quality Improvement officer of the Hospital X. To achieve safe and quality outcomes,
necessary protocols must be in place and every error or adverse event investigated to find the root cause and thereafter
apply the necessary improvement.

194. A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury to a
patient. As the QI Officer, what is your INITIAL STEP following a sentinel event?
A. Reporting to the Department of Health
B. Immediate investigation
C. Corrective action on the personnel
D. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer

The Joint Commission adopted a formal Sentinel Event Policy in 1996 to help health care organizations that experience
serious adverse events improve safety and learn from those sentinel events.
Careful investigation and analysis of Patient Safety Events (events not primarily related to the natural course of the
patient’s illness or underlying condition), as well as evaluation of corrective actions, is essential to reduce risk and
prevent patient harm. The Sentinel Event Policy explains how Joint Commission International partners with health care
organizations that have experienced a serious patient safety event to protect the patient, improve systems, and prevent
further harm.
A sentinel event is a patient safety event that reaches a patient and results in any of the following:
Permanent harm
Severe temporary harm and intervention required to sustain life
An event can also be considered sentinel event even if the outcome was not death, permanent harm, severe temporary
harm, and intervention required to sustain life. Such events are called "sentinel" because they signal the need for
immediate investigation and response.
Examples of events that are considered a sentinel event that require a review, include but are not limited to:
death that is unrelated to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition
death of a full-term infant
major permanent loss of function unrelated to the patient’s natural course of illness or underlying condition
wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient surgery
transmission of a chronic or fatal disease or illness because of infusing blood or blood products or transplanting
contaminated organs or tissues
infant abduction or an infant sent home with the wrong parents
rape, workplace violence such as assault (leading to death or permanent loss of function); or homicide (willful killing) of
a patient, staff member, practitioner, medical student, trainee, visitor, or vendor while on hospital property.

195. In one of the Board meetings, the QI Officer will report the results of Quality Improvement efforts in the hospital.
The report will be presented much BETTER by using which of the following? (Select all that apply)
I. diagrams
II. charts
III. graphs
IV. flow charts

A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II and III

196. The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist aims to increase the safety of patients undergoing surgery. This is being adopted
by the Hospital’s Quality Department. Based on the Checklist; you are aware that the surgeon, nurse and anesthetist
should be present during the recapitulation and reassurance of correct patient identity, correct site and correct
procedure, which occur right before skin incision. In what phase should the above take place?
A. Debriefing
B. Sign out
C. Sign in
D. Time out

197. As the QI Officer, you have strongly recommended to the Surgery Department the adoption of the WHO Surgical
Safety Checklist to prevent a “wrong site” surgery?
A. Debriefing
B. Briefing
C. Time out
D. surgical site marking

198. The QI Officer conducts her random visit to the Operating Room. She asks one of the OR nurses in what phase in
the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist will the nurse account for the sponges and needles used in the surgery?
A. Sign out
B. Time out
C. Sign in
D. Debriefing

199. From the idea of anxiety, she was able to come up with a more specific topic, which is anxiety level before and after
the surgical experience. This is a characteristic of what process in the research process?
a. Inductive reasoning
b. Deductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Intellectual reasoning

200. Which of the following is true about evidence-based nursing practice?

a. it uses information derived from theory and research to shape nursing care
b. it requires an organization to have a department of nursing research
c. it does not include health professionals form other disciplines
d. it embraces the medical model of disease.


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