Why Good Project Managers Make Bad Choices: The Power of Illusions

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Why Good Project Managers

Make Bad Choices
Intaver Institute Inc.
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It is not uncommon to see good and experienced project managers make poor decisions
that led to issues and eventually project failures. What is the explanation: misjudgment, lack of
experience, or do some project managers just run out of luck? People make similar repeatable
mental mistakes when they make choices, whether they are mothers trying to decide which is the
fastest route to their childrens soccer match or managers of large companies who are trying to
decide which design they should use for their next product launch. These illusions are a primary
source of human error in project management, errors that can eventually lead to project failures.

The Power of Illusions

Starting around 1995 a number of large computer companies including Oracle and IBM
were involved in ambitious projects. They were trying to develop and market a range of diskless
desktop computer devices, which Oracle called a Network Computer or a NC. The idea was
quite revolutionary: if computer were mostly used to connect to the Internet, it does not require a
very powerful processor, a CD-ROM, and even hard drives. Computers could be much cheaper
than regular desktop computers were at the time: they could be priced at less than for less than
$1000. Moreover, since the software was installed on the server rather than the NC, the user
would not be required to maintain and upgrade it. Customers could have a computer that met all
of their needs for a fraction of the cost. Despite all of its promise, the idea failed to materialize
and NCs were not sold in significant enough quantities (Roth 2009). Why? For this project to
succeed at least four conditions had to be met:
1. The price of regular PC computers must stay way above $1000 to ensure that NC
would be competitively priced.
2. The availability of a wide range of compatible software for NCs.
3. Widespread network availability of network infrastructure sufficient to run NC

4. Widespread acceptance by consumers of the idea of network computing where central

control was external, that is someone else on the server side would be in control of
the system and even their data.
Lets assume that probability of each condition that each condition be met equals 70%.
At first glance 70% appears to be quite high and chances are promising. But taking a closer look
we can see that there are several conditions that must be met, each of which has a 70% chance.
Therefore project success is the product of all of the chances for each condition. It is
0.7*0.7*0.7*0.7 =~ 0.24. So, would you invest millions of dollars on ap roject with a projected
chance of success of only 24%. The makers of the NC most likely faced a similar situation, but
went ahead with the project anyway. Most likely because the executives of these companies were
subject to an illusion, they thought that the chance of success was much higher. This illusion
overestimating the probability of conjunctive events is quite common and behind many project
With just this brief example, we can see that organizations are capable of acting quite
irrationally, but just so you dont think that this is an isolated case, here is another. In the 1980s,
the North Korean government was looking make a bold statement to the outside world that
would illustrate the countrys industrial and technological power and attract much needed foreign
investment. The governments leader came up with a most audacious project they would
construct a building that would be the envy of the rest of the world, a hotel that would not only
be the worlds largest, but one of the largest buildings of any type in the world, the Ryugyong
Hotel. (Figure 1). This enormous building was planned to reach a height of 1100 feet comprised
of 105 floors. This project represented an investment of a significant percentage of the North
Korean GDP (Hagberg, 2008), and would become the center piece of the North Koreans
governments efforts to showcase the success of their political and economic system and take
some of the shine off of the economic success of their arch enemy South Korea.
As fate would have it, the project did not turn out to be the resounding success that the
North Korean leadership had envisioned. Huge cost overruns and a host of technical issues
ground the project to a halt 1992, leaving behind a massive derelict concrete shell sitting in the
heart of Pyongyang for all to see. Although some work on this hotel resumed 2009, the
construction of the Ryugyong Hotel has had the exact opposite effect that was intended by the
Korean leaders. If they had decided instead to build a rocket or a massive ship, if the project
failed, the reminders of the failure would fade quickly as the evidence would probably have
vanished in a huge explosion or lie on the bottom of the ocean hidden from view. When you fail
and leave behind a reminder larger than the great pyramid of Cheops, everyone is reminded of
this every time they look at the city skyline. Can there be a greater humiliation? So while we can
understand the motivations behind the decision to start the project, the question given the great
risks is why the project went ahead in the first place. Were the North Korean leaders unaware of
the potential cost? Even given the large amount of risks and uncertainties associated with a
project of this size, calculating the costs was not an impossible task.

Figure 1. Ryugyong Hotel, North Korea

These stories have at three things in common:
a). All managers in these examples had a choice: they could decide not to invest in an
unproven computer architecture, and they could have chosen not to build an impossibly
extravagant skyscraper.
b). These are not trivial choices.
b). Eventually these choices lead to negative consequences, as they were essentially

Power of Illusions
What do we mean when we refer to something as
irrational? People often use long words to describe
simple concepts in the hope that it makes them sound
intelligent or hide their true meaning. So they will use
words like irrational when stupid would do just fine.
However, irrationality is not stupidity, it is a
contradiction. It is a contradiction between what we would like to achieve and how we actually
choose to achieve it. Why do these contradictions, these irrationalities occur? Why are good
project managers unaware that the decision they have made will not achieve the results they
expect? These smart and educated peopled are capable of making rational choices, but do not do
it on a very predictable basis.
Irrationality is a contradiction
between what we would like to
achieve and how are actually
choose to achieve it.

In reality, these decision makers, become subjects of an illusion. Criss Angel is an

illusionist and the star of his own show Mindfreak. In one memorable show, he hypnotized and
levitated young lady in front of stunned spectators on the street of Las Vegas.
It was incredible and it was an illusion: both the live and TV audience appeared to see the
young lady floating in the air; however, according to well known laws of physics, we know that
there must have been some sort of support. It was a very compelling display that tricked our
minds into seeing a woman apparently floating in thin air. Here is interesting phenomenon about
all illusions: they require people to make the same mental errors. All of the spectators shared the
same perception during Criss Angels illusion: they saw a lady floating in the air. These illusions
or errors in perception are similar for all people regardless of place of birth, level of
compensation, nationality, sexual orientation, political preferences, language and other factors,
which distinguish us. For example, mental errors experienced by a CEO and a dishwasher are the
same, except the CEOs errors will have much greater impact.
Lets return to Criss Angel and Las Vegas. Here is another illusion for you. Take a look
at the picture of the Bellagio Hotel and guess how many stories there are (Figure 2). Commonly,
people estimate that it has about 20 stories, which is precisely what the architect wants us to
believe. The actual number is 36.

Figure 2. How many stories there are in Bellagio Hotel

Project illusion is an
erroneous mental
representation of a project.
It often lead to project
problems and failures.

The difference between our estimates and reality is caused by

a well designed optical illusion. In addition to optical
illusions, there are a large number of other types of standard
mental errors that affect our judgment. For example, project
managers often user previous similar activities as guidelines
when estimating cost for specific activities. Sound a
reasonable, basing your estimates on the results of previous similar activities. Good up until that
point, but then they often believe that cost of current activity should be less because of lessons
learned, better management, etc. This may be true, but just as often this is an illusion: most likely
they will make other mistakes and even repeat the previous ones. Here is an actual example. For

the past 8 years we have been designing and developing our own project management software.
Through these years we have had 12 releases and without a single exception, they were all
delayed anywhere from 2-6 months. Each time we planned a new release date, we suffered from
the illusion that we could improve our process and release the software on time even though we
were writing books and articles on this very subject at the time.
For Oracle executives, the belief that demand, cost, infrastructure and software
availability would be favorable for them was an illusion. This illusion led to a contradiction: tens
and hungers of millions spent on development and marketing of NCs were mostly wasted. The
Ryugyong Hotel project is another example a contradiction: instead of becoming the first
building outside New York or Chicago with over 100 floors or the largest hotel building in the
world, it could instead have the title: the worlds Tallest Incomplete Building.
If critical decisions were not subject to the same mechanism that leads to illusions, we
would have nothing to worry about. If you are lucky enough to attend one of Criss Angels
shows, see some of his fantastic illusions and appreciate the skills behind the performance, this is
nothing but good entertainment. However, if after seeing a Mindfreak show, you conclude that
the law of gravity has been repealed and you start to base some of your decisions on this, you
will probably quickly find yourself in trouble, if not severely injured or dead. Unfortunately, the
truth is that people often base their decisions using the same mental errors that cause Criss
Angels illusions, which can have disastrous consequences.
Alternatively, it might be fair to ask if illusions can have unforeseen positive effects on
projects? Remember illusions are erroneous mental representation of reality. Is it possible to
make better choices by perceiving a project differently that it really is? Maybe there is a chance
that illusions could lead to a better decisions. However, we strongly believe that critical project
decisions must be done based on an analysis of reality rather than illusions.

Illusions in Project Management

We are subject of the illusions everywhere. Everything we see, listen, touch, taste, and
smell can be misinterpreted and our ability to manage projects is not an exception. In project
management, the consequences of irrational choices made due to illusions are failed projects.
Here are few encyclopedic cases of failed projects (Hall, 2005; Charette 2005):

1991: an inaccurate structural analysis for the Sleipner North Sea Oil Platform led
to the loss of the platform at a cost of $1B.

1994: U.S. Federal Aviation Administration canceled a project to upgrade traffic

control system.

1995: an overrun of the development Denver airport baggage handling system

prevented the airport from opening on time. Fixing the extremely bug riddled
system required an additional 50% of the original budget - nearly $200m.
Confirming that people dont learn from previous mistakes: in 2008 a very similar
project at the new terminal at Heathrow airport suffered the same fate; hundreds
of flights were cancelled when the baggage system malfunctioned (BBC News,

1996-1999: several major space exploration projects, including the Mars Polar
Lander, Mars Climate Orbiter, and Ariane 5 European Space Launcher, were lost
because of various errors.

2003: a software bug was determined to be a major contributor in the 2003

Northeast blackout, the worst power system failure in North American history.
The failure involved the loss of electrical power to 50 million customers and
economic losses estimated at $6 billion.

2003-2004: Customer relations management at AT&T Wireless upgrade problems

lead to a revenue loss of $100 million.

2004: Newly automated supply-chain management system of British food retailer

Sainsburys fails and the company had to hire 3000 additional clerks. $526
million investment was written off.

2004. Ford Motor Co. abandoned its purchasing system after deployment costing
$54.5 million.

2005. Hudson Bay Co.s problem with its inventory management system
contributes to $33.3 million loss.

Researchers who study such projects found that the main underlying reason for these
failures is not earthquakes, pine beetle infestations, floods, or other external factors, which are
hard to either predict or avoid. Most projects fail because of errors in human errors judgment,
essentially irrational behavior.
Project illusions are not the only reason of project failures, there is a good measure of
incompetence and inexperience lurking in the shadows. But we strongly believe that illusions
are root cases of many problems. Every year illusions in project management lead to multibillion loses. A 2002 study commissioned by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
found software bugs cost the U.S. economy about $59.5 billion annually or 0.6% of the gross
domestic product (NIST, 2002). The same study found that more than a third of that cost (about
$22.2 billion) could be eliminated by improved testing. These bugs are not created by a nature:
animals, volcanoes, and geysers dont develop the software. The problems were caused by the
faulty judgment of people.
Here is a typical road map to the project failure (Figure 3):

which requires
making a choice


Major Project
Problem or

Figure 3: A typical road map to the project failure

1. You have a situation in a project that will require making some choices. Here is an
example. In 2000, the retailer Kmart Corp., in Troy, Mich., launched a massive $1.4
billion IT modernization effort aimed at linking its sales, logistics, marketing, and
supply systems, to better compete with rival Wal-Mart Corp (Charette 2005). Kmart
had many choices regarding the timing and the scale of the project, but decided to
pursue a quite ambitious scenario.
2. You often have to deal with illusions. Upper management of Kmart apparently had
many other priorities outside IT project and was under the illusion that the project
would succeed with limited upper management support. This is a very common
illusion. Upper management initiates project with minimum possible resources and
then distances itself from the project somehow hoping that it will succeed by itself.
3. These illusions lead to irrational choices. The Kmart IT project had limited budget
and manpower. Moreover, the IT projects relationship with the organizations
business was not clearly established.
4. Irrational choices lead to major project problems or project failures. 18 months
later Kmart cut back the modernization project writing off $130 million dollars it had
already invested. Four months later Kmart it declared bankruptcy.

Illusion or Intention?
It is important to distinguish between illusions or mental errors and intention. Danish
researcher Bent Flyvbjerg and his colleagues reviewed a significant number of large projects
(Flyvbjerg, 2005). Among them were large transportation projects such as Skytrain in Bangkok,
Channel Tunnel, Los Angeles subway, defense projects such as Eurofighter military jet, Nimrod
maritime patrol plane, F/A-22 fighter jet, oil and gas projects, such as Sakhalin-1, construction
projects, such as Hannover Expo 2000, Scottish parliament building, Ontarios Pickering nuclear
plant, and very many others all over the world. Flyvbjerg also talk directly with people who were
involved in the politics of megaprojects, such as famous architects Frank Gehry and Kim Utzon.
What was common about all these projects is that they were significantly over budget and often
took much longer than originally planned. For example, The Channel tunnel between U.K. and
France came 80% over budget for construction.
Flyvbjerg found that project planners often intentionally underestimate costs and
overestimate benefits to get their projects approved. He studied data for the past 70 years and
found that cost overruns have not decreased over time. This intentional cooking of the books is
pernicious, not only because it leads to cost overruns, but also to safety, security and other
Intentionally underestimating of cost and duration is not the only unethical one thing you
might do. Here are few other ideas (just dont tell anybody where you got the idea):
Although you have spent the last few weeks procrastinating and catching
up with your friends on Facebook, tell your boss that you completed the development
of the software module two weeks ago, even produce an ugly looking hand drawn
screen shot as proof of your effort even though you havent even started yet.

Although you have yet to even open the quality assurance manual, create a
report that shows the quality control procedure was properly executed and even show
that you managed to find several minor defects.
Although prototype does not actually work yet, tell your project sponsor
that that the prototypes performance is very close to the specification.
So what is the main reason for human mistakes in project management: honest mental
errors caused by illusions or what Flyvbjerg refers to as deception: deliberate errors in project
planning, forecasting and execution? Flyvbjerg said that the answer depends on the project
(Flyvbjerg, 2006). In large projects and megaprojects where political and organizational pressure
is very high, deception plays a key role. Whereas in smaller projects, where these pressures are
limited, illusions have a greater role.
But here is one important thought about deception. People who are involved in a
deception are mostly motivated by: a belief that in the long run it will benefit society, as in the
case of many transportation projects; benefit their company, as in a case of Enron or WorldCom;
or. provide benefit to themselves. In almost all cases, these beliefs are also an illusion. Projects
that are approved based on fraudulent forecasts will at end of the day be a net loss to society. If
you create a fake report or tell your manager you are performing tests when in reality you are
researching your picks for next weeks fantasy football pool, you may be fine in the short term.
But this is an illusion, because at the end of the day, you will have to deal with problems you

Why is recognizing and dealing with illusions so difficult?

All people are subject to illusions, we all make repeatable mental errors, so why all the
fuss. Mistakes can be identified and fixed. Perhaps you made a mistake and forgot to turn off the
BBQ when you went on vacation. No big deal, some minor fire damage to your neighbors
houses across the street (unfortunately, your house burned to the ground). However, it can be
fixed: call your insurance agent, if you happen to have one.
But here is the problem. The mental errors that cause irrational decisions are very
cunning. They hide their tracks so well that it is often very hard to determine if there was a
mistake and, if there was, what caused it. People who are extremely competent in one area often
display poor judgment in others. This explains why successful engineers may not be good project
managers, and experienced politicians often cannot properly manage their finances. Thomas
Jefferson, the third President of the United States was a great project manager and was ultimately
responsible for the countrys finances. At the same time he was deeply in financial debt. During
his career in office, Jefferson attempted numerous times to abolish or limit the advance of
slavery. At the same time, he owned many slaves and would not free any because of his personal
financial difficulties (Sloan, 2001). Obviously, if someone like Thomas Jefferson can find
themselves in such an irrational situation, anyone can. But why is it so easy to get caught in these
irrational situations? Why is irrationality so widespread?
One of the most common sources of such mental errors is peoples difficulties in
assessing future uncertainties. Wouldnt life be a bit more bearable if we could accurately predict
what will occur as a result of our actions? You start smoking: now you will die from lung cancer
on January 17, 2021 24 years earlier than if you had taken up the habit. If you go to the casino
today, you will lose $12,798.67, but hold off until tomorrow and you will win $6589.32. This

situation would have some drawbacks as uncertainty is the basis of entire practices, including
project management. You would not need to worry that your project would be delayed: it will be
completed Friday, June 26, 2015 as scheduled. But it doesnt work that way, does it? You
cannot go to a Wal-Mart and buy a crystal ball that provides accurate forecasts how your project
should proceed in the future. Lacking any reliable instruments that provide accurate foresight,
people tend to make predictable mistakes when they estimate future risks and then go onto to
choose course of action based on these flawed estimates. For example, if you asked people to
estimate the risks associated with nuclear and fossil fuel power, most would believe that nuclear
power is more risky option, when in reality, the chance that the burning of fossil fuels will
damage your health are far greater.
Here is another issue that leads to many mental errors: choices we make are often based
on multiple objectives. Balancing such objectives can be very complex. For example, your
project has a tight schedule and a limited budget for expenses. You need to fly from Denver to
Phoenix, would you buy ticket with a stop in Detroit for $200 or a direct flight for $300?
(Airlines tell us that it makes economic sense for them to have routes with multiple stops that
zigzag across the country, but we are still not convinced that it is rational). You have to balance
two objectives: convenience and time versus price, which may lead to irrationality. In project
management everything is very complex: balancing scope, cost, time, quality, and other
objectives is fertile ground for potential illusions.
A final complication, many mental errors are due to group interactions. For example,
during a project meeting, team members may have severe reservations about the project, but did
not express them because there were afraid of appearing to be the only hesitant person in the
room. Psychologists discovered this phenomenon by researching how Kennedy administrations
decision to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs was made (Janis, 2008). Project management is rarely
done in isolation. Interactions between different project stakeholders often lead to
misunderstandings, communication issues, or incorrect assumptions and expectations. If a group
of people is expected to make a decision, it does not necessarily reduce the chance of mental
errors; in fact, it leads to other types of mental errors.

Project manager make similar mental errors in similar situations, because

they are subject to the same mental illusions.

Illusions in project management eventually lead to significant loses and

project failures. Typical road map to project failures includes a). situation
which require making some choices, b). illusion, and c). irrational choice.

Many errors in project planning and execution are intentional. Such error or
deception are prevalent in large project, where political and organizational
pressure is high. However illusions are fundamental reasons behind such

BBC News. 2008. Fresh baggage woes at terminal 5. Available at
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7331954.stm. (accessed November 8, 2009).
Charette R. 2005. Why Software Fails. IEEE Spectrum. September 2005. Available at:
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Flyvbjerg B. 2005. Design by deception. The politics of megaproject approval. Harvard Design
Magazine. Spring-Summer, 2005, pp 50-59.
Flyvbjerg, B. 2006. From Nobel Prize to project management: getting risks right. Project
Management Journal, August 2006, pp 515.
Hagberg E. 2008. The worst building in the history of mankind. Esquire. January, 2006.
Available at: http://www.esquire.com/the-side/DESIGN/hotel-of-doom-012808. (accessed
November 8, 2009).
Hall, D. 2005. Lessons discovered but seldom learned or why am I doing this if no one listens. In
Proceedings of Space Systems Engineering and Risk Management Symposiums. Los Angeles,
CA: pp. 170-178
Janis, I.L. 2008. Groupthink, 2nd Edition, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 2002. Press Release: Software Errors
Cost U.S. Economy $59.5 Billion Annually. NIST Assesses Technical Needs of Industry to
Improve Software-Testing. Available at: http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/n02-10.htm.
(accessed November 8, 2009).
Sloan H. E. 2001. Principle and Interest: Thomas Jefferson and the Problem of Debt
(Jeffersonian America). University of Virginia Press; 1st edition (December 2001)
Roth D. 2009. Time Your Attack: Oracles Lost Revolution. Wired. Magazine. December 21,

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