Ey The Chemical Industry Reimagined Vision 2025 PDF

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Issue 09 | August 2018

Point of view
Life Sciences, Health
and Chemicals

The chemical
reimagined —
vision 2025

Foundation businesses | Platform businesses | Ecosystem businesses

1. Foreword
Before we disappoint you with our conclusions at the
end, let us warn you now: our vision will not be
numbers-focused — EY’s crystal ball for 2025 was
temporarily out of order.¹ Nevertheless, we see the
chemicals industry at the tipping point between a new
future and a downgrading to a general purpose utility
function for others. Classical thinking about the
industry is maxed-out, and by now most of the players
are trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma, preventing them
from embracing new ways. It’s time leaders in
chemicals take their heads out of the sand, open their
minds and reimagine their industry by first giving up
their industry thinking. In this paper, we will explain the
trends we are currently observing, their consequences
and how these could impact chemical companies.

2. How our world is changing

Recent publications have tried to forecast numbers
for 2025. However, we believe we’d all be better off
acknowledging we would be wrong anyway in trying to complicated problem-solving methods obsolete and,
predict the same. So, we’ve decided not to follow that as a result, all projections become meaningless.4 In a
route. As Roy Amara famously said:² complex system (world), we are no longer able to
know all the influencing factors; the relationship
“We always overestimate the change that will
between these factors is also not transparent. This
occur in the next two years and underestimate
means we are not able to define an equation for any
the change that will occur in the next 10.”
prediction that realistically mirrors reality. Abstraction
This has been proven over and over again; even the becomes too high-level to produce meaningful output.
brightest minds and companies have fallen victim to
this fallacy (see the following table for examples). Humans are just not good enough in estimating the
Even experienced and famous experts aren’t able to impact caused by exponential and strongly networked
accurately forecast. As Philip Tetlock found in his developments combined with too many unknowns,
research, in making a forecast “the average expert such as we are experiencing in our current age of the
was roughly as accurate as a dart-throwing fourth industrial revolution. Putting numbers on the
chimpanzee.“3 future in the hope of ensuring and fulfilling business
success is not possible. It’s better to stick with
The reason for this failure is that, as a business Alan Kay, who said:5
executive, you have to understand the difference
between complicated and complex. Rick Nason nicely
“The best way to predict the future is to
elaborates that most business problems are getting
invent it.”
more and more complex, making our tried and tested

In the course of our argumentation, we explain why we skipped the number-crunching and forecasting the industry until 2025.
Later repeated by Bill Gates.
Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner, Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction (Signal, 2015).
Rick Nason, It’s not complicated: The Art and Science of Complexity in Business (Rotman-UTP Publishing, 2017).
Alan Kay, at a meeting of PARC, 1971

2 | The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025

Or, consider these words from Michael Anissimov6:
Example: computers
“One of the biggest flaws in the common conception
of the future is that the future is something that • Past:
happens to us, not something
• “I think there is a world market for maybe five
we create.”
computers.” — Thomas Watson, President of
We know that for engineering-minded people this IBM, 1943

mindset is new, and the past decades of scientific • “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in
their home.” — Ken Olsen, founder of Digital
management and strategic planning driven by MBA
Equipment Corporation, 1977
educations were different.7 These worked well for
complicated problems but no longer apply when the
• Reality:
system becomes predominantly complex. It’s now
about “doing the right thing” and no longer about • 308 million sold in 2014 alone (IDC: worldwide PC
“doing things right” with number-crunching market: 1Q15 Update)
optimization. The past is no longer a predictor
of the future, and this is a challenge for all of us Example: mobile phones
schooled in traditional strategy tools and traditional
professional services.
• Past:
Safety was and remains important in chemicals: getting • “Forecast cell phone penetration in the US by 2000.
important things wrong can cause dramatic The consultant’s prediction, 900,000 subscribers,
consequences for humans and nature. But here we are was less than 1% of the actual figure, 109 million.”
— McKinsey, 1980
talking about a business sector that is always
uncertain, therefore we shouldn’t expect overly precise
predictions. Often in today’s business world, these • Reality:
kinds of reports are a form of management insurance, • 5 billion mobile users worldwide, with 400 million in
as in: “ABC said …“ Such an approach no longer works; the US in 2014
in a dynamic world, you have to take back the driver’s
seat with all its consequences otherwise the “train will
leave the station before you realize that you should be Example: internet
on it.“
• Past:
The chemical industry is a heavy asset world, and too
• “Almost all of the many predictions now being made
many people today confuse digital disruption in
about 1996 hinge on the Internet‘s continuing
technology, media and similar industries with exponential growth. But I predict the Internet will soon
disruptions in asset industries. Industry 4.0 had great go spectacularly supernova and in 1996
ambitions for the manufacturing industry, but catastrophically collapse.” — Robert Metcalfe, founder
degenerated toward a pure efficiency play, neglecting of 3Com, 1995
the significantly bigger impact of new possibilities.
Just because you can’t calculate the possibilities in • Reality:
Excel doesn’t mean they will not appear. Or as Dilbert • 3 billion internet users worldwide; 42% penetration
nicely phrased it:8 rate worldwide

Michael Anissimov, Chapter six of The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil, The Viking Press, 1st edition ©2005.
Henry Mintzberg highlighted in “The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning,“ in the January-February 1994 issue of the Harvard Business Review, that strategic planning is doomed to fail.
Scott Adams, “Dilbert,“ http://dilbert.com/buy?date=2010-12-23, 23 December 2010, Andrews McMeel Syndication

The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025 | 3

3. What it means for chemicals that sheer size and scale is the ultimate success factor,
we believe that in an ecosystem future, size will most
likely not be key to success as in today’s world of
We are certain that the chemicals industry will not
economies of scale and synergies. Telecom providers
disappear because of the fundamental role it plays in
were big in the past, they even held monopoly positions
more or less every other industry, and the fact that it is
in their markets, but that didn’t protect them from
strongly asset-based (or have you ever tried to build
being degraded to general purpose infrastructure
your personal steam-cracker in your own backyard?).
providers. Big web and technology companies are
Nevertheless, the chemical industry will be impacted
eating into the margins on which their infrastructure is
not only from within its own industry but also greatly
based. Essential in the new ecosystem world will be
by its customer industries. Currently, we don’t see any
how you integrate, which role you play in which
game-changing technological innovation on the radar
ecosystem, rather than the size of your assets.
that could change the overall production process, as
Furthermore, how dynamically you will be able to
3D printing has done in manufacturing. Some areas,
change, react and adapt to new market thinking and
such as performance materials, batch-to-conti reactors9
how easy or difficult it will be for your organization to
or biosynthesis, could change the dynamics, but this
follow, or even lead, will also play an essential role.
has to be proven on large scale. The outcomes of
Recent chemical industry trends, such as digital supply
Figure 1: Transformation to ecosystems in three stages
chain, vertical and horizontal integration with
everybody and everything (Internet of Things is
calling), big-scale M&As, and the move downstream
Business toward special chemicals, are, in our opinion, short-
term scale-ups and optimizations for the current mode
of operation, which is “doing things right.“ They will not
ensure the long-term success of a chemical company
because they stay within their current scope of
industry thinking: seeking new competitive advantages
by establishing newer, stronger market-entry barriers,


molecular patents of the last 30 years are manageable,

and we don’t see any threat of dematerialization in
chemicals, therefore supporting physical chemical
products for the next decades. This limits the impact of
disruption, the feared and massive disruption that
happens when products get dematerialized, such as
happened in the music, media and banking industries,
when the full exponential powers of digital disruption

However, due to the digital revolution, chemicals will

inherently move toward new business and operating
models. This will mainly be driven by the disintegration
of our classical industries and the formation of
ecosystems (see Figure 2: Convergences toward
ecosystems). Despite the current mainstream belief

For example, Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik Miprowa Reactor

4 | The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025

be it low costs or unique values or services. As Rita or collaboration and co-innovation. You will act more
McGrath elaborates very clearly, this strategic direction like a network of players than a value chain of
has its limits — the end of competitive advantage in the competitors.11 This makes it mandatory to apply new
classical sense has come.10 For “chemical tankers,” this management approaches that are derived more
means they are heading toward a storm, because their from the complex system theory and copy the
competitive advantages today are: behavior of biological systems, like our nerve cells.

a. Economies of scale and synergies (big, heavy assets c. Today’s product portfolio of the chemical industry
and strongly interconnected production sites) will commoditize at an accelerating pace (see
Figure 3: Commoditization), driven also by the fact
b. IP protection
that the classical oil and gas industry is moving
c. Unique access to feedstock, especially oil and gas downstream beyond petrochemicals for harvesting
new grounds.
The well-known mega trends, such as urbanization,
climate change and sustainability, are very applicable d. Digitalization will re-shift today’s operations and
and important; nevertheless, they are only a first step enable a reconfiguration of the industry, jointly with
toward a future world for chemicals. Our way of the first factor. Many activities that previously
thinking doesn’t omit them, but our approach goes fostered the creation of big chemical conglomerates
beyond thinking in the same box (taking the definition due to better economies of scale or/and transaction
of chemical industry for granted). At a macro- costs are now fundamentally changing, resulting in
socioeconomic level, we see seven factors: lower transaction costs (e.g., availability of know-
how, complexity of plant operations), which
a. Foremost, the classical client industries of chemical questions today’s operating models.
companies are converging toward ecosystems (see
Figure 2: Convergences toward ecosystems). e. M&A and the drive toward special chemicals and
solutions will not generate the anticipated
b. In an ecosystem environment, it is less about your competitive advantages. As the term special
own particular service, solution or product. It’s chemicals says, it was about being special, resulting
about the overall solution combined from multiple in serving a niche market. Now, having everybody
building blocks and generated by joint cooperation heading downstream makes markets too small to

Figure 2: Convergences toward ecosystems

10 2
Automotive and transportation Smart humans
Ecosystem will combine products and services from today’s diverse
Smart worksites Smart homes
Consumer products The customer will be in the focus and served with a holistic offering
based on their changing demands.
9 3
Despite the well-discussed “smart vehicles” ecosystem with the Smart Smart offices
Electric and electronics mobility as a service world another illustrative examples smart production and and education
health care: warehouses Digital
Clinics and medical professionals identify the problem.
ecosystems Smart
Chemicals could provide customized nutrition supply
Smart vehicles retail,
based on the clinical results.
Energy and resources Combined with real-time wearable technology tracking the 8 distribution 4
nutrition supply can be adopted.
It’s not a standalone offering: strong physical and information Smart Smart
Health and nutrition supply chain integration is needed between. transportation health care
Smart urban
Construction and housing 7 5

Rita McGrath, The End of Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013).
Frank Jenner, “Die Komplexität wächst — IT-Visionen in der Prozessindustrie,“ CHEManager 22/2002.

The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025 | 5

operate economically and erodes the glorified since chemical production facilities have risen in the
higher margin that initially attracted everybody. last 20 years in the emerging markets, will result in
Classical basic economical reactions of demand and less ecological impact due to shorter transportation
supply with an equilibrium price result in more distances.
supply because more players go into the same niche
g. Innovation, especially in the downstream areas,
but cause falling prices when demand is stable.
becomes more and more expensive due to
f. Global trade flows for ecosystem businesses will regulations and the maturity of the field. For
diminish, reshaping the supply chains of today. For example, in AgriChemicals, the lead time and the
foundational businesses where asset scale stays key, costs are already approaching those levels,
we foresee regional clusters, e.g., in Europe, Asia triggering an industry consolidation as in the
and the Americas. Today’s products will be pharma sector during the '80s and '90s.
produced and used within these clusters. Eliminating
transcontinental transportation of these chemicals,

Figure 3: Commoditization12  

Exhibit 3 — The commodity frontier continues to move the right

Commodity Few remaining riches Rapid commoditization Onset commoditization Specialty

Intermediates Specialty Premium

Feedstock Petrochemicals chemicals
Plastics materials
Natural gas Methanol EO,5 PO6 Monomers ETP¹³
Functional Thermoset
LPG¹ Ethylene Solvents Seeds
chemicals resins
Naphtha Propylene Additives

Gas oil C4+³ Polyolefins PET,9 PMMA10 Coatings Catalyst

NGL² BTX4 PVC,7 PS8 ABC,11 PC12 Pigments Battery materials

Commodity Increasing
markets complexity
Fragmented More
markets concentrated
Significant Commodity frontier moving to the right markets
volatility (price Low volatility
and demand) Value-based
Cost-curve- pricing
based pricing

1 Liquefied petroleum gas 8 Polystyrene

2 Natural gas liquids 9 Polyethylene terephthalate
3 Butadiene, butylenes 10 Polymethyl methacrylate
4 Benzene, toluene, xylene 11 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
5 Ethylene oxide 12 Polycarbonate
6 Propylene oxide 13 Engineering thermoplastics
7 Polyvinyl oxide

McKinsey: commoditization of chemicals, 2016.

6 | The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025

4. Reimagine chemicals: the 4.1  Foundation businesses
chemical world in 2025 Foundation businesses, which definitely include
today’s chemical value chain up to the intermediates,
In the future, most of today’s chemical industry players will be managed based on traditional efficiency thinking
will be general purpose production industrial methods using the well-established complicated
foundation businesses, serving slavish multiple thinking management methods.
ecosystems. They will be trapped, just like the telco
infrastructure providers that provide the basic Why does this happen? Like the banking industry in the
infrastructure for today’s hyper-connected world, while 1990s, chemical companies are often still integrated
other tech giants reap the biggest profits. Based on the along the process chain (vertical integration), but the
general purpose production foundation, a plenitude of reasons for this are now changing. To some extent,
ecosystem businesses operate within dedicated vertical integration is given by the physical production
ecosystems (see Figure 1: Convergences toward process. Production flow forces integration up to the
ecosystems). Both are intertwined by a third business end of the intermediary process step at least (see
category of platform businesses, which are potentially Figure 4: Industry structure (UBS) red marked area).
decentralized, automating most of the work. As soon the process is started, it will flow, and stopping
it or other interactions is hardly possible.13

Figure 4: Industry structure (UBS)  

Chemicals market overview — creating products across the industrial and consumer world — Home Page — Industry Overview — Business divisions
of European stocks — Chemical products as percenatge of sales in Europe
Industrial gases

Inorganics Oil and Gas

Industrial Gases

Salt, carbonates, ores (phosphorous,

silicon, metal, potash), etc. Natural gas Naphtha Heavy oils
Air gases
N2, 02, etc.
Commodity chemicals

Chlorine, (Causticsoda) Ethylene
Soda Ash Propylene
TiO2. Silicon Butadiene
Specialty chemicals

Construction chemicals Water treatment

Glass manufacturing Pharmaceutical ingredients
Engineering plastics Adhesives
Crop Amino acids, food and personal care Catalysts
Agricultural chemicals

protection Pigments and industrial coatings Detergents


Industrial manufacturing
Fertilizers Steel production
(Potash, Nitrate, Chemical manufacturing
etc.) Consumer care Paints and coatings
Food additives Surfactants
Flavor and fragrances Vitamins

Consumer chemicals

At least as long as current production technology is used. Here, a new way of doing things would also put the downstream part of the chemical industry on a new growth trajectory.

The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025 | 7

about a new business model here we are not
Example: referring to the on-trend discussions about solutions
instead of products, or providing services in
In near term, the foundation business will already realize a addition to chemical products. To be able to
fundamental and radical shift of employees out of traditional integrate into an ecosystem, it is necessary to
back-office functions that is literally driven by further process
leverage the full potential of diverse players by
automations, such as robotic process automation (RPA), followed by
machine learning (ML) and, finally, artificial intelligence (AI). This in cooperation and joint engineering of a multisided
itself will shake up the chemical industry and many companies will platform business. In these setups, different
not adapt fast or quickly enough and, therefore, will vanish from the industries join together. By so doing, they will
market when others have already established a more than 20% cost harvest the value add and be the tech giants
advantage. themselves. Just take nutrition chemicals and
However, this will not be the end of the game but just the starting imagine a smart health ecosystem:
point for ecosystem and platform businesses.

This is also the space where most of the heavy assets
are used in production, making it a perfect field of play Smart health: In such an ecosystem, hospitals, doctors, health
for economies of scale. However, it is also the area with insurance, pharma, fitness, food, and nutrition chemicals could be
the least know-how needed for production and where players who jointly provide the value proposition: healthy life. This
no product or service differentiation is possible ecosystem would be based on this purpose to provide healthy life to
(propane is propane — full stop), which is why it is the consumers, and the different players would each add their part.
Nutrition chemicals could provide supplements tailored to the
currently a commodity business driven by price.
individual based on the latest medical test results and the known
Integration beyond this point is generally reasoned with records of personal activity and stress (which might be provided by
economies of synergies, higher specialization and lower the fitness player operating a wearable device) to optimally support
transactions costs. the body. Looping in the health insurance provider, this could even
stimulate the insurance costs the consumer has to handle. Already
With today’s technology, these transaction costs, today we see examples of this: the Italian health insurance company
especially between the foundation and the ecosystem Generali offers policies that are connected to wearables, and
businesses, can be lowered by using a market consumers can benefit from having an active life. Fitness wearables
transaction compared with an intra-firm transaction. (e.g., FitBit) that are already connected to the food world to better
balance calorie intake and consumption (e.g., MyFitnessPal) provide
We are now able to efficiently communicate and settle
the consumer with active control of their metabolic life.
transactions for commodity goods.

You might ask, why now? As so often seen in other

industries, today’s technologies enable new modes of Ecosystem businesses are potentially very specific to
operation and interaction that which weren’t technically their ecosystem and, due to the fluid platform type of
and/or economically possible in the past. Without, for setup in an ecosystem, it will be a chance also for
example, the computing power at scale and in the cloud smaller firms to participate.
operating a platform business, a general purpose
Just as the internet provided access to many via a
production would not be economically feasible.
standardized process, the ecosystem will ultimately
4.2  Ecosystem businesses find a standard that is open to ensure that critical mass
is reached (see next chapter). In the abovementioned
Ecosystem businesses will be the integrators into the example, the scenario could go so far that supplements
ecosystems, containing the downstream parts of are personalized at home, with a printer-like device that
today’s value chain to the value-adding ecosystem is operated by the nutrition chemical company.
players from vast industries. They will follow the rules Operated means fed with the right instructions
of complexity and require not only a new business concerning dosing, automated resupplies as soon as
model but also new ways of management that are more the cartridges empty, or providing cartridges with
based on complex system management.14 When talking other ingredient depending on data analytics from the

For more on management approach, refer to Donald Sull‘s and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt‘s Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World (Mariner Books, 2015).

8 | The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025

ecosystem. This would ultimately transform the However, marketplaces and platform businesses are
nutrition chemical company to an operator of millions similar in that they strive for growth based on network
of small devices instead of running a few factories only. effects (direct and indirect), which kick off as soon as
Here, proximity and agility are more important the number of consumers and providers on the
than scale. platform passes the critical frontier (see Figure 5:
Critical mass and frontier (based on Evans,
Today, it is unclear which players will initiate an “Matchmakers”)).
ecosystem and how these ecosystems will be balanced
in terms of power. What can be learned from the past is Figure 5: Critical mass and frontier (based on Evans,
that the monolithic positions of internet and tech giants “Matchmakers”) 
will be unlikely. Today’s customers (B2B) and
consumers (B2C) are well aware of lock-ins and are Ignition

Side A
becoming more critical when it concerns the D* - Long run aquarium

monetization of their information. Ecosystem business C` Points of critical mass

builders would therefore benefit from taking a more

neutral approach and finding setups where the Movements at starting to achieve
critical mass
consumer or customer stays in control of their C``

information. Emerging data market places where

consumer or customers monetize their data themselves
could be one way of achieving such a setup.
4.3  Platform businesses
Side B

The key role of a platform business will be to ensure a

Bringing both foundation businesses and ecosystem healthy ratio of players on both sides as otherwise the
businesses together results in the establishment of a ecosystem will not prove attractive for the consumer.
third category: platform businesses. These platform Players can provide a multitude of services (just refer
businesses are the glue holding all parts together. Their back to the “smart health” example). These can also be
reason for being is that the glue requires a certain complementary services, such as transportation or the
independence from the foundation and the ecosystem previously mentioned insurance. This need for multiple
businesses to become a trusted partner for business. different players with different industry backgrounds
The fear of lock-in will be significant, especially as the also explains why a vertical integration approach only
platform will hold most of the transactional data, giving for one company is just not feasible. Such a
it a very strong position. conglomerate would be gigantic and incur sky-
rocketing transaction or management costs internally,
Most readers now think of businesses like marketplaces
thereby resulting in suboptimal operations in all areas.
or transactional platforms. This is not wrong, but falls
short of the real picture. Marketplaces are very Foundation players will offer their commodities to the
rudimentary platform businesses; in a digital world, a ecosystem business, which then combines and
platform business will be more advanced. Marketplaces intertwines them into the ecosystem offering. The
in chemicals don’t have a great past: some started with interaction between the foundation and ecosystem
high ambitions, but have since disappeared. The key businesses will also be handled via a platform. We see
reason is that marketplaces foster competition by primarily basic end-to-end supply chain services, such
focusing purely on price, driving everybody out of the as integrated planning, supply and demand
market, either by becoming bankrupt or by finding synchronization, and optimization of production
other channels in which to sell. Even so, some platform utilization on this level. The latter is potentially the
providers survived while they are mainly based on its biggest lever as we are currently already experiencing
founding partners and serves a clear purpose of overcapacity in the basic and intermediate chemical
providing cheap transactional cost between chemical segments (see Figure 6: Capacity utilization in the EU
business partners. chemical industry). Applying a sharing-economy-style
yield optimization service here will ensure that the
whole industry operates more efficiently by
establishing a merit order curve for production

The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025 | 9

capacity. Brutally said, the platform will define who will differentiation is not meaningful (foundation) and
make revenue based on the cost profile. Players with specialization by ecosystem integration will be possible.
too-high costs will lose market access or will just
service demand peaks — which can be a business model For today’s players in the chemical industry, the key
in itself, as you can see in the utility market, where question will be: who takes the position of the platform
peak demand capacity is paid very well. owner, and how will I react to this? We currently see
that in established industries multiple players are trying
Figure 6: Capacity utilization in the EU chemical to establish themselves as the platform
industry15  owner — in addition to their product and service
business — in the hope of harmonizing everyone on
120 85 their platform. This normally is very challenging as
everybody else fears getting locked-in and
Production index (2010 = 100)


Capacity utilization in %
disintermediated from their customer base. Some
95 75 industries try to solve this challenge by establishing
JVs for operating the platform, which brings a lot of
governance issues. With the emerging distributed
70 65
ledger technologies, the opportunity exists to establish

a decentralized platform stack that operates

EU chemicals capacity utilisation in %

EU chemicals production index (2010=100)

autonomously based on defined rules (e.g., smart
Long-term average level (1995-2016) contracts). This is owned by nobody, thereby taking the
fear out of the game. This will be a highly possible
option for the platform between the general purpose
Think of this emerging industry environment as foundation and the ecosystem business as the business
industry stacks (see Figure 7: Industry stack). At the contracts for these commodity goods are very well
lowest level, you find the infrastructure providers (the defined, which is prerequisite to establishing successful
general purpose foundation), which can be compared smart-contract-based platforms. As soon as the
with cloud service providers. On the next level, there contracts are incomplete, meaning not all conditions
will be a technical platform business that serves as a can be specified in advance, a fully automated platform
connection between the foundation business and the will not work. Such incompleteness is very likely the
ecosystem businesses, which themselves will be players case in the ecosystem platforms where the pieces need
in more specialized platforms within each ecosystem. to evolve and reach a commodity-like character before
By this, economies of scale will be leveraged where they can be automated.

Figure 7: Industry stack

Docs Consumers

Insurance Value service

ecosystem platform

chemicals D
Ecosystem businesses
Market place
Production model
Platform “ technical” 3PL
Industry general
A B C purpose foundation

Chemicals Feed stock Complements, e.g..,

company transportation

European Commission Business and Consumer Survey

10 | The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025

5. Road map
Fix the basics and get Revolutionize phase
digital (yesterday) (before 2020)
Digitize operations 1 a. Identify what is foundation
and what has ecosystem
2 potential
b. Identify the ecosystem to
Revolutionize phase II play in
(go live around c. Identify partners for a
2022—25) 3 platform (breaking the
prisoner’s dilemma)
Decentralize your
Fully disrupt
4 (beyond 2030)

6. Conclusions
The consequence for today’s chemical companies will Our vision lives from “standing on the shoulders of
be that their heavy assets and their diverse giants“15 and we are not hesitant to mention all the
conglomerates focused on economies of scale and other great thinkers. It is no value add for the world if
synergies will not provide them with competitive we just reinvent the wheel or crunch numbers again
advantages, and if they would, these will not be just to arrive at a proprietary or copyrighted truth that
strategically important as the rules of the game have is slightly different, but still wrong in the long run.
changed. Therefore, instead of investing in more heavy
What we aimed for in this document is to name key
assets or buying more companies, reimagine slicing
triggers that will reshape the chemical industry going
your conglomerate into effective operating pieces
forward and to derive potential scenarios or visions and
(connected both vertically and horizontally) and which
describe how the chemical industry might then look as
roles will apply to which pieces in the future. Be open
a result.
and start cooperating rather than forcing competition.
The future will be information- or knowledge-driven; in We encourage you to draw your own conclusions. We
this world, sharing will be key. would enjoy discussing your opinions with you.
Whether we agree or disagree, sharing will advance the
Our vision brings light and darkness for the chemical
thinking and knowledge of us all. Our attitude toward
industry. It might mean head-shaking for some of you,
chemicals has become very risk averse — leading to
well … we accept that. Nevertheless, we think we have
more management than leadership in the industry
added value to the discussion through our
(remember Dilbert), and this has to end. The future will
interpretation and reintegration of previous, current
come to pass no matter what, and we should look
and potential future work.
forward to enjoying it together instead of focusing
purely on the risks.


Frank Jenner
Christian Neumann

Bernard of Chartres

The chemical industry reimagined — vision 2025 | 11

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advisors for specific advice.

The views of third parties set out in this publication are not
necessarily the views of the global EY organization or its
member firms. Moreover, they should be seen in the context
of the time they were made.


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