Stan Poe For Mayor of Bettsville, OH

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Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015

The following topics and questions 1 8 were posed within the Facebook fan page Bettsville
Community Events on Monday, September 7th 2015 by page administrator, Allen Weinandy
Bettsville Mayoral Candidate, Stan Poe addresses each topic and question here

Would like to know the stance all of those running for an elected position for the Village of
Bettsville take on the following issues and how they would repair, promote and/or lead the efforts:
1.) Economic growth in/around Bettsville
Something that has, in my view, never been aggressively addressed. THIS one issue and
the lack of addressing it intertwines DIRECTLY with the losing of our own, independent
school system and the closing of H. P. Eells Park for the 2015 Summer season! Had our
village and surrounding community drawn more tax revenue from even the smallest of retail
or other business establishments both the former school and the Park would have benefited.
I firmly believe that Bettsville, Ohio can and will, under a Stan Poe lead (as Mayor) village
council, garner both more business and residents to this community! A Mayor, again in my
view, needs to do MUCH MORE than lead a crew of brush picker-uppers and mowing of
village grass. That much more must be aggressively and assertively reaching out to
potential [good fits to the community] retail, technology and various other business
entities. There is NO reason that this couldnt have been done previously; and absolutely
NO REASON that we cant and shouldnt NOW! My professional experience in the
business-to-business sales arena1 lends itself perfectly to an endeavor such as this. I have
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
performed the followed in the business world and will do the same as Mayor of Bettsville:
Sat behind a desk researching and studying prospective clients; Created a plan of
action as to how-and-why to best approach said prospective clients; Made contact with
and then, getting past the gate-keepers and intermediaries, found the true decision
maker(s) and been successful in completing either an elevator pitch and/or a formal
presentation to those decision maker(s)! Anyone having either worked within a sales arena
or currently working knows that, of course you dont win every prospect. What you DO,
in fact is learn from each-and-every interaction and move forward to the next effort all
the while putting many, if not most, no answers on the back burner for a 3 to 18 month
follow-up. Youve GOT TO remember that their circumstances change and evolve; and
they may become a yes in the future!
Ive gained a thick skin with the acquisition of both yes and no replies to my
professional efforts and I plan to carry that attitude and action into leading Bettsville, Ohio
to growing this community in directions never dreamt of previously! Technology groups,
as just one example, have the benefit of Bettsville being centrally located, not only
between Tiffin, Fremont and Fostoria, Ohio but centrally located between Toledo,
Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. Our physical location is a great benefit to ANY business
endeavor and to those decision makers who consider such things. The fact that youre
probably reading and seeing this information on a screen is testimony to the FACT that
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
technology will only continue to grow in each city, town and little village such as ours!
We need to get into the midst of it to begin to grow and thrive!
With that cited experience I plan to: Research and study prospective partners Create
a plan of action as to how-and-why to best approach said partners; Make contact with
and then, getting past the gate-keepers and intermediaries, find the true decision
maker(s) and then Make crystal clear to them the features and benefits to bringing
business to Bettsville, Ohio! With much experience on the telephone, using Internet
based communications and in-person meetings I will do what Ive done successfully for
more than 20 years.~ Only now Ill be doing it for the village and surrounding community
that I have loved since a boy riding the streets on bicycles with my brothers and many
2.) Village Protection:
- Police: Just how I would, as asked, repair promote and lead the efforts of our police force
and department is as follows: I would repair by making sure that EVERYONE involved with
the police department understands, as do I, that there can be only one (1) chief. That chief
would answer to the Mayor directly and ultimately to village council, BUT all involved would
understand the chief is just that, chief! in charge! As Mayor, I will not undercut or circumvent
the department by acting as a co-chief so-to-speak. There is ONE in charge and thats the
departments chief! I would promote the department by putting myself at the disposal of the
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
police chief in interfacing with other area departments, local community groups, individuals and
other entities as we together stand and address all ideas, questions and concerns! While the
police chief would answer to the Mayor, I would actually see myself as an extension of the
chiefs efforts in any way possible and agreeable. That said, this will also be the way that I will
lead the efforts (the last part of the initial question).
- Fire: Very, very similar to the previous answer concerning the police department. In addition, I
will attend many more fire department meetings and actions than I have as councilman. I will do
this to much better understand the ideas, concerns and [any] frustrations that the fire chief and fire
department force have both as a department and individually. I need and desire to learn much
more about the inner-workings of the fire department. Not to commandeer but to understand.
- EMS: Very much an identical answer as before. In addition, I will immediately (actually before I
take office in January) approach and sit in with the township trustees and other entities involved
in our joint-effort EMS solution. I would like to review, in detail, the workings of our recently
agreed to partnership for both adequate and beyond adequate EMS service to the residents of
Bettsville and surrounding communities! Having interacted with more than one of our current
township trustees for more than forty years will easily aid in our current work together!
3.) Taxes: I have already once, as a current village councilman, met and spoken with our county
auditor, Julie A. Adkins. I will, even before taking office, schedule time with her office to further
understand our current budget expectations and reasonable dollar amounts within each category of
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
our village finances. I realize that there are much greater minds than mine within this realm, and
I hope and plan to partner with them even more closely. I will, even if remaining on village
council, implement a better understanding for both myself and the village of our current financial
status and then how those numbers can be followed and understood long-term. I want to make
the financial part of our village operations much more transparent and understood by all interested.
4.) Park: I recently posted to my Facebook fan page, Stan Poe for Mayor of Bettsville, Ohio one
plan I have and hold dear concerning H. P. Eells (Bettsville) Park. I will link to that post as well
as address Park operations here.
I enjoyed and served as a lifeguard at our great Park during the summer months of my high school
years (3 years lifeguarding). Prior to that, my brothers and I along with many childhood friends
made the Park (swimming primarily) our summer home! As long as the work in Ezs garden was
done satisfactorily we would arrive at the Park nearly EVERY day at 1:00 pm and not arrive home
until dinner time. Many days, we arrived home later and not until the Park closed for the day!
Because of those experiences, I hold a special place for our great local summer spot and I have a
plan in place to not only save our Park but nearly immediately enhance it. Along with that
specific plan, I believe firmly in all of the following: An immediate, 2016 Summer Season goal
with a solid task list, A 2 5 year plan and a 10 year goal. Immediate focus is upon
scrapping the idea entirely of a sale of Park property to never be discussed again! In its place,
a village self-run operation for the 2016 season AND a possible leasing of the property should
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
council demand. The very word lease has not been mentioned in recent village council meetings;
but would allow for the village to make necessary plans while possibly allowing an interested entity
to operate the grounds within village guidelines. The village of Bettsville, Ohio MUST retain this,
both enjoyable and valuable asset, for the successful future of this and surrounding communities in
my opinion!
I have already spoken, as a village councilman, with one local entity interested in partnering
opportunities. The potential partnering addresses the immediate 2016 Summer Season head-on
and would truly benefit all parties involved. If anyone looks and digs very earnestly into the 2010
Summer Season social media posts, communications and other public information they will find
mention of this opportunity going by the wayside at that time. Prior to my election to council, I
was told by two village officials that, I had no business talking with other groups [or anyone]
about village or Park issues. THAT is a primary reason I ran for a council seat (and now
your Mayor) and why this project will gain rocket power under a Stan Poe lead village council.
The 2010 Summer Season did not lose revenue to the village as have the past years since then due
to, in part, a fairly aggressive social media campaign focused upon the July 4th festivities! Theres
much more where that came from and will be implemented immediately upon my election as
Within the Facebook fan pages of both, Friends of H. P. Eells (Bettsville) Park and Bettsville,
Ohio Village of Ive touched upon the 2 5 year plan and the 10 year goal. Some have gotten
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
those efforts confused with my IMMEDIATE plan (for the 2016 season). Please dont do the
same All efforts will include many online surveys or in-person meetings with YOU!
5.) Would you support Old Fort Schools? How would you promote and/or assist?
Admittedly, I was at first very much opposed to the way the schools merger was arranged. I
was never against the idea of bringing the two great schools together just, again the way.
Now that the merger, or acquisition is complete there is no doubt whatsoever that I will support,
promote and assist the new Old Fort Schools District in any way possible. That will include sitting
in on many more than one school board meeting, getting to know the people on school board,
making myself (as Mayor) available to any needs, ideas, problems resolution and the like. I will
also become very familiar with the operations and plans of any PTO or similar groups and see just
how our village can help in any way with promotions or support for their efforts!~
By the way, our (Bettsvilles) 1972, 73 and 74 boys basketball squads captured the [then] county
championship! I was blessed, happy and excited to be part of those teams. I got to know several
Old Fort alum then and even over the past years which I believe can help us grow the new school
system responsibly. Knowing and keeping in contact with each others families has and will be an
asset to the overall union.
6.) What would you do to draw more residents to the Village? First! -Keep our Park as our Park.
I outlined my plans to help do that previously Secondly: Technology! Having the experience
cited within question-and-answer one (1) and experience since then, I am a true and BIG proponent
Page 7 of 9 pages total to this document -THE ONLY OFFICIAL MAYORAL CANDIDATE RESPONSE OF STAN POE- Biehler-Poe Enterprises, llc 2015
For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
of technological tools in addressing nearly any large project to tackle! In addition to print media
and grass roots efforts, I plan to immediately put Bettsville, Ohio on the map using proven [and
also the very latest] technology. Social media done right, Internet search results that may just
lead a small (or even mid-sized) business to begin or expand here and all related reaching out
efforts will be implemented, understood by council and transparent to village residents!
7.) What would you do to bring business into downtown? Very much similar to the previous
question and answer! In addition, proven tax incentives and tax delay options used successfully by
other area locales even nearby Tiffin, Ohio as well as other examples nationwide. We will create
and implement joint-effort projects to the benefit of our current downtown properties owners.
Projects will be created such as incentives to upgrade and enhance physical attributes to the
buildings. Additional and mutually beneficial projects to both attract new business and wow
travel-throughers on our stretch of state route 12. Those efforts will also pay dividends to our
current residents and businesses in that we will all be even more proud of and happy with our lil
neck o the woods~
8.) What would be your first priority of elected? My very first priority when elected Mayor will be
the same as my current priority today as a village councilman. That is to continue to make our
village government even more, and as much as possible, TRANSPARENT to all village residents
who care and all outside. In addition to my small private group (BPE, llc) initiating and then
recording village council meetings and then disseminating those meetings via a YouTube channel
on the Internet I would like to see the same availability of information across everything from
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For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

Mayoral candidate questions from Bettsville Community Events fan page 2015
the monthly financial reports to police and fire departments reports and virtually ALL that goes on
in our monthly village council meetings! Anything that is public information, and thats the
majority of what we do should be EASILY AVAILABLE to anyone with an Internet connection.
It should be as easy to report a streets pothole as it is currently to email your sister! From a
desktop PC, Mac or mobile device all residents will have the information at their fingertips.
They will be both motivated to and have the ability to really care even more than they might right
now! And when residents care, they will act. When they act they will be heard. When they are
heard they will be listened to! When they are listened to then positive, forward-thinking action
will be taken! -At least by [a] Mayor Poe
Stan & Theresa Poe

Qualifications: Worked for Critical Business Analysis, Inc. covering three (3) states selling and servicing high-end Project Management Software
and related solutions. Researched, found and then planned approach to numerous companies in the construction, architectural, tiers 1 and 2
subcontractors and financial institutions. Performed both small group and large "boardroom" style presentations of our offerings, demonstrated
SOLUTIONS and worked to "close the deal".
Have interacted with both end-user personnel and CEO / company board members. Know how to approach the "decision maker(s)" after "getting
past the gate-keeper(s) and intermediate level associates!"
I don't stop easily and demand [at least] several "no" responses before even thinking of moving on! Can and WILL find the ultimate decision
maker(s) before unnecessarily expending efforts (a nice way of saying "wasting time")
If you'd care to research: See Primavera Software Solutions -an Oracle Company. Also see: Critical Business Analysis, Inc. and see the reference
from fellow Projects & Portfolio Management professional, Lance Drossman of Prescient Solutions Group
Page 9 of 9 pages total to this document -THE ONLY OFFICIAL MAYORAL CANDIDATE RESPONSE OF STAN POE- Biehler-Poe Enterprises, llc 2015
For information contact 419-618-0747 text or telephone anytime! Campaign Manager: Dylan Poe

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