Komponen Mesin: Gear

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Disusun Oleh,
Nama : Triono

: 5201404032

Prodi : Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, SI



Circuler pitch,

Pe =


D = diameter of the pitch circle, and

T = No. of teeth on the wheel

Diameter pitch,

Pd =


T = No. of teeth, and

D = Pitch circle diameter

Module, m =

Condition for constant velocity ratio of gears law of gearing



(W1 x O1Q)

(W1 x O1Q)


= (W2 x O2Q)

= (W2 x O2Q)

W1. O1M = W2.O2N


Also From similar triangles O1 MP and O2 NP



Combining equations (i) and (ii) we have



Invalute Teeth
From similar triangle O2NP and O1MP


Which determines the rasio of the radii of two bas circles. The radii of the base
circles is given by

O1N = O1 P cos
O2M = O2 P cos

Also the centre distance between the base circle

= O1 +O2P

Beam strength of gear teeth lewis eqution


= Maximum bending moment at the critical section Bc,

= WT X h

= Length of the tooth

= half the thikness of the tooth at the critical section BC


= moment of inertia about the centre line of the tooth


= Width of gear face

Substituting the valuesfor M, y and I in the abaout expression , we get

fw =

or = fw x b x

t = X x Pe, and
H = k x pe

Where x and k are constant

Wr = fw x b x

Wr = fw.b.Pe.y
= fw.b.

(Pe =

Permissible working stress for gear teeth in the lewis eqution

fw = fo x Cv
Where fo

= Allowable static strees, and

Cv = Velocity factor
The values of Cv are given as follow :
Cv =

, for ordinary cut gears operating at velocities up to 12.5 m/sec.

, for carefully cut gears operating at velocities up to 12.5 m/sec.

, for very accurately cut and graund metallic gears operating at

velocities up to 20 m/sec.

, for precision gears cut with high accuracy and operating at

velocities up to 20 m/sec.

, for non-metallic gears.

Dynamic tooth load

Where WD = WT + W 1
WD = Total dynamic load
WT = steady load due to transmitted torque , and
WI = Increment load due to dynamic action
The increment load (W1)depends upon the pitch line velocity, the face
width, material of the gears, the accuracy of cut and the tangential load.
For average conditions, the dynamic load is determined by using the
following Buckingham eqution, i.e.
WD = WT + WI

= WR +
Where WD = Total dynamic load
WT = Steady transmitted load in Kg,
V = Pitch line velocity I metres/min.
B = face width of gears in cm, and
C = A deformation of dynamic factor in cm units.
A deformation factor c depends upon the error in action between teeth, the class of
cut of the gears, the rooth form and the material of he gears.
The value of C may be determined by using the following relation:

Where, K = A factor depending upon the form of the teeth.
= 0.107, for 14 0 full depth involute system.
=0.111, for 200 full depth involute system.
= 0.115, for 200 stub system
Ep = Youngs modulus for the material of the pinion
EG = Youngs modulus for the material of the gears.
E = Tooth error action in cm.

Static tooth load

The static tooth load (also called beam strength or endurance strength of the
tooth)is obtained by lewis formula by substituting flexural endurance limit or
elastic limit stress (fe).
So, static tooth load or beam strength or endurance strength of the tooth,

Ws = fe.b.Pe.y
= fe.b.


Note, for safety againsttooth breakage , the static tooth load (WS) should be
greater than dynamic load (WD). Buckingham suggests the following relationship
between WS and WD.
For steady loads, Ws

1.25 WD

For pulsating loads, Ws

For shock loads, Ws

1.35 WD

1.5 WD

Wear tooth load

Ww = Dv.b.Q.K
Where Ww= Maximum or limiting load for wear in kg,
Dv = pitch circle diameter of the pinion in cm
b = Face width of the pinion in cm,
Q = Ratio factor

, for external gears

, for internal gears.

V . R = Velocity ratio
K = Load strees factor

The load strees factor is given by the following relation

Fes = surface endurance limit in kg/cm2
= Pressure angle
Ep = Youngs modulus for the material of the pinion in kg/cm2, and
EG = Youngs modulus for the material of the gear in kg/cm2

Design procedur for spur gears

Where WT =

X Cs

WT = permissible tangential tooth load

P = horse power transmisted
V = Pitch line velocity in m/min


We know that, circular pitch

Pe =
D =mT
So, the pitch line velocity may also be obtained by using the following relation,

m = Modulus in cm, and
T = No, of teeth.
D = pitch circle diameter in cm
N = Speed in r.p.m, and
Cs = service factor

Apply the lewis equation as follow:

WT =

. b.Pe.y =


With usual notations





Calculate the dynamic load (WD), on the tooth by using Buckingham eqution,i.e.
WD = WR + W1
= WR +
With usual notations.
Note; In calculating the dynamic load (WD), the value of langential load (Wr) is
given by.
Wr =

(Neglecting service factor, Cs)

Find the static tooth load (i.e bean strength or the endurance strength of the tooth)
By using the following relation.
Ws = fe . b. Pe. y

= fe .b.


For safery against breakage, Ws should be greater then WD

Finally, find the wear tooth load by using the following relation.
Ww = Dv.b.Q.k
The wear load (Ww) should not be less than dynamic load (WD)

Spur gear consruction

tR = m
tR = Thikness of the rim,
T = Number of teeth, and
N = Number of arm.

Design of shaft for spur gears.

In order to find the shaft diameter, for spur gears, the following procedure may be
1. First of all, find the normal load WN acting between the tooth surface. It is
given by.
WN =
WN = Normal load,
WT = Tangential load, and
= Pressure angle

2. The weigh of the gear is given by

WG = 0.118 TG x b x m2 kg

Where, TG = Number of teeth on the gear

B = Face width in cm, and
m = module in cm.

3. Now the resultant load acting on the gear.

WR =
4. If the gear is overhung on the shaft, then the bending moment on the shaft
due to the resultant load.
M = WR X x
x = Overhang i.ethe distance between the centre of pinioan and the centre
of the bearing.
5. Since the shaft is under the combined effect of torsion and bending,
therefore we shall determine the equivalent torque.
We know that equivalent torque.
Te =
Where, T = Twisting moment
= WT x
6. Now the diameter of the gear shaft (d) is determited by using following
relation, i.e.
Te =

fs . d3

Where, fs = Shear stress for the material of the gear shaft.

Design Of Arms

The stalling load may be taken as the design tangential load divided by the
velocity factor.
Ws = Stalling load ,

DG = Pitch circle diameter of the gear,

n = Number of arms, and
fb = allowable bending stress for the material of the arms.
Now, maximum bending moment on each arm,

And the section modulus of arms for elliptical eross-section,
a1 = Major axis, and
b1 = Minor axis
The major axis is usually taken as twice the minor axis. Now, using the relation.
fb =
We can calculate the dimensions a1 and b1 for the gear arm at the hub end.
Note; The arm are usually tapered forwards the rim about
length of the arm. Therefore
Major axis of the section at the rim end

cm per cm

= a1 Taper
= a1 -

x Length of the arm

= a1 -

= a1 -

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