Chapter 3

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The design consideration and calculation of transmission are mostly dependent

upon the maximum torque of the input speed from the engine. In the OKA-05 manual
gearbox, the components are housing, shafts, bearings, gears, synchronizing devices
and shifting mechanisms. In this thesis, the design of spur gears, helical gears and
shafts have to be calculated. General design theory of shafts, gears and bearings
selection are described as the following.

3.1. Design Consideration of Gear

Gears are widely used for transmitting small or large amounts of power from
one shaft to another. They operate by direct contact of one body upon the other, and
maintain a constant velocity ratio between the two shafts. Various types gearing have
been developed for this purpose which will operate quietly and with very low friction
losses. Gears can be classified according to the natural position of shafts. Gears have
the advantages of providing positive drive without slip and permit high torque to be
transmitted. Gears can be used between shafts, which can be parallel or inclined to
one another.

3.1.1. Gear Nomenclature

When two gears mesh, the smaller gear is called the pinion and the larger is
the gear. The symbol, Dp will be used for the pitch circle diameter of the pinion and
the symbol, Dg will be used for the pitch circle diameter of the gear. Then T p and Tg
are used for number of teeth of the pinion and gear respectively.
Addendum is the radial distance between the pitch circle and the top of the
teeth. The distance between centers of the two gears is the center distance and the
radial distance between the bottom of the tooth to pitch circle is called dedendum.
Face width

is the width of the tooth measured parallel to the gear axis and ratio of pitch diameter

Face width Addendum circle

Addendum Circular pitch

Width of
Dedendum space

Clearance Pitch circle

Fillet radius
Clearance circle
Dedendum circle
Fig.3.1. Parts of Gear Teeth

3.1.2. Gear Train

A gear train is one or more pairs of gears operating together to transmit power.
Normally there is a speed change from one to the next due to the different size of the
gears in mesh.
The velocity ratio (V.R) is defined as the ratio of the rotational speed of the
input gear to that of the output gear for a single pair of gears. It is inversely
proportional to the number of teeth on the two gears, and for the spur gears it is also
inversely proportional to the pitch diameters.
V . R=N p /N g =T g /T p=Dg /D P 3.1
Where Np = Rotational Speed of pinion,
Ng = Rotational Speed of gear,
Tp = Number of teeth on pinion,
Tg = Number of teeth on gear,
Dp = Pitch circle diameter of pinion,
Dg = Pitch circle diameter of gear.


Fig.3.2. Two Gears Mesh


3.2. Design Consideration for Spur Gears

To understand the method of computing stresses in gear teeth, it is helpful to
consider the way power is transmitted by a gear system. Power is received from
engine by the clutch shaft rotating at engine speed. Thus there is a torque in the shaft
that can be computed from the following equation.
Power P×60
Rotational speed = 2π N 3.2
Pitch Line Velocity,
π DN
v =
60 3.3
Where D = Pitch circle diameter (mm) and
N = Rotational Speed (rpm).

3.2.1. Permissible Working Stress for Gear Teeth

The permissible working stress (σ w) in the Lewis equation depends upon the
material for which an allowable static stress (σ o) may be determined. The allowable
static stress is the stress at the elastic limit of the material.
σ w =σ o Cv 3.4
Where σ o = Allowable Static Stress (N/mm2),
Cv = Velocity factor.
The values of allowable static stresses for the different gear materials have
been tabulated in Table A-2.
The values of the velocity factor (Cv) are given as follows:
C v=
3+ v , for ordinary cut gears operating at velocities up to 12 m/s.
C v=
4 .5+v , for carefully cut gears operating at velocities up to 12.5m/s.
C v=
6+v , for very accurately cut and ground metallic gears operating at
velocities up to 20 m/s.
0 .75
C v=
0 . 75+ √ v , for precision gears cut with high accuracy and operating
at velocities up to 20 m/s.

In the above expressions, v is the pitch line velocity in meters per second.
3.2.2. Circular Pitch
It is the distance measured on the circumference of the pitch circle from a
point of one tooth to the corresponding point on the next tooth. It is usually denoted
by pc .
pc =π D/T=π m 3.5
Where D = Diameter of the pitch circle, mm and
T = Number of teeth on the wheel.
Module is the ratio of the pitch circle diameter in millimetres to the number of
teeth. It is usually denoted by m. Mathematically,
m = D/T 3.6
where m = module, mm.

3.2.3. Face Width of Spur Gears

The face width of a gear is the length of teeth in an axial plane. In actual
practice, the face width (b) is taken as 9.5 m to 12.5 m.

3.2.4. Tangential Tooth Load

The design tangential tooth load is obtained from the power transmitted and
the pitch line velocity by using the following relation;
W T = ×C s
v 3.7
Where WT = Permissible tangential tooth load (newtons),
P = Power transmitted (watts),
v = Pitch line velocity (m/s),
Cs = Service factor.
Tangential tooth load for Lewis Equation,

WT =
σ w b pc y=σ w b π m y

σ o Cv ) b π m y ( ∵ σ w= σ o C v ) 3.8
Where σ w = Permissible working stress (N/mm2),
σ o =Allowable Static Stress (N/mm2),

b = Face width (mm),

y = Tooth form factor,
m = module (mm).
The value of y in terms of the number of teeth may be expressed as follows:
0.684 1∘
y= T , for 14 2 composite and full depth involute system.
0 .912
0.154− °
= T , for 20 full depth involute system.
0 .175− °
= T , for 20 stub system.

3.2.5. Dynamic Tooth Load

Inaccuracies of the tooth profiles, spacing, misalignment in mounting and
tooth deflection under load result in velocity changes which produce dynamic forces
in the teeth greater than the transmitted force. The dynamic analysis, as proposed by
21×v (bC+W T )
W D=W T +
21×v+ √ ( bC+W T ) 3.9
Where WD = Total dynamic load (newtons),
WT = Steady transmitted load (newtons),
v = Pitch line velocity (m/s),
b = Face width of gear (mm), and
C = A deformation or dynamic factor (N/mm).

A deformation factor (C) depends upon the error in action between teeth, the
class of cut of the gears, the tooth form and the material of the gears. The values of
deformation factor (C) for checking the dynamic load on gears is described and can be
read in Table A-3.

3.2.6. Static Tooth Load

The static tooth load or endurance strength of the tooth is obtained by Lewis
formula by substituting flexural endurance limit or elastic limit stress (σ e) in place of
permissible working stress (σ w).

∴ Static tooth load or beam strength of the tooth,

W S =σ e b pc y=σ e b π m y 3.10
Where WS = Static tooth load (newtons),
σ e = Flexural endurance limit or elastic limit stress (Mpa),
m = Module in mm,
y = Tooth form factor.
The values of flexural endurance limit (σ e) for different materials can be read
in Table A-4.

3.2.7. Wear Tooth Load

The maximum load that gear teeth can carry, without premature wear, depends
upon the radii of curvature of the tooth profiles and on the elasticity and surface
limits of the materials. The maximum or the limiting load for satisfactory wear of gear
teeth, is obtained by using the following Buckingham equation,
W W =D p b Q K 3.11
where WW = Maximum or limiting load for wear (newtons),
Dp = Pitch circle diameter of the pinion (mm),
b = Face width (mm),
Q = Ratio factor,
K = Load-stress factor (N/mm2).
Ratio Factor,
2×V . R 2T G
Q = V . R+1 T G +T P , for external gears 3.12
2×V . R 2T G
= V . R−1 T G −T P , for internal gears. 3.13
The load stress factor depends upon the maximum fatigue limit of
compressive stress, the pressure angle and the modulus of elasticity of the materials of
the gears. According to Buckingham, the load stress factor is given by the following

1 1

σ es sin ϕ
( +
Ep Eg )
1.4 3.14
where σ es= Surface endurance limit of a gear pair (Mpa),
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of pinion material (Mpa),
Eg = Modulus of elasticity of gear material (Mpa),
ϕ = Pressure angle (degree).
The surface of endurance limit may be estimated from:
σ es = (2.8×BHN) -70 N/mm2 3.15
where BHN =Average brinell hardness number of gears.
The maximum limiting wear load (Ww) must be greater than the dynamic load (WD).

3.3. Design Consideration for Helical Gears

If the elements of the teeth are inclined at an angle with the axis, they are
known as helical gears. Compared to spur gears, they have the larger contact ratio,
excel in quietness, less vibration and able to transmit large force.

3.3.1. Formative or Equivalent Number of Teeth

The formative or equivalent number of teeth for a helical gear may be defined
as the number of teeth that can be generated on the surface of a cylinder having a
radius equal to the radius of curvature at a point at the tip of the minor axis of an
ellipse obtained by taking a section of the gear in the normal plane. Mathematically,
formative or equivalent number of teeth on a helical gear,
T E=T/cos ψ 3.16
where T = Actual number of teeth on a helical gear, and
ψ = Helix angle (degree).
Torque transmitted,
Power P×60
Rotational speed = 2π N 3.17

3.3.2. Face Width of Helical Gears

In helical gears, the maximum face width may be taken as 12.5 m to 20 m.
Where m = module (mm) and

Dp= pitch circle diameter of the pinion (mm).

3.3.3. Strength of Helical Gears

In helical gears, the contact between mating teeth is gradual, starting at one
end and moving along the teeth so that at any instant the line of contact runs
diagonally across the teeth. Therefore in order to find the strength of helical gears, a
modified Lewis equation is used. It is given by
W T =( σ o ×C v ) b π y m 3.18
Where WT = Tangential tooth load (newtons),
σ o = Allowable static stress (newtons),
Cv = Velocity factor,
b = Face Width (mm),
m = Module (mm) and
y = Tooth form factor corresponding to the equivalent number of teeth.
where y usual meanings as discussed in spur gears.
The value of velocity factor (Cv) may be taken as follows:
C v=
6+v , for peripheral velocities from 5m/s to 10m/s.
C v=
15+v , for peripheral velocities from 10m/s to 20m/s.
0 .75
C v=
0 . 75+ √ v , for peripheral velocities greater than 20m/s.
0 . 75
C v= +0. 25
1+v , for non-metallic gears.
Dynamic tooth load on the helical gears is given by
21×v ( bC cos ψ +W T )cos ψ
W D=W T +
21×v+ √( bC cos 2 ψ +W T ) 3.19
where v, b and C have usual meanings as discussed in spur gears.

Static tooth load or endurance strength of the tooth

W s=σ e b p c y=σ e b π m y 3.20
where y usual meanings as discussed in spur gears.

The values of flexural endurance limit (

σ e ) for different materials can be
read in Table A-4.

Wear tooth load of helical gear,

Dp b Q K
cos2 ψ 3.21
where Dp, b and Q have usual meanings as discussed in spur gears.
1 1

σ 2es sin ϕ N
( +
Ep Eg )
In this case, 1. 4 3.22
where ❑N = Normal pressure angle (degree).
σ es= Surface endurance limit of a gear pair (Mpa),
3.4. Design Consideration of Shafts
A shaft is a rotating or stationary member, usually circular in cross section,
which is used to transmit power from one part to another. The power is delivered to
the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque or torsional moment. The
shaft may be either hollow or solid.
Bending and torsional moments are the main factors influencing shaft design.
One of the first steps in shaft design is to draw the bending moment diagram for the
loaded shaft or the combined bending moment diagram if the loads acting on the shaft
are in more than one axial plane. The torsional moment acting on the shaft can be
determined from this equation.
M t=
rpm 3.23

M t = Torsional moment (Nm),
kW= Power being transmitted,
rpm= shaft speed.

3.4.1. Transmitted Force

The transmitted force acts tangential to the pitch surface of the gear, actually
transmit torque and power from the driver to the driven gear and acts in a direction
perpendicular to the axis of the shaft carrying the gear. The transmitted force can be

found by dividing the power transmitted by the pitch line speed. If the torque (M t) is
Newton-meter and v is in meter per second.
Ft =M t /( )
2 3.24
where Ft = Transmitted force (newtons),
Mt=Torsional moment (Nm),
D = Pitch circle diameter (mm).

3.4.2. Radial Force

The radial force acts toward the center of the gear radially. The radial force
(Ft) can be computed from the known Ft by using the right triangle relation evident.
Fr =F t tan ϕ 3.25
where ϕ = Pressure angle of the tooth form (degree),
Ft = Transmitted force (newtons).
3.4.3. Axial Force
The axial force directed parallel to the axis of the shaft carrying the gear and is
also called thrust force. The axial force is computed by:
F a=F t tanψ
where ψ is the helix angle of the tooth form (degree).
The ASME Code equation are described as follows.
For a solid shaft with axial loading, the code equation is
d =
πS s √[ K b M b+
αF a d
8 ] +( K t M t )2
For a solid shaft having little or no axial loading, the code equation is
d 3= ( K M )2 +( K t M t )2
πS s √ b b 3.28

M t = Torsional moment (Nm),
M b = Bending moment (Nm),
Fa = Axial load (N),
d = Shaft diameter (m),

K b = Combined shock and fatigue factor applied to bending moment and

K t = Combined shock and fatigue factor applied to torsional moment.
Recommended values for Kb and Kt are described in Table A-6.
Column-action factor ( α ) is unity for a tensile load. For a compression load,
column-action factor may be computed by:

( Lk ) is less than 115,
1−0 . 0044 ( Lk ) 3.29

L Sy L 2

()k is greater than 115,
α= 2
π nE k () 3.30
where n = 1for hinged ends,
n = 2.25 for fixed ends,
n = 1.6 for ends partly restrained, as in bearings,
k = Radius of gyration = √ A , m,
I = Rectangular moment of inertia, m4,
A = Cross section area of shaft, m2 and
Sy = Yield stress in compression, N/mm2
ASME Code states for commercial steel shafting
Ss (allowable) = 8000 psi (55MN/m2) for shaft without keyway.
Ss (allowable) = 6000 psi (40MN/m2) for shaft with keyway.
If ultimate strength and yield strength are known,
Ss (allowable) = 0.18 Su
Ss (allowable) = 0.3 Sy,
Choose smaller value (without keyway)
If there is keyway or fillet, the strength of the shaft is reduced by 25%.
Ss (allowable) = 0.18 Su×0.75
Ss (allowable) = 0.3 Sy×0.75,
Choose smaller value.
Standard size of shafting should be used where possible. These sizes vary
according to material specification and supplier. Typical sizes for solid shafts are:
up to 25mm in 0.5 mm increments, 50 to 100 mm in 2 mm increments,
25 to 50 mm in 1 mm increments, 100 to 200 mm in 5 mm increments.

3.5. Bearings Selection

Rolling contact bearing are designed to support and locate rotating shafts or
parts in machines. They transfer loads between rotating and stationary members and
permit relatively free rotation with a minimum of friction. They consist of rolling
elements (balls or rollers) between an outer and inner ring. Rolling element bearing
has outstanding load-carrying ability and a relatively standardized and uniform cost.
This can operate will some difficultly at high speed. In most cases, shaft diameter or
the bearing bore diameter has been determined according to the machine’s other
design specifications. Therefore, a bearing’s type and dimensions are determined
according to standard bearing bore diameter.

3.5.1. Dynamic Equivalent Load for Rolling Contact Bearings

In most applications the load on a radial bearing is composed of axial as well
as radial forces. The equivalent bearing load defined above is obtained from the
following general equation:
W =XVW R + YW A 3.31
where W = Equivalent bearing load,
WR = Actual radial bearing load,
WA= Actual axial bearing load,
X = Radial load factor,
Y = Thrust load factor and
V = Rotation factor.
The values of X and Y have been tabulated and can be read in Table.A-7.
Rotation factor (V) is 1, for all types of bearing when the inner ring is rotating, 1.2,
for all types of bearing except self-aligning when inner race is stationary and 1, for
self-aligning bearing when the inner ring is stationary.

3.5.2. Dynamic Load Rating under Variable Loads

The approximate rating (or service) life of ball or roller bearings is based on
the fundamental equation,
( )


where L = Rating life in revolutions,

C = Basic dynamic load rating,
W= Equivalent dynamic load and
k = 3, for ball bearings and 10/3 for roller bearings.
The relationship between the life in revolutions (L) and the life in working
hours (LH) is given by
L=60 N L H 3.33
where N= Speed in rpm.

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