Advantages & Disadvantages of Internet

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The key takeaways are that ARPANET was originally created to enable researchers to share computer resources but email quickly became its main use, facilitating communication worldwide. It also discusses objectives for studying internet usage among youth.

Originally, ARPANET was planned to connect the main computer systems of universities and research institutions with high-speed communication lines to enable researchers to share each other's computers remotely. However, email quickly proved to be its main benefit as it allowed for quick and easy communication.

Some of the main problems identified with internet usage among youth include a lack of awareness about proper usage, wasting time on non-educational activities, exposure to pornography and other inappropriate content, and potential for addiction.


In the late 1960s, one of the authors (HMD) was a graduate student at MIT. His research at MITs
Project Mac (now the Laboratory for Computer Science-the home of the World Wide Web
Consortium) was funded by ARPA- the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of
Defense. ARPA sponsored a conference at which several dozen ARPA-funded graduate students
were brought together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to meet and share ideas.
During this conference, ARPA rolled out the blueprints for networking the main computer systems
of about a dozen ARPA-funded universities and research institutions. They were to be connected
with communications lines operating at a then-stunning 56KB (1K=1024 bits per second; a bit is a
single piece of data-either a zero or a one), at a time when most people (of the few who could be)
were connecting over telephone lines to computers at a rate of 110 bits per second. HMD vividly
recalls the excitement at that conference. Researchers at Harvard talked about communicating
with the Univac 1108 supercomputer across the country at the University of Utah to handle
calculations related to their computer graphics research. Many other intriguing possibilities were
raised. Academic research was about to take a giant leap forward. Shortly after this conference,
ARPA proceeded to implement what quickly became called the ARPAnet, the grandparent of
todays Internet.
Things worked out differently than originally planned. Although the ARPAnet did enable
researchers to share each others computers, its chief benefit proved to be the capability of quick
and easy communication via what came to be known as electronic mail (e-mail). This is true even
today on the Internet, with e-mail facilitating communication among hundreds of millions of
people worldwide.
We should be aware about the use of internet and its impact on young generation . Though
many people of our country are very conscious and they are utilizing this miraculous invention of
the Earth many others are not familiar with its application. Some other people are browsing
internet in less important purposes unknowingly. So we are indented to discuss about the use of
internet and its impact on young generation.
The young generation is very important because at this level, the foundation for future life are
built and the students are succeed in life with the help of skills they acquire at this level. But all
are not conscious about internet. We must overcome this problem. Without erasing the problem it
can not play a crucial role in maintaining peace and harmony among the nations, communities
and the individuals.


This term paper is prepared with manifold objectives such as creation awareness of the people,
find out the problems, find out the problem, its remedies and finally to make this system standard
in accordance with the demand of time. These objectives may be summarized as follows:
To find out the advantages and disadvantages of internet for the young.
How to increase the use of internet for youngs welfare.
To explore the remedies of bad uses of internet for the young.
The importance of internet is accredited in all system of our country. In this topic, I trend to
identify the advantage disadvantages of internet. Because if this prevailing condition is allowed to
continue in this way, the quality use will be hampered. So on the whole the main problems have
been identified from different sources.

In accordance with the suggestions and guidelines for the preparation of the term paper, I went
through a number of reference books browsing website and journals and interviewed with some
persons. I tried to make it more informative and authentic.
In this term paper I have also pointed out the objectives of the term paper, method of preparation
of the term paper, source of data used, techniques applied and limitation of doing such a
hazardous task within this stipulated time. Throughout this paper I tried to maintain all sorts of
A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together via communication media
and devices such as cables, telephone lines, modems, and satellites. The worlds largest network
is the Internet, which is a worldwide collection of networks that links together millions of
businesses, government offices, educational institutions. Each of these networks provides
resources that add to abundance of goods, services and information accessible via the Internet.
Internet and Intranet are common terms in todays IT world, but many people are still unclear of
the difference between the two.
The Internet is simply a public access Wide Area Network, linking several million computers
around the world. The Internet, or Information Superhighway, is the backbone which links
together a huge range of information resources such as new services, corporate catalogues,
bulletin boards and library archives, which can be delivered directly to the users desktop. As an
example, an Internet user in Bangladesh can log on machines and servers in America or
Australia, in order to browse and download information on millions of topics.
There are various ways that users can access this information, but the most popular and user
friendly way is to use the World Wide Web. There are thousands of Web Servers on the Internet,
each one presenting users with formatted pages of text, sound and graphic based information.
Using what is referred to as a Web browser; users can navigate this World Wide Web to linked
information, using a point and click windows based graphical user interface.
Rather than viewed as competition to the Internet, an Intranet can be viewed quite simply as a
private internal company Internet. If we think of the Intranet as an open public service, an Intranet
is an organizations private version of it, i.e. information contained in a hypermedia based format,
but only available to people within the organization rather than millions of users around the world.
When a company invests in an Intranet, its users have access to internal online data in a Web
based environment. By using a browser a user can search through the contents of the companys

Intranet. This means that information becomes on-line, making it easier to distribute, update and
obtain and replaces the need to distribute large amounts of paper.
E-mail (electronic mail) is the transmission of messages and files via computer network. E-mail
was one of the original services on the Internet, enabling scientists and researchers working on
government-sponsored projects to communicate with colleagues at other locations. Today, e-mail
quickly is becoming a primary communication method for both personal and business
Using an email program, you can create, send, receive, forward, store, print and delete
messages. To receive messages, you need and email address, which is a combination of a user
name and a domain name that identifies.
At time of preserving this term paper I did not get sufficient books and information. Mainly I had to
give importance to primary data. The literatures which I reviewed at the time of preparing this
term paper are as follows:
Computer & Information technology: Foundation Training manual.
Computer: training manual for secondary level subject teacher
Computer confluence- George Beekman.
Computer in todays world: Ralph M. Stair Jr.


Besides this I have used some other sources within the short stipulated time to make my term
paper a success one.
Very pertinent issue I have been given for writing research. I was very hopeful of making this
work much informative, resourceful, elaborate and analytical. I went through different libraries,
institutions searching website for collecting data. I had to face some limitations that are given

Unavailability of sufficient reference books

Very limited time while it needs much time for preparing term paper.

I was not allowed to go out for data collection during office hours.

No monetary allocation for this purpose.

Very recent data on this topic are not available

The area on this term paper is very big but I had to finish the work within a very short time.
Term Paper is a research work. The methods that we generally use to do any research work are
based on data collection. This data can be primary and secondary data. Moreover, we know that
for any statistical inquiry the interviewer has to make decision in the whole through it is not

possible to check out the characteristic entirely. In this content I have used sample survey
procedure to collect data from primary source to find out the real picture of impact of internet use
on young generation.
In addition, I have also maintained the procedure of direct personal interview to collect the data
from primary source for this purpose. For this purpose, I first made some questionnaire for
youngs and guardians on internet use.
For secondary data, I have to take help of some books such as computer & information
technology, computer confluence by George Beekmar, computers in todays world by Ralph M.
Stair Jr, and different website such as etc.
In preparing the term paper I have collected data from two sources, namely.
Primary Source: To specify the advantages disadvantages of internet use the persons
concerned and the related institutions are considered to be the only sources of data for this
purpose in accordance with this primary source of my collected data are young, guardians of
different institutions.
Secondary sources: To verify or justify the authenticity of primary data, corresponding
or parallel data from secondary source are required to be collected. So, I have used the secondary
source like books, lectures, periodicals, journals, website etc.

As a part of writing of this term paper I have used the samples collected in a systematic way, i.e. I
have prepared a questionnaire for the respective. To achieve comparatively fare result from- the
collected data, I have classified the respondent in three groups, like younger , Teachers and
Any statistical work has some specific characteristic such as sample selection. It ensures desired
result from data collection through investigation, assimilation classification analysis and finally
presentation of the same from a point of view. I have selected the sample in the following two

Direct Method:

In this stage I have selected the samples based in the necessary data collected from related
fields are the above mentioned two groups of respondent by interviewing them through

Indirect Method:

In this stage I have selected the sample form other secondary sources like books, periodicals,
journals, documents website etc.

Today more than 400 million users around the word connect to the Internet for a variety of
reasons. Some of the uses of the Internet are as follows

To access a wealth of information, news, research, and educational material

To conduct business or complete banking and investing transactions

To access sources of entertainment and leisure such as online games, magazines, and

vacation planning guides

To shop for goods and services reactance, and educational
To conduct business or complete banking and investing transactions To access sources of

entertainment and leisure such as online games magazines, and vacation planning guides.
To shop for goods and services
To meet and converse with people around the world in discussion groups or chat rooms
To access other computers and exchange files

To send messages to or receive messages from other connected users

To provide information, photograph, audio, or video
To take a course or access other educational material.

Internet is used in almost every field of business. In investment, Internet is used to get up-to-theminute information on stocks and bonds and to make split-second buy and sell decisions. In real
estate and finance, computers are used to investigate cash flows, return on investment, and
depreciation. Banks use computers to process the huge amount of checks and credit card
transactions that take place daily. Without Internet todays banks couldnt handle the large
number of transactions that take place every second. In manufacturing, computers are used to
design new products, control manufacturing equipment, and regulate inventory and other raw
materials. Internet is used to automatically place orders, alert customers when there are possible
stock outs, and help managers control every aspect of a manufacturing operation. Computerized
robots are used to paint, weld, fasten, and attach parts along the assembly line. Internet is also
used at the retail and wholesale level. At the retail level, Internet is used to check out customers
quickly at grocery stores, hardware stores, and department stores. They are also used to
determine where to locate retail and wholesale facilities. The best shipping pattern between
factories, warehouses, wholesale outlets, and retail establishments can also be determined
quickly and efficiently. Internet is also used to schedule projects.
The Internet has had a profound effect on office procedures. In the future, the computer will
revolutionize day-to-day business activities. We can already see the dramatic impact. Today
many companies are employing computers to streamline office operations, perform word

processing, electronically handle mail and messages, and handle electronic voice storage and
With word processing, companies can electronically store key paragraphs. Then these key
paragraphs can be called up on a screen, rearranged in every conceivable manner, and printed.
Electronic mail (E-mail) is another exciting innovation in office automation. Acting like mailboxes
and a postal service, the computer quickly and efficiently routes messages to the appropriate
Many hospitals use the Internet to develop colorful and graphic CT scans that can show slices
through the brain or other parts of the body. In some cases, having this procedure can be as
simple as having an X ray. These types of procedures can also be used to help unravel the
mysteries of ancient mummies. Small central processors are also used in developing cardiac
pacemakers that are placed in the human body. Helping to regulate the heart, these pacemakers
are the ultimate personal computer. Microcomputers can also be used to analyze the nutrition of
a meal, develop dietary plans for hospitals and other medical facilities, and keep track of exercise
programs of all types. Automated vision systems, such as the Auto perimeter by Humphrey
Instruments, can check for glaucoma and other eye disorders. Perhaps eye doctors in the future
will ask, How many computer chips am I holding up? Of course, Internet is also used in medical
research and in performing the business functions of todays hospitals and other medical
Internet is used to analyze and design new plays, make draft picks, and handle the day-to-day
business operation of any sports franchise. They have also been used to analyze the smallest
movements an athlete can make. Computers have enabled experts to pinpoint wasted energy
and movements for many athletic events. The result has been world records. Do you play tennis?
A special tennis computer, called Comp tennis, records the important plays of a match. Then the
data is used to determine how a player can improve. Computers are even used to score surfing
contests. Today most colleges and universities that perform sports research have sophisticated
Consider the dismay of many who have finally wended their way onto the Internet. After spending
money and mental energy, they look forward to meeting a whole different, better byte of people.
Instead, they discover that the folks in their computerized chat groups have no more insight and
wit than the people they talk to at the water cooler.

For many people, the Web is just another way to argue about O.J. And the most popular subject
dare I say the hot topicin cyberspace is not philosophy or physics. Its sex. We have arrived
at the megabyte millennium, using our sophisticated worldwide communications systems to talk
dirty to strangers. New tech, same old anxieties. Not to mention neuroses.
The promise of the high-tech communications world was that we could do things faster, easier,
better. But in some ways, the swiftness with which we can now communicate ideas also seems to
mock the time it still takes to form them. Its like trying to write a haiku with a cursor blinking at
you to hurry up.
A lawyer I know says that the fax machine has become her anxiety attacker. The clients, who
once wanted written answers to their questions by the next days mail, now want them faxed. The
time she had to think has been reduced to the time it takes to respond. And if the clients fax
demands arent insistent enough, consider the boss e-mail.
This is not the first time that technology has left us in the dust. Weve built cars that can travel at
speeds that outstrip our control. Weapon that close arguments faster than we can buy. Cable
lines and satellite dishes that outstrip our capacity to fill them with something other than junk.
The young also waste their valuable time by chatting; watching movie in internet. they also lost
their money.

Infrastructure facilities and legal framework will be created.

Develop an efficient ICT infrastructure that provides open access to international and national

Increase awareness of people
Government should start e-governing, e-learning, e-business etc.


If we want to explore the remedies of bad uses of internet following steps should be taken:

Morality development.

Exemplary punishment.

Awareness of guardian.
Table: 01: Facility of internet in our country.
How many people think that internet facility is available? These are as followsYes





Table: 02: Cause of unavailable of internet facility.



Lack of ICT







Table: 03: Comparative browses of internet in our society?

Very few numbers is browsing internet in our society. How many numbers are browsing internet
these are as follows.





Table: 04: Times of browsing internet.


Twice in month

Once in month






Table: 05: Advantages in various sectors.












Table: 06: Disadvantages at internet for youngs.


Wasting time








Erosion of values & norms

Having done the study on twenty young & ten guardian, different web site and different reference
books following terms are identified:

Most of the users are in urban area.

In rural area there are a few internet facilities.

Most of the young do not know how to use internet.

Some use internet for research work, job searching & library work.

Some use for business purpose.

Some for recreation like watching movie, chatting etc.
The entire cyber cafe is in urban area.
Most of the users do not have a personal Computer.
Internet virus sometimes destroyed valuable documents, software etc
It misguided some young because there is pornography, they are drug addicted.

In order to give a thrust to the ICT sector and expeditious development of Software industry and
its export required infrastructural facilities and legal framework will be created.
Provide effective incentives to both local and foreign entrepreneurs for the development of ICT
Develop and efficient ICT infrastructure that provides open access to international and national
Promote and facilitate the use of ICT in all sectors of the economy for transparency, good
governance and efficiency improvement;
Establish legislate and regulatory framework for ICT issues like IPR, data security and
protection, digital signatures, ICT education provided by different private organizations;
Set up national database that is reliable and easily accessible to all the people of the country;
Promote use of ICT by providing special allocations for ICT project implementation in the public
sector. Train the decision makers in ICT use and promote a ICT culture;
Development a large pool of world class ICT professionals to meet the needs of local and global
Set up a very high quality ICT institution to continuously promote and foster ICT Industry;
Enact Laws and Regulations for uninterrupted growth of ICT, in conformity with World Trade
Organization (WTO) stipulations.
Internet is an important part of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). It influences
every aspect of our everyday life. Todays citizens need to be equipped with knowledge & skills.
They need skills that include the ability to gather process and manipulate data. Internet has
quickly changing the way we work. Traditional jobs such as those in the paper working, file noting
and banking industry are disappearing while new areas of economic activity such as e-governing,
e-learning, e-commerce, e-banking and sorts of on line ICT enabled services are growing rapidly.
So, Bangladesh Government should take necessary steps to adopt in rapid changes of the global

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