Activity 1

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Activity 1

1. true
2. false
3. false
4. false
5. false
6. true
7. true
8. true
9. true
10. false
11. true
12. true
14. true
15. false

Activity 2

Activity 3
Communication is naturally essential part of our life as of
complying with the phrase ‘no man is an island’. In whatever state our
society puts in, it is crucial to interact with one another. I long for
socialization even from the beginning of my birth, hence, how much more
in times of this pandemic. It’s no difficult for me now to communicate in
further distances with my friends and some of our family members, we do
live in a real convenience, a fruit of curiosity and determination of
human’s intellect, and thanks to this tools that every negotiation I make
outside from where I live is now possible.
With the implementation of the government’s protocol,
underage like me is left stuck inside the house thus the strike of boredom
is inevitable. I thank god for fortunately having enough media and
information technology which enables me to still call and chat them who
are closely related to me. Connecting with people in media also can be
done publicly like sharing information about the recent news of our
country’s condition and it’s very important for me to be responsible of
sharing legit news to avoid causing panic for those whom it reached.
I set time for video calling my junior high schoolmates who
are also known to be my best friends. For the access, we use screen-
sharing application Google meet , we have spoken about our first senior
high school experiences away from each other and what makes the use of
advance technologies sound effective is that the presence of enjoyment
compatibility is still at hand even only through virtual meeting. I also have
one elder sister who works in Surigao City , can’t avert my worries about
her condition there while separated from us, I greeted her generally to
make sure she’s doing well. Since only my parents are allowed to go
outside, there were that time when they forgot the checklist of things that
they’re going to buy so they just contacted me to tell my brother to send it
to them.
MI technology is my apprentice during this pandemic, it’s
very important to be updated especially during this time of pandemic to
stay relevant and aware. As a responsible citizen of our country, we must
not post any biased-news or assumptions about what shape our country is
in because this will just generate difficulty for the government to handle
things but despite of this, I’m not opposed for the people to post their
thoughts on this matter, everyone must be free to share what they think,
it is not a problem as long as people knows how to distinguish opinion
from facts. If we leap back time, we certainly can’t fathom anymore to live
in the absence of these advanced devices.

Activity 4

My MI Gadgets How I Utilize Positive Negative

these gadgets Effects/ Effects/Influ
for Influence on ence on my
communication my communicati
communicati on with
on with others
Smartphone Before I use it, It’s easier to Due to
it should be turn on than multiple
fully charged to other media apps
avoid generator installed, my
insufficient forms. It also phone
time of dealing has almost system has
contacts. I also the features been slow in
deleted apps of other MI response
that were no gadgets thus which
longer useful to it doesn’t induces
free up my limit me just interruption
phone storage from to
and so the contacting conversation.
barriers of with a
virtual wireless
communication internet
will be lessen. connection
Most of the yet I can also
time, I just use send
my smartphone messages
to open and call
messenger and when in
some social mobile data
medias where I mode.
can get daily
either a variety
of local or
news and
Laptop Laptop is the Laptop I’m having
one I use when displays big much
making video screen so it’s headache
calls and when clearer to while using
sending or read and laptop more
receiving understand than
anything on as well as to cellphone,
email because make video maybe
my file are calls while because of
being stored in obtaining a its wider
my laptop. better audio screen
condition. display,
that’s why I
usually pause
ng with
Computer I barely use our Same as the I rarely use
computer. Laptop, it has our
Maybe I was wider computer
using it the monitor that because it
moment laptop display can’t access
was occupied. I letters and to any video
can’t use it for symbols with calls since it’s
screen-sharing clarity. not set with
then because webcam and
it’s not speaker, thus
connected to a it only falls
webcam. on chatting
Smart TV I watch news It’s greater in It’s
from our TV size and inconvenient
since it’s more louder in to use social
convenient to volume, media in
watch recent hence, larger smart TV if it
news especially number of isn’t
in this time of people can supported by
pandemic and watch at the a computer
also since it is a same time. It keyboard,
smart TV, I can also presents thus I mostly
also use apps world’s up- use this for
that are to-date news watching and
installed in my not
phone and PC commonly
but it’s not for
recommendabl communicati
e because it’s on.
way too hassle.
Component This a Among them Like a smart
Sound System multifunctional all, TV, we can
sound system component only rely on
since it has USB sound it by
Plug-ins, and system has acquiring
can carry out the best information
Bluetooth but audio quality and can’t
most of the that conveys directly
time, we clearer communicat
acquire news diction. e along.
from it by
turning it into
radio function.

Activity 5
1. Communication is the act of transmitting and receiving messages from
one person or group to another.
2. Communication is a process because it performs a series of elements in
order to achieve its determined goal. For communication to be effective,
there must be the presence of the sender and the receiver, when the
source encodes, the message may be interrupted by certain barriers like
noise, mood, or by the environment that surrounds them. When the
receiver decodes the message, she’ll understand depending on how well
the source delivered it, the receiver then may give an impression or
feedback and the flow of conversation may continue in a cycle.
3. The positive influence of media and information to communication are
globally- accessed information, fast - reply approach, enhanced reading
comprehension skill, and the restrain from awkward meeting. Even inside
our house we can be still be timely about the information that we have
gather. It also enables us to communicate without consuming time to go
off the place where the people we want to communicate are. We can
improve our verbal vocabulary though reading comprehension. Another
thing is that it’s way more favorable for introverts to approach via social

4. The negative influence of media and information to communication are

the shrinkage of interpersonal interaction, the lack of inter social
relationship and the cowardice to speak in front of another individual in
personal. For example, we are so close yet so far with our family, we may
be under the same roof but our attention were within our smartphones.
Better be close to people physically than getting to know them through
any MI gadgets or tool to lessen our doubts of their trust-worthiness and
when having a negotiation, we must be with them in order to clarify the
deal and to carefully identify the pros and cons of our decision.

Activity 6

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. d
9. d
10. b
11. a
12. d
13. b
14. a
15. d


The Role of Media and Information in Education in the New Normal

brought about by the Covid-19 Pandemic

Advanced technological education were not commonly

practiced before, not until deadly virus Covid-19 conquer the majority of
the world and that unfortunately further strike Philippines. The
implementation brought to us by the new normal system has affected
numerous aspect of our lives, one of these is the new organization to
educational approach, in the course of it , there were most of its netizen’s
response seems to be not in favor due to the need of equipment for
effective online learning. Even with those complaints the decision of our
President has still been settled down to continue virtual meetings among
teacher and students as according to him, safety of his people are more
important than coming to school.
Media and Information plays a vital role during this time,
while at home we are still pursuing our road to the future we’re yearning.
We can account it for the multiple sources of information it provides. Even
without the assistance of others by our side we can still have a tutorials
for ourselves by using such social media app like YouTube and any other
similar available media outlets. Thru TV news programs, we were oriented
of how should be a school utilize this new system of education, thus when
the school exceeds the standards of the country’s rule maker, we,
students will have it as a basis for complaints if ever school violated some
mandates of the President.
Since virtual class is an act of social distancing, when we find
few difficulties in our schoolwork, consulting our teachers anytime and
anywhere is attainable thru chat and call so that students we will still
guided for every task designated for us. Sending documents and files can
be done also by using an email or Google Classroom thus it avert frequent
physical contact in accordance with the latest protocol.

True or False
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. False
14. True
15. True

Media Use Log

Weekly Interaction Log with Information and Information Providers
Media or Information Provider Number of hours in a week
Youtube 14 hours
Facebook 30 hours
Television 1 hour
Twitter 7 hours
Messenger 35 hours
Instagram 1 hour
Google 3 hours

Analyzing Pictures

Answer Questions
1. I do not believe these news items were true. What I firstly doubted to
believe are the second and fourth pictures, I can just sense and conclude
these pictures are simply part of a hoax based on the previous events I
viewed related to this false headline. While for the remaining pictures, I
checked it ot via Google on a legit media sources and they came out to be
just assumptions as well.

2. Anyone can be able to post articles on the internet if they want to, thus
not all we read and hear online were always verified to be factual. Even
some legit media channels spread speculation due to biased outlook
between two sides.

3. Anyone with access to internet can post online. I classified news we

scan through internet as news coming from credible and authoritative
sources while in contrary are either randomly or intentionally generated
news by the public users. If we search for a fact-based information, it is
recommended to visit official pages of selected certified news program.

On your own words meaning

a. Media literacy is the way we manipulate different media forms. We
should know how to use, understand, recognize and create media
contents on our own.
b. Information Literacy is the ability to find, access and identify sources of
information when needed, as well as to comprehend what we are reading.
c. Technology Literacy is the potential to effectively use, assess and
manage technology when processing information to enhance learning
d. Media and Information Literacy is the ability to operate different media
types and perceive the message it addressed.

Venn diagram

Essay Writing
Though these three were hinge with the functionality of each
other, there we’re also feature that makes them different. Media Literacy
is the knowledge to perform and use any media outlets, we need to be
familiar of how it works so that we can operate it according to our will, we
must also know to identify what information from it can be misinformed
or biased to avoid false knowledge about something. It’s wherein news
and information are being attached for us to believe and understand,
thereby it is the medium used to address information such as TV program,
internet, radio news program, newspaper, books, etc. . Information
Literacy on the other hand is the ability to comprehend information
coming from different resources. It widens our range of communication
because it will sharpen our intellectual skill from encountering words or
phrases that we just freshly get to know. It will also enhanced our writing
skills when we are equipped by the knowledge we apply from what we
read. While technology Literacy is the ability to operate technology used
for creating and presenting media information. There, we use our
advanced knowledge on electronics in order to live and follow today’s
society where everything is in assistance of advanced machine for a faster
The emergence of media and information literacy does and doesn’t help
us to become closer to God, our Family and our nation, depending on the
situation we stand in and how we utilize it. When it comes to our
relationship to god, sometimes people especially some of the youth can’t
make it in church because of so much exposure and addiction to gadgets.
When using Facebook we can see a lot of post that says ‘if you don’t react
or share this, you don’t love god’, it irritates some part of me because they
kind of use our Lord for fame, if we truly believe in him the number of
reacts and shares online will not matter, unless such post about him have
pure and genuine purpose, then it’s acceptable.
It also hinders us to be naturally connected with our family, I witness it
from our own house and even to others and I can really compare the
times when each of us doesn’t own any gadgets at all, we were really
communicating in front of each other, I feel the string of our family that
bond us together. Since our country is a part of globalization, we can now
exchange or share each cultures and beliefs with one another, but, in most
case of our younger generation, international or foreign staffs were now
what they mostly embraced, we neglected some of what should be
customary tradition of our own nation.
Regardless all the negative effects of it, we can still utilize it in
a positive way. If we want to be inspired by the story of God, we can
search it on Google. When we’re away from our family, we can
communicate with them via messenger or any meeting apps accessible,
and if we talk about nation, we can be aware of what’s happening in our
nation thus when there’s someone in need and if we’re in privilege, then
we can offer them our help as long as there’s something that we can

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