Value Management: Strategic Asset Management Framework
Value Management: Strategic Asset Management Framework
Value Management: Strategic Asset Management Framework
Value Management
Value management can assist agencies to make good decisions on the planning, management
and use of building assets. The Australian Standard 4183-2007: Value Management defines
value management as a structured and analytical process which follows a prescribed work
plan to achieve best value or, where appropriate, best value for money. Value for money in
the context of this definition is a measure used for comparing alternatives based on the
relationship between value and total cost.
Value management has the following key characteristics:
The concepts contained in this guideline are consistent with the requirements in the Capital
Works Management Framework (Department of Housing and Public Works) and the Project
Assurance Framework (Queensland Treasury and Trade).
Agencies may find value management particularly useful when:
Value Management
A well-managed value management process can facilitate:
assessment of risk.
Potential risks associated with not undertaking value management include:
clients who are interested in achieving the best value for money
users who want the project to meet their needs as effectively as possible
Value Management
designers who are keen to meet the expectations of the client and users and
to ensure that the planning and design principles and performance
requirements for the project 1 are understood, evaluated and appropriately
project directors and project managers seeking to ensure that the project is
managed within time, quality and budgetary constraints
While a value management study generally returns savings in excess of the cost of
conducting it, the following expenses should nevertheless be recognised and taken into
consideration prior to commissioning the study:
administrative support.
The decision to conduct a value management study may be influenced by the following
the need to optimise the balance between capital, operating and maintenance
When a decision is made to conduct a value management study, a skilled value management
facilitator (or facilitation team) should manage the process. The choice of facilitator is
fundamental to the success of a value management study. The decision to use an in-house
facilitator, a consultant facilitator or a facilitation team should consider the nature of the
study, the complexity of the task and the likely number of stakeholders involved in the
When selecting a facilitator, agencies should consider their:
Guidance related to planning and design principles and performance requirements in the context of preparing a project brief is
available in the Capital Works Management Framework guideline: Project Definition.
Value Management
knowledge of and willingness/ability to comply with the Australian Standard 41832007: Value Management (to confirm the facilitators suitability it may be useful to
undertake referee checks and examine any supporting documents with respect to a
particular value management commissions previously conducted)
The facilitator should be objective, have no vested interest or any other involvement with the
project, be familiar with the design and construction process, and with the roles of the
members of the design team.
The four stages of the value management study (which are consistent with the Australian
Standard 4183-2007: Value Management) are explained below:
The facilitator and the sponsor of the study should work collaboratively to:
identify key stakeholders including technical experts, end users, decision-makers and
invite participants
The workshop is the main element of the value management study. It provides the means for
bringing key stakeholders together in a forum which:
draws on the combined knowledge, technical expertise and experience of people from
a variety of disciplines
takes advantage of group dynamics rather than relying on input from individuals in
helps to bring into perspective the project as a whole, rather than as a collection of
independent elements
ensures the most cost effective use is made of participants time by concentrating
their contribution into a short duration workshop.
Value Management
During this stage, the facilitator focuses more on process than content as they guide
workshop participants through the following activities:
generating alternatives which are the most likely to achieve best value for money
evaluating ideas
making recommendations
highlights ideas that show the greatest potential for value improvement
During this stage, a report is prepared which documents the process, proceedings and
outcomes of the workshop. The report should provide a clear and comprehensive record of
events and justifications that led to the development of recommendations and actions.
The report will generally include:
an executive summary
Value Management
Some form of evaluation is advisable to confirm that the value management process has
achieved its objectives in a cost-effective manner.
The success of a value management study depends upon the five essential elements:
a prescribed work plan that clearly outlines the stages and associated activities
Value Management
The suite of guidelines which comprise the Strategic Asset Management Framework
(available online at is organised under the following categories:
Value Management
Second Edition
First Edition published as Value Management (ISBN 0 7242 6959 2) in the Strategic Asset
Management - Best Practice Guidelines
Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works
December 2010
(includes minor updates as at January 2013)
ISBN 978-1-921670-16-9
The State of Queensland
(Department of Housing and Public Works)