CE's CIRCULAR No. 3/2001: Sub: Project Report For Track Renewals

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No. 3/2001

As per Para 309(a) of IRPWM (as per Correction Slip No.
65) dated 01.3.2001, a project report is to be prepared for all track renewal
works. In amplification of the provisions in the above para, the following
guidelines are issued for adoption.
1.1. The purpose of project report is to achieve economy and
quality with respect to inputs such as materials, manpower,
machinery, methods and money.
1.2. The project report should be prepared for all track renewal
works sanctioned and proposed for sanction in the ensuing
1.3. The project report should be prepared in two stages -i)
Once the work is sanctioned (proposed for inclusion in FWP)
ii) During each year for the operation of work
targeted for execution during that year. In this report,
quantum of work already executed should also be indicated
so as to synchronise the progress with the total sanctioned
1.4 Abstract sheet of the project report should be prepared
similar to Part I in the Annexure

While the abstract estimate for inclusion of the work in the

Pink Book gives the track structure in broad, the existing
and proposed features such as
i) SEJs
ii) Glued joints
iv) Level crossings
Bridges requiring
a) replacement of existing sleepers with channel
sleepers and
b) special PSC sleepers for guard rails.


Requirement of slack gauge sleepers for laying in

sharp curves

should be indicated as an Annexure in addition to

normal track materials (for the plain track). Format for the
same is indicated in part ii of Annexure for guidance.
Execution of track renewal works should always start
from the bottom in the following sequence.
a) Improvement to formation, if any and
b) Widening of cess (CEs Circular 16/97 may be
referred for details)
Deep screening
iii) Ballasting
iv) Laying of sleepers (if manual laying is resorted to.)
Laying of rails.
2.1. Before commencing execution of work, longitudinal level
should be taken and longitudinal section of the track should
be brought to fairly ideal condition. (CEs Circular No. 3/99
should be referred in this connection.)
2.2. All curves should be realigned at the time of track renewal
works for which the existing versines are to be taken and
solution worked out in time so that tampers, when deployed
can be worked in design mode.
2.3. Requirement of materials for all activities should be listed
out (as per Annexure part iii) (duly indicating the consignee
details, destination and proposed mode of transport.

Care should be taken in handling Grade 880 (90 UTS

rails.). (Detailed instructions have been given in CEs
Circular 8/97).


Wherever agencies are to be fixed for executing the track

renewal works, the same should be planned well in advance
by calling for necessary tenders and fixing up agencies of
repute so that safety and quality is ensured through out the
period of execution.


Monthwise plan of action should be made in advance and

requirement of line blocks and speed restrictions should be
planned in such a way that the number of works in an
engine run section are contained within the permitted
ETA /corridor block.
5. Present procedure for classification and documenting of
disposal of released materials as per form CE-487 will

Headquarters Office,
Works Branch,
Chennai - 600 003.


Copy forwarded to: Sr.DENs/MAS PGT TVC SBC MYS TPJ &
MDU for information and necessary action
Principal/SRCETC/TBM for information.
CAO/CN/BNC for kind information
CE/SWR/SBC for kind information
CTE, CTE/TP, CBE, CGE & CPDE for kind information.


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