The courses
The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics offers several different Mathematics
courses at the third-year level. These include:
MAM3000W If you pass this course, and have passed MAM1019H, then you can say that you
majored in Mathematics (for students first registered in 2010 onwards).
MAM3001W This is also a full third-year course, but it does not count as a major. (Very few
people take this option.)
MAM3002H This is a third-year half-course, which can be taken on its own, or in addition to
MAM3000W or MAM3001W.
MAM3003S This is essentially the same as MAM3002H, but it is convenient to have a separate
course-code for people who only sign up later in the year, or who have already done MAM3002H.
MAM3004Z. This can be used by Engineering students to pick up a single module as an elective.
Routes to the major. It is possible to obtain the credits for full major in two ways either by
doing MAM3000W, or by doing both MAM3002H and MAM3003S. If you choose the latter
option, you can complete MAM3002H and MAM3003S in the same year, or spread them over
two years, as you like. If you are not absolutely sure that you will complete MAM3000W in
one year, it is better to register for the two half-courses separately.
Note that in the previous years doing a project in order to major was integral part
of the course but since 2014 the third year projects are abolished.
The Convenor
The Convenor for the 3rd year courses listed in the above is A/Prof Alexandar Ianovsky
(M3.05; E-mail:
The Departmental webpage is
Modules offered, consult the student handbook for the contents of these modules.
A/Prof P Bruyns
Logic and Computation Dr H Spakowski
Metric Spaces
Dr A Schauerte
Complex Analysis
A/Prof A Ianovsky
Topics in Algebra
A/Prof P Bruyns
Topics in Analysis
Dr F Ebobisse
Real Analysis
Introductory Algebra
The full courses MAM3000W and MAM3001W consist of four modules each, while the halfcourses MAM3002H and MAM3003S consist of two modules. Each module has 30 lectures,
with one tutorial a week. Please note that
2IA and 2RA are second-year modules and can only be taken under certain
conditions (see the paragraph about Module Selection below).
For majoring in Mathematics it is obligatory to take one of the modules 3AL or
First semester lectures
Period Mon
*Lectures for 3AL will be given on the following Wednesdays: 18 Feb, 11 Mar, 25 Mar, 15 Apr,
29 Apr, 13 May, 20 May and for 3MS and 3LC lectures will be given on the following Wednesdays:
25 Feb, 04 Mar, 18 Mar, 08 Apr, 22 Apr, 06 May.
The lectures will be in M209, provisional tutorials are scheduled as follows:
Module 3AL: Each Tuesday; A16 Meridian, MATHS 216 7-th period
Module 3MS: Each Friday; MATHS 212; 6-th and 7-th period
Module 3LC: Each Monday; MATHS 202 Meridian; Each Thursday; HUM 5.17 Meridian
The time and venues for the lectures are fixed, the time and venues for the tutorials are still
subject to some changes please discuss that with module lecturers if there are clashes.
2RA, 3TN
2IA, 3CA
2RA, 3CA
2IA, 3TN
2RA, 3TN
2IA, 3CA
**Schedule for the Wednesday lectures and the tutorials in the second semester, as well as the
venues for them will be announced later.
Module selection
At the first meeting of classes, you will be required to fill in a module selection form which
will ask which modules you propose to do. You will only be allowed to change the selection before
Monday, 23 February in the case of first semester modules and Monday, 27 July in the case of
second semester modules. Not all choices of modules are acceptable, and your final selection must
have the approval of the Course Convenor. When choosing your modules, please take note of
the pre-requisites for each module and consult the timetables to make sure there are no clashes.
If you want to major in Mathematics by registering for MAM3000W, then you must include
in your selection of four modules at least one of the modules 3AL and 3MS. If you did not do
2IA as part of MAM2000W, then you will have to take 2IA as part of your MAM3000W
four modules selection. Similarly, if you did not do 2RA as part of MAM2000W, then you
will have to take 2RA as part of MAM3000W. If you plan to do only one of the half-courses
MAM3002H or MAM3003S on its own, then the conditions are less stringent. If you did
not take one of the second-year modules 2IA or 2RA in MAM2000W, then you can include
the corresponding module (2IA or 2RA) in MAM3002H or MAM3003S. However, if you
have already done either MAM3002H or MAM3003S and you want to register for a second
half-course to get the equivalent of MAM3000W, then the situation is more complicated; please
consult with the Course Convenor. Similarly, please speak to the Course Convenor if you wish to
do MAM3001W.
Please note that 2IA, 2RA are second-year modules and can only be taken under
certain conditions with the approval of the Course Convenor. If you want to repeat
some modules in order to have a better mark, please consult the Course Convenor.
Class records and DPs. Test arrangements will be discussed and confirmed in each module.
Failure to write a test will be condoned only if you can produce a valid medical certificate stating
that you were unable to write the test on the given date. Even if you are excused from writing
the test on the given date, you may be expected to write a make-up test or take an oral exam as
soon as possible thereafter.
The DP requirements for MAM3000W, MAM3001W, MAM3002H and MAM3003S are:
Satisfactory attendance at lectures and tutorials.
A class record of at least 30 % (average over the modules belonging to the chosen course).
The class record for each module can count up to 40% of the final mark for that module, the
precise figure will be finalized with the lecturer at the beginning of the module. Each third-year
module will be examined by means of a 2-hour paper. The final mark for the course is defined to
be the average of the final marks for the modules. To pass MAM3000W you need to obtain
at least 50% for the course and to pass at least two modules. For the other 3rd year
courses in order to pass you need to obtain at least 50%.
Supplementary examinations are not normally awarded in Mathematics III. In the
exceptional case that a supplementary exam is awarded you may have to repeat the
exams in all your modules independently of whether you have passed or failed these
modules before.
Deferred examinations are written in January/February.
From 2016 the Department of Mathematics & Mathematics is adopting a new policy
subminima policy, see the document Subminimahandout2015v3.pdf in the 3000W,2015
Vula site under Resources.