Syllabus1010 f23

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MATH1010U: Calculus I
Course outline for Fall 2023

1. Course Details & Important Dates*

Course Type CRN Day Time Location
40288 T/F 12:40 – 2 pm UB2080
40289 T/R 3:40 – 5 pm UB2080
Lecture 40290 W/F 11:10 am – 12:30 pm UB2080
40291 T/R 8:10 – 9:30 am UB2080
45633 T/R 2:10 – 3:30 pm UB2080
NOTE: all lectures will be running in person, on campus
Classes Start Classes End Final Exam Period
Sept 5, 2023 Dec 4, 2023 Dec 6 – 16, 2023

Tutorials for this course shall start the week of Sept 11!

NOTE: Additional important information will be posted in “Announcements” throughout

the semester - make sure you stay up to date on this. We recommend that you turn on
the setting that a copy of announcements be sent to your university e-mail account.

*for other important dates go to: >Current Students >Important Dates and Deadlines

Important Note – Final Exams

The final exam for this course is planning to run ON CAMPUS during the regular final exam
period. However, the final exam for this course may run virtually during the regular final exam
period. If this is the case, students may have an option to book a formal space on campus
should they wish. If a student wishes to write on campus you must submit a request through
the link: Final Examination: On-campus Space Request ASAP regarding the possibility of
alternate arrangement.

2. Instructor Contact Information

Instructor Name Office Email (allow 2 business days for reply)
Azar Shakoori (sections 40288/40291) UA3017 Please use Canvas E-mail
Paula Di Cato (section 40289/45633) UA3018 Please use Canvas E-mail
Nicholas Faulkner (section 40290) UA4280 Please use Canvas E-mail
Office Hours (student drop in hours): Please refer to the “Office Hours” link on the
Homepage of our Canvas site for the complete list of all MATH1010 office hours.
Regardless of which section you’re in, any of us will be happy to help you!
NOTE: Ilona Kletskin is the Mobius Administrator and Paula Di Cato is TA
Coordinator for this course – if you need to contact them, please use Canvas E-

2. Instructor Contact Information cont…

Laboratory/Teaching Assistant Name Office Phone Email

Please use
You will meet your TA in tutorial N/A N/A
Canvas E-mail
Office Hours: Again, have a look at the “Office Hours” link in Canvas…you can
attend ANY of these.

3. Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts, while

emphasizing applications in science and engineering. The concepts and solution
techniques that are presented are invaluable for use in future courses and in the
“real world”. This course will focus on the study of limits and continuity, the
derivative, Rolle’s theorem, the Mean-Value Theorem for Derivatives, Fermat’s
Theorem, the differential and anti-differentiation, the definite integral, area, the
Mean-Value Theorem for Integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and
other topics as time permits. Applications to science and engineering will be
incorporated. A detailed list of the main topics to be covered is listed below.

4. Learning Outcomes

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

- define, work with, and differentiate the inverse trigonometric functions.

- evaluate limits graphically, numerically, and algebraically
- apply the rules of differentiation
- perform basic calculations related to integration
- apply the interpretations of derivatives and integrals to a variety of application
- solve multi-step Calculus problems
- demonstrate an understanding of, and perform calculations involving, formal
definitions of limits, derivatives, and integrals
- recognize the appropriate technique to solve a problem
- justify a conclusion to a mathematical problem
5. Course Design

Two 1.5 hour lectures weekly. One 1.5 hour tutorial weekly. Maple software will
be used in lecture and tutorial; students will take an end-of-year Maple test.
Tutorial will allow students to apply knowledge to further questions and use
technology to further explore concepts from class. Weekly online quizzes will
allow for practice and feedback. Two midterms, 1 final exam.

6. Outline of Topics in the Course

Week 1 Functions and Models; Limits and Continuity 
 trigonometric functions and their inverses, trigonometric formulas;
 limit laws.

Week 2 Functions and Models; Limits and Continuity

 graphing with maple;
 limit laws.

Week 3 Limits and Continuity; Rates of Change

 more limit laws, continuity;
 intermediate value theorem;
 limits at infinity;
 rates of change, the tangent and velocity problems, applications to the
 derivatives, the derivative as a function.

Week 4 Differentiation
 differentiation formulas; higher order derivatives;
 derivatives of trigonometric functions;
 the chain rule;
 implicit differentiation.

Week 5 Applications of Differentiation

 derivatives of inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions;
 logarithmic differentiation.

Week 6 Applications of Differentiation

 rates of change in the natural and social sciences;
 related rates;
 linear approximations;
 Fermat’s Theorem, Max and Min Values.

Week 7 Applications of Differentiation

 the Closed Interval Method;
 Rolle’s Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem;
 how derivatives affect the shape of a graph;
 L’Hopital’s Rule.
6. Outline of Topics in the Course cont…
Week 8 Integrals
 summary of curve sketching;
 optimization problems;
 antiderivatives.

Week 9 Integrals
 antiderivatives;
 areas and distances;
 the definite integral.

Week 10 Integrals
 the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus;
 indefinite integrals and the Net Change Theorem.

Week 11 Integrals; Applications of Integration

 the substitution rule.

Week 12 Applications of Integration

areas between curves, average value.

7. Required Texts/Readings

REQUIRED (FREE book from E-Campus Ontario):

OpenStax, Calculus Volume 1. OpenStax. 7 March 2016.

NOTE: You may also access the PDF in our “MATH1010 TEXTBOOK” link in

NOTE: Solutions to assigned homework problems will be posted in Canvas.


Calculus: Early Transcendentals, James Stewart, Brooks/Cole, 8th edition,

ISBN: 9781285741550

Additional readings may be assigned or recommended during the course.

8. Evaluation Method

The course mark will be calculated as follows (see section 9 for details):

Calculus Readiness Assessment: 5%

Weekly Online Quizzes: 10%
In-Tutorial Assignments: 5%
Maple Test: 5% (online Nov 30 – Dec 1)
Midterm I: 20% (Oct 3/4 during your regular lecture time)
Midterm II: 20% (Nov 14/15 during your regular lecture time)
Final Exam: 35%
Student Learning Center Bonus: 2%

IMPORTANT: You may be required to use Respondus Lockdown Browser

and Monitor for the Midterms and Final Exam. You may be required to use a
webcam. You must show your student ID. You must write the midterms and
Maple Test during the timeslot of the lecture section that you are officially
registered in; otherwise, there will be a 25% deduction in your grade.
Similarly, you must attend the tutorial section that you are officially
registered in.

Final course grades may be adjusted to conform to program or Faculty grade

distribution profiles. Further information on grading can be found in Section 5
of the Ontario Tech Academic Calendar.

9. Assignments and Tests

Calculus Readiness Assessment:

Focusing on high school pre-calculus and calculus concepts, this test will be
administered through the online Mobius system. You will receive 4 attempts
during the period of availability (ends September 20 at 5:00 pm), and the best
score will be counted towards your grade. This test will become available on
Wednesday Sept 6 at 1:00pm.

Weekly Online Quizzes:

The online quiz will be completed in Mobius following each week of lectures (it will
be available from 8:00 am each Fri until 8:00 am on the following Monday). It
is an opportunity to practice and master basic concepts. You will get 3 attempts at
each quiz (this is to account for possible technical issues or syntax mistakes, so if
you experience an issue, please just re-take the quiz) – no further adjustments for
syntax or any other issues will be made, and the best attempt will count. The three
lowest online quizzes will not count towards the final grade.
9. Assignments and Tests cont…
Student Learning Center Bonus:
You will receive 2% bonus marks if you attend 5 of the following MATH1010
offerings: Math Study Hall, Workshops, One-on-one appointments with a specialist
or peer tutor. At least two must be a Math Study Hall visit and/or one-on-one
appointment. This mark is all or nothing (i.e. if you only attend 4 offerings, you are
not eligible for bonus marks). If you are unable to complete this for any reason
including time conflicts, medical reasons, technical issues, etc., we will not make any
accommodations since this is a bonus mark. You have up to and including the date
of our final exam to complete this.

Maple Test:
This open-laptop test will take place online starting Thursday Nov 30 at 8am and you
have until Friday Dec 1 until 11:59pm; it will be an online test within Canvas, and will
test you on your ability to use Maple to help you solve problems. It will be based on
all the material we covered throughout the course, including assignments. You will
require an internet connection to submit your answers.
NOTE: It is expected that all students have a device that meets the minimum
Ontario Tech specifications for their Faculty; it is your responsibility to install Maple
and make sure it is in working order for lectures, tutorials and the Maple test.

In-Tutorial Assignments:
In-tutorial assignments are to be completed in groups of 4. They are learning
activities that you complete in tutorial. They are marked for effort; in order to receive
this grade, you must come to tutorial prepared and contribute to the groups’ work.
Assignments will be computer-oriented and will cover applications and extensions of
material presented in class that students will be responsible for on tests; therefore:
1. it is imperative that students complete honour homework in order to
prepare for online quizzes, midterms, and the final. Assignments are NOT a
substitute for this!
2. Although the assignments are marked based on effort, it is important to take
them seriously in order to prepare for your Maple test, and help you extend
your knowledge of the concepts learned in class in preparation for tests.
Each group is welcome to hand in the assignment for additional written feedback if
desired. For complete details on this process as well as what to expect from
assignments and how they’ll be marked, please see the “In-Tutorial Assignment
Guide” posted in the “Key Course Resources” in Canvas. The three lowest
assignment grades will not count towards the final grade.
9. Assignments and Tests cont’d…
NOTE: Regarding missed work:

 If you miss an online quiz or assignment, then you receive a 0 on it.

We recognize that times may arise when you are forced to miss a
quiz/assignment through no fault of your own, but it is for this very
reason that the 3 lowest online quizzes, and the 3 lowest assignments
are dropped. This is extremely generous, so no notes will be accepted
for missed quizzes and/or assignments. This policy applies to all

 If you miss the Calculus Readiness Assessment, then you will get a
grade of 0 on it. If you missed the test because you registered in the
course Sept 16 or later, you must contact Paula Di Cato by Canvas e-
mail within 5 business days of registration. If you miss the Maple Test,
you will need to provide the appropriate documentation (e.g.
Academic Consideration Form) to Science Advising within 3 business
days of missing the test.

Midterm Tests and Final Exam:

Midterm tests and the final exam may be done online through Respondus
Lockdown Browser and Monitor. If so, a webcam and strong internet access is
necessary to complete these tests. A non-graphing, non-programmable calculator
is permitted. Although material that will be tested on the first midterm will not be
directly tested on the second midterm, understanding of the concepts which
appear in the first part of the course will be necessary for the second midterm.
The final exam will test all material covered in the course. The midterm tests and
final exam may consist of a handwritten component OR a timed multiple-choice
component OR a combination of both.

NOTE: We do not release final exam grades to students; if you would like to view
your exam/find out your exam grade, you will need to do an exam view.

Missed Tests:

The new Covid-19 policy on missed (midterm and other) tests is as follows: If you
miss a test for a legitimate reason and can provide appropriate documentation,
you will not be penalized. Legitimate reasons are illness or death in the family, and
appropriate documentation is an Academic Consideration Form or a photocopy of
a death certificate. For information about the deadline and associated process,
please contact Science Advising immediately (
The usual accommodation for a missed midterm test will be to re-weight the
grading scheme to allocate the missed test mark to the final exam mark.
9. Assignments and Tests cont’d…
If you miss a test without a legitimate reason or do not provide the proper
documentation, you will receive a mark of zero. If the test is written, the decision
is irreversible. If you are contemplating not writing a test for any reason, please
speak to the science academic advisor in advance of the test, as well as informing
the instructor.

For further policies and information relating to the Faculty of Science and this
course, please refer to

You can also find the answers to many frequently asked advising questions at:

10. Technology Requirements

Ontario Tech uses Canvas™ as its learning management system (LMS). Access
to the LMS is limited to students formally registered in courses. That access is for
the duration of the semester and for an additional 120 days once the semester
is over. Students are strongly encouraged to download any/all relevant course
material during that access period. Any requests for access post this period must
be made in writing to the instructor/faculty member responsible for the course.

To support online learning, the university recommends certain technology

requirements for laptops, software and internet connectivity which are available at:

Students experiencing technical difficulties such that they are unable to meet the
technology requirements may contact the IT Service Help Desk at:
Students experiencing financial difficulties such that they are unable to meet the
technology requirements may contact Student Awards and Financial Aid Office at:

By remaining enrolled in this course, you acknowledge that you have read,
understand and agree to observe the Recommended Technology
Requirements for accessing university online learning resources, including
those minimum requirements that are specific to your faculty and program.
11. Sensitive/Offensive Subject Matter
The classroom (both physical and virtual) is intended to provide a safe, open
space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas and opinions. Some articles,
media and other course materials may contain sensitive content that is offensive
and/or disturbing. For example, some articles or videos may contain human
anatomy, matters pertaining to race, gender, or sexuality. The Course Instructor
will try to identify such material and communicate warnings to students in advance
of the distribution and use of such materials, affording students the choice to either
emotionally prepare for, or not to view or interact with, the content. The warning
will be: “The content you are about to view contains sensitive subject matter that
may be considered offensive and/or disturbing to some viewers. By viewing
and/or interacting with the content you acknowledge and agree that it is your
decision to view and interact with the content and to take the risk that you will
experience a negative emotional response or reaction to the nature of the

12. Student Support

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this
may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact for support. Furthermore, please notify your professor
if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable them to provide any resources
and help that they can.

13. Sexual Violence Support and Education

Ontario Tech is committed to the prevention of sexual violence in all is forms. For
any student who has experienced Sexual Violence, Ontario Tech can help. We will
make accommodations to cater to the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and
identities of students when dealing with individual cases.

If you think you have been subjected to or witnessed sexual violence:

 Reach out to a Support Worker, a specially trained individual authorized
to receive confidential disclosures about incidents of sexual violence.
Support Workers can offer help and resolution options which can include
safety plans, accommodations, mental health support, and more. To
make an appointment with a Support Worker, call 905.721.3392 or email
 Learn more about your options at:
14. Students with Disabilities
Accommodating students with disabilities at Ontario Tech is a responsibility
shared among various partners: the students themselves, SAS staff and faculty
members. To ensure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed
during this course, students with documented disabilities and who may require
assistance to participate in this class are encouraged to speak with me as soon as
possible. Students who suspect they have a disability that may affect their
participation in this course are advised to go to Student Accessibility
Services (SAS) as soon as possible. Maintaining communication and working
collaboratively with SAS and faculty members will ensure you have the greatest
chance of academic success.

Students taking courses on north Oshawa campus can visit Student Accessibility
Services in the Student Life Building, U5, East HUB (located in the Founders
North parking lot). Students taking courses on the downtown Oshawa campus
can visit Student Accessibility Services in the 61 Charles St. Building, 2nd Floor,
Room DTA 225 in the Student Life Suite.

Disability-related and accommodation support is available for students with mental

health, physical, mobility, sensory, medical, cognitive, or learning challenges.
Office hours are 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday, closed Wednesday’s 8:30am
– 10:00am. For more information on services provided, you can visit the SAS
website at
Students may contact Student Accessibility Services by calling 905-721-3266, or

When on campus access is allowed, students who require the use of the Test
Centre to write tests, midterms, or quizzes MUST register online using the SAS
test/exam sign-up module, found here
Students must sign up for tests, midterms, or quizzes AT LEAST seven (7) days
before the date of the test.

Students must register for final exams by the registration deadline, which is
typically two (2) weeks prior to the start of the final examination period. SAS will
notify students of the registration deadline date.
15. Academic Integrity

Students and faculty at Ontario Tech University share an important responsibility

to maintain the integrity of the teaching and learning relationship. This relationship
is characterized by honesty, fairness and mutual respect for the aim and principles
of the pursuit of education. Academic misconduct impedes the activities of the
university community and is punishable by appropriate disciplinary action.

Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by Ontario Tech University’s
regulations on Academic Conduct which sets out the kinds of actions that
constitute academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copying or allowing one’s
own work to copied, use of unauthorized aids in examinations and tests,
submitting work prepared in collaboration with another student when such
collaboration has not been authorized, among other academic offences. The
regulations also describe the procedures for dealing with allegations, and the
sanctions for any finding of academic misconduct, which can range from a
resubmission of work to a failing grade to permanent expulsion from the university.
A lack of familiarity with these regulations on academic conduct does not
constitute a defense against its application. This information can be found at

Extra support services are available to all Ontario Tech University students in
academic development, study skills, counseling, and peer mentorship. More
information on student support services can be found at

16. Online Test and Exam Proctoring (Virtual Proctoring)

To maintain academic integrity in online testing, your instructor may require the
use of Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor or a similar virtual
proctoring platform. In doing so, you will be required to use a computer with a
webcam (either built-in or USB plug in). Please advise your instructor as soon as
possible if you do not have a computer with a camera. This is a link to a short
video that explains the basics of Respondus LockDown Browser:
17. Final Examinations

Final examinations are held during the final examination period at the end of the
semester and may take place in a different room and on a different day from the
regularly scheduled class. Check the published Examination Schedule for a
complete list of days and times.

While the University is returning to campus, final exams may require online
submission, so you will require internet access along with a webcam.

Students are required to show their Student ID card (campus ID) when in-person
examinations are allowed. Students are advised to obtain their Student ID Card
well in advance of the examination period as they will not be able to write their
examinations without it. More information on ID cards can be found at

Students who are unable to write a final examination when scheduled due to
religious obligations may make arrangements to write a deferred examination.
These students are required to submit a Request for Accommodation for Religious
Obligations to the Faculty concerned as soon as possible and no later than three
weeks prior to the first day of the final examination period.

Further information on final examinations can be found at

18. Freedom of Information and Protection of Information Act

The following is an important notice regarding the process for submitting course
assignments, quizzes, and other evaluative material in your courses in the Faculty
of Science.

Ontario Tech University is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection

of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”). In addition to providing a mechanism for requesting
records held by the university, this legislation also requires that the University not
disclose the personal information of its students without their consent.

FIPPA’s definition of “personal information” includes, among other things,

documents that contain both your name and your Banner (student) ID. For
example, this could include graded test papers or assignments. To ensure that
your rights to privacy are protected, the Faculty of Science encourages you to use
only your Banner ID on assignments or test papers being submitted for grading.
This policy is intended to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of your information
where graded papers are returned to groups of students at the same time.
18. Freedom of Information and Protection of Information Act cont’d…
If you still wish to write both your name and your Banner ID on your tests and
assignments, please be advised that Ontario Tech University will interpret this as
an implied consent to the disclosure of your personal information in the normal
course of returning graded materials to students.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new policy or the issue of
implied consent addressed above, please contact

Notice of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Throughout this course, personal information may be collected through the use of
certain technologies under the authority of the University of Ontario Institute of
Technology Act, SO 2002, c. 8, Sch. O. and will be collected, protected, used,
disclosed and retained in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31.

This course will use the following technologies that may collect, use, disclose and
retain personal information (including images) for the purposes described below:
 Respondus Monitor or Proctortrack to maintain academic integrity for
 Google Meet and Kaltura Virtual Classroom to facilitate remote instruction
and interactive learning;
 Peer-shared applications, services or technologies that may be reviewed,
assessed, or used as part of coursework.
For more information relating to these technologies, we encourage you to visit: Questions regarding
personal information may be directed to: Ontario Tech University Access and
Privacy Office, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5, email:

By remaining enrolled in this course, you acknowledge that you have read,
understand, and agree to the terms and conditions under which the
technology provider(s) may collect, use, disclose and retain your personal
information. You agree to the university using the technologies and using
your personal information for the purposes described in this course outline.
19. Human Rights and Respect
Ontario Tech University is committed to providing a campus environment in which
all University Members are treated with dignity and to fostering a climate of
understanding and mutual respect. The University will not tolerate, ignore or
condone Discrimination or Harassment by or against anyone. Examples of
Harassing behavior include, but are not limited to; bullying, taunting or mocking
someone’s race or creed, ridiculing an individual’s disability, or targeting
individuals with unwanted sexual or negative stereotypical comments about one’s
sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression.
Pursuant to Ontario Tech’s Respectful Campus Policy, students are reminded of
their role in ensuring a campus environment that is equitable and inclusive.
Requirements to refrain from harassment and discrimination apply broadly to the
classroom, including in lectures, labs and practicums, as well as through the use
of sanctioned and unsanctioned technological tools that facilitate remote learning,
e.g. class and other chat functions, video conferencing, electronic mail and texts,
and social media content amongst or about University students, faculty and staff.

20. Freedom of Expression

Pursuant to Ontario Tech’s Freedom of Expression Policy all students are
encouraged to express ideas and perspectives freely and respectfully in university
space and in the online university environment, subject to certain limitations.
Students are reminded that the limits on Freedom of Expression include speech or
behavior that: is illegal or interferes with the university’s legal obligations; defames
an individual or group; constitutes a threat, harassment or discrimination; is a
breach of fiduciary, contractual, privacy or confidentiality obligations or
commitments; and unduly disrupts and interferes with the functioning of the
university. In the context of working online, different forms of communication are
used. Where permitted, students using “chat” functions or other online forms of
communication are encouraged to ensure that their communication complies with
the Freedom of Expression Policy.

21. Copyright Notice

All teaching materials provided by the instructor throughout the course, including, but not
limited to, in whole or in part, recorded lectures, slides, videos, diagrams, case studies,
assignments, quizzes, and examinations are subject to the Copyright Act, R.S.C., 1985, c.
C-42. Teaching materials are owned by the faculty member, instructor or other third party
who creates such works. The copyright owner(s) reserves all intellectual property rights in
and to the teaching materials, including the sole right to copy, reproduce, distribute, and
modify the teaching materials. Consistent with the university's Intellectual Property Policy,
teaching materials are intended only for the educational use of Ontario Tech University
students registered in the course that is the subject of this course outline. Any distribution
or publishing of this material (e.g. uploading material to a third-party website) is strictly
prohibited under the law unless the student has obtained the copyright owner's prior
written consent. Any violation of copyright law or the Intellectual Property Policy, if proven,
may be subject to sanction as academic misconduct, and/or under the Student Conduct
22. Student Course Feedback Surveys

Student evaluation of teaching is a highly valued and helpful mechanism for

monitoring the quality of Ontario Tech University’s programs and instructional
effectiveness. To that end, course evaluations are administered by an external
company in an online, anonymous process during the last few weeks of classes.
Students are encouraged to participate actively in this process and will be notified
of the dates. Notifications about course evaluations will be sent via e-mail, and
posted on Canvas, Weekly News, and signage around the campus.

23. Final Exam Views

NOTE: We do not release final exam grades to students; if you would like to view
your exam/find out your exam grade, you will need to do an exam view. Once
grades are released on myontariotech, if you want to view your final exam/find out
your exam grade, you need to complete the Exam View Request Form for
MATH1010 that’s available here (copy and paste the link) ->; you'll need to login with your
account to access the form. The form will become available once grades are
released on myontariotech.

Notes regarding exam views:

-the above form is the only way to request an exam view for this course; e-mail
requests are not acceptable.

-as per the University policy, you have 5 business days from the day that marks
are released to submit the exam view request form. Late requests will not be
accepted. Once you complete the exam view request form, it will provide you
with information about exam view appointments. Missed appointments will not be
rescheduled. If you have a course conflict with all of the appointment times,
please e-mail your professor in Canvas with a copy of your course schedule from
myontariotech; only Ontario Tech course conflicts will be accommodated.

-unless there is a clerical mistake, instructors cannot change marks as a result of

an exam view
University Response to COVID-19
The government response to the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. As
new information becomes available from federal and provincial public health
authorities, the Province of Ontario and the Regional Municipality of Durham,
Ontario Tech University will remain nimble and prepared to respond to
government orders, directives, guidelines and changes in legislation to ensure the
health and safety of all members of its campus community. In accordance with
public health recommendations, the university may need to adjust the delivery of
course instruction and the availability and delivery mode of campus services and
co-curricular opportunities. Ontario Tech University appreciates the understanding
and flexibility of our students, faculty and staff as we continue to navigate the
pandemic and work together to demonstrate our strong commitment to academic,
research and service excellence during these challenging and unprecedented

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards have been
considered in the development of this model course template and it adheres to the
principles outlined in the University’s Accessibility Policy.

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