Final Report Upper Raghughat

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Tundi Power Company

Kathmandu, Nepal

Feasibility Study
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Volume One
Main Report
May, 2012

Apex Energy Pvt. Limited

296 Kakancho Binayak Marg, Tahachal, Chhauni,
Kathmandu-13, Nepal Tel: 977-1-4272333 Fax: 977-1-4281946

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................1
List of Tables...................................................................................................................................1
List of Figures.................................................................................................................................1
List of Drawings..............................................................................................................................1
List of Annexes...............................................................................................................................2
Salient Features of the Project........................................................................................................1







Location and Access..................................................................................................1-2


Scope and Objective..................................................................................................1-3


Project Development Strategy...................................................................................1-3


Study Execution.........................................................................................................1-4


DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA.............................................................................2-1






Physical Features.......................................................................................................2-1




TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY AND MAPPING............................................................3-1




Scope of Work...........................................................................................................3-1


Available Information and Data.................................................................................3-1






Desk Study.............................................................................................................3-2


Reconnaissance Survey.........................................................................................3-2


Monumentation of Ground Control Points............................................................3-2


Control Traversing.................................................................................................3-2


Horizontal and Vertical Control.............................................................................3-4


Data Processing.........................................................................................................3-5


Detailed Topographical Survey.................................................................................3-5




River Cross Sections..................................................................................................3-5

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES.........................................................................................4-1


Physiographical Characteristics of the Balephi Basin...............................................4-1


River and Catchment Characteristics.....................................................................4-1


The Climate...........................................................................................................4-2


Stream Flows.............................................................................................................4-4


Basic Historic Data................................................................................................4-4



Regional Analysis Approach..........................................................................4-6


Stream flow Analysis at Intake site on Bagar Khola...........................................4-11


Riparian Release..................................................................................................4-12


Flow Duration Curve...............................................................................................4-12


Flood Flows.............................................................................................................4-14




Regional Flood Frequency Analysis....................................................................4-14


Dry Season Diversion Flood................................................................................4-19


Establishment of Gauging Station and Discharge Measurement.........................4-20


SEDIMENTION STUDIES..............................................................................................5-1




Himalayan Sediment Yield Techniques.....................................................................5-1


Sediment Data Obtain from Rahughat Project..........................................................5-2


GEOLOGICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES......................................................6-1






Literature Review......................................................................................................6-2




Geological study....................................................................................................6-2


Geotechnical study.................................................................................................6-2

Rock mass and soil classification...................................................................6-2

Rock support design.......................................................................................6-3

Slope stability analysis...................................................................................6-3


Regional Geology......................................................................................................6-3




Geology of the Project Area......................................................................................6-6


General Geology....................................................................................................6-6

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Headworks Area.....................................................................................................6-7


Headrace Tunnel....................................................................................................6-8

Rock Mass Classification.............................................................................6-11

Rock Mass Support......................................................................................6-13

Rock Mass Strength......................................................................................6-14


Construction Adit.................................................................................................6-23


Surge shaft...........................................................................................................6-23


Penstock Alignment.............................................................................................6-23


Powerhouse Area.................................................................................................6-24


Construction Material..............................................................................................6-25


Dumping / Muck Disposal Sites..............................................................................6-25


Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................6-26



Desanding Basin...........................................................................................6-26

Headrace Tunnel and Adit............................................................................6-26

Surge Shaft...................................................................................................6-26

Penstock alignment.......................................................................................6-27




Recommendations for Sub Surface Geological Investigation.............................6-27

ALTERNATIVE STUDIES..............................................................................................7-1




Cascade Development...............................................................................................7-2


Power Generation from Bagar Khola........................................................................7-2


The Choice of the Conveyance System.....................................................................7-3


Location and Choice of the Powerhouse...................................................................7-3


PROJECT OPTIMIZATION............................................................................................8-1


Introduction and Objective........................................................................................8-1


Project Development Strategy and Alternative Study...............................................8-1


Design Discharge / Installed Capacity Optimization.................................................8-2




Approach and Methodology..................................................................................8-3


Range of Options...................................................................................................8-4


River Flows................................................................................................................8-5
Minimum Operating Level and Tail Water Level..................................................8-6

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

High Flood Level at Bagar Khola Headworks......................................................8-6

Conceptual Layout and Design..................................................................................8-7


Diversion Weir at Bagar Khola..............................................................................8-7


River Intake at Bagar Khola..................................................................................8-8


Desanding Basin at Bagar Khola...........................................................................8-8


Concrete Box Culvert............................................................................................8-9


Collection Chamber...............................................................................................8-9


Headrace Tunnel, Penstock and Drop shaft...........................................................8-9


Surge Tank...........................................................................................................8-11


Powerhouse and Tailrace.....................................................................................8-11


Access Road.........................................................................................................8-11


Transmission Line................................................................................................8-12


Estimate of Energy and Capacity Potential.............................................................8-13


Cost Estimate...........................................................................................................8-13


Financial Analysis....................................................................................................8-16


Analysis and Results................................................................................................8-18


Conclusion and Recommendation...........................................................................8-19


PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN.....................................................................9-1




Project Configuration.................................................................................................9-1


General Arrangement of the Project Components.................................................9-2

Headworks General Arrangement..................................................................9-2

Overflow Weir................................................................................................9-3



Desanding Basin and Flushing Structure.......................................................9-5


Power Generation at Bagar Khola..................................................................9-7

Cut and Cover Box Culvert............................................................................9-9

Collection Chamber........................................................................................9-9

Headrace Tunnel.............................................................................................9-9

Surge Tank....................................................................................................9-10

Surface Penstock..........................................................................................9-13


Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Tailrace Channel and Outlet Structure.........................................................9-16


Access Road.................................................................................................9-17


Hydraulic Steel Structures...................................................................................9-18


Design Criteria.............................................................................................9-18

Under Sluice Gate (Bagar Khola)................................................................9-18

Under Sluice Stoplog (Bagar Khola)............................................................9-19

Gravel Trap Gate (Bagar Khola)..................................................................9-20

Graveltrap Stoplog (Bagar Khola)...............................................................9-20

Intake Trashrack (Bagar Khola)...................................................................9-21

Intake Sluice Gate (Bagar Khola)................................................................9-22

Intake Stoplog (Bagar Khola).......................................................................9-22

Desander Flushing Gate (Bagar Khola).......................................................9-23

Penstock Inlet Gates.....................................................................................9-24

Tailrace Outlet Stoplogs (Bagar Khola).......................................................9-24

Tailrace outlet Stoplog (Rahughat Mangale)................................................9-25

Collection Chamber Trashrack (Upper Rahughat).......................................9-26

Tunnel Inlet Gate (Upper Rahughat)............................................................9-26

Emergency Closing Valve (Upper Rahughat)..............................................9-27

Tailrace outlet Stoplog (Upper Rahughat)....................................................9-27


Water Ways..........................................................................................................9-28

Steel Penstock (Bagar Khola).......................................................................9-28

Steel Penstock and Steel Liner (Upper Rahughat).......................................9-29

Bifurcation Pipe............................................................................................9-30


Powerhouse Electro Mechanical Equipment.......................................................9-30

Plant Capacity...............................................................................................9-30

Number of Units and Unit Capacity.............................................................9-31

Selection of the Turbine Type.......................................................................9-31

Specific Speed and Synchronus Speed.........................................................9-31

Description of the Turbines..........................................................................9-32

Principal Characteristics...............................................................................9-32

Description of Main Parts.............................................................................9-33

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Turbine Governor.........................................................................................9-35

Pressure Oil Supply System.........................................................................9-36

Turbine Inlet Valve.......................................................................................9-36

Station Water System...................................................................................9-36

Drainages and Dewatering System...............................................................9-37

Grease Supply System..................................................................................9-38

Brakes and Jacking System..........................................................................9-38

Compressed Air System...............................................................................9-38

Oil Handling System....................................................................................9-39

Air-Conditioning and Ventilation System....................................................9-39

Fire Protection System.................................................................................9-39

Mechanical Workshop..................................................................................9-39


Powerhouse Overhead Traveling Crane.......................................................9-40


Power Generation at Bagar Khola.......................................................................9-41

Plant Capacity...............................................................................................9-41

Number of Units and Unit Capacity.............................................................9-41

Selection of Turbine Type............................................................................9-41

Specific Speed and Synchronus Speed.........................................................9-41

Description of Turbines................................................................................9-42

Principal Characteristics...............................................................................9-42

Description of the Main Parts.......................................................................9-42

Turbine Governor.........................................................................................9-43

Pressure Oil Supply System.........................................................................9-44

Turbine Inlet Valve.......................................................................................9-44

Station Water System...................................................................................9-44

Drainages and Dewatering System...............................................................9-45

Grease Supply System..................................................................................9-45

Brakes and Jacking System..........................................................................9-45

Compressed Air System...............................................................................9-46

Oil Handling System....................................................................................9-46

Air-Conditioning and Ventilation System....................................................9-46

Fire Protection System.................................................................................9-46

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Powerhouse Hoisting System.......................................................................9-47

Powerhouse Electrical Equipment.......................................................................9-47

Generator, Excitation and Ancillaries...........................................................9-47

Main Power Transformers............................................................................9-49


Powerhouse Electrical Auxiliaries.......................................................................9-49

AC Powerhouse Auxiliaries.........................................................................9-49

DC Powerhouse Auxiliaries.........................................................................9-51

Emergency Diesel Generator........................................................................9-51

Control and Protection..................................................................................9-52

HV Switchgear and Transmission Line Protection......................................9-52

Grounding (Earthing)...................................................................................9-53

HV Switchyard/Substation...........................................................................9-53

Control and Indication at the Headworks.....................................................9-53

Communication System...............................................................................9-54


Transmission Line................................................................................................9-54


Construction Power.............................................................................................9-54


Power Generation at Bagar Khola.......................................................................9-55


POWER EVACUATION STUDY..................................................................................10-1




Existing Transmission System.................................................................................10-1


Transmission Line in the Vicinity............................................................................10-2


Transmission Voltage selection................................................................................10-2


Voltage Selection Using Empirical Formula...........................................................10-2


Voltage Selection Based Upon Voltage of the Local Substation.............................10-3


Voltage Selection Using Capitalized Cost...............................................................10-3


Method 1..............................................................................................................10-4

Plant Costs....................................................................................................10-4

Plant Loss Duration......................................................................................10-4

Energy Cost..................................................................................................10-5

Operation and Maintenance..........................................................................10-5

Discount Factor............................................................................................10-5


Method 2..............................................................................................................10-6


Alternative Scheme..............................................................................................10-6

Technical Analysis........................................................................................10-7

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Economic Analysis.......................................................................................10-7

Economic Investment Cost...........................................................................10-8

Result of Analysis.........................................................................................10-8


Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................10-8





Dependable Flow.....................................................................................................11-1


Gross Head and Net Head........................................................................................11-2


Overall Efficiency....................................................................................................11-2


Energy Computation................................................................................................11-2


Energy Generation from Bagar Khola.....................................................................11-3


CONSTRUCTION PLANNING....................................................................................12-1




Site Condition..........................................................................................................12-1


Topography and Land Use...................................................................................12-1


Climatic Conditions.............................................................................................12-1


Access to the Site.....................................................................................................12-1


Construction of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project..........................................12-2


Construction Camp..............................................................................................12-3


Project Construction Work and Construction Planning.......................................12-3


Basic Assumptions...............................................................................................12-4


Diversion During Construction............................................................................12-4


Main River Intake, Undersluice and the Emergency Spillway............................12-5




Desander and Flushing structure.........................................................................12-6




Collection Chamber.............................................................................................12-6

12.4.10 Cut and Cover Box Culvert.................................................................................12-7

12.4.11 Adit Tunnels.........................................................................................................12-7
12.4.12 Headrace Tunnel Outlet Portal.............................................................................12-8
12.4.13 Headrace Tunnel..................................................................................................12-8
12.4.14 Surge Tank...........................................................................................................12-8
12.4.15 Surface Penstock..................................................................................................12-8
12.4.16 DropShaft.............................................................................................................12-8
12.4.17 High Pressure Tunnel...........................................................................................12-9
Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents
12.4.18 Powerhouse..........................................................................................................12-9
12.4.19 Tailrace Pond and Outlet Structure......................................................................12-9
12.4.20 Electro-Mechanical Equipment...........................................................................12-9
12.4.21 Switchyard...........................................................................................................12-9
12.4.22 Testing and Commissioning..............................................................................12-10
12.4.23 Conclusions........................................................................................................12-10

BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY (IEE)..........................................................13-1




General Introduction of the Project.........................................................................13-1


Data Requirement and Study Methodology............................................................13-2


Review of Plans/Policies, Acts, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Strategies, Manuals

and Conventions......................................................................................................13-3


Description of the Existing Environment................................................................13-3


Physical Environment..........................................................................................13-3


Climate and Hydrology................................................................................13-3


Slope Stability and Land Slide.....................................................................13-4



Biological Environment.......................................................................................13-4

Forest and Vegetation...................................................................................13-4


Avian Fauna..................................................................................................13-5

Aquatic Fauna...............................................................................................13-5

Rare endangered and protected species of Flora and Fauna........................13-5


Socio-economic and Cultural Environment.........................................................13-6

VDC Profile..................................................................................................13-6

Environmental Impact.............................................................................................13-7


Beneficial Impact.................................................................................................13-7


Adverse Impact....................................................................................................13-8



Socio-economic and Cultural Environment...............................................13-10


Alternative analysis...............................................................................................13-13
Design Alternative.............................................................................................13-13

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Cascade development.................................................................................13-13

Power generation from Bagar Khola..........................................................13-14


Mitigation and Enhancement Measures.................................................................13-15


Enhancement Measures.....................................................................................13-15

Physical Environment.................................................................................13-15


Biological Environment.........................................................................................13-17


Socio-economic and cultural environment............................................................13-19


Mitigation, Enhancement and Corporate Social Responsibility Costs..................13-22


Monitoring Plan.....................................................................................................13-22




COST ESTIMATE..........................................................................................................14-1




Criteria, Assumptions and cost components............................................................14-1


Estimating methodology..........................................................................................14-1


Civil Works..........................................................................................................14-1


Resource Costs.....................................................................................................14-2

Labour Rates.................................................................................................14-2

Construction Equipment Rate......................................................................14-2

Construction Material...................................................................................14-3


Unit Costs............................................................................................................14-3


Indirect Costs.......................................................................................................14-3


Preliminary Works...............................................................................................14-3


Access Road.........................................................................................................14-4


Civil Work Cost.......................................................................................................14-4


Hydromechanical Works Cost.................................................................................14-4


Electromechanical Equipment.................................................................................14-4


Transmission Line, Substations and Switchyard.....................................................14-5


Engineering and Management Cost.........................................................................14-5




Resettelment and Environmental Mitigation Work.................................................14-5


Owners cost.............................................................................................................14-5


Project Cost..............................................................................................................14-5


DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE....................................................................................15-1


Resettlement, Support Facilities, Access Road and Preparatory Works..................15-2


Civil Works..............................................................................................................15-2

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Table of Contents

Gates, Valves and Steel Line...................................................................................15-3


Turbine and Generator.............................................................................................15-3


Transmission Line and Substation...........................................................................15-3


Detailed Engineering and Construction Supervision...............................................15-3


PROJECT EVALUATION.............................................................................................16-1






Estimation of Project Costs.................................................................................16-1


Estimation of Project Benefits.............................................................................16-2


Decision Making Tools........................................................................................16-2




Result of the Analysis..............................................................................................16-4


Discussion of the Result........................................................................................16-10


BENEFITS FROM CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM...................................17-1




Benefit from CDM to Upper Rahughat Hydro Electric Project..............................17-2


CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................18-1

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 3-1
Table 3-2
Table 4-1
Table 4-2
Table 4-3
Table 4-4
Table 4-5
Table 4-6
Table 4-7
Table 4-8
Table 4-9
Table 4-10
Table 6-1
Table 6-2
Table 6-3
Table 6-4
Table 6-5
Table 6-6
Table 6-7
Table 6-8
Table 8-1
Table 8-2
Table 8-3
Table 8-4
Table 8-5
Table 8-6
Table 8-7
Table 8-8
Table 8-9
Table 8-10
Table 8-11
Table 8-12
Table 8-13
Table 8-14
Table 8-15
Table 8-16
Table 9-1
Table 9-2
Table 9-3
Table 9-4
Table 10-1
Table 11-1
Table 11-2
Table 11-3
Table 14-1
Table 14-2
Table 15-1

List of Basic Control Points...................................................................................3-3

Co-ordinates and elevation of traverse points.......................................................3-3
Monthly Data for Temperature and Relative Humidity,........................................4-3
Characteristics of Streamgauge Stations (Source: DHM).....................................4-5
Long Term Mean Monthly Flows..........................................................................4-6
Long Term Mean Monthly Flows........................................................................4-11
Mean Monthly Flows of Rahughat Khola at Jhi..................................................4-11
Time Exceedence of Discharges at Mangale Damsite.........................................4-12
Time Exceedence of Discharges at Bagar Damsite.............................................4-12
Regional Flood Analysis Gandaki Basin..........................................................4-15
Estimated Floods for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (m3/s)..................4-19
Dry Season Floods at Various Projects................................................................4-19
Rock mass classification along headrace tunnel alignment.................................6-12
Distribution of rock/support type along headrace tunnel....................................6-12
Summary of support length for headrace tunnel..................................................6-12
Rock mass support for tunnel..............................................................................6-14
Input values / parameters for calculation of rock mass strength parameters.......6-15
Output rock mass strength parameters.................................................................6-16
Input values / parameters for calculation of rock mass strength parameters.......6-16
Output rock mass strength parameters.................................................................6-17
Range of Options...................................................................................................8-5
Average Monthly Flows........................................................................................8-6
Features of Intake for Each Option........................................................................8-8
Features of the Desanding Basins for Each Capacity Option................................8-9
Features of Collection Chamber............................................................................8-9
Economic Parameters used in Optimization........................................................8-10
Features of Headrace Tunnel, Surface Penstock and Steel Lined Drop Shaft.....8-10
Estimated Diameter of Surge Tank......................................................................8-11
Features of Powerhouse and Tailrace Channel for Each Capacity Option..........8-11
Transmission Line Alternatives...........................................................................8-12
Summary of Power and Annual Energy for Different Design Discharge............8-13
Unit Rates of Major Civil Work Items.................................................................8-14
Summary of Cost for Different Options..............................................................8-15
Summary of Total Financial Cost (Million Rs.)..................................................8-17
Summary of the Result........................................................................................8-18
Details of Anchor Blocks.....................................................................................9-14
Preliminary Parameters of the Generators...........................................................9-48
Preliminary Parameters for the Transformers......................................................9-49
Main Parameters for Generators and Transformers.............................................9-55
Plant Loss Duration.............................................................................................10-5
Summary of the Head Loss (in meters)...............................................................11-2
Monthly Energy Generation from Upper Rahughat HEP....................................11-3
Monthly Energy Generation from Bagar Khola..................................................11-4
Unit Rates............................................................................................................14-3
Summary of the Project Cost...............................................................................14-6
Disbursement of Costs According to Activities...................................................15-2

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

List of Tables
Table 15-2
Table 15-3
Table 16-1
Table 16-2
Table 16-3
Table 16-4
Table 17-1
Table 17-2
Table 17-3
Table 17-4
Table 17-5

Cost Allocation for Civil Components................................................................15-2

Disbursement Schedule for the Project................................................................15-4
Summary of Total Financial Cost for Upper RahughatRahughat HEP...............16-5
Disbursement of Equity and Debt for Upper Rahughat HEP..............................16-5
Financial Analysis wirh Respect to Equity Investement.....................................16-6
Summary of the Required Average Tariff for Different Cases.......................16-10
Energy Demand Projection Up to 2071/72..........................................................17-2
Power Demand Projection Up to 2071/72.........................................................17-2
Parameters for the Evaluation of the Emission Credit.........................................17-4
Parameters for the Evaluation of the Emission Credit.........................................17-4
Benefit Evaluation from Bagar Khola Power Plant............................................17-4

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.



List of Figures


List of Figures
Figure 4-1 Mean Monthly Rainfall at Lete..............................................................................4-4
Figure 4-2 Mean Monthly Rainfall at Bega............................................................................4-4
Figure 4-3 Flow Duration Curve at Bagar Intake site...........................................................4-13
Figure 4-4 Long-term Mean Monthly Flow at Bagar Intake site, m3/s.................................4-13
Figure 5-1 Grain Size Distribution Curve...............................................................................5-2
Figure 6-1 Location of project area in regional geological map.............................................6-3
Figure 6-2 Seismicity map of Nepal........................................................................................6-5
Figure 6-3 Stereographic Projection of Discontinuities (Intake Portal Area).........................6-9
Figure 6-4 Stereographic Projection of discontinuities (Adit No. 1 Area)............................6-10
Figure 6-5 Stereographic Projection of Discontinuities (Surge Tank Area)..........................6-11
Figure 6-6 Estimated support categories based on Q values.................................................6-13
Figure 6-7 Tunnel deformation versus rock mass strength to in-situ stress..........................6-18
Figure 6-8 Finite element mesh generated for stress analysis...............................................6-19
Figure 6-9 Plot of Major Principal Stress ( 1).....................................................................6-20
Figure 6-10
Plot of Strength Factor Contour.......................................................................6-20
Figure 6-11
Use of rock support consisting of rock bolt and liner (shotcrete)....................6-21
Figure 6-12
Strength factor contour distribution around excavation boundary...................6-22
Figure 6-13
Plot of percentage of yielded elements after using support.............................6-22
Figure 8-1 Optimization of Design Discharge......................................................................8-19
Figure 9-1 Optimization of Surface Penstock for Bagar Khola Powerhouse..........................9-7
Figure 9-2 Optimization of the Conrete Lined Headrace Tunnel..........................................9-10
Figure 9-3 Full Load Rejection.............................................................................................9-12
Figure 9-4 Full Load Acceptance after immediate the Full Load Rejection (1 Unit)...........9-12
Figure 9-5 Optimization of the Surface Penstock.................................................................9-13
Figure 10-1
Chart for Stills Formula for Transmission......................................................10-3
Figure 10-2
Capitalized Cost versus Installed Capacity Curve...........................................10-6
Figure 12-1 Construction Schedule.........................................................................................12-11

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

List of Annexes

List of Drawings

Location Map
General Project Layout
General Project Layout of Rahughat Mangale And
Upper Rahughat HEP
Geological Map of Project Area
Geological Map of Headworks Area
Geological Profile & Rock Mass Classification
Along Headrace Tunnel
Geological Profile & Rock Mass Classification
Along Headrace Tunnel
Geological Map of Powerhouse Area
Geological Section along Penstock Alignment
Location Map for Borrow Area and Muck
Disposal (Dumping) Sites
Proposed Electrical Resistivity Lines (Headworks)
Proposed Electrical Resistivity Lines (Powerhouse)
Headworks Layout at Bagar Khola
Headworks Section
Headworks Section
L-Profile of Desander
Profile of Flushing Channels
Details of Box Culvert
Bagar Khola Powerhouse
Longitudinal Profile of Headrace Tunnel
Longitudinal Profile of Headrace Tunnel
Headrace Tunnel Sections
General Arrangement of Powerhouse And
Appurtenant Structures
Surge Tank Cross Sections
Longitudinal Profile of Surge Tank, Penstock
and Drop Shaft
Typical Penstock Cross Sections
Cross Sections of Drop Shaft and Adit Tunnel
Anchor Blocks Plan and Sections
General Layout of Powerhosue
Powerhouse Floor Plans
Cross Section of Powerhouse
Longitudinal Section of Powerhouse
Single Line Diagram of Powerhouse
Single Line Diagram of Auxiliary Supply
Layout of Switchyard and Upper Rahughat PH
Interconnection Schemes of Transmission Line
Result of Load Flow Study

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

List of Annexes

Alignment of Transmission Line


List of Annexes
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Annex G
Annex H
Annex I


Topographic Survey
Hydrological and Sediment Studies
Optimization of Design Discharge
Project Design
Power Evacuation
Project Energy Benefit Computation
TOR for Initial Environmental Examination
Cost Estimation
Financial Evaluation

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Salient Features

Salient Features of the Project





Pakhapani VDC, Chimkola VDC

and Dagnam Darmija VDC of
Myagdi District,
Western Development Region of
8303000 E to 8303105 E
2802546 N to 2802830 N

ROR Hydro (Cascade Development

With Rahughat Mangale at

Catchment Area of Bagar Khola

Design Discharge


Design Flood (1:100yrs) at Bagar Khola

Annual Flood (1:2yrs) at Bagar Khola


54.0 km 2
15.2 m3/s (12.0 m3/s from RahughatMangale HEP and 3.2 m3/s from
Bagar Khola)
230.9 m3/s
48.9 m3/s


Concrete Gravity Dam

1568.0 masl
20.0 m
1570.8 masl
3.0 m x 2.1 m
49.94 m3/s


Side Intake
6.0 m X 2.5 m
1566.0 masl
1568.0 masl
3.5 m x 0.5 m


Weir at Bagar Khola

Crest Elevation
Crest Length
High Flood level
Sluice Size (Length x Height)
Discharge Capacity of Undersluice at NWL
Intake at Bagar Khola
Size (Width x Height)
Crest Level
Normal Water Level
Size of Intake Sluice (Length x Height)
Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Salient Features

Crest Level Of Sluice

Maximum Dischage through Sluice


1565.0 masl
6.86 m3/s


Dufour /Intermittent Flushing Type

3.2 m3/s
35.0 m
6.0 m x 3.0 m
Simple Head cutting
1567.5 masl
1568.04 masl

11.5 m x 6.0 m x 3.0 m


18.0 m x 9.0 m x 8.7 m

Francis Turbine (Horizontal Axis)
24.0 m x 2.0 m x 1.0 m


13.0 m
12.9 m
324 Kw
2.04 GWh
0.33 GWh
1.71 GWh

Desander at Bagar Khola

Design Discharge
Number of Bays
Size (Width x Height)
Normal Water Level
Maximum Water Level
Forebay at Bagar Khola
Size (Length x Width x Depth)
Surface penstock for Bagar Khola P/H
Size (Length x Width x Height)
No of Unit
Turbine Type
Tailrace (Length x Width x Height)
Power and Energy (Bagar Khola)
Gross head
Net head
Installed Capacity
Annual Average Energy
Average Dry Season Energy
Average Wet Season Energy

Water Conveyance System (Cut and Covered Box Culvert)

Size (Length x Width x Height)
Water Conveyance System (Headrace Tunnel)
Tundi Power Company


60.0 m x 3.28 m x 3.2 m

Concrete Lined Standard Horseshoe

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Salient Features
With Circular Finished

Opt. Finished Diameter


4739 m
3.4 m


9.0 m
38.78 m
1551.72 masl
1567.15 masl
1536.28 masl


367.3 m
2.4 m
8-24 mm


2.4 m
223.0 m
24-32 mm
109.6 m
32 mm


43.0 m x 15.0 m x 22.0 m
Pelton Turbine (Vertical Axis)

60.0 m x 40.0 m

20 Km

Surge Tank
Normal Water Level
Maximum Water Level
Minimum Water Level
Surface Penstock
Steel Lining Thickness
Drop Shaft and High Pressure Tunnel
Drop Shaft Inclined Length
Steel Lining Thickness
Length of Steel Lined Horizontal Tunnel
Steel Lining Thickness
Size (Length x Width x Height)
No of Unit
Turbine Type
Size (Length x Width)
Access and Project Roads
Access Road
Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Salient Features
Project Road

Transmission Line Facilities

Sub Station
Length and Capacity

8 km


Rahughat (NEA)
8 km (132 kV)

Power and Energy ( From Rahughat Powerhouse )

Gross head
Net head
Installed Capacity
Annual Average Energy
Average Dry Season Energy
Average Wet Season Energy
Total Annual Average Energy
Average Annual Saleable Energy
Saleable Dry Season Energy
Saleable Wet Season Energy
Project Cost
Project Cost
Cost per kW

378.0 m
372.53 m
48.5 MW
284.41 GWh
41.8 GWh
242.61 GWh
286.45 GWh
264.97 GWh
38.97 GWh
226.0 GWh


63.833 Million US$

1303 US$


8,056.84 MNRs
70: 30
2,417.05 MNRs
5,639.79 MNRs
12.0 %
18.0 %
5.38 NRs/kWh (2012 Price Level)
6.83 NRs/kWh (From 2020 Onward)
13.48 %
8.32 Yrs

Financial indicators
Total Financial Cost
Debt Equity Ratio
Total Equity
Total Debt
Interest on Debt
Return on Equity
Average Energy Cost
Maximum Energy Cost
Debt Service Ratio (In 1st Year)
B/C Ratio
Payback Period

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Salient Features

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.






Chapter One




Nepals hydropower potential is vast and can be developed for the generation of revenues to
fund development programs and contribute to the overall development of the country. Despite
having an estimated potential of 83000 MW and an economically feasible potential of about
42000 MW, Nepals current total installed generation capacity in the Integrated National Power
System is merely 689 MW, out of which hydropower has a share of only 635 MW. There are
some 33 hydropower plants in operation: 20 in the public sector, 13 in the private sector and
some 30 small hydropower plants in isolated operation. Only about 17 % of the total population
has access to electricity. The quality of supply is relatively poor, the dry season generation
capacity is inadequate, system losses are fairly high at 25 % and outages are quite frequent.
Recognizing the need to address these issues, and to develop its water resources potential,
Government of Nepal has defined a power development plan (Short Term, Medium Term and
Long Term as per Nepal Water Plan 2003). The strategy in the power sector is two fold: to seek
donor financing for large hydropower projects while encouraging private financing for medium
and small projects. The Government of Nepal is encouraging private investment in this sector.
Potential hydropower projects are generally ranked on the basis of technical, economical, social
and environmental criteria. In order to attract private sector investment in this sector the
Government of Nepal has formulated separate policies and legal framework in this sector which
are as follows:

Hydropower Development Policy, 1992 and 2001

Electricity Act, 1992 ( Regulations 1993), which is now under amendment
Nepal Electricity Regulatory Commission Act (Draft) with independent regulatory

As stated above, although nature has endowed Nepal with a very vast network of rivers resulting
in a very high potential for hydropower generation/development, only a very negligible portion
of this vast potential has been exploited. The development of hydropower in Nepal took root
almost a century ago with the construction of the 500 kW Pharping Hydroelectric Project.
However serious attempts at tapping the countrys vast hydropower potential began only in the
second half of the previous century with the commissioning of Trishuli Hydroelectric Project in
Nuwakot District. Since then a number of hydropower projects, mostly of run-of-river type,
have been built in Nepal through the concerted efforts of Government of Nepal, Nepal
Electricity Authority (NEA) and the private sector. These projects generate a total of 689 MW,
constituting of about 88 % of the countrys total installed capacity of 635 MW. (NEA Fiscal Year
2009/2010 A Year in Review)
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.





With no substantial addition to the system since the commissioning of the 144 MW Kali
Gandaki A Hydroelectric Project in 2001 and the recently completed 70 MW Middle
Marshyangdi Hydroelectric Project in 2009 and some small projects in the private sector, the
country is struggling to meet the 9 % annual increase in electricity demand with its present
generation resources. Currently the country is reeling under a perpetual state of load shedding
which is hampering not only the daily activities of the general people but also has serious
impacts on the industrial and economic growth of the country.
In order to deal with the impending crisis, Nepal immediately needs both short and long term
measures for augmenting its electricity supply system. The feasibility study of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project and its subsequent commissioning is an effort being made by Tundi Power
Company in whatever small way it can to counter this situation and uplift the overall
development of the country.


This Feasibility Study Report for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project has been prepared for
Tundi Power Company, entrusted for the development of this project by the Department of
Electricity Development (DOED), Ministry of Water Resource (MoWR), Government of Nepal
(GoN), to meet the increasing power demand of Nepal.
Tundi Power Company received the license to carry out the survey and the feasibility study of
this project and has engaged APEX Energy (P) Ltd. to look into the technical and financial
viability of the project and to prepare the overall feasibility study report for the project.
This feasibility study report has been compiled to present the findings of the study for the
project. All works carried out towards the fulfillment of the study has been presented in the
following chapters.

Location and Access

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is located in Pakhapani VDC, Chimkola VDC and
Dagnam Darmija VDC of Myagdi District in Western Nepal. The site is located about 334 km
northwest of Kathmandu and about 83 Km west of Pokhara.
Rahughat River is a major tributary of Kali Gandaki River and meets the Kali Gandaki River
near the place called Galeshwor of Ghatan VDC. The project site lies between latitudes of
2802546 and 2802830 North and between longitudes 8303000 and 8303150 East. The
proposed headworks site is located about 150 m upstreamtream from the confluence of Bagar
Khola and Rahughat River near Chimkhola Village. The powerhouse is proposed to be located
on the left bank of Rahughat River approximately 700 m upstream from the headworks of the
Rahughat Hydropower Project being constructed by Nepal Electricity Authority.
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is a cascade development project and does not have a
motorable access road at present. The nearest roadhead to this project is an earthen road at
Khapsindada originating from Galeshor. This road is about 6 km long. Galeshwor lies about 3
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.





km north of Beni on the Beni - Jomsom road. Beni, the district head quarter of Myagdi District
is accessible by a 13 km long gravel road that originates from Mal Dhunga on Pokhara Baglung
Highway. About 20 km of access road will be required to reach the headwork site from the
nearest road head at Mauwaphant. Similarly, approximately 8 km of project roads will also be
required for this project.

Scope and Objective

Tundi Power Company has entrusted Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd. to carry out the full scope of the
studies including the topographical survey, surface geological investigation, hydrological
studies, and the initial environmental examination of this project. The Feasibility Study Report
includes the results of the topographical survey and mapping, the results from the related
hydrological and geological studies and the overall design of the project at the feasibility level of
The feasibility level design of the project thus includes the following:


Topographical Survey and the preparation of the maps

Hydrological studies
Surface geological mapping and geological studies
Preparation of the overall plan and concept of the project
Feasibility level design of the individual structures
Estimation of power and energy generation
Cost estimation
Construction planning , and
Project evaluation
Project Development Strategy

The project site of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is bestowed with a high head,
moderate discharge and moderate geological conditions. As mentioned earlier, this project is
located very close to the hydropower project being developed by Nepal Electricity Authority.
NEA has already initiated the implementation of this project. Apart from these two projects,
another hydropower project on the Rahughat River is also being studied in the vicinity. It is
known as Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project and is licensed to an IPP. This project lies
immediately upstream of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. The headwork of this project
has been proposed to be located at a placed called Dhar and the powerhouse has been proposed
on the right bank of Bagar Khola, a tributary of Rahughat Khola, about 150 m upstream from the
confluence of Rahughat River and Bagar Khola and also the headworks of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project. Thus it can be seen that Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is situated
immediately adjacent to and in between two hydropower projects, Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project on the upstream side and NEA Rahughat Hydropower project on the
downstream side.
Due to the virtue of the location of this project, Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project can be
developed in two ways, one as an independent power project with an independent headworks
along the Rahughat River and the second, as a cascade project of Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project. If developed in the second way, the tail water of Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project will need to be diverted into the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.





Hydroelectric Project, by constructing an interconnection system at the powerhouse of Rahughat
Mangale Hydropower Project at Bagar Khola. This scheme will not need the construction of a
separate headworks and desanding basin. However, in order to collect the discharge from Bagar
Khola a small diversion weir and an intake will be needed in addition to the other regular
Since developing this project as a cascade scheme will have higher financial benefits, this
feasibility study has been undertaken as a cascade development of Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project with the inclusion of the annual flows from Bagar Khola. In this way, the
project cost has been significantly reduced while maintaining the same quantum of energy

Study Execution

The desk study prepared for the project was reviewed to understand the basic features of the
project prior to the visit to the site. Subsequently, a site visit was conducted by a team of experts
during the month of February 2009, to examine the topographical, geological and hydrological
features of the site. All possible alignments, location of project structures and other important
aspects of the project features were observed. Based on these observations, and the general
requirements of the study, topographical survey requirements were decided.
The topographical survey of the project area was commenced immediately and the survey maps
were prepared accordingly.
Following the completion of the preparation of the maps, hydrological and geological studies of
the project were carried out. This was followed by a full fledged feasibility study of the project
including the engineering and hydraulic designs, preparation of the costruction schedule and the
cost estimate of the project. A financial analysis of the project was finally carried out to check
the financial viability of the project.
This Feasibility Study Report has been organized as shown below:
Chapter 1:

provides an introduction to the study, background, scope of work and also

presents the organization of the report,

Chapter 2:

presents the descriptions regarding the project area and its location,

Chapter 3:

presents the details regarding the topographical survey and mapping carried out
for the project,

Chapter 4:

presents the hydrological studies carried out for the project,

Chapter 5:

presents the sediment studies carried out for the project,

Chapter 6:

provides the geological details including the details regarding the geological
mapping carried out for the project,

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.





Chapter 7:

discusses the alternatives considered for the design of the project,

Chapter 8:

presents the optimization studies carried out for the project,

Chapter 9:

presents the description of the basic project layout, the locations, sizing and
interfaces of the individual project components including the design concepts,
criteria etc.

Chapter 10:

presents the power evacuation study carried out for the project.

Chapter 11:

deals with the computations of the outputs and related benefits from the project,

Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:

presents the construction planning activities,

presents the environmental study carried out for the project,

Chapter 14:

deals with the estimated cost for the project, basis for the calculation of the rates
and other issues related to the cost estimate of the project.

Chapter 15:

shows the disbursement schedule.

Chapter 16:

presents the evaluation of the project, including the economic indicators such as
the B/C Ratio, IRR etc.

Chapter 17:

presents the conclusions and recommendations.

Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Annex G
Annex H
Annex I


Topographic Survey
Hydrological and sedimentation Studies
Optimization of Design Discharge
Project Design
Power Evacuation
Project Energy Benefit Computation
TOR for Initial Environmental Examination
Cost Estimation
Financial Evaluation

The feasibility repport is divided into three volumes and are as follows:
Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three


Tundi Power Company

Main Report

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

of Project Area


Chapter Two




Nepal lies in the lap of the highest areas of the Great Himalayan Range. It extends from the
Republic of India in the south to the high Tibetan Plateau of the Peoples Republic of China in
the north. It is roughly rectangular in shape. Nepal embraces within itself a unique variety of
geographical settings ranging from the southern lowlands at approximately 600 masl to the
highest peaks in the world in its northern parts. Between these marginal zones there are three
richly varied regions, namely, the Terai Region in the south, the Middle Hilly Region in between
and the Trans Himalayan Region in the north.


The stretch of Rahughat Khola proposed for the development of the project lies along a very
steep part of this river.
Rahughat River is a major tributary of Kali Gandaki River and meets the Kali Gandaki River
near the place called Galeshwor of Ghatan VDC. The project site lies between latitudes of
2802546 and 2802830 North and between longitudes 8303000 and 8303150 East.

Physical Features

Owing to the three richly varied regions, Nepal lies in an area with a great difference in
elevation from the north to the south. As a result, Nepal experiences an exceptional variation in
climate. From south to north, five defined climatic zones exist in the country, these are

Sub Arctic

The dominant climatic influence is that of the south east monsoon. The climate of the Gandaki
Basin is influenced by the physiography of the region. The difference between the warm humid
summer and the severe cold winter becomes more marked with the increase in altitude. The
south east monsoon is responsible for almost all of the rainfall in the basin. The monsoon starts
in mid June and continues until late September. This is followed by a dry period and the winter,
which starts in November and lasts until February. A short winter rainfall characterizes the
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

of Project Area


winter. The climate becomes progressively warmer from March until the beginning of the next


Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is a run-off-river project and does not have a motorable
access road at present. The nearest roadhead to this project is an earthen road at Khapsindada
originating from Galeshor. This road is about 6 km long. Galeshwor lies about 3 km north of
Beni on the Beni - Jomsom road. Beni, the district head quarter of Myagdi District is accessible
by a 13 km long gravel road that originates from Mal Dhunga on Pokhara Baglung Highway.
About 20 km of access road will be required to reach the headwork site from the nearest road
head. However, if the access road up to the headworks site of the Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project being implemented by NEA is built earlier, only about 2 km of access road will need to
be built to reach the powerhouse site of this project.

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping

Topographical Survey

Chapter Three




The survey works for the proposed project were conducted from mid March to the end of April
in the year 2009. Proper survey and leveling works are necessary to design the components, to
prepare drawings and to calculate the quantities of the project components. The survey data
greatly influences the quality of design. Therefore, all the survey works were carried out
precisely and correctly.

Scope of Work

The survey works were carried out with the objective of preparing maps of the headworks area,
intake site, desander area, tunnel alignment, powerhouse and tailrace sites at appropriate scales
to enable structural layouts to be prepared. The following works were performed during this
phase of survey:

All the survey works were under taken using UTM co-ordinates and elevations carried
out from existing control points.

Close traverse survey was carried out to establish required ground control points at
various locations in the project area.

All the major ground control points were monumented with marked on permanent

Topographical maps of headworks, intake, desander, surgetank, powerhouse and tailrace

sites were prepared in appropriate scales.

Different cross-sections of Rahughat River were taken at every 100 m interval.


Available Information and Data

The information available for carrying out the feasibility study of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project is as follows:

Topographic Maps from the Department of Survey, Topographic Survey Branch.

Sheet No
2883 11A
Digital data of Topo sheet 2883 11A
Project Identification report prepared by the client.

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping


Topographical Survey


The senior surveyor and a team of surveyors carried out the detailed topographical survey of the
selected schemes. All the data necessary to determine the locations, coordinates and levels were
obtained by direct measurement in the field. To achieve the required accuracy and standards,
Pentax R326EX, and Kolida KTS 440 total stations with least count of 5 were used.


The methodology used for the entire survey works was developed as per the scope of works,
which includes desk study, reconnaissance survey, and monumentation of control points, control
traversing, horizontal and vertical control and topographic survey.

Desk Study

Prior to the field survey, desk study was carried out by using the most recent topographical maps
(Scale 1:25,000). Detailed information about the project area for the survey work was noted.
Finally all the available plans, profiles and location maps prepared during the pre-feasibility
study were collected.

Reconnaissance Survey

After finalizing the desk study, a team of multi-disciplinary experts were mobilized for field
verification. After finalizing the project site and before the detailed survey work, a brief
reconnaissance survey was carried out with flagging at necessary points around the entire project
area to be mapped. All the flagging points were marked by read enamel paint. The first step of
the survey was to fix the control points around the project area with respect to existing
topographical maps.

Monumentation of Ground Control Points

All the major control points were made conspicuous in the field by monumentation of control
points with an iron pin set in rock or boulder or with crosses chiseled on the boulders. They were
also made noticeable in the field by marking with red enamel paint. Altogether 6 permanent
benchmarks were established at the project area, among which three benchmarks, T-5, T-5A and
T-5B were established at the powerhouse site and 3 benchmarks, BM-1, BM-2 and BM-3 were
established at headworks site. Description card of each of the control points will be given in
Annex A3.

Control Traversing

The basic control traverse survey was carried out from existing control points RK-42 and RK44 established by NEA at its headworks site with the following values of coordinates and
elevations in UTM coordinate system:

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping

Table 3-1

Topographical Survey

List of Basic Control Points










Established by NEA





Established by NEA

A closed traverse was carried out from powerhouse site to headworks site. Then several another
required control points were established by conventional traverse survey covering the entire area
to be mapped from the headworks site to the powerhouse site.
Table 3-2

Co-ordinates and elevation of traverse points










Powerhouse Site
Powerhouse Site

Tundi Power Company

Headworks Site
Headworks Site
Headworks Site

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping

Topographical Survey

All traverses formed by the conventional survey were closed loops or closed on existing traverse
points. The traverse legs were made as long as possible and a fixed tripod system was used for
all reflecting prisms to achieve better accuracy. The traverse network is given in Annex A1.
The sub-traverses were carried out using the starting and closing bearing of the points
established from the main traverse. All the offset points were established by carrying out the
traverse survey from two main control points wherever necessary.

Horizontal and Vertical Control

The control points were established by the traverse method. The traverse was conducted along
the left bank of Rahughat River and then closed to the known station covering the necessary area
of the headworks site and powerhouse area. Kolida Total Station with a least count of 5" was
used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. One complete set of horizontal and vertical
angles were observed during the control traversing.
For horizontal control, the following measurements were taken:

Mean angle and distance computation was checked precisely.

Angular closure was checked for closed loops.
Azimuth was checked between traverse points
Angular misclosures were adjusted, and
X and Y were computed for planimetric closure.

In the traverse survey, the horizontal angles were observed in one complete round within a mean
of 15". Distance was measured in the fore and back sights directions and the mean distance
adopted. The closing errors were distributed according the common survey standards.
Altogether 28 control points were established in the main-traverse line, 12.9 km in length.
Similarly 19 offset points were established wherever necessary around the project area.
For vertical control the following measurements were taken:
Computation for Back sight, Foresight, and Difference of height were checked
Computation of h for each loop was checked, and
- All the loops were adjusted by the Dell method so as to provide consistent heights for
use in spot surveying.

While surveying a traverse line, all angles and distances were measured by applying the force
centering method. Distance measurement was performed using Pentax and Kolida total stations
with standard reflecting prism with an accuracy of 5mm 5ppm. Both back sighting and fore
sighting of direct distance were measured. A reasonable closing error was achieved.
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping


Topographical Survey

Data Processing

All the survey data were computed in the field as well as in the Kathmandu office. Similarly,
some field data were evaluated and horizontal distances and elevations were calculated
reciprocally. All the coordinates and elevations of each station and survey point were then
computed with respect to the given UTM coordinates and elevation of the control point RK-42
and RK-44 established by NEA. After completely checking the data entry, mapping Software
was used for map preparation. Finally, the topographic map was prepared in AutoCAD 2007

Detailed Topographical Survey

The features of ht terrain were surveyed by means of spot surveying. Spot positions were taken
by the tachometric method from different traverse points. Inaccessible points like rock faces, top
of cliff, landslide edge, etc. were sighted from at least two known points by reading both the
horizontal and vertical angles.
Features such as riverbanks, high flood level, landslides, cliff, house, cultivated, lands, roads,
canal, embankment, boulders, etc., were recorded.
The topographical survey and leveling works were carried out for headworks site, desander area,
intake site, surge tank area, penstock route alignment, and the powerhouse and tailrace sites.


The detailed topographical mapping of headworks, intake, desander, headrace tunnel, surge tank,
penstock aligment, powerhouse and tailrace area were carried out in the required scale as given
Proposed Headworks site
Proposed Powerhouse Site
Project Layout Map

Scale 1:1000
Scale 1:2000
Scale 1:10000

8 sheets (A3 size)

6 Sheets (A3 size)
2 sheets (A3 size)

All the maps prescribed above were prepared in the scales as mentioned in the scope of work.
Altogether 50 ha of land was covered in the ground survey at headworks site and about 40 ha at
the powerhouse site. All the topographical maps are given in Annex A1 in appropriate scales.

River Cross Sections

Several cross-sections of the Rahughat River and Bagar Khola were taken for hydrological
studies. Altogether 16 cross-sections of Bagar Khola were taken at headworks site and 8 sections
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

and Mapping

Topographical Survey

were taken at powerhouse site. All the river cross-sections are taken at 100 m interval and all
section data will be given in Annex A2.

3.10 Annexes
All the Topographical maps, river cross-section data and description cards of permanent
benchmarks are given in following Annexes:
Annex A-1:
Annex A-2:
Annex A-3:

Topographical Maps
River Cross-section Data
Description Cards of Permanent Benchmarks

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Chapter Four

Physiographical Characteristics of the Balephi Basin
River and Catchment Characteristics

The Rahughat Khola constitutes one of the major tributaries of Kali Gandaki and the Kali
Gandaki is one of the major rivers of the Sapta Gandaki Basin. The Rahughat Basin is located in
between latitudes 28o 22' and 28o 42' N and longitudes 83o 35' and 83o 27' E and lies in Myagdi
District of Western Development Region.
The Rahughat Khola catchment is bordered by Dhaulagiri range to the north, Kali Gandaki
River Basin to the east, Myagdi river basin to the west and middle hills to the south. The
catchment area of Rahughat Khola and Bagar Khola is shown in the satellite image below.

The snow component in the river flow makes it a perennial river with sustained dry season flow.
The upper part of the catchment has large glaciers which contribute to sustained flow during the
dry season.
The headwaters of Rahughat Khola flow north-south from the High Himalayan Range through
deeply incised gorges. The river originates from the Dhaulagiri Range and its catchment area is
Tundi Power Company

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
mountainous with a wide variation in elevations ranging from 8167 m (Dhaulagiri Peak) and
1600 m at weir site. The Syani Khola, a major tributary of Rahughat Khola originates at about
El. 5728 m. Immediately downstream of the Syani-Rahughat Khola confluence lies the proposed

weir site of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project. The other major tributary, Bagar Khola,
originates at an elevation of about El. 4775 m. The proposed powerhouse site of Rahughat
Mangale Hydroelectric Project lies on the right bank of Bagar Khola about 250 m upstream of
the confluence with Rahughat Khola.
It is proposed to divert the tailwater of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project and also tap
additional flow from Bagar Khola by constructing a weir across Bagar Khola at this location.
The proposed weir site is located at about El. 1600 m.
The catchment area is characterized by deep gorges. The basin physiography ranges from higher
to lesser Himalayas. The total drainage area of Bagar Khola at the proposed weir site of Upper
Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is about 54 km2. The catchment area at the proposed
powerhouse site of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is about 312 km 2 out of which 202
km2 is below El. 3000 m. The average gradient of the river in between the proposed weir site
and powerhouse site is about 8.0 %.
The proposed powerhouse site of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project lies at 3145500
Northing and 453700 Easting on the left bank of Rahughat Khola and located 5.0 km
downstream of the proposed weir site and about 6.5 km upstream of the Kali-Rahughat
All of the above mentioned drainage areas have been estimated based on the latest 1:50000 and
1:25000 scale topographical maps compiled from aerial photography of 1996 by the Survey

The Climate

As is typical of watersheds of Nepal, the Rahughat Basin covers a wide range of climates.
Climatic conditions of Rahughat Khola basin vary with altitude. Substantial differences occur
over very short distances and are strongly influenced by altitude. Two distinct meteorological
regions exist in the basin. The basin at the upper reaches is surrounded by high mountains, thus
having an alpine climate. The lower catchment below El. 2000 m has a temperate and also warm
climate in the region.
The Rahughat Khola basin experiences the effects of the Indian southwest monsoon. The onset
of monsoon commences from June till September, occasionally extending to mid October.
During this period relative humidity is at their maximum, high temperatures are less extreme
compared to the period immediately prior to the monsoon, and the rainfall amounts to
approximately 80% of the annual rainfall.
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
The High Mountain Range in the north essentially forms a barrier forcing the monsoon brought
about by orographic effects to pour down south of this range. Rainfall intensity varies
throughout the basin according to the degree of exposure with maximum intensities occurring on
the south facing slopes. Rainfall intensity also varies in the catchment with elevation. In general,
the amount of precipitation is highest in the south at the lower elevations and gradually
decreases to the north with increase in elevation.

Winter precipitation in the region is sparse and falls as snow on the higher peaks. The period
from October to November represents a general climatic transition to winter conditions. Rainfall
is rare during this period. From the end of January until May, the region becomes progressively
warmer. The permanent snow line is at El. 5000 m. From March onwards the snow line shifts
upwards resulting in a gradual increase in river flows due to snowmelt.
Monthly rainfall summaries and climatological data were collected from the Department of
Hydrology and Metereology (DHM). There is a rainfall station at Bega Village to the east
adjacent to Rahughat Khola basin at El. 1770 m which shows annual average precipitation 2083
mm and 1 day maximum rainfall of 149 mm. Another rainfall station to the north, Lete, is
located in the adjacent basin of Kaligandaki at El. 2384 m and its records show an average
annual precipitation of about 1243 mm.
The nearest meteorological station representative to the project area is located at Beni Bazaar, El
835 m, Latitude 28o 21' N and Longitude 83o 34' E. The mean annual precipitation recorded at
this station is 1660 mm and the monsoon precipitation is about 1300 mm.
Table 4-3

Monthly Data for Temperature and Relative Humidity,

Beni Station, Index No. 0609


Air Temperature
Extreme Max
Extreme Min

Tundi Power Company

Relative Humidity
Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
The catchment area at the proposed damsite lies in the temperate region. The project area
experiences warm and wet climate during June to September and cold climate during November
to April. Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 below show the variation of long term mean monthly
precipitation at Lete and Bega over the year.

Figure 4-1

Tundi Power Company

Mean Monthly Rainfall at Lete

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Figure 4-2

Mean Monthly Rainfall at Bega

Stream Flows
Basic Historic Data

There are five gauging stations that have been considered to estimate the flows at the proposed
weir site at Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project.

Modi Khola at Jhaphre Bagar, St. No 406.5

Seti Khola at Gahachowk, St. No 427

Seti Nadi at Patan Damauli, St. No 430.5

Madi Nadi at Sishaghat, St. No 438
Rahughat Khola at Jhi, St. No. 404

Modi Khola, Seti and Madi originate from the Annapurna Himalayan Range. Rahughat Khola
originates from the Dhaulagiri Range. Hence the physiographic characteristics of these four
rivers are similar to each other. The hydrological data of the five gauging stations (406.5, 427,
430.5, 438 and 404) are used to assess the flows of Bagar Khola at the weir site. Table 4-4 shows
the characteristics of the stream gauge stations used for analysis. The satellite imagery below
also shows the similar physiographic characteristics.
Table 4-4

Characteristics of Streamgauge Stations (Source: DHM)

Gauge Site



Modi Khola


Seti Khola


Tundi Power Company

Hypsometric Data










Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
Seti Nadi







Madi Nadi
Rahughat Khola








Methodology Regional Analysis Approach

A regional analysis approach was taken to assess the long term mean monthly flow at the intake
site of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project. The result of the same regional analysis was
also used to assess the flows of Rahughat Khola at the Bagar-Rahughat confluence. The
difference between the flows of Rahughat Khola at Mangale and at the Bagar confluence gives
the flow estimate contributed by the intermediate catchment. The mean daily flows of Bagar
Khola at proposed weir site are estimated by the following equation.
QBagar = QInt x (AreaBagar/AreaInt) B

is the estimated flow of Bagar Khola,

is the estimated flow from the intermediate catchment
is the catchment area of Bagar Khola, 54 km2
is the catchment area of the intermediate catchment, 96 km2

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

is a factor which varies from month to month and is obtained using the
known monthly flows and catchment areas at Mangale and Bagar

According to the hydrology report of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project, the long term
mean monthly flows of the five gauging stations (406.5, 427, 430.5, 438 and 404) were plotted
against their corresponding total catchment areas on a log-log scale. Plots were made for each
month of the year (January to December). The available long term mean monthly flows for each
gauging station are given below in Table 4-5.
Table 4-5

Modi Khola

Long Term Mean Monthly Flows

Seti Khola

Seti Nadi

Madi Nadi


The relationships obtained between the long term mean monthly flows and the catchment areas
for each month are shown below in the following figures.

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Hydrological Studies

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

The derived regional relationship between the catchment area and the long term mean monthly
flows for each month described by regression equations are given in the above figures along
with their corresponding coefficient of correlation R2,
Where Y = long term mean monthly flow in m3/s, and X = drainage area in km2.
The R2 for all the above relationships are more than 0.8 which show a good fit between the data
points and hence the regression equations can give reliable results.
The above regression equations were used to estimate the long term mean monthly flow at the
intake site of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project and at Bagar-Rahughat Khola
confluence. The catchment area at the intake site of Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project is
estimated to be 166 km2. The catchment area at Bagar-Rahughat Khola confluence is about 262
km2. Therefore, the intermediate catchment is 96 km2.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
Table 4-6 shows the derived long term mean monthly flows at the intake site of Rahughat
Mangale Hydroelectric Project and at Bagar-Rahughat confluence. The long term mean monthly
flows for the intermediate catchment is also given as well as the calculated factor B for each
Table 4-6




Long Term Mean Monthly Flows

























































Stream flow Analysis at Intake site on Bagar Khola

The mean daily flows at Mangale intake site were obtained from mean daily flows of Rahughat
Khola at Jhi gauging station by using monthly conversion ratios. The same methodology was
used to obtain the mean daily flows of Rahughat Khola at Bagar confluence. The difference
between the mean daily flows at these two sites gave the mean daily flows for the intermediate
catchment. The equation discussed above was used to obtain the mean daily flows of Bagar
Khola at intake site. Table 4-7 given below shows the estimated mean monthly flows of Bagar
Khola at intake site.
Table 4-7

Mean Monthly Flows of Rahughat Khola at Jhi





























Riparian Release

The long term mean monthly flow for the driest month, February at the intake site is 1.10
m3/sec. As a general practice, a flow equivalent to 10% of this month, i.e. 0.11 m 3/sec will be
released downstream as the riparian release for fish and aquatic life.

Flow Duration Curve

The flow duration table for the flows at Mangale intake site is given in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8

Time Exceedence of Discharges at Mangale Damsite

Time Exceedence

Tundi Power Company

Days per Year



Daily Discharge Equalled

Or Exceeded (m3/s)

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies



The flow duration curve for Bagar Khola was constructed from the generated daily project
inflow time series 2000-2006 and is shown in Figure 4-3. The daily flows depending on given
time exceedence are also tabulated in Table 4-7.
Table 4-9

Time Exceedence of Discharges at Bagar Damsite

Time Exceedence (%)

Days per Year



Daily Discharge Equalled

Or Exceeded (m3/s)

From the above flow duration tables, the 40% dependable flow at Mangale is 10.8 m 3/s and for
Bagar Khola is estimated to be 3.6 m3/s giving a total of 14.4 m3/s. The flow duration curve is
shown in Figure 4-3 and long term mean monthly flows in Figure 4-4.

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Hydrological Studies

Figure 4-3

Figure 4-4

Flow Duration Curve at Bagar Intake site

Long-term Mean Monthly Flow at Bagar Intake site, m3/s

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Flood Flows

Temporary structures like the cofferdams will be designed to resist flood events with a rather
short recurrence interval, e.g. 5 to 20 years. Designs of permanent structures have to consider
the 1 in 100 year to 1 in 10,000 year flood events depending on the risk involved. The selection
of the design flood involves considerations as given below:

Effect of overtopping on the structure

Cost of structure reconstruction

Potential loss of life and cost of downstream damage

Cost of loss of revenue while the structure is out of commission

The objective of the flood analysis was, therefore, to estimate the project inflow floods upto 500
year return periods. These peak flood values are required to determine the spillway design flood
and for dam stability analysis. Owing to the negligible storage capability of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project, information on the shape of the flood hydrographs is of less importance.
It is emphasized that the project will have a relatively low dam so that a potential hydrologic
failure would hardly cause catastrophic consequences in terms of human life and considerable
loss of property. This is a fact which was taken into consideration when selecting the return
period for spillway design flood.
To overcome obvious shortages, such as the non-availability of data base at the weir site and the
uncertainties involved in the historic data series, the estimation of flood discharges necessitated
application of a regional flood frequency analysis.

Regional Flood Frequency Analysis

A study on 'Methodologies for Estimating Hydrologic Characteristics of Ungauged Locations in

Nepal' (July 1990) was carried out by WECS and DHM. This study uses the approach of
Regional Flood Frequency Analyses for flood studies.
Two methods, which were investigated in the above study, are the index flood method and the
frequency distribution parameter prediction method. It was found that the index flood method
was not suitable for Nepal because there is not homogeneity throughout the country. Normally
when non-homogeneity is discovered, the region is subdivided into smaller homogeneous
The study shows the results from the frequency distribution parameter prediction method which
is a variation of the multiple regression method. The independent variable which was found to
be most significant in all of the regression analyses was the area of the basin below Elevation
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
3000 m. This area represents the portion of the basin that is influenced by monsoon
Hence, in the following regional analysis, the portion of the area falling below El. 3000 m is
used. The following regional analysis was carried out for the Gandaki Basin as Rahughat Khola
lies in the Gandaki Basin.

Annual flood data for 13 gauging stations that lie within Gandaki Basin were collected. Flood
frequency analysis was performed using the computer program CFA88 for each gauging station.
Table 4-10 below shows the results of frequency analysis for each gauging station and the
corresponding catchment area below El. 3000 m for each gauging station.
Table 4-10










Regional Flood Analysis Gandaki Basin









Burhi G.



















































































From the above results, the following relationships were obtained as shown in the figures below.

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Hydrological Studies

Tundi Power Company


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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Tundi Power Company


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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Tundi Power Company


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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
The derived regional relationship between the catchment area and the flood magnitude for each
return period described by regression equations are given below along with their corresponding
coefficient of correlation R2.
2 Yr Flood: Y = 3.0791* X0.83, R2 = 0.9763
10 Yr Flood: Y = 8.2267* X0.7629, R2 = 0.982
20 Yr Flood: Y = 11.743* X0.7346, R2 = 0.9811
100 Yr Flood: Y = 24.398* X0.6745, R2 = 0.9741
200 Yr Flood: Y = 32.937* X0.6482, R2 = 0.9695
500 Yr Flood: Y = 46.921* X0.6183, R2 = 0.9618
Where Y = Flood flow in m3/s, and X = drainage area below 3000 m in km2.
The R2 for all the above relationships are more than 0.9 which show a very good fit between the
data points and hence the regression equations can give reliable results.
The above regression equations were used to estimate the flood flows at the intake site and
powerhouse site of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. The catchment area below El.3000 m
at the Bagar Khola intake site of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is estimated to be 28
km2 and 202 km2 at the powerhouse site.

shows the derived flood flows at the intake site and powerhouse site of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project.

Table 4-11

Estimated Floods for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (m3/s)

Return Period Yrs


Flood at Intake site


Flood at Powerhouse

Dry Season Diversion Flood

For the river diversion during the dry season, it will be crucial to come to a common
understanding as to the commencement of this season. For the Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project, the period from November to May has been envisaged as the dry season period for river
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies
Information on recorded instantaneous flood peaks during the dry season is not available at this
site. Therefore, to estimate the dry season flood peaks at the proposed intake site, a regional
approach has been considered using the adopted dry season diversion floods at the hydropower
projects in the vicinity of Rahughat Khola basin.
The following information in Table 4-12 was used to construct the regional relationship.
Table 4-12

Dry Season Floods at Various Projects

Project Name

Catchment Area

Upper Modi A HEP (42 MW)

Karuwa HEP (30 MW)
Rahughat HEP (27 MW)
Modi Khola HEP (14 MW)

1:10 yr Diversion
30 m3/s
20 m3/s
27 m3/s
47 m3/s

The following relationship was obtained as shown in the figure below.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Hydrological Studies

Hence, for an catchment area of 54 km2, the 1: 10 year dry season flood is estimated as 4.0 m3/s
based on the above derived regional relationship which is recommended as the diversion flood
for Bagar Khola intake site during the dry season.

Establishment of Gauging Station and Discharge Measurement

A gauging station was established to measure the flows in Rahughat. The gauging station is
located just upstream of the confluence of Rahughat Khola and Bagar Khola. Daily
measurements are being taken from this gauge. In addition to staff gauge measurements, flow
measurements have also been carried out at this location and at Bagar Khola. The measurement
as taken on April 4th 2012 indicates that the flow in Rahughat Khola is 5.816 m 3/s and that in
Bagar Khola is 0.707 m3/s. The gauge is being maintained and read by a local helper by the
name of Dhurba Kumar Paija. The discharge measurement data and the staff gauge records are
presented in the Annex.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Sedimentation Studies

Chapter Five


The sediment concentration and the particle size distribution are required to design the
desanding basin. The cost of the desanding basin is based on the sediment-laden flow, which has
to be flushed out at the time of power plant operation. Otherwise, sediment heavily damages the
turbine blades, scroll casing, and other mechanical parts.
It is very difficult to estimate the sediment concentration in a river without any measurements.
If sediment data is not available in the river, Himalaya Sediment Yield Technique is used to
estimate the sediment yield.

Himalayan Sediment Yield Techniques

Based on sediment data for stations in Nepal, India, and Pakistan, V.J. Galay (Estimating
Sediment Yield in Himalayan Rivers) pointed out that the current sediment production is linked
to distinct geological zones. The Zone Specific Sediment Yield (ZSSY) has divided the sediment
yield areas into five regions. According to this theory, the five regions are as follows:
Tibetan Plateau
High Himalayan
High Mountain
Middle Mountain

Range of yield (t/km2/year)


Depending upon the condition of the watershed, the yield from these areas is either low or high.
For Rahughat Khola basin, where the catchment area lies at High Mountain and Middle
Mountain areas, the yield estimate is carried out in the following way.
Average Yields (t/km2/year)
High Mountain

Catchment area (km2)

312 + 54

The Himalayan sediment yield techniques use the properties of Physiography of the river basin.
This method tends to estimate the sediment in conservative side (higher yield).
As Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric Project is a very small project in nature, it is envisaged
that local factors could be more decisive in assessing the sediment conditions in the Upper
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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Sedimentation Studies
Rahughat Khola. It is recommended that a more, in depth study of the upper catchment areas be
studied along the analysis of sediment samples collected at the field.
For the present study, the desander has been based on the removal of a sediment particle size of
0.15 mm. The frequency of the flushing of the desander has been based on a sediment yield of
2000 t / km2 /year. The design of the desander is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9 of this

Sediment Data Obtain from Rahughat Project

Sediment data of 2064 and 2065 collected at Galehshor in the Rahughat river has been obtained
from the Rahughat project. These data are shown in the Annex of this report. Grain size
distribution curve is shown in Figure 5.1. The sediment measurement and sampling program will
be continued during this rainny season as well.
Figure 5-5

Grain Size Distribution Curve







Diameter in mm

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies

Chapter Six




Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is a run-off-river hydropower project located in Myagdi

District of Dhaulagiri Zone in Western Development Region, Nepal. The project area is located
approximately one days walking distance from the road head at Galeshwor Bazaar. Galeshwor is
located on the right bank of the confluence of Kali Gandaki and Rahughat Khola, approximately
3 km north of Beni Bazaar, which is district headquarters of Myagdi district. The recently
completed, Beni Jomsom highway passes through Galeshwor Bazaar.
The field work for the geological and geotechnical investigation of the project has been carried
out in the month of July - August 2009 and geological and all the necessary geotechnical
information was collected from this field visit.
The main hydraulic structures of the project are the headworks interconnection structure with
Rahughat Mangale HEP, a weir across Bagar Khola to tap its water, a surface desanding basin
on the left bank of Bagar Khola for the additional discharge from Bagar Khola, a headrace
tunnel, surge shaft, penstock pipe and a surface powerhouse. Except for the diversion weir that
has been proposed across Bagar Khola, all other structures are located on the left bank of Bagar
Khola. The project area extends between approximate altitudes of 1500 m and 2000 m.


The main objective of the geological and geotechnical investigation was to carry out,

A regional geological as well as seismicity study of the project area;

Assessment of general geological condition of the project area;
Geological mapping and preparation of maps of the project area and important structure
locations in different scales, 1: 1,000, and 1:2,000 as required for the design works.
Recommendation of geotechnical parameters of soil and rock for slope stability and
Discontinuity survey, slope stability analysis and presentation of the result in graphical
Rock mass classification and support design for underground structures. Analysis of the
recommended support system based on field observations and results.
Assessment of availability of construction material deposit and muck disposal sites in the
project area. The results obtained from the geological and geotechnical investigation
work shall be a part of the feasibility level study of the project.
Recommendation for further investigation.

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies


Literature Review

No project specific geological and geotechnical study has yet been carried out for this project in
the past. Only a few literature related to the geology of the project area is available. The
available literature and other information were reviewed and useful information was extracted
and incorporated in the report. Some of the materials referred to for the study are as follows:

Topographical map of the project area (Sheet No. 2883 11A & 2883 07 in scale 1: 50,000
prepared by Survey Department, Government of Nepal.
Topographical map in digital format of the project area at scale 1: 10,000
Survey map; scale 1:1,000 prepared during feasibility study.
Arial photograph (B/W) pair; scale: 1: 100,000 of the project area.
Other relevant reports/ documents useful for the preparation of the report.

The methodology adopted for the geological and geotechnical study of the project is described
briefly in the following sections.

Geological study

Geological maps of the project area and sites for the main structure have been prepared by
mapping the surface outcrops using a geological compass, a geological hammer, an altimeter, a
measuring tape and other necessary equipments with the aid of geomorphologic features
available in the site. Dip direction and dip amount of the structural features of the rocks outcrops
such as bedding, foliation, joint, fault and shear zones were noted. The geological contact
between different rock and soil units were also traced on the available topographical map.
The muck disposal sites and borrow areas for construction material have been recommended on
the basis of geological nature of available ground, haulage distance from the main consumption
point / tunnel outlet and available volume.

Geotechnical study Rock mass and soil classification

Rock mass and soil classification of the project area has been performed to generalize the rock
and soil material into different classes using internationally accepted methods such as Unified
Soil Classification (USC) system for soil and Barton's rock quality index "Q" system for rock
mass. Also intact rock and rock mass parameters such as Geomechanical Strength Index (GSI)
and rock mass constants have also been estimated as proposed by various authors for rock
mechanical analysis.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies Rock support design

Rock mass supports for underground excavations have been recommended using the above
empirical methods. Further analysis has been carried out by finite element analysis, to check the
reaction of the recommended support system for the anticipated rock mass. Possibility of the
formation of underground wedge for existing discontinuity system and tunnel size / orientation
has been evaluated. Slope stability analysis
Measured discontinuities were plotted on the lower hemisphere of the stereonet. Orientation,
(dip and dip direction) of main discontinuity were obtained statistically for the analysis of the
surface / slope stability.

Regional Geology

According to the geological division of Nepal, the project area lies in the Lesser Himalayan unit
which is occupied by low grade metamorphic rocks such as slate, phyllite, quartzite etc. The
location of project area has been shown in the regional map.

Upper Rahughat HEP


Figure 6-6

Location of project area in regional geological map

Nepal has been broadly divided into five lithologic units, from north to south they are - Tibetan
Tethys unit, Higher Himalayan unit, Lesser Himalayan unit, Siwalik unit and Terai plain. The
Tibetan Tethys Unit is exposed only occasionally within the territory of Nepal, while the other
Tundi Power Company

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies
four units are distributed from east to west throughout the country. The Tibetan-Tethys Zone
begins at the top of the Higher Himalayan Zone and extends to the north in Tibet. This zone is
composed of sedimentary rocks such as shale, limestone and sandstone ranging in age from
Lower Paleozoic to Paleogene.
The Higher Himalayan Unit includes the rocks lying north of the MCT and below the
fossiliferous Tibetan-Tethys Zone. This zone consists of an approximately 10 km thick
succession of crystalline rocks also known as the Tibetan Slab. The crystalline unit of the higher
Himalaya extends continuously along the entire length of the country and its width varies from
place to place. The high-grade kyanite-sillimanite bearing gneisses, schists and marbles of the
zone form the basement of the Tibetan Tethys zone. Granites are found in the upper part of the
The Lesser Himalayan Zone is bordered in the south by the MBT and in the north by the Main
Central Thrust (MCT). The Lesser Himalayan rocks throughout the Himalayas consist of two
sequences: allochthonus and autochthonus. The MBT itself is a fault zone that has brought older
Lesser Himalayan rocks over the Siwalik. The Lesser Himalayas are mostly comprised of
unfossiliferous, sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks such as slate, phyllite, schist, quartzite,
limestone, dolomite etc. ranging in age from Precambrian to Eocene. There are also some
granitic intrusions in this zone.
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric project area lies in the Lesser Himalayan Unit of Western Nepal.
Phyllite and quartzite are the main rock types present in the project area. Detailed geological
descriptions of the specific structural locations of the different project components have been
presented in Section 6.7 of this chapter.
The Siwalik is bounded in the north by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and in the south by
the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). It consists basically of fluvial deposits of the Neogene age. The
Lower Siwalik consists of finely laminated sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The middle
Siwalik are comprised of medium to coarse grained salt and pepper type sandstones. The Upper
Siwalik is comprised of conglomerates and boulder beds. The dun valleys within the Siwalik
consist of Quatenary fluvial sediments.
The Terai Zone represents the northern edge of the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain and is the
southernmost tectonic division of Nepal. Though physiographically this zone does not belong to
the main part of the Himalayas, it is a foreland basin and owes its origin to the rise of the
Himalayas, it is thus genetically related. To the north, this zone is often delineated by an active
fault, the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The Siwalik rocks are found to rest over the sediments of
the Terai in many places along this thrust. The Terai is covered by Pleistocene to recent
alluvium. The average thickness of the alluvium is about 1500m. The basement topography of
the Terai is not uniform. The Terai region contributes significant quantity of good quality
construction material and groundwater in Nepal.


The Himalaya seismicity, in general owes its origin to the continued northward movement of
Indian plate after continental collision between Indiana plate and Eurasian plate. The magnitude,
recurrence and the mechanism of continental collision depend upon the geometry and plate
velocity of Indian plate in relation to southern Tibet (Eurasian Plate). Recent results suggest that
the convergence rate is 20mm per year and the Indian plate is sub-horizontal below the SubTundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies
Himalaya and the Lesser Himalaya. Nepal Himalaya occupies the central one-third portion of
Himalayan arc. Interseismic monitoring of deformation indicates that the Main Himalayan
Thrust (MHT) is locked along the Himalaya of Nepal and that stress build up at the tip of the
locked zone is responsible for the belt of microseismicity activity that runs along the front of the
high range (Pandey et. al., 1999; Cattin and Avouac, 2000). The interface between the Indian
basements along a sub horizontal decollement is known as Main Himalaya Thrust. Motion
along the MHT is thus probably stick-slip and must produce recurring large earthquakes similar
to the 1934 Bihar-Nepal event. The moderate magnitude earthquake is generated from thrust
faults which originate within the microseismic belt in the front of high Himalayan in the ramp
and ramp flat transition vicinity. The result of micro seismic investigation, geodetic monitoring
and morphotectonic study of the Central Nepal has depicted that more frequent medium sized
earthquake of 6 to 7 magnitude are confined either to flat decollement beneath the lesser
Himalaya or the upper part of the middle crustal ramp. The ramp is occurring at about 15 km
depth below the foothills of the Higher Himalaya in the south of MCT surface exposure. Big
events of magnitude greater than eight are nucleated near the ramp flat transition and rupture the
whole ramp-flat system up to the MBT of the Sub-Himalaya (Pandey et. al. 1995). An
earthquake is characterized by a unique magnitude but it can give rise to a range of intensity.
The highest intensity is generally observed in the epicenter area. It decreases rapidly beyond the
rupture area as we move away from the epicenter.


Figure 6-7

Seismicity map of Nepal

Project specific seismic studies have not been carried out for the project. The records of seismic
activities are limited in Nepal Himalayas and hence correlation of seismic events with adjacent
Himalayan Region would be a useful source of information for designing such hydraulic
structures. Several seismicity studies have been carried out by Seismicity Department,
Department of Mines and Geology (DMG), Nepal. The DMG has produced a very useful map
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"Seismicity Map of Nepal" showing the level of seismicity contours within the country. The map
reveals that the project area is located at a contour with horizontal seismicity coefficient of 250
gal equivalent to 0.26 g.Considering the ratio of horizontal to vertical seismic coefficient to be
1.5, the vertical seismic coefficient will be 0.17. Since an earthquake can oscillate in any
direction, the worst case scenario should be considered. Hence, the recommended seismic
coefficient for this project is 0.26.

Geology of the Project Area

General Geology

The project area is located in Lesser Himalayan unit in mid-western Nepal. The main rock types
found in the project area are phyllite and quartzite belonging to Kunchha Formation and Fagfog
Quartzite respectively mentioned by Stocklin and Bhattarai elsewhere in the literatures on
geology of Nepal Himalayas. Towards the downstream area, near Bukula Village, highly (cube)
jointed crushed, moderately to highly weathered dark-black slate is present and can be seen
along road cuts. Frequent landslides are found to occur in this area and it is attributed to poor
rock mass quality. Landslides are usually found to occur in areas with a relatively steep natural
Comparatively weak phyllite rock is underlain by very competent quartzite rock, thus producing
several small and large scale deformations (folding) in the rock mass. The quartzite is only
slightly weathered, green white and strong very strong. Two three sets of joints including
foliation plane are present in the quartzite. In places natural slope is controlled by secondary
joints. Conversely, phyllite is moderately to highly weathered, grey greenish blue colored, soft
to medium strong. It is predominantly thinly to medium foliated.
In general the bedrock dips towards the upstream direction and the main underground structure
of the project, which is the headrace tunnel, will have a favorable orientation with respect to the
main discontinuity orientation. The headrace tunnel will be excavated almost perpendicular to
the strike of the foliation plane (Drawings. UR-GE-PA1).
Slope stability of the project area is such that, the left bank of Rahughat Khola is relatively
stable compared to the right bank. Large scaled landslides (2500 m 2) are present along the right
bank opposite to the location of Chimkhola Village. A moderate landslide was also observed
further downstream of the proposed powerhouse site. Few smaller landslides were seen to exist
along the creeks around Dagnam and Asima village area which is the area of the location of the
powerhouse. Relatively big landslides are attributed to an unfavorable relation between the
bedrock foliation and the natural slope of the ground. In a landslide area the angle of the dipping
bed rock is also the dipping angle of the main discontinuity set (the foliation plane). When this
structure is not abutted to the bottom of the valley, sliding is aggravated due to the scouring of
the toe of the slope. Next to the foliation, the other major discontinuity set runs almost parallel to
the valley slope, thus cutting the rock mass into blocks easing the sliding process towards the
downhill slope. In case of the left bank the situation is almost opposite. The bed rock dips into
the hillside creating a relatively stable situation. This has been evidenced by the presence of very
few slope instability features along the left bank.
The geological features of the sites for the location of the different structures have been
elaborated in the following sections. Emphasis has been given to the geotechnical properties of
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the rock mass, existing conditions of the ground material related to the foundation of the
structures, stability of the slopes and conditions regarding the underground excavation works.


Headworks Area

The proposed headworks structure for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project basically consists
of structures interconnecting the tailrace of Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project (RMHEP), a
river diversion structure for Bagar Khola and the intake for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project (URHEP). The tailwater from RMHEP is proposed to be brought across Bagar Khola to
its left bank side with the provision of an inverted siphon. The discharge from Bagar Khola will
also be diverted with the provision of a small weir across the khola and will used for power
generation before being taken into a collection chamber located just before the intake portal for
the headrace tunnel of URHEP. The inverted siphon carrying the discharge from the tailwater of
RMHEP will also be connected to this collection chamber so that the flows from both RMHEP
and Bagar Khola tailrace can collectively be released into the intake portal of the headrace
tunnel for URHEP. Except for the inverted siphon and the weir across Bagar Khola, all of these
structures will be located on the left bank of Bagar Khola and will be founded on the alluvial
deposit present in the area.
The alluvial deposit is made up of strong, big boulders of gneiss, quartzite, and schist etc.
including silt and can thus be described as coarse grained boulder mixed soil silty gravel. The
maximum size of the boulder is measured to be about 6 m (Drawing: UR-GE-HW-01).
The intake weir across Bagar Khola as well as the powerhouse will however be excavated and
founded partly on alluvial and partly on colluvial deposit. The thickness of the colluvial deposit
has been estimated to be about 7 m. The cut slope gradient on left bank of the desanding basin is
recommended to be 1 (H):1.8 (V) to 1: 2.0.

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Photo 4.1: Proposed headworks interconnection area around Bagar Khola, looking
from right bank


Headrace Tunnel

The approximately 4,872 m long headrace tunnel is proposed to be located along the left bank of
Rahughat Khola. Mainly two types of rock mass are present along the alignment of the headrace
tunnel, they are, phyllite and quartzite. Phyllite occupies approximately 75 % of the total length
of the tunnel. The rest of the tunnel length is occupied by quartzite. Quartzite occupies
approximately 1300 m of the length of the tunnel between Adit No. 1 and Adit No. 2. White,
slightly weathered, fresh, strong to very strong, medium foliated quartzite rock is present along
the length of the tunnel around Azingar Vir area. This rock type is projected at the section
between Adit No. 1 and Adit No. 2. The formation of the steep, cliff around Azingar Vir near
Dagnam Village is due to the strong resistive qualities of the quartzite rock against weathering
and erosion. In other places, around Darmija Village the greenish quartzite is present in the form
of interbedding with phyllite. The phyllite is grey colored, slightly to moderately weathered, thin
to medium foliated, slightly to moderately weathered soft to medium strong. Syncline and
anticline structures are present in Azingar Vir area where weak phyllite rock is present along
with strong quartzite rock. The folding in rock mass is attributed to different degrees of
deformability under the same loading / environmental condition for different rock types.

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Photo 4.2: Contact between thinly foliated phyllite and medium to thickly foliated
quartzite as seen on the way through Azingar Vir. Contact is marked with
dotted line.
Discontinuity measurements were carried out to know the orientation of the main discontinuity
sets in the project area. The presence and orientation of persistent discontinuity sets play a vital
role in the tunnel stability thus, influencing the progress of the work. The proposed direction of
the excavation of the tunnel along with the discontinuity sets have been plotted in the same
stereonet to graphically visualize their relationship. In general, the bedrock dips upstream at an
angle of about 20 degrees.

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Number of Poles
1 pole

HRT (T0-T1)

Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere
8 Poles
8 Entries

Figure 6-8

Stereographic Projection of Discontinuities (Intake Portal Area)

Stereographic projection of discontinuities measured in the headrace tunnel alignment around

the intake portal area. The headrace tunnel drive direction for the first stretch (T0 to T1) has
been shown in the figure. Concentration of planes dipping due N represents the main
discontinuity set foliation plane.
The above plot shows that the tunnel alignment is oblique to the main discontinuity set which is
a fair condition for tunneling.
The headrace tunnel excavation direction and discontinuity orientation has also been plotted for
the headrace tunnel in the area around Adit No. 1.

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HRT adit 1 area


Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere
20 Poles
20 Entries

Figure 6-9

Stereographic Projection of discontinuities (Adit No. 1 Area)

Stereographic projection of discontinuities along the headrace tunnel alignment around Adit No.
1 area. The headrace tunnel drive direction has also been shown in the figure. Concentration of
planes dipping due NW represents main discontinuity set foliation plane.
The above plot shows that the tunnel alignment is oblique to the main discontinuity set foliation plane which is a fair condition for tunnel excavation. Compared to the foliation other
discontinuities are very few in the measured area.

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HRT (u/s surge shaft)

RRT (d/s surgeshaft)

Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere
6 Poles
6 Entries

Figure 6-10

Stereographic Projection of Discontinuities (Surge Tank Area)

Stereographic Projection of discontinuities measured along the headrace tunnel alignment in the
surge shaft area. Straight line inside the circle represents headrace tunnel drive direction. Planes
dipping due NE and NW represents main discontinuity set foliation plane which is folded. Rock Mass Classification
Rock mass classification of the areas proposed for the location of the different structures,
especially along the headrace tunnel, has been made according to internationally accepted
method the, known as the "Q" system developed at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
in 1974 and later updated in 1993. It is a quantitative classification system for the estimate of the
tunnel support, based on a numerical assessment of the rock mass quality using the following
relationship of six parameters,



= rock mass quality index

= rock quality designation
= joint set number
= joint roughness number
= joint alteration number
= joint water reduction factor
= stress reduction factor

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In field, the RQD has been estimated using the following relation
RQD = (115 3.3*Jv) %
Where, Jv is the total number of discontinuities per m3 (= sum of number of discontinuities per
meter length of all discontinuity sets).
Table 6-13

Rock mass classification along headrace tunnel alignment



length, m

Q - Value

Rock mass class



0.04 1.21

Very poor poor




0.1 3.3

Poor fair




0.06 7.04

Very poor fair




3.67 27.87

Fair good




2.86 13.2

Fair good




0.28 1.76

Poor fair




0.07 2.2

Very poor poor


R1 stands for very good rock, R2 stands for good rock, R3 stands for fair rock, R4 stands for poor rock and R5 stands
for very poor rock. Similarly, rock support types S1 to S5 have been recommended for corresponding rock mass classes
R1 to R5.

Table 6-14

Distribution of rock/support type along headrace tunnel



length, m



Rock/ support type %
















































Table 6-15

Summary of support length for headrace tunnel

Rock Class / Support Type

Length, %


















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The rock supports have been estimated on the basis of the above classification of the rock mass.
For dimension of rock support system such as rock bolt length, spacing of rock bolt, and
thickness of shotcrete, a built-in-chart suggested by Barton, has been used.

De for HRT = 4

Figure 6-11

Estimated support categories based on Q values

(after Grimstad and Barton 1993)

The tunnel supports have been recommended on the basis of the Q value and equivalent
dimension (De). The value De is defined by the ratio of the excavation span, either the
diameter or the height (m) of the tunnel to the Excavation Support Ratio (ESR). Here, for the
headrace tunnel, the tunnel span is 4.0 m and the ESR has been taken as 1.0 giving the value of
De to be 4.0.
Rock bolts have been the most effective support system in a tunnel whose length depends on the
tunnel span, radius of plastic zone around the tunnel perimeter and the value of ESR indicated
above. The bolt length L for headrace tunnel (span 4.0) has been computed as,
L = (2 + 0.15*B)/ESR
Thus, L = 2.6m
Altogether five different categories of supports have been recommended for the headrace tunnel
depending on the rock mass classes. Details of the support classes for each category, S1, S2, S3,
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S4 and S5 have been shown in the drawings. The actual distribution of the different type of rock
mass and support types along the headrace tunnel and the construction adit can however be
decided only after the actual excavation of the tunnel during the construction of the project.
Tentative locations of the rock mass class and their corresponding support types are elaborated
in the following text as well as in drawings.
The rock support work is normally carried out in two stages; the initial support stage and the
permanent support stage. The initial support is installed to secure safe working conditions for the
tunneling crews. The initial support is usually designed to constitute a part of the permanent rock
The permanent support is installed to meet the requirement for satisfactory functioning of the
project during its life. The final support for different rock mass classes has been recommended
to be as following;
Table 6-16

Rock mass support for tunnel

Rock mass class

Rock support class


bolt Length, m
m Spot
(Sc * Sl)
rib mm
Spacing, m
Concrete lining on roof and wall, mm
concrete lining, mm 200




















Pre-excavation support comprising of spile bolts or grouting or a combination of both depending

on the site condition may be necessary in tunnel stretches occupied by very poor rock mass. The
spile bolt should be 4.0 m long with an overlap of 60 % of its length and spaced at 50 cm around
the tunnel contour. Rock Mass Strength
The Hoek Brown classification system has been used to find out the rock mass parameters for
the analysis of the strength of the rock. Input parameters have been estimated on the basis of
built-in charts and tables based on rock type and geological conditions in the study area.
Mainly two types of rock mass are present in the study area, they are quartzite and phyllite.
Thus, the analysis has been carried out for both of these rock types.
For quartzite, the input parameters and the resulting output in the form of rock mass parameters
have been tabulated below. Maximum rock cover and a resulting in-situ stress of 410 Mpa will
be available at Chainage 2900 m of headrace tunnel.
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Table 6-17

Input values / parameters for calculation of rock mass strength parameters

Input parameters

Input value

compressive 100
strength, MPa
Geological strength index

Estimated in field

Rock mass constant, mi


Estimated using builtin-chart


Disturbance factor (D)



Unit weight of rock mass (kg/cm3)





Depth to tunnel, m


Intact modulus (Ei)


Modulus Ratio, (MR)



The results from the above calculation have been tabulated below.

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Table 6-18

Output rock mass strength parameters







Cohesive strength c, Mpa


Friction angle , (0)


Uniaxial compressive strength (cm)

Tensile strength, Mpa


Global rock mass compressive

strength, Mpa
Modulus of deformation, Mpa


Hoek Brown

Mohr-Coulomb Fit
Rock Mass


For phyllite, the input parameters and the resulting output in the form of rock mass parameters
have been tabulated below. Maximum rock cover of 440 m has been used for this computation
which is present at Chainage 0 + 3700m.
Table 6-19

Input values / parameters for calculation of rock mass strength parameters

Input parameters

compressive value


strength, Mpa
Geological strength index


Rock mass constant, mi

Estimated using built-inchart


Disturbance factor (D)



Unit weight of rock mass (kg/cm3)





Depth to tunnel, m


Intact modulus (E) MPa


Modulus Ratio, (MR)


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The results from the above calculation have been tabulated below.

Table 6-20

Output rock mass strength parameters




Hoek Brown





Cohesive strength - c, MPa


Friction angle - , (0)

Uniaxial compressive strength (cm)


Mohr-Coulomb Fit

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Tensile strength, MPa
Global rock mass compressive
strength, MPa
Modulus of deformation, MPa


Analysis of Rock Stresses

The rock mass around the tunnel contour fails due to various reasons such as when the tangential
stresses approaches or exceeds the prevailing rock mass strength. Tunnel excavation results in
the redistribution of stresses around the tunnel. An evaluation on the possibility of rock mass
failure due to rock stress problems has been made using a computer program. Since no in-situ
rock stress measurement has been performed in this project, the major principle stress has been
assumed to be caused by the rock cover above the tunnel roof. The maximum rock cover along
the headrace tunnel is about 440 m at a distance of about 3700 m from the intake portal at a
section where phyllite rock is present. Considering the unit weight 0.026 Kg/cm 3 for phyllite
rock, the rock cover produces a vertical stress of 11.5 MPa. The corresponding rock mass
strength has been computed to be approximately 4.6 MPa, lesser than the vertical stress. Thus, it
can be expected that the rock mass fails in the tunnel boundary when it is excavated. The failure
stops further propagation when the rock mass strength exceeds the induced stresses inside the
tunnel wall.

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Figure 6-12

Tunnel deformation versus rock mass strength to in-situ stress

The ratio of the rock mass strength to the in-situ stress is 0.40. For a tunnel diameter of 4.0 m the
above figure shows that the tunnel deformation in percent strain will be about 2 % i.e. there will
be a tunnel closure of about 8 cm.

Analysis of rock mass behavior and support response using finite element analysis
Using the above rock mass parameters, the in-situ stress condition and the tunnel dimensions, a
finite element analysis has been carried out to assess the rock mass response after the tunnel
excavation of the tunnel and after the installation of the supports. The material is considered to
be plastic in nature and the stress is due to rock cover as well as hydrostatic pressure. The
Poissons ratio for the rock mass has been taken as 0.25.

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Figure 6-13

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Finite element mesh generated for stress analysis


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Figure 6-14

Plot of Major Principal Stress ( 1)

(Along excavation boundary for assumed stress environment)

Figure 6-15

Plot of Strength Factor Contour

(Showing yielded elements around headrace tunnel at maximum rock cover area)
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The above plot shows that the rock mass around the tunnel boundary yields approximately a
tunnel diameter away from the tunnel wall demanding an application of adequate support.
Additional analysis was carried out for conditions using additional rock support. The additional
support used for the analysis consisted of rock bolts and shotcrete. The dimension of the rock
bolt and the thickness of the shotcrete used for this analysis are presented below.
Shotcrete properties
Youngs modulus (E):

Rock bolt properties

Bolt type: Fully bonded
Length: 2.5 - 3.0 m
Diameter: 25 mm
Spacing (c/c): 1.0 * 1.5 m
Bolt modulus (E): 207000 MPa
Tensile capacity: 0.2 MN
Residual tensile capacity: 0.2 MN


Poissons ratio: 0.25
Material type: Plastic
Compressive strength (peak): 30
Compressive strength (residual): 5
Tensile strength (peak): 5 MPa

Figure 6-16

Use of rock support consisting of rock bolt and liner (shotcrete)

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Figure 6-17

Strength factor contour distribution around excavation boundary.

Rock materials fail uniformly around tunnel contour

Figure 6-18

Plot of percentage of yielded elements after using support.

No bolts are yielded. Only four liner elements are yielded at bottom/ invert corner. The bolts are
extended beyond the yielded zone.
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Thus, the recommended support quantity should be sufficient for the anticipated rock mass
condition. The actual rock mass support can be decided only at the time of excavation of the
tunnel during the construction of the project.

Construction Adit

Two construction adits have been proposed at different locations to divide the headrace tunnel
into three parts thus easing its excavation and support work. Adit No1 has a length of 186 m and
is located 1477 m downstream of the inlet portal. Similarly, Adit No 2 with a length of 212 m is
located 2289 m downstream of Adit No 1. The length of the headrace tunnel downstream of Adit
No 2 is 1034 m. Thus, the headrace tunnel having a total length of 4800 m has been divided into
three stretches with a total of six working faces to ease the construction of the headrace tunnel.
The construction adits will only be provided with temporary initial supports to provide safe
working condition during the construction period.
Scaling is required after each blasting. For a tunnel of this size, it will be done manually using a
crowbar. Periodic scaling (once a week) will be required to remove the stress relieved loose rock
blocks. The scaling constitutes a part of support work in a tunnel.

Surge shaft

The surge shaft will be constructed in the area of Asima and Dagnam village approximately 200
m upstream of the tunnel outlet. The surge shaft will be excavated in bedrock consisting of
phyllite. The rock mass in the proposed location of the surge shaft is grey dark, slightly
moderately weathered, fine grained, soft medium strong phyllite.
The support system proposed for the surge shaft also consists of a combination of rock bolts and
shotcrete. The recommended rock support for the surge shaft is as follows.
Rock bolt

2m * 2m

Fibre reinforced shorcrete thickness: 150 200mm

Penstock Alignment

A surface penstock has been proposed from the end of the headrace tunnel upto the powerhouse.
The surface penstock will be supported by a number of anchor blocks and saddle supports. Some
of the saddle supports and anchor blocks will be founded on soil and some will be founded on
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bedrock (see geological profile along penstock alignment). The bed rock exposed in some places
along the proposed penstock alignment is bluish, moderately highly weathered, fine grained,
weak strong phyllite. The major discontinuity set in the rock mass is the foliation plane with a
dip direction of 270 0 and a dip amount of 15 0. A few landslides having small areas are present
along the creek in the area of Asima village where the bedrock dips with the natural slope. The
general trend of rock mass however is dipping against the hill slope at a shallow angle
(Drawing: UR-GE-PH-02).

Powerhouse Area

A surface powerhouse has been proposed on the left bank of Rahughat Khola below, Asima
village, near Dagnam. A medium slope consisting of colluvial deposit will be excavated to for
the construction of the powerhouse. The powerhouse will be placed as close to the steep rock
face as possible. The phyllite rock in powerhouse area is grey dark, slightly moderately
weathered, fine grained, soft medium strong phyllite.




Photo 4.3: Penstock alignment, powerhouse area looking downstream from Azingar Vir
The rock mass classification according to Bieniawskis rock mass rating system indicates the
RMR value to be approximately 43 which shows that the rock mass is fair in quality. The
friction angle and cohesive property for this rock mass is suggested to be about 35 degrees and
300 KPa respectively.
The back slope of the rock mass can be excavated at a slope (V: H) 1: 0.5 1: 1.2 for soft rock
and 1: 0.3 1: 0.8 for hard rock. Thus, actual cut slope angle can be decided at the time of
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excavation depending on rock mass quality encountered. Successive benching is required with
about 1.5 m wide berm for every 7.5m height. Pattern rock bolting and shotcrete support shall be
added to increase the stability of cut slope. The rock bolt length depends on rock mass quality
(strength, jointing etc.) and cut slope height. For the feasibility design purpose, bolt dimension
has been recommended to be as following,

1.5 2.0m pattern

Likewise, the shotcrete thickness shall be 10 - 15cm.

The tail water will be released into Rahughat Khola. Alluvial deposit is present along banks of
the river in this area.

Construction Material

Possibility of locating areas with potential deposits of construction material within the project
area were investigated and studied. It is found that the project area is deficit in construction
material especially in the availability of natural aggregate, sand and gravel. Only a few sites
within the headworks area along Bagar Khola have been identified that may be suitable for
borrowing construction material. The identified sites have been shown in drawing MD-01.
Sampling and testing of available material shall be carried out in the next stage of the
geotechnical investigation.
In the headworks area, stones and small quantities of sand are available in its natural form as
alluvial deposits along Bagar Khola. The excavated material from the headworks and the
desanding basin can also be used as sand and aggregate.
Between the proposed headworks and the powerhouse sites Rahughat Khola flows along a very
narrow and steep channel. This part of the khola is not accessible. The possibility of construction
material existing in this stretch of project area is thus very negligible. However, small quantities
of natural aggregates can be obtained from the headworks and powerhouse sites at the time of
The possibility of using tunnel muck as stones for riprap and masonry structures also exists.
There are a few potential locations for quarrying stones in the area of adit portals. Crushing
plants can be established to produce coarse aggregates in such areas. Thus, sand which is one of
the major construction materials may have to be transported from further downstream of the
project area, such as from the banks of the Kaligandaki River. Sand and natural aggregates are
found in abundance along the Kaligandaki River valley. The suitability of the material should
however be confirmed prior to using such material.

Dumping / Muck Disposal Sites

During the construction of the project, the excavation of the headrace tunnel, the surge shaft, the
penstock anchor blocks and saddle supports and powerhouse will produce an appreciable
quantity of excavated material as muck. Both surface and sub-surface excavated material require
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geologically appropriate locations for their disposal. As far as possible, these areas should be
located as near as possible to the location from the tunnel outlet, adit portals and excavation
points to reduce the haulage distance and time.

The material excavated from the headworks site can be partly used for producing construction
material such as sand, aggregate and stones. Boulders can also be used for rip rap and river
training works. It is envisaged that the construction of the headworks for this project will
involve the construction of relatively smaller structures and the amount of excavation is also
expected to be relatively small. Thus, the small quantities of excavated material for the
construction of the headworks can be dumped along the banks of Bagar Khola.
Disposal of muck from the excavation of both the adits will be done in the vicinity of portal area
of these adits. Adit No. 1 is located in the vicinity of Darmija village and the Adit No. 2 is
located in the vicinity of Aldu village. Both of these areas are considered to be suitable for the
disposal of the tunnel muck from the respective tunnel faces. Disposal of the excavated material
from the penstock alignment area (achor blocks, saddle supports), the surgeshaft and the tunnel
outlet area may require the acquisition of some land in these areas.
6.10 Conclusions and Recommendations
The following conclusions and recommendations have been made on the basis of the geological
and geotechnical studies carried out for the project.
6.10.1 Conclusions Headworks
The headworks for URHEP consist of two parts, a diversion weir for Bagar Khola and an
interconnecting structure to convey the water from the tailrace of RMHEP. Both of these
structures will be located across Bagar Khola. All of these structures as well as other related
structures are expected to be founded on alluvial soil. Desanding Basin
The desanding basin will be founded partly on alluvial and partly on colluvial deposits. Both of
these are boulder mixed soil. The thickness of the colluvial deposit is estimated to be about 5 m,
and hence the desanding basin will be founded on boulder mixed soil. Headrace Tunnel and Adit
The total length of the headrace tunnel is expected to be 4800 m and the total length of the two
construction adits is expected to be approximately 400 m. Thus the total length of the
underground structures for the project will be about 5200 m. The rock mass along the headrace
tunnel has been divided into five classes R1 to R5 with corresponding recommended support
types from S1 to S5.
The construction adits will be provided with temporary initial supports only to provide safe
working condition during the construction period.
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The surge shaft is proposed to be located on fair quality phyllite rock in the area of Asima
village. Interbedding of quartzite is present in the phyllite rock. Penstock alignment

The penstock pipe will be laid on surface in the area of Asima village from the end of headrace
tunnel to the powerhouse. Major stretch of the penstock pipe will be located on colluvial soil.
Only a small stretch at different parts, especially in steeply sloping sections, the anchor block
and saddle will be founded on bedrock - phyllite. Powerhouse
The powerhouse will be founded on phyllite rock on the left bank of Rahughat Khola.
6.10.2 Recommendations for Sub Surface Geological Investigation
The following are the recommendations that have been made on the basis of the geological and
geotechnical survey and study.
Headworks area

Drilling is recommended to confirm the depth down to the level of the bedrock and to
confirm the nature of the material and rock at the proposed weir site and the desanding
basin area. A depth of 30 m of drilling has been recommended for the investigation at the
headworks site.
It is recommended that drilling be accompanied by in-situ permeability and strength tests
such as the SPT, DCPT to know the permeability conditions and the geotechnical
properties of the soil and rock.
Geophysical survey electricity resistivity tomography is recommended to examine the
subsurface strata between the headworks and the headrace tunnel intake portal areas.

Surge shaft and penstock area

Drilling is recommended in the proposed surge shaft location to investigate the depth of
the overburden material and other related tests. It is recommended that the surge tank
area be investigated by drilling down to a depth of 30 m.
Geophysical investigation such as electricity resistivity tomography will be required to
know the nature of the sub surface material along the proposed alignment of the penstock
alignment and to confirm the geotechnical properties of this subsurface material for slope
stabilization purposes.

Powerhouse area

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Geological Studies

Driling is recommended in the proposed powerhouse area to examine the nature of the
material for the design of the foundation. It is rcommended that the powerhouse area be
investigated with two drill holes each having a depth of 30 m.
Geophysical investigation such as electricity resistivity tomography will be required
along the powerhouse and the tailrace axis to confirm the geotechnical properties of the
subsurface material for the proper design of the foundations.

The proposed electrical resistivity lines for the headworks and powerhouse areas are shown in
Drawings UR-ER-01 and 02.
Insitu and laboratory tests on soil and rock sample
Detailed investigations consisting of test pitting, sampling of soil and rock samples for
laboratory tests will be required to know the mechanical properties of the soil and the rock for
the design of the foundations as well as to check the suitability of the construction materials.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Alternative Studies

Chapter Seven



The stretch of the alignment of Upper Rahughat Khola proposed for power development is fairly
steep and the topography in general is quite rugged. As described in the previous chapters, it is
envisaged that flows from Bagar Khola will also contribute in the generation of power not only
by contributing flows for the generation of power via the powerhouse of Upper Rahughat HEP,
but also by means of constructing a small powerhouse in the headworks area of this project. Due
to the necessity of these arrangements, the layout for Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric
Project is slightly different from an arrangement proposed for conventional hydropower projects.
The project will thus consist of a headworks structure located at the confluence of Rahughat
Khola and Bagar Khola.The proposed headworks structure for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project basically consists of structures interconnecting the tailrace of Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project (RMHEP), a river diversion structure, a desander and a small powerhouse
for Bagar Khola and the intake for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (URHEP). The
tailwater from RMHEP is proposed to be brought across Bagar Khola to its left bank side with
the provision of a cut and cover box culvert structure. The discharge from Bagar Khola will also
be diverted with the provision of a small weir across the khola as well as a desander and a
powerhouse for power generation before being diverted into a collection chamber located just
before the intake portal for the headrace tunnel of URHEP. The cut and cover box culvert
carrying the discharge from the tailwater of RMHEP will also be connected to this collection
chamber so that the flows from both RMHEP and Bagar Khola tailrace can collectively be
released into the intake portal of the headrace tunnel for URHEP.
The flow from the collection chamber will be conveyed to the surgetank located at an
approximate elevation of EL 1580 masl. The surgetank will be connected to the surface
powerhouse by means of a penstock that is located underground at it upstream and downstream
ends. The penstock alignment will surface in the middle of the alignment. The powerhouse will
be located on the left bank of Rahughat at an approximate elevation of EL 1175.82.
As mentioned earlier, Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project lies immediately upstream of
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. The powerhouse of this project has been proposed on the
right bank of Bagar Khola, a tributary of Rahughat Khola, about 150 m upstream from the
confluence of Rahughat River and Bagar Khola. Due to its location Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project can be developed in two ways, one as an independent power project with
an independent headworks along the Rahughat River and the second, as a cascade project of
Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Alternative Studies

On this basis, the alternative arrangements considered for the project are as follows


Consideration of a cascade development instead of and independent project

Consideration of producing power locally at Bagar Khola instead of providing it with
energy dissipation structures
The choice of the conveyance system from the intake at Rahughat Khola upto the
proposed surgetank
Location and choice of the powerhouse
Cascade Development

If Rahughat Mangale was to be developed as an independent project, a separate headworks with

a desander would have to be built across Rahughat somewhere downstream of the confluence of
Rahughat and Bagar Khola. Since there is a possibility of using the discharge from the tailrace
of Rahughat Mangale HEP, building a separate hadworks would result in unnecessary extra
costs. Furthermore, opting for the first way of development would result in the loss of head that
exists between the proposed powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale and the supposed location of the
headworks of Upper Rahughat HEP if it were built.
Alternatively, the second way to develop the project would be to divert the tail water of
Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project into the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project, by constructing an interconnection system at the powerhouse of Rahughat
Mangale Hydropower Project at Bagar Khola. This scheme will not need the construction of a
separate headworks and desanding basin. However, in order to collect the discharge from Bagar
Khola a small diversion weir, an intake and a desander will be needed at the Bagar Khola,
upstream from the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale project. The discharge from Bagar Khola
will be added to the discharge from Rahughat Mangale in the collection chamber and then
conveyed to the headrace tunnel of the project.
It is quite obvious from the above arguments that the second alternative is much more attractive
in terms of cost as well as benefits. The second alternative has therefore been considered for the
optimization study of the project.
The only drawback of this scheme is that Upper Rahughat project cannot be commissioned prior
to the commissioning of Rahughat Mangale Project.
As per the discussions held with the client, and due to the obvious benefits attributed to the
cascade development option, the feasibility study has been carried out for this option. Overall
project layout showing the Cascade Development of two projets is shown in Drawing No. URPL-02.

Power Generation from Bagar Khola

The choice for the second alternative is further strengthened by the decision to utilize the flow
from Bagar Khola for the production of power locally as well as production of power by adding
it to the Upper Rahughat HEP.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Alternative Studies

The decision to tap the flow from Bagar Khola for power generation requires the construction of
a diversion weir with a desander. Bagar Khola, at this location is fairly steep and will require
prominent energy dissipation structures to convey the flow from the desander to the collection
chamber before it is conveyed to the headrace tunnel. The difference in head amounts to some
15 m. It was agreed between the client and the consultant that instead of providng energy
dissipation structures, it would be more appropriate to develop this stretch of the configuration
for the production of energy. In order to do this, the construction of a small powerhouse with
two Francis Turbines and a pair of penstock pipes from the end of the desander up to the
powerhouse would be required instead of the construction of the energy dissipation structures.
The arrangement for the rest of the structures would remain the same. It is quite obvious that the
benefit from this arrangement far outweighs the option of wasting the potential by the
construction of energy dissipation structures which would also require a considerable amount of
It was thus decided that arrangements should be made to produce power from Bagar Khola
locally before diverting its flow into the collection chamber and then on to the headrace tunnel
A detailed description of this arrangement is given in Section 9.2 of this report.

The Choice of the Conveyance System

Hydropower projects usually consist of either a pressure / free flow tunnel or an open canal
structure as the headrace conveyance structure. Depending upon the nature and material of the
terrain, one of the above choices would be appropriate in terms of topography as well as
If the terrain is relatively flat along the alignment of the conveyance, an open canal could be
preferred in the economic terms. However, in the absence of such terrain, a conveyance will
usually consist of an underground tunnel. Underground tunnels are usually pressurized, instead
of free flowing.
In the case of Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric Project, several conceptual comparisions
were made regarding the appropriate choice for the conveyance. The terrain along the proposed
alignment for the conveyance from the Rahughat headworks up to the Bagar Khola headworks is
quite steep and unsuitable for an open canal. An underground tunnel has thus been proposed for
this part of the alignment.

Location and Choice of the Powerhouse

The location for the powerhouse is to a large extent dictated by the terrain. Preferably, a surface
powerhouse is usually proposed, the construction method for which is usually more simple and
economic. Complications in terms of access and drainage tunnels along with complications
regarding the soundness of the quality of the rocks are usually encountered in underground
powerhouses. These complications usually tend to make the powerhouse more expensive and
complicated to construct.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Alternative Studies
Underground powerhouses are only considered when no suitable areas are available for the
location of a surface powerhouse. A surface powerhouse has thus been proposed for this project.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Chapter Eight


Introduction and Objective

Hydropower is the major source of electricity generation in Nepal. The demand is characterized
by the distinct peak demand during the evening and the comparatively small demand in the
morning. These peaks become prominent in the winter season. At the same time the flow in the
river decreases considerably. Although from the load characteristic point of view, a storage
project would be needed to strike a balance between the supply and demand, especially during
the winter peak, the expensive nature of a storage plant coupled with the environment impacts
caused by it, the construction of storage plants has been limited to one at the present. The run off
the river plant and pondage run off the river plant have been considered as a more affordable
option for medium range power development by IPP in Nepal.
The installed capacity of a run of river project is usually fixed by optimizing it on the basis of
the topography, the provided structures and the economic characteristics of the project.
The principle objective of the optimization study was thus to optimize the following project

The design discharge and the corresponding installed capacity,

The diameter of the major elements of the water conveyance system comprising of

Headrace tunnel;
Surge tank; and

Project Development Strategy and Alternative Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is located very close to Rahughat Hydropower Project
being developed by Nepal Electricity Authority. NEA has already initiated the implementation of
this project. Apart from these two projects, another hydropower project is also being studied in
this locality along the Rahughat River. It is Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project and is
licensed to an IPP by the name of Manju Acharya. This project lies immediately upstream of
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. The headwork of Rahughat Mangale project is proposed
to be located at a place called Dhar and the powerhouse has been proposed to be located on the
right bank of Bagar Khola, about 150 m upstream from the confluence of Rahughat River and
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
Bagar Khola. The project area of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is situated immediately
adjacent to and in between two hydropower projects, Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project at
upstream side and NEA Rahughat Hydropower project at the downstream end.

Due to the virtue of the location of this project, Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project can be
developed in two ways, one as an independent power project with independent headworks along
the Rahughat River and the second, as a cascade project of Rahughat Mangale Hydropower
Project. The location selected for the powerhouse for Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project is
along the right bank of Bagar Khola. In general Bagar Khola can be considered as the boundary
between Rahughat Mangale HEP and Upper Rahughat HEP.
If Rahughat Mangale was to be developed as an independent project, a separate headworks with
a desander would have to be built across Rahughat somewhere downstream of the confluence of
Rahughat and Bagar Khola. Since there is a possibility of using the discharge from the tailrace
of Rahughat Mangale HEP, building a separate hadworks would result in unnecessary extra
costs. Furthermore, opting for the first way of development would result in the loss of head that
exists between the proposed powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale and the supposed location of the
headworks of Upper Rahughat HEP if it were built.
Alternatively, the second way to develop the project would be to divert the tail water of
Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project into the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project, by constructing an interconnection system at the powerhouse of Rahughat
Mangale Hydropower Project at Bagar Khola. This scheme will not need the construction of a
separate headworks and desanding basin. However, in order to collect the discharge from Bagar
Khola a small diversion weir, an intake and a desander will be needed at the Bagar Khola,
upstream from the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale project. The discharge from Bagar Khola
will be added to the discharge from Rahughat Mangale in the collection chamber and then
conveyed to the headrace tunnel of the project.
It is quite obvious from the above arguments that the second alternative is much more attractive
in terms of cost as well as benefits. The second alternative has therefore been considered for the
optimization study of the project.
Due to the nature of the development strategy of the project, the optimization of the design
discharge and the estimation of the optimum installed capacity of this project will be carried out
by considering the fixed design discharge of Mangale Rahughat Project plus the series of
discharges on the basis of the flow duration curve from Bagar Khola for the different options.
The design discharge from Mangale Rahughat project is 12 m3/sec. The various discharges for
the different optimization scenarios from Bagar Khola will thus be added to this design
discharge to obtain the Optimum design discharge for this project.

Design Discharge / Installed Capacity Optimization

The optimization of the plant installed capacity is inherently done with the optimization of the
design discharge. As this project is proposed to be developed as a cascade project of Rahughat
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
Mangale Project, the design discharge of Rahughat Mangale plus the discharge from the Bagar
Khola is used to optimize the discharge of the Upper Rahughat Project. The design discharge
from Rahughat Mangale project has been fixed at 12 m 3/sec. Hence, to obtain the optimum
design discharge for Upper Rahughat project, fixed discharge from the Rahughat Mangale
project plus various discharges from Bagar Khola were considered for the different options for
the optimization study.

In case of the optimization of the run-of river scheme, the height of the dam, minimum operating
level and high flood level are all irrelevant to the design discharge. These elements are more
influenced by the general topography of the dam site, design flood magnitude and the river
characteristics, which are common to all installed capacity options. Therefore, all the options
were based on the respective discharge and subsequent hydraulic design of the water
conveyance system from the river intake to the powerhouse.


In the process of carrying out the optimization of the project, the mode of energy benefit, which
can be decided only at the time of the power purchase agreement plays a vital role. In the
absence of a PPA, the project optimization exercise can be conducted with the conventional PPA
model used for domestic supply. For the installed capacity of up to 25 MW, NEA has posted the
energy price offered to the developer for dry season and wet season. For the installed capacity
above 25 MW, the average energy rate is fixed by assuming a 16% return on equity.
Hence, the optimization study for this project uses the following two concepts for calculating the

Energy rate split into dry season and wet season, and

Flat energy rate for annul average energy

The optimization of the plant installed capacity was based on the following assumptions:

Dry season corresponds to Nepali month starting from Poush to Chaitra (Four months) and
generation during remaining eight months is termed as wet season energy
Posted rate for the dry season energy is Rs. 7.00 per kWh where as that for wet season energy is
Rs. 4.00 per kWh.
Expected rate on return on equity is 16%

The runners will be replaced after every 10 years.

A compensation flow of 0.47 m3/s is required to be released downstream of the headworks. This
flow corresponds to a 10% of the minimum monthly flow (based on Nepali Calendar).
All energy benefits will be realized.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Approach and Methodology

The optimization of the design discharge was undertaken through a financial analysis.
Conceptual layouts were developed for each alternative for which cost estimates were prepared.
Each of the components of the conveyance system was optimized. The power benefits were
determined for each alternative and compared with the corresponding financial costs. The series
of cost and benefits were discounted in order to estimate the present values. The objective is to
determine the optimum design discharge. The installed capacity corresponding to a discharge
other than the optimum design discharge would result in lower return on equity for fixed energy
rates or higher energy rate for fixed expected return on equity.

The optimization procedure in this study follows the general approach outlined below:

Establish a series of discharge options based on the hydrology,

Estimate the minimum operating level based on the flushing requirement of the desanding basin
and the location of the proposed surface desander at Bagar Khola. This will be the same for all
options. However, the operating level for the power generation is based on the tail water level of
the Rahughat Mangale Project at the collection chamber where both the flow from tail water of
Rahughat Mangale project and discharge from Bagar Khola intake are mixed and is different for
different options.
Estimate the size of the free flow spillway and under sluice (bottom outlet) to pass the design
flood of 1:100 year and check for flood occurrence of 1:500 year. This too will be common for
all options.
Estimate the dimensions of intake, intake channel, desanding basins and flushing structure for
each capacity option at Bagar Khola,
Optimize the headrace tunnel, surge tank, penstock and drop shaft for each capacity option,

Estimate the powerhouse and tailrace dimensions for each capacity option,

Prepare the conceptual layout and design, and estimate the costs of the individual structures for
each capacity option,
Determine the dry season energy, wet season energy and average annual energy and estimate the
corresponding benefit for each of the capacity option.
Compute the return on equity assuming the energy rates and compute average energy rate
assuming the expected return on equity.
Discharge corresponding to highest return on equity is the optimum design discharge in case the
energy rates are fixed whereas discharge corresponding to lowest energy rate is the optimum
design discharge in case the expected return on equity is fixed.

Layouts of the individual structures conceived in the optimization study may vary and can be
modified in the feasibility design. However the general layout and the main concept of the
project will remain the same. All details of Optimization that includes design, cost estimation,
energy computation and financial analysis of all options are shown in Annex C.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Range of Options

In order to determine the optimal installed capacity, it is necessary to study a range of capacities
within which the optimal solution can be found. Studies of the RoR projects in Nepal indicate
that the optimum plant capacity usually lies in the range of 30% to 60 % of the excedence flow.
To obtain the optimum design discharge for the Upper Rahughat project, fixed design discharge
from the Rahughat Mangale project plus various excedence flows from Bagar Khola are
considered in options study. These are shown Table 8-1. The corresponding plant capacities as
listed in Table 8-1 are considered to be adequate to define the trend of the benefit cost analysis.

Table 8-21





Range of Options
from Bagar
Khola (m3/s)


Capacity considered




The installed capacities given above were derived for each of the flows assuming an overall
efficiency of the turbine, generator and transformer equivalent to 88.41%. The separate
efficiencies are shown in Table 8-2. The total head loss in the water conveyance system was
estimated on the basis of the optimum size of the tunnels and penstock.
Table 8-22



93 %
98 %
97 %

River Flows

The capacity and energy potential of a particular option is dependent on the river flows. The
mean monthly flows at the intake sites of Rahughat Mangale project at Rahughat River and
Bagar Khola are shown in Table 8-3. These flows are used in the computations of dry season
energy, wet season energy and average annual energy.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
To maintain aquatic life in the dewatered reach of the river, 10% of the minimum monthly
average flow from each river totaling to 0.47 cumecs is proposed to be released from the
headworks. This has been deducted from the river flows while assessing the capacity and energy
potential of the different options.

Table 8-23



Average Monthly
Flows from
Rahughat River at
Intake of
Mangale HEP

Average Monthly Flows






Flows from
Both Rivers



from Both

Minimum Operating Level and Tail Water Level

Since Upper Rahughat project a cascade development of Rahughat Mangale Project, the
minimum operating level for all options depends on the Tail Water Level of Rahughat Mangale
Project. Based on these criteria, the Minimum Operating Level for all options was fixed at an
elevation of 1552.0 masl according to the Tail Water Level of Rahughat Mangale HEP.
The setting of the turbine for the powerhouse for Upper Rahughat HEP has been based on a
water level corresponding to the 1:100 year flood. The calculation of the potential gross head for
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
the estimation of the energy generation is therefore, also, based on this elevation. Based on this,
the tail water level is fixed at 1178.0 masl. Pelton turbines have been proposed for the project
due to the high head. Since the difference in the calculated elevation of the turbine centerline for
the different capacity options is negligible compared to the overall gross head of the project, EL
1180 was used as the centerline of the turbine for all of the capacity options. This is 2 m higher
than the tail water level. This level was therefore used to calculate the gross and effective heads
of the plant for all the capacity options.

High Flood Level at Bagar Khola Headworks

During the time of floods the river carries more discharge than the design discharge and the
water level thus rises above the minimum operating level. The sizing of the free overflow
spillway and the under sluice for all capacity options are influenced more by physical constraints
related to the ability to pass flood flows and river gradient at the dam site than the respective
design discharge. The free flow spillway without operating the under sluice is designed to pass
the discharge of 231.0 cumecs which corresponds to the flood of 1:100 years return period. The
flood level at the time of 1:100 year return period will be 1568.60 masl. During the event of the
1:500 year flood, the high flood level is estimated to be 1569.73 masl. The high flood level is
used to design the deck level of the diversion weir and other surface water conveyance structures
at the Bagar Khola headworks.

Conceptual Layout and Design

The Upper Rahughat Project consists of a headworks structure at Bagar Khola to tap the
discharge from Bagar Khola, an interconnection system at Bagar Khola to divert the water from
Rahughat Mangale HEP, a collecting pond at Bagar Khola, a headrace tunnel, a surge tank, a
surface penstock, an inclined drop shaft and a surface powerhouse.
The headworks at Bagar Khola comprises of a diversion weir to divert flows into a surface
desander located on the left bank of the khola. The design flow is conveyed to the desander from
an intake structure located adjacent to the weir via the intake channel. The flow from the
desander is then conveyed to the collecting pond where the discharge from the Rahughat
Mangale Project is mixed. Similarly the flow from the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale HEP is
conveyed to the collecting pond located on the left bank of Bagar Khola through a concrete box
culvert located across and below the Bagar Khola. Discharges from both Bagar Khola and
Rahughat Mangale HEP are collected in the collecting pond located on the left bank of Bagar
Khola, From the collecting pond the discharge is conveyed to the surface powerhouse via the
headrace tunnel, surge tank, surface penstock and inclined drop shaft.
The sizes of all individual structures for each capacity option were computed. The features of
structures and specific design considerations for each of the main structures for each capacity
option are elaborated under their respective headings. The design of the structures and other
details of the optimization studies are shown in Annex C.

Diversion Weir at Bagar Khola

For all capacity options, the diversion weir will be of concrete gravity structure with gated under
sluice and a free overflow ogee spillway section along the weir axis built across the river
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
channel of Bagar Khola. The diversion weir will be founded on alluvial bed. However, curtain
grouting is proposed along the axis of the dam.
As mentioned above, the sizing of the free overflow spillway and the under sluice for all
capacity options are influenced more by physical constraints related to the ability to pass flood
flows, river gradient at the weir site and stability of the section than the respective design
discharge. Therefore, the size of the diversion weir will be the same for all capacity options.
Following design criteria were used in the design of the diversion weir and stilling basins:

based on the invert level of the intake and Minimum Operating level of 1565 masl, the crest
elevation of the free overflow spillway was fixed at 1565 masl,
The free overflow spillway is designed for the 1:100 year flood.
the under sluice will be kept at 1563.5 masl, 1.0 m below the invert level of the intake and will
have a capacity to pass the annual flood at MOL.
the deck level of the weir will be based on the Maximum Flood Level corresponding to the
1:500 years flood

the shape of the overflow crest and the capacity of the spillway are designed in accordance with
the recommendations of the United States Bureau of Reclamation,
The diversion weir has been designed on the basis of the above assumptions. The diversion weir
will have 3 meter wide gated under sluice at left bank adjacent to the intake and a 15 meter wide
free overflow ogee spillway section along the remaining width of the river channel. The under
sluice will be equipped with a 3 m wide by 2.5 m high vertical lift gate.

River Intake at Bagar Khola

To divert the water from diversion weir to the desander, an intake is proposed on the left bank.
The intake of each option was designed to pass the respective design flows at their
corresponding minimum operating level with a flow velocity of 0.75 m/sec. Deck level of intake
in all options are kept at 1570 masl, which is above the HFL corresponding to 1:500 years flood.
From the main intake, the discharge is conveyed to the desander via the intake channel with a
drop structure having variable lengths. The drop structure is provided due to the difference in the
water level at the intake to the water level at collecting chamber. Table 8-4 gives the features of
the intake and intake channel for each capacity option.
Table 8-24

Features of Intake for Each Option

Description / Options
No of Intake Openings
Design Discharge m3/sec
Clear Width of each intake in m
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Desanding Basin at Bagar Khola

Depending on the discharge, a surface desanding basin with one or more chambers is considered
for each option. The effective depth and width of the basin were fixed at 3.5 m and 3.0 m,
respectively but the length of the desander is design to extract 95% of the 0.20 mm diameter
particles at the minimum operating level.
The result of the hydraulic design calculations for all of the capacity options are given in
Appendix B and Table 5 summarizes the main features of the desanding basins for the different
options. The desanding basin for each option is designed for their respective design discharge.
The desanding basin is designed from concentration approach using Camps removal factor
(based on curves) assuming a mean sediment concentration of 2380 ppm. Due to the
unavailability of sediment data, grain size distribution of Marsyangdi River at Phalia Sangu
(dam site of Middle Marshyangdi HEP) was used for this exercise. Fall velocity of the particles
is estimated for quartz spheres in water at 15 degree centigrade. Horizontal flushing procedure
through the flushing conduit was assumed for all the cases.

Table 8-25

Features of the Desanding Basins for Each Capacity Option

Description / Options
No of Basin
Effective depth of the Basin in m
Number of chamber in the Basin
Effective width of the Chamber in m
Effective length of the Basin in m





Concrete Box Culvert

The water from the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale is conveyed to the Upper Rahughat via a
cut and cover concrete box culvert. The design discharge of the box culvert for all options is the
same and is 12 m3/sec. Part of the box culvert crosses Bagar Khola. Approximately 20 m of the
box culvert passes below the river and will need to be protected from the river by two layers of
1.5 m thick plumb concrete and a layer of 0.5 m thick structure concrete. It will also be protected
by upstream and downstream concrete aprons. These aprons will consist of 0.5 m thick plumb
concrete. The total length of the box culvert is 62 m and will have internal dimensions of 3.5 m
by 3.5m.

Collection Chamber

Water from Rahughat Mangale will be conveyed to the collection chamber located on the left
bank of the river via a box culvert and via a desanding basin. The Minimum Operating Level at
the collection chamber is fixed with respect to tail water level of Rahughat Mangale, which is
1552 masl. MOL is fixed at 1552 masl for all options. Water from collection chamber is
conveyed to the headrace tunnel. The headrace tunnel will be a pressure tunnel and will the need
vortex head for safe hydraulic operating conditions. The collection chamber has been designed
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
to provide this vortex head. The minimum width of the collection chamber was kept equivalent
to 5 m or a width based on the width of the Bagar Khola desanding basin of the respective
option, whichever was higher. The dimensions of the collection chamber for each capacity
options are presented in Table 8-6 below:
Table 8-26
Description / Options
Length, Width and Depth in m


Features of Collection Chamber





Headrace Tunnel, Penstock and Drop shaft

The water conveyance system of the project consists of headrace tunnel, surface penstock
followed by drop shaft before it reaches to the surface powerhouse. The headrace tunnel
connecting the power intake at its upstream end and the surge tank at the downstream end is
approximately 4.8 km long. The section of the headrace tunnel assumed for the optimization of
the tunnel diameter will be circular in shape. The optimization procedure for each option was
performed on the basis of the following assumptions summarized in Table 8-7.

Table 8-27

Economic Parameters used in Optimization

Economic Life time
Construction Time for waterways
Discount Rate
Dry Season Energy
Wet Season Energy

25 years
4 year
Rs. 7.00 per kWh
Rs. 4.00 per kWh

The construction cost comprises of the direct cost only. Optimization of the headrace tunnel was
done by using the in-house computer program developed in a spreadsheet. The optimizations for
all cases were carried out separately. It was assumed that the major length of the tunnel will be
A combination of surface penstock made up of mild steel pipes and a drop shaft has been
proposed to divert the water to the turbines from the surge tank. The initial part of the penstock
will be located on the surface. This part is 673 m long. Due to the presence of a steep cliff, 203
m long inclined drop shaft is proposed at the downstream part of the penstock reaching the
surface powerhouse. These penstocks are optimized for all options. The results of the
optimizations of the headrace tunnels, and penstocks for each case are attached in Annex C.
Table 8-8 shows the main features of the optimum diameters for the different tunnel sections and
capacity options.
Table 8-28

Features of Headrace Tunnel, Surface Penstock and Steel Lined Drop Shaft

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
Description / Options
Design discharge in m3/sec
Optimum finished dia. of Unlined
Headrace Tunnel in m
Optimum finished dia. of Surface
penstock and inclined steel lined drop
shaft in m
Thickness of Steel in mm













The headrace tunnel is 4.8 km long and is assumed to be partly unlined. It has two intermediate
construction adits having lengths of 186 and 213 m. The rock mass along the headrace tunnel
has been divided into five classes, R1 to R5, with corresponding support types from S1 to S5.
Percentage of the tunnel length for the S1 to S5 support system recommended on the basis of the
field investigation and utilized in the tunnel costing are 6.5, 23.6, 27.10, 29.30 and 13.5,
A surge tank is provided at the end of the headrace tunnel. It is followed by a 395 m long surface
penstock, 190 m long inclined steel lined drop shaft and 55 m long horizontal steel lined
pressure tunnel. The steel lined pressure tunnel will be branched off to feed the two turbine


Surge Tank

The physical dimensions of the surge tank have been determined using the Thoma criteria for
hydraulic stability. The size of the surge tank has been fixed so that it is as small as possible
commensurate with construction constraints. The surge tank will be open at the top. Table 9
summarizes the dimensions of the surge tank for the different capacity options.
Table 8-29

Estimated Diameter of Surge Tank

Description / Options
Finished Diameter of Surge Tank in m
Height of the Surge Tank in m










Powerhouse and Tailrace

The powerhouse will be an enclosed structure of reinforced concrete substructure with gable
roof. The powerhouse will be founded entirely on bed rock. The back slope for the powerhouse
will be benched and cut to an overall slope of 1V: 0.3H, with 15 cm thick shotcrete and 5 m long
rock bolt on the slope surface to assure stability on the bedrock.

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
The powerhouse for all capacity options contains two Pelton units and all miscellaneous
electrical and mechanical equipment required for the operation and maintenance of the facility.
Selection of two units is for the optimisation purpose only, and could be changed in the
feasibility design. The powerhouse contains the generating unit bays, an erection area and an
unloading area. The general dimensions of the powerhouse, for all of the capacity options are
shown in Table 8-10.
Table 8-30

Features of Powerhouse and Tailrace Channel for Each Capacity Option

Description / Options
Length of the Powerhouse in m
Width of the Powerhouse in m





The water coming out of the powerhouse after generation of power will be channelled back into
the Rahughat River. The tailrace consists of concrete box culverts emerging from each unit
immediately downstream of the powerhouse and converging into a single culvert.

Access Road

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project does not have a motorable access road at present. The
nearest road head to this project is an earthen road at Khapsindada originating from Galeshor.
This road is about 6 km long. Galeshor lies about 3 Km north of Beni on the Beni - Jomsom
road. Beni, the district head quarter of Myagdi District is accessible by a 13 km long gravel road
that originates from Mal Dhunga on Pokhara Baglung Highway.

Since Upper Rahughat HEP is a cascade project of Rahughat Mangale HEP, it will be
constructed only after the construction of Rahughat Mangale HEP. The access road built for
Rahughat Mangale project from Khapsindada shall be used for the construction of Upper
Rahughat Project. However, additional project road will be required to reach the powerhouse,
surge tank and the inlet portals of the two construction adit tunnels. For this about 6 km project
road is estimated and considered in the optimization study. The cost of the access road in the
optimization study is considered to be taken by Rahughat Mangale HEP. Howeer, this
assumption would be changed in the feasibility design and cost estimation.
8.5.10 Transmission Line
As mentioned in Section 1.5, there are three projects along the stretch of Rahughat Khola where
this project is being considered. Rahughat Mangale HEP being developed by IPP Manju Acharya
is located at the most upstream part. This project is immediately followed by Upper Rahughat
HEP, for which this current study is being carried out. The third project, Rahughat HEP, is
located downstream of Uppper Rahughat HEP project and is currently being developed by NEA
and this project envisages the construction of a transmission line from its powerhouse up to the
powerhouse of Modi HEP. Since the construction of this NEA Rahughat HEP project has already
been initiated it is understood that this stretch of the transmission line will be in place in the near
future. The study for Rahughat Mangale HEP envisages that its power evacuation will be carried
out from its powerhouse up to the powerhouse of Rahughat HEP being built by NEA via a single
circuit line and from here up to the powerhouse of Modi HEP via another single circuit line. It is
Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
also envisaged that the second circuit from the powerhouse of Rahughat HEP up to the
powerhouse of Modi HEP will have the capacity to evacuate the power produced by both
Rahughat Mangale HEP as well as Upper Rahughat HEP. Cost of this second circuit is
considered in the transmission line of Rahughat Mangale HEP. The power generated by this
(Upper Rahughat HEP) project can therefore be evacuated in the switchyard of Rahughat HEP
(being built by NEA), the implementation of which has already been started by NEA. Therefore,
Upper Rahughat HEP will require the construction of only a single circuit line up to the
switchyard of Rahughat HEP.
The evacuation of power from this project will thus be carried out by constructing an 8 km long,
132 kV single circuit transmission line with ACSR Bear conductors on steel lattice towers
between Upper Rahughat and Rahughat HEP. The powerhouse substation at Upper Rahughat
HEP will have two numbers of 11/132 kV step up three phase outdoor power transformers, two
numbers of 132 kV transformer bays and one number of 132 kV line bay. Likewise, one number
of 132 kV transmission line bay shall be extended at the switchyard of Rahughat HEP. The
above transmission line arrangement is valid for all four capacity options of the Optimization
Study. The component of transmission scheme is shown in Table 8-11.
Table 8-31

132 kV SC line with
BEAR conductor on
lattice towers
132 kV line bay
132 kV transformer bay

Transmission Line Alternatives



Unit rate MUS$

Total amount MUS$








Total cost of this scheme is about USD 2,640,000.00. It has been considered that all necessary
electrical facilities determined by NEA for grid connection will be provided by Upper Rahughat

Estimate of Energy and Capacity Potential

In order to estimate the capacity and energy potential of the different options being considered, a
spreadsheet model was developed. Following are the assumptions made for the estimation:

The full supply level of 1552 masl and turbine setting at 1180 masl producing 372 meter of
gross head.
Overall efficiency is 86.00%

Proportionate total head loss for varying power discharge to estimate net head for different
Minimum release of 0.47 m3/s corresponding to the 10% of the minimum monthly flow.

The model calculates the following parameters:

the installed capacity

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

the average dry season energy

the average wet season energy

the average annual energy

The results of the estimates of capacity and energy potential for all four options are summarized
in Table 8-12. Details of the energy calculation are given in Annex C.
Table 8-32

Summary of Power and Annual Energy for Different Design Discharge

Design Discharge (m3/s)



Installed Capacity
Maximum Power
Annual Dry Season Energy
(Poush to Chaitra)
Annual Wet Season Energy
(Baisakh to Mansir)
Annual Average Energy



















For the estimation of the salable energy, the scheduled and unscheduled outage, self
consumption and transmission loss is estimated to be 8%.

Cost Estimate

For the project cost estimation of different capacity options, unit rates for major work items were
based on those used for similar hydroelectric projects, presently under construction or recently
studied to feasibility level in Nepal. These unit rates were used for optimization purpose only.
Quantities of the major civil work items were manually calculated from the layouts prepared for
each option. The weight of the gates and trash racks were derived from standard formulae.
Likewise, the cost of the electromechanical equipment and the transformers were calculated
based on the prevailing international cost. Cost of transmission line and sub-station is based on
the prevailing market price presented in Annex C.
Annex C.
Details of the unit rates of civil work items and hydraulic steel structures are given in Annex C.
Summary of the unit rates of civil works are summarized in Table 8-13.
Table 8-33

Unit Rates of Major Civil Work Items

Overburden Excavation
Hard Rock Excavation
Steel Reinforcement
Steel Reinforcement
Tundi Power Company




Rate in US $


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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Formwork for tunnel
Steel Ribs
Steel Liner
Concrete works
Concrete lining on roof and wall
Invert Concrete
Rock bolt
Earth backfill
Tunnel excavation
Surgetank rock excavation
Granular Back filling


Quantities of the civil work items of the individual structures and respective costs, weight of the
hydraulic steel structures and the respective costs, and the cost of the electromechanical
equipment are given in Annex C. On these direct costs following physical contingencies were
used. Table 8-34 shows the summary of the total project cost of different options.
Physical contingencies used:

Surface Civil Structures


Underground Civil Structures


Hydraulic Steel Structures


Electromechanical Equipment


Transmission line


Miscellaneous Items:

Cost of engineering, administration and construction supervision assumed as 8% of the total

direct cost.
Environmental and mitigation cost as 3% of the total direct cost.

Owners cost as 3% of the total cost

Table 8-34

Summary of Cost for Different Options

Installed Capacity (MW)



Preliminary Expenses
Access Roads and Bridge
Weir & Spillway
Box Culvert
Intake & Intake Channel

Tundi Power Company



Total Cost US $



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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Approach Canal
Desander & downstream canal
Adit Tunnel
Surge Tank
Drop Shaft & Penstock
Tailrace Pond and Canal and switchyard
Gates ,Valves & Steel liner
Turbines, Generators & Accessories






Transmission, Substations & Switchyard





TOTAL (Base Cost)

Engineering, Management (8% of base)
Resettlement and Environment 3%
Owners cost 3%
15% of Civil works & Preliminary
Works(1 -2)
15% of underground work ( 3- 14)
5% of Electromechanical and
Transmission (15 - 17)
Total Contingencies



















Installed Capacity (kW)









Cost / kW


Financial Analysis

There are different modes of financing a hydropower project. Most of the projects developed by
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) are financed through the subsidiary loan agreement with
Government of Nepal (GoN) using development loan or foreign grants. The other mode of
financing is through the private sector by involving financing institutions. In this mode, certain
portions of the cost are financed through the equity and remaining portions are financed from
bank loans. Foreign financing institutions are involved for projects of considerable size where as
local institutions are involved for small projects. This project is assumed to be financed by the
private sector by mobilizing funds from local financing institutions. Hence, the entire cost is
estimated in the local currency. However, the cost corresponding to electromechanical
equipments including valves and hydraulic structures are estimated in US $ and is converted to
local currency at the appropriate exchange rate.

Following are the basic assumptions made for estimating financial cost:
Base year for the cost and benefit is January, 2011.

Construction period is 4 years. Hence the Construction cost are disbursed in four years

Commercial operation date is assumed to be January 1, 2017.

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization

Escalation rate on the local currency is assumed to be 5%

Exchange rate for 1 US $ is 75.00.

Custom of 1.0% is assumed to be applicable on the electromechanical and transmission line

Local taxes of 1.5% are assumed to be applicable on entire project components except on the
electromechanical, transmission line, project engineering, compensation & mitigation and
owners costs.
Valued added taxes of 13.0% are assumed to be applicable on entire project components except
on the electromechanical, transmission line, compensation & mitigation and owners costs.
debt equity ratio is 70:30

Entire loan will be in local currency.

Establishment fee payable to commercial bank is 0.50% on total debt commitment at the time of
Commitment fee payable to commercial bank is 0.50% per annum on unused debt during
construction period.
interest on loan are assumed to be 10.0% per annum and the interest during construction are

Detail breakdown of the total financial cost of the different options considered for the design
discharge optimization are presented in Table No. 15.

Table 8-35

Summary of Total Financial Cost (Million Rs.)

Base Cost as of Year 2011
Physical Contingency
Total Cost as of Year 2011
Taxes and Duties
Total Financial Cost as of Year 2011
Price Contingency
Loan Processing Fees
Interest During Construction
Total Financial Cost at the end of

Cost for Rated Discharge (cumecs)

4,892.73 4,328.41 4,102.55 3,946.56
5,318.89 4,705.06 4,459.13 4,291.65
5,778.16 5,113.67 4,846.56 4,668.80




In order to compare the different options on the basis of internal rate of return, the present value
of the costs and benefits of all the options were determined to the first year of construction.

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
Benefit and cost streams of each capacity option for all the cases are as mentioned in Table No.
11 and Table No. 14 respectively. The analysis was carried out for following two options:
Option A: In this option, the entire energy is assumed to be sold at the posted rate of Rs. 7.00
per kWh for dry season and Rs. 4.0 per kWh for wet season. Financial rate of
return for different design discharges were estimated in this option.
Option B: In this option, the expected return on equity is assumed to be 16%. The required
average tariffs for different design discharges were estimated in this option.
The financial analyses were based on the following assumptions:

Economic life of the project is 35 years after commercial operation

Annual Benefit starts from the first year of commercial operation

Annual cost of operation and maintenance is taken as 1.5% of the project cost and disbursement
of this starts from fifth year.
Discount rate of 10% is used to estimate benefit cost ratio

Average energy cost is based on January 2011 price level and is escalated annually at the rate of
3% per annum for first 10 years of operation.
Expected return on equity is not less than 16% while estimating required energy rate.

Interest on loan during operation is assumed to be 10.0% per annum and the loan along with the
interest will be repaid in equal installments quarterly.
Loan duration for commercial loan is 15 years after the year of commercial operation.

Diminishing balance method with annual depreciation at the rate of 4% per annum is adopted.

Annual operation and maintenance cost is assumed to be 1% of the total construction cost and is
escalated at the rate of 5%.
Annual insurance cost is 1.0% of the construction cost and is escalated at the rate of 5%.

Bonus and welfare fund of 2% of net profit annually.

Runner replacement cost is assumed to be 10% of the electromechanical cost and is assumed to
be replaced once in ten years.
Royalty on installed capacity is Rs. 150 per kW per annum for first 15 years and Rs. 1200 per
kW per annum then after.
Capacity royalty will be escalated at the rate of 5% per annum assuming 2001 as base year.

Royalty on revenue is 1.85% on total revenue for first 15 years and 10% on total revenue then
corporate tax is 20% with no tax holiday.

Entire energy is assumed to be used in domestic market.


Analysis and Results

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
The details of the analysis are presented in Appendix E. The summary of the results of the
financial analysis for all cases of different capacity options are shown in Table 8-16 and
Appendix E. The result of the analysis is presented in Figure 8-1.
Table 8-36

Summary of the Result

Rated Discharge
Capacity (MW)

(Million Rs.)



Option A
Return on

Option B
as of 2017

It is seen that if the energy is assumed to be sold at the posted rate of Rs. 7.00 per kWh for dry
season and Rs. 4.0 per kWh for wet season, the return on equity of the project is between
11.01% to 15.28%. Similarly, if the expected return on equity is assumed to be 16% the average
tariff of the energy as of the year 2017 will be between Rs. 4.90 per kWh to Rs. 5.21 per kWh.

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Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
Figure 8-19

Optimization of Design Discharge

Optimization of Design Discharge

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project



Return on Equity (%)

Average Energy Rate (Rs./kWh)


Return on Equity (%) / Average Energy Rate (Rs./ kWh) ------->




Design Discharge (cumecs) ----->

8.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

The results of the optimization study are shown in Table 15 and Figure 1. The results of the
optimization study have been based on two scenarios. One has been based on the fixed posted
PPA rates by NEA for projects with an installed capacity of below 25 MW. The study on this
basis uses the fixed rates of NRs 7.00 and NRs 4.00 for the energy produced during the dry and
wet seasons respectively and calculates the resulting return on equity. The second scenario
Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Optimization
calculates the required minimum tariff rates for the energy generated for the project to yield a
minimum return on equity of 16 %.

Comparison of various alternative capacity options as presented in Table 8-36 and Figure 8-1
shows that the optimum design discharge lies between 13.7 cumecs and 15.6 cumecs. As all the
options considered for the optimization study for the Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project are
more than 25 MW, the optimization scenario based on the return on equity on the basis of the
posted fixed PPA rate is less applicable. Hence, the optimization scenario based on the minimum
tariff rate for a fixed return of equity of 16% is more reliable in this case. On the base of the
shape of the above curve of tariff rate, optimum design discharge is estimated to be 15.2 cumecs.
This value is slightly less than the 40% dependable flow. This would correspond to the installed
capacity of about 49 MW. The optimization study therefore recommends the project to be
designed for the design discharge of 15.2 cumecs. The feasibility design of the project thus will
be done for this discharge.

Tundi Power Company


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Chapter Nine



The Rahughat Khola is one of the major tributaries of Kali Gandaki River and Kali Gandaki
River is again one of the major rivers of the Sapta Gandaki Basin. The Rahughat Basin is
located in between latitudes 28o 22' and 28o 42' N and longitudes 83o 35' and 83o 27' E and lies
in Myagdi District of Western Development Region.
The project site proposed for the development of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is
bestowed with a high head, moderate discharge and moderate geological conditions. This
project is located immediately upstream of the hydropower project being developed by Nepal
Electricity Authority. NEA has already initiated the implementation of this project. Apart from
these two projects, another hydropower project is also being studies along this stretch of
Rahughat River and it is located immediately upstream of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project. This is Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project and it is also licensed to an IPP. The
headwork of this project has been proposed to be located at a placed called Dhar and the
powerhouse has been proposed on the right bank of Bagar Khola, a tributary of Rahughat
Khola, about 150 m upstream from the confluence of Rahughat River and Bagar Khola. This is
also the location for the headworks of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. It can be seen
that Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is situated in between two hydropower projects,
Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project on the upstream side and NEA Rahughat Hydropower
project on the downstream side. Due to the virtue of its location, this project is thus proposed to
be developed as a cascade development to Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project.

Project Configuration

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project falls in the lesser than 100 MW category under the
guidelines set forth by DOED. The general design principles for the project have therefore been
carried out according to the guideline for this category.
The project structures have been designed according to the topographical conditions of the site
and wherever possible measures have been taken to minimize the cost. Since this project is
being developed as a cascade development, the location of the headworks has been chosen so
that it complies with location of the other structures, especially the location of the power house
of Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project. The layout of the headworks of this project has also
been influenced by the proposal to produce power from Bagar Khola, a tributary of Rahughat
Khola. The layout of the conveyance system has to a great extent been dictated by the
topographical and geological conditions. The overall layout of the project is shown in Dwg. No.
Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design



General Arrangement of the Project Components

Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric Project with an installed capacity of 48.5 MW has its
project components located along the left bank of Rahughat Khola. The project basically
consists of the headworks complex with its interconnection system to RMHEP and the
arrangement for the production of power from Bagar Khola located approximately 150 m
upstream from the confluence of Bagar Khola and Rahughat Khola, a headrace tunnel, a surge
tank, a surface / underground penstock, a powerhouse and a tailrace.
As mentioned earlier, since this project is being developed as a cascade developmet of RMHEP,
the two projects are connected by means of an interconnection structure consisting of a cut and
cover box culvert that passes beneath and across Bagar Khola. The upstream end of this
interconnection structure is the tailrace of RMHEP powerhouse, while at the downstream end it
is connected to the collection sump located adjacent to the intake portal of the headrace tunnel
of URHEP. While this interconnection system comprises of one part of the headworks structure,
the basic project components for the intake of additional discharge from Bagar Khola also
comprises as an important part of the headworks complex.
The arrangements made for the extraction of the design discharge from Bagar Khola basically
consists of a weir including an undersluice, a gravel ejector and an emergency spillway and a
desander with a forebay at its downstream end. Provision has also been made to produce power
locally by means of introducing a powerhouse with two units and a pair of twin surface
penstocks connected to the forebay. The tailrace from this powerhouse is connected to the
collection sump located adjacent to the intake portal of the headrace tunnel of URHEP.
In general the project components have been divided broadly as follows.

The weir, the undersluice and the emergency spillway structure

The desander, the forebay and flushing structure
The twin surface penstock for Bagar Khola Powerhouse
The surface powerhouse for generation of power from Bagar Khola locally
The tailrace connecting canal between the powerhouse and the collection sump
The cut and cover box culvert
The collection sump and the portal of the headrace tunnel
The headrace tunnel
The surge tank
The surface / underground penstock
The surface powerhouse for URHEP
The tailrace outlet

The general arrangement of the project components are shown in Drawing No. UR-HW-01 and
UR-PH-01. Detail calculation of design of hydraulic structures and optimization of tunnel and
penstock diameters and etc are shown in Annex D.

Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Headworks General Arrangement

The headworks site is located approximately 150 m from the confluence of Rahughat and Bagar
Kholas. The topography of the khola banks in this area is relatively flat with moderate
excavation requirements. The headworks arrangement at Bagar Khola has been arranged to take
into consideration the following factors:

Safe passage of the 1 in 100 year flood as per the requirements set forth in the
DOED guidelines.
Adequate flushing provisions through the undersluice.
Controlled flow to safeguard the conveyance from ingress of flow during the high
flow periods.
Prevention of entry of gravel and coarse bed material into the conveyance.

The headworks comprises of a 20 m wide overflow weir designed to pass the 1 in 100 year
design flood at an elevation of EL 1570.80 masl. The right bank is protected by a 2 meter thick
abutment wall raised up to an elevation of EL 1571.3 masl.
The weir has been provided in such a way that the original conditions of the flow prevail in the
area as much as possible. A 1.0 m wide concrete guide wall has been provided along the left
bank of the overflow weir to guide the design flood over the ogee shaped weir. The guide wall
will also help in guiding the low flows towards the intake area.
Details of the headwork at Bagar Khola are shown in drawings Dwg. No. UR-HW-01 to Dwg.
No. UR-HW-06. Overflow Weir
A 20 m wide by approximately 6.5 m high overflow weir has been provided to guide the design
flow into the intake and also to pass the design flood during the times of high floods. The shape
of the weir has been provided to conform to an ogee shape. This ungated overflow weir has
been located in the main section of the river so as to maintain the original waterway of the river
to the extent possible. The surcharge reaches a level of EL 1570.80 masl during times of high
flood while the crest of the spillway has been fixed at an elevation of EL 1568.00.
The overflow weir will consist of a concrete gravity overflow section along the major part of its
axis and an undersluice on the left bank separated by a 1.0 m wide guide wall.
The sizing of the free overflow weir and the undersluice is very much influenced by physical
constraints related to the ability to pass flood flows, river gradient at the weir site and the
stability of the section.
Due to the river gradient and the lack of storage volume at the weir site, an uncontrolled ogee
overflow section has been proposed throughout the length of the diversion weir.
Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Based on the arrangement provided at the headworks, the level of the crest of the intake has
been set at an elevation of EL 1566.0 masl, while the crest elevation of the free overflow weir
has been fixed at EL 1568.00 masl.

Due to the nature of the river in the headworks area, it has been envisaged that, as far as
possible, the original flow profiles will prevail. The ogee shaped spillway weir is founded on
alluvial deposit and has been designed accordingly. It has an approximately 15 m long M25
concrete down stream apron with a concrete cut off structure which is about 2 m deep. The
upstream concrete apron which is 9 meter long has been provided with a 2 m deep concrete cut
off. Stability analysis of the overflow weir has been carried out to check the safety of the
structure from sliding and overturning. The exit gradient has been checked to safe guard the
structure against uplift. In order to protect the outer surface of the spillway, the entire spillway
surface up to the downstream apron will have a hard stone pitching surface.
The uncontrolled spillway is designed to pass the 1:100 years return period flood equal to 231
Abutments on either side of the Khola and the deck levels have been provided above the flood
water level corresponding to the 1:100 years flood.
The shape of the overflow crest and the capacity of the spillway have been designed in
accordance with the recommendations of the United States Bureau of Reclamation. It is
assumed that the upstream portion of the weir will be gradually filled up with sediment during
its operation in the subsequent years. And hence it is envisaged that the bed level at the part of
the river immediately upstream of the spillway will ultimately, be fixed at EL 1568.00 masl.
The diversion structure consists of a 1.0 m wide guide wall which separates the undersluice
from the overflow weir. This guide wall starts from the beginning of the intake structure at the
upstream side and ends at the sloping glacis of the spillway at the downstream end. The top
elevation of the guide wall is EL 1571.3. masl.
The top level of the abutment walls on either side of the weir and the deck above the undersluice is located at an elevation of EL 1571.30 masl which is above the high flood level
corresponding to the 100 years return period flood.
The overflow weir occupies most of the length of the diversion structure and it is 6.5 m high,
when measured from the bottom of the foundation. The weir will consist of a solid reinforced
concrete structure founded appropriately 2 m below the original river bed level to ensure its
structural safety against sliding as well as overturining. The spillway will pass the design flood
of 231 m3/s at an elevation of El 1570.80 masl. This gives a 0.50 m freeboard to the abutment
and deck level. Undersluice
The undersluice invert level has been fixed at EL 1563.50 masl. The width of the undersluice
bay will be 3 m while its height will be 2.1 m. These openings will be created by providing a
breast wall above the openings. Stop log guides will be provided at the upstream side of the
breast wall to allow maintenance of the undersluice gate and embedded mechanical parts. The
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Description and Design


downstream channel bed slope of the undersluice is steep to facilitate flushing through the
undersluice. The undersluice is designed to pass the 1:2 years flood equivalent to 48.9 m 3/sec.
This flow corresponds to the annual flood. Intake
The main power intake has been located immediately upstream and adjacent to the undersluice
to facilitate the safe withdrawal of the turbine flow of 3.2 m 3/sec at an elevation of EL 1568.00
masl. The intake has been provided with a narrow weir the crest level of which has been kept
at EL 1566.00 m which is 2.5 meter higher than the invert level of the undersluice. This would
prevent the intrusion of the bed load into the power intake during flood. The intake deck has
been designed for the high flood level corresponding to the 1:100 years flood.
The power intake is located just upstream from the undersluice. The intake has been set at an
angle of 90 degrees to the weir axis to facilitate the flushing of the bed material and to ensure a
smooth flow into the intake. The orientation of the intake channel and the intake has been
arranged so that a favorable flow condition prevails in the headworks. The dimension of the
river intake opening has been selected to maintain a velocity of approximately 0.5 m/s through
the net area of the trash racks at the design discharge at the operating level of EL 1568.00 masl
at the headwork. This arrangement is expected to ensure the flow of the design discharge into
the intake even during times of minimum flow and will also prevent the intrusion of bed load
into the intake from the river during flood. The trash rack will be kept at an inclination of 75 o
with the horizontal in order to prevent the intrusion of floating material.
A gravel trap has been provided downstream of intake to exclude the larger particles of the
inflowing sediment. Gravel will be extracted and flushed into the Rahughat Khola with the
outlet gate and the flusing channel proposed on left side of the undersluice.
The invert level of the gravel trap located immediately downstream of the power intake has
been fixed at an elevation EL 1564.00 masl. A sluice opening is provided between the gravel
trap and the desanding basin. The opening is 3.5 meter wide and 0.50 meter high. The crest
level of the sluice is fixed at EL 1565.00 masl which is one meter higher than the bottom level
of gravel trap. This will ensure the prevention of intrusion of gravel into the desnading basin.
Submerged flow is ensured through the sluice opening by providing a baffle just downstream of
the sluice gate in order to control the excess discharge even at high flood level. Discharge
through the sluice at the normal operating level of EL 1968.00 masl at head work is estimated
to be about 3.53 m3/sec if the water level at desanding basin is EL 1567.50 masl. However, the
water level at desanding basin will be slightly higher if the turbine flow at Bagar Khola is 3.2
m3/sec. At high flood level of EL 1570.80 masl at headwork, maximum flow through the sluice
is estimated to be 7.41 m3/sec for the maximum water level of EL 1568.61 masl at desanding
basin. Uncontrolled spillway is provided just downstream of the sluice in order to control the
water level at desanding basin. The crest length of the spillway is 5 meter and the crest level is
fixed at EL 1567.50 masl.

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Description and Design


The working platform for the trash rack cleaning machine and the hoist for the intake stop logs
as well as the stoplogs located at the orifice intake will be at EL 1571.30 masl. The deck level
of the intake is above the HFL corresponding to the 1:100 years flood. Desanding Basin and Flushing Structure
In order to reduce the erosion of the guide vanes and runners of the Francis turbines and pelton
turbines by suspended sediments, a desanding basin is required. The dimensions of the
desanding basin depend on the characteristics of the river, the design discharge, and the particle
size to be removed, which is typically 0.2 mm for projects on the Himalayan Rivers. The
general trends with recent studies carried out on hydroelectric projects in Nepal show that the
desanding basin in general is designed to trap 95% of the 0.2 mm diameter particles entering
the basin from the river. Due to the size of the project a single bay desanding basin with a single
chamber has been provided. The desanding basin has been designed for a discharge of 3.2
m3/sec. The settling velocity for the critical grain size is 0.02 m/sec. The width of the single
chamber is 6.0 m. Likewise, the depth of flow varies from 3.0 m at the upstream end to 3.7 m at
the downstream end.
The effective length of the desanding basin will be 35.0 m. The basin will a have flushing
conduit with a bottom width of 1.0 m and a transverse slope of 1 in 1 on both the sides. The
longitudinal slope of the flushing channel will be 2%. The flushing conduit will be placed at the
end of the desanding basin to ensure complete flushing of the basin. A weir like structure is
provided at the end of the desanding basin. The crest level of this structure is fixed at an
elevation of EL 1565.50 masl. This structure will prevent the intrusion of the sediment collected
in the desanding basin to the downstream.
The normal water level in the desanding basin will be maintained at an elevation of EL 1567.50
masl. The side walls of the basin will be extended up to EL 1568.50 masl. This will give a 1.00
meter free board in the desanding basin during normal flows. The flow into the desanding basin
will be controlled by the provision of an orifice opening located in the intake channnel. This
will help to facilitate the control of flow into the desander even during times of flood.
At the lower end, the desanding basin ends at the flushing channel. The control gate to operate
the flushing conduit is provided at the downstream end of the conduit just as it emerges from
below the desanding chamber. The flushing channel will be approximately 1.5 m wide and 1 m
high and approximately 25 m long. Intermittent flushing is proposed in the desanding basins.
Flushing of the desanding basin will be accomplished by using a head cutting process for which
it is essential to have supercritical flow along the basin floor during the operation. To obtain the
required hydraulic condition, the bed slope of the desanding basin, flushing conduit and the
flushing channel are all kept at a minimum slope of of 2%. The flushing channel will flush the
sediment laden water back into Bagar Khola.
Flushing Operation
The flushing operation will be initiated with the closing of the desander outlet gates. Then the
flushing gates will be fully opened and the water level in the basin will be allowed to drop until
head cutting process starts in the basin. The intake gate will be kept fully open throughout the
flushing process to allow a constant flow to continue the head cutting process. After removal of
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


all the sediment in the basin the flushing gate will be closed for the refilling of the desanding
basin. At the end of the refilling cycle when the water level in the desander bay is the same as
in the collection chamber the outlet gate is opened under balanced conditions. Forebay
The forebay acts as a regulating pondage to cushion the impact of sudden load rejection or load
acceptance. The forebay is also provided to function as a balancing reservoir in case of the
sudden demand in the pressure conduit. Due to the size of the project, the chamber located at
the downstream end of the desander will act as the forebay for this project. Water hammering is
expected during the sudden closure of the main inlet valve at the powerhouse and this forebay
chamber will act to cushion the effect.
2This forebay chamber will be located at the end of the desanding basin at the outside bend of
the hillside. The shape of the surface area of the forebay has been provided to blend in with the
topographical conditions at this location. This chamber has a net length of 11.4 m and has a
height of 6.20 m. The inlet to the twin surface penstock pipes will be provided on the right bank
side of the forebay and hence the level of the top of this inlet has been fixed such that a
sufficient depth will be maintained to take care of the vortex considerations. The location for
the inlet has been guided by the topography and the location of the powerhouse. Power Generation at Bagar Khola
As mentioned earlier, a surface powerhouse has been proposed in the headworks area to
generate power locally. This arrangement will consist of two surface penstocks diverting the
water from the forebay down to the powerhouse and then discharging the flow into the
collection sump.
Two exposed surface penstock pipes have been provided from the forebay down to the
powerhouse. The diameter of the pipe has been optimized and the whole stretch of the pipe has
been designed as a high pressure conveyance system. Based on the optimization study, the
diameter of the pipe has been fixed at 1.2 m.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design





Present Worth of Loss (Million US $)

PV of Loss

PV of Cost

PV of Total Loss


Finish Diameter (m)

Figure 9-20

Optimization of Surface Penstock for Bagar Khola Powerhouse

The surface penstock starts out from the outlet at the forebay. The alignment follows the
downhill slope after emerging from the forebay outlet. The topography is comparatively gentle
at this location.
Each of the surface penstock pipes will be supported on two anchor blocks. One anchor block
will be located at the upstream end while the other one will be located at the downstream end
and connected to the powerhouse. Each of the penstock will be provided with an expansion
joints located immediately downstream of the upper anchor block.
The proposed surface powerhouse will also be located on the left bank of Bagar Khola, in the
vicinity of the other structues. The powerhouse will accommodate two horizontal axis Francis
Turbines and generators each with a capacity of 162 KW and ancillary facilities for control and
protection. The location of the powerhouse is such that it requires very little excavation and
slope protection works.
The unit size of 162 KW is based on a minimum of two numbers of units in the powerhouse so
that power production can be continued with higher efficiencies during the low flows. Although
the installation of only one unit of 324 KW is possible, maintenance requirements also
necessitates the installation of two units.
The spacing of the turbine/generator units is governed by the size of the generator including,
the exciter space required between the generator and turbine enclosures. A unit spacing of 7.0 m
has been provided for the Bagar Khola Powerhouse. A horizontal turbine-generator alignment
has been adopted, as it provides easy access to the equipment and the powerhouse layout is
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


simple thereby economizing the costs. The turbine setting has been maintained at an elevation
of EL 1555.60 so as to protect the powerhouse from high floods.
The overall length of the powerhouse is governed by the unit spacing of turbine/generator and
the space required for the erection bay. An overall length of 18 m has been provided to cater to
these requirements. The control room and workshops are located towards the north east end of
the powerhouse. The width of the powerhouse hall is governed by the diameter of the Francis
Turbine including the space requirements for ancillaries like the main inlet valves, generator
control panel etc. The width of the main hall has been fixed at 8.40 m. The height of the
powerhouse main hall is governed by the vertical distance required for the transportation of the
generator stator, height of gantry crane and the height required for the roof. The overall height
of the powerhouse is thus estimated to be 10.5 m.
The erection bay also lies on the northern end of the main hall. The powerhouse accommodates
a control room and a workshop on its north eastern side. The penstocks feed the design flow
into the turbines through butterfly valves on the eastern side of the powerhouse. The two drafttubes discharge into a single tailrace conduit. This single tailrace conduit discharges the flow
from the powerhouse through an outlet structure back into the collection chamber located
adjacent to the portal of the headrace tunnel for URHEP.
In view of the economic requirements, the generators and turbines including the erection bay as
well as the equipment rooms have all been located at an elevation of EL 1555.00 masl. The
control room will also be located on this same floor so that it can provide a clear view of the
overall powerhouse.
The powerhouse consists of one main floor at an elevation of EL 1555.00 masl. The main floor
consists of the erection bay which accommodates the turbine and generator components during
initial and consecutive erection of the units and during future maintenance periods. Space is
also provided for vehicular access, assembly of the draft tube liner, turbine stay ring, and head
cover main shaft, guide bearing and rotor. This area serves as a lay down area for the runner.
The workshop will also be located at the erection bay level.
The tailrace for the Bagar Khola powerhouse consists of an approximately 25 m long open
canal having a size of 1 m in depth and 2 m width.This tailrace canal collects the discharge
from the draftubes and conveys it into the collection sump located at the inlet to the headrace
The overall layout of the arrangement for power generation at Bagar Khola is shown in
Drawing No. UR-HW-01 and the section across the forebay, penstock and powerhouse is
shown in Drawing No. UR-BPH-01. Cut and Cover Box Culvert
A cut and cover box culvert section will deliver the discharge from the powerhouse of RMHEP
to the collection chamber located on the left bank of Bagar Khola. This cut and cover section
will pass from beneath and across Bagar Khola river bed. Appropriate protection will be
provided over the top of the cut and cover section so that it will be protected against the scour
of the river bed even at times of high floods. The cut and cover section will be 56.0 m in length
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


and will have a size of 3.2 m by 3.2 m and will consist of reinforced cement concrete box
structure. This cut and cover box culvert has been designed as a pressure flow conduit. Collection Chamber
A collection chamber located on the left bank of Bagar Khola, immediately downstream of the
Bagar Khola powerhouse, will act as the interface in between the cut and cover box culvert and
the headrace tunnel. This collection chamber will also collect the flow from the Bagar Khola
powerhouse as mentioned earlier. This collection sump will be constructed of reinforced
cement concrete and its length, breadth and height will be 12.0 m by 8.0 m by 10.7 m
respectively. Headrace Tunnel
The headrace tunnel starts from the downstream end of the collection sump and ends at the
bottom of the surgetank. The total length of the headrace tunnel is approximately 4875 meters.
The size of the headrace tunnel was optimized as per the normal procedure in determining the
size of the tunnels of hydropower projects. Apart from the basic assumptions, the following
assumptions were also made for the optimization of the headrace tunnel

The tunnel is fully concrete lined.

The maximum value of mannings coefficient for concrete lining is 0.014 where as the
minimum value is 0.01.
The minimum thickness of the lining is 20 cm.

Cost of dry season energy is 0.09 US$ pe KWh whereas that of wet season energy is
0.05US$ per Kwh

The total length of the headrace tunnel from the inlet at the collection sump up to the proposed
location of the bottom of the surge tank is estimated to be 4875 meters. The optimum diameter
of the headrace tunnel is estimated to be 3.4 meters. The tunnel is horse shoe shaped on the
outside while the inner section is circular. The result of the optimization study of the headrace
tunnel is shown in Figure No. 9-2. The excavated diameter of the tunnel varies approximately
from 3.95 meters for areas in stronger rock types while it is 4.10 in the weak rock zone type.
The invert level of the headrace tunnel at the entrance is EL 1545.30 masl and the invert level
of the headrace tunnel at the location of the surge tank is estimated to be EL 1525.94 masl. The
average slope in the headrace tunnel is approximately 1: 250. The longitudinal profile of the
headrace tunnel is presented in the Drawing Nos. UR-HRT-01 and UR-HRT-02.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design



Present Worth of Loss (Million US $)

P V of Loss

P V of Cost

P V of T ot al Loss


Finish Diameter (m)

Figure 9-21

Optimization of the Conrete Lined Headrace Tunnel Surge Tank

The sizing of the surge tank was done by using the Thoma relationship which considers the
pressure parameters of the power tunnels. The surge tank is placed as far downstream as
possible in order to maximize the effective controlling in the high pressure section of tunnel.
The location of the surge tank is chosen in such a way that the maximum expected water level
during up surge is near to the original ground level. The size of the surge tank has been
determined to satisfy the following conditions:

The cross section of the surge tank is not less than the Thoma Cross Section area but
however it should be a practical diameter to facilitate construction.

Adequate freeboard should be provided above and below the maximum upsurge and
minimum down surge levels. This should also take into consideration the topographical
features of the area.

A minimum head loss in the headrace tunnel was assumed to estimate the maximum upsurge
whereas a maximum head loss in the headrace tunnel was assumed to estimate the maximum
down surge. The diameter of the surge tank is fixed in such a way that the ratio of the friction
loss to the maximum surge, neglecting friction, is less than 0.8 for the upsurge and down surge
calculations. Jaegers equation was used to estimate the maximum upsurge and Calame and
Gadens relationship was used to estimate the maximum down surge.
The oscillation of water level in the surge tank during the upsurge and down surge was
estimated using an arithmetical integration method. The basic assumptions for these
calculations are as follows:
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Description and Design


For upsurge: full load rejection, i.e., discharge at the turbines decreases from 15.2
m3/sec to 0 m3/sec and the head loss in the tunnel is minimum.
For down surge: full load increase, i.e., discharge at the turbines increases from 0 m 3/sec
to 15.2 m3/sec and the head loss in the headrace tunnel is maximum .
As there are two units installed in this project, the scenario with a sudden consecutive
starting of the second unit immediately after the operation of the first unit was also
Similarly, a sudden start of the one unit immediately after the full load rejection was
also analyzed.

Apart from the assumptions made for the optimization of the headrace tunnel, the following
assumptions were also made to fix the size of the surge tank:

Minimum free board for the surge tank should at least be 3 meter.

Minimum cover for the surge tank orifice should at least be 5 meter.

Based on the results of the design, a restricted orifice surge tank with a 9.0 meter internal
diameter will be provided at the end of the headrace tunnel, at a distance of approximately 4875
meters from the portal face of the tunnel at the collection chamber. In order to take into
consideration the dynamic pressure exerted by the sudden load acceptance and rejection, the
surge tank has been placed approximately 10 m upstream of the valve chamber. The orifice
diameter is estimated to be 2.0 m where as the depth of the orifice is estimated to be 2 m. The
normal water level at the surge tank is EL 1551.72 masl. The maximum water level in the surge
tank is estimated to reach EL 1567.15 masl at load rejection and the minimum water level is
estimated to reach EL 1536.28 masl during maximum down surge. The maximum down surge
level corresponds to the consecutive full load acceptance from the second unit immediately
after the full load acceptance by the first unit.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Variation of Water Surface in Surge Tank with Time

Water Surf ace in Surge Tank
Water Le vel at Surge Tank (m asl) ----->




800 1000 1200 1400

Tim e (seconds) ----->

Figure 9-22

Full Load Rejection

Variation of Water Surface in Surge Tank with Time

Water Le vel at Surge Tank (m asl) ----->Water Surf ace in Surge Tank





1000 1200 1400

Tim e (se conds ) ----->

Figure 9-23

Full Load Acceptance after immediate the Full Load Rejection (1 Unit)

The level of the top opening of the surge tank has been fixed at EL 1570.15 masl. The total
height of the surge tank from the crown of the headrace tunnel upto the top including the
freeboard is approximately 38.87 meter. The invert level of the headrace tunnel at the surge
tank location is estimated to be EL 1525.88 masl. The surge tank will have a 20 cm thick
shotcrete and a 0.6 meter thick reinforced concrete lining. The excavated diameter of the surge
tank is estimated to be 10.6 m.
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Description and Design


A gate valve chamber approximately 12 m in length with a butterfly valve will be placed in
between the surge tank and the headrace tunnel outlet portal. The provision of this valve will
facilitate the emptying of the water in the surface penstock, the inclined shaft and the high
pressure tunnel without having to empty the water in the surge tank.
Details of the surge tank are presented in the Drawing No. UR-ST-01. Surface Penstock
An exposed surface penstock pipe has been provided from the headrace tunnel outlet portal
down to the powerhouse. The total length of this surface penstock pipe is approximately 337 m.
The diameter of the pipe has been optimized and the whole stretch of the pipe has been
designed as a high pressure conveyance. The result of the optimization of the penstock diameter
is shown in the Figure 9-5. Based on the optimization study, the diameter the pipe has been
fixed at 2.4 m. The thickness of the penstock pipes varies from 8 mm at the top to 24 mm at the
end. . Details of the steel type are shown in section

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design






Present Worth of Loss (Million US $)

PV of Loss

PV of Cost

PV of Total Loss




Finish Diameter (m)

Figure 9-24

Optimization of the Surface Penstock

The surface penstock starts out from the outlet portal. The alignment follows the downhill slope
after emerging from the outlet portal. The overall alignment follows the topography with
vertical bends at 5 locations.
The entire length of the surface penstock is supported on anchor blocks and saddle blocks. The
anchor blocks have been appropriately located at horizontal and vertical bends. Expansion
joints shall be provided at appropriate locations with respect to these anchor blocks. The
surface penstock is connected to the underground inclined drop shaft. The last anchor block will
be the connection point between the surface penstock and inclined drop shaft.

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Description and Design


Saddle Support
These are the reinforced cement concrete saddle blocks uniformly spaced at every 5 m along
the length of the penstock. In general the spacing of the saddles for such type of development is
kept at a distance of 4 to 7 m depending upon the size and type of penstock and the topography
of the ground. The size of saddles is about 1.0 m long x 1.5 m wide x 1.8 m high. The saddle
support is not a uniform rectangular block - the height varies from 1 m to 3 m from the stability
point of view.
The penstock rests clear off 30 cm on the top of the saddles. Ring stiffeners are used to hold the
penstock in position. The stability of the saddle block at the ground profile having such slope
and depth of bedrock is a critical issue. The saddles cannot be founded on bedrock in all the
locations as the assumed rockline along the penstock line falls at a depth of approximately 3 to
4 m from the top surface. But removing the topsoil and putting the foundation over it brings out
relatively good footing condition for the saddle supports. So in most locations they are founded
on the intermediate layer of sand and clay.
Anchor Blocks
An anchor block generally consists of a mass of reinforced concrete structure surrounding the
penstock. Anchor blocks are provided where there is a change in alignment either vertically or
horizontally and where there is a long tangent along the stretch. There are five vertical bends
along the downhill slope. Likewise, there are two horizontal bends at manifold. The final bend
is located where it enters the ground and joins the inclined drop shaft. Altogether there are 7
anchor block and their details are as follows:
Table 9-37

Details of Anchor Blocks

bend Angle


length (m)

bend Angle


Anchor Block Size





































tunnel at

The penstock passes through the anchor blocks. For good stability, the anchor blocks are
recommended to be founded on bed rock. But in some cases, when the bed rock is located at a
depth of 4 to 5 m or more below the surface, the desired condition for a good footing may not
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


be available. When the assumed bearing capacity for the intermediate layer of soil is relatively
low, in the range of 20 tons/ sq m or lower, then, in such cases, the anchor block is, proposed to
be tied to the bedrock with the help of tie rods, drilled to the bedrock from the base of the
anchor block. This strengthens the anchorage between the bedrock and the anchor block.
The longitudinal profile of the penstock is shown in Drawing UR-PS-1 to 6. Section is sown in
drawing UR-PS-02. Drawing UR-PS-04 shows the details of anchor block.

Inclined Drop Shaft and High Pressure Tunnel

The inclined drop shaft and the steel lined high pressure tunnel sections are circular in shape.
The inclined shaft starts from the end of the surface penstock section and is also circular in
section and also has a finished diameter of 2.4 meters. The total length of the inclined shaft is
223 m excluding the length of the transition. Its angle of inclination of is 60 o degrees to the
horizontal. This inclined shaft is followed by a 110 m long 2.4 m diameter circular steel lined
high pressure tunnel. The whole of the length of the surface as well as underground penstock
will be steel lined. The steel lining of the inclined dropshaft and the high pressure tunnel has
been designed to resist the full load without transferring it to the surrounding bed rock.
The optimum finished diameter of the steel lined tunnel is 2.4 meters. The thickness of the steel
lining is 24 to 32 mm whereas that of the concrete lining is 30 cm for the frop shaft. The
shotcrete thickness is estimated to be 150 mm. The high pressure tunnel is horse shoe shaped
on the outside while the inner section is circular. The steel lining is 32 mm in case of high
pressure tunnel.
Manifolds will be provided at the end of the high pressure tunnel. This will feed the discharge
into each turbine. Sizes of these manifolds were fixed in such a way that, the velocity of flow
remains the same as the velocity in the high pressure steel lined tunnel. .
The penstock branches into two units near the powerhouse area in order to feed the discharge
into two different turbines. This manifold is kept in the same horizontal plane, the centerline
being at EL 1176.50 masl. The diameter of each branch is 1.7 m so that the velocity is same
throughout the length and equal division of water is possible. The total length of penstock in the
manifold is 22.00 m each. The distance between the two distributors at the manifold is 18.0 m.
The thickness of the steel lining in this portion is estimated to be 32 mm.
The longitudinal profile of the dropshaft and high pressue tunnel is shown in Drawing UR-PS-1
to 6. Section is sown in drawing UR-PS-03.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Powerhouse
The proposed surface powerhouse for Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric Project is located
on the left bank of Rahughat Khola in the vicinity of Dagnam village. The powerhouse site is
situated in an exposed area along the hillside. The area comprises of thick alluvial deposits on
the surface. The powerhouse will be founded on bedrock with a rather steep hill slope. The
powerhouse will accommodate two vertical axis pelton turbines and generators each with a
capacity of 48.50 MW and ancillary facilities for control and protection. The location of the
powerhouse is such that it requires a fairly large quantity of overburden and rock excavation
and slope protection works. The geology of the area indicates that the bedrock dips into the
hillside giving the area a relatively stable status.

The overall layout of the powerhouse complex including the high pressure tunnel and tailrace is
presented in Drawing No. UR-PH-01.
The unit size of 24.25 MW is based on two numbers of units in the powerhouse so that power
production can be continued with higher efficiencies during low flows.
The spacing of the turbine/generator units is governed by the size of the generator including,
the exciter space required between the generator and turbine enclosures. A unit spacing of 18 m
has been provided for the Upper Rahughat Khola HEP powerhouse. A vertical turbine-generator
alignment has been adopted, as this type of arrangement is more appropriate for bigger units.
The turbine setting has been maintained at an elevation, so as to protect the powerhouse from
high floods.
The overall length of the powerhouse is governed by the unit spacing of the turbine and the
generator and the space required for the erection bay. An overall length of 43 m has been
provided to cater to these requirements. The control room and workshops are located on the
upstream end of the powerhouse. The width of the powerhouse hall is governed by the diameter
of the pelton turbine including the space requirements for ancillaries like the main inlet valves,
generator control panel etc. The width of the main hall has been fixed at 15 m. The height of the
powerhouse main hall is governed by the vertical distance required for the transportation of the
generator stator, height of gantry crane and the height required for the roof. The overall height
of the powerhouse is thus estimated to be 22 m when measured from the invert level of the
tailrace up to the bottom of the crane rail.
The erection bay also lies on the southern end of the main hall. The powerhouse accommodates
a control room and a workshop on its upstream side. The penstocks feed the design flow into
the turbines through butterfly valves along the eastern side of the powerhouse. The draft-tubes
discharge into a tailrace pond that discharges flow directly into Rahughat Khola. This
arrangement has been adopted to take into consideration the topography of the area.
In view of the economic requirements, the main part of the powerhouse consists of three floors
accommodating the turbines at the floor at an elevation of EL 1176 masl. This floor will also be
used for the inspection of the turbine shaft. The generator floor will be located at an elevation
of EL 1179.80 The main floor at the elevation EL 1183.81 will consists of the erection bay
which facilitates the assembly and erection of the turbine and generator components during the
construction period and also during future operation and maintenance periods. Space is also
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


provided at this level for vehicular access, assembly of the draft tube liner, turbine stayring, and
head cover main shaft, guide bearing and rotor. This area serves as a lay down area for the
runner. The workshop will also be located at the erection bay level on the south eastern side of
the powerhouse. The control room will be located at an elevation of EL 1183.81. Tailrace Channel and Outlet Structure
The tailrace of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project will consist of a tailrace pond located
immediately downstream of the powerhouse which will channelize the flow into the khola. This
tailrace pond will be 4.5 m wide and approximately 35 m long. A very short channel aligned
with the downstream unit will then directly discharge the flow into Rahughat Khola. Switchyard
A surface switchyard has been proposed on a comparatively less steep area above the
powerhouse so that the length of the power cable and ancillary equipment will be short. The
switchyard will be 60 m in length and 40 m in width. Access Road
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is a cascade development project and does not have a
motorable access road at present. The nearest roadhead to this project is an earthen road that
starts from Galeshor and ends at Khapsindada via Mauwaphant. This road is about 6 km long.
There is an existing road from Beni to Jomsom. Galeshwor lies about 3 km north of Beni on
this Beni - Jomsom road. It lies at the confluence of Rahughat Khola and Kaligandaki River.
Beni, the district head quarter of Myagdi District is accessible by a 13 km long gravel road that
originates from Mal Dhunga on Pokhara Baglung Highway.
As mentioned earlier, NEA is currently constructing Rahughat Hydroelectric Project, the
headworks structure of which is located about 700 m downstream of the powerhouse site
proposed for this project. It is envisaged that the access road up to the headworks site of this
Rahughat Hydroelectric Project being implemented by NEA will already be in place before the
implementation of Upper Rahghat Hydroelectric Project. A village road which is fairly wide
exists at present from Mawaphant/Khapsidanda up to Chim Khola village which is located at
the confluence of Bagar Khola and Rahughat Khola. The length of this road is approximately
20 km. The area upstream of Bagar Khola and Rahughat Khola is the proposed site for the
headworks of URHEP and the powerhouse site of RMHEP. It is therefore envisaged that
approximately 20 km of access road will be required for the implementation of the project.
Apart from this access road, project roads will be required to gain access to the following
project areas.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

The powerhouse area

The switchyard area

The drop shaft portal area

The headrace tunnel outlet portal area

The top of the surgetank area

The headworks area at Bagar Khola


It is envisaged that about 8 km of internal project road will need to be constructed to have
access to these sites. It is also envisaged that a further 1 km of project road will be required to

reach the inlet portals of the three adit tunnels.

The project will therefore need to construct 28 km of road out of which 20 km will consist of a
new access road and a further 8 km will consist of project roads to access the different
construction sites.


Hydraulic Steel Structures General
Hydraulic steel structures of the Project mainly consist of the following:

Diversion structure comprising of an under sluice gate and stoplog (Bagar khola)
River Intake structures comprising of gravel trap, trashrack, intake gate, and stoplog
(Bagar khola)
Flushing gates at desander (Bagar khola)
Penstock Inlet Gates (Bagar khola)
Penstock pipes (Bagar khola)
Tailrace outlet Stoplogs (Bagar khola)
Tailrace outlet Stoplog (Rahughat Mangale)
Trashrack, Headrace tunnel inlet gate (Upper Rahughat)
Emergency closing Valve (Upper Rahughat)
Penstock pipe and accessories (Upper Rahughat)
Power house outlet Stoplog (Upper Rahughat) Design Criteria

The design and studies for the hydraulic steel structures of the project were carried out in
conjunction with the design of the civil works, the electrical and mechanical equipment. The
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


basis for design was a set of design criteria, which will ensure that each structure will meet
stringent safety standards and confirm to the associated civil structures, electrical and
mechanical equipment.
The hydraulic steel structures were designed in accordance with the prevailing standards and
codes of practice such as ISI, DIN etc. The principal dimensions and details of each of the
hydraulic steel structures are presented in the following. Under Sluice Gate (Bagar Khola)
As the under sluice gate is loaded from the upstream face and is consequently required to open
and close under unbalanced conditions as well as for flood releasing and water level regulation
during wet and dry season, vertical lift wheel gate is proposed. The under sluice of the
diversion weir structure will be equipped with one set of 3 m wide and 2.1 m high vertical lift
The gate will be of welded construction type vertical lift wheel gate. The gate consists of
upstream skin plate, main beams, wheel assemblies, sealing arrangement, guide shoes,
rollers, lifting beam and other necessary components. All the steel materials, components,
bolts, guide frames will be of corrosion resistant steel. The gate shall operate at the most
adverse condition of loads. The gate will be operated by electrically operated screw spindle
type with provision of manual operation.

The principle characteristics of the intake gates are as follows:

Type of gate

Vertical lift wheel gate

Number of gate
Clear span of opening
Clear height of opening
Design water level
Sill level
Design head

One (1) set

3.0 m
2.1 m
1570.8 masl
1563.5 masl
Full design water head of 7.3 m and
sedimentary load
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical screw spindle hoist with provision
of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent

Water tightness
Hoist type

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Under Sluice Stoplog (Bagar Khola)

One set of stoplog will be provided for closing the under sluice gate for maintenance and
repairing of the under sluice gate. The stoplog is located at an appropriate distance upstream of
the vertical lift gate to permit access to the upstream face of gate. This operation will be
effective under balanced upstream and downstream water pressure.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangment will be provided
on upstream side. The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog slot and
in separate pits near stoplog slot at weir structure. The embedded parts will include the guide
and seal frames as well as dogging device for storage in the slots and in the respective storage.
The stoplog will have music note seals against the embedded vertical metal guides and
horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels. All the sealing faces will be
made of corrosion resisting steel.
The principle characteristics of the under sluice stoplog are as follows:
Type of stoplog
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Vertical lift slide stoplog

One (1) set
Two to three
3.0 m
2.1 m
1570.8 masl
1563.5 masl
7.3 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist
with provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent

It is expected that the number of stoplog panel will be between 2 and 3 and the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist with provision of manual operation with a
supporting structure anchored to the deck will be provided for the stoplog. Gravel Trap Gate (Bagar Khola)
One set of vertical slide gate will be provided at gravel flushing structure for flushing gravel
and heavy sand particles to the river and to prevent the heavy particles to pass to the intake
structure. The gate will consist of gate leaf, guide frame, hoisting equipment. The gate leaf
will consist of heavy skin plate, upstream rubber seals, lifting attachments and other
necessary components.
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The gate leaf will be made of single structural steel plate. The thickness of the plate will be
sufficient to withstand the required load. The guide frame of gate will consists of a sill beam,
two side frames, and lintel beam.
The gate will be operated by electrically operated screw spindle type with provision of
manual operation.
The principle characteristics of the gates are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of gate
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Slide gate
1.0 m
1.5 m
1570.8 masl
1563.5 masl
7.3 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electric motor operated spindle hoist with
provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Graveltrap Stoplog (Bagar Khola)

One set of stoplog will be provided for closing the graveltrap gate for maintenance and
repairing of the gate. The stoplog is located at an appropriate distance upstream of the vertical
lift gate to permit access to the upstream face of gate. This operation will be effective under
balanced upstream and downstream water pressure.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangment will be provided
on upstream side. The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog slot and
in separate pits near stoplog slot at weir structure. The embedded parts will include the guide
and seal frames as well as dogging device for storage in the slots and in the respective storage.
The stoplog will have music note seals against the embedded vertical metal guides and
horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels. All the sealing face will be
made of corrosion resisting steel.
The principle characteristics of the under sluice stoplog are as follows:
Type of stoplog
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Tundi Power Company

Vertical lift slide stoplog

One (1) set
One to two
1.0 m
1.5 m
1570.8 masl
1563.5 masl
7.3 m
4 Edges seal at upstream

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design
Hoist type


Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist

with provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent

It is expected that the number of stoplog panels will be between 1 and 2, the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist with provision of manual operation with a
supporting structure anchored to the deck will be provided for the stoplog. Intake Trashrack (Bagar Khola)
To check the floating debris and suspended materials from entering into the intake water ways,
the whole length of intake is covered with one set of trashrack with a clear width of 6 m and a
height of 2.5 m.
The trashrack will also protect the human or animal life, if they accidentally fall in the river.
The clear opening of the bars will be sufficient to pass the flow into the canal and will prevent
the flow of unwanted matter such as logs, trees branch, etc. The screen will be of the nonwithdrawal type, consisting of fixed installed screen panels supported by a streamlined
transverse beam. The complete trashracks and embedded parts will be made of normal steel,
provided with a suitable protection coat.
The trash rack will be designed to withstand the impact forces, static load and vibration
phenomenon which are likely to occur due to the flow of water through the trash rack.
The main characteristics of the intake trashracks will be as follows:
Number of trashracks
Bar pitch
Clear span

Fixed trash rack

One set
50 mm
6.0 m

Clear height
Inclination angle
Sill level
Water load on bar element
Corrosion allowance

2.5 m
1566 masl
1.5 kg/cm
2 mm for all exposed surfaces in water
JIS - SS41 or other equivalent Intake Sluice Gate (Bagar Khola)

The main purpose of the intake gate is to regulate the flow during the rainy season. It also
regulates the discharge in the conduit and to close the flow during the maintenance of the same.
The gate will be of welded construction type vertical lift sluice gate. The gate consist of
downstream skin plate, main beams, wheel assemblies, sealing arrangement, guide shoes,
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


rollers, lifting beam and other necessary components. All the steel materials, components,
bolts, guide frames will be of corrosion resistant steel. The gate will be operated by
electrically operated screw spindle type with provision of manual operation.
The principle characteristics of the intake gates are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of gate
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Vertical lift sluice gate

3.5 m
0.5 m
1570.8 masl
1565 masl
5.8 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical screw spindle hoist with provision of
manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Intake Stoplog (Bagar Khola)

One set of stoplog will be provided at intake in order to isolate the river and power flows for
repairing and maintenance of intake gate.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangment will be provided
on upstream side The stoplogs will have music note seals against the embedded vertical metal
guides and horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels and at the bottom.
The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog in dogging device. The
embedded parts will include the guide and seal frames as well as dogging device for storage in
the slots and in the respective storage.
It is expected that the number of stoplog panels will be between 1 and 2, the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist with provision of manual operation with a
supporting structure anchored to the deck will be provided for the stoplog.
The principle characteristics of the intake stoplog are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Tundi Power Company

Vertical lift stoplog

One set
One to two
3.5 m
0.5 m

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type


1570.8 masl
1565 masl
5.8 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist
with provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Desander Flushing Gate (Bagar Khola)

One set of vertical lift slide type flushing gate with its guide frame, hoist and appurtenant parts
complete with all necessary accessories will be provided in the desander flushing structure. The
main function of this gate is to be used for flushing of the sand during regular interval and
maintenance period.
The flushing gate is required to be open against an unbalanced head to initiate the flushing
process and to be closed at the end of the flushing process when the desander is empty.
The gate will be of welded construction. The skin plate and sealing arrangement will be on
upstream side. The four way seal will be such that there will be no water leakage during the full
swing operation of the desander.
The gate will be electrically operated screw spindle type with provision of manual operation.
The principle characteristics of the gates are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of gate
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Vertical lift slide gate

One set
1.0 m
1.5 m
1568.2 masl
1561.38 masl
6.9 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electric motor operated spindle hoist
with provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Penstock Inlet Gates

To regulate the flow in to the steel penstock pipes and emergency shut off the water inflow to
the penstock pipes, a vertical lift wheel gates will be provided at inlet portal.
The gate will be of welded construction type vertical lift wheel gates. The gates consist of
downstream skin plate, main beams, wheel assemblies, sealing arrangement, guide shoes,
rollers, lifting beam and other necessary components. All the steel materials, components,
bolts, guide frames will be of corrosion resistant steel. The gate shall operate at the most
adverse condition of loads. The gate will be operated by electrically operated screw spindle
type with provision of manual operation.
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The main characteristics of the gate are as follows:

Type of gate
Number of gates
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design water head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Vertical Lift Wheel Gates

Two (2) sets
1.2 m
1.2 m
1568.2 masl
1561.81 masl.
6.4 m
4 Edges seal at up stream
Electric motor operated spindle hoist
with provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Tailrace Outlet Stoplogs (Bagar Khola)

Two sets of stoplogs will be provided at tailrace outlet for maintenance purposes.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangement will be
provided on upstream side. Stoplogs will have music note seals against the embedded vertical
metal guides and horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels and at the
bottom. The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog in a dogging
device. The embedded parts will include the guide and seal frames as well as dogging device
for storage in the slots and in the respective storage.
It is expected that the number of stoplog panels will be between 1 and 2, the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
A permanent monorail electric hoist complete with a supporting structure anchored to the
power house wall and spanning across will be provided for the gates.

The principle characteristics of the intake stoplog are as follows:

Type of gate
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Tundi Power Company

Vertical lift stoplag

Two sets
one to two
2.2 m
0.6 m
1554.5 masl
1544.3 masl
10.2 m
4 Edges seal at upstream

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design
Hoist type


Electrical motor operated mono rail

hoist with provision of manual
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Tailrace outlet Stoplog (Rahughat Mangale)

One set of stoplog will be provided at tailrace outlet in order to stop flow into the collection
sump/chamber at the time of shutdown of the power plant and for maintenance purposes.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangement will be
provided on upstream side. Stoplog will have music note seals against the embedded vertical
metal guides and horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels and at the
bottom. The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog in dogging device.
The embedded parts will include the guide and seal frames as well as dogging device for
storage in the slots and in the respective storage.
It is expected that the number of stoplog panels will be between 3 and 5, the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
A permanent monorail electric hoist complete with a supporting structure anchored to the
power house wall and spanning across will be provided for the gates.
The principle characteristics of the intake stoplog are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level

Vertical lift stoplag

One (1) set
Three to five
3.2 m
3.2 m
1554.68 masl

Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

1549.68 masl
3 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical motor operated mono rail
hoist with provision of manual
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent


Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Collection Chamber Trashrack (Upper Rahughat)

To check the floating debris and suspended materials from entering into the waterways, the
inlet of headrace tunnel is covered with one set of trashrack with a clear width 3.4 m and height
of 3.4 m.
The trashrack will also protect the human or animal life, if they accidentally fall in the
waterway. The clear opening of the bars will be sufficient to pass the flow into the culvert and
will prevent the flow of unwanted matter such as logs, trees branch, etc. The screen will be of
the non-withdraw type, consisting of fixed installed screen panels supported by a streamlined
transverse beam. The complete set of trashrack and embedded parts will be made of normal
steel, provided with a suitable protection coat.
The trash rack will be designed to withstand the static load and vibration phenomenon which
are likely to occur due to the flow of water through the trash rack.
The main characteristics of the trashracks will be as follows:
Number of trashracks
Bar pitch
Clear span
Clear height
Inclination angle
Sill level
Water load on bar element
Corrosion allowance

Fixed trash rack

One set
70 mm
3.4 m
3.4 m
1545.3 masl
1.5 kg/cm
2 mm for all exposed surfaces in water
JIS - SS41 or other equivalent Tunnel Inlet Gate (Upper Rahughat)

The main purpose of the inlet gate is to regulate the flow in the water ways and to close the
flow during the maintenance of the same.
The gate will be of welded construction type vertical lift wheel gates. The gate consist of
upstream skin plate, main beams, wheel assemblies, sealing arrangement, guide shoes,
rollers, lifting beam and other necessary components. All the steel materials, components,
bolts, guide frames will be of corrosion resistant steel. The gate will be operated by
electrically operated screw spindle type with provision of manual operation.

The principle characteristics of the intake gates are as follows:

Type of gate
Number of gate
Clear span
Clear height
Tundi Power Company

Vertical lift wheel gates

3.4 m
3.4 m

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type


1554.5 masl
1545.3 masl
9.2 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical screw spindle hoist with provision of
manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent Emergency Closing Valve (Upper Rahughat)

An emergency closing valve will be provided in a valve chamber located approximately 12 m
downstream of the surgetank for emergency closure of water flow in case of turbine main inlet
valve failure or collapsing of the penstock pipe, the valve will be used as well to empty the
penstock pipe without requiring the de-watering of the headrace tunnel. The valves shall be of
the lattice blade butterfly type with a diameter of 2400 mm.
Valve control will normally be carried out by over-speed detection with a provision for local
control or by remote control by a push button located in the powerhouse control room. The
valve closure will be done by a counterweight. Opening of the valve will be done by a
hydraulic cylinder. Normal valve closure will be controlled by the over-speed detector and will
occur against the flow. The valve will be opened under balanced conditions only.
The connection pipe will be provided with a manhole 600 mm in diameter, the cover of which
shall be securely bolted to the manhole flange with a watertight joint and provided with
appropriate facilities for opening.
A by-pass valve will be provided to fill the penstock pipe.
Air inlet/relief valve will be provided with an isolating valve. The air valve will be of a suitable
diameter for allowing high pressure pipe de-watering within the guaranteed time.
The principle characteristics of the valve is as follows:
Internal diameter
Design discharge
FSL at head pond
Valve center level
Highest upsurge level in the surge tank
Static head

: 2.4 m
: 15.2 m3/sec
: El.1554.5 masl
: El. 1527.6 masl
: El. 1567.12 masl
: 26.9 m Tailrace outlet Stoplog (Upper Rahughat)

One set of stoplog will be provided at tailrace outlet in order to prevent the high flood of the
river entering into the powerhouse and for maintenance purposes.
The stoplog will be of welded construction. The skin plate and seal arrangment will be provided
on the upstream side. The stoplogs will have music note seals against the embedded vertical
metal guides and horizontal compression rubber seals between the stoplog panels and at the
bottom. The stoplog will be stored partly in the upper section of the stoplog in dogging device.
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The embedded parts will include the guide and seal frames as well as dogging device for
storage in the slots and in the respective storage.
It is expected that the number of stoplog panels will be between 3 and 6, the actual height
will be dependent upon the hoisting arrangement and capacity, on site storage facilities and
transportation limitations. In view of the high head to which the lower stoplog panel will be
subjected, it is anticipated that the various panels will be designed to be installed in a
particular order. In this way the upper panels can be designed for a lower loading.
A permanent monorail electric hoist complete with a supporting structure anchored to the
power house wall and spanning across will be provided for the gates.
The principle characteristics of the intake stoplog are as follows:
Type of gate
Number of stoplog
Number of stoplog panels
Clear span
Clear height
Design water level
Sill level
Design head
Water tightness
Hoist type

Vertical lift stoplag

Two set
Three to six
3.6 m
3.6 m
1175.8 masl
1168.79 masl
8.74 m
4 Edges seal at upstream
Electrical motor operated mono rail hoist with
provision of manual operation
JIS - SS41, SM41 or equivalent

Water Ways Steel Penstock (Bagar Khola)

Penstock inlets will be provided at the end of the forebay to feed the Bagar Khola powerhouse.
Two surface steel penstock pipes will be provided to convey water under pressure to the
turbines individually. The steel penstock consists of straight pipes, bend pipes, stiffener rings,
seepage rings, thrust rings, drain pipes, manholes and all other necessary accessories. The
inside diameter of the penstock pipes are 1.2 m and the thickness of the steel pipe will be 8 mm.
The thickness of the pipe shell shall be designed to resist both the internal and external pressure
and other loads. The thickness of penstock pipe is mainly governed by handling requirement as
compared to internal pressure and external pressure so taking into this consideration into
account. The steel materials used will be JIS SM41B or equivalent.
The length of each penstock pipe is approximately 20 m.Anchor blocks will be provided at the
top and the bottom of the penstock pipe to provide necessary weight to counteract the resultant
to all forces and to transmit then safety to the ground.
The thrust rings will be welded to the pipes and will have the strength sufficient enough for
transferring axial thrust to the surrounding concrete. Three seepage rings shall be provided at
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


the beginning portion of a penstock. A manhole of 500 mm diameter in size will be provided on
the penstock at suitable locations for inspection and maintenance of pipes.
The penstock profile is shown in Drawing No. UR-BPH-1.
The principle characteristics of the steel penstock:
Length of penstock pipe
Allowable stress
Internal diameter Penstock
Design discharge
Net head
Static head
Shell Thickness Penstock
Spiral case inlet center level
Full Supply Level

Surface Type
One lane
20 m
Steel, JIS SM41B or equivalent
1200 kg/cm2
1.2 m
3.2 m3/sec
12.9 m
12.6 m
8 mm (SM41)
1554.9 masl
1567.5 masl Steel Penstock and Steel Liner (Upper Rahughat)

From the collection sump/chamber the water is conveyed to the powerhouse through the
headrace tunnel, surge tank, penstock and steel lined drop shaft. A steel penstock pipe and steel
liner is provided to convey water under pressure to the turbine. The steel penstock and liner
consist of straight pipes, bend pipes, bifurcation, reducing pipes, expansion joints, stiffener
rings, seepage rings, thrust rings, drain pipes, manholes and all other necessary accessories. The
inside diameter of penstock pipe and steel liner will be 2.4 m up to the bifurcation and thickness
of steel penstock varies from 8 mm to 24 mm and those of steel liner varies from 24 mm to
mm. The thickness of the pipe shell shall be designed to resist both the internal and external
pressure and other loads. The thickness is calculated taking into account the water hammer
effects. The steel materials used will be JIS SM41B and SM50B or equivalent.
The length of the penstock pipe is about 358 m, length of steel liner is 333 and average length
of the bifurcation pipes will be about 22 meter each.
A total of 5 numbers of anchor blocks will be provided at each change of direction of the
penstock pipe and steel liner to provide necessary weight to counteract the resultant to all forces
and to transmit then safety to the ground. Expansion joints are provided just downstream of
each anchor blocks to cope the problem caused by thermal expansion.
The thrust rings will be welded to the pipes and have sufficient strength for transferring axial
thrust to surrounding concrete. Three seepage rings shall be provided at the beginning portion
of a penstock. A circular manhole of 550 mm diameter in size will be provided on the penstock
at every anchor block location or other suitable locations for inspection and maintenance of the

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Bifurcation Pipe

A symmetrical Y bifurcation will be provided parallel to the direction of the main pipe to feed
the powerhouse. The internal angle between the two branching pipes will be approximately 80
The penstock and steel liner profile is shown in Drawing No. UR-PS-01.
The principle characteristics of the steel lining and penstock:
Type steel liner
Length of penstock pipe
Length of steel liner
Allowable stress


Surface penstock and embedded

One lane
358 m
337 m
Steel, JIS SM41B, SM50B and
or equivalent
1200, 1750 kg/cm2

Internal diameter
Steel liner
Design discharge
Net head
Static head
Maximum design head

2.4 m
2.4 m
15.2 m3/sec
372.53 m
378.0 m
434.7 m (including water hammer)

Shell Thickness
Steel liner

10 mm to 25 mm (SM41B)
19 mm to 35 mm (SM50B)

Bifurcation pipe
End pipe diameter

1.7 m
22 m (2 lanes)
30 mm (SM50B)

Full Supply Level

Turbine center level

1554.5 masl
1176.5 masl

Powerhouse Electro Mechanical Equipment Plant Capacity

The installed capacity of the project is calculated to be 48500 kW at the generator terminal. The
installed capacity is based on the results of the optimization study and is an approximate value.
Depending on the efficiency of the supplied machinery, the calculated output capacity could
show minor differences.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Number of Units and Unit Capacity

Several elements affect the number of units chosen for hydro power projects, such as the
characteristic of the interconnecting system, the maintenance methods and the total cost
invested in the project. The normal decision for the number of units to be chosen is by
conducting an economic analysis. A single unit is not preferred due to the fact that generation
loss will occur during unit breakdown or maintenance of the units. Unit capacity is generally
determined by considering the available discharge throughout the seasons, load demand, type of
operations, efficiency of the machine, etc. The selection of two units is more suitable
considering the discharge during the dry season. So a two unit installation has been adopted.
Based on the optimum capacity of 48500 kW and the two number of units, the rated output of
each unit has been selected at 24250 KW with a rated net head of 372.61 m and a rated flow of
7.6 m3/sec.
In calculating the required turbine and generator power outputs for this study, the following
values of efficiency were assumed, on the basis of the suppliers data available for similar sized

90 %
97 % Selection of the Turbine Type

In practice, various procedures are used for the selection of the type of turbines. From USBR
turbine selection graph of head verses discharge, the selection of a vertical axis pelton turbine
with four jets constitutes the best option for this project on the basis of a rated net head of
372.53 m and a discharge of 7.6 m3/sec.
The pelton turbine with 4 jets have the following advantages:

Less space is required for installation, with smaller size of units due to higher speed
The average efficiency is high in general and most suitable for part load operation.
The operation and maintenance of the plant is easier. Specific Speed and Synchronus Speed

The calculated specific speed limit per jet for the given rated head is 21.32 kW-m. The
corresponding turbine speed limit is 441.42 rpm. The synchronous speed must be selected on
the basis of the number of the generator poles and the network frequency. Recent practice is to
adopt higher specific speeds, and this will also increase the synchronous speed. The equipment
size will be smaller and its weight will be reduced, thereby making it more economical. Based
on the above criteria, the rated synchronous speed is calculated to be 428.57 rpm, which is a
higher applicable speed within the limit of the turbine speed. So the corresponding actual
specific speed of the turbine at the rated head is 20.7 kW-m.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Description of the Turbines

The turbines will be of the vertical shaft, single runner pelton type with four jets. The turbine
will be equipped with nozzles and deflectors for regulation of power output and control of
speed for starting, synchronizing and shut down.
The pelton runner will be coupled to the A.C. generator's shaft through the turbine shaft. The
pelton turbine will be of four nozzle type and the nozzle will be actuated by oil pressure system,
which will be made of very high quality stainless steel. The water jet in the turbine will be
deflected by a deflector, which will act very fast. The turbine will be equipped with turbine
housing which will guide the pressure released water from the runner to the tailrace safely. The
turbine/generator unit will be stopped with the help of brake nozzle provided at the turbine
housing and a hydraulic or pneumatic brake provided in the generator.
All the turbine instrumentation, such as the unit control boards, and the governor control
cabinets will be located close to the relevant units on the turbine floor. This is advantageous for
commissioning, service and maintenance. Principal Characteristics
The principal characteristics of the selected horizontal shaft type pelton turbines are as follows:
Number of turbine
Number of nozzle
Shaft arrangement
Installed capacity of each turbine
Installed capacity of each unit
Turbine Efficiency
Rated discharge for each unit
Gross head
Rated net head
Rated speed
Specific Speed per jet
Runway speed
Runner Pitch circle diameter
Outer wheel Diameter
Inlet Diameter of Distributor
Full supply level
Tailrace water level (HFL)
Runner center line
Power house Crane Span

Tundi Power Company



Two (2)
Four (4)
24997 kW
24250 kW
7.6 m3/s
378.00 m
372.53 m
428.57 rpm
20.7 kW-m.
770 rpm
1.77 m
2.32 m
1.12 m
El 1554.50 masl
El 1173.71 masl
El 1176.50 masl
13.5 m

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Description of Main Parts

The main parts of the turbine are described below in brief.
The turbine will be a single runner attached with a turbine shaft for coupling with the flange at
the end of the generator shaft. The method of attachment will be designed to permit convenient
removal of the runner. The runner will be of an integrally solid casting steel havig a minimum
content of 13% Cr and 4% Ni.
The runner will be designed and constructed to safely withstand the stresses due to operation at
runway speed and under the most severe conditions. The hydraulic surfaces of buckets will be
carefully grounded and finished smoothly.
The splitters will be finished so that they will rotate in the same plane that passes through the
centers of the nozzle opening.
Bolted connection will be provided for attaching the runner to the shaft. The bolts shall be
locked in position to prevent loosening during operation.
The turbine shaft which will connect the runner to the generator will be made of forged steel
with properly heat treated. The turbine will have integrally forged flanges at the end for the
connection to a similar flange on the generator shaft and for its connection to the runner. It will be
designed to operate safely at any speed up to the maximum runway speed without detrimental
vibration or distortion.
Shaft Sealing System:
The shaft seal will prevent the entering of water from the turbine housing into the guide
bearing. The shaft seal will be of the axial sliding ring type or preferably a combination of
labyrinth type and axial sliding ring type.
Guide Bearing:
The turbine will be equipped with a self lubricating oil type guide bearing without the use of
external pumps. The bearing house will be split vertically to permit removal without dismantling
the shaft. The bearing surfaces will be formed by white metal linings either embedded directly
into the bearing house or in removable bearing segments. The guide bearing will be of water
cooled type and complete with oil reservoir and water cooling coil. Bearing and bearing housing
will be designed to support the radial loads at any condition of operation including the runaway
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Power Nozzles and Needles:

Nozzles for supplying water to the turbine runner will be provided for a designed hydraulic
pressure and will be constructed to produce the most uniform jet possible. The nozzle body will
be of the stress relieved cast steel. The bodies will be flanged for bolting to distributor piping

and to the nozzle tips. Each nozzle tip will be provided with a renewable seat ring at the final
point of water discharge. The needle tip will be replaceable and made of stainless steel and
securely locked to the stems.
Jet Deflector:
In order to prevent excessive pressure rise in the penstock and to ensure quick response and
power speed regulation of the unit, each nozzle will be equipped with a jet deflector. This will
be actuated by an oil servomotor. The deflector will be of the cut in type and will be made of
steel with stainless steel overlay cutting edge including the hydraulic passage. It will be
designed to safely withstand the maximum discharge from the nozzle.
Needle and Deflector Servomotors:
The needle and deflector servomotors will be of the oil pressure actuated, double-acting type,
having sufficient capacity to operate the jet deflectors and needles under all hydraulic
conditions with minimum oil pressure from the governor oil system. A suitable feedback
mechanism will be provided to transmit the servomotor movement to the speed governor.
Brake nozzle assembly:
Each runner will be equipped with a brake nozzle, arranged to direct a stream of water against
the backs of the buckets to restrain the rotating part of the turbine and generator after the unit is
taken off the line. The water for the braking nozzle will be taken from the turbine inlet valve
body upstream of the service seal.
Spiral Distributor:
Intake pipe and the distributor pipe will be made of high stress steel and will be welded
construction. The distributor will be designed to withstand the maximum designed pressure.
The distributor including nozzle body extension will be provided with stiffness and anchorages
sufficient to ensure that no deformation will take place during erection. The distributor will be
rigidly connected to the inlet valve by means of flange. A water tight manhole cover not less
than 600 mm in diameter will be provide so as to permit convenient inspection of the interior of
the inlet valve from down-stream side.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Turbine Housing:
The turbine housing will consist of the:
Upper turbine housing (runner pit housing): The runner pit housing, serving as
support for the turbine cover with guide bearing, will be fabricated of plate steel.
Lower turbine housing (runner pit liner): The runner pit will be fabricated of
plate steel and equipped with adequate baffles to dissipate the energy of maximum
continuous discharge of the jets under maximum head.
Accessories, like runner removal door, manhole, service platform, runner
handling cart, etc.
Pit housing and pit liner will be assembled on site by welding and embedded in concrete.
Turbine Cover:
The turbine cover will be a stationary removable component, flanged to the upper turbine
housing. It will serve as support and casing for the turbine guide bearing and shaft seal. The
cover will have adequate strength and rigidity to transmit safely all forces from the guide
bearing to the runner pit housing without undue stresses or deformations.
The cover has to support the weight of the runner and turbine shaft, when the turbine shaft is
disconnected from the generator shaft. The lower part of the turbine cover will be provided with
stiffeners and fixed on the runner pit housing.

Turbine Governor

Each generating unit will be equipped with a governing system of the digital micro-processing
controlled solid state electro-hydraulic, PID control, for fast response and stable load control,
permitting independent unit operation.
The governors will ensure stable governing in parallel operation. In combined operation they
can regulate the required power even during fluctuation of the water level. In case of frequency
fluctuation in the system an automatic switch over to speed control will be initiated to stabilize
the power system frequency. The governor is selected to have sufficient capacity to supply the
oil required for the guide vane servomotors to completely open or close the guide vanes.
The governor is provided with the electronic speed signal device for speed detection and
reference. It must often be capable of control by frequency and output, water level, and power
flow in the interconnections. In addition a simplified opening controlled i.e manual control will
enable a continuation of the turbine operation, if the speed and power controller with the
electronic feed-back device fail. This function shall be independent of the other governor
The governor regulation data will be as follows:
Speed rise during full load rejection
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design
Pressure rise during full load rejection
Turbine closing time Main Inlet Valve(MIV) :
Deflector closing time
Nozzle closing time

60 seconds
2.5 seconds
25 seconds Pressure Oil Supply System

The oil pressure unit for the governor system will be suitably selected so that the unit has
sufficient capacity to drive the governor and actuate the oil-pressure system. The governor will
be located on the turbine floor near to the turbine.
The pressure oil supply system of each unit consists of an oil sump tank, pressure accumulator
for governor oil servomotor mechanism, two motor driven oil pumps, control valves, piping,
monitoring system and other accessories.
The pressure requirement will depend upon the amount of energy required to move the turbine
nozzles, deflector, inlet valve etc. Oil pressure system is arranged as a single system for the
governor and inlet valve and by-pass valve actuators of the unit. The oil pressure system will
have sufficient capacity for operating the turbine servomotors, inlet valve and other necessary

Turbine Inlet Valve

One inlet valve will be provided for each power unit. The valve will be of the spherical type.
For safety reason and to reduce the required capacity of the drainage and dewatering system,
each valve will be equipped with smaller by-pass valve for the filling procedure for the turbine
distributor piping. The by-pass valves will be closed and opened by means of oil hydraulic
Bolting flanges to the distributor pipe and penstock pipe will connect the main inlet valve. The
valve will be open in balanced condition by oil pressure and will be closed by counter weight
for safety reason. The Inlet valve will operate under the following conditions:
Normal Operating Conditions:
Valve opening will be initiated after 50% pressure balancing between the upstream and
downstream side is reached, whereas valve closing will take place under no-flow conditions
(turbine nozzles closed)
Emergency Operating Conditions:
In case failure of deflector and nozzles takes place, the valve will close under the maximum
turbine flow condition and the head at the turbine inlet in the shortest time without causing the
pressure in the penstock to rise above its design value.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Station Water System

The station water systems include the cooling water system and service and domestic water

A. Cooling water supply system

Provision of cooling water supply system will be provided for generator air cooler, bearing oil
coolers, etc. The CW supply system will consist of tailrace water pumped to the CW supply
headers by based mounted pumps installed in the powerhouse interior. From the headers,
separate risers will convey Cooling Water to the air coolers and oil heat exchangers of the
generating units through coarse and fine filters and will be discharged to the tailrace.
The drainage of the backwash water from the automatic self cleaning strainers will discharge
into the tailrace.

Cooling water supply system will consist of:

(two) cooling water supply pumps, base mounted, complete with electric
Complete piping systems for the CW supply circuit.
(two) automatic self cleaning strainers each complete with electrical control
panel with the provision of manual cleaning also.
(two) duplex coarse strainers, complete with acessories.
B. Station Service Water System
A water storage tank installed at the suitable location of the powerhouse will serve as the source
for the service water. The source of service water is untreated, de-sanded water from the tail
race or penstock tapping or near by river tapping. The station service water appurtenances
consists of hose bibbs and water hoses.
Service water will be used for wash down of floor areas and for general cleaning, fire fighting.
For drinking purpose, the necessary treatment of water will be required.

Drainages and Dewatering System

The water from all coolers, bearings, leakage from turbine parts as well as all water seepage
through the powerhouse walls and joints in the station collected in gutters on each floor level
shall be discharged to the exterior of tailrace by gravity through piping embedded in the
powerhouse downstream wall.
The water in the penstock shall be discharged to the tailrace by the drain pipe. Necessary valves
and pipe shall be provided.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


No pumps are required with this alternative as would be the case if the tail water level is higher
than the discharge level. Grease Supply System

In recent practice an oil-less bearing system are used so centralized grease supply system could
be skipped. If grease has to be use in certain parts a manual hand grease pump will be
recommended. This results in a cost reduction as well as saving in spaces. Brakes and Jacking System
Generating unit will be equipped with a set of combined pneumatic or hydraulic operated
brakes and jacks. The brakes and jacking system is required for bringing large machines to rest
in a reasonably short time and for minimizing wear on the bearing by protracted slow running
when shutting down. Air brake or hydraulic oil pressure brake can be use. If air being used, it
will be supplied by the compressed air system. If air compressor unit is not used, then hydraulic
oil pressure brake will be used. The brake linings shall be of non-asbestos type.
The brake cylinder shall also serve hydraulic jacks for lifting the turbine and generator rotating
parts as required for inspection and removal of the thrust bearing. For this purpose, high
pressure is required and generally provided by an external oil pump unit. Compressed Air System
In the powerhouse compressed air will be used for generator air brakes, governor system,
service air connections for air-driven tools, pneumatically controlled valves. This system is
common to both units and comprises two air cooled compressors, one on duty and other stand
by which feed the main air receiver tank. The system also consists of air filter, air receiver,
moisture traps, pressure reducing valve, control system, piping, etc
Two types of compressed air system are used:

High pressure air system:

High pressure compressed air will be used for the governor oil pressure system. A high pressure
compressed air supply system comprising of two independent compressors serving all hydraulic
units will be installed. An automatic change over switch will select the main and stand-by
compressor. The compressed air supply will be complete in all respects containing all control
and protective devices like air safety valves, after coolers, moisture separators, shut-off valve,
automatic moisture drain traps, air dryers etc.

Low pressure air system:

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Low pressure compressed air is used for station service purposes, and generator air brake
system. Low-pressure system is tapped from high pressure system by pressure reducing valve
into other low pressure tank. As alternative, separate low pressure compressor unit system can
be installed. Oil Handling System

The oil handling system is utilized for storing contaminated lubricating oil from the bearing
pots of the generating units, clean and purified lubricating oil, and for filling the bearing pots
with purified oil, and local treatment of oil at the governor oil sumps and at bearing oil.
The portable oil treatment unit is used for local reconditioning and filtering of oil at the location
of governor oil sumps, and at each generating unit. The portable unit includes flexible oil hoses
with hose to pipe fittings. Air-Conditioning and Ventilation System
The powerhouse air-conditioning system is used to provide fresh, filtered and cooled air to the
Control room, office rooms and other important areas. Split type air conditioner with heat pump
will be used for such rooms.
Fresh air supply ventilation system is installed in the power house to dispose contaminated air
and to excess heat produced from the operation of generating units. The ventilation system will
mainly consist of necessary numbers of axial ventilation fans, air supply ducts with air
diffusers. The various powerhouse rooms and areas whose ambient are not air conditioned are
continuously supplied with fresh filtered outside air like, switch-gear room, office floor,
machine hall, generator floor, turbine floor.

Air from the toilets, kitchen room, storage room, workshops, battery room, diesel generator
room is continuously exhausted out of the plant by separate wall mounted exhaust fans.
Number of air exhaust fans of appropriate capacity will be installed. Fire Protection System
A complete set of fire protection system will be installed in the powerhouse. The fire fighting
system will consist of :

A water hose system will be provided at various location of the powerhouse. The system
will consist of fire hose of appropriate size with adjustable spray nozzle.


Sufficient number of portable dry chemicals and CO 2 cylinder will be provided at

various locations. The dry chemicals should be designed for fighting fires in solids, oil

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


and electrical equipment. The CO2 units should be designed for fighting fires in oil and
electrical installations. Mechanical Workshop
The mechanical workshop will be equipped with machine tools and devices appropriate for the
maintenance and repair of all mechanical components and machining of the smaller
components of the mechanical, electrical equipment and hydraulic steel structure. The work
shop will service the power plant for minor repair and maintenance work at the site, and this
could reduce the outage time.

The mechanical workshop will be equipped with following major machine tools and devices:

Universal lathe
Pillar-mounted drilling machine
Table drilling machine
Double-wheel rough-grinding machine
Tool-grinding machine
Metal power hacksaw machine
Manual bench-type shears
Mobile compressor
Electric welding machine
Gas-welding equipment
Work benches
Hand-drilling machines

One complete set of basic tools including hammer, chisels, pliers, screwdrivers, wrench,
spanners, jacks, chain blocks, etc. will be provided.


The Elevator will be provided for 10 to12 persons with 700 kg to 1000 kg capacity complete
with all accessories necessary for meeting all applicable performance and safety requirements.
The speed of the car will be 1 m/sec with leveling accuracy of 5 mm.
Its operational mode will be with VVVF drive control and it will be designed for normal and
emergency power conditions. It will also be provided with Automatic Rescue Devise (ARD).
An Elevator which will stop at all floors, starting from Service Bay/Control Room, Operating
Bay/ LT Room, Cable Spread Area and Utility Room will be provided.

Powerhouse Overhead Traveling Crane

For unloading and erection of equipment in the powerhouse an overhead traveling crane with
single beam will be provided. The crane will be electrically driven and furnished with a single
traveling trolley for the main hoist. The operation range of the crane will ensure erection of all
Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


major equipment parts, including the turbine inlet valve. The capacity of the main hoist is
determined by the weight of the heaviest part, i.e. generator. The crane will be equipped with
two speeds: one for longitudinal travel and the other for cross travels.
The crane will be operated smoothly even at the most adverse condition. The crane will be
controlled by remote or from a cabin arranged on the crane bridge.
Following are the principal characteristics of the overhead traveling crane:
Overhead traveling crane
Crane Span
Minimum main hoist capacity

Auxiliary Hoist Capacity

Length of runway


Bridge type welded construction

13.5 m
65 tons


(or heaviest part to be handle during

10 tons
43 m

Power Generation at Bagar Khola

The following sections deal with the powerhouse electromechanical equipment for power
generation at Bagar Khola. Plant Capacity
The installed capacity of the project is calculated to be 324 kW at the generator terminal. The installed
capacity is based on the results of the optimization studies and is an approximate value. Depending on
the efficiency of the supplied machinery, the calculated output capacity could show minor differences. Number of Units and Unit Capacity

Several elements affect the number of units chosen for a hydraulic power plant, such as the
characteristic of the interconnecting system, the maintenance methods and the total cost invested in the
project. As single unit is not preferred due to fact that generation loss will occur in time of the unit
break-down or maintenance as well as during low discharge period, partial load operation of generating
unit is not preferred. The selection of two units is more suitable than a single unit for flexibility of
operation and maintenance schedule of units. Therefore, two units of generator turbine of equal
capacity have been selected.
Based on the optimum capacity of 324 kW and the number of units of two, the rated output of each unit
of the project has been selected at 162 kW with a rated net head of 12.9 m and a rated flow of 1.6
In calculating the required turbine and generator power outputs for this study, the following values of
efficiency are assumed, based on the experience data available.


Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Selection of Turbine Type

In practice, various procedures are used for the selection of the type of turbines. From USBR turbine
selection graph of head verses discharge, the selection of a horizontal axis Francis turbine constitutes a
good option considering easy maintenance in comparison to Kaplan turbine, with a rated head of 12.9 m
and discharge of 1.6 m3/sec for the project. Specific Speed and Synchronus Speed

The calculated specific speed limit for the given rated head is 637.9 kW-m. The corresponding turbine
speed limit is 1181 rpm for Francis turbine. The synchronous speed must be selected based on the
number of the generator poles and the network frequency, as well as turbine setting with respect to tail
water level, for horizontal shaft unit normal practice is to set turbine above tail water level. Based on the
above criteria, the rated synchronous speed is 1000 rpm, which is best applicable speed for the turbine
speed. So the corresponding actual specific speed of the turbine at rated head is 539.76 kW-m. Description of Turbines

The turbines will be of the horizontal shaft, single runner Francis type with spiral case and elbow type
draft tube. The turbine will be equipped with wicket gates for regulation of power output and control of
speed for starting, synchronizing and shut down.
The runner will be directly coupled to the A.C. Generator's shaft. The turbine will be equipped with
turbine housing which will guide the pressure released water from the runner to the tailrace safely.
All turbine instrumentation, such as unit control boards, and governor control cabinets will be located
close to the relevant units on the turbine floor. This is advantageous for commissioning, service and
maintenance. Principal Characteristics

The principal characteristics of the selected horizontal shaft type Francis turbines are as follows:
Number of turbine
Shaft arrangement
Installed capacity for each unit
Turbine Efficiency
Rated discharge for each unit
Gross head
Rated net head
Rated speed
Specific Speed
Runway speed
Runner Discharge Diameter
Normal water level at forebay
Tailrace water


Two (2)
162 kW
1.6 m3/s
13 m
12.9 m
1000 rpm
539.76 kW-m
1698 rpm
504 mm
EL 1567.5 masl
EL 1554.5 masl

Runner center line

Penstock or spiral casing center line
Turbine center line to invert of draft tube
Draft tube exit diameter


EL 1555.67 masl
EL 1554.9 masl
2.4 m
1.01 m

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Description of the Main Parts

The main parts of the turbine are described below in brief.
The turbine will be a single runner attached directly to the flange at the end of the generator shaft. The
method of attachment will be designed to permit convenient removal of the runner. To avoid cavitation
and erosion, the runners will be made of integrally cast or welded stainless steel with appropriate blend
of chromium and nickel, 13% Cr and 4% Ni well suited for site repair welding. All runners are designed
to be interchangeable.
The runner will be designed and constructed to safely withstand the stresses due to operation at runway
speed and under the most severe conditions. The hydraulic surfaces of runner will be carefully grounded
and finished smoothly.

Bolted connection will be provided for attaching the runner to the shaft. The bolts shall be locked in
position to prevent loosening during operation.
Spiral Casing and Stay Ring
The spiral case will be made of high quality steel plate with welded radial joint divided into sufficient
number of sections. The spiral case shall safely carry the maximum internal pressure resulting from
maximum head and pressure rise due to surge and water hammer. A suitable size of manhole will
provide access to the spiral casing from the turbine floor. The stay ring shall be made of heavy welded
steel plate and welded into integral part with spiral case. The turbine distributor will also equipped with
the turbine upstream side cover and downstream side cover.
Guide Vanes
The guide vane will be made of chromium and nickel, 13% Cr and 4% Ni, and thus highly resistant to
cavitation sand erosion and shall be rigid enough to withstand deflection. The guide vane will be
provided with oil less self-lubricating bearings, for turbine side cover and for draft tube side cover.
Draft Tube
Draft tube will be made of welded steel plate and made of steel liner. The draft tube shall be dismantable
to enable an easy replace of the runner. Interior of the draft tube shall be smooth and exterior shall be
ribbed for reinforcement and sufficient number of welded anchors to establish firm grip to surrounding
concrete. A draft tube will be equipped with two hinge door manholes and accessible all around.
If separate turbine shaft is required to couple with generator shaft, the shaft will be made of properly
heat treated forged steel. It will be designed to operate safely at any speed up to the maximum runway
speed without detrimental vibration or distortion.
Guide Bearing

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The turbine will be equipped with a self lubricating oil type guide bearing. The bearing will consist of
support or housing and a removable bearing sheet. The guide bearing will be of self lubricated and water
cooled and complete with oil reservoir and water cooling coil. Turbine Governor

Each generating unit will be equipped with a governing system of the digital micro-processing
controlled solid state electro-hydraulic, PID control, for fast response and stable load control, permitting
independent unit operation.
The governors will ensure stable governing in parallel operation. In combined operation they can
regulate the required power even during fluctuation of the water level. In case of frequency fluctuation
in the system an automatic switch over to speed control will be initiated to stabilize the power system
frequency. The governor is selected to have sufficient capacity to supply the oil required for the guide
vane servomotors to completely open or close the guide vanes.
The governor is provided with the electronic speed signal device for speed detection and reference. It
must often be capable of control by frequency and output, water level, and power flow in the
interconnections. In addition a simplified opening controlled i.e manual control, will enable a
continuation of the turbine operation, if the speed and power controller with the electronic feed-back
device fail. This function shall be independent of the other governor functions.
The governor regulation data will be as follows:
Speed rise during full load rejection
Pressure rise during full load rejection
Main Inlet Valve(MIV) closing time
Guide vane closing time


60 seconds
10 seconds Pressure Oil Supply System

The oil pressure unit for the governor system will be suitably selected so that the unit has sufficient
capacity to drive the governor and actuate the oil-pressure system. The governor will be located on the
turbine floor near to the turbine.
The pressure oil supply system of each unit consists of an oil sump tank, pressure accumulator for
governor oil servomotor mechanism, two motor driven oil pumps, control valves, piping, monitoring
system and other accessories.
The pressure requirement will depend upon the amount of energy required to move the turbine
regulating system i.e. guide vanes, inlet valve etc. Oil pressure system is arranged as a single system for
the governor and inlet valve and by-pass valve actuators of the unit. The oil pressure system will have
sufficient capacity for operating the turbine servomotors, inlet valve and other necessary system. Turbine Inlet Valve

One inlet valve will be provided for each power unit. The valve will be of the Butterfly type. For safety
reason, each valve will be equipped with smaller by-pass valve for the filling procedure for the turbine
distributor piping. The by-pass valves will close and open by means of oil hydraulic pressure.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


Bolting flanges to the distributor pipe and penstock pipe will connect the main inlet valve. The valve
will be open in balanced condition by oil pressure and will be closed by counter weight for safety
reason. The Inlet valve will operate under the following conditions:
Normal Operating Conditions:
Valve opening will be initiated after 50% pressure balancing between the upstream and downstream side
is reached, whereas valve closing will take place under no-flow conditions (turbine guide vanes closed)
Emergency Operating Conditions:
In case failure of guide vanes to work, the valve will close under the maximum turbine flow and head at
the turbine inlet in the shortest time without causing the pressure in the penstock to rise above its design
value. Station Water System

The station water systems include the cooling water system and service and domestic water supply.

Cooling water supply system

Provision of cooling water supply system will be provided for generator air cooler, bearing oil coolers,
etc. If the water quality is good free from silt and soil, cooling water system will be taped from
penstocks, just upstream of the inlet valve. The water from an individual tapping is firstly pressure
reduced and then passed through a coarse mesh filter one on duty and one standby and then through a
fine rotary strainer, one on duty and one standby and ultimately to the heat exchangers.

Station Service Water System

A water storage tank installed at the suitable location of the powerhouse will serve as the source for the
service water. The source of service water is untreated, de-sanded water from the tail race or penstock
tapping or near by river tapping. The station service water appurtenances consist of hose bibbs and
water hoses.
Service water will be used for wash down of floor areas and for general cleaning, fire fighting. For
drinking purpose, the necessary treatment of water will be required. Drainages and Dewatering System

The water from all the coolers, bearing etc., will be discharged to tail race through embedded piping.
The water below tailrace level will be collected in the sump pit by opening drain valve connected to the
lowest point through the embedded stainless steel piping, located in the de-watering sump. Collected
water will be then discharged to tailrace by pumping.
The leakage water from the turbine shaft seal and gate control mechanism, and walls of powerhouse
building will be discharged above flood level of tail-race, from there the water will flow by gravity into
the tailrace, if gravity flow is not possible for discharging, water will be collected in the drainage sump.
The submersible type drainage pumps are use to pumped it through embedded piping to the tail-race.
The water shall be discharged above flood level of tail-race from there the water will flow by gravity
into the tailrace.
The water in the penstock shall be discharged to the tailrace by the drain pipe. Necessary valves and
pipe shall be provided.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The system shall be designed so that the exposed piping can be readily dismantled for cleaning. Grease Supply System

In recent practice an oil-less bearing system is used so that the centralized grease supply system can be
skipped. If grease has to be used in certain parts a manual hand grease pump will be recommended. This
results in a cost reduction as well as saving in spaces. Brakes and Jacking System

Generating unit will be equipped with a set of combined pneumatic or hydraulic operated brakes and
jacks. The brakes and jacking system is required for bringing large machines to rest in a reasonably
short time and for minimizing wear on the bearing by protracted slow running when shutting down. Air
brake or hydraulic oil pressure brake can be use. If air is being used, it will be supplied by the
compressed air system. If air compressor unit is not used, then hydraulic oil pressure brake will be used.
The brake linings shall be of non-asbestos type.
The brake cylinder shall also serve hydraulic jacks for lifting the turbine and generator rotating parts as
required for inspection and removal of the thrust bearing. For this purpose, high pressure is required
and generally provided by an external oil pump unit. Compressed Air System

In the powerhouse compressed air will be used for generator air brakes, governor system, service air
connections for air-driven tools, pneumatically controlled valves. This system is common to both units
and comprises two air cooled compressors, one on duty and other stand by which feed the main air
receiver tank. The system also consists of air filter, air receiver, moisture traps, pressure reducing valve,
control system, piping, etc
Two types of compressed air system are used:

High pressure air system - is used for governor oil pressure system
Low pressure air system - is used for station service purposes, and generator air brake system.

Low-pressure system is tapped from high pressure system by pressure reducing valve into other low
pressure tank. As alternative, separate low pressure compressor unit system can be installed. Oil Handling System

The oil handling system is utilized for storing contaminated lubricating oil from the bearing pots of the
generating units, clean and purified lubricating oil, and for filling the bearing pots with purified oil, and
local treatment of oil at the governor oil sumps and at bearing oil.
One portable oil treatment plant is furnished, installed on a platform truck. The oil stored in the dirty-oil
tank is filtered through the permanent oil treatment plant and stored in the clean oil tank. The portable
oil treatment plant is used for local reconditioning and filtering of oil at the location of governor oil
sumps, and at each generating unit. The portable unit includes flexible oil hoses with hose to pipe

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Description and Design

Project Air-Conditioning and Ventilation System

The powerhouse air-conditioning system is used to provide fresh, filtered and cooled air to the Control
room, office rooms and other important areas. Packaged type air conditioner will be used for such
rooms. It will consist of packaged type indoor air-conditioners unit on the rooms, unit of the air cooled
condensing units on the exterior or roof and refrigerant pipe.
Fresh air supply ventilation system is installed in the power house to dispose contaminated air and to
excess heat produced from the operation of generating units. The ventilation system will mainly consist
of necessary numbers of axial ventilation fans, air supply ducts with air diffusers. The various
powerhouse rooms and areas whose ambient are not air conditioned are continuously supplied with
fresh filtered outside air like, switch-gear room, office floor, machine hall, generator floor, turbine floor,
draft tube floor. Fire Protection System

The fire fighting system will consist of water deluge and sprinkle system and portable dry chemicals and
CO2 cylinders.
A water hose system will be provided at various locations of the powerhouse. The system will consist of
a fire hose of appropriate size with adjustable spray nozzle.

Sufficient number of portable dry chemicals and CO 2 cylinder will be provided at various locations. The
dry chemicals should be designed for fighting fires in solids, oil and electrical equipment. The CO 2 units
should be designed for fighting fires in oil and electrical installations. Powerhouse Hoisting System

For unloading and erection of equipment in the powerhouse 5 ton capacity hand pulling block will be
used for hoisting propose by using tripod stand.


Powerhouse Electrical Equipment Generator, Excitation and Ancillaries Design Criteria
The unit rating of the turbine-generator has been selected based on the criterion that the
minimum two units and capacity of each unit does not exceed 10% of the total NEAs
forecasted load of the system. This assumption is based on the following consideration:

to limit the transportation sizes and weights;

to minimize the power shortage during maintenance or forced outage of a unit;
to provide sufficient flexibility during operation;
to be able to maintain the system stability during the tripping of a unit.

Based on optimum capacity of 48.5 MW and above mentioned criteria the generating unit rated
output has been selected at 24.25 MW.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


The generator in the surface powerhouse will be a synchronous vertical shaft unit coupled to its
associated vertical Pelton turbine. The rating of generator will be 21250 kW, which will slightly
exceed the turbine output under mean reservoir level and head conditions. For the purpose of
this study the generator rated voltage is selected to be 11 kV, 50 Hz and at 0.85 power factor.
The speed will match the turbine synchronous speed, which is 428.57 RPM. It has been
assumed that the purpose of these studies, that synchronous condenser operation will not be
The rotor and stator windings will be insulated at class F, however the temperature rise will be
limited to 80 degree Celsius over a maximum cooling air temperature of 40 degree Celsius.
The generator will be totally enclosed, air and water cooled with air to water heat exchangers
located in the generator pit. The generator fire protection will be provided by a CO 2 deluge
system. The activation of the CO 2 fire protection system will be conditional to the operation of
the flame or smoke detectors in the generator pit combined with the operation of the generator
differential protection.
The generator will be equipped with a set of combined pneumatic or hydraulic operated brakes
and jacks.
For the fast response to assist with the system reliability, flexibility and maintainability of the
power system during disturbances, it is proposed to have the generator equipped with static
excitation system and power system stabilizer.
The preliminary main parameters of the generators are summarized in the following table:
Table 9-38
Number of units
Power factor
Normal capability
Number of poles
Rated voltage

Preliminary Parameters of the Generators

24250 kW horizontal axis
28529.41 kVA (standard size)
Water /Air Cooling
428.57 r/min
50 Hz
11 kV
0.96 Excitation System

The selected excitation for the generator is a Static Excitation system. The required d.c.
excitation is provided through a bridge rectifier and filtering arrangement. Automatic Voltage
Regulator (AVR) will be used for the generator.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Switchgear and Associated Equipment

The nominal current rating of the connection of the each generator terminals to the switchgear
at 11 kV is 1497.45 A. To meet this current rating, it is possible and the suitable solution to use
parallel 12 kV XLPE insulated cables without affecting the reliability of the installation. The
bus will connect the generator terminals to11 kV generator switchgear, which will be located in
the generator floor. The taps connection from main bus to the Exciter will be through
Marshalling cubicle (MC) adjacent to the Excitation Transformer of each unit. The excitation
transformer and the cubicle will be installed at the generator floor next to the MC.
The neutral side of the generator will connect the generator neutral terminals to generator
neutral grounding cubicle through a high voltage power cable.
The connections between 11 kV switchgears for power transformers located in the generator
floor and the main step-up transformer located at outdoor switchyard is also selected by 12 kV
cables. In order to meet this current requirement, single core two parallel copper conductor
power cables are enough for each power transformer, which is commercially available.
The Auxiliary Service Transformer, 12 kV main Switchgears and will be located on the
generator floor and 132 kV control panels will be located in the control room. Similarly, Local
supply transformer, LV switchgears and the motor control centres (MCC) will be located at the
turbine floor.

The outgoing feeders of the 11 kV switchgears will be aligned with main switchgear located at
generator floor.
The powerhouse scheme is as shown on the single line diagram in Drawing No. UR-PH-01. Main Power Transformers
Each generating unit will be separately connected to its individual power transformer. Each of
the unit power transformers will be three phase, oil immersed, forced oil cooling system. The
outgoing 11 kV switchgear bus of each unit will be connected to three-phase step-up power
transformers, which will be located at outdoor switchyard. On the low voltage side, the
transformer will be equipped with flange for cable connections and on the high voltage side 132
kV bushings will be provided.
Connections of high voltage terminals of the transformers, switchgear and protection
equipment, located at the switchyard will be made by ACSR bear conductors. The neutral of the
HV side of the transformer will be solidly grounded.
The three phase 30000 kVA 50 Hz power transformers will step-up the 11 kV of generator
voltage to 132 kV. This transformer rating is standard size and consistent to the rating of the
generators. Although, the variation in voltage can be accomplished by the voltage adjustment of
the generator, it is recommended that an off-load tap-changer will be provided to compensate
for changes in the system operating characteristics throughout the life of the plant. The
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


proposed tap range is +/- 2 x 2.5%. The cooling shall be ONAN. This cooling method will not
require fans, which eliminate fans controls and meets the operating conditions.
The transformer parameters are summarized as follows:
Table 9-39

Preliminary Parameters for the Transformers

Primary voltage
Secondary voltage
Vector group

30000 kVA (standard)

11 kV
132 kV
DYn-11 (Solidly grounded neutral)
50 Hz
-5%; -2.5%; 0; +2.5%; +5% on the 132 kV windings
less than 12 %


99 %


Powerhouse Electrical Auxiliaries AC Powerhouse Auxiliaries

AC powerhouse auxiliaries fall into two main groups, essential services auxiliaries and
common services auxiliaries. These are discussed separately below.

Essential AC Auxiliaries.

Essential unit auxiliaries are those without which the unit cannot be kept in operation, namely
governor and transformer oil pumps, the cooling water pumps, the lubrication oil pumps and
the Excitation systems. For the power house the essential services double ended switchgear
supply the power house essential services. The Essential services switchgear is fed from two
alternate sources, namely, from auxiliary service or as descried below in section (b), or from the
emergency diesel generator as described in following section. The two incoming circuit
breakers are interlocked to prevent inadvertent paralleling of two alternate sources.

Common Services AC Auxiliaries.

The common services auxiliaries can be divided into three sub-groups as follows:

Non-essential common service auxiliaries are those which are less affected by the loss of
supply over a short period of time. These auxiliaries include communication equipment and
lighting. These loads will be fed via the Motor Control Centres (MCC) which in turn fed
from the Common Auxiliary Services Switchgear.

Operational common services auxiliaries are those without which over a longer period of
time the powerhouse will cease to be operational, such as dewatering pumps, switchgear
and governor air compressors (if required) and battery chargers. These loads will be
normally fed through the 400/230V Motor Control Centres (MCC).

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Description and Design


Maintenance common services auxiliaries can be dispensed with occasionally. Typical

ones are station cranes, the majority of air conditioning, compressed air for tools and oil
filtering equipment. These loads will be fed via the Common Auxiliary Services

The selected scheme for the auxiliary services is shown in the Single Line Diagram of
Auxiliary Services (Dwg no. UR-EL-02) is based on the following criteria:
1. Failure of Auxiliary Services transformer or LV main feeder bus or circuit breaker should
not cause the failure of the unit auxiliary system;
2. Maintenance on Auxiliary Services Switchgear will be possible without interruption to
essential auxiliary services;
3. Physical layout of the powerhouse should be taken into account, so that the suggested
scheme is both practical and cost effective
Based on the above criteria, several alternative sources of supply are provided. The sources and
their interconnections to the various level of supply are discussed below:

The primary of the dry type auxiliary transformers is connected to the 11 kV switchgear
and the secondary to the 400/230 V auxiliary services switchgear. The incoming circuit
breakers of the Auxiliary Services Switchgear are interlocked, thus preventing the

inadvertent paralleling of two units on the low voltage side. The outgoing circuit
breaker for the LV switchgear feeds the MCCs of unit and powerhouse common

The emergency services switchgear is normally fed from the 400/230V Low Voltage
Common Auxiliary Service Switchgear. The automatic transfer is made to the
emergency diesel generator upon loss of the main supply voltage.

In case of the main supply failure, the diesel emergency generator will automatically
start and feed the Essential Services Switchgear. In such an eventuality, the circuit
breaker to the Auxiliary Services Switchgear will open to prevent overloading of diesel
generating unit.

A diesel generator, sized to feed the essential loads, will provide station emergency
power supply in the event of unavailability of the generating units and an overall system

One of the feeders of the common auxiliary services switchgear will feed the outside
switchyard, the tailrace and headworks auxiliaries, the lighting around the powerhouse

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Description and Design

Project DC Powerhouse Auxiliaries

For the utmost reliability, the Control, Protection, Alarm, and Telemetering equipment will be
fed from a DC supply. The DC supply is provided by main and redundant battery sets and each
set supplied by double battery chargers. The basic concept being that, the failure of a single DC
supply system should not put into jeopardy the operation of the control and protection relay
system and consequently the powerhouse. The emergency lighting can be DC, autonomous
individual units or with UPS (uninterruptable power supply). For the purpose of this study, a
DC battery supplied emergency lighting has been selected. The 110 V DC panels will be
located in the battery charger next to the battery room. Battery and charger sizes will be

determined during subsequent design phase. The batteries for the control, protection and
emergency lighting will be 110 V DC, and those for communication systems will be at 24 V or
48 V DC.
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will also provide the AC supply, derived from 110 V dc
supplied static inverters, for the SCADA system. Emergency Diesel Generator
It is proposed that one emergency generator set be installed in the diesel generator building to
provide an emergency source of power in the event of a system and power outage. The diesel
generator will be located at the switchyard. The diesel generating set alternative was adopted as
the preferred standby power supply on the basis of cost taking into consideration its anticipated
limited usage and guaranteed availability. Since there is only one headrace tunnel, if this is
drained no water would be available for generation purpose.
The diesel generator would be of adequate rating to supply sufficient power to enable the black
starting of one unit, and the operation of drainage pumps, a governor oil pump, a bearing oil
pump, an air compressor for governor system, and feed the battery chargers. The standby
generator capacity is estimated to be about 250 kW at 0.8 power factor. The terminal voltage of
the generator will be 400/230V.
The proposed scheme shown in Dwg no. UR-EL-02 is designed to provide maximum flexibility
in maintaining a secure and reliable auxiliary supply system.
The main distribution system for auxiliary electrical supplies will be as follows:

400/230 V ac, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz, with earthed neutral for station lighting and power
110 V dc, unearthed, for unit control, protection, metering and for emergency lighting;
110 V ac, 50 Hz (derived from 110 V dc supplied static inverters) for equipment which
requires a reliable ac supply;
24 V or 48 V dc for communications.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design

Project Control and Protection

A control room for the powerhouse, the medium voltage switchgear and the associated works
will be located within the powerhouse. It will be possible to control the units and the auxiliary
system from this control room.
The unit electronic governors and the unit control panels will be arranged on the generator
floor. Both manual and automatic control will be provided. For the testing of the unit during
commissioning and maintenance, it will be possible to control a unit in either automatic or
manual mode from the panel. However, unit synchronization will not be permitted from the unit
control panel. When the unit is ready for synchronizing, the automatic or manual
synchronization will be possible only from the Control Room.
The powerhouse and switching equipment will be controlled from the control desk located in
the Control Room. The station control console with its own control and monitoring instruments,
the synchronizer, the station annunciators, the metering panels, the protective relay panels and
the temperature recorders will be located in the powerhouse Control Room. The unit protection
will include the following relay functions: generator earth fault, over voltage, under voltage,
voltage restrained over current, reverse power, under/over-frequency, loss of excitation,
negative sequence, stator over-temperature, over-speed, over-current and earth fault for 132 kV
and transformer protections. HV Switchgear and Transmission Line Protection
The basic concept of protective relay schemes on a high voltage system is to minimize damage
to system equipment, to minimize the effects of the system disturbances, and to ensure that no
single contingency will disable the protection on any element of the system. Thus protective
relays must be capable of reliable operation to sense and isolate all faults rapidly. They must
also possess a high degree of security against unwanted operations. For maximum reliability,
all circuits of the system should be protected by protective schemes, which is capable of
independent detection and isolation of all faults without undue disturbance to the system.
Breaker failure protection should be provided to trip all necessary local and remote circuit
breakers or the unit in the event of a particular breakers failure to clear the fault.
A basic concept of full local back-up protection, comprising duplicate high speed line
protection using distance relays, over current and earth fault relays plus sequential tripping
schemes for breaker failure is recommended for the 132 kV transmission lines The associated
relay and control panels will be located in the powerhouse control room. Grounding (Earthing)
The basic objective of the powerhouse, transformer gallery, switchyard, Emergency Generator
building and of the remote installations grounding is

to provide low resistance grounding;

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Description and Design


to limit the step and touch potentials within the acceptable limits as indicated in
IEEE 80;
to limit the ground potential rise during ground fault occurrence and to limit
to assure the proper operation of the protective relay system.
To be able to obtain the low grounding resistance value, it might be necessary to interconnect
the powerhouse ground system to switchyard ground system and to tailrace pond. During
detailed design phase ground resistivity measurements will have to be done for the design of
the grounding grid.
Special attention should be paid for the grounding of the large metal objects within 50 metres of
the transmission line. The fences surrounding the substation will be grounded at approximate
intervals of 30 metres. HV Switchyard/Substation
The proposed powerhouse is considered that the supply for system as well as for local needs.
Only the excess power can be used for export from the existing interconnected power system
points to Indian grid.
For the installation of the HV switching equipment the conventional outdoor switchyard
concept is considered. The switchyard will be located upstream on the south-east side of the
powerhouse building. The switchyard has been positioned such a way to minimise the amount
of excavation necessary for the installation of equipment. The generated power will be
evacuated at the 132 kV switchyard of Rahughat power station.
The layout of powerhouse switchyard is in Dwg no. UR-PHp-01. Control and Indication at the Headworks
Only equipment failure alarms at essential gates, gate position indication, water levels, trashrack differential indications will be transmitted to the powerhouse Control Room. Communication System
NEA presently has a communication system between powerhouses, the load dispatch centre
(LDC), and substations which is accomplished by three basic means, namely power line carrier
(PLCC), fibber optical networks and Trunk Dialing telephone system.
Two communication systems centred in the power station Control Room can be envisaged:

Optical fibre circuits for communications from the powerhouse to Raughat through Modi
substation and to the Load Dispatch Centre (LDC). Both systems can carry speech and data.

A Trunk Dialing telephone service in the Control Room for communication with the LDC
and Upper Raughat HEP.

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Description and Design


Provision for transmission of data and system status to the SCADA system at NEAs LDC in
Kathmandu should also be considered.
An internal telephone system is foreseen for the powerhouse, its offices and workshops, the
emergency generator building, the residence of operational personnel, guard houses and the
headworks control room. A telephone system with two external lines will also be provided.

Transmission Line

A detailed power evacuation study was carried out for Upper Raughat Hydropower Project in
consideration of three alternative schemes. All the alternative schemes were compared on the
aspect of technical and economical analysis results. The details regarding the analysis of these
three schemes are presented in Chapter 10 of this report.
Among the analyzed cases based on technical and economical analysis, view of construction,
operation, space constrains and maintenance of substation, facility in connection point and
power losses on line and equipment, Scheme-1 i.e. the scheme with an 8 km long 132 kV single
circuit transmission line on lattice structures with Bear conductors from Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project to Raughat HEP being constructed by NEA is recommended for the
power evacuation system.
The details of the study regarding the choice of the appropriate alternative are described in
Chapter 10 Power Evacuation Study.

Construction Power

Alternatives for the supply of construction power during the construction of Upper Rahughat
HEP project are as follows:

Pre-building of 132 kV transmission line from Rahughat HEP to the Upper

Rahughat project site. This will require installation of 132 kV line bay at the
switchyard of Rahughat HEP and a 132/11 kV substation at Upper Rahughat

powerhouse and 11/0.4 kV 3 phase step-down distribution transformers at the

construction sites.

Construction of a 33 kV transmission line from the nearest 33/11 kV substation at

Upper Rahughat HEP or the construction of a 11 kV distribution line to the project
site. Frequency of tripping in 11 kV feeders may be significantly high.

Provision of a diesel generator on site. Depending on the load, it will be necessary to

install a diesel generator unit and a LV distribution board for power distribution to
the different load centres around the construction site. Although the unit installation
time is shorter, the overall cost for operation and maintenance are high. Due to
problems related to fuel supply, transport, handling, this solution is not considered to
be the best option.

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For the construction site essential loads, a back-up emergency diesel generator unit is
recommended. This emergency diesel set would be provided by the general contractor.
9.2.10 Power Generation at Bagar Khola
As mentioned in the previous sections, the powerhouse proposed to be located at Bagar Khola
will be consist two numbers of 160 KW generators. The generator voltage will be 400 V. One
three phase 0.4/11 kV step-up transformer will be provided for power evacuation in 11 kV local
distribution systems. A 500 V Medium voltage switchgear will be provided for control and
protection of generator and low voltage side of the transformer. A 12 kV vacuum circuit breaker
switchgear will be provided for control and protection of the line. This switchgear will protect
the 11 kV line during an earth fault, overloading and to provide safety.
The main preliminary parameters of the generator and power transformer are summarized in the
following table:
Table 9-40

Main Parameters for Generators and Transformers

Rating generator
Power factor
Rated voltage

160 kW
Three phase, 400 V

Rating Transformer
Rated voltage at HV
Rated voltage at LV

400 kVA
11 kV
400 V
Three phase star/delta

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Feasibility Study

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Evacuation Study


Chapter Ten
10.1 Introduction
The powerhouse of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project has been proposed on the left bank of
Rahughat Khola in the vicinity of Dagnam Village Development Committee of Myagdi District.
The capacity of the power plant is expected to be 48.5 MW. The generated electric power will be
delivered to Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) through a 132 kV high voltage transmission
line. A 320 KW powerhouse has also been planned at Bagar Khola and it is expected that the
energy generatied from this powerhouse will be evacuated to the nearest distribution line.
The project is scheduled to be commissioned approximately 6 years from its date of
implementation. For the purpose of this power evacuation study it has been assumed that this
project will be commissioned by FY 2018-19. There are other small power projects being
planned in the close vicinity of this project and the probability of their being commissioned at
about the same time is fairly high, therefore the generation expansion plan recommends the
building of a common transmission system to evacuate power in INPS. The main objective of
the power evacuation study of this project is thus to identify the least-cost sequence of
transmission line schemes.
The selection of transmission lines for the loads as well as the planned power plants in Nepal are
based on the economic evaluation of different line/tower solutions over the lifetime of the
project. The optimization of the transmission line schemes takes into account the investment
cost, cost of transmission losses and operation and maintenance costs.
10.2 Existing Transmission System
The present transmission line voltages used in the country for power evacuation are 132 kV, 66
kV and 33 kV. Presently, the INPS transmission system is dominated by an east-west 132 kV tie
from Anarmani in the east to Mahendranagar in the west. The major part of this tie has a single
circuit stringing on double circuit towers, except for Hetauda Dhalkebar Lahan section,
which has a double circuit. The stringing of the second circuit in these existing towers was
completed last year.
To evacuate the generation from the countrys biggest power project Kali Gandaki A, double
circuit lines were constructed from Kali Gandaki Hydroelectric Project to Butwal and a single
circuit line from Kali Gandaki to Lekhnath near Pokhara.
Kathmandu Valley is the countrys biggest load center and is presently supplied through a
combination of 66 and 132 kV lines. Trisuli, Devighat, Sunkoshi and Kulekhani I supply power
at 66 kV while Kulekhani II, Marsyangdi, Middle Marsyangdi, Khimti and Bhotekoshi Projects
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Evacuation Study


supply power at 132 kV. Siuchatar, Bhaktapur and Balaju are the major grid substations of the
valley. Interconnection between 132 and 66 kV is provided through 132/66 kV transformers
located in these substations.
Some 132 kV lines are connected with the 132 kV Indian systems i.e. Gandak HPS to Ramnagar
(India); Duhabi to Bhantabari (India) and Mahendranagar to Tanakpur (India).
The 33 kV sub transmission systems are in use to deliver power from Jhimruk, Andhikhola, and
Puwa Khola Hydropower Stations to the nearest grid.
Demand is expected to grow at a higher rate in the future, since the electrification ratio is still
low and there is a large potential for power demand. NEA has taken the initiative to electrify all
the 75 districts in the country. NEA is also committed to meet the target of Government of Nepal
to increase the electrification ratio.
10.3 Transmission Line in the Vicinity
The nearest substation in the INPS for power evacuation of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project is Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (30 MW) which is being constructed by NEA. The
powerhouse of this project is located about 8 km south from Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric
Project. The evacuation of power from Upper Raughat HEP will reduce power deficit and losses
in the NEA system and is expected to improve voltage profile in that region.
Several hydropower projects have been identified along the Rahughat River Basin and the total
potential in the vicinity of this region is estimated to be approximately 150 MW. Most of the
identified potential generation plants are within 15 km from Rahughat HEP (NEA). It is
envisaged that the proposed transmission line of this project will be the backbone of evacuation
system for future generation in this region.
10.4 Transmission Voltage selection
This power evacuation study is intended to identify techno-economically viable transmission
system to evacuate the power from the projects in this region to the INPS grid. In order to select
the best option several schemes were formulated and analyzed.
10.5 Voltage Selection Using Empirical Formula
One of the quick methods to estimate transmission lines voltage is by Still's Formula:
V=5.5 * (0.6*L + P/100)
L - Length [km]
P - Power to transmit [kW]

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Evacuation Study


Figure 10-25 Chart for Stills Formula for Transmission

The chart prepared based on Stills formula for transmission voltage selection is shown above.
According to the chart the appropriate transmission voltage for 48.5 MW is 130 kV. Hence the
nearest standard of transmission voltage level is 132 kV.
10.6 Voltage Selection Based Upon Voltage of the Local Substation
The selection of the transmission voltage is also influenced by voltage used in neighboring
substations where system interconnection may be desired. The system voltage at the nearest
point or neighboring stations, where power will be evacuated is 33 kV or 132 kV. The existing
33 kV distribution line does not have enough capacity to transfer 48.5 MW. Secondly, a 132 kV
transmission system will be available at the under construction Raughat HEP, which is 8 km
south from the project. The proposed 132 kV transmission line with Bear conductor has enough
thermal capacity to evacuate 48.5 MW of power.
10.7 Voltage Selection Using Capitalized Cost
The evacuation study including formulation of the schemes was conducted with the combined
use of two different planning methods:
Method 1:
Direct spreadsheet calculation for determining the optimum conductor size and voltage level. It
is based on capitalized cost per km of transmission line.
Method 2:
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Evacuation Study


System studies using load flow software. Here optimization is based on costs and benefits for
the system with substation-wise load forecast and generation project.

10.7.1 Method 1
Optimum conductor size and voltage level is calculated based on capitalized cost per km
transmission line length using a spread-sheet. This method is applicable to transmission lines
that are not subjected to load growth.
The selection of transmission lines for the planned power plants in Nepal are based on economic
evaluation taking into account transmission system planning, focusing on the establishment of
necessary extension to the integrated system in order to connect new generation plants and
transfer the power from the plants to the load center in an economic and reliable manner.
The voltage is selected for the standard transmission line voltage used in power system for
medium power projects i.e. 66 kV or 132 kV depending upon quantum of power to be
Optimization study of transmission voltage level is carried out based on capitalized cost per km
line, using spread-sheet for different voltage and conductor size. The optimization takes into
account investment cost, cost of transmission losses and operation and maintenance cost. The
following formulae apply to the calculation.
K total = K investment +K loss + K O&M

[1000 USD/km]

K loss = (P peak / U rated) * R * T loss * ke * D


= C investment * C O&M / 100 * D

[1000 USD/km]

Ppeak -

Maximum transmitted Power [MW]

U rated -

Rated transmission Voltage [kV]

AC Resistance of conductor [Ohm/km]

T loss -

Loss Duration


Energy Cost

Discount Factor

C O&M -


Annual Operation & Maintenance Cost (% of initial investment) Plant Costs

Transmission line costs are stated in the Annex H. The spreadsheet optimization is carried out
based on the transmission line costs alone, but the substation costs are added before a final
recommendation is given.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Evacuation Study

Power Plant Loss Duration

The equivalent loss duration is calculated from the plant factors. The equivalent loss duration
should be understood as the time the plant will have to be operated on rated capacity in order to
produce the annual losses, and is calculated below:

Table 10-41

Plant Loss Duration



Total annual

Full Energy

Upper Raughat HEP





Plant loss



GWh Energy Cost

The energy cost normally to be used for optimization of transmission lines is the long run
marginal cost of generation. In Nepal, it has been agreed that an average incremental cost of
generation better reflects the real value and is therefore used for the optimization study. The
average incremental cost of generation is:
Average Incremental Cost, total

: 6.02 USc/kWh

Only the total AIC will be used in the optimization of transmission lines. Operation and Maintenance
The operation and maintenance cost of transmission line is set to 1.5% of the initial investment
used in NEA. Typical figures range from 0.5% to 1.5% and Nepal may well be in the upper
range of this due to the recurring monsoon and frequent landslides. An annual operation and
maintenance cost of 1.5% has therefore been used in the optimization. Discount Factor
The discount factor represents the discounted value of fixed annual payments of one unit each
year of the lifetime. With 30 years technical lifetime and 10 % discount rate, the discount factor
is 9.43.
The result of pure spreadsheet optimization for the project is described below. The result of the
spreadsheet economic optimization of transmission lines from the projects are also shown
schematically in figure.

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Evacuation Study


Figure 10-26 Capitalized Cost versus Installed Capacity Curve

Figure 10-2 above shows the capitalized cost vs. the installed capacity curve. This figure shows
that the optimum system is a single circuit 132 kV line with Bear (ACSR 1x250
conductor for the power evacuation of 48.5 MW for a loss duration of 4463 hrs. This voltage
will be available in the vicinity of the project soon. A 132 kV line with ACSR (1x250
conductor follows NEAs standard conductor size code BEAR. Considering this guideline
several alternative schemes for connecting Upper Rahughat HEP to the INPS system have been
10.7.2 Method 2
The optimization is carried out by calculating total capitalized costs for the entire horizon from
FY 2014-15 up to FY 2032-33. The cost elements considered are investment, operation and
maintenance and system losses. The technical and economical analyses of different schemes
studied are as follows:

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Evacuation Study


10.7.3 Alternative Scheme

Altogether three alternative schemes were developed for the load flow activities in the
evacuation study. They are as follows:
Construction of a 8 km long 132 kV S/C transmission line with Bear (250 sq. mm ACSR)
conductors from Upper Rahughat HEP to Rahughat HEP (NEA) and one 132 kV line bay
extension at Rahughat HEP (NEA). The cost of the scheme with project components is estimated
to be kUS$ 4676.5.
Construction of a 8 km long 132 kV S/C transmission line with Duck (300 sq. mm ACSR)
conductors from Upper Rahughat HEP to Rahughat HEP (NEA) and one 132 kV line bay
extension at Rahughat HEP (NEA). The cost of the scheme with project components is estimated
to be kUS$ 4756.5.
Construction of a 8 km long 132 kV D/C transmission line with Bear (250 sq. mm ACSR)
conductors from Upper Rahughat HEP to Rahughat HEP (NEA) and one 132 kV line bay
extension at Rahughat HEP (NEA). The cost of the scheme with project components is estimated
to be kUS$ 6184.5. Technical Analysis
Input data for load flow study are calculated on 100 MVA base and line parameters R, X and B
are calculated per 100 km, considering system power factor of 0.9.
Load flow study was carried out for the three alternative schemes formed for the power
evacuation of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project. The simulations were carried out with the
help of a computer program.
The study is based on the substation wise load forecast and generation plan as indicated in
NEA's previous reports. The study is carried out only for the system peak period, as this is the
most severe situation.
The studies for all the schemes were done for the period from FY 2014-15 (commissioning year)
to FY 2032-33.
While simulating the load flow, the output results were checked for overloading of transmission
lines or transformers, voltage limits at all buses, reactive power limits in generator etc.
It is observed that loading on most of the 132 kV lines are in order under normal condition. The
load flow results are given in Annex E. The system losses obtained from the load flow studies
with various schemes are used for economical analysis.
The loss figures are utilized in the Economic Analysis which is explained below:
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Evacuation Study

Power Economic Analysis

The evacuation of power from the different alternatives has been discussed earlier. An analysis
in economic terms has to be carried out to choose the best alternative among the different
alternatives looked into. This implies that for foreign cost component, border prices plus local
costs to the site have to be used. The local cost component is converted into economic cost by
applying the standard conversion factor of 0.9 to the market prices. The factor of 0.9 is
commonly used for power sector projects in the country and is a generalized factor expressing
the opportunity cost of local resources. Local taxes, duties and subsidies that distort true
economic costs are removed from the market prices.
The economic analysis is carried out by the usual discounted cash flow technique. The tool
applied is the Present Value Method. An alternative with the least cost in the present value is
obviously the best alternative.
The relevant specific economic parameters that will be applied for the economic analysis have
been explained earlier.
All prices and calculations are expressed in constant terms. Economic Investment Cost
The cost estimate for all the alternatives are based on calculated unit rates. These unit rates do
not include taxes and duties. Local cost component is assumed to be 20 percent of the total cost.
To reflect opportunity cost of local resources, adjustments to local cost by applying the standard
conversion factor of 0.9 has been done.
The construction of transmission line and substation is assumed to be completed in two years.
The percentage project cost disbursement is assumed to be 70% and 30 % in the first and second
The construction of a substation is assumed to be completed in two years. The percentage
project cost disbursement is assumed to be 30 %, and 70 % in the first, and second year
respectively Result of Analysis
The present capitalized cost calculated for each of the transmission line alternative schemes
summarized cost is given in Annex E. The detail economic analyses worked out are
subsequently given in Annex E.
10.8 Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the above technical and financial studies the following conclusions are drawn:

Technically a 132 kV line is adequate for the power evacuation of 70 MW in one circuit
and no overloading is observed.

Economically all the alternative Schemes under all conditions that are analyzed and
ranked on the ratio of optimum cost.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Evacuation Study


The present capitalized cost of Scheme-1 is the least cost compared to Scheme-2, and
Scheme-3. The capitalized cost of Scheme-2 and Scheme-3 are 1 % and 28 % more
respectively than the cost of Scheme-1.

There is a possibility of other hydro power projects being

developed or planned by IPPs in the vicinity of Upper Rahughat HEP. The proposed
single circuit 132 kV line with BEAR conductor has a transmission capacity of 70 MW,
which is capable of catering to the additional power of other hydropower projects in the

The proposed 320 kW powerhouse at Bagar khola will be evacuated at the nearest 11/0.4
kV distribution line.

From the above technical and financial analysis as well as from a point of view of operation and
maintenance of the line and the substation and a consideration of minimum losses in the line and
equipment of Upper Rahughat HEP, it is recommended that alternative Scheme-1 i.e.
construction of an 8 km long 132 kV single circuit line from Upper Rahughat HEP to Rahughat
HEP (NEA) with Bear conductors be selected.
As mentioned in the previous chapters, the construction of Rahughat HEP (NEA) has already
been initiated and it is understood that this project envisages the construction of a transmission
line from its powerhouse up to the powerhouse of Modi HEP and it can also be envisaged that
this stretch of the transmission line will be in place in the near future. The study for Rahughat
Mangale HEP envisages that its power evacuation will be carried out from its powerhouse up to
the powerhouse of Rahughat HEP being built by NEA via a single circuit line and from here up
to the powerhouse of Modi HEP via another single circuit line. It is also envisaged that the
second circuit from the powerhouse of Rahughat HEP up to the powerhouse of Modi HEP will
have the capacity to evacuate the power produced by both Rahughat Mangale HEP as well as
Upper Rahughat HEP. It is also understood that the cost of this second circuit will be considered
in the cost for the transmission line of Rahughat Mangale HEP. The power generated by this
(Upper Rahughat HEP) project can therefore be evacuated in the switchyard of Rahughat HEP
(being built by NEA). Therefore, Upper Rahughat HEP will require the construction of only a
single circuit line up to the switchyard of Rahughat HEP (NEA).
The evacuation of power from this project will thus be carried out by constructing an 8 km long,
132 kV single circuit transmission line with ACSR Bear conductors on steel lattice towers
between Upper Rahughat and Rahughat HEP (NEA). The powerhouse substation at Upper
Rahughat HEP will have two numbers of 11/132 kV step up three phase outdoor power
transformers, two numbers of 132 kV transformer bays and one number of 132 kV line bay.
Likewise, one number of 132 kV transmission line bay shall be extended at the switchyard of
Rahughat HEP (NEA).

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Outputs and Related Benefits

Chapter Eleven
11.1 Introduction
The discharge, head and the efficiency are the prime factors responsible for the power generation
from a plant. Discharge through the turbine depends on the availability of water in the river.
Hence, it varies considerably at different times of a year. Available head depends on the level of
water in the river, which depends on the river flow. Because of this fact, the available gross head
for the generation varies in accordance with the available flow in the river. But in the case of
Upper Rahughat HEP, the governing water level is at the collection chamber at Bagar Khola
which to a great extent remains constant throughout the year. Similarly, the governing head
depends on the tail water level of Rahughat at powerhouse site. As pelton turbine is used in the
power house, the turbine axis will govern the gross head of the project. Hence, the gross head of
Upper Rahughat HEP will remain constant throughout the year. The last parameter is the
efficiency, which is directly related to the equipment quality and the generation capacity.
Efficiency of an equipment changes if the flow and head is changed to other than the designed
parameters. For this level of study, the overall efficiency of the plant is assumed to be constant.
Generation parameters of the plant are estimated on the basis of the following:

Power flow of Rahughat Mangale

Average monthly flow at the Bagar Khola headworks site.

Normal operating level at the collection chamber, which is constant. Similarly, the
turbine axis is fixed. Hence, the gross head is assumed to remain constant throughout the

The overall efficiency of the power plant remains constant throughout the year.

11.2 Dependable Flow

Discharge is a prime component for the power generation. Discharge rate is responsible for the
power whereas the discharge volume is related to the energy. As the project under consideration
is a run of river type, there is no provision of storage. Hence, energy generation is directly
proportional to the discharge rate. The energy generation pattern follows the discharge pattern of
the river. Average monthly flow is used to estimate the monthly energy of the project. Design
flow of the plant is based on the optimization of design flow. Optimum design flow is 15.20 m 3/s
which correspond to design flow of Rahughat Mangale and the 40% dependable flow of Bagar
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Outputs and Related Benefits

11.3 Gross Head and Net Head

The gross head is based on the normal water level at the collection chamber and the turbine axis
level. Normal operating level at the collection chamber is 1554.50 masl whereas the turbine axis
level is 1176.50 masl. Hence, the gross head of the project is estimated to be 378.00 meters. The
average head loss which corresponds to the design discharge is estimated to be 5.47 meters. Out
of this, the total frictional loss is 4.36 meters and a loss of 1.11 meters constitutes of other losses.
The average head loss varies from 0.42 meters during the dry season to 5.47 meters during the
wet season. This would give a minimum net head of 373.23 meters during the wet season and a
maximum of 378.28 meters during the dry season.
The details of the head loss calculation are presented in Annex F of this report. A summary of
the estimated head losses from the forebay to the turbine corresponding to the design discharge
is presented in the Table No. 11-1.
Table 11-42

Summary of the Head Loss (in meters)


Head Loss (m)

A. Head Race Tunnel

Trashrack Loss
Entrance Loss
Friction Loss
Bend Loss


Sub Total


B. Drop Shaft and Penstock


Friction Loss
Bend Loss
Valve Loss


Sub Total
Total Head Loss


11.4 Overall Efficiency

The overall efficiency of a power plant depends on the` efficiency of the transformer, generator
and the turbine. Among these three, efficiency of the turbine varies with the head and discharge
when these values have values other than the designed parameter. For this stage of study, the
variation of the turbine efficiency is not considered. Hence, the overall efficiency of the power
plant is assumed to remain constant throughout the year and is equal to 86.43%. This value
corresponds to the following efficiencies:

Transformer efficiency
Generator efficiency
Turbine efficiency

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Outputs and Related Benefits
11.5 Energy Computation
A spreadsheet model was used in order to provide the necessary input into the energy
computation analysis. Assumptions made during the estimation are as follows:

The water level at the collection chamber remains constant at EL 1554.50 masl through
out the year
Turbine axis is fixed at EL 1176.50 masl. As pelton turbine is proposed the tail water will
have no effect on generation.
The gross head is 378.00 meter throughout the year.
Average head loss corresponding to the design discharge of the project is 5.47 meters.
The total head loss for the power discharge other than the design discharge is estimated
Minimum downstream release of 0.47 m3/s, corresponding to the 10 % of the minimum
monthly flow is considered as compensation flow.
Scheduled and unscheduled outages are not considered while estimating the energy. This
will be considered in the financial analysis.

Based on the above assumptions, the installed capacity of Upper Rahughat HEP is estimated to
be 48.5 MW. Total annual energy of 284.41 GWh has been estimated to be generated. This value
is based on the average monthly flow. Assuming Poush to Chaitra (Total Four Months) as dry
season, the total dry season energy is estimated to be 41.80 GWh where as the total wet season
energy is 242.61 GWh. Minimum power generated from the plant is estimated to 13.45 MW.
The summary of the monthly generation from the project is presented in the Table No. 11-2.
Average monthly power generation shown in this table is estimated on the basis of the average
monthly flows .The details of the energy calculation is presented in Annex F.
Table 11-43

Monthly Energy Generation from Upper Rahughat HEP








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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Outputs and Related Benefits
11.6 Energy Generation from Bagar Khola
Because of the topography and the location of the headwork at Bagar Khola, it has been
envisaged that a small power generation facility has also been proposed in the headworks area.
Based on the optimization study, the design discharge from Bagar Khola intake is estimated to
be 3.20 cumecs. The gross head is based on the normal water levels at the desanding basin and
the collection chamber. Assumptions made during the estimation of energy from Bagar Khola
powerhouse are as follows:

The normal water level at the desanding basin is EL 1567.50 masl where as that in
collection chamber remains constant at EL 1554.50 masl through out the year
The gross head is 13.0 meter throughout the year.
Average head loss corresponding to the design discharge of the project is 0.10 meter.
The total head loss for the power discharge other than the design discharge is estimated
Minimum downstream release of 0.12 m3/s, corresponding to the 10 % of the minimum
monthly flow is considered as compensation flow.
Scheduled and unscheduled outages are not considered while estimating the energy. This
will be considered in the financial analysis.

Based on the above assumptions, the installed capacity of the powerhouse at Bagar Khola is
estimated to be 0.32 MW. Total annual energy of 2.04 GWh has been estimated to be generated.
This value is based on the average monthly flow. Assuming Poush to Chaitra (Total Four
Months) as dry season, the total dry season energy is estimated to be 0.33 GWh where as the
total wet season energy is 1.71 GWh. Minimum power generated from the plant is estimated to
0.10 MW.
The summary of the monthly generation from the project is presented in the Table No. 11-3.
Table 11-44

Monthly Energy Generation from Bagar Khola







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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Construction Planning

Chapter Twelve



12.1 General
Construction planning is one of the major components of the project study that transpires into
the successful development of the project within the stipulated time and the estimated budget.
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is located in Pakhapani VDC, Chimkola VDC and
Dagnam Darmija VDC of Myagdi District in Western Nepal. The site is located about 334 km
northwest of Kathmandu and about 83 Km west of Pokhara.
Rahughat River is a major tributary of Kali Gandaki River and meets the Kali Gandaki River
near the place called Galeshwor of Ghatan VDC. The project site lies between latitudes of
2802546 and 2802830 North and between longitudes 8303000 and 8303150 East. The
proposed headworks site is located about 150 m upstream from the confluence of Bagar Khola
and Rahughat River near Chimkhola Village. The powerhouse is proposed to be located on the
left bank of Rahughat River approximately 700 m upstream from the headworks of the Rahughat
Hydropower Project being constructed by Nepal Electricity Authority.
The layout of the project is shown in Dwg. No. UR-PL-01.
12.2 Site Condition
12.2.1 Topography and Land Use
The project site is located in the mid hilly region at elevations ranging from 1500 to 1100 masl.
Although Upper Rahughat HEP is a cascade development of Rahughat Mangale HEP, it is
envisaged that the discharge from Bagar will also be used for the generation of power
individually as well as by means of adding it to the design flow from Rahughat Mangale HEP.
The intake site for the project at Bagar Khola is located at a relatively level terrain on the left
bank of the Khola while the powerhouse site is located on a steep stretch of the river along the
left bank of Rahughat Khola.
12.2.2 Climatic Conditions
The project area has hot summer season with maximum temperatures ranging from 36 oC to
41oC. The minimum temperature during winter ranges from 1.5 oC to 7oC. The average annual
rainfall is approximately 3000 mm which occurs during the month of July-September.
12.3 Access to the Site

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Construction Planning
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is a cascade development of Rahughat Mangale HEP
project and does not have a motorable access road at present. The nearest roadhead to this
project is an earthen road originating from Galeshor up to Khapsindada. This road is about 6 km

long. Galeshwor lies about 3 km north of Beni on the Beni - Jomsom road. Beni, the district
head quarter of Myagdi District is accessible by a 13 km long gravel road that originates from
Mal Dhunga on Pokhara Baglung Highway.
As mentioned earlier, NEA is currently constructing Rahughat Hydroelectric Project, the
headworks structure of which is located about 700 m downstream of the powerhouse site
proposed for this project. It is envisaged that the access road up to the headworks site of the
Rahughat Hydroelectric Project being implemented by NEA will already be in place before the
implementation of this project. A village road which is fairly wide exists at present from a place
called Mawaphant up to Chim Khola village. The length of this road is approximately 20 km.
Chim Khola village is located adjacent to Bagar Khola which is site for the headworks of
URHEP and the powerhouse site of RMHEP. It is therefore envisaged that approximately 20 km
of access road will need to be constructed by the project.
Apart from this access road, project roads will be required to gain access to the following project

The powerhouse area

The switchyard area

The drop shaft portal area

The headrace tunnel outlet portal area

The top of the surgetank area

The headworks area at Bagar Khola

It is envisaged that about 8 km of internal project will need to be constructed to have access to
these sites as well as provide access to the three adit tunnel portals. It is therefore envisaged that
a total length of 28 km of roads will be needed for the project.
12.4 Construction of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project
As mentioned in the previous chapters, Rahughat Mangale HEP is located immediately upstream
of this project and Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is being developed as a cascade
development to this project. It is envisaged that the implementation of these two projects will be
carried out in such a way that both of them will start their commercial operation at the same
time. As a result the sequencing of the costruction of the two projects is linked to each other.
This is true especially in the construction of the access road and the transmission lines. The
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Construction Planning
developers of the two projects will need to work in close coordination for the implementation of
the two projects.
The 20 km of access road from the headworks structure of Rahughat HEP (NEA) up to the
headworks structure of this project which is also the powerhouse site of Rahughat Mangale HEP
will be a part of this project. In other words, the cost for the construction this stretch of the
access road will be included in the cost for Upper Rahughat HEP and consequently will be
constructed by the developer of this project. It is envisaged that a period of approximately two
years will be required for this activity. Since both of these projects are being planned so that the
construction of both of them finish at approximately the same time, the construction of this
project will have to be delayed by approximately one year. During this one year it is expected
that the construction of the access road required for the access to the headworks of Rahughat
Mangale HEP will be finished. With this arrangement, it is envisaged that both Rahugaht
Mangale and Upper Rahughat HEPs will be completed at about the same time.
The total construction period for this project will therefore be approximately 6 years. The
construction of the access road will therefore be the major activity during the first two years of
the construction of this project. It will also include activities such as the acquisition of land and
the detailed engineering design of the project. Once the access road has reached the confluence
of Bagar Khola and Rahughat Khola, the construction of the access road for the access to the
headworks site of Rahughat Mangale HEP will be initiated by the developer of this project. The
period required for the costruction of this road is estimated to be at least one year.
This one year period will be used for finishing of the detailed engineering design, tendering and
award of constracts including hydromechanical, electromechanical and the transmission line. It
will also include the construction of camp facilities and the mobilization of the civil works.
The construction period of this project can thus be categorized into two distinct stages. The first
stage will be the construction of the access road and other preparatory works while the second
stage will consist of the actual construction of the project. These will tentatively divided into
periods of three years. The total duration for the construction of this project including
engineering, construction of access road and other preparatory works is therefore about 72
The first stage of the project consisting of activities such as the detailed design including the
preparation of tender documents, tendering, land acquisition, construction of infrastructure
including the access road and other initial works will last for approximately three years while the
actual construction of the project after mobilization will also require a period of approximately
three years.
12.4.1 Construction Camp
A construction camp will be required to house both the employer's staff and contractor's staff.
The campsite will be located near the proposed surge tank site of Upper Rahughat Khola HEP
towards the village of Dagnam (Jethi). The camp will comprise of office, living quarters, store,
workshop, etc. It is envisaged that permanent structures of the camp will be used for
accommodation of the operation and maintenance staff once the construction is completed.
About 6 months time will be required to complete the construction of camps.
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Construction Planning
12.4.2 Project Construction Work and Construction Planning
All construction activities for Upper Rahughat Khola HEP will mainly be concentrated at six
locations, namely the Bagar Khola headworks site, the top of the surgetank, the headrace tunnel
outlet portal, the dropshaft outlet portal and the powerhouse area. The following are the main
activities anticipated for the construction of the project.

Construction of the access road up to the project sites

Construction of the camp facilities
Construction of the weir, undersluice, intake, desander, forebay, powerhouse, collection
sump and cut and cover box culvert at Bagar Khola headworks site

Construction of Adit No. 1, 2 and 3.

Construction of the headrace tunnel
Construction of the surgetank
Construction of the surface penstock and anchor blocks
Construction of the inclined drop shaft and high pressure tunnel
Construction of the powerhouse including the electromechanical facilities
Construction of the tailrace and the switchyard
Construction of the transmission line

The layout of the project is shown in Dwg. No. UR-PL-01 and the construction schedule is
shown in Figure 12.1. The work involved for each of the activities is outlined below.
The access road will be constructed to provide access to the different project sites as well as
other necessary work areas, camp sites, borrow areas and disposal areas. The basic assumptions
for the construction of the principal project components and their sequence of activities and
construction works to be executed in the project area are presented in the following sections.
12.4.3 Basic Assumptions
The following are the basic assumptions used for the construction planning:
Work will be done seven days a week.
Eight hours per shift is assumed.
Detailed engineering work is assumed to require approximately one year.
Financial arrangement including the tendering of the main contract and the
construction of the access road will be finalized prior to the commencement of the
actual construction works.
Land acquisition, construction of camps and other preparatory works will be
completed prior to the beginning of the construction works of the actual project
The excavation of the headrace tunnel will be started from six faces.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Construction Planning
In order to take into consideration the economic aspects with respect to the cost required for the
financing of the project, the construction of the different project components within the
headworks complex has been sequenced such these structures are completed about the same
time as the completion date of other structures, especially the headrace tunnel. In this way, the
cost of capital required for these structures can be minimized.
12.4.4 Diversion During Construction
With new trends in the implementation of hydro projects in Nepal, it is expected that the
construction of the project will involve local means and manpower to a great extent. River
diversion works will be carried out by channelizing one bank of the river while construction
works on the other bank will be carried out. Due to the very steep nature of the river, the
diversion flood can be contained by constructing a very low cofferdam. The 1:10 year annual
dry season flood has been considered for the diversion works.
The diversion procedures for the construction of the weir, the undersluices and the gravel
ejector, all of which are located along the left bank of Bagar Khola will be undertaken by the
construction of a longitudinal cofferdam and diverting the flow along the right bank of the main
river channel while the construction of the structures on the left bank of the channel takes place.
The construction of the headworks can start as soon as the monsoon flows start to recede at the
end of the fifth year and the longitudinal cofferdam is in place. The construction of the project
will therefore commence towards the end of the fifth year and continue right through to the sixth
year. Following the completion of the construction of the undersluice and the main guidewall,
the initially constructed cofferdam will be realigned so that it is in alignment with the guide wall
separating the undersluice and the main weir. The upstream and downstream parts of this second
stage cofferdam will butt against the upstream and downstream ends of the guide wall and will
cut off the flow from the main river channel and guide it through the undersluice. The
construction of the main weir and the guide wall will then be carried.
The construction of the headworks will thus be carried out in two stages. During the first stage,
the start of the construction of a longitudinal cofferdam will be constructed in the main river
channel closing off the flow in the left bank area. This cofferdam will be approximately 60 m
long and will have a height of approximately 2 m. This cofferdam will close off the left bank of
the channel of Bagar Khola and the flow will be channelized along the right half of the khola.
Some excavation works will be required along the right bank of the khola to ensure the safe
passage of the 1:10 year diversion flood. The construction of the main guide wall separating the
weir and undersluice, the left bank wing wall located along the left bank of the undersluice will
be given priority. Similarly, the upstream parts of the main river intake and the undersluice will
be constructed while the first stage cofferdam is in place. The construction of the second stage
cofferdam will take place as soon as the construction of the undersluice, the gravel ejector and
the main guide wall are completed and stoplogs are placed at the inlet to the main intake. The
cofferdam will then be rearranged so that it will cordon off the area for the construction of the
main weir across Bagar Khola. This will consist of the second stage diversion and will involve
the construction of the upstream and the downstream cofferdams. These cofferdams will
approximately have a total length of 30 m in the upstream part and 40 m in the downstream part
and will also have a height of 2 m. Both of these upstream and downstream cofferdams will butt
against the upstream and downstream ends of the main guide wall separating the undersluice and
the weir. During this stage of the diversion the construction of the main weir and the remaining
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parts of the construction of the intake including the abutment wall on the right bank will take
place. During the second stage diversion the entire river flow will pass through the under sluice.
12.4.5 Main River Intake, Undersluice and the Emergency Spillway
The excavation works for the intake, the main guide wall, the undersluice and the gravel ejector
will all start during the first stage of the diversion. The longitudinal cofferdam will cut off the
flow in Bagar Khola longitudinally leaving sufficient space in the khola channel for the dry/wet
season flows.
As soon as the excavation work is completed, the construction of the guide wall, the left bank
abutment walls, the main river intake, the gravel trap, the undersluice etc. will be commenced.
The overall construction period for the intake, the weir and other surrounding structures
including the undersluice, the gravel ejector and the emergency spillway will be approximately
nine months.

12.4.6 Weir
The construction of the weir will commence during the second stage diversion, immediately
after the completion of the first stage diversion. The first stage cofferdam will be dismantled and
rearranged so that the area for the construction of the weir is free from the flow from Bagar
Khola. The dry/wet season flow will be allowed to flow through the undersluice. The water level
is expected to rise some 1 meters from the river bed, during the second stage diversion. The
channel allowing the flow into the undersluice and the gravel ejector will need to be widened.
Initially the excavation will be carried out to the foundation level of the weir. The preparatory
works such as stone soling and the PCC layer will then be carried out. The concrete layers will
be coordinated up to the apex of the weir. The construction of the right bank abutment wall will
also be carried out simultaneously. The overall construction of the 20 m wide weir including the
undersluice and the gravel ejector will be approximately nine months.
12.4.7 Desander and Flushing structure
The desanding basin will consist of a single 6 m wide basin the effective length of which will be
35 m. The basin will have flushing conduits with bottom width of 1.0 m and a transverse slope
of 1 in 1 on both the sides. The longitudinal slope of the flushing channel will follow the
topography along the length of the flushing channel. The single flushing conduit will be placed
at the end of the desanding basin to ensure complete flushing of the basins.
The construction of the desander will start with the excavation works immediately after the
completion of the access road and mobilization. Once the excavation is complete, the concrete
works will start. The desander will be finished off with the installation of the downstream gates
and the backfilling works. The overall construction of the desander will take a little over 6

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12.4.8 Forebay
The construction of the forebay will be carried out along with the construction of the desander as
it is essentially an extension of the desander. The construction of the forebay will be commenced
as soon as the mobilization of the project is started. The excavation will be followed by the
preparation of the foundation layer. The main walls of the forebay will be constructed of
concrete. They will be constructed in tandem with the construction of the desander walls. The
total estimated duration that will be required for the construction of the forebay will be about 3
months. This includes the construction of its interface with the desanding basin and the inlet to
the surface penstock pipe connected to the Bagar Khola powerhouse.
12.4.9 Collection Chamber
A collection chamber has been provided immediately downstream of the Bagar Khola
Powerhouse. This collection chamber will serve as the collection of water from the powerhouse
of RMHEP and the powerhouse of Bagar Khola powerhouse and discharging it into the headrace
As with the other structures in the headworks complex, the construction of this structure will
also commence with the mobilization of the civil works and will start off with its overburden
excavation. The foundation preparation and concreting will follow with appropriate provisions
for its interconnections with the inlets from the cut and cover box culvert and the tailrace of
Bagar Khola powerhouse.
Since the collection chamber is connected to the inlet portal to the headrace tunnel, this area will
from one of the faces of the tunnel excavation. It is therefore envisaged after the excavation
works for this structure is completed, this area will be used for the excavation of the tunnel. The
concreting and other finishing works for this structure will be completed only after the all the
works in the headrace tunnel envisaged to be carried out from this face are terminated. Therefore
although the excavation for this structure is commenced with the mobilization of the civil works,
it will be completed only after the completion of the works proposed to be completed from this
face of the tunnel.

Cut and Cover Box Culvert

Apart from the headworks arrangement at Bagar Khola, the complex will also consist of a cut
and cover box culvert proposed to be constructed across Bagar Khola.
The construction of the cut and cover box culvert will also require some diversion during
construction. This will be done in conjunction with the diversion of flows for the construction of
the headworks. The khola will be channelized along the right bank and the construction of the
cut and cover box culvert lying along the main khola flow area as well the length lying along the
left bank will be completed. Once the main part of the box culvert is completed, the khola will
be allowed to flow over the box culvert and its protection layer above it, and the construction of
the structures located on the right bank will be carried out.
As mentioned above, since the flows in Bagar Khola are comparatively quite small, the
diversion works is envisaged to be relatively simple. It is assumed that channelizing the flows
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towards one side of the khola with the help of simple cofferdams will be sufficient enough to
dewater the area. Excavation of the riverbed material for the cut and cover box culvert will
commence as soon as the flows are diverted along the right bank. Once the excavation is
completed, the construction of the box culvert structure will take place. The construction of the
box culvert will also include the protection measures. The overall construction of the cut and
cover box culvert will require a period of approximately 10 months.
12.4.11Adit Tunnels
Since the headrace tunnel is considerably long three adit tunnels have been proposed for the
excavation of the headrace tunnel. The adit tunnels will be 3.0 m in diameter and approximately
185, 215 and 150 m long. The third adit tunnel will be located towards the bottom of the
surgetank. The third adit has been provided so that the excavation of the headrace tunnel and
surgetank can be carried out separately and independently. The excavations for these tunnels will
commence as soon as the access road is in place. It is envisaged that the tunnel excavation will
start towards the beginning of the second year. A period of approximately 3 months will be
required for the construction of these adit tunnels.


Headrace Tunnel Outlet Portal

The headrace tunnel outlet portal will be located approximately 130 m downstream from the
surgetank. This outlet will form one of the faces for the excavation of the headrace tunnel. The
third adit tunnel will be used for the excavation of the surgetank.
The construction of this outlet portal will commence as soon as the access road is in place. With
an overburden volume of almost 11,000 m3 and a rock volume of approximately 14,300 m3, it is
envisaged that the open cut excavation for the outlet portal will require a period of at least 12

Headrace Tunnel

The headrace tunnel has a finished diameter of 3.4 m and will be concrete lined. The total length
of the tunnel from the intake up to the surgetank will be 4739 m. The tunnel will be excavated
from six work faces. The maximum length of excavation from one face will thus be about 800
m. Drill and blast method will be used for the excavation of the tunnel. The tunnel excavation
will be carried out using drilling jumbo while dump trucks and wheel loaders will be used for
mucking. The tunnel will have pipelines for ventilation, dewatering, compressed air supply in
addition to the low voltage power supply for lighting, vent fan, pumping. The anticipated
progress rate of tunnelling is 1.5 m per day per face. The tunnel will be concrete lined. The
tunnel excavation is envisaged to be completed over a period of 24 months which includes
provision of shotcreting as well. It will be started towards the end of the fourth year after the
outlet portals and the three adit tunnels are completed.

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Surge Tank

The surge shaft has a finished diameter of 9 m and a height of 39 m. The surge tank is open at
the top, so an access road will be provided to the top portion. Drill and blast method will be used
for the excavation. Mucking in the upper portion will be carried out from the top while that of
the lower portion will be carried out through the bottom side using Adit No. 3. The pilot shaft
will be excavated from the bottom, using a raised boring and subsequently, full diameter
excavation will be carried out in the lower portion. Finally, concrete lining will be provided in
the shaft from the bottom to the top portion. Excavation will be completed over a period of 15
months while concrete lining will require a period of 12 months.

Surface Penstock

The construction of the 359 m long steel penstock pipe with a diameter of 2.4 m will require a
period of approximately 12 months. The construction of the anchor blocks will be started
simultaneously after the completion of excavations works at its specified locations. The
construction of all anchor blocks and saddle blocks will immediately be followed by the placing
of the surface penstock pipes including the expansion joints and other bearing material.


The 60o inclined shaft has a finished diameter of 2.4 m and a length of 223 m. The pre-requisite
for this activity is the excavation of the high pressure tunnel. The inclined shaft will be
excavated in the bottom to top manner using raised climber. The inclined shaft will be fully
lined with concrete of 0.3 m thickness in addition to rock bolt and shotcrete support. Excavation
is estimated to require a period of nine months while lining will require a period of another six

High Pressure Tunnel

The high pressure tunnel has a total length of 110 m. The whole of the high pressure tunnel will
be steel lined. The pressure tunnel will be excavated from the portal provided by the excavation
of the powerhouse by drilling and blasting method similar to that of the headrace tunnel. Steel
liner will be made from penstock sections welded at the site and concrete lining of the 30 cm
thickness will be provided in the pressure tunnel. It is estimated that the pressure tunnel
excavation and completion of the work will require a period of approximately four months.


The surface powerhouse has a dimension of 15 m x 43 m x 22 m The powerhouse will house

two vertical axis pelton turbines, generators and ancillary equipment for control and protection.
The excavation of the powerhouse will be carried out through a benching procedure. The
completion of the excavation will be followed by foundation preparation works and the
concreting of the foundation and the substructure. Appropriate block outs will be left for the
placements of the embedded parts for the foundation and the overall placement of the pelton
turbines and other generating and ancillary equipment. The superstructure including the columns
supporting the overhead crane including the separation walls will be constructed with structural
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concrete. The construction of the civil works for the powerhouse is expected to take some 36
months. It is envisaged that rock excavation will require the longest period.

Tailrace Pond and Outlet Structure

The tailrace of Upper Rahughat Khola Hydroelectric Project will consist of a tailrace pond
located immediately downstream of the two units in the powerhouse and an outlet structure that
allows the discharge to flow back into the khola. The construction of the tailrace channel will be
carried out in a conventional manner. Excavation works will be carried out along with the
excavation of the powerhouse. The concreting of the channel will also be carried out in parallel
to the construction of the powerhouse. The overall construction of the tailrace will be completed
with the completion of the powerhouse.

Electro-Mechanical Equipment

The preparation of the design and specification, tendering and awarding, manufacturing,
forwarding and the installation of the electro mechanical equipment will require a period of at
least 39 months.


An outdoor switchyard will be located at an approximate elevation of 1300. It will be located

well above the location of the powerhouse at a relatively higher location due to lack of space in
the vicinity of the powerhouse. The switchyard will be 60 m in length and 40 m in width. The
switchyard will also need significant rock excavation the duration of which will be about 12


Testing and Commissioning

This activity will require a period of two months. It shall comprise of wet testing and generation


It is envisaged that the project will be implemented under standard BOQ contract procedures.
The preparatory activities like EIA arrangement and construction of site road, upgrading of
existing roads, construction of power and camp facilities should be taken up on a priority basis.
Some activities in these tasks could be done in parallel. The total time duration required for the
actual civil works construction after the start of the mobilization is estimated to be 36 months.
The preparatory works including especially the 20 km long access road is expected to require a
period of 36 months. The total duration from the start of the detailed engineering up to the
commissioning of the two units will require a total period of approximately 72 months. The
construction schedule is shown in Figure 12.1.

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Figure 12-27 Construction Schedule

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Environmental Study


Chapter Thirteen


13.1 General
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is situated immediately adjacent to and in between two
hydropower projects; RahughatMangale Hydroelectric Project at the upstream side and
Rahughat Hydropower Project being constructed by NEA at the downstream side. The project
site lies between latitudes of 2802830 and 2802546 North and between longitudes 8303150
and 8303000 East.
As per Environment Protection Rules, 1997, it is legally binding for a project of this size to carry
out an IEE study. As per the EPR, 1997 (Enlisted in Schedule-1 Pertaining to Rule 3 and its
amendment gazetted on February 2, 2009), an IEE study has to be carried out for a hydropower
project having a capacity from 1MW to 50MW.
The ToR for IEE of the proposed project was approved on 2067/09/26 from the Ministry of
Energy. This study is valid for electricity generation only and does not include the transmission
line. The proposed project does not lie in any of the national parks, conservation areas, wildlife
sanctuaries or in any of the environmentally and socially sensitive areas. Since, the proposed
project has an installed capacity of 48.5 MW, only an IEE study needs to be carried out for the
Tundi Power Company (Pvt.) Ltd. is the proponent of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project.
The proponent is a private sector hydropower developer of Nepal. The proponent is responsible
for generating the electricity and transmiting it up to the Nepal Electricty Authority owned
substation at Myagdi District. The proponent has entrusted Apex Energy (P.) carry out the
feasibility and environmental studies of the proposed project.
The project proponent has obtained a survey license of installed capacity 29.5 MW (Annex1)
from the Ministry of Energy to carry out the technical and environmental study. The license was
issued on 2065/03/05 BS and its validity period has been extended up to 2068/03/04 BS.
The Detailed field investigation for the IEE study was carried out from 26 th May to 2nd April,
2011(2068/02/12 to 2068/02/19) to collect the baseline information on physical, biological,
socio-economic and cultural environment. Now the draft IEE report is under preparation.
Following shows the content of the draft IEE report under preparation.
13.2 General Introduction of the Project

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Environmental Study


The proposed project is located in Chimkhola

(lrdvf]nf), Dagnam (bugfd), Pakhapani

(kfvfkfgL) and Jhi (emL) VDCs of Myagdi District, Western Development Region of
Chimkhola, and Dagnam VDCs are located along the left bank of Rahughat Khola whereas
Pakhapani and Jhi VDCs area located along the right bank. The tunnel inlet site is proposed on
the left bank of Bagarkhola (Chimkhola VDC-4), about 150m upstream from the confluence of
Rahughat River and Bagar Khola. The powerhouse is proposed on the left bank of Rahughat
River at Lagarma of Dagnam VDC-6. By location, the project is situated immediately adjacent
to and in between two hydropower projects namely Rahughat Mangale Hydroelectric Project
(16.8MW) at upstream side and NEA owned Rahughat Hydropower Project (30 MW) at the
downstream side. Following the optimization study, the project has been designed with an
installed capacity of 48.5MW (however, the survey license has been granted for 29.8 MW only).
It will generate 284.41GWh of energy anually. The estimated project cost is Rs. 63.833 million
US$ including the cost of civil and electromechanical works, but excluding the cost of the
transmission line.
The proposed project does not have a motorable access road at present. The nearest road head to
this project is an earthen road that originates from Galeshwor and reaches Khapsidanda. This
road is 6 km long. Galeswhor lies about 3 km north of Beni on the Beni-Jomsong road. Beni, the
district headquarter of Myagdi district is accessible by a 13 km long gravel road that originates
from Maldhunga on Pokhara-Baglung Highway.
About 20 km of access road will be required to reach the headworks site from the nearest road
head at Khapsidanda (Dagnam VDC). However, if the access road up to the headworks site of
the Rahughat Hydroelectric Project being implemented by NEA is built earlier, only about 2 km
of access road will need to be built to reach the powerhouse site of the proposed project.
Similarly, approximately 8km of project road will also be required for this project.
The project will require 23.62 ha of land for construction purposes. The land use pattern for the
construction purpose of this project consists of forest (5.01 ha), cultivated land (6.11 ha), and
barren land (12.5 ha). The number of workforce required for the project construction is
estimated to be 250 persons. Of the total (250) workforce, 157 persons will be selected from the
local area. The actual construction period of the project is estimated to be 72 months. Thus, the
project is envisaged to be completed by the end of 2016 if construction work is commenced by
the beginning of 2012.
13.3 Data Requirement and Study Methodology
The baseline information was collected on physical, biological and socio-economic and cultural
environment of the project area. The meteorological data such as air, water, temperature,
humidity, land use pattern and other information concerning physical environment of the project
area was collected as secondary information during the desk study.
Considering the components of the project, the total study area of the project is divided into two
categories: Core Project Area and Surrounding Area. The term project indicates the
proposed Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project and area included the core project area and
surrounding area. The term project area is also referred to as study area for IEE.
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A team of multi-disciplinary experts visited the project site from 26 th May to 2nd April,
2011(2068/02/12 to 2068/02/19) to collect the baseline information on physical, biological,
socio-economic and cultural environment. Similarly, secondary information was obtained from
the review of literature and other material related to the project area. After the preparation of the
draft IEE report, as per the EPR, 1997, a fifteen days public notice will be published in national
daily requesting for suggestions from the concerned VDCs, local people, schools, sub-health
post and community forest users group and other local stakeholders on the potential impacts due
to the implementation of the project.
The draft IEE reports along with a covering letters will be sent to the concerned local and district
level government offices for review and suggestions. In this regard, responses are to be obtained
from different stakeholders about the IEE report. Public meetings with project affected people,
and other stakeholders are to be conducted in the project affected VDC. The stakeholders are to
be given opportunities to put forward their ideas and concerns in relation to the IEE report
through a public relation officer. Recommendation letters from the project affected VDC and
community forest offices will be collected and incorporated in the IEE report.
13.4 Review of Plans/Policies, Acts, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Strategies, Manuals
and Conventions
As per the mandatory provision set forth in the EPR 1997, an extensive review of relevant Plans,
Acts, Rules, Policies, Guidelines, Conventions, Strategies and Standards have been done during
the preparation of the IEE report.
13.5 Description of the Existing Environment
13.5.1 Physical Environment Topography
Rahughat Khola, the tributary of Kali Gandaki River, flows from the north to the south. The
altitude of the terrain varies from 1570.8 masl to 1179.8 masl. The topography is generally
favourable for the implementation of a hydropower project. Climate and Hydrology
The average maximum and minimum temperatures of Myagdi district is 37.10C and 3.10C
respectively. Similarly, the average maximum and minimum rainfall of Myagdi district is
407mm and 296mm respectively. Climatic conditions of Rahughat Khola watershed area vary
with altitude. The lower catchment below elevation 2000masl has a temperate and also warm
climatewith the region. The project area experiences wet climate during June to September and
cold climate during November to April. Watershed
The project area is located in Gandaki River Basin watershed area. The topography of the
project area shows middle mountainous landforms with varying elevation. The Rahughat Khola
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flows north-south from the High Himalayan Range through deeply incised gorges. The
Rahughat Khola originates from the Dhaulagiri range and its catchment area is mountainous
with a wide variation in elevations ranging from 8167 m (Dhaulagiri Peak) and 1600m at the
weir site. Slope Stability and Land Slide

Slope stability of the project area is such that, the left bank of Rahughat Khola is relatively
stable compared to the right bank. Large scale landslides (2500m2) are present along the right
bank opposite to the location of Chimkhola Village. A moderate landslide was also observed
further downstream of the proposed powerhouse site.
Few smaller landslides were seen to exist along the creeks around Dagnam and Asima Village
area which is the area of the location of the powerhouse. Relatively big landslides are attributed
to an unfavorable relation between the bedrock foliation and the natural slope of the ground. Geology
The project area is located in Lesser Himalayan Unit. The main rock types found in the project
area are phyllite and quartzite belonging to Kunchha Formation and Fagfog Quartzite
respectively mentioned by Stocklin and Bhattarai elsewhere in the literatures on geology of
Nepal Himalayas.
Towards the downstream area, near Bukula Village, highly (cube) jointed-crushed, moderately to
highly weathered dark-black slate is present and these can also be seen along the road cuts.
Frequent landslides are found to occur in this area and it is attributed to poor rock mass quality.
In general the bedrock dips towards the upstream direction and the main underground structures
of the project, which is the headrace tunnel, will have a favorable orientation with respect to the
main discontinuity orientation. The headrace tunnel will be excavated almost perpendicular to
the strike of the foliation plane.
Except for the inverted siphon and the weir across Bagar Khola, all of the structures will be
located on the left bank of Bagar Khola and will be founded on the alluvial deposit present in the
area. The alluvial deposit is made up of strong big boulders of gneiss, quartzite, and schist etc
including silt and can thus be described as coarse grained boulder mixed soil-silty gravel. The
maximum size of the boulder is measured to be about 6m. The intake weir across Bagar Khola
as well as the powerhouse will however be excavated and founded partly on alluvial and party
on colluvial deposit. The thickness of the colluvial deposit has been estimated to be about 7m.
13.5.2 Biological Environment Forest and Vegetation
The proposed project area is characterized by sub-tropical to temperate ecological zone. The
project area covers private and community forests. The proposed project will affect 2
community forests namely Kamikhor Community Forest and Chimkhola Raniban Community
Forest.The tunnel inlet is located in Chimkhola Raniban Community Forest at Sisneri,
Chimkhola VDC-4.The major tree species of the area are Utis (Alnus nepalensis), Tuni (Toona
Ciliata) and Kaulo (Persea odoratissima). Similarly, the major shrub and herb species in the
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area are Ghunguro (Pyrancaltha crenulata), Jinamadro, Guldung (Viburnum nervosum), Chhutro
(Berberis asiatica), Allo (Girardina palmata), Shyarkull, Sisnu (Urtuca dioica) amongst many.

The major floras of the area are Utis (Alnus nepalensis), Tuni (Toona Ciliata), Kaulo (Persea
odoratissima), Bilaune (Maesa chisia), Malato (Macaranga indica), Okhar (Juglans regia),
Patle Katush (Castonopsis hystrix), Chilaune (Schima wallichi), Sallo (Pinus roxburghii),
Tushare (Debregeasia salicifolia), Koppa (Ficus auriculata), and Dudhilo (Ficus nerifolia).
The proposed forebay is located at Dagnam VDC-6, the place is locally called Upallo Aldika.
The forebay location is a cultivated land with scattered individuals of Utis (Alnus nepalensis),
Rankuli, Chilaune (Schima wallicii), and Dudhilo (Ficus nerifolia).
The penstock passes through private forest and cultivated land on to the powerhouse location
where the dominant species are Sallo (Pinus roxburghii), Chilaune (Schima wallichii), Utis
(Alnus nepalnensis), Dar (Boehmeria rugulosa), and Bilaune (Maesa chisia).
The plant species of ethno-botanical importance in the project area are Titepati (Artimesia
vulgaris), Sallo (Pinus roxburghii), Gurans (Rhododendron spp.), etc. Similarly, plant species
like Chutro (Berberis asiatica),Sallo (Pinus roxburghii), Okhar (Juglans regia), Pakhanved
(Bergenia ciliate), Boke Timur (Zanthoxylum armatum) have medicinal value.
No part of the proposed project falls in national park, environmentally sensitive area, wildlife
sanctuary, buffer zone and conservation area. Wildlife
The diversity in the terrain makes a diverse habitat in the project area that supports a wide range
of animals. The animals reported in the area are Ratuwa Mriga (Muntiacus muntjak), Chituwa
(Panthera pardus), Dumshi (Hystrix indica), Seto-Bandar (Presbytis entellus), Rato-Bandar
(Macaca mulata), Chari Bagh (Prionailurus bengalensis), Syal (Canis aureus), Malsapro
(Martin flavigula), Nyauri (Herpestis edwardsi), Bagh (Panthera tigris), Bhalu (Selenarctos
tibetanus), and Ban Biralo (Felix chaus). Avian Fauna
The bird species recorded in the project area are Ban Khukhura (Gallus gallus), Bhangera
(Passer domesticus), Bhyakura (Turdoides sps.), Chil (Aquila heliacal), Dhukkur (Streptopelia
chinensis), Gaunthali (Apus affinis), Jureli (Pycnonotus cafer), Kag (Crovus splendens),
Kalchuda (Myiophonus caeruleus), Kalij (Lophura leucomelana), Maina (Acridotheses fuscus),
and Nilkantha (Coracias benghalensis). Aquatic Fauna
The fish species found in the Rahughat Khola are Asala (Schizothoraichthys sps), Kabre
(Glyptothorax trilineatus), and Khukhuri Bene.

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Baseline Rare endangered and protected species of Flora and Fauna

Vegetations like Okhar (Juglans regia) are protected plant species of Nepal. Avian faunas like
Chil (Aquila heliacal) and Jureli (Pycnonotus cafer) are protected birds of Nepal. Several
wildlife species of the project area are listed in CITES-I and II, and hence require high concern
for protection during and after construction.

13.5.3 Socio-economic and Cultural Environment VDC Profile
Population characteristics
The proposed project area covers 4 VDCs namely Chimkhola, Dagnam, Pakhapani and Jhin.
According to the National Census, 2001, the total population of the project affected VDCs is
7,013 with a male population consisting of 3,217 (45.9%) and a female population consisting of
3,796 (54.13%). The population of the project area covers 6.127% of the district population
(1,14,447). The average population density of the project affected VDCs is high (56.11
persons/sq. km) as compared to the district average of 50 persons/ Similarly, the total
number of households and average households size are 1,570 and 4.47 respectively.
The majority of the population is Magar (75.18%) followed by Kami (8.71%) and Chhantel
(7.86%). Nepali (89.26%) is the widely spoken language in the project area. The other spoken
languages are Chhantel (7.89%), Magar (2.81%) and others (0.04%).
The average literacy rate (population 6 years and above) of the project area is 55% with a male
literacy rate of 66.5% and a female literacy rate of 45.4% (the district literacy rate is 56.7% with
a male literacy rate of 67.8% and a female literacy rate of 45.5%).
About 74% of the population in the project area is economically active. The percentage
composition of economically active female population is higher (75.67%) than the male
population (72.1%).
The economic activity in the project area is low. Only 6.62% of the households in the project
affected VDCs are engaged in economic activity. The economic activity is mostly characterized
by manufacturing, trade/business, service and transport and other. The percentage composition
of trade and business sector is higher (33.65%) followed by service (25.96%), manufacturing
(11.54%), transport (0.96%) and other (25.96%).
Up land (Pakho Bari) is the dominant cultivated land in the project area. It covers 90.5% of the
total cultivated land. Only 9.5% of the cultivated land is categorized as Khet. Out of the total
cultivated land (1554ha) only 41ha (2.64%) of land has year round irrigation facility. The
irrigation system is being managed by the local people. Most of the households cultivate their
own land and very little cultivate others. The land transaction is not practiced in the project area.
Maize, rice, millet and wheat are the main crops grown in the project area.
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About 15.7% of the households in the project area have agriculture land only. Similarly, about
48.8% of the households have their own cultivated land with livestock and poultry.
Historical, Religious and Archeological Site
There is a hot water pond (Tatopani Kunda) in Darmija of Dagnam VDC-7. People from
neighbouring VDCs like Chimkhola, Pakhapani, Jhin and Kuhine Mangale gather for the fete
(Mela), which is organized from February to May of each year. Similarly, there are Bhume Than
(Temple) located in each VDC of the project area. There is a Church in Kholapari village of
Chimkhola VDC-1. A crematory site is also located in Lewang Puchhar of Chimkhola VDC-1.
This site is being used by the local Hindu community of Chimkhola VDC.
Settlement Pattern
The main settlements of the project area are Chimkhola, Darmija, Jhin and Pakhapani. Most of
the houses are constructed using mud, stones and wood. Roofs are mostly made up of slates and
galvanized sheets. Migration in search of job is common in the settlements of the project
affected VDCs. Many male people from Magar community are reported to be working in the
Indian and British army. Others migrate temporarily to Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal, even to
Arab countries and Malaysia to seek employment.
Till date only 22% of the total population have been benefited by the electricity facility in
Myagdi district. Tatopani Small Hydroelectric Plant with a capacity of 2 MW is the only power
project of this district. The power centre is integrated in the National Grid System and provides a
service to a population of 2874 (12%) of the 14 VDCs (There is a total of 40 VDCs in Myagdi).
Peltric sets, solar panels, bio gas plants and some other micro-hydro electric centres provide
electricity to the general public in the district. The project affected VDCs are not provided with
electricity through the national grid.
Drinking water and Sanitation Situation
Piped water supply, spring and stream are the sources of drinking water. Kumbha Khola is the
main source of drinking water in Dagnam VDC. Some of the houses are equipped with toilet
facilities in the project affected VDCs. Heart diseases, asthma, tuberculosis and diabetics are
some of the common diseases that were noted during the field visit.
13.6 Environmental Impact
13.6.1 Beneficial Impact
The implementation of this hydropower project will, to some extent, lead towards the creation of
economic development opportunities in the Western Development Region. The main areas of
benefit during the construction period will be the opening up of the area to market forces, good
mobility and the creation of jobs. The region will benefit initially during the 72 months
construction period through the creation of around 250 employment opportunities for local
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people, and the secondary demand for goods and services to be supplied to all aspects of the
project. Peoples demands for goods and services tend to change with change in volume. With
the rise in income, the tendency of the people to look for better quality goods and services will
also increase, thereby facilitating the market for external suppliers and retailers, which in turn
provide exposure to larger market forces. There will be economic spin offs in the project impact
Overall the region is expected to enjoy economic benefits from the implementation of the
project in such field as employment opportunities, availability of power, market facilitates for
products, flow of goods and services, road access, and opportunity to enhance various skills.
Due to easy accessibility, better market opportunities and rural electrification, economic
activities may still continue in this area. Furthermore, due to the construction of 20 km of new
access road the existing tourism industry may flourish. With the construction of this project, the
district will receive more revenue which can be utilized in various activities such as rural
electrification, micro and peltric set, milk chilling centre, rural roads, drinking water, women
empowerment programs, etc. The impact is expected to be high, long term and regional.
13.6.2 Adverse Impact Physical

Construction Phase

Topogaphy, land use and landtake

A total of 23.62 ha of land will be acquired by the project proponent for different project
structures and facilities. Out of the total land, 10.62 ha will be acquired permanently and 13 ha
will be acquired for temporary use during the project construction. The land use pattern for
construction purpose are forest (5.01 ha), cultivated land (6.11 ha), and barren land (12.5 ha).
Land use changes will mostly occurr along the tunnel inlet, muck disposal site, camp site, quarry
site, powerhouse and the sites for other major project structures. All land to be acquired or used
falls in the Chimkhola and Dagnam VDCs. The permanent land use change is likely to result in a
permanent loss of production resources base, particularly of the cultivated land, community
forest, and private forest. However, the project will also acquire 12.5 ha of barren land for the
disposal site.
Air quality, noise and vibration
The impact on ambient air quality will be generated from activities such as blasting, quarrying,
excavation, site clearance, muck disposal, emission from vehicles and construction equipments,
which will generate fugitive dust, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and
sulphur dioxide. The fugitive dust pollution will be more acute during the dry season compared
to the wet months in the construction phase
River morphology

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Construction materials available in Bagar Khola will be used and a temporary project road will
also be built on the flood plain. Hence, the river morphology is also likely to be changed during
the construction period.
Water Quality
The number of workers will increase during the peak construction period. Increased number of
workforce in a limited area will likely induce sewerage disposal problem. In view of existing
water quality of Rahughat Khola, this additional waste may accelerate pollution of river water,
particularly during the dry season. Though the duration is short, magnitude of the impact is
considered to be medium and the extent will be local. Besides this some sanitation wastes from
labor camps are likely to pollute the water microbiologically and add inorganic elements like
carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous.
Leakage of oil and grease and other liquid materials
A number of light and heavy vehicles will be required for the construction of the project. These
vehicles will use diesel and petrol, engine oil, brake oil, etc. There will be a likely impact due to
leakage of oil and grease and other materials. The oil if spilled will easily spread over the ground
producing potential pollution hazards. The oil spill pollutes the water surface and the dissolved
oxygen content of the stream water might be reduced.

Operation Phase

Topography, land use and land take

The major project structures fall on the barren and cultivated lands. The excavation work
required for the project construction leads to the change in the existing topography. The
permanent acquisition of land for tunnel inlet, powerhouse, road and pipe alignment, etc causes
the change in landscape.
River morphology and drainage
Diversion of water during the lean flow period is likely to create dewatered zone from tunnel
inlet to the tailrace which could lead to the change in the river morphology. The drainage pattern
at the vicinity of the project area is unlikely to change.
Spoil handling and disposal
The permanent presence of spoil banks will create risks of scour under flood conditions that
exceed the design assumptions and safety factors. This may result in sudden influx of rock,
gravel and sediment to the river water that will transport this material down the river course with
adverse impacts on water quality and fish. The impact is expected to be moderate in magnitude,
site specific and of short duration.
Impact on micro-climate in reduced flow zone in d/s and impoundment area in u/s
The diversion of flow will eventually result in some impacts on upstream and downstream
microclimate. The low volume of water to the downstream during the dry season may cause
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deficiency of water to some aquatic life. Similarly, change in the dissolved oxygen level due to
low volume of water will also create difficulties for aquatic population. Biological

Construction Phase

Forest Resources
The estimated area of forest loss due to the construction work alone is 5.01 hectare (4.96 ha of
community forest and 0.05 ha of private forest). Due to the implementation of project there will
be a loss of 846 plants (>10 cm DBH) of different species. Of the total plant loss, pole class and
timber size class constitute 643 and 203 respectively. Similarly, there will be loss of 7515
seedlings and 4595 saplings in the project area.
The major sources of impact to the wildlife and their habitat during the construction period is
due to the high inflow of workers, their movement, their camp sites, possible illegal hunting
practices, blasting, and excavation, disposal, all of which can kill, frighten or displace the
Again, the major impact due to the proposed project in operation will be of induced type. The
increased activities in the vicinity of the project area may favor illegal hunting and poaching.
Hence, the impact during the operation of the proposed project primarily due to the induced
activities will be indirect, low significance, local and long term.
Fish and other aquatic life
The likely impact on fish population will be due to the diversion of water that will increase the
activity in the river. Because the water flow in the river will not be reduced before it goes into
operation. This impact will be low, local and long term in nature. Amphibian species Ownt
(Lutra lutra) will be vulnerable in all the stages of work in the project.

Operation Phase

Forest Resources
The forest resources depletion is likely to occur due to muck and spoil disposal disturbances to
natural slopes during construction of canal, which may induce slope failure in future. The
induced activities such as restaurants, hotels, cottage industries are likely to exert pressure on
forest and eventually deplete the forest resources.
The increased activities in the vicinity of the project area may favor illegal hunting and
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The downstream section of low flow along the river channel will greatly hamper regular fish
movement. The upstream as well as downstream fish composition will be greatly altered due to
the low flow in the downstream reaches. The impact is high, local and long term in nature. Socio-economic and Cultural Environment

Construction Phase

Loss of agricultural land

The total cultivated land to be affected due to the implementation of the project is 6.11 ha (3.0
ha of temporary land and 3.11 ha of permanent land). However, altogether 23 households will
lose 3.11 ha of cultivated land permanently.
The amount of cultivated land needed for the project implementation is 25.86% of the total land
(23.62 ha). Moreover, the total cultivated land available in project affected VDCs is 7750 ha.
Hence, the loss of land due to project construction is only 0.04%.
Loss of house and other properties
Altogether, 5 houses belonging to 5 households will be affected due to the implementation of the
project. All affected houses are of kachchi type. However, none of the other types of structures
will be affected due to the implementation of the project. None of the community structures will
be affected due to the implementation of the project.
Loss of crop production
The total production loss due to the project implementation in 6.11 ha of land is 157.94MT
(37.032 MT of permanent loss and 154.053 MT of temporary loss).
Public Health and Sanitation
Increase in outsiders influence during construction phase is likely to add further stress on the
local health and sanitation situation. Pollution of land, water and air due to construction
activities causes impact on the health to the local community.
Water Supply
With the increase in population along with the construction activities, a potential decline of the
access to the drinking water and existing sanitation condition will occur in the project area. The
overall impact on water supply and sanitary situation will be the shortage of drinking water,
increased pressure on the existing water supply system, increased distance to the safe drinking
water, increase in disease vectors, and reduced water quality due to increased sanitation
problems, etc.
Social, Cultural and Religious Practice
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There are some likely impacts, especially the adverse ones that are most likely to occur on the
social structures, norms and cultural practices of the communities located close to the
construction area. During the project construction, the influence of the outside workforce on the
local way of life and traditional cultural practice can result into cultural erosion, undesired social
practices, disputes, conflicts and possible dilution of social bonds among the local people.
Social Service Facilities
Demolition of social service facilities and infrastructures such as schools, health posts, water
supply pipes, taps and wells, and others will not be required for site clearance. Hence, this
impact will occur in the project area. But the workforce of the project will require the
educational facilities for their children if they stay with them for a long time. In this case
pressure on the local schools will be increased as the local schools are run with limited
resources. Similarly, the construction work and related influx of population in the project area

will make the existing institutions regarding health, water supply, telecommunication, electricity,
etc. unable to deliver the required level of service. Besides, existing market and hotels will come
under pressure.
Law and Order Situation
The accidents involving local people and structure have always been sensitive issues during the
construction phase of a project often leading to work blockade. Any accidents involving the
construction workers are potential to generate conflict between the contractor and workers with
adverse impact on the construction work progress.
Occupational Health and Safety
Inappropriate ways of construction and faulty designs can be the cause of accidents among the
project workers. The accidents can happen due to the lack of knowledge, training, use of safety
tools, etc.
Gender and Vulnerable group
Majority of the men of the project area are likely to be involved in the construction activities
creating shortage of labor required for agricultural and other household activities. The shortage
may have to be fulfilled by women and children. This will give them additional burden of
workload. However, use of child labor is legally prohibited in Nepal.
Rural Economy due to Increased Economic Activities
Project activities create some sort of employment opportunities and use of local resources,
which support the rural economy. Such activities that float some money locally, can lead to
inflation in the local market. Such impact is however, low with regards to the size of the project
and the origin of workforce.

Operation Phase

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Peoples behavior due to stoppage of cash flow

During the operation phase, as the number of hired labor force withdraws from the site along
with the sudden declining of cash flow in the local area, the local people will have little source
of cash income whereas their spending tendency will remain the same as it was during the
construction phase. They therefore may suffer a sudden financial depression.
Withdrawal of economic activities and employment
First and foremost impact of operation phase is the withdrawal of economic activities that
flourished during the construction phase. As most of the construction related workforce leave the
project area, the facilities and markets developed to meet their demand, will find themselves
displaced with low volume of money flow and less economic growth.

Disturbance due to permanent structures

Due to the presence of permanent structures of tunnel inlet penstock pipe, surge tank,
powerhouse, etc there can be crossing over of disturbance to both locals and wildlife. Similarly,
farming hindrance occurs while ploughing the agro-fields if the permanent structures are placed
at the middle of any field boundaries.
Visual Impact
The major visual impact on the landscape due to the presence of project structures will occur in
project area. The impact cannot be mitigated.
Local Economy
When construction works will be completed, almost all of the workers will leave the area except
a few staff and workers required for the operation of the project. This sudden fall in the number
of people will decrease demands for commodities dramatically. Market for local produces will
be lost. Many local people will be out of work. All these will decrease income of local people
severely due to loss of business, jobs and market. The sudden decline of economic activities may
lead to depression among local people.
Impact on movement and safety of peoples and wildlife due to sudden release of water d/s
of dam in lean season
Children may go for swimming, local people may cross the river, and fishermen may go for
fishing in Rahughat Khola. They may not be aware about the sudden release of water from the
headworks area. It is therefore envisioned that accidents might occur often during the sudden
release of water.

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13.7 Alternative analysis

An alternative analysis of the proposed project has been carried out based on project location
and design. The type of turbines and thereby the size of the powerhouse were determined on the
basis of the design discharge and rated head.
Due to the Rahgughat Mangale HEP in the upstream part of the river, Upper Rahughat
Hydropower Project can be developed in two ways, one as an independent power project with an
independent headworks structure along the Rahughat Khola and the second, as a cascade of
Rahughat Mangale HEP. On this basis, the alternative arrangements considered for the project
are as follows.
13.7.1 Design Alternative Cascade development
If Upper Rahughat HEP is developed as an independent project, a separate headworks structure
with a desander will have to be built across Rahughat Khola somewhere downstream of the
confluence of Rahughat and Bagar Khola. Since, there is a possibility of using the discharge
from the tailrace of Rahughat Mangale HEP, building a separate headworks structure would
result in unnecessary extra costs.
Furthermore, opting for the first way of development would result in the loss of head that exists
between the proposed powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale HEP and the supposed location of the
headworks of Upper Rahughat HEP if it were built.
Alternatively, the second way to develop the project would be to divert the tail water of
Rahughat Mangale HEP into the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat HEP by constructing an
interconnection system at the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale HEP at Bagar Khola. This
scheme will not require the construction of a separate headworks and desanding basin. However,
in order to collect the discharge from Bagar Khola, a small diversion weir, an intake and a
desander will be needed at Bagar Khola, upstream from the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale
HEP. The discharge from Bagar Khola will be added to the discharge from Rahughat Mangale in
the collection chamber and then conveyed to the headrace tunnel of the project.
It is quite obvious from the above arguments that the second alternative is much more attractive
in terms of cost as well as benefits. The second alternative was therefore considered for the
design of the project.
The only drawback of this scheme is that the Upper Rahuhgat HEP cannot be commissioned
prior to the commissioning of Rahughat Mangale HEP. Power generation from Bagar Khola
The decision to tap the flow from Bagar Khola for power generation requires the construction of
a diversion weir with a desander. Bagar Khola, at this location is fairly steep and will require
prominent energy dissipation structures to convey the flow from the desander to the collection
chamber before it is conveyed to the headrace tunnel. The difference in head amounts to some
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Location Alternative
The project will consist of headworks structures located at the confluence of Rahughat Khola
and Bagar Khola. The proposed headworks structure for Upper Rahughat HEP basically consists
of structures interconnecting the tailrace of Rahughat Mangale HEP, a river diversion structure, a
desander and a small powerhouse for Bagar Khola in the intake for upper Rahuhgat HEP. The
tail water from Rahughat Mangale HEP is proposed to be brought across Bagar Khola site to its
left bank side with the provision of a cut and cover box culvert structure. The discharge from
Bagar Khola will also be diverted with the provision of a small weir across the Khola as well as
a desander and a powerhouse for power generation before being diverted into a collection
chamber located just before the intake portal for the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat HEP.
In case of Upper Rahughat HEP, several conceptual comparisons were made regarding the
appropriate choice for the conveyance. The terrain along the proposed alignment for the
conveyance from the headworks up to the Bagar Khola headworks is quite steep and unsuitable
for an open canal. An underground tunnel has thus been proposed for this part of the alignment.
Regarding the location of powerhouse, the possibility of locating it along the left bank of
Rahughat Khola was also studied. Underground powerhouse is only considered when no suitable
areas are available for the location of a surface powerhouse. A surface powerhouse has thus been
proposed for this project.
No Action Alternative
This alternative avoids the implementation of the project. This alternative has beneficial as well
as adverse impacts. Do nothing alternative will conserve some of the environmental adverse
impacts at the cost of continuity of poverty in the region.
No Forest Option
No forest option for the proposed project was also analyzed so as to alter the location of project
components such that minimum forest would be disturbed. The currently selected tunnel inlet
location tunnel, surge tank, penstock and powerhouse are the most suitable.
13.8 Mitigation and Enhancement Measures
13.8.1 Enhancement Measures
The construction of the proposed project will provide the local communities, and the region
itself, with numerous opportunities for socio-economic development. The proposed
enhancement measures include technical and skill orient training, local community development
programme, income generating, education, leadership development training to improve the
positive attitude towards the project implementation, training on intensive productivity of
agricultural activities and fresh vegetable, environmental awareness program (including health,
sanitation, safety), etc. The technical training includes plumbing, mechanical training, account
keeping, house wiring, etc. Similarly, skill orient training includes off season vegetable farming,
animal rearing, installation of bio-gas system, improved stove (Sudhariako Chulo), herbs
identification, collection and farming system, tourism related training like trekking, hotel
management, etc. Local resources will be used to execute the enhancement programmes. The
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project affected VDCs will receive most of the benefits from the project. Impacts of the royalty
growth, social equity and environmental justice would be monitored regularly. Physical Environment

Construction Phase

Topography, land-use and land take

Fertile agricultural land is very limited in the project impact area. Therefore, efforts will be
made to minimize the permanent and temporary land take during the construction period.
Wherever possible, lower value production land will be utilized for project facilities in
preference to higher value land.
Air Quality
Regular checking and maintenance of the equipments will be carried out, which will lower the
gaseous pollutants like carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, lead, etc. Similarly, regular
sprinkling of water on project construction sites will also be carried out to reduce the fugitive
dust emission. CGI sheets will be used to protect some sensitive sites. Masks will be provided
for those workers who work in crusher plant and other dusty areas. Broad leaf, local and
evergreen species plants will be planted near the camp site and office as dust screens or arrester.
Noise and vibration
Ear protection equipment will be provided to the operators and workers, who operate the
machines such as compressors, crushing plants, rock drilling machines and concrete rock
breakers, which usually emit more than 85 dB noise levels at a distance of 6 m or less.
Provisions will be made to use light equipment, less explosives materials and to control blasting
to minimize the vibration as much as possible. All vehicles plying in the construction area will
be maintained regularly as per the manufactures recommendations.
Hydrology and River morphology
Activities within the river bed such as construction of diversion weir, extraction of construction
material, etc will have some impacts on river morphology. The river bed will be kept as in
previous condition. Similarly, the construction of the diversion weir will be planned in such a
way that concentrated flow or the diverted flow does not make bank erosion as such.
Water quality
Possibility of water quality deterioration from sanitation wastes and other inorganic elements
will be minimized. All rubbish and sewerage disposal will be kept well away from the any
watercourses, to avoid contamination through seepage or direct runoff. Quarry sites and gravel
plants will be built in such a way that there is no direct runoff to watercourses.
Impact on structures and houses due to vibration and construction activities

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Pre-monitoring of structures in the close proximity of the construction area will be made in
presence of the owner of the structures. In doing so, it will be more easier to dealt with them if
impact is found on the structures; blasting activities will be avoided during night time; a
compensation will be provided or repairing of structure will be done if any damage occurs due
to blasting activities; blasting activities will be avoided near the slope structures having cracked
and unstable rock cliff; local people will be informed about the schedule of blasting to prevent
probable accidents.
Stockpiling of construction materials and disposal of spoils
Spoil disposal will not be thrown in the stream and it will be safely deposited in the designated
area away from water bodies. This area will be reclaimed using bioengineering treatments. The
leased area will be properly leveled and reclaimed for re-use and restored to original shape as far
as possible. Pits and latrines will be made at labor camps which are essential to reduce the
possible impacts created by the improper disposal of solid wastes. Construction material such as
unused concrete and gravel would be disposed in unstable road sides. The decomposable wastes
generated from the camps would be dumped in a confined pit maintained within the premises.
Potential landslide and drainage pattern
A drainage plan will be developed for safe passage of the stream water even during the rainy
season without causing erosion in the disposal site. A peripheral drainage system around the
powerhouse will be constructed to trap surface run off and discharge in safe place. The hill side
of the powerhouse will be provided with catch drains to tap surface runoff that would otherwise
be a problem to the powerhouse building. Slope protection structures such as revetment walls in
the form of gabion walls, check dams, retaining walls, benches or terraces, riprap and spurs will
be built at appropriate locations in order to retain unstable soil masses especially at the disposal
areas and along the critical areas along the project and access road.
Operation of quarry site
Only two sites have been identified for quarry site in the tunnel inlet location along the Bagar
Khola and the other at Kaligandaki River and Rahughat Khola confluence. After completion of
the project, the quarry site will be backfilled and will be re-vegetated by planting the fast
growing local plants. The erosion and drainage pattern will be prevented by constructing the
drain pipes or causeways where necessary. Masonry wall will be constructed to minimize the
aesthetic aspect from the main access road.
Muck disposal
Slope surface will be properly protected against erosion with particular reference to fills near the
tributaries ensuring in particular that suspended sediments do not increase during dry season
when turbidity is low.

Operation Phase

During this stage, the following mitigation measures will be implemented to mitigate the
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River Morphology and Drainage

The downstream release for the driest month, March, at the intake site will be 0.47m3/s.
Spoil handling and disposal
Spoil disposal sites will be rehabilitated by using suitable bio-engineering measures wherever
feasible up to the point in time when a vegetation cover can be classified as permanent.
Slope stability
Bioengineering works will be carried out to stabilize the construction site particularly in
access/project road construction.
13.9 Biological Environment

Construction Phase

Forest and Vegetation

The loss of forest land belongs to community and private forests. This loss is inevitable as it is a
part of site clearance. The direct and significant impact on forest loss can neither be prevented
nor corrected, and hence, will be compensated. The compensation for the loss of 846 plants is
estimated to be Rs. 904581.12 (value of timber loss will approximately be Rs. 812160; value of
fuel wood loss will approximately be Rs.170249.08 and the value of fodder loss will
approximately be Rs.22171.74).
The total area for plantation work will be 18.05 ha. Similarly, for this purpose, 7936 plants will
be planted in 4.96 ha of land. The nursery development cost for 28,886 seedlings is calculated
to be Rs. 10,52,719. The regular inspection and maintenance of the plantation work will be
carried out by project itself. For this purpose one Heralo(watchman) will be appointed for 5
years at the rate Rs. 5000/month.
The project will discourage the construction of huts/houses for the laboures using the local forest
products. The project will keep records about the energy used by the construction workers and
document it in the monitoring reports. It will also instruct the contractor to discontinue workers
service involved in illegal collection and sale of forest products. Necessary budget for this
purpose will be allocated during the construction period taking note of the total energy
requirement of the construction workers and the project staffs.
Conservation and environmental awareness programs will be given to staff and workforce. Local
workforce who will be members of local CFUGs will act as regulators. Special instruction and
training will be provided to the entire workforce for not to indulge in the activities that promotes
loss of wildlife. Prohibition will be made on wildlife hunting and activities that promote wildlife
hunting in the project area. Environmental Awareness Program will be launched for the project
workforce, local women and students to minimize the adverse impacts on the local fauna. In the
program, impacts due to slash and burn practices, hunting of animals and birds and those
indirect impacts due to deforestation, landslides and sedimentation will be addressed.
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Aquatic resources
Destructive fishing by workforce and technicians with application of techniques like blasting,
chemical poisoning, and electric shock will be strictly restricted.The spoil and construction
wastes will not be directly disposed off into the river. Water quality protection measures will be
applied during construction phase. The downstream release will be ensured by the design of the
project itself, the project intake will be designed and gated such that the stated downstream
release of 0.47m3/sec will be maintained through the simple overflow weir.

Operation Phase

Forest Resources
The pressure on the forest resources will be sorted by encouraging as well as supporting locals
by promoting alternative sources of fuel. Support will be provided to local communities for
preserving their forest. Regular monitoring of plantation site will be done until hand over to the
respective forest users group. Rehabilitation and forestation will be done in the quarry site, spoil
disposal site, powerhouse site, penstock alignment and project road by endemic species.
Location of project structures in forest area can be a problem for wildlife as well as domestic
animal movement. Hence, to minimize the impacts of canal in place, covered canal will be used
throughout the length of the canal alignment.

Aquatic life
The possibility of water quality deterioration from sanitation wastes and other inorganic
elements will be minimized so that downstream settlement and fish population do not get
suffered from water pollution. The construction of water diversion structures will be designed so
as to release a minimum of 10% of the dry season discharge plus discharge for water mill to the
13.10 Socio-economic and cultural environment

Construction phase

Compensation for agricultural land

The land will be acquired during pre-construction phase. The total compensation for 3.11 ha of
cultivated land to be acquired permanently is estimated to be Rs. 61,00,000.
Compensation for leased land
About 3 ha of cultivated land will be taken on lease for 72 months. Compensation for leased
land will be provided to the respective land owners based on the production loss. Under this
provision, the compensation amount per year for leased land is estimated to be Rs. 8,80,313.24
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Environmental Study


(cost for 37.04 MT of crops annually). Hence, the total compensation amount for 72 months
(during construction period only) for the loss of 154 MT is Rs. 36,60,049.
Compensation for house and other structures
Altogether, 5 houses belonging to 5 households with 31 people will be affected due to the
implementation of the project. All affected houses are of Kachchi-Pakki type. About Rs.
35,00,000 has been allocated as compensation for the loss of 5 houses.
Compensation for loss of agriculture production
There will be a loss of 38.88 MT of agriculture production permanently in 3.11 ha of land. The
compensation for the loss of agriculture production is Rs. 9,22,246.75.
Relocation Scheme for Loss of Structures
Altogether, 5 houses will be relocated. The project affected households have expressed their
interest for voluntary resettlement in the surrounding project area (within the same VDC).
Public Health and Sanitation
The existing health facility in the project area is poor. Hence, the existing sub-health post of
project affected VDC will be supported through the medicine and equipments during the
construction period.

Water supply and sanitation

Existing water supply system will not be used for the management of new water supply system.
The water supply of the project area will be improved by installation of more pipe lines, keeping
taps at a regular interval, and by improving the storage of water at the source. The quantity of
drinking water can be increased by distributing the water of existing perennial stream.
Socio-cultural and religious practice
Code of conduct will be enforced to minimize the impacts on socio-cultural and religious
practice of Magar and Chhanthel communities. Instruction will be given to all workers to act in
responsible manner during and after the working hours, respecting the rights, properties and
practices of local people; prohibition of using alcohol or drug by the project staff in camp and
nearby village. The use of local workers will be maximized in order to maintain the sociocultural and religious harmony.
Social service facility
Separate provision on communication, lighting and cooking energy, drinking water supply, etc
will be made in the project area. Similarly, additional support police force if required will be
maintained through coordination with district administrative office. Financial support to existing
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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Environmental Study


sub-health post and schools will be provided. Damage to the community infrastructures such as
roads, foot trails, etc. due to construction activities will be minimized.
Peoples behavior due to stoppage of cash flow
The project will run an awareness program to inform the local people on the effective and timely
use of the cash and prioritizing needs. They will also be made aware of the investment
opportunities likely to generate due to the project and encourage them to exploit the
opportunities for long term income source.
Rural economy due to increase economic activities
To minimize the impacts of loss of agricultural products due to the land acquisition, and any
affect on the occupation will be compensated through appropriate agricultural extension
program, livelihood skill training program, arrangement of micro-credit fund to establish small
business or cottage industries, etc. Maximum job opportunities will be provided to the local
people in a prudential manner and assistance will also be provided to local communities in the
planning of settlement developments through coordination with the local development office.
Gender and vulnerable group
Training package for income generating activities will be provided to the project affected
woman headed households. In addition, women involvement programs such as non-formal
education, cottage industry, promotion of improved cooking stoves, safe maternity, women
entrepreneurship and other activities contributing to the women empowerment will be supported
by the project.

Occupational health and safety hazards

The contractor will be informed to adopt safe construction practices to minimize construction
related accidents. Post warning signs, barriers and guards will be installed to restrict access of
unauthorized persons to the construction sites. Information will be given to residents for
potentially dangerous and active objects such as blasting sites and high voltage lines. Safety
equipment such as helmets, boots, gloves, safety glasses and masks will be provided for workers
those working in the tunnel work and other construction site.
Law and order
District Police Office, Myagdi will be requested to establish a temporary Unit Police Post in
Dagnam VDC. A strict code of conduct for the workforce will be formulated and enforced.

Operation phase

Peoples behavior due to stoppage of cash flow

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Environmental Study


Training programs will be organized particularly targeting skilled labour force willing to
establish their own entrepreneurship, where they can utilize their skills and earn some money.
The training sessions will be conducted at least 3 months prior to the project completion, so that
the skilled labour force will be able to start their business immediately upon the termination of
their jobs.
Withdrawal of economic activities and employment
In order to minimize the adverse impacts on the local economy in this critical condition and
enhance the living standard of the affected communities, a training program will be organized
particularly for skilled labor force willing to establish their own entrepreneurship, where they
can utilize their skill and earn money and training packages will be developed to suit majority of
the skilled labor force and encourage them to initiate their business.
Visual impact
Greenery will be maintained by plantation work in major project location sites particularly in the
project road alignment, powerhouse site, canal alignment site, etc. This activity will help in
reduction of visual impact to some extent.
Impact on movement and safety of peoples and wildlife due to sudden release of water d/s
of dam in lean seasons
As a mitigation measure, a siren system will be established at the headworks site to make aware
the downstream people about the timing of the release of water. Similarly local people will be
made aware about the siren system.

13.11 Mitigation, Enhancement and Corporate Social Responsibility Costs

The total cost for physical, biological and socio-economic and cultural environmental impact
mitigation and enhancement measures is estimated to be Rs. 2,88,49,109.
13.12 Monitoring Plan
The monitoring plan specifies the physical, biological and socio-economic and cultural
environment in terms of parameters, indicators, methods, schedule, location, timing, sampling
and measurement variables.The project proponent will be responsible for carrying out all
monitoring activities as per monitoring plans mentioned in the report. However, Ministry of
Energy, District Forest Office and other relevant agencies will also be consulted during
monitoring activities. The proponent has planned to monitor the compliance by establishing and
Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) within the project, which will have the overall
responsibility of monitoring and reporting.
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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Environmental Study


Impact monitoring will be used to measure the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural
environmental parameters within the project area during the project construction and operation
Monitoring Cost
The lump sum monitoring cost is estimated to be NRs. 14,85,000 for 2 years.
Summary of total environmental cost
The total environmental cost including monitoring cost of the proposed project is estimated to be
Rs. 30334109, which is 0.604 % of the total project cost. Some of the activities and costs are
already included in the project cost and hence such cost is not included here.
13.13 Conlcusion
Physical Environment
Change in land use pattern will occur due to the location of project structures. The proposed
project needs 23.62 ha. Of the total land, agriculture, forest and barren lands constitute 6.11ha,
5.01 ha and 12.50 ha respectively.
Biological Environment
Biologically, the trees, shrubs and herbs that are to be cleared are mostly common species in
frequency, density and abundance. There are 846 trees to be cleared from community and private
forest lands. Therefore, a relatively less number of trees and vegetation is affected during the
construction. The proposed project site is ecologically justified with minimum impact on the
biodiversity as the project has been designed for tunnel option. The mitigation measures
proposed to sustain and conserve the environment especially the floral diversity is adequate and
in conformation with the existing Acts, Rules, Regulations and Policies of the Nepal
Socio-economic and cultural environment
The IEE study on the existing environmental conditions and likely adverse and beneficial
impacts of the proposed project indicate moderate level of adverse impacts on socio-economic
and cultural environment which are of reversible in nature and can be easily mitigated, where as
moderate to high level of beneficial impacts. Due to the implementation of the project, 5 houses
will have to be relocated. Similarly, project requires 6.11 ha of cultivated land of which 3.11 ha
belongs to permanent acquisition and 3 ha for leased land.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate

Chapter Fourteen



14.1 General
This cost report describes the methodology used in estimating the project cost of the 48.5 MW
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project located in Myagdi districts, Dhaulagiri Zone of Western
Development Region of Nepal. The estimated project cost is based on the quantities estimated
on the basis of the feasibility study of the project and its drawings. The unit rates of different
items are based on existing labour and material cost at present with current the 2011 level prices.
14.2 Criteria, Assumptions and cost components
The following criteria and assumptions are the basis of the cost estimate:
All costs are in June 2011 dollars.

For currency conversion, rate of exchange rate is as follows:

US $1 = NRs 75

A key assumption is that the project management and procurement policy will stress upon
competitive bidding and that government policies will not hinder cost-effective construction.
Contractors will be free to employ labour from Nepal and other neighbouring countries as
deemed cost effective.
14.3 Estimating methodology
The major component breakdown for the estimating process is:


support facilities, access roads and other general items

electromechanical equipment
main civil construction works, including on-site access
camp and housing accommodation facilities
engineering, management, administration and other owners costs
Civil Works

The cost estimate was prepared with the following approaches. A quantity estimate requires the
sequential execution of the following steps:

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate

Subdivision of the total project into a number of distinct structures (weir and undersluice,
intake, headrace tunnel box culvert, desander, forebay, surgetank, penstock, powerhouse

and tailrace etc.).

Breaking down of structures into a number of distinct construction tasks or measurable

pay items. These are overburden excavation, rock excavation, fill work, concrete works,

Calculation of the appropriate quantity of each item estimated from design drawings as
presented in the study.

Selection of the labour, material and construction equipment resources required for all
construction work.

Estimating the unit costs for the project by using the cost of the combined resources used
and their expected production rates.

Summation of all the product of the quantities and the unit costs yields the total cost of

The summation with allowances for contractor's profit, contingency and allowances for
engineering and management and provision for camp facilities gives the total project

In application of this approach, contractor's overhead and profits mark-ups is applied during the
unit rate development.

Resource Costs

Labour Rates

For estimating purposes, the labour force was subdivided into four categories of workers:
unskilled, semiskilled, skilled and highly skilled. These categories were used to develop the unit
rates as per crew requirements.
Considering the overall construction requirements for the project, hourly rates of labour were
developed based on prevailing labour rates of the project site. Since the project site will be
accessible, availability of labour in the local area is considered. The calculated rates of workers
on an hourly basis are as follows:

Unskilled labour
Semiskilled labour
Skilled labour
Highly skilled labour

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NRs 46.88 / hr
NRs 52.94 / hr
NRs 68.06 / hr
NRs 98.31 / hr

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate

Construction Equipment Rate

It is proposed that major components of civil works will be constructed by using standard
construction methods employing various construction machines and equipment as far as
possible. Equipment operating and owing cost per hour is referred to from similar number of
projects which are under study by Nepal Electricity Authority. The representative operating and
owning cost of heavy equipment and tools are as follows.

Tipper Truck
Wheel Loader HP 160
Concrete Mixer 0.5 m3/hr
Bulldozer HP 165
Air Compressor 150 CFM

NRs 1383.78 / hr
NRs 2877.86 / hr
NRs 390.66 / hr
NRs 3256.93 / hr
NRs 601.60 / hr

Construction Material

Most of the construction material including reinforcement bar will probably be supplied and
processed from Nepal. Required amount of cement will be supplied from the nearest commercial
market, Pokhara. Construction material cost is adopted from the city price.


TOR Steel Reinforcement



80000 /ton

Unit Costs

After combining the required resources mix and applying the expected crew production rate, the
total cost of an activity is calculated and hence the unit rate is derived from the cost.
Representative unit rates for project construction are presented in Table 14-2.
Table 14-45


Unit Rates





Rock Excavation
Open Cut Excavation
Tunnel Excavation
Concrete Lining in Tunnel (M25)
Concrete Lining (M25)
Lean concrete
Reinforcement (Underground)


Rate US$

Indirect Costs

Each of the unit rates for the civil works include the contractors overhead and profit which are
assumed to be 20% of the direct cost. Out of this, 10 % is considered as overhead and 10 % as
profit in the direct cost.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate

Preliminary Works

A sum of US $ 3.783 million is provided for the preliminary works for Upper Rahughat HEP.
This work includes mobilization and demobilization costs. Provision for construction power
during project is also made in this heading.


Access Road

A total of 28 km of access road is to be constructed for access to the headworks site and
construction sites of the project. A length of 20 km will be constructed for project access and 8
km of road wil be constructed within the project area as project roads. A total sum of US $ 3.28
million has been provisioned for the access road.
14.4 Civil Work Cost
The total estimated cost for the civil works for Upper Rahughat HEP including access road is
US$ 27.468 million. This amount is 53 % of the total Base Construction Cost.
14.5 Hydromechanical Works Cost
The total amount required for the hydraulic steel structures such as the stoplogs, gates, valves,
including steel penstock and accessories is US $ 3.131 million.
14.6 Electromechanical Equipment
The cost required for the electromechanical equipment was estimated by a combination of
methods including the following:

interpretation of budget prices supplied by potential suppliers, mainly for the larger and
more expensive equipment such as turbines, generators, power transformers and main
inlet valves;
in-house estimates using established international prices and/or relationships for more
routine items, the in-house information being based on years of collection of price data,
and often eliminates the errors of variations of prices occurring due to abrupt changes in
supply and demand;
percentage of lump sum provisions on a ratio basis, based on experience for lesser
miscellaneous items;
in mechanical services, the empirical relation developed for estimation includes: heating
ventilation, air conditioning, drainage, dewatering, oil storage, cooling water,
compressed air, embedded/exposed piping ducts, elevator, diesel generator, maintenance
equipment and water level measurements; and

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate

in electrical services, the empirical relation developed for estimation includes: low
voltage switching, control equipment, DC system equipment, system transformers,
communication equipment and station service equipment.

The total cost for the set of two units of electromechanical equipments for power generation at
Bagar Khola and the two units of turbine-generators and all ancillary equipments required in the
powerhouse of Upper Rahughat HEP is estimated to be US $ 15.655 million.

14.7 Transmission Line, Substations and Switchyard

The power generated from Upper Rahughat HEP project will be evacuated in the switchyard of
the substation of Rahughat HEP (NEA) through a 132 kV single circuit transmission line with
ACSR Bear conductors on steel lattice towers. The length of the transmission line between
Upper Rahughat HEP and Rahughat HEP Substation (NEA) is about 8 km. The total cost for the
selected transmission line for Upper Rahughat HEP is about US $ 5.376 million. The cost
includes all necessary accessories and line bays.
14.8 Engineering and Management Cost
A provision of US $ 4.130 million which is 8 % of the total construction base cost has been
made for engineering and management including the detailed engineering design and
supervision cost.
14.9 Contingencies
Contingencies have been applied to various areas of work to cover costs due to changes in the
physical scope, which cannot be identified at this stage. The following allowances will be
10% on preliminary works and access road
15% on all civil work
5% on electro-mechanical equipment, and transmission line works.
The following contingencies have been assumed for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project.
Contingencies for Preliminary and access road is

US $ 0.706 million

Contingencies for civil work

US $ 3.060 million

Hydromechanical, electromechanical and transmission line

US $ 1.208 million

Total provision made for contingencies

US $ 4.975 million

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate
14.10 Resettelment and Environmental Mitigation Work
Appropriate sums have been allocated for environmental, compensation and mitigation
purposes. A provision for the resettlement, environmental mitigation and management cost
equivalent to US $ 1.548 million has been made for Upper Rahughat HEP.
14.11 Owners cost
A provision of 3% of the base cost equal to US $1.548 million has been provided as the owners
14.12 Project Cost
The total estimated project costs for Upper Rahughat HEP is US $ 63.833 million.
The summary of the estimated total project costs for the project is tabulated below:
Table 14-46

Summary of the Project Cost


Serial No

Installed Capacity (MW)


Amount in US $

Preliminary Expenses


Access Roads


Headworks at Bagar Khola


Desander and Flushing at Bagar Khola


Forebay at Bagar Khola


Collection Chamber at Inter-Connection Bagar Khola


Penstock, Powerhouse & Tailrace at Bagar Khola


Cut and Covered Box Culvert at Inter-Connection




Adit Tunnels


Surge Tank


Penstock, Dropshaft and High Pressure Tunnel




Tailrace Pond and Canal


Switch yard


Gates ,Valves and Steel liner


Turbines, Generators & Accessories


Transmission, Substations & Switchyard




Engineering, Management (8% of base)

Resettlement and Environment 3%


Owners cost 3%






10% of Preliminary Works and Access Road (1 -2)
15% of Civil work ( 3- 15)

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Cost Estimate
5% of Electromechanical and Transmission (15 - 17)
Total Contingencies




Installed Capacity (kW)

Cost / kW

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Disbursement Schedule

Chapter Fifteen
Based on the construction schedule, the following disbursement schedule has been adopted for
the economic evaluation of Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project.
The construction period of the project has basically been divided into two stages. The first stage
consists of the construction of the access road and other preparatory works while the second
stage consists of the actual construction of the project. The total duration for the construction of
Upper Rahughat HEP including engineering and other preparatory works will be 72 months.
This duration is longer than the normal duration for projects of a similar nature and is maily due
to the costruction of the access road and the requirement to construct this project as a cascade
development to Rahughat Mangale HEP. The details are given in Chapter 12 of this report.
The first stage of the project will consist of activities such as the detailed engineering design
including the preparation of tender documents, tendering, land acquisition, construction of
infrastructure including and especially the construction of the access road and other initial
works. This stage of the development of the project can be undertaken in approximately 36
The actual construction of the project will consist of the construction of the civil works,
electromechanical works, hydro-mechanical works and the transmission lines. The actual
construction of Upper Rahughat HEP will also take about 36 months respectively.
The distribution of the project cost within these periods are as shown below.

Distribution of Project Cost

First year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year

38 %
28 %
25 %

Due consideration has been given to advance payment for manufacturing, mobilization and
demobilization while dividing the cash flows for each year. The details of the disbursement of
costs of different work items on the basis of the base cost for the two projects are given in Tables
15-2 and are also described in brief in the following sections. Table 15-1 shows the disbursement
of costs according to activities.

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Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Disbursement Schedule

Table 15-47

Disbursement of Costs According to Activities

Resettlement, Environmental, Access Road and Owners Cost
Civil Works
Gates, Valves and Steel Liner
Turbines and Generators
Transmission Lines and Substation
Engineering and Management

Percentage of the
Total Cost for
Rahughat HEP
17 %
35 %
27 %
8 %
8 %

15.1 Resettlement, Support Facilities, Access Road and Preparatory Works

Mitigation costs have been allocated as appropriate to take care of socio environmental impacts
within the project area. Necessary land acquisition costs have been included under this heading.
The cost for the access road has also been included under this heading. About 12 % of the total
project cost has been allocated under this heading. Since the bulk of the expenditures will be in
the initial phases of the project, the total of this compensation and mitigation and other
preparatory works will be spent in the first 12 months. Some part of it will be spread out
throughout the construction period for environmental mitigation measures.
15.2 Civil Works
The civil works cost comprises the bulk of the project cost amounting to 41 % of the total
project cost. Construction of all of the civil structures except for the access road will take place
during the last two years. Cost allocation for all of the civil components is summarized as
Table 15-48

Cost Allocation for Civil Components

Project Component
Bagar Khola Headworks
Desander and Flushing Structure at Bagar Khola
Collection Chamber
Penstock, Powerhouse and Tailrace at Bagar Khola
Cut and Cover Box Culvert
Adit Tunnels
Surge Tank
Penstock and Drop Shaft
Tailrace Canal
Switch yard
Tundi Power Company

Percentage of Civil Cost

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Disbursement Schedule

15.3 Gates, Valves and Steel Line

The hydro mechanical parts consist of the smallest largest component of the total cost of the
project. Along with the cost of the gates, valves and steel penstock, this item comprises of 5 %
of the total cost of the project cost.
15.4 Turbine and Generator
The total cost for the procurement and erection of the turbine and generator will be 26 % of the
total project cost. The erection of the turbine and generator at the site will start towards the end
of the fifth year, once the primary concrete of the powerhouse has been completed. The
assembly and finishing of the turbine and generator placement will be completed by the middle
of the sixth year of the construction.
15.5 Transmission Line and Substation
Construction of the 132 kV Transmission Line and Switchyard will cost 8 % of the total project
cost. Construction of the transmission line and substation will commence towards the end of the
fourth year and will be concluded approximately before the date of commissioning of the
15.6 Detailed Engineering and Construction Supervision
About 8 % of the construction cost has been allotted for the engineering, administration and the
management including the cost for construction supervision for the project.
The disbursement schedule for the projects is given in Tables 15-3.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Disbursement Schedule

Table 15-49

Disbursement Schedule for the Project




Preliminary Expenses
Access Roads
Bagar Khola Headworks
Desander and Flushing Structure at Bagar Khola
Collection Chamber
Penstock, Powerhouse and Tailrace at Bagar
Cut and Cover Box Culvert
Adit Tunnels
Surge Tank
Penstock and Drop Shaft
Tailrace Canal
Switch yard
Gates ,Valves and Steel Liner
Turbines, Generators & Accessories
Transmission, Substations & Switchyard


Engineering, Management (8% of base)

Resettlement and Environment
Owners cost


Tundi Power Company







30 %

30 %

10 %

35 %

30 %
25 %

40 %
40 %
40 %
40 %

60 %
60 %
60 %

40 %
40 %
40 %
100 %
40 %
35 %
40 %
20 %
20 %
40 %
40 %

60 %
60 %
30 %

30 %
30 %

20 %
35 %
20 %
80 %
80 %
30 %
30 %

40 %

30 %

30 %

40 %
20 %
40 %

30 %
20 %
20 %

30 %
20 %
20 %

40 %

40 %
20 %

60 %

40 %
30 %
40 %

30 %

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

Chapter Sixteen
16.1 General
The main purpose of the project evaluation is to provide financial information facilitating
pricing as well as investment and financing decision. It is necessary to examine the project
thoroughly prior to its implementation to ensure the developer that the risk is worth taking.
Evaluation of project in terms of financial risk and return is important consideration for
investment and financial commitment to the project. At present, NEA is a single buyer of the
energy to be produced from the project. It has fixed the seasonal rates to be purchased from the
independent producers for the installed capacity up to 25 MW. However, for the project with
installed capacity exceeding 25 MW, power purchase agreement will be carried out between the
producer and NEA to fix the energy rate. Hence, the main objective of the evaluation is to attract
financing institution for investment and to ascertain that the project is worthwhile to undertake
for the developer.


Financial analysis takes the view of the individual project participants. The financial costs
associated with project are based on normal accounting conventions. Thus, assets are valued in
terms of their financing costs and are depreciated over their leased period.
Financial planning is concerned with the estimation of the financial implications of a proposed
development. It is based on the use of market prices and, therefore, includes any taxes or
royalties which will be levied on the factors of production and any subsidies, capital or
operating, which may be received as part of the development. All costs are charged and all
revenues credited to the analysis in the actual amounts expended or received and in the case of
foreign costs converted at the anticipated official exchange rate at the time of expenditure. For
this analysis the financial rate of return and cash flow is assessed from the perspective of a
utility owner/operator.
The evaluation methodology follows the traditional practice in project analysis where benefits
and cost streams are first estimated. For a project to be acceptable, project benefits should
outweigh costs.
In general terms, financial evaluations involve the following tasks:

Estimation of Project Costs

Cost components include headworks and powerhouse construction costs, water conveyance
costs, diversions and other civil works, electro mechanical, hydro mechanical, transmission and
Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

sub-station costs, project environmental impact mitigation, management and monitoring costs.
Main access to the project area which is 20 km is assumed to be borned by this project. Annual
operating and maintenance expenditures and replacement cost for electro-mechanical equipment
are also included. The costs are allocated to the year of expenditure. The financial analysis
extends the costing to include taxes and duties, insurances, escalation, loan processing fees,
interest during construction, capital repayment and interest on debt. The major portions of the
project cost are disbursed within the construction period. However, annual cost including
operation and maintenance cost is spread over the analysis duration.

Estimation of Project Benefits

For the estimation of saleable energy generated from the project, transmission loss, self
consumption and outages (scheduled and unscheduled) are deducted from the annual generation.
For the financial analysis, the principle project benefits are revenues, which can be derived from
the operation of the project. Average energy rate is estimated ensuring 20% return on equity.
Return on equity sought by the investor is generally 6% higher than the prevailing interest rate
on debt. The project benefits are received during the operation period only.

Decision Making Tools

In the analysis, project costs and benefits are compared using discounted measured of project
worth. Discounting is the technique used to convert a stream of benefits or costs to its Present
Value to account for the time value of money. Following are the decision making parameters
estimated during this analysis:

Average Energy Rate is the key parameter used for making decision. This rate is
estimated assuming that the Return on Equity of the project is at the acceptable level of
the developer so that the investor are encouraged to invest in the project. Further, the
average energy rate should be compatible with the prevailing energy tariff.

The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) is the discount rate corresponds to the
zero Net Present Value. That is the discounted rate at which the present value of the
benefits equals the present value of costs. The FIRR indicates the financial profitability
of the investment project. The FIRR is used to assess whether a project meets a minimum
threshold or not. If the FIRR is less than the discount rate, which has been used, the
project is thought to be uneconomical, as the discounted benefits do not outweigh the
discounted costs. Projects are attractive if the calculated FIRR exceeds the cut-off-rate or
opportunity cost of capital.

The Benefit- Cost Ratio (B/C) is the ratio of the present value of the benefit stream to
the present value of the cost stream. The B/C Ratio indicates the extent to which the
discounted stream of benefits exceeds the discounted stream of costs. A ratio greater than
one indicates that benefits exceed costs while a ratio that is less than one indicates that
costs exceed benefits.

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Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

Debt Service Ratio is the parameter which demonstrates the repayment capability of the
project. Financial soundness of a project could be evaluated from this parameter.

Generally, debt service ratio of 1.5 is desired. However, for the hydropower projects,
where the market is guaranteed for its entire economic life through power purchase
agreement, debt service ratio of 1.3 should be acceptable.

Payback Period is the duration in year within which entire investment on the project is
recovered. Shorter the payback period better is the project. This parameter is very
important in the country where the long term government policy is not stable.

Based on the above financial parameters, investment decision is made by the developer as well
as by the financing institutions.


Financial analysis of the project is carried out to assess the financial viability of the project. In
this study the project is assumed to be developed by investing its equity and arranging loan from
commercial banks.
Following are the basic assumptions made for financial analysis:

base year for the cost and benefit is January, 2012.

Entire cost is assumed to be local component. However, the cost corresponding to

powerhouse and generating equipments are foreign component expressed in terms of
local currency for this analysis.

construction period is 6 years excluding detail engineering. The construction work in the
first two years is limited to the access road and camp construction.

commercial operation date is assigned to be January 1, 2019.

escalation rate on the local component of the cost is assumed to be 5%.

custom of 1% and local tax of 1.5% are assumed to be applicable on hydro mechanical,
electrical and generating equipments as these will be imported from third country using
foreign currency. Custom and local taxes are not considered on remaining items of the

value added tax (VAT) of 13% is considered on entire project cost except on the hydro
mechanical, electrical, transmission line, generating equipments, resettlement &
environment and owners cost.

interest on loan is assumed to be 12.0% per annum and the interest will be repaid in
equal installments and quarterly.

Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

interest during construction is capitalized.

debt equity ratio is 70:30 for the investment.

Expected return on equity is 18 %

Establishment fee is assumed to be 0.50% of the total loan paid during the signing of the
loan contract.

loan duration is 10 years after the year of commercial operation.

financial analysis duration is assumed to be 30 years after the commercial operation.

Straight line method with annual depreciation rate of 4% per annum is adopted.

annual operation and maintenance cost is assumed to be 1.0% of the total construction
cost and is escalated at the rate of 5%.

annual insurance cost is 0.5% of the construction cost & the total revenue of three

insurance cost on the construction cost is escalated at the rate of 5% per annum.

VAT at the rate of 13% is applicable on the insurance premium.

runner replacement cost is assumed to be 30% of the electromechanical cost and is

assumed to be replaced once in ten years. As of January, 2012 price level this cost would
be Rs. 404.43 Million.

bonus and welfare fund of 2% of net profit annually.

royalty on installed capacity is Rs. 100 per kW per annum for first 15 years and Rs. 1000
per kW per annum then after. royalty on revenue is 2.0% on total revenue for first 15
years and 10% on total revenue then after.

corporate tax rate is 20% through out the operation period.

the entire energy is assumed to be purchased by Nepal Electricity Authority through

power purchase agreement in a take or pay basis for entire project life.

Scheduled and unscheduled outage is assumed to be 7.5% for the estimation of the
salable energy.

Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation
Disbursement of the capital cost is based on the proposed construction schedule. For each of the
items, 20% advance is assumed to be released in the first year immediately after sigining the
contract for construction. Assumed disbursement of the capital cost is presented in Table 15-49.

Result of the Analysis

Total financial cost of the project include price escalation, taxes and duties, loan processing fee
and interest during construction on debt portion of the cost. Based on the assumed disbursement
of the cash flow, the total financial cost of the project is estimated to be Rs. 8,056.84 Million.
The summary of the total financial cost is shown in Table No. 16 1. Out of this total cost, the
equity portion is estimated to be Rs. 2,417.05 Million and debt is Rs. 5,639.79 Million. Detail
disbursement of different costs during construction period is shown in Table No. 16-2.

Table 16-50

Summary of Total Financial Cost for Upper RahughatRahughat HEP

S. No.

Base Cost as of Year 2012
Physical Contingency
Total Cost as of Year 2012
Taxes and Duties
Total Financial Cost as of Year 2012
Price Contingency
Loan Processing Fee
Interest During Construction
Total Financial Cost at the End of Construction

Table 16-51

Total Cost in
(Million Rs.)

Disbursement of Equity and Debt for Upper Rahughat HEP



Project Cost (Million Rs)



Long term loan will be paid in 10 years. Interest as well as loan will be paid in quarterly basis. It
is estimated that equal quarterly installment will be Rs. 243.99 Million will be required to be
paid for 10 years. This is equal to the equal annual installment of Rs. 975.96 Million.
The analysis is carried out assuming the entire energy will be sold at the flat rate throughout the
year. The rate corresponds to the base year 2012 and is escalated at the rate of 3% per annum for
nine years. According to the analysis, the required energy rate to ensure 18% return on equity is
Tundi Power Company

Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation
Rs. 5.38 per kWh (price level of the Year 2012). This rate corresponds to Rs. 6.51 per kWh for
commercial operiation date (Year 2019) and will be frozen at Rs. 6.83 per kWh from the year
2020 on ward. The FIRR of the project is estimated to be 13.48 %. The corresponding debt
service ratio in the first year of commercial operation is 1.61. The benefit cost ratio is 1.34.
Payback period after the commercial operation for the total investment is estimated to be 8.32
years. Detail of the analysis is shown in Table No.16-3.
Sensitivity analysis is carried out for above scenarios assuming the following:

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

Table 16-52

Financial Analysis with Respect to Equity Investement

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Project Evaluation
Case - A :
Case - B :
Case C :

Project cost is increased by 10%

Benefit is Decreased by 10%
Entire Energy is Sold at Posted Seasonal Energy Rates

Details of sensitivity analysis are presented in the Table No. 16.3 (A), 16.3 (B) & 16.3 (C) and in
Annex I. The summary of the result is presented in the Table 16-4 below:
Table 16-53
S. No.


Summary of the Required Average Tariff for Different Cases


Base Case
Case A : Project cost Inreased by
Case B : Benefit is Decreased by
Case C : Entire Energy Sold at
Posted Seasonal Energy Rates

As of 2012

As of 2019

As of 2021




8.40 / 4.80
(Dry / Wet)

Discussion of the Result

From the summary of the sensitivity analysis presented in the Table No. 16-3 it is evident that
the total financial cost of the Upper Rahughat HEP project including price escalation, taxes and
duties, loan processing fee and interest during construction is Rs. 8,056.84 Million. This gives
the average installation cost (Financial) of Rs. 1,65,099 per kW. The average energy rate of the
project would be Rs. 5.38 per kWh to ensure 18% return on equity. If the project cost is
increased by 10%, the required average energy rate would be Rs. 5.91 per kWh. Decrease in
generation by 10% would result in increase in average energy rate to Rs. 5.97 per kWh. These
energy rates correspond to the base year 2012 and will be escalated at the rate of 3% per annum
for nine years. Higher value of energy rate is the result of the higher cost of capital as well as the
higher expected return on the investment because of the higher opportunity cost. The FIRR of
the project is in the range of 13.4%. The debt service ratio for the first year of operation is in the
range of 1.6. This would insure timely payment of interest as well as debt of the investors. The
B/C ratio of the project at 10% discount rate is in the range of 1.2. This figure should be able to
attract the prospective investor. Further, the payback period of the project is in the range of 8.3
If the energy is assumed to be sold at the posted rates which are Rs. 8.40 per kWh for dry season
and Rs. 4.80 per kWh for wet season, the return on equity is estimated to be 14.88%. These
energy rates correspond to the base year of 2019 which is the commercial operation date. The
corresponding debt service ratio for the first year of operation is 1.29 where as the benefit cost
ratio at 10% discount rate is 1.16. The FIRR of the project is 12.11% and payback period is
10.13 years.

Tundi Power Company


Feasibility Study

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism

Benefits From Clean

Chapter Seventeen
17.1 Background
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the "flexibility" mechanisms defined in
the Kyoto Protocol . It is defined in Article 12 of the Protocol, and is intended to meet two
objectives: (1) to assist parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and
in contributing to the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is to prevent dangerous climate change; and (2) to assist
parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation
and reduction commitments (greenhouse gas (GHG) emission caps). "Annex I" parties are those
countries that are listed in Annex I of the treaty, and are the industrialized countries. Non-Annex
I parties are developing countries. Objective (2) is achieved by allowing the Annex I countries to
meet part of their caps using "Certified Emission Reductions" from CDM emission reduction
projects in developing countries. This is subject to oversight to ensure that these emission
reductions are real and "additional." The CDM is supervised by the CDM Executive Board
(CDM EB) and is under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties (COP/MOP) of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The purpose of the CDM is to promote clean development in developing countries, i.e., the
"non-Annex I" countries (countries that aren't listed in Annex I of the Framework Convention).
The CDM is one of the Protocol's "project-based" mechanisms; in that the CDM is designed to
promote projects that reduce emissions. The CDM is based on the idea of emission reduction
"production". These reductions are "produced" and then subtracted against a hypothetical
"baseline" of emissions. The emissions baselines are the emissions that are predicted to occur in
the absence of a particular CDM project. CDM projects are "credited" against this baseline, in
the sense that developing countries gain credit for producing these emission cuts.
The economic basis for including developing countries in efforts to reduce emissions is that
emission cuts are thought to be less expensive in developing countries than developed countries.
For example, in developing countries, environmental regulation is generally weaker than it is in
developed countries. Thus, it is widely thought that there is greater potential for developing
countries to reduce their emissions than developed countries.
The Adaptation Fund was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in
developing countries that are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The Fund is to be financed with a
share of proceeds from clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities and receive
funds from other sources.
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism

Benefits From Clean

17.2 Benefit from CDM to Upper Rahughat Hydro Electric Project

Currently, NEA is facing a daily energy shortage of 5500 MWh and a power shortage of 520
MW. Western, Eastern and Central regions have power shortages of 35 MW, 65 MW and 420
MW respectively. As a result the country is going through a load shedding of 14 hours. Even
though the declared load shedding hours in the central region is 14 hours, NEA has been forced
to resort to unscheduled power cuts to manage the demand. Out of the total installed capacity of
687 MW, only 308 MW was available during the winter of 2009-10. Even with a maximum
available import capacity of 80 MW, a deficit of over 50% of demand was inevitable.
The peak energy demand is growing at an average annual rate of about 10%.Thus each year, the
demand increases by 100 MW. Shortage of energy and capacity is expected to continue for quite
some time to come as there is no significant addition of generating plants. The shortage has
forced NEA to resort to load shedding. The projection of demand and supply for the next 5 years
is as given below:
Table 17-54

Energy Demand Projection Up to 2071/72

Energy (MWh)

Fiscal Year

Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Table 17-55


Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Wet Season
Dry Maximum
Dry Normal
Wet Season

Tundi Power Company






Power Demand Projection Up to 2071/72

Fiscal Year




Power (MW)


Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism
Dry Maximum


Benefits From Clean



At present Nepal is undergoing a huge power shortage, equivalent to almost 14 hours during the
dry season and about 4 hours during the wet season. This situation will keep on increasing to 22
hours during the dry season and about 10 to 12 hours during the wet season prior to the
commissioning of new hydropower projects like Upper Tamakoshi sometime in 2018/19.
Even after the commissioning of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project, the country will face
the same load shedding situation as it is facing at the present due to the constant increase in the
demand. In other words, there will be a huge import of petrol and diesel fuel from India for the
generation of electricity by means of using generators having small as well as large capacities.
As per the implementation schedule of Upper Rahugaht HEP, it can start generating power from
the year 2019 onwards. By this time, the deficit of power will have grown much more than the
installed capacity of this project which is 49 MW. Commissioning of this project by the year
2019 will replace the required generation of an equivalent capacity of power from diesel plants.
This can be considered as a benefit to the country in terms of avoiding the need to import fuel
from a third country. Nepal being a signatory country of Kyoto Protocol can be included in the
benefits and Upper Rahugaht HEP can be an eligible candidate for CDM benefit.

The benefit stream for the project is based on the sale of power and quantification of the benefit
by reducing emissions from an equivalent thermal generation alternative. This project located in
the Western Development Region shall directly reduce the need to operate gas-turbine multi-fuel
diesel plant located in this region. This reduction will be equivalent to the actual generation from
Upper Rahughat Hydropower Project. The assessment of the emission benefits (credit) is
presented below:

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism

Table 17-56

Benefits From Clean

Parameters for the Evaluation of the Emission Credit



CO2 : Gas Turbine

SO2 : Gas Turbine
NOx : Gas Turbine
CO2 : Multi Fuel Diesel
SO2 : Multi Fuel Diesel
NOx : Multi Fuel Diesel


External Cost

External Cost

*Source: NEA, System Planning Department, Middle Marsyangdi Project Evaluation Report.
Table 17-57

Multi Fuel
SO2 : Multi
Fuel Diesel
Multi Fuel

Parameters for the Evaluation of the Emission Credit


kWh (Dry

kWh (Wet

from Dry

(USD) from
Wet Season







Total Emission Credit in





Table 17-58

CO2 : Multi
Fuel Diesel
SO2 : Multi
Fuel Diesel
NOx : Multi

Benefit Evaluation from Bagar Khola Power Plant


kWh (Dry

kWh (Wet



Season Dry











Tundi Power Company

(USD) from (USD) from
Dry Season Wet Season

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism

Benefits From Clean

Fuel Diesel
Total Emission Credit in



The emission credit has been estimated separately for the dry season (four months from mid
December to mid April) and the wet season for energy generation from Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project and the power plant at Bagar Khola, and is shown in Table 17.4 and 17.5.
In the present context, Nepal cannot avoid the requirement to fulfill its dry season energy
demand which will most probably be met by the operation of multi-fuel plant. NEA can thus
claim additional emission credit even during the wet-season by selling energy to India if
additional power plants in this region will be added to the INPS system.
The emission credit has not been considered in the financial evaluation of the project. Besides,
while negotiating for the PPA, NEA may negotiate the energy rates acceptable to the developer
and take the benefits of the emission credit to his organization.

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project

Development Mechanism

Tundi Power Company


Benefits From Clean

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project


Conclusions and

Chapter Eighteen
The power system of Nepal has grown to a much bigger capacity now and is still continuing to
grow. The percentage share of private power generation in the power system has been
increasing. Policy of Nepal Electricity Authority to encourage the private power producer by
purchasing energy through the Power Purchase Agreement has proved to be a new milestone in
the development of hydropower in Nepal.
Tundi Power Company, an independent power producer (IPP) is planning to implement Upper
Rahughat Hydroeletric Project, and for this purpose the IPP has obtained the license to carry out
the survey and the feasibility study of this project. The TOR for the IEE study of the project has
already been approved by the concerned authority. The IPP entrusted Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd to
look into the technical and financial viability of the project and to prepare the overall feasibility
study report for the project.
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project is located in Pakhapani VDC, Chimkola VDC and
Dagnam Darmija VDC of Myagdi District in Western Nepal. The site is located about 334 km
northwest of Kathmandu and about 83 km west of Pokhara.
Due to the virtue of the location of this project, Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project can be
developed in two ways, one as an independent power project with an independent headworks
along the Rahughat River and the second, as a cascade project of Rahughat Mangale
Hydropower Project.
If Rahughat Mangale was to be developed as an independent project, a separate headworks with
a desander would have to be built across Rahughat somewhere downstream of the confluence of
Rahughat and Bagar Khola. Since there is a possibility of using the discharge from the tailrace
of Rahughat Mangale HEP, building a separate headworks would result in unnecessary extra
costs. Furthermore, opting for the first way of development would result in the loss of head that
exists between the proposed powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale and the supposed location of the
headworks of Upper Rahughat HEP if it were built.
Alternatively, the second way to develop the project would be to divert the tail water of
Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project into the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat
Hydroelectric Project, by constructing an interconnection system at the powerhouse of Rahughat
Mangale Hydropower Project at Bagar Khola. This scheme will not need the construction of a
separate headworks and desanding basin. However, in order to collect the discharge from Bagar
Khola a small diversion weir, an intake and a desander will be needed along Bagar Khola,
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project


Conclusions and

upstream from the location for the powerhouse of Rahughat Mangale HEP project. The
discharge from Bagar Khola will be added to the discharge from Rahughat Mangale HEP in the
collection chamber and then conveyed to the headrace tunnel of Upper Rahughat HEP.

It is quite obvious from the above arguments that the second alternative is much more attractive
in terms of cost as well as benefits. Since developing this project as a cascade scheme will have
higher financial benefits, this feasibility study for Upper Rahughat HEP has been undertaken as
a cascade development of Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project with the inclusion of the
annual flows from Bagar Khola.
The choice for the second alternative is further strengthened by the decision to utilize the flow
from Bagar Khola for the production of power locally as well as production of power by adding
it to the design flow of Upper Rahughat HEP.
The project will thus consist of a headworks structure located at the confluence of Rahughat
Khola and Bagar Khola.The proposed headworks structure basically consists of structures
interconnecting the tailrace of Rahughat Mangale Hydropower Project (RMHEP), a river
diversion structure, a desander and a small powerhouse for generation of power at Bagar Khola
and the intake for Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (URHEP). The tailwater from RMHEP
is proposed to be brought across Bagar Khola to its left bank side with the provision of a cut and
cover box culvert structure. The discharge from Bagar Khola will also be diverted with the
provision of a small weir across the khola as well as a desander and a powerhouse for power
generation before being diverted into a collection chamber located just upstream from the intake
portal for the headrace tunnel of URHEP. The cut and cover box culvert carrying the discharge
from the tailwater of RMHEP will also be connected to this collection chamber so that the flows
from both RMHEP and Bagar Khola tailrace can collectively be released into the intake portal of
the headrace tunnel for URHEP.
The flow from the collection chamber will be conveyed to the surgetank via a low pressure
headrace tunnel. The surge tank will be connected to the surface powerhouse by means of a
combination of a surface penstock, an inclined dropshaft and a high pressure tunnel. The
powerhouse will be located on the left bank of Rahughat Khola.
Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project does not have a motorable access road at present. The
nearest roadhead to this project is an earthen road that starts from Galeshor and ends at
Khapsindada via Mauwaphant. A village road which is fairly wide exists at present from
Mawaphant/Khapsidanda up to Chim Khola village which is located at the confluence of Bagar
Khola and Rahughat Khola and is also the proposed location for the headworks of this project.
The length of this road is approximately 20 km. It is therefore envisaged that approximately 20
km of access road will be required for the implementation of the project while a further 8 km of
project roads will be required to access the different project sites.
NEA is currently constructing Rahughat Hydroelectric Project, the headworks structure of which
is located about 700 m downstream of the powerhouse site proposed for this project. It is
envisaged that the access road up to the headworks site of Rahughat Hydroelectric Project being
implemented by NEA will already be in place before the implementation of this project.
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project


Conclusions and

The optimization study carried out for Rahughat Mangale HEP shows that the optimum design
discharge is estimated to be 13.0 m3/s. The design flow available from Bagar Khola is 3.2 m 3/s.
Since URHEP is a cascade development of RMHEP, the sum total of these flows, equivalent to
15.2 m3/s, has been considered for the development of the project. For the available gross head
of 378 m and a head loss of 5.47 m the installed capacity of the project comes out to be 48.50
MW. Similarly for a design flow of 3.2 m3/s, a gross head of 13 m and with a headloss of 0.1 m
the installed capacity for power generation at Bagar Khola comes out to be 0.32 MW.
A total annual energy of 284.41 GWh is estimated to be generated from this project. Assuming
Poush to Chaitra (a total of four months) as the dry season, the total dry season energy is
estimated to be 41.80 GWh whereas the total wet season energy is estimated to be 242.61 GWh.
Minimum power generated from the plant is estimated to 13.45 MW.
Similarly, a total of 2.04 GWh of annual energy is estimated to be generated from the power
generation facility at Bagar Khola. Out of this, the total dry season energy is estimated to be 0.33
GWh whereas the total wet season energy is estimated to be 1.71 GWh. Minimum power
generated from the plant is estimated to 0.10 MW.
The construction period of this project can be categorized into two distinct stages. The first stage
will be the construction of the access road and other preparatory works while the second stage
will consist of the actual construction of the project. The durations for these stages are
approximately three years each. The total duration for the construction of this project including
engineering, construction of access road and other preparatory works is therefore about 72
The total estimated cost of the project including the physical contingency is US $ 63.833 at the
January 2012 price level.
The total financial cost of the project includes price escalation, taxes and duties, loan processing
fee and interest during construction on debt portion of the cost. Based on the assumed
disbursement of the cash flow, the total financial cost of the project is estimated to be Rs.
8,056.84 Million. Out of the total cost, the equity portion is estimated to be Rs. 2,417.05 Million
and debt is Rs. 5,639.79 Million.
Long term loan will be paid back in 10 years. The interest rate on the debt will be 12%. Interest
as well as loan will be paid on a quarterly basis. It is estimated that equal quarterly installments
will be Rs. 225.66 Million and this will be required to be paid for 10 years. This is equal to the
equal annual installment of Rs. 1,174.93 Million.
The financial analysis has been carried out assuming that the entire energy will be sold at a flat
rate throughout the year. The rate corresponds to the base year 2012 and is escalated at the rate
of 3% per annum for nine years. According to the analysis, the required energy rate to ensure a
18% return on equity is Rs. 5.38 per kWh (price level of the Year 2012). This rate corresponds
to Rs. 6.51 per kWh for commercial operiation date (Year 2019) and will be frozen at Rs. 6.83
per kWh from the year 2020 onward. The FIRR of the project is estimated to be 13.48 %. The
corresponding debt service ratio in the first year of commercial operation is 1.61. The benefit
cost ratio is 1.24. Payback period after the commercial operation for the total investment is
Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Upper Rahughat Hydroelectric Project


Conclusions and

estimated to be 8.32 years. If the energy is assumed to be sold at the posted rates which are Rs.
8.40 per kWh for dry season and Rs. 4.80 per kWh for wet season, the return on equity is
estimated to be 14.88%. The corresponsing FIRR of the project will be 12.11%. The benefit cost
ratio at the 10% discount rate would be 1.16.
The feasibility design of the project has been carried out on the basis of very limited
geotechnical investigation. All recommendations made in Section 6.10.2 need to be made prior
to the detail engineering design of the project. This project is technically and financially viable
and has to be developed in tandem with Rahughat Mangale HEP.

The recommended geotechnical investigations are being carried out. The Electriccal Resistivity
Tomography (ERT) survey has already started and is expected to be completed by three months
time including final report. This will be followed by drilling at headworks and powewrhouse
sites to confirm the result of ERT. Likewise sediment sampling will be carried out during this
rainy season. The discharge measurement shall be carried out periodically. The IEE of the
project will also be completed as early as possible. For this mobilization of the team to produce
the public notice in VDC shall be carried out in this month. Based on the additional information
obtained from the geotechnical and other investigation, Supplementary Final Feasibility Study
Report will be prepared.
Supplementary Final Feasibility Study Report will be prepared within 9 months with the
inclusion of all geotechnical investigation data, the modified cost if applicable and the financial
analysis carried out with the new cost.

Tundi Power Company

Apex Energy Pvt. Ltd.

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