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Salient Features of the Project Chapter-1 : 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.5 Summary General Project Features General Main Components of The Project Diversion Dam Desilting arrangement Head race tunnel Surge shaft Pressure shaft Power house Tail race tunnel Studies Undertaken Various alternatives Hydrological studies Initial environmental studies Cost and Financial Aspects Recommendations II -1 to II- 12 1-4 I -1 to I - 8

Chapter -2 : Background Information 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.3

General Information About The River/ Basin/Sub Basin Power Scenario Source of energy Hydropower potential of Himachal Pradesh Thermal power potential of Himachal Pradesh Power scenario in India Demand and supply in Himachal Pradesh State Demand and supply in the Northen Region Satluj river hydropower potential Need Of The Project


Chapter-3 : 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Chapter-4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Chapter-5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.6 5.7 Chapter-6 :

Project area Introduction Location And Access Climate Geology Seismicity Socio-Economic Characteristics

III -1 to III 4

: Geology Introduction Regional Geology Structure & tectonics Seismicity & seismotectonics Geotechnical appraisal : Hydrology Introduction Proposal Catchment Characteristics Hydrometerological Aspects Precipitation Record Of Precipitation Stream flow gauging Flow Series Design Flood Recommendations Conceptual layout Planning

IV -1 to IV -13

V - 1 to V 21

VI -1 to VI - 5

6.1 General 6.2 Main Components of the project 6.2.1 Diversion Dam 6.2.2 Desilting arrangement 6.2.3 Head race tunnel 6.2.4 Surge shaft 6.2.5 penstock 6.2.6 Power house 6.2.7 Tailrace tunnel 6.3 Recommendations 6.4 List of drawings 6.4.1 Location and vicinity map NO:HPSEB/TD/DPR-01 6.4.2 Road and paths NO:HPSEB/TD/DPR-02


6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 6.4.9 6.4.10 6.4.11

General layout plan L-section along WCS Diversion dam plan Desilting tank plan and sections HRT L-section and X-sections Surge shaft plan and sections L-section along penstock Power house plan Single line diagram Power And Energy Benefits


Chapter-7 : 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8

General Power Potential Water availability 90% & 50% dependable year flow series Flow Duration Curve Design head Full reservoir level Minimum draw down level Installed Capacity Studies Unit Size Recommendations

Chapter-8 : 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Chapter -9 : 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.4

Electro Mechanical Works General Scope Power House Mechanical Equipment Electric Equipment Transmission of Power Establishment Environmental Aspects Description of the Project Description of Environment Physical Resource Ecological Resource Baseline Environmental Status Climate and temperature

VIII-1 to VIII-10

IX -1 to IX -16

Rainfall and snowfall data Environment Impact Assessment And Evaluation


9.4.1 9.4.2 9.5 9.6 Chapter-10: 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

Impact Identification Prediction of Impacts R & R Aspects Environmental Management Plan Infrastructure General Improvement Of Existing National Highway Buildings Tele-communication Construction Equipment XI - 1 to XI - 54 X- 1 to X - 5

Chapter-11 : Construction planning and Management 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.4 Chapter-12 : 12.1 12.2 12.2.1 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Construction Equipment Planning Details Of Construction Equipment Construction Methodology Diversion tunnel Coffer dam Diversion Dam Desilting Tank Head race tunnel Surge shaft Pressure Shaft Power house complex Recommendations Cost estimates

XII -1 to XII - 22 General Cost of Civil Works Broad sub head wise provisions for civil works Cost of Electromechanical Works T- Transmission Estimated Cost of the Project Recommendations

Chapter-13 : Economic evaluation

XIII-1to XIII-10


13.1 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7

General Capital Cost Of The Project Abstract of capital cost Economic justification Capital structure Revenue anticipation Repayment period Operation and maintenance charges Cost Per MW Interest During Construction Energy available for sale Rate Of Depreciation Calculation Of Tariff

APPENDIX i) ii) Initial Environmental Studies. Correspondence with CEA/CWC.


1.1 1.1.1 GENERAL PROJECT FEATURES GENERAL Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project located in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, is a run-of- the river type development proposed to harness the hydel potential of river Tidong between Charang and Lambar villages. The project envisages construction of a concrete gravity dam on the river Tidong just upstream of Daibu bridge for diversion of a design discharge of 13.45 cumecs, underground desilting arrangement into a 5.036 km long, 2.60 m finished diameter head race tunnel on the right bank of Tidong river. The tunnel terminates in a 3.50m diameter underground surge shaft. The water from surge shaft shall be further conveyed through one no' 2.10 m diameter, 825m long steel surface/underground penstock bifurcating to two generating units in an underground power house at Lambar. A gross head of 550 m is available at the power station, which shall be utilized to generate 60 MW (2x30MW) of power. 1.2 1.2.1 MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE PROJECT Diversion Dam Tidong river carries a lot of run-off and brings down heavy sediments including pebbles and boulders. The slope of the river at the diversion site is 1:50.



A concrete gravity dam has been proposed across Tidong khad to divert design discharge of 13.45 cumecs. The river bed level at diversion site is El 3370.00 m. An intake structure comprising of R.C.C well with two gates is proposed on the left bank of the river. The first outlet controlled by valve/gate is provided for sediment flushing channel at the lower level to flush out the pebbles etc. collected in the trench back to the river. Second outlet controlled by gate conveys the water in the power channel. 1.2.2 Desilting arrangement A conventional type underground desilting arrangement has been proposed on the left bank of river to exclude silt particles down to 0.20 mm size from the water before it enters the head race tunnel. The arrangement comprises two parallel compartments each consisting of chambers 48 m long, 20m wide and 7.10m high (including 3.5 m hopper portion) . 1.2.3. Head race tunnel The head race tunnel, from the junction point at link tunnels from desilting chambers to the main surge tank, is 5.036 km. long and 2.60 m diameter circular in section. The tunnel diameter is based on technoeconomic studies for a discharge of 13.45 cumecs with a flow velocity of 2.53 m/sec.




Surge shaft The surge shaft, located at the intake of the penstock at 5.036 km from the 0 RD of head race tunnel, will be 3.5 m dia and 108 m high with a restricted orifice. A 3.00 m D-shaped adit is proposed at El 3350.00 m to approach the bottom of the surge tank to facilitate construction. The dome of the shaft shall be approached for construction through a 3.00 m D-shaped adit.


Pressure shaft tunnels One surface/underground penstock, 825 m long and 2.10 m dia would take off from the surge shaft. This would be lined with high tensile steel corresponding to ASTM-A-537 varying in thickness from 12mm near the penstock intake to 35mm at the power house end. The penstock will be bifurcated near the power house, and each branch shall feed one of the two generating units. A spherical valve has been provided in each penstock branch to enable its closing whenever required.


Power house An underground power house cavern of internal dimensions (89.50 m x 15.50 m and 32.15m high) would be located about 130m below the natural surface level. The power house will have an arched roof with concrete lining and shall house two generating units, each of 30 MW capacity. The transformer and underground switch yard shall also be located in one side of the cavern. Shotcrete and suitable spacing will be provided in these caverns. I.3 rock bolting at


Two utility tunnels taking off from the tail race tunnel shall be provided to approach the bottom portion of the power house and shall facilitate the excavation of the cavern. To approach the top of the machine hall as also the top of transformer gallery and tail race surge chamber, an adit is proposed to be constructed with its portal at EL. 2900 m. This adit shall be used for construction of arch portion and other works from the top. 1.2.7 Tail race tunnel The tail race tunnel with 2.60 m, circular section, 100 m long will be provided to carry the discharge from two draft tube tunnels emanating from the power house. 1.3 1.3.1 STUDIES UNDERTAKEN Various alternatives Two potential diversion sites have been identified, one upstream of Daibu bridge and another downstream of Sdaibu bridge. Keeping th e overall development of Tidong khad for power development it is proposed to provide a diversion dam just upsream of the Daibu bridge and downstream of confluence of Lalanti khad with Tidong khad at an elevation of 3370 m. There is possibility of increasing the height of dam, there by increasing the storage capacity. This aspect shall be explored in detail at the detailed project report level.



1.3.2 (a)

Hydrological Studies Hydrology: - Collection of Hydro meteorological data i) ii) iii) Discharge data of Tidong khad at Thangi. Discharge data of Baspa river at Sangla. Discharge data of Bhaba river at Kafnoo


Water availability studies i) ii) iii) Computation of 90% availability and 50% availability discharges. Flow duration curve Power generation in a 90 % and 50 % dependable years


Flood studies i) Computation of design flood.


Initial Environmental studies i) ii) iii) Digitisation of maps (toposheets) with permission of SOI. Satellite imageries as required from NRSA. Processing of satellite data for the area of interest by the consultant. The procedure adopted for processing will be: Multi-spectral LISS(23.5m resolution) and Single Band PAN ( 5.8 m resolution) data. Land use classification for the area will be carried out after geo-referencing the satellite data. Land use classification consisting of the following: I.5





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Vegetation crown, Cover (Tree canopy) Built up areas? Rocky outcrop etc. Agricultural land (Land on which Agriculture is being practised currently). Vegetation density classification (Low, medium, high). Water bodies Barren land Any of the peculiar land use category, as per local scenario. Land use pattern. Vegetal cover/density Approximate population density.


COST AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS The estimate of costs has been prepared in detail to arrive at the total cost of the project. The estimates are based on the prices prevailing in March-2004. The detailed estimate of cost of civil works is based on the conceptual layout plan and preliminary designs of different components of the works. The layout of different components have been adopted after considering various alternatives and most economical layouts have been adopted. For carrying out preliminary design, detailed analysis of rates of different items of works have been prepared as per Guidelines of CWC (Guidelines for preparation of project estimate for river valley projects- March 1997). The rates for hydraulic gates, hoists and cranes etc. are based on the prevalent market rates for such works. Apart from main civil works, the provisions under various other sub-heads are also based on the Guidelines of CWC.



Cost of generating plant and equipment is based on current budgetary prices of plants for similar equipment for other projects Provisions for other items like establishment, audit and accounts etc. are as per norms of CEA. The total cost of the project at December 2003 price level excluding escalation, IDC and Financing Charges works out as under:

Civil Works

Rs 183.55


Electrical Works

Rs 68.29


Transmiss ion Total

Rs 10.86


Rs 262.71


The cost per MW of installed capacity works out to Rs. 4.50 Crore (at March 2004 price level). Thus, the cost per MW for this project is quite low, making the project very attractive. 1.5 RECOMMENDATIONS Detailed survey's as per CWC guidelines are to be done before detailed project report to firm up the layout of various components. Detailed geological investigations i.e, drill holes at dam site to confirm the depth to bed rock, drift at various adits and other geological investigations as per CWC guide lines. I.7


Construction components.

material surveys to meet the requirement of various

Collection of hydro-meteorological data to firm the hydrology studies. Data collection and studies for EIA of the project.




2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE RIVER/BASIN/SUB-BASIN Satluj river is one of the principal river of Himachal Pradesh and it divides the District Kinnaur into two parts. In its passage through Distt. Kinnaur, the Satluj river crosses three more or less parallel mountain ranges viz. the Zaskar Mountain, the Great Himalayas and the Dhauladhar Ranges. Between three mountain ranges lie the subsidiary valleys of varying dimensions from the narrow glens and ravines of Tidong and Kirang streams to the sizeable valleys of Spiti & Baspa river. The significant tributaries streams and rivers that flow into the Satluj river from south or along its left bank are successively the Tidong, Hogis, Gyamthing, Baspa, Duling, Sholding, Manglad etc. Likewise those entering from the north or its right bank are the Spiti River, Ropa, Kirang, Kashang, Pangi, Choling, Bhaba, Sorang, Kut and Ganvi Khud. In between there are many seasonal streams that meet the Satluj river and its tributaries. At Khab it receives the Spiti river where the bed of the stream is still about 2590 meter above the mean sea level. Tidong khad has its origin in the North Western slopes of great Himalayas ranges at an altitude of 6740 meters. It mostly flows in SouthEasterly to North- Westerly direction. A number of Nallas join Tidong Khad upto its confluence with Satluj River, just upstream of Tirung village in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh. Catchment of Tidong Khad lies between Latitude 31 2030 N to 31 3330 N and Longitude 78 2210 E to 78 4750 E. The altitude of Tidong Khad ranges from 2200 meters at its confluence with Satluj river

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to 6740 meters in the glacier zone. Survey of India toposheet numbers 53 -I/6,53-I/7,53-I/10,53-I/11 and 53-I/15 in the scale 1:50000 cover the catchment area of the project. The catchment area above dam site comprises of steep mountains, a portion of it is covered with forest and major part is under permanent snow. Total catchment area up to dam site is 497.86 square kilometers . Catchment area above permanent snow line i.e. El 4200 meters is 418.36 Sq. kilometers respectively. The catchment area plan has been shown in Figure-1. The average slope of khad up to diversion site is 1:15, and thereafter it has a steep descent (slope 1:5), making it most lucrative scheme for hydroelectric potential exploitation. The permanent snow line is considered variable in this catchment. While it is considered to be near 3048 meters (10,000 feet) during severe intensity storms and during winter months, it is considerably higher in summer months and during low intensity storms. The permanent snow line for important projects such as Baspa-II HEP (300 MW) and Sanjay Vidyut Pariyojna (120 MW) has been adopted as 4240 meters (14000 feet). As the weir is to be designed for a return period of 100 years, which generally occurs during Summer months beginning in July to end of September and in the absence of any recorded information on snowfall, the areas below contour 4200 meters has been considered as rainfed which contribute to flood. 2.2 2.2.1 POWER SCENARIO Sources of energy India is endowed with a vast hydropower potential. As per the latest assessment carried out by the CEA, exploitable hydro potential in India has been estimated at about 84000 MW at 60% load factor, which can
II - 2


yield an annual power generation of over 440 TWh of electricity and with additional seasonal energy, the total energy potential is about 600 TWh a year. Only 14.5% of this potential is under operation and 7.2% of the potential is under execution. Thus the bulk of the potential amounting to 77.9% is yet to be developed. About 73% of India's total installed capacity is thermal-based (Table 3.2). However expansion of this energy source is encountering difficulties because of the burden it places on the infrastructure for supply (mines) and transportation (railways) of coal. Considering that the capacity of Indian Railways to carry coal effectively is limited and additional tracks are required, and the coal is of low quality and costly to transport over long distances, it appears logical to develop thermal projects in specific areas, e.g. coal-based projects in Bihar, Orissa, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and surrounding areas, and gas-based power near the port belts of Gujarat and Maharashtra, and place total emphasis on hydropower in States such as Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh and far-East India - the Himalayan belt. Table 2.2 Share of Hydropower in India's Installed Capacity
Year Total installed Capacity (MW) 5801 14102 28448 63636 69070 76718 Hydropower Capacity (MW) Share of Hydropower (%)

1962-63 1969-70 1979-80 1989-90 1991-92 1993-94

2936 6135 11384 18308 19189 20366

50.6 43.5 40.0 28.8 27.8 26.6

In the Northern Region, hydropower is the most suitable source of power since both thermal/nuclear or other fuel-based source of energy involve
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carriage of raw material over long distances making the cost of development uneconomical. There are no thermal-based power projects in Himachal Pradesh. 2.2.2 Hydropower potential of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh along with the States of Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab form part of the Great Indus Basin. This basin comprises six major rivers, viz., Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and the Satluj, and drains a total area of 1.16 x 106 km2, out of which 0.17 x 106 km2 lies in India. A total of about 190 hydropower schemes have been identified in the Great Indus Basin having a firm hydropower potential of 11993 MW at 60% load factor. according to the CEA in its publication "Hydro Electric Power Potential of India", December 1988, in various States and river basins in the country. The total potential in Himachal Pradesh is 11578 MW at 60% load factor, with an installed capacity of 18715 MW. The Satluj basin in Himachal Pradesh has a hydropower potential of 9443.75 MW, which represents approximately 50% of the likely installed capacity in Himachal Pradesh. Five schemes in the Satluj are already in operation with a total installed capacity of 3150.25 MW. The projects with an installed capacity of 1880.50 MW are under execution or likely to commissioned in near future. The remaining 4296 MW potential is yet to be developed. Besides Nathpa-Jhakri and Baspa II, the following projects in the Satluj basin have been identified and form part of the river unexploited potential.

Kol Dam Rampur

800 MW 400 MW
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1000 MW

Shongtong-Karcham Thopan-Powari Jangi-Thopan Ghanvi II

402 MW 480 MW 480 MW 10 MW

The proposed Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project has a capacity of 60 MW and is located on the Tidong River , just upstream of Tidong-II HEP. In addition to the Satluj, other rivers which are part of the Great Indus Basin and pass through the State of Himachal Pradesh, also contribute to the power potential of the State. The most important are: Beas River, 4586 MW; Ravi River, 2379 MW, Chenab River, 3832 MW. Himachal Pradesh thus has considerable hydropower potential. In the long run, it is more economical for development than thermal power, as it utilises perennial natural resource which otherwise goes to waste. For the prosperity of the state and benefit of the country the hydro-power development in Himachal Pradesh needs a renewed thrust. The hydroelectric potential of Himachal Pradesh, however, is not likely to be consumed in the State, and therefore will be available for meeting the requirements in other parts of the country, and particularly in the Northern Region. 2.2.3 Thermal power potential of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh being located in the far North end of the country and considerably away from the coalfields, does not have any prospect of
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having thermal projects. The same consideration applies to other northern states. 2.2.4 Power Scenario in India The installed capacity in India increased from 1362 MW in 1947 to 64,729 MW in 1990 at the end of the 7th Plan. During that period energy jumped from 4 to 264 TWh. However, despite that appreciable growth, power demand has almost throughout outstripped the supply. At the end of the 7th Plan, the shortfall in energy availability on an " all India " basis was 6.8%. The corresponding shortfall in peak availability vis-a-vis demand was about 7.6%. In the Northern Region, the shortage with regard to peak availability was 19%. In July 1991, the peaking shortage for the country as a whole increased to 16.7% from 7.6% in March 1990, while the energy shortage rose to 7.9% from 6.8%.

For the 8th Plan(1992-97), the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) had estimated a need based capacity addition of 48000 MW, which was scaled down to 30 558 MW taking into account the availability of resources. At the end of 1997-98 India had an energy shortage of 8.1% and a peaking shortage of 11.3%. Even with the planned capacity addition of more than 30,000 MW, the shortages in the terminal year of the 8th Plan, i.e. 1997, would continue to be at the same level. As a matter of fact the situation is likely to be worse as slippages are anticipated in the planned capacity addition.


Demand and Supply in Himachal Pradesh State Himachal Pradesh, being mostly a hilly terrain State and located in the far North end of the country, considerably away from the coal fields, has little prospect of having thermal projects. Having considerable hydropower
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potential, which is generally found to be more economical for development than thermal power, power generation in the future for Himachal Pradesh has to be essentially from hydro-power sources. As per the 14th Electric Power Survey of India, carried out by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the energy requirement of Himachal Pradesh for 1990-91 was 1487 GWh. This demand was projected to increase to 2536 GWh in 1994-95. Similarly, the peak load requirement for 1990-91 was 325 MW, which was expected to increase to 541 MW in 1994-95. Table 2.3 shows the supply of energy and power as well as future demand during the period 1990-91 to 1994-95 as projected by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) in the 14th Electric Power Survey of India. Table 2.3 POWER SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR HIMACHAL PRADESH Item Installed Capacity Peak Availability Peak Load Surplus/Deficit Energy Availability Energy Requirement Surplus/Deficit 1990-91 1991-92 274 340 325 15 4.6 2013 1487 526 35.4 274 347 366 - 19 - 5.2 2047 1688 359 21.3 1992-93 296 379 415 - 36 - 8.7 2147 1925 222 11.5 1993-94 301 458 477 - 19 - 4.0 2521 2224 297 13.4 1994-95 301 475 541 - 66 - 12.3 2711 2536 175 6.9

The future demand scenario for the period 1995-2010 as projected by the CEA in the 15th Electric Survey Report with respect to Himachal Pradesh is as depicted in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 Energy and Peak Load Demand for Himachal Pradesh Period 1995 to 2010

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Energy Demand (GWh) 2879 3254 3662 4103 4576 7378 10606

Peak Demand (MW) 609 683 763 848 939 1457 2020

1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2004-05 2009-10

It can be observed that energy requirements are likely to increase during the period 1991-2010 from 1487 GWh in 1990-91 to 10606 GWh in 20092010, and the peak load demand would do increase from 325 MW to 2020 MW during the same span. 2.2.6 Demand and Supply in the Northern Region The hydropower potential of Himachal Pradesh, is obviously surplus to its own requirement. However, it will be usefully made available to meet the power and energy requirements in other parts of the country, and very particularly, the Northern grid. This is the case of major projects such as Bhakra and Beas, which supply power to the Northern grid. Another example is the 540 MW Chamera Project, situated in the northwestern part of the State, which started operating in 1994 and supplies New Delhi through a 510km long transmission line. For planning purposes it is therefore necessary to study the energy and power requirements of the Northern region as a whole, since the region will be the recipient of any hydropower project likely to be developed in Himachal Pradesh in the future. On the basis of the addition of capacity during the 8th Plan period,
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the CEA has estimated the requirements of the Northern Region as shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Power Demand and Supply for the Northern Region in the Period 1990-95

Item Installed Capacity Peak Availability Peak Load Surplus/Deficit Energy Availability Energy Requirement Surplus/Deficit

Unit MW MW MW MW % GWh GWh GWh %

1990-91 19203 11408 14908 - 3500 - 23.5 80803 79338 1465 1.8

1991-92 20581 11291 16259 - 4338 - 26.7 82755 86553 - 3798 - 4.4

1992-93 22195 12777 17721 - 4944 - 27.9 88165 93396 - 6231 - 6.6

1993-94 24274 14008 19240 - 5232 - 27.2 95959 102416 - 6457 - 6.3

1994-95 26681 15271 20814 - 5543 - 26.6 106143 110841 - 4698 - 4.2

Table 2.6 lists the future energy and load requirements for the Northern Region.

Table 2.6 Energy and Peak Load Demand for the Northern Region Period 1995-2010 Period Energy (GWh) 1995-96 1996-97 119887 129587
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Peak Load (MW) 22466 24234



Energy (GWh)

Peak Load (MW) 26124 28143 30295 45634 58117

1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2005-06 2009-10

139976 151086 162954 248332 318715

From Tables 2.5 and 2.6, it can be seen that the peak demand over a period of 20 years is likely to double from 14908 MW in 1990-91 to as much as 58117 MW in 2009-2010. 2.2.7 Satluj river hydropower potential The Government of India and the State of Himachal Pradesh have identified the Satluj river as one of the main sources of hydroelectric power, and have initiated several hydro-electric projects along the reach of the river and its tributaries under their jurisdiction. These projects, in varying stages of planning, construction, completion and operation, include: Bhakra-Nangal, 1164 MW, under operation Kol, 800 MW, construction stage Rampur-Behna, 400 MW, concept stage Nathpa-Jhakri, 1500 MW, under operation Karcham-Wangtoo, 1000 MW, investigation stage Shongtong-Karcham, 402 MW, investigation stage Thopan-Powari, 480 MW, concept stage Jangi-Thopan, 480 MW, concept stage Pooh-Spillo 300 MW, concept stage
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Khab-Pooh 300 MW, concept stage

These projects are all run-of-the-river, with the exception of BhakraNangal. Additional hydro projects, planned and operating have been identified on tributaries of the Satluj, such as Sanjay Vidyut Pariyojana Bhaba (120 MW, operating), Nogli (3 MW, operating), Ghanvi (22.5, operating), Baspa II (300 MW, Operating) and Baspa I (concept stage). Some of the potential projects listed here may not be built in near future, but it is reasonable to assume that the preliminary studies have indicated these projects to be technically feasible, there will be a strong motivation to build them as the demand for power grows and limited fuel resources tend to exhaust. Further developments, in addition to those listed here, may be seriously considered at some time on both the Satluj and its tributaries. A program to develop small hydro projects on streams flowing through villages is also in place. 2.3 NEED OF THE PROJECT From the growth of peak demand and anticipated installed generating capacity on the basis of schemes proposed for benefits under construction/consideration during eighth and ninth five year plan, it is observed that there is a dire need to provide additional capacity to the Northern grid to meet the increasing demand of the grid. Thus new scheme have to be taken up immediately and implemented to drive timely benefits. The most important source of power development in the Northern region is Hydro resources located in Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and
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Jammu and Kashmir. Tidong-II Hydroelectric Project is very attractive scheme from the view of deriving benefits in the beginning of Tenth FiveYear Plan.

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3.1 INTRODUCTION The Government of India and the State of Himachal Pradesh have identified the Satluj river as one of the main promising future sources of hydroelectric power. Development of Satluj waters was started in a big way first by Bhakra-Nangal Project. Government have now initiated several hydroelectric projects along the reach of the Satluj and its tributaries. The Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project is envisaged as a run-ofthe-river development on the Tidong river, consisting of a diversion dam across Tidong river downstream of confluence of Lalanti khad with Tidong river near village Kairbu, a water conductor system and power house near village Lamber in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. 3.2 LOCATION AND ACCESS Himachal Pradesh is located in the western portion of the Great Himalayan Mountain Range of northern India, bounded by the State of Jammu-Kashmir to the North, Tibet to the East, and the plains of northern India to the South and West. The Satluj river is one of the major rivers draining this region. It rises in the Tibetan Plateau, passes via steep valleys and gorges through the Himalayan Mountains and foothills and meets the Arabian sea across the plains of Northern India. The project site area is about 278 km from Shimla, the State capital, 250 km on National Highway 22 up to Morang and then 13 km on state road up to village Thangi. From Thangi up to diversion site, about 16 km

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stretch road is under construction. 3.3 CLIMATE The study region is upstream the dividing line between climatic zones I and III of northern India. Zone I, the Tropical Monsoon climate, extends from the Indian Ocean north as far as Wangtoo, with its effects modified by elevation and topography. The tropical monsoon climate involves an annual rainfall in excess of 1000 mm, occurring mostly in the months of June to October. The study region, however, experiences little rainfall as the mountains between the plains and the study region capture most of the precipitation. Climatic Zone III, the Arid Mountain Climate, affecting the Tibetan and western China Plateau, is characteristically cold and dry in winter, and hot and dry in summer. This is highly modified by the topography of the study region. From November to May, the region experiences a generally northeasterly flow of cold continental air moving out from across the Tibetan Plateau. The effect of this flow is somewhat modified by the mountains but it can result in high winds. Winter precipitation occurs as a result of westerly disturbances. From June to September, the region experiences the south-westerly monsoon from the Indian Ocean, though, once again the region's location in the heart of the Himalayas modifies the effect, and precipitation is small. 3.4 GEOLOGY The project area lies in Mehbar and Maldi gneisses comprised of kyanite and psamatic gneisses with bands of schist and quartzite. These are intruded by basic and acidic rocks. All the rocks are well foliated. The general trend is N-S with moderate dips toward East. These are transacted by a number of joints of which the foliation and strike joints are
III - 2


the most predominant followed in frequency by steeply dipping transverse joints. The rock formations within the project area going upstream from the tailrace consist of the Wangtoo, Rampur and Jutogh gneisses and granites. The Wangtoo rocks are overlaid by the Rampur followed by the Jutogh, the three series having thrusted contacts. Rocks are generally covered by glacial deposits, rock debris, alluvial terraces and fans. The soils of the Satluj valley are relatively poor sandy loam, and exposed bedrock, rocks and gravel abound. In the valley bottom there is virtually no soil, but between elevations 1200 and 3500 m, the soils support some forest cover and are cultivable to a certain extent. 3.5 SEISMICITY The project area lies in an active seismic region, zone IV of the Seismic Zoning Map of India. Available data on seismicity within a radius of 150 kms of the project shows that earthquakes having a magnitude greater than 5 on the Richter scale occur at frequent intervals. Important seismic events which have taken place in the past 150 years and caused significant damage include the 1905 Kangra quake (magnitude 8+), the 1908 Kullu quake (magnitude 6.0), the 1945 and 1947 Chamba quakes (magnitude 6.5 & 6.6), the 1975 Kinnaur quake (magnitude 6.8) and the 1991 Uttarkashi quake (magnitude 6.6). 3.6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS The Kinnaur region has deep roots in Indian mythology, legends and literature. The Kinnaur region was formerly a part of the princely state of Bushahr. The State of Himachal Pradesh came into existence in 1960 and Kinnaur became a district. Contact with the outside world accelerated when National Highway 22 was built by the Border Roads Organization, following the 1962 Sino-Indian war. One immediate consequence of the
III - 3


road construction was that Kinnaur became integrated into the cash economy of Himachal Pradesh. The State has continued to play a role in introducing techniques and policies that have enhanced production despite the poor soils of the area. The people in the study area have developed a culture that is distinctive for two reasons. First, they live in a socio-economic environment officially designated as "depressed" and they were designated as "scheduled castes" and "scheduled tribes". Prior to 1960, they were semi-nomadic and sought opportunities to enhance their economic base and to forge alliances with political and religious factions. Since the 1960s, the economic base has expanded to encompass horticulture, which was being promoted in the State. This has become a highly profitable growth industry in the area. Kinnaur is the most important producer of apples in a State famous for them. Secondly, the study area is home to two distinct groups with common subsistence and trade practices. Over the centuries, these groups retained their differences and developed shared values which has resulted in "scheduled castes" and "scheduled tribes", Hindus and Buddhists, with temples and monasteries existing side by side in the villages.

III - 4


4.1 INTRODUCTION The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) with the view to meet the challenge of ever increasing demand for power in the country have embarked upon an exercise to assess balance hydroelectric potential in the country, formulate the probable hydroelectric schemes and rank these schemes thus identified in the order of priority. A total of 162 schemes with probable installed capacity of 500,600 MW located in various river basins of country have been selected for preparation of PFRs in first phase. The schemes thus found feasible are proposed to be taken up for further development in X and XI Five Year Plans. Tidong-I is one such scheme identified in Tidong or Tirung valley in Satluj basin in Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh. Tidong or Tirung is a left bank tributary of the river Satluj in Morang Tehsil. The proposed Tidong I Hydroelectric Project envisages construction of a diversion dam across Tidong river downstream of confluence of Chirong and Shurting Khads (31 28' N: 78 32'E; 53 I/11) near village Kunnu, a water conductor system comprising a 5.036 km long HRT and a power house (31 32'50" N: 78 30'15"E; 53 I/6,10) near village Lamber with probable installed capacity of 60 MW. 4.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The proposed project is located in the upper reaches of Satluj river in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. The area around the project


presents a highly rugged topography. The torrential drainage developed in the area with the Satluj as main artery has formed deep gorges. The lowest and highest altitudes in the district at 1220 m and 6770 m above MSL are index of high ruggedness. In general the northwestern sides the mountains in the NE-SW trending valleys are precipitous while both sides in NW-SE treading valleys are equally steep. The Satluj, trunk river in the area is the longest river and flows from NE-SW. The left bank of the river has patches of large plain lands. The other important streams of the area are Spiti, Baspa, Bhaba, Ropa & Tidong. These form an over all trellis pattern whereas individual rivers have dentritic pattern indicating structural control on the drainage. Hanging valleys, fossil valleys and abandoned and buried channels are quite common. The altitude above 5200 m is perpetually snow bound and that above 4250 remains under snow for at least six months. There are many glaciers in the area. These are mainly in longitudinal as well as valley type. Occasionally hanging glaciers are observed in Baspa, Tidong and Taiti valleys. Lateral median moraines are always associated with these glaciers. The glaciers show overall shrinkage. The valley profiles across Satluj and a few other major tributaries show that the valleys have been depended by about 500 m by fluvial processes since last glaciation. This zone is marked by both erosional and depositional terraces. In the regional overview, the Kinnaur district occupies a position as harbinger between the Kumaon and Punjab Himalaya with Satluj river forming the divide (Bassi, 1988). The rock types vary from highly



metamorphosed schists and gneisses to shale and sandstone ranging in age from Middle Pre-Cambrain to Cretaceous. The rocks exposed in Upper Satluj Valley where the project is located belong to Vaikrita and Haimata Groups ranging in age from Middle - Late Proterozoic to Lower-Middle Cambrian. The geological succession worked out by Bassi (1988) based on the work of several workers is as follows:GROUP FORMATION LITHOLOGY ______Rakcham Granite_____ Kunzum La Haimanta Batal (Hilap) Grey Phyllite, quartzite, Carbonaceous Slates Lower Venedian to Lower Cambrian Greenish Slates 4 Quartzite Lower-Middle Cambrian. AGE

Shiasu Vaikrita Morang (Maldi) Kharo

Greenish & purple quartzite Schist bands. Biotite sillimanite bearing Schist, quartzites Sillimanite-Kayanite bearing gneiss, calc-silicate rock sporadic migmatite. Middle-Lower Proterozoic

The felspathic gneiss, quartzite, high grade, schists and migmatite of this group exposed in an arcuate pattern, rest over the Jutogh,the Salkhala and Rampur Groups alongwith Vaikrita Thrust. These rocks are intruded by Rakcham and Nako Granites. The rocks of Vaikrita Group extend towards northeast along the Satluj and Spiti valleys upto


Shipki La and Sumdo. The rocks belonging to Vaikrita Group have been divided into three formations viz Kharo, Morang, Shiasu. The Kharo Formation includes the lower part of Granulite Series of Jhingran et al (1950), the Mehbar, Mongling and Porphysoblastic gneisses of Gaur and Ameta (1978-79,80) and Ameta and Swain (1980-87) and units 4 & 5 of the Jutogh formation of Kumar &Nagal (1983). It is restricted to west of Rakcham Granite and is well exposed along Kupa-Rakcham, Shongtong-Kharo-Khadra and Pawari-Kalpa road sections. The gneissic rocks of Kharo Formation are argillo arenaceous towards base, felspathic towards middle and migimatised towards upper parts along the contact with Rakcham Granite. The basal part exposed near Shongtong is mainly schistose with profuse development of kyanite. The schistose rocks are interbanded with dark grey quartzite. Towards upper part i.e. in Thopan-Kharo-Khadra sections, the gneisses develop migmatitic characters with the increase in granitic material. Ptygmatic folding and dilation structures leading to boudins are frequent. Small bands of schist and quartzite are ubiquitous in these gneisses. According to Bassi (1988), the basal Kharo Formation may infact represent the feldpathised and migmatised deeper parts of Morang Formation. The Morang is exposed along the Satluj valley between Akpa and upstream of Spillo and Dabling.It occupies a large part of Spillo gorge and its flank right up to the Tibetan water divide. In this sector it is intruded by a leucogranite (Nako Granite) and is named alter Morang village where it is best developed. It has earlier been mapped as Haimanta (Hayden, 1904). Granulite Series ( Jhingran, et.al, 1950), Jangi Formation (Kathiara and Venugopal, 1965) and Maldi Formation (Bassi and Chopra, 1983 & Kumar and Nagal 1984). It is separated



from the underlying Kharo Formation by the Rakcham Granite emplaced along the contact. This formation consists of schists and quartzite with rare thin calc silicate and marble bands. The schist shows a variable metamorphic mineral assemblage i.e. biotite garnet staurolite kyanite sillimanite. Biotite is the most predominant lithology. The biotite schist grades into garnet-mica schist which is exposed in the Morang. Thangi, Jhangi-Khanam, Morang-Spilo, Titan, Kha-La Namgiya-Shipki-Toshigang and Malig-Chango sections. The staurolite schist passes in to Kyanite schist which is very well developed at Morang Jhoola, Jangi, Dabling-Khab. Sillimanite has very restricted development. It is observed in the road cuttings 500 m south of Khab as radiating clusters in crudely foliated and greyish coloured schist. The schists are interbanded with dark grey quartzite, which originally may have been sub arkoses. The marble lenses containing tremolite, actinolite and epidote etc. are observed in Naleo Nala, Morang Nala sections, Khab Dogri and east of Maling. Shiasu Formation is exposed in the Satluj gorge between 2 km upstream of Spilo to 2 km downstream of Khab. These are well exposed in Ropa valley between Shiasu and Ropa. This formation conformably overlies the Morang Formation. Shiasu Formation consists of grey green and purple shaded, fine grained fairly recrystallized quartzite with minor biotite and chlorite schist. The quartzite often shows cross bedding, ripple marks and rare current bedding. The rocks of Vaikrita Group are succeeded by those belonging to Haimanta Group. This group includes the basal Eocambrain Batal and the Cambrain Kunzam La Formations. It is characterized by low grade metamorphic phyllite, slate and quartzite. These are dark, pyritous and



carbonaceous in basal part and light grey to greenish coloured in the upper part. The rocks belonging to Batal Formation are widely exposed in both Spiti and Kinnaur basins, its extrusion is cut off by a fault near Leo. In the Kinnaur Basin it forms the lower part of the Hilap Formation (Bassi & Chopra, 1978) and maintains a constant thickness right up to Shipki in north to the Jadhganga valley in the southern part. It unconformable overlies the Vaikrita rocks, overlapping the Shiasu Formation and shows distinct structural and metamorphic discontinuity from the underlying high grade Vaikrita rocks. Batal Formation comprises an interbedded sequence of dark grey phyllite and sub arkoses with carbonaceous horizons towards the basal part. A carbonaceous bed defines the base of this formation. Overall, it is more argillaceous towards the base and top, whereas middle part is more arenaceous. The sedimentary structures are virtually absent except for rare small scale cross bedding over quartzite. Pyrite is extensively developed in all the litho units. This formation in the upper part contains 2 m x 10 m lenticular gritty and conglomeratic bands. Volcanic elements in the Batal Formation are represented by a thin band of actinolite schist with deformed vesicle like cavities filled with chert and/or granular pyrite exposed 250 m west of Murmur Dogri in Hogis Valley. The Kunzam La formation gradationally overlies the Batal formation and is exposed in the Kinnaur basin with uniform thickness right from Yangti Valley in the north to Jadhganga valley in southeast. In Spiti Basin it shows gradual reduction in thickness upto south Hangrang pass where its northern extension is cut off by Kaurik Sangnam Fault. It is characterized predominantly by greenish slate, subarkose, siltstone, grit and minor dolomitic lenses in the upper part. It contains restricted volcanogenic



elements in the Hojis, Tidong

and Chorgad valleys. East of Ropa

valley, slate and siltstone are dominant. The Kunzan La Formation of the Kinnaur Basin enclosed some

volcanogenic elements, which includes a number of tuffaceous lenses,. It also contains a few grit bands and local intraformational conglomerate. Rakcham Granite is exposed in a long arcuate belt in southwestern part of Kinnaur. It is medium grained often prophyritic granite with biotite as constant mafic mineral. It becomes aplitic places. Broadly, the granite shows zoning defined by finder grained margin, slightly wider prophyritic zone followed by medium grained nonfoliated core. It shows both concordant and discordant contacts along the eastern margin and, migimatised contact along the western. The later phases associated with the granite are aplite and pegmatite and veinquartz. The pegmatite venis are more frequent in the area where schist of Morang Formation is in contact with granite. Nako Granite is exposed mainly in Tashigang-Nako-Leo Pargial area. Smaller bodies of it are observed right from Khab-Shipki to Pare Chu gorge in the north. The Nako Granite outcrops are restricted to the area east of KaurikSangnam Fault. It is leucocratic, massive, nonfoliated and both biotite and tourmaline bearing. It is intrusive into the Middle Proterozoic Morang and Carboniferous Lipak Formations. Numerous pegmatite and aplite veins of varying dimensions are observed in Khab-ChangoLeo area.




STRUCTURE & TECTONICS Both primary and the secondary structures are abundant in the rocks of this area latter being more varied and complex in the Proterozoic rocks. Major primary structural elements in the area include bedding which is easily discernible in the Tethyan Batal-Guimal sequence because of unmetamorphosed character and lithological banding. Quartzite helps in defining bedding metamorphosed Vaikrita rocks. Sedimentary structures present in Vaikrita include cross bedding, ripple marks, exposed slumps etc. These do not indicate large scale overturning of beds. Both planar and linear secondary structures recorded in the area include schistosity , joints, lineations, puckers etc. At least three major episodes of folding have affected the rocks of this area. The intensity of folding is drastically reduced in the rocks of Batal and younger formations. The F1 folds are low plunging gently inclined, sub-horizontal to recumbent/reclined often intra folial. These are restricted to Vaikrita Group of rocks. These in general show a southeasterly plunge. F2 folds are usually low to moderately plunging gently inclined asymmetrical to semi recumbent and often reclined. More often these are co-axial with the F1 folds. Small scale superimposed 'Hook' or 'Diamond' folds in some area. The plunge of F2 folds is in general towards NW in the area west of Satluj and towards SE in the area lying to its east. These are most prevalent fold types and constitute regional folds like Tiya Syncline, Ropa valley Anticline, Gangchua, Anticline, Nakdum Anticline, Tiwei Syncline etc. The F3 folds are represented by NE plunging antiforms and those on smaller scale in upper reaches of Ropa Valley and along Baspa-



Tidong water divide. These are represented by Lower Satluj Anticline, Shias-Shipki Anticline Wangtu Dome etc . Apart form three major thrusts i.e. Salkhala Thrust, Jutogh Thrust and Vaikrita Thrust, located near Karcham, the major faults recorded in the area Raura Gad Fault, Sumdo-Na Fault, Chorgad Fault KaurikSangam Fault. The last one located in the vicinity of project area is a steep fault running NNE-SSW and dipping 50-55 towards west. Southward, it dies out in Rakcham Granite but towards N it extends into Tibet. In Spiti Valley, it is associated with numerous sub parallel and anatomizing faults. Broadly it demarcates the western and eastern limits of the Nako Granite and the Tehyan rocks. In addition, a number of shears and smaller faults have been recorded in the area. These generally trend NNE-SSW and are sub parallel to foliation/bedding. 4.4 SEISMICITY & SEISMOTECTONICS Seismotectonically, the area encompassing the proposed Project is located in Main Himalayan Belt and on the western margin of Garhwal Seismic Block of Narula (1991). It is bound by Kaurik Fault (KF) in the west. Within MHB, the tectonic packages are Tethyan and Lesser Himalayan cover sequences affected by Himalayan Orogeny, low and high grade complexes tectonically reworked during Himalayan Orogeny and respectively pre and syntectonic granitoids and basic volcanics(Narula et al.2000). The Foothill Belt constitutes foredeep sediments affected by terminal phase of Himalayan Orogeny. The is the dextral Karakoram Fault northern - most tectonics elements

which is sub parallel to Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) occurring to its south. Within Himalayan Belt, northernmost conspicuous structural elements



is Main Central Thrust (MCT). Further south, within Lesser Himalayas,, the other important structural element are Vaikrita Thrust (VT). The Main Himalayan Belt is separated from Terrary Frontal Fold Belt by the Main Boundary Thrust(MBT) and the southern limit of Frontal Fold Belt is marked by Main Frontal Thrust (MFT), which has surface manifestations at many places. Neotectonic activities have been recorded along the Karakoram Fault, ISZ, MCT, MBT and MFT at many places. A number of transverse N-S and NNE-SSW faults of limited extent have been mapped in the area. Kaurik Fault is one such fault which is considered to have triggered the Kinnaur Earthquake of 19" January, 1975. Similarly Raura Fault, Yamuna Tear, Ganga Tear and Mahendragarh-Dehradun Fault, a subsurface structure in fore deep are some such planes. Seismically, the area constitutes a part of most active domains of the Himalayas although the area west of it lying in Shimla Seismic Block is slightly less active. The area around the project between longitudes 76 & 80 has recorded about 34 earthquakes between 1816 and 1997 having magnitude more than 5.0. Area-wise, seismicity is quite high in MHB, subdued within Tibetan Plateau and a few events located over Indo-Gangetic Plains. Within Himalayan Belt, the clustering of seismic events defines, two distinct zones having varied trends. The Kinnaur Seismic Zone in which the proposed project would be located has N-S alignment and is traversed by a number of half graven faults defining the Kaurik Fault system. The other zone located further southeast is roughly parallel to Himalayan trend and extends from Uttarkashi to Dharchula and lies in close proximity to MCT. Both these zones are dominated by shallow focus events though some deeper events, have also been recorded in Kaurik Fault Zone. Several damaging earthquakes have been recorded in the area of which Kinnaur



Earthquake on 19th January, 1975 (Mb=6.2), Uttarkashi Earthquake of 19th October, 1991 (Mb=6.4) caused extensive damage in the area. As per Map of India showing Seismic Zones of India (IS 1893 -Part. 1 : 2002), the area is located on the margins of zones V & IV. Therefore it is recommended that suitable seismic coefficient as per seismic status of the area may be incorporated in the design of various appurtenant structures of the schemes. 4.5 GEOTECHNICAL APPRAISAL The proposed Tidong I Hydroelectric Project envisages the

construction of a 65 m high storage dam across the river Tidong downstream of confluence of Chirong Khad with Tidong, a water conductor system comprising 5036 m long Head Race Tunnel (HRT) and power house with probable installed capacity of 60MW on the left bank of Tidong upstream of its confluence with Lamber khad. The reservoir thus formed is likely to have storage capacity of 88 mcum. The geological map of the area indicates that the rocks exposed in the area include phyllite, quartzite and carbonaceous slate belonging to Batal Formation of Haimanta Group. These are intruded by Rakcham Granite that is extensively exposed in the area at lower elevations in the valley of Tidong and its tributaries. The strike of sedimentaries in the area varies between NNW-SSE and NE-SW due to folding. The site of storage dam shows Rakcham Granite exposed at lower elevations and sedimentary rocks belonging to Batal Formation at higher elevations. It is suggested that final site for 165m high dam be selected after assessing the extent of overburden in the river bed and on abutments, topography of the site and availability of suitable locations for HRT intake and diversion structure. The Rakcham Granite is expected to provide good foundation media. However, distressing



limit, if present on the abutments be assessed and structure designed accordingly. The 5.036 km long HRT proposed to be aligned on the right bank of Tidong. It is expected to encounter Rakcham Granite, which is jointed. Rakcham Granite is expected to be good to very good tunneling media except for the reaches where local fault/shear or closely jointed zones are encountered. The geological map indicates that HRT would cross several surface drainages. It is suggested that adequate rock cover be ensured over the structure. It is also suggested that too high rock cover in this highly tectonised zone also be avoided in order to minimize the mobilization of locked up stresses. Keeping in view the length of HRT, it is suggested that HRT be aligned in such a way that atleast one intermediate construction adit is available for facilitate construction. The powerhouse with probable installed capacity envisaged of 60 MW is

downstream of confluence of Tidong and lamber khad.

Keeping in view the hostile climate, constraint of space available and rugged topography, it is suggested that structure may be designed as an underground structure for which Rakcham Granite may provide very good to good excavation media. However, location of ancillary structures be kept in view while finalizing the site for power house. The project is located in Zone IV and is in close proximity to Zone V in Higher Himalayas as per Map of India showing Seismic Zones (IS1893: part I, 2002). Therefore, necessary seismic coefficient be incorporated in the design of appurtenant structures of the project. This preliminary geotechnical appraisal is based on regional geological set up .



REFERENCES:1 Bassi U.K., (1988). Final Report on the Geology of the Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh(Compilation), Unpubl. GSU Report. 2. Bassi U.K., and Chopra, S. (1980). Geology of a part of Kinnaur district, ,(Lower Tidong Valley), Himachal Pradesh Unpubl. GSI Report for F.S. 1978-79. 3. Narula, P.L., Accharya, S.K., and Banarjee J., (Eds.)(2000).

Seismotectonic Alas of India Survey of India. 4.

and its Environs, Publ. Geological

Narula P.L.(11991). Seismotectonic Evaluation of NW Himalayas, Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Vol.124 (8), pp 193-194.




Tidong Khad has its origin in the North Western slopes of Great Himalayas ranges at an altitude of 6740 meters. It mostly flows in South-Easterly to North- Westerly direction. A number of Nallas join Tidong Khad upto its origin to its confluence with Satluj River near Morang in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh. 5.2 PROPOSAL Tidong Stage I Hydroelectric Project (60 MW) is being envisaged as a run off the river scheme in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh. The Project consists of construction of a concrete gravity Dam across Tidong Khad just downstream of the confluence with Lalanti Khad (near Kairbu village), an underground desilting arrangement on the left bank of the river, a 5.036 km long head race tunnel and a 3.5 m dia surge shaft (u/g) and inclined pressure shaft and an under ground power house on the left bank of Tidong Khad near village Lamber. The power house shall house two units of 30MW each to produce 60 MW of power. . 5.3 CATCHMENT CHARACTERSTICS Catchment of Tidong Khad lies between Latitude 31 2030 N to 31 3330 N and Longitude 78 2210 E to 78 4750 E. The altitude of Tidong Khad ranges from 2200 meters at its confluence with Satluj river to 6740 meters in the glacier zone. Survey of India toposheet


numbers 53 -I/6,53-I/7,53-I/10,53-I/11 and 53-I/15 in the scale 1:50000 cover the catchment area of the project. The catchment area above diversion dam site comprises of steep mountains, a portion of it is covered with forest and major part is under permanent snow. Total catchment area up to weir site is 497.86 square kilometers . Catchment area above permanent snow line i.e. El 4200 meters is 472 Sq. kilometers respectively. The catchment area has been shown in Figure-1. The average slope of khad just upstream of diversion site is 1:50, and thereafter it has a steep descent (slope 1:10), making it most lucrative scheme for hydroelectric potential exploitation. The permanent snow line for the project has been taken at 4200 m. 5.4 HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL ASPECTS The catchment in Tibet receives practically no rainfall and precipitation is mostly in the form of snow. No meteorological data for this catchment is available for the present study. . Observations at six precipitation station i.e. Purbani, Kalpa, Sangla, kilba, Nichar and Rampur are being carried out in the catchment of Satluj river. These observations, rainfall since long and snowfall introduced only recently, are being conducted in a conventional manner. There is no self recording rain gauge/snow gauge station in the catchment up to weir site. There are in all twenty rain gauge stations in the Satluj catchment up to Bhakra Dam site. 5.4.1 Precipitation Precipitation in the Tidong Khad catchment area occurs mostly in the form of snow, which can be described as moderate to heavy depending upon the altitude.


Average annual precipitation is of the order of 630 to 700 mm, most of which is received in the form of snow during winter months. ` 5.4.2 Record of Precipitation There are at present five rain gauge stations in the catchments around the Project site at which long term records are available and whose records are being regularly published by the Indian Meteorological Department. The relevant details of these stations are given in the following table: TABLE DETAILS OF RAINGAUGE STATIONS _________________________________________________________ Name of Station District Altitude (In mtrs,) _________________________________________________________ Purbani Kalpa Sangla Kilba Nichar Kinnaur -do-do-do-do2285 2530 2590 2200 1830 1951 1951 1951 1882 1930 Year of commencement


There is no regular and systematic record of snowfall at any station in the catchment although snow observations have been recently started at some stations i.e. Purbani, Kalpa, Sangla, Kilba and Nichar from 1984.




Stream Flow Gauging

Discharge measurement of Tidong site has been started from June 1995 and data is available with effect from June, 1995 to Dec, 1998 only and from Jan 2003 onwards. Hence the discharge data for the power studies has to be co-related from that available in the similar catchments nearby. The similar catchments where the discharge measurements for a long period .are available information is given in table below. Table Khad/ River Catchment area 280 Sq Km 60 Sq Km Highest elevation in the catchment 5619 5351 Gauge Period site elevation 2400 2800 3080 2400 1980-97 1980-97 1980-94 1980-93 1985-98 and the relative

Bhaba Kangti Nallah

5800 Baspa river(at 725.8 Sq Km Rakchham) 967.72 Sq.Km. 5800 Baspa river at Sangla) 37000 Sq.Km 7000 Satluj river (at Khab)

5.5 5.5.1

FLOW SERIES 10- Daily Flow Series At Tidong I Dam Site Ten daily flow series at dam site has been developed on proportionate catchment area basis from approved discharge series of Tidong II HEP, which had been attempted from the available ten daily concurrent discharge data (1995 onwards)of Baspa river and Tidong khad at Lamber.



The ten daily approved discharge series (CWC) for Tidong II HEP is appended at Annex 5.3 and the ten daily converted discharge series for Tidong I is shown in Annex 5.2. 5.6 DESIGN FLOOD Design flood studies shall be studied and submitted at the time of preparation of Detailed Project Report. 5.7 RECOMMENDATIONS i) Long-term rainfall/ snowfall data available in the catchment may be collected and the discharge data may be cross-checked. ii) Discharge data to be collected.




6.1 GENERAL: Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project located in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, is a storage type development proposed to harness the hydel potential of river Tidong between Charang and Lamber villages. The project envisages construction of a concrete gravity dam across Tidong river near village Kairbu for diversion of a design discharge of 13.45 cumecs, through a desilting tank into a 5.036 km long, 2.60 m (finished) diameter head race tunnel on the left bank of Tidong river. The tunnel terminates in a 3.50m-diameter underground surge shaft. The water from surge shaft shall be further conveyed through surface/underground penstock 825 m long, bifurcated near the power house in to two branches each branch feeding one unit each of 30 MW generating units in an underground power house at Lamber. A gross head of 550 m is available at the power station, which shall be utilized to generate 60 MW (2x30MW) of power. 6.2 6.2.1 MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE PROJECT Diversion Dam It is proposed to construct a 65 m high(from river bed) concrete gravity dam across Tidong river just downstream of confluence of Lalanti khad with Tidong river at an elevation of 3370.00 m to divert a design discharge of 13.45 cumecs.
VI - 1


Details of diversion dam are indicated in drg no HPSEB/TD/DPR-05. 6.2.2 Desilting arrangement A conventional type surface desilting arrangement has been proposed to exclude the sand particles larger than 0.2 mm The arrangement comprises two parallel compartments each consisting of two chambers 64 m long, 12.00 m high (including 3.5 m hopper portion) and 7.10 m wide. Each chamber shall have a 1.00 m diameter collection pipe in the center and the hopper portion of the chamber slopes towards this trench. The sediments from the collection trench will flow down to the flushing pipe, and ultimately flushed out to the river. Control valves will be provided at the junction of these silt flushing pipes. The layout and other details of desilting arrangement are shown in drawing. NO HPSEB/TD/DPR/NO-06. 6.2.3 Head race tunnel The head race tunnel, from the junction point at outlet from desilting chambers to the main surge shaft, is 5.036 km. long and 2.60 m (finished) diameter circular in section. The tunnel diameter is based on techno-economic studies for a discharge of 13.45 cumecs at a flow velocity of 2.53 m/sec. The rock cover on the head race tunnel, laid to a slope of 1 in 129 will vary from about 90 m to about 900 m along its length. The head race tunnel shall be concrete lined with sections fully supported/partially supported with steel ribs, besides necessary rock bolting as required by geological considerations.
VI - 2



Surge shaft The main surge shaft, located at the intake of the penstock at 5.036 km from the 0 RD of head race tunnel, will be 3.50 m dia and 108 m high with a restricted orifice. A 2.50 m D-shaped adit is proposed at El 3250.00 m to approach the bottom of the surge tank to facilitate construction. The top of the shaft shall be approached for construction through a 3.50 m D-shaped adit.


Penstock One no surface penstock 2.10 m dia would take off from the surge shaft at an elevation of 3250.00 m. the length of surface penstock is 825 m, thereafter it is a 100 m deep pressure shaft, which shall be bifurcated near the under ground power house in to two 1.8 diameter branches. These would be lined with high tensile steel corresponding to ASTM-A-537 varying in thickness from 12mm near the penstock intake to 35mm at the power house end. A spherical valve has been provided in branch to enable closing of penstock whenever required. The lower portion of the penstocks shall be executed through an adit taking off from the tail race.


Power house An underground power house cavern of internal dimensions 89.5 m x 15.5 m and 32.15 m high would be located about 130m below the natural surface level. The power house cavern will have an arched roof with concrete lining and shall house two generating units, each of 30 MW capacity. The transformer hall and underground switch yard are
VI - 3


also located upstream of the power house cavern. Rock bolting at suitable spacing will bee provided in these caverns. Two (overhead) cranes each of 75 T capacity with crane girders supported on rock at either and will be provided in the main power house cavity. The capacities of cranes proposed to be installed in the valve house, transformer and switch yard will be 75 and 10 T respectively. The generator floor and the service bay floor would be at the same level. Provision has also been made for auxiliary rooms and other service facilities at one end of the power house. Two utility tunnels taking off from the tailrace tunnel shall be provided to approach the bottom portion of the power house cavern and shall facilities the excavation of the cavern and pressure shaft from the bottom. To approach the top of the machine hall as also the top of cavern, an adit is proposed to be constructed with its portal at EL. 2860.00 m. This adit shall be used for construction of arch portion and other works from the top and shall be used as cable cum ventilation tunnel. 6.2.7 Tailrace tunnel The tail race tunnel with 2.60 m circular section, 100 m long will be provided to carry the discharge back in to the Satluj river. The invert level of this tunnel at its portal end has been kept at EL 2881.00 m. The excavated section will be supported with steel ribs 200 mm

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spaced at 1 m c/c and 20 cm thick initial concrete, as the excavation proceeds. 6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Project components are based on the conceptual layout only which may be firmed up by detailed survey and detailed geological investigations to be carried out as per CWC/CEA guidelines.

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7.1 GENERAL Tidong-I Hydel Project has been conceived as run of the river development for generation of hydropower. The project consists of construction of a diversion dam across Tidong khad, a tributary of Satluj river, just downstream of confluence with Lalanti khad near Kairbu village in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh. The water so diverted shall pass through a desilting chamber, head race tunnel and penstock to an underground power house near village Lamber on the left bank of Tidong river to generate 60 MW of power. The power house shall house two units of 30 MW each driven by Pelton turbine. 7.2 7.2.1 POWER POTENTIAL Water Availability Ten daily derived water series at diversion site for a period of 38 years from 1965-66 to 2002-03 has been Directorate vide letter no 149 dated 7.5.04. 7.2.2 90% and 50% dependable year flow series Energy generation in a hydrological year (June to May) have been computed and is shown in Annex 7.1.1.For computation of 90% and 50% dependable year discharges, the unrestricted annual energy generation series has been developed as shown in Annex 7.1(2). The
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shown in Annex 7.1.1.

Water series for Tidong I has been approved by Hydrology (N)


unrestricted energy generation in a hydrological year (June-May) has been arranged in descending order of magnitude and exceedence frequency computed by using Weibull's plotting position farmula p= (m/m+1) as given in Annexe 7.2. From the Annexe 7.2, it is observed that year 1970-71 with an excedence probability of 89.47 % can be used as 90 % dependable year on a safer side. Similarly 1973-74 with a frequency of 50 % has been taken as 50 % dependable year. Flows in a 90 % dependable year and 50 % dependable year has been given in Annex 7.3. Generation in a 90% and 50% dependable year works out as 211.65 and 242.99 MU and has been given in Annex 7.4 & 7.5 respectively. 7.3 FLOW DURATION CURVE Flow duration curve at diversion site has been established from the ten daily discharge data at diversion dam site, which has been derived from ten daily discharge data available at Baspa at sangla as explained in chapter 5.4.1. The flow duration curve has been shown in figure 7.1. From this curve the discharge prevalent and exceeding 90% of time has been computed as 2.27 Cumecs while discharge prevalent and exceeding 50 % of time has been computed as 3.97 Cumecs. The design discharge of 13.45 cumecs is available for 20.92 % of time. 7.3.1 Design Head Gross head between MDDL and C/L of unit level is 550 m. The design head adopted for the turbines has been taken as 511.7 mtrs. considering fluctuations. The basic parameters are as below: FRL
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= EL 3435 m


MDDL C/L of unit Gross head Highest flood level Losses in water conductor system at 13.45 cumecs discharge Net head Design head

= EL 3390 m = EL 2885 m = 550.00m = 2875.00m = 20.00 m = 511.70 m = 511.70 m

The design head of 511.70 m is well within the range permitted for Pelton type turbine from cost and efficiency considerations. 7.4 FULL RESERVOIR LEVEL(FRL) AND DAM HEIGHT Area capacity curve for straight gravity dam has been shown in figure 7.1. Full reservoir level of 3435m has been kept in view of the fact that Kunnu village in the periphery of the reservoir and cultivable area does not gets submerged. DAM HEIGHT The river bed level at the proposed dam site is 3370.00m. The river at this location has a straight reach with well defined banks. On both the banks good quality rock is exposed and on the river bed rock is expexted to be available at the reasonable depth. Thus a dam of 68m height (above river bed) is proposed for diversion of Tidong Khad water for power generation.

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MINIMUM DRAW DOWN LEVEL The river bed level at the dam site is 3370.00m. The sluices in the dam body have been kept at El3377.00m for flushing out the bed load deposited upstream of the dam during high flood season. Since the project is a run of the river scheme, no separate provision has been made for dead storage. The sill level of sluices has been kept 7.00m above the river bed so that flip buckets are kept clear of tail water. To avoid the bed load from entering into the intake, the intake sill level is kept at 3383.00m i.e.4.5 m above the sill level of sluices. To avoid vortex formations front of the intake, the minimum draw down level (MDDL) has been fixed as 3390.00m.


INSTALLED CAPACITY STUDIES Detailed studies for fixing installed capacity of Tidong I HEP has been carried out and the same is elucidated in the succeeding paragraph. Incremental energy studies have been carried out for different installed capacities from 50MW to 140MW at an interval of 5MW for 90% dependable year and are shown in Annexe 7.6. A graph has been plotted as installed capacity vs incremental energy. Also installed capacity vs total energy generation has been plotted as shown in chart 7.7. Incremental energy benefit is significant up to 60MW, then constant in range 80MW- 100MW . The capacity fixed for the project is 60MW.


UNIT SIZE The unit size has been selected after due consideration of the following factors:

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The installed capacity should be delivered by units of same capacity to minimise costs and reduce the spare parts and special tools required for operation and maintenance.

b) c)

The units should be as large as possible to obtain the benefits of scale. The penstocks, turbines and generators should not be so large that their components cannot be transported and assembled at site. After due consideration of all these factors a unit size of 30MW in a two unit configuration has been selected.


RECOMMENDATIONS Installed capacity optimisation is based on the energy generation, which may be carried out on the project cost basis also, as the project components are firmed up based on the detailed studies. The development of scheme with respect to other upstream and downstream development in the Tidong may also be studied.

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8.1 GENERAL Tidong-I Hydel Project utilizes the flows of Tidong khad, a tributary of Satluj river and is located in Kinnaur Distt. of Himachal Pradesh . A net head of 511.70 m. has been utilized to generate 60 MW of power at Tidong-I power house . The project shall utilize waters of Tidong khad with a design discharge of 13.45Cumecs. The salient features of Tidong-I HEP are as under:. Design discharge Net Head Installed capacity No. and size of units Type of Power House 13.45 Cumecs 511.70Meters 60 MW 2 units of 30 MW each. Underground.

Cost of Electrical Works:P-production------T- Transmission--Rs. 6289.23 Lacs. Rs. 1086.26 Lacs.


SCOPE This project report incorporates the detailed abstract of cost under the heading P- production (generating plant Equipment) and Ttransmission (Transmission lines for evacuation of power). Detailed analysis in the form of various Annexures have been attached to this report. The cost estimates are based on the rates prevailing during the current year i.e. 2003-2004.




POWER HOUSE The power house site is located on the right bank of Satluj river and is approachable from Kalka (nearest broad gauge Railway station) The underground power house ( 89.5 m (L) x 15 m(W) x 32.15 m(H)) will have 2 generating units of 30 MW each along with all the auxiliary facilities such as cooling water / potable water supply system, fire protection system, compressed air supply , oil system, ventilation and Air conditioning system etc. The control room , LT room, Battery room, air conditioning Plant, Offices, cable spreading area will be accommodated in different floors adjacent to the machine hall and will increase the length of power house cavity by 15m. The service bay shall be located on the opposite end of the machine hall. Provision for the lubricating oil handling plant, the water treatment and filtration plant and store etc. has also been made. The generator transformers will be located in a separate cavity and will be connected to generating units through 11 kV bus ducts. On a floor just above the transformers , 220 kV GIS equipment shall be accommodated.

8.4 8.4.1

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Turbines The vertical shaft , 4 jet Pelton turbine of 30.92 MW capacity with a rated synchronous speed of 428.56 rpm has been found to be suitable in view of the over all economy of the power house. Each turbine shall be provided with suitable oil pressure unit, Electro hydraulic governor and other requisite control equipment.




Governor Since Tidong-I power house will be connected with tandem with 400Kv/220KV

Jangi pooling point and shall also be operated as peaking station in Tidong II project , it is of great importance that the governor accuracy and sensitivity is of high order so as to ensure that all the regulators behave in the same way for any change in the system load. Thus to avoid mutual hunting and over regulation , it is proposed to provide Electro Hydraulic governor. The governing system for each unit will have an individual oil pressure system consisting of oil to air mixer and an oil tank with two pumps as well as the automatic control equipment. Speed etc. would be indicated both on the governor cubicle and on the unit control board to facilitate supervision of operation of the unit. The controls would include provision for emergency shut down of unit in case 8.4.3 of :Loss of Pressure in the oil pressure vessel of Governor oil system. Excessive temperature rise in Bearing. Excessive speed rise of the unit. Electrical faults. Main Inlet Valves A main inlet valve of the Spherical type would be provided at each turbine inlet for maintenance of the turbine and for emergency servomotor which shall be fed from an isolation of the turbine in the event of governor failure. Each valve shall be actuated by means of independent oil pressure unit. Each valve unit shall constitute a complete independent unit with its own operating system for opening and closing, which will be connected to the automatic start and stop sequence of the respective turbine unit.




Cooling Water And Fire Protection System A pumping system would be provided to supply adequate quantity of water from the tail race for cooling of the turbine and generator bearings, generator air coolers and selected plant services. Water for fire protection would be taken from an elevated reservoir providing both reliable operation and ample capacity to fight fire in the power house. A back up water supply to this reservoir would also be provided.


Potable Water And Sanitary Drainage Water from the cooling water system would be used to supply the plants potable and sanitary water needs. The potable water would be filtered and chemically treated as required. Sanitary sewerage would be treated in a septic system before discharge in to tail race of power plant.


Compressed Air System A high pressure compressed air plant would be installed to meet the requirements of the governor oil system and the oil pressure system of the spherical valves. A low pressure compressed air plant would also be installed to meet the requirements of the station pneumatic tools and other general purpose in the power house.




Oil System A portable dehydration unit comprising of oil heaters, Filters, tank etc. would be provided in the power station for the treatment of governor/ Bearings and switch gear oils.


Ventilation and Air Conditioning Power house would be provided with ventilation system as required for the underground power house work areas and offices. An air conditioning system would be provided to maintain the control room at the selected design temperature and humidity levels. The temperature and humidity level would be selected to suit the requirements of equipment and staff.


Power House Crane In order to expedite the completion of various construction activities of the power house, 1 No. electric over head travelling bridge crane with capacity of 80/10 tonnes would be installed in the power house primarily for erection, maintenance and repair of the generating units. The cranes would be equipped with motor control system providing suitable procedure for equipment erection.

8.5 8.5.1

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Generator Each generator shall be of vertical shaft, salient pole type, Synchronous generator directly coupled to the hydro turbine and having a rated out put of 33.33 MVA with 0.9 lag power factor. The generator bearing arrangement shall be of conventional type i.e. suspended type. It is proposed to equip the generators with dynamic


braking in addition to the friction brakes. The generator shall have class-F insulation in line with modern practice and temperature restricted to class-B insulation. The generator will be air cooled with a closed ventilation system using air water heat exchanger placed around the stator frame. The generators are proposed to be equipped with the following electrical protection equipment:1. High speed differential protection for generator. 2. Generator Over Voltage protection. 3. Back up over current protection. 4. Stator earth fault relay protection. 5. Negative Phase Sequence Current protection. 6. Rotor Field Circuit earth Fault Relay & protection. 7. Loss of excitation relay schemes. 8. Generator thermal relay protection. 9. Phase balance relay. 8.5.2 Excitation System The excitation system of the generator will be of static type and will include static type voltage regulator of latest design, field suppression equipment and the associated accessories. The power for the excitation system will be taken from the generator main bus by means of a dry type or epoxy encased step down transformer. The excitation system will be self contained requiring only an external power source for field flashing at unit starting. The field flashing supply will be taken from the station battery. The excitation system including the voltage regulator will be placed in the cubicles adjacent to the generator pit.



Generator Switch Gear And Connecting Cables Each generator shall be connected to its step up transformer by means of 11 kV bus ducts. Current transformers assemblies. The generator switch gear will be of the metal enclosed type placed in a separate room close to the generator. It will include the generator phase equipment. The equipment for the generator neutral side will be placed in a cubicle adjacent to the generator pit. required for protection, control and metering will be located and form part of the bus ducts


Generator Transformers 6 Nos. Indoor generator transformers of 12.5 MVA , 11/ 220/3 kV , single phase ,50 Hz rating will be provided and placed in a separate underground cavity (50 m(L) x 16 m(W) ) on the down stream side of the power house cavity. The OFWF type of cooling is proposed for generator transformers.


Control and Monitoring Equipment The plant will be designed to be operated as an attended type. Unit control will be provided locally while central control will be from various control panels located in the control and relay room of the power house. Control equipment will include metering and control panels, protections for supervision and operation of the generator turbine, 11 kV switch gear , auxiliary power system, transformers and 220 kV switch gear. The control equipment will also include the PLC and

Telecommunication equipment required for the transmission lines. Provision for connection to the state load dispatch center will also be provided.



Station Service/ Auxiliary Supply The station service supply is proposed to be taken through 22 kV Local Distribution system. In addition, for reliability, 2X250 KVA DG sets shall also be provided for the black start capability. This will also feed local area , Colony, head works etc. The unit auxiliaries shall be fed through 11/0.415 kV, 1 MVA transformers connected to each generator. The auxiliaries can also be fed from 2 Nos., 22/0.415 kV, 1 MVA station auxiliary transformers, which are connected to 22 kV bus connected to 22 kV local supply.


Power Plant Grounding The power station will be provided with a complete earthing system. All exposed conductive parts and equipment in the power house and switch yard will be connected to the grounding system. The grounding system will be designed to minimize the Safe and Touch potential within acceptable limits.


Lighting The power plant lighting , following normal practice, will comprise of interior and exterior lights as appropriate. While the majority of the illuminaries will be AC powered, emergency lighting will be DC supplied from station battery system. The emergency lighting will be provided only for essential locations e.g. control room, exits etc.


Switch yard and Switching Scheme The project is proposed to be interfaced with the 400/220 kV at Jangi pooling point. The evacuation arrangement has been made after taking in to consideration the constraints on

right of





quantum of power that shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point. Accordingly, the power from Tidong-I shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point via 220 kV D/C line. Due to space constraints , 220 kV Gas Insulated Switch gear has been proposed and shall be housed on a floor located just above the transformers in the transformer cavern. Single breaker double bus bar arrangement has been proposed after giving due consideration to its reliability , stability, easy maintenance and accessibility. The GIS switch yard has 2 generator transformer bays , one bus coupler bay, and two feeder bays. 8.6 TRANSMISSION OF POWER Considering the amount of power to be evacuated and the distance involved, it has been proposed to inject the power generated at Tidong-I power house along with power generated at Tidong-II HEP in to 400/220 kV pooling point at Jangi. The schematic diagram showing the interconnection of Tidong-I HEP with other projects up stream of Karcham Wangtoo HEP is as per annexure-A. The 220 kV transmission system for Tidong-I shall also be utilized by Tidong-II HEP for evacuation of its power to 400/220 kV Jangi control point. Accordingly, the cost of this joint transmission system shall be shared by these two projects. Power pooled at Jangi control point is proposed to be injected in to 400 kV pooling point near Wangtoo through down stream projects. The proposed 400 kV Pooling Point near Wangtoo shall be created by LILO of 400 kV Wangtoo- Abdullapur line. For wheeling of power that shall be accumulated at this pooling point, adequate number of feeders or HVDC link shall be established between this pooling point and Northern Grid depending upon over all evacuation requirement. The power from Tidong-I shall also form part of this accumulated power.




ESTABLISHMENT The electrical works of the project are proposed to be completed with in 5 years time. Accordingly, the provision of regular establishment required for to do electrical works in this time frame has been made in the estimate. The design procurement, inspection, erection and commissioning of electrical works of the project shall be done departmentally. The provision of staff has been made as per CEAs norms intimated from time to time.




ELECTRO MECHANICAL WORKS 1. General:Tidong-I Hydel Project utilizes the flows of Tidong khad, a tributary of Satluj river and is located in Kinnaur Distt. of Himachal Pradesh . A net head of 511.50 Mts. has been utilized to generate 90 MW of power at Tidong-I power house . The project shall utilize waters of Tidong khad with a design discharge of 19 Cumecs. The salient features of Tidong-I HEP are as under:. Design discharge Net Head Installed capacity No. and size of units Type of Power House Cost of Electrical Works:P-production------T- Transmission--2. Scope:_ This project report incorporates the detailed abstract of cost under the heading P- production (generating plant Equipment) and T- transmission (Transmission lines for evacuation of power). Detailed analysis in the form of various Annexures have been attached to this report. The cost estimates are based on the rates prevailing during the current year i.e. 2002-2003. 3. Power House:The power house site is located on the right bank of Satluj river and is approachable from Kalka (nearest broad gauge Railway station) The underground power house ( 44 m (L) x 16 m(W) x 27 m(H)) will have 2 generating units of 45 MW each along with all the auxiliary facilities such as cooling water / potable water supply system, fire protection system, compressed air supply , oil system, ventilation and Air conditioning system etc. The control room , LT room, Battery room, air conditioning Plant, Offices, cable spreading area will be accommodated in different floors adjacent to the machine hall and will increase the length of power house cavity by 15 m. The service bay shall be located on the opposite end of the machine hall. Provision for the lubricating oil handling plant, the water treatment and filtration plant and store etc. has also been made. The generator transformers will be located in a separate cavity and will be connected to generating units through 11 kV bus ducts. Rs. 8168.91 Lacs. Rs. 3132.80 Lacs. 19 Cumecs 511.50 Meters 90 MW 2 units of 45 MW each. Underground.

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On a floor just above the transformers , 132 kV GIS equipment shall be accommodated. 3. Mechanical Equipment:_


Turbines:The vertical shaft , 4 jet Pelton turbine of 45.92 MW capacity with a rated synchronous speed of 428.56 rpm has been found to be suitable in view of the over all economy of the power house. Each turbine shall be provided with suitable oil pressure unit, Electro hydraulic governor and other requisite control equipment.


Governor:Since Tidong-I power house will be connected with 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point, and shall also be operated as peaking station in tandem with Tidong-II project, it is of great importance that the governor accuracy and sensitivity is of high order so as to ensure that all the regulators behave in the same way for any change in the system load. Thus to avoid mutual hunting and over regulation , it is proposed to provide Electro Hydraulic governor. The governing system for each unit will have an individual oil pressure system consisting of oil to air mixer and an oil tank with two pumps as well as the automatic control equipment. Speed etc. would be indicated both on the governor cubicle and on the unit control board to facilitate supervision of operation of the unit. The controls would include provision for emergency shut down of unit in case of :-

Loss of Pressure in the oil pressure vessel of Governor oil system. Excessive temperature rise in Bearing. Excessive speed rise of the unit. Electrical faults. 3.3
Main Inlet valves :A main inlet valve of the Spherical type would be provided at each turbine inlet for maintenance of the turbine and for emergency isolation of the turbine in the event of governor failure. Each valve shall be actuated by means of servomotor which shall be fed from an independent oil pressure unit. Each valve unit shall constitute a complete independent unit with its own operating system for opening and closing, which will be connected to the automatic start and stop sequence of the respective turbine unit.


Cooling Water and Fire protection System:A pumping system would be provided to supply adequate quantity of water from the tail race for cooling of the turbine and generator bearings, generator air coolers and selected plant services.

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Water for fire protection would be taken from an elevated reservoir providing both reliable operation and ample capacity to fight fire in the power house. A back up water supply to this reservoir would also be provided.


Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage:Water from the cooling water system would be used to supply the plants potable and sanitary water needs. The potable water would be filtered and chemically treated as required. Sanitary sewerage would be treated in a septic system before discharge in to tail race of power plant.


Compressed Air System:A high pressure compressed air plant would be installed to meet the requirements of the governor oil system and the oil pressure system of the spherical valves. A low pressure compressed air plant would also be installed to meet the requirements of the station pneumatic tools and other general purpose in the power house.


Oil System:A portable dehydration unit comprising of oil heaters, Filters, tank etc. would be provided in the power station for the treatment of governor/ Bearings and switch gear oils.


Ventilation and Air Conditioning :Power house would be provided with ventilation system as required for the underground power house work areas and offices. An air conditioning system would be provided to maintain the control room at the selected design temperature and humidity levels. The temperature and humidity level would be selected to suit the requirements of equipment and staff.


Power House Crane:In order to expedite the completion of various construction activities of the power house, 1 No. electric over head travelling bridge crane with capacity of 115/10 tonnes would be installed in the power house primarily for erection, maintenance and repair of the generating units. The cranes would be equipped with motor control system providing suitable procedure for equipment erection.

4. Electrical Equipment :-


Generator:Each generator shall be of vertical shaft, salient pole type, Synchronous generator directly coupled to the hydro turbine and having a rated out put of 50 MVA with 0.9 lag power factor. The generator bearing arrangement shall be of conventional type i.e. suspended type. It is proposed to equip the generators with dynamic braking in addition to the friction brakes. The generator shall have

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class-F insulation in line with modern practice and temperature restricted to class-B insulation. The generator will be air cooled with a closed ventilation system using air water heat exchanger placed around the stator frame. The generators are proposed to be equipped with the following electrical protection equipment:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. High speed differential protection for generator. Generator Over Voltage protection. Back up over current protection. Stator earth fault relay protection. Negative Phase Sequence Current protection. Rotor Field Circuit earth Fault Relay & protection. Loss of excitation relay schemes. Generator thermal relay protection. Phase balance relay. The excitation system of the generator will be of static type and will include static type voltage regulator of latest design, field suppression equipment and the associated accessories. The power for the excitation system will be taken from the generator main bus by means of a dry type or epoxy encased step down transformer. The excitation system will be self contained requiring only an external power source for field flashing at unit starting. The field flashing supply will be taken from the station battery. The excitation system including the voltage regulator will be placed in the cubicles adjacent to the generator pit. 5.3 Generator Switch gear and Connecting cables :Each generator shall be connected to its step up transformer by means of 11 kV bus ducts. Current transformers required for protection, control and metering will be located and form part of the bus ducts assemblies. The generator switch gear will be of the metal enclosed type placed in a separate room close to the generator. It will include the generator phase equipment. The equipment for the generator neutral side will be placed in a cubicle adjacent to the generator pit. 5.4 Generator Transformers:7 Nos. Indoor generator transformers of 16.7 MVA , 11/ 220/3 kV , single phase , 50 Hz rating will be provided and placed in a separate underground


Excitation system:-

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cavity (50 m(L) x 16 m(W) ) on the down stream side of power house cavity. The OFWF type of cooling is proposed for generator transformers. 5.5 Control and Monitoring Equipment:The plant will be designed to be operated as an attended type. Unit control will be provided locally while central control will be from various control panels located in the control and relay room of the power house. Control equipment will include metering and control panels, protections transformers and 220 kV switch gear. The control equipment will also include the PLC and Telecommunication equipment required for the transmission lines. Provision for connection to the state load dispatch center will also be provided. 5.6 Station Service/ Auxiliary Supply:The station service supply is proposed to be taken through 22 kV Local Distribution system. In addition, for reliability, 2X250 KVA DG sets shall also be provided for the black start capability. This will also feed local area , Colony, head works etc. The unit auxiliaries shall be fed through 11/0.415 kV, 1 MVA transformers connected to each generator. The auxiliaries can also be fed from 2 Nos., 22/0.415 kV, 1 MVA station auxiliary transformers, which are connected to 22 kV bus connected to 22 kV local supply.. 5.7 Power Plant Grounding:The power station will be provided with a complete earthing system. All exposed conductive parts and equipment in the power house and switch yard will be connected to the grounding system. The grounding system will be designed to minimize the Safe limits. 5.8 Lighting:The power plant lighting , following normal practice, will comprise of interior and exterior lights as appropriate. While the majority of the illuminaries will be AC powered, emergency lighting will be DC supplied from station battery system. The emergency lighting will be provided only for essential locations e.g. control room, exits etc. 5.9 Switch yard and Switching Scheme:The project is proposed to be interfaced with the 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point. The evacuation arrangement has been made after taking in to consideration the constraints on right of way and the quantum of power that shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point. Accordingly, the power from TidongI shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point via 220 kV D/C line. Due to space and Touch potential within acceptable for supervision and operation of the generator turbine, 11 kV switch gear , auxiliary power system,

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constraints , 220 kV Gas Insulated Switch gear has been proposed and shall be housed on a floor located just above the transformers in the transformer cavern. Single breaker double bus bar arrangement has been proposed after giving due consideration to its reliability , stability, easy maintenance and accessibility. The GIS switch yard has 2 generator transformer bays , one bus coupler bay, and two feeder bays. 6. Transmission of Power:Considering the amount of power to be evacuated and the distance involved, it has been proposed to inject the power generated at Tidong-I power house along with power generated at Tidong-II HEP in to 400/220 kV pooling point at Jangi. The cost of the 220/400 kV transformer and 220/400 kV transformer bay along with associated equipment has been kept in the scope of transmission works of Tidong-I HEP. Power pooled at Jangi control point is proposed to be injected in to Jangi-Thopan which is further proposed to be connected to Shongtong Karcham which in turn is proposed to be connected to 400 kV Pooling Point near Karcham Wangtoo. The proposed 400 kV Pooling Point which is located at sherpa colony shall be created by LILO of WangtooAbdullapur S/C line. For wheeling of power that shall be accumulated at this pooling point, adequate number of feeders or HVDC link shall be established between this pooling point and Northern Grid depending upon over all evacuation requirement. The power from Tidong-I shall also form part of this accumulated power. 7. Establishment:The electrical works of the project are proposed to be completed with in 5 years time. Accordingly, the provision of regular establishment required for to do electrical works in this time frame has been made in the estimate. The design procurement, inspection, erection and commissioning of electrical works of the project shall be done departmentally. The provision of staff has been made as per the CEAs norms intimated from time to time.

D:\Himachal\Tidong-I\TIDONG-I(60 MW)\TIDONG-I Chapter -IX.doc


10.1 GENERAL The proposed Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project on Tidong River in Himachal Pradesh is located about 274 km from Shimla. The nearest broad gauge railway station for the proposed project is Kalka, which is about 360 kms from the project site. An existing National Highway NH-22 connects Tidong-I Hydroelectric Project up to Morang village and from there, 13 km long metalled road is up to the village Thangi. From Thangi 19 km long road is under construction up to the intake site. The requirement of minimum infrastructure facilities are:i) Access roads in the project area to the work sites, colonies, quarries etc. ii) Cross-drainage works, adits and a bridge across Tidong river near the Dam site. iii) Construction facilities such as stores, workshop, aggregate processing plant etc. iv) Residential Buildings for the project staff including their electrification, water supply, sanitation and drainage works etc. v) Construction Power vi) Tele-communications. All sites of important components of the projects i.e. intake structure, intake tunnel, sedimentation chamber, head race tunnel, under ground



surge shaft , pressure shaft, butterfly valve chamber, power house, tail race tunnel and its appurtenants will be linked with the approach roads to existing national high way on the right bank of the river Tidong, which will be widened/improved suitably to cope up with the requirement of the project. The headrace tunnel will be approached by constructing two adits i.e. inlet and outlet adit and one intermediate adit . The surge shaft will also be approachable through access adits. The following roads will be constructed or realigned/ widened. i) ii) iii) iv) Approach road to surge shaft top and adit to surge shaft bottom -5Km Approach road to outlet adit of tunnel & other adits-1.5 Km. Widening / realignment of Thangi to diversion site, jeepable road -19 Km Road to Power house site. top and bottom

Permanent approach tunnel 5.5 m D-shaped to powerhouse has been proposed. In addition to above, cable cum ventilation tunnel have Construction adit of 5.50m D-shaped will be been proposed.

construction adit for pressure shaft. Approach roads 7/10m wide and approximately 8km long will connect the residential and non-residential colony, offices and project area from the national high way. Approach road for the centre of 5.5 m D-shaped B/V chamber have also been proposed. 10.2 IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING NATIONAL HIGH WAY The existing National High Way on right bank of River Satluj will be suitably widened/improved to 7/10m wide specifications in about 20km



length to serve as approach road to the Project site for construction. In addition to above, National Highway will be realigned at some reaches where blind curves exist. 10.4 BUILDINGS The availability of facilities viz., schools and college education, hospitals, market and recreation at Reckong Peo, shall enable the staff posted on the project in the beginning to speed up the construction of project roads, buildings and also enable to start the main civil works of the project in the 1st year itself. Suitable colony sites for construction of residential and non-residential buildings have been planned at near village Morang and Akpa. The main residential and non-residential colony will be at Jangi. The building will be permanent and temporary depending upon the use to which they are likely to be put during and after construction. provision of Rs. 548 lacs has been made for K-Buildings. The permanent colony at Charang /Thangi shall have well equipped medical centre as also a recreation centre, telephone exchange etc. This colony shall have following facilities, i) ii) iii) iv) v) Potable water supply arrangements Sanitation and sewerage disposal arrangements Drainage arrangements Electrical Supply Fencing and security. A




TELE-COMMUNICATION Telecommunication link for the power house of Tidong -I project will be provided by extending the existing telephone network of Post and Telegraph Department through the nearest P&T exchange. An internal automatic, telephone exchange (EPABX) with 350

lines capacity for the project has been provided. All-important sites of work, offices and residences of senior officers shall be connected by telephone. Thepower house at Lamber and permanent colony at Thangi, shall also be provided with VHF link to keep contact stations. communication system. 10.6 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT The equipment required for construction works is indicated under heading construction programme and schedule. The construction power shall be made available by the HPSEB at the powerhouse and other sites. The power distribution lines from these sites shall be laid accordingly. The contractors engaged on the construction of various project components shall be supplied power at one point where it shall be metered. The contractors themselves shall install the power distribution lines for carrying power to various places of work. While a central workshop has been proposed at Thangi, small field repair workshops shall be located at dam site/ Power house sites. with other work The Powerhouse shall ultimately be connected by carrier



The arrangement for storage and transport of explosives required for the drilling and blasting operations shall be made by the contractor themselves. They shall follow all safety codes and regulations prescribed by the central and state government in this respect. Safety is an essential job requirement for a set up. Adequate arrangement for lighting, security and safety shall be made in the project area. Adequate preventive measures against accident shall be taken as prescribed in Indian Standard code for excavation work is 3764-1986.




11.1 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PLANNING The requirement of construction equipment has been worked out on the basis that the construction work will be carried out at the following sites: 1) Dam site (works of Diversion tunnel & coffer dam, diversion dam, Intakes, Sedimentation chambers, silt flushing conduits and (from inlet end). 2) 3) Intermediate adits sites . HRT adit to surge shaft (work of HRT, Surge shaft, Valve Chamber and Pressure shaft). 3) 4) Surge shaft top site (works of Surge shaft) Powerhouse site (works of Powerhouse complex, Pressure Shafts, Tail Race tunnel and Outfall works) 11.2 DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT The quantities of major items of works at different sites and time available for the construction are given in Annex 11.1. Based on the time available for construction and the quantity of work requirement of construction equipment at different sites have been worked out. The details of the equipment are given in Annex 11.2.




CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT PLANNING The construction methodology for various works as proposed is given in following paras.


Diversion Tunnel The diversion tunnel is about 1000 m long, circular and 3.00 m finished dia. The diversion tunnel will be excavated from upstream and down stream faces. Equipment Planning - Excavation Equipments As per classification of the rock the equipment planning is made under:A pull of 3 m per day is proposed on each face. So a pull of 1 MT in each shift of 8 hours working shall be achieved in each working face. The working cycle for 8 hour shift is given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Drilling Charging & blasting Defusing Mucking, scaling & Shotcreting Rock bolting,erection of Steel supports where Required. 6. Back filling Total:
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2 Hours 0.5 Hr. 1.00 Hr. 3 Hrs.

1 Hr. Hr. ---------------8 Hours


Two sets of drilling, mucking, scaling and shotcreting equipment and two No. drilling Jumbos will be deployed at two faces. The drilling shall be done with heavy duty rock drills fitted with pneumatic auto feeds and mounted on plate form of drilling jumbos. The mounting shall be capable of swinging up, down and side ways so that drill can be slanted in any desired direction to meet the requirements. The jumbos should be skid mounted or on rubber tyres, to enable removal to a safe distance after drilling to avoid any damage due to blasting. Defuming shall be done by air blowers installed in the inlet/outlet of the tunnel faces. Scaling will be done with heavy duty pavement breakers. Mucking will be done with low profile 4.5 cum capacity dumper and loading with short boom loader 1.15 cum. Capacity. Compressed air required for tunnel will be supplied by the elect. Compressor.and suitable arrangement will be made by standby diesel driven air compressor. Shotcreting shall be done in crown portion upto spring level of the tunnel. This operation shall be done concurrently with mucking. Suitable rock bolting as required shall be done in moderately jointed and good rock reaches of tunnel, which shall be grouted in position concurrently with mucking operation. Segmental steel ribs shall be provided where required and rib bending shall be done with hydraulic rib bending press to the required shape.

Requirement of Excavation M/C: Excavated dia of tunnel

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=3.8 m


Tunnel cross section Add 20% over break Total Volume of muck per pull of one meter Pull Shift working Drill time per pull Mucking per pull Excavation qty. to be handled per shift Programme Work load per hour Drilling required for one cum is Drilling required for 6.8m


=11.34 =2.26 =13.6


=13.6 cum =1 m =1 Shift =2 Hour =3 Hour =13.6m =2 Hour


=6.8m =1.25 m =8.5 m =3 m

Estimated average programme of 120cfm Heavy jack hammer No.of jack hammers required per hour For two faces Add 30% standby = 3x2 =8.5/3=2.83 No.say 3 Nos =6 Nos =1.80 =7.8Nos say 8 Nos Compressed Air: Compressed air required for 3 Nos Jack hammers Compressed air required for 3 Nos Autofeed Add 20% pressure loss and leakage 50x3 =150 cfm =510 cft 102 612 cft Select 500 cfm Air compressor for one face for two faces
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=4 Nos


loading Excavated qty.to be handled per shift Swell factor for excavated rock Qty. to be handled Time Work Load per hour Ideal production per hour Job and management factor for fair job and Good management Bucket fill factor Time factor Actual output per hour Actual after swell factor No. of loader required per face For two faces From Tunnel to Dump yard Total Load Select 4.5cum cap dumper Actual cap. Taking swell factor into Consideration Loading time Haul time Total cycle time No. of trips per 50 mint. working hour Qty. carried by one dumper
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8.5m 0.63

8.5/0.63=13.49 say 13.50m 3 Hour 13.50/3 =4.50m =20 m. 27.m 0.69 0.75 0.83 =27x0.69x0.75x0.83 =11.59m =11.60/0.63 =13.50/18.40 = 2x1 say 11.60m =18.40m =0.73 say One No. = 2 Nos. =500 m. =1Km =1.00+0.5 =1.5m

Select 0.28 cum cap. loader and one way haul

Average maximum lead in tunnel =500

=4.5x0.63 =2.80x60/18.40 =1.5x2x60/10 =50/30.13 =2.80x1.67

=2.80m =9.13 Min. =3 Min. =18Min. =30.13 Min. =1.67 Nos =4.68m

Dumping, turning and spotting time


No. of dumper required For two faces Add 20% standby Total Now total M/C for Excavation Skid mounted drill jumbo with mounting For 2 Nos pneuniatic autofeed heavy

=13.50/4.68 =2.88 Say 3 Nos =3x2 =6 Nos =1.20 say 2 Nos =7.20 say 8 Nos

Duty jack hammer with mounting capable Of rotating in all directions Heavy duty jack hammer Air compressor 500cfm Loader Bottom Dumper 4.5m3 Rib bending M/C Shotcreting M/C Crawler dozer 90 HP Pavement breaker Concreting Equipment: Overt Concreting: 75% section of tunnel comprising overt/crown shall be concreted by using 3 m. long mild steel concreting gantry on rails, having collapsible forms, vibration shall be done by shutter vibrators fixed with forms and needle vibrators inserted through inspection windows with the gantry. Concrete shall be transported in side the tunnel in transit mixers and fed in to the hopper of the pumpcrete. Two nos gantry each 3m long will be provided at each face to speed up the progress of work. While
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2Nos 8Nos 4Nos 2Nos 8Nos 2 Nos 2Nos 2Nos 4Nos


concreting is going in one gantry the other gantry will be erected so that on the following day the concreting is continued. Thus 3m lining will be done in one day in one face in two faces = 3x2=6 meters. Immediately after removing of the gantry the curing will be started through sprinkling pipes/manifolds. Invert concreting: Remaining 25% concreting of the tunnel i.e invert lining shall be done after overt portion of the tunnel has been completed at each face. The methodology for invert lining shall be conventional hanging plate form/bridge and screed method. A trolley carrying concrete shall move over rails filled over sleepers resting over side plates. These side plates shall be anchored in the walls of overt concrete. The concrete shall be transferred from concrete mixers to trolley, which in run will unload itself over the bridge at the point of placement. Requirement of Concreting M/C: Concreting shall be carried out in 8 hours and rest of 16 hours shall be given for the setting of the concrete. Concrete for overt and invert Add 20% overbreak Length of the pour Concrete required per hour Period Rate of concrete placement per hour Losses in transportation and handling
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=II (3 - 2.1) 4

= 3.60 Sq.m. =0.72/4.32 m2 =3 m.

=3x4.32 =12.96/8

=12.96m =8 Hours =1.62m 5%


Rate of concrete production/Hr. Cap. Of pumpcrete No.of pump required at each face For two faces Standby 20% Batching and mixing plant Hourly output capacity requirement for Two shifts Already installed for intake works. Transit Mixer: Rate of concrete production/hours/face Select 1 m transit mixer Average lead Speed Haulage time Charging time Mixing time Discharging time No.of trips of transit mixer of 50Min. Working hour Concrete qty. carried per hour No.of transit mixer required Transit mixer required for two faces Stand by 20%

=1.62x1.05 =1.70m =2 cum =1 =2x1 =2 Nos =0.40/2.40 =3 Nos


=3.40m =12 cum

Required cap of batching and mixing plant

=1.70m =2 Km =10 Km =2x2x60/10 =24 Min. =0.50 Min. =2.70 Min. =0.50 Min. 27.70 Min. =50/27.70 =1.8x1 =2x1 =1.80 Nos =1.80m =2 Nos =0.40 2.40 Say 3 Nos

=1.70/1.80 Say.one No.

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Concreting equipment required is as under:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Concreting gantry Concrete pump Shutter vibrator Needle vibrator Grout pump Batching & Mixing plant Transit mixer Agg. Processing plant 4 Nos 3Nos 5Nos 5Nos 2Nos 1No. 3No. 1No.

Requirement of Agg.

= 1.70x2x8x2.314x1.05x1.10x4 7 =41.54 Say 42 MT

Fine Agg. Construction Time Schedule:



Excavation:- Total time for excavation considering 3 m pull per day in each face and taking 25 days as working days=500/3x25= 7 Months Concreting:- Total time for concreting considering 12m progress per day in each faces and taking 25 days as working days Grouting and cleaning Total 11.3.2 Coffer Dam The work on cofferdams will be taken up in lean season after diverting the water into diversion tunnel. It is proposed to provide positive grouted cut off by grouting the sub strata. A period of 6 months has
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= 500/12x25 =2 Months =1 Months =10 Months


been provided for grouted cut off and coffers dams. 11.3.3 Diversion Dam The total excavation for the dam upto the bedrock is proposed to be carried out in a period of 8 months after the winter season and most of the concrete upto the top level will be carried out in a period of 8 months thereafter. A period of 6 months has been provided for erection of gates and hoists. The equipment required for excavation, mucking, transportation and lining should be: Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 11.3.4 Description Air Track Air compressor 1000 cfm. Crawler Dozer 80 H.P Diesel shovel 2.00 cum Dumpers 15 T Centrifugal Pump 3.00cum Winch 20 T capacity Vibrator Tower crane 10 T @ 40 m radius JCB/Escorts back hoe 2 12 1 1 2 12 1 1 Qty 2 1 1 2 7 2 Total. 2 1 1 2 7 2 13

Truck mounted concrete buckets 13

Desilting Tank General:: The proposed desilting tank is a surface structure and chambers. For this intake channel has already
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consist of two main


been constructed with intake works. However a flushing channel size 2x2 and 50m long has been proposed. Desilting chambers: Two parallel chambers 48x10x7.15 m in size are proposed. Each chamber shall have 4 hoppers size 12 x10 and each hopper having a central pit from where it will discharge into central flushing channel with the help of pipes. Since there are two chambers of desilting works, one chamber will be excavated first on the completion of its excavation the second will be excavated. Total quantity to be excavated Time Month wise excavation Taking 25 working days in a month Daily excavation Equipment Planning Excavation per day in 8 hours . Daily excavation required: Taking single shift in a day of 8 hours. Since this excavation is to be done in the khad bed consisting overburden, so it will be done with the help of Shovel, Dozer and Dumpers etc. Loading Total quantity of muck to be handled/shift Swell factor for River bed material I.e. Sand and gravel
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= 6000m = 4 months = 6000/4 = 1500m = 1500/25 = 60 cum

=60 cum

=60m =0.83


Qty. to be handled per shift


=72.28 m Say 72 m

Now select 0.287 m cap crowler power shovel Ideal production is Considering job management factor Time factor /efficiency Bucket fill factor Actual output per hour = 50x0.75x0.83x0.65 Total quantity to be handled Taking four hour for excavation and loading Qty. to be handled per hour (As the capacity of shovel is 20 m Hence one shovel is sufficient to handle above quantity. Dumpers: Select 4.5m rear dumper Actual capacity Qty. available to be handled per hour Lead Loading time: Dumping, turning and spotting time Speed of empty dumper Speed of loaded dumper Average speed Houl time Total cycle time No. of Dumper trips per hour
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=50m =0.75 =0.83 =0.65 =20.23 m Say 20m/hour =72m =72/4 =18m


=3.735m = 18m = 1 Km

=3.735x50/20 =9.33 Min. =3 Min. = 20Km/Hr. =15 Km/hr =20+15/2 =17.5 Km/Hr. =2x1x50/17.5 =5.71 Min. =9.33+3+5.71=18.04 Say 18 Min. = 50/18 =2.78


Qty. carried by one dumper No.of Dumpers required Add 20% standby Hence Total

= 3.735x2.78 =10.38 cum = 72/10.38 =3x.2 =3+1 =6.93 =0.6 Say,1 =4 Nos

or 8.33 Cap. Rear dumper are to be used than 3 Nos

Excavation Equipments: Type of material Excavation required per day Work load per hour Drilling required for one cum Drilling required for 11.43 m Estimated average progress of 120 cfm Cap. Heavy duty jack hammer No. of jack hammer required =11.43/3 =3 m =3.81 Say 4 Nos Add 20% stand by Total: =3.81x0.20 =0.76 Say.1 =4+1 =5 Nos =40/3.5 =rock =40m =11.43m =1 m. =11.43 m

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Air Compressor: Compressed required for 4 no s jack hammers =120x4=480 cfm Add 20% line loses and pressure drop Total: Slect Elect. Air comp.2Nos of 365 cfm cap. and one elect.comp. 1000 cfm. Loading: Total qty. to be handled per shift Qty. to be handled per hour Select 0.287m cap. Loader Taking job management factor ,time factor and bucket fill factor into consideration Actual output per hour Actual after the swell factor No. of loader required =50x0.75x0.83x0.75 =23.34m Say 23 m =23xo.3/0.63=36.50 =18.30/36.50=0.50 Say one loader. Excavation machinery required is as under:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jack Hammer Shovel Loader Air compressor 1000 cfm Rear dumper 8.33 cum capacity Diozer 180 HP Dewatering pump 50 HP -do20 HP
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=480x0.2=96cfm =576 cfm

=40/0.63=63.49m Say 64m =64/3.5 =18.30m

5 Nos 1 Nos. 1 No. 1 No. 4 Nos 1 No. 2 Nos 2 Nos


9. 10. 11.

Sump pump 20 HP Grouting M/C Shotcreting M/C

2 Nos 1 No. 1 No.

As soon as the chambers excavation is completed, then the excavation work for the hoppers will be done and the muck from the excavation of hopper will be derived in the flushing channel and will be taken out from there with the same equipment used for the excavation of the flushing channel. Concreting: As soon as the excavation in one chamber is completed the concreting work will be started. The plan for concrete is with in 5 months Total concreting Month wise concreting Taking 25 working days in a month Daily requirements =1240/25 =49.6 m Say 50.00 m The concrete required is to be planned for 25% extra quantity. So peak daily requirement =50x1.25 = 75m In two working shifts the concreting will be done for 8 hours and 8 hours will be utilized for making concreting arrangements, reinforcement and shifting of forms etc. So concrete placement required per hour =75/8 Taking handling losses 5% . The rate of concrete production per hour = 9.38x 1.05 = 9.85 m Placement of concrete will be done through chutes from transit Mixer carrying concrete. As soon as the excavation of second chamber is completed the Concrete will be started in it also i.e. now in two faces,
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=6200m =6200/5 =1240 m

=9.38 m


so concreting requirement will be 9.38x2 = 18.76 m , Say 19 m The M.S.Shuttering will be used for this with three segment and will be collapsible type. Maximum concreting per hour is 19 m. So provide 20 m capacity batching and mixing plant. Transit Mixer: Select 2.5m Cap, transit mixer Rate of concrete production per hour Lead Speed Haul Time Charging time Mixer Cycle time Discharge time Total: No. of trip per hour of 50 Min.= Concrete quantity carried by this= No. of mixer required Add 20% stand by Total = 3+1 =3.18x2.5 1=19/7.95 =19m =1 Km =10 Km =2x1x60/10 =12 Min. =0.50 Min. =2.70 Min. =0.50 Min. =15.70 Min. =50/15.70 =3.18 =7.95 cum =2.38 Say 3 Nos =0.4 Say 1 =4Nos

The requirement of concreting M/C will be as under:1. 2, 3. 4. 5. Transit mixer 2.5m Shutter vibrator Needle vibrator Batching & Mixing Plant 20m capacity. M.S.Shuttering in three
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4 Nos 10 Nos 10 Nos 1 No


Segments 3m long 6. 7. Shotcreting m/c Grouting m/c

2Nos 1 No. 1 No.

Aggregate Requirement Daily requirement of coarse agg.= (19x8x2.314x4)/7 Allow 5% transit loss and 10% production Rejection = 200.98x1.05x1.10 =232.13 MT Say 235 MT Fine Aggregate Daily requirement of fine aggregate will be half of the coarse Aggregate Construction Time Schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Excavation desilting tank Excavation flushing channel Concreting desilting tank Concreting flushing channel Fixing pipe and sluice valve etc. 4 Months 1 Month 5 Month 1 Month 2 Month -----------------13 Months 6. Shotcreting /Grouting and side stabilizing 2 Months 15 Months = 75 MT = 200.98 MT

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Head Race Tunnel: General: Head race tunnel 2.60m finished dia (3.40m excavated dia) and 5036 m long shall be excavated with conventional methods of drilling, blasting, muck loading and haulage of muck by low profile bottom dumpers. Excavation of the tunnel will be started simultaneously from six faces. The rock classification is 60% good rock/unsupported rock and 40% as supported/loose and moderately jointed rock. Maximum length of the HRT from any face will be 850m. The equipment planning is as under : Equipment Planning - Excavation Equipments As per classification of the rock the equipment planning is made under:A pull of 3 mt per day is proposed on each face. So a pull of 1 m in each shift of 8 hours working shall be achieved in each working face. The working cycle for 8 hour shift is given below: 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. Drilling Charging & blasting Defusing Mucking, scaling & Shotcreting Rock bolting,erection of Steel supports where Required.
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2 Hours 0.5 Hr. 1.00 Hr. 3 Hrs.

1 Hr.



Back filling Total:

Hr. ---------------8 Hours

Six sets of drilling, mucking, scaling and shotcreting equipment and two No. drilling Jumbos will be deployed at all faces. The drilling shall be done with heavy duty rock drills fitted with pneumatic auto feeds and mounted on plate form of drilling jumbos. The mounting shall be capable of swinging up, down and side ways so that drill can be slanted in any desired direction to meet the requirements. The jumbos should be skid mounted or on rubber tyres, to enable removal to a safe distance after drilling to avoid any damage due to blasting. Defuming shall be done by air blowers installed in the inlet/outlet of the tunnel faces. Scaling will be done with heavy duty pavement breakers. Mucking will be done with low profile 4.5 cum capacity dumper and loading with short boom loader 1.15 cum. Capacity. Compressed air required for tunnel will be supplied by the elect. Compressor.and suitable arrangement will be made by standby diesel driven air compressor. Shotcreting shall be done in crown portion upto spring level of the tunnel. This operation shall be done concurrently with mucking. Suitable rock bolting as required shall be done in moderately jointed and good rock reaches of tunnel which shall be grouted in position concurrently with mucking operation. Segmental steel ribs shall be provided where required and rib bending shall be done with hydraulic rib bending press to the required shape.

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Requirement of Excavation M/C: Excavated dia of tunnel Tunnel cross section Add 20% over break Total Volume of muck per pull of one meter Pull Shift working Drill time per pull Mucking per pull Excavation qty. to be handled per shift Programme Work load per hour Drilling required for one cum is Drilling required for 5.45m Estimated average programme of 120cfm Heavy jack hammer No.of jack hammers required per hour For six faces Add 30% standby = 2x6 =3 m =6.81/3=2.27 No.say2 Nos =12 Nos =3.6 =15.6Nos say 16 Nos Compressed Air: Compressed air required for 2 Nos Jack hammers Compressed air required for 2 Nos Autofeed Add 20% pressure loss and leakage 50x2 =100 cfm =340 cft 68 408 cft
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=3.4 m =II/4x3.4 =9.08 =1.82 =10.90 =10.9x1 =10.9 cum =1 m =1 Shift =2 Hour =3 Hour =10.9m =2 Hour =10.9/2 =5.45m =1.25 m =6.81 m




Select 500 cfm Air compressor for one face for six faces loading Excavated qty.to be handled per shift Swell factor for excavated rock Qty. to be handled Time Work Load per hour Ideal production per hour Job and management factor for fair job and Good management Bucket fill factor Time factor Actual output per hour Actual after swell factor No. of loader required per face For six faces From HRT to Dump yard Total Load Select 4.5cum cap dumper Actual cap. Taking swell factor into Consideration Loading time Haul time
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=6 Nos

6.81m 0.63

=6.81/0.63=10.81 say 11m 3 Hour =11/3 =3.67m =27.m =0.69 =0.75 =0.83 =27x0.69x0.75x0.83 =11.59m =11.60/0.63 =11/18.40 = 6x1 say 11.60m =18.40m =0.60 say One No. = 6 Nos. =800 m. =1Km =1.00+0.80 =1.80Km

Select 0.28 cum cap.loader and one way haul 20 mt.

Average maximum lead in tunnel =800

=4.5x0.63 =2.80x60/18.40 =1.80x2x60/10

=2.80m =9.13 Min. =3 Min. =21.6Min.

Dumping, turning and spotting time


Total cycle time No. of trips per 50 mint. working hour Qty. carried by one dumper No. of dumper required For six faces Add 20% standby Total Now total M/C for Excavation Skid mounted drill jumbo with mounting For 2 Nos pneumatic autofeed heavy Duty jack hammer with mounting capable Of rotating in all directions Heavy duty jack hammer Air compressor 500cfm Loader Bottom Dumper 4.5m3 Rib bending M/C Shotcreting M/C Crawler dozer 90 HP Pavement breaker Concreting Equipment: Overt Concreting: =3x6 =50/33.73 =2.80x1.48

=33.73 Min. =1.48 Nos =4.14m

=11.00/4.14 =2.66 Say 3 Nos =18Nos =3.6 say 4 Nos =22 Nos

2Nos 16Nos 6Nos 6Nos 22Nos 6 Nos 6Nos 6Nos 4Nos

75% section of tunnel comprising overt/crown shall be concreted by using 3 m. long mild steel concreting gantry on rails, having collapsible forms, vibration shall be done by shutter vibrators fixed with forms and needle vibrators inserted through inspection windows with the gantry.
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Concrete shall be transported in side the tunnel in transit mixers and fed in to the hopper of the pumpcrete. Two nos gantry each 3mt long will be provided at each face to speed up the progress of work. While concreting is going in one gantry the other gantry will be erected so that on the following day the concreting is continued. Thus 3m lining will be done in one day in one face. Immediately after removing of the gantry the curing will be started through sprinkling pipes/manifolds. Invert concreting: Remaining 25% concreting of the tunnel i.e invert lining shall be done after overt portion of the tunnel has been completed at each face. The methodology for invert lining shall be conventional hanging plate form/bridge and screed method. A trolley carrying concrete shall move over rails filled over sleepers resting over side plates. These side plates shall be anchored in the walls of overt concrete. The concrete shall be transferred from concrete mixers to trolley, which in run will unload itself over the bridge at the point of placement. Requirement of Concreting M/C: Concreting shall be carried out in 8 hours and rest of 16 hours shall be given for the setting of the concrete. Concrete for overt and invert Add 20% overbreak Length of the pour Concrete required per hour
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=II (3.4 - 2.6) 4

= 3.77 Sq.m. =0.75/4.52 m2 =3 m.




Period Rate of concrete placement per hour Losses in transportation and handling Rate of concrete production/Hr. Cap. Of pumpcrete No.of pump required at each face For six faces Standby 20% Batching and mixing plant Hourly output capacity requirement for Two shifts Already installed for intake works. Transit Mixer: Rate of concrete production/hours/face Select 1 m transit mixer Average lead Speed Haulage time Charging time Mixing time Discharging time No.of trips of transit mixer of 50Min. Working hour Concrete qty. carried per hour No.of transit mixer required Total Transit mixer required Stand by 20%
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=8 Hours =13.56/8 =1.69m 5% =1.69x1.05 =1.77m =2 cum =1 =6x1 =6 Nos =1.20/7.20 =8 Nos


=3.54m =12 cum

Required cap of batching and mixing plant

=1.77m =2 Km =10 Km =2x2x60/10 =24 Min. =0.50 Min. =2.70 Minn. =0.50 Min. 27.70 Min. =50/27.70 =1.8x1 =1.80 Nos =1.80m =4 Nos =0.8

=1.77/1.80 Say.one No. =4x1


4.8 Say 5 Nos Concreting equipment required is as under:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Concreting gantry Concrete pump Shutter vibrator Needle vibrator Grout pump Batching & Mixing plant Transit mixer Agg. Processing plant 12 Nos 8Nos 5Nos 5Nos 4Nos 1No. 5No. 1No.

Requirement of Agg.

= 1.77x2x8x2.314x1.05x1.10x4 7 =43.18 Say 44MT

Fine Agg. Construction Time Schedule:



Excavation:- Total time for excavation considering 3 m pull per day in each face and taking 25 days as working days=850/3x25= 12 Months Concreting:- Total time for concreting considering 12m progress per day in each faces and taking 25 days as working days Grouting and cleaning Total = 850/12x25 =3 Months =4 Months =19 Months

XI - 25



Surge Shaft and its Adits: The HRT terminates in the surge shaft and after the completion of the adits, excavation of the surge shaft will be started. Methodology of Construction: Adit excavation shall be done with conventional method of

drilling,blasting and muck loading in 4.5m capacity low profile dumpers. Shaft Driving: The shaft excavation shall be started after completion of adit excavation. A pilot hole of 2 mt dia shall be driver first by vertical down ward drilling, blasting, supporting as required, annual loading made in one cum steps which shall be lifted up by double drum hoist set, located at the top of the surge shaft. After completion of the pilot shaft and connecting its bottom to the outlet adit, slashing of the sides of the pilot shaft shall be done by conventional bench drilling, blasting, collection and dropping muck through the pilot hole, which shall be further hauled through outlet adit by using crawl loader and low profile dumpers. Concreting: Concrete mix shall be transported from batching and mixing plant installed near power house complex through transit mixer and shall be led to mixing points through four No. chutes located diametrically opposite to each other in shaft. The velocity of the falling concrete in the chutes shall be checked at regular intervals so that segregation is
XI - 26



The vibration of the concrete shall be done by using

shutter/needle vibrator. Adit: 1. Drilling 2. Charging & blasting 3 .Defusing 4. Muck removing, sealing 5. Rock Blasting,erection of steel support 6. Backfilling Total Excavation M/C Excavated dia of adit Cross section Add 20% over break Excavation per unit length A pull of one mt per shift is assumed. Jack Hammer: Excavation requirement per shift Programme Work load per hour Drilling required for one cum Drilling required for 7.5m No.of jack hammer required
XI - 27

=2 .00hr =0.50 hr. =1.00 hr. =3.00 hr. =1.00 hr. =0.50 hr 8.00hr

=4 m. =/4x4 =12.56 Sq.m =2.51 =15.05 Sq.m. =15.07m

=15.07m =2 Hours =15.07/2 =7.50m =3Mt/Hour =1.25 m =9.375 m =9.375/3 =3.125 Nos

Estimated capacity of 120 cfm Jack hammer


Say 3 Nos Add 20% standby = 0.60 Nos =3.6Nos Say 4 Nos Compressed Air: Compressed air required for 3 Nos=3x120 Compressed air required for 3 Nos Autofeed Add 20% for pressure dro; =50x3 =150cfm =102 cfm -----------------612 cfm Say 700 cfm Mucking Loading & Hauling Equipment: Swell factor Total quantity of muck be handled=15.07/0.63 Time Requirement of muck to be handled per hour 24/3 Ideal production Job management factor Time factor Bucket fill factor Actual production/hr = 27x0.75x0.83x0.65 =10.92/0.63 =8/17.33 Actual after swell factor So No. of loader required =0.63 =23.92m Say 24m =3 Hours =8m =27m =0.75 =0.83 =0.65 =10.92m =17.33m =0.47 Say One =360cfm

Select 0.287 cum cap.loader and one way haul 15 mt.

XI - 28


Dumper: Qty. available per hour Lead Select 4.5m low profile dumper Taking swell factor Loading time Dumping and spotting time Haul time Total time Quantity carried by one dumper Quantity per hour No of dumper required Add 20 % stand by Total =8/4.84 =0.4 =2x2x60/15 = 4.5x0.63 =2.80m =3 Min. =16Min. =28.82 Min. =2.8*1.73 =4.84 m =8m =1.65 nos say 2 nos =say one nos = 3 nos =2.80x60/17.33=9.82 Min. =8m =2 KM

Dumper trips per 50 minutes working hour=50/28.82 =1.73 nos

Crawl dozer :_ one dozer at excavation site for dozing and collection of muck to the shovel and one will be required to spread the muck at dump site and other misc. jobs. Shaft Driving: Pilot shaft of dia Qty. of excavation Time distribution: Drilling Charging and blasting Defusing Mucking including steel supports =1 hour =0.5 hour =1.00 hour =5 hours 8Hours
XI - 29

=2 m. =II/4x2 =3.14m


Jack Hammers: Volume per unit length Pull per shift Progress of 120 cfm jack hammer Drilling required for 1 cum Drilling required for 3.14 Drilling required per hour No.of jack hammer required Stand by Total Compressed air for jack hammer Compressed air for1 no.autofeed Add 20% line losses =120x1 = 50x1 =2.62/3 =3.14m =1 m. =3 m/Hr. =1.25 m =3.925m. =3.925/1.5 =2.62m. =1Nos =1 Nos = 2 Nos =120 cfm =50Cfm =170 cfm =34 cfm ----204 cfm Deployed 210 cfm air compressor Muck Loading and Hauling Equipment: Muck to be handle per shift Time Muck to be handled per hour =4.98/5 =3.14/0.63 =4.98m =5 Hours =1m 1 No.

Cycle time per 1 cum capacity loaded skip hoisting out(Assuming loading of skips by 4 No. belchas (Shovel) One No. belchas fill of 0.2 cft muck loaded/hr. of 50 Min. hour. = 5x1x0.2x4 Loading time for one cum skip Hoisting and lowering time
XI - 30

= 1.13m =53 Min. =2 Min.



Dumping Time Muck removed per 50 Min./Hr. = 50/56

=1 Min. 56 Min. =0.89m

Thus muck required to be handled per hour can be removed in time as stated above. 2Nos electric hoisting equipment 5 MT Capacity shall meat the above requirement for loading in the dumpers and haulage of muck, machinery required as under:Loader and Dumpers: For loading of muck in dumpers 4.5m capacity one loader of 0.282m per hour is sufficient. No.of dumper required:Muck to be handled per shift No.of dumpers required 20% standby =3.14/0.63 =4.98m =4.98/2.80 =1.77 say2 Nos = 0.40 2.40 say 3 Nos Now widening of surge shaft Excavated dia of shaft X-Section area Add 10% over brake Working shift,two nos pull per shift Qty.per shift =12.52/2 Qty. of excavation per mt of height of the shaft =4.3m =II/4(4.30-2) =11.38 =11.38m =1.14 12.52m =0.5m =6.26m

XI - 31


Shift time distribution: Drilling Charging and blasting Defusing Dozing of muck Mucking and providing steel supports Total Estimated progress of 120 cfm cap.heavyduty Jack hammer Drilling required for one cum Drilling required for 12.52x1.25 Drilling time Drilling work load per hour No.of Jack hammer required Stand by 20 % Compressed Air: Requirement of compressed for 2 Nos Jack Hammers: Requirement of compressed air 2 Nos Autofeeds Add 20 % Pressure drop & Leakage Plan for 1000 Cfm cap. Air Comp. Muck loading and haulage reqauired per shift Mucking time Muck handle requirement per hour =15.65/3.5 Select 0.5m loader Considering one way haul as 15 m.
XI - 32

=3.00 Hour =0.5 Hour =0.5 Hour =0.5 Hour 3.5 Hour 8 =3 m. =1.25 m =15.65m =3 Hour =15.65/3 =5.21/3 =5.21 m. =1.74 Nos Hours

=0.4 Say 2 Nos

=120x2 =50x2

=240 cfm =100 cfm 340 Cfm 72Cfm 412 Cfm =1 No. =15.65m =3 Hour =4.47m


Ideal production per hour Now taking into consideration management factor,


Time factor and bucket fill factor=42x0.75x0.75x0.83 =19.60m Actual output of loader after swell factor=19.60/10.63=31.11m So loader requirement Dumpers: Qty. per hour available Select 4.5m Dumper Lead Loading time Dumping, turning & spotting time Haulage time Total time No.of trips of 50 min.W/Hour Qty. carried by one dumper No. of dumpers required Add 20% standby Total Dozer Total machinery required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Heavy jack hammers Loader 0.5m Dumper Compressor 1000 cfm Dozer 180 HP 5 MT Hoist Steel bending hydraulic phase Shotcrete machine
XI - 33

=15.65/31.11=1 No

=15.65m =2 Km =2.9x60/31.11 =60x4/10 =50/32.40 =2.80x1.54 =15.65/4.32 =5.40 Min. =3 Min. =24 Min. = 32-40 mts =1.54 Min. =4.82m =3.62 Say 4 Nos 1 Nos =5 nos =1 No. during shift

4 Nos 1 Nos 5 Nos 1 No. 1 No. 2 Nos 1000 1 No.


9. 10.

Grouting machine Diesel stand by Air Comp.500cfm

1 No. 2 No.

Concreting: In double shift working daily concreting will be done for 4 hours and remaining 12 hours shall be used for making arrangements for reinforcement and shifting of forms. Total concreting Concreting programme So hourly concreting placement Handling Loss Rate of concrete production per hour utilized for this. Select 1 m capacity transit mixer Load Speed Haulage time Changing time Mixing time Discharge time Total No.of trips of transit mixer in 50 Min. Working hour Concrete Qty carried in 1 Hr.. Transit mixer required Details of Machinery: 1. Transit Mixer 1m Cap.
XI - 34

=530m =2 Month =530/25x2x4=2.65m =5 % =2.65x1.05 =2.78m

Batching and mixing plant 12m installed near Power House will be

=1 Km =10 Km =1x2x60/10 =12 Min. =0.50 Min. =2.70 Min. =0.50 Min. 15.70 Min.

=50/15.70 =3.18 Nos =3.18x1 =3.18m =2.78/3.18 =1 No.



2. 3. 4.

Needle vibrator Shutter vibrator Batching and mixing plant

3Nos 3Nos 1No.

Coarse Agg. Daily requirement of Aggregatre Coarse Agg. Fine Agg. of hr. Construction Time Schedule: 1. 2. Adit-I Adit-II =66 m =50m =1.32 Month Say 1 Month (b) Adit II Bottom Length Time Length of Surge shaft Pilot shaft driving= taking a pull of one m per day Pull in 25days month So time taken Pull per day 1 m per day Total pull in 25 days working month Time taken =108/25 =25x1=25 m =4.32 say 4.5 Months (d) Side slashing and enlargement =25x1 =108/25 =25m =4.32 Say 4.5 Month =90+6 =96/50 =96m =1.92 Say 2 Month =29.20m =3.18x2.314x4x4x1.05x1.10/7 =19.42 m =10 m Say 20 m.

(a)Length of top audit 60MT+Dome cutting Taking 2MT pull per per day Monthly pull in a month of 25 days Time required =2x25 =66/50

XI - 35


Concreting: Time for concreting Hence total time 11.3.7 Pressure Shaft and Adits: Excavation Equipment

=2 Months =9 Months.

The excavation of the shaft will be done with the help of two alimake raise climbers. The Alimake platform will be moved on the guide rails and utilized for drilling works and other associated activities. The Alimake will be moved to its original position i.e working bench when the blast is to be taken. The muck will come to bottom by gravity, where loading done by loaders and muck hauled in the dumpers. The machinery for the construction of the adit will be same as in the case of surge shaft. Excavation in pressure shaft Finished dia of the pressure shaft Excavated dia=2.1+2x0.5+2x0.15= X-sectional area II/4xd=II/4x3.4= Add 10 % over break Qty. of excavation per M Length The excavation cycle will be as under 1.Raise the platform of Alimac to face and find the light. 2.Tunnet face chilling 3. Loading of explosive 4. Withdrawal of Alimac and blast 5. Defuming
XI - 36

=2.1m =3.4 m =9.08 Sqm =0.91 Sqm Say 10 Sqm =10m

=1Hour =3Hour =1Hour =1Hour =1Hour


6. Scaling of loose muck 7. Extend guide rail and motoring profile 8. Mucking

=2Hour =5Hour =2Hour 16Hours

Keeping in view a cycle time of 16 hours three blast will take place in 48 hours, if pull of one Mt is taken per blast then 3m progress will be achieved in two days. Thus giving average progress of 1.5m per day. In two faces the progress will be 3m. Total length of the pressure shaft So time taken =825/3x2 =825 m =6 Month

The machinery for excavation will be same as in the case pressure shaft except Alimake Raise Climber. Steel Lining and Concreting: Laying of the steel liner, welding, testing of weld joints and the concreting in the gap between the liner in top and inclined portion shall be done from the outlet and from the mid adit of the penstock. The 3 mtr. long assembly of the penstock will be transported on truck through adit and will be unloaded with the help of EOT crane in valve house and in the middle of the penstock. Then lowered in to the pressure shaft through trolleys moving on rails tracks and controlled by rope and winch arrangements. Welded joints will be tested at site by ultra sonic and gamma rays. Radiographic inspection shall be carried out after erection of liner at site while the inner surface shall be painted with hot coltar enamel outside surface shall be given cement wash. Field repair work of the circumferential joints shall be carried inside the shaft. All concrete required shall be met out from the batching and mixing plant installed at Power House complex. Which shall be placed in
XI - 37


annular space around the liner by pumpcrete. Equipment Planning: Volume of excavation/unit length Pull to be achieved Time cycle Time for drilling Then peak Ex. Workload per hour Drilling required for one cum Then 3.60x1.25 Estimated progress of jack hammer So jack Hammer required Add 20% standby compressed air: For two NosJack Hammer For 2 nos Autofeed Add 20% for line loss Provide air comp. 500 cfm =2*120 =50x2 =240 cfm =100 340 cfm = 68 =408 cfm =4.5/3 =9x1.20 =10.80/3 =9m =1.5m per day =16Hours =3 Hours =10.80m =3.60cum =1.25m =4.5m =3 m =1.5Nos =0.30 Say 2 Nos

Since the equipment are to be planned 20% peak requirement

Defuming in the pressure shaft will be done by air compressor by free delivery of air in the tunnel face. Loading: Excavated quantity to be handled Taking swell factor into consideration =9./0.63 Muck time
XI - 38

=9m =14.28m =2Hours


Work load per hour Ideal production per hour


=7.14m =42m =19.60m

Select 0.5m cap. Loader with one way haul distance 15 m. Actual production by taking time factor, Job management and bucket fill factor Actual after swell factor No.of loader required Muck Transportation: Minimum as per surge shaft Total M/C required in two faces 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Heavy duty jack Hammers Elect. Air compressor 500 cfm Diesel Air Comp.500 cfm standby Loader Dumper Alimak climber 4 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 6 Nos 2 Nos 3 Nos =19.60/0.63 =31.11m

=14.28/31.11 =One

Penstock Liner Concreting Penstock assembly in 3 m length each shall be placed in position. Concrete shall be poured when 6 m length of steel liner has been erected. The steel liner segment shall be kept in position with the help of trolleys on the rail track and operated by electric winch. Carriage of the penstock liner in inclined reach shall be done through adits. The penstock pieces for bottom horizontal reach will be unloaded by the Power House crane and marked into position by trolleys moving on the rail tracks and pulled by winch. Progress on the installation will be 9 m in four days from both faces covering installation, welding, testing, repair of welds, paints, patch work and concreting operation.

XI - 39


Machinery: Length of penstock assembly Dia Max. thickness of penstock Max. outside dia Weight = II/4(2.20 - 2.10)x3x7.85 Provide 10 MT capacity winch Concreting has been proposed after every four days for a advance of 9 MT. Concrete section Qty. of concrete Programme Hourly requirement =60.75/6 =II/4(3.4 - 2.1)=5.61Sqm Say 6.75 Sqm = 6.75x9 =60.75 m =6 Hours =10.125m Say11m Batching and mixing plant required of at least 10m capacity Dumpers: Select 4.5m dumpers Distance Loading time at 20m batching and Mixing plant Dumping and spotting time Haulage time 2x2x60/17.5 Total cycle time No.of trips per hour of 50 Min. Qty. carried by one dumper in one hour No. of dumpers required Transit Mixers Concrete production per hour
XI - 40

=3m =2.1m 50mm =2.10+.10 =2.20m =7.95m

Production per hour taking 5% handling loss =10.125x1.05=10.63

=2 Km =4.5x60/20 =13.5 Min. =3 Min. =13.71 Min. =30.21 Min. =50/30.21 =2.8x1.66 =9/4.64 =1.66 Nos =4.648m =1.94 Say 2 Nos =8m


Select 1.5m transit mixer Load Speed Haulage Charging time Mixing time Discharging time No. of trips of transit mixer per 50 Min. working hour Transit mixer required Stand by Details of Machinery: 1.Transit Mixer 1m Cap. 2.Pump crete 3.Welding machine 4.Ultrasonic testing machine 5.Gamma Radio graphic machine. 6.Winch 10 T 7.Dumper Batching and mixing plant The one installed near Intake site shall be used for concreting at surge shaft level. Daily requirement of coarse Agg. Allowing 5 % transit losses and % production rejection daily requirement of Aggr. For penstock during its concreting programme shall be =45*2.314*4*1.05*1.1/7 Fine Agg. of this
XI - 41

=0.5Km =10 Km =2x0.5x60/10 =6 Min. =0.50 Min. =2.20 Min. =0.50 Min. 970 Min. =50/9.70 =8/7.73 =5.15 =7.725m =1.03 Say 1 =1 =2 2No. 1Nos 1Nos 1No. 1 No 2 No 2 No

Concrete quantity carried by the mixer =1.5x5.15

=68.73 MT Say 69 MT. =34.5 MT


Construction time Schedule: Excavation time: Total time for various reaches consisting of good as well as moderately finished rocks inclusive of adit. 1. Penstock adit: Taking two m pull per day Length 300 m Excavation Total time required for excavation Time for the installation of alimake Time taken for removal of alimake Guide rail and accessories Total time Laying of Steel Liner and Concreting: Penstock liner shall be installed and the concreting will be done afterwards simultaneously. Average progress in 4 days Progress in a month of 25 days Length Time required Cleaning washing and flushing time Total: So total period required =15+23 =825/56 = 9x25/4 =9 m =56.25 m Say 56 m =825 m =14.73 Month Say 15Month =1 Month =16 Months =38 Months. =1 Month =15 Months =6+6 = 300/2 =150/25 =6Months =6 Months =12 months =1Month 2. Time required for the pressure shaft

XI - 42



Power House Complex: In the power house complex the access tunnel will be excavated in the first stage, for this purpose conventional method of drilling blasting and mucking will be used. The details are as under: Excavation of Access Tunnel: The D-shaped access tunnel of finished dia 7x7 mt (excavated size 7.30x7.30m) will be started in the first stage of the construction. The length of the tunnel is 80 mt. Equipment Plannning: Requirement of excavation M/C Tunnel X-section =II/4xx7.3+7.3x3.65 =20.19+26.5 =46.24 Sqm Volume of excavation per unit length Add 20% overbreak Shift working Pull in 3 shift Working cycle per shift Drilling Charging, blasting & removal of jumbo Defuming Muck removing and shotcreting Rock bolting and steel supports Back filling Total =2 Hour =0.5 Hours =0.5 Hours =3 Hours =1.5 Hour =0.5 Hour =8Hours =46.84x1 =46.84m = 4.68 51.52m =3 =3 m

XI - 43


Jack hammer: Excavated qty. to be handled per shift per pull Program Work load/hour Drilling required for one cum Drilling required for No.of jack hammer required Add 20% stand by Estimated average progress of jack hammer =5152/2 =51.52m =2Hours =25.76m =1.25m. =25.76x1.25=32.20 m 3 m/hour =10.73 Say 11 Nos = 2.20 13.20 say 13 Nos Compressed Air Compressed air required Compressed air for 11 Nos autofeeds Add 20% for leakage losses Select two nos Elect. Comp.1500 cfm cap.each Loading: Excavated quantity to be handled per shift Taking 0.63 as swell factor Time Work load per hour Select 1.15 cum capacity loader Ideal production Taking into consideration management factor, Time factor and bucket fill factor=63x0.69x0.75x0.83=27.06m Actual after swell factor No. of loader required
XI - 44


=11x120 =50x11

=1320 cfm =550 cfm 1870 cfm =374 cfm 2244 cfm

=51.52m =3Hours

=5152/0.63 =81.78m =81.78/3 =27.26m =63 m

=27.06/0.63 =42.95m =27.26/42.95=1 No.


Muck transportation per hour Qty. available for handling Lead Select 4.5m Capacity dumper Loading time Dumping furning and spotting time Haul time Total cycle time No. of trips/hour of 50 Min. Qty. carried by one Dumper No. of dumper required =50/21.29 =4.5x2.35 =1x2x60/10

=27.06m =1 Km =4.5x60/42.95=6.29 Min. =3 Min. =12 Min. =21.29 Min. =2.35 =10.575 m Say. 3 Nos


One No.dozer required at the excavation site used for spreading of muck at dump site. cable tunnel:

and same will be

A cable tunnel 105m long finished dia 3x3m(excavated dia 3.3x3.3m) Tunnel section Add 10 % over break Quantity of excavation per unit length Cycle Time Drilling Charging and blasting Defuming Mucking scaling and shotcreting Steel support Back filling
XI - 45

=II/2x3.3+3.3x1.95 =4.28+5.45 =9.73 Sqm =0.94 10.67 =10.67 m

2 Hour 0.5 Hour 0.5 Hour 3 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour


Total Jack Hammer required Work load per hour Progress of jack hammer Total drilling required No. of Jack Hammer required Add 20% standby Air Requirement Jack hammer Auto feed Add20% line losses Select 1000 cfm Elect. Air compressor loading Muck to be handled Muck to be handled per hour =3X120 =3X50 =6.675/3

=8.00 Hours = 10.67/2 =5.34 m =3 m. =5.34x1.25= 6.675 m. =2.225 Say 3 Nos = 1 No. 4 Nos =560 CFM =150 CFM =610 =122 732 cfm 1 No.

=10.67/0.63=16.94m =16.94/3 =5.65m

Select 1.15m loader as justified in case of Access tunnel Dumper: Same as in case of Access Tunnel 4.5m cap.=2 Nos Tail Race Tunnel: A tail race tunnel 4x4.75mt finished dia (excavated dial 4.30x5.05m) and length 120 m. The machinery used in the above tunnel can be utilized here also with same construction methodology.

XI - 46


Utility Tunnel: The utility tunnel of finished dia 4x4.75 mt (excavated dia 4.30x5.05mt) will be excavated from tail race and to link pressure shaft. The length of the tunnel is 70m. The methodology will be same as in case of other tunnels of Power House complex. Machinery for the excavation of these tunnel is as under:1. Skid mounted Jumbo with mounting for 4 Nos jack Hammer 2. Jack Hammer 3. Elect. Air compressor 1500 cfm 4. do1000 cfm 5. Diesel Air Comp.stand by 500 cfm 6. Loader 7. Dumper 8. Dozer Power House Cavity: The Power House cavern size will be 89.50x15.50x32.15 m. Excavation: The excavation will be started from the segment =2/3x5.10x15+5.10/2x1.15 Add 10% over break The total excavation in Power House cavern And to be completed in 12 Month Work load per month Programme one month of 25 days
XI - 47

4 Nos 20 Nos 3 Nos 2 No. 3 Nos 3 Nos 8 Nos 3 Nos

=55.42 m = 5.54 60.96m =39000m

=39000/12 =3250m


Shift working Daily excavation requirement Working time distribution in one shift Drilling Charging and blasting and defuming Muck removal and scaling Providing support Total Jack Hammer Excavated quantity per shift Work load per hour Drilling required for one cum Total drilling required No. of jack hammer required=26.88/3 Add 20% stand by =130/3 =43/2 =3250/25

=3 =130m =2 Hours =1.5Hour =3 Hour =1 Hour =8 Hours

=43 m =21.5m =3 m =1.25 =26.88 m =8.96 Say.9 Nos =1.80 =10.8 Say 11 Nos

Estimated average progress of jack hammer

Air Requirement: Jack hammer Autofeed 9x50 Add 20% line losses =9x120 =1080 cfm =450 cfm =1530 cfm =306 cfm =1836 cfm Plan of two nos Air Comp. 1000 cfm Cap.and diesel air comp. of same capacity as stand by. Loader: Swell factor
XI - 48



Total muck to be handled per shift Select 1.15m3 Loader


=68.25m =22.75m as one

Muck handling requirement per hour 68.25/3

Loader capacity already calculated in Access Tunnel 42.95 justification already made in case of Access Tunnel loader is required Dumpers: Qty. available per hour for handling Average lead Select 4.5m Cap. Dumper Loading time Dumping turning and spotting time Haulage time Total Dumper trips per hour Qty. carried by one dumper No. of dumper required Add 20% stand by =50/21.29 =4.5x2.35 =1x2x60/10 =4.5x60/42.95=6.29 Min. =3 Min. =12 Min. =21.29 Min. =2.35 =10.575 =22.75m =1 Km hence

=22.75/10.575=2.15 =2.58 say 3 Nos

One No. dozer will be provided at the site of excavation for collection/dozing of muck and will also be used for spreading of muck of dump site. Total requirement of m/c for excavation:1. 2. 3. 4. Jack hammer Heavy duty. Air Comp.1500 cfm Elect. Air Comp. diesel 1500 cfm Loader 1.15
XI - 49

10 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 1 No.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Dumper 4.5 Dozer Air Blower Drill Jumbo Pavement Breaker Steel Rib bending m/c 50 MT Cap. Dewatering Pump Sump pump Grouting m/c Shotcreting m/c

3 Nos 2 No. 2 Nos 2 Nos 5 Nos 2 Nos 5 Nos 2 Nos 1 No. 1 No.

The excavation machinery as required in tunnels of power house complex shall be available for power house cavity as well.

Concreting:Concreting in Power House complex Total concreting is to be completed in 10 month Month wise concreting =5400/10 =540m In three shift working of 24 hours daily concreting shall be done for 4 hours and 18 hours shall be utilized for making concreting arrangement, embededment component etc. Concrete placement required per hour =540/25x4 =5.4m Say 6.3 Batching and mixing plant already installed near Power House of 20 cum capacity will be utilised For this. Vibration 10 Nos Transit mixer 1.5m capacity Concrete production required per hour5.40x1.05x1.10 =6.24 placing and reinforcement, of shifting of forms, alignment sub-structure machinery =5400m

XI - 50


The requirement of concreting M/C is as under;1. 2. 3. 4. Batching and Mixing Plant 20m Cap. Needle vibrator Shutter vibrator Transit mixer 1 No. 10 Nos 5 Nos 5 Nos =6.3x4x4x2.314/7 =20 MT. =10 MT.

Aggregate requirement Coarse Agg, Requirement of fine aggregate. Construction Time schedule 1. Access tunnel Taking 3 Mt pull per day in three shift Length Time 2. CableTunnel length Time 3 Tail Race Tunnel Pull Length 4. Utility tunnel 70/3 Power House caivity Total time Time for concreting So total time required =17+10 =120/3 =3 M =40 day Say 1month 24 days Say one month =12 Month =17 Month =10 Month =27 Months =105/3 =80/3 =80 m =27 days = 1 Month 3 m pull =105 m =35 Say.1 month

XI - 51



RECOMMENDATIONS Detailed construction planning may be carried out detailing

requirement of land, construction power, building and road network.

XI - 52



Sr no 1 a) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Viii) ix) b) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) c) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) d) i) ii) iii) iv) v) e) i)

Equipment Diversion Tunnel, Dam 2 &Intake Drilling Equipment Jack hammer Pavement breaker Air comp.(E) 1500 Air comp.(D)1500 Air comp.(E) 1000 Air comp.(D)1000 Air comp.(D)500 Air comp.(E) 500 Air comp.(D)171 Earth moving Equipment Excavator Dumper 15 T Dumper 8.3 cum Dumper 4.5 cum Loader Dozer 90 HP Dozer 180 HP Construction Plant Agg. Proc.Plant70T B & M Plant 30 cum Concrete Mixer Transit Mixer Needle vibrator Shutter vibrator Concrete Pump Tunneling Equipt Alimake raise climber Drilling Jumbo Rib bending M/C Shot creting M/C Grouting M/C Dewatering pump Sump pump 20 HP 8

Desilting tank 4


Surge shaft 6

Pressure shaft 7

Power house 8

16 4

20 5 3 2 2 3

1 4

2 6

1 2

2 2

1 1 4 8 2 1

8 1 1 22 6 6

5 1 1 6 2 3 8 3 2

1 1 5 5 3 4 10 10

1 3 5 5 8

1 1 3 3 2

1 1 5 10 5

2 2 2 1 2 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 2

1 1 2
XI - 53

1 1


ii) iii) f) i) ii) iii)


Pump Pump

50 HP 20 HP

2 2

2 2 23

Miscellaneous equipt Welding M/C Air Hoist Ultrasonic testing machine Gamma Racher graphic machine

1 1 1
1 2

1 1

v) Winch 10 MT

XI - 54


XI - 55



12.1 GENERAL The estimates of cost have been prepared to arrive at the total capital cost of the project. The estimates are based on the prices prevailing in March 2004,for materials, equipments, labour, etc. Interest during construction period and financing charges separately. The estimates of cost have been prepared in two parts - Part - I covers the Civil works of the project, while Part - II covers Electrical works. The cost of transmission has not been worked out separately. 12.2 COST OF CIVIL WORKS The detailed estimates of cost of civil works are based on the conceptual layout planning and preliminary design of different components of works after review of site conditions, analysis and studies etc. General arrangement and layout details of various structures as well as their features are shown in drawings . The rates for major items of civil works has been taken as per guidelines except for underground excavation. Rates for minor item of works and lump sum provisions for some works have been made on the basis of experience of similar works on other projects which have been recently completed or are under construction. have been worked out

XII - 1


The rates for hydraulic gates, hoists, and cranes etc. are based on the prevalent market rates for such works. A provision of 5% of the cost has been made to cover contingencies and work charged staff in the estimates of different components of civil works. The contingencies have not been taken on items for which L.S. amount has been provided. 12.2.1 Broad Sub-Head-Wise Provisions For Civil Works The provisions under various sub-heads are based as per guide lines for preparation of detailed project reports of Irrigation and Multipurpose Projects issued by Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. Broad provisions made under various sub-heads of civil works are briefly described below : A - Preliminary Under this head provision has been made for topographical surveys, geological and geophysical investigations including drilling and drifting, field and laboratory tests on rocks, construction material investigations and testing, collection of hydrological and meteorological data, hydraulic model studies for dam and intake etc., environmental and ecological studies. Provision has been made for consultant's fees for preparation of the project report and other reports. The total provision under this subhead is Rs. 176.24 lac which is within 2% of the I-Works as per guidelines.

B - Land
XII - 2


This sub-head covers the provision for acquisition/purchase of land for permanent works, approach roads, camp sites, workshops, stores, offices and permanent colony for the maintenance staff etc. The provision has also been made for compensation of houses and trees etc. coming in the reservoir submergence. The total provision under this sub-head is Rs. 156.75 lac. C Works This covers the cost of river diversion works and diversion dam including cost of hydraulic gates and hoists and upstream and downstream protection works. The total provision under this sub-head is as below:


Diversion dam








J - Power Plant Civil Works Under this sub-head provision has been made for the following works: i) Intake, sedimentation chambers and flushing conduits Rs. 621.54 Lac


Head race tunnel





Surge shaft
XII - 3






Pressure shafts and penstocks





Power house complex





Hydro-mechanical works








K - Buildings Provision has been made under this sub-head for permanent and temporary residential buildings for various categories of staff, nonresidential buildings for offices, workshops, stores, rest houses and field hostels and other service buildings such as hospital, school, police station and utility services etc. Provisions for land development, lawns and gardens, fencing, internal water supply, sanitation and electrical fittings have been made as per norms for various type of buildings as per norms. The total provision under this sub-head is Rs.547.64 lac, which is 4.60% of the I-Works (Civil and Electrical works). This is well within permissible limit.

M - Plantation A lump sum provision of Rs. 6.5 lac has been made under this sub-head for plantation near the Barrage and reservoir area, colony and camp sites etc. O - Miscellaneous
XII - 4


Under this sub-head provision has been made for the following items : i) Capital cost of electrification, water supply, sewage disposal and drainage. ii) Fire fighting equipment, telephone, telegraph, wireless and other communication facilities. iii) Recreation facilities and beautification of project area. iv) Maintenance services for electrification, water supply etc. and other services including security arrangement and fire fighting arrangement. v) Running of inspection vehicles, transport of staff, school buses and ambulances. vi) Other items such as visit of dignitaries, technical record of works, power supply, compensation to workmen, writing of completion report and history of project etc. vii) Construction power arrangements for construction of civil works and for camp sites and workshop etc. during the construction period. The total provision under this sub-head is Rs. 139.20 lac which is within 4% of the I-Works (Civil and Electrical works) as per guide lines. P - Maintenance The provision has been made under this sub-head for maintenance of buildings and roads, and main civil works during the construction period. The total provision is Rs. 105.69 lacs which is about 1% of I-Works less
XII - 5


A-Preliminary, B-Land and Q-Special T & P. Q - Special Tools and Plant Provision has been made under this sub-head for vehicles such as cars, jeeps, buses, ambulances etc. Provision for major construction equipment for civil works has not been made under this head, as the construction of civil works will be carried out by a separate construction agency. This is as per recent guidelines of CWC in respect of private sector power projects. The total provision under this subhead is Rs. 47.10 Lac. R - Communications Provision has been made under this sub-head for construction of roads and bridges including approach roads. Provision has also been made for remodelling and strengthening of main highway and bridges to make them suitable for transport of heavy equipment for power station. The total provision under this subhead is Rs. 471 Lac.

X - Environment And Ecology Provision under this sub-head has been made for compensatory afforestation, measures for maintaining environment and ecological balance of the area, public health measures, establishment of fuel depots etc. Provision has also been made for treatment of catchment area for prevention of soil erosion etc. The total provision under this sub-head is Rs. 26.42 lac.
XII - 6


Losses On Stock Provision under this sub-head has been made at 0.25% of I-work less A preliminary, B - land and Q - special T & P. Establishment Provision has been made @ 8% of I-Works less B-land. This provision also includes establishment for carrying out detailed designs, site supervision, quality control and cost control cell. Tools And Plants Provision @ 1% of I-Works has been made to cover survey instruments, camp equipment, office furniture, office equipment etc. Receipts And Recoveries On Capital Account Under this head estimated recoveries by way of transfer of temporary buildings (@ 15%), resale of special T & P (@ 20%) and other miscellaneous recoveries have been provided. Audit And Accounts It has been taken as 1% of the cost of I-Works. 12.3 COST OF ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS Cost of generating plant and equipment is based on current budgetary prices of plant from M/s BHEL for 30 MW units. A provision of 5% for initial spares has been made along with the cost of
XII - 7


equipment. Prices of major auxiliary equipment and services are based on current budgetary prices while that of some minor items are based on prices for similar equipment procured in the past for similar projects. Provisions for duty, insurance and transport to site are based on prevailing rates. Erection and commissioning charges have been taken as 10% of the cost of equipment based on the experience gained on similar installations in the country. Provisions of other items like Establishment, Audit and Account charges, etc. have been made as per prevailing norms of Central Electricity Authority (CEA). 12.4 T-TRANSMISSION Provision for construction of a 5 km long transmission line from Tidong-II power house to Thopan has been made. Provision for preliminary works, detailed survey, compensation for land etc. has been made as given in annexure-12.3. while details of costs under various sub-heads of transmission works are given in Appendix of PFR.


ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROJECT Total cost of the Project at December 2003 price level works out as under Sr No Description Amount ( Rs Crore) 1. 2. 3. Civil Works E-M Works ( Generating plant and equipment) Transmission works
XII - 8

183.55 68.29 10.86




The abstract of costs of civil of works is given in Annex. 12.1, while details of costs under various sub-heads of civil works are given in Annexures 12.1-12.11 of the report. The abstract of cost for Electrical Works - (generating plant and equipment) are given in Annexure 12.2. 12.6 RECOMMENDATION For cost estimate detailed analysis of rates based on the actual cost and use rate of machinery based on the actual site condition may be carried out.

XII - 9



13.1 GENERAL Tidong-I hydroelectric project has been contemplated as a storage type power generation development on Tidong river a tributary of Satluj River in Kinnaur district. The diversion dam of the project is located just downstream of village Charang and the powerhouse is located near village Lamber about 272 km from Shimla on NH-22. The Project envisages utilization of River Tidong water through a gross head of 531.50 m for generation of 60 MW of Power. This project is estimated to cost Rs. 262.71. Abstract of cost estimate has been given as per Annexure-12.1 of the PFR. Phasing of expenditure for capital required on this project is given as per Annexure-13.1. For preparing financial forecast of this project, interest during construction has been considered as per Annexure-13.2, and cost escalation has also been taken into consideration. Depreciation on Civil and Electrical works has been worked out as per Annexure-13.3. Sale tariff of energy generated at power house bus bars and at purchase centre have been worked out as Rs.2.04 and Rs.2.12 per unit respectively during 90% dependable year as per Annexure 13.4 and Annexure-13.5. 13.2 13.2.1 CAPITAL COST OF THE PROJECT Abstract of Capital Cost Abstract of the capital cost of the project, to the price level of March 2004 is as under.



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No. Description Amount (Rs. In Crores) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. Unit-I Civil works P-Production (Electrical Works) Total Generation 3. Transmission 251.74 10.86 262.71 183.55 68.29

Grand Total Cost of the Project

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13.2.2 Economic Justification It is proposed to evacuate the power generated from Tidong-I project by laying 5 km long, 400 KV D/C line in triple SNOWBIRD conductor up to 400 KV pooling point at/near Thopan Powari, Which is proposed in the same basin. As per recommendations made by PGCIL in their report of master plan for evacuation of power from various projects located in Satluj basin, power from Thopan Powari is proposed to be injected in to Shongtong Karcham which is further proposed to be connected to 400 kV Pooling point near Karcham Wangtoo. It is proposed to creat a 40 kV pooling point at Sherpa colony by LILO of 400 Kv Wangtoo Abdullapur line. For wheeling of power that shall be accumulated at this pooling point, adequate number of feeders or HVDC link shall be established between this pooling point and Northern Grid depending upon over all evacuation



requirement. The power from Tidong-I shall also form part of this accumulated power. 13.2.3 Capital structure Capital structure has been assumed as 70% debt from PFC and 30% equity from the Board. 13.2.4 Revenue Anticipation Power tariff for supply of power at power house bus bars has been assumed as Rs.2.75 per unit, Revenue assessed accordingly for 90% dependable years is Rs.870 crore. 13.2.5 Repayment Period Normally, the leading financial institutions in India prescribe a

repayment period of 15 years including 3 to 4 years moratorium period. A period of 12 years has been therefore been taken into account in fixation of tariff. 13.2.6 Operation and Maintenance Charges As per the guide lines of Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, the Operation and Maintenance charges inclusive of insurance have been taken as 1.5 % of the capital cost. Escalation @ 6% per annum has been assumed to arrive at the O&M charges in the subsequent years. 13.3 COST PER MW The estimated cost of the project at March 2004, price level is Rs. 262.71 crore for an installed capacity of 60 MW. This gives a capital


cost of Rs. 4.5 crore per MW of installed capacity including cost of transmission. At present price level, the cost of medium hydroelectric project at Rs. 4.5 crore per MW is considered to be reasonable. From this criterion, the cost per MW for Tidong-I Hydel Project is reasonable making the project suitable for exploitation. 13.4 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION The detail of cash flow during the construction period and the calculation of interest during construction including interest on IDC has been shown in Annexure-2 andAnnexure-3. It is seen that IDC @ 10.0% on loan from PFC works out to Rs.35.35 crore at power house bus bar and Rs 36.41 crore at purchase centre (including transmission) respectively. 13.5 ENERGY AVAILABLE FOR SALE As per power studies of the project, the total energy generation in 90% dependable year has been arrived at 211.65 MU. As per Govt. of India guide lines, an auxilliary consumption @ 0.5% has been taken into account thus leaving net energy generated in 90% dependable year as 209.11 MU at power house bus bars for sale. 13.6 RATE OF DEPRECIATION As per the revised guide lines circulated by Govt. of India, Ministry of Power, vide notification dated August 1995, the weighted rate of depreciation has been worked out on the basis of straight line formula. The rate of depreciation works out to 3.54% of the equity cost as per Annexure-4.




CALCULATION OF TARIFF Calculation of tariff for primary energy during 35 years of operation for 90% dependable year has been shown in Annexure 5 & 6. At power house bus bar, it will be seen that sale rate of power shall be Rs.2.71 per unit during Ist year of operation and Rs.1.71 per unit during 35th year. The average rate for first ten year works out to Rs.2.32 per unit whereas same for entire period of 35 years, works out to Rs.2.04 per unit. At purchase centre, it will be seen that sale rate of power shall be Rs. 2.82 per unit during Ist year of operation and Rs 1.78 per unit during 35th year. The average rate for first ten year works out to Rs. 2.41 per unit whereas same for entire period of 35 years, works out to Rs.2.12 per unit.




ELECTRO MECHANICAL WORKS 1. General:Tidong-I Hydel Project utilizes the flows of Tidong khad, a tributary of Satluj river and is located in Kinnaur Distt. of Himachal Pradesh . A net head of 511.50 Mts. has been utilized to generate 90 MW of power at Tidong-I power house . The project shall utilize waters of Tidong khad with a design discharge of 19 Cumecs. The salient features of Tidong-I HEP are as under:. Design discharge Net Head Installed capacity No. and size of units Type of Power House Cost of Electrical Works:P-production------T- Transmission--2. Scope:_ This project report incorporates the detailed abstract of cost under the heading P- production (generating plant Equipment) and T- transmission (Transmission lines for evacuation of power). Detailed analysis in the form of various Annexures have been attached to this report. The cost estimates are based on the rates prevailing during the current year i.e. 2002-2003. 3. Power House:The power house site is located on the right bank of Satluj river and is approachable from Kalka (nearest broad gauge Railway station) The underground power house ( 44 m (L) x 16 m(W) x 27 m(H)) will have 2 generating units of 45 MW each along with all the auxiliary facilities such as cooling water / potable water supply system, fire protection system, compressed air supply , oil system, ventilation and Air conditioning system etc. The control room , LT room, Battery room, air conditioning Plant, Offices, cable spreading area will be accommodated in different floors adjacent to the machine hall and will increase the length of power house cavity by 15 m. The service bay shall be located on the opposite end of the machine hall. Provision for the lubricating oil handling plant, the water treatment and filtration plant and store etc. has also been made. The generator transformers will be located in a separate cavity and will be connected to generating units through 11 kV bus ducts. Rs. 8168.91 Lacs. Rs. 3132.80 Lacs. 19 Cumecs 511.50 Meters 90 MW 2 units of 45 MW each. Underground.

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On a floor just above the transformers , 132 kV GIS equipment shall be accommodated. 3. Mechanical Equipment:_


Turbines:The vertical shaft , 4 jet Pelton turbine of 45.92 MW capacity with a rated synchronous speed of 428.56 rpm has been found to be suitable in view of the over all economy of the power house. Each turbine shall be provided with suitable oil pressure unit, Electro hydraulic governor and other requisite control equipment.


Governor:Since Tidong-I power house will be connected with 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point, and shall also be operated as peaking station in tandem with Tidong-II project, it is of great importance that the governor accuracy and sensitivity is of high order so as to ensure that all the regulators behave in the same way for any change in the system load. Thus to avoid mutual hunting and over regulation , it is proposed to provide Electro Hydraulic governor. The governing system for each unit will have an individual oil pressure system consisting of oil to air mixer and an oil tank with two pumps as well as the automatic control equipment. Speed etc. would be indicated both on the governor cubicle and on the unit control board to facilitate supervision of operation of the unit. The controls would include provision for emergency shut down of unit in case of :-

Loss of Pressure in the oil pressure vessel of Governor oil system. Excessive temperature rise in Bearing. Excessive speed rise of the unit. Electrical faults. 3.3
Main Inlet valves :A main inlet valve of the Spherical type would be provided at each turbine inlet for maintenance of the turbine and for emergency isolation of the turbine in the event of governor failure. Each valve shall be actuated by means of servomotor which shall be fed from an independent oil pressure unit. Each valve unit shall constitute a complete independent unit with its own operating system for opening and closing, which will be connected to the automatic start and stop sequence of the respective turbine unit.


Cooling Water and Fire protection System:A pumping system would be provided to supply adequate quantity of water from the tail race for cooling of the turbine and generator bearings, generator air coolers and selected plant services.

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Water for fire protection would be taken from an elevated reservoir providing both reliable operation and ample capacity to fight fire in the power house. A back up water supply to this reservoir would also be provided.


Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage:Water from the cooling water system would be used to supply the plants potable and sanitary water needs. The potable water would be filtered and chemically treated as required. Sanitary sewerage would be treated in a septic system before discharge in to tail race of power plant.


Compressed Air System:A high pressure compressed air plant would be installed to meet the requirements of the governor oil system and the oil pressure system of the spherical valves. A low pressure compressed air plant would also be installed to meet the requirements of the station pneumatic tools and other general purpose in the power house.


Oil System:A portable dehydration unit comprising of oil heaters, Filters, tank etc. would be provided in the power station for the treatment of governor/ Bearings and switch gear oils.


Ventilation and Air Conditioning :Power house would be provided with ventilation system as required for the underground power house work areas and offices. An air conditioning system would be provided to maintain the control room at the selected design temperature and humidity levels. The temperature and humidity level would be selected to suit the requirements of equipment and staff.


Power House Crane:In order to expedite the completion of various construction activities of the power house, 1 No. electric over head travelling bridge crane with capacity of 115/10 tonnes would be installed in the power house primarily for erection, maintenance and repair of the generating units. The cranes would be equipped with motor control system providing suitable procedure for equipment erection.

4. Electrical Equipment :-


Generator:Each generator shall be of vertical shaft, salient pole type, Synchronous generator directly coupled to the hydro turbine and having a rated out put of 50 MVA with 0.9 lag power factor. The generator bearing arrangement shall be of conventional type i.e. suspended type. It is proposed to equip the generators with dynamic braking in addition to the friction brakes. The generator shall have

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class-F insulation in line with modern practice and temperature restricted to class-B insulation. The generator will be air cooled with a closed ventilation system using air water heat exchanger placed around the stator frame. The generators are proposed to be equipped with the following electrical protection equipment:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. High speed differential protection for generator. Generator Over Voltage protection. Back up over current protection. Stator earth fault relay protection. Negative Phase Sequence Current protection. Rotor Field Circuit earth Fault Relay & protection. Loss of excitation relay schemes. Generator thermal relay protection. Phase balance relay. The excitation system of the generator will be of static type and will include static type voltage regulator of latest design, field suppression equipment and the associated accessories. The power for the excitation system will be taken from the generator main bus by means of a dry type or epoxy encased step down transformer. The excitation system will be self contained requiring only an external power source for field flashing at unit starting. The field flashing supply will be taken from the station battery. The excitation system including the voltage regulator will be placed in the cubicles adjacent to the generator pit. 5.3 Generator Switch gear and Connecting cables :Each generator shall be connected to its step up transformer by means of 11 kV bus ducts. Current transformers required for protection, control and metering will be located and form part of the bus ducts assemblies. The generator switch gear will be of the metal enclosed type placed in a separate room close to the generator. It will include the generator phase equipment. The equipment for the generator neutral side will be placed in a cubicle adjacent to the generator pit. 5.4 Generator Transformers:7 Nos. Indoor generator transformers of 16.7 MVA , 11/ 220/3 kV , single phase , 50 Hz rating will be provided and placed in a separate underground


Excitation system:-

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cavity (50 m(L) x 16 m(W) ) on the down stream side of power house cavity. The OFWF type of cooling is proposed for generator transformers. 5.5 Control and Monitoring Equipment:The plant will be designed to be operated as an attended type. Unit control will be provided locally while central control will be from various control panels located in the control and relay room of the power house. Control equipment will include metering and control panels, protections transformers and 220 kV switch gear. The control equipment will also include the PLC and Telecommunication equipment required for the transmission lines. Provision for connection to the state load dispatch center will also be provided. 5.6 Station Service/ Auxiliary Supply:The station service supply is proposed to be taken through 22 kV Local Distribution system. In addition, for reliability, 2X250 KVA DG sets shall also be provided for the black start capability. This will also feed local area , Colony, head works etc. The unit auxiliaries shall be fed through 11/0.415 kV, 1 MVA transformers connected to each generator. The auxiliaries can also be fed from 2 Nos., 22/0.415 kV, 1 MVA station auxiliary transformers, which are connected to 22 kV bus connected to 22 kV local supply.. 5.7 Power Plant Grounding:The power station will be provided with a complete earthing system. All exposed conductive parts and equipment in the power house and switch yard will be connected to the grounding system. The grounding system will be designed to minimize the Safe limits. 5.8 Lighting:The power plant lighting , following normal practice, will comprise of interior and exterior lights as appropriate. While the majority of the illuminaries will be AC powered, emergency lighting will be DC supplied from station battery system. The emergency lighting will be provided only for essential locations e.g. control room, exits etc. 5.9 Switch yard and Switching Scheme:The project is proposed to be interfaced with the 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point. The evacuation arrangement has been made after taking in to consideration the constraints on right of way and the quantum of power that shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point. Accordingly, the power from TidongI shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point via 220 kV D/C line. Due to space and Touch potential within acceptable for supervision and operation of the generator turbine, 11 kV switch gear , auxiliary power system,

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constraints , 220 kV Gas Insulated Switch gear has been proposed and shall be housed on a floor located just above the transformers in the transformer cavern. Single breaker double bus bar arrangement has been proposed after giving due consideration to its reliability , stability, easy maintenance and accessibility. The GIS switch yard has 2 generator transformer bays , one bus coupler bay, and two feeder bays. 6. Transmission of Power:Considering the amount of power to be evacuated and the distance involved, it has been proposed to inject the power generated at Tidong-I power house along with power generated at Tidong-II HEP in to 400/220 kV pooling point at Jangi. The cost of the 220/400 kV transformer and 220/400 kV transformer bay along with associated equipment has been kept in the scope of transmission works of Tidong-I HEP. Power pooled at Jangi control point is proposed to be injected in to Jangi-Thopan which is further proposed to be connected to Shongtong Karcham which in turn is proposed to be connected to 400 kV Pooling Point near Karcham Wangtoo. The proposed 400 kV Pooling Point which is located at sherpa colony shall be created by LILO of WangtooAbdullapur S/C line. For wheeling of power that shall be accumulated at this pooling point, adequate number of feeders or HVDC link shall be established between this pooling point and Northern Grid depending upon over all evacuation requirement. The power from Tidong-I shall also form part of this accumulated power. 7. Establishment:The electrical works of the project are proposed to be completed with in 5 years time. Accordingly, the provision of regular establishment required for to do electrical works in this time frame has been made in the estimate. The design procurement, inspection, erection and commissioning of electrical works of the project shall be done departmentally. The provision of staff has been made as per the CEAs norms intimated from time to time.

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ELECTRO MECHANICAL WORKS 1. General:Tidong-I Hydel Project utilizes the flows of Tidong khad, a tributary of Satluj river and is located in Kinnaur Distt. of Himachal Pradesh . A net head of 511.50 Mts. has been utilized to generate 60 MW of power at Tidong-I power house . The project shall utilize waters of Tidong khad with a design discharge of 13.45 Cumecs. The salient features of Tidong-I HEP are as under:. Design discharge Net Head Installed capacity No. and size of units Type of Power House Cost of Electrical Works:P-production------T- Transmission--2. Scope:_ This project report incorporates the detailed abstract of cost under the heading P- production (generating plant Equipment) and T- transmission (Transmission lines for evacuation of power). Detailed analysis in the form of various Annexures have been attached to this report. 3. Power House:The power house site is located on the left bank of Satluj river and is approachable from Kalka (nearest broad gauge Railway station) The underground power house ( 40 m (L) x 14.5 m(W) x 26 m(H)) will have 2 generating units of 30 MW each along with all the auxiliary facilities such as cooling water / potable water supply system, fire protection system, compressed air supply , oil system, ventilation and Air conditioning system etc. The control room , LT room, Battery room, air conditioning Plant, Offices, cable spreading area will be accommodated in different floors adjacent to the machine hall and will increase the length of power house cavity by 15 m. The service bay shall be located on the opposite end of the machine hall. Provision for the lubricating oil handling plant, the water treatment and filtration plant and store etc. has also been made. The generator transformers will be located in a separate cavity and will be connected to generating units through 11 kV bus ducts. On a floor just above the transformers , 220 kV GIS equipment shall be accommodated. 3. Mechanical Equipment:_ Rs. 6829.23 Lacs. Rs. 1086.26 Lacs. 13.45 Cumecs 511.50 Meters 60 MW 2 units of 30 MW each. Underground.

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Turbines:The vertical shaft , 4 jet Pelton turbine of 30.61 MW capacity with a rated synchronous speed of 500 rpm has been found to be suitable in view of the over all economy of the power house. Each turbine shall be provided with suitable oil pressure unit, Electro hydraulic governor and other requisite control equipment.


Governor:Since Tidong-I power house will be connected with 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point, and shall also be operated as peaking station in tandem with Tidong-II project, it is of great importance that the governor accuracy and sensitivity is of high order so as to ensure that all the regulators behave in the same way for any change in the system load. Thus to avoid mutual hunting and over regulation, it is proposed to provide Electro Hydraulic governor. The governing system for each unit will have an individual oil pressure system consisting of oil to air mixer and an oil tank with two pumps as well as the automatic control equipment. Speed etc. would be indicated both on the governor cubicle and on the unit control board to facilitate supervision of operation of the unit. The controls would include provision for emergency shut down of unit in case of :-

Loss of Pressure in the oil pressure vessel of Governor oil system. Excessive temperature rise in Bearing. Excessive speed rise of the unit. Electrical faults. 3.3
Main Inlet valves :A main inlet valve of the Spherical type would be provided at each turbine inlet for maintenance of the turbine and for emergency isolation of the turbine in the event of governor failure. Each valve shall be actuated by means of servomotor which shall be fed from an independent oil pressure unit. Each valve unit shall constitute a complete independent unit with its own operating system for opening and closing, which will be connected to the automatic start and stop sequence of the respective turbine unit.


Cooling Water and Fire protection System:A pumping system would be provided to supply adequate quantity of water from the tail race for cooling of the turbine and generator bearings, generator air coolers and selected plant services. Water for fire protection would be taken from an elevated reservoir providing both reliable operation and ample capacity to fight fire in the power house. A back up water supply to this reservoir would also be provided.

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Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage:Water from the cooling water system would be used to supply the plants potable and sanitary water needs. The potable water would be filtered and chemically treated as required. Sanitary sewerage would be treated in a septic system before discharge in to tail race of power plant.


Compressed Air System:A high pressure compressed air plant would be installed to meet the requirements of the governor oil system and the oil pressure system of the spherical valves. A low pressure compressed air plant would also be installed to meet the requirements of the station pneumatic tools and other general purpose in the power house.


Oil System:A portable dehydration unit comprising of oil heaters, Filters, tank etc. would be provided in the power station for the treatment of governor/ Bearings and switch gear oils.


Ventilation and Air Conditioning :Power house would be provided with ventilation system as required for the underground power house work areas and offices. An air conditioning system would be provided to maintain the control room at the selected design temperature and humidity levels. The temperature and humidity level would be selected to suit the requirements of equipment and staff.


Power House Crane:In order to expedite the completion of various construction activities of the power house, 1 No. electric over head travelling bridge crane with capacity of 80/10 tonnes would be installed in the power house primarily for erection, maintenance and repair of the generating units. The cranes would be equipped with motor control system providing suitable procedure for equipment erection.

4. Electrical Equipment :-


Generator:Each generator shall be of vertical shaft, salient pole type, Synchronous generator directly coupled to the hydro turbine and having a rated out put of 33.33 MVA with 0.9 lag power factor. The generator bearing arrangement shall be of conventional type i.e. suspended type. It is proposed to equip the generators with dynamic braking in addition to the friction brakes. The generator shall have class-F insulation in line with modern practice and temperature restricted to class-B insulation.

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The generator will be air cooled with a closed ventilation system using air water heat exchanger placed around the stator frame. The generators are proposed to be equipped with the following electrical protection equipment:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. High speed differential protection for generator. Generator Over Voltage protection. Back up over current protection. Stator earth fault relay protection. Negative Phase Sequence Current protection. Rotor Field Circuit earth Fault Relay & protection. Loss of excitation relay schemes. Generator thermal relay protection. Phase balance relay. The excitation system of the generator will be of static type and will include static type voltage regulator of latest design, field suppression equipment and the associated accessories. The power for the excitation system will be taken from the generator main bus by means of a dry type or epoxy encased step down transformer. The excitation system will be self contained requiring only an external power source for field flashing at unit starting. The field flashing supply will be taken from the station battery. The excitation system including the voltage regulator will be placed in the cubicles adjacent to the generator pit. 5.3 Generator Switch gear and Connecting cables :Each generator shall be connected to its step up transformer by means of 11 kV bus ducts. Current transformers required for protection, control and metering will be located and form part of the bus ducts assemblies. The generator switch gear will be of the metal enclosed type placed in a separate room close to the generator. It will include the generator phase equipment. The equipment for the generator neutral side will be placed in a cubicle adjacent to the generator pit. 5.4 6 Generator Transformers:Nos. Indoor generator transformers of 12.5 MVA , 11/ 220/3 kV , single phase , 50 Hz rating will be provided and placed in a separate underground cavity (50 m(L) x 16 m(W) ) on the down stream side of power house cavity. The OFWF type of cooling is proposed for generator transformers.


Excitation system:-

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Control and Monitoring Equipment:The plant will be designed to be operated as an attended type. Unit control will be provided locally while central control will be from various control panels located in the control and relay room of the power house. Control equipment will include metering and control panels, protections transformers and 220 kV switch gear. The control equipment will also include the PLC and Telecommunication equipment required for the transmission lines. Provision for connection to the state load dispatch center will also be provided. for supervision and operation of the generator turbine, 11 kV switch gear , auxiliary power system,


Station Service/ Auxiliary Supply:The station service supply is proposed to be taken through 22 kV Local Distribution system. In addition, for reliability, 2X250 KVA DG sets shall also be provided for the black start capability. This will also feed local area , Colony, head works etc. The unit auxiliaries shall be fed through 11/0.415 kV, 1 MVA transformers connected to each generator. The auxiliaries can also be fed from 2 Nos., 22/0.415 kV, 1 MVA station auxiliary transformers, which are connected to 22 kV bus connected to 22 kV local supply..


Power Plant Grounding:The power station will be provided with a complete earthing system. All exposed conductive parts and equipment in the power house and switch yard will be connected to the grounding system. The grounding system will be designed to minimize the Safe limits. and Touch potential within acceptable


Lighting:The power plant lighting , following normal practice, will comprise of interior and exterior lights as appropriate. While the majority of the illuminaries will be AC powered, emergency lighting will be DC supplied from station battery system. The emergency lighting will be provided only for essential locations e.g. control room, exits etc.


Switch yard and Switching Scheme:The project is proposed to be interfaced with the 400/220 kV Jangi pooling point. The evacuation arrangement has been made after taking in to consideration the constraints on right of way and the quantum of power that shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point. Accordingly, the power from TidongI shall be injected in to Jangi pooling point via 220 kV D/C line. Due to space constraints , 220 kV Gas Insulated Switch gear has been proposed and shall be housed on a floor located just above the transformers in the transformer cavern. Single breaker double bus bar arrangement has been proposed after giving due

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consideration to its reliability , stability, easy maintenance and accessibility. The GIS switch yard has 2 generator transformer bays , one bus coupler bay, and two feeder bays. 6. Transmission of Power:Considering the amount of power to be evacuated and the distance involved, it has been proposed to inject the power generated at Tidong-I power house along with power generated at Tidong-II HEP in to 400/220 kV pooling point at Jangi. The schematic diagram showing the interconnection of Tidong-I HEP with other projects up stream of Karcham Wangtoo HEP is as per annexure-A. The 220 kV transmission system for Tidong-I shall also be utilized by Tidong-II HEP for evacuation of its power to 400/220 kV Jangi control point. Accordingly, the cost of this joint transmission system shall be shared by these two projects. Power pooled at Jangi control point is proposed to be injected in to 400 kV pooling point near Wangtoo through down stream projects. The proposed 400 kV Pooling Point near Wangtoo shall be created by LILO of 400 kV Wangtoo- Abdullapur line. For wheeling of power that shall be accumulated at this pooling point, adequate number of feeders or HVDC link shall be established between this pooling point and Northern Grid depending upon over all evacuation requirement. The power from Tidong-I shall also form part of this accumulated power. 7. Establishment:The electrical works of the project are proposed to be completed with in 5 years time. Accordingly, the provision of regular establishment required for to do electrical works in this time frame has been made in the estimate. The design procurement, inspection, erection and commissioning of electrical works of the project shall be done departmentally. The provision of staff has been made as per the CEAs norms intimated from time to time.

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1 2 3 4 State District River Vicinity Himachal Pradesh Kinnaur Satluj Trench weir near village Tugrum,and power house near village Rispa, about 325 kilometers from Shimla (Capital of H.P.) ,on the left bank of Tidong Khad. 578 Sq. Km. 266 Cumecs 2.95 M/sec 5.05 M/sec

HYDROLOGY 1 2 3 4 Catchment Area Design flood Discharge in 90 % availability Discharge in 50 % availability

5 Percentage availability corresponding to design discharge of 20.40 cumecs 6 Lean Discharge 7 Maximum Discharge DIVERSION STRUCTURE 1 2 3 4 5 Type Elevation Length Width High Flood level. SEDIMENTATION TANK 1 2 3 4 Length Width Number of desilting hoppers Size of particle to be removed

20.3 % 1.19 cumecs for 3 months 35..99 cumecs Trench weir, drop type 2880.00m 25 meters 3.00 meters 2846.50m

50 meters 25mts. 4 Nos in each row (Total 8 in Nos) +0.2mm

Flow through velocity Settling velocity

20 Cms /sec. 2 Cms/sec.

1 HEAD RACE TUNNEL Size & Type 2 Length 3 4 Design discharge Slope SURGE SHAFT ( UNDER GROUND) 1 2 3 Type Diameter Height PRESSURE SHAFT 1 2 3 4 No and type Diameter Length of Penstock Type of steel for penstock liners POWER HOUSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Type Installed capacity Size of machine hall/transformer hall Maximum gross head Net head/Design head Type of turbines Switch yard
No. of Units

(2.5x2.5) meters, D-shaped 7250 meters 20.40 m/sec 1:300

Circular ,restricted Orifice type 6.0 m 36.50 m

One number, steel Lined with 2 bifurcation 2.10 m 850 meters ASTM-516,537,285

Surface 100 MW 100x15x35m 585 meters 575 meters Pelton wheel Vertical, 2jets 33KV surface 2Nos


1 2 3 4 Type Size Length Bed Slope Open channel 3.5x2.0m 50 meters 1:300

POWER GENERATION 1 2 Installed Capacity Annual generation i) 90 % dependable year ii) 50 % dependable year COST ESTIMATE 1 2 Civil works Electrical works Total (Generation works) 3 Transmission Total (Generation and Transmission works) FINANCIAL ASPECT 1 2 Cost per MW of Installed capacity Cost of generation at bus bar 90 % dependable year 50 % dependable year Rs. 2.89/unit Rs.2.69 /unit Rs. 2.82/unit Rs.4.50 crores Rs.84.36 crores Rs 198.98 crores Rs.400.00 Crores Rs.25.00 crores 397MU 408MU 100 MW(2X50 MW)

Rs.450..00 crores

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