MOM Excerpt

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The Message of a Master


Presuming that there are many who are just as skeptical
concerning things bordering on the extraordinary as I have been
practically all of my life, I offer the following story and system of
practice to each reader for what it is worth, with the suggestion that
he take it or leave it, just as he sees fit.
It was Saturday afternoon and I had returned from a late
lunch. The help had left for the day and I was alone. My business
had dropped off considerably of late and while conditions were not
alarming, yet they were sufficient to cause me some concern. Then
again, I had recently indulged in some real estate speculation which
had not proved successful. Taking it all in all, it was not a very
cheerful outlook. In fact the most serious problem of my business
career was up for solution.
Sitting there in deep thought in an effort to discover a way out,
I was aroused by the telephone bell. Placing the receiver to my ear I
was startled at hearing the familiar voice of my old friend, David
B____. It required no great stretch of the imagination to believe it a
voice from the dead, for less than a month before he had left for
Europe on the urgent advice of his physician to take an ocean
voyage, preferably, but get away somewhere, in the hope that a
change would effect an improvement in his condition, which was a
serious breakdown, due to worry over conditions which, strangely,
were similar to what I was now experiencing.
As he spoke, his voice carried such striking power and feeling
that I was reminded of my last impression of Dave as we sorrowfully
parted with him, a miserable shadow of his former self, and we
questioned as to whether we would ever see him again.
But here he was back again, and surely some great change
had taken place in him. Remarking that a miracle must have happened, he assured me that I had guessed about right, adding, Tom,
I know that you are puzzled over my early return and I also know

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that you never expected to see me again. But Im back and Im the
luckiest man in the world, for I learned something that I never knew
existed. Tom, nothing is impossible with me any more, for I can do
anything. I am master of my own destiny and I can make my life
anything that I wish it to be.
Oh, dont think Im crazy. Wait until you hear my story.
Feigning a laugh to cover my serious curiosity, I remarked that he
must have stumbled over some newfangled religion. To which he
replied, On the contrary, it concerns no religion of any kind or of
anybody. You see, I met a Master. A wonderful man who has so developed his powers that he can do anything, and he taught me a
secret that no price could ever buy. You know that I lost my health
and I lost my wealth. Well, I have regained my health and I will have
the wealth in no time. Oh, its a strange story. Of course I became
excited to see him at once and when to his inquiry about the club I
replied that there were no changes, he hung up after saying, Meet
me there at 9:00 tonight and I will unfold a series of the most
remarkable and fortunate happenings that could fall to the lot of
any man.
I sat there unmoved for some minutes like a man in a dream,
so completely absorbed had I become in the remarkable recital.
Upon recovering myself I became possessed of the feeling that I had
suddenly grown too big for the office. That I had outgrown that little
place. I must get outside and expand in the fresh air. Feverish with
excitement, I put on my hat and stepped out. Feeling that there was
something wonderful for me in his story, I was seized with an
uncontrollable desire to hear it at once. I turned in the direction of
his office, but recalling that he was no longer there, was forced to
wait until evening. The remainder of that day was spent in
restlessly pacing the streets and I was greatly relieved when the
hour to go to the club arrived.
Having resolved to get Dave away where we would not be
disturbed, I entered and stepped quickly to the desk, only to be informed that he had telephoned some time before to tell me that he
had been called away and would be back the following evening.
Trying to conceal my disappointment and feelings, I turned quickly

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and was greeted by three friends who had seen him, and each was
excitedly trying to tell me of the wonders that had taken place.
Miserable and disconsolate, I broke away from them without
uttering a word, walked out into the night and home.
Too agitated for sleep, the greater part of the night was passed
in restless confusion. Assailed by the most illogical thoughts, I
decided that the whole thing was a myth, conjured up in a mind
weakened as the result of affliction. How utterly ridiculous to allow
myself to become upset by such a fairy tale. But no, somehow the
thing would not down, but kept forcing itself upon me, until in
desperation I tried to console myself with the assurance that I
would at any cost learn the truth or falsity of the whole matter the
next day.

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Following instructions which I had left at the club to be
delivered to him immediately upon his return, Dave picked me up
at my home in a new, high-priced car, and we drove out to a
highway cafe. There, in a private dining-room, undisturbed by the
presence of others, I had opportunity to study my old friend.
Surely some miraculous change had taken place in him. His
countenance glowed with health and vitality and his calm, poised
bearing inspired wonderful admiration and confidence. But while I
felt perfectly at ease in his company, I also felt the force of some
presence in him that I could neither understand or describe.
Whatever it was, it had the effect of putting one at ease and yet had
the tendency to command respect for something one did not
understand. While I felt greatly relieved after the excitement of the
previous day, yet I found difficulty in concealing the emotions that
surged up within me, for I felt satisfied and convinced that he had
something that I sorely needed and I had the strangest fear lest
something might occur even then to prevent my getting it.
He broke a momentary silence that seemed hours to me by
asking, Tom, do I look any different than the day I left! I had to
admit that he was both a revelation and a mystery to me. He
continued, It was in a theatre in London that I met the man, or the
Master, as he is called, that I am deeply grateful for the privilege of
calling my friend. Tom, you didnt know that I left here determined
to end it all. I had made such a mess of my affairs. But I feared to
live and I feared to die. I couldnt rest. To keep moving was my only
relief. I guess I was what the world would call a hopeless case.
As I look back upon that evening in London, how well I now
realize that my utter despondency and the intense longing to find
something to relieve me drew me and my dear friend together. I had
decided upon a regular orchestra seat, but discovered that for some
unexplainable reason I had ordered a box and found myself seated
beside my friend. Extraordinary happenings, such as this, occur

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frequently to many of us and are explained away, because of our

ignorance, as merely coincidences. But I know differently now.
I could feel that my uneasiness attracted his attention. The
wonderful radiance of his countenance assured me that he was an
unusual personage and I felt an instinctive urge to open my heart to
him. The remark, I am sorely troubled, uttered by a character
upon the stage started our acquaintance. I replied so am I, in just
a whisper, but my friend heard it and turning to me he asked, are
you troubled? I nodded my head in response and you may believe
me or not, but almost immediately I was at ease. Something seemed
to tell me that I had the good fortune of being in the presence of one
of those great spiritual people of whom I had read quite a bit in
earlier years.
I felt convinced that I had met my deliverer, and at the close
of the performance was overjoyed at his invitation to accompany
him to a nearby cafe. I noticed that the attention of those in the cafe
was drawn toward him as we entered and that the management was
noticeably respectful and courteous toward him. Having convinced
myself that this man possessed some sort of magical power, I
determined to ask him all the questions that I could think of and
with his permission make notes of his answers.
Learning that he was taking steamer for New York the next
day, I asked if I might accompany him, to which he assented. At the
conclusion of our talk I observed that he merely wrote his initials on
the bill and as we stepped outside to call a cab I questioned him
regarding this and he admitted that he was not known there, as
this was his first visit to the place, but he assured me that they
would be paid, adding, I did this to show you that man in his right
domain controls every situation. I was still puzzled, but carried the
subject no further, hoping that it would all be made plain to me
That night, as I lay in a doze, the events of the evening kept
passing through my mind and at times I found difficulty in realizing
that my good fortune was real, rather than the illusion of a dream.
That night I had the first peaceful sleep in months.

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The following morning, up early and supremely happy and
eager for what the day would unfold, I immediately applied for a
reservation on the steamer, only to be informed that they had a full
passenger list, but as I turned away, almost heartbroken at such an
unfortunate turn of events, I was recalled by the clerk with the
information that a reservation had just been cancelled and that I
might have it. Instantly I felt forcibly struck with the thought that
here was more of my friends magic, as I then called it, and I was
not mistaken, for he later admitted that he had made a place for
me. Of course, you do not understand how the thing works, Tom.
Neither did I, at the time, but I do now, and it is oh, so simple. I
believe its simplicity causes it to be overlooked.
Presently my friend arrived, with his servant, and, as usual,
being surrounded by attendants eager to be of service and assistance. I clung to him persistently throughout the entire voyage, and
he appeared to enjoy my company.
The first evening out, I visited him in his luxuriouslyfurnished stateroom, for he has the best of everything wherever he
goes, and while explaining the wonderful forces that man in his
ignorance has permitted to lie dormant within him, he gave me
several demonstrations of the powers that he has developed. He did
things that were actually astounding. He asked, Why cannot you do
what I do? Why cannot all do as I do? I have no powers that you are
not endowed with. Here is my answer: Because of my knowledge of
Universal Law, I have developed the God-given powers within me,
while you, in your ignorance, have been dissipating and scattering
yours. All men use the same power, for in all the universe there is
but one power. This is self-evident, as you shall see.
Continuing, he said: the great masses of humanity are using
the Law destructively, or partially so, and the scales are balanced
against them. Here and there, among the masses, we find an
occasional outstanding figure who has achieved greatness or

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success and he is erroneously singled out as lucky or as a genius,

when the fact is that be has made use of the Law---whether
knowingly or unknowingly, it matters not --- at least sufficiently to
have the scales balanced in his favor. How plain this is to the one
who knows.
Before the discovery of the law governing the use of electricity
this great force was lying dormant throughout the universe, at least
as far as mans knowledge was concerned. He had first to discover
the law before he could turn it to his advantage. Just so with this
Universal Law.
Happiness is mans rightful heritage. It is the summum
bonum of his aspirations. The very soul of man cries out for happiness, but he misinterprets it in terms of money. Why? Because
money is a means to an end. It is the motive power which drives us
on in our quest for the ultimate, which is happiness. In the world
there cannot be happiness without money. Therefore the occupation
of acquiring money is a worthy and commendable one.
Why should man, the supreme creation of the universe, suffer
all sorts of lack, misery and unhappiness when such inferior
creatures as the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish
of the sea are bountifully supplied. For any man, no matter what
his station in life, to take the stand that it is the destiny of man to
want for anything that will contribute to his happiness or that of his
family is ridiculous.
Somebody discovers the law governing the use of etheric
waves and we have radio. Millions of people are now enjoying its
advantages. They tune in to what they want and they get it. There is
a great lesson in this, for believe me, you may have anything you
want and in abundance, when you learn to tune in with an infinitely
greater power than electricity or its vehicle, radio. With a power that
you have had from the beginning.
The captain of this ship could just as easily own it as run it.
One position is no more difficult of attainment than the other. He
tuned in to the captaincy successfully. Ownership was a little more
distant and he did not try for distance. That is all. The actual
difference in the two positions is merely the difference in two words.

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Nothing more, as you shall see very plainly when we get a little
further along.
Each night, after retiring to my room, I would sit up until
early morning reading my notes of the day and preparing questions
for the next. He told me that I was very receptive because of my
eagerness, sincerity and trust, and that it was a pleasure to instruct
me. And in gratitude I acknowledged that no price was too high or
sacrifice too great in return for such knowledge.
In answer to my question as to when and how he discovered
such a secret, he said, I discovered nothing and to me it is no
secret. This knowledge has been in our family as far back as our
records go. I use it because I know it to be the easy, certain way of
accomplishing a purpose, while you have known only the difficult,
uncertain way. He seemed never to want to take credit for
anything, always claiming that no credit was due him.

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