Core Training For Improved Performance

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Core Training for Improved

Tracy Morgan Handzel, CSCS

ore training has penetrated a variety of

fitness and performance related fields.
Health clubs offer core training group

exercise classes. Physical therapists prescribe core training

programs to rehabilitate a variety of injuries. Personal trainers
incorporate core training during one-on-one sessions. Even the
armed forces have included core training into their regimes.
Core training is not a fleeting trend, and should not be ignored.

Evolution of Core Training

Coaches and athletes have long understood the value of a strong
core in improving performance and reducing injuries on the
playing field. This knowledge has served as the greatest support
and reasoning behind Olympic movements (the clean and
jerk and the snatch), plyometric exercises, and medicine ball
throwing programs. These training modalities have been the
mainstay in performance enhancement training for years.
However, a variety of factors have allowed core training to
develop into a more specific and universal training tool not
just for athletes, but fitness enthusiasts as well.
Increased interest in the core: The core has become the
focus of interest among biomechanists, kinesiologists,
and physiologists. These experts agree that the core plays
a significant role not only in athletic movements, but
everyday activities as well. Furthermore, research has
revealed that crunches and back extensions- once the
standard for increasing core strength- are not the most
effective movements to ensure a strong and stable core.
Instead, specific and functional type movements are
proving to be most beneficial.
Functional Training: Incorporating exercises that are
specific to ones goal and that require the involvement
of many muscle groups in more than one plane is the

NSCAs Performance Training Journal

basic premise of functional training. As this focus on

function becomes more prevalent, its methods continue
to improve and evolve. Coaches and personal trainers are
incorporating functional training for the core in ways that
are goal oriented, innovative, and can be performed using
a wide array of equipment.
Equipment manufacturers: Training equipment and tools
are mirroring the functional training trend. New products
continue to be introduced to assist with training the core,
while traditional products are being used in new ways.
This allows coaches, physical therapists, personal trainers,
and fitness enthusiasts to incorporate functional based
core training into programs that meet individual needs
and abilities.

What Is the Core?

It has been called the hub of the wheel, the power zone, and
power house. It is where the bodys center of gravity is located
and more importantly, from which all movements are initiated.
Furthermore, the core is responsible for developing power,
maintaining balance and stability, and improving coordination
during movement.
Muscles of the core include the abdominals (rectus abdominus,
transverse abdominus, internal and external obliques), hip (psoas,
rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor facia latae, pectinius, gluteus
maximus,medius and minimus; semitendinosus; semimembranosus;
biceps femorus; adductor brevis, longus, and magnus; gemellus
superior and inferior; obturator internus and externus; quadratus
femoris; piriformis) and back (erector spinae; quadratus lumborum;
paraspinals; trapezius; psoas major; multifidus; iliocostalis lumborum and thoracis; rotatores; latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior).
These muscles are responsible for supporting postures, creating
motion, coordinating muscle actions, allowing for stability,
absorbing force, generating force, and transmitting forces
throughout the body. This means that regardless of the movement or activity, the center of your body is responsible for the
process and outcome. Whether swinging a golf club, throwing a
softball, diving into a pool, carrying groceries, moving furniture,


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or performing your favorite exercise, the muscles of your core

are acting concentrically, eccentrically, and/or isometrically in
a variety of planes to successfully complete a movement or
movement pattern.

Benefits of a Strong and

Stable Core
Because the core plays such a significant role during motion, it
makes sense to ensure its strength and stability. The benefits of a
strong and stable core include:

Increased Power Development

Power is the predominant component of many sports. Golf,
tennis, baseball, football, and track and field events are only a
few examples of power related sports where the combination of
speed and strength make all the difference in performance
outcomes. Whether changing direction, or accelerating ones
body, limb, or implement, power can be the determining factor
between movement success and failure. A strong and stable
core allows power to be generated and transferred through the
kinetic chain.

Improved Stability and Efficiency

Most major muscles of the upper and lower body attach to the
spine or pelvis. Strengthening this anchor helps to provide a stable
platform, allowing more powerful and efficient movements of
the limbs. Baseball players, tennis players, and other athletes who
rely on a racket or other implement to impart power must have
strong and stable core muscles in order to be successful.

Improved Balance
When the spine and pelvis serve as a strong anchor and stable
platform, perturbances to balance are less likely. A stronger core
helps the spine and pelvis maintain stability while the muscles of
the shoulders, arms, and legs are active. Consider the offensive
lineman whose success depends on his ability to withstand forces
from defensive lineman without collapsing at the spine or falling
off center. A stronger core will help prevent being placed in an
off-balance position.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Experts theorize that a weak core can lead to an overload on the
extremities, causing injury in certain situations. Increasing ones
ability to generate power while maintaining stability and balance
leads to a reduced risk of injury. The muscles of the core
when strong, stable, and efficient are better able to absorb and
translate force, putting less stress on extremities.
The benefits of core strength and stability are interrelated. That
is, without improved stability and balance, power cannot be
generated at great rates, and movement efficiency suffers. Thus,
strength, stability, and balance must be addressed when creating
a core training program.

NSCAs Performance Training Journal

Getting Started
Incorporating effective core training into an existing strength
training program is easy. However, it should be a progressive
process starting with one or two simple movements. As you
obtain mastery of those movements, more specific and challenging
movements can be added to any program. To begin try the

Get Up
Perform some of the exercises you currently do in a seated
position, in the standing position. For example: Instead of
performing the seated row to improve back strength and posture,
do the same exercise on a cable apparatus, in a standing position.
Examples of other exercises that can be performed in a standing
posture include chest press (on a cable apparatus) and shoulder
press. Keep in mind that in the standing position, the resistance
that can be used to perform the movement correctly may be
reduced. Maintain a balanced position by placing your feet
parallel or in a staggered stance with feet hip width apart, knees
and hips flexed.

Get Functional
Isolative movements, that is movements that occur about one
joint, target only one muscle. Involve the core in your exercises
by using functional movementsthose that involve multiple
muscle groups, and are more specific to the demands of your life
and sport. The lunge is a functional movement that is specific to
tennis, football, soccer, and baseball. Perform it laterally or at a
45-degree angle to make it more specific to your sport and life

Move About the Spine

Flexion and extension alone are not enough to fully strengthen
and stabilize the spine. Rotational or diagonal movements are
more specific to athletic and everyday movement demands.
Try chopping exercises, performed on a cable apparatus or with
medicine balls.

Challenge Balance
Perform activities on one leg or on unstable surfaces (balance
boards, foam pads/rollers, or stability balls) to improve your
balance and thus effectively improve your core stability. Single
leg squats can be an effective movement that challenges balance,
thus targeting the core while improving leg strength as well.

Sample Core Training Program

Add the following movements to your current program to ensure
the core is receiving the appropriate attention.

Day 1
Single Leg Squat
Stand with one leg resting on a low bench or step behind you,
the other placed on the floor in front of you. Your stance should


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be wide enough that when you squat, your front heel remains on
the ground and your knee stays aligned behind your shoelaces
(see Figures 1a & 1b). Use dumbbells as resistance.
Increase the challenge:
Rest your back foot on an unstable surface like a
stability ball
Forgo the resistance, and rotate about the spine by
performing a punching motion with the opposite arm
Figure 1a.
Single Leg Squat

Grab the upper cable handle with both hands with arms extended
over one shoulder (see Figure 2a). Initiate the movement by
pulling the handles downward and across your body keeping
your arms extended (see Figure 2b).
You should finish with your arms extended at the opposite hip.
Use a medicine ball to emphasize power development.
Increase the challenge:
Perform the motion as described above while squatting
Perform the motion as described above while standing
on one leg

Figure 2a.

Figure 1b.
Single Leg Squat

Figure 2b.

NSCAs Performance Training Journal


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Day 2


Standing One Arm Row

Stand facing the cable apparatus, grasping the lower handle
in one hand with arm extended in front of you. Maintain
a balanced position and perform a one arm row (see Figures
3a & 3b).

Maintain stability through your core in the prone position with

your weight on your elbows and toes. Imagine that your body is
a table and you must not only maintain balance, but keep your
body in a straight line from your heels to your head (Figure 4).
Increase the challenge:
Increase the amount of time that you hold this position

Increase the challenge:

Perform the motion described above while standing on the
opposite leg.
Perform the motion described above with rotation. That
is, position your body with your arm extended across the
center of your body, shoulder slightly rotated. Perform
the rowing motion rotating your shoulders as you pull.
Stand on one leg (the opposite leg) to make this even
more challenging.

Alternate lifting one foot off the ground at a time, being

sure to maintain the 'stable table' position.
Figure 4. Plank

Figure 3a.
One Arm Row

Day 3
Medicine Ball Pullover-Throw
Lay on your back on the floor or a wide bench with your knees
bent, feet flat. Hold a medicine ball over your head with your
arms extended. Sit up and throw the medicine ball against a wall.
Catch the ball as it rebounds off the wall and return to the lying
position and repeat. This can also be performed with a partner
who catches the ball and throws it back to you instead of a using
a wall (see Figures 5a & 5b).
Increase the challenge:
Perform the exercise while lying on an exercise ball
Figure 3b.
One Arm Row

Using a lighter medicine ball, perform the exercise with

one arm at a time
Figure 5a.
Medicine Ball

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Figure 5b.
Medicine Ball

The importance of training for a strong and stable core cannot

be ignored. Reduced risk of injury as well and improved overall
performance can be achieved by incorporating even just a few
core training movements into your current program. Keep in
mind that core training is not a replacement for all other training
regimes. Strength training that focuses on increasing the rate of
force development is essential. Furthermore, training to induce
hypertrophy and increased maximal strength may be warranted
for certain individuals and training goals.
For the greatest success, incorporate core training movements
that are functional and specific to your goals and sport demands.
And remember to progress slowly when making core training
more challenging.

Squat Jump Throw

Hold a medicine ball at your chest while standing in a stable, hip
width stance (see Figure 6a). Squat slightly, but rapidly, and
jump as high as you can into the air, while throwing the medicine ball as high as you can (see Figure 6b). Catch the ball and
Increase the challenge:
Perform the exercise in a split/staggered stance

About the Author

Tracy Morgan Handzel, CSCS is the owner and head Performance
Coach of Train for the Game in Atlanta GA. She currently trains
elite and professional tennis players and writes training related
articles for various trade publications. Tracy has served as assistant
director at the International Performance Institute and assistant
strength and conditioning coach at the University of Washington,
San Diego State University, and the University of California San

Perform the exercise on one leg

Figure 6a.
Squat Jump

NSCAs Performance Training Journal

Figure 6b.
Squat Jump


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