Human Culture 1
Human Culture 1
Human Culture 1
Layers of Culture
There are very likely three layers or levels of culture that are part of your
learned behavior patterns and perceptions. Most obviously is the body of
cultural traditions that distinguish your specific society. When people speak of
Italian, Samoan, or Japanese culture, they are referring to the shared
language, traditions, and beliefs that set each of these peoples apart from
others. In most cases, those who share your culture do so because they
acquired it as they were raised by parents and other family members who
have it.
The second layer of culture that may be part of
your identity is a subculture . In complex,
diverse societies in which people have come
from many different parts of the world, they
often retain much of their original cultural
traditions. As a result, they are likely to be part
of an identifiable subculture in their new
society. The shared cultural traits of subcultures set them apart from the rest
of their society. Examples of easily identifiable subcultures in the United
States include ethnic groups such as Vietnamese Americans, African
Americans, and Mexican Americans. Members of each of these subcultures
share a common identity, food tradition, dialect or language, and other cultural
traits that come from their common ancestral background and experience. As
the cultural differences between members of a subculture and the dominant
national culture blur and eventually disappear, the subculture ceases to exist
except as a group of people who claim a common ancestry. That is generally
the case with German Americans and Irish Americans in the United States
today. Most of them identify themselves as Americans first. They also see
themselves as being part of the cultural mainstream of the nation.
The third layer of culture consists of cultural universals. These are learned
behavior patterns that are shared by all of humanity collectively. No matter
where people live in the world, they share these universal traits. Examples of
such "human cultural" traits include:
women's work)
6. having a concept of privacy
7. having rules to regulate sexual behavior
8. distinguishing between good and bad behavior
9. having some sort of body ornamentation
10. making jokes and playing games
11. having art
12. having some sort of leadership roles for the implementation of
community decisions
While all cultures have these and possibly many other universal traits,
different cultures have developed their own specific ways of carrying out or
expressing them. For instance, people in deaf subcultures frequently use
their hands to communicate with sign language instead of verbal language.
However, sign languages have grammatical rules just as verbal ones do.
While human societies and cultures are not the same thing, they are
inextricably connected because culture is created and transmitted to others in
a society. Cultures are not the product of lone individuals. They are the
continuously evolving products of people interacting with each other. Cultural
patterns such as language and politics make no sense except in terms of the
interaction of people. If you were the only human on earth, there would be no
need for language or government.
Is Culture Limited to
There is a difference of opinion in the Non-human culture?
behavioral sciences about whether or This orangutan mother is
not we are the only animal that using a specially prepared
stick to "fish out" food from
creates and uses culture. The a crevice. She learned this
answer to this question depends on skill and is now teaching it
how narrow culture is defined. If it is to her child who is hanging
on her shoulder and intently
used broadly to refer to a complex of watching.
learned behavior patterns, then it is
clear that we are not alone in creating and using culture. Many other animal
species teach their young what they themselves learned in order to survive.
This is especially true of the chimpanzees and other relatively intelligent apes
and monkeys. Wild chimpanzee mothers typically teach their children about
several hundred food and medicinal plants. Their children also have to learn
about the dominance hierarchy and the social rules within their communities.
As males become teenagers, they acquire hunting skills from adults. Females
have to learn how to nurse and care for their babies. Chimpanzees even
have to learn such basic skills as how to perform sexual intercourse. This
knowledge is not hardwired into their brains at birth. They are all learned
patterns of behavior just as they are for humans.
Characteristics of Culture
In order to better understand culture, it is useful to closely examine its
characteristics and their ramifications. In this section of the tutorial, you will
learn about the specific advantages that culture gives our species. You will
also learn about culture's limitations and shortcomings.
Over the last several hundred thousand years, we
have developed new survival related cultural skills
and technologies at a faster rate than natural
selection could alter our bodies to adapt to the
environmental challenges that confronted us. The
fact that cultural evolution can occur faster than
biological evolution has significantly modified the
effect of natural selection on humans. One Successful cultural technology
for adapting to very cold winter
consequence of this has been that we have not environments
developed thick fat layers and dense fur coats like
polar bears in the cold regions because our culture provided the necessary
warmth during winter times.
Culture is learned
Human infants come into the world with basic drives such as hunger and
thirst, but they do not possess instinctive patterns of behavior to satisfy them.
Likewise, they are without any cultural knowledge. However, they are
genetically predisposed to rapidly learn language and other cultural traits.
New born humans are amazing learning machines. Any normal baby can be
placed into any family on earth and grow up to learn their culture and accept it
as his or her own. Since culture is non-instinctive, we are not genetically
programmed to learn a particular one.
The invention of agriculture made it possible for our ancestors to have a more
controllable and, subsequently, dependable food supply. It also resulted in
settling down in permanent communities. This in turn set the stage for further
developments in technology and political organization. The inevitable result
was more intensive agriculture, new kinds of social and political systems
dominated by emerging elite classes, the first cities, and ultimately the
industrial and information revolutions of modern times. City life brought with it
the unexpected consequence of increased rates of contagious diseases.
Large, dense populations of people make it much easier for viruses, bacteria,
and other disease causing microorganisms to spread from host to host. As a
result, most cities in the past were periodically devastated by epidemics.
The rate of cultural evolution for many human societies during the last two
centuries has been unprecedented. Today, major new technologies are
invented every few years rather than once or twice a century or even less
often, as was the case in the past. Likewise, there has been an astounding
increase in the global human population. It is worth reflecting on the fact that
there are people alive today who were born before cell phones, computers,
televisions, radios, antibiotics, and even airplanes. These now elderly
individuals have seen the human population double several times. The world
that was familiar to them in their childhood is no longer here. It is as if they
have moved to a new alien culture and society. Not surprisingly, they often
have difficulty in accepting and adjusting to the change. The psychological
distress and confusion that accompanies this has been referred to as future
Cultures Change
All cultural knowledge does not perpetually accumulate.
At the same time that new cultural traits are added,
some old ones are lost because they are no longer
useful. For example, most city dwellers today do not
have or need the skills required for survival in a
wilderness. Most would very likely starve to death
because they do not know how to acquire wild foods
Tool of modern technology
and survive the extremes of weather outdoors. What is
more important in modern urban life are such things as the ability to drive a
car, use a computer, and understand how to obtain food in a supermarket or
Change can occur as a result of both invention within
a society as well as the diffusion of cultural traits
from one society to another. Predicting whether a
society will adopt new cultural traits or abandon others
is complicated by the fact that the various aspects of
a culture are closely interwoven into a complex
pattern. Changing one trait will have an impact on North American woman in a
other traits because they are functionally job that formerly would not
interconnected. As a result, there commonly is a have been open to women
resistance to major changes. For example, many men in North America and
Europe resisted the increase in economic and political opportunities for
women over the last century because of the far ranging consequences. It
inevitably changed the nature of marriage, the family, and the lives of all men.
It also significantly altered the workplace as well as the legal system and the
decisions made by governments.
Our ethnocentrism causes us to be shocked and
even disgusted at attitudes about other animals in
different cultures. This North American woman
considers her dog to be a close friend and essentially
a member of her own family. In the Muslim world,
dogs are generally considered to be dirty animals that
are likely to be kicked if they get in the way. In some
areas of Southeast Asia, dogs have multiple functions,
including being a source of food for people.
Masai women
get along with each other. The positive aspect of ethnocentrism has to do
with the protection that it can provide for a culture. By causing a rejection of
the foods, customs, and perceptions of people in other cultures, it acts as a
conservative force in preserving traditions of one's own culture. It can help
maintain the separation and uniqueness of cultures.
Gender based skills, knowledge, and perceptions largely stem from the fact
that boys and girls to some extent are treated differently from each other in all
societies. While there may be considerable overlap in what they are taught,
there are some things that are gender specific. In the Western World, for
instance, it is more common to teach boys about the skills of combat and how
machines work. Girls are more often exposed to the subtleties of social
interaction and the use of clothing and makeup to communicate intentions.
Not surprisingly, men are more likely to know how to fix their car or computer,
while women generally are better at predicting the outcome of social
interaction and make finer distinctions in fabric and color terms. You can test
your own gender related cultural knowledge with the following pictures of
relatively common items from North America:
How would you describe the
cloth pattern of the material
used in this woman's skirt?
There are many professions in large-scale societies. Each one usually has its
own terminology and specialized tools. Lawyers, medical doctors, soldiers,
and other specialists use numerous technical terms in their professions. To
make it even more obscure for outsiders, these professionals often use
abbreviations to refer to their technical terms. For instance, orthopedic
surgeons commonly refer to a particular kind of knee operation as ACL
surgery. ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament. Most people outside of
the medical fields who have not had this surgery are unlikely to know where
this ligament is and what it does, let alone know what the abbreviation
means. You can test your knowledge of another common profession in North
America with the following picture:
Culture Gives Us a Range of Permissible Behavior
Cultures commonly allow a range of ways in which men can be men and
women can be women. Culture also tells us how different activities should be
conducted, such as how one should act as a husband, wife, parent, child, etc.
These rules of permissible behavior are usually flexible to a degree--there are
some alternatives rather than hard rules. In North America, for instance,
culture tells us how we should dress based on our gender, but it allows us to
dress in different ways in different situations in order to communicate varied
messages and statuses. The clothing patterns of women in this society can
be particularly rich and complex. Their clothing can be intentionally business-
like, recreational, as well as sexually attractive, ambiguous, neutral, or even
repulsive. North American women are generally more knowledgeable than
men about the subtleties of using clothing and other adornment to
communicate their intentions. The wide range of permissible ways of being a
woman in North America today makes women somewhat unpredictable as
individuals when others are trying to understand their intentions but do not
fully comprehend the cultural patterns. It is particularly hard for men from
other cultures to comprehend the subtle nuances. This at times can result in
awkward or even dangerous situations. For instance, the easy friendliness
and casual, somewhat revealing dress of young North American women in the
summertime is sometimes interpreted by traditional Latin American and
Middle Eastern men as a sexual invitation. What messages do the clothes
and body language of the women in the pictures below communicate to you?
How do you think they might be interpreted by members of the opposite
gender and by people in other cultures? Do you think that the age of the
observer might play a part in their interpretation?
The range of permissible ways of dressing and acting as a man or woman are
often very limited in strictly fundamental Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Hindu
societies. In Afghanistan under the Taliban rule during the late 1990's, men
were expected to wear traditional male clothing and were beaten or jailed by
morality police for not having a full beard, playing or listening to music, or
allowing female family members to go out in public unchaperoned. Women
were similarly punished for being in public without wearing a plain loose outer
gown that covered their face and entire body including their feet. They also
were not allowed to go to school or to work outside of the home. To the
surprise of Europeans and North Americans, many of these conservative
cultural patterns did not disappear with the end of Taliban control. They are
deeply ingrained in the Islamic tradition of Afghanistan and in the more
conservative nations of the Middle East.
dominant societies of the world. The most influential of these dominant
societies today are predominantly in North America and Western Europe.
However, even these societies are rapidly adopting words, foods, and other
cultural traits from all over the world.
Methods for Learning About Culture
Anthropologists learn about the culture of another society through fieldwork
and first hand observation in that society. This kind of research is
called ethnography . Since culture primarily relates to the way people
interact with each other, it is not possible to adequately observe it in a
laboratory setting. Imagine how much more would be learned about the
actual patterns of interaction of a typical American family by living in their
home rather than asking one of the family members in a college or university
Participant Observation
Anthropologists have discovered that the best way
to really get to know another society and its culture
is to live in it as an active participant rather than
simply an observer. This is called participant
observation . By physically and emotionally
participating in the social interaction of the host
society, it is possible to become accepted as a
member. In practice this requires learning their Participant observation in a
Tibetan Buddhist monastery
language and establishing close friendship ties. It
also usually involves living within the community as a member, eating what
they eat, and taking part in normal family activities with them. This can be a
physical hardship and emotionally stressful, particularly when the host society
is in a rural area of an underdeveloped nation. Sanitation may be poor or
non-existent, the diet may be unsatisfying, and there may be minimal privacy
for personal hygiene and your sex life. However, the trust and familiarity that
can result from participant-observation reduces the cultural barriers and
allows anthropologists to understand the culture of the host society they are
It is rarely possible to grasp much of another culture during a short visit.
Anthropologists have learned that long-term residence lasting years is
necessary to see the range of cultural behavior. If a researcher lives in a
small community for only a few months and no one gets married, gives birth,
or dies during that time, it is unlikely that the culturally defined ways of dealing
with these situations will be observed and understood. Likewise, a short-term
visitor is not likely to learn about the intricate details of religious beliefs or
even the complex culturally defined patterns of male-female relationships and
parent-child interaction.
If you came upon this group of
people and knew
nothing about North American or
culture, would you be able to figure
out what
was going on? What cultural
patterns could
you identify and understand? For
instance, what
is the significance of the colors and
styles of
clothing? Why are some of the
people holding
flowers? Why are most of them
smiling? Is the
arrangement of people in this photo
How long should an anthropologist live within the society
being studied? There is no simple answer. It depends on the
focus of the study. In some cases the research may be as
narrowly focused as learning about agricultural practices. In
such cases, a stay of a few months to a few years may be adequate.
However, if the focus is the entire culture, many more years may be required.
In practice, anthropologists are likely to initially stay for a year or two and then
make shorter visits back to the host society every few years over the next
decade or more. The American Anthropologist, Napoleon Chagnon, spent
more than 30 years learning about the Yanomamö Indians of Venezuela
and Brazil, though he did not live with them all of that time.
the community. A husband and wife team of anthropologists is likely to be
more acceptable in these cases because their familiar relationship would allay
some of the fears of community members about the visitors' intentions. They
are more likely to be viewed as non-threatening. If the visitors bring their
young children with them, they are even more likely to be seen as fitting a
"normal", peaceful pattern. Members of the host society also may be more
likely to pass on valuable cultural information about every day living skills to
children because they consider this information to be too obvious to need
explanation for adults.
Ideal behavior: these children
posing for a photograph with the
Queen of England are on their
best behavior. Do you suppose
that this is how they act all of the
desire to stem population pressure led to a one child policy. Most couples are
only allowed to have one child without paying stiff penalties. Because of the
traditional pressure on parents to have a son, girl babies have often been
aborted even though this practice is illegal. The result has been a
disproportionately high percentage of boy babies being born over the last
several decades. An unexpected consequence of this has been that young
marriageable women are now in relatively short supply. They are in a position
to make greater demands on prospective husbands. Young men in China are
faced with the reality that if they want to have a good chance of finding an
educated wife, they must secure a well paying job and have enough money to
buy her a car and a new condo. In addition, they must be prepared to cook,
wash dishes, and do other home maintenance jobs traditionally done by
from each family is asked to answer for the entire family. This approach may
be used by ethnographers as well if there are distinct, identifiable groups of
people in the society and the information that is being sought is not
specialized knowledge such as the esoteric activities of a secret organization
with restricted membership.
Culture Shock
Any person, including an anthropologist, who goes to live in another society
that is culturally very different is likely to initially develop culture shock. This is
a feeling of confusion, distress, and sometimes depression that can result
from the psychological stress that commonly occurs during the first weeks or
months of a total cultural immersion in an alien society. Until the new culture
becomes familiar and comfortable, it is common to have difficulty in
communicating and to make frustrating mistakes in interactions with people in
the host society. This is usually compounded by feelings of homesickness.
These feelings can be emotionally debilitating. However, culture shock
eventually passes and productive fieldwork can begin.
Ethnographers can collect reliable data and develop a realistic understanding
of the cultural patterns in another society through a combination of five things: