By Aaron Mchugh
By Aaron Mchugh
By Aaron Mchugh
This mission statement is for artists,
entrepreneurs, liberators, innovators,
heretics, and, most especially, for forty-hourMonday-through-Friday-work-week employees.
This is an invitation to unravel what the world
has taught you about YOUR work, your career,
and your future.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
I am not telling you how to get rich quick. I am not selling you some tuition
program or training course I have created.
Rather, Im offering my experience and my story to you purely for your own
enrichment and encouragement. Im offering my pain, my joy, and my discovery
freely in hopes that you, too, will find a new rhythm for your career.
I love to work.
I dont work because I am a workaholic but because I love the invention and
creativity that happens in my career.
When I fired my boss, my career transitioned to an entirely new plane of
enjoyment for me.
You, too, can discover a new way to approach your work.
You, too, can have a brand new job starting tomorrow.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Before you push the eject button, think of the hassle of brushing up your resume,
looking for a new job, going through the interviews, evaluating the benefits
packages, and comparing the compensation.
Lets face it: The biggest gain in changing jobs is that you will restart the clock on
a new set of challenges, a new pairing of relationships, and a new boss.
What if you
fired your boss
What if I told you that this is not the answer you are really searching for?
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
The battleground of your thinking is the first place to drive a stake in the ground.
If you believe that your boss, your factory, your pension, or your biggest customer
is your only hope for a prosperous tomorrow, then you will do anything to protect
those eggs in that lone basket.
In an unwritten contract you will resign your will, your opinions, your creativity
and your passion in trade for self-preservation.
The more you feel like a victim who is subject to the whims of the company or the
policies of leadership, the more you feel like a slave to your mortgage payment, the
more you will shrink back and keep signing the unwritten contract.
You have the power to transform your workplace experience solely based on your
interpretations and reactions. Tomorrow, when you return to your office, you can
have a brand new job and a new arrangement for your future. But only if you are
willing to recalibrate what you believe.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
One night, just before his corporate conference, he finds himself at a moral
crossroads, a point of breakthrough. During his wrestlinghis epiphanyhe does
headstands in his hotel room and unravels what he had previously learned about
the world.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
He calls it, The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business.
His mission statement makes him famous, but for all the wrong reasons.
His peers smile as they make eye contact from across the conference room while
making sure not to stand close enough to catch the career-suicide bug that they
knew had surely infected him.
Soon Jerry is fired and leaves the office with his mission statement in one hand
and the goldfish, his only heretic recruit, in the other.
OK. To be fair, the cute secretary comes with him, as well. She cant resist a man
of principle.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
This is a manifesto.
A coup dtat.
A sudden illegal overthrow.
I am inviting you to unravel what the world has taught you about your work,
your career, and your future.
I may end up being the lonely guy holding a goldfish with no one following me.
But, like Jerry, Im willing to run the risk.
Ive lived too long following the rules and expecting the outcome to match
the promises.
It hasnt worked.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
lets roll.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Indentured servants
Forty years of hard labor
In medieval times, indentured servants worked the land of a king for a fixed
number of years until their debt was paid in full. The king owned the field, the
crop and the harvest yield. He got rich, he ate and drank as much as he liked, and
the servants learned to live on the crumbs from his table.
Kings love servants and minions.
Does this sound familiar to you?
For many people work can be a place where they feel like indentured servants. It
can be a place where they feel obligated and stuck.
Many companies and leadership teams have this same ancient mentality.
They believe that their employees are lucky to work for them. They believe
that each worker is a replaceable cog. They are looking for compliant workers
and employees, who, under the weight of needing to meet their own financial
obligations, settle in for forty years of hard labor.
But it doesnt have to be this way.
Why approach your workday with this kind of obligation?
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Like the indentured servant, most employees take on the goals of the crownthe
company and the customersas their priority instead of their own goals. Creating
great products and building great companies are wonderful ways to invest in
a career, but at what expense? Too often the objectives of the kingdomthe
companybecome the only mission. What you want, what you need, or what you
value is rarely included in the companys quarterly objectives.
How frequently have you been asked in your quarterly or annual review, How
is the company treating you? What can the company do for you? How can the
company help make you a more content, enthusiastic, invigorated, challenged
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Your boss
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
your boss
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
the verdict
I had spent so many years attempting to gain the appreciation and confidence of
my leaders that I was exhausted.
The truth is, it was like playing a baseball game with one eye on the game and one
eye on my boss in the bleachers. As a result, I was never fully in the game because
I was more worried about whether or not I was being seen for the great plays I
was making.
Now Ive learned to offer my best work every day and get my head into the game
instead of spending so much time wondering what the commentators are saying.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
the verdict
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Were going to be at it
for a while and there is no
payoff for hanging on.
Youre free to choose
where to invest your skills
and talents.
Imagine that last week you attended your companys retirement plan meeting.
The young thirty-something presenter showed a chart proclaiming how the stock
market boasts a predictable 30-year average rate of return of 10%.
For the last 15 years, however, youve only experienced down markets. You follow
the advertised best practices, contributing your faithful (x)% every month, but you
know that your retirement plan is not the golden handcuff it once was.
Indeed, the Ford Motor Companys pension plan model vanished with our
grandparents generation. And the promise of the stock market producing wild
amounts of wealth with which we can travel the world and eat caviar does not
seem to be panning out, either.
The belief that your companys retirement plan will provide a guaranteed path
to financial security is not anything you should count on. Instead, you should
accept that you will be working for more years than the thirty-something presenter
promised in that meeting.
Lets not feel obligated to stick it out with any one company for our entire career.
The good news is that when the pension plan vanished, employees received
greater freedom of choice. We can make career decisions largely independent of a
company retirement plan.
Since most of us wont end up in early retirement, we should certainly make sure
our work is fulfilling.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Hope in
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Like Andy, you are digging out. Hold on to the hope that
there is more available for you.
A year ago, I hung a large, framed picture of Andy
Dufresne and Red in my office at work. Each man is in his
prison jumpsuit with his prison ID embroidered across his
It was a symbol of a
shift in the posture of
my heart.
They help orient me to deeper truths and stories that I could otherwise easily
forget. This poster was exactly that symbol. It was a symbol of change. It was a
symbol of a shift in the posture of my heart.
I have to imagine that Andy Dufresnes years in Shawshank were less difficult than
they would have been because he knew that each day he made a little progress in
redefining the hold the place had on him.
The honest truth is that I have worked in some really difficult work environments.
I will spare you the stories, but I can promise you that symbols like Red and Andy
helped offer me hope in a very needed way.
You would think that most work places would not tolerate an employee hanging a
poster of two inmates in his office; nobody even noticed.
But when I looked at it, I knew I was digging out.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Checklist Reminder
You are a pro.
You have been at this for years.
You lead a great team.
You are a workhorse.
You are a Linchpin.
You are esteemed by your peers.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Starting today, take
responsibility for your
future success.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Depend on yourself
Imagine a life in which you rely on yourself. A life in
which you live into your best realityyour best self.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Depend on yourself
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Start doing the job you wish you had. Youll be surprised
how happy everyone will be.
Depend on yourself
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
No one is going to send you an invitation saying, Hey, you know that great thing
youve been contemplating? You should go ahead and start it.
We all wish that invitation would come, but for most of us it does not.
- I have enough time
- I have enough money.
- When I am older or If I were younger
- When life slows down
- When things get back to normal
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Stop waiting
The truth is, all of our lists of excuses are really just us
choosing something we feel is easier, safer, or more
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Stop waiting
Lets do an exercise.
Check each box that you agree with.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Youre fired.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Keep going!
Keep looking in the mirror, and fire your company.
Fire your team.
Fire your employees.
Fire your customers.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
The Result
He loved what I started offering, the leadership
I started providing, and, ironically, he was more
appreciative of me. In the end, we ended up in a
partnership arrangement.
I had a new job and I didnt have to quit my
job to get it.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Guess what.
He never knew what changed.
Wait till he reads this and finds out that
I fired him.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Lets circle back to Jerry Maguire. We left him with his goldfish, his mission
statement, and the receptionist. I believe that Jerrys story gives us a backdrop for
our own lives. Jerry risked a great deal when he published The Things We Think
and Do Not Say, and his life was reinvigorated. He found a new path, though it
was not the one that was well-trodden but rather the one less-traveled.
My hope is that the mission statement you are reading gives you permission
to walk down the less-traveled path. I invite you to do your best work, pursue
happiness despite circumstances, and take back the ownership of your future.
I dont believe that a person needs to be an entrepreneur in order to experience
this kind of liberation and freedom. In fact, for a lot of people the risks of
entrepreneurship would outweigh the rewards.
But everyone needs the liberation, freedom and confidence that firing his or her
boss will produce.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
practical steps
Without the
following people
this project would
have never been
Thank you.
Laurie and Tim Thornton are artists, writers, musicians and friends. They taught me about the
ups and downs of the creative process. Each time I attempted to quit, they would hold up my
arms and my head. Laurie is the brilliant editor behind this project. Her craftsmanship took
my ideas and ramblings and turned them into prose. Please hire Laurie Thornton for your
next project.
Morgan Snyder, Jon Dale, Matt McHugh, Xan Hood, Aaron Johnson, Sam Jolman, Vance
Brown, Alex Burton, Ray Cameron, Mom McHugh, Mike Worley, Julie Musilli, Jack ONeill,
Jim Blake, Bill Alexander, John Keller, Quentin Goin, Michael Johnson, Joel Spicola, Kent
Hildebrand, Mark Austin, Joel Pinson, Patrick Hall, Jeff Matteus, John Blas, John Bergquist,
Barry Evans, Chuck Bolton, Macky Morris, Scott James, Sam Ainslie, Tim Pfeifer, Matt Neigh,
Pete Gannon, and Matt Dealy.
Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh
The team
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Dont Quit Your Job - Fire Your Boss Copyright Aaron McHugh