Merritt Morning Market-Mar17-10#1992
Merritt Morning Market-Mar17-10#1992
Merritt Morning Market-Mar17-10#1992
Rexall Brand
Denture Cleanser Tablets
$ 99
Please recycle 96’s
Black’s Pharmacy
SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
GIFTS for every occasion! Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700
Farmers’ market
looking for
informational session
CUSTOM FRAMING On March 22, the Nicola Valley
(Formerly Brookmere Vintage Gallery)
Farmers’ Market will host an info meet-
Find us at 2840 Voght St., ing at City Hall, starting 6:30pm. The
board is looking for all vendors to come
next to Century 21 out and tell them what is working and to work early afternoons, evenings & weekends.
what is not. The objective is to improve Community
and adapt to each vendor’s needs to
100-2840 Voght St. • (250)378-5900
Please apply in person with resume
make the farmers’ market the best it can St. Patrick’s Day luncheon
The Catholic Women’s League will
1901 Quilchena Ave • (250)378-0307
possibly be. New vendors who want to hold their annual luncheon on Wed.,
COMPOST BULK get a feel for what the market is all about March 17, 11am-12noon, at the Catholic
are invited too. This is a great opportuni-
GATE SALES ty to come and see if it’s for you. The
Church Hall, Coldwater Ave. Lunch is
Open to the public $6/person, everyone welcome.
board will be on hand to answer ques-
for pick-up tions, and many current vendors will also
MMHA Annual awards night
Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
The awards night will be held this
Mon • Wed • Fri be in attendance. The market will run
Wed, March 17, 7pm in the MSS Multi- Specialists
every Saturday from May 15-October 9,
10am-12noon 9am-2 pm. For more info, contact Lucas
Purpose Room. Everyone is welcome! ICBC Claims
For more info call Teams encouraged to attend!
378-2124, or •Commercial •Residential
Saturdays Isobel 315-8010, •Automotive •Industrial
NV Better Breathers Club
or Home & Community Care RN
Aspen spruces up Heather Pearson will speak at the next 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
On Monday, Minister of Forests & free monthly support group meeting, on 378-4531
Range Pat Bell was in attendance for Wed. March 17, 1:30-2:30pm at Trinity
Aspen Planers’ official opening of their United Church. FMI Richie 378-6266.
newly upgraded planer mill, along with NV Museum Archives AGM
dignitaries, contractors and employees. The AGM & election of officers will be
March 19, 2010 The previous planer was capable of held Thurs., March 18, at the Merritt Sr.'s Merritt Real Estate Services
producing 250 million board feet of Ctre, 1675 Tutill Court, 7pm. Guest speak-
RE • 7:30PM
dimension lumber per year on a 3-shift er is Spius Creek Fish Hatchery’s Bob
9 -2010
E 200
basis. New state-of-the-art laser & com- Davis. Current and new members wel-
SANDPIPER – 2 bdrm apt. – 5 appliances avail. immed.
lion board feet, the equivalent of 10,000 on their new playground equipment,
3 BDRM modular in Sunshine Valley – F/S W/D furnace &
But besides the upgrade, Minister the Grand Pub & Grill on Mar. 20. For
3 X 1 BDRM apts. – F/S heat and hot water incl. coin op laun-
Bell says he knows from his travels in more info, contact Lila at 378-6212.
dry - avail. immed...................................................$575/month
fold. And it looks like things are starting 8:30am, at Crossroads Community 3 BDRM. Apt. at Grandview Heights 5 appl. avail. May/10
to turn around for the industry. They Church, 2990 Voght St.
the province & the world. and will kick off again in April with
378-1996 Direct line to the Property Mgt Dept
Aspen Planers was established in a"Welcome to Spring Expression COMMERCIAL & OFFICE
Merritt by Tara Singh Ghog in 1959. Session". They're excited about it, and
Over the years it has grown to 300 looking forward to seeing all their
employees & contractors, and remains members and guests again. Watch for
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
an independent, family-owned business. more info as it becomes available.
Several units to choose from: 240 sq. ft-$250/mo. 1200 sq. ft-$1100/mo. and more! Month-to-month or lease
Call for all your residential or commercial
Pastor John’s 60 second sermon property management needs!
1988 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC
What can I say for my last sermon in Merritt that I have not already said? I hope
Cathy - property manager
that I finished well & I pray that you finish well also. We are in the race of our lives,
one that could mean the difference between life & death. How we run, & finish
The Nicola Valley Community Arts Council presents
means everything! The Apostle Paul talked explicitly about what Christianity is all
about. I think that is what I would like to leave with you.
THE Paul said, “None of the opposition will deter me. None of my afflictions will
Vegetable &
hold me back. The thorn in my flesh only reminds me all the more of my depend-
ence on Christ & what He can do despite all of my limitations. All I care about is to
flower seeds
SHOW proceed & to preserve in the task He has given me, & to finish well.”
It is not enough to have a mere profession of faith. We must live up to that pro-
March 5 - 27, 2010 | Reception March 12 at 5-7pm
fession. The truth is not only to be believed, but also obeyed. We are to be not only
The work of students who have been studying painting and drawing with in the light of truth, but in the love & power of it as well. Paul maintained that hum-
Jean Kiegerl Diane Kiernan ble attitude & dependence on the Lord his whole life.
Bobbi Jackson Parkes Kathi Dahlquist-Gray The race the Apostle Paul was in was to preach the gospel message of God’s
As well as students who have attended workshops sponsored by the grace. Paul did not know exactly what hardships he would face, but he knew that
the Lord would direct & be with him. Christ told us that all Christians are to expect
Valley Visual Artists
Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More
& prepare for suffering. And by His grace, He will enable us to go on in our work.
Special guests: students from That should be a great assurance to us all when we share our faith with others.
Merritt Secondary School Coquihalla Middle School Those who endure to the end of their days by their faith in Jesus will receive the
salvation of their souls. That will more than make up for any suffering they may
Come see the exciting developing artistic talent in our community endure for the sake of Christ. Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Join us for a reception March 12 from 5-7pm Paul was done and so am I. Those who love each other knelt down, prayed &
wept together; not knowing if they would see each other again. But what a glorious
FRI & SAT, 9PM-1:30AM •Karaoke Tuesdays
•Texas Hold’em
Gallery hours: Monday 6-8pm
Thursday 4-8pm (new hours) reunion there will be in heaven. Wed 7pm
Are you ready to run a good race & endure to the end? I hope & pray that you
NV community arts
Friday & Saturday 10am-4pm
council •Fun Darts Mondays
are. Together we can encourage one another to the Glory of God forever & ever
1840 Nicola Ave. • Each 3rd Friday
amen. Until we meet again, I love you with the love of the Lord & will miss you a
Info & suggestions for future shows contact
of the month
Kathi at the gallery 250-378-6515
lot. You are my brothers & sisters in Christ.
or email at ARTS COUNCIL
12-2pm in the pub
Pastor John will continue to preach in Peachland’s Baptist Church. • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
His 60 second sermons will continue in the Merritt Morning Market.
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email
personal 96 FORD Taurus, loaded, rns ok SOLID wd encl. tv stnd, ant.-style $500.
less than 1 yr old w/ wht/red collar 378-9505 $150 Terry 378-2629 BAUHAUS sofa & loveseat, ‘Davenport’
LOOKING for someone who com- 99 DODGE Ram 1500 sport 4x4, 5.2L fabric, ‘nat.’ col. $125obo. Cherrywd din-
Tropico Spice
mutes to Kmlps. Xtra space? I’ll pay for v8, 5-spd stndrd, eng rns exc/trck nds ingrm set: 6 chairs, tbl, bufft & hutch, lk nw
gas. Calvin 378-1392 wrk $3600obo 378-1647 $1000obo 378-5627
for sale - electronics/software
JUNK TO THE DUMP. Call me now
91 DODGE 350 flat dck, nw dck,
MOVNG, skid steer, transprtng/haulng,
dump trlr 378-3496 8-YR old stndrd bed bay mare, unbroke bth, gs ovn & hob, dual f/frzr, ht & a/c, tndm
COMPLETE Home Improvement $400. Jessie 378-6383 axle, awn. exter. shwr etc $6600 378-9421
Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No 3-MOS. old terr./shitzu male 315-0420 2 SLEDS 91 Polaris 500 & Arctic Cat, both
job too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200 SHITZU & shitzy/bichon, both fem,
non-breedng $500/both 315-4453
w/ trlr, both rn $2000/evrythng. 18’ round
pool w/ pmp & access $150 315-0201 •classified deadlines:
HSEHLD Team. Can’t do it? No time? Let
us hlp you. Res./comm., clneaning, cookng, SHETLAND/sheepdog puppy, CKC-reg- 04 SANTA Cruz Vio dwnhill bike, tns 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
shppng, p-u/deliv., men avail. for repairs, ist’d, ID microchip, shots/dw clws/vet-chckd, nw prts, gd cond 315-9347 •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
elect., plmbng, pntng, outdr wrk, etc., mbl
mech., exc rates 378-3537, 525-1010
born Jan 28/ready to go Mar 26 378-5297
SADDLES: Circle Y ropng saddle, 13” seat,
81 HUSQVARNA 430 cr dirtbike. nw
pnt & rear tire, lots pwr, rns exc •to get on the current garage sale
DESERT Perf. & Repair. Oil chnges, grt cnd, full 1/4-horse bars $1000obo. Wstrn $1300obo 378-2629 email list: email us
Let us know what your think of our new website!
tune ups, mnr repair, eng. reblds, per- Rawhide saddle made in Winnipeg, vry ARCTIC cat hauler rec vehicle, 05,
formance, etc. 378-6454 cmfrtbl trail/all-rnd saddle, exc shape, 15” side-by-side, heated cab, bnk bx c/w
Baillie House
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398
garage sale
gd w/ kids, gd mouser 378-0882 snwmbl sep. $7500. 378-3738, 315-8550
20' 93 GEORTZEN goose nck trlr, nw POOL for summr, all there/all wrks, in donations for
EXPER'D 18-yr old girl avail. to babysit rubbr 378-3593 bx, kids too big for it now, 16' round, 3'
at your hse, wknds, days, eves., when PAL, oldr ret'd wrkng rnch horse, vry gd h, wnt it out shop $40 Terry 378-2629 the Spring
you nd me, refs avail. Taylor 378-3694 health, exc for yng chldrn. $1200. 378-4955 14’ SEARS alum. boat w/ trlr $750. Garage Sale
for sale - appliances HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml Elect. boat mtr $160. 9’6” cmpr w/ toi-
dogs $35 378-6289 let, nds tls $400 378-8156
for sale - miscellaneous
WHT non-slf cleaning stove, exc. cond. $50. CMPR, early 90s Vanguard, 8'10", f/s w/
Fridge, wht, s-x-s, vry gd cond. $300. Stckng ovn. reg.-sz bd, hydr. jcks $800obo 378-4549
wash/dryer, wht, gd cond. $200 378-0259 FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379
THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FREE: washing mach. 378-8371 Badmngtn rackets, titanium $30/set. qun bed. $14,999obo 378-1875
for sale - tools/equipment
Tennis rackets offrs 378-1392
Admission by donation
BAR fridge $40 378-4732
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard,
for sale - automotive
SLEIGH crib, no matt. $100, universal
A keepsake
Ellen Norgaard
$600 firm Barb 378-6919 NW qu-sz bd w/ frame $75obo. Old/ant. WTD TO RNT: 2-bdrm hse 378-9014 1/2 DPLX prfr oldr cpl, inquire @
CANOPY for imprt trck, brgndy $250. sewng mach, offrs 936-8551
Evelyn Armstrong
TRANSMISSION for 89 Dodge Dakota NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, 378-4471, 2502 Orme St.
98 Toyota 4x4 5-spd, 190k, lady-drvn DRY fir firewd $150/cord, dlvrd 378-9229 4x4 - urgntly needed 378-4552 nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in RENO’D trlr on lrg lot, no pd rntl, lrg
Bev Veale
$7500obo 315-3873
ESSENTIAL yoga for inflexible peo- 4-6” flower pots, free/really cheap 378-8109 bonus (250)378-9880 shd, grdn space, nr schls, nice neigh-
Georgina Beatty
88 GMC hvy hlf, nw tires/cmp. 177k ple' DVD $10 378-0811 DEEP tub or old sauna for in-grnd pool ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start- brhd, cul-de-sac $850 + dep 315-0201
27 local
$1500. 378-1832 MICROWAVE 420. Baby hi-chair $20. for dog 378-4007
John Taylor
ing from $400/mo 378-2821 2-BDRM bsmt ste, n/drnkr, n/ prties,
81 CHEV touring van, rns well, lady- 2 Xbox cntrlrs $20. Toaster $5 315-2889 DISABLED man lookng for old lum- APR 1 $700 3-bdrm Sndpiper,
artists — a
3 refs req’d, $800 util incl. 378-8862
Leonard A. George Jr.
owne $3700 drive away 378-8326 350 used boundary stone lndscpng ber/plywd or const. waste, will pck- f/s/w/d/dw 378-7462
Available at
2-BDRM bsmt ste, nrs schl/twn,
Cindy Trent
4 WNTR tires for Honda Accord 205/60-
blocks 15.5”x8.5”x5” $500/all. Free: 6 up/haul, work for 315-5398, 315-1039 2-BDRM ste in 4-plx, LN 378-0990 immed. 1-bdrm ste, f/s 525-0240
R16 incl whls, lk nw $500 firm 378-1569
Country Bug Books
SHOP, 1500sf, insul’d, on 2 lots,
05 GMC Canyon pck-up, 63,000 mi., FREE: King sz matt. & bx sprng, gd out of twn/gd grdn spot. betty 378-2163 3-BDRM twnhse, f/s/w/d, n/s, $800,
Les Hampton loaded w/ leathr inter., 4x4 off rd pkg, cond. 378-0259 refs req’d, Apr 1 (604)946-2990 commerc. district 378-4195
FSHNG tackle 378-4053
Bobbi Parkes
nw tires/rims, exc cond 315-9347 SOLID oak Prestonia 5'-6"wx3'lng 6-drwr BNCH, 2-rm bsmt ste, full bthrm, share VAR. homes for rent Bobby 525-0402
dsk w/ solid top gls top $435obo 378-9192 WRKNG family of 3 lookng to rnt/buy lndry & kitch. w/ upstairs $600 315-2508 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, f/s/w/d, priv.
Gwayne Point
96 FORD Taurus, loaded, rns ok, 3-bdrm home, LN/cntry setting ok. Apr
$500obo 315-4469 CHSTRFLD exc cnd $75. Chair 378-8326 1, 1-BDRM ste, n/p, n/s, wrkng prsn, 1 fncd yrd, nr dwntwn $750 util incl
Nancy Saddleman
blck to arena, util incl, Apr 1 378-4586 378-6120, mess. 936-8205
This project & for sale house/property
92 MAZDA B-series pck-up, lw mi. on FREE: hide-a-bed, u pck-up/load 379-0902
Jana Sasaki
nwr re-build w/ 5-spd trans no rust/ 2 COFF. tbls, schl dsk, bar 378-5275 2-BDRM bsmt ste, w/d, $800 util 3-BDRM dplx, 1-1/2 bth, f/s/w/d,
NV Arts Council dents/issues $1900. 378-9697 REV. PROP. LN, 4-bdrm hse w/ 2 stes, incl. 378-6295 frshly pntd, quiet neighbrhd, fncd
Barbara Rode
COUCH & chair, beige, rose design, velvet
supported by 94 DODGE Dakota w/ cnpy, 2wd, v8 cloth $100obo. Grn padded glider rockng income $1675/mo, nw septic, comm. 1-BDRM for 1 adlt, n/s, n/p, refs yrd, $950, Feb 1st (250)769-7243
318, exc cond $1500obo 378-0475 chair w/ ft stool, exc cond.$160. 378-4554 water. $229,900 378-8175 $525 ht/cbl incl. 378-2954 ROOM $300, for quiet prsn 378-8807