Magnesium With Hari

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Finite element simulation of magnesium alloy sheet forming at elevated

Hariharasudhan Palaniswamy, Gracious Ngaile, Taylan Altan
ERC for Net Shape Manufacturing, The Ohio State University, 339 Baker Systems, 1971 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, USA

The use of lightweight magnesium (Mg) alloy offers significant potential to improve automotive fuel efficiency. However, the application
of formed magnesium alloy components in auto-body structures is restricted due to this materials low formability at room temperature and
lack of knowledge for processing magnesium alloys at elevated temperature. In this study, non-isothermal finite element (FE) simulation
has been conducted for forming round cups and rectangular pans from Mg alloy AZ31B sheet at elevated temperatures. The results were
compared with experiments, conducted at the Technical University, Hanover. Simulation and experiments predicted increase in limiting
draw ratio (LDR) with increase in temperature. Maximum LDR was obtained at the forming temperature of 200 C. FE simulation results
agreed well with experimental observations.
2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Finite element; Magnesium; Warm sheet forming

1. Introduction
Weight reduction while maintaining functional requirements is one of the major goals of engineering design and
manufacturing so that materials, energy, and costs are saved
and damage to the environment is reduced. Mg alloys offer great potential to reduce weight by displacing the most
commonly used materials, i.e. steel and polymers, because
of their low density (78% lighter per unit volume than steel).
Presently Mg alloy parts, used in structural applications, are
mainly produced by die casting and often they do not meet
safety requirements. A promising alternative can be seen in
parts manufactured by forming. Formed Mg alloy sheet has
advantageous material properties and fine-grained structure
without porosity and offers better mechanical properties than
castings [1]. The use of conventional forming technology for
Mg alloy sheet is restricted because of the low formability of
Mg alloys at room temperature. However, Mg alloys show
increased formability in the temperature range 200300 C.
This is due to the activation of additional slip planes (pyramidal plane 1 1 0 1) in magnesium alloys hexagonal closed
packed structure [25].
Droder [6] conducted extensive experimental investigation on the forming properties of magnesium alloys, using
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Altan).

0924-0136/$ see front matter 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Mg alloy sheet AZ31B in his experiments. He observed

that round cups of 100 mm diameter were drawn to a maximum height of 120 mm (limiting draw ratio, LDR = 2.5)
at a forming temperature of 200 C, while rectangular pans
(110 mm 220 mm) could be drawn to a maximum height
of 65 mm at 225 C. Punch temperature during the process
influenced the LDR. Maximum LDR was obtained when the
punch was maintained at room temperature. Droder found
that the blank holder force, required to suppress wrinkles in
drawing, decreases with increase in forming temperature for
both round and rectangular geometries. Doege et al. [7] reported that the formability of Mg alloys at elevated temperatures could be further increased by locally varying the temperature in the tool. A rectangular pan (110 mm 220 mm)
was drawn to a depth of 98 mm by maintaining high temperature at tool corners and low temperature at straight edges.
Thus, the better formability exhibited by Mg alloy sheet at
high temperature could be exploited to form this material to
manufacture lightweight components in the body and chassis of automobiles and in other structural applications.
Successful application of formed Mg alloys requires an
economical manufacturing process. Optimal design of warm
forming process for sheet metal requires critical consideration of: (a) material flow behavior of Mg alloy sheet at elevated temperature; (b) lubrication system at the tool/blank
interface; (c) tool design with temperature control; and (d)
warm forming process design, analysis and optimization using finite element (FE) method.

H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Droder [6] and Doege et al. [7] have extensively investigated the material properties of Mg alloy sheets, interface conditions and tool design for warm forming. The application of FEM for warm forming process design is in
its early stage. Ghosh and Kikuchi [8] proposed a coupled
thermo-mechanical FEM formulation for FE simulation of
warm sheet forming process. Bolt et al. [9] applied coupled
FEM for simulating the warm sheet forming process of aluminum alloys using the commercial code MARC. They concluded that, compared to experiments, numerical simulation
results underestimate the punch load versus stroke.
In this study, DEFORM 2D and 3D, coupled thermoelasticvisco-plastic commercial FEM codes have been used
to analyze warm forming of magnesium alloys. Forming operations for two shapes, a round cup and a rectangular pan
were analyzed. Loadstroke curve, thickness distribution,
and temperature distribution in the sheet obtained in experiments [6,7] were compared with FE simulation results for
various forming temperatures.


Table 1
Process parameters used in simulation
Tooling setup
Punch diameter (mm)
Punch and die corner radius (mm)
Initial punch temperature ( C)
Blank material
Thickness (mm)
Mechanical properties
Youngs modulus, E (GPa)
Poissons ratio,
Flow stress curve

Friction coefficient,
Thermal properties
Thermal conductivity (sheet) (N/s C)
Heat capacity (sheet) (N/mm2 C)
Thermal conductivity (tool) (N/s C)
Heat capacity (tool) (N/mm2 C)
Convection coefficient (N/s mm C)
Interface heat transfer coefficient (N/s mm C)
Factor to convert plastic deformation energy to heat

Obtained from
(Figs. 2 and 3)

2. Warm forming of Mg alloy round cup

2.1. FE model
FE simulations of round cup drawing at elevated temperatures were conducted for Mg alloy AZ31B. In these simulations, the geometry was modeled over a unit radian about the
Z-axis due to the axisymmetric deformation mode (Fig. 1).
The sheet was meshed with axisymmetric quadrilateral element with four elements along the thickness to capture the
bending strains. These elements have both temperature and
displacement as their degrees of freedom to predict both deformation and temperature variation during the process. The
dies were considered rigid but non-isothermal. The inputs
to the FE simulations are shown in Table 1.
The flow stress data for the blank material obtained by
Droder [6] from tensile test, Figs. 2 and 3, was used in the

Fig. 1. FE model of the round cup warm sheet forming process in


Fig. 2. Flow stress of magnesium alloy sheet AZ31B at different temperatures [6].

Fig. 3. Flow stress of magnesium alloy sheet AZ31B for different strain
rates [6].


H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Table 2
Case study matrix from Droder [6]
Case studies


Die, blank and

blank holder
temperature ( C)

Initial blank
holder pressure





simulation. The flow stress for the calculated strains, temperature and strain rate were logarithmically interpolated and
extrapolated using the available input data. The friction coefficient, , used in the simulations was obtained from the
strip draw test conducted by Droder [6] and it was assumed
not to vary locally with interface temperature and pressure.
The interface heat transfer coefficient was assumed to be uniform for the entire surface and the value was selected based
on the results published in the literature [10]. Experimental
case studies were simulated for four different temperatures
for LDR = 2.3, Table 2 [6].
2.2. Results and discussion (round cup)
2.2.1. Temperature distribution
Fig. 4 shows the temperature distribution along the cup
wall during forming at different stroke positions, for case
A2. During forming, the sheet, which is initially at uniform
temperature of 200 C, comes in contact with punch at room
temperature and looses heat. Thus, the region of sheet metal
in contact with punch has lower temperature compared to
the sheet in contact with the die, as shown in Fig. 4. As the
deformation proceeds, the contact with the punch increases,
while the contact with the die decreases. As a result, the
sheet looses temperature continuously. A small increase in
maximum temperature above 200 C was observed in the
flange due to the heat generation from the plastic work during the process. Large drop in temperature for a very small
time period (20 s) was observed because Mg alloy looses
heat rapidly due to its high thermal conductivity and low
specific heat capacity. Low temperature in the wall and high
temperature in the flange (Fig. 4) are essential for warm deep
drawing process because, increase in the flow stress due to
decrease in temperature enables the cup wall at punch corner to support more stress. The decrease in flow stress with
increase in temperature enables the flange material to draw
in with less draw force. Thus, any failure by tearing could
be postponed and high LDR could be obtained.
Punch temperature plays a critical role in warm forming
process as it influences the temperature of cup walls thereby
increasing the strength of cup wall compared to flange.
Droder [6] found in his experiments that lower punch temperature results in high LDRs. During the process the punch,
initially at room temperature, gets warmer. The temperatures
observed in experiments and simulations are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4. Temperature variation in the Mg alloy sheet as predicted by FE

simulation in warm forming of round cup.

Fig. 5. Comparison of punch temperatures obtained in experiments and


H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Fig. 6. Punch load obtained from the FE simulation and experiment at forming temperature of 150 C for LDR of 2.3.

Fig. 7. Punch load obtained from the FE simulation and experiment at forming temperature of 200 C for LDR of 2.3.

Fig. 8. Punch load obtained from the FE simulation and experiment at forming temperature of 300 C for LDR of 2.3.



H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

It should be noted that the punch temperature from the simulation was the maximum obtained in a single cup forming
operation, compared to the experiments that included multiple runs. In simulation, multiple runs would further increase
the punch temperature depending on the time interval between the runs.
2.2.2. Punch force
The punch loads obtained from the simulations for
forming temperatures 150, 200 and 300 C are shown in
Figs. 68, respectively. The fluctuation in the loadstroke
curve observed in the simulation was due to the oscillation of nodes in contact with the punch. The cups were
fully drawn for the forming temperatures of 150, 200 and
250 C. At 300 C, the cup failed at the stroke of 32 mm.
The maximum punch load obtained at all the simulated temperatures for LDR 2.3 was higher than the load obtained in
experiment for corresponding temperatures. However, the
decrease in punch load with increase in temperature could
be predicted in the simulations.
High punch force observed in simulation could be due
to: (a) high blank holder force that restrains the material
flow; and (b) high shear stress due to interface friction coefficient. The material property for Mg alloy sheet available
from tensile test was limited to low strain rates, strains and
temperature up to 200 C. Beyond this range, logarithmic
extrapolation was used. This could be another reason for
the over estimation of punch force. Also in the simulation, the material was considered isotropic. However, in
magnesium sheets the basal poles are oriented normal to
the thickness direction and exhibit normal anisotropy. It
should also be noted that in the simulation the von Mises
yield criterion was assumed to represent the yield surface
of magnesium alloys. However, the best yield criterion
that represents yielding in Mg alloy may still have to be

Fig. 9. Percentage thinning distribution from FE simulation and experiment

at forming temperature of 200 C for LDR of 2.3.

2.2.3. Thickness distribution

Thickness distribution from experiments was available in
literature for temperatures of 200 and 250 C at LDR of 2.3.
A comparison of the simulation and experimental results is
shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. The trend of percentage change in thickness predicted by simulation matches
with experiment for forming at 200 and 250 C. However,
less thickening and more thinning has been observed in the
simulation as compared to the experiments. Maximum thinning observed in the cup wall for both simulation and experiment is contrary to the conventional stamping where
the maximum thinning is observed at punch radius. This
could be due to the fact that the strength of the cup wall
in warm forming is not uniform as in conventional forming
and depends on the temperature distribution in the wall during forming process. As seen in Fig. 4, the temperature was
minimum at punch corner radius and increased towards the
die corner radius at all stroke positions. Therefore, low yield
strength of the material at cup wall compared to the material

Fig. 10. Percentage thinning distribution from FE simulation and experiment at forming temperature of 250 C for LDR of 2.3.

H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Fig. 11. Percentage thinning distribution from FE simulation at different

forming temperatures for LDR of 2.3.

at punch corner caused thinning in the cup walls rather than

at punch corner. Maximum thinning of 22, 15 and 20% was
observed for forming temperatures of 150, 200 and 250 C,
respectively (Fig. 11). At 300 C, localized thinning was observed at a stroke of 32 mm indicating that the part could
fail by tearing (Fig. 12).
More thinning and less thickening was observed in the
simulation compared to experiments for the same process
parameters. This indicates that the von Mises yield surface
used in simulation for determining yielding of the material
may overpredict the yield stress in the flange where the radial stresses are tensile and hoop stresses are compressive.
Less thinning observed at 200 C compared to other forming temperatures indicated that the maximum LDR could be
achieved when forming at 200 C. In experiments, the maximum LDR of 2.5 was obtained when forming at 200 C
[6]. The comparison of LDRs predicted by simulation and
experiment for different forming temperatures is shown in
Fig. 13. In simulation, the specimen was considered to fail
when thinning exceeds 25%. Localized necking predicted in
simulation for different temperatures at high LDRs is shown
in Fig. 12. The location of localized thinning obtained in
the simulations matched with fracture locations in experiments. Maximum LDR predicted by simulation for differ-


Fig. 13. Comparison of LDR from simulation and experiment at different

forming temperatures.

ent forming temperatures was less than that obtained from

experiments [6] (Fig. 13).

3. Warm forming of rectangular pan

3.1. FE model
FE simulations of the Mg alloy rectangular pan warm
forming was conducted using an implicit FE code DEFORM
3D, a coupled thermo-mechanical commercial FEM code,
which can be used for non-isothermal simulation. In the analysis, a quarter of the geometry was modeled due to the symmetric boundary conditions (Fig. 14). The sheet was meshed
with hexagonal (BRICK) elements with two elements along
the thickness to capture the bending strains. These elements
have both temperature and displacement as their degrees
of freedom to predict both deformation and temperature
variation during the process. The dies were meshed with
four-noded tetrahedral elements and were considered rigid
but non-isothermal. The inputs to simulations are shown in
Table 3.
3.2. Results and discussion (rectangular pan)
3.2.1. Temperature distribution
In rectangular pan forming, the blank was heated in the
tooling by clamping the sheet between the die and the blank
Table 3
Process parameters used in simulationa
Tooling setup
Punch dimension
Punch and die corner radius (mm)
Initial punch temperature ( C)
Die, blank and blank holder temperature ( C)
Initial blank holder pressure (MPa)

Fig. 12. Locations of maximum thinning predicted by FE simulation.

220 mm 110 mm

Refer Table 1 for mechanical and thermal properties.


H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Fig. 14. FE model of the rectangular pan warm sheet forming process in

holder maintained at the required temperature [6]. The blank

was heated for 2 s before forming took place, Fig. 15. The
region in contact with tooling reached a maximum temperature of 197 C compared to the tool temperature of 200 C.
Heating the blank in the tooling provided localized temperature distribution with high temperature in the flange and
low temperature in the center of the blank as shown in
Fig. 15. This localized temperature distribution is preferable
for warm forming process as high temperature in flange allows material to easily draw in with less force. Also, low
temperature in cup walls increases the yield stress of the
material and thus avoids localized necking.
The temperature distribution in the blank during the forming process is shown in Fig. 16. The blank was formed while

Fig. 15. Temperature distribution in the blank after 2 s when heated inside

Fig. 16. Temperature variation in the Mg alloy sheet as predicted by FE

simulation in warm forming of rectangular pan.

the punch was maintained at 150 C. Thus, the minimum

blank temperature continues to increase while forming. The
wall and the flange along the length of the pan have low
temperature compared to wall and flange at the corners and
width of the pan. Large drop in temperature along the length
of the pan was due to large surface area for heat transfer to
surroundings and to the punch. The temperature was maximum at the sheet corner due to less surface area for convection and small temperature gradient for heat conduction
within the sheet. The temperature distribution obtained in
the simulation cannot be compared with experimental data,
as temperature distribution in the sheet during the forming
process is not available in the literature.
High temperature predicted in corners compared to
straight edges is preferable for warm forming process. Material can be easily drawn from high temperature locations

H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

Fig. 17. Punch load obtained from the FE simulation for forming rectangular pan at 200 C.


Fig. 19. Comparison of drawn shape of rectangular pan obtained in

experiment and simulation.

(corners) compared to low temperature location (straight

edges) as flow stress increases with decrease in temperature.
Thus, fracture at the corners could be eliminated and large
draw depth can be obtained. Doege et al. [3] concluded from
their experiments that a rectangular pan of maximum 98 mm
deep could be drawn by varying the temperature distribution locally in the flange. High temperature at the locations
of maximum strains such as corners and low temperature in
straight edges would allow the material to flow freely from
corners. Thus the occurrence of wrinkle and rapid thinning
can be postponed and high part depth can be obtained.

the corner walls because of the restricted material flow from

the flange corner compared to the material flow from straight
edges. Thus, a large flange was seen in the simulated drawn
pan compared to the experiments as shown in Fig. 19. This
difference in material flow could be attributed either due to
high friction force and/or low temperature in the flange corners as compared to experiment. It should also be noted that
the flow stress available from tensile test was limited to small
strains at low strain rates. Therefore, in the simulation the
flow stress for high strains and high strain rates were extrapolated. These values have been probably overestimated. Thus,
more restraining force to draw the material from the flange
had resulted in localized thinning of 30% in the simulation.

3.2.2. Punch load

Fig. 17 shows the punch force obtained from simulation.
A maximum forming load of 92 kN was obtained in the
simulation. The loadstroke curve from the experiment was
not available and hence a direct comparison could not be

4. Conclusions and future work

3.2.3. Thickness distribution

The thickness distribution from the experiment and simulation is shown in Fig. 18. The trend predicted by simulation
was similar to that from experiment. However, a maximum
thinning of 30% was observed in the simulation as compared
to 10% in experiment. Minimum thickness was observed in

Fig. 18. Comparison of thickness distribution obtained from FE simulation

and experiment for rectangular pan.

FE analysis has been used to simulate warm forming process of magnesium alloys. Forming of two parts, a round cup
and a rectangular pan, was simulated using commercial FE
codes DEFORM 2D and 3D, respectively. Simulations were
conducted for the experimental cases published by Droder
[6], and Doege et al. [3]. The major conclusions drawn from
this study are as follows.
1. The forming load predicted by simulation for round cup
and rectangular pan overestimated the experimental results. However, the trend predicted by simulation matches
well with experiment. Higher punch force in the simulation could be due to the high frictional shear stress at interface. Coulomb friction coefficient of = 0.1 was used
in the simulation. Also the material properties extrapolated at high strains and high temperatures from known
values could be overestimated in the calculation. von
Mises yield criteria was used in simulation to describe
the yield surface of Mg alloy sheets. However, the yield
surface for Mg alloy sheets like aluminum alloy sheets
may not strictly follow the von Mises yield criterion.
2. In the warm sheet forming of round cup and rectangular
pan, the maximum thinning and tearing was observed


H. Palaniswamy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2004) 5260

at the cup wall in simulation and experiment. This is

contrary to the observations in conventional stamping
where the thinning occurs in the punch corner radius.
This could be due to the fact that the cup walls in warm
forming were at high temperature compared to punch
corners, thus, the yield strength of material in cup wall
was low compared to punch corner radius.
3. The location of maximum thinning and localized thinning observed in the simulation for round cup and rectangular pan match with experiment. However, the predicted thinning values were larger than the experimental
data. Excessive thinning observed in the simulation could
be due to high process loads observed in simulation as
compared to experiment.
4. LDR predicted by simulations for round cup for different forming temperatures were lower compared to the
experimental results.
5. Thermo-elasticvisco-plastic FEM code used in this
study could successfully capture the deformation modes
and the specific characteristics of the warm sheet forming process. However, to improve the accuracy and
reliability, the following need to be addressed:
(a) Better understanding of the numerical representation
of the yield surface of Mg alloys.
(b) New material models in the FEM code that can better
handle the properties of Mg alloys at high strain rates
and temperature with capabilities for strain softening
characteristics due to their viscous effects.

Prof. E. Doege, Dr. K. Droder and their associates at
IFUM, Technical University of Hanover, provided the ex-

perimental data used in this study. The authors gratefully

acknowledge this technical support.

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