ARBBL Goes Chaos v2.0

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This is our attempt to make up some rules for a Chaos-only league. It might not be fair, it might
not be terribly balanced, but it will be random just the way we like it!









Standard LRB6 rules with the following changes:

See page 2 for starting teams and buying new players.
Journeymen, Mercenaries and Stars are not available all other Inducements are allowed.
The cards can be taken.
In the pre-game, if a team has less than 11 fit players, and room on the roster, the coach may
elect to take as many Beastmen as needed to make the team to 11 players. The cost of the
player(s) is added to the teams TV, but no money is deducted from the treasury, and the player is
permanently added to the roster. However, these Beastmen will have the LONER skill until they
earn their first skill roll or Eye of the Gods, whichever comes first.
If any player is sent off, for fouling or Secret Weapon use, you may either use a Bribe (if
available) OR Argue the Call (see #5 below). You may not do both.
ARGUE THE CALL - When a player is sent off, you may decide to Argue the Call roll a D6.
On a 6, the ref accepts your arguments, and allows the player to stay on the field. On a roll of a
1, the ref takes exception of your depiction of his mother, and sends both the player and you (the
Head Coach) to the dungeons for the remainder of the game.
Brilliant Coaching add 1 to the roll if your Head Coach (i.e. you!) is still in the game, and has
not been sent off for failing an Argue the Call roll.
Secret weapons see section below (page 3).
All teams start as Chaos Undivided. Before any game (including the first) a coach may declare
they are following a specific power (Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle or Tzeentch), but once following
a power a team may not switch to a different power, or follow Undivided again. A team cannot
elect to follow a power whilst having an undivided Lesser Daemon on the roster.
MVPs are awarded as normal see Eye of the Gods (#10) below.
Eye of the Gods - At the end of the game, select a player in the same way you would for an
MVP. The player makes an immediate roll on the Gift table (see page 3). If the player had been
killed during the game the Gods resurrect them (change the injury to a Miss Next Game). A
player may receive the MVP and the Eye of the Gods in the same game.
Any time a player earns a skill roll, they must also roll on the Gift table (see page 3).
When rolling for FF in the post-game, if you won a roll of double 1 on any 2 of the 3 dice will
mean your FF goes down by 1. If you lost, a roll of 12 means your FF goes up by 1.
During the Post-match sequence, the coach may sacrifice any non-dead player, gaining +1 to the
teams FF (once per post-game). This includes any player brought that post-game (for example,
if your team contains a Minotaur, and you roll a 2nd).
In the post-game, if a team managed to kill an opponent, who was not subsequently
Apothecaried or Regenerated, then that teams FF may be increased by one (once per game).
Undead player: See below (page 5).
Chaos Spawn: See below (page 5).
No mutation can be taken more than once (see #17 for exception). If you roll a mutation the
player already has, re-roll until you gain a new mutation.
If a player with the No Hands skill gains Extra Arms, then they lose the No Hands, but dont get
the benefit from the Extra Arms mutation. A 2nd roll of Extra Arms adds the benefits as normal
(this rule supersedes the normal rule on multiples of one mutation).
If a player with Hopper gains Three Legs (or visa versa), the last mutation gained takes
precedence, and the first mutations skills, bonuses and negatives are lost. Both mutations costs
are still applied to the player however.
See the Optional rules (page 5) for playing Chaos League using non-standard rosters.

Starting Roster:
Normal rules for starting a team apply, so 1,000,000gps, and only Beastmen, Chaos Warriors
and Minotaurs are available.
0-16 Beastmen
0-4 Chaos Warriors 100,000
0-1 Minotaur

6 3 3 8 Horns
5 4 3 9 None
5 5 2 8 LONER, Frenzy, Mighty Blow,
Horns, Thick Skull, Wild Animal


Buying players:
When you wish to buy a player, firstly decide whether you wish to spend 50,000gps for a
human-sized player or 110,000gps for a (potentially) larger player. Deduct the correct amount from the
teams treasury. Once decided, roll on the appropriate table. You may re-roll on the table for an extra
10,000gps, but MUST take the 2nd roll. If the roll means you get a player you cannot take (e.g. a 5th Chaos
Warrior) then you must sacrifice a player of that type.
All players on the 50,000gps and 110,000 tables have their limits listed in their entry.

50,000gps table
D8 roll

0 12 Chaos Marauder 6/3/3/7 Block GSM/AP
0 16 Beastman 6/3/3/8 Horns GSM/AP
0 6 Beastman Ungor 7/2/3/7 Dodge GAM/PS
0 2 Chaos Hound 6/3/3/8 No Hands, Sure Feet, Sprint, Horns SM/GAP
0 4 Renegades (see table below)


Renegade table
Renegades will lose their LONER skill when they gain their 1st Eye of the Gods or their 2nd Star
player roll, whichever occurs first. This represents them being fully integrated into the team.
D8 roll
Chaos Dwarf 4/3/2/9 LONER, Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS/APM
Chaos Goblin 6/2/3/7 LONER, Stunty, Dodge, Right Stuff AM/GAP
Chaos Human 6/3/3/8 GM/ASP
Dark Elf 6/3/4/8 LONER GA/SPM
Fimir 5/3/2/8 LONER, Prehensile Tail, Single Eye (this player must re-roll any
successful Pass roll) GS and Mace Tail (see Extra mutation #7 page 4)/AP
Renegade Orc 5/3/3/9 LONER G/ASPM
Skaven 7/3/3/7 LONER GM/ASP

110,000gps table
D8 roll

0-2 Mutant Goblin 6/2/3/7 Stunty, Dodge, Right Stuff, Two Heads, Big Hand,
Claw, Horns AM/GSP


No-one is sure where these goblins come from, and no Chaos God has taken responsibility
for creating them, but they do have an Impact on the game.


0-4 Chaos Warrior 5/4/3/9 GSM/AP

0-1Chaos Ogre 5/5/2/9 LONER, Bonehead, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, Throw
Team-mate S/GAPM
0-1 Chaos Troll 4/5/1/9 LONER, Always Hungry, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid,
Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate S/GAPM
0-1 Minotaur 5/5/2/8 LONER, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild
Animal SM/GAP
Nurgle worshipping teams ONLY: exchange Minotaur for Beast of Nurgle
0-1 Beast of Nurgle 4/5/1/9 LONER, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance,
Mighty Blow, Nurgles Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Tentacles SM/GAP



A team dedicated to Nurgle may have a Beast and a Minotaur, but never more than 3 Big
Guy players.

Gift Table:
D8 roll

Every time a player earns enough SPP for a skill roll, they must also roll on the Gift table.
Gift received
Extra Mutation see table below (page 4)
Normal Mutation see table below (page 4)
0-1 Lesser Daemon see table below
Skill of relevant power if the player already has this skill from a skill roll/Gift,
reduce their cost by 10,000gps
Undivided: none, roll on the Extra Mutation table
Khorne: Frenzy
Slaanesh: Hypnotic Gaze
Nurgle: Foul Appearance
Tzeentch: none, roll on the Normal or Extra Mutation table (coaches choice)
Secret Weapon: see notes below and table (page 4)

Lesser Daemons:
Only 1 lesser daemon per team, so if the team already has one, roll on the Extra Mutation table.
Stat line
6/3/3/7 Daemonic Aura, Dodge, Wings GAM/PS
5/4/2/8 Daemonic Aura, Frenzy GSM/AP
6/3/4/7 Claw, Daemonic Aura, Disturbing Presence GAM/PS
6/3/3/8 Daemonic Aura, Foul Appearance, Horns, Regenerate
6/3/3/7 Daemonic Aura, Extra Arms, Leap, Blue Horror
Pink Horror
New skill:
Daemonic Aura: The Aura surrounding Daemons makes them difficult to hurt. Their AV is
fixed, as is not effected by ANYTHING. However, there is a downside to the Aura. Their hold on the
mortal plane is not fixed, so if they ever suffer a Casualty injury, they are considered Dead, regardless of
the roll. Chaos Apothecaries cannot help Daemons. Regenerate is used as normal.
Blue Horror: Should a Pink Horror be removed from the field as a Casualty then the coach may
place two Blue Horrors (5/2/3/6 Daemonic Aura, Stunty, Dodge) in the reserve box (may take the roster
to more than 16 players). If at least one of these Blue Horrors survives the game, then the pink Horror
will be available for following matches. Any SPP the Blues gain will be kept by the Pink Horror.
However, the Blues are so excitable, they MUST be placed on the field they cannot be kept in reserve.
Also, the Blues grip on the material world is much weaker than that of Pink Horrors, so ANY injury roll
that causes a KO or CAS will be enough to banish the Blue Horror.

Banished Daemons and the Eye of the Gods:

Should a Daemon that was killed during the match be lucky enough to gain the Eye of the
Gods, then the coach can elect to re-summon the recently banished Daemon, who will keep any SPPs
and/or skills/mutations it has gained. This can only happen in the post-game of the game the Daemon
was killed should the team get a Lesser Daemon after a later game, then it will be one freshly
summoned from the Chaos realm.

Secret Weapons:
Chaos doesnt strictly follow the no weapon rule the NAF tries so hard to enforce (and who
wants to referee a game where you might be turned into a piano at any moment), so there is more leeway
for players to bring illegal weapons onto the field of play. Only Beastmen and Marauders can use Secret
Weapons, Chaos Warriors see it as below them, and the coaches dont trust the other player types to use
them effectively.
Only one of each weapon may be present on a team if a weapon the team already owns is
rolled, re-roll until you get a different weapon. If all 4 weapon types are owned, any further Secret
Weapon results on the Gift table are taken as rolls for an Extra Mutation.
A player given a Secret Weapon via the Gift table may keep and use the weapon, place it in the
teams treasury for future use or give it to a team-mate, but once given to a player, that player will not
take to the field without it, nor pass it on. The listed cost is added to the players value.
At the end of each drive, roll 2D6 for each secret weapon if the roll equals or beats the listed
SW score, the ref doesnt send the player off. If the roll is below the SW score, the player is sent off,
though you can Argue the Call or use a bribe as normal.

D6 roll

Explosive Bombs
Ball & Chain (makes MA 4 regardless of mutations the
player has or gains, unless already less than MA4)

SW roll


Normal Mutations: All mutations add 20,000 to the players value.

D12 roll

Big hand
Disturbing Presence
Extra Arms
Foul Appearance

D12 roll

Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Two Heads
Very Long Legs

Extra Mutations: All extra mutations add 20,000 to the players value.
D16 roll






Carapace: +2 to AV (max 10), may not GFI.
Centauriod: MA becomes 6 (regardless of what it was), AG becomes 2 (unless it was less), gain Sprint and
Sure feet.
Crystal Skin: AV+1, +1 modifier to any injury rolls made against this player.
Hopper: Leap skill, may never use the Kick skill.
Hypnotic Gaze: as per skill.
Long Arms: Catch skill, and +1 to Intercept rolls.
Mace tail: Instead of Blocking, can swing their tail - both coaches roll D6 and add AG - if the mutant beats
opponents score, the opponent is knocked prone, and make AV/injury rolls as normal (Mighty Blow may
be used). If the opponents score is higher, there is no effect.
Obese: MA -2, AG -1, ST+1, AV+1, Juggernaut, may not GFI.
Pinhead: Gains Bonehead. If already Bonehead, then gains Really Stupid. A Pinhead player ignores Foul
Appearance and Disturbing Presence, and is not affected by Hypnotic Gaze.
Razor Sharp Claws: Player may add +1 to Injury rolls made when Blocking or being Blocked.
May be combined with Mighty Blow.
Spontaneous Combustion: At the end of every turn, the coach must make a Combustion roll. Roll a D8 on a 2- 8, nothing happens, on an 1 the player explodes. The exploding player is killed (yep, that's DEAD,
unless there's Regeneration or an Apothecary [Chaos Apothecaries are very good!]), and any adjacent
players are Pushed (exploding players choice, unless the player has Sidestep) and Knocked Down and must
take an AV/Injury roll. The AV and Injury rolls are both at +x, where x=ST/2 rounded down (minimum 1).
If the player was holding the ball, it bounces (the Chaos powers protect it). If the player explodes in the
dug-out, all players in Reserve must make an AV/injury roll as above.
Teleport: After declaring an action with this player, roll a D6 - on a 1 or 2, the player moves D6 squares in
a random direction (scatter the player for each square until you find the final destination). If the final
square contains the ball, they may attempt to pick it up (a failure here does NOT count as a Turnover). If
the final square contains a player, both players suffer a straight Injury roll (treat Stuns as KOs). If still on
the field after the teleport, the player may continue their action.
Temporal Instability: After declaring an action with this player, roll a D6. On a 1, they constantly step
out of the timeline, making them appear to slow in relation to the rest of the players - MA-2, AG-1 and
cannot GFI. On a 6, they feel everyone else is slowing compared to them - MA+2, AG+1 and gain Sprint.
After completing their action, their stats return to normal.
Three Legs: Gains a third leg, which makes co-ordination difficult. Gains Kick and Stand Firm, but MA-1
and cannot GFI.
Third Eye: Players gains a +1 modifier to Quick and Short passes and a -1 modifier to Long and Long
Bomb passes.
Wings: A player with this skill may make Leap move (same as the Leap skill) with a +1 modifier to the
Agility roll (a roll of 1 is still considered a failure) but the player must move 2 squares before using the
Wings skill. If the player also has the Leap skill, he may use his Wings to "Leap" 3 squares instead of 2
(this will use 3 MA and the player will still need to move 2 squares before using Wings).

Undead players:
Any player that earns their powers attention may not be allowed to rest when they finally die on
the BB pitch. Any time a player who has gained 5 or more skills/mutations from SPPs and Gifts dies
(after Regeneration or Apothecaries have been attempted) the coach should roll a D6. On a 1- 3, the
player is allowed to finally rest, but on a 4+, the power breathes Unlife into the corpse, and the player
continues to play for the team as an Undead player. The players stat line is modified as follows: MA -2,
AG -1, all SPPs, skills and injuries are kept, and the player gains Regeneration (if they did not have it
already). The player is placed in Reserve, and can be fielded in this match.
At the end of every game (except the first), roll a D6 on a 1, the corpse finally gives out, and
the player is finally gone to the great Blood Bowl pitch in the sky.

Chaos Spawn:
The Chaos Powers are quick to give mutations to their favoured servants, but they are fickle, and
soon turn their attention elsewhere. Should a player ever have 6 or more (Tzeentch allows 9 or more)
mutations, from starting mutations (e.g. Horns), SPPs and Gifts, then the player risks turning into a Chaos
Spawn. In the Post-game, roll a D6 for any player with 6 (9) or more mutation, and add one to the dice
roll for each mutation over 6 (9 for Tzeentch) on a roll of a 5 or 6, the player turns into a Spawn. Add
+2 ST (to a maximum of 7), reduce MA to 4 (unless already less), add a further D6 random mutations
(randomise from the Normal and Extra mutation tables), the player becomes Really Stupid (loses
Bonehead if it has it), and now moves in the same way as a Goblin Fanatic. The mutations add to the
players cost, but at a reduced cost of 10,000gps. If the former player had a Secret Weapon, they can no
longer use it. Any gifts the spawn earns in future will be a random mutation (randomise between Normal
and Extra mutations) they cannot be gifted Daemons or Secret Weapons.
Any time a Spawn earns another mutation, from skill level or gift, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, the
Spawn dissolves into a pile of goo remove from the roster.

Optional rules:
Any roster can be taken this represents a team turning to Chaos. Choose a roster as normal.
New players can only be brought by rolling on the tables above. If, when turning to Chaos, the team has a
Big Guy (or more than one) these will take a slot, so only 2 (or 1 if the original roster had 2) Big Guys
can be taken from the 120,000gps table.
However, to represent the players resistance to Chaos, all players on the parent roster gain
Animosity to the new chaos players until either of the following:
1. At any time when the non-Animosity players on the roster (including those MNG) equal or outnumber the Animosity players on the roster (including those MNG). In this instance, the team
has fully turned to Chaos. All original players lose Animosity, and gain access to normal
mutations on double rolls (if they did not already have access), or normal mutations on a normal
roll (if they already had mutations access on doubles).
2. At any kick-off, after set-up, but before the Kick-off roll is made, if the non-Animosity players
out-number the Animosity players, the parent players lose Animosity until the next drive.
For example: the Human team, the Black Guard, turn to Chaos, and a few games in, consist of 7
humans and 6 Beastmen. The Humans all have Animosity against the Beastmen. During the game, 5
Humans and all the Beasts take to the field, meaning the Humans lose animosity for the drive. After the
game, the Black Guard gain a Chaos Troll. The Humans are now equalled by the Chaos players, and lose
animosity for good, and gain Mutation access on doubles.
As per usual, the league commissioners word is final, so if theres something you dont like, dont
agree with, or think is just plain stupid, change it. Similarly, if theres something you think can be
improved, change that as well. If you do change something, and it works well, let us know. If you change
something, and it doesnt work, let us know that as well!
A big shout-out to Tom GalakStarscraper Anders, whose MBBL2 PBeM leagues rules and
ideas Ive plundered mercilessly.
And finally, if you do use these rules, let us know how you get on we always like to hear from
people that take their gaming as seriously as we do. Contact us at or on our
website at

Version 2.0
By ARBBL - Darkson, MoodyGit, BigBelcher and TheyreDeadDave

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