Dreadball Action Flowcharts v3
Dreadball Action Flowcharts v3
Dreadball Action Flowcharts v3
Player Stands Up automatically without test. Anytime the player can Player cannot Slam, Slamback, Throw the ball at
BACKFLIP Any player When trying to Stand Up PACIFIST Any player
Action is treated as double success. perform an action opponent, Sucker Punch or Stomp
At the start of the Roll 1d6. If 1, the player is deployed as a Striker:
Any player When checking Armour 1 additional automatic success in Armour checks PRIMA DONNA Guard match, before setting up Armour 5+, no role bonuses, all actions choices as
players Striker (plus Slamback), moves like a Jack.
COMIN When trying to Brush QUICK CHANGE Anytime the player can Player may Transform
Any Giant Player gets +1 to Brush Aside Any Robot
THROUGH! Aside ARTIST perform an action (see action description)
When player receives 2
Anytime player is on the Player can call Foul! against a target (innocent) QUICK Treat damage as if it was 1
DIRTY TRICKS Any player Any player or 3 damage after
pitch (once per Match) opponent on the pitch and cause a Ref check RECOVERY (player goes to area 1 of the Sin Bin)
Armour check
Treat Stomp as Slam: Player can move as part of the
DOES THIS Guard or After rolling dice, before
When trying to Stomp action and gets the bonus if he didn't start adjacent to Player may re-roll any one of his dice
HURT? Jack REALLY LUCKY Any player applying any effects
target (it's still a foul) (Replaces Lucky ability if player had it)
(once per Action)
DUCK & WAVE Any player When Dodging Player gets +1 to Dodge
Striker or When player is target of
ROLL Treat a normal win for Dodge as if it was double win
During any opp. action if Jack a Stomp
EVEN THE Player may perform a Running Interference
Jack player's team is losing
ODDS (see action description) When playing an Action
(once per Rush) Run action can be performed by two players with this
RUNAROUND Any player Token to buy a Run
ability. Action counts for the individual action limit.
FRAGILE Any player When checking Armour 1 success less automatically in Armour checks (Min. 0) action