Dreadball Action Flowcharts v3

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Strikers with Jacks with
Guards Jacks Strikers Jacks Keepers Strikers Jacks Any player
Misdirect Misdirect

Place the ball at any Potential Damage =

Can Run and Can move 1 hex Can Run and Can move 1 hex Can Run and Can move 1 hex Can move 1 hex and
hex on the pitch, Can Run and Dash Diff. between opposed rolls
Dash before and turn freely Dash before and turn freely Dash before and turn freely turn freely before
before then scatter twice. before throwing
slamming stealing before stealing feinting before feinting throwing Test: 3 Armour (X)
slamming Rush ends.
+1 if Guard
Choose target: 1 single standing Choose target: 1 single standing Choose target: 1 single standing Choose target: a legal strike hex or any Damage =
opponent located in threat zone opponent carrying the ball, located opponent located in threat zone player the thrower sees (after movement). Pot. Damage Check result
(after movement) in threat zone (after movement) (after movement) If pass to teammate, target must see the If Damage = 1-3: To Sin Bin
thrower and be different from Guard. If Damage = 4+: Killed!
Test: 3 Strength (X) Test: 3 Speed (X)
Test: 3 Speed (X)
+1 if Guard +1 if Judwan
+1 if moved and didnt begin the +1 if player began the action
action adjacent to target adjacent to the target
-1 per opponent threatening the
-1 per opponent threatening the -1 per opponent threatening the
hex player is in (Max. -2) Test: (*) Skill (1) Test: (*) Skill (X) Test: (*) Skill (0)
hex player is in (Max. -2) hex player is in (Max. -2)
+1 if Striker +1 if Striker +1 if Striker
-1 if moved/turned -1 if moved/turned -1 if moved/turned
REACTIONS -1 per opponent threatening -1 per opponent threatening -1 per opponent threatening
the hex player is in (Max. -2) the hex player is in (Max. -2) the hex player is in (Max. -2)
SLAMBACK DODGE *3 if Dist = 1-3 hex *3 if Dist = 1-3 hex
*2 if Dist = 1-3 hex *2 if Dist = 4-6 hex *2 if Dist = 4-6 hex
*1 if Dist = 4 hex *1 if Dist = 7-9 hex *1 if Dist = 7-9 hex
Any player but Striker with the
Any player
attacking player in his threat zone
Target can Dodge if he
Target must Catch
sees the thrower
Test: 3 Strength (X) Test: 3 Speed (X)
+1 if Guard +1 if Striker
-1 per opponent threatening the -1 per opponent threatening the DODGE CATCH
hex player is in (Max. -2) hex player is in (Max. -2)
Test: (*) Skill (1)
Test: 3 Speed (X)
+1 if Striker
-1 if Keeper
+1 if Striker
-1 per opponent threatening
-1 per opponent threatening
Slam/Slamback wins: Draw: the hex player is in (Max. -2)
the hex player is in (Max. -2)
Loser is pushed back and Players face at each *Nr. of successes in Throw roll
faces at previous hex. other. Dodge wins: Feint wins:
Winner may follow up Winner may face at any Winning coach chooses
Strike fails: Throw wins: Catch fails:
and faces at target direction. Loser faces at the direction of facing Draw / Dodge wins:
Steal wins: Scatter the ball from Loser is pushed back and Scatter the ball from
player (or at just vacated target player. for both players. Scatter the ball from
Ball is scattered from target hex. Rush ends. faces at previous hex. target hex. Rush ends.
hex if he doesnt follow target hex.
target player hex. Scatter the ball from
up). Rush ends.
Strike succeeds: target hex. Rush ends.
Slam/Slamback doubl.: Score! Catch succeeds:
Loser is pushed back and Dodge doubles: If 3 or 4 points, make a Throw doubles: Target catches the ball.
Feint doubles: Fan Check. Rush ends.
knocked down. Winner Winner may move 1 hex Loser is pushed back and Dodge doubles:
Winning coach chooses
may follow up and faces and face at any direction knocked down. Winner may move 1 hex
Steal doubles: the direction of facing Strike doubles:
at target player (or at without need to Evade. Loser Checks Armour. and face at any direction
Stealing player takes the for both players and Score! & Showboating. Catch doubles:
just vacated hex if he Loser faces at dodging If injured for 3+ turns, without need to Evade.
ball from the loser. may move the target 1 Make a Fan Check. Target catches the ball
doesnt follow up). player (or at just vacated make a Fan Check. Scatter the ball from
hex in any direction If 3 or 4 points, make and gets a Free Action
Loser Checks Armour. hex if dodging player Scatter the ball from target hex.
without need to Evade. another Fan Check. (either Run or Throw).
If injured for 3+ turns, moved). target hex. Rush ends.
make a Fan Check. Rush ends. Rush ends.

Any player Any player Any player

Any player either Any player moving Guards and Jacks Guards and Jacks Any player Entire team Entire team
Running or
Running or out of opponents
Sprinting with
Player moves up to Player moves up to Sprinting threat hex Player blocks
Jump ability Player starts his Theres no a clear
his Movement 2 x his Movement opponents Subs
Value hexes Value hexes Player Slams a action in front arc Maximum number path between any
After moving max. Jump over a hex Bench by standing
target that lies in of target and Slam of players per team of your players and
allowance, state with another (or lying) on the
State out loud the front of him on the from behind (either on the pitch (6) is the ball or
Each 60 turn (one out loud the hex player (2 hex yellow entrance
hex youre floor. by moving or by exceeded. opposing ball
side of a hex) youre intending to movement). hex or any of its 4
Free turns intending to move. target turn). carrier.
counts as 1 move (or hex side if Player doesnt adjacent hexes.
movement Sprint turn) need to Evade.
Player cant move Players perform
Players perform Players perform
Test: 3 Speed (123) as part of this actions normally.
Player may Dash or Jump. Test: 3 Speed (123) actions normally. actions normally.
+1 if Striker action. Ref check (if Foul!
Player may need to Evade. Ref check (if Foul! Ref check (if Foul!
-1 per opponent threatening the hex Resolve action as if is called) is made at
Player may need to Pick Up the Ball. +1 if Striker Resolve Slam is called) is made at is called) is made at
player is moving from (Max. -2) it was Slam. the end of every
action normally. the end of every the end of every
(Target can only action of the team
action of the team action of the team
Dash/Evade/Jump succeeds: Dodge and gets -1 with more than six
Dash/Evade/Jump fails: committing the committing the
Player moves into the new hex for being on the players on the
Player falls over in the target foul. foul.
PICK UP THE BALL STAND UP (or turns 60 if Dashing a Sprint floor). pitch.
hex. If he was carrying the ball,
turn). Player may face any
it scatters and the Rush ends. Stomp doubles:
Any standing direction if Jumped.
player but Guards Any player lying on Loser checks
getting into a hex the floor armour.
containing the ball INTERFERENCE Dodge doubles:
Any Giant moving Add up all 1-3
Any player with Winner may move
Current action is Jack that is not into a hex with a results to
Quick Change 1 hex without need
finished. The player carrying the ball standing opposing determine the
Artist ability to Evade. They
must try to Pick Up non-giant player Results (each dice): turns the player is
remain on the Ref check:
the Ball. 1 = 1 turn penalty sent to Sin Bin.
With a Special The player changes There must be a floor. Loser faces at IF OPPONENT +1 for the Eye
2 = 2 turn penalty (If 4+, he is sent off
Move card (Max. his role space the dodging player (or CALLS FOUL! +1 if Ref is within 7
3 = 3 turn penalty the match)
Test: 3 Skill (1) once per opponent obstructing player at just vacated hex hexes
Test: 3 Speed (1) 4-6 = no penalty (Choose player
+1 if Striker action), or player Test: can be pushed into if dodging player
randomly if Sneak
-1 if Keeper with Even The Odds 3 Transf.(4+) (1) moved).
+1 if Striker or Ball Hog foul is
-1 if Sprint ability (If losing,
-1 per opponent Test: 3 Strgth (123) committed)
-1 per opponent Max. once per Any other result:
threatening the +1 if Guard
threatening the Rush), or player Transform fails: Stomping player
hex player is in -1 if target is Guard
hex player is in with Running Nothing happens. faces at target.
(Max. -2)
(Max. -2) Interference ability
(Max. once per Brush Aside fails:
match) Transform Target player faces
Pick Up fails:
Stand Up fails: succeeds: DISTRACT THE REF Player tries to REF REACTION Referee wins:
The ball scatters. at Giant. Referee doubles:
Nothing happens. Player interrupts Player changes role distract the Roll a Ref check
Rush ends. Action ends. Distracting player is
an opponent action by one step Referee. against distracting
Any player REMAIN CALM sent off the match.
Stand Up to Slam (or make (Jack to Guard; player.
B. Aside succeeds:
Pick Up succeeds: succeeds: only the movement Jack to Striker; Player moves
Target is pushed
The player picks up Player stands up part of the Slam). Guard to Jack or adjacent to the
into a hex away. Test: Draw/Distract
the ball. facing at any Any opponent can Striker to Jack) Referee by normal
Faces at prev. hex. 3 R. calm(4+) (X) wins:
direction. be the target. If the Run or Sprint
active opponent is -1 per additional Roll a Ref check (1 Distract doubles:
B. Aside doubles: action.
Slammed, his Transform player from same dice only) against There are no more
Pick Up doubles: Stand Up doubles: Target is knocked
action is over. doubles: team threatening distracting player. Ref checks this
The player picks up Player stands up over and pushed
Otherwise, it Player changes to Test: the hex the There are no more Rush.
the ball and gets a and gets a Free into a hex away.
continues any role he 3 Distract(4+) (X) Referee is in Ref checks this
Free Action (either Action (any but Doesnt Check
afterwards. chooses. +1 if Guard (Max. -2) Rush.
Run or Throw) Sprint) Armour.
After rolling dice, before
Player has no rear arc Player may re-roll any one of his dice
360 VISION Any player Permanent LUCKY Any player applying any effects
(He has 6 Threat Hexes instead of 3) (Ability is lost if player gets Really Lucky)
(once per Rush)
Reaction is always a Slamback, rolling the same
A SAFE PAIR OF Striker or When Catching Player gets +1 to Catch inaccurate passes MIND LIKE When player is target of
Any player number of dice and using the same stat to calculate
HANDS Jack inaccurate passes (Scattering balls or Throws with 0 success) WATER a Slam
successes as the attacker (no further modifiers)
When opponent moves Striker or Anytime the player can Player may perform a Feint
ALERT Any player Player may choose to turn to face opponent MISDIRECT
into an adjacent hex Jack perform an action (see action description)

Player Stands Up automatically without test. Anytime the player can Player cannot Slam, Slamback, Throw the ball at
BACKFLIP Any player When trying to Stand Up PACIFIST Any player
Action is treated as double success. perform an action opponent, Sucker Punch or Stomp
At the start of the Roll 1d6. If 1, the player is deployed as a Striker:
Any player When checking Armour 1 additional automatic success in Armour checks PRIMA DONNA Guard match, before setting up Armour 5+, no role bonuses, all actions choices as
players Striker (plus Slamback), moves like a Jack.
COMIN When trying to Brush QUICK CHANGE Anytime the player can Player may Transform
Any Giant Player gets +1 to Brush Aside Any Robot
THROUGH! Aside ARTIST perform an action (see action description)
When player receives 2
Anytime player is on the Player can call Foul! against a target (innocent) QUICK Treat damage as if it was 1
DIRTY TRICKS Any player Any player or 3 damage after
pitch (once per Match) opponent on the pitch and cause a Ref check RECOVERY (player goes to area 1 of the Sin Bin)
Armour check
Treat Stomp as Slam: Player can move as part of the
DOES THIS Guard or After rolling dice, before
When trying to Stomp action and gets the bonus if he didn't start adjacent to Player may re-roll any one of his dice
HURT? Jack REALLY LUCKY Any player applying any effects
target (it's still a foul) (Replaces Lucky ability if player had it)
(once per Action)
DUCK & WAVE Any player When Dodging Player gets +1 to Dodge
Striker or When player is target of
ROLL Treat a normal win for Dodge as if it was double win
During any opp. action if Jack a Stomp
EVEN THE Player may perform a Running Interference
Jack player's team is losing
ODDS (see action description) When playing an Action
(once per Rush) Run action can be performed by two players with this
RUNAROUND Any player Token to buy a Run
ability. Action counts for the individual action limit.
FRAGILE Any player When checking Armour 1 success less automatically in Armour checks (Min. 0) action

During any opponent

Player causes -2 penalty in his Threat Hexes. RUNNING Player may perform a Running Interference
When threatening an Jack action
GOTCHA! Any player Opponents that fail to Evade from him dont move. INTERFERENCE (see action description)
opponent (once per Match)
Maximum modifier for threatened players tests is -3.
When player is target of Player gets -1 to Throw Strikes.
GRIZZLED Any player Opponent gets -1 in his Slam or Slamback test Striker or
a Slam or Slamback SHOW OFF When Throwing a Strike If succeeds, Strikes always count as Showboating
(they generate a Fan Check)
When performing any
Permanent Player cannot Distract the Ref.
SLIDE Jack action that allows player Player may Dash as part of that action
Whenever a Foul! can be Fouls can be called only if an Action Token was spent to move at least 1 hex
IT WASNT ME Any player
called against player (Max. 1 Foul! per Action Token) Guard or When player would be Player is not Knocked Down
Jack Knocked Down by Slam (treat injures as normal)
Player can either a) Roll 3 dice 3+ after Ref check,
Whenever a Foul! is each success reduces the time he is sent off; or b) Pick
called against player another player within 3 hexes with this ability and STRETCH Any player When trying to Dash Player gets +1 to Dash
make Ref check against him (+1 turn to be sent off)
When moving (once per
Striker or Player intentionally falls down in a hex next to an
Striker or When Running or Player may Jump over a hex with another player TAKING A DIVE players Match)
JUMP Jack opponent. Coach may call Foul! against that player.
Jack Sprinting (see Jump action description) (once per teams Rush)

Player can Teleport instead of Run

When Running
When interacting with Any (Player disappears and reappears up to 4 hexes away)
Player can Pick up the Ball, Catch and Punt TELEPORT
the ball Teraton
KEEPER Guard When player is target of Player must Teleport as reaction
When checking Armour Armour checks at 3+ a Slam in his rear arc (Player disappears and reappears up to 4 hexes away)
When performing an
Any 1-4 hexes: 3 dice/ 5-8 hexes: 2 dice/ 9-12 hexes: 1 dice
LONG ARMS When Throwing THREATENING Any player action with Threat Hexes Players Threat Hexes count to modify the test
Judwan Player cannot score bonus points

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