GEHealthcare Brochure Aisys Carestation
GEHealthcare Brochure Aisys Carestation
GEHealthcare Brochure Aisys Carestation
The way you practice today may be different from the past.
Diverse patient types and co-morbidities make your world
challenging. Intubating difficult airways, monitoring and treating
neonates, understanding drug effects its all in a days work.
Along with all those challenges, youre managing patients through
the critical pre- and postoperative periods while trying to balance
the cost pressures and drive operating efficiencies.
range of patients.
Ventilation Management
Ventilation to meet the needs of a variety of patient types, including those
that require intensive ventilation, such as older, heavier, and even neonatal patients.
GE brings premium digital flow valve technology similar to its critical care ventilator
as standard to all of its current anesthesia ventilation solutions.
Neonatal Ventilation
Lung Ventilation
Patient Monitoring
Scalable, modular and flexible, GEs broad portfolio of patient monitors was designed to provide
the right decision support at the point of need and throughout the continuum of care. Advanced
parameter technologies help you tailor anesthesia settings while optimized screen layouts
enable fast decision-making whenever potential problems occur. Intelligent alarms offer preset
limits for essential parameters and can be adapted to suit critical situations.
AIMS Ready
Effective EMRs like GEs Centricity Perioperative Anesthesia* are
only as good as the data they gather. Thats why our current fleet
of GE anesthesia systems offer high-quality integration with data
collection from medical devices and seamless integration with
hospital information systems.
Aisys Carestation shown featuring CARESCAPE* Monitor B850 and Centricity Perioperative Anesthesia*. Also available with Navigator Applications Suite*,
software that analyzes drug therapy information to help model and predict the effect of supported anesthesia-related drugs and drug interactions.
A neonatal patients physiology and small physical size make effective mechanical ventilation much more
challenging. 2 With the Aisys Carestationdesigned and specified for neonatal patientsyou can confidently
deliver volumes as low as 5ml to the patient.
Fast & Accurate: What you set is what you get
How can you be assured that the tidal volume delivered by your anesthesia system matches the tidal volume
delivered to the patient? GEs advanced flow valve technology brings ICU style ventilation technology into the
operating room to measure precise and accurate volumes delivered directly to the patient. GEs digital flow valve
technology helps clinicians reach targeted pressures quickly, maximizing time available for gas exchange across a
wide range of patient types. Fast, accurate, and powerful, GEs digitally controlled flow valves respond to changes
in the patients airway pressure or respiratory efforts up to 250 times per second.
Vital Capacity
The Vital Capacity procedure automates the manual bag
squeeze and hold. PEEP can be programmed at the end
of the procedure to help sustain an open lung.4
Cycling is a procedure that allows the clinician to
configure a lung ventilation maneuver. Programmable
steps allow for increasing and decreasing PEEP levels
during mechanical ventilation.
Compliance trending
The Aisys Carestation provides compliance
measurements that show real time effectiveness of
automated lung procedures.
Vital Capacity
Cycling Procedures
Drug Delivery
4. Adequacy of Anesthesia
Advanced GE technologies like Entropy* are helping to broaden the scope of
anesthesia delivery and patient care that reinforces our commitment to provide
clinical measurements for the components required for general anesthesia
5. Uncompromised Ventilation
GEs digital flow delivery technology helps clinicians reach targeted
pressures quickly, maximizing time available for gas exchange across a
wide range of patient types
6. Investment Protection
The Aisys Carestation is modular and upgradeable, yet
maintains the same familiar user interface fresh gas delivery
as our traditional flow tube-based anesthesia machines
7. Venue* 40
Precision and exceptional image quality in an intuitive
and affordable system for ultrasound-guided
regional anesthesia
* Trademark of GE Healthcare.
GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company.
About GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and
services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Our broad expertise
in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics,
patient monitoring systems, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical
manufacturing technologies, performance improvement and performance
solutions services help our customers to deliver better care to more people
around the world at a lower cost. In addition, we partner with healthcare
leaders, striving to leverage the global policy change necessary to
implement a successful shift to sustainable healthcare systems.
Our healthymagination vision for the future invites the world to join
us on our journey as we continuously develop innovations focused on
reducing costs, increasing access and improving quality around the world.
Headquartered in the United Kingdom, GE Healthcare is a unit of General
Electric Company (NYSE: GE). Worldwide, GE Healthcare employees are
committed to serving healthcare professionals and their patients in more
than 100 countries. For more information about GE Healthcare, visit our
website at
GE Healthcare
3030 Ohmeda Drive
P.O. Box 7550
Madison, WI 53707
imagination at work