Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Present Perfect
for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours.
I have worked here for five years.
For and since can both be used with the past perfect.
Since can only be used with perfect tenses, for can also be used with the
simple past.
8. The girls will have been making cookies for three hours
by the time their guests arrive. => Future Perfect Continuous (Fetele vor face prajiturele
de trei ore pana cand vor sosi musafirii.) The books will have been there since June by
the time she finally notices them. => Future Perfect Simple (Cartile vor fi acolo din iunie
pana cand, in cele din urma, le va observa si ea.)
we arrived
two hours
ten minutes
three days
six months
a week
five years
a longtime
She's been working here since April. (= from April until now)
She's been working here for six mounths. (not 'since six months ')
I haven't seen Tom since Monday . (= form Monday until now)
I haven't seen Tom for three day. (not 'since three days ')
We do not use for in expressions with all (all day / all morning / all week / all may life etc.)
I've lived here all my life .(not 'for all my life')
Note the structure How long is it since ...?
A: How long is it since you had a holiday ?
B : it's been two years since I had a holiday . (= I haven't had a holiday for two years.)
It's ages since Tom visited us. (= He hasn't visited us for ages
Complete the sentences below with since or for !
1. It's been snowing............. I got up this morning.
2. Tom's father has been a doctor ........... 20 years.
3. Have you been learning English .............. a long time ?
4. ........ Christmas, the weather has been quite mild.
Past Simple
Finished actions:
I knew Julie for ten years (but then she moved
away and we lost touch).
A finished action in someone's life (when the
person is dead):
My great-grandmother went to Mexico three
A finished action with no result in the present:
I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible! (Now
there is no result. I got new keys yesterday).
month, yesterday):
This is one of the most difficult tenses to use correctly. I hope the rules
below are helpful:
We use this tense for unfinished and finished actions:
Unfinished Actions
We use this tense when we want to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past
and continue to the present. Usually we use it to say 'how long' an action or state has
continued with 'since' and 'for'. Often, we use stative verbs in this situation:
I've known Karen since 1994.
She's lived in London for three years.
'Since' and 'For'
We use 'since' with a fixed time in the past (2004, April 23rd, last year, two hours ago).
The fixed time can be another action, indicated with the past simple (since I was at
school, since I arrived):
I've known Sam since 1992.
I've liked chocolate since I was a child.
She's been here since 2pm.
We use 'for' with a period of time (2 hours, three years, six months):
I've known Julie for ten years.
I've been hungry for hours.
She's had a cold for a week.
Finished Actions
1: Life experience
(we don't say when the experience happened, just sometime in the past)
I have been to Tokyo.
She has lived in Germany.
They have visited Paris three times.
We have never seen that film.
Have you ever read 'War and Peace'?
2: A finished action with a result in the present (focus on result)
I've lost my keys (so I can't get into my house).
She's hurt her leg (so she can't play tennis today).
They've missed the bus (so they will be late).
I've cooked dinner (so you should come and eat).
3: With an unfinished time word (this month, this week, today, in the last year)
I haven't seen her this month.
She's drunk three cups of coffee today.
This week they've been shopping four times.
Note: We can't use the present perfect with a finished time word:
'Been' and 'Gone'
In this tense, we use both 'been' and 'gone' as the past participle of 'go', but in slightly
different circumstances.
We use 'been' (often when we talk about 'life experience') to mean that the person being
talked about has visited the place, and come back. Notice the preposition 'to':
I've been to Paris (in my life, but now I'm in London, where I live).
She has been to school today (but now she's back at home).
They have never been to California.
We use 'gone' (often when we are talking about an action with a result in the present) to
mean that the person is at the place now:
'Where's John?' 'He's gone to the shops' (he's at the shops now).
I have played
I've played
you've worked
he has written
he's written
she's walked
it has rained
it's rained
we have travelled
we've travelled
they've studied
I haven't eaten
he hasn't seen
it hasn't snowed
we haven't slept
As you can imagine, for 'wh' questions, we just put the question word before
'have' or 'has':
'Wh' Questions
where have I left my umbrella?
what have you done today?
why has he gone already?
where has she been in the UK?
why has it rained so much this summer?
what have we done?
where have they learned English before?
I have walked - Eu m-am plimbat
you have walked - Tu te-ai plimbat
He has walked - El se-a plimbat
she has walked - Ea s-a plimbat
it has walked - S-a plimbat
we have walked - Noi ne-am plimbat
you have walked - Voi v-ati plimbat
they have walked - Ei s-au plimbat
I have read a book every week. - Am citit o carte in fiecare
saptamana. (si continui sa citesc)
You have won this race. - Ai ctigat aceast curs. (ati castigat-o
How long has it been since the last time we met? - Cat a trecut de
cand ne-am intalnit ultima data?
De retinut:
- Prezentul perfect este un timp apartinand prezentului. El face
legatura dintre trecut si prezent. Dar accentul se pune pe
momentul vorbirii, pe acum.
Prezentul perfect exprima:
- O actiune incheiata la un moment nedefinit in trecut, sau o
actiune din trecut care se extinde si in momentul prezent.
I have walked three miles already - Am mers deja 3 mile. (dar
continui sa merg).
She has visited the botanical garden. - Ea a vizitat gradina botanica.
(ea a vazut-o deja, demult).
They have wetted the flowers since 5 o'clock. - Ei au udat florile
incepand cu (de la) ora 5. (si continua sa le ude).
Influenta adverbelor
Alegerea intre prezentul perfect si trecutul simplu este de
multe ori influentata si de adverbele care insotesc verbul. Daca
adverbele respective se refera la o perioada trecuta, trebuie
folosit trecutul simplu.
I studied all night. /yesterday /on Wednesday - Am studiat toata
noaptea. /ieri /miercuri
De retinut:
- Diferenta dintre forma prezentului perfect simplu si cea a
prezentului perfect continuu este aceea ca forma continua pune
accentul mai mult pe durata actiunii sau a starii ce se desfasoara
de ceva timp, pe cand la perfectul simplu accentul e pus pe
actiunea desfasurata.
I have been walking - Eu ma plimb
you have been walking - Tu te plimbi
He has been walking - El se plimba
she has been walking - Ea se plimba
it has been walking - Se plimba
we have been walking - Noi ne plimbam
you have been walking - Voi va plimbati
they have been walking - Ei se plimba
They have been playing tennis for half an hour. - Ei joac tenis de o
jumtate de or.
De retinut:
- poate fi folosit atat cu trecutul simplu cat si cu formele perfecte
(prezent, trecut, viitor perfect).
- are sensul de: in timpul, pe durata, timp de.