2010-11 Budget Draft #2 - Final - Unabridged
2010-11 Budget Draft #2 - Final - Unabridged
2010-11 Budget Draft #2 - Final - Unabridged
Budget Development - Pending Activities
(all will be televised sessions)
Budget Draft #2
What It Is What It Is Not
•A Draft •A Proposal
•Work In Process •In a Final State
Revenue and Expense Assumptions
No Changes in assumptions from Draft #1
Account for structural loss of revenue Increase in the state mandated retirement
from mid-year 2009-10 cuts to the rate from 16.94% to 19.41% - a cost
Foundation Allowance ($165 per pupil) increase of $1.6MM
Account for structural loss of revenue District employee health care costs are
from elimination of Section 20J Funds expected to increase by 5% resulting in a
($198 per pupil) $1.6MM cost increase of $0.5MM
Blended enrollment will fall by 118 Employee salaries and other direct
students, reducing revenue by $1.2MM compensation will increase on account of
existing contracts - $1.0MM
Assumes NO CHANGE in Foundation Allowance for 2010-11 based on latest
Granholm proposal – an admittedly dangerous assumption.
Most Significant Changes from Draft #1 to Draft #2
Restores 3 Reading Specialists at Elementary for a total of 8.0 ( a
reduction of 1.0 from 2009-10)
Restores 4.5 Middle School teachers which reduces proposed
Class Size from 27.5 to 26
Restores 12.8 Hall Monitors (Middle and High School) as direct
employees as opposed to outsourcing them
Restores 7.0 Special Education Resource Room teachers for a
total of 27.0 (down 2 from 2009-10)
Restores 1.4 Speech Pathologists for a total of 16.9 for 2010-11
(down 2.6 from 2009-10)
Restores 2.2 Social Workers for a total of 8.7 for 2010-11 (down
0.8 from 2009-10)
Restorations offset by Draft #1’s surplus, health plan efficiencies,
moderate revenue increases and expense reductions, and a
broad range of smaller efficiencies
Projected Average Class Sizes – 2010-11
2007-8 2010-11
Foundation Allowance $10,326 $9,995 $2,600,000 revenue loss
and 20J Revenue/Pupil (3.2% reduction)
Student Enrollment 8,589 8,077 $5,117,000 revenue loss
General Fund Equity $20,355,960 $17,831,689 Decrease of 12.4%
Average Total $109,380 $120,058 $5,883,638 premium
Compensation/Teacher (9.8% increase/teacher)
Total Teachers 602 551 51 teachers fewer
Pupil:Teacher Ratio 14.27 14.66 Class Size, 6 period day
Total Employees 951 836 64 non-teachers fewer
Total Health Care, $25,314,818 $25,586,290 For 115 fewer employees
Retirement, FICA (15% increase/employee)
General, School Svc. Funds Total Revenues, Expenditures
2009-10 Projected Shortfall due to Mid-Year Cuts, 20J Loss
Budget Draft #2
2009-10 2010-11
Total Direct Compensation $62,233,760 $59,882,125
Health Care Expense $11,012,013 $9,520,624
MPSERS Expense $10,535,304 $11,507,612
FICA Expense $4,737,974 $4,558,074
Total Other Variable Expenses $15,748,031 $15,058,931
Total Expenditures $104,267,083 $100,527,347
Transfer to Debt Fund $684,000 $692,606
Total Expenditures and Transfers $104,951,083 $101,219,953
Total Revenues $102,536,331 $101,219,953
Net Annual Surplus / (Shortfall) ($2,414,752) $0
Enrollment Projections: No Change from Draft #1
Enrollment by Grade, Level, and Building Drive Staffing Levels
1 2 3 4 5 1/2/3
Defer 26.0 25.5 27.0 21.0 21.7 20.0
Ferry 20.0 26.5 19.0 29.5 29.0 20.5
Kerby 26.0 18.3 22.3 22.5 22.3
Maire 24.0 18.7 21.3 25.5 20.7
Mason 17.5 19.5 22.5 21.0 19.5
Monteith 23.5 26.7 25.8 25.5 26.3
Poupard 17.0 26.5 20.3 23.0 22.3
Richard 22.3 21.7 23.3 24.7 22.7
Trombly 21.0 23.5 19.0 20.5 22.5 21.0
2009-10 2010-11
Principals 9.0 9.0
2009-10 2010-11
Principals / Asst. Principals 14.0 14.0
Teacher - Librarian 3.5 3.5
Teacher - Counselor 16.0 16.0
Classroom Asst –
11.0 9.5
Computer/Library/Student Center
Parapro – Musical and Other 7.6 7.6
Classroom Asst. – Hall Monitor 12.8 12.8
2009-10 2010-11
Class. Asst - Mod. Cognitive Imp. 9.0 7.0
Class. Asst - Mild Cognitive Imp. 3.0 3.0
Class. Asst - Autism Spectrum 45.5 45.5
Class. Asst - Emotion. Imp. 7.0 7.0
Class. Asst - Resource Room 7.0 7.0
Class. Asst - Early Child Dev 3.0 3.0
Class. Asst - Work Study/Vocation. 3.0 3.0
Special Education Administration and Support
2009-10 2010-11
Director 1.0
Associate Director 2.0 1.0
Secretaries and Clerks 4.6 4.6
Central Administration and Services
2009-10 2010-11
Executive Administration 5.0 5.0
Secretaries 6.6 3.9
Clerical Staff 6.0 4.6
Teachers - Specialists 4.4 2.7
Non-Instructional Supervisor 18.0 11.7
Contracted - Non-Instructional 0.0 3.6
Paraprofessional - Other 0.5 0.5
Technology Support 7.0 7.0
Plant - Custodians/Engineers 76.0 68.0
Community Relations 1.0 1.0
Staffing Level Changes 2009-10 2010-11
Teachers - Elementary 192.5 181.9
Teachers – Middle School 101.4 95.1
Teachers – High School 157.8 155.3
Teachers – Special Education 123.4 116.0
Teachers – Specialists 3.9 2.7
Classroom Asst. – General Ed. 58.1 38.3
Classroom Asst. – Special Ed. 77.5 75.5
Building Administrators 25.0 25.0
Clerical Staff 58.2 46.1
Non-Instructional Supervisor 17.9 11.7
Paraprofessionals 11.7 8.0
Plant Engineers / Custodians 76.0 68.0
Technology Staff 7.0 7.0
Executive Administration 5.0 5.0
TOTALS 915.4 835.7
Purchased Services
Increase in Contracted Staff as Some Direct Employees Shifted
2009-10 2010-11
Contracted Staff and Substitutes (Non-Coach) $1,555,929 $1,611,835
Transportation (Non-Athletic) $590,412 $610,000
Water $200,000 $210,000
WAN and Telecommunications $274,000 $265,104
Property Insurance $273,000 $273,000
Audit/Student Legal $54,000 $54,000
Legal $256,000 $256,000
Repairs and Maintenance $1,840,902 $1,740,030
Wayne RESA Fees $209,500 $209,500
Software Licenses $343,210 $460,000
Other (includes Fast Math/Reading) $60,952 $60,592
School Services Fund - Food $1,167,733 $1,167,733
TOTAL PURCHASED SERVICES $6,825,638 $6,917,794
Supplies Expenses
2009-10 2010-11
Gas $1,013,000 $1,013,000
Electricity $1,140,000 $1,140,000
Textbooks $325,000 $325,000
Custodial Supplies $586,000 $586,000
Teaching Supplies $803,000 $760,230
Office Supplies $224,661 $224,661
Athletics - Non-Coach Expenses $475,793 $474,135
Other (including Library Books) $51,000 $47,500
Other (School Services Fund) $17,285 $17,285
2009-10 2010-11
Workers Compensation $139,000 $139,000
Unemployment $300,000 $780,000
Summer School $38,600 $34,600
Summer Building Maintenance $30,000 $26,100
All Day Kindergarten Lunch Help $18,563
Kids Club/Preschool $471,265 $471,265
Camp O'Fun Summer Help $32,000 $28,500
PAC Student Support $111,002 $100,000
Other HR $20,000 $20,000
Temporary Help $67,860 $61,250
Extended School Year - Spec. Ed. $101,000 $92,600
Total Other Variable HR $1,310,727 $1,522,011
High School Athletics Budget
2009-10 2010-11
Coaches $702,469 $696,200
Transportation $125,033 $117,555
Other Athletic EPED $29,500 $62,000
Trainers $60,000 $60,000
Officials $85,297 $84,467
Capital Outlay $19,325 $0
Consumable Expenses $77,485 $82,250
Contract Services $13,300 $8,500
Uniforms $42,500 $26,300
State Tournament Expenses $17,513 $16,546
Dues, Fees and Ice Time $130,873 $134,072
TOTAL $1,303,295 $1,287,890
2009-10 2010-11
Department Chair EPED $220,094 $0
All Other EPED $553,788 $553,788
TOTAL $773,882 $553,788
1.8% in
100 Budget employee
$123 in
10% in change in
per pupil
health care MPSERS
costs rate
0.25% in
20 Budget employee
$25 in per
change in
pupil 2% in health
funding care costs
Supplies, Purchased
Services, and Other HR
• Identified significant reduction
Elementary Reading
• Restored 3.0 for a total of 8.0
Bargaining Unit
• In bargaining process with all
2010-11 Budget Process: Closing Thoughts
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