Vodafone Financial Statements 2017
Vodafone Financial Statements 2017
Vodafone Financial Statements 2017
This year we have added the following highlights to help you navigate to the information that is important to you.
Reporting in euro currency Future adoption of IFRS 9,
With effect from 1 April 2016, the IFRS 15 and IFRS 16
Group’s presentation currency We have updated the disclosures in
was changed from pounds sterling note 1 “Basis of preparation” relating
to the euro to better align with the to the timetable and potential
geographic split of the Group’s impact of the future adoption of
operations as detailed in note 1 “Basis IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”, IFRS
of preparation”. Prior year results have 15 “Revenue from Contracts with
been restated accordingly. Customers” and IFRS 16 “Leases”.
For more information: For more information:
Pages 103 to 106 Pages 107 and 108
assets and liabilities held for sale. asset, led to an overall €3.7 billion For more information: their definitions.
For more information: reduction in the carrying value of Pages 118 to 122
For more information:
Pages 123 and 124 Vodafone India. Pages 205 to 213
For more information:
Pages 113 to 116
Directors’ statement
88 Notes to the consolidated financial statements:
103 177 Other unaudited
of responsibility 103 1. Basis of preparation Cash flows financial information:
Report of independent
90 Income statement 139 19. Reconciliation of net 177 Prior year operating results
registered public 109 2. Segmental analysis cash flow from operating Company
accounting firm activities
112 3. Operating profit financial statements
Audit report
91 139 20. Cash and cash equivalents 182 Company statement
113 4. Impairment losses
on the consolidated 140 21. Borrowings of financial position
117 5. Investment income and
and parent company financing costs 144 22. Liquidity and capital 183 Company statement
financial statements resources of changes in equity
118 6. Taxation
99 148 23. Capital and financial risk Notes to the Company
123 7. Discontinued operations management
financial statements: and assets held for sale financial statements:
99 Consolidated Employee remuneration
125 8. Earnings per share 184 1. Basis of preparation
income statement 153 24. Directors and key
125 9. Equity dividends 186 2. Fixed assets
99 Consolidated statement management
Financial position compensation 186 3. Debtors
of comprehensive income
126 10. Intangible assets 154 25. Employees 187 4. Other investments
The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with applicable
law and regulations and keeping proper accounting records. Detailed below are statements made by
the Directors in relation to their responsibilities, disclosure of information to the Company’s auditor,
going concern and management’s report on internal control over financial reporting.
In addition, the financial position of the Group is included
in “Borrowings”, “Liquidity and capital resources” and “Capital and financial reporting includes policies and procedures that:
financial risk management” in notes 21, 22 and 23 respectively to the –– pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail,
consolidated financial statements, which include disclosure in relation accurately and fairly reflect transactions and dispositions of assets;
to the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for managing its
capital; its financial risk management objectives; details of its financial –– are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions
instruments and hedging activities; and its exposures to credit risk and are recorded as necessary to permit the preparation of financial
liquidity risk. statements in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the EU and IFRS
as issued by the IASB, and that receipts and expenditures are being
The Group believes it adequately manages or mitigates its solvency made only in accordance with authorisation of management and the
and liquidity risks through two primary processes, described below. Directors of the Company; and
Business planning process and performance management –– provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely
The Group’s forecasting and planning cycle consists of three in-year detection of unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition
forecasts, a budget and a long-range plan. These generate income of the Group’s assets that could have a material effect on the
statement, cash flow and net debt projections for assessment by Group financial statements.
management and the Board.
Each forecast is compared with prior forecasts and actual results Any internal control framework, no matter how well designed,
so as to identify variances and understand the drivers of the changes has inherent limitations including the possibility of human error and
and their future impact so as to allow management to take action where the circumvention or overriding of the controls and procedures,
appropriate. Additional analysis is undertaken to review and sense check and may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections
the key assumptions underpinning the forecasts. of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the
risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes
Cash flow and liquidity reviews in conditions or because the degree of compliance with the policies
The business planning process provides outputs for detailed cash flow or procedures may deteriorate.
and liquidity reviews, to ensure that the Group maintains adequate
liquidity throughout the forecast periods. The prime output is a one year Management has assessed the effectiveness of the internal control
liquidity forecast which is prepared and updated on a daily basis which over financial reporting at 31 March 2017 based on the updated
highlights the extent of the Group’s liquidity based on controlled cash Internal Control – Integrated Framework, issued by the Committee
flows and the headroom under the Group’s undrawn revolving credit of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (‘COSO’)
facility (‘RCF’). in 2013. Based on management’s assessment, management has
concluded that internal control over financial reporting was effective
The key inputs into this forecast are: at 31 March 2017.
–– free cash flow forecasts, with the first three months’ inputs being During the period covered by this document, there were no changes
sourced directly from the operating companies (analysed on a in the Group’s internal control over financial reporting that have
daily basis), with information beyond this taken from the latest materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the
forecast/budget cycle; effectiveness of the internal controls over financial reporting.
–– bond and other debt maturities; and The Group’s internal control over financial reporting at 31 March 2017
–– expectations for shareholder returns, spectrum auctions and has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent
M&A activity. registered public accounting firm who also audit the Group’s
consolidated financial statements. Their audit report on internal
The liquidity forecast shows two scenarios assuming either maturing control over financial reporting is on page 90.
commercial paper is refinanced or no new commercial paper issuance. By Order of the Board
The liquidity forecast is reviewed by the Group Chief Financial Officer
To Board of Directors and shareholders A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process
of Vodafone Group Plc designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability
of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated statement of financial
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting
position and the related consolidated income statement, consolidated
principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes
statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement
those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance
of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows present
of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Vodafone Group
transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide
Plc and its subsidiaries (‘the Company’) at 31 March 2017 and 31 March
reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary
2016, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each
to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with
of the three years ended 31 March 2017 in conformity with International
generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and
Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting
expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with
Standards Board and in conformity with International Financial
authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii)
Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. Also in our
provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective
of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets
internal control over financial reporting as of 31 March 2017, based
that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework 2013
issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial
Commission (‘COSO’). reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections
of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the
The Company’s management is responsible for these financial
risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes
statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial
in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies
reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control
or procedures may deteriorate.
over financial reporting, included in Management’s report on internal
control over financial reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions
on these financial statements and on the Company’s internal control
over financial reporting based on our integrated audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and International London, United Kingdom
Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and 16 May 2017
perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether
effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all
material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management,
and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit
of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining
an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing
the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating
the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based
on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such
other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.
As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements,
the Company changed its presentation currency with effect from
1 April 2016.
The report set out above is included for the purposes of Vodafone Group Plc’s Annual Report
on Form 20-F for 2017 only and does not form part of Vodafone Group Plc’s Annual Report
for 2017.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 91
–– Vodafone Group Plc’s Group financial statements and Company financial statements (the ‘financial statements’) give a true and fair view of the
state of the Group’s and of the Company’s affairs as at 31 March 2017 and of the Group’s loss and cash flows for the year then ended;
–– the Group financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRSs’) as adopted
by the European Union;
–– the Company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
–– the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Group financial
statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.
As explained in note 1 to the financial statements, the Group, in addition to applying IFRSs as adopted by the European Union, has also applied IFRSs
as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (‘IASB’).
In our opinion, the Group financial statements comply with IFRSs as issued by the IASB.
What we have audited
The financial statements, included within the Annual Report, comprise:
–– the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2017;
–– the Company statement of financial position as at 31 March 2017;
–– the consolidated income statement and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year then ended;
–– the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended;
–– the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year then ended;
–– the Company statement of changes in equity for the year then ended; and
–– the notes to the Group financial statements and Company financial statements, which include a summary of significant accounting policies and
other explanatory information.
Certain required disclosures have been presented elsewhere in the Annual Report, rather than in the notes to the financial statements. These are
cross-referenced from the financial statements and are identified as audited.
The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the Group financial statements is IFRSs as adopted by the European
Union, and applicable law. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the Company financial statements is United
Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 101 “Reduced Disclosure Framework”, and applicable law (United Kingdom Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice).
Our audit approach
Overall Group materiality: €215 million which represents 5% of a three year average of ‘Adjusted
operating profit’ (‘AOP’), including Vodafone India. We used a three year average given volatility in the
measure year-on-year as a result of Project Spring.
We identified six local operations which, in our view, required an audit of their complete financial
Materiality information, either due to their size or their risk characteristics comprising UK, Spain, Italy, India,
Germany and Vodacom South Africa. The scope of work in Germany did not include an audit of the
complete financial information of Kabel Deutschland GmbH (‘KDG’).
Further specific audit procedures over central functions and areas of significant judgement, including
taxation, goodwill, treasury and material provisions and contingent liabilities, were performed at the
Group’s Head Office.
Audit scope –– Taxation matters, including a provisioning claim for withholding tax in India and the recognition and
recoverability of deferred tax assets in Luxembourg and Germany.
–– Carrying value of goodwill.
–– Provisions and contingent liabilities.
Additional information
Audit report on the consolidated and parent company financial statements (continued)
We determined that the carrying value of deferred tax assets at 31 March 2017 was
supported by management’s plans including intercompany funding arrangements.
We validated the appropriateness of the related disclosures in note 6 and note 30 of the
financial statements, including the disclosures made in respect of the utilisation period of
deferred tax assets.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 93
Impairment charges to goodwill have been recognised
in prior periods. With the continued difficult With the support of our valuation experts, we benchmarked and challenged key
macroeconomic environment in Europe and the assumptions in management’s valuation models used to determine recoverable amount
changing regulatory environment globally the risk against external data, including assumptions of projected adjusted EBITDA, projected
that goodwill is impaired increases. capital expenditure, projected licence and spectrum payments, long-term growth rate
and discount rates.
For the CGUs which contain goodwill, the determination
of recoverable amount, being the higher of fair value We performed testing of the mathematical accuracy of the cash flow models and
less costs to sell and value in use, requires judgement challenging and agreeing the key assumptions in the Board approved five year
on the part of management in both identifying and management plan.
then valuing the relevant CGUs. Recoverable amounts
Based on our procedures, we noted no exceptions and consider management’s key
are based on management’s view of variables such as
assumptions to be within a reasonable range.
future average revenue per user, average customer
numbers and customer churn, timing and approval We validated the appropriateness of the related disclosures in note 4 and note 10 of the
of future capital, spectrum and operating expenditure financial statements.
and the most appropriate discount rate.
In the year ended 31 March 2017, a pre-tax impairment
charge of €4.5 billion was recognised related to
goodwill in India. Refer to area of focus on ‘Significant
one-off transactions’.
Refer to the Audit and Risk Committee Report, note 1
– “Critical accounting judgements and key sources of
estimation uncertainty”, note 4 – “Impairment losses”
and note 10 – “Intangible assets”.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
There are a number of threatened and actual legal, We used our tax specialists to gain an understanding of the current status of the tax cases
regulatory and tax cases against the Group. There is a and monitored changes in the disputes by reading external advice received by the Group,
high level of judgement required in estimating the level where relevant, to establish that the tax provisions had been appropriately adjusted to
of provisioning required. reflect the latest external developments.
Refer to the Audit and Risk Committee Report, note 1 For legal, regulatory and tax matters our procedures included the following:
– “Critical accounting judgements and key sources
–– testing key controls surrounding litigation, regulatory and tax procedures;
of estimation uncertainty”, note 17 – “Provisions” and
note 30 – “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings”. –– performing substantive procedures on the underlying calculations supporting the
provisions recorded;
–– where relevant, reading external legal opinions obtained by management;
–– meeting with regional and local management and reading subsequent
Group correspondence;
–– discussing open matters with the Group litigation, regulatory, general counsel and
tax teams;
–– assessing management’s conclusions through understanding precedents set in similar
cases; and
–– circularisation where appropriate of relevant third party legal representatives and direct
discussion with them regarding certain material cases.
Based on the evidence obtained, while noting the inherent uncertainty with such legal,
regulatory and tax matters, we determined the level of provisioning at 31 March 2017 to
be appropriate.
We validated the completeness and appropriateness of the related disclosures through
assessing that the disclosure of the uncertainties in note 17 and note 30 of the financial
Additional information
Audit report on the consolidated and parent company financial statements (continued)
We also considered the application of the Group’s accounting policies to amounts billed
and the accounting implications of new business models to check that Group accounting
policies were appropriate for these models and were followed.
Based on our work, we noted no significant issues on the accuracy of revenue recorded in
the year.
Significant one-off transactions
We focused on two significant one-off transactions Our procedures on the Netherlands joint venture included the following:
which occurred during the year: the completion of the
–– making use of our valuations specialists to support the assessment of the valuation
Netherlands joint venture with Liberty Global and the
of the business, including challenging and agreeing the key assumptions in the
proposed merger of the Group’s Indian business with
approved business plan and the allocation of synergies to calculate the gain;
Idea Cellular. Accounting for these transactions and
related disclosures requires the exercise of significant –– challenging management’s assessment on the treatment as a joint venture including
judgement. examining the relevant agreements; and
Netherlands joint venture – on 31 December 2016 –– checking the disclosures in the Annual Report.
Liberty Global and Vodafone completed a 50:50
joint venture in respect of their businesses in the Our procedures on the proposed transaction with Aditya Birla Group included the
Netherlands, ‘VodafoneZiggo’. Management has following:
assessed that VodafoneZiggo is a jointly controlled
–– challenging management on whether the requirements under IFRS 5 for the India
entity as decisions about the relevant activities require
business to be classified as held for sale and discontinued operations were met,
the consent of both parties. A gain of €1.3 billion has
including reading and discussion of relevant third party legal advice;
been recognised in connection with the transaction.
–– making use of our valuation specialists to examine the valuation methodology
Transaction with Idea – on 20 March 2017 the merger
in determining the fair value less cost to sell;
of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular was announced.
This merger, once completed, will result in a 45.1% stake –– verifying the accuracy of management’s calculation of the impairment charge and
for Vodafone Group, 26% stake for Aditya Birla Group allocation to respective asset classes and the recognition and recoverability of the
with the remaining 28.9% being shares in public float. associated deferred tax asset; and
The Vodafone India business, excluding its 42% stake in
–– checking the disclosures in the Annual Report.
Indus Towers, has been presented as ‘held for sale’ and
‘discontinued operations’ as at 31 March 2017. At the
Based on our procedures, we noted no issues and were satisfied with the associated
balance sheet date, as required by IFRS 5 the business
accounting for these matters.
is held at fair value less cost to sell. A pre-tax impairment
charge of €4.5 billion has been recognised for the
year, together with the recognition of an associated
€0.8 billion deferred tax asset.
Refer to the Audit and Risk Committee Report, note 1
– “Critical accounting judgements and key sources
of estimation uncertainty” and related notes in the
financial statements.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 95
respective depreciation profiles. These include: application of the asset life.
–– the decision to capitalise or expense costs; In performing these substantive procedures, we assessed the judgements made by
management including:
–– the annual asset life review including the impact
of changes in the Group’s strategy; and –– the nature of underlying costs capitalised as part of the cost of the network roll-out;
–– the timeliness of the transfer from assets in the –– the appropriateness of asset lives applied in the calculation of depreciation; and
course of construction.
–– in assessing the need for accelerated depreciation given the network modernisation
programme in place across Europe.
Refer to the Audit and Risk Committee Report, note 1
– “Critical accounting judgements and key sources of
No issues were noted from our testing.
estimation uncertainty”, note 10 – “Intangible assets”
and note 11 – “Property, plant and equipment”.
IT systems and controls
We place a high level of reliance on the Group’s We conducted detailed end-to-end walkthroughs of the finance processes, utilising
IT systems and key internal controls. As a result a our understanding from the prior year to reassess the design effectiveness of the key
significant proportion of our audit effort was conducted internal controls and to identify changes. We then conducted testing of the operating
in this area at local, regional and Group levels and at the effectiveness of these controls to obtain evidence that they operated throughout the
Group’s shared service centres. year. In response to the changes and control enhancements made during the year, we
performed the following:
The Group has continued to devote considerable
resources to the development of key business and –– evaluating the design of the controls to ensure they mitigated the relevant financial
related IT controls to ensure a robust system of internal reporting risks and testing the operation of controls in the periods prior to and post
control as described in the Audit and Risk Committee any change;
Report on page 60.
–– where systems changed during the year, testing IT general controls and data migration
processes; and
–– tested controls and performed additional substantive procedures of key general ledger
account reconciliations and manual journals.
We did not regard any of the control issues identified in 2017 as significant in the context of
the Group financial statements.
Changes in Group’s presentation currency
With effect from 1 April 2016, the Group’s presentation Our procedures included the following:
currency was changed from sterling to euro to better
–– testing the Hyperion Financial Management (‘HFM’) application, including controls
align with the geographic split of the Group’s operations.
in place, to conclude on the appropriateness of the euro presentation currency
This change was accounted for retrospectively resulting
application set up;
in historical retranslation of the Group’s results.
–– testing the retranslation of sterling comparative balances disclosed in the
financial statements;
–– testing the disclosures included in the Annual Report;
–– examining management’s accounting paper assessing the impact of the presentation
currency change upon their hedge relationships, and for material hedge accounting
Audit report on the consolidated and parent company financial statements (continued)
We agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee that we would report to them misstatements identified during our audit above €15 million
(2016: €14 million) as well as misstatements below that amount that, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Going concern
Under the Listing Rules we are required to review the Directors’ statement of responsibility, set out on pages 88 and 89, in relation to going concern.
We have nothing to report having performed our review.
Under ISAs (UK & Ireland) we are required to report to you if we have anything material to add or to draw attention to in relation to the Directors’
statement of responsibility about whether they considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.
We have nothing material to add or to draw attention to.
As noted in the Directors’ statement of responsibility, the Directors have concluded that it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis
in preparing the financial statements. The going concern basis presumes that the Group and Company have adequate resources to remain
in operation, and that the Directors intend them to do so, for at least one year from the date the financial statements were signed. As part of our
audit we have concluded that the Directors’ use of the going concern basis is appropriate. However, because not all future events or conditions can
be predicted, these statements are not a guarantee as to the Group’s and Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
In addition, in light of the knowledge and understanding of the Group, the Company and their environment obtained in the course of the audit,
we are required to report if we have identified any material misstatements in the Strategic Report and the Directors’ report, and in the information
referred to above in the Corporate Governance Statement. We have nothing to report in this respect.
ISAs (UK & Ireland) reporting
Under ISAs (UK & Ireland) we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
–– information in the Annual Report is: We have no exceptions to report.
–– materially inconsistent with the information in the audited financial statements; or
–– apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, our knowledge of the
Group and Company acquired in the course of performing our audit; or
–– otherwise misleading.
–– the statement given by the Directors on page 88, in accordance with provision C.1.1 of the We have no exceptions to report.
UK Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’), that they consider the Annual Report taken as a whole
to be fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for members
to assess the Group’s and Company’s position and performance, business model and strategy
is materially inconsistent with our knowledge of the Group and Company acquired in the course
of performing our audit; and
–– the section of the Annual Report on pages 57 to 63, as required by provision C.3.8 of the Code, We have no exceptions to report.
describing the work of the Audit and Risk Committee does not appropriately address matters
communicated by us to the Audit and Risk Committee.
The Directors’ assessment of the prospects of the Group and of the principal risks that would threaten the solvency or liquidity
of the Group
Under ISAs (UK & Ireland) we are required to report to you if we have anything material to add or to
draw attention to in relation to:
–– the Directors’ confirmation on page 88 of the Annual Report, in accordance with provision C.2.1 We have nothing material to add or to
of the Code, that they have carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Group, draw attention to.
including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity;
–– the disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those risks and explain how they are being We have nothing material to add or to
managed or mitigated; and draw attention to.
–– the Directors’ explanation on page 34 of the Annual Report, in accordance with provision C.2.2 We have nothing material to add or to
of the Code, as to how they have assessed the prospects of the Group, over what period they have draw attention to.
done so and why they consider that period to be appropriate, and their statement as to whether
they have a reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to continue in operation and meet
its liabilities as they fall due over the period of their assessment, including any related disclosures
drawing attention to any necessary qualifications or assumptions.
Under the Listing Rules we are required to review the Directors’ statement of responsibility that they have carried out a robust assessment of the
principal risks facing the Group and the Directors’ statement of responsibility in relation to the longer-term viability of the Group. Our review was
substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of making inquiries and considering the Directors’ process supporting their statements;
checking that the statements are in alignment with the relevant provisions of the Code; and considering whether the statements are consistent with
the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing our audit. We have nothing to report having performed our review.
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
–– we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit; or
–– adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not
visited by us; or
–– the Company financial statements and the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting
records and returns.
Audit report on the consolidated and parent company financial statements (continued)
Directors’ remuneration
Directors’ Remuneration Report – Companies Act 2006 opinion
In our opinion, the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
Other Companies Act 2006 reporting
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion, certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration specified by law are
not made. We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Corporate governance statement
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion, a Corporate governance statement has not been prepared by the
Company. We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Under the Listing Rules we are required to review the part of the Corporate governance statement relating to ten further provisions of the Code.
We have nothing to report having performed our review.
We primarily focus our work in these areas by assessing the Directors’ judgements against available evidence, forming our own judgements,
and evaluating the disclosures in the financial statements.
We test and examine information, using sampling and other auditing techniques, to the extent we consider necessary to provide a reasonable basis
for us to draw conclusions. We obtain audit evidence through testing the effectiveness of controls, substantive procedures or a combination of both.
In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial
statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired
by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the
implications for our report. With respect to the Strategic Report, Directors’ report and Corporate governance statement, we consider whether those
reports include the disclosures required by applicable legal requirements.
1 The maintenance and integrity of the Vodafone Group Plc website is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and,
accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.
2 Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
3 Note that the report set out above is included for the purposes of Vodafone Group Plc’s Annual Report for 2017 only and does not form part of Vodafone Group Plc’s Annual Report
on Form 20-F for 2017.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 99
Restated1 Restated1
2017 2016 2015
Note €m €m €m
Revenue 2 47,631 49,810 48,385
Cost of sales (34,576) (36,713) (35,073)
Gross profit 13,055 13,097 13,312
Selling and distribution expenses (4,349) (4,603) (4,181)
Administrative expenses (6,080) (6,379) (6,834)
Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures 47 60 (78)
Impairment losses 4 – (569) –
Other income/(expense) 3 1,052 (286) (146)
Operating profit 3 3,725 1,320 2,073
Non-operating expense (1) (3) (23)
Investment income 5 474 539 1,083
Financing costs 5 (1,406) (2,046) (1,399)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 2,792 (190) 1,734
Income tax (expense)/credit 6 (4,764) (4,937) 6,071
(Loss)/profit for the financial year from continuing operations (1,972) (5,127) 7,805
(Loss)/profit for the financial year from discontinued operations 7 (4,107) 5 (328)
(Loss)/profit for the financial year (6,079) (5,122) 7,477
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent (6,297) (5,405) 7,279
– Non-controlling interests2 218 283 198
(Loss)/profit for the financial year (6,079) (5,122) 7,477
(Loss)/earnings per share
From continuing operations:
– Basic (7.83)c (20.27)c 28.72c
– Diluted (7.83)c (20.27)c 28.57c
Total Group:
– Basic 8 (22.51)c (20.25)c 27.48c
– Diluted 8 (22.51)c (20.25)c 27.33c
1 See note 1 “Basis of preparation”.
2 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests solely derives from continuing operations.
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the years ended 31 March
Restated1 Restated1
2017 2016 2015
Note €m €m €m
(Loss)/profit for the financial year (6,079) (5,122) 7,477
Other comprehensive income:
Items that may be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent years:
Gains/(losses) on revaluation of available-for-sale investments, net of tax 2 (3) 5
Foreign exchange translation differences, net of tax (1,201) (3,030) 3,681
Foreign exchange losses/(gains) transferred to the income statement – 282 (1)
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent (7,535) (7,579) 10,272
– Non-controlling interests 99 (64) 594
(7,436) (7,643) 10,866
1 See note 1 “Basis of preparation”.
Further details on items in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income can be found in the consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 101.
100 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Restated1 Restated1
31 March 2017 31 March 2016 1 April 2015
Note €m €m €m
Non-current assets
Goodwill 10 26,808 28,238 30,524
Other intangible assets 10 19,412 30,326 28,989
Property, plant and equipment 11 30,204 35,515 36,806
Investments in associates and joint ventures 12 3,138 479 652
Other investments 13 3,459 4,631 5,197
Deferred tax assets 6 24,300 28,306 32,991
Post employment benefits 26 57 224 234
Trade and other receivables 15 4,569 5,793 6,729
111,947 133,512 142,122
Current assets
Inventory 14 576 716 667
Taxation recoverable 150 1,402 795
Trade and other receivables 15 9,861 11,561 11,141
Other investments 13 6,120 5,337 5,333
Cash and cash equivalents 20 8,835 12,922 9,521
25,542 31,938 27,457
Assets held for sale 7 17,195 3,657 –
Total assets 154,684 169,107 169,579
Called up share capital 18 4,796 4,796 5,246
Additional paid-in capital 151,808 151,694 161,801
Treasury shares (8,610) (8,777) (9,747)
Accumulated losses (105,851) (95,683) (85,882)
Accumulated other comprehensive income 30,057 31,295 20,092
Total attributable to owners of the parent 72,200 83,325 91,510
The consolidated financial statements on pages 99 to 176 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 16 May 2017 and
were signed on its behalf by:
Vittorio Colao Nick Read
Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 101
Additional Other comprehensive income share- Non-
Share paid-in Treasury Retained Currency Pensions Investment Revaluation holders’ controlling Total
capital2 capital3 shares losses reserve4 reserve reserve5 surplus6 Other7 funds interests equity
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
1 April 2014 restated1 4,592 141,718 (8,703) (88,383) 35,892 (713) 59 1,227 45 85,734 1,187 86,921
Issue or reissue of shares – 2 180 (159) – – – – – 23 – 23
Share-based payments8 – 119 – – – – – – – 119 – 119
Transactions with non-controlling
interests in subsidiaries – – – (916) – – – – – (916) 742 (174)
Dividends – – – (3,712) – – – – – (3,712) (326) (4,038)
Comprehensive income – – – 7,279 3,284 (291) (6) – 6 10,272 594 10,866
Profit – – – 7,279 – – – – – 7,279 198 7,477
OCI – before tax – – – – 2,992 (369) 5 – 14 2,642 399 3,041
OCI – taxes – – – – 293 78 – – (8) 363 (3) 360
Transfer to the income
statement – – – – (1) – (11) – – (12) – (12)
Other9 654 19,962 (1,224) 9 (19,411) – – – – (10) 1 (9)
31 March 2015 restated1 5,246 161,801 (9,747) (85,882) 19,765 (1,004) 53 1,227 51 91,510 2,198 93,708
Issue or reissue of shares – 2 147 (131) – – – – – 18 – 18
Share-based payments8 – 161 – – – – – – – 161 – 161
Issue of mandatory convertible
bonds10 – 3,480 – – – – – – – 3,480 – 3,480
Transactions with non-controlling
interests in subsidiaries – – – (44) – – – – – (44) (19) (63)
Dividends – – – (4,233) – – – – – (4,233) (332) (4,565)
Comprehensive expense – – – (5,405) (2,401) 174 (3) – 56 (7,579) (64) (7,643)
(Loss)/profit – – – (5,405) – – – – – (5,405) 283 (5,122)
OCI – before tax – – – – (2,535) 216 (4) – 75 (2,248) (343) (2,591)
OCI – taxes – – – – (148) (42) 1 – (19) (208) (4) (212)
Transfer to the income
statement – – – – 282 – – – – 282 – 282
Other9 (450) (13,750) 823 12 13,377 – – – – 12 28 40
31 March 2016 restated1 4,796 151,694 (8,777) (95,683) 30,741 (830) 50 1,227 107 83,325 1,811 85,136
Issue or reissue of shares – 2 167 (150) – – – – – 19 – 19
Share-based payments8 – 112 – – – – – – – 112 – 112
Transactions with non-controlling
interests in subsidiaries – – – (12) – – – – – (12) 17 5
Dividends – – – (3,709) – – – – – (3,709) (410) (4,119)
Comprehensive expense – – – (6,297) (1,082) (272) 6 – 110 (7,535) 99 (7,436)
(Loss)/profit – – – (6,297) – – – – – (6,297) 218 (6,079)
OCI – before tax – – – – (1,096) (274) 2 – 156 (1,212) (121) (1,333)
OCI – taxes – – – – 14 2 – – (46) (30) 2 (28)
Transfer to the income
statement – – – – – – 4 – – 4 – 4
Other – – – – – – – – – – 2 2
31 March 2017 4,796 151,808 (8,610) (105,851) 29,659 (1,102) 56 1,227 217 72,200 1,519 73,719
1 See note 1 “Basis of preparation”.
2 See note 18 “Called up share capital”.
3 Includes share premium, capital reserve, capital redemption reserve, merger reserve and share-based payment reserve. The merger reserve was derived from acquisitions made prior
to 31 March 2004 and subsequently allocated to additional paid-in capital on adoption of IFRS.
4 The currency reserve is used to record cumulative translation differences on the assets and liabilities of foreign operations. The cumulative translation differences are recycled to the income
statement on disposal of the foreign operation.
5 The investment reserve is used to record the cumulative fair value gains and losses on available-for-sale financial assets. The cumulative gains and losses are recycled to the income statement
on disposal of the assets.
6 The revaluation surplus derives from acquisitions of subsidiaries made before the Group’s adoption of IFRS 3 (Revised) on 1 April 2010 and comprises the amounts arising from recognising the
Additional information
Restated1 Restated1
2017 2016 2015
Note €m €m €m
Inflow from operating activities 19 14,223 14,336 12,668
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 28 (28) (57) (3,906)
Purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures 28 499 (3) (107)
Purchase of intangible assets 10 (2,576) (5,618) (2,813)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 11 (6,285) (8,265) (7,324)
Purchase of investments 13 (2,219) (106) (258)
Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed 2 – –
Disposal of interests in associates and joint ventures 4 – 29
Disposal of property, plant and equipment 11 43 164 191
Disposal of investments 3,597 1,888 1,107
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures 433 92 732
Interest received 434 342 288
Cash flows from discontinued operations (2,327) (2,308) (1,173)
Outflow from investing activities (8,423) (13,871) (13,234)
1. Basis of preparation
This section describes the critical accounting judgements and estimates that management has identified
as having a potentially material impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements and sets out our
significant accounting policies that relate to the financial statements as a whole. Where an accounting policy
is generally applicable to a specific note to the financial statements, the policy is described within that note.
We have also detailed below the new accounting pronouncements that we will adopt in future years and our
current view of the impact they will have on our financial reporting.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (‘IASB’) and are also prepared in accordance with IFRS adopted by the European Union (‘EU’),
the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulations. The consolidated financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported
amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. A discussion on the Group’s critical accounting judgements and key sources
of estimation uncertainty is detailed below. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed
on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that
period; they are recognised in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.
With effect from 1 April 2016, the Group’s presentation currency changed from sterling to the euro to better align with the geographic split of the
Group’s operations and the Group reclassified €580 million from goodwill to investments in associates and joint ventures in respect of Indus Towers
within the consolidated statement of financial position to align with the Group’s cash-generating unit classifications. Prior periods, including the
amounts presented for the years ended 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2015, together with all disclosed alternative performance measures, have
been restated into euros using closing rates at the relevant balance sheet date for assets, liabilities, share capital, share premium and other capital
reserves and the income statement has been restated at the average rate for the comparative period or the spot rate for significant transactions.
The results of Vodafone India are presented in results from discontinued operations in the current and prior periods and its assets and liabilities
reported in assets and liabilities held for sale, respectively, at 31 March 2017.
Vodafone Group Plc is incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales (registration number 1833679). The registered address of the Company
is Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England.
IFRS requires the Directors to adopt accounting policies that are the most appropriate to the Group’s circumstances. These have been applied
consistently to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated. In determining and applying accounting policies, Directors and management are
required to make judgements in respect of items where the choice of specific policy, accounting estimate or assumption to be followed could
materially affect the Group’s reported financial position, results or cash flows; it may later be determined that a different choice may have been
more appropriate.
Management has identified accounting judgements and estimates relating to revenue recognition, taxation, business combinations and goodwill,
joint arrangements, finite lived intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, post employment benefits, provisions and contingent liabilities and
impairment that it considers to be critical due to their impact on the Group’s financial statements. These critical accounting judgements, estimates
and related disclosures have been discussed with the Company’s Audit and Risk Committee.
based on prices at which the deliverable is regularly sold on a stand-alone basis after considering any appropriate volume discounts.
Gross versus net presentation
When the Group sells goods or services as a principal, income and payments to suppliers are reported on a gross basis in revenue and operating
costs. If the Group sells goods or services as an agent, revenue and payments to suppliers are recorded in revenue on a net basis, representing the
margin earned. Whether the Group is considered to be the principal or an agent in the transaction depends on analysis by management of both the
legal form and substance of the agreement between the Group and its business partners; such judgements impact the amount of reported revenue
and operating expenses but do not impact reported assets, liabilities or cash flows.
The Group’s tax charge on ordinary activities is the sum of the total current and deferred tax charges. The calculation of the Group’s total tax charge
Additional information
involves estimation and judgement in respect of certain matters where the tax impact is uncertain until a conclusion is reached with the relevant tax
authority or through a legal process. The Group uses in-house tax experts when assessing uncertain tax positions and seeks the advice of external
professional advisors where appropriate.
Provisions are recognised for uncertain tax positions when the Group has a present obligation as a result of a past event and management judge that
it is probable that there will be a future outflow of economic benefits from the Group. Provisions are measured using management’s estimate of the
most likely outcome. The final resolution of uncertain tax positions may give rise to material profits, losses and/or cash flows. Resolving tax issues can
take many years as it is not always within the control of the Group and often depends on the efficiency of legal processes in the relevant tax jurisdiction.
104 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Capitalised software
For computer software, the estimated useful life is based on management’s view, considering historical experience with similar products as well
as anticipation of future events which may impact their life such as changes in technology. The useful life will not exceed the duration of a licence.
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment represents 19.5% (2016: 21.0%) of the Group’s total assets; estimates and assumptions made may have a material
impact on their carrying value and related depreciation charge. See note 11 “Property, plant and equipment” to the consolidated financial
statements for further details.
Estimation of useful life
The depreciation charge for an asset is derived using estimates of its expected useful life and expected residual value, which are reviewed annually.
Increasing an asset’s expected life or residual value would result in a reduced depreciation charge in the consolidated income statement.
Management determines the useful lives and residual values for assets when they are acquired, based on experience with similar assets and taking
into account other relevant factors such as any expected changes in technology. The useful life of network infrastructure is assumed not to exceed
the duration of related operating licences unless there is a reasonable expectation of renewal or an alternative future use for the asset.
Post employment benefits
Management uses estimates when determining the Group’s liabilities and expenses arising for defined benefit pension schemes. Management
is required to estimate the future rates of inflation, salary increases, discount rates and longevity of members, each of which may have
a material impact on the defined benefit obligations that are recorded. Further details, including a sensitivity analysis, are included in note 26
“Post employment benefits” to the consolidated financial statements.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
The Group exercises judgement in measuring and recognising provisions and the exposures to contingent liabilities related to pending litigation
or other outstanding claims subject to negotiated settlement, mediation, arbitration or government regulation, as well as other contingent liabilities
(see note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” to the consolidated financial statements). Judgement is necessary to assess the likelihood
that a pending claim will succeed, or a liability will arise, and estimates are required to determine the possible range of any financial settlement.
The inherent uncertainty of such matters means that actual losses may materially differ from estimates.
Impairment reviews
IFRS requires management to perform impairment tests annually for indefinite lived assets and, for finite lived assets, if events or changes
in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable.
Impairment testing requires management to judge whether the carrying value of assets can be supported by the net present value of future cash
flows that they generate. Calculating the net present value of the future cash flows requires estimates to be made in respect of highly uncertain
matters including management’s expectations of:
–– growth in adjusted EBITDA, calculated as adjusted operating profit before depreciation and amortisation;
–– timing and amount of future capital expenditure, licence and spectrum payments;
–– long-term growth rates; and
–– appropriate discount rates to reflect the risks involved.
Management prepares formal five year forecasts for the Group’s operations, which are used to estimate their value in use. In certain developing
markets ten year forecasts are used if it is considered that the fifth year of a forecast is not indicative of expected long-term future performance
as operations may not have reached maturity.
For operations where five year forecasts are used for the Group’s value in use calculations, a long-term growth rate into perpetuity has been
determined as the lower of:
–– the nominal GDP growth rates for the country of operation; and
–– the long-term compound annual growth rate in adjusted EBITDA in years six to ten estimated by management.
For operations where ten year forecasts are used for the Group’s value in use calculations, a long-term growth rate into perpetuity has been:
–– the nominal GDP growth rates for the country of operation; and
–– the compound annual growth rate in adjusted EBITDA in years nine to ten of the management plan.
Changing the assumptions selected by management, in particular the discount rate and growth rate assumptions used in the cash flow projections,
could significantly affect the Group’s impairment evaluation and hence reported assets and profits or losses. Further details, including a sensitivity
analysis, are included in note 4 “Impairment losses” to the consolidated financial statements.
Additional information
For discontinued operations, impairment testing requires management to determine whether the carrying value of the discontinued operation can
be supported by the fair value less costs to sell. Where not observable in a quoted market, management have determined fair value less costs to sell
by reference to the outcomes from the application of a number of potential valuation techniques, determined from inputs other than quoted prices
that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.
106 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Significant accounting policies applied in the current reporting period that relate to the financial
statements as a whole
Accounting convention
The consolidated financial statements are prepared on a historical cost basis except for certain financial and equity instruments that have been
measured at fair value.
Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company, subsidiaries controlled by the Company (see note 33
“Related undertakings” to the consolidated financial statements) and joint operations that are subject to joint control (see note 12 “Investments
in associates and joint arrangements” to the consolidated financial statements).
Foreign currencies
The consolidated financial statements are presented in euro, which became the Company’s functional currency on 1 April 2016 as the primary
currency in which the Company’s financing activities and investment returns are denominated. Each entity in the Group determines its own
functional currency and items included in the financial statements of each entity are measured using that functional currency.
Similarly, with effect from 1 April 2016, the Group’s presentation currency was changed from sterling to euro to better align with the geographic split
of the Group’s operations. Amounts presented for the years ended 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2015 have been translated into euros using closing
rates at the relevant balance sheet date for amounts recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated statement
of changes in equity and average rates for the relevant year for amounts reported in the consolidated income statement, consolidated statement
of comprehensive income and consolidated statement of cash flows.
The change of presentation and functional currency has not changed either the Group’s or the Company’s foreign exchange management strategy.
Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the functional currency rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated into the respective functional currency of the entity at the rates prevailing on the
reporting period date. Non-monetary items carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing
on the initial transaction dates. Non-monetary items measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated.
Changes in the fair value of monetary securities denominated in foreign currency classified as available-for-sale are analysed between translation
differences and other changes in the carrying amount of the security. Translation differences are recognised in the income statement and other
changes in carrying amount are recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
Translation differences on non-monetary financial assets, such as investments in equity securities classified as available-for-sale, are reported as part
of the fair value gain or loss and are included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
Share capital, share premium and other capital reserves are initially recorded at the functional currency rate prevailing at the date of the transaction
and are not retranslated.
For the purpose of presenting consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of entities with a functional currency other than euro
are expressed in euro using exchange rates prevailing at the reporting period date. Income and expense items and cash flows are translated at the
average exchange rates for the period and exchange differences arising are recognised directly in other comprehensive income. On disposal
of a foreign entity, the cumulative amount previously recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income relating to that particular
foreign operation is recognised in profit or loss.
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign operation and
translated accordingly.
In respect of all foreign operations, any exchange differences that have arisen before 1 April 2004, the date of transition to IFRS, are deemed to be nil
and will be excluded from the determination of any subsequent profit or loss on disposal.
The net foreign exchange loss recognised in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 March 2017 is €637 million (31 March
2016: €1,141 million loss; 2015: €261 million gain). The net gains and net losses are recorded within operating profit (2017: €133 million charge;
2016: €24 million credit; 2015: €8 million charge), other income and expense and non-operating income and expense (2017: €nil; 2016: €282 million
charge; 2015: €1 million credit), investment and financing income (2017: €505 million charge; 2016: €872 million charge; 2015: €263 million credit)
and income tax expense (2017: €1 million credit; 2016: €11 million charge; 2015: €5 million credit). The foreign exchange gains and losses included
within other income and expense and non-operating income and expense arise on the disposal of interests in joint ventures, associates and
investments from the recycling of foreign exchange gains previously recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
–– Amendments to IAS 7 “Disclosure Initiative”; which requires additional disclosures of changes in liabilities arising from financing activities; and
–– Amendments to IFRS 12 “Disclosure of Interests in other entities” (part of “Improvements to IFRS 2014-2016 Cycle”).
The Group’s financial reporting will be presented in accordance with the new standards above, which are not expected to have a material impact
on the consolidated results, financial position or cash flows of the Group, from 1 April 2017.
–– Amendments to IFRS 2 “Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions”;
–– Amendments to IFRS 4 “Applying IFRS 9 Financial Instruments with IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts”;
–– Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” (part of “Improvements to IFRS 2014-2016 Cycle”); and
–– IFRIC 22 “Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration”.
The Group’s financial reporting will be presented in accordance with the new standards above, which are not expected to have a material impact
on the consolidated results, financial position or cash flows of the Group, from 1 April 2018.
In addition, the Group will adopt the following standards, which have been issued by the IASB:
–– On 1 April 2018 the Group will adopt IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” and IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” which are effective for
accounting periods on or after 1 January 2018 and which have been endorsed by the EU.
–– On 1 April 2019 the Group will adopt IFRS 16 “Leases”, which has not yet been endorsed by the EU and is effective for accounting periods
beginning on or before 1 January 2019.
IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 are significant new standards, the impacts of which on the Group’s financial reporting are currently being assessed.
IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”
IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” was issued in July 2014 to replace IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” and has been
endorsed by the EU. The standard is effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 and will be adopted by the Group
on 1 April 2018.
IFRS 9 will impact the classification and measurement of the Group’s financial instruments and will require certain additional disclosures.
The primary changes relate to the assessment of hedging arrangements and provisioning for potential future credit losses on financial assets;
the Group is continuing to analyse the impact of these changes which are not currently considered likely to have any major impact on the
Group’s current accounting treatment or hedging activities.
IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”
IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, which has been endorsed by the EU, was issued in May 2014 and subsequent amendments,
“Clarifications to IFRS 15”, which have not yet been endorsed by the EU, were issued in April 2016. IFRS 15, as amended, is effective for accounting
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. IFRS 15 sets out the requirements for recognising revenue and costs from contracts with customers
and includes extensive disclosure requirements; it will have a material impact on the Group’s reporting of revenue and costs as follows:
–– IFRS 15 will require the Group to identify deliverables in contracts with customers that qualify as separate “performance obligations”.
The performance obligations identified will depend on the nature of individual customer contracts, but might typically be identified for mobile
handsets, other equipment provided to customers and for services provided to customers such as mobile and fixed line communications
services. The transaction price receivable from customers must be allocated between the Group’s performance obligations under the
contracts on a relative stand-alone selling price basis. Revenue will then be recognised either at a point in time or over time when the respective
performance obligations in a contract are delivered to the customer. Stand-alone selling prices will be based on observable sales prices; however,
where stand-alone selling prices are not directly observable, estimates of stand-alone selling prices will be required which will maximise the use
of observable inputs
–– Currently revenue allocated to deliverables is restricted to the amount that is receivable without the delivery of additional goods or services;
this restriction will no longer be applied under IFRS 15. The primary impact on revenue reporting will be that when the Group sells subsidised
Additional information
devices together with airtime service agreements to customers, revenue allocated to equipment and recognised at contract inception, when
control of the device typically passes to the customer, will increase and revenue subsequently recognised as services are delivered during the
contract period will reduce. Where additional up-front unbilled revenue is recorded for the sale of devices, this will be reflected in the consolidated
statement of financial position as a contract asset.
108 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
–– Under IFRS 15, certain incremental costs incurred in acquiring a contract with a customer will be deferred on the consolidated statement
of financial position and amortised as revenue is recognised under the related contract; this will generally lead to the later recognition of charges
for some commissions payable to third party dealers and employees.
–– Certain costs incurred in fulfilling customer contracts will be deferred on the consolidated statement of financial position under IFRS 15
and recognised as related revenue is recognised under the contract. Such deferred costs are likely to relate to the provision of deliverables
to customers that do not qualify as performance obligations and for which revenue is not recognised; currently such costs are generally expensed
as incurred.
The impact of the changes above on the Group’s reportable segments will depend largely on the extent to which customers receive discounted
goods or services, such as mobile handsets, when they enter into airtime service agreements with the Group in the relevant markets. The combined
impact of the changes is expected to increase the gross profit, or reduce the gross loss, recorded at inception on many customer contracts; in such
cases, this will typically reduce the gross profit reported during the remainder of the contract; however, these timing differences will not impact the
total gross profit reported for a customer contract over the contract term.
The transactions impacted by IFRS 15 are high in volume, value and complexity, therefore the Group is continuing to assess the impact of these
and other accounting changes that will arise under IFRS 15 and cannot reasonably estimate the impact; however, the changes highlighted above
will have a material impact on the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of financial position after the Group adopts
IFRS 15 on 1 April 2018. The Group expects to be in a position to estimate the impact of IFRS 15 early in the first quarter of the year commencing
1 April 2018.
When IFRS 15 is adopted, it can be applied either on a fully retrospective basis, requiring the restatement of the comparative periods presented
in the financial statements, or with the cumulative retrospective impact of IFRS 15 applied as an adjustment to equity on the date of adoption; when
the latter approach is applied it is necessary to disclose the impact of IFRS 15 on each line item in the financial statements in the reporting period.
The Group will reflect the cumulative impact of IFRS 15 in equity on the date of adoption.
IFRS 16 “Leases”
IFRS 16 “Leases” was issued in January 2016 to replace IAS 17 “Leases”. The standard is effective for accounting periods beginning on or after
1 January 2019 and will be adopted by the Group on 1 April 2019. IFRS 16 has not yet been adopted by the EU.
IFRS 16 will primarily change lease accounting for lessees; lease agreements will give rise to the recognition of an asset representing the right to use
the leased item and a loan obligation for future lease payables. Lease costs will be recognised in the form of depreciation of the right to use asset
and interest on the lease liability. Lessee accounting under IFRS 16 will be similar in many respects to existing IAS 17 accounting for finance leases,
but will be substantively different to existing accounting for operating leases where rental charges are currently recognised on a straight-line basis
and no lease asset or lease loan obligation is recognised.
Lessor accounting under IFRS 16 is similar to existing IAS 17 accounting and is not expected to have a material impact for the Group.
The Group is assessing the impact of the accounting changes that will arise under IFRS 16; however, the following changes to lessee accounting will
have a material impact as follows:
–– Right-of-use assets will be recorded for assets that are leased by the Group; currently no lease assets are included on the Group’s consolidated
statement of financial position for operating leases.
–– Liabilities will be recorded for future lease payments in the Group’s consolidated statement of financial position for the “reasonably certain” period
of the lease, which may include future lease periods for which the Group has extension options. Currently liabilities are generally not recorded
for future operating lease payments, which are disclosed as commitments. The amount of lease liabilities will not equal the lease commitments
reported on 31 March 2019, but may not be dissimilar.
–– Lease expenses will be for depreciation of right-of-use assets and interest on lease liabilities; interest will typically be higher in the early
stages of a lease and reduce over the term. Currently operating lease rentals are expensed on a straight-line basis over the lease term within
operating expenses.
–– Operating lease cash flows are currently included within operating cash flows in the consolidated statement of cash flows; under IFRS 16 these
will be recorded as cash flows from financing activities reflecting the repayment of lease liabilities (borrowings) and related interest.
A high volume of transactions will be impacted by IFRS 16 and material judgements are required in identifying and accounting for leases. Therefore,
the Group is continuing to assess the impact of these and other accounting changes that will arise under IFRS 16 and cannot reasonably estimate
the impact; however, the changes highlighted above will have a material impact on the consolidated income statement, consolidated statement
of financial position and consolidated statement of cash flows after the Group’s adoption on 1 April 2019.
When IFRS 16 is adopted, it can be applied either on a fully retrospective basis, requiring the restatement of the comparative periods presented
in the financial statements, or with the cumulative retrospective impact of IFRS 16 applied as an adjustment to equity on the date of adoption; when
the latter approach is applied it is necessary to disclose the impact of IFRS 16 on each line item in the financial statements in the reporting period.
Depending on the adoption method that is utilised, certain practical expedients may be applied on adoption. The Group has not yet determined
which adoption method will be adopted or which expedients will be applied on adoption.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 109
2. Segmental analysis
The Group’s businesses are managed on a geographical basis. Selected financial data is presented on this
basis below.
The Group’s operating segments are established on the basis of those components of the Group that are evaluated regularly by the chief operating
decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. The Group has a single group of related services and products,
being the supply of communications services and products. Revenue is attributed to a country or region based on the location of the Group
company reporting the revenue. Transactions between operating segments are charged at arm’s-length prices.
Segment information is provided on the basis of geographic areas, being the basis on which the Group manages its worldwide interests, with each
country in which the Group operates treated as an operating segment. The aggregation of operating segments into the Europe and AMAP regions
reflects, in the opinion of management, the similar economic characteristics within each of those regions as well the similar products and services
offered and supplied, classes of customers and the regulatory environment. In the case of the Europe region this largely reflects membership
of the European Union, while for the AMAP region this largely includes emerging and developing economies that are in the process of rapid growth
and industrialisation.
Certain financial information is provided separately within the Europe region for Germany, Italy, the UK and Spain, and within the AMAP region for
India and Vodacom, as these operating segments are individually material for the Group. The segmental revenue and profit of India are included
in discontinued operations for all years reported and segmental assets and cash flows are included in assets and liabilities held for sale at 31 March
2017. See note 7 “Discontinued operations and assets held for resale” for details.
Accounting policies
Revenue is recognised to the extent the Group has delivered goods or rendered services under an agreement, the amount of revenue can
be measured reliably and it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group. Revenue is measured at the
fair value of the consideration receivable, exclusive of sales taxes and discounts.
The Group principally obtains revenue from providing mobile and fixed telecommunication services including: access charges, voice and video calls,
messaging, interconnect fees, fixed and mobile broadband and related services such as providing televisual and music content, connection fees and
equipment sales. Products and services may be sold separately or in bundled packages.
Revenue for access charges, voice and video calls, messaging and fixed and mobile broadband provided to contract customers is recognised
as services are performed, with unbilled revenue resulting from services already provided accrued at the end of each period and unearned revenue
from services to be provided in future periods deferred. Revenue from the sale of prepaid credit is deferred until such time as the customer uses the
airtime, or the credit expires.
Revenue from interconnect fees is recognised at the time the services are performed.
Revenue for the provision of televisual and music content is recognised when or as the Group performs the related service and, depending on the
nature of the service, is recognised either at the gross amount billed to the customer or the amount receivable by the Group as commission for
facilitating the service.
Customer connection revenue is recognised together with the related equipment revenue to the extent that the aggregate equipment and
connection revenue does not exceed the fair value of the equipment delivered to the customer. Any customer connection revenue not recognised,
together with any related excess equipment revenue, is deferred and recognised over the period in which services are expected to be provided
to the customer.
Revenue for device sales is recognised when the device is delivered to the end customer and the significant risks and rewards of ownership have
transferred. For device sales made to intermediaries, revenue is recognised if the significant risks associated with the device are transferred to the
intermediary and the intermediary has no general right to return the device to receive a refund. If the significant risks are not transferred, revenue
recognition is deferred until sale of the device to an end customer by the intermediary or the expiry of any right of return.
In revenue arrangements including more than one deliverable, the arrangements are divided into separate units of accounting. Deliverables are
considered separate units of accounting if the following two conditions are met: (i) the deliverable has value to the customer on a stand-alone basis
and (ii) there is evidence of the fair value of the item. The arrangement consideration is allocated to each separate unit of accounting based on its
relative fair value. Revenue allocated to deliverables is restricted to the amount that is receivable without the delivery of additional goods or services.
This restriction typically applies to revenue recognised for devices provided to customers, including handsets.
Intermediaries are given cash incentives by the Group to connect new customers and upgrade existing customers.
For intermediaries who do not purchase products and services from the Group, such cash incentives are accounted for as an expense. Such cash
incentives to other intermediaries are also accounted for as an expense if:
Additional information
–– the Group receives an identifiable benefit in exchange for the cash incentive that is separable from sales transactions to that intermediary; and
–– the Group can reliably estimate the fair value of that benefit.
Cash incentives that do not meet these criteria are recognised as a reduction of the related revenue.
110 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Total revenue recorded in respect of the sale of goods for the year ended 31 March 2017 was €4,029 million (2016: €4,472 million,
2015: €4,101 million).
The Group’s measure of segment profit, adjusted EBITDA, excludes depreciation, amortisation, impairment loss, restructuring costs, loss on disposal
of fixed assets, the Group’s share of results in associates and joint ventures and other income and expense. A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA
to operating profit is shown overleaf. For a reconciliation of operating profit to profit for the financial year, see the consolidated income statement
on page 99.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 111
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Adjusted EBITDA 14,149 14,155 13,702
Depreciation, amortisation and loss on disposal of fixed assets (10,179) (10,386) (9,584)
Share of results in equity accounted associates and joint ventures 164 60 (78)
Adjusted operating profit 4,134 3,829 4,040
Impairment losses – (569) –
Restructuring costs (415) (316) (204)
Amortisation of acquired customer based and brand intangible assets (1,046) (1,338) (1,617)
Other income/(expense) 1,052 (286) (146)
Operating profit 3,725 1,320 2,073
Non-current Capital expenditure on and Operating
assets1 expenditure2 intangible assets amortisation Impairment loss free cash flow3
€m €m €m €m €m €m
31 March 2017
Germany 26,694 1,671 – 3,320 – 1,749
Italy 9,157 793 2 1,603 – 1,161
UK 8,210 950 – 1,768 – 57
Spain 11,035 746 – 1,378 – 344
Other Europe 7,574 878 38 1,088 – 619
Europe 62,670 5,038 40 9,157 – 3,930
India – – – – – –
Vodacom 6,039 736 2 738 – 1,347
Other AMAP 5,778 795 317 1,153 – 947
AMAP 11,817 1,531 319 1,891 – 2,294
Common Functions 1,937 915 – 38 – (597)
Group 76,424 7,484 359 11,086 – 5,627
31 March 2016 restated
Germany 28,210 2,362 2,081 3,330 – 866
Italy 9,799 1,516 232 1,668 – 496
UK 9,496 1,210 141 1,902 – 334
Spain 11,569 1,178 491 1,446 – (149)
Other Europe 7,568 1,372 8 1,371 (569) 546
Europe 66,642 7,638 2,953 9,717 (569) 2,093
India 13,474 1,102 3,751 – – –
Vodacom 5,290 847 23 725 – 1,071
Other AMAP 6,806 1,173 814 1,170 – 503
AMAP 25,570 3,122 4,588 1,895 – 1,574
Common Functions 1,867 901 – 85 – (459)
Group 94,079 11,661 7,541 11,697 (569) 3,208
31 March 2015 restated
3. Operating profit
Detailed below are the key amounts recognised in arriving at our operating profit
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Net foreign exchange losses/(gains)1 133 (24) 8
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (note 11):
Owned assets 6,253 6,333 5,754
Leased assets 12 45 25
Amortisation of intangible assets (note 10) 4,821 5,319 5,329
Impairment of goodwill in subsidiaries, associates and joint arrangements (note 4) – 569 –
Staff costs (note 25) 5,519 5,804 5,171
Operating lease rentals payable 3,976 2,464 2,376
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 22 27 93
Own costs capitalised attributable to the construction or acquisition of property, plant and equipment (800) (764) (701)
Net gain on formation of VodafoneZiggo (note 28)2 (1,275) – –
1 Includes €127 million reported in other income and expense in the consolidated income statement.
2 Reported in other income and expense in the consolidated income statement.
The total remuneration of the Group’s auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and other member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International
Limited, for services provided to the Group during the year ended 31 March 2017 is analysed below.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Parent company 2 2 2
Subsidiaries 14 13 13
Audit fees: 16 15 15
Audit-related fees1 4 2 1
Other assurance services2 – – 1
Tax fees2 – – 3
Non-audit fees: 4 2 5
Total fees 20 17 20
1 Relates to fees for statutory and regulatory filings. The increase in the amount for the year ended 31 March 2017 primarily arose from work on regulatory filings prepared in anticipation
of a potential IPO of Vodafone India that was under consideration prior to the agreement for the merger of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular.
2 At the time of the Board decision to recommend PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the statutory auditor for the year ended 31 March 2015 in February 2014, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP were
providing a range of services to the Group. All services that were prohibited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) for a statutory auditor to provide, ceased by 31 March 2014.
All engagements that are not prohibited by the SEC, but would not have met the Group’s own internal approval policy for non-audit services, ceased by 30 June 2014 to enable a transition
to alternative suppliers, where required. These services had a value of approximately €3 million through to completion and are included in the table above.
A description of the work performed by the Audit and Risk Committee in order to safeguard auditor independence when non-audit services are
provided is set out in the Audit and Risk Committee report on pages 57 to 63.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 113
4. Impairment losses
Impairment occurs when the carrying value of assets is greater than the present value of the net cash flows they
are expected to generate. We review the carrying value of assets for each country in which we operate at least
annually. For further details of our impairment review process see “Critical accounting judgements and key
sources of estimation uncertainty” in note 1 “Basis of preparation” to the consolidated financial statements.
Accounting policies
Goodwill is not subject to amortisation but is tested for impairment annually or whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired.
For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows, known as cash-
generating units. If the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is allocated
first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then to the other assets of the unit pro-rata on the basis of the carrying
amount of each asset in the unit. Impairment losses recognised for goodwill are not reversible in subsequent periods.
The recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows
are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks
specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.
The Group prepares and approves formal five year management plans for its operations, which are used in the value in use calculations. In certain
developing markets the fifth year of the management plan may not be indicative of the long-term future performance as operations may not have
reached maturity. For these operations, the Group may extend the plan data for an additional five year period.
Property, plant and equipment and finite lived intangible assets
At each reporting period date, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its property, plant and equipment and finite lived intangible assets
to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable
amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent, if any, of the impairment loss. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable
amount of an individual asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.
If the recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset
or cash-generating unit is reduced to its recoverable amount and an impairment loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.
Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset or cash-generating unit is increased to the revised estimate of its
recoverable amount, not to exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset
or cash-generating unit in prior years and an impairment loss reversal is recognised immediately in the income statement.
Impairment losses
Following our annual impairment review, the impairment charges recognised in the consolidated income statement within operating profit
in respect of goodwill are stated below. The impairment losses were based on value in use calculations.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
Cash-generating unit Reportable segment €m €m €m
Romania Other Europe – 569 –
– 569 –
In addition to the impairment losses above, in the first half of the 2017 financial year, the Group recorded a non-cash impairment of €6.4 billion,
relating to our Indian business. This was driven by lower projected cash flows within our business plan as a result of increased competition in the
market. Impairment testing at 31 March 2017, following the announcement of the merger of Vodafone India with Idea Cellular, gave rise to a partial
reversal of that impairment. As a result, the Group recorded an overall impairment loss of €4,515 million (2016: €nil, 2015: €nil) in respect of the
fair value of Group’s investment in India which, together with the recognition of an associated €840 million deferred tax assets, led to an overall
€3,675 million reduction in the carrying value of Vodafone India, the results of which are included discontinued operations. See note 7 “Discontinued
operations and assets held for resale” for further details.
The remaining carrying value of goodwill at 31 March was as follows:
2017 2016
€m €m
Germany 12,479 12,479
Italy 3,654 3,654
Additional information
The table below shows key assumptions used in the value in use calculations.
Assumptions used in value in use calculation
Germany Spain Italy Romania
% % % %
Pre-tax adjusted discount rate 8.4 9.7 10.3 9.0
Long-term growth rate 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.0
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 3.0 7.9 (0.8) 0.1
Projected capital expenditure2 14.9–16.5 14.3–15.8 12.7–14.2 12.6–15.9
1 Projected adjusted EBITDA is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.
2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as the range of capital expenditure as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating
units of the plans used for impairment testing.
Sensitivity analysis
Other than as disclosed below, management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the above key assumptions would cause the
carrying value of any cash-generating unit to materially exceed its recoverable amount.
The estimated recoverable amount of the Group’s operations in Germany, Spain and Romania exceed their carrying values by €3.5 billion,
€1.0 billion and €0.2 billion respectively. The changes in the following table to assumptions used in the impairment review would, in isolation,
lead to an impairment loss being recognised for the year ended 31 March 2017:
Change required for carrying value to equal recoverable amount
Germany Spain Romania
pps pps pps
Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate 0.9 0.6 1.5
Long-term growth rate (1.0) (0.7) (1.7)
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 (1.6) (1.1) (1.9)
Projected capital expenditure2 7.6 4.4 7.1
1 Projected adjusted EBITDA is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.
2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as the range of capital expenditure as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating
units of the plans used for impairment testing.
The carrying values for Vodafone UK, Portugal, Ireland and Czech Republic include goodwill arising from their acquisition by the Group and/
or the purchase of operating licences or spectrum rights. While the recoverable amounts for these operating companies are not materially greater
than their carrying value, each has a lower risk of giving rise to impairment that would be material to the Group given their relative size or the
composition of their carrying value. The changes in the following table to assumptions used in the impairment review would have, in isolation,
led to an impairment loss being recognised in the year ended 31 March 2017.
Change required for carrying value to equal recoverable amount
UK Ireland Portugal Czech Republic
pps pps pps pps
Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate 0.5 0.8 0.6 2.1
Long-term growth rate (0.6) (0.9) (0.6) (2.4)
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 (0.8) (1.2) (0.9) (2.8)
Projected capital expenditure2 3.2 4.3 3.9 12.0
1 Projected adjusted EBITDA is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.
2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as the range of capital expenditure as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating
units of the plans used for impairment testing.
The impairment charge relates solely to goodwill. The recoverable amount of Romania is €0.9 billion.
The impairment charges were driven by lower projected cash flows within the business plans resulting in our reassessment of expected future
business performance in the light of the current trading environment.
The table below shows key assumptions used in the value in use calculations.
Assumptions used in value in use calculation
Romania Germany Spain
% % %
Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate 9.7 8.2 9.7
Long-term growth rate 1.0 0.5 1.5
Additional information
Sensitivity analysis
Other than as disclosed below, management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the above key assumptions would cause the
carrying value of any cash-generating unit to materially exceed its recoverable amount.
The estimated recoverable amounts of the Group’s operations in Romania, Germany and Spain are equal to, or not materially greater than, their
carrying values; consequently, any adverse change in key assumptions would, in isolation, cause a further impairment loss to be recognised.
The estimated recoverable amounts of the Group’s operations in Germany and Spain exceed their carrying values by €2.0 billion and
€1.0 billion respectively.
Change required for carrying value
to equal the recoverable amount
Germany Spain
pps pps
Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate 0.5 0.6
Long-term growth rate (0.5) (0.8)
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 (0.9) (1.2)
Projected capital expenditure2 4.4 4.8
The changes in the following table to assumptions used in the impairment review would have, in isolation, led to an (increase)/decrease to the
aggregate impairment loss recognised in the year ended 31 March 2016.
Increase by 2pps Decrease by 2pps
€bn €bn
Pre-tax adjusted discount rate (0.2) 0.3
Long-term growth rate 0.3 (0.2)
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 0.2 (0.2)
Projected capital expenditure2 (0.1) 0.1
1 Projected adjusted EBITDA is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.
2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as the range of capital expenditure as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating
units of the plans used for impairment testing.
Sensitivity analysis
Other than as disclosed below, management believed that no reasonably possible change in any of the above key assumptions would cause the
carrying value of any cash-generating unit to materially exceed its recoverable amount.
The estimated recoverable amounts of the Group’s operations in Germany, Italy and Spain exceeded their carrying values by €3.1 billion,
€1.8 billion and €0.5 billion respectively. The changes in the following table to assumptions used in the impairment review would have, in isolation,
led to an impairment loss being recognised for the year ended 31 March 2015:
Change required for carrying value to equal the recoverable amount
Germany Italy Spain
pps pps pps
Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate 0.8 1.6 0.3
Long-term growth rate (0.9) (1.8) (0.3)
Projected adjusted EBITDA1 (7.3) (7.5) (2.6)
Projected capital expenditure2 2.1 2.9 0.7
1 Projected adjusted EBITDA is expressed as the compound annual growth rates in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for impairment testing.
2 Projected capital expenditure, which excludes licences and spectrum, is expressed as a percentage of revenue in the initial five years for all cash-generating units of the plans used for
impairment testing.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 117
interest due on bonds and commercial paper issued, bank loans and the results of hedging transactions used
to manage foreign exchange and interest rate movements.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Investment income:
Available-for-sale investments:
Dividends received – 1 –
Loans and receivables at amortised cost 426 529 433
Fair value through the income statement (held for trading) 20 9 36
Other1,2 28 – 614
474 539 1,083
Financing costs:
Items in hedge relationships:
Other loans 170 224 286
Interest rate and cross-currency interest rate swaps (235) (127) (143)
Fair value hedging instrument 22 (140) (537)
Fair value of hedged item (16) 166 487
Other financial liabilities held at amortised cost:
Bank loans and overdrafts 419 284 518
Bonds and other loans2 1,243 926 849
Interest charge/(credit) on settlement of tax issues3 47 19 (1)
Equity put rights and similar arrangements4 – – 12
Fair value through the income statement (held for trading):
Derivatives – forward starting swaps and futures (244) 121 (72)
Other1 – 573 –
1,406 2,046 1,399
Net financing costs 932 1,507 316
1 Amounts for 2017 include net foreign exchange gain of €136 million (2016: €573 million loss; 2015: €614 million gain) arising from net foreign exchange movements on certain
intercompany balances.
2 Amounts for 2017 include net foreign exchange losses of €641 million (2016: €299 million; 2015: €351 million).
3 Amounts for 2017 include an increase (2016: increase, 2017: decrease) in provision for potential interest on tax issues.
4 Includes amounts in relation to the Group’s arrangements with its non-controlling interests.
Additional information
118 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
6. Taxation
This note explains how our Group tax charge arises. The deferred tax section of the note also provides information
on our expected future tax charges and sets out the tax assets held across the Group together with our view
on whether or not we expect to be able to make use of these in the future.
Accounting policies
Income tax expense represents the sum of the current and deferred taxes.
Current tax payable or recoverable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from profit as reported in the income statement
because some items of income or expense are taxable or deductible in different years or may never be taxable or deductible. The Group’s liability
for current tax is calculated using tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting period date.
Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable in the future arising from temporary differences between the carrying amounts
of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit. It is accounted for using
the statement of financial position liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred
tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that temporary differences or taxable profits will be available against which deductible
temporary differences can be utilised.
Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination)
of assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the accounting profit. Deferred tax liabilities are not recognised
to the extent they arise from the initial recognition of non-tax deductible goodwill.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint
arrangements, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference
will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each reporting period date and adjusted to reflect changes in the Group’s assessment that
sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.
Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset realised, based on tax rates
that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting period date.
Tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they
either relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or on different taxable entities which intend
to settle the current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.
Tax is charged or credited to the income statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited to other comprehensive income or directly
to equity, in which case the tax is recognised in other comprehensive income or in equity.
Income tax expense
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
United Kingdom corporation tax expense/(income):
Current year1 27 (129) –
Adjustments in respect of prior years (3) 53 15
24 (76) 15
Overseas current tax expense/(income):
Current year 961 812 937
Adjustments in respect of prior years (35) 21 (220)
926 833 717
Total current tax expense 950 757 732
UK operating profits are more than offset by statutory allowances for capital investment in the UK network and systems plus ongoing interest costs
including those arising from the €10.3 billion of spectrum payments to the UK Government in 2000 and 2013.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 119
Tax (credit)/charge on profit from ordinary activities of discontinued operations1 (973) (514) 26
Tax charge relating to the gain on discontinuance 95 – –
Total tax (credit)/charge on discontinued operations (878) (514) 26
1 Includes €840 million relating to the impairment of Vodafone India in the year.
Deferred tax 44 293 (362)
Total tax charged/(credited) directly to other comprehensive income 28 212 (360)
Factors affecting the tax expense for the year
The table below explains the differences between the expected tax expense, being the aggregate of the Group’s geographical split of profits
multiplied by the relevant local tax rates and the Group’s total tax expense for each year.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Continuing profit/(loss) before tax as shown in the consolidated income statement 2,792 (190) 1,734
Disposal of Group investments (271) 83 –
Effect of taxation of associates and joint ventures, reported within profit before tax 23 (18) 44
Derecognition/(recognition) of deferred tax assets for losses including Luxembourg1 1,603 1,288 (4,176)
Deferred tax following revaluation of investments in Luxembourg1 (329) 3,037 (2,659)
Previously unrecognised temporary differences we expect to use in the future (15) – –
Previously unrecognised temporary differences utilised in the year (11) (8) –
Current year temporary differences (including losses) that we currently do not expect to use 139 50 176
Adjustments in respect of prior year tax liabilities (107) (48) (364)
Revaluation of assets for tax purposes (39) – –
Impact of tax credits and irrecoverable taxes 98 (38) 36
6. Taxation (continued)
Deferred tax
Analysis of movements in the net deferred tax balance during the year:
1 April 2016 restated 27,742
Foreign exchange movements 19
Charged to the income statement (continuing operations) (3,814)
Credited to the income statement (discontinued operations) 973
Charged directly to OCI (44)
Credited directly to equity 9
Reclassifications (1,202)
Arising on acquisition and disposals 82
31 March 2017 23,765
Deferred tax assets and liabilities, before offset of balances within countries, are as follows:
Amount Net
(charged)/ recognised
credited Gross Gross Less deferred tax
in income deferred deferred tax amounts (liability)/
statement tax asset liability unrecognised asset
€m €m €m €m €m
Accelerated tax depreciation 160 1,368 (1,535) (55) (222)
Intangible assets 353 127 (715) 16 (572)
Tax losses (4,064) 30,590 – (7,138) 23,452
Deferred tax on overseas earnings (95) – (95) – (95)
Other temporary differences (168) 1,347 (126) (19) 1,202
31 March 2017 (3,814) 33,432 (2,471) (7,196) 23,765
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are analysed in the statement of financial position, after offset of balances within countries, as follows:
Deferred tax asset 24,300
Deferred tax liability (535)
31 March 2017 23,765
At 31 March 2016, deferred tax assets and liabilities, before offset of balances within countries, were as follows:
Amount Net
credited/ recognised
(charged) Gross Gross Less deferred tax
in income deferred deferred tax amounts (liability)/
statement tax asset liability unrecognised1 asset
€m €m €m €m €m
Accelerated tax depreciation 211 1,598 (1,652) (47) (101)
Intangible assets 405 84 (2,036) 16 (1,936)
Tax losses (4,879) 34,061 – (6,109) 27,952
Deferred tax on overseas earnings (18) – (67) – (67)
Other temporary differences 101 2,294 (124) (276) 1,894
31 March 2016 restated (4,180) 38,037 (3,879) (6,416) 27,742
1 Other unrecognised temporary differences include €178 million relating to Minimum Alternative Tax credits in India, of which €59 million expire within 0–5 years and €119 million expire
beyond 6 years.
At 31 March 2016 deferred tax assets and liabilities were analysed in the statement of financial position, after offset of balances within countries,
as follows:
Deferred tax asset 28,306
Deferred tax liability (564)
31 March 2016 restated 27,742
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 121
We do not anticipate any significant impact on our future tax charge, liabilities or assets, as a result of the triggering of Article 50(2) of the Treaty
on European Union but cannot rule out the possibility that, for example, a failure to reach satisfactory arrangements for the UK’s future relationship
with the European Union, could have an impact on such matters.
The Group is routinely subject to audit by tax authorities in the territories in which it operates and, specifically, in India where these are usually
resolved through the Indian legal system. The Group considers each issue on its merits and, where appropriate, holds provisions in respect of the
potential tax liability that may arise. However, the amount ultimately paid may differ materially from the amount accrued and could therefore affect
the Group’s overall profitability and cash flows in future periods. See note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” to the consolidated
financial statements.
At 31 March 2017, the gross amount and expiry dates of losses available for carry forward are as follows:
Expiring Expiring
within beyond
5 years 6 years Unlimited Total
€m €m €m €m
Losses or tax credits for which a deferred tax asset is recognised 292 65 97,335 97,692
Losses for which no deferred tax is recognised 352 1,503 28,556 30,411
644 1,568 125,891 128,103
At 31 March 2016, the gross amount and expiry dates of losses available for carry forward were as follows:
Expiring Expiring
within beyond
5 years 6 years Unlimited Total
Restated Restated Restated Restated
€m €m €m €m
Losses for which a deferred tax asset is recognised 71 56 104,501 104,628
Losses for which no deferred tax is recognised 352 64 23,887 24,303
423 120 128,388 128,931
for the year ended 31 March 2017 and 26.0% for the year ending 31 March 2018. The impact of this decreased corporate tax rate has reduced the
value of our deferred tax asset by €2,651 million.
The Luxembourg companies’ income is derived from the Group’s internal financing and procurement and roaming activities. The Group has
reviewed the latest forecasts for the Luxembourg companies, including their ability to continue to generate income beyond the forecast period
under the tax laws substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. The assessment also considered whether the structure of the Group would
continue to allow the generation of taxable income. Based on this the Group concludes that it is probable that the Luxembourg companies will
continue to generate taxable income in the future. Any future changes in tax law or the structure of the Group could have a significant effect
on the use of losses, including the period over which the losses can be utilised.
Based on the current forecasts the losses will be fully utilised over the next 55 to 60 years. A 5%–10% change in the forecast income in Luxembourg
would change the period over which the losses will be fully utilised by four to seven years.
During the current year the Group recognised an additional €329 million (2016: used €3,037 million) of our deferred tax assets as a result of the
revaluation of investments based upon the local GAAP financial statements, and tax returns at 31 March 2017. The Group also derecognised
a deferred tax asset of €1,603 million related to losses in Luxembourg expected to be used beyond 60 years due to lower interest rates increasing the
length of time over which these losses would be utilised. Revaluation of investments for local GAAP purposes, which are based on the Group’s value
in use calculations, can give rise to impairments or the reversal of previous impairments. These can result in a significant change to our deferred tax
assets and the period over which these assets can be utilised.
€993 million (2016; nil) of the Group’s Luxembourg losses expire, and no deferred tax asset is recognised as they will expire before we can use these
losses. The remaining losses do not expire.
Additional information
We also have €9,132 million (2016: €9,132 million) of Luxembourg losses in a former Cable & Wireless Worldwide Group company, for which
no deferred tax asset has been recognised as it is uncertain whether these losses will be utilised.
122 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
6. Taxation (continued)
operations. The Group will continue to actively manage these operations until the transaction completes.
Discontinued operations
On 20 March 2017, Vodafone announced the agreement to combine its subsidiary, Vodafone India (excluding its 42% stake in Indus Towers), with
Idea Cellular, which is listed on the Indian Stock Exchanges, with the combined company to be jointly controlled by Vodafone and the Aditya Birla
Group. The results of these discontinued operations are detailed below.
Income statement and segment analysis of discontinued operations
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Revenue 5,827 6,120 5,479
Cost of sales (4,504) (4,799) (4,327)
Gross profit 1,323 1,321 1,152
Selling and distribution expenses (276) (264) (230)
Administrative expenses (703) (634) (466)
Impairment losses (4,515) – –
Operating (loss)/profit (4,171) 423 456
Financing costs (909) (932) (758)
Loss before taxation (5,080) (509) (302)
Income tax credit/(expense)1 973 514 (26)
(Loss)/profit for the financial year from discontinued operations (4,107) 5 (328)
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the financial year from discontinued operations
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Attributable to owners of the parent (4,107) 5 (328)
1 Year ended 31 March 2015 includes €105 million income tax expense relating to Vodafone India, offset by €79 million tax credit relating to the performance of our discontinued US Group,
whose principal asset was its 45% interest in Verizon Wireless, on 21 February 2014.
Additional information
124 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings (8,024) –
Deferred tax liabilities – (8)
Post employment benefits (15) –
Provisions for liabilities and charges (784) (18)
Trade and other payables (39) –
(8,862) (26)
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings (1,139) –
Provisions for liabilities and charges (25) (5)
Trade and other payables (1,768) (407)
(2,932) (412)
Total liabilities held for sale (11,794) (438)
1 Total net debt in India at 31 March 2017 was €8,674 million. This comprised cash of €467 million, licence payables classified as debt of €7,143 million and €2,020 million of other borrowings,
together with €22 million of derivative financial instruments reported within Trade and other receivables and Trade and other payables. €499 million of the licence payables classified as debt
have been paid in cash. The cash payment is reported in the consolidated statement of cash flows as cash flows from financing activities.
2017 2016 2015
Millions Millions Millions
Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share 27,971 26,692 26,489
Effect of dilutive potential shares: restricted shares and share options – – 140
Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share 27,971 26,692 26,629
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
(Loss)/earnings for earnings per share from continuing operations (2,190) (5,410) 7,607
(Loss)/earnings for earnings per share from discontinued operations (4,107) 5 (328)
(Loss)/earnings for basic and diluted earnings per share (6,297) (5,405) 7,279
9. Equity dividends
Dividends are one type of shareholder return, historically paid to our shareholders in February and August.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Declared during the financial year:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2016: 7.77 pence per share
(2015: 7.62 pence per share, 2014: 7.47 pence per share) 2,447 2,852 2,495
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 March 2017: 4.74 eurocents per share
(2016: 3.68 pence per share, 2015: 3.60 pence per share) 1,262 1,381 1,217
3,709 4,233 3,712
Proposed after the end of the reporting period and not recognised as a liability:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2017: 10.03 eurocents per share
(2016: 7.77 pence per share, 2015: 7.62 pence per share) 2,670 2,447 2,852
Additional information
126 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Amortisation is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life from the date the software is available for use.
Other intangible assets
Other intangible assets, including brands and customer bases, are recorded at fair value at the date of acquisition. Amortisation is charged to the
income statement, over the estimated useful lives of intangible assets from the date they are available for use, on a straight-line basis, with the
exception of customer relationships which are amortised on a sum of digits basis. The amortisation basis adopted for each class of intangible asset
reflects the Group’s consumption of the economic benefit from that asset.
Estimated useful lives
The estimated useful lives of finite lived intangible assets are as follows:
–– Licence and spectrum fees 3–25 years
–– Computer software 3–5 years
–– Brands 1–10 years
–– Customer bases 2–15 years
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 127
Arising on acquisition 20 – 7 35 62
Additions – 7,536 2,503 14 10,053
Disposals1 – (3,228) (576) (3) (3,807)
Transfer of assets held for sale (860) (2,092) (472) (12) (3,436)
Other – – 127 – 127
31 March 2016 restated 93,990 40,973 15,729 7,446 158,138
Transfer of assets held for sale (3,680) (9,472) (201) (152) (13,505)
90,310 31,501 15,528 7,294 144,633
Exchange movements (90) (1,023) (174) 158 (1,129)
Arising on acquisition 1 10 11 5 27
Additions – 359 2,193 3 2,555
Disposal – (72) (499) (30) (601)
Other – – (97) – (97)
31 March 2017 90,221 30,775 16,962 7,430 145,388
Accumulated impairment losses and amortisation:
1 April 2015 restated 65,664 19,997 9,964 4,856 100,481
Exchange movements (481) (1,058) (391) (425) (2,355)
Amortisation charge for the year2 – 2,330 2,124 1,348 5,802
Disposals1 – (3,228) (528) (3) (3,759)
Transfer of assets held for sale – (913) (265) (9) (1,187)
Impairment losses 569 – – – 569
Other – – 23 – 23
31 March 2016 restated 65,752 17,128 10,927 5,767 99,574
Transfer of assets held for sale (2,086) (1,334) (160) (152) (3,732)
63,666 15,794 10,767 5,615 95,842
Exchange movements (253) (548) (152) 133 (820)
Amortisation charge for the year – 1,780 2,106 935 4,821
Disposals – (72) (486) (30) (588)
Other – – (87) – (87)
31 March 2017 63,413 16,954 12,148 6,653 99,168
Net book value:
31 March 2016 restated 28,238 23,845 4,802 1,679 58,564
31 March 2017 26,808 13,821 4,814 777 46,220
1 Disposals of licences and spectrum comprise the removal of fully amortised assets that have expired.
2 Includes amortisation in relation to discontinued operations of €483 million.
For licences and spectrum and other intangible assets, amortisation is included within the cost of sales line within the consolidated income
statement. Licences and spectrum with a net book value of €nil (2016: €1,422 million) have been pledged as security against borrowings.
The net book value and expiry dates of the most significant licences are as follows:
2017 2016
Expiry date €m €m
Germany 2020/2025/2033 4,726 5,396
Italy 2018/2021/2029 1,442 1,596
UK 2023/2033 2,818 3,515
Qatar 2028/2029 1,164 1,191
Netherlands 2020/2029/2030 – 1,179
Additional information
The remaining amortisation period for each of the licences in the table above corresponds to the expiry date of the respective licence. A summary
of the Group’s most significant spectrum licences can be found on pages 202 and 203.
128 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Land and fixtures
buildings and fittings Total
€m €m €m
1 April 2015 restated 2,309 73,921 76,230
Exchange movements (162) (3,876) (4,038)
Additions 179 8,970 9,149
Disposals (50) (2,074) (2,124)
Transfer of assets held for sale (3) (2,237) (2,240)
Other 120 (218) (98)
31 March 2016 restated 2,393 74,486 76,879
Reclassification as held for sale (103) (7,445) (7,548)
2,290 67,041 69,331
Exchange movements (42) (1,779) (1,821)
Arising on acquisition – 7 7
Additions 104 5,184 5,288
Disposals (94) (2,522) (2,616)
Other 8 273 281
31 March 2017 2,266 68,204 70,470
Accumulated depreciation and impairment:
1 April 2015 restated 1,043 38,381 39,424
Exchange movements (59) (1,996) (2,055)
Charge for the year1 177 6,977 7,154
Disposals (35) (1,949) (1,984)
Transfer of assets held for sale (2) (1,165) (1,167)
Other 17 (25) (8)
31 March 2016 restated 1,141 40,223 41,364
Reclassification as held for sale (36) (3,812) (3,848)
1,105 36,411 37,516
Exchange movements (15) (1,087) (1,102)
Charge for the year 139 6,126 6,265
Disposals (89) (2,454) (2,543)
Other 1 129 130
31 March 2017 1,141 39,125 40,266
Net book value:
31 March 2016 restated 1,252 34,263 35,515
31 March 2017 1,125 29,079 30,204
1 Includes depreciation in relation to discontinued operations of €776 million.
The net book value of land and buildings and equipment, fixtures and fittings includes €3 million and €608 million respectively (2016: €34 million
and €749 million) in relation to assets held under finance leases.
Included in the net book value of land and buildings and equipment, fixtures and fittings are assets in the course of construction, which are not
depreciated, with a cost of €10 million and €1,234 million respectively (2016: €33 million and €1,931 million).
Additional information
130 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Joint operations
The Company’s principal joint operation has share capital consisting solely of ordinary shares and is indirectly held, and principally operates in the
UK. The financial and operating activities of the operation are jointly controlled by the participating shareholders and are primarily designed for all
but an insignificant amount of the output to be consumed by the shareholders.
Country of
incorporation or Percentage1
Name of joint operation Principal activity registration shareholdings
Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited Network infrastructure UK 50.0
1 Effective ownership percentages of Vodafone Group Plc at 31 March 2017 rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 131
Investment in associates 449 450
31 March 3,138 479
1 The Group reclassified €580 million from goodwill to investments in associates and joint ventures relating to Indus Towers within the consolidated statement of financial position.
Comparatives have been restated accordingly.
Joint ventures
The financial and operating activities of the Group’s joint ventures are jointly controlled by the participating shareholders. The participating
shareholders have rights to the net assets of the joint ventures though their equity shareholdings. Unless otherwise stated, the Company’s principal
joint ventures all have share capital consisting solely of ordinary shares and are all indirectly held. The country of incorporation or registration of all
joint ventures is also their principal place of operation.
Country of
incorporation or Percentage1
Name of joint venture Principal activity registration shareholdings
VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V. Network operator Netherlands 50.0
Indus Towers Limited2 Network infrastructure India 42.0
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited3 Network operator Australia 50.0
1 Effective ownership percentages of Vodafone Group Plc at 31 March 2017 rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent.
2 42% of Indus Towers Limited is held by Vodafone India Limited (‘VIL’).
3 Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited has a year end of 31 December.
The following table provides aggregated financial information for the Group’s joint ventures as it relates to the amounts recognised in the income
statement, statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position.
(Loss)/profit from Other comprehensive Total comprehensive
Investment in joint ventures continuing operations income (expense)/income
Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V. 2,736 – – (160) – – 2 – – (158) – –
Indus Towers Limited 1,032 982 997 98 101 23 – – – 98 101 23
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited (1,156) (1,032) (923) (59) (153) (204) – (1) 2 (59) (154) (202)
Other 77 79 124 (14) (39) (12) – – – (14) (39) (12)
Total 2,689 29 198 (135) (91) (193) 2 (1) 2 (133) (92) (191)
The summarised financial information for each of the Group’s material equity accounted joint ventures on a 100% ownership basis is set out below.
VodafoneZiggo Group Vodafone Hutchison
Holding B.V. Indus Towers Limited Australia Pty Limited
Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
Income statement and statement of comprehensive income
Revenue 1,014 – – 2,379 2,277 2,018 2,287 2,354 2,343
Depreciation and amortisation (764) – – (407) (489) (518) (473) (517) (528)
Interest income 23 – – 22 10 36 3 2 2
Interest expense (117) – – (91) (86) (95) (240) (268) (291)
Income tax income/(expense) 105 – – (267) (186) (233) – – –
(Loss)/profit from continuing operations (320) – – 234 240 56 (117) (306) (408)
Other comprehensive income/(expense) 3 – – – – – – (2) 4
Total comprehensive (expense)/income (317) – – 234 240 56 (117) (308) (404)
Statement of financial position
Non-current assets 20,303 – 1,995 1,890 2,317 2,680
Current assets 721 – 326 302 892 500
Non-current liabilities (14,015) – (545) (656) (1,460) (3,277)
Current liabilities (1,538) – (825) (584) (4,301) (2,194)
Equity shareholders’ funds (5,471) – (951) (952) 2,552 2,291
Additional information
The Group received a dividend in the year to 31 March 2017 of €126 million (2016: €nil; 2015: €166 million) from Indus Towers Limited.
132 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Unless otherwise stated, the Company’s principal associates all have share capital consisting solely of ordinary shares and are all indirectly held.
The country of incorporation or registration of all associates is also their principal place of operation.
Country of
incorporation or Percentage1
Name of associate Principal activity registration shareholdings
Safaricom Limited2,3 Network operator Kenya 40.0
1 Effective ownership percentages of Vodafone Group Plc at 31 March 2017 rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent.
2 The Group also holds two non-voting shares.
3 At 31 March 2017 the fair value of Safaricom Limited was KES 288 billion (€2,613 million) based on the closing quoted share price on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.
The following table provides aggregated financial information for the Group’s associates as it relates to the amounts recognised in the income
statement, statement of comprehensive income and consolidated statement of financial position.
Profit from Other comprehensive Total comprehensive
Investment in associates continuing operations expense income
Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
Total 449 450 454 182 151 113 – – – 182 151 113
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 133
Accounting policies
Other investments are recognised and derecognised on a trade date where a purchase or sale of an investment is under a contract whose terms
require delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value, including
transaction costs.
Other investments classified as held for trading and available-for-sale are stated at fair value. Where securities are held for trading purposes, gains
and losses arising from changes in fair value are included in net profit or loss for the period. For available-for-sale investments, gains and losses
arising from changes in fair value are recognised directly in equity, until the security is disposed of or is determined to be impaired, at which time the
cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity, determined using the weighted average cost method, is included in the net profit or loss for
the period.
Other investments classified as loans and receivables are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment.
2017 2016
€m €m
Included within non-current assets:
Equity securities:
Listed 3 3
Unlisted 82 104
Debt securities:
Public debt and bonds – 120
Other debt and bonds 3,374 4,404
3,459 4,631
The listed and unlisted securities are classified as available-for-sale. Public debt and bonds are classified as held for trading, and other debt and bonds
which are not quoted in an active market, are classified as loans and receivables.
Unlisted equity investments are recorded at fair value where appropriate.
Other debt and bonds includes loan notes of US$2.5 billion (€2,343 million), (2016: US$5.0 billion (€4,403 million)) issued by Verizon
Communications Inc. as part of the Group’s disposal of its interest in Verizon Wireless all of which is recorded within non-current assets and
€1.0 billion issued by VodafoneZiggo Holding B.V. The carrying amount of these loan notes approximates fair value.
Current other investments comprise the following:
2017 2016
€m €m
Included within current assets:
Debt securities:
Public debt and bonds 2,284 1,123
Other debt and bonds 2,727 3,214
Cash and other investments held in restricted deposits 1,109 1,.000
6,120 5,337
Public debt and bonds are classified as held for trading and stated at fair value. Cash held in restricted deposits is classified as loans and receivables
and includes amounts held in qualifying assets by Group insurance companies to meet regulatory requirements.
Other debt and bonds includes €2,039 million (2016: €1,223 million) of assets held for trading in managed investment funds with liquidity
of up to 90 days; €506 million (2016: €1,991 million) of assets held at amortised cost on an effective interest method paid as collateral on derivative
financial instruments and €182 million (2016: €nil) short-term investments in a fund where the underlying assets are supply chain receivables.
Current public debt and bonds include highly liquid UK government bonds held for trading of €1,638 million (2016: €833 million) comprised of gilts
€1,172 million (2016: €nil) paid as collateral primarily on derivative financial instruments and index-linked gilts €466 million (2016: €833 million).
For public debt and bonds, other debt and bonds and cash held in restricted deposits, the carrying amount approximates fair value.
Additional information
134 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
14. Inventory
Our inventory primarily consists of mobile handsets and is presented net of an allowance for obsolete products.
Accounting policies
Inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined on the basis of weighted average costs and comprises direct
materials and, where applicable, direct labour costs and those overheads that have been incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location
and condition.
2017 2016
€m €m
Goods held for resale 576 716
Cost of sales includes amounts related to inventory of €6,464 million (2016: €7,379 million; 2015: €7,251 million).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 135
Derivative financial instruments with a positive market value are reported within this note.
Accounting policies
Trade receivables do not carry any interest and are stated at their nominal value as reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable
amounts. Estimated irrecoverable amounts are based on the ageing of the receivable balances and historical experience. Individual trade
receivables are written off when management deems them not to be collectible.
2017 2016
€m €m
Included within non-current assets:
Trade receivables 362 471
Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures 27 122
Other receivables 130 623
Prepayments 378 163
Derivative financial instruments 3,672 4,414
4,569 5,793
Included within current assets:
Trade receivables 4,973 5,566
Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures 325 219
Other receivables 918 1,207
Prepayments 1,197 1,315
Accrued income 1,838 2,225
Derivative financial instruments 610 1,029
9,861 11,561
The Group’s trade receivables are stated after allowances for bad and doubtful debts based on management’s assessment of creditworthiness,
an analysis of which is as follows:
2017 2016
€m €m
1 April 1,385 1,110
Reclassification as held for sale (66) –
Exchange movements (94) (141)
Amounts charged to administrative expenses 589 679
Other (396) (263)
31 March 1,418 1,385
The carrying amounts of trade and other receivables approximate their fair value and are predominantly non-interest bearing. The fair values of the
derivative financial instruments are calculated by discounting the future cash flows to net present values using appropriate market interest rates and
foreign currency rates prevailing at 31 March.
2017 2016
€m €m
The carrying amounts of trade and other payables approximate their fair value. The fair values of the derivative financial instruments are calculated
by discounting the future cash flows to net present values using appropriate market interest and foreign currency rates prevailing at 31 March.
2017 2016
€m €m
Included within derivative financial instruments:
Fair value through the income statement (held for trading):
Interest rate swaps 553 1,119
Cross-currency interest rate swaps 944 439
Options 63 81
Foreign exchange contracts 76 75
1,636 1,714
Designated hedge relationships
Interest rate swaps 61 28
Cross-currency interest rate swaps 380 236
2,077 1,978
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 137
17. Provisions
A provision is a liability recorded in the statement of financial position, where there is uncertainty over the timing
or amount that will be paid, and is therefore often estimated. The main provisions we hold are in relation to asset
retirement obligations, which include the cost of returning network infrastructure sites to their original condition
at the end of the lease, and claims for legal and regulatory matters. For further details see “Critical accounting
judgements” in note 1 “Basis of preparation” to the consolidated financial statements.
Accounting policies
Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that the Group will
be required to settle that obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Provisions are measured at the Directors’
best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the reporting date and are discounted to present value where the effect
is material.
Asset retirement obligations
In the course of the Group’s activities, a number of sites and other assets are utilised which are expected to have costs associated with
decommissioning. The associated cash outflows are substantially expected to occur at the dates of exit of the assets to which they relate,
which are long term in nature, primarily in periods up to 25 years from when the asset is brought into use.
Legal and regulatory
The Group is involved in a number of legal and other disputes, including notifications of possible claims. The Directors of the Company, after
taking legal advice, have established provisions after taking into account the facts of each case. The timing of cash outflows associated with
the majority of legal claims are typically less than one year, however, for some legal claims the timing of cash flows may be long term in nature.
For a discussion of certain legal issues potentially affecting the Group see note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” to the consolidated
financial statements.
Other provisions
Other provisions comprises various provisions including those for restructuring costs and property. The associated cash outflows for restructuring
costs are primarily less than one year. The timing of the cash flows associated with property is dependent upon the remaining term of the
associated lease.
retirement Legal and
obligations regulatory Other Total
€m €m €m €m
1 April 2015 restated 645 1,154 759 2,558
Exchange movements (26) (88) (27) (141)
Amounts capitalised in the year 40 – – 40
Amounts charged to the income statement – 231 518 749
Utilised in the year − payments (50) (81) (352) (483)
Amounts released to the income statement (20) (75) (101) (196)
Transfer of liabilities held for sale (18) (1) (3) (22)
Other – 75 (3) 72
31 March 2016 restated 571 1,215 791 2,577
Transfer of liabilities held for sale (10) (642) – (652)
Exchange movements (17) (32) (1) (50)
Amounts capitalised in the year 157 – – 157
Amounts charged to the income statement – 148 643 791
Utilised in the year − payments (51) (40) (376) (467)
Amounts released to the income statement (44) (56) (117) (217)
Other – 41 (1) 40
31 March 2017 606 634 939 2,179
Additional information
138 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
31 March 2017
retirement Legal and
obligations regulatory Other Total
€m €m €m €m
Current liabilities 10 300 739 1,049
Non-current liabilities 596 334 200 1,130
606 634 939 2,179
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
Notes €m €m €m
(Loss)/profit for the financial year (6,079) (5,122) 7,477
Loss/(profit) from discontinued operations 7 4,107 (5) 328
(Loss)/profit for the financial year from continuing operations (1,972) (5,127) 7,805
Non-operating expense 1 3 23
Investment income (474) (539) (1,083)
Financing costs 1,406 2,046 1,399
Income tax expense/(credit) 6 4,764 4,937 (6,071)
Operating profit 3,725 1,320 2,073
Adjustments for:
Share-based payments 27 95 154 104
Depreciation and amortisation 10, 11 11,086 11,697 11,108
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 3 22 27 93
Share of result of equity accounted associates and joint ventures 12 (47) (60) 78
Impairment losses 4 – 569 –
Other (income)/expense (1,052) 286 146
Decrease/(increase) in inventory 14 117 (144) (76)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables 15 308 (684) (151)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables 16 (473) 332 (1,334)
Cash generated by operations 13,781 13,497 12,041
Net tax paid (761) (807) (533)
Cash flows from discontinued operations 1,203 1,646 1,160
Net cash flow from operating activities 14,223 14,336 12,668
Accounting policies
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand and call deposits, and other short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
2017 2016
€m €m
Cash at bank and in hand 1,856 2,196
Money market funds and bank deposits 6,979 7,311
Repurchase agreements – 3,415
Cash and cash equivalents as presented in the statement of financial position 8,835 12,922
Cash and cash equivalents are held by the Group on a short-term basis with all having an original maturity of three months or less. The carrying
amount approximates their fair value.
Cash and cash equivalents of €1,132 million (2016: €1,624 million) are held in countries with restrictions on remittances but where the balances
could be used to repay subsidiaries’ third party liabilities.
Additional information
140 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
21. Borrowings
The Group’s sources of borrowing for funding and liquidity purposes come from a range of committed bank
facilities and through short-term and long-term issuances in the capital markets including bond and commercial
paper issues and bank loans. We manage the basis on which we incur interest on debt between fixed interest rates
and floating interest rates depending on market conditions using interest rate derivatives. The Group enters into
foreign exchange contracts to mitigate the impact of exchange rate movements on certain monetary items.
Accounting policies
Capital market and bank borrowings
Interest-bearing loans and overdrafts are initially measured at fair value (which is equal to cost at inception), and are subsequently measured
at amortised cost, using the effective interest rate method, except where they are identified as a hedged item in a designated hedge relationship.
Any difference between the proceeds net of transaction costs and the amount due on settlement or redemption of borrowings is recognised over
the term of the borrowing. Where bonds issued with certain conversion rights are identified as compound instruments they are initially measured
at fair value with the nominal amounts recognised as a component in equity and the fair value of future coupons included in borrowings. These are
subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
Bank loans at 31 March 2016 include INR629 billion (€8 billion) of loans held by Vodafone India Limited (‘VIL’) and its subsidiaries (the ‘VIL Group’).
Each of the eight legal entities within the VIL Group provide cross guarantees to the lenders in respect of debt contracted by the other entities.
See note 7 “Discontinued operations and assets held for sale” for further details.
The fair value and carrying value of the Group’s short-term borrowings are as follows:
Euro equivalent nominal value Fair value Carrying value
Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost1 9,163 17,374 9,180 17,700 9,147 17,689
Bonds: 647 500 667 505 660 521
4.75% euro 500 million bond due June 2016 – 500 – 505 – 521
5.375% sterling 600 million bond due December 2017 647 – 667 – 660 –
Bonds in designated hedge relationships: 2,244 2,021 2,241 2,070 2,244 2,050
5.625% US dollar 1,300 million bond due February 2017 – 1,142 – 1,188 – 1,172
1.625% US dollar 1,000 million bond due March 2017 – 879 – 882 – 878
1.25% US dollar 1,000 million bond due September 2017 935 – 934 – 934 –
1.5% US dollar 1,400 million bond due February 2018 1,309 – 1,307 – 1,310 –
Short-term borrowings 12,054 19,895 12,088 20,275 12,051 20,260
1 Amounts for 2017 include €46 million in relation to the short -term debt component of the mandatory convertible bonds.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 141
The fair value and carrying value of the Group’s long-term borrowings are as follows:
Euro equivalent nominal value Fair value Carrying value
Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost: 3,108 6,997 3,074 9,182 3,046 9,096
Bank loans 2,803 6,700 2,769 8,885 2,741 8,799
Other liabilities1 305 297 305 297 305 297
0.875% euro 750 million bond due November 2020 750 750 764 755 749 748
Floating rate note US dollar 60 million bond due March 2021 56 53 57 53 56 52
1.25% euro 1,250 million bond due August 2021 1,250 1,250 1,291 1,280 1,254 1,246
0.375% euro 1,000 million bond due November 2021 1000 – 992 – 998 –
4.65% euro 1,250 million bond due January 2022 1,250 1,250 1,495 1,507 1,430 1,463
5.375% euro 500 million bond due June 2022 500 500 620 629 629 649
1.75% euro 1,250 million bond due August 2023 1,250 1,250 1,309 1,298 1,258 1,247
0.5% euro 750 million bond due January 2024 750 – 723 – 743 –
1.875% euro 1,000 million bond due September 2025 1,000 1,000 1,051 1,033 1,000 999
5.625% sterling 250 million bond due December 2025 293 316 366 378 384 424
2.2% euro 1,750 million bond due August 2026 1,750 – 1,846 – 1,799 –
1.6% euro 1,000 million bond due July 2031 1,000 – 938 – 1,005 –
5.9% sterling 450 million bond due November 2032 528 569 693 689 748 818
2.75% euro 332 million bond due December 2034 332 331 348 362 334 334
3.375% sterling 800 million bond due August 2049 938 – 859 – 944 –
3% sterling 1,000 million bond due August 2056 1,172 – 986 – 1,181 –
Bonds in designated hedge relationships: 10,863 12,378 11,349 12,923 12,132 13,718
1.25% US dollar 1,000 million bond due September 2017 – 879 – 876 – 878
1.5% US dollar 1,400 million bond due February 2018 – 1,231 – 1,231 – 1,229
4.625% US dollar 500 million bond due July 2018 467 439 483 467 491 475
5.45% US dollar 1,250 million bond due June 2019 1,168 1,098 1,252 1,210 1,256 1,210
Convertible sterling 600 million bond due November 2020 703 – 686 – 660 –
4.375% US dollar 500 million bond due March 2021 467 439 497 479 483 459
2.5% US dollar 1,000 million bond due September 2022 935 879 914 878 920 902
2.95% US dollar 1,600 million bond due February 2023 1,496 1,406 1,472 1,391 1,546 1,516
0.375% Swiss franc 350 million bond due December 2024 327 – 328 – 333 –
3.215% Norwegian krona 850 million bond due November 2025 93 90 100 99 94 91
2.2% euro 1,750 million bond due August 2026 – 1,750 – 1,835 – 1,744
3.115% Norwegian krona 850 million bond due March 2027 93 – 100 – 93 –
0.625% Swiss franc 175 million bond due March 2027 164 – 164 – 164 –
0% euro 50 million bond due December 2028 186 186 147 145 150 129
7.875% US dollar 750 million bond due February 2030 701 659 929 841 1,031 987
0.5% Swiss franc 150 million bond due September 2031 140 – 133 – 142 –
6.25% US dollar 495 million bond due November 2032 463 435 542 505 605 575
6.15% US dollar 1,200 million bond due February 2037 1,122 1,055 1,292 1,185 1,529 1,450
6.15% US dollar 500 million bond due February 2037 467 439 538 493 624 592
4.375% US dollar 1,400 million bond due February 2043 1,309 1,230 1,203 1,121 1,446 1,315
Additional information
5.35% US dollar 186 million bond due December 2045 174 163 179 167 176 166
4.6% US dollar 45 million bond due August 2046 42 – 39 – 42 –
5.35% US dollar 370 million bond due March 2047 346 – 351 – 347 –
Long-term borrowings 32,568 32,916 33,709 36,617 34,523 37,089
1 Amounts for 2017 include €34 million in relation to the long-term debt component of the mandatory convertible bonds.
142 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Fair values of bonds and financial liabilities measured at amortised cost are based on Level 1 and 2 of the fair value hierarchy respectively, using
quoted market prices or discounted cash flows with a discount rate based upon forward interest rates available to the Group at the reporting date.
Further information can be found in note 23 “Capital and financial risk management”.
The Group’s gross and net debt includes certain bonds which have been designated in hedge relationships, which are carried at €2.0 billion
(2016: €2.1 billion) higher than their euro equivalent redemption value. In addition, where bonds are issued in currencies other than euros, the Group
has entered into foreign currency swaps to fix the euro cash outflows on redemption. The impact of these swaps are not reflected in gross debt and
would further reduce the euro equivalent redemption value of the bonds by €0.9 billion (2016: €1.2 billion).
The maturity profile of the Group’s financial derivatives (which include interest rate swaps, cross-currency interest rate swaps and foreign exchange
swaps) using undiscounted cash flows, is as follows:
2017 2016
Payable Receivable Payable Receivable
€m €m €m €m
Within one year 16,541 16,462 32,870 34,035
In one to two years 4,788 5,201 10,660 10,918
In two to three years 3,000 3,141 4,815 5,244
In three to four years 1,913 2,038 2,641 2,988
In four to five years 1,567 1,706 2,419 2,592
In more than five years 18,743 22,491 23,841 26,429
46,552 51,039 77,246 82,206
Payables and receivables are stated separately in the table above as settlement is on a gross basis. The net effect of discount/financing rates
is €2,282 million (2016: €1,495 million), leaving a €2,205 million (2016: €3,465 million) net receivable in relation to financial instruments. This is split
€2,077 million (2016: €1,978 million) within trade and other payables and €4,282 million (2016: €5,443 million) within trade and other receivables.
Gains and losses recognised in the hedging reserve in equity on cross-currency interest rate swaps as at 31 March 2017 will be continuously
released to the income statement within financing costs until the repayment of certain bonds classified as loans designated in hedge relationships
in the table of maturities of non-derivative financial liabilities above.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 143
The currency split of the Group’s foreign exchange derivatives (which includes cross-currency interest rate swaps and foreign exchange swaps)
is as follows:
2017 2016
Payable Receivable Payable Receivable
€m €m €m €m
Sterling 1,176 6,576 22,625 18,026
Euro 23,167 5,556 14,762 24,496
US dollar 4,246 19,482 9,799 12,872
Japanese yen – – 851 –
Other 5,420 4,813 6,814 1,005
34,009 36,427 54,851 56,399
Payables and receivables are stated separately in the table above as settlement is on a gross basis. The net effect of discount/financing rates
is €2,008 million (2016: €51 million), leaving a €410 million (2016: €1,599 million) net receivable in relation to foreign exchange financial instruments.
This is split €1,400 million (2016: €750 million) within trade and other payables and €1,810 million (2016: €2,349 million) within trade and other
receivables. The present value of minimum lease payments under finance lease arrangements under which the Group has leased certain of its
equipment is included within other liabilities and is analysed as follows:
2017 2016
€m €m
Within one year 68 15
In two to five years 78 63
In more than five years 160 138
306 216
Total Floating rate Fixed rate Other
borrowings borrowings borrowings1 borrowings2
Currency €m €m €m €m
Sterling 4,552 5 4,547 –
Euro 37,420 7,517 28,009 1,894
US dollar 4,449 4,172 277 –
Other 153 13 140 –
31 March 2017 46,574 11,707 32,973 1,894
US dollar 7,122 6,883 239 –
Other 8,885 3,011 5,874 –
31 March 2016 restated 57,349 24,705 30,679 1,965
1 The weighted average interest rate for the Group’s sterling denominated fixed rate borrowings is 2.5% (2016: 4.6%). The weighted average time for which these rates are fixed is 16.6 years
(2016: 6.4 years). The weighted average interest rate for the Group’s euro denominated fixed rate borrowings is 2.1% (2016: 2.7%). The weighted average time for which the rates are fixed
is 8.4 years (2016: 6.5 years). The weighted average interest rate for the Group’s US dollar denominated fixed rate borrowings is 0.2% (2016: 3.6%). The weighted average time for which the
rates are fixed is 0.1 years (2016: 2.0 years). The weighted average interest rate for the Group’s other currency fixed rate borrowings is 8.5% (2016: 9.4%). The weighted average time for which
the rates are fixed is 12.0 years (2016: 6.8 years).
2 At 31 March 2017 other borrowings of €1.9 billion (2016: €2.0 billion) include a €1.8 billion (2016: €1.8 billion) liability for payments due to holders of the equity shares in Kabel Deutschland AG
under the terms of a domination and profit and loss transfer agreement.
The figures shown in the tables above take into account cross-currency and interest rate swaps used to manage the currency and interest rate
profile of financial liabilities. Interest on floating rate borrowings is generally based on national LIBOR equivalents or government bond rates in the
relevant currencies. Additional protection from euro interest rate movements is provided by fixing interest rates or reducing floating interest rates
using interest rate swaps or interest rate futures1.
2017 2016
Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate
futures swaps futures swaps
€m €m €m €m
Within one year 291 3,125 (3,734) 2,145
In one to two years – 3,000 3,414 1,920
In two to three years – 8,875 2,033 1,807
Additional information
Borrowing facilities
Committed facilities expiry
2017 2016
Drawn Undrawn Drawn Undrawn
€m €m €m €m
Within one year 460 – 1,666 2,297
In one to two years 855 – 878 11
In two to three years 551 502 1,228 9
In three to four years 502 3,861 874 291
In four to five years 568 3,678 837 7,405
In more than five years 380 – 770 354
31 March 3,316 8,041 6,253 10,367
At 31 March 2017 the Group’s most significant committed facilities comprised two revolving credit facilities which remained undrawn throughout
the year of US$4.0 billion (€3.8 billion) maturing in three to four years and US$4.1 billion (€3.8 billion) maturing in three to five years. Under the terms
of these bank facilities, lenders have the right, but not the obligation, to cancel their commitment 30 days from the date of notification of a change
of control of the Company and have outstanding advances repaid on the last day of the current interest period. The facility agreements provide for
certain structural changes, that do not affect the obligations of the Company, to be specifically excluded from the definition of a change of control.
This is in addition to the rights of lenders to cancel their commitment if the Company has committed an event of default.
The terms and conditions of the Group’s drawn facilities obtained in relation to projects in its Italian, German, Turkish, United Kingdom and Romanian
operations of €2.0 billion in aggregate are similar to those of the US dollar and euro revolving credit facilities. Further information on these facilities
can be found in note 22 “Liquidity and capital resources”.
At 31 March 2017 we had €8,835 million of cash and cash equivalents which are held in accordance with the counterparty and settlement risk limits
of the Board approved treasury policy. The main forms of liquid investment at 31 March 2017 were managed investment funds, money market
funds, UK index-linked government bonds and bank deposits.
The cash received from collateral support agreements mainly reflects the value of our interest rate swap and cross-currency interest rate
swap portfolios which are substantially net present value positive. See note 23 “Capital and financial risk management” for further details
on these agreements.
Commercial paper programmes
We currently have US and euro commercial paper programmes of US$15 billion and €8 billion respectively which are available to be used to meet
short-term liquidity requirements. At 31 March 2017 amounts external to the Group of €2,262 million were drawn under the euro commercial paper
programme and US$1,484 million (€1,386 million) were drawn down under the US commercial paper programme, with such funds being provided
by counterparties external to the Group. At 31 March 2016 amounts external to the Group of €8,907 million and US$38 million (€33 million)
were drawn under the euro commercial paper programme and US$471 million (€413 million) were drawn down under the US commercial paper
programme, with such funds being provided by counterparties external to the Group.
The commercial paper facilities were supported by US$4.1 billion (€3.8 billion) and €4.0 billion of syndicated committed bank facilities
(see “Committed facilities” below). No amounts had been drawn under either bank facility.
We have a €30 billion euro medium-term note programme and a US shelf programme which are used to meet medium to long-term funding
requirements. At 31 March 2017 the total amounts in issue under these programmes split by currency were US$12.3 billion, €15.1 billion, £4.2 billion,
CHF0.7 billion and NOK1.7 billion.
At 31 March 2017 we had bonds outstanding with a nominal value of €32.3 billion. During the year ended 31 March 2017 bonds with a nominal
value equivalent of €6.0 billion were issued under the euro medium-term note programme. The bonds issued in the year were:
Nominal amount Euro equivalent
Date of bond issue Maturity of bond Programme Currency Millions €m
30 September 2016 30 January 2024 EMTN Euro 750 750
3 June 2016 3 December 2024 EMTN Swiss franc 350 327
1 March 2017 1 March 2027 EMTN Norwegian krona 850 93
15 March 2017 15 March 2027 EMTN Swiss franc 175 164
29 July 2016 29 July 2031 EMTN Euro 1,000 1,000
19 September 2016 19 September 2031 EMTN Swiss franc 150 140
9 August 2016 9 August 2046 EMTN US dollar 45 42
9 March 2017 9 March 2047 EMTN US dollar 370 346
8 August 2016 9 August 2049 EMTN Pound sterling 800 938
12 August 2016 12 August 2056 EMTN Pound sterling 1,000 1,172
On 25 February 2016 the Group issued £2.9 billion (€3.5 billion) of subordinated mandatory convertible bonds issued in two tranches, with the first
£1.4 billion (€1.7 billion) maturing on 25 August 2017 and a further £1.4 billion (€1.7 billion) maturing on 25 February 2019 with coupons of 1.5%
and 2.0% respectively. At the initial conversion price adjusted for dividends declared during the year, of £2.0546, at maturity the bond will convert
to 1,401,732,698 Vodafone Group Plc shares representing approximately 5% of Vodafone’s share capital. The mandatory bonds are compound
instruments with nominal values of £2.8 billion (€3.5 billion) recognised as a component of shareholders’ funds in equity. The fair value of future
coupons of £0.1 billion (€0.1 billion) is recognised as a financial liability in borrowings and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the
effective interest rate method. Refer to the consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 101.
The Group has hedged its exposure under the subordinated mandatory convertible bonds to any future movements in its share price by an option
strategy designed to hedge the economic impact of share price movements during the term of the bonds. Should the Group decide to buy back
ordinary shares to mitigate the dilution resulting from the conversion, the hedging strategy will provide a hedge for the repurchase price.
Own shares
The Group held a maximum of 2,254,825,696 of its own shares during the year which represented 8.0% of issued share capital at that time.
Additional information
146 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Committed facilities
In aggregate we have committed facilities of approximately €11,357 million, of which €8,041 million was undrawn and €3,316 million was drawn
at 31 March 2017. The following table summarises the committed bank facilities available to us at 31 March 2017.
Committed bank facilities Amounts drawn Terms and conditions
28 March 2014
€4.0 billion syndicated No drawings have been made against Lenders have the right, but not the obligation, to cancel their
revolving credit facility, this facility. The facility supports our commitments and have outstanding advances repaid no sooner than
maturing 28 March 2021. commercial paper programmes and 30 days after notification of a change of control. This is in addition to
may be used for general corporate the rights of lenders to cancel their commitment if we commit an event
purposes including acquisitions. of default; however, it should be noted that a material adverse change
clause does not apply.
The facility matures on 28 March 2021. From March 2020 the facility
size will be €3.9 billion as one lender did not extend the facility as per the
request from the Company.
27 February 2015
US$4.1 billion syndicated No drawings have been made against Lenders have the right, but not the obligation, to cancel their
revolving credit facility, this facility. The facility supports our commitments and have outstanding advances repaid no sooner than
maturing 27 February 2022. commercial paper programmes and 30 days after notification of a change of control. This is in addition to
may be used for general corporate the rights of lenders to cancel their commitment if we commit an event
purposes including acquisitions. of default; however, it should be noted that a material adverse change
clause does not apply.
The facility matures on 27 February 2022. From March 2020 the facility
size will be US$3.9 billion as one lender did not extend the facility as per
the request from the Company.
27 November 2013
£0.5 billion loan facility, This facility was drawn down in full in As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that,
maturing 12 December 2021. euro, as allowed by the terms of the should our UK and Irish operating companies spend less than the
facility, on 12 December 2014. equivalent of £0.9 billion on capital expenditure, we will be required
to repay the drawn amount of the facility that exceeds 50% of the
capital expenditure.
15 September 2009
€0.4 billion loan facility, This facility was drawn down in full on As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that,
maturing 30 July 2017. 30 July 2010. should our German operating company spend less than the equivalent
of €0.8 billion on VDSL related capital expenditure, we will be required
to repay the drawn amount of the facility that exceeds 50% of the VDSL
capital expenditure.
29 September 2009
US$0.1 billion export credit This facility is fully drawn down and As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that the
agency loan facility, final is amortising. Company was permitted to draw down under the facility based upon the
maturity date 19 September eligible spend with Ericsson up until the final draw down date of 30 June
2018. 2011. Quarterly repayments of the drawn balance commenced on
30 June 2012 with a final maturity date of 19 September 2018.
8 December 2011
€0.4 billion loan facility, This facility was drawn down in full on As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that,
maturing on 5 June 2020. 5 June 2013. should our Italian operating company spend less than the equivalent of
€1.3 billion on capital expenditure, we will be required to repay the drawn
amount of the facility that exceeds 50% of the capital expenditure.
20 December 2011
€0.3 billion loan facility, This facility was drawn down in full on As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that,
maturing 1 September 2019. 18 September 2012. should our Turkish and Romanian operating companies spend less than
4 March 2013 the equivalent of €1.3 billion on capital expenditure, we will be required
€0.1 billion loan facility, This facility was drawn down in full on to repay the drawn amount of the facility that exceeds 50% of the
maturing 2 September 2020. 4 December 2013. capital expenditure.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 147
same date.
17 December 2014
€0.35 billion loan facility, This facility is fully drawn down on As per the syndicated revolving credit facilities with the addition that,
maturing on 16 June 2023. 16 June 2016. should our German operating company spend less than the equivalent
of €0.7 billion on capital expenditure, we will be required to repay the
drawn amount of the facility that exceeds 50% of the capital expenditure.
Furthermore, certain of our subsidiaries are funded by external facilities which are non-recourse to any member of the Group other than the
borrower. These facilities may only be used to fund their operations. At 31 March 2017 Vodafone Egypt had a fully drawn term loan of US$53 million
(€50 million) and undrawn revolving credit facilities of EGP4 billion (€207 million). Vodacom had fully drawn facilities of US$112 million (€105 million)
and facilities of ZAR0.48 billion (€33.3 million) of which ZAR0.47 billion (€32.8 million) was drawn. Vodafone Ghana had fully drawn facilities
of US$142 million (€133 million) and GHS60 million (€13 million).
Dividends from associates and to non-controlling shareholders
Dividends from our associates are generally paid at the discretion of the Board of Directors or shareholders of the individual operating and holding
companies, and we have no rights to receive dividends except where specified within certain of the Group’s shareholders’ agreements. Similarly,
other than ongoing dividend obligations to the KDG minority shareholders should they continue to hold their minority stake, we do not have existing
obligations under shareholders’ agreements to pay dividends to non-controlling interest partners of our subsidiaries or joint ventures.
The amount of dividends received and paid in the year are disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
Potential cash outflows from option agreements and similar arrangements
Under the terms of the sale and purchase agreement governing the disposal of the US Group, including the 45% interest in Verizon Wireless,
the Group retains the responsibility for any tax liabilities of the US Group, excluding those relating to the Verizon Wireless partnership, for periods
up to the completion of the transaction on 21 February 2014.
Put options issued as part of the hedging strategy for the mandatory convertible bonds permit the holders to exercise against the Group if there
is a decrease in our share price. Under the terms of the options, settlement must be made in cash which will equate to the reduced value of shares
from the initial conversion price, adjusted for dividends declared during the year, on 1,402 million shares.
Sale of trade receivables
During the year the Group sold certain trade receivables to a financial institution. Whilst there are no repurchase obligations in respect of these
receivables, the Group provided a credit guarantee which would only become payable if default rates were significantly higher than historical rates.
The credit guarantee is not considered substantive and substantially all risks and rewards associated with the receivables passed to the purchaser
at the date of sale, therefore the receivables were derecognised. The maximum payable under the guarantees at 31 March 2017 was €360 million.
No provision has been made in respect of these guarantees as the likelihood of a cash outflow has been assessed as remote.
Additional information
148 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge
accounting, or if the Company chooses to end the hedging relationship.
Fair value hedges
The Group’s policy is to use derivative instruments (primarily interest rate swaps) to convert a proportion of its fixed rate debt to floating rates in order
to hedge the interest rate risk arising, principally, from capital market borrowings. The Group designates these as fair value hedges of interest rate risk
with changes in fair value of the hedging instrument recognised in the income statement for the period together with the changes in the fair value
of the hedged item arising from the hedged risk, to the extent the hedge is effective. Gains or losses relating to any ineffective portion are recognised
immediately in the income statement.
Cash flow hedges
Cash flow hedging is used by the Group to hedge certain exposures to variability in future cash flows. The portion of gains or losses relating
to changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as effective cash flow hedges is recognised in other comprehensive income;
gains or losses relating to any ineffective portion are recognised immediately in the income statement.
When the hedged item is recognised in the income statement, amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
in equity for the hedging instrument are reclassified to the income statement. However, when the hedged transaction results in the recognition
of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the gains and losses previously recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
in equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 149
When hedge accounting is discontinued, any gain or loss recognised in other comprehensive income at that time remains in equity and
is recognised in the income statement when the hedged transaction is ultimately recognised in the income statement. If a forecast transaction
is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss accumulated in equity is recognised immediately in the income statement.
Net investment hedges
Exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in foreign operations are recognised directly in equity. Gains and losses
on those hedging instruments (which include bonds, commercial paper, cross-currency swaps and foreign exchange contracts) designated
as hedges of the net investments in foreign operations are recognised in equity to the extent that the hedging relationship is effective; these
amounts are included in exchange differences on translation of foreign operations as stated in the statement of comprehensive income. Gains and
losses relating to hedge ineffectiveness are recognised immediately in the income statement for the period. Gains and losses accumulated in the
translation reserve are included in the income statement when the foreign operation is disposed of.
Capital management
The following table summarises the capital of the Group at 31 March:
2017 2016
€m €m
Financial assets:
Cash and cash equivalents (8,835) (12,922)
Fair value through the income statement (held for trading) (6,169) (5,261)
Loans and receivables (685) (1,986)
Derivative instruments in designated hedge relationships (1,793) (2,243)
Financial liabilities:
Fair value through the income statements (held for trading) 1,636 1,714
Derivative instruments in designated hedge relationships 441 264
Financial liabilities held at amortised cost 46,574 57,349
Net debt 31,169 36,915
Equity 73,719 85,136
Capital 104,888 122,051
The Group’s policy is to borrow centrally using a mixture of long-term and short-term capital market issues and borrowing facilities to meet
anticipated funding requirements. These borrowings, together with cash generated from operations, are loaned internally or contributed as equity
to certain subsidiaries. The Board has approved three internal debt protection ratios being: net interest to operating cash flow (plus dividends from
associates); retained cash flow (operating cash flow plus dividends from associates less interest, tax, dividends to non-controlling shareholders and
equity dividends) to net debt; and operating cash flow (plus dividends from associates) to net debt. These internal ratios establish levels of debt that
the Group should not exceed other than for relatively short periods of time and are shared with the Group’s debt rating agencies being Moody’s,
Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s.
Financial risk management
The Group’s treasury function manages centrally the Group’s funding requirement, net foreign exchange exposure, interest rate management
exposures and counterpart risk arising from investments and derivatives.
Treasury operations are conducted within a framework of policies and guidelines authorised and reviewed by the Board, most recently
on 3 November 2015. A treasury risk committee comprising of the Group’s Chief Financial Officer, Group General Counsel and Company Secretary,
Group Financial Controller, Group Treasury Director and Director of Financial Reporting meets three times a year to review treasury activities and
its members receive management information relating to treasury activities on a quarterly basis. The Group’s accounting function, which does not
report to the Group Treasury Director, provides regular update reports of treasury activity to the Board. The Group’s internal auditor reviews the
internal control environment regularly.
The Group uses a number of derivative instruments for currency and interest rate risk management purposes only that are transacted by specialist
treasury personnel. The Group mitigates banking sector credit risk by the use of collateral support agreements.
Credit risk
The Group considers its exposure to credit risk at 31 March to be as follows:
2017 2016
€m €m
Cash at bank and in hand 1,856 2,196
Repurchase agreements – 3,415
Cash held in restricted deposits 1,109 1,000
Additional information
The Group invested in UK index-linked government bonds on the basis that they generated a floating rate return in excess of £ LIBOR and are
amongst the most creditworthy of investments available.
The Group has two managed investment funds. These funds hold fixed income euro securities and the average credit quality is high double A.
Money market investments are in accordance with established internal treasury policies which dictate that an investment’s long-term credit rating
is no lower than mid BBB. Additionally, the Group invests in AAA unsecured money market mutual funds where the investment is limited to 10%
of each fund.
The Group also invests in a fund where the underlying assets are supply chain receivables, the creditworthiness of which are enhanced
by an insurance wrapper as provided by established insurance companies with a long-term credit rating of at least A-.
The Group invests in repurchase agreements which are fully collateralised investments. The collateral is sovereign and supranational debt with
at least one AAA rating denominated in euros, sterling and US dollars and can be readily converted to cash. In the event of any default, ownership
of the collateral would revert to the Group. Detailed below is the value of the collateral held by the Group at 31 March:
2017 2016
€m €m
Sovereign – 3,415
Supranational – –
– 3,415
In respect of financial instruments used by the Group’s treasury function, the aggregate credit risk the Group may have with one counterparty
is limited by (i) reference to the long-term credit ratings assigned for that counterparty by Moody’s, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s; (ii) that
counterparty’s five year credit default swap (‘CDS’) spread; and (iii) the sovereign credit rating of that counterparty’s principal operating jurisdiction.
Furthermore, collateral support agreements were introduced from the fourth quarter of 2008. Under collateral support agreements the
Group’s exposure to a counterparty with whom a collateral support agreement is in place is reduced to the extent that the counterparty must post
cash collateral when there is value due to the Group under outstanding derivative contracts that exceeds a contractually agreed threshold amount.
When value is due to the counterparty the Group is required to post collateral on identical terms. Such cash collateral is adjusted daily as necessary.
In the event of any default, ownership of the cash collateral would revert to the respective holder at that point. Detailed below is the value of the cash
collateral, which is reported within short-term borrowings, held by the Group at 31 March:
2017 2016
€m €m
Cash collateral 2,654 3,588
The majority of the Group’s trade receivables are due for maturity within 90 days and largely comprise amounts receivable from consumers and
business customers. At 31 March 2017 €3,322 million (2016: €4,082 million) of trade receivables were not yet due for payment. Overdue trade
receivables consisted of €789 million (2016: €1,636 million) relating to the Europe region, and €423 million (2016: €318 million) relating to the AMAP
region. Financial statements are monitored by management and provisions for bad and doubtful debts raised where it is deemed appropriate.
The following table presents ageing of receivables that are past due and provisions for doubtful receivables that have been established:
2017 2016
Gross Less Net Gross Less Net
receivables provisions receivables receivables provisions receivables
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited given that the Group’s customer base is large and unrelated. Due to this,
management believes there is no further credit risk provision required in excess of the normal provision for bad and doubtful receivables.
Amounts charged to administrative expenses during the year ended 31 March 2017 were €589 million (2016: €679 million) (see note 15 “Trade and
other receivables”).
As discussed in note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings”, the Group has covenanted to provide security in favour of the trustee of the
Vodafone Group UK Pension Scheme in respect of the funding deficit in the scheme. The security takes the form of an English law pledge over
UK index-linked government bonds.
Liquidity risk
At 31 March 2017 the Group had €4.0 billion and US$4.1 billion syndicated committed undrawn bank facilities which support the US$15 billion
and €8.0 billion commercial paper programme available to the Group. The Group uses commercial paper and bank facilities to manage short-term
liquidity and manages long-term liquidity by raising funds in the capital markets.
The euro syndicated committed facility has a maturity date of 28 March 2021. The US$ syndicated committed facility has a maturity date
of 27 February 2022. Both facilities have remained undrawn throughout the financial year and since year end and provide liquidity support.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 151
The Group manages liquidity risk on long-term borrowings by maintaining a varied maturity profile with a cap on the level of debt maturity in any
one calendar year, therefore minimising refinancing risk. Long-term borrowings mature between one and 39 years.
Liquidity is reviewed daily on at least a 12 month rolling basis and stress tested on the assumption that all commercial paper outstanding
matures and is not reissued. The Group maintains substantial cash and cash equivalents which at 31 March 2017 amounted to €8,835 million
(2016: €12,922 million).
Market risk
Interest rate management
Under the Group’s interest rate management policy, interest rates on monetary assets and liabilities denominated in euros, US dollars and sterling
are maintained on a floating rate basis except for periods up to six years where interest rate fixing has to be undertaken in accordance with treasury
policy. The policy also allows euros, US dollars and sterling to be moved to a fixed rate basis if interest rates are statistically low. Where assets and
liabilities are denominated in other currencies interest rates may also be fixed. In addition, fixing is undertaken for longer periods when interest rates
are statistically low.
For each one hundred basis point rise in market interest rates for all currencies in which the Group had borrowings at 31 March 2017 there would
be an increase in profit before tax by approximately €470 million (2016: approximately €29 million) including mark-to-market revaluations of interest
rate and other derivatives and the potential interest on outstanding tax issues. There would be no material impact on equity.
At 31 March 2017 other than USD denominated liabilities, which are retained in order to hedge foreign exchange movements arising from our
investment in VZ Communication loan notes, substantially all of our outstanding liabilities are held on a fixed interest rate basis in accordance with
treasury policy.
At 31 March 2017 19% of net debt was denominated in currencies other than euro (8% US dollar, 5% South African rand and 6% other). This allows
US dollar, South African rand and other debt to be serviced in proportion to expected future cash flows and therefore provides a partial hedge
against income statement translation exposure, as interest costs will be denominated in foreign currencies.
Under the Group’s foreign exchange management policy, foreign exchange transaction exposure in Group companies is generally maintained at the
lower of €5 million per currency per month or €15 million per currency over a six month period.
The Group recognises foreign exchange movements in equity for the translation of net investment hedging instruments and balances treated
as investments in foreign operations. However, there is no net impact on equity for exchange rate movements on net investment hedging
instruments as there would be an offset in the currency translation of the foreign operation. At 31 March 2017 the Group held financial liabilities
in a net investment against the Group’s South African rand. Sensitivity to foreign exchange movements on the hedging liabilities, analysed
against a strengthening of the South African rand by 18% would result in a decrease in equity of €493 million which would be fully offset
by foreign exchange movements on the hedged net assets. At 31 March 2016 the Group held financial liabilities in a net investment against the
Group’s consolidated euro net assets. Subsequent to the change in the Company’s functional currency and the Group’s presentation currency
from sterling to euro with effect from 1 April 2017, the Group’s primary foreign exchange exposure is to South African rand (2016: euro).
The following table details the Group’s sensitivity of the Group’s adjusted operating profit to a strengthening of the Group’s major currency in which
it transacts. The percentage movement applied to the currency is based on the average movements in the previous three annual reporting periods.
Amounts are calculated by retranslating the operating profit of each entity whose functional is South African rand.
2017 2016
€m €m
ZAR 18% change (2016: 20%) – Operating profit1 249 251
Euro no change (2016: 8%) – Operating profit1,2 – 138
1 Operating profit before impairment losses and other income and expense.
2 The Group is predominantly exposed to South African rand following the change in the functional currency from sterling to euro.
At 31 March 2017 the Group’s sensitivity to foreign exchange movements, analysed against a strengthening of the US dollar by 11% (2016: 8%) on its
external US dollar exposure, would decrease the profit before tax by €100 million (2016: €76 million). Foreign exchange on certain sterling balances
analysed against a 10% strengthening of sterling would decrease the profit before tax by €262 million (2016: €nil).
Equity risk
There is no material equity risk relating to the Group’s equity investments which are detailed in note 13 “Other investments”.
Additional information
The Group has hedged its exposure under the subordinated mandatory convertible bonds to any future movements in its share price
by an option strategy designed to hedge the economic impact of share price movements during the term of the bonds. As at 31 March 2017 the
Group’s sensitivity to a movement of 7% (2016: 5%) in its share price would result in an increase or decrease in profit before tax of approximately
€236 million (2016: €182 million).
152 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
presented in with derivative
Gross amount Amount set off balance sheet counterparties Cash collateral Net amount
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Derivative financial assets 4,282 – 4,282 (1,505) (2,654) 123
Derivative financial liabilities (2,077) – (2,077) 1,505 384 (188)
Total 2,205 – 2,205 – (2,270) (65)
At 31 March 2016 restated Related amounts not set off in the balance sheet
Amounts Right of set off
presented in with derivative
Gross amount Amount set off balance sheet counterparties Cash collateral Net amount
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Derivative financial assets 5,443 – 5,443 (1,538) (3,588) 317
Derivative financial liabilities (1,978) – (1,978) 1,538 139 (301)
Total 3,465 – 3,465 – (3,449) 16
Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the amount reported in the consolidated balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right
to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
Derivative financial instruments that do not meet the criteria for offset could be settled net in certain circumstances under ISDA (International Swaps
and Derivatives Association) agreements where each party has the option to settle amounts on a net basis in the event of default from the other.
Collateral may be offset and net settled against derivative financial instruments in the event of default by either party. The aforementioned collateral
balances are recorded in “other short-term investments” or “short-term debt” respectively.
24. Directors and key management compensation
This note details the total amounts earned by the Company’s Directors and members of the Executive Committee.
Aggregate emoluments of the Directors of the Company were as follows:
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Salaries and fees 4 5 5
Incentive schemes1 2 4 4
Other benefits2 1 1 1
7 10 10
1 Excludes gains from long-term incentive plans.
2 Includes the value of the cash allowance taken by some individuals in lieu of pension contributions.
The aggregate gross pre-tax gain made on the exercise of share options in the year ended 31 March 2017 by one Director who served during the
year was €0.7 million (2016: one Director, €0.2 million; 2015: one Director, €<€0.1 million).
Aggregate compensation for key management, being the Directors and members of the Executive Committee, was as follows:
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Short-term employee benefits 24 30 23
Share-based payments 25 26 23
49 56 46
Additional information
154 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
25. Employees
This note shows the average number of people employed by the Group during the year, in which areas of our
business our employees work and where they are based. It also shows total employment costs.
2017 2016 2015
Employees Employees Employees
By activity:
Operations 18,207 18,869 17,602
Selling and distribution 38,252 38,325 35,629
Customer care and administration 55,097 54,490 52,069
111,556 111,684 105,300
By segment:
Germany 14,478 14,862 14,520
Italy 6,601 6,676 6,757
Spain 5,118 5,935 5,324
UK 13,238 13,323 12,437
Other Europe 15,801 16,058 15,190
Europe 55,236 56,854 54,228
India (Discontinued operations) 13,187 13,346 12,303
Vodacom 7,590 7,515 7,260
Other Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific 14,183 14,262 14,312
Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific 34,960 35,123 33,875
Common Functions 21,360 19,707 17,197
Total 111,556 111,684 105,300
judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty” in note 1 “Basis of preparation” to the consolidated
financial statements.
Accounting policies
For defined benefit retirement plans, the difference between the fair value of the plan assets and the present value of the plan liabilities is recognised
as an asset or liability on the statement of financial position. Scheme liabilities are assessed using the projected unit funding method and applying
the principal actuarial assumptions at the reporting period date. Assets are valued at market value.
Actuarial gains and losses are taken to the statement of comprehensive income as incurred. For this purpose, actuarial gains and losses comprise
both the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions and experience adjustments arising because of differences between the previous actuarial
assumptions and what has actually occurred. The return on plan assets, in excess of interest income, is also taken to other comprehensive income.
Other movements in the net surplus or deficit are recognised in the income statement, including the current service cost, any past service cost and
the effect of any settlements. The interest cost less the expected interest income on assets is also charged to the income statement. The amount
charged to the income statement in respect of these plans is included within operating costs or in the Group’s share of the results of equity
accounted operations, as appropriate.
Cumulative actuarial gains and losses at 1 April 2004, the date of transition to IFRS, were recognised in the statement of financial position.
The Group contributions to defined contribution pension plans are charged to the income statement as they fall due.
At 31 March 2017 the Group operated a number of pension plans for the benefit of its employees throughout the world, with varying rights and
obligations depending on the conditions and practices in the countries concerned. The Group’s pension plans are provided through both defined
benefit and defined contribution arrangements. Defined benefit schemes provide benefits based on the employees’ length of pensionable service
and their final pensionable salary or other criteria. Defined contribution schemes offer employees individual funds that are converted into benefits
at the time of retirement.
The Group operates defined benefit schemes in Germany, Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy, the UK and the United States. Defined contribution pension
schemes are currently provided in Australia, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal,
South Africa, Spain and the UK.
€m €m €m
Defined contribution schemes 192 214 190
Defined benefit schemes 20 56 49
Total amount charged to income statement (note 25) 212 270 239
Additional information
156 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Actuarial assumptions
The Group’s scheme liabilities are measured using the projected unit credit method using the principal actuarial assumptions set out below:
2017 2016 2015
% % %
Weighted average actuarial assumptions used at 31 March1:
Rate of inflation2 3.0 2.8 3.0
Rate of increase in salaries 2.6 2.6 2.8
Discount rate 2.6 3.2 3.0
1 Figures shown represent a weighted average assumption of the individual schemes.
2 The rate of increase in pensions in payment and deferred payment is the rate of inflation.
Mortality assumptions used are based on recommendations from the individual scheme actuaries which include adjustments for the experience
of the Group where appropriate. The Group’s largest scheme is the Vodafone UK plan. Further life expectancies assumed for the UK schemes are
24.1/25.4 years (2016: 24.0/25.3 years; 2015: 24.5/25.8 years) for a male/female pensioner currently aged 65 and 26.7/28.3 years (2016: 65 and
26.6/28.1 years; 2015: 27.1/28.7 years) from age 65 for a male/female non-pensioner member currently aged 40.
Charges made to the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income (‘SOCI’) on the basis of the
assumptions stated above are:
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Current service cost 43 45 45
Past service costs (27) – –
Net interest charge 4 11 4
Total included within staff costs 20 56 49
Actuarial losses/(gains) recognised in the SOCI1 274 (216) 369
1 Amounts disclosed in the SOCI are stated net of a €2 million tax credit (2016: €42 million tax charge; 2015: €78 million tax credit).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 157
The past service costs includes the results of a Pension Increase Exchange (‘PIE’) exercise carried out in the main UK defined benefit scheme
between June and October 2016. All eligible pensioners were given the opportunity to exchange future increases on part or all of their pension and
receive a higher pension immediately. If they accepted the offer (after taking financial advice), they no longer receive future increases on that part
of their pension, the net impact of which was to reduce the future liabilities of the scheme.
Fair value of the assets and present value of the liabilities of the schemes
The amount included in the statement of financial position arising from the Group’s obligations in respect of its defined benefit schemes is as follows:
Assets Liabilities Net deficit
€m €m €m
1 April 2015 restated 6,857 (7,407) (550)
Service cost – (49) (49)
Interest income/(cost) 203 (214) (11)
Return on plan assets excluding interest income (206) – (206)
Actuarial gains arising from demographic assumptions – 96 96
Actuarial gains arising from changes in financial assumptions – 381 381
Actuarial losses arising from experience adjustments – (55) (55)
Employer cash contributions 37 – 37
Member cash contributions 10 (10) –
Benefits paid (161) 161 –
Exchange rate movements (505) 502 (3)
Other movements (6) 25 19
31 March 2016 restated 6,229 (6,570) (341)
Reclassification as held for sale – 12 12
6,229 (6,558) (329)
Service cost – 16 16
Interest income/(cost) 190 (194) (4)
Return on plan assets excluding interest income 818 – 818
Actuarial losses arising from changes in financial assumptions – (1,204) (1,204)
Actuarial gains arising from experience adjustments – 112 112
Employer cash contributions 24 – 24
Member cash contributions 8 (8) –
Benefits paid (180) 180 –
Exchange rate movements (403) 403 –
Other movements 23 (50) (27)
31 March 2017 6,709 (7,303) (594)
An analysis of net deficit assets is provided below for the Group as a whole.
Restated Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
€m €m €m €m €m
Analysis of net deficit:
Total fair value of scheme assets 6,709 6,229 6,857 4,652 4,413
Present value of funded scheme liabilities (7,222) (6,487) (7,316) (5,237) (5,024)
Net deficit for funded schemes (513) (258) (459) (585) (611)
Present value of unfunded scheme liabilities (81) (83) (91) (80) (14)
Net deficit (594) (341) (550) (665) (625)
An analysis of net assets/(deficit) is provided below for the Group’s largest defined benefit pension scheme in the UK, which is a funded scheme.
Following the merger of the Vodafone UK plan and the CWWRP plan on 6 June 2014 the assets and liabilities of the CWW Section are segregated
from the Vodafone Section and hence are reported separately below.
CWW Section1 Vodafone Section2
Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
Analysis of net assets/(deficit):
Total fair value of scheme assets 2,894 2,762 3,114 2,155 2,165 2,654 2,408 2,645 1,626 1,574
Present value of scheme liabilities (2,842) (2,543) (2,884) (2,097) (2,221) (2,962) (2,548) (2,951) (2,030) (1,952)
Net assets/(deficit) 52 219 230 58 (56) (308) (140) (306) (404) (378)
Net assets/(deficit) are analysed as:
Assets3 52 219 230 58 – – – – – –
Liabilities – – – – (56) (308) (140) (306) (404) (378)
1 Cable & Wireless Worldwide Retirement Plan until 6 June 2014.
2 Vodafone UK plan until 6 June 2014.
3 Pension assets are deemed to be recoverable and there are no adjustments in respect of minimum funding requirements as future economic benefits are available to the Company either in the
form of future refunds or, for plans still open to benefit accrual, in the form of possible reductions in future contributions.
The schemes have no direct investments in the Group’s equity securities or in property currently used by the Group. Each of the plans manages
risks through a variety of methods and strategies including equity protection, to limit downside risk in falls in equity markets, inflation and interest
rate hedging and, in the CWW Section of the Vodafone UK plan, a substantial insured pensioner annuity policy. The CWW Section annuity policy
fully matches the pension obligations of those pensioners insured, and therefore the fair value has been set equal to the present value of the
related obligations.
Investment funds of €299 million at 31 March 2017 include €278 million of investments in diversified alternate beta funds held in the Vodafone
Section of the Vodafone UK plan.
Plan assets have been measured at fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement”. The actual return on plan assets over the year
to 31 March 2017 was a gain of €1,008 million (2016: €3 million loss).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 159
Sensitivity analysis
Measurement of the Group’s defined benefit retirement obligation is sensitive to changes in certain key assumptions. The sensitivity analysis below
shows how a reasonably possible increase or decrease in a particular assumption would, in isolation, result in an increase or decrease in the present
value of the defined benefit obligation as at 31 March 2017.
Rate of inflation Rate of increase in salaries Discount rate Life expectancy
Decrease by 0.5% Increase by 0.5% Decrease by 0.5% Increase by 0.5% Decrease by 0.5% Increase by 0.5% Increase by 1 year Decrease by 1 year
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m
The sensitivity analysis may not be representative of an actual change in the defined benefit obligation as it is unlikely that changes in assumptions
would occur in isolation of one another. In presenting this sensitivity analysis, the change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation has
been calculated on the same basis as prior years using the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period, which is the same as that
applied in calculating the defined benefit obligation liability recognised in the statement of financial position.
We have a number of share plans used to award shares to Directors and employees as part of their remuneration
package. A charge is recognised over the vesting period in the consolidated income statement to record the cost
of these, based on the fair value of the award on the grant date.
Accounting policies
The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain employees. Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value
(excluding the effect of non-market-based vesting conditions) at the date of grant. The fair value determined at the grant date of the equity-settled
share-based payments is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group’s estimate of the shares that will eventually
vest and adjusted for the effect of non-market-based vesting conditions. A corresponding increase in retained earnings is also recognised.
Some share awards have an attached market condition, based on total shareholder return (‘TSR’), which is taken into account when calculating
the fair value of the share awards. The valuation for the TSR is based on Vodafone’s ranking within the same group of companies, where possible,
over the past five years.
The fair value of awards of non-vested shares is an average calculation of the closing price of the Group’s shares on the days prior to the grant date,
adjusted for the present value of the delay in receiving dividends where appropriate.
The maximum aggregate number of ordinary shares which may be issued in respect of share options or share plans will not (without shareholder
approval) exceed:
–– 10% of the ordinary share capital of the Company in issue immediately prior to the date of grant, when aggregated with the total number
of ordinary shares which have been allocated in the preceding ten year period under all plans; and
–– 5% of the ordinary share capital of the Company in issue immediately prior to the date of grant, when aggregated with the total number
of ordinary shares which have been allocated in the preceding ten year period under all plans, other than any plans which are operated
on an all-employee basis.
Share options
Vodafone Group executive plans
No share options have been granted to any Directors or employees under the Company’s discretionary share option plans in the year ended
31 March 2017. There are options outstanding under the Vodafone Global Incentive Plan. These options are normally exercisable between three
and ten years from the date of grant. The vesting of some of these options was subject to satisfaction of performance conditions. Grants made
Share plans
Vodafone Group executive plans
Additional information
Under the Vodafone Global Incentive Plan awards of shares are granted to Directors and certain employees. The release of these shares
is conditional upon continued employment and for some awards achievement of certain performance targets measured over a three year period.
Vodafone Share Incentive Plan
The Vodafone Share Incentive Plan enables UK staff to acquire shares in the Company through monthly purchases of up to £125 per month or 5%
of salary, whichever is lower. For each share purchased by the employee, the Company provides a free matching share. Following a review of the
UK all-employee plans it was decided that with effect from 1 April 2017 employees would no longer be able to contribute to the Share Incentive
Plan and would therefore no longer receive matching shares.
160 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Share awards
Movements in non-vested shares are as follows:
2017 2016 2015
Weighted Weighted Weighted
average fair average fair average fair
value at value at value at
Millions grant date Millions grant date Millions grant date
1 April 198 £1.77 217 £1.56 243 £1.44
Granted 74 £1.97 63 £2.22 83 £1.63
Vested (47) £1.77 (32) £1.80 (62) £1.35
Forfeited (47) £1.57 (50) £1.40 (47) £1.35
31 March 178 £1.91 198 £1.77 217 £1.56
Other information
The total fair value of shares vested during the year ended 31 March 2017 was £83 million (2016: £58 million; 2015: £84 million).
The compensation cost included in the consolidated income statement in respect of share options and share plans was €95 million
(2016: €154 million; 2015: €104 million) which is comprised principally of equity-settled transactions.
The average share price for the year ended 31 March 2017 was 216.2 pence (2016: 224.2 pence; 2015: 212.7 pence).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 161
of which are set out below. For further details see “Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation
uncertainty” in note 1 “Basis of preparation” to the consolidated financial statements.
Accounting policies
Business combinations
Acquisitions of subsidiaries are accounted for using the acquisition method. The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values
at the date of exchange of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity instruments issued by the Group. Acquisition-related costs are
recognised in the income statement as incurred. The acquiree’s identifiable assets and liabilities are recognised at their fair values at the acquisition
date. Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree
and the fair value of the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree, if any, over the net amounts of identifiable assets acquired and
liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. The interest of the non-controlling shareholders in the acquiree may initially be measured either at fair
value or at the non-controlling shareholders’ proportion of the net fair value of the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities and contingent liabilities
assumed. The choice of measurement basis is made on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis.
Acquisition of interests from non-controlling shareholders
In transactions with non-controlling parties that do not result in a change in control, the difference between the fair value of the consideration paid
or received and the amount by which the non-controlling interest is adjusted is recognised in equity.
The aggregate cash consideration in respect of purchases of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash acquired, is as follows:
Cash consideration paid:
Acquisitions completed during the year 32
Net cash acquired (4)
During the 2017 financial year, the Group completed a number of acquisitions for an aggregate net cash consideration of €28 million. The aggregate
fair values of goodwill, identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquired operations were €1 million, €34 million and €7 million respectively.
No amount of goodwill is expected to be deductible for tax purposes.
On 31 December 2016, we combined our operations in the Netherlands with those of Liberty Global plc to create VodafoneZiggo Group Holding
B.V. (‘VodafoneZiggo’), a 50:50 joint venture providing national unified communications. As a result of the transaction, we no longer consolidate our
previous interest in the Netherlands and account for our 50% interest in VodafoneZiggo as a Joint Venture using the equity method. The Group
recognised a net gain on the formation of VodafoneZiggo of €1,275 million.
Goodwill (855)
Other intangible assets (1,415)
Property, plant and equipment (1,164)
Inventory (24)
Trade and other receivables (302)
Cash and cash equivalents1 (56)
1 Included in purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
2 The fair value of our initial investment in VodafoneZiggo is not observable in a quoted market. Accordingly, the fair value has been primarily determined with reference to the outcome
of a discounted cash flow analysis. Certain significant inputs used in the valuation, such as forecasts of future cash flows, are based on our assumptions and are therefore unobservable.
The valuation therefore falls under Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The weighted average cost of capital and terminal growth rate used to value our initial investment in VodafoneZiggo were
7.0% and 1.0% respectively.
3 Includes our 50% share of cash paid to both shareholders on creation of VodafoneZiggo (€1,422 million), together with an equalisation payment of €802 million made to Liberty Global plc.
4 Reported in other income and expense in the consolidated income statement. Includes €637 million related to the re-measurement of our retained interest in Vodafone Libertel B.V.
Transaction costs of €35 million were charged in the consolidated income statement in the year.
162 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
29. Commitments
A commitment is a contractual obligation to make a payment in the future, mainly in relation to leases and
agreements to buy assets such as network infrastructure and IT systems. These amounts are not recorded
in the consolidated statement of financial position since we have not yet received the goods or services from
the supplier. The amounts below are the minimum amounts that we are committed to pay.
Accounting policies
Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to the
lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.
Assets held under finance leases are recognised as assets of the Group at their fair value at the inception of the lease or, if lower, at the present value
of the minimum lease payments as determined at the inception of the lease. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the statement
of financial position as a finance lease obligation. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease obligation
so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are recognised in the income statement.
Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.
Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to enter into an operating lease are also spread on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
The total of future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable subleases is €584 million (2016: €502 million).
Capital commitments
Company and subsidiaries Share of joint operations Group
Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Contracts placed for future capital expenditure not
provided in the financial statements1 2,052 2,471 88 123 2,140 2,594
1 Commitment includes contracts placed for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.
Acquisition commitments
On 20 March 2017, Vodafone announced the agreement to combine its subsidiary, Vodafone India (excluding its 42% stake in Indus Towers), with
Idea Cellular, which is listed on the Indian Stock Exchanges, with the combined company to be jointly controlled by Vodafone and the Aditya
Birla Group. Vodafone will own 45.1% of the combined company after transferring a stake of 4.9% to the Aditya Birla Group for circa INR39 billion
(circa US$579 million) in cash concurrent with completion of the merger. The Aditya Birla Group will then own 26.0% and has the right to acquire
more shares from Vodafone under an agreed mechanism with a view to equalising the shareholdings over time. If Vodafone and the Aditya
Birla Group’s shareholdings in the combined company are not equal after four years, Vodafone will sell down shares in the combined company
to equalise its shareholding to that of the Aditya Birla Group over the following five-year period. Until equalisation is achieved, the voting rights of the
additional shares held by Vodafone will be restricted and votes will be exercised jointly under the terms of the shareholders’ agreement.
The transaction is subject to approvals from the relevant regulatory authorities and is also subject to other customary closing conditions, including
the absence of any material adverse change. Shareholder approval will be required from Idea shareholders under a scheme of arrangement.
The transaction has a break-fee of INR33 billion (US$500 million) that would become payable under certain circumstances. It is anticipated that
completion will take place during the 2018 calendar year.
On 9 June 2016, Vodafone announced its intention to merge with Sky Network Television in New Zealand, thereby creating the country’s leading
integrated telecommunications and media group. Vodafone will become a 51% shareholder in the combined group, will receive NZ$1.25 billion
in cash and will look to realise the benefits of an estimated NZ$850 million NPV from synergies. Sky shareholders have voted in favour of the
transaction but completion is still subject to local regulatory approvals. In February 2017, the New Zealand Commerce Commission (‘NZCC’) did not
approve the proposed merger with Sky Network Television. We are reviewing the reasoning of the NZCC and have preserved the right to appeal
the decision.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 163
2017 2016
€m €m
Performance bonds1 2,413 1,074
Other guarantees and contingent liabilities2 3,576 3,216
1 Performance bonds require the Group to make payments to third parties in the event that the Group does not perform what is expected of it under the terms of any related contracts
or commercial arrangements.
2 Other guarantees principally comprise Vodafone Group Plc’s guarantee of the Group’s 50% share of an AUD1.7 billion loan facility and a US$3.5 billion loan facility of its joint venture,
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited.
UK pension schemes
The Group’s main defined benefit scheme is the Vodafone UK Group Pension Scheme (the ‘Scheme’) which has two segregated sections,
the Vodafone Section and the CWW Section, as detailed in note 26.
The Group has covenanted to provide security in favour of the Vodafone UK Group Pension Scheme – Vodafone Section whilst a deficit remains
for this section. The deficit is measured on a prescribed basis agreed between the Group and Trustee. The Group provides a combination of surety
bonds and a charge over UK indexed gilts as the security.
The level of the security has varied since inception in line with the movement in the Scheme deficit. At 31 March 2017 the Scheme retains security
over €1.2 billion (notional value). The security may be substituted either on a voluntary or mandatory basis. The Company has also provided two
guarantees to the Vodafone Section of the Scheme for a combined value up to €1.5 billion to provide security over the deficit under certain defined
circumstances, including insolvency of the employers. The Company has also agreed a similar guarantee of up to €1.5 billion for the CWW Section.
An additional smaller UK defined benefit scheme, the THUS Plc Group Scheme, has a guarantee from the Company for up to €130 million.
Legal proceedings
The Company and its subsidiaries are currently, and may from time to time become, involved in a number of legal proceedings, including inquiries
from, or discussions with, governmental authorities that are incidental to their operations. However, save as disclosed below, the Company does not
believe that it or its subsidiaries are currently involved in (i) any legal or arbitration proceedings (including any governmental proceedings which are
pending or known to be contemplated) which may have, or have had in the 12 months preceding the date of this report, a material adverse effect
on the financial position or profitability of the Company or its subsidiaries; or (ii) any material proceedings in which any of the Company’s Directors,
members of senior management or affiliates are either a party adverse to the Company or its subsidiaries or have a material interest adverse to the
Company or its subsidiaries. Due to inherent uncertainties, the Company cannot make any accurate quantification of any cost, or timing of such cost,
which may arise from any of the legal proceedings referred to in this Annual Report, however costs in complex litigation can be substantial.
Indian tax cases
In August 2007 and September 2007, Vodafone India Limited (‘VIL’) and Vodafone International Holdings BV (‘VIHBV’) respectively received notices
from the Indian tax authority alleging potential liability in connection with an alleged failure by VIHBV to deduct withholding tax from consideration
paid to the Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited group (‘HTIL’) in respect of HTIL’s gain on its disposal to VIHBV of its interests
in a wholly-owned Cayman Island incorporated subsidiary that indirectly holds interests in VIL. Following approximately five years of litigation in the
Indian courts in which VIHBV sought to set aside the tax demand issued by the Indian tax authority, in January 2012 the Supreme Court of India
handed down its judgement, holding that VIHBV’s interpretation of the Income Tax Act 1961 was correct, that the HTIL transaction in 2007 was
not taxable in India, and that consequently, VIHBV had no obligation to withhold tax from consideration paid to HTIL in respect of the transaction.
The Supreme Court of India quashed the relevant notices and demands issued to VIHBV in respect of withholding tax and interest.
On 28 May 2012 the Finance Act 2012 became law. The Finance Act 2012, which amended various provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 with
retrospective effect, contained provisions intended to tax any gain on transfer of shares in a non-Indian company, which derives substantial value
from underlying Indian assets, such as VIHBV’s transaction with HTIL in 2007. Further, it seeks to subject a purchaser, such as VIHBV, to a retrospective
obligation to withhold tax. VIHBV received a letter on 3 January 2013 from the Indian tax authority reminding it of the tax demand raised prior to the
Supreme Court of India’s judgement and purporting to update the interest element of that demand to a total amount of INR142 billion, which
amount includes principal and interest as calculated by the Indian tax authority but does not include penalties.
On 10 January 2014, VIHBV served an amended trigger notice on the Indian Government under the Netherlands-India Bilateral Investment Treaty
(‘Dutch BIT’), supplementing a trigger notice filed on 17 April 2012, immediately prior to the Finance Act 2012 becoming effective, to add claims
relating to an attempt by the Indian Government to tax aspects of the transaction with HTIL under transfer pricing rules. A trigger notice announces
a party’s intention to submit a claim to arbitration and triggers a cooling off period during which both parties may seek to resolve the dispute
Additional information
amicably. Notwithstanding their attempts, the parties were unable to amicably resolve the dispute within the cooling off period stipulated in the
Dutch BIT. On 17 April 2014, VIHBV served its notice of arbitration under the Dutch BIT, formally commencing the Dutch BIT arbitration proceedings.
In June 2016, the tribunal was fully constituted with Sir Franklin Berman KCMG QC appointed as presiding arbitrator. The Indian Government
has raised objections to the application of the treaty to VIHBV’s claims and to the jurisdiction of the tribunal under the Dutch BIT. The tribunal
is considering these jurisdictional objections and has indicated it will determine shortly whether to decide the Indian Government’s objections
to jurisdiction as a preliminary question.
164 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Separately, on 15 June 2015, Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited served a trigger notice on the Indian Government
under the United Kingdom-India Bilateral Investment Treaty (‘UK BIT’) in respect of retrospective tax claims under the Income Tax Act 1961
(as amended by the Finance Act 2012). Although relating to the same underlying facts as the claim under the Dutch BIT, the claim brought
by Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited is a separate and distinct claim under a different treaty. On 24 January 2017,
Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited served a Notice of Arbitration on the Indian Government formally commencing
the arbitration. The Indian Government has failed to appoint a second arbitrator as required under the UK BIT and has objected to Vodafone’s request
that the President of the International Court of Justice (as appointing authority under the UK BIT) appoint the second arbitrator to the tribunal.
The Indian Government has indicated that it considers the arbitration under the UK BIT to be an abuse of process but this is strongly denied
by Vodafone.
On 12 February 2016, VIHBV received a notice dated 4 February 2016 of an outstanding tax demand of INR221 billion (which included interest
accruing since the date of the original demand) along with a statement that enforcement action, including against VIHBV’s indirectly held assets
in India would be taken if the demand was not satisfied. Separate proceedings in the Bombay High Court taken against VIHBV to seek to treat
it as an agent of HTIL in respect of its alleged tax on the same transaction, as well as penalties of up to 100% of the assessed withholding tax for
the alleged failure to have withheld such taxes, were listed for hearing at the request of the Indian Government on 21 April 2016 despite the
issue having been ruled upon by the Supreme Court of India. The hearing has since been periodically listed and then adjourned or not reached
hearing. VIHBV and Vodafone Group Plc will continue to defend vigorously any allegation that VIHBV or VIL is liable to pay tax in connection with
the transaction with HTIL and will continue to exercise all rights to seek redress including pursuant to the Dutch BIT and the UK BIT. We have not
recorded a provision in respect of the retrospective provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 (as amended by the Finance Act 2012) and any tax
demands based upon such provisions.
Other Indian tax cases
VIL and Vodafone India Services Private Limited (‘VISPL’) (formerly 3GSPL) are involved in a number of tax cases with total claims exceeding
€2.6 billion plus interest, and penalties of up to 300% of the principal.
VISPL tax claims
VISPL has been assessed as owing tax of approximately €301 million (plus interest of €432 million) in respect of (i) a transfer pricing margin charged
for the international call centre of HTIL prior to the 2007 transaction with Vodafone for HTIL assets in India; (ii) the sale of the international call centre
by VISPL to HTIL; and (iii) the acquisition of and/or the alleged transfer of options held by VISPL for VIL. The first two of the three heads of tax are
subject to an indemnity by HTIL. The larger part of the potential claim is not subject to any indemnity. VISPL unsuccessfully challenged the merits
of the tax demand in the statutory tax tribunal and the jurisdiction of the tax office to make the demand in the High Court. The Tax Appeal Tribunal
heard the appeal and ruled in the Tax Office’s favour. VISPL lodged an appeal (and stay application) in the Bombay High Court which was concluded
in early May 2015. On 13 July 2015 the tax authorities issued a revised tax assessment reducing the tax VISPL had previously been assessed as owing
in respect of (i) and (ii) above. In the meantime, (i) a stay of the tax demand on a deposit of £20 million and (ii) a corporate guarantee by VIHBV for the
balance of tax assessed remain in place. On 8 October 2015, the Bombay High Court ruled in favour of Vodafone in relation to the options and the
call centre sale. The Tax Office has appealed to the Supreme Court of India. A hearing has been adjourned until some time in July or August 2017
with no specified date.
Indian regulatory cases
Litigation remains pending in the Telecommunications Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal (‘TDSAT’), High Courts and the Supreme Court of India
in relation to a number of significant regulatory issues including mobile termination rates (‘MTRs’), spectrum and licence fees, licence extension and
3G intra-circle roaming (‘ICR’).
Public interest litigation: Yakesh Anand v Union of India, Vodafone and others
The Petitioner brought a special leave petition in the Supreme Court of India on 30 January 2012 against the Government of India and mobile
network operators, including VIL, seeking recovery of the alleged excess spectrum allocated to the operators, compensation for the alleged excess
spectrum held in the amount of approximately €4.7 billion and a criminal investigation of an alleged conspiracy between government officials and
the network operators. A claim with similar allegations was dismissed by the Supreme Court of India in March 2012, with an order that the Petitioner
should pay a fine for abuse of process. The case is pending before the Supreme Court of India and is expected to be called for hearing at some
uncertain future date.
3G inter-circle roaming: Vodafone India and others v Union of India
In April 2013, the Indian Department of Telecommunications (‘DoT’) issued a stoppage notice to VIL’s operating subsidiaries and other mobile
operators requiring the immediate stoppage of the provision of 3G services on other operators’ mobile networks in an alleged breach of licence
claim. The DoT also imposed a fine of approximately €5.5 million. VIL applied to the Delhi High Court for an order quashing the DoT’s notice.
Interim relief from the notice has been granted (but limited to existing customers at the time with the effect that VIL was not able to provide 3G
services to new customers on other operators’ 3G networks pending a decision on the issue). The dispute was referred to the TDSAT for decision,
which ruled on 28 April 2014 that VIL and the other operators were permitted to provide 3G services to their customers (current and future) on other
operators’ networks. The DoT has appealed the judgement and sought a stay of the tribunal’s judgement. The DoT’s stay application was rejected
by the Supreme Court of India. The matter is pending before the Indian Supreme Court of India.
One time spectrum charges: VIL v Union of India
The Indian Government has sought to impose one time spectrum charges of approximately €525 million on certain operating subsidiaries of VIL.
VIL filed a petition before the TDSAT challenging the one time spectrum charges on the basis that they are illegal, violate VIL’s licence terms and
are arbitrary, unreasonable and discriminatory. The tribunal stayed enforcement of the Government’s spectrum demand pending resolution of the
dispute. The matter is due to go for final hearing before the Supreme Court of India, and will be listed in due course.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 165
VIL has challenged the tribunal’s judgement dated 23 April 2015 to the extent that it dealt with the calculation of AGR, upon which licence fees and
spectrum usage charges are based. The cumulative impact of the inclusion of these components is approximately Rs. 2,200 Crores (€0.3 billion).
The DoT also moved cross appeals challenging the tribunal’s judgement. In the hearing before the Supreme Court of India, the Court orally directed
the DoT not to take any coercive steps in the matter, which was adjourned. On 29 February 2016, the Supreme Court of India ordered that the DoT
may continue to raise demands for fees and charges, but may not enforce them until a final decision on the matter.
Other cases in the Group
Patent litigation
The telecoms industry is currently involved in significant levels of patent litigation brought by non-practising entities (‘NPEs’) which have acquired
patent portfolios from current and former industry companies. Vodafone is currently a party to patent litigation cases in Germany brought against
Vodafone Germany by Marthon, IPCom and Intellectual Ventures. Vodafone has contractual indemnities from suppliers which have been invoked
in relation to the alleged patent infringement liability.
Vodafone Group Plc has been sued in Spain by TOT Power Control (‘TOT’), an affiliate of Top Optimized Technologies. The claim makes a number
of allegations including patent infringement, with TOT seeking over €500 million from Vodafone Group Plc as well as an injunction against using the
technology in question. Vodafone’s challenge of the appropriateness of Spain as a venue for this dispute has been denied. Vodafone Group Plc will
appeal the denial. A hearing on TOT’s application for an injunction has taken place, and a decision is expected shortly.
Germany: Mannesmann and Kabel Deutschland takeover – class actions
The German courts are determining the adequacy of the mandatory cash offer made to minority shareholders in Vodafone’s takeover
of Mannesmann. This matter has been ongoing since 2001. The German courts are also determining whether “squeeze out” compensation
is payable to affected Mannesmann shareholders in a similar proceeding. In September 2014, the German courts awarded compensation
to minority shareholders of Mannesmann in the amount of €229.58 per share, which would result in a pay-out of €19 million (plus €13 million
of accrued interest). The German courts also ruled that the “squeeze out” compensation should amount to €251.31 per share, which would result
in a pay-out of €43.8 million (plus interest of €23 million of accrued interest). Vodafone has appealed these decisions. Similar proceedings were
initiated by 80 Kabel Deutschland shareholders. These proceeding are in their early stages, and, accordingly, Vodafone believes that it is too early
to assess the likely quantum of any claim.
In a hearing dated 6 October 2016, the Court examined the Kabel Deutschland business plan which formed the main basis for the calculation of the
offer per share. A decision is not expected until summer 2017.
Italy: British Telecom (Italy) v Vodafone Italy
The Italian Competition Authority concluded an investigation in 2007 when Vodafone Italy gave certain undertakings in relation to allegations that
it had abused its dominant position in the wholesale market for mobile termination. In 2010, British Telecom (Italy) brought a civil damages claim
against Vodafone Italy on the basis of the Competition Authority’s investigation and Vodafone Italy’s undertakings. British Telecom (Italy) seeks
damages in the amount of €280 million for abuse of dominant position by Vodafone Italy in the wholesale fixed to mobile termination market for
the period from 1999 to 2007. A court appointed expert delivered an opinion to the Court that the range of damages in the case should be in the
region of €10 million to €25 million which was reduced in a further supplementary report published in September 2014 to a range of €8 million
to €11 million. Judgement was handed down by the court in August 2015, awarding €12 million (including interest) to British Telecom (Italy).
British Telecom (Italy) has appealed the amount of the damages to the Court of Appeal of Milan. In addition, British Telecom (Italy) has asked again
for a reference to the European Court of Justice for an interpretation of the European community law on antitrust damages. Vodafone Italy has filed
an appeal and the hearing is scheduled for July 2017.
Italy: FASTWEB v Vodafone Italy
The Italian Competition Authority concluded an investigation in 2007 when Vodafone Italy gave certain undertakings in relation to allegations
it had abused its dominant position in the wholesale market for mobile termination. In 2010, FASTWEB brought a civil damages claim against
Vodafone Italy on the basis of the Competition Authority’s investigation and Vodafone Italy’s undertakings. FASTWEB sought damages in the
amount of €360 million for abuse of dominant position by Vodafone Italy in the wholesale fixed to mobile termination market. A court appointed
expert delivered an opinion to the Court that the range of damages in the case should be in the region of €0.5 million to €2.3 million. On 15 October
2014, the Court decided to reject FASTWEB’s damages claim in its entirety. FASTWEB appealed the decision and the first appeal hearing took place
in September 2015. The final hearing took place in September 2016, and on 1 March 2017 the Court rejected FASTWEB’s appeal and confirmed the
first instance ruling. FASTWEB has until October 2017 to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court.
Italy: Telecom Italia v Vodafone Italy (‘TeleTu’)
Additional information
Telecom Italia brought civil claims against Vodafone Italy in relation to TeleTu’s alleged anti-competitive retention of customers. Telecom Italia
seeks damages in the amount of €101 million. The Court decided on 9 June 2015 to appoint an expert to verify whether TeleTu has put in place
anticompetitive retention activities. The expert has prepared a draft report with a range of damages from €nil–5.6 million.
166 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Greece: Papistas Holdings SA, Mobile Trade Stores (formerly Papistas SA) and Athanasios and Loukia Papistas v Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Group
Plc and certain Directors and Officers of Vodafone
In December 2013, Mr. and Mrs. Papistas, and companies owned or controlled by them, brought three claims in the Greek court in Athens against
Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Group Plc and certain Directors and officers of Vodafone Greece and Vodafone Group Plc for purported damage caused
by the alleged abuse of dominance and wrongful termination of a franchise arrangement with a Papistas company. Approximately €1.0 billion of the
claim is directed exclusively at one former and one current Director of Vodafone Greece. The balance of the claim (approximately €285.5 million)
is sought from Vodafone Greece and Vodafone Group Plc on a joint and several basis. Both cases have been adjourned until September 2018,
but it is possible that Papistas may re-file his claim under the new Greek civil procedure regime (which aims to hear trials within one year).
Netherlands: Consumer credit/handset case
In February 2016, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled on the Dutch implementation of the EU Consumer Credit Directive and “instalment sales
agreements” (a Dutch law concept), holding that bundled “all-in” mobile subscription agreements (i.e. device along with mobile services)
are considered consumer credit agreements. As a result, Vodafone Netherlands, together with the industry, has been working with the Ministry
of Finance and the Competition Authority on compliance requirements going forward for such offers. The ruling also has retrospective effect.
A number of small claims have been submitted by individual customers in the small claims courts.
South Africa: GH Investments (‘GHI’) v Vodacom Congo
Vodacom Congo contracted with GHI to install ultra-low cost base stations on a revenue share basis. After rolling out three sites, GHI stopped
and sought to renegotiate the terms. Vodacom Congo refused. GHI accused it of bad faith and infringement of intellectual property rights. In April
2015, GHI issued a formal notice for a claim of US$1.16 billion, although there does not seem to be a proper basis nor any substantiation for the
compensation claimed. The dispute was submitted to mediation under the International Chamber of Commerce. A mediator was appointed
in September 2015 who convened a first meeting which took place in early November 2015. A follow-up mediation meeting was scheduled for
December 2015 but was postponed without a new date having been fixed. In July 2016, Vodacom filed a request for arbitration with the International
Chamber of Commerce’s International Court of Arbitration. In their response GHI revised their claim down to €237 million. Each party has appointed
an arbitrator and the arbitrators have appointed a third arbitrator to act as chairman of the tribunal.
South Africa: Makate v Vodacom (Proprietary) Limited (‘Vodacom’)
In 2008, Mr. Makate instituted legal proceedings to claim compensation for a business idea that led to a product known as “Please Call Me”. On 1 July
2014, the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (‘the High Court’) found that Mr. Makate had proven the existence of a contract. However,
the High Court ruled that Vodacom was not bound by that contract because the responsible director of product development and services did not
have authority to enter into any such agreement on Vodacom’s behalf. The High Court also rejected Mr. Makate’s claim on the basis that it had lapsed
in terms of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969.
The High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal turned down Mr. Makate’s application for leave to appeal on 11 December 2014 and 2 March 2015,
respectively. Mr. Makate applied for leave to appeal in the Constitutional Court. On 26 April 2016, after having heard the application on 1 September
2015, the Constitutional Court granted leave to appeal and upheld Mr. Makate’s appeal. In doing so, the Constitutional Court ordered that:
(i) Vodacom is bound by the agreement concluded between Mr. Makate and the then director of product development and services;
(ii) Vodacom is to commence negotiations in good faith with Mr. Makate to determine reasonable compensation; and
(iii) in the event of the parties failing to agree on the reasonable compensation, the matter must be submitted to Vodacom’s Chief Executive Officer
for determination of the amount within a reasonable time.
Mr. Makate failed to obtain from the Constitutional Court a second order that compensation be based on revenue rather than fees for his
contribution. Negotiations between Vodacom and Mr. Makate continue in accordance with the first order of the Constitutional Court.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 167
note 26 “Post employment benefits” and note 24 “Directors and key management compensation”).
Transactions with joint arrangements and associates
Related party transactions with the Group’s joint arrangements and associates primarily comprise fees for the use of products and services including
network airtime and access charges, fees for the provision of network infrastructure and cash pooling arrangements.
No related party transactions have been entered into during the year which might reasonably affect any decisions made by the users of these
consolidated financial statements except as disclosed below.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Sales of goods and services to associates 37 39 44
Purchase of goods and services from associates 90 118 118
Sales of goods and services to joint arrangements 19 21 7
Purchase of goods and services from joint arrangements 183 92 96
Net interest income receivable from joint arrangements1 87 92 100
Trade balances owed:
by associates – 1 4
to associates 1 4 5
by joint arrangements 158 232 253
to joint arrangements 15 71 65
Other balances owed by joint arrangements1 1,209 108 85
Other balances owed to joint arrangements1 127 106 75
1 Amounts arise primarily through VodafoneZiggo, Vodafone Hutchison Australia, Indus Towers Limited and Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited. Interest is paid in line with
market rates.
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures are disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
Transactions with Directors other than compensation
During the three years ended 31 March 2017, and as of 16 May 2017, no Director nor any other executive officer, nor any associate of any Director
or any other executive officer, was indebted to the Company.
During the three years ended 31 March 2017 and as of 16 May 2017, the Company has not been a party to any other material transaction,
or proposed transactions, in which any member of the key management personnel (including Directors, any other executive officer, senior manager,
any spouse or relative of any of the foregoing or any relative of such spouse) had or was to have a direct or indirect material interest.
Accounting policies
A subsidiary is an entity controlled by the Company. Control is achieved where the Company has existing rights that give it the current ability
to direct the activities that affect the Company’s returns and exposure or rights to variable returns from the entity. The results of subsidiaries acquired
or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date
of disposal, as appropriate. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into
line with those used by the Group.
All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation.
Non-controlling interests in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries are identified separately from the Group’s equity therein. Non-controlling
interests consist of the amount of those interests at the date of the original business combination and the non-controlling shareholder’s share
of changes in equity since the date of the combination. Total comprehensive income is attributed to non-controlling interests even if this results
in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.
Hellerup, Denmark Gesellschaft Fur Breitbandkabel- VSSB Vodafone Shared Services 100.00 Registered
Vodafone Enterprise Denmark A/S 100.00 Ordinary shares Kommunikation Mit Beschrankter Budapest Private Limited Company ordinary shares
6 Lechner Ödön fasor, Budapest, 1096, Hungary
Egypt Landsberger Strasse 155, 80687 Munich, Germany
Vodafone Magyarorszag Mobile 100.00 Series A registered
14 Wadi el Nile ST, Dokki, Giza, Egypt, Egypt Vodafone Enterprise Germany 100.00 Ordinary shares, Tavkozlesi Zartkoruen Mukodo common shares
Sarmady Communications 54.91 Ordinary shares GmbH Ordinary #2 shares Reszvenytarsasag2
17 Port Said Street, Maadi El Sarayat, Cairo, Egypt Medienallee 24, 85774, Unterfohring, Germany
Kabelfernsehen Munchen 23.18 Ordinary shares
Misrfone Trading Company LLC 54.38 Ordinary shares
Servicenter GmbH & Co. KG 127, Maker Chamber III, Nariman Point, Mumbai,
2 Building, 36 Central Road, Giza, Egypt Maharashtra, 400021, India
Nobelstrasse 55, 18059, Rostock, Germany
Vodafone Data 54.93 Ordinary shares Ag Mercantile Company Private 100.00 Equity shares
Urbana Teleunion Rostock GmbH 53.69 Ordinary shares Limited
Piece No. 1215, Plot of Land No. 1/14A, 6th October City, & Co.KG
Egypt Jaykay Finholding (India) Private 100.00 Equity shares
Verwaltung “Urbana Teleunion” 38.35 Ordinary shares Limited
Vodafone International Services LLC 54.93 Ordinary shares Rostock GmbH7
MV Healthcare Services Private 100.00 Equity shares
Site No 15/3C, Central Axis, 6th October City, Egypt Seilerstrasse 18, 38440, Wolfsburg, Germany Limited
Vodafone Egypt 54.93 Ordinary shares KABELCOM Wolfsburg 76.70 Ordinary shares Nadal Trading Company Private 100.00 Equity shares
Telecommunications S.A.E. Gesellschaft Fur Breitbandkabel- Limited
37 Kaser El Nil St, 4th. Floor, Cairo, Egypt Kommunikation Mit Beschrankter
Haftung7 ND Callus Info Services Private 100.00 Equity shares
Starnet 54.93 Ordinary shares Limited
Sudwestpark 15, 90449, Nurnberg, Germany
Omega Telecom Holdings Private 100.00 Equity shares
Finland Vodafone Kabel Deutschland Field 76.70 Ordinary shares Limited
Services GmbH7
c/o AAtsto DLA Piper Finland Oy, Fabianinkatu 23, Helsinki, Plustech Mercantile Company 100.00 Equity shares
00130, Finland Private Limited
Vodafone Enterprise Finland OY 100.00 Ordinary shares Scorpios Beverages Pvt. Ltd 100.00 Equity shares
3rd Floor, The Elizabeth Building, 68 Senchi Link,
Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana SMMS Investments Pvt Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Vodacom Business (Ghana) 65.00 Ordinary shares Telecom Investments India Private 100.00 Equity shares
1300 Route de Cretes, Le WTC, Bat I1, 06560, Valbonne Soph,
Limited3 and non-voting, Limited
UMT Investments Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Vodafone Automotive Telematics 100.00 Ordinary shares non-cumulative
Development S.A.S preference shares 8th Floor, RDB Boulevard, Plot K-1, Block- EP & GP, Sector - V,
Saltlake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700091, India
144, Avenue Roger Salengro, 92372 – Chaville Cedex, France Telecom House, Nswam Road, Accra-North, Greater Accra
Region, PMB 221, Ghana Usha Martin Telematics Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Vodafone Automotive France S.A.S 50.94 Ordinary shares
Ghana Telecommunications 70.00 Ordinary shares 10th Floor, Tower A&B, Global Technology Park,
Tour Neptune – 20, Place de Seine, 92400 Courbevoie, France Company Limited (Maple Tree Building), Marathahalli Outer Ring Road,
Vodafone Enterprise France SAS 100.00 New euro shares Devarabeesanahalli Village, Varthur Hobli, Bengaluru ,
National Communications 70.00 Ordinary shares
Karnataka, 560103, India
Backbone Company Limited
Germany Cable & Wireless Global (India) 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Ghana Mobile Financial 70.00 Ordinary shares
Altes Forsthaus 2, 67661, Kaiserslautern, Germany Private Limited
Services Limited
TKS Telepost Kabel-Service 76.70 Ordinary shares Cable & Wireless Networks India 74.00 Equity shares
Kaiserslautern Beteiligungs GmbH7 Greece Private Limited
TKS Telepost Kabel-Service 76.70 Ordinary shares 1-3 Tzavella str, 152 31 Halandri, Athens, Greece C-48, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - II, New Delhi,
Kaiserslautern GmbH & Co. KG7 110 020, India
Vodafone Global Enterprise 100.00 Ordinary shares
Altmarkt 10d, 01067 Dresden, Germany Telecommunications (Hellas) A.E. Vodafone Mobile Services Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Radio Opt GmbH 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic 99.87 Ordinary shares Vodafone Towers Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Telecommunications Company S.A. Business @ Mantri, Tower A, 3rd Floor, S No.197,
Betastraße 6-8, 85774 Unterföhring, Germany
Marathonos Ave 18 km & Pylou, Pallini, Attica, 15351, Wing A1 & A2, Near Hotel Four Points, Lohegaon, Pune,
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG7 76.70 Ordinary shares Greece Maharashtra, 411014, India
Kabel Deutschland Holding Erste 76.70 Ordinary shares Victus Networks S.A. 50.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Global Services Private 100.00 Equity shares
Beteiligungs GmbH7 Limited
Parnithos 43 & Dilou, Metamorfosi, Athens, Greece
Kabel Deutschland Neunte 100.00 Ordinary shares Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
Beteiligungs GmbH Zelitron S.A. 99.87 Ordinary shares Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400013, India
Kabel Deutschland Holding Zweite 76.70 Ordinary shares Pireos 74A Avenue, Neo Faliro, 18547, Greece Vodafone India Digital Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Beteilgungs GmbH7 360 Connect S.A. 99.87 Ordinary shares Vodafone India Limited 100.00 Equity shares
Kabel Deutschland Siebte 76.70 Ordinary shares
Beteiligungs GmbH7 Hong Kong Vodafone India Ventures Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Kabel Deutschland 76.70 Ordinary shares 2207-08, 22/F, St. George’s Building, No. 2 Ice House Street, Vodafone m-pesa Limited 100.00 Equity shares
GmbH7 Central, Hong Kong Vodafone Technology Solutions 100.00 Equity shares
Vodafone Kabel Deutschland 76.70 Ordinary shares Vodafone Global Enterprise 100.00 Ordinary shares Limited
Kundenbetreuung GmbH7 (Hong Kong) Limited Mobile Commerce Solutions 100.00 Equity shares
Buschurweg 4, 76870 Kandel, Germany Suite 1106-8, 11/F., Tai Yau Building, No. 181 Johnston Road, Limited
Vodafone Automotive 100.00 Ordinary shares Wanchai, Hong Kong, Vodafone Foundation 100.00 Equity shares
Deutschland GmbH Vodafone China Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Skyline Ikon, 1st Floor, 86/92, Andheri Kurla Road, Marol
Ferdinand-Braun-Platz 1, 40549, Duesseldorf, Germany (Hong Kong)1 Naka, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400059, India
Vodafone Erste 100.00 Ordinary shares Level 24, Dorset House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Connect (India) Mobile 100.00 Equity shares
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Technologies Private Limited
Vodafone Enterprise Global 100.00 Ordinary shares Unit 1A & 1B Creator ITPL, Whitefiled Road, Bangalore,
Additional information
1990-093 Lisboa, Portugal South Africa Sweden
Oni Way – Infocomunicacoes, S.A 100.00 Ordinary shares XLink Communications 60.94 Ordinary A shares Vodafone Enterprise Sweden AB 100.00 Ordinary shares
(Proprietary) Limited3
Vodafone Portugal – 100.00 Ordinary shares
Comunicacoes Pessoais, S.A.1 319 Frere Road, Glenwood, 4001, South Africa Switzerland
Av. da República, 50 - 10º, 1069-211, Lisboa, Portugal Cable and Wireless Worldwide 65.00 Ordinary shares BDO Ltd, Fabrikstrasse 50, CH-8031, Zurich, Switzerland
South Africa (Pty) Ltd Vodafone Enterprise Switzerland AG 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Enterprise Spain, S.L.U. – 100.00 Branch
Portugal Branch 76 Maude Street, Sandton, Johannesberg, 2196, South Africa Schoenburgstrasse 41, 3013, Bern, Switzerland
Waterberg Lodge (Proprietary) 30.47 Ordinary shares Vodafone Luxembourg 5 S.à r.l., 100.00 Branch
Qatar Limited3 Luxembourg, Zweigniederlassung
P.O. Box 27727, Doha, Qatar 9 Kinross Street, Germiston South, 1401, South Africa Bern
Vodafone And Qatar Foundation L.L.C 51.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Holdings (SA) 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone International 1 S.a.r.l. 100.00 Branch
Proprietary Limited Luxembourg, Zweigniederlassung
Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.4 22.95 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Investments (SA) 100.00 Ordinary A shares,
Romania Proprietary Limited “B” ordinary no par Via Franscini 10, 6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland
Sectorul 4, Strada Olenitei, Nr. 2, Etaj 3, Bucureşti, Romania value shares Vodafone Automotive Telematics S.A 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Shared Services 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodacom Corporate Park, 082 Vodacom Boulevard, Zweigniederlassung Bern, Schonburgstr.41, P.O. Box 466,
Romania SRL Midrand, 1685, South Africa 3000 Bern 25, Switzerland
Sectorul 2, Strada Barbu Văcărescu, Nr. 201, Etaj 3, Vouchercloud SA (Pty) Ltd 82.89 Common stock Vodafone Investments 100.00 Branch
Bucureşti, Romania shares Luxembourg S.à r.l., Luxembourg,
GS Telecom (Pty) Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares Zweigniederlassung Bern
Vodafone România Technologies 100.00 Ordinary shares
SRL Motifpros 1 (Proprietary) Limited3 60.94 Ordinary shares Vodafone Luxembourg S.à r.l., 100.00 Branch
Luxembourg, Zweigniederlassung
Sectorul 2, Strada Barbu Văcărescu, Nr. 201, Etaj 1, Scarlet Ibis Investments 23 (Pty) 60.94 Ordinary shares Bern
Bucureşti, Romania Limited3
Vodafone România M - Payments SRL 52.32 Ordinary shares Vodacom (Pty) Limited3 60.94 Ordinary shares Taiwan
201 Barbu Vacarescu, 8th floor, 1st District, Bucharest, Vodacom Business Africa Group 65.00 Ordinary shares 13F, No. 156, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan District,
020276, Romania (Pty) Limited3 Taipei City 10596, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Vodafone Romania S.A 100.00 Nominactive Vodacom Financial Services 60.94 Ordinary shares Vodafone Global Enterprise Taiwan 100.00 Ordinary shares
shares, Ordinary (Proprietary) Limited3 Limited
Vodacom Group Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares
Tanzania, United Republic of
Russian Federation Vodacom Insurance Administration 60.94 Ordinary shares
3rd Floor, Maktaba (Library), ComplexBibi, Titi Mohaned
Company (Proprietary) Limited3
Chayanova ulitsa 14/10, stroenye 2, 125047 Moscow, Russia Road, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Vodacom Insurance Company 60.94 Ordinary shares
Cable & Wireless CIS Svyaz LLC 100.00 Charter Capital (RF) Limited3 Gateway Communications 65.00 Ordinary shares
shares Tanzania Limited3
Vodacom International Holdings 65.00 Ordinary shares
Sadovnicheskaya st. 82, bld.2, 115035, Moscow, (Pty) Limited3 Mlimani City Office Park, Mlimani City, Sam Nujoma Road,
Russian Federation Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Vodacom Life Assurance Company 60.94 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Global Enterprise 100.00 Equity shares (RF) Limited3 Vodacom Tanzania Public Limited 53.40 Ordinary shares
Russia LLC Company3
Vodacom Payment Services 60.94 Ordinary shares
Vodacom Tanzania Limited 53.40 Ordinary shares
Seychelles (Proprietary) Limited3
F20, 1st Floor, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Seychelles Vodacom Properties No 1 60.94 Ordinary shares
(Proprietary) Limited3 Plot No 77, Kipawa industrial area, P. O. Box 40985, Dar es
Cavalry Holdings Ltd3 31.85 Ordinary A and Salaam, Tanzania
Ordinary B shares Vodacom Properties No.2 (Pty) 60.94 Ordinary shares
Limited3 Mirambo Limited3 31.85 Ordinary shares
East Africa Investment (Mauritius) 31.85 Ordinary A and
Limited3 Ordinary B shares Wheatfields Investments 276 65.00 Ordinary shares Turkey
(Proprietary) Limited3
Büyükdere Cad. No:251 Maslak, Şişli, İstanbul, 34398,
Sierra Leone Jupicol (Proprietary) Limited3 42.65 Ordinary shares Turkey
12 White Street, Brookfield, Off Railway Line, Freetown, Mezzanine Ware Proprietary 45.07 Ordinary shares Vodafone Holding A.S. 100.00 Registered shares
Sierra Leone Limited (RF)3
Vodafone Dagitim Hizmetleri A.S. 100.00 Registered shares
VBA International (SL) Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares Storage Technology Services (Pty) 31.00 Ordinary shares
Limited3 Vodafone Net İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. 100.00 Ordinary shares
Singapore Vodafone Elektronik Para Ve 100.00 Registered shares
Asia Square Tower 2, 12 Marina View, #17-01, Singapore,
Spain Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş.
018961, Singapore Antracita, 7 – 28045, Madrid CIF B-91204453, Spain Vodafone Telekomunikasyon A.S 100.00 Registered shares
Bluefish Apac Communications 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Automotive Iberia S.L 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Bilgi Ve Iletisim 100.00 Registered shares
Pte. Ltd Hizmetleri AS
Avenida de América 115, 28042, Madrid, Spain
Vodafone Enterprise Global 100.00 Ordinary shares İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü, Koru Yolu, Arı Teknokent Arı 3
Grupo Corporativo ONO, S.A.U. 100.00 Ordinary shares
Network Pte. Ltd. Binası, Maslak, İstanbul, 586553, Turkey
Vodafone Espana S.A.U. 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Enterprise Regional 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Teknoloji Hizmetleri A.S. 100.00 Registered shares
Business Singapore Pte.Ltd. Vodafone Holdings Europe S.L.U. 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Enterprise Singapore 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone ONO, S.A.U. 100.00 Ordinary A shares Ukraine
Pte.Ltd Bohdana Khmelnytskogo Str. 19-21, Kyiv, Ukraine
Vodafone Enabler España, S.L. 100.00 Ordinary shares
Slovakia Vodafone Enterprise Spain SLU 100.00 Ordinary shares LLC Vodafone Enterprise Ukraine 100.00 Ordinary shares
Namestie, SNP15, Bratislava, 811 06, Slovakia Vodafone Servicios SL.U 100.00 Ordinary shares United Arab Emirates
Vodafone Global Network Limited 100.00 Branch Premises 2120, Floor 21, Building AL Shatha Tower, Dubai,
Additional information
RG14 2FN, United Kingdom ordinary shares United States
Vodafone Cellular Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Multimedia Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Bluefish Communications Inc. 100.00 Common stock
Vodafone Central Services Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Nominees Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares
2875 Michelle Drive, Ste. 100, Irvine CA 92606, United States
Vodafone Connect 2 Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Oceania Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone US Inc. 100.00 Common stock
Vodafone Connect Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Old Show Ground Site 100.00 Ordinary shares shares
Vodafone Consolidated Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares Management Limited
4701 Cox Road Suite 301, Glen Allen, VA 23060, United
Limited Vodafone Overseas Finance 100.00 Ordinary shares States
Vodafone Corporate Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Limited
Vodafone Americas Virginia Inc. 100.00 Common stock
Vodafone Corporate Secretaries 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Overseas Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares shares
Limited1 Limited
c/o United Corporate Services Inc., 15 North East Street,
Vodafone DC Pension Trustee 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Panafon UK 100.00 Ordinary shares Kent County, Dover DE 19901, United States
Company Limited1 Vodafone Partner Services Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Cable & Wireless a-Services, Inc 100.00 Common shares
Vodafone Distribution Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Property Investments 100.00 Ordinary shares Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite
Limited Limited 400, Wilmington, Delaware, 19808, United States of America
Vodafone Enterprise Corporate 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Retail (Holdings) Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Cable & Wireless Americas 100.00 Common stock
Secretaries Limited
Vodafone Retail Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Systems, Inc. shares
Vodafone Enterprise Equipment 100.00 Ordinary shares
Limited Vodafone Sales & Services Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Zambia
Vodafone Enterprise Europe (UK) 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Satellite Services Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Orange Park, Plot 35185, Alick Nkhata Road, Lusaka, Zambia
Limited Vodafone Specialist 100.00 Ordinary shares Africonnect (Zambia) Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Euro Hedging Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares Communications Limited
Vodafone Euro Hedging Two 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone UK Content Services 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Europe UK 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone UK Investments Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone European Investments1 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone UK Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone European Portal Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Ventures Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Finance Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Worldwide Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Finance Luxembourg 100.00 Ordinary shares Limited
Vodafone Yen Finance Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Finance Sweden 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone-Central Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Finance UK Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodaphone Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Financial Operations 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodata Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Global Content Services 100.00 Ordinary shares
Limited Your Communications Group 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Global Enterprise 100.00 Ordinary shares
Limited c/o BDO MPR Management Limited, PO Box 119, Martello
Court, Admiral park, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands
Vodafone Group (Directors) 100.00 Ordinary shares
Trustee Limited1 FB Holdings Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Group Pension Trustee 100.00 Ordinary shares Redwood House, St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey,
Limited1 GY1 1WA, Channel Islands
Vodafone Group Services Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares, Silver Stream Investments Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
deferred shares P.O. Box 119, Commerce House, St Peter Port, Guernsey,
Vodafone Group Services No.2 100.00 Ordinary shares GY1 3HB, Channel Islands
Limited1 Le Bunt Holdings Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Group Share Trustee 100.00 Ordinary shares Roseneath, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2QJ,
Limited1 Channel Islands
Vodafone Hire Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares VBA Holdings Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Holdings Luxembourg 100.00 Ordinary shares And non-voting
Limited irredeemable
Vodafone Intermediate Enterprises 100.00 Ordinary shares preference
VBA International Limited3 65.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone International Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares And non-voting
Limited irredeemable
Vodafone International Operations 100.00 Ordinary shares non-convertible
Limited non-cumulative
Vodafone Investment UK 100.00 Ordinary shares
44 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG, Channel Islands
Vodafone Investments Australia 100.00 Ordinary shares
Limited Aztec Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Investments Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares Globe Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone IP Licensing Limited1 100.00 Ordinary shares Plex Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Leasing Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Vizzavi Finance Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Holdings (Jersey) 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone M.C. Mobile Services 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone International 2 Limited 100.00 Ordinary shares
Additional information
Vodafone Marketing UK 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Jersey Dollar Holdings 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Mobile Commerce 100.00 Ordinary shares
Limited Vodafone Jersey Finance 100.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Mobile Communications 100.00 Ordinary shares Vodafone Jersey Yen Holdings 100.00 Limited liability
Limited Unlimited shares
174 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Vodafone Foundation Australia 50.00 Ordinary shares Barbara Strozzilaan 101, 1083 HN Amsterdam, Netherlands Celfocus – Solucoes Informaticas 45.00 Ordinary shares
Pty Limited Para Telecomunicacoes S.A
HBO Nederland Coöperatief U.A. 25.00 Partnershhip
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty 50.00 Ordinary shares interest Rua Pedro e Inês, Lote 2.08.01, 1990-075 Parque das
Limited Wações, Lisboa, Portugal
HBO Netherlands Distribution B.V. 25.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Hutchison Finance Pty 50.00 Ordinary shares Sport TV Portugal S.A 25.00 Nominative shares
Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6, 1011DJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vodafone Financial Services B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Romania
Vodafone Hutchison Receivables 50.00 Ordinary shares
Pty Limited Atoomweg 100, 3542 AB Utrecht, Netherlands Bulevardul DIMITRIE POMPEI, Nr. 10A, CLADIREA
CONECT III, MO, Bucuresti, Sector 2, Romania
Vodafone Network Pty Limited 50.00 Ordinary shares Amsterdamse Beheer- en 50.00 Ordinary shares
Consultingmaatschappij B.V. Netgrid Telecom SRL 50.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Pty Limited 50.00 Ordinary shares
Esprit Telecom B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Russian Federation
Czech Republic FinCo Partner 1 B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
bld. 3, 11, Promishlennaya Street, Moscow, 115516,
náměstí Junkových 2808/2, Stodůlky, Prague 5, 15500, LGE HoldCo V B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Russian Federation
Czech Republic
LGE HoldCo VI B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Autoconnex Limited 35.00 Ordinary shares
COOP Mobil s.r.o. 33.33 Ordinary shares
LGE Holdco VII B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Jankovcova 1037/49, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czech South Africa
Republic LGE HoldCo VIII B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Building 13 Ground Floor East, Thornhill, Office Park,
HBO Netherlands Channels sro 25.00 Member interest Torenspits II B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares 94 Bekker Road, Vorna Valley X67, Midrand, 1685,
UPC Nederland Holding I B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares South Africa
Egypt UPC Nederland Holding II B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Number Portability Company 20.00 Ordinary shares
23 Kasr El Nil St., Cairo, Egypt, 11211 (Proprietary) Limited3
UPC Nederland Holding III B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Wataneya Telecommunications 50.00 Ordinary shares United Kingdom
S.A.E Vodafone Nederland Holding I B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Vodafone Nederland Holding II B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares 83 Baker Street, London, W1U 6AG, United Kingdom
Germany Vodafone Nederland Holding III B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited 25.00 Ordinary shares
Willy-Brandt-Platz 6, 81829 Munich, Germany The Exchange Building 1330, Arlington Business Park,
Ziggo B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Device Insight 20.30 Preferred B shares Theale, Berkshire, RG7 4SA, United Kingdom
Ziggo Deelnemingen B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Cornerstone Telecommunications 50.00 Ordinary shares
Greece Ziggo Financing Partnership 50.00 Partnership Infrastructure Limited
43–45 Valtetsiou Str., Athens, Greece 62-65, Chandos Place, London, WC2N 4LP, United Kingdom
Ziggo Finance 2 B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Safenet N.P,A. 24.97 Ordinary shares Cable & Wireless Trade Mark 50.00 Ordinary B shares
Ziggo Holding B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Management Limited
India Ziggo Netwerk II B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares 33 Holborn, London, EC1N 2HT, United Kingdom
Bharti Crescent, 1 Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Ziggo Services B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Mobile by Sainsbury’s Limited 50.00 Ordinary shares
Phase‑II, New Delhi – 110070, India
Ziggo Services Employment B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
Indus Towers Limited 42.00 Equity shares
Ziggo Services Netwerk 2 B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
United States
A-19, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate , Mathura Road, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, Wilmington,
New Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi, 110044, India Ziggo Zakelijk Services B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares DE 19808 Delaware, United States
FireFly Networks Limited 50.00 Equity shares ZUM B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares LG Financing Partnership 50.00 Partnership
Winschoterdiep 60, 9723 AB Groningen, Netherlands interest
Italy Zesko B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Ziggo Financing Partnership 50.00 Partnership
Via per Carpi 26/B - 42015 Correggio (RE), Italy interest
Ziggo Bond Company B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares
VND S.p.A 35.00 Ordinary shares Ziggo Netwerk B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares Notes:
Kenya Media Park boulevard 2, 1217 WE Hilversum, Netherlands 1 Entities directly held by Vodafone Group Plc.
2 Trades as Vodafone Hungary Mobile Telecommunications
Safaricom, P O Box 46350, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Liberty Global Content 50.00 Ordinary shares Company Limited.
Netherlands B.V. 3 Shareholding is indirect through Vodacom Group Limited.
Safaricom Limited5,6 40.00 Ordinary shares
Avenue Ceramique 300, 6221 KX, Maastricht, Netherlands The indirect shareholding is calculated using the 65.0%
Luxembourg Vodafone Libertel B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares ownership interest in Vodacom.
4 The Group has rights that enable it to control the strategic
14 rue Edward Steichen, Luxembourg, 2540, Luxembourg Assendorperdijk 2, 8012 EH Zwolle, Netherlands and operating decisions of Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
Tomorrow Street SCA 50.00 Ordinary shares Zoranet Connectivity Services B.V. 50.00 Ordinary shares and Vodacom Congo (RDC) S.A.. The Group is assessing
the impact of changes to company law in Qatar, which will
be applicable in the financial year ending 31 March 2018,
on its ability to exercise control over Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
5 The Group also holds two non-voting shares.
6 At 31 March 2017 the fair value of Safaricom Limited
was KES271 billion (€6,489 million) based on the closing
quoted share price on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.
7 Shareholding is indirect through Vodafone Kabel
Deutschland GmbH.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 175
The table below shows selected financial data in respect of subsidiaries that have non-controlling interests that are material to the Group.
Vodafone Egypt
Vodacom Group Limited Telecommunications S.A.E. Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
Restated Restated Restated
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
€m €m €m €m €m €m
Summary comprehensive income information
Revenue 5,294 5,325 1,333 1,641 510 510
Profit/(loss) for the financial year 768 754 194 305 (67) (116)
Other comprehensive (expense)/income (10) 39 – – – –
Total comprehensive income/(expense) 758 793 194 305 (67) (116)
Other financial information
Profit/(loss) for the financial year allocated to non-controlling interests 257 263 88 139 (52) (89)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 258 271 152 3 – 23
Summary financial position information
Non-current assets 6,213 5,422 1,038 1,581 1,550 1,564
Current assets 2,023 1,649 352 872 137 122
Total assets 8,236 7,071 1,390 2,453 1,687 1,686
Non-current liabilities (2,368) (2,005) (25) (78) (266) (259)
Current liabilities (1,825) (1,513) (656) (895) (226) (239)
Total assets less total liabilities 4,043 3,553 709 1,480 1,195 1,188
Equity shareholders’ funds 3,379 2,956 433 896 275 273
Non-controlling interests 664 597 276 584 920 915
Total equity 4,043 3,553 709 1,480 1,195 1,188
Statement of cash flows
Net cash flow from operating activities 1,702 1,575 520 661 134 103
Net cash flow from investing activities (790) (864) (609) (321) (93) (87)
Net cash flow from financing activities (778) (798) (328) (22) (32) (21)
Net cash flow 134 (87) (417) 318 9 (5)
Cash and cash equivalents brought forward 464 681 619 430 31 39
Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents 21 (130) (145) (129) 3 (3)
Cash and Cash Equivalents 619 464 57 619 43 31
The voting rights held by the Group equal the Group’s percentage shareholding as shown on pages 168 to 174.
Additional information
176 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
operating segments developed, with all amounts presented restated into euros following the change in the
Group’s presentation currency and include the results of Vodafone India as discontinued operations following
the agreement to combine it with Idea Cellular.
Europe AMAP Other3 Eliminations 2016 2015 % change
€m €m €m €m €m €m Reported Organic*
Revenue 36,462 11,891 1,567 (110) 49,810 48,385 2.9 2.1
Service revenue 33,381 10,043 1,303 (109) 44,618 43,635 2.3 1.1
Other revenue 3,081 1,848 264 (1) 5,192 4,750
Adjusted EBITDA 10,485 3,706 (36) – 14,155 13,702 3.3 2.3
Adjusted operating profit/(loss) 1,927 1,941 (39) – 3,829 4,040 (5.2) (3.8)
Adjustments for:
Impairment loss (569) –
Restructuring costs (316) (204)
Amortisation of acquired customer bases and brand intangible assets (1,338) (1,617)
Other expense (286) (146)
Operating profit 1,320 2,073
1 With effect from 1 April 2016, the Group’s presentation currency was changed from pounds sterling to the euro to better align with the geographic split of the Group’s operations. The results
for the year ended 31 March 2016 have been restated into euros and include the results of Vodafone India as discontinued operations following the agreement to combine it with Idea Cellular.
Group revenue and service revenue includes the results of Europe, AMAP, Other (which includes the results of partner markets) and eliminations. 2016 results reflect average foreign exchange
rates of €1:£0.73, €1:INR72.3, €1:ZAR15.21, €1:TKL3.14 and €1: EGP8.66.
2 Alternative performance measures are non-GAAP measures that are presented to provide readers with additional financial information that is regularly reviewed by management and should not
be viewed in isolation or as an alternative to the equivalent GAAP measure. See “Alternative performance measures” on page 205 for reconciliations to the closest respective equivalent GAAP
measure and “Definition of terms” on page 218 for further details.
3 The “Other” segment primarily represents the results of the partner markets and the net result of unallocated central Group costs.
discussed below.
In Europe, organic service revenue declined 0.6%* reflecting continued
competitive pressures in a number of markets, with improving trends An impairment loss of €569 million was recognised in the 2016
throughout the year. financial year (2015: €nil). Further detail is provided in note 4 to the
Group’s consolidated financial statements. Restructuring costs
In AMAP, organic service revenue increased by 8.0%* continuing its
of €316 million (2015: €204 million) have been incurred to improve
sustained track record of strong organic growth.
future business performance and reduce costs.
Adjusted EBITDA
Amortisation of intangible assets in relation to customer bases and
Group adjusted EBITDA increased 3.3% to €14.2 billion driven by organic
brands are recognised under accounting rules after we acquire
growth in Europe and AMAP and the positive impact of the acquisitions
businesses and decreased to €1,338 million (2015: €1,617 million)
of HOL and Cobra and foreign exchange movements.
due to the acquisition of Ono.
* All amounts in the Operating Results section marked with an “*” represent organic growth
which presents performance on a comparable basis, both in terms of merger and acquisition
activity and movements in foreign exchange rates. Organic growth is an alternative
performance measure. See “Alternative performance measures” on page 205 for further
details and reconciliations to the respective closest equivalent GAAP measure.
178 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Germany Italy UK Spain Other Europe Eliminations Europe % change
€m €m €m €m €m €m €m Reported Organic*
Year ended 31 March 2016 restated
Revenue 10,626 6,008 8,428 4,959 6,599 (158) 36,462 3.3 0.4
Service revenue 9,817 5,129 7,987 4,468 6,132 (152) 33,381 2.4 (0.6)
Other revenue 809 879 441 491 467 (6) 3,081
Adjusted EBITDA 3,462 2,015 1,756 1,250 2,002 – 10,485 4.0 1.7
Adjusted operating profit 523 805 (97) 75 621 – 1,927 (13.0) (12.9)
Adjusted EBITDA margin 32.6% 33.5% 20.8% 25.2% 30.3% 28.8%
Year ended 31 March 2015 restated
Revenue 10,677 5,844 7,916 4,615 6,360 (116) 35,296 24.3 (4.4)
Service revenue 9,862 5,169 7,527 4,240 5,924 (110) 32,612 23.3 (5.0)
Other revenue 815 675 389 375 436 (6) 2,684
Adjusted EBITDA 3,390 1,956 1,724 1,003 2,004 – 10,077 25.2 (12.3)
Adjusted operating profit 677 822 39 8 670 – 2,216 (18.5) (40.6)
Adjusted EBITDA margin 31.8% 33.5% 21.8% 21.7% 31.5% 28.5%
Revenue increased 3.3% for the year. M&A activity, including HOL and Germany
Cobra, contributed a 1.3 percentage point positive impact and foreign Service revenue declined 0.4%* for the year, but returned to growth
exchange movements contributed a 1.6 percentage point positive in Q4 (Q3: -0.4%*; Q4: 1.6%*) led by improvements in consumer mobile
impact. On an organic basis, service revenue decreased by 0.6%*, and fixed trends and aided by an accounting reclassification in fixed.
reflecting continued competitive pressures in a number of markets.
Mobile service revenue declined 1.6%*. Consumer contract revenue
Adjusted EBITDA increased 4.0%, including a 1.3 percentage point stabilised in the year, supported by consistent growth in contract net
positive impact from M&A activity and a 1.0 percentage point positive additions (+594,000 for the year). This performance has been driven
impact from foreign exchange movements. On an organic basis adjusted by an increased focus on direct channels and our “Otelo” second brand;
EBITDA increased 1.7%* driven by good cost control in a number of our during Q4, higher competition in indirect channels weighed on our
markets, as well as the benefits of acquisition integrations. contract net additions. The Enterprise market became increasingly
Other competitive during the year, leading to a deteriorating revenue trend
(including Foreign Organic*
as falling ARPU more than offset good contract wins. We have made
change M&A) exchange change further strong progress on network investment, with 87% 4G coverage
% pps pps %
and dropped call rates declining 25% year-on-year to an all-time low
Revenue – Europe 3.3 (1.3) (1.6) 0.4 of 0.44%. In November, the independent “Connect” test confirmed the
Service revenue premium quality of our voice network in Germany and a strong second
and most improved data position.
Germany (0.5) – 0.1 (0.4)
Italy (0.8) – – (0.8) Fixed service revenue growth was 1.5%*, with continued strong growth
UK 6.1 0.4 (6.8) (0.3) in cable and a slowing decline in DSL-related revenue. Cable net adds
Spain 5.4 (8.9) – (3.5) growth continued to be strong throughout the year, supplemented
Other Europe 3.5 (1.9) (0.1) 1.5 by ongoing migrations from the DSL base; in the second half of the year
Europe 2.4 (1.5) (1.5) (0.6) DSL net additions also turned positive, with growing customer demand
for VDSL. Broadband ARPU was down year-on-year in a promotional
Adjusted EBITDA market, with improvements in cable offset by DSL declines, although
Germany 2.1 – – 2.1 the pace of decline began to moderate during H2. The integration
Italy 3.0 – 0.1 3.1 of KDG has been completed; we expect cost synergies to meet the initial
UK 1.9 4.7 (5.4) 1.2 targets set out at the time of acquisition, and now expect further upside
potential longer-term. In November, we launched Vodafone Red One,
Spain 24.6 (20.1) (0.3) 4.2
our fully integrated fixed, mobile and TV service combining high speed
Other Europe (0.1) (1.3) (0.1) (1.5)
mobile and fixed; as of 31 March 2016 we had 54,000 customers.
Europe 4.0 (1.3) (1.0) 1.7
Adjusted EBITDA grew 2.1%*, with adjusted EBITDA margin improving
Adjusted operating profit by 0.8* percentage points. The impact of lower revenues and
Europe (13.0) (0.4) 0.5 (12.9) increased Project Spring network opex was more than offset by opex
efficiencies (including KDG synergies), savings in commercial costs
(aided by our increased focus on direct channels) and a change
in commission processes.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 179
Italy Adjusted EBITDA grew 1.2%*, with a 0.2* percentage point increase
Service revenue declined 0.8%* for the year, but returned to growth in the adjusted EBITDA margin driven by continued operational
in Q4 (Q3: -0.3%*; Q4: 1.3%*), aided by the leap-year benefit. efficiencies. Reported adjusted EBITDA benefited from one-off
The mobile business is on a steady recovery path, while fixed settlements with other network operators in the first half of the year.
performance continues to be positive despite increased competition
in recent months.
Service revenue declined 3.5%* (Q3: -3.1%*; Q4: -3.2%*), with
Mobile service revenue declined 1.1%*, as a recovery in ARPU supported mobile revenue recovering steadily despite the negative effect
by prepaid price increases only partially offset the year-on-year decline of handset financing, and continued positive momentum in fixed.
in the customer base. Mobile number portability in the market has Excluding handset financing effects, service revenues declined
reduced in recent quarters and the customer base decline stabilised by 0.3%* in the year.
during the year, aided by market-leading NPS scores in mobile following
Mobile service revenue fell 8.0%*. The contract customer base
our Project Spring investments. Consumer trends improved faster
continued to grow in a more stable market, despite increased
than Enterprise, where competitive intensity has increased in H2.
promotional activity around the start of the new football season. We are
As of 31 March 2016 we have 95% population coverage on our 4G
seeing signs that ARPU is beginning to stabilise, aided by our market-
network and 6.5 million 4G customers (September 2015: 4.0 million).
leading NPS scores in mobile and our “more-for-more” pricing strategy,
Fixed service revenue was up 1.2%*, driven by sustained commercial in which customers receive higher data allowances and additional
momentum. We added 168,000 broadband customers during the year, features (e.g. free European roaming) together with an increase in the
a strong performance, and in Q4 50% of our gross adds have taken monthly tariff. Our 4G population coverage reached 91% at 31 March
a fibre-based service. Of our base of 2.0 million broadband customers, 2016 and we have 5.4 million 4G customers.
297,000 are fibre customers. We have now built out our own fibre
Fixed service revenue rose 7.8%*, supported by consistent growth
network to over 16,000 cabinets, enabling us to reach 3.6 million
in broadband net additions. The integration of Ono has proceeded
households. Our high speed broadband roll-out in Italy will be enhanced
successfully and we have already achieved 100% of the original
by our commercial agreement with Enel, which plans to roll out
€240 million of cost and capex synergies targeted. We now expect
Fibre-To-The-Home (‘FTTH’) to 224 cities nationwide, providing access
to be able to deliver €300 million of annualised run-rate savings
on competitive commercial terms. In these areas Enel will be our
over the original timeframe. In part this reflects the very successful
exclusive fibre partner going forward.
launch in May of Vodafone One, our fully integrated cable, mobile
Adjusted EBITDA was up 3.1%*, as we successfully offset the decline and TV service, which has already reached 1.5 million customers.
in service revenue with savings in commercial costs and operating Including our joint fibre network build with Orange, we now reach
expenses. The adjusted EBITDA margin was stable year-on-year due 8.5 million premises with cable or fibre. Our recent agreement
principally to higher handset revenues. with Mediapro together with the wholesale obligations imposed
on the incumbent provide us with access to a full range of premium
TV channels for the coming years, albeit at an increased cost.
Service revenue declined 0.3%* for the year (Q3: -0.7%*; Q4: -0.1%*),
with improving trends in fixed offset by a slowdown in mobile, reflecting Adjusted EBITDA increased 4.2%* year-on-year with a 1.3* percentage
operational challenges following a billing system migration. Q4 growth point increase in the adjusted EBITDA margin, as strong cost control,
benefited from strong carrier services activity; excluding this, underlying the benefit to margin from handset financing and the cost synergies
trends were stable. The organic growth rate for the year excludes one- from the Ono acquisition more than offset rising TV costs.
off settlements with other network operators in Q2.
Other Europe
Mobile service revenue declined 0.7%*. Contract customer growth Service revenue rose 1.5%* (Q3: 1.6%*; Q4: 2.1%*), with all markets
slowed in Q4, impacted partly by higher churn in relation to the except Greece achieving growth during the year. In Q4, Romania (7.7%*),
billing system migration. Revenue trends were also impacted by the Portugal (3.5%*) and the Czech Republic enjoyed an improvement
pricing and usage of 08XX numbers following the introduction in top-line growth.
of Non-Geographic Call Services regulation, and a focus on giving
In the Netherlands, service revenue increased 0.3%*, with growth
customers more control of their out-of-bundle data spend. As a result,
moving into decline during H2 (Q3: 0.2%*; Q4: -1.3%*) as continued
in-bundle revenue and demand for data add-ons continued to grow.
gains in fixed (partly aided by a Q4 accounting reclassification)
Enterprise mobile trends remained relatively stable despite increased
were offset by a decline in mobile contract ARPU.
competition. National 4G coverage reached 91% (based on the OFCOM
definition), and 99.5% in London; based on our estimations, 4G coverage In Portugal, fixed service revenue continues to grow strongly and
was 84%, and despite some delays the pace of 4G coverage expansion mobile is recovering as ARPU and churn pressure from the shift towards
in conjunction with our network sharing partner is now accelerating. convergent pricing begins to moderate. Our FTTH network now reaches
We achieved significant growth in 4G customers, with 7.0 million at the 2.4 million homes. Ireland returned to service revenue growth in Q2,
period end (September 2015: 5.3 million). with strong momentum in fixed and an improving trend in mobile.
The initial 4G roll-out is complete with 95% population coverage.
Fixed service revenue grew 1.1%*. Excluding carrier services, fixed
service revenue grew 2.4%* in the second half of the year including In Greece macroeconomic conditions remained a drag, however
an improving performance in Enterprise. After regional trials during good cost control led to improved margins. The integration of HOL
the summer, we began to offer our consumer broadband service is progressing according to plan.
Additional information
Revenue increased 2.5%, with strong organic growth partly offset Vodacom
by a 4.8 percentage point adverse impact from foreign exchange Vodacom Group service revenue increased 5.4%* (Q3: 7.2%*; Q4: 6.3%*),
movements. On an organic basis, service revenue was up 8.0%* driven supported by strong momentum in both South Africa and the
by growth in the customer base, increased voice and data usage, International operations.
and continued good commercial execution.
In South Africa, organic service revenue grew 4.7%* (Q3: 7.2%*;
Adjusted EBITDA increased 3.4%, including a 5.0 percentage point Q4: 6.5%*), with the consumer and enterprise businesses both
adverse impact from foreign exchange movements. On an organic basis, performing well. We continued to focus on building brand and network
adjusted EBITDA grew 9.0%*, driven by growth in all major markets. differentiation, with our performance driven by strong demand for data.
Other We further enhanced our leading network position, more than doubling
(including Foreign Organic*
our LTE/4G sites to over 6,000, taking coverage to 58.2% on LTE/4G
change M&A) exchange change and 98.9% on 3G. Data revenue growth remained strong at 18.8%*
% pps pps %
in Q4 and data is now 36.3% of local service revenue. Our pricing
Revenue – AMAP 2.5 0.8 4.8 8.1 transformation strategy is making good progress, with 85% of contract
Service revenue customers now on integrated price plans and churn falling to our lowest
levels at 6.9% in Q4. Total bundle sales reached 1.1 billion, supported
Vodacom (0.7) – 6.1 5.4
by our “Just 4 U” personalised offers.
Other AMAP 5.7 1.8 2.6 10.1
AMAP 2.8 1.0 4.2 8.0 Service revenue growth in Vodacom’s International operations outside
South Africa was 10.0%*, driven by increased voice revenue as a result
Adjusted EBITDA of pricing strategies and bundle offerings, data take-up and M-Pesa.
Vodacom 4.1 – 8.6 12.7 Active data customers reached 10.1 million, 37% of total customers,
Other AMAP 2.6 1.3 0.6 4.5 and active M-Pesa customers totalled 6.8 million in Q4, all benefiting
AMAP 3.4 0.6 5.0 9.0 from sustained network investment.
Adjusted operating profit Vodacom Group adjusted EBITDA increased 12.7%*, significantly
AMAP 11.2 1.6 7.1 19.9 faster than revenues, with a 3.6* percentage point improvement
in adjusted EBITDA margin. This strong performance partly reflected
a change in accounting for certain transactions in the indirect channel,
which depressed equipment sales and total revenues with no impact
on adjusted EBITDA. Excluding this effect, adjusted EBITDA margins
rose driven by operating leverage, tight cost control and a tailwind from
foreign exchange gains.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 181
by Vodafone and the Aditya Birla Group. The results of Vodafone India
4G services in April 2016. Fixed momentum was strong, almost are detailed below.
quadrupling the fixed broadband customer base to 363,000 at the end % change
2016 2015
of the period. €m €m Reported Organic*
In Egypt, service revenue was up 8.9%* driven by continued strong Revenue 6,161 5,502 12.0
growth in data. Service revenue 6,135 5,480 12.0 5.0
Other revenue 26 22
New Zealand returned to modest growth, with solid mobile contract
Direct costs (1,835) (1,714)
customer trends and improving fixed ARPU.
Customer costs (287) (245)
Adjusted EBITDA grew 4.5%*, with a 2.1* percentage point contraction Operating expenses (2,224) (1,908)
in adjusted EBITDA margin. A strong revenue performance and Adjusted EBITDA 1,815 1,635 11.0 4.1
improved margins in Turkey were partly offset by higher costs for Depreciation and amortisation (1,276) (1,075)
imported goods post foreign exchange rate devaluations across
Adjusted operating profit 539 560 (3.9)
the region.
Adjustments for:
Associates and joint ventures Other (116) (104)
Indus Towers, the Indian towers company in which Vodafone has a 42% Operating profit 423 456
interest, achieved local currency revenue growth of 5.8%. Indus Towers Adjusted EBITDA margin 29.5% 29.7%
owned 119,881 towers as at 31 March 2016, with a tenancy ratio of 2.25.
Indus Towers’ contribution to the Group’s adjusted operating profit was Note:
1 The results of Vodafone India are classified as discontinued operations in accordance
€101 million. with IFRS.
Service revenue increased 5.0%* (Q3: 2.3%*; Q4: 5.3%*) as customer
operator in Kenya, saw local currency service revenue growth of 13.8% base growth and strong demand for 3G data was partially offset
for the year, with local currency adjusted EBITDA up 16.8%, driven by a number of regulatory changes, including MTR cuts, roaming price
by an increase in the customer base leading to growth across all caps and an increase in service tax. Excluding these impacts, service
revenue streams, predominantly mobile data and M-Pesa. 4G coverage revenue growth was 10.0%*. Q4 growth recovered versus Q3 as voice
is now in 20 out of 47 counties. price competition moderated during the quarter and regulatory impacts
Vodafone Hutchison Australia (‘VHA’), in which Vodafone owns a 50% began to reduce in March.
stake, is performing solidly in an intensely competitive environment, We added 14.1 million customers during the year, taking the total
with service revenues (excluding MTR impact) returning to growth after to 197.9 million. Growth in total minutes of use continued, but this was
five years in decline. Adjusted EBITDA growth was driven by an increase offset by a decline in average revenue per minute as a result of ongoing
in revenue and improved cost management. competition on voice business.
Data growth continues to be very strong, with data usage over the
network up 64% year-on-year, and the active data customer base
increasing by 3.8 million to 67.5 million. The 3G customer base grew
to 27.4 million, up 41.4% year-on-year, and smartphone penetration
in our four biggest urban areas is now 52.8%. In Q4, browsing revenue
represented 19.2% of local service revenue, up from 14.9% in the
equivalent quarter last year.
Since the launch of Project Spring we have added over 37,700 new 3G
sites, taking the total to 55,500 and our population coverage to 95%
of target urban areas. We have launched 4G in five key circles and plan
to expand to cover over 60% of our data revenues in the coming year,
ahead of the upcoming spectrum auction.
Our M-Pesa business continues to expand, with 1.3 million active
customers at March 2016, and approximately 120,000 agents. In August,
the Reserve Bank of India granted us “in principle” approval to set
up a payments bank.
Adjusted EBITDA grew 4.1%*, with a 0.2* percentage point deterioration
in adjusted EBITDA margin as the benefits of service revenue growth
were offset by the ongoing increase in operating costs related to Project
Additional information
2017 2016
Note €m €m
Fixed assets
Shares in Group undertakings 2 83,991 84,597
Current assets
Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year 3 3,692 4,328
Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 3 217,590 212,058
Other investments 4 1,678 1,991
Cash at bank and in hand 322 133
223,282 218,510
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 5 (219,924) (216,648)
Net current assets 3,358 1,862
Total assets less current liabilities 87,349 86,459
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 5 (35,369) (32,164)
51,980 54,295
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 6 4,796 4,796
Share premium account 20,379 20,377
Capital redemption reserve 111 111
Other reserves 4,385 4,423
Own shares held (8,739) (8,906)
Profit and loss account1 31,048 33,494
Total equity shareholders’ funds 51,980 54,295
1 The profit for the financial year dealt with in the financial statements of the Company is €1,134 million (2016: loss of €813 million).
The Company financial statements on pages 182 to 189 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 16 May 2017 and were
signed on its behalf by:
Vittorio Colao Nick Read
Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 183
Issue or reissue of shares – 2 – – 147 – 149
Issue of mandatory convertible bonds4 – – – 3,480 – – 3,480
Loss for the financial year – – – – – (813) (813)
Dividends – – – – – (4,233) (4,233)
Capital contribution given relating to share-based payments5 – – – 161 – 161
Contribution received relating to share-based payments – – – (131) – – (131)
Other movements6,7 (450) (1,915) (11) (83) 835 (3,009) (4,633)
31 March 2016 restated 4,796 20,377 111 4,423 (8,906) 33,494 54,295
Issue or reissue of shares – 2 – – 167 – 169
Profit for the financial year – – – – – 1,134 1,134
Dividends – – – – – (3,709) (3,709)
Capital contribution given relating to share-based payments5 – – – 112 – – 112
Contribution received relating to share-based payments – – – (150) – – (150)
Other movements7 – – – – – 129 129
31 March 2017 4,796 20,379 111 4,385 (8,739) 31,048 51,980
1 These reserves are not distributable.
2 Own shares relate to treasury shares which are purchased out of distributable profits and therefore reduce reserves available for distribution.
3 The Company has determined what is realised and unrealised in accordance with the guidance provided by ICAEW TECH 2/10 and the requirements of UK law. In accordance with UK Companies
Act 2006 s831(2), a public company may make a distribution only if, after giving effect to such distribution, the amount of its net assets is not less than the aggregate of its called up share capital
and non-distributable reserves as shown in the relevant financial statements.
4 Includes the equity component of the mandatory convertible bonds which are compound instruments issued in the year.
5 Includes €9 million tax credit (2016: €5 million credit).
6 Includes amounts relating to foreign exchange differences arising on the retranslation of reserves due to the change in the Company’s functional currency.
7 Includes the impact of the Company’s cash flow hedges with €787 million net gain deferred to other comprehensive income during the year (2016: €337 million net gain; 2015: €768 million net
gain) and €654 million net gain (2016: €294 million net gain; 2015: €821 million net gain) recycled to the income statement.
Additional information
184 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
1. Basis of preparation
The separate financial statements of the Company are drawn up in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and Financial Reporting Standard 101
“Reduced disclosure framework”, (‘FRS 101’). The Company will continue to prepare its financial statements in accordance with FRS 101
on an ongoing basis until such time as it notifies shareholders of any change to its chosen accounting framework.
The Company financial statements have been prepared using the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of certain financial
assets and financial liabilities and in accordance with the UK Companies Act 2006. The financial statements have been prepared on a going
concern basis. With effect from 1 April 2016 the functional currency of the Company was changed from pounds sterling to the euro and applied
prospectively from the date of change, as this is now the primary currency in which the Company’s financing activities and investments returns are
denominated. As a result of the change in functional currency, the Company has chosen to change its presentation currency which is accounted for
retrospectively. Prior periods, including the amounts presented for the years ended 31 March 2016 have been restated into euros using closing rates
at the relevant balance sheet date for assets, liabilities, share capital, share premium and other capital reserves and the income statement has been
restated at the average rate for the comparative year or the spot rate for significant transactions.
The following exemptions available under FRS 101 have been applied:
–– Paragraphs 45(b) and 46 to 52 of IFRS 2, “Shared-based payment” (details of the number and weighted-average exercise prices of share options,
and how the fair value of goods or services received was determined);
–– IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures”;
–– Paragraph 91 to 99 of IFRS 13, “Fair value measurement” (disclosure of valuation techniques and inputs used for fair value measurement of assets
and liabilities);
–– Paragraph 38 of IAS 1 “Presentation of financial statements” comparative information requirements in respect of paragraph 79(a)(iv) of IAS 1;
–– The following paragraphs of IAS 1 “Presentation of financial statements”:
–– 10(d) (statement of cash flows);
–– 16 (statement of compliance with all IFRS);
–– 38A (requirement for minimum of two primary statements, including cash flow statements);
–– 38B-D (additional comparative information);
–– 40A-D (requirements for a third statement of financial position);
–– 111 (cash flow statement information); and
–– 134-136 (capital management disclosures).
–– IAS 7 “Statement of cash flows”;
–– Paragraph 30 and 31 of IAS 8 “Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors” (requirement for the disclosure of information
when an entity has not applied a new IFRS that has been issued but is not yet effective); and
–– The requirements in IAS 24 “Related party disclosures” to disclose related party transactions entered into between two or more members
of a group.
As permitted by section 408(3) of the Companies Act 2006, the income statement of the Company is not presented in this Annual Report.
These separate financial statements are not intended to give a true and fair view of the profit or loss or cash flows of the Company. The Company
has not published its individual cash flow statement as its liquidity, solvency and financial adaptability are dependent on the Group rather than its
own cash flows.
Significant accounting policies applied in the current reporting period that relate to the financial statements as a whole
Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the functional rate of currency prevailing on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated into the Company’s functional currency at the rates prevailing on the reporting
period date. Non-monetary items carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the
initial transaction dates. Non-monetary items measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated. Exchange differences
arising on the settlement of monetary items, and on the retranslation of monetary items, are included in the income statement for the period.
Exchange differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary items carried at fair value are included in the income statement for the period.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 185
Borrowing costs
All borrowing costs are recognised in the income statement in the period in which they are incurred.
Current tax, including UK corporation tax and foreign tax, is provided at amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) using the tax rates and laws
that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting period date.
Deferred tax is provided in full on temporary differences that exist at the reporting period date and that result in an obligation to pay more tax,
or a right to pay less tax in the future. The deferred tax is measured at the rate expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are
expected to reverse, based on the tax rates and laws that are enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting period date. Timing differences arise
from the inclusion of items of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those in which they are included in the
Company financial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that they will be recovered.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.
Financial instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities, in respect of financial instruments, are recognised on the Company statement of financial position when the
Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
Financial liabilities and equity instruments
Financial liabilities and equity instruments issued by the Company are classified according to the substance of the contractual arrangements
entered into and the definitions of a financial liability and an equity instrument. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual
interest in the assets of the Company after deducting all of its liabilities and includes no obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets.
The accounting policies adopted for specific financial liabilities and equity instruments are set out below.
Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting
The Company’s activities expose it to the financial risks of changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates which it manages using derivative
financial instruments.
The use of derivative financial instruments is governed by the Group’s policies approved by the Board of Directors, which provide written
principles on the use of derivative financial instruments consistent with the Group’s risk management strategy. Changes in values of all derivative
financial instruments are included within the income statement unless designated in an effective cash flow hedge relationship when changes
in value are deferred to other comprehensive income or equity respectively. The Company does not use derivative financial instruments for
speculative purposes.
Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at fair value on the contract date and are subsequently remeasured to fair value at each
reporting date. The Company designates certain derivatives as hedges of the change of fair value of recognised assets and liabilities (‘fair value
hedges’) or hedges of highly probable forecast transactions or hedges of foreign currency or interest rate risks of firm commitments (‘cash flow
hedges’). Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, no longer qualifies for hedge
accounting or the Company chooses to end the hedging relationship.
Fair value hedges
The Company’s policy is to use derivative financial instruments (primarily interest rate swaps) to convert a proportion of its fixed rate debt to floating
rates in order to hedge the interest rate risk arising, principally, from capital market borrowings. The Company designates these as fair value hedges
of interest rate risk with changes in fair value of the hedging instrument recognised in the income statement for the period together with the
changes in the fair value of the hedged item due to the hedged risk, to the extent the hedge is effective. Gains and losses relating to any ineffective
portion are recognised immediately in the income statement.
Cash flow hedges
Cash flow hedging is used by the Company to hedge certain exposures to variability in future cash flows. The portion of gains or losses relating
to changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as effective cash flow hedges is recognised in other comprehensive income;
gains or losses relating to any ineffective portion are recognised immediately in the income statement. However, when the hedged transaction
results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the gains and losses previously recognised in other comprehensive
income and accumulated in equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the non-financial asset or non-
financial liability. When the hedged item is recognised in the income statement, amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income
and accumulated in equity for the hedging instrument are reclassified to the income statement. When hedge accounting is discontinued, any gain
or loss recognised in other comprehensive income at that time remains in equity and is recognised in the income statement when the hedged
transaction is ultimately recognised in the income statement. If a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss accumulated
in equity is recognised immediately in the income statement.
The Company is the sponsoring employer of the Vodafone Group pension scheme, a defined benefit pension scheme. There is insufficient
information available to enable the scheme to be accounted for as a defined benefit scheme because the Company is unable to identify its share
of the underlying assets and liabilities on a consistent and reasonable basis. Therefore, the Company has applied the guidance within IAS 19
Additional information
to account for defined benefit schemes as if they were defined contribution schemes and recognise only the contribution payable each year.
The Company had no contributions payable for the years ended 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2016.
New accounting pronouncements
To the extent applicable the Company will adopt new accounting policies as set out in note 1 “Basis for preparation” in the consolidated
financial statements.
186 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
2. Fixed assets
Accounting policies
Shares in Group undertakings are stated at cost less any provision for impairment and capital related to share-based payments. Contributions
in respect of share-based payments are recognised in line with the policy set out in note 7.
The Company assesses investments for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an investment
may not be recoverable. If any such indication of impairment exists, the Company makes an estimate of the recoverable amount. If the recoverable
amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the value of the investment, the investment is considered to be impaired and is written down to its
recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.
Details of direct and indirect related undertakings are set out in note 33 “Related undertakings” to the consolidated financial statements.
3. Debtors
2017 2016
€m €m
Amounts falling due within one year:
Amounts owed by subsidiaries1 216,686 210,711
Taxation recoverable 134 205
Other debtors 173 137
Derivative financial instruments2 597 1,005
217,590 212,058
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Derivative financial instruments2 3,672 4,328
Deferred tax 20 –
3,692 4,328
1 Amounts owed by subsidiaries are unsecured, have no fixed date of repayment are repayable on demand.
2 Amounts falling due within one year include amounts in relation to cross-currency swaps €463 million (2016: €613 million), interest rate swaps €31 million (2016: €54 million), options €nil
(2016: €46 million) and foreign exchange contracts €103 million (2016: €292 million). The amounts falling due in more than one year includes amounts in relation to cross-currency swaps
€1,243 million (2016: €1,442 million), interest rate swaps €2,417 million (2016: €2,886 million) and options €12 million (2016: €nil).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 187
4. Other Investments
Accounting policies
Investments classified as loans and receivables are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less any impairment.
2017 2016
€m €m
Investments1 1,678 1,991
1 Investments include collateral paid on derivative financial instruments of €506 million (2016: €1,991 million) and €1,172 million (2016: €nil) of gilts paid as collateral primarily on derivative
financial instruments.
5. Creditors
Accounting policies
Capital market and bank borrowings
Interest-bearing loans and overdrafts are initially measured at fair value (which is equal to cost at inception) and are subsequently measured
at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, except where they are identified as a hedged item in a designated hedge relationship.
Any difference between the proceeds net of transaction costs and the amount due on settlement or redemption of borrowings is recognised over
the term of the borrowing.
2017 2016
€m €m
Amounts falling due within one year:
Bank loans and other loans 10,353 16,774
Amounts owed to subsidiaries1 208,671 199,239
Derivative financial instruments2 717 489
Other creditors 108 99
Accruals and deferred income 75 47
219,924 216,648
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Other loans 34,020 30,737
Derivative financial instruments2 1,349 1,427
35,369 32,164
1 Amounts owed to subsidiaries are unsecured, have no fixed date of repayment are repayable on demand.
2 Amounts falling due within one year include amounts in relation to cross-currency swaps €590 million (2016: €296 million) of which €301 million relates to transactions with joint ventures
(2016: €290 million), interest rate swaps €48 million (2016: €37 million), options €3 million (2016: €81 million) and foreign exchange contracts €76 million (2016: €75 million). The amounts falling
due in more than one year include amounts in relation to cross-currency swaps €735 million (2016: €668 million), interest rate swaps €554 million (2016: €759 million) and options €60 million
(2016: €nil).
Included in amounts falling due after more than one year are other loans of €19,617 million which are due in more than five years from 1 April 2017
and are payable otherwise than by instalments. Interest payable on these loans ranges from 0.035% to 7.875%.
Amounts included in bank loans and other loans due within one year and in other loans due after more than one year of €46 million and €34 million
respectively represent the carrying value of future coupons on the mandatory convertible bonds issued on 25 February 2016. The mandatory
convertible bonds are compound instruments with nominal values recognised as a component of shareholders’ equity (refer to the statement
of changes in equity on page 183) with the initial fair value of future coupons recognised as financial liabilities in borrowings and subsequently
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
Details of bond and other debt issuances are set out in note 22 “Liquidity and capital resources” on pages 144 to 147 in the consolidated
financial statements.
Additional information
188 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
7. Share-based payments
Accounting policies
The Group operates a number of equity-settled share-based payment plans for the employees of subsidiaries using the Company’s equity
instruments. The fair value of the compensation given in respect of these share-based payment plans is recognised as a capital contribution to the
Company’s subsidiaries over the vesting period. The capital contribution is reduced by any payments received from subsidiaries in respect of these
share-based payments.
The Company currently uses a number of equity-settled share plans to grant options and shares to the Directors and employees of its subsidiaries.
At 31 March 2017, the Company had 41 million ordinary share options outstanding (2016: 24 million) and no ADS options outstanding (2016: nil).
The Company has made capital contributions to its subsidiaries in relation to share-based payments. At 31 March 2017, the cumulative capital
contribution net of payments received from subsidiaries was €53 million (2016: €91 million). During the year ended 31 March 2017, the total capital
contribution arising from share-based payments was €112 million (2016: €161 million), with payments of €150 million (2016: €131 million) received
from subsidiaries.
Full details of share-based payments, share option schemes and share plans are disclosed in note 27 “Share-based payments” to the consolidated
financial statements.
8. Reserves
The Board is responsible for the Group’s capital management including the approval of dividends. This includes an assessment of both the level
of reserves legally available for distribution and consideration as to whether the Company would be solvent and retain sufficient liquidity following
any proposed distribution.
As Vodafone Group Plc is a Group holding company with no direct operations, its ability to make shareholder distributions is dependent on its ability
to receive funds for such purposes from its subsidiaries in a manner which creates profits available for distribution for the Company. The major
factors that impact the ability of the Company to access profits held in subsidiary companies at an appropriate level to fulfil its needs for distributable
reserves on an ongoing basis include:
–– the absolute size of the profit pools either currently available for distribution or capable of realisation into distributable reserves in the
relevant entities;
–– the location of these entities in the Group’s corporate structure;
–– profit and cash flow generation in those entities; and
–– the risk of adverse changes in business valuations giving rise to investment impairment charges, reducing profits available for distribution.
The Group’s consolidated reserves set out on page 101 do not reflect the profits available for distribution in the Group.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 189
9. Equity dividends
Accounting policies
Dividends paid and received are included in the Company financial statements in the period in which the related dividends are actually paid
or received or, in respect of the Company’s final dividend for the year, approved by shareholders.
2017 2016
€m €m
Declared during the financial year:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2016: 7.77 pence per share
(2015: 7.62 pence share, 2014: 7.47 pence per share) 2,447 2,852
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 March 2017: 4.74 eurocents per share
(2016: 3.68 pence per share, 2015: 3.60 pence per share) 1,262 1,381
3,709 4,233
Proposed after the balance sheet date and not recognised as a liability:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2017: 10.03 eurocents per share
(2016: 7.77 pence per share, 2015: 7.62 pence per share) 2,670 2,447
facility of its joint venture, Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited.
The Company will guarantee the debts and liabilities of certain of its UK subsidiaries at the balance sheet date in accordance with section 479C
of the Companies Act 2006. The Company has assessed the probability of loss under these guarantees as remote.
As detailed in note 26 “Post employment benefits” to the consolidated financial statements, the Company is the sponsor of the Group’s main
defined benefit scheme in the UK, being the Vodafone UK Group Pension Scheme (‘Vodafone UK plan’). The results, assets and liabilities associated
with the Vodafone UK plan are recognised in the financial statements of Vodafone UK Limited and Vodafone Group Services Limited.
As detailed in note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has covenanted
to provide security in favour of the trustee of the Vodafone Group UK Pension Scheme and the Trustees of THUS Plc Group Scheme.
Legal proceedings
Details regarding certain legal actions which involve the Company are set out in note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” to the
consolidated financial statements.
on pages 67 to 85.
The Company had two (2016: two) employees throughout year.
Vodafone Group Plc is incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales (registration number 1833679). The registered address of the Company
is Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England.
Additional information
190 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Shareholder information
Unaudited information
Investor calendar
Ex-dividend date for final dividend 8 June 2017
Record date for final dividend 9 June 2017
Trading update 21 July 2017
Annual general meeting 28 July 2017
Final dividend payment 4 August 2017
Half-year financial results 14 November 2017
Ex-dividend date for interim dividend 23 November 2017
Record date for interim dividend 24 November 2017
Interim dividend payment 2 February 2018
are aggregated and sold by ShareGift, the proceeds being passed in UK or US investments which turn out to be worthless or simply do not
on to a wide range of UK charities. exist. These approaches are usually made by unauthorised companies
and individuals and are commonly known as “boiler room” scams.
See sharegift.org or call +44 (0)20 7930 3737 for further details.
Investors are advised to be wary of any unsolicited advice or offers
to buy shares. If it sounds too good to be true, it often is.
Landmark Asset Search
We participate in an online service which provides a search See the FCA website at fca.org.uk/scamsmart for more detailed
facility for solicitors and probate professionals to quickly and information about this or similar activities.
easily trace UK shareholdings relating to deceased estates.
Visit www.landmarkfas.co.uk or call +44 (0)844 844 9967 for
further information.
Registrar and transfer office
The Registrar ADS transfer agent
Computershare Investor Services PLC AST
The Pavilions Operations Center
Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZZ, England 6201 15th Avenue
Telephone: +44 (0)370 702 0198 Brooklyn
investorcentre.co.uk/contactus NY 11219
United States of America
Holders of ordinary shares resident in Ireland
Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) Ltd Telephone: +1 800 233 5601 (toll free) or, for calls outside the United
PO Box 9742 States, +1 201 806 4103
Dublin 18, Ireland Email: db@astfinancial.com
Telephone: +353 (0)818 300 999
was 211.05 pence. December 2016 2.02 1.91 25.45 24.30
The following tables set out, for the periods indicated, (i) the reported January 2017 2.15 1.93 26.65 24.58
high and low middle market quotations of ordinary shares on the February 2017 2.03 1.92 25.77 24.42
London Stock Exchange, and (ii) the reported high and low sales March 2017 2.12 2.02 26.91 25.04
prices of ADSs on NASDAQ. April 2017 2.07 1.99 26.48 25.59
London Stock Exchange NASDAQ May 20171 2.11 1.99 27.58 26.21
Pounds per ordinary share Dollars per ADS
Year ended 31 March High Low High Low Note:
2013 1.92 1.54 30.07 24.42 1 Covering period up to 15 May 2017.
2016 2.55 2.00 39.21 29.19 The following table sets out the euro exchange rates of the other
2017 2.40 1.91 34.69 24.30 principal currencies of the Group, being: “Sterling”, “£” or “pence”,
the currency of the United Kingdom, and “US dollars”, “US$”, “cents”
Quarter High Low High Low or “¢”, the currency of the United States.
2015/2016 31 March
First quarter 2.55 2.20 39.21 32.71 Currency (=€1) 2017 2016 % Change
Second quarter 2.46 2.04 38.25 30.90 Average:
Third quarter 2.26 2.04 34.42 31.00 Sterling 0.84 0.73 15.1
Fourth quarter 2.25 2.00 32.72 29.19 US dollar 1.10 1.10 0.0
Additional information
2016/2017 At 31 March:
First quarter 2.33 2.09 34.69 28.31 Sterling 0.85 0.79 7.6
Second quarter 2.40 2.19 31.68 28.99 US dollar 1.07 1.13 (5.3)
Third quarter 2.28 1.91 29.30 24.30
Fourth quarter 2.15 1.92 26.91 24.42
First quarter1 2.11 1.99 27.58 25.59
192 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
The following table sets out, for the periods and dates indicated, Major shareholders
the period end, average, high and low exchange rates for euro expressed Deutsche Bank as custodian of our ADR programme, held approximately
in US dollars per €1.00. 17.19% of our ordinary shares of 2020/21 US cents each at 15 May 2017
Year ended 31 March 31 March Average High Low
as nominee. The total number of ADRs outstanding at 15 May 2017 was
2013 1.28 1.29 1.37 1.21 457,705,038. At this date 1,449 holders of record of ordinary shares had
2014 1.38 1.34 1.39 1.28 registered addresses in the United States and in total held approximately
2015 1.08 1.27 1.39 1.05 0.008% of the ordinary shares of the Company.
2016 1.13 1.10 1.16 1.06 At 31 March 2017 the following percentage interests in the ordinary
2017 1.07 1.10 1.15 1.04 share capital of the Company, disclosable under the Disclosure
The following table sets out, for the periods indicated, the high and low Guidance and Transparency Rules, (‘DTR’ 5), have been notified
exchange rates for euro expressed in US dollars per €1.00. to the Directors.
Year ended 31 March High Low Shareholder Shareholding
November 2016 1.11 1.06 Black Rock Investment Management Ltd. 3.08%
December 2016 1.08 1.04 Legal & General Investment Management Ltd. 3.44%
January 2017 1.08 1.04
No changes in the interests disclosed under DTR 5 have been notified
February 2017 1.08 1.05
to the Company between 31 March 2017 and 15 May 2017.
March 2017 1.09 1.05
April 2017 1.09 1.06 Other than previously disclosed, between 1 April 2014 and 15 May 2017,
no shareholder held more than 3% of, or 3% of voting rights attributable
On 15 May 2017 (the latest practicable date for inclusion in this report),
to, the ordinary shares of the Company other than Bank of New York
the exchange rates between euros and US dollars and between euros
Mellon as custodian of our ADR programme. During this period,
and sterling were as follows: €1 = US$1.10 and €1 = £0.85.
and as notified, its holding was reduced to below the 3% reporting
threshold as of 27 February 2017, the date that Deutsche Bank became
Markets custodian of our ADR programme.
Ordinary shares of Vodafone Group Plc are traded on the London
Stock Exchange and in the form of ADSs on NASDAQ. The rights attaching to the ordinary shares of the Company held
by these shareholders are identical in all respects to the rights attaching
ADSs, each representing ten ordinary shares, are traded on NASDAQ to all the ordinary shares of the Company. The Directors are not aware
under the symbol “VOD”. The ADSs are evidenced by ADRs issued at 15 May 2017 of any other interest of 3% or more in the ordinary share
by Deutsche Bank, as depositary, under a deposit agreement, capital of the Company. The Company is not directly or indirectly owned
dated 27 February 2017 between the Company, the depositary or controlled by any foreign government or any other legal entity.
and the holders from time to time of ADRs issued thereunder. There are no arrangements known to the Company that could result
Prior to 27 February 2017 the Company’s depositary bank was in a change of control of the Company.
Bank of New York Mellon.
ADS holders are not members of the Company but may instruct Articles of Association and applicable
Deutsche Bank on the exercise of voting rights relative to the English law
number of ordinary shares represented by their ADSs. See “Articles The following description summarises certain provisions
of Association and applicable English laws” and “Rights attaching to the of the Company’s Articles of Association and applicable English
Company’s shares – Voting rights”on page 193. law. This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
Companies Act 2006 of England and Wales and the Company’s Articles
Shareholders as at 31 March 2017 of Association. See “Documents on display” on page 194 for information
Number of % of total on where copies of the Articles of Association can be obtained.
Number of ordinary shares held accounts issued shares The Company is a public limited company under the laws of England
1–1,000 310,731 0.24 and Wales. The Company is registered in England and Wales under the
1,001–5,000 42,748 0.35 name Vodafone Group Public Limited Company with the registration
5,001–50,000 12,263 0.55 number 1833679.
50,001–100,000 456 0.12 All of the Company’s ordinary shares are fully paid. Accordingly,
100,001–500,000 603 0.55 no further contribution of capital may be required by the Company
More than 500,000 1,109 98.19 from the holders of such shares.
367,910 100.00
English law specifies that any alteration to the Articles of Association
Ownership location (as a percentage of shares held) must be approved by a special resolution of the shareholders.
as at 31 March 2017 2016
Articles of Association
UK 38.4 45.3 The Company’s Articles of Association do not specifically restrict the
Europe (excluding UK) 14.2 13.2 objects of the Company.
North America 40.7 34.0
Rest of World 6.7 7.5
The Directors are empowered under the Articles of Association
to exercise all the powers of the Company subject to any restrictions
in the Articles of Association, the Companies Act (as defined in the
Articles of Association) and any special resolution.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 193
circumstances set out in the Articles of Association. (such as a resolution to adjourn a general meeting or a resolution on the
choice of Chairman of a general meeting) shall be decided on a show
The Directors are empowered to exercise all the powers of the Company
of hands, where each shareholder who is present at the meeting has one
to borrow money, subject to the limitation that the aggregate amount
of all liabilities and obligations of the Group outstanding at any time vote regardless of the number of shares held, unless a poll is demanded.
shall not exceed an amount equal to 1.5 times the aggregate of the Shareholders entitled to vote at general meetings may appoint proxies
Group’s share capital and reserves calculated in the manner prescribed who are entitled to vote, attend and speak at general meetings.
in the Articles of Association unless sanctioned by an ordinary Two shareholders present in person or by proxy constitute a quorum
resolution of the Company’s shareholders. for purposes of a general meeting of the Company.
The Company can make market purchases of its own shares or agree Under English law shareholders of a public company such as the
to do so in the future provided it is duly authorised by its members Company are not permitted to pass resolutions by written consent.
in a general meeting and subject to and in accordance with section Record holders of the Company’s ADSs are entitled to attend, speak
701 of the Companies Act 2006. Such authority was given at the 2016 and vote on a poll or a show of hands at any general meeting of the
annual general meeting but no purchases were made during this Company’s shareholders by the depositary’s appointment of them
financial year. as corporate representatives or proxies with respect to the underlying
At each annual general meeting all Directors who were elected ordinary shares represented by their ADSs. Alternatively, holders
or last re-elected at or before the annual general meeting held in the of ADSs are entitled to vote by supplying their voting instructions to the
third calendar year before the current year shall automatically retire. depositary or its nominee who will vote the ordinary shares underlying
However, the Board has decided in the interests of good corporate their ADSs in accordance with their instructions.
governance that all of the Directors wishing to continue in office Holders of the Company’s ADSs are entitled to receive notices
should offer themselves for re‑election annually. of shareholders’ meetings under the terms of the deposit agreement
Directors are not required under the Company’s Articles relating to the ADSs.
of Association to hold any shares of the Company as a qualification Employees are able to vote any shares held under the Vodafone Group
to act as a Director, although the Executive Directors are required Share Incentive Plan and “My ShareBank” (a vested nominee share
to under the Company’s remuneration policy. Further details are account) through the respective plan’s trustees.
set out on pages 67 to 85.
Holders of the Company’s 7% cumulative fixed rate shares are only
Rights attaching to the Company’s shares entitled to vote on any resolution to vary or abrogate the rights attached
to the fixed rate shares. Holders have one vote for every fully paid 7%
At 31 March 2017 the issued share capital of the Company was cumulative fixed rate share.
comprised of 50,000 7% cumulative fixed rate shares of £1.00 each
and 26,622,078,509 ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares) Liquidation rights
of 2020⁄21 US cents each. As at 31 March 2017, 2,192,064,339 ordinary In the event of the liquidation of the Company, after payment
shares were held in Treasury. of all liabilities and deductions in accordance with English law,
the holders of the Company’s 7% cumulative fixed rate shares would
Dividend rights
be entitled to a sum equal to the capital paid up on such shares,
Holders of 7% cumulative fixed rate shares are entitled to be paid
together with certain dividend payments, in priority to holders of the
in respect of each financial year, or other accounting period of the
Company’s ordinary shares. The holders of the fixed rate shares do not
Company, a fixed cumulative preferential dividend of 7% per annum
have any other right to share in the Company’s surplus assets.
on the nominal value of the fixed rate shares. A fixed cumulative
preferential dividend may only be paid out of available distributable Pre-emptive rights and new issues of shares
profits which the Directors have resolved should be distributed. Under section 549 of the Companies Act 2006 Directors are, with
certain exceptions, unable to allot the Company’s ordinary shares
The fixed rate shares do not have any other right to share in the
or securities convertible into the Company’s ordinary shares without
Company’s profits.
If a dividend has not been claimed for one year after the date of the
resolution passed at a general meeting declaring that dividend or the offer up to an amount specified by the shareholders and free of the
resolution of the Directors providing for payment of that dividend, pre‑emption restriction in section 561. At the 2016 annual general
the Directors may invest the dividend or use it in some other way for meeting the amount of relevant securities fixed by shareholders under
the benefit of the Company until the dividend is claimed. If the dividend (i) above and the amount of equity securities specified by shareholders
remains unclaimed for 12 years after the relevant resolution either under (ii) above were both in line with corporate governance guidelines.
declaring that dividend or providing for payment of that dividend, Further details of such proposals are provided in the 2017 notice
it will be forfeited and belong to the Company. of annual general meeting.
194 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
A US holder is a beneficial owner of shares or ADSs that is for US federal Taxation of dividends
income tax purposes: UK taxation
–– an individual citizen or resident of the United States; Under current UK law, no amount will be required to be withheld
on account of UK tax from the dividends that we pay. Shareholders who
–– a US domestic corporation; are within the charge to UK corporation tax will be subject to corporation
–– an estate, the income of which is subject to US federal income tax tax on the dividends we pay unless the dividends fall within an exempt
regardless of its source; or class and certain other conditions are met. It is expected that the
dividends we pay would generally be exempt.
–– a trust, if a US court can exercise primary supervision over the
trust’s administration and one or more US persons are authorised Individual shareholders in the Company who are residents in the UK will
to control all substantial decisions of the trust, or the trust has validly be subject to the income tax on the dividends we pay. Dividends will
elected to be treated as a domestic trust for US federal income be taxable in the UK at the dividend rates applicable where the income
tax purposes. received is above the tax-free dividend allowance (currently £5,000 per
tax year).
If an entity or arrangement treated as a partnership for US federal US federal income taxation
income tax purposes holds the shares or ADSs, the US federal income Subject to the passive foreign investment company (‘PFIC’) rules
tax treatment of a partner will generally depend on the status of the described below, a US holder is subject to US federal income taxation
partner and the tax treatment of the partnership. Holders that are on the gross amount of any dividend we pay out of our current
entities or arrangements treated as partnerships for US federal income or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for US federal
tax purposes should consult their tax advisors concerning the US federal income tax purposes). However, the Company does not maintain
income tax consequences to them and their partners of the ownership calculations of its earnings and profits in accordance with US federal
and disposition of shares or ADSs by the partnership. income tax accounting principles. US holders should therefore assume
This section is based on the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, that any distribution by the Company with respect to shares will
as amended, its legislative history, existing and proposed regulations be reported as ordinary dividend income. Dividends paid to a non-
thereunder, published rulings and court decisions, and on the tax corporate US holder will be taxable to the holder at the reduced rate
laws of the UK, the Double Taxation Convention between the United normally applicable to long‑term capital gains provided that certain
States and the UK (the ‘treaty’) and current HM Revenue and Customs requirements are met.
published practice, all as currently in effect. These laws are subject Dividends must be included in income when the US holder,
to change, possibly on a retroactive basis. in the case of shares, or the depositary, in the case of ADSs, actually
This section is further based in part upon the representations of the or constructively receives the dividend and will not be eligible for the
depositary and assumes that each obligation in the deposit agreement dividends-received deduction generally allowed to US corporations
and any related agreement will be performed in accordance with in respect of dividends received from other US corporations.
its terms. The amount of the dividend distribution to be included in income
For the purposes of the treaty and the US–UK double taxation will be the US dollar value of the pound sterling payments made
convention relating to estate and gift taxes (the ‘Estate Tax Convention’), determined at the spot pound sterling/US dollar rate on the date the
and for US federal income tax and UK tax purposes, this section dividends are received by the US holder, in the case of shares, or the
is based on the assumption that a holder of American Depositary depositary, in the case of ADSs, regardless of whether the payment
Receipts (‘ADRs’) evidencing ADSs will generally be treated as the is in fact converted into US dollars at that time. If dividends received
owner of the shares in the Company represented by those ADRs. in pounds sterling are converted into US dollars on the day they are
Investors should note that a ruling by the first-tier tax tribunal in the received, the US holder generally will not be required to recognise any
UK has cast doubt on this view, but HMRC have stated that they will foreign currency gain or loss in respect of the dividend income.
continue to apply their long-standing practice of regarding the holder Where UK tax is payable on any dividends received, a foreign tax credit
of such ADRs as holding the beneficial interest in the underlying shares. may be claimable under the treaty.
Similarly, the US Treasury has expressed concern that US holders
of depositary receipts (such as holders of ADRs representing our ADSs)
may be claiming foreign tax credits in situations where an intermediary
in the chain of ownership between such holders and the issuer of the
Taxation of capital gains Following rulings of the European Court of Justice and the first-tier tax
UK taxation tribunal in the UK, HMRC have confirmed that the 1.5% SDRT charge
A US holder that is not resident in the UK will generally not be liable for will not be levied on an issue of shares to a depositary receipts system
UK tax in respect of any capital gain realised on a disposal of our shares on the basis that such a charge is contrary to EU law.
or ADSs. No stamp duty should in practice be required to be paid on any transfer
However, a US holder may be liable for both UK and US tax in respect of our ADSs provided that the ADSs and any separate instrument
of a gain on the disposal of our shares or ADSs if the US holder: of transfer are executed and retained at all times outside the UK.
A transfer of our shares in registered form will attract ad valorem stamp
–– is a citizen of the United States and is resident in the UK; duty generally at the rate of 0.5% of the purchase price of the shares.
–– is an individual who realises such a gain during a period of “temporary There is no charge to ad valorem stamp duty on gifts.
non-residence” (broadly, where the individual becomes resident SDRT is generally payable on an unconditional agreement to transfer
in the UK, having ceased to be so resident for a period of five years our shares in registered form at 0.5% of the amount or value of the
or less, and was resident in the UK for at least four out of the seven tax consideration for the transfer, but if, within six years of the date of the
years immediately preceding the year of departure from the UK); agreement, an instrument transferring the shares is executed, any SDRT
–– is a US domestic corporation resident in the UK by reason of being which has been paid would be repayable or, if the SDRT has not
centrally managed and controlled in the UK; or been paid, the liability to pay the tax (but not necessarily interest and
penalties) would be cancelled. However, an agreement to transfer our
–– is a citizen or a resident of the United States, or a US domestic ADSs will not give rise to SDRT.
corporation, that has used, held or acquired the shares or ADSs
in connection with a branch, agency or permanent establishment PFIC rules
in the UK through which it carries on a trade, profession or vocation We do not believe that our shares or ADSs will be treated as stock
in the UK. of a PFIC for US federal income tax purposes for our current taxable year
or the foreseeable future. This conclusion is a factual determination
In such circumstances, relief from double taxation may be available that is made annually and thus is subject to change. If we are treated
under the treaty. Holders who may fall within one of the above as a PFIC, US holders of shares would be required (i) to pay a special
categories should consult their professional advisers. US addition to tax on certain distributions and (ii) any gain realised
on the sale or other disposition of the shares or ADSs would in general
US federal income taxation not be treated as a capital gain unless a US holder elects to be taxed
Subject to the PFIC rules described below, a US holder that sells annually on a mark-to-market basis with respect to the shares or ADSs.
or otherwise disposes of our shares or ADSs generally will recognise
a capital gain or loss for US federal income tax purposes equal to the Otherwise a US holder would be treated as if he or she has realised
difference between the US dollar value of the amount realised and such gain and certain “excess distributions” rateably over the holding
the holder’s adjusted tax basis, determined in US dollars, in the shares period for the shares or ADSs and would be taxed at the highest tax
or ADSs. This capital gain or loss will be a long-term capital gain or loss rate in effect for each such year to which the gain was allocated.
if the US holder’s holding period in the shares or ADSs exceeds one year. An interest charge in respect of the tax attributable to each such
preceding year beginning with the first such year in which our shares
The gain or loss will generally be income or loss from sources within the or ADSs were treated as stock in a PFIC would also apply. In addition,
US for foreign tax credit limitation purposes. The deductibility of losses dividends received from us would not be eligible for the reduced rate
is subject to limitations. of tax described above under “Taxation of Dividends – US federal
Additional tax considerations income taxation”.
UK inheritance tax Back-up withholding and information reporting
An individual who is domiciled in the United States (for the purposes Payments of dividends and other proceeds to a US holder with respect
of the Estate Tax Convention) and is not a UK national will not to shares or ADSs, by a US paying agent or other US intermediary will
be subject to UK inheritance tax in respect of our shares or ADSs on the be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (‘IRS’) and to the US holder
individual’s death or on a transfer of the shares or ADSs during the as may be required under applicable regulations. Back-up withholding
individual’s lifetime, provided that any applicable US federal gift or estate may apply to these payments if the US holder fails to provide
tax is paid, unless the shares or ADSs are part of the business property an accurate taxpayer identification number or certification of exempt
of a UK permanent establishment or pertain to a UK fixed base used for status or fails to comply with applicable certification requirements.
the performance of independent personal services. Where the shares
Certain US holders are not subject to back-up withholding. US holders
or ADSs have been placed in trust by a settlor they may be subject
should consult their tax advisors about these rules and any other
to UK inheritance tax unless, when the trust was created, the settlor was
reporting obligations that may apply to the ownership or disposition
domiciled in the United States and was not a UK national. Where the
of shares or ADSs, including requirements related to the holding
shares or ADSs are subject to both UK inheritance tax and to US federal
of certain foreign financial assets.
gift or estate tax, the estate tax convention generally provides a credit
against US federal tax liabilities for UK inheritance tax paid.
UK stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax
Stamp duty will, subject to certain exceptions, be payable on any
instrument transferring our shares to the custodian of the depositary
at the rate of 1.5% on the amount or value of the consideration if on sale
or on the value of such shares if not on sale. Stamp duty reserve tax
(‘SDRT’), at the rate of 1.5% of the amount or value of the consideration
or the value of the shares, could also be payable in these circumstances
but no SDRT will be payable if stamp duty equal to such SDRT liability
is paid.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 197
The Company was incorporated under English law in 1984 as Racal –– On 9 November 2011 we sold our entire 24.4% interest in Polkomtel
Strategic Radio Limited (registered number 1833679). After various in Poland for cash consideration of approximately €920 million before
name changes, 20% of Racal Telecom Plc share capital was offered tax and transaction costs.
to the public in October 1988. The Company was fully demerged
from Racal Electronics Plc and became an independent company –– On 27 July 2012 we acquired the entire share capital of Cable &
in September 1991, at which time it changed its name to Vodafone Wireless Worldwide plc for a cash consideration of £1,050 million
Group Plc. (€1,340 million).
Since then we have entered into various transactions which significantly –– On 31 October 2012 we acquired TelstraClear Limited in New
impacted on the development of the Group. The most significant Zealand for a cash consideration of NZ$840 million (€660 million).
of these transactions are summarised below: –– On 13 September 2013 we acquired a 76.57% interest in Kabel
–– The merger with AirTouch Communications, Inc. which completed Deutschland Holding AG in Germany for cash consideration
on 30 June 1999. The Company changed its name to Vodafone of €5.8 billion.
AirTouch Plc in June 1999 but then reverted to its former name, –– The completion on 21 February 2014 of the agreement, announced
Vodafone Group Plc, on 28 July 2000. on 2 September 2013, to dispose of our US Group whose principal
–– The completion on 10 July 2000 of the agreement with Bell Atlantic asset was its 45% interest in Verizon Wireless (‘VZW’) to Verizon
and GTE to combine their US cellular operations to create the largest Communications Inc. (‘Verizon’), Vodafone’s joint venture
mobile operator in the United States, Verizon Wireless, resulting in the partner, for a total consideration of US$130 billion (€95 billion)
Group having a 45% interest in the combined entity. including the remaining 23.1% minority interest in Vodafone Italy.
Following completion, Vodafone shareholders received Verizon
–– The acquisition of Mannesmann AG which completed on 12 April shares and cash totalling US$85 billion (€37 billion).
2000. Through this transaction we acquired businesses in Germany
and Italy and increased our indirect holding in Société Française –– In March 2014 we acquired the indirect equity interests in VIL held
u Radiotéléphone S.A. (‘SFR’). by Analjit Singh and Neelu Analjit Singh, taking our stake to 89.03%
and then in April 2014 we acquired the remaining 10.97% of VIL from
–– Through a series of business transactions between 1999 and 2004 Piramal Enterprises Limited for cash consideration of INR89.0 billion
we acquired a 97.7% stake in Vodafone Japan. This was then disposed (€1.0 billion), taking our ownership interest to 100%.
of on 27 April 2006.
–– On 23 July 2014 we acquired the entire share capital of Grupo
–– On 8 May 2007 we acquired companies with controlling interests Corporativo Ono, S.A. (‘Ono’) in Spain for total consideration, including
in Vodafone India Limited (‘VIL’), formerly Vodafone Essar Limited, associated net debt acquired, of €7.2 billion.
for US$10.9 billion (€7.7 billion).
–– On 31 December 2016 we completed the transaction with Liberty
–– On 20 April 2009 we acquired an additional 15.0% stake in Vodacom Global plc to combine our Dutch operations in a 50:50 joint venture
for cash consideration of ZAR20.6 billion (€1.8 billion). On 18 May called VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V. (‘VodafoneZiggo’). See note
2009 Vodacom became a subsidiary. 28 “Acquisitions and disposal” for further details.
–– On 10 September 2010 we sold our entire 3.2% interest in China –– On 20 March 2017 we announced the agreement to combine
Mobile Limited for cash consideration of £4.3 billion (€5.2 billion). Vodafone India (excluding its 42% stake in Indus Towers), with Idea
–– On 16 June 2011 we sold our entire 44% interest in SFR to Vivendi Cellular, which is listed on the Indian Stock Exchanges, with the
for a cash consideration of €7.75 billion and received a final dividend combined company to be jointly controlled by Vodafone and the
from SFR of €200 million. Aditya Birla Group. See note 29 “Commitments” for further details.
–– Through a series of business transactions on 1 June and 1 July 2011, Details of significant transactions that occurred after 31 March 2017 and
we acquired an additional 22% stake in VIL from the Essar Group before the signing of this Annual Report on 16 May 2017 are included
for a cash consideration of US$4.2 billion (€2.9 billion) including in note 32 “Subsequent events”.
withholding tax.
–– Through a series of business transactions in 2011 and 2012, Vodafone
assigned its rights to purchase approximately 11% of VIL from the
Essar Group to Piramal Healthcare Limited (‘Piramal’). On 18 August
2011 Piramal purchased 5.5% of VIL from the Essar Group for a cash
consideration of INR28.6 billion (€410 million). On 8 February 2012,
they purchased a further 5.5% of VIL from the Essar Group for a cash
consideration of approximately INR30.1 billion (€460 million) taking
Piramal’s total shareholding in VIL to approximately 11%.
Additional information
198 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Unaudited information
Our operating companies are generally subject to regulation governing Europe region
the operation of their business activities. Such regulation typically Germany
takes the form of industry specific law and regulation covering In September 2016 BNetzA’s vectoring proposals entered into
telecommunications services and general competition (antitrust) force and after taking the Commission’s comments into account,
law applicable to all activities. the layer 2 bitstream product entered into force in December 2016.
The following section describes the regulatory frameworks and the In addition to the layer 2 bitstream product, BNetzA has proposed
key regulatory developments at national and supranational level and to mandate a virtual unbundled local access (‘VULA’) product
in selected countries in which we have significant interests during the at street cabinets that will be under the obligations of a reference
year ended 31 March 2017. Many of the regulatory developments offer. Deutsch Telekom’s vectoring deployment is expected
reported in the following section involve ongoing proceedings to commence in September 2017, once the existing unbundled
or consideration of potential proceedings that have not reached local loop (‘ULL’) reference offer updates have been finalised.
a conclusion. Accordingly, we are unable to attach a specific level Vodafone Germany’s very‑high-rate digital subscriber line (‘VDSL’)
of financial risk to our performance from such matters. customers are due to be migrated on to the substitute products
from mid-2018.
European Union (‘EU’) Italy
In January 2017 the Telecoms Single Market package was finalised Vodafone Italy has no new material items to report in the year ending
when agreement was reached on the revised maximum wholesale 31 March 2017.
rates for regulated roaming in the EU. The new rates will see the price
For information on litigation in Italy, see note 30 “Contingent liabilities
of wholesale roaming fall on 15 June 2017 from 5 to 3.2 eurocents
and legal proceedings” to the consolidated financial statements.
per minute for voice, from 2 to 1 eurocents for SMS and from 5 to 0.77
eurocents per megabyte for data. In addition a glide path has been United Kingdom
established reducing roaming data services to 0.25 eurocents per In July 2016 Hutchison 3G submitted an appeal to the EU’s General
megabyte by 1 Jan 2022. In December 2016 the European Commission Court against the Commission’s competition authority (‘DGCOMP’)
(‘the Commission’) published the implementing act in relation to the decision in May 2016 to prohibit the proposed Hutchison 3G acquisition
Fair Use Policy and the Sustainability Mechanism. As a result, from of Telefónica UK (‘O2’).
15 June 2017 all operators will be required to implement “Roam Like
In March 2017 BT agreed to Ofcom’s proposal for the legal separation
at Home”. Under this approach, all roaming customers will be able to use
of Openreach.
their home tariff whilst roaming. Operators will be able to apply fair use
limits in line with the rules set out by the Commission. In exceptional In May 2017 the Court of Appeal upheld the Competition Tribunal’s
circumstances operators will be able to apply for an exemption from decisions against BT’s appeals on three matters relating to the charges
implementing “Roam Like at Home” if it is demonstrably unsustainable for Ethernet services between 2004 and 2011. The decisions are subject
from a financial perspective. to any further appeals.
In September 2016 the Commission published a set of initiatives and Spain
legislative proposals on connectivity. These include the European The fines applied to Telefónica, Orange and Vodafone Spain
Electronic Communications Code (‘Communications Code’) in December 2012 for abuse of dominant position by imposing
and strategic communications documents, which sets EU-wide excessive pricing of wholesale SMS/MMS services on mobile virtual
common rules and objectives for the regulation of providers of networks network operators (‘MVNO’), remain suspended until the judicial review
and communications services, common broadband targets for 2025, is concluded. The National Audience decision is awaited.
a 5G action plan (that foresees a common EU calendar for identification
In June 2016 following on from the National Markets and Competition
and allocation of spectrum and a coordinated 5G commercial launch
Commission’s (‘CNMC’) draft decision on the regulatory ex ante price
in 2020) and a support scheme for public authorities who want
squeeze test run on Telefónica’s retail offers, it is proposed that there will
to offer free Wi-Fi access to their citizens. The Communications Code
be a maximum permissible discount for promotions on fixed broadband
covers the following five areas: access regulation, spectrum, rules
and TV content bundles incorporating national football content, in order
for communications services, universal service, and the institutional
to allow replicability for competitors.
set-up and governance. There is a clear focus on incentivising the
investment required to meet the proposed broadband targets and In September 2016 CNMC approved Masmovil’s proposed acquisition
ensure sustainable competition, the further harmonisation of spectrum of Yoigo.
regulation and the creation of a fair and level playing field for
In January 2017 following a public consultation and subsequent
competing services.
notification to the Commission, CNMC’s decision requiring Telefónica
The Commission has also published a number of proposals and reports to offer VULA products where there is insufficient network-based
on the online sale of goods and audiovisual services which are likely competition entered into force.
to impact e-commerce and the distribution of content across the
In January 2017 following a public consultation and subsequent
European Single Market in a variety of areas. These include proposals
notification to the Commission, CNMC’s decision to maintain the access
on copyright, tangible goods and a new portability regulation, which
component cost but reduce the traffic component cost of the CNMC-
will allow consumers access to online TV and Video on Demand (‘VoD’)
approved wholesale broadband service (‘NEBA’) prices, for both NEBA
subscriptions while travelling across Europe.
Copper and fibre-to-the-home (‘FTTH’) by 40%, entered into force.
In September 2016 the Commission issued new proposals on the
In April 2017 following notification to the Commission on Market 15
Satellite and Cable Directive, together with a Preliminary Report on the
deregulation, the CNMC adopted the Resolution eliminating the ex-ante
E-commerce Sector Inquiry which is also likely to lead to change
obligations imposed to Telefónica and Vodafone in providing wholesale
in a variety of areas in and beyond competition that impact e-commerce
tariffs to MVNOs.
across the European Single Market.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 199
Netherlands Romania
In September 2016 the European Court of Justice (‘ECJ’) issued its Vodafone Romania has no new material items to report in the year
ruling on the legal status of the recommendation to use pure bottom ending 31 March 2017.
up long run incremental cost (‘BULRIC’). The ECJ confirmed that
a national court is allowed to deviate from the European MTR/FTR
In August 2016 the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
recommendation prescribing pure BULRIC as a cost methodology.
(‘MITN’) announced its decision in relation to Vodafone Greece’s expired
Based on the ECJ ruling, the Court of Appeal is expected to issue its final
spectrum licence. The 2x15MHz at 1800Mhz licence was extended
ruling on the national regulatory and competition authority’s (‘ACM’)
by 18 months to February 2018 at a cost of €5.8 million.
proposed 2013-2016 MTR-FTR rates by September 2017. ACM’s final
decision on the proposed MTR-FTR rates for the period 2017-2020 In December 2016 following notification to the Commission,
is expected to be published in June 2017, with rates due to enter into the national regulatory authority (‘EETT’) announced that the detailed
force on 1 July 2017. specification requirements for the regulation of vectoring and other
next generation access (‘NGA’) technologies will be determined
In April 2017 the Court of Rotterdam ruled that the European
by a public consultation that commenced in March 2017 and
rules on net neutrality prevail over the amendment to the
is expected to be concluded in May 2017. Areas will be allocated
Telecommunications Act that was passed by the Senate in 2016 that
by auction, on a 28-month exclusive basis, to deploy VDSL vectoring
imposed an absolute ban on zero-rating. The ruling confirms that the
or any alternative 100MBps or above, access network. The successful
European rules allow operators to offer zero rated services. ACM have
bidder will sell VULA services to other operators in that auction
a right to appeal the decision in the Court of Appeals in The Hague.
area. There is an asymmetrical coverage obligation of 80% applied
In December 2016 following the Dutch Supreme Court’s February to Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (‘OTE’) in each local
2016 ruling that bundled “all-in” mobile subscription agreements exchange, whereas all others operators have a 50% minimum coverage
(i.e. device along with mobile services) are considered consumer requirement. At the end of the exclusive period, any other operator
credit agreements, Vodafone Netherlands was granted a consumer can request access to any street cabinets that have not been VDSL
credit licence by the Dutch Financial supervisory body (‘AFM’) vectoring enabled.
containing a phased compliance path.
Czech Republic
In December 2016 the Commission and ACM cleared Vodafone In June 2016 the auction of the 1800MHz and 2.6GHz spectrum
Netherlands and Liberty Global’s proposed joint venture, following the previously unsold in 2013 was concluded. Vodafone Czech Republic
divestment of Vodafone’s fixed consumer business in the Netherlands, acquired an additional spectrum licence of 2x5MHz at 1800MHz,
Vodafone Thuis. ACM has indicated that as a result of the joint venture at a cost of €16.4 million, expiring in June 2029. The national regulatory
it will start a new analysis of the ULL market in 2017. This process authority (‘CTU’) has deferred the proposed auction for the 3.7GHz
is expected to take one to two years. spectrum to 2017.
Ireland In October 2016 DG COMP opened an investigation into a network
In November 2016 the national regulatory authority (‘ComReg’) sharing agreement between O2 CZ/CETIN and T-Mobile
commenced its review of the wholesale access markets 3a and 3b. CZ. The Commission will examine whether the cooperation
ComReg has proposed a move to cost oriented price control restricts competition and thereby harms innovation in breach
on Wholesale Local Access and (‘WLA’) and Wholesale Central Access of EU antitrust rules.
(WCA) markets with the exception of FTTH wholesale products.
In May 2017 CTU confirmed their intention to extend Vodafone
The initial consultation closed in January 2017 and responses
Czech Republic’s existing 900MHz and 1800MHZ spectrum licences
to the subsequent pricing consultation are required by 2 June 2017.
to June 2029.
In May 2016 Vodafone Portugal continued its challenge to payment
In June 2016 Vodafone Hungary acquired a spectrum licence
notices totalling €9.8 million issued by the national regulatory authority
of 2x30MHz at 3.5GHz, at a cost of €2.1 million, expiring in June 2034.
(‘ANACOM’) regarding the extraordinary compensation of Universal
Service Net Costs for 2012–2013. In August 2016 the national regulatory authority (‘NMHH’) commenced
an investigation into a proposed agreement between Magyar Telekom
In September 2016 ANACOM approved the final decision
and Telenor to share spectrum in the 900MHz band. This deal can
on market 4 that identified the wholesale markets where Portugal
be regarded as a second step in network collaboration after their
Telecom’s Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (‘MEO’)
however it had previously indicated that it could resort to legal measures 31 March 2017.
if the recommendation was not adopted.
200 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Regulation (continued)
Unaudited information
In July 2016 a new Communications Act was approved by Parliament, to extend the existing Ultra-Fast Broadband fibre to the premises
that required the national regulatory authority (‘INCM’) to issue (‘FTTP’) initiative from 75% to 85% of premises passed at a projected
new regulations under the Act by February 2017. To date only draft cost of NZ$210 million. The Government has also announced a further
regulations for Licensing Regulations and Infrastructure Sharing NZ$150 million of funding to improve broadband coverage in rural areas
Regulations have been issued, to which Vodacom Mozambique has and address mobile blackspots, with competitive tenders expected
submitted its comments. to be awarded in late 2017.
In November 2016 Vodacom Mozambique complied with an order In February 2017 the Commerce Commission declined to clear the
from INCM and blocked all existing unregistered users. proposed merger between Vodafone New Zealand and Sky New
Zealand under the New Zealand Commerce Act.
Vodacom: Lesotho
In April 2016 the national regulatory authority (‘LCA’) finalised the Safaricom: Kenya
approved renewal of Vodacom Lesotho’s service licence at a cost In May 2016 the national regulatory authority (‘CA’) appointed
of ZAR5 million, expiring in May 2036. Analysis Mason to conduct a study on competition within the
Telecommunication subsector to identify any dominant operators and
International roaming in Africa
recommend regulatory remedies. The interim report was released
In September 2016 an impact assessment carried out by TERA
in April 2017 and Safaricom’s comments have been submitted.
Consultants on East Africa Community (‘EAC’) Roaming was
submitted to the Tanzanian Ministry of Communications as part of the In June 2016 following the CA’s stakeholders’ consultation on the
ongoing public consultation to implement Phase 1 price caps for allocation of LTE spectrum in the 800MHz band to all mobile operators,
EAC countries. Vodacom has engaged with the consultation process Safaricom secured a full spectrum licence for 2x10MHz at 800MHz
and presented its views at the February 2017 East African Legislative at a cost of US$25 million.
Assembly conference.
As of March 2017 Safaricom continues to work with the authorities
As of March 2017 no national regulatory authority in the Vodacom to ensure an effective transition to the national regulatory
Group markets had fully complied with the Communications authority’s (‘CA’) new registration process.
Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa (‘CRASA’) guidance on the
Southern African Development Community (‘SADC’) roaming glide
As of May 2017 Vodafone Qatar’s challenges to the decisions by the
paths, that had been issued in September 2015. In the meantime,
ministry and national regulatory authority relating to the application
Vodacom Group has developed its new Africa Roaming Product
and enforcement of the dominance framework are ongoing in the
across SADC which is being rolled out in 2017.
administrative courts.
As of March 2017 the national regulatory authority’s (‘ICTA’) proposed
action to broaden the scope of the 3G coverage to include new
metropolitan areas is still suspended by the Council of State motion,
as Vodafone Turkey’s appeal to the administrative court is still pending.
In May 2017 Vodafone Australia acquired a spectrum licence of 2x5MHz
at 700MHz band spectrum, at a cost of AU$285 million, expiring
in December 2029.
The Administrative Court ruling in favour of Vodafone Egypt in the
case filed against Telecom Egypt and the national regulatory authority
(‘NTRA’), regarding the NTRA’s authority to set MTRs between
Regulation (continued)
Unaudited information
India5 n/a n/a (2021–2036)5 n/a (2021–2036)5 (2030–2036)5 n/a n/a
Vodacom: South Africa6 n/a n/a 2x116 n/a 2x126 2x15+56 n/a n/a
Vodacom: Democratic n/a n/a 2x6 n/a 2x18 2x10+15 n/a 2x15
Republic of Congo (2028) (2028) (2032) (2026)
Lesotho7 n/a 2x207 2x227 n/a 2x307 2x157 1x407 1x427
Mozambique n/a n/a 2x8 n/a 2x8 2x15+10 n/a n/a
(2018) (2018) (2023)
Tanzania n/a n/a 2x8 n/a 2x10 2x15 n/a 1x14+1x14
(2031) (2031) (2031) (2031)
Turkey n/a 2x10 2x11 n/a 2x10 2x15+5 2x15+10 n/a
(2029) (2023) (2029) (2029) (2029)
Australia8 n/a 2x10 2x8 n/a 2x30 2x25+5 n/a n/a
(850MHz) (2028) (annual) (2017)
Egypt n/a n/a 2x13 n/a 2x10 2x20 n/a n/a
(2031) (2031) (2031)
New Zealand 2x15 n/a 2x15 n/a 2x25 2x25+10 2x15+5 2x28
(2031) (2031) (2021) (2021) (2028) (2022)
Safaricom: Kenya n/a 2x10 2x17 n/a 2x20 2x10 n/a n/a
(TBC)9 (2024) (2024) (2022)
Ghana n/a n/a 2x8 n/a 2x10 2x15 n/a n/a
(2019) (2019) (2023)10
Qatar n/a 2x10 2x11 n/a 2x20 2x15 2x20 n/a
(2029) (2028) (2028) (2028) (Trial)
1 Single (or unpaired) blocks of spectrum are used for asymmetric data (non-voice) use; block quantity has been rounded to the nearest whole number.
2 Blocks within the same spectrum band but with different licence expiry dates are separately identified.
3 UK – 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2.1GHz – indefinite licence with a five-year notice of revocation.
4 Hungary – 900MHz and 1800MHz – conditional options to extend these licences to 2034.
5 India comprises 22 separate service area licences with a variety of expiry dates.
6 Vodacom’s South African spectrum licences are renewed annually. As part of the migration to a new licensing regime the national regulator has issued Vodacom a service licence and a network
licence which will permit Vodacom to offer mobile and fixed services. The service and network licences have a 20 year duration and will expire in 2028.
7 Vodacom’s Lesotho spectrum licences are renewed annually, N.B. 1x40MHz in 2.6GHz column is actually 2.3GHz.
8 Australia –table refers to Sydney/Melbourne only. In total VHA has:
– 850MHz band – 2x10MHz in Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/Adelaide/Perth and 2x5MHz across the rest of Australia.
– 900MHz band – 2x8MHz across Australia.
– 1800MHz band – 2x30MHz in Sydney/Melbourne, 2x25MHz in Brisbane/Adelaide/Perth/Canberra, 2x10MHz in Victoria/North Queensland/Western Australia and
2x5MHz in Darwin/Tasmania/South Queensland.
– 2.1GHz band, VHA holds 2x25 MHz in Sydney/Melbourne, 2x20MHz in Brisbane/Adelaide/Perth, 2x10MHz in Canberra/Darwin/Hobart and 2x5MHz in regional Australia.
9 Kenya – Awaiting confirmation of full licence terms.
10 Ghana – The NRA has issued provisional licences with the intention of converting them to full licences once the NRA has been reconvened.
Additional information
204 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Regulation (continued)
Unaudited information
In the discussion of the Group’s reported operating results, alternative performance measures are presented to provide readers with additional
financial information that is regularly reviewed by management. However, this additional information presented is not uniformly defined by all
companies including those in the Group’s industry. Accordingly, it may not be comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by other
companies. Additionally, certain information presented is derived from amounts calculated in accordance with IFRS but is not itself an expressly
permitted GAAP measure. Such alternative performance measures should not be viewed in isolation or as an alternative to the equivalent
GAAP measure.
Service revenue
Service revenue comprises all revenue related to the provision of ongoing services including, but not limited to, monthly access charges, airtime
usage, roaming, incoming and outgoing network usage by non-Vodafone customers and interconnect charges for incoming calls. We believe that
it is both useful and necessary to report this measure for the following reasons:
–– it is used for internal performance reporting;
–– it is used in setting director and management remuneration; and
–– it is useful in connection with discussion with the investment analyst community.
A reconciliation of reported service revenue to the respective closest equivalent GAAP measure, revenue, are provided in the “Operating results”
section on pages 35 to 43 and the “Prior year operating results” on pages 177 to 181.
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA is operating profit excluding share of results in associates, depreciation and amortisation, gains/losses on the disposal of fixed
assets, impairment losses, restructuring costs arising from discrete restructuring plans, other operating income and expense and significant items
that are not considered by management to be reflective of the underlying performance of the Group. We use adjusted EBITDA, in conjunction
with other GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures such as adjusted operating profit, operating profit and net profit, to assess our operating
performance. We believe that adjusted EBITDA is an operating performance measure, not a liquidity measure, as it includes non-cash changes
in working capital and is reviewed by the Chief Executive to assess internal performance in conjunction with adjusted EBITDA margin, which
is an alternative sales margin figure. We believe it is both useful and necessary to report adjusted EBITDA as a performance measure as it enhances
the comparability of profit across segments.
Because adjusted EBITDA does not take into account certain items that affect operations and performance, adjusted EBITDA has inherent limitations
as a performance measure. To compensate for these limitations, we analyse adjusted EBITDA in conjunction with other GAAP and non-GAAP
operating performance measures. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for a GAAP measure of operating
performance. A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to the closest equivalent GAAP measure, operating profit, is provided in note 2 “Segmental
analysis” to the consolidated financial statements.
Group adjusted EBIT, adjusted operating profit and adjusted earnings per share
Group adjusted EBIT and adjusted operating profit exclude impairment losses, restructuring costs arising from discrete restructuring plans,
amortisation of customer bases and brand intangible assets, other operating income and expense and other significant one-off items.
Adjusted EBIT also excludes the share of results in associates and joint ventures. Adjusted earnings per share also excludes certain foreign exchange
rate differences, together with related tax effects. We believe that it is both useful and necessary to report these measures as they are used for
internal performance reporting, in setting director and management remuneration and in connection with discussions with the investment analyst
community and debt rating agencies.
Adjusted EBIT is reconciled to the respective closest equivalent GAAP measure, operating profit, in the “Operating results” on page 35.
A reconciliation of adjusted operating profit to the respective closest equivalent GAAP measure, operating profit, is provided in note 2 “Segmental
analysis” to the consolidated financial statements. A reconciliation of adjusted earnings per share to basic earnings per share is provided in the
“Operating results” on page 37.
A reconciliation of cash generated by operations, the closest equivalent GAAP measure, to operating free cash flow and free cash flow,
is provided below.
Restated Restated
2017 2016 2015
€m €m €m
Cash generated by operations (refer to note 19) 13,781 13,497 12,041
Capital additions (7,675) (10,561) (10,710)
Working capital movement in respect of capital additions (822) (140) 1,009
Disposal of property, plant and equipment 43 164 190
Restructuring costs 266 252 429
Other1 34 (4) 473
Operating free cash flow 5,627 3,208 3,432
Taxation (761) (738) (651)
Dividends received from associates and investments 433 92 74
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries (413) (309) (310)
Interest received and paid (830) (982) (866)
Free cash flow 4,056 1,271 1,679
1 Other movements for the year ended 31 March 2017 include €nil (2016: €nil, 2015: €444 million) UK pensions contribution payment and €nil (2016: €nil, 2015: €140 million) of KDG incentive
scheme payments that vested upon acquisition.
Certain of the statements within the Strategic Report contains forward-looking alternative performance measures for which at this time
there is no comparable GAAP measure and which at this time cannot be quantitatively reconciled to comparable GAAP financial information.
Certain of the statements within the section titled “Looking ahead” on page 17 contain forward-looking non-GAAP financial information which
at this time cannot be quantitatively reconciled to comparable GAAP financial information.
Organic growth
All amounts in this document marked with an “*” represent organic growth which presents performance on a comparable basis, in terms of both
merger and acquisition activity and foreign exchange movements. While “organic growth” is neither intended to be a substitute for reported growth,
nor is it superior to reported growth, we believe that the measure provides useful and necessary information to investors and other related parties for
the following reasons:
–– it provides additional information on underlying growth of the business without the effect of certain factors unrelated to its
operating performance;
–– it is used for internal performance analysis; and
–– it facilitates comparability of underlying growth with other companies (although the term “organic” is not a defined term under IFRS and may not,
therefore, be comparable with similarly titled measures reported by other companies).
The Group’s organic growth rates for all periods excludes the results of Vodafone India (excluding its 42% stake in Indus Towers) which are now
included in discontinued operations.
For the quarter ended 31 March 2015 and the year ended 31 March 2015, the Group’s organic growth rate was adjusted to exclude the beneficial
impact of a settlement of a historical interconnect rate dispute in the UK and the beneficial impact of an upward revision to interconnect revenue
in Egypt from a re-estimation by management of the appropriate historical mobile interconnection rate. The adjustments in relation to Vodafone
UK and Vodafone Egypt also impacted the disclosed organic growth rates for those countries. Organic growth rates for the quarter ended 31 March
2016 and the year ended 31 March 2016 have been similarly adjusted to exclude these impacts.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 207
For the quarter ended 30 September 2015 and year ended 31 March 2016, the Group’s and Vodafone UK’s organic growth rates have been adjusted
to exclude the beneficial impact of a settlement of another historical interconnect rate dispute in the UK. Organic growth rates for the quarter ended
30 September 2016 and the year ended 31 March 2017 have been similarly adjusted to exclude these impacts.
The Group’s organic growth rate for the year ended 31 March 2017 and the quarters ended 31 December 2016 and 31 March 2017 have also
been adjusted to exclude the results of Vodafone Netherlands following the disposal of its consumer fixed business and subsequent merger into
VodafoneZiggo, as well as the results of VodafoneZiggo after the merger.
We have not provided a comparative in respect of organic growth rates as the current rates describe the change between the beginning and
end of the current year, with such changes being explained by the commentary in this news release. If comparatives were provided, significant
sections of the commentary from the news release for the prior year would also need to be included, reducing the usefulness and transparency
of this document.
Reconciliations of organic growth to reported growth are shown where used or in the following tables.
Restated Other activity Foreign
2017 2016 Reported (including M&A) exchange Organic
€m €m % pps pps %
Year ended 31 March 2017
Europe 34,550 36,462 (5.2) 2.0 2.8 (0.4)
AMAP 11,773 11,891 (1.0) (0.2) 8.6 7.4
Of which: Turkey 3,052 2,959 3.1 – 12.2 15.3
Of which: Egypt 1,329 1,634 (18.7) – 35.0 16.3
Other 1,390 1,567
Eliminations (82) (110)
Total 47,631 49,810 (4.4) 1.5 4.1 1.2
Service revenue
Germany 10,006 9,817 1.9 – – 1.9
Mobile service revenue 6,071 6,062 0.1 – – 0.1
Fixed service revenue 3,935 3,755 4.8 – – 4.8
Italy 5,247 5,129 2.3 – – 2.3
Mobile service revenue 4,365 4,303 1.4 – 0.1 1.5
Fixed service revenue 882 826 6.8 – – 6.8
UK 6,632 7,987 (17.0) 1.4 12.3 (3.3)
Mobile service revenue 5,079 6,025 (15.7) – 12.4 (3.3)
Fixed service revenue 1,553 1,962 (20.8) 5.7 11.7 (3.4)
Spain 4,507 4,468 0.9 – – 0.9
Other Europe 5,756 6,132 (6.1) 8.4 (0.1) 2.2
Of which: Ireland 954 954 – – – –
Of which: Portugal 911 896 1.7 – – 1.7
Of which: Greece 789 785 0.5 – – 0.5
Eliminations (173) (152)
Europe 31,975 33,381 (4.2) 1.8 3.0 0.6
Fixed service revenue 8,624 8,691 (0.8) 1.3 3.0 3.5
Vodacom 4,447 4,419 0.6 – 3.5 4.1
Of which: South Africa 3,396 3,269 3.9 – 1.7 5.6
Of which: International operations 1,001 1,071 (6.5) – 8.8 2.3
Other AMAP 5,509 5,624 (2.0) – 12.8 10.8
Of which: Turkey 2,310 2,222 4.0 – 12.0 16.0
Of which: Egypt 1,278 1,578 (19.0) – 34.6 15.6
Adjusted EBITDA
Germany 3,617 3,462 4.5 – – 4.5
Italy 2,229 2,015 10.6 – – 10.6
UK 1,212 1,756 (31.0) 5.1 10.1 (15.8)
Spain 1,360 1,250 8.8 – – 8.8
Other Europe 1,865 2,002 (6.8) 10.1 (0.1) 3.2
Europe 10,283 10,485 (1.9) 2.9 2.1 3.1
Vodacom 2,063 2,028 1.7 – 3.2 4.9
Other AMAP 1,791 1,678 6.7 – 18.0 24.7
Of which: Turkey 646 553 16.8 – 13.1 29.9
Of which: Egypt 590 683 (13.6) – 36.3 22.7
AMAP 3,854 3,706 4.0 – 9.2 13.2
Other 12 (36)
Total 14,149 14,155 – 1.8 4.0 5.8
Adjusted EBIT
Group 3,970 3,769 5.3 (3.0) 4.7 7.0
Italy 1,125 1,014 10.9 – (0.1) 10.8
UK 537 826 (35.0) – 9.8 (25.2)
Spain 668 591 13.0 – 0.1 13.1
Other Europe 825 983 (16.1) 16.5 – 0.4
Europe 4,985 5,140 (3.0) 3.3 2.1 2.4
Vodacom 1,111 960 15.7 – (10.1) 5.6
Other AMAP 851 849 0.2 – 26.4 26.6
AMAP 1,962 1,809 8.5 – 5.3 13.8
Other 112 21
Total 7,059 6,970 1.3 1.5 3.5 6.3
Depreciation and amortisation (5,669) (5,874)
Share of result in associates and joint ventures 91 65
Impairment loss – (569)
Restructuring costs (378) (160)
Other income and expense 1,109 (3)
Operating profit 2,212 429
Spain 1,109 1,094 1.4 – (0.1) 1.3
Other Europe 1,102 1,516 (27.3) 28.6 – 1.3
Of which: Ireland 235 238 (1.3) – 0.1 (1.2)
Of which: Portugal 226 221 2.3 – (0.1) 2.2
Of which: Greece 189 189 – – 0.2 0.2
Eliminations (32) (36)
Europe 7,593 8,202 (7.4) 5.3 2.2 0.1
Vodacom 1,198 992 20.8 – (17.0) 3.8
Of which: South Africa 937 717 30.7 – (25.1) 5.6
Of which: International operations 252 259 (2.7) – 3.2 0.5
Other AMAP 1,239 1,404 (11.8) – 21.6 9.8
Of which: Turkey 526 560 (6.1) – 20.0 13.9
Of which: Egypt 224 390 (42.6) – 65.4 22.8
Of which: New Zealand 303 272 11.4 – (11.1) 0.3
AMAP 2,437 2,396 1.7 – 5.1 6.8
Other 314 335
Eliminations (23) (45)
Total service revenue 10,321 10,888 (5.2) 3.9 2.8 1.5
Other revenue 1,020 1,118
Revenue 11,341 12,006 (5.5) 2.8 2.9 0.2
AMAP 11,891 11,600 2.5 0.8 4.8 8.1
Other 1,567 1,595
Eliminations (110) (106)
Total 49,810 48,385 2.9 (0.7) (0.1) 2.1
Service revenue
Germany 9,817 9,862 (0.5) – 0.1 (0.4)
Mobile service revenue 6,062 6,160 (1.6) – – (1.6)
Fixed service revenue 3,755 3,702 1.4 – 0.1 1.5
Italy 5,129 5,169 (0.8) – – (0.8)
Mobile service revenue 4,303 4,353 (1.1) – – (1.1)
Fixed service revenue 826 816 1.2 – – 1.2
UK 7,987 7,527 6.1 0.4 (6.8) (0.3)
Mobile service revenue 6,025 5,702 5.7 0.6 (7.0) (0.7)
Fixed service revenue 1,962 1,825 7.5 (0.5) (5.9) 1.1
Spain 4,468 4,240 5.4 (8.9) – (3.5)
Mobile service revenue 3,034 3,210 (5.5) (2.6) 0.1 (8.0)
Fixed service revenue 1,434 1,030 39.2 (31.4) – 7.8
Other Europe 6,132 5,924 3.5 (1.9) (0.1) 1.5
Of which: Netherlands 1,750 1,746 0.2 – 0.1 0.3
Eliminations (152) (110)
Europe 33,381 32,612 2.4 (1.5) (1.5) (0.6)
Vodacom 4,419 4,451 (0.7) – 6.1 5.4
Of which: South Africa 3,269 3,367 (2.9) – 7.6 4.7
Of which: International operations 1,071 1,002 6.9 – 3.1 10.0
Other AMAP 5,624 5,319 5.7 1.8 2.6 10.1
Of which: Turkey 2,222 2,052 8.3 – 11.4 19.7
Of which: Egypt 1,578 1,473 7.1 5.9 (4.1) 8.9
AMAP 10,043 9,770 2.8 1.0 4.2 8.0
Other 1,303 1,356
Eliminations (109) (103)
Total service revenue 44,618 43,635 2.3 (0.8) (0.4) 1.1
Other revenue 5,192 4,750
Revenue 49,810 48,385 2.9 (0.7) (0.1) 2.1
Italy 1,291 1,295 (0.3) – – (0.3)
UK 1,998 1,854 7.8 0.8 (9.3) (0.7)
Spain 1,116 1,153 (3.2) 0.1 – (3.1)
Other Europe 1,536 1,485 3.4 (1.9) 0.1 1.6
Of which: Netherlands 438 438 – – 0.2 0.2
Eliminations (35) (19)
Europe 8,366 8,237 1.6 (0.1) (2.1) (0.6)
Vodacom 1,107 1,128 (1.9) – 9.1 7.2
Of which: South Africa 817 846 (3.4) – 10.6 7.2
Other AMAP 1,423 1,327 7.2 – 3.6 10.8
AMAP 2,530 2,455 3.1 – 6.1 9.2
Other 308 330
Eliminations (18) (12)
Total service revenue 11,186 11,010 1.6 0.1 (0.4) 1.3
Other revenue 1,536 1,377
Revenue 12,722 12,387 2.7 0.1 (0.1) 2.7
India – Service revenue 1,529 1,393 9.8 – (7.5) 2.3
Other 1,595 1,293
Eliminations (106) (37)
Total 48,385 40,843 18.5 (19.5) (1.1) (2.1)
Service revenue
Europe 32,612 26,456 23.3 (26.0) (2.3) (5.0)
AMAP 9,770 9,627 1.5 (1.0) 1.8 2.3
Other 1,356 1,075
Eliminations (103) (37)
Total 43,635 37,121 17.5 (19.6) (1.1) (3.2)
Other revenue 4,750 3,722
Total 48,385 40,843 18.5 (19.5) (1.1) (2.1)
Adjusted EBITDA
Europe 10,077 8,051 25.2 (35.4) (2.1) (12.3)
AMAP 3,584 3,550 1.0 (0.3) 1.1 1.8
Other 41 239
Total 13,702 11,840 15.7 (23.2) (0.8) (8.3)
Other 78 92
Total 4,040 4,740 (14.8) (11.9) (0.1) (26.8)
The information in this document that is referenced in the following table is included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2017 filed with the
SEC (the ‘2017 Form 20-F’). The information in this document may be updated or supplemented at the time of filing with the SEC or later amended
if necessary. No other information in this document is included in the 2017 Form 20-F or incorporated by reference into any filings by us under
the Securities Act. Please see “Documents on display” on page 194 for information on how to access the 2017 Form 20-F as filed with the SEC.
The 2017 Form 20-F has not been approved or disapproved by the SEC nor has the SEC passed judgement upon the adequacy or accuracy of the
2017 Form 20-F.
Item Form 20-F caption Location in this document Page
1 Identity of Directors, senior management
and advisers Not applicable –
2 Offer statistics and expected timetable Not applicable –
3 Key information
3A Selected financial data Selected financial data 221
Shareholder information: Foreign currency translation 191 and 192
3B Capitalisation and indebtedness Not applicable –
3C Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds Not applicable –
3D Risk factors Risk management 28 to 34
4 Information on the Company
4A History and development of the Company History and development 197
Contact details Back cover
Shareholder information: Registrar and transfer office 191
Shareholder information: Articles of Association and
applicable English law 192 and 193
Chief Executive’s strategic review 12 to 15
Chief Financial Officer’s review 16 and 17
Note 1 “Basis of preparation” 103 to 108
Note 2 “Segmental analysis” 109 to 111
Note 7: “Discontinued operations and assets held for sale” 123 and 124
Note 11 “Property, plant and equipment” 128 and 129
Note 28 “Acquisitions and disposals” 161
Note 29 “Commitments” 162
4B Business overview Performance highlights –
At a glance 8 and 9
Market overview 10 and 11
Chief Executive’s strategic review 12 to 15
Our business model 18 to 21
Sustainable business 26 and 27
Operating results 35 to 41
Financial position and resources 42 and 43
Prior year operating results 177 to 181
Note 2 “Segmental analysis” – Segmental revenue and profit 109 to 111
Regulation 198 to 204
4C Organisational structure Note 33 “Related undertakings” 168 to 175
Note 12 “Investments in associates and joint arrangements” 130 to 132
Note 13 “Other investments” 133
4D Property, plant and equipment Chief Executive’s strategic review 12 to 15
Chief Financial Officer’s review 16 and 17
Financial position and resources 42 and 43
Note 11 “Property, plant and equipment” 128 and 129
4A Unresolved staff comments None –
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 215
Shareholder information: Foreign currency translation 191 and 192
Regulation 198 to 204
5B Liquidity and capital resources Financial position and resources: Liquidity and
capital resources 43
Note 23 “Capital and financial risk management” 148 to 153
Note 22 “Liquidity and capital resources” 144 to 147
Note 21 “Borrowings” 140 to 144
Note 29 “Commitments” 162
5C R
esearch and development, Chief Executive’s strategic review 12 to 15
patents and licences, etc. Chief Financial Officer’s review 16 and 17
Regulation: Licences 202 and 203
5D Trend information Chief Executive’s strategic review 12 to 15
Market overview 10 and 11
5E Off-balance sheet arrangements Note 22 “Liquidity and capital resources” – Off-balance
sheet arrangements 144 to 147
Note 29 “Commitments” 162
Note 30 “Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings” 163 to 166
5F Tabular disclosure of contractual obligations Financial position and resources: Contractual obligations
and commitments 42
5G Safe harbor Forward-looking statements 217
6 Directors, senior management and employees
6A Directors and senior management Board of Directors 48 and 49
Executive Committee 50 and 51
Leadership structure 46 and 47
6B Compensation Directors’ remuneration 67 to 85
Remuneration policy 71 to 76
Note 24 “Directors and key management compensation” 153
6C Board practices Shareholder information: Articles of Association and
applicable English law 192 and 193
Directors’ remuneration 67 to 85
Board of Directors 48 and 49
Board Committees 56 to 63
Leadership structure 46 and 47
6D Employees Our people 24 and 25
Note 25 “Employees” 154
6E Share ownership Directors’ remuneration 67 to 85
Remuneration policy 71 to 76
Note 27 “Share-based payments” 159 and 160
7 Major shareholders and related party transactions
7A Major shareholders Shareholder information: Major shareholders 192
Forward-looking statements
Unaudited information
This document contains “forward-looking statements” within the –– the ability of the Group to integrate new technologies, products and
meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 services with existing networks, technologies, products and services;
with respect to the Group’s financial condition, results of operations
and businesses, and certain of the Group’s plans and objectives. –– the Group’s ability to generate and grow revenue;
In particular, such forward-looking statements include statements –– a lower than expected impact of new or existing products, services
with respect to: or technologies on the Group’s future revenue, cost structure and
capital expenditure outlays;
–– the Group’s expectations and guidance regarding its financial
and operating performance, the performance of associates and –– slower than expected customer growth, reduced customer
joint ventures, other investments and newly acquired businesses, retention, reductions or changes in customer spending and
preparation for 5G and expectations regarding customers; increased pricing pressure;
–– intentions and expectations regarding the development of products, –– the Group’s ability to extend and expand its spectrum resources,
services and initiatives introduced by, or together with, Vodafone to support ongoing growth in customer demand for mobile
or by third parties; data services;
–– expectations regarding the global economy and the –– the Group’s ability to secure the timely delivery of high-quality
Group’s operating environment and market position, including future products from suppliers;
market conditions, growth in the number of worldwide mobile –– loss of suppliers, disruption of supply chains and greater than
phone users and other trends; anticipated prices of new mobile handsets;
–– revenue and growth expected from the Group’s Enterprise and total –– changes in the costs to the Group of, or the rates the Group may
communications strategy; charge for, terminations and roaming minutes;
–– mobile penetration and coverage rates, MTR cuts, the Group’s ability –– the impact of a failure or significant interruption to the
to acquire spectrum and licences, including 5G licences, expected Group’s telecommunications, networks, IT systems or data
growth prospects in the Europe and AMAP regions and growth protection systems;
in customers and usage generally;
–– the Group’s ability to realise expected benefits from acquisitions,
–– anticipated benefits to the Group from cost-efficiency programmes, partnerships, joint ventures, franchises, brand licences, platform
including their impact on the absolute indirect cost base; sharing or other arrangements with third parties;
–– possible future acquisitions, including increases in ownership –– acquisitions and divestments of Group businesses and assets and
in existing investments, the timely completion of pending acquisition the pursuit of new, unexpected strategic opportunities;
transactions and pending offers for investments;
–– the Group’s ability to integrate acquired business or assets;
–– expectations and assumptions regarding the Group’s future revenue,
operating profit, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin, free cash –– the extent of any future write-downs or impairment charges
flow, depreciation and amortisation charges, foreign exchange rates, on the Group’s assets, or restructuring charges incurred as a result
tax rates and capital expenditure; of an acquisition or disposition;
–– expectations regarding the Group’s access to adequate funding for –– developments in the Group’s financial condition, earnings and
its working capital requirements and share buyback programmes, distributable funds and other factors that the Board takes into
and the Group’s future dividends or its existing investments; and account in determining the level of dividends;
–– the impact of regulatory and legal proceedings involving the Group –– the Group’s ability to satisfy working capital requirements;
and of scheduled or potential regulatory changes. –– changes in foreign exchange rates;
Forward-looking statements are sometimes, but not always, identified –– changes in the regulatory framework in which the Group operates;
by their use of a date in the future or such words as “will”, “anticipates”, –– the impact of legal or other proceedings against the Group or other
“aims”, “could”, “may”, “should”, “expects”, “believes”, “intends”, “plans” companies in the communications industry; and
or “targets”. By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently
predictive, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty because they –– changes in statutory tax rates and profit mix.
–– increased competition;
Vodafone does not intend to update these forward-looking statements
–– levels of investment in network capacity and the Group’s ability and does not undertake any obligation to do so.
to deploy new technologies, products and services;
–– rapid changes to existing products and services and the
inability of new products and services to perform in accordance
with expectations;
218 Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017
Definition of terms
Unaudited information
2G 2G networks are operated using global system for mobile (‘GSM’) technology which offers services such as
voice, text messaging and low speed data. In addition, all the Group’s controlled networks support general
packet radio services (‘GPRS’), often referred to as 2.5G. GPRS allows mobile devices to access IP based data
services such as the internet and email.
3G A cellular technology based on wide band code division multiple access delivering voice and faster
data services.
4G/LTE 4G or long-term evolution (‘LTE’) technology offers even faster data transfer speeds than 3G/HSPA.
5G 5G is the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology which will provide better speeds and
coverage than the current 4G.
Adjusted EBIT Operating profit excluding share of results in associates and joint ventures, impairment losses, amortisation
of customer bases and brand intangible assets restructuring costs arising from discrete restructuring plans
and other income and expense. The Group’s definition of adjusted EBIT may not be comparable with similarly
titled measures and disclosures by other companies.
Adjusted EBITDA Operating profit excluding share of results in associates and joint ventures, depreciation and amortisation,
gains/losses on the disposal of fixed assets, impairment losses, restructuring costs arising from discrete
restructuring plans and other income and expense. The Group’s definition of adjusted EBITDA may not be
comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by other companies.
Adjusted operating profit Group adjusted operating profit excludes impairment losses, restructuring costs arising from discrete
restructuring plans, amortisation of customer bases and brand intangible assets and other income and
ADR American depositary receipts is a mechanism designed to facilitate trading in shares of non-US companies
in the US stock markets. The main purpose is to create an instrument which can easily be settled through
US stock market clearing systems.
ADS American depositary shares are shares evidenced by American depositary receipts. ADSs are issued by a
depositary bank and represent one or more shares of a non-US issuer held by the depositary bank. The main
purpose of ADSs is to facilitate trading in shares of non-US companies in the US markets and, accordingly,
ADRs which evidence ADSs are in a form suitable for holding in US clearing systems.
AGM Annual general meeting.
AMAP The Group’s region: Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
Applications (‘apps’) Apps are software applications usually designed to run on a smartphone or tablet device and provide a
convenient means for the user to perform certain tasks. They cover a wide range of activities including
banking, ticket purchasing, travel arrangements, social networking and games. For example, the
My Vodafone app lets customers check their bill totals on their smartphone and see the minutes, texts and
data allowance remaining.
ARPU Average revenue per user, defined as customer revenue and incoming revenue divided by average customers.
Capital additions (‘capex’) Comprises the purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, other than licence and
spectrum payments, during the year.
Churn Total gross customer disconnections in the period divided by the average total customers in the period.
Cloud services This means the customer has little or no equipment at their premises and all the equipment and capability
associated with the service is run from the Vodafone network and data centres instead. This removes the need
for customers to make capital investments and instead they have an operating cost model with a recurring
monthly fee.
Converged customer A customer who receives both fixed and mobile services (also known as unified communications) on a single
bill or who receives a discount across both bills.
Customer costs Customer costs include acquisition costs, retention costs and expenses related to ongoing commissions.
Depreciation and other The accounting charge that allocates the cost of a tangible or intangible asset to the income statement
amortisation over its useful life. This measure includes the profit or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment
and computer software.
Direct costs Direct costs include interconnect costs and other direct costs of providing services.
Enterprise The Group’s customer segment for businesses.
FCA Financial Conduct Authority.
Fixed broadband customer A fixed broadband customer is defined as a customer with a connection or access point to a fixed
data network.
Fixed service revenue Service revenue relating to provision of fixed line (‘fixed’) and carrier services.
FTTC Fibre-to-the-Cabinet involves running fibre optic cables from the telephone exchange or distribution point to
the street cabinets which then connect to a standard phone line to provide broadband.
FTTH Fibre-to-the-Home provides an end-to-end fibre optic connection the full distance from the exchange to the
customer’s premises.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 219
UK tax settlement.
Gbps Gigabits (billions) of bits per second.
HSPA+ An evolution of high speed packet access (‘HSPA’). An evolution of third generation (‘3G’) technology that
enhances the existing 3G network with higher speeds for the end user.
ICT Information and communications technology.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards.
Incoming revenue Comprises revenue from termination rates for voice and messaging to Vodafone customers.
Internet of Things (‘IoT’) The network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity,
including built-in mobile SIM cards, that enables these objects to collect data and exchange communications
with one another or a database.
IP Internet Protocol is the format in which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet.
IP-VPN A virtual private network (‘VPN’) is a network that uses a shared telecommunications infrastructure, such as
the internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organisation’s network.
Mark-to-market Mark-to-market or fair value accounting refers to accounting for the value of an asset or liability based on the
current market price of the asset or liability.
Mbps Megabits (millions) of bits per second.
Mobile broadband Mobile broadband allows internet access through a browser or a native application using any portable or
mobile device such as smartphone, tablet or laptop connected to a cellular network.
Mobile customer A mobile customer is defined as a subscriber identity module (‘SIM’), or in territories where SIMs do not
exist, a unique mobile telephone number, which has access to the network for any purpose, including data
only usage.
Mobile service revenue Service revenue relating to the provision of mobile services.
Mobile termination rate (‘MTR’) A per minute charge paid by a telecommunications network operator when a customer makes a call to
another mobile or fixed network operator.
MVNO Mobile virtual network operators, companies that provide mobile phone services under wholesale contracts
with a mobile network operator, but do not have their own licence or spectrum or the infrastructure required
to operate a network.
Net debt Long-term borrowings, short-term borrowings and mark-to-market adjustments on financing instruments
less cash and cash equivalents.
Next generation networks (‘NGN’) Fibre or cable networks typically providing high-speed broadband over 30Mbps.
Net promoter score (‘NPS’) Net promoter score is a customer loyalty metric used to monitor customer satisfaction.
Operating expenses Operating expenses comprise primarily sales and distribution costs, network and IT related expenditure and
business support costs.
Operating free cash flow Cash generated from operations after cash payments for capital additions (excludes capital licence and
spectrum payments) and cash receipts from the disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and
equipment, but before restructuring costs arising from discrete restructuring plans.
Organic growth An alternative performance measure which presents performance on a comparable basis, both in terms
of merger and acquisition activity and movements in foreign exchange rates. See pages 205 to 213
“Alternative performance measures” for further details.
Other revenue Other revenue includes revenue from connection fees and equipment sales.
Partner markets Markets in which the Group has entered into a partner agreement with a local mobile operator enabling a
range of Vodafone’s global products and services to be marketed in that operator’s territory and extending
Vodafone’s reach into such markets.
Penetration Number of SIMs in a country as a percentage of the country’s population. Penetration can be in excess of
100% due to customers owning more than one SIM.
Petabyte A petabyte is a measure of data usage. One petabyte is a million gigabytes.
Pps Percentage points.
RAN Radio access network is the part of a mobile telecommunications system which provides cellular coverage to
mobile phones via a radio interface, managed by thousands of base stations installed on towers and rooftops
across the coverage area, and linked to the core nodes through a backhaul infrastructure which can be
Additional information
Reported growth Reported growth is based on amounts reported in euros as determined under IFRS.
Restructuring costs Costs incurred by the Group following the implementation of discrete restructuring plans to improve
overall efficiency.
RGUs/sub Revenue Generating Units/unique subscriber ratio (‘RGUs/sub’) describes the average number of fixed
services taken by subscribers.
Roaming Allows customers to make calls, send and receive texts and data on other operators’ mobile networks, usually
while travelling abroad.
Service revenue Service revenue comprises all revenue related to the provision of ongoing services including, but not limited
to, monthly access charges, airtime usage, roaming, incoming and outgoing network usage by non-Vodafone
customers and interconnect charges for incoming calls. See pages 205 to 213 “Alternative performance
measures” for further details.
Smartphone penetration The number of smartphone devices divided by the number of registered SIMs (excluding data only SIMs) and
telemetric applications.
SME Small to medium-sized enterprise.
Spectrum The radio frequency bands and channels assigned for telecommunication services.
SRAN Single Radio Access network, which allows 2G, 3G and 4G services to be run from a single piece of equipment.
Supranational An international organisation, or union, whereby member states go beyond national boundaries or interests
to share in the decision making and vote on issues pertaining to the wider grouping.
VGE Vodafone Global Enterprise (‘VGE’), which serves the Group’s biggest multi-national customers.
VoIP Voice over IP is a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over the internet in digital
form via discrete packets rather than by using the traditional public switched telephone network.
VZW Verizon Wireless, the Group’s former associate in the United States.
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Report 2017 221
The selected financial data shown below for the years ended 31 March 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013 has
been restated into euros following the change in the Group’s presentation currency and include the results
of Vodafone India as discontinued operations following the agreement to combine it with Idea Cellular.
Restated Restated Restated Restated
At/for the year ended 31 March 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Consolidated income statement data (€m)
Revenue 47,631 49,810 48,385 40,845 41,895
Operating profit/(loss) 3,725 1,320 2,073 (4,722) (2,877)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 2,792 (190) 1,734 (5,960) (3,913)
(Loss)/profit for financial year from continuing operations (1,972) (5,127) 7,805 13,900 (4,704)
(Loss)/profit for the financial year (6,079) (5,122) 7,477 71,515 742
Consolidated statement of financial position data (€m)
Total assets 154,684 169,107 169,579 147,536 163,956
Total equity 73,719 85,136 93,708 86,919 85,921
Total equity shareholders’ funds 72,200 83,325 91,510 85,733 84,722
Earnings per share1,2
Weighted average number of shares (millions)
– Basic 27,971 26,692 26,489 26,472 26,831
– Diluted 27,971 26,692 26,629 26,682 26,831
Basic (loss)/earnings per ordinary share (22.51)c (20.25)c 27.48c 269.41c 1.65c
Diluted (loss)/earnings per ordinary share (22.51)c (20.25)c 27.33c 267.29c 1.65c
Basic (loss)/earnings per share from continuing operations (7.83)c (20.27)c 28.72c 51.77c (18.64)c
Cash dividends1,3
Amount per ordinary share (eurocents) 14.77c – – – –
Amount per ADS (eurocents) 147.7c – – – –
Amount per ordinary share (pence) – 11.45p 11.22p 11.00p 10.19p
Amount per ADS (pence) – 114.5p 111.2p 110.0p 101.9p
Amount per ordinary share (US cents) 18.52c 16.49c 16.65c 18.31c 15.49c
Amount per ADS (US cents) 182.5c 164.9c 166.5c 183.1c 154.9c
Other data
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges4 2.1 – 2.2 – 1.9
Deficiency between fixed charges and earnings (€m)4 – 159 – 485 –
1 See note 8 to the consolidated financial statements, “Earnings per share”. Earnings and dividends per ADS is calculated by multiplying earnings per ordinary share by ten, the number of ordinary
shares per ADS.
2 On 19 February 2014, we announced a “6 for 11” share consolidation effective 24 February 2014. This had the effect of reducing the number of shares in issue from 52,821,751,216 ordinary
shares (including 4,351,833,492 ordinary shares held in Treasury) as at the close of business on 18 February 2014 to 28,811,864,298 new ordinary shares in issue immediately after the share
consolidation on 24 February 2014. Earnings per share for the year ended 31 March 2013 has been restated accordingly.
3 The final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2017 was proposed by the Directors on 16 May 2017 and is payable on 4 August 2017 to holders of record as of 9 June 2016. The total dividends
have been translated into US dollars at 31 March 2017 for purposes of the above disclosure but the dividends are payable in US dollars under the terms of the ADS depositary agreement.
4 For the purposes of calculating these ratios, earnings consist of loss or profit before tax adjusted for fixed charges, dividend income from associates, share of profits and losses from associates,
interest capitalised and interest amortised. Fixed charges comprise one third of payments under operating leases, representing the estimated interest element of these payments, interest
payable and similar charges, interest capitalised and preferred share dividends.
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