Advanced Concept For Waste-Fired Power Plants

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21 Century Advanced Concept

for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Waste-to-energy, biomass energy, and fossil-fuel energy solutions

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund

The growing waste problem............................................................................................... 4
The Asian scenario.................................................................................................................................. 4
The future challenge.............................................................................................................................. 4
The big questions.................................................................................................................................... 4
The answer................................................................................................................................................ 4
Waste - a problem or a resource?........................................................................................................ 5
The EU/Scandinavian scenario............................................................................................................. 6
THERMAL TREATMENT OF WASTE.............................................................................................. 6
Available processes................................................................................................................................ 6
Waste as a fuel.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Waste in Asia vs. Europe........................................................................................................................ 7
Best Available Technique (BAT)........................................................................................................... 8
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THERMAL WASTE TREATMENT?.............................................. 8
Ecological footprint................................................................................................................................ 8
Reduction of volume and weight....................................................................................................... 8
Energy generation & co-generation.................................................................................................. 9
Reduction in emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG)......................................................................... 9
What comes out of the chimney?...................................................................................................... 10
Standards for emission to air............................................................................................................. 10
Dioxins and heavy metals................................................................................................................... 10
CRITICAL ASPECTS OF WASTE COMBUSTION........................................................................ 12
Objectives of combustion................................................................................................................... 12
On the technical side........................................................................................................................... 12
Process monitoring and control........................................................................................................ 12
Waste pre-treatment and feeding.................................................................................................... 12
Grate......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Post combustion chamber.................................................................................................................. 13
Flow design and flue gas re-circulation (FGR)............................................................................... 13
Boiler design........................................................................................................................................... 14
Corrosion protection............................................................................................................................ 14
Flue gas treatment (FGT)..................................................................................................................... 14
On the commercial side....................................................................................................................... 14
Availability.............................................................................................................................................. 14
Cost-benefit considerations............................................................................................................... 15
Operation vs. personnel costs........................................................................................................... 15
Decisive parameters for the selection of technology................................................................. 15



THE SIX ELEMENT VLUND APPROACH.................................................................................. 16

THREE CORE CONCEPTS............................................................................................................. 17
WASTE TECHNOLOGY CONCEPT - OVERVIEW........................................................................ 18
Feeding system......................................................................................................................................20
COMBUSTION GRATES...............................................................................................................20
THE DYNAGRATE .......................................................................................................................21
How the grate works............................................................................................................................21
The Vlund grate...................................................................................................................24
Furnace flow design............................................................................................................26
Parallel-flow furnace............................................................................................................................ 26
Centre-flow furnace.............................................................................................................................. 26
Water-cooled wear zone..................................................................................................................... 26
VLUND BOILER SYSTEMS........................................................................................................27

Convection pass.................................................................................................................................... 27
Horizontal arrangement boilers........................................................................................................28
Vertical arrangement boilers.............................................................................................................28
CORROSION PROTECTION.........................................................................................................29
ASH SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................30
VLUND ROTARY-KILN TECHNOLOGY....................................................................................30
NOX EMISSIONS........................................................................................................................... 31
SNCR Selective non-catalytic reduction...................................................................................... 31
Why not Selective Catalytic Reduction?......................................................................................... 31
Advanced deNO x control..................................................................................................................... 31
VoluMixTM................................................................................................................................................. 32
Excess Air................................................................................................................................................. 32
ACC AUTOMATIC COMBUSTION CONTROL..........................................................................33
CLEANING DURING OPERATION...............................................................................................34
WASTEBOOST TM...........................................................................................................................34
VLUND SERVICE PLAN.............................................................................................................34
TRAINING REAL LIFE SIMULATOR BASED............................................................................35



CONCEPTS OVERVIEW................................................................................................................36
FEATURES OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................37
Value a solution that makes sense............................................................................38
Optimized for absolute performance.......................................................................39
Environmental for supreme eco-efficient performance.................................40



THE FOCUS OF OUR ENGINEERING RESOURCES.................................................................... 41

Waste combustion - what is this grate thing?............................................................................... 41
Staged combustion.............................................................................................................................. 41
Flue gas recirculation........................................................................................................................... 42
Modern design tools for waste fired power plants...................................................................... 43
CFD optimization.................................................................................................................................. 43
PDMS - integrated plant design........................................................................................................ 43



THE FOCUS OF OUR R&D ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................44

Electrical efficiency..............................................................................................................................44
Bottom ash.............................................................................................................................................. 45
Next generation sintering process...................................................................................................45
Ferrox - stabilization...........................................................................................................................45





RECOMMENDED LITERATURE...................................................................................................49
RECOMMENDED WWW LINKS...................................................................................................49



MORE THAN 300 SOLUTIONS WORLDWIDE............................................................................50

OUR PROFILE...............................................................................................................................50
Our experience in Asia..........................................................................................................51

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund

The growing waste problem
The worlds population produces around 2
billion tonnes of waste per year. The growing
population and increasing consumption rates
due to the increased standard of living mean
that the world is facing a serious challenge.
People everywhere must realize that less
waste should be generated, and that the produced waste must be treated in an environmentally safe manner.

Municipal Solid Waste

Municipal Solid Waste is what is
commonly known as trash or garbage and consists of everyday items
such as product packaging, bottles,
food leftovers, newspapers, clothes
etc. Everything normally disposed
off in your garbage bin. MSW is also
known as refuse.

The Asian scenario

The countries in Asia are undergoing remarkable development in respect of rapid socio economic changes and infrastructural, technological and industrial progress. Asian consumerism
is increasing, and waste generated per capita
per day is almost 2 kg in certain cities! In the

near future more than 1 kg per day per person

of waste in general will be generated and need
disposal. The region has more than 25 large cities with 5 mill inhabitants or more. Cities are
now surrounded by landfills and many places
are short of landfills. New landfill sites are often
located too far away. Much waste is burned in
the open air although this creates serious air

The future challenge

The amount of municipal solid waste generated globally is estimated to increase by 7%
over 2003 figures to 1.84 billion tonnes. Further it is estimated that between 2004 and
2008, global generation of municipal waste
will increase by 31.1%[1].
The waste picture is dominated by the municipal waste output of the worlds wealthiest
nations as shown below [2]. However it is also
being fuelled by developing countries as they
develop economically and socially and gradually adopt the characteristics of well-developed nations. The increase in tourism and
modern life style is rapidly changing societies
in Asia and generating waste at an alarming
How shall we handle this challenge in the
emerging economies?

The big questions

The questions arising from the challenge are
numerous. How do we prioritize the waste
management problem together with other
environmental problems? How do we define
a waste hierarchy, which prioritizes waste
elimination at the source, reuse, recycling and
composting to energy recovery, and landfiling?

Waste dumping in a village

OECD countries



Gross Domestic


What are the realistic options available today?

Can we benefit from the situation and create
something useful from our waste?


Municipal Waste




Index 100 in 1980







The richer we get, the more we discard

The answer

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants



Source: OECD, 1999

A part of the solution is to change our attitude

towards our leftovers. Instead of only looking
at the municipal solid waste as a problem, we
have to start identifying the opportunities
and possibilities. Then we can start looking
at waste as a resource. At the same time the

Backyard trash burning

In many places backyard trash burning also known as open burning is
practiced daily as a way of getting rid
of the waste. Uncontrolled burning
of waste holds great dangers. The US
EPA[3] has conducted tests that show
that backyard burning of waste from
one family generates pollutants (including dioxins and furans) equal to
that of 7.500 similar families when
burned in a modern waste fired power

Asian Waste
The nature of Asian waste is wet
and with a high content of organic
matter. It is characterized by having
a relatively low heating value that
changes with seasonal precipitation. The waste is a moist, wet fuel,
especially during the rainy seasons.
In developing societies the heating
value of the waste will typically
increase as a consequence of the
increasing standard of living. The use
of packaging materials including
paper, plastics and other combustible
substances, increases.

Urbanization with its challenges is a global problem.

waste hierarchy shall enforce us to reduce the

amount of waste, separate the waste at the
source for recycling and composting, landfilling, or possibly thermal treatment. These options are all part of the solution to the growing waste problem and together they form an
integrated waste management concept with
reliable environmentally friendly sound solutions.

tion of energy is increasing steeply in Asia as seen

below[4], and the need for new energy resources
is urgent.

Waste can be considered as a useful by-product from our daily life.

Waste - a problem or a resource?

In many countries waste is considered as a problem causing great difficulties, politically as well
as environmentally. Local people are afraid of
the possible pollution from the thermal treatment of waste. At the same time the consump-

in the emerging economies, 1970-2025
Central & South America
Middle East

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund

Mass-burning versus
pre-treated waste streams
Pre-treatment is a process during
which waste is prepared before it can
be used as a fuel i.e.: sorted, dried,
shredded, mixed, separated etc.
Mass-burning systems takes raw MSW
refuse including different other
streams including bulky waste without
any pre-treatment. Oversize items may
however be shredded.
When deciding on a solution for
generating energy from waste, the energy efficiency is the most important
Eco-efficient systems extract maximum energy from the fuel at lowest
cost. Pre-treatment processes require
energy and reduce the net energy
extracted from the waste.
Eco-efficient solutions minimize the
internal energy consumption and
makes maximum use of resources.
In other words producing more with

If this way of thinking is shared in a local community, then waste becomes a source of new
energy and a valuable economic and environmental asset. We will then move from waste
management to resource management.

The European Unions approach to waste

management is based on three principles:
Waste prevention

The EU/Scandinavian scenario

Further improving final disposal and monitoring with five major targets to aim for:

Thermal treatment has been part of a sustainable waste management plan in all Scandinavian countries for decades. After collecting,
recycling and reusing the various elements in
the waste, the remaining combustible parts
are incinerated in modern plants that fulfill
the latest and most stringent EU requirements.
The present EU Directive 2000/76/EC on the
incineration of waste was adopted in December 2000. In spite of its title it applies to all
kinds of thermal treatment of waste. Open
burning is prohibited.
Waste management has been refined over
decades and thermal treatment is now part
of the backbone infrastructure in many

Limiting the amount of waste

Reducing the content of hazardous
substances and emissions from waste
by means other than recycling, such as
thermal and other treatments.
Increasing reuse and recycling
separation and collection systems
Recovering energy from the waste
Reducing the volume of the waste
recycling & composting
energy recovery
(thermal treatment)


landfill and optional gas recovery

recycling & composting

The European waste management hierachy

energy recovery
(thermal treatment)

Thermal treatment of waste

landfill and optional gas recovery

Available processes





anaerobic digestion




The available methods of waste treatment

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants


Thermal treatment of waste can be made

in the absence of air (pyrolysis), by limited
addition landfill
of air (gasification) or at
an amwaste
ple supply of air (incineration). In the latter
case the waste is simply combusted like any
other fuel, and the thermal
treatment plant
becomes a Waste Fired
Power Plant (WFPP).
Consequently, in the remaining part of this
publication wecombustion
shall use the term wasteanaerobic dig
Pyrolysis and partly gasification require an
external heat source, while when comgasification
busted the energy
content of the waste is
normally sufficient to sustain the combustion
without addition of other fuels.


Two main processes are applied for the thermal treatment of waste: Fluidized bed combustion and grate combustion.


Fluidized bed combustion (as well as most

pyrolysis and gasification processes) requires that the waste be shredded to a small
particle size before being introduced in the
combustion (pyrolysis/gasification) chamber. Grate combustion; on the other hand,
can accept bigger items and only oversized
materials has to be crushed. For that reason grate combustion is often referred to as
mass burning.
Mass burn combustion is by far the preferred
option, and the only one which has shown
its reliability during prolonged 24 hour a day
operation. In other words mass burn combustion is the only proven technology available
today. Most of the waste is combustible and
burns away during the combustion process
forming a flue gas, which after treatment
is discharged through a chimney to the atmosphere.
But the waste does also contain incombustibles. These leave the process as bottom ash,
but at a much-reduced rate both by volume
and by weight. Most often, the bottom ash
is utilized as a synthetic gravel-like material,
but under certain conditions it may be taken
to a landfill.

of Denmark, Copenhagen and the cities of

Hangzhou, China and Seoul, Korea.

Did you know that...

It can bee seen from the table that the values differ substantially, mainly in accordance
with the organic content.

... 230 million tons of municipal solid

waste or garbage is generated each
year in the United States of America.
This means that on average each person generates about 800 kg of waste
per year.
... each person in the United Kingdom, throws away seven times their
body weight (about 500kg) in waste
every year, on average.

Heat input (excl. aux. fuel)


The diverse nature of MSW demands that

the Waste Fired Power Plant (WFPP) must be
carefully designed to handle and to operate
efficiently over a wide range of waste input
The energy recovery from MSW is a function
of the heating value of a given material composition. The energy content in the various
waste components ranges from inert to 20
MJ/kg or more. The total energy content in
Scandinavia and Japan is up to 3 MWh per ton
of waste.

High high


10,4 MJ/kg
9,2 MJ/kg




8,0 MJ/kg






5,2 MJ/kg



Waste as a fuel

11,5 MJ/kg

12,5 MJ/kg



3,3 MJ/kg



Waste through put

Example only
Nominal capicity 10,5 t/ h



Air preheating zone

Aux. fuel zone

A typical capacity diagram

In Asia heating values down to 3,3 MJ/kg are

seen. On the other hand, the system needs
to be able to adjust to higher heating values
and different waste streams. Co-firing of biomass, sewerage sludge and non-pathological
hospital waste could be possible scenarios.
This requires a flexible firing scheme with
possibility of air preheating and addition of
auxiliary fuel.

Waste in Asia vs. Europe

The composition of waste in Asia and Europe differs in a number of ways. The above
table is a comparison between the capital

Total amount of waste
Food & garden waste
Textiles & others
Calorific value

%, dry
%, dry
%, dry
%, dry
%, dry
%, dry
t/m3 0.36



[24 ]

[ 25]

[26 ]

Typical waste characteristics in four cities

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund

The Kyoto protocol

and greenhouse gases
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in
December 1997. It contains legally
binding obligations for 38 industrialized countries, including 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe,
to reduce their emissions of GHGs to
an average of 5.2 percent below the
1990 levels over the period 20082012.
The targets cover the six main greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O),
perfluorocarbons (PFC), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs, CFC alternatives), and
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The Protocol also allows these countries the
option of deciding which of the six
gases will form a part of their national
emissions reduction strategy. Some
activities in the land-use change and
forestry sector, such as deforestation
and reforestation that emit or absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
are also covered by the Protocol.
Landfilling of waste creates methane,
a violent greenhouse gas, and other
green house gases are released to the
atmosphere when the waste decomposes and composts.
Thermal treatment also creates CO2
but in general it is only a minor part
(10-30%) of the CO2 emitted from a
WFPP that comes from fossil material. Thermal waste treatment consequently reduces CO2 emissions to the
atmosphere and can contribute to
the targets set by the Kyoto protocol.

Best Available Technique (BAT)

Ecological footprint

Best Available Technique is a guideline to selecting the most appropriate system from an
environmental point of view with due consideration to obtaining a reasonable economy
With the adoption of the so-called IPPC directive, the term best available technique, BAT,
was introduced into the European legislation. The directive contains specific definitions of the term, including a requirement
that it must be possible to apply the technique under economically and technically
viable conditions as well as an annex listing
12 considerations to be taken into account
when determining BAT. The twelfth and last
of these considerations is to acknowledge the
BAT Reference Documents (BREFs) published
by the European Commission. What is the best
available technique for treatment of waste?
The directive does not answer this question.
Instead it lists a number of industrial activities
covered by the directive, including landfiling
and installations for the thermal treatment of
municipal waste with a capacity exceeding 3
tonnes per hour[9].

The German company BASF has sponsored a

study comparing the environmental impacts
of three waste management solutions: mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) (aerobic
digestion), waste-to-energy and landfilling[11].

Thermal treatment of waste is usually effected by mass burning.

A finalized BREF[10] on waste incineration was
published in July 2005. It contains a general
description of the techniques applied in the
waste to energy sector and establishes 63
numbered recommendations concerning BAT
for design and operation of waste to energy

What are the benefits

of thermal waste treatment ?

Compared to other methods of treating waste

which cannot be reused or safely treated by
other means, thermal treatment provides a
safe and optimal way of extracting the energy and eliminating the harmful substances. Organic pollutants, toxins and infectious
substances are effectively destroyed at high
temperatures. Thermal treatment of waste
can generate electricity and thermal energy
which can be substituted for other scarce fossil energy resources. The energy from thermal
treatment of waste is considered renewable
energy (electricity and thermal energy) and
can supply base load electricity 365-days-ayear, 24-hours a day to the community. This
is why thermal treatment is now part of sustainable environmental policies in developed

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

The main conclusions are summarized in the

illustration below that shows the ecological
footprint of these three management solutions. The larger the footprint becomes the
less preferable is the solution.


Energy consumtion






Danger potential

The ecological footprint

The carbon dioxide emissions from landfills

per ton MSW are at least 1.2 tons CO2. Landfills
contribution to greenhouse gas emissions are
much higher than WTE plants[12,13]. Landfilling has the lowest cost of the three with mechanical-biological treatment being 8% more
expensive and WTE 54% more expensive than
landfiling. However, considering all of the environmental performance criteria (energy, material, and land consumption, air and water emissions, risks) WTE is the favorable solution.

Reduction of volume and weight

A main objective of thermal treatment is to
minimize the volume of waste to deposit at
landfills. Municipal solid waste collected at
the kerb side has a typical density of 100-150
kg/m3 but is compacted on collection so the
density changes to 225 to 300 kg/m3.
During thermal treatment the energy content
is released and the volume and weight reduced by up to 95% and 80%, respectively.
The final disposal volume is reduced by more
than 95% after thermal treatment.

Reduction of weight
yearly figures



200.000 t



8.000 t to deposits


40.000 tconstruction materials


5.000 t reuse

100 %

4 % to deposits

Co-generation of energy increases the energy efficiency

yearly figures

Energy generation & co-generation


The WFPP can create various forms of energy

by means of thermal treatment:

24 t/h
192.000 t/a

Heat for district heating purposes
Steam for process use
Cooling for air-conditioning
Energy for desalination of seawater
By extracting all of the energy from the pl ant
and utilizing the heat it is possible to achieve
>90% thermal efficiency: In traditional plants
with electricity production only, the efficiency is approximately 20% and the excess heat
has to be cooled away.


flue gas

7,0 MW

8000 hours per year

@ 11,0 MJ/kg
2.112.000 GJ/a
73,4 MW
587 GWh/a

Output to network
district heating
district cooling
process steam
power grid

flue gas
& heat pumps

56 GWh/a (heat pumps 1)

8,0 MW


64 GWh/a (condensation 2)

17 MWe
136 GWh/a (electricity)
49,9 MW

400 GWh/a (heat)

100 %

> 90 %
> 110 % with 1 & 2

Heating to > 30.000 families

Electicity to > 40.000 families

Co-generation or combined heat and power

generation is a way of increasing the overall
thermal efficiency from the 20% to more than
85% by utilizing the waste heat from the elecIncrease in global warming
tricity production. By also extracting energy
Increase in global warming
from the flue gas by condensation and heat
pumps it is possible to achieve more
Instrumental data (AD 1902 to 1999)
100% energy efficiency (based on the net
Reconstruction (AD 1000 to 1980)
calorific value).
Reconstruction (40 years smoothed)

Reduction in emissions
of greenhouse gas (GHG)

Linear trend (AD 1000 to 1900)


Northern hemisphere anomaly (C)

relative to 1961 to 1990

The increased emission of greenhouse gases,

most noteworthy carbon dioxide (CO2), during the 20 Century is believed to cause a
global warming and illustrated below[14]. In an
attempt to prevent this effect the Kyoto Protocol has been agreed. Combusting the waste
instead of taking it to landfill contributes
0.0 to
the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol by preventing the methane formation associated
with the anaerobic degration of waste under
landfill conditions.

1998 instrumental value

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


What comes out of the chimney?

Did you know that...
... waste can stay in nature up to 1000
years if it is not picked up by someone
and put in the garbage bin!
... it takes between 100 to 1000 years for
a plastic bag to be broken down in nature, depending upon the type of plastic, temperature and sort of soil!
... in Denmark we use 150.000 tons of
plastic every year!
... plastic is an excellent fuel!

The combustion process should be operated

in such a way that secures maximum burnout
of both the bottom ash and the flue gas. Consequently, EU legislation sets limits to the content of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in bottom
ash and flue gases. Any dioxin present in the
waste should be completely destroyed.
In addition, there are limits as to the formation of carbon monoxide (CO), and the combustion conditions should also minimize the
formation of nitrogen oxides (NO + NO2 =
NO x).
But the flue gas must also be treated to remove other air pollutants such as particles
(fly ash), hydrochloric acid (HCl), hydrogen
fluoride (HF), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and heavy
metals like mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and
lead (Pb).
Some of these processes also remove other
potential air pollutants like dioxins, hydrogen bromide (HBr), brominated dioxins, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and additional
heavy metals.

Emission regulations
EU[10] China Japan Korea BAT[10]
Component unit
CO mg/Nm3
50 150 50 1-50
SO2 mg/Nm3
50 30
mg/Nm3 200
HF mg/Nm3
1 0.1-1
Smoke is not always smoke, as seen from the FTG plant
HCI mg/Nm3 10
in Linkbing, Sweden
mg/Nm3 10
Dioxins & Furans
0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.0002-0.08
Hg mg/Nm3 0.05
Standards for emission to air
mg/Nm3 0.05
In the EU, Korea, Japan and China emissions
other metals
0.5 1.6
are controlled by law. The below table is a
10 0.1-5

comparison between the different standards.

The last column indicates BAT.

Note: units at 11% O2 dry, daily average

Comparrison of emission regulations

in different countries

Dioxin in output
reduced by 65%

Dioxin in raw

waste fired
power plant

All numbers are International Toxic

(dioxin) Equivalent emissions (I-TEQ)


3,5 Slagg


35,5 Total

A WFPP reduces the dioxin accumulated

in our leftovers


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Consequently, a modern waste fired power

plant emits hardly any toxic effluents from
the chimney. The treated flue gas that is seen
coming out consists primarily of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor.

Dioxins and heavy metals

Modern waste plants actually contribute to
the net reduction of dioxins and furans[15, 17]! In
popular terms you can say that in certain areas and cities the air that comes out of a plant
is cleaner than the air that goes into it.
Household waste and other waste generated by modern society reflect production

and consumption. These kinds of waste will

therefore contain all the types of materials
and chemicals used in society and the pollutants that they form. In particular, this applies
to household waste which consists of heterogeneous material containing small amounts
of mercury, cadmium, dioxins or other pollutants. Household and other waste must therefore be treated carefully and dealt with safely
to prevent the pollutants from spreading and
causing harm to humans and to the environment.
One very important aim of thermal treatment
is to break the harmful ecocycle of heavy
metals, dioxins etc[10]. The incoming waste
contains varying amounts of dioxins, depending on the origin and composition. By far the
largest part of these dioxins is broken down
into carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen
chloride during the thermal process, which
takes place at temperatures above 700C. The
small quantities of dioxins that have not been
broken down are collected in the flue gas
treatment system.
When released into the air, dioxins may be
transported over long distances and are
found in most places in the world. Today most
of the daily dioxin pollution in Scandinavia is
imported from other countries by the wind
and originates from other sources than thermal treatment of waste[16]!
Compared to 1990 dioxin from waste to energy plants have has dropped to approx. one
thousandth in 2005[17].

As mentioned previously, the burning process itself produces bottom ash, which is either utilized or landfilled. In some countries
the bottom ash must fulfill certain criteria regardless of whether it is utilized or landfilled.
The criteria are intended to prevent the bottom ash from polluting the aquatic environment due to leaching of harmful substances.
In the EU a distinction is made between inert, non-hazardous and hazardous waste and
acceptance criteria have been adopted for
wastes to go on landfills for these three categories of waste. See scheme on next page.
The flue gas treatment processes also generates solid residues and in some cases also
a wastewater, which of course must be
treated before being discharged. These residues are normally landfilled or brought to an
underground storage facility.

What are dioxins and furans?

Chlorinated dioxins and other substances
within the group known as persistent (stable) organic pollutants (POPs) occur and are
formed in many different activities and processes and in many different places within the
industrialized countries. Due to emissions
and other activities, these substances, which
are stable by nature and are enriched in the
food chains, have built up in the ecosystems
where they cause serious disturbances. Dioxins include the most toxic substances known
to mankind. Dioxins is a collective name for
210 different chlorin-ated dibenzo-p-dioxins
and dibenzofurans. Some of these compounds are extremely toxic, whereas others
are practically harmless. In total, 17 of these
dioxins are toxic to some degree, and the one
called is the most toxic. The toxicity of the dioxins is stated in TCDD equivalents, which are a measure of how the 17 toxic
dioxins are distributed in a sample from a flue
gas, an ash or another material. The most
commonly applied and generally accepted
method is the international I-TEQ system, in
which the 17 toxic dioxins are assigned a factor indicating their relative toxicity.
Brominated dioxins and furans form a group
of substances with similar properties to the
chlorinated analogues (equivalents). The
composition, structure and toxicity of both
groups are comparable. One crucial difference, however, is that the brominated dioxins
and dibenzofurans are not as stable in sunlight as their chlorinated counterparts. Tests
have also shown that the rate of degradation
of the brominated compounds in nature is
significantly faster[16].

Formation of dioxins
Dioxins have never been produced commercially in the same way as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs). Dispersion in the environment
has only taken place via products which have
been contaminated with dioxins or through

emissions from thermal and chemical/biological processes. Dioxins can be formed in a

number of different ways. A distinction is usually drawn between two main types of formation: formation in thermal processes and formation in chemical/biological processes.
It has emerged that conditions for dioxin
formation can be found in many different
activities and processes in society, and even
in nature under both natural and influenced
conditions. For example, dioxins can be
formed during all types of combustion based
on organic waste materials. This is a result of
chlorine and catalytically active substances
such as copper commonly occurring in all
forms of organic material. Precursors can
also be found in many materials, which mean
that the conditions for dioxin formation are
present. Other known sources of dioxin emission are related to:

industry (forest industries, iron and steelworks, aluminum and copperworks, foundries, the cement industry and lime-burning etc.)


production - (excluding thermal

waste treatment plants) - is a major source

small boilers, wood-fuelled furnaces etc.

fires at landfill sites, forest and land fires
fires in buildings, cars and other objects that
contain PVC and other chlorine-containing
materials, are major sources of dioxins.

Biological/chemical processes:
composting processes (Household waste
contains dioxins to a varying degree, depending on the origin and composition of
the waste. Surveys indicate that no degradation of dioxins takes place during composting. The dioxin content in the waste
remains and is transferred to and included
in the resulting product compost)[16].

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Critical aspects of
waste combustion

Objectives of combustion
The prime objective of a waste combustion
plant is to burn the waste in an environmentally safe manner. This means that the
burnout of the flue gas and bottom ash shall
be maximized and the formation of air, water
and soil polluting substances shall be prevented as far as possible.
A secondary but equally important objective is to maximize the energy recovery. The
incinerator shown on next page is equipped
with a steam boiler, and the energy recovery
takes places by raising steam, which is passed
to a turbine/generator set (not shown) for
electricity and possibly heat production. In
such a plant the steam production rate (kg/s)
should be as constant as possible to secure
a smooth operation of the turbine and a uniform electricity production. This again calls
for a constant thermal conversion rate in the
furnace/boiler system.

On the technical side

Process monitoring and control

Controlled landfill at seashore edged by windmills

Emission regulations EU 2003/33/EC l

leaching acceptance criteria
unit Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Inert waste
Antimony mg/l
0.5 0.07 0.006
Arsenic mg/l
2.5 0.2 0.05
Barium mg/l
30 10 2
Cadmimum mg/l
0.5 0.1 0.004
Chloride mg/l
2500 1500 80
Chrominum (total)
7 1 0.05
Copper mg/l
10 5 0.2
Fluoride mg/l
50 15 1
Lead mg/l
5 1 0.05
Mercury mg/l
0.2 0.02 0.001
3 1 0.05
Nickel mg/l
4 1 0.04
Selenium mg/l
0.7 0.05 0.01
Zinc mg/l
20 5 0.4
pH - - -
- - TDSI mg/l
10,000 6000 400
DOCII mg/l
100 80 50
All limit values refer to liquid to solid ratio (L/S)
TDS is total dissolved solids
DOC is dissolved organic carbon


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

However, waste is an inhomogeneous fuel

with widely varying properties. Keeping the
thermal conversion and the steam production rates constant as well as optimizing the
operation of the flue gas treatment system
requires that the entire process be continuously monitored and the operation automatically corrected according to the actual conditions.
Thus regardless of the make and design of
an thermal treatment plant an advanced
control and monitoring system (CMS) is required.

Waste pre-treatment and feeding

Mass burn incinerators accept bigger items,
only larger items should be shredded before
being put into the waste bunker. The waste
is fed by a crane into a hopper from where
it is introduced in the furnace by a feeding device. This must operate automatically
as required by the CMS and feed a specific
quantity of waste into the furnace and onto
the grate.

When introduced onto the grate, the waste is
first dried, then partly pyrolised under formation of combustible as well as incombustible

Mass burn waste to energy plant with a centre flow

furnace, a steam boiler with three vertical radiation
passes and a horizontal convection pass and a semi-dry
flue gas treatment plant.

gases. The combustible gases burn above the

grate. The remaining waste is subsequently
burned out on the grate to a TOC content of
less than 3% before it falls into the normally
wet bottom ash system. The system may also
be designed in accordance with the required
leaching properties of the bottom ash.
Primary combustion air is supplied from underneath through small openings in the grate.
The air supply is determined by two considerations: Firstly, enough air must be supplied to
cool the grate (air-cooled grate), and secondly, enough air must be supplied to sustain the
(primary) combustion. Normally, the former
quantity is the larger. Thus, by partly cooling
the grate by water (water-cooled grate), it is
possible to adjust the primary air supply to
exactly the flow needed for the primary combustion process, only. Numerous samples of
grate siftings shows a very good burnout and
in the same order as the main ash flow.
The small openings in the grate carpet allow,
on the other hand, smaller particles of the
waste to fall through the grate as grate siftings. The siftings are collected, and normally
they are mixed into the bottom ash, but they
may be removed separately and possibly returned to the feeding hopper.

Post combustion chamber

Modern standards require that the flue gas
be exposed to a temperature of min. 850C
for a time of min. 2 seconds after the last secondary air injection. The furnace must therefore have a post combustion or afterburning
chamber of a certain height above the grate.
The final burnout of the flue gas takes place in
that chamber, and secondary combustion air
is added in the required amount and in a way
that secures maximum turbulence.

Flue gas cleaning

It is in the post combustion chamber that the

auxiliary burner(s) are located (if installed) and
that the injection of ammonia (NH3) or urea
((NH2)2CO) for NO x reduction according to the
SNCR process is made.

During combustion when fuels are

burned a certain number of gas
components remains beside the ash.
These are after the heat is extracted
called flue gases and are cleaned in
a flue gas cleaning (FGC) system.

Flow design and flue gas

re-circulation (FGR)
The total air supply to the combustion process
is the sum of the primary and secondary air.
To secure complete burnout it is necessary to
operate at a certain surplus of air. The excess
air passes all the way through the boiler and
the flue gas treatment system to the chimney
and depending on the flue gas temperature
in the chimney it represents a loss of energy
and hence a loss of thermal efficiency.

Flue gases include: carbon dioxide

(CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO x ),nitrogen (N 2),
sulphur (S), sulphur dioxide (SO2),
water vapour, soot, hydro carbons and
heavy metals etc.
Tremendous advancements have been
done in the field of FGC and emission
monitoring. Many emissions can now
be measured continuously for online
monitoring of compliance with regulations.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


in the chimney it represents a loss of energy and hence a loss of thermal efficiency.

process selected. The process may be dry,

semi-dry or wet.

The excess air ratio can be reduced on the

primary side by using a water-cooled grate
and on the secondary side by re-circulating
a part of the treated flue gas (FGR).

In or after the FGT system it is possible to recover additional heat in economizers or by

condensing part of the water vapor content
of the flue gas.

It is also of importance whether the entire

gas flow through the furnace is counter flow,
centre flow or parallel flow as explained later on in the present publication.

An induced draft fan creates the necessary

under pressure through the whole waste to
energy plant and a series of emission monitors checks that the flue gas complies with
the relevant emission limit values before it is
discharged through the chimney. The monitoring results are sent to the CMS system.

Thus, the air supply and the volumetric mixing of primary flue gases with secondary air
is a delicate design feature. Computerized
Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling is an important tool in this design operation.

Boiler design

Renewable energy
Renewable energy (RE) captures energy from existing flows of energy, from
on-going natural processes, such as
sunshine, wind, flowing water, biological processes, and geothermal heat
flows. The most common definition is
that renewable energy is from an energy resource that is replaced rapidly
by a natural process such as power
generated from biomass, the sun or
from the wind.
Biomass is a Renewable Source of
Energy (RES) and re-grow in nature,
such as wood, crops, or other plants
(biomass). Plants (biomass) use
photosynthesis to store solar energy in
the form of chemical energy. Waste a
byproduct of industrialization includes biomass.
Waste fired power plants can
produce clean, renewable energy
through the combustion of municipal solid waste with the most modern
pollution control equipment for cleaning emissions. Commitments to fulfill
the obligations under the Kyoto protocol will lead to an increase in the use
of renewable sources of energy. The
EU has already proposed to generate
22.5% of its electricity from renewable
energy sources by 2010. Energy from
waste is now considered a source of
renewable energy under existing law
in many countries.


Boilers for Waste Fired Power Plants are

normally water tube boilers and most often
they have four passes: 3 vertical radiation
passes and a convection pass. The first of
the radiation passes is integrated in the furnace as the post combustion chamber. The
convection pass, in which the evaporators,
superheaters and economizers are located,
may be vertical or horizontal.
When designing a boiler for waste firing it is
important to take the special risk of corrosion into account. This risk is mainly due to
the release of clorine from the waste during
the combustion combined with condensing components of the metals Zn and Pb. In
practice this limits the steam parameters to
a maximum of around 400C and 50 bar.

On the commercial side

A new era requires new initiatives. The market
opens and liberalization sets new rules and
demands economically optimal operation of
the complex plants in the waste sector.
The increasing liberalization of the waste and
energy sectors is already affecting the waste
management companies. The shift from monopoly to free competition will be easiest for
the companies that have prepared themselves
new business models and new technology
will be decisive competitive parameters.
The operation is facing new challenges, when
competition increases and becomes more influential in the coming years.
Due to the high investment costs of establishing thermal waste treatment plants, new
operation models are becoming more popular and include financing models such as BOO
and BOOT.

Corrosion protection
HCl is highly corrosive at high (> 450C) as
well as at low (<110C) temperatures. To prevent corrosive attacks on the furnace boiler
system the heating surfaces in the radiant
part is protected by a resistant refractory
material and/or welded high-alloy materials.
In the radiant passes the flue gas is cooled
slowly to a temperature of less than 700C
before it in the convections pass is further cooled by the heating surface bundles
To prevent low temperature corrosion the
feed water should be preheated to minimum
125C before being introduced in the boiler.

Flue gas treatment (FGT)

In the boiler the flue gas is cooled to 150200C depending on the subsequent FGT

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Modern waste fired power plants are built to

last 30 years and to make money for the community or their owner. In order to finance the
plants in ways that make them affordable to
the operator, the community, county or region requires a solid and sustainable foundation with optimum life-cycle cost.

As basis of a sound business model, predictability is one of the most important issues. If
the revenue is not predictable then the return
of investment becomes unpredictable and
thus the whole fundament of the business is
questionable or at least very risky.
To ensure your operation the availability is
maybe the one most important parameter of
your whole plant. Availability can be charac-

Regional/national Regional/national

reusePower sale

Steam sale
Emission credits


Bottom ash


Public relations



Bottom ash

Public relations


Power sale
energy recovery
(thermal treatment)
Steam sale



In Europe the selection of the right thermal

treatment solution is in most cases based
upon a selection model where certain parameters are decisive and prevailing for the


Decisive parameters for

the selection of technology


For main revision of the plant, extra help will

be required from outside entrepreneurs. The
contractor can supply assistance for inspection, revision and optimization. In practise
the number of persons employed is normally
somewhat higher.


The operators normally work in three shifts

with the administrative and maintenance personnel work during the day only. With holidays, illnesses, etc. a total of 8 operators are
required. Plant management, administration
and daily maintenance are handled by 6 persons. The 2 administrative people also handle
waste registration, etc. In total a minimum of
14 persons can manage the plant. This does
not include manpower for residue handling,
plant cleaning, etc.

waste fired
power plant


Operating the plant require real people. With

a plant designed for low personnel costs a
limited number of persons is necessary.


Operation vs. personnel costs


For an optimum return-on-investment, lifecycle costs shall be assessed.

Heat sale

non-ferrous metals)
Heat sale

Gate fee
for waste


Implementation costs is of course important

but cannot be evaluated alone. Over the lifetime of the plant, the implementation costs
will balance out. The cost of operation and
maintenance will affect the project in its full
lifetime the next 30 years. The secondary
side-effects from a non-performance operation are loss of income, penalties, pollution
and breach of contracts.

waste fired
power plant


recycling & composting

By products


Proven solutions and technology form the

basis for a sound and financial viable project
with the highest return on investment for the
community. A business model involves many
revenue and cost flows and numerous parameters shall be considered for a true cost-benefit scheme.

Revenue and cost streams

for waste


Cost-benefit considerations



Every hour counts and this is where the profit

is made.

Revenue and cost streams

in WFPP operation


terized as a combined measure of performance, reliability and effectiveness.

Emission credits
By products

landfill and optional


The main cost and revenue

in a WFPP
plant flows
three shifts

crane operator
24 hours
three shifts

day shift

day shift

day shift

manager manager
day shift day shift
day shift

power plant


plant operator
24 hours

waste fired

plant operator
24 hours

power plant electrical
maintenance maintenance
day shift
day shift

full time


full time


day shift

anaerobic digestion

maintenance pyrolysis
day shift



A plant optimized for low operation costs, requires a

minimum of persons to operate it

High efficiency
Proven technology
Availability and reliability
Few people to manage
& operate
Technical and environmental
Low risk
Capital costs




The parameters related to the overall

performance and commercial viability are
extracted from each proposal and compared
against each other. The technical aspects are
often indirectly evaluated thorough other indicators.


Evaluating a waste treatment solution

require all of the above criteria to be considered

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


The Vlund Waste Technology

Our six elements approach focuses our research
& development and engineering activities on the
areas that we believe will benefit our customers
and end-users and the environment in the most
favourable way.



The six element Vlund approach

The Babcock & Wilcox Vlund advanced concept is based on the following six elements
and is where we focus our development efforts into.

Focus area



Waste flexibility

Focus on design to meet

local requirements

Adjustability to changing
properties of waste

Thermal design

Modular & clean

combustion and boiler

Optimization of
thermal performance


Emission minimization
with advanced tools and

Achievement of the lowest

possible emission of
effluents to the environment

Performance & efficiency

Life-cycle optimized
for lowest impact
and highest ROI

Achievement of the
highest possible
efficiency and value

Availability engineering

Careful attention to
the design of
critical components

Optimization of
business operation

Operation &
maintenance design

Strong focus on the lowest

possible operation &
maintenance costs

Easy daily supervision

- low overhead

Heating value

Water cooled grate


Parallel-flow furnace

Variable pre-heating

Adequate heating
surface layout

reporting system

Sludge co-combustion



Low excess air

Boiler preheating

Operator training

Hospital waste

ACC Advanced
Combustion & Control



Advanced refractory

Simulator & analyzer


Vertical & horizontal


Advanced deNOX

corrosion protection


Vlund Control &

Monitoring System

Vertical & horizontal


flue gas recirculation


In operation
cleaning system

Strategic sparepart

Mixed waste

Centre-flow furnace








Performance &


Operation &


Platform technology




BS Technology

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants


Three core concepts
Our three core concepts are tailor made to
fulfil the market needs based on input received from our customers. The three solutions are packaged, scaled and delivered
pre-engineered and can be implemented in
a short time. This approach reduces the risk
factor connected with the technology and
its implementation and will significantly attribute to the success of the project. Together
with our approved local partners we accumulate and utilize the experience gained from
the repeated implementation of projects and
application of our technologies.




VlundSystems Technology

proven & rock-solid

lowest operating and maintenance cost
Packaged & delivered only as pre - engineered modules
in the range of 2-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40 t/h

See overview page 36

See details page 38




BS Technology

highest efficiency
advanced combustion technology
minimum loss of ignition
customized to meet your needs
Packaged as pre - engineered modules
in the range of 2-5-10-15-20-25 t/h

See overview page 36

See details page 39




Rotary Kiln Grate Technology

meets the stringents environmental requirements

long residence time at high temperature
an effective way to destroy contaminants
sintering of bottom ash
minimum leaching

See overview page 36

See details page 40

Packaged & delivered only as pre - engineered modules

in the range of 5-10 t/h

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Waste Technology Concept

O verview
Extracting energy from waste is a demanding
task as explained earlier in this publication.
The result of our strong focus at research and
development is innovation turned into mature and well-functioning products. This can
however only be done when combined with
applied experience and knowledge.
We have developed the technologies and
plant components to make them conform to


modern requirements with the objective to

develop and improve the systems to meet
future challenges to waste treatment. All
modules are confirming to EU standards.
The features and benefits of the technologies
embedded in our modules are listed below.
The overview is followed by a detailed description of selected modules and components on
the following pages.



Pusher feeding

Efficient, smooth feeding, fuel Long lifetime, low cost



Flexible combustion

Complete burn-out of gases

Centre-flow furnace

Compact furnace layout

Lowest cost

Staged combustion

Low NO x

Low primary NO x formation,

low SNCR consumption

Low excess air

Decrease in the amount of


High efficiency and low

stack loss


Supreme gas mixing

Uniform temperatures and

flow in the furnace, burn-out

Flue gas recirculation

Improved gas mixing and

furnace/boiler temperature

High efficiency, low



Ammonia-based reduction of
NO x gases

Reduced FGC costs and

reheating of flue gas

Advanced deNO x control

Integrated NO x reduction

Low NO x emission control.

substantial FGC savings


State-of- the art corrosion


High availability, low

maintenance cost


Newest lining material

Protection with long lifetime


Adjustable to a
wide range of fuels

Flexible operating schemes


Co-firing of a wide
range of biomass fuels

Renewable energy tariffs,

auxiliary fuel for low heating
value adjustment

Hospital waste

Separate combustion
chamber for pathological

Added income,
independent operation

Sludge waste

Co-combustion of sludge

Added income

Variable preheating

Adjustment to calorific
value of the waste

Highest degree of
burn-out & efficiency

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants


Reno Nord WFPP, Denmark - artists impression




Rotating water cleaning in

radient parts of the boiler

Cleaning with boiler

in operation

Maximization of efficiency
and availability

wear zone

Avoidance of slagging

Reduction of the area of

un-cooled refractory, high

Boiler preheating

Faster run-up

High availability

Vlund Control System

Our basic state of the art

control system provided on
all plants

User-friendly, well designed,

complete and easily

ACC Automatic
Combustion Control

Adjustment to nonpredictable waste streams

Optimized production,
uniform combustion

CFD optimization

Advanced guidelines for

furnace & boiler design

Uniform temperature & flow

field, extremely low CO
emission and corrosion

plant design

3D visual modelling of the

plant using PDMS

For smooth EPC integration

and sub-assembly


Stabilization and
immobilization of heavy
metals in various residues

Environmentally safe
disposal of residues

Sintering process

Stabilization and
immobilization of bottom ash

High quality
bottom ash, low leaching


Increased steam temperature

High electrical efficiency

Service Plan

Tailor-made service plan to

fit your plant and need with
strategic spare part program

Availability with the highest

assurance and lowest cost

Simulator & Analyzer

Simulator and analyzer tool

for real life plant experience

Model based simulation of

plant behaviour


Training program tailor made

for your staff and compliant
with local requirements

Excellent training program

for your staff that makes
them qualified to handle
tangible real-life situations

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


This consistent feeding ensures minimal environmental impact because it promotes ideal,
controllable combustion.
Feed hopper


Safety gates







The correct design of the feed hopper prevents waste clogging and ensures a continuous waste transport to the water-cooled chute.
Two powerful hydraulic gates are placed between chute and hopper. These gates can be
closed in the event of a fire in the chute, and
they will close automatically in the event of
power failure.
The water-cooled feed chute is made of heavy
steel plates. The smooth sides have a negative
inclination to ensure a free waste transport
through the chute to the feed platform. The
chute cooling system makes it fire-resistant.
The grate is fed at a variable rate adjusted to the
energy production by means of a hydraulic pusher. The front and top sides of the feed pusher are
covered by exchangeable wear plates. The sides
of the water-cooled feed chute are covered by
exchangeable cast-iron plates up to the height of
the top of the feed pusher.

Feeding system
The fuel feeding process for an ideal, controllable combustion.
Feeding means dosing the right quantity of
fuel to the grate for steady combustion and
energy production.
Proper feeding is continuous and adjusted
to the grate transport capacity to ensure an
even fuel layer across the grate, thus enabling
a steady energy output.

The continuous slow forward movement of

the feed pusher at a variable rate adjusted to
the energy production results in a steady and
continuous feeding of the grate.

Combustion grates
A combustion grate is a transport device with
that moves the burning fuel from the inlet
through the furnace to the bottom ash outlet.
During transportation the fuel is mixed, and
combustion air is added. Volatile material is
released to the furnace and fixed carbon is
burned on the grate.
The grate is an integrated part of the furnace, where the fuel is converted into energy.
Our grates are designed to provide reliable
transport of the waste from the furnace inlet
through the furnace. This ensures drying, ignition, combustion and energy release, and
complete burn-out before the bottom ash

Combustion grate


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Our combustion grates are unique:

Our grate systems are designed for:
long-term operation, stable and optimum
combustion (regardless of fuel quality) and
easy access for low-cost maintenance. The
burn-out of the bottom ash is very high.
Since their launch, our grate systems have
been continuously updated, and they are

DynaGrate seen from ash outlet. Feeding pusher inlet seen at top of grate

among the most reliable and optimal solutions on todays market.

We offer updated spare parts for all our grates
and plant optimization for achievement of the
best possible combustion with minimal environmental impact.

D ynagrate
DynaGrate is the result of 40 years of development. The proven air-cooled DynaGrate, is
ideal for combustion of refuse with very high
combustion efficiency for greater energy recovery while limiting environmental pollution.

DynaGrate ready for shipment

The patented water-cooled DynaGrate has

been through approx. 32,000 hours of prototype operation and approx. 32,000 hours of
commercial operation (up to year 2006).
The watercooled DynaGrate is distinguished
by its suitability for high calorific fuel and offers
full integration with the air-cooled DynaGrate,
providing complete freedom within the grate
area, whether air-cooled, water-cooled, or both.
DynaGrate is capable of handling all sorts of
unsorted waste and has the possibility of biomass co-firing.

How the grate works

The grate resembles a staircase. The individual steps the grate bars are alternately
placed horizontally and vertically. These
grate bars are mounted on shafts and, as
the grate bars of one axle interferes with
the bars of the adjoining axle, a continuous
grate carpet is formed. When the axles turn
60 degrees in opposite directions during the
movement of the grate, the steps are changing from vertical to horizontal and from horizontal to vertical.

has a very strong aggetation of the fuel
bed, because of the unique movement of the grate bars. This result in
extremely good burn-out of the waste.
The water-cooled version of the DynaGrate is outstanding because the
cooling system is integrated in the
shaft which is also support for the grate
bars. Thereby there are no moveable
parts under the grate and the risk of uncontrolled stops are minimized.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Air-cooled DynaGrate
Process advantages

Mechanical advantages

Air gap of 1.5-1.8% of the projected area, giving

uniform air distribution through individual
grate sections.
Fuel can be heavy, light or heterogeneous,
such as household or non-hazardous trade and
industrial waste.

No physical contact between moving grate

parts, thus limiting wear and reducing the mechanical forces to which the grate is exposed
during operation

Agitation of the waste fuel, giving efficient

combustion and ensuring very low CO emission

Air-cooled side plates secure their durability.

Thermal grate expansion does not affect gaps
between outer grate bar and side plate

The grate is operated close to sub stoichiometric conditions, giving low bed temperature
and thus minimizing bottom ash melting and
caking. The result is a high degree of burnout
and fine-grained bottom ash

Driving mechanism situated outside the

furnace prevents grate siftings, molten tin,
aluminum, etc. from fouling and blocking the
system. Easy access for maintenance

Slow and continuous grate movement, giving

small quantities of dust and fly ash

Adjustment and lubrication can be carried out

from outside the furnace

Minimal unburnt organic compounds in combustion gases

Uniform and steady combustion results in
uniform energy production and an almost
constant combustion gas flow
High availability and long continous operating

The changing of the steps from horizontal

to vertical and vice versa produces a waving
longitudinal movement. This produces optimum turnover and distribution which ensures
the drying, conveying, and combustion of the
waste bed.
The driving mechanism, which is situated outside the furnace, provides a constant 2 mm
gap between successive grate bars in all axle
positions. It is through this 2 mm gap that the
combustion air is added between the successive bars.
The grate movement ensures that the air gaps
are always clean and free from particles. No

physical contact exists between the individual bars during the grate movement.
A grate consists of modules which can be combined to grates of various lengths and widths.
The largest width of one grate line is 4.8 meters. Larger grate widths can be achieved by
placing several lines side-by-side. There are
no limits to the number of sections which can
be combined or to the grate length. The grate
is placed at a 25 degree inclination from the
horizontal axis.
The individual sections can be operated independently of one another at a velocity
adapted to the energy release. Each grate
section is equipped with a complete driving
mechanism, including double-acting hydraulic cylinders. The driving mechanism also ensures that the gap between two subsequent
grate bars remains constant during the grate
Apart from the obvious process advances
with high calorific refuse, the water-cooled
DynaGrate offers full integration with the
air-cooled DynaGrate, which provides BWVs
clients with complete freedom toward the
grate area, whether it be air-cooled, watercooled, or combined.



21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

In addition the benefits of Mark 5 the following benefits apply for the Mark 6 version:

Water-cooled DynaGrate
Process advantages

Mechanical advantages

Grate surface cooling is independent of combustion; air can thus be added and adjusted for
optimal combustion

Cooling water is led to and from the grate

through the shaft ends and to the middle
sections of the shafts through pipe connections

Excellent primary air distribution, minimizing

excess air and giving reduced quantities of
combustion gases

Fans may be smaller

Minimal corrosion due to low grate surface


No grate bar damage due to temporary cooling system failure

Constant high flow of cooling water through

the grate bars, avoiding local boiling

Separate cooling system for each grate section

provides protection against total cooling water

Low differential temperature over the grate

results in low thermal stress

Water cooling provides adequate grate durability for combustion of high calorific refuse
which causes high thermal stresses in the

Lowest in Europe
The majority of the WFPPs in Denmark
shall be neutral and must not create a
The costs are covered by sales of energy (power and heat) and the remaining cost is covered by the gate fee (tipping-fee). The lower the energy prices
the higher the gate fees.

Reno Nord, Denmark

As the water-cooled grate has the same pattern of movement, the grate bars have the
same fundamental geometric design as the
air cooled versions.

nace in order to avoid exposure to hot ashes,

melted tin, aluminum, etc. that could damage
the hoses. As a result of this construction, any
types of flexible connections are avoided inside the furnace.

The typical price (gate fee) for thermal

treatment in Denmark is 27 EUR per
ton. The Danish prices are among the
lowest in Europe. The most expensive
is close to 200 EUR per ton.

The grate bar is machined as a hollow section

with channels designed with the purpose of
leading the cooling water to the areas with
the highest heat load. The large quantity of
circulating water, through the individual grate
bars, results in a small temperature difference
above the individual grate bar in order to minimise the risk of local boiling.
The cooling water flow is led from each shaft
through two concentrically placed pipes in
the shaft. These pipes lead the water, through
a fixed piping system in the middle section
of the shaft, to the individual grate bars. The
individual grate bars are connected in series.
The water is also returned from the grate bars
through the piping system. Standard steam
hoses are used for leading the water from the
fixed piping system outside the furnace and
to the shafts, which move over a 60 degree
angle. The hoses are placed outside the fur-

DynaGrate drives

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


The Vlund grate

The Babcock & Wilcox Vlund air-cooled grate
is the traditional longitudinal beam grate a
thoroughly proven design, highly suitable for
continuous high-efficiency combustion of
mixed household and bulk industrial waste
with minimal emission of harmful substances
and maximum energy recovery.
The step grate is of a rigid design, specially
developed for heavy-duty and high-temperature operation with a high availability and
operational reliability thus ensuring minimal
shutdown for routine maintenance and cleaning.

Minimum emission of harmful substances

and maximum energy recovery

High availability and operational reliability

with minimal downtime

Perfect air distribution and minimal power


Combustion of all types of waste

The modularized Vlund grate

High thermal efficiency

Handling of unsorted waste
Low total organic carbon in ash content
Possibility of biomass co-firing


The grate sections are integrated into one

unit, and all sections are operated and controlled individually. This means that each section has its own grate drive and control system for combustion air.

The grate movement is like a walking floor

and is unique in its simplicity and low mechanical wear. The combustion air is blown in and up
through many small gaps, ensuring perfect air
distribution. This results in combustion of the
waste with minimal power consumption for air
injection and grate movement. Inspection and
maintenance during the planned yearly stoppages are also very simple because all servicing of grate bars, grate blocks, grate girders
and rollers takes place in the furnace above the
grate with hand tools only, and there is no need
to work below the grate.

The individual components used in the grate

design are specially developed for highly variable loads and high temperatures. The result
is high reliability with minimal downtime.

The grate is divided into a feeding section

with pusher, a combustion grate and a burnout grate. Our grate has four sections, two of
which form the combustion grate at an angle
of 15 whereas two sections form the burnout grate at an angle of 7.5 to the horizontal
plane. A one metre high vertical grate transition between the combustion grate and the
burn-out grate ensures that waste lumps are
broken up and burned.

A grate solution can have partly or fully watercooled sections. For example, the combustion
grate sections can be water-cooled while the
burn-out grate sections is air-cooled. The water-cooled grate has relatively few inlet holes
for combustion air, which is injected at high
speed. This largely prevents burned-out ash
and molten metals such as aluminium from falling through the grate down into the primary air
hoppers underneath the grate.

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

The water-cooled grate version is fully compatible with the air-cooled version, i.e. with
the same modular design, lengths, widths,
declination, vertical grate transition, etc. The
air-cooled grate blocks on the grate girder are
replaced by water-filled blocks, and watercooled long blocks in the full length of each
grate girder.

The water-cooling of the grate allows the operator to inject combustion air when considered necessary, and also to reduce the injection of combustion air to zero in certain areas
because the water is doing the cooling, and
the air is used for combustion of the waste
only. For the same reason, preheating of the
combustion air becomes a very flexible option which can be used for improving and optimizing combustion.

Grate drive
Grate block
with grate bars

The cooling water enters the bottom of the

long block and flows down to the lower end,
then rises up and flows along the grate surface in a separate upper chamber to the upper end and then down to the outlet close to
the inlet at the bottom.
The heated water is cooled down again, typically in a heat exchanger to preheat the combustion air, or in a water heat exchanger connected to a district heating system.

Grate block
without grate bars
Grate drive and modularized principle of
the Vlund grate

Air-cooled Vlund grate

Process advantages

Mechanical advantages

Good air distribution with

low velocity

Minimizing of dust and particle release from

the fuel bed

Minimum emission of harmful substances

and maximum energy recovery

Integrated pusher feeding system

Effective grate cooling from the primary air

Long life time

Low pressure loss across the grate

Minimizing fan energy consumption

Minimal power consumption

High availability

Bulky material

Heavy duty

Air distribution principle

in the Vlund grate

In addition the benefits of air-cooled grate

the following benefits apply for the water-cooled version:

Water-cooled Vlund grate

Process advantages

Mechanical advantages

Grate surface cooling is independent of

combustion air so that air can be added and
adjusted for optimum combustion

Modular grate design

Minimal corrosion due to low grate surface


Long life time

Constant high flow of cooling water under

the grate surface preventing boiling

Operational reliability

Low differential temperature over the grate

results in low thermal stress

Simple control

Minimal power consumption

Energy from grate cooling used for air


Bulky material

Heavy duty

70 years of experience
We have gained extensive experience by supplying more than 500
combustion grates over the last 70
Our clients consider our grate systems are considered by our clients
to be very robust and the optimal
solution in all plants where they
are installed.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Furnace flow design

Centre-flow furnace

As a result of the direction of the flue gas flow

related to the waste transport on the grate, furnace geometry is a very important feature for
optimizing combustion; In general, there are 3
different furnace/boiler design configurations:
Counter flow = gas flow in opposite
direction of the waste flow
Centre flow
Parallel flow = gas flow in same direction
as waste movement

The Vlund centre flow:

Integrated furnace, post combustion
chamber and boiler.
Optimized flue gas flow in the system:
Uniform temperatures and heat loads
Minimized corrosion risk
Good water circulation
Optimized for volatile fuels with high heating values

We provide two designs:

Parallel-flow furnace
The parallel flow principle offers a number of
advantages with regard to combustion, including low NO x formation. This is important
because of the emission limits for NO x .

Parallel-flow furnace

Centre-flow furnace

High combustion efficiency

Good burnout of solid residues and flue
Improved clinker quality - low leaching
All pyrolysis gases must pass through
maximum temperature zone
Long residence time in reaction zone
Water cooled furnace with ceramic coated
walls or Inconel lining
Very low CO + NOx emission
On the other hand, the parallel flow furnace
has some disadvantages concerning heat
transmission and water/steam flow conditions. The centre flow configuration is a less
complicated design and gives a simpler and
better water circulation system and consequently a lower price for the construction of
the boiler. Moreover, the size of the furnace
wall area is minimized, thereby reducing the
cost of refractory or Inconel, see below.

Water-cooled wear zone


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

The centre flow furnace succeeded by a boiler

with a large radiation pass, which also composes the post-combustion chamber, is ideal
for industrial waste with high heating values.
In this way the volatile elements of the fuel
can be carried to the post-combustion chamber and burnt out relatively fast. The release
of energy will be absorbed by the boiler. Furthermore, the boiler will be able to absorb a
great part of the thermal radiation from the
furnace. Moreover, a somewhat higher flue
gas temperature in the radiation pass will
automatically result in a higher surface heat
load. In this way the radiation part will be
smaller but more efficient.

Water-cooled wear zone

Our water-cooled wear zone was primarily developed for our larger hanging boiler, to reduce
the area of uncooled refractory in the furnace
of our waste-to-energy boilers. The disadvantage of uncooled refractory is that it tends to
cause the build-up of large volumes of slag,
which may in some cases disturb the operation
of the plant. Especially on the lower part of the
furnace side walls, build-up of slag may interrupt the waste flow and therefore heavily influence the combustion process. In extreme cases
this may shut down the plant. Consequently the
advantage of reducing the refractory volume is
the resulting reduction in maintenance costs.

Did you know that...

...for every ton of waste landfilled,
greenhouse gas emissions in the
form of carbon dioxide increase by at
least 1.2 ton?
...environmental emissions from WFPPs have been reduced up to 99%
since 1980?
... two tons of waste equals one ton of

Horizontal superheather with hoppers and vertical economizer

The wear zone itself is a fully welded structure

with relatively thick-walled tubes and plates.
This is primarily to ensure structural stability,
but also to provide a large allowance for erosion
in order to withstand the inside pressure in the
wear zone. The wear zone is either part of the
evaporator or part of a separate circuit (such as a
district heating circuit). The circulation principle
depends on whether the wear zone is part of the
evaporator (natural or, in some cases, forced circulation) or part of a separate circuit (forced circulation). In cases where the wear zone coolant
temperature is high (i.e. above 230C), the wear
zone is protected with Inconel, a nickel-based
alloy with outstanding characteristics as regards
high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy

Vlund Boiler Systems

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund have been designing
and building water tube boilers for firing oil,
gas or solid fuels for decades. Our wide range of
boilers and many years of experience in supplying energy plants enables us to perform any task
for our clients. Our boiler range includes:
Steam boilers for saturated and superheated steam
Hot water boilers
Waste heat boilers for waste-fired power
plants and gas turbines
The steam boiler converts the flue gas energy
into high pressure steam. The arrangement is
normally a four-pass boiler with two designs
for the last pass. The Vlund boiler features include:
Integrated furnace, post-combustion
chamber and boiler
Optimized flue gas flow in the system
Uniform temperatures and heat loads
Minimized corrosion risk
Good burn-out, Low CO and TOC

Optimized and integrated SNCR NOx

reduction process
Very low NOx emission
Hot water or steam/electricity production

...Europe currently treats 50 million

tonnes of wastes at waste-to-energy
plants each year, generating an
amount of energy that can supply
electricity for 27 million people or
heat for 13 million people.

The first two or three passes are dominated by

radiant heat transfer. In the last pass convection
is the dominant form of heat transfer and Babcock & Wilcox Vlund have two designs for this
part of the boiler.

Convection pass
The convection pass of a boiler is characterized by the mode of energy transfer from the
hot flue gas to water or steam which is primarily via convective heat transfer. On waste-toenergy boilers the flue gas temperature (at the
entrance to the convection pass) is typically
below 700C, which makes it possible to have
heating surfaces inside the flue gas, rather than
surrounding the flue gas, as in a typical radiation pass.
The arrangement of heating surfaces inside the
flue gas as tubes makes it possible to optimize
the heating surface area in a given space. This
means that the total size of the boiler and, ultimately, the size of the plant building can be
optimized. However, the burning of some fuels
(such as waste) generates a high concentration
of particles, which are sticky at high temperatures. To avoid a blockage in the flue gas path,
the flue gas temperature must therefore be below a certain temperature, which limits the use
of convective heating surfaces.
Typically, the heating surfaces in the convection pass are cleaned by means of soot blowers
or a rapping device, depending on the arrangement of the heating surface. Normally, the convection pass is placed immediately before the
economiser, which is also a convective heating


a form of combustion, is a chemical

reaction involving two or more chemicals where the molecules will readily
react with each other to form additional chemicals. Linguistically, the
word fire refers to the combination of
the brilliant glow and large amount
of heat released during a rapid, selfsustaining burning of combustible
fuel. Fire is an exothermic oxidation
process by which heat and light energy are given out. Fire starts when
a fuel with adequate supply of oxygen or other oxidizer is subjected to
enough heat, and it is sustained by
the further release of heat energy in
the process, as well as a continuous
supply of oxygen and combustible
Fire is extinguished when one or
more elements of heat, oxidizer, or fuel
is removed; this concept is used in the
fire triangle. The unburnable solid remains of a fire are termed ash.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Horizontal arrangement boilers

Our horizontal boilers are characterized by the
fact that the flue gas in the convective heating
surfaces travels horizontally.
One of many advantages of the horizontal design
is that the heating surfaces can be cleaned by
means of a so-called rapping device which, unlike the traditional steam soot blowers, does not
consume steam.
Another advantage of the horizontal design is
that the support for the heating surfaces can be
placed outside the flue gas. Large steel beams
can thus be used for support, making it possible
to design larger boilers.
Horizontal arrangement boilers

As far as the cleaning of the convective heating surface is concerned, the horizontal design
means that dirt from the cleaning process enters
the hoppers without passing other heating surfaces on its way, thus reducing the risk of blocking the tube bundles and this result in a better

Vertical arrangement boilers

It is characteristic of our vertical boilers that the
flue gas in the convective heating surfaces travels
in the vertical direction.
The convective heating surfaces in this type of
boiler are usually cleaned by soot blowers. Cleaning with soot blowers is very effective and minimizes the risk of blocking of the tube bundles. To
avoid sootblower-induced erosion, hot tubes (i.e.
superheater and evaporator tubes) are protected
by stainless steel tube shells.
It is one of the advantages of the vertical boiler
type is that very compact boilers can be designed because the vertical heating surfaces can
use a common hopper for ash extraction, thus
optimizing performance per ton of steel in the
boiler. The arrangement of the tubes means that
the tube bundles do not need separate drains - a
major advantage in terms of the time required for
replacing the bundles.

Vertical arrangement boilers

Superheater and economizer section
of horizontal boiler.


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Inconel protection of selected surfaces in the 1st and 2nd pass of the boiler and the superheater

Corrosion protection
Household and industrial waste are fuels that
contains most of the elements in the periodic
system. Depending on the character of the
combustion, various chemical combinations
will be formed.
Depending on local temperatures and oxygen
supply, the Na, Ca, Cu, K, Cl, S, Cr, Pb, Zn, Fe, Sn
and Al contents in particular will take part in
various chemical reactions, the end-products
of which may cause corrosion. The use of waste
as fuel therefore makes major demands on the
plants resistance against corrosion. This section deals exclusively with the flue gas area.
Corrosion attacks in a waste-fired boiler can in
principle be divided into two main types.
Low-temperature corrosion
High-temperature corrosion
Low-temperature corrosion appears in the
boiler and on other surfaces where the temperature is under approx. 135C. It is caused
by condensation of the acidic sulphurous and
chlorine-containing gases. This type of corrosion is temperature-dependent. New plants
are being designedin order to avoid low-temperature corrosion.
High-temperature corrosion (HT-corrosion) is
more complex and only appears on the heating surfaces in steam boilers in particular on:
Evaporator heating surfaces
Superheater tubes

Depending upon local conditions tube wall

temperatures (metal temperature) above 260C
may cause attacks of various HT-corrosion.
In general, increasing metal temperatures and
increasing gas temperatures will increase the
corrosion rate, which is measured in mm tube
wall per year, where the metal temperature
being the most important factor.
The corrosion rate is influenced by the thickness and composition of the ash layer, the HCl
and H2SO 4 content of the gas, and the surplus/
deficiency of oxygen in the gas at the tube
The corrosion rate can be reduced by using
high-alloy tubes and/or by protecting the
tubes with refractory lining or welded highalloy materials such as Inconel. The choice
between refractory lining and Inconel depends on:
The plant size
Regulatory requirements on the retention time of the flue gasses
Variation in heating values
Which type of heating surface and
design is chosen
If refractory lining is chosen as protection,
the choice between the different lining types
will be based on requirements regarding the
resultanting heat conduction, the residual
porosity and the smoothness of the lining surface.

Inconel cladding is done robotic

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Vlund Rotary-kiln with

vertical arrangement boiler

A sh system
The burnt-out, sterile bottom ash leaves the
grate through a refractory lined clinker outlet. Standard cooling is achieved in a water
tank, equipped with a steel belt conveyor or
pusher system that transports the bottom
ash from the tank. The water tank also forms
an air-tight seal between the hot furnace
chamber and the cold and clean ambient air
in the building.

Bottom ash for

The slag from a WFPP can be utilized
for construction and road building.
The slag is a result of the combustion
process in a WFPP and corresponds in
weight to 20% of the original waste
input. Iron and other metals are automatically removed from the slag in
a sorting process and the resulting
sorted slag is reused in construction
In 2003 the Danish WFPPs produced
645.000 tons of slag, of which the
98% was reused as construction material.


Some ash and heavy, fine particles such as

grit, sand, glass and molten metals (called
grate siftings) fall down through the air gaps
in the grate surface into the combustion air
hoppers under the grate. This small quantity
of grate siftings is similar in properties to the
bottom ash, and the grate siftings are normally mixed into the bottom ash and transported out from the plant via a common conveyor system.

Magnetic separators and screens removes

scrap iron and over-size items from the bottom ash. The resulting quality of the bottom
ash permits its use as secondary aggregate
building material, for example as road or
parking lot foundation. The bottom ash is
normally aerated and carbonized in big piles
by atmospheric air for several months before
being used.

Vlund rotary- kiln technology

Effective reduction on effluents takes place
by thermal treatment at high-temperature
with a long residence time. Essential to the
technology is the rotary kiln where the toxic elements are destroyed by thermal treatment while extracting the energy content.
During the process the residual bottom ash
is sintered and the quality of the ash is improved with stabilization of heavy metals.

Rotary kiln technology

Process advantages


Slow rotation, variable speed,

ceramics lined cylinder

Mixing and burnout of the waste

High temperature long residence time for complete char burn-out and low emissions

Toxic constituents are broken down

and destroyed by heat

Sintering process

Ash quality improvement

Total dioxin level

Extremely low

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste Fired Power Plants

NOx emissions

The EU emission limit value for NO x emission

is 200 mg/Nm3 NO2 11% O2, dry. In order to
meet this limit under all operational conditions it is necessary to remove NO x from the
flue gas. Babcock & Wilcox Vlund has carried
out an extensive R&D program. Various technologies were investigated, such as water
injection, staged combustion, flue gas recycling, re-burning and selective non-catalytic
reduction (SNCR).

The SCR technology is based on the same

chemical reactions as the SNCR. The difference is that the reaction takes place at a much
lower temperature and involves a catalyst as
a medium. The reaction temperature for the
SCR is within the range of 200 350C, depending on the flue gas composition. This
typically is a higher temperature than the flue
gas temperature from a modern high efficiency waste incinerator. SCR systems achieve
more than 90% NO x removal with an ammonia slip of less than 5 mg/Nm3.

SNCR Selective non-catalytic reduction

The total NO x reduction with ammonia or

urea depends on three classical reaction
mechanisms and thereby also on the following design and operational parameters:
Another important factor is the waste composition including: the calorific value and the
amount of nitrogen bound in the waste.
With our integrated SNCR system it is possible to achieve 70 80% NO x removal with a
slip of ammonia (un-reacted ammonia) within the range of 5 10 mg/Nm3.

Why not Selective Catalytic Reduction?

Unless specific circumstances prevail, Vlund
recommends that NO x be reduced by SNCR.
The investment in SCR (Selective Catalytic
Reduction) is high, and the system is complex. Maintenance is expensive and consumables in addition to ammonia are natural gas
(or low sulphur oil) and power due to a high
pressure drop in the catalyst. At the same
time the service life of the catalyst is only 4
5 years. On the other hand the SCR removes
dioxins from the flue gas.

Significant savings in investment and operating costs are obtained using the BWV
Advanced deNO x control. This is typically 10
times cheaper compared to using NO x cleaning based on SCR.

Advanced deNO x control

A combination of our VoluMix principle and

our FGR system with the BWV parallel- or
centre-flow furnace staged combustion design will typically produce a NO x concentra-

... the heat from WFPP covers more

than 15% of district heating in Denmark, in some places up to 40% and
more than 3% of Denmarks total energy supply.
...four ton of waste equals to one ton
of oil?
...waste volumes in Scandinavia
have grown six fold during the last
40 years?
...a Danish baby uses 1000 kg of disposable diapers before it starts using the toilet
...Waste-to-Energy (WTE) was named
one of the cleanest sources of energy by U.S. Environmental Protection

Temperature window for the NO reduction by ammonia

Temperature window for the NO reduction by ammonia

1 80

NO mole fraction [ppm]

This process is used for reduction of the NO x

and is based on injection of Ammonia or Urea
into the post-combustion chamber (PCC).
The ammonia will reduce the NO x to nitrogen, and the ammonia will at the same time
be oxidized to nitrogen. This means that both
the NO x and the injected ammonia will be
converted to the harmless gas nitrogen and
water, which is the main component in the
atmospheric air. This reaction can only take
place within a certain temperature range in
the PCC. Therefore knowledge of the temperature profile in the PCC is extremely important for the design and operation of an SNCR
system. The temperature range for SNCR is
850 950C as illustrated below[18].

Did you know that...

Reation time
1 sec

1 60
1 40

5 sec

1 20
1 00


7 00

T emperature [C]



1 000

1 100


Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


tion in the close vicinity

of 200 mg/Nm3, 11 vol%
O2, dry without any deNO x
control[19]. This means that
with a BWV furnace design
combined with SNCR, the
NO x emissions can be as low
as 40 60 mg/Nm3.

VoluMixTM principle illustrated by CFD

Basically, the SNCR system consists of an ammonia storage with

ammonia pumps and nozzles at
different levels in the PCC. The investment in an SNCR system is rather low,
and the equipment is simple and easy
to maintain. The only consumable
is the low cost ammonia base used.
Furthermore, our research has shown
that this technology has a great potential for integration with other flue gas
cleaning technologies. Thus it is subject to our continued
research and development activities within
the company and in cooperation with other

control and uniform flue gas temperature

even in the corners.
The position of the VoluMix jets is an important control factor in the flue gas flow pattern
in the PCC. The jets are placed according to
several design requirements.
The jets in the front of the furnace ceiling are
arranged with the purpose of moving hot gas
to the front and penetrating into the hot layer
above the middle grates. The purpose of the
jets on the rear wall is to create turbulence in
the inlet to the post combustion chamber and
to suck hot combustion gases from the middle grates to the rear wall. Several rows of jets
are placed in the inlet to the post combustion
chamber. This creates a large area with good
turbulence. Opposing jets are arranged to
achieve very good mixing characteristics, provision of oxygen, and turbulence for CO burnout.
Many design objectives can be listed, but the
general idea is to gain maximum life time expectancy, low emissions and high thermal efficiency. These objectives result in a number
of flow requirements:

Good mixing in the furnace

Reduced temperature peaks in the furVoluMix

Temperature profile through the boiler

With this technology secondary air is injected

into the combustion zones at multiple places
at different angles and air velocities. The flow
fields include double, rotating swirls in the
post-combustion chamber (PCC). The swirl
method ensures good gas mixing and makes
certain that we achieve longer residence time,
complete CO burn-out together with fast O2












Oxygen (wet)








2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Time [h]

Oxygen & Carbon Monoxide



21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

CO [mg/m3]

Oxygen [%]

Oxygen & Carbon Monooxid


nace for minimum thermal NO x formation

Staged combustion
Avoidance of hot spots in furnace and
boiler which would speed up corrosion
Obtaining turbulent conditions in the
throat for optimum burn-out
Even temperature and velocity distribution in the passes in order to maximize
heat transfer and residence time
Avoidance of impingement of particles
on the walls in order to minimize corrosion/erosion.

The design and positioning of the VoluMix

jet nozzles are carried out on the basis of a
CFD flow field and combustion analysis[19]. The
method enables us to achieve the lowest CO
figures on the market - a measure of combustion quality.

Excess Air
The Vlund boiler design with staged combustion, centre/- or parallel flow furnace, FGR,
etc., allows us to operate with a very low excess air ratio, which results in O2 levels of 4-5%
wet with low CO emission and no CO corrosion!





C C D c ame ra ( R G B )

A C Acoustic gas temperature










C ame ra

S e c . air
P rim. air




Gas components ( O2 , H2O , CO etc . )

Flame position and colour

Mass flow sensor

Grate speed

Crane weight
Fue l leve l measurement

H2O -content, humidity measurement

Tempe rature measurements

S IM Simulator = combustion + process

mode l

Primary air

Increased lifetime of boiler & refractory

Waste combustion is one of the most complex

combustion processes. The process in a burning
refuse bed includes:
Gas-phase combustion
Solid-phase combustion

The benefits of using the ACC system are:

Increased annual waste throughput
Improved steam production with more
constant production rate
Reduced stress on the turbine, less
maintenance and stops
Reduction in the use of auxilary fuels

Temperature, primary air

Pressure drop over fuel bed

in cooling circuit

Secondary air

The main objectives of our ACC system are to

maintain a uniform flue gas temperature profile thus reducing the size and number of high
temperature regions and to control the primary
combustion air distribution and ratio of primary
to secondary combustion air flow. Furthermore,
the system controls and adjusts the position of
the main combustion zone to meet variations in
the waste heating value. The system sensors are
IR cameras and the signals are digitized and analyzed in a neural network-based control system
with feed forward signal to the Vlund Control

Temperature measurement

through a more constant thermal

exposure of the plant components

Reduction of excess air

Reduced emissions
Optimal quality of ashes through
systematically controlled burnout
Increased thermal effiency
Increased availability
Steam flow [t/h]

With ACC


Without ACC

1,5 t/h


2,5 t/h

Set point

There is a strong connection between the burning rate and the amount of primary air, including
the total amount of primary air and the distribution of air to the individual grate zones. The major difficulty in relation to the control and operation is the adjustment of operating conditions to
compensate for changes in the waste quality and

IR thermograph camera










O2 content in fluegas with ACC

Optimized O2 content with ACC


Time [h]

Optimized steam flow with ACC

Values [%]


O2 content in fluegas without ACC

O2 content

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Automatic boiler cleaning systemwith water jets lowered through the boiler top

Cleaning during operation

Slagging is one of the most critical operating
problems related to the combustion of waste

the radiant part during operation. The system

cleans the surfaces with jet spays through
special rotating nozzles on hoses lowered
through the top of the boiler. The process and
the system is fully automatic.

Our solution to the slagging problem is two

fold: 1) effective boiler CFD designs with minimal particle carry over and 2) advanced radiant water-jet cleaning systems for cleaning of


Slagging in the radiation passes



Increase of flue gas temperatures

Reduction of the operating period


High temperature corrosion when

using special waste fuels

Reduction of the lifetime of the

1 super-heater

Fouling in convection heating surfaces

Reduction of efficiency

Increase of spraying quantities

Lost capacity and loss of production






Size from 4- 16 MW

Multiuse heat source

High thermal efficiency conversion

Multiuse gas source

Scalable in size

Superheating of steam parameters

From 400C -> 500+C

Process heat source

BWV ash melting/sintering

Fuel base can be wood waste

Small scale wood waste treatment

Backup heat source

For plant/local district cooling, etc.

Boiler preheating

Faster run-up of WFPP

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

With increasing focus on power production and favourable tariffs in many markets
there is a need for maximizing electricity delivery to the grid. Babcock & Wilcox
Vlund continuously works to increase the
steam parameters and to increase power
efficiency up to 30%.
WasteBoost is used to increase the efficiency
by using an external super heater powered by
our updraft gasifier. The fuel can be biomass
as for examples impregnated or contaminated
The system also supports thermal waste treatment companies that wish to expand their
business to treat certain wood wastes.

Vlund Service Plan

Maintaining the environmental and operating
performance of your plant requires a rock-solid
service plan. After we have delivered your plant
we can assist you in keeping your asset in top
shape. Our Service Plan program will protect
your plant and assets.
Service Plan includes training of your staff, revision service, supervision, strategic spare part
program and plant monitoring. Our trained engineers will assist you at any time on site.

Training real life

simulator based

Running your new advanced plant including

the latest technologies requires training and
hand over of experience from our experts. Your
staff needs training of real life situations in a
controlled environment. Our advanced simulator based training includes an exact simulator
based model of your plant. During the first sessions with your staff we educate your instructors and enable them to conduct the next training sessions, using the simulator and training
The simulator based training will take your
operation and maintenance people through
conditions of function and maneuvers not possible during normal operation. This what-if-Ido-this-or-that-happens situations will enable
your staff to get the most out of the system
and avoid unwanted situations, thus improving
safety, performance and efficiency.
The operating staff gets a thorough knowledge of the energy and environmental aspects
related to a WFPP facility. The operation of a
WFPP involves the handling of large amounts
of energy and significant environmental issues.
Operational irregularities can have signifi-

cant environmental impact and economic consequences. During the training program the
personnel will be prepared for better identification of irregularities and other unexpected
operating situations. The staff is also trained
to use the simulator as a tool for analysing possible improvement actions before they are implemented. During the training a large part of
the theory and experience is tried out on the

Waste Fired Power Plant

+ 400 C


+ 500 C

Base plant



WasteBoostTM - superheating of the steam parameters

with a Vlund biomass gasifier.

Training of operators and maintenance

personel is done by use of an advanced
real-life situation simulator

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Three Concepts
Value & Performance



Low initial


Environmental Impact

Optimized for


Combustion technology
Grate Type
Grate cooling
Boiler technology
Vertical boiler
Horizontal boiler
Centre-flow furnace
Parallel-flow furnace
CFD optimized
Plant integration


Bulky waste
Semi hazardous
Industrial & c
Heating value
Adaptable (to higher heating values)
Capacity size per line (t/h)


Low excess air

O2 (%)
Grate siftings (% of input)
Efficiency (%)
Steam temperature
Steam pressure

AWT Features

Staged combustion
Integrated FGR (Flue gas recirculation)
Advanced deNOx control
ACC (Automatic Combustion Control)
In operation cleaning
(Advanced Radiant Cleaning System)
Water-cooled wear zone
Complex refractory
Service Plan

Vlund grate


Price vs.

4. Availability
5. Waste flexibility

Low to Medium

Low to High


Low to High


20-40 bar
< Low

<< Low



< EU

< EU

7 77

8 88

6 66

1 11

7 77

8 88

1 11

2 22 6 66

7 77

8 88

1 11

2 22 6 66

2 22

6. Emissions
7. AWT modules
8.Cost-performance ratio

Bottom line


Feeding Grate
Vlund Rotary Kiln


1. Investment cost
3. Efficiency



Flue gas volume
Leaching clinker
Dioxins & Furans

2. O&M Cost

Concepts overview

3 33

5 55

Short stop intervals

Maintenance intervals (hours)
Maintenance cost
Operating costs
Investment cost

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

4 44
< 1,5 %
< 0,8 %

3 33

5 55
4 44

< 1,8 %
> 8000

3 33

5 55
4 44

< 1,2 %

features overview

ble and pipe layout and the component placing make up a well balanced plant.

For an Optimized solution

Being a technology supplier, Babcock & Wilcox naturally take up the challenge to offer
a modern, functional concept with practical
and economic advantages.

The Optimized solution our eco-friendly

answer to thermal waste treatment. Below
is a plant overview with selected embedded
technologies and features.

This especially applies to environmental demands. It is also important, however that the
mechanical equipment harmonizes with the
architecture of today.
The architectural design of a WFPP has thus
to adapt to the surroundings and to the environment in a harmonious and functional way.
This calls for a new plant design, were the
planning and construction work ensure that
i.e. control and manoeuvring operations can
be carried out safely and easily. Further the
plant design shall be optimized such that caRenoNord, waste-to-energy plant,

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


- a solution that makes sense

Skovde community
in Sweden...
...decided in 2002 to establish a company that should build and operate a
new waste fired CHP plant in Skovde.
The transportation and land filing of
MSW and industrial waste from the
communities of Skovde, Hjo, Tibro
and Karlsborg should end. Instead the
energy in the waste was to be utilized
and supplied as heat to the existing
district heating system. The WFPP will
mainly replace oil and wood chips as
fuel in the heat supply. The new fuel is
both MSW, commercial and industrial
waste. The plant also produces power
that is supplied to the grid.

Our recognized and well-proven technology is designed to fit the modern operating schemes with low capital and operating
costs. Performance is among the best and the
environmental performance meets the new
stringent EU standards. The solution is scaled
and packaged in 2-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40
t/h systems ready for implementation.


Centre furnace design for optimum clinker

quality and low NOx emission
Optimized boiler and furnace design for
reduced corrosion
Individual adjustment of grate speed and
combustion air

Ingemar Linusson, Project Manager,

Skovde municipality says:
We have put great efforts into optimizing the new plant with respect to environmental and technical performance,
design and economy. This will give us
a well functioning plant that will contribute to the community with cleaner
air, better economy and safer energy


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Pusher for smooth feeding

Advanced high-temperature protection of
furnace and boiler
Vlund Combustion Control Monitoring
Automatic, hydraulic grate adjustment
system for good air distribution and minimized grate siftings


Long lifetime of grate

High availability of 8000 hours
Designed according to BAT
Good bottom ash and flue gas burnout
Low maintenance and operational cost

Skovde, Sweden

Design capacity
Daily capacity
Annual capacity
Lower calorific value



Boiler steam output

Boiler pressure
Steam temperature
Electrical output
Heat output


> 98


~ 10.500
~ 1.400

Fly ash etc.

for absolute performance

With focus on operating performance these

solutions have been optimized. Standard
packaged in 2-5-10-20-25 t/h, but still tailored
to the customers needs with customizable


Inconel corrosion protection
Patented pusher technology for smooth

DynaGrate with water-cooling matches

the most demanding properties of municipal
waste for maximum energy extraction and
best possible combustion control. The heat
extracted for cooling the grate is always returned into the process.

Furnace and boiler design are optimized for

availability and performance by means of computer models. This guarantees good burnout
of the flue gas and uniform boiler load.

Plant integration modeling in 3-dimensions is

standard for smooth project implementation
and a special Vlund Service Plan module is
available for this solution.

feeding and homogeneous energy production

Intelligent combustion control system for
maximum energy production
Integrated SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic
Reduction) nitrogen oxides reduction
based on ammonia/urea
Flue gas recycling and low excess air combustion
Water-cooled grate and wear zone for
optimum availability

RenoNord in Denmark...


Long lifetime of the grate

Highest availability of 8000+ hours
Long intervals between maintenance
Highest thermal efficiency available
Lowest consumptions
Tailormade to fit your needs

RenoNord, Denmark

Design capacity
Daily capacity
Annual capacity
Lower calorific value



Boiler steam output

Boiler pressure
Steam temperature
Electrical output
Heat output


> 99


~ 30.000
~ 2.500

Fly ash etc.

...decided in 2002 that in order to

serve the community of Aalborg in
Denmark a new WFPP was needed
to extend its facility.
The new plant will replace two
existing lines from 1981. The existing line 3, which delivered in 1991,
will be maintained as a spare line.
The plant chose our Optimized solution for maximum thermal performance and safer environmental operation. The air-cooled DynaGrate,
is prepared for later conversion to
water-cooling. The waste is fed to
the grate by a pusher, which ensures homogenous feeding without the risk of back-fire.
The new plant commences operation in 2005.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


- for supreme eco - efficient performance

This next-generation waste processing concept

for improved residue quality is based upon the
Vlund rotary kiln (R/K) process technology and
is an optimized thermal treatment method. This
eco-efficient technology excels in a number of
ways, including the reduction of the total CO2 and
dioxin levels, and includes the sintering of the
bottom residual ash.

Ressource Recovery Plant, the newest
plant in Korea, is an example of a best
evaluated solution. The MAPO plant is
located in the heart of Seoul between
the two existing landfills and next to
the Han river. The town selected the
Vlund rotary-kiln technology for this
advanced plant to serve the waste
management of the Mapo-gu district. The main objective was to select a technology with the highest
efficiency and the best environmental performance, including the lowest emissions with the best bottom
ash quality for minimum leaching. The
chosen technology should also be
proven with actual references.

The waste is dried, pyrolyzed and mostly

burned on the waste grate. The remaining
fixed carbon is burned in the R/K. In order to
burn the residual carbon in the clinker, a long
residence time (45~60 min) and high temperature (950~1,050) are required. This cannot be
achieved on a grate alone.
By heating the clinker to the softening temperature in the R/K, metals with low melting
point, heavy metals and alkalis are evaporated
from the clinker. Furthermore, the molecular
diffusion rate is very high in near melt clinker.
This sintering process ensures a very homogeneous clinker and the best clinker quality
at the softening point.

The dioxin content at boiler outlet is

expected to be less than 2.0ng-TEQ/
Nm3 and at the chimney it is less than
Halla Environment & Energy has constructed this plant.


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants


Proven Vlund Rotary-kiln technology

Co-generation for highest efficiency
Sintering of bottom ash residues at a temperature of 1,000C with no
additional fuel and no pure O2 addition
Wide, flexible firing scheme for
low-to-high calorie refuse
High throughput design, multiple line


Normal bulky household waste

Tolerance to varying calorific values
Very low loss of ignition
High quality residues, volume reduced up

to 90%
Requires no sorting and pre-processing
Destruction of pathological and
semi-hazardous wastes
Sintering process with fixation of
heavy metals
Excellent burn-out TOC << 1%

MAPO, Seoul, Korea

Design capacity
Daily capacity
Annual capacity
Lower calorific value
Boiler steam output
Boiler pressure
Steam temperature


3 x 10,5
3 x 44,1

Heat output



Scrap iron
Fly ash etc.

t/y ~27.000
~ 500
~ 4.400

Behind the scene

The focus of our
Engineering resources
The Technology Group is constantly working
with product development projects in order
to improve our present technology and maintain our leading position within waste-to-energy systems. Our goal is to supply a modern,
reliable technology which fulfils the requirements and minimizes the risks for investors,
developers, and operators. Our objective is to
continuously develop our combustion grate,
furnace and boiler systems. Our product development is concentrated on the following
combustible gases. The energy of the waste
is released partly in the fuel layer and partly
in the furnace room as combustible gases. Although the thermal treatment process in the
waste on the grate receives a certain amount
of excess combustion air, gasification will
take place in certain areas.

Advanced computer modeling of combustion systems and boilers - Computational

Fluid Dynamics applied to waste treatment
Improvement of the water-cooled combustion grate and furnace design for waste
Use of Plant Design Management System
Plant heat & mass balance simulation.

Consequently, controlling the injection of primary air enable distribution of the individual
reaction zones to obtain optimal combustion.

Staged combustion can be provided in several ways. One method for staging the combustion is a stepwise addition of combustion air
to prevent complete combustion from taking
place at the first stage.

Thermal waste treatment is one of the most

complex combustion processes. The processes in a burning refuse bed include: drying,
pyrolysis, ignition, gasification, solid and gas
combustion. The figure below is a simplified
illustration[21] of the refuse bed processes on
the grate.

CO, H2

C xH y

CH4 , C xH y




an ar
d fo
ga rm
sif at
ica io
tio n


... In 2005 a total of 29 modern WFPPs are in operation in Denmark and

combusts a total of 3,3 million tons of
waste every year!




















... the first waste incineration plant

in Denmark was commissioned in

The changed stoichiometric rate will result

in an increased flow of unburned gases into
the furnace room. The energy released from
the combustion process will move from the
fuel bed to the furnace room, and a large part
of the furnace room will be operating under
slightly fuel-rich conditions.

The process is mainly controlled by mass and

heat transfer. In the illustration a large part
of the grate length has a deficit of oxygen
(fuel rich condition) resulting in formation of


Did you know that...

Staged combustion

Waste combustion
what is this grate thing?

H2 O

Our engineers at work




Primary air

Simplified process of the combustion process that takes place on the grate


end combustion of one ton of waste

a WFPP can produce approximately 2 MWh (75%) district heating and
approximately 2/3 MWh (25%) electricity.

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


The amount of chemically bound nitrogen in

the waste (fuel-N) has a considerable influence on the total amount of NO x formed during the combustion process. Approximately
80% of the fuel-N will be released during the
pyrolysis (volatile components), and 20% will
remain in the de-volatized waste. The volatile
nitrogen components is converted into different nitrogen compounds, mainly ammonia, NH3, and hydrogen cyanide, HCN [22].
These two compounds are key elements in a very
complex reaction mechanism. NOx reduction
through air staging is quite complex and involves
more than 20 intermediate chemical species and
over 200 reactions. A simplified diagram[23] of the
main NO related reactions under these conditions are shown below.

CFD simulation of the temperature contours above combustion grate and first
pass in the boiler

The fate of the HCN is determined mainly by

the availability of oxidants, generally in the
form of O and OH radicals. If oxygen is available, the predominant reaction product will
be NO. If oxygen is not available, as during
staged combustion, some of the volatile nitrogen components will be converted into
N2. Fuel-N in the de-volatized waste will either be oxidized to NO x or converted to N2
depending on the combustion conditions.
For thermal waste treatment 5% to 50% of the
nitrogen content in the waste will be converted
to NOx and become a part of the total contribution to the NOx emission from the plant.

Main reaction path of NO (Nitrogen Oxide)

formation in MSW combustion

CFD grid model

of a boiler used
for simulation

secondary air by recycled flue gas

Reduction of the NOx emission
Improved mixing and thereby reduced
product of incomplete combustion (TOC).
In new thermal waste treatment plants
the thermal furnace room control may be
achieved by recycling of flue gas. Part of the
cooled flue gas is taken out after the electrostatic precipitator and is led back to the
furnace. The recycled flue gas is injected in
the same way as secondary air to the furnace
room and post- combustion chamber and is
used for cooling and effective mixing of combustion products. This makes it possible to
reduce the amount of secondary air.
The flue gas recycling also makes it possible
to reduce the excess air flow and control the
flue gas temperature in the furnace. The result is a lower flue gas loss and consequently
a higher total thermal efficiency of the plant.
Moreover, the limitation of temperature peaks
and a lower level of oxygen in the furnace will
result in less NO x emission.
Recycling of the flue gas to the combustion
zone causes both an increase of the total heat
capacity for the combustion gas, and consequently a reduction of the flame temperature,
and a reduction of the O2 partial pressure in
the combustion zone.
According to the Zeldovich mechanism both
of these alterations will reduce the thermal
NO x formation. It will typically be possible to
achieve a 30% reduction of the NO x emission.
The result strongly depends on the content of
chemically bound nitrogen in the waste and
on the thermal load in the furnace room. In
many cases the reduction is less, 10% -20%,
and the effect is mainly due to a decrease in
the O2 partial pressure. The amount of high
temperature (>1400C) volumes in the furnace is very limited and the thermal NO x formation is low.

Modern design tools for waste

fired power plants

Flue Gas Recirculation

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund has developed an
integrated flue gas recycling (FGR) system for
use in combination with staged combustion
for furnace temperature and pollutant emission control. The main advantages of using
this technology are:

Expansion of superheating range

Improved plant efficiency by replacing

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

In order to achieve the best possible design

of the system, Babcock & Wilcox Vlund uses
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) programs as a tool for detailed engineering. CFD
simulation is an effective method for evaluation of different design alternatives that are
otherwise too expensive, time consuming or
impossible to test. We also use Plant Design

Management System PDMS programs for effective plant design.

The secondary air jets contribute with by far

the largest part of the momentum flux into
the furnace.

CFD optimization
Computational fluid dynamics is a method
used for solving the Navier-Stokes equations
with numerical methods. Also included in
the method are discrete phase models such
as transport, evaporation, and combustion of

The furnace is the critical component with

regard to optimizing the performance. The
philosophy of the Babcock & Wilcox Vlund
design concept is to create conditions in the
furnace that will ensure:

The exhaust
gases from
combustion are
carbon dioxide,
oxygen, nitrogen,
and water vapor. Depending on the waste
composition, however,
the exhaust gases may also
contain undesirable constituents that are by-products of the
combustion process, such as acid gases (HCl,
HF, SO2, and NO x), dioxins/furans, suspended
solid particles with a potential content of condensed metals (Cd, Hg) and unburned nonvolatile organics. The exhaust gases may also
contain products of incomplete combustion
such as unburned organic matter, and CO.
The levels of these combustion by-products
are very plant specific and depend on a variety of factors such as waste composition and
combustion system design as well as operating parameters (e.g. temperature and exhaust
gas velocity). For combustion to be an effective method for destroying hazardous components in the waste, the combustion must
be complete also in the gas phase. Three critical factors ensure the completeness of combustion:

furnace for drying/ignition purposes

Create fuel rich conditions in order to
minimize NOx formation
Good mixing above the hot centre grates
in order to minimize production of thermal
Creation of oxygen rich conditions above
and in the last bed for good char burn-out
in the clinker
High radiant heat flux to the last grate in
order to facilitate good char burnout in the
High turbulence conditions in the throat
for good burnout of combustible gases
and particles

1. the temperature in the furnace room,

2. the length of time the waste/gases is maintained at high temperature,
3. the turbulence or degree of mixing, of the
combustion gases.

Movement of hot gas to the front of the

The combination of Babcock & Wilcox Vlunds

many years of experience and the use of the
most advanced design tools and pollutant
control technologies results in the best available waste to energy plant on the market

Contours of Mole fraction of CO

PDMS - Integrated plant design

We use pre-modeling of the plant layout to
ensure smooth integration and optimal layout of systems, components and piping etc.
The Babcock & Wilcox Vlund plant design
utilizes 3D modeling with the PDMS plant design management system. With this system
we can take you on a walk-through of your
plant before it is built, but in a photo realistic 3D environment. You can walk around the
galleries, look at your equipment and go inside the boiler. The example plants presented
in this paper are all modelled with PDMS for
your insurance.

PDMS modelling of the FASAN plant,


CFD (computational fluid dynamics) gives our

designers the possibility of checking the design for a large number of critical factors such
as velocities, particle impingement, oxygen
concentration, temperature, surface temperature, corrosion etc. The client will receive
a plant optimized for better environmental
performance as well as a longer life expectancy and a more reliable operation.
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


On the horizon

The focus of our R&D activities

The Research and Development Department at Babcock & Wilcox Vlund is highly
dedicated to developing state-of-the-art
technologies for the future. Our main areas of
focus are novel approaches to the conversion
of Municipal Solid Waste to energy, and gasification/combustion technology.

CFD simulation of particle release

flow through the boiler

Most of our R & D projects are carried out in cooperation with national and international universities, research institutes and various business partners. Several projects involving other
areas of our company are also in progress. The
projects are frequently sponsored in part by national and international research programmes,
and actual experimental work is carried out at
the facilities of partners and customers and, of
course, at our own facilities.


Steam flow [kg/s]

Steam flow


5 [%]


+ 5 [%]


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Time [h]
Through development of optimized control systems we
can improve i.e. the steam production quality of our


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

Our research and development is concentrated on the following areas:

Advanced computer modeling of
combustion systems and boilers
Advanced Combustion Control systems
and harmful emissions control
Partnership in a long-term basic
research program with the CHEC group at
the Danish Technical University, DTU.

Electrical efficiency
In Denmark thermal treatment of waste has
been an important part of our waste handling, and as a consequence of EU-legislation
the share of waste to be combusted is increasing in Europe. The development of technologies which increases the energy utilisation of
waste combustion and simultaneously reduces the environmental impact is thus a natural
and important consequence of the influence
that thermal treatment of waste has in our society.
The electricity production and handling of
the bottom ash are two of the most important
parameters influencing on the economy of a
waste to energy plant.
In Southern Europe on the whole the electricity production in waste to energy plants
are essential for the overall economy of the
plant and often decisively whether the plant
is being erected or not. In several Northern
European countries (e.g. Sweden or Germany)
a considerable contribution is given for electricity produced from waste. And in Southern
Europe the value of heat is very low and the
electricity production will thus be the most
important income together with the reception fee (the charge a waste to energy plant
collects for treating waste). Electricity generated from waste incineration may replace
fossils and thus reduce the CO2-emission and
contribute to reach the Kyoto objectives. In
Denmark it is a demand that all new major
waste to energy plants must be combined
heat and power plants. The electricity production typically makes up for 10-20% of
the revenues at a Danish combined heat and
power plant.

CFD simulation of
temperature profile in a

Today BWV work on a project to increase the

super heating temperature in the boiler of a
combustion plant. An increase of for example
50C of the super-heating temperature will be
able to increase the electrical efficiency by
approx. 4%. An increase of the electrical efficiency will thus influence substantially on the
economy of the Waste Fired Power Plant.

Bottom ash
The bottom ash makes up the biggest amount
of ash from waste combustion and consists
of non-combustible constituents. In certain
countries, e.g. Denmark, the bottom ash is
being recycled and used for constructional
works. In other countries the ash is being deposited which typically costs around 60-110
EUR each tonne. One of the environmental
impacts of the ash is the leaching of heavy
metals. Another aim of the R&D project is to
obtain a reduction of the heavy metal leaching in order to reduce the environmental impact and save costs for cleansing of percolate
from deposits. In Denmark the maturation
period of bottom ash in order to obtain an
acceptable heavy metal leaching (especially
lead) can be avoided or reduced.

very high initial and operational cost with

complicated facilities and very high energy
Testing of sintering of different residues as for example flyash
Substantial reduction of TOC
Significantly improved bottom ash
quality as regards leaching of heavy
Significant improvement of fixation of
heavy metals at a temperature of 1,000
One hour residence time, slow rotation
for mixing (2~6 rph).

CFD grid model of a


Waste is the only fuel, no oil, gas, coal or electricity and no pure O2 is added.

Ferrox - stabilization
The managing of the gas treatment residues
is usually associated with high costs and an
environmental risk. The Ferrox-process is developed to manage combustion residue in an
environmentally safe way at a low cost. Compared to the costs of traditional cement stabilization, the Ferrox-process has the advantage that it reduces the overall mass of the
residue that has to be disposed of combined
with a good stabilization.

Untreated APC-residues

Next generation sintering process

To stabilize the residual bottom ash and improve the ash quality, our method of sintering in a rotary kiln is used to stabilize heavy

The Ferrox-process stabilizes the residues,

whereby the release of heavy metals and salts
is substantially reduced compared to the untreated residues.

The physico-chemical treatment causes

changes, not only in porosity and density, but
also in the incorporation of metal ions into
the silicate and oxide lattice of the matrix. The
Sintering process is a good solution and a cost
effective alternative to melting facilities with

The process does not yield a new heavy metal

polluted waste stream, but immobilizes the
heavy metals in the residue. The salts are extracted from the residues during the process.
The result is a stabilized residue, which is easy
to dispose of in an environmentally safe way.

Ferrox-treated APC-residues

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Related terms & glossary

ACC Automatic Combustion Control system, a system that optimizes the combustion process.
Acceleration A vector quantity that specifies
rate of change of velocity.
APC Air Pollution Control system, a system that
reduces emissions = FGC.

Fly ash Combustion residues which is transported with flue gases out of the boiler.
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Green House Gas.

BOO Build Own Operate

GWh gigawatthour (10 9 Watthour) (unit)

BOOT Build Own Operate Transfer

H2 Hydrogen

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics is a numerical tool for calculating flow patterns, combustion,
particle transport, thermal loads etc. inside a
furnace and boiler.

H2O Water

CHP Combined Heat and Power a method of

increasing overall efficiency of a WFPP by generating heat as well as power at the same time from
the fuel.
CMS Control and Monitoring System.
CO Carbon monoxide.

ha hectare (104 square meters) (unit)

Hazardous waste Waste that is toxic, carcinogenic, explosive, or inflammable.
HCl Hydrogen Chloride.
Household waste Waste coming from households.
Incineration see WTE

CO2 Carbon dioxide.

Industrial waste Waste arising through an

industrial process.

Cogeneration see CHP.

IPP Independent Power Producer.

Combustible waste Waste which can be combusted.

IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

Combustion the process of burning.

IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, an EU directive.

Commercial Waste solid waste generated by

businesses and institutions.

ISWA International Solid Waste Organization


Compost/composting is a common name for

humus, which is the result of the decomposition
of organic matter. Composting occurs naturally in
most environments, such as in landfills.

kWh kilowatthour (103 Watthour) (unit)

deNO x NO x reduction
Dioxin umbrella term for more than 200 organic
compounds, 17 of which are highly toxic and are
enriched in fatty tissue (see page 6 for explanation).

Landfill A controlled site for depositing waste.

LCV Lower Calorific Value
Leaching a process were soluble materials in a
substance, such as minerals, chemicals, metals or
salts are dissolved in soil or by water.
mg milligram

EPC Engineer, Procure, Construct.

MJ Megajoules (10 6 joules)

ETS Emissions Trading System

MJ/Nm3 Megajoule per Normal cubic meter

EU European Union

MSW Municipal Solid Waste, see Household


FGC see Flue Gas Cleaning.

Flue Gas mixture of gases from combustion i.e.
from the outlet of a boiler.
Flue Gas Cleaning a system of devices that
removes substances like NO x , SO x and dioxins from
a flue gas.


Flue Gas Recirculation method of decreasing

the amount flue gas.

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

MW megawatt (10 6 Watt) (unit)

MWe megawatt electrical (10 6 Watt electrical)
MWh megawatthour (10 6 Watthour) (unit)

MWth megawatt thermal (10 6 Watt thermal)

N2 Nitrogen
NGOs NonGovernmental Organizations
NH3 Ammonia
Ni Nickel
NIMBY Not In My Back Yard, referred to as the
syndrome that everybody can see the benefit of
i.e. a sewage water cleaning facility, but few people want it placed near their home even though it
is not a nuisance.

Staged Combustion method of controlling combustion by design of furnace temperature, flow,

velocity and the mixture of flue gasses, air and
Steam parameter typically refers to the temperature and pressure of the steam generated in
a boiler.
Stoichiometric a stoichiometric reaction is
defined as a unique reaction in which all the
reactants are consumed.
SRF Solid Recovered Fuel.
t/d tonnes per day

NO x nitrogen oxides are GHG and contribute to

acid rain and reacts to form ground level ozone
and smog. NO x are removed with SNCR and SCR.

t/h tonnes per hour

O2 Oxygen

TOC Total organic carbon content

Pb Lead

TWh terawatthour (1012 Watthour) (unit)

PCC post combustion chamber.

VoluMix method of mixing flue gases by air injection in the combustion chamber for optimized
gas blending

PDMS Plant Design Management System.

PFI Private Finance Initiatives.
PJ petajoule (1015 Joule) (unit)
RDF Refused Derived Fuel.
RE Renewable energy.
Refuse another term for Waste
RES Renewable Energy Sources.
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction, method for
reduction and removal of NO x .
Sintering the process where powder and small
particles of metals and ceramics melts and solidify
when heat is applied. Sintering is used to achieve
a high density and low porosity material.
Slag, bottom ash material which is not combustible, for example, glass, scrap iron, and stonelike
material. After separation of metals etc. and sieving the result is a product that can be reused as
construction material.
SNCR Selective Noncatalytic Reduction,
method for reduction and removal of NO x .

TJ terajoule (1012 Joule) (unit)

Waste general term for normal waste. See also

Waste management Methods and processes
involving the collection, transport, recovery, and
disposal of waste.
WasteBoost method of increasing the electrical efficiency on WFPP by increasing the steam
parameters to the turbine.
WastetoEnergy is a method of extraction
of energy from waste, and defined as a combustion process in which the organic fraction of
solid waste is combusted and the released heat is
utilized to generate hot water, steam, and electric
power, leaving the inorganic fraction (ash) as a
Water Injection method of controlling the temperature in a furnace and boiler.
WFPP Waste Fired Power Plant.
WTE see WastetoEnergy.
Zn Zinc

SO x Sulphur oxides contribute to acid rain. SOx is

removed with APC system

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


References and literature


Global Waste Management Market Report 2004,

Research and Markets, Dublin, Ireland


UNEP, Waste on the rise


Gullett B.K, Lemieux P.M., Lutes C.C., Winterrowd C.K. and Winters
D.L. (1999).
PCDD/F emissions from uncontrolled domestic waste burning.
Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 41, 157-160.


International Energy Outlook 2005 , EIA, http://www.eia.doe.



The Danish Environmental Protection Agency,

Miljstyrelsen; Waste Strategy 2005-08,
June 2004,


The Danish Environmental Protection Agency,

Miljstyrelsen; Waste Statistics 2004,
April 2005,


Waste-to-energy plant in Copenhagen,


Waste-to-energy plant in Copenhagen,


100 years with Waste Incineration,

Heron Kleis, Babcock & Wilcox Vlund & Sren Dalager, RAMBLL

[10] European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau;

Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for
Waste Incineration, July 2005, Sevilla, Spain
[11] Schmidt, I., Kircherer, A., and Zwahr, H, Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Waste Management Options Mechanical-Biological
Treatment, Waste-To-Energy, and Landfilling (in German).
BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany. Proceedings of IMECE03
[12] Themelis, N.J., 2003, An Overview of the Global Waste-to-Energy Industry. Waste Management World, 2003-2004 Review Issue,
July-August 2003, p. 40-47
[13] Batchelor, D., Eeraerts, D., Smits, P., Greenhouse Gas
Abatement: Assessing WTE and Landfill Disposal.
Waste Management World, 2002 (5), pp. 43-47.
[14] Millennial Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature reconstruction (blue) and instrumental data (red) from AD 1000 to 1999, ref.
[15] European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau;
Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for
Waste Incineration, July 2005, Sevilla, Spain
Table 3.4: PCDD/PCDF balance for a municipal waste incineration
plant in Germany [1, UBA, 2001], [64, TWG Comments, 2003]
[16] Wasteto-energy, an inventory and review about dioxins, Report
RVF 1999, Sweden


21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

[17] Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and

Nuclear Safety. Waste incineration a potential danger? Bidding farewell to dioxin spouting. September 2005.
[18] Muller, Kipinen, Hupa; Combustion & Flame no. 113 1998.
[19] Madsen O.H, New technologies for waste to energy plant,
4 th. International symposition on waste treatment technologies,
Sheffield University, UK 29 June 2 July 2003.
[20] Madsen O.H. and Jensen J.M, Practical test of ACC systems for
Waste to Energy plants, 3rd i-CIPEC, Oct. 21-23 2004, Hangzhou
[21] Rogers J.E.L., Sarofim A.F. and Howard J.B.; Effect of underfire
air rate on a burning simulated refuse bed, Proceedings 1972
National Incinerator Conference, New York.
[22] Madsen O.H. and Jrgensen K., Modelling of Combustion
Processes, Conference paper 6th Annual Conference on
Incineration, 21-22 September 1998, Okura Hotel Amsterdam.
[23] Wei-Chuan Lai and Barbara Krieger-Brockett, Volatiles release
rates and temperatures during large particle refuse derive
fuel - Municipal solid waste devolatilization.
[24] Survey and Evaluation of Physical composition of MSW, Report on Thailand State of Pollution 2004, Public Cleansing Bureau
and Pollution Control De-partment.
[25] Jianhua Yan, Mingjiang Ni, Yong Chi, Xiaodong Li, Xuguang Jiang,
Kefa Cen Characteristics of Chinese Municipal Solid Waste,
Zhejiang University, 3rd i-CIPEC, Oct. 21-23 2004, Hangzhou China
[26] Euiyoung Yoon, Hyupsung University, Korea, Sunghan Jo, Andong
National University, Korea, MSW Management and Energy Recovery, The Intl Workshop on Policy Integration towards Sustainable Urban Energy Use for Asian Cities, February 4 & 5, 2002, East
West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii , USA.
Lights of Asia at night from space
(Image courtesy U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Wikipedia, the encyclopedia

Recommended literature
100 years with Waste Incineration,

Heron Kleis, Babcock & Wilcox Vlund & Sren Dalager, RAMBLL
Steam/its Generation and Use,
41th edition, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A

J.Swithenbank, V. Nasserzadeh Sharifi, Mathematical Modelling of

Waste to Energy Plants using FLIC and FLUENT codes and Incinerator Bed Modelling /FLIC Mathematical Model, Y B Yang, V N Sharifi, Y R
Goh, J Swithenbank
XU Xin-hua,YANG Yue-ping,WANG Da-hui, CH4 emission and recovery
from Municipal Solid Waste in China, Journal of Zhejang Univeristy

RenoSam, an association of 31 Danish and 2 Faroese waste management

companies; Effective Waste Management, Effektive affaldshndtering, Benchmarking 2005. September 2005
RenoSam & Rambll: The most efficient waste management system
in Europe Waste-to-energy in Denmark, April 2006.
European Union directives:


89/369: Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants.
89/429: Council Directive 89/429/EEC of 21 June 1989 on the reduction of pollution from existing municipal waste-incineration plants.
259/93: Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on
the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and
out of the European Community
94/67: Council Directive 94/67/EC of 16 December 1994 on the
incinera-tion of hazardous waste.
96/61: Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning
inte-grated pollution prevention and control
1999/31: Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill
of waste.
2000/76: Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste.

RVF - The Swedish Association of Waste Management (Svenska Renhllnings-verksfreningen); Swedish Waste Management 2005, www.rvf.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Agenda 21,
Phyllis ECN data base composition of biomass and waste.
The Viability of Advanced Thermal Treatment of MSW in the UK, Fichtner
Consulting Engineers Ltd, Published by ESTET in March 2004.
Won Yang, Hyung-sik Nam and Sangmin Choi, Improvement of Operating Conditions in Waste Incinerators Using Engineering Tools,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, South Korea, 3rd i-CIPEC, Oct. 21-23 2004,
Hangzhou China.

K. Grner. Waste Incineration - State of the Art and New developments,

IFRF Combustion Journal (2003), Art. No. 200202, July 2003
Th. Klasen, K. Grner, The Use of CFD for the prediction of problems
areas in site a waste incinerator. 5 th. Conference on Industriel Boilers
and furnace.

Recommended www links

ISWA - The International Solid Waste Association:
EU Union Waste Policy:
CHEC - Research Center, DTU:

Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Babcock & Wilcox Vlund

More than 300
solutions worldwide

We have supplied more than 500 waste-to-energy lines over the past 80 years. This extensive experience is one of the reasons why we
are a leading supplier of equipment
and technologies for waste-toenergy plants.
We have been continuously developing our range of boilers,
grates and combustion systems
for many years systems which
enable us to solve our clients
problems and fulfil their needs.
Our expertise and our technologies ensure optimum energy
utilisation and reliability with
maximum consideration of
the environment.

CFD simulation of air

velocities in a boiler

To guide our clients towards

the best possible solution for
their specific needs, we can usually provide similar references based
on already optimized plants. This will provide
the client with a high degree of security and
the necessary performance together with an
attractive price and an optimized schedule.

combined with 70 years of experience in Europe.

With technologies based on research and
development over a period of more than 70
years, Babcock & Wilcox Vlund have gained
exceptional experience within bio-fuels and
thermal waste treatment. This experience
combined with our multi-disciplinary knowhow is one of our core strengths.

What Vlund may offer

As explained in detail in this publication
Vlund offers proven waste fired power
plants in a range of capacities according to
the Vlund Advanced Waste Technology Concept. The plants comply with the European
BAT recommendations.
Vlund and its partners may deliver such
plants as separate supplies or the complete
Waste Fired Power Plants including steam turbine/generator sets and the necessary flue
gas treatment installation on a turnkey basis.
Vlund does not produce steam turbines and
flue gas treatment equipment, but co-operates with the leading international suppliers
of such equipment.

O ur profile
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund is one of the worlds
leading suppliers of equipment and technologies designed to convert household waste
and bio-fuels into thermal energy.

International cooperation
BWV has a long tradition to partner
with the best locals in the business.
We continously strive to be a sustainable value added technology
provider for our partners and licensees. Please see for
our partner in your region.
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund is member
of ISWA, International Solid Waste
Association (


Our solutions provide a unique combination of:

High-quality products
Broad multi-disciplinary experience
Empirical designs
Strong project management skills
Facts at a glance:
Headquarteres in Esbjerg, Denmark
100% owned by Babcock & Wilcox Power
Generation Group, Inc. in Barberton, Ohio,
We offer our customers an exceptional degree of multinational synergy: 135 years of
thermal energy production in North America

21 Century Advanced Concept for Waste-Fired Power Plants

L90, waste-to-energy plant, Denmark

MAPO by night, Korea

O ur experience in A sia
Since 1970 we have built more than 60 plants
in the Asian region including Japan, Korea,
Taiwan and Thailand.
In Korea the MAPO plant with advanced rotary kiln technology is an example of how a
modern plant fulfils the stringent requirements.

The MAPO plant was constructed by our

partner Halla Energy & Environment in South
Korea. After collecting, recycling and reusing the various elements in collected waste,
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund can provide thermal treatment as one of the ways of treating
the remaining waste in an environmentally
friendly way.

Miryang, Korea

The MAPO plant, which is the newest plant in

Korea, is an example of a best evaluated solution. The MAPO plant is located in the heart
of Seoul between the two existing landfills
and next to the Han river. The city selected
the VlundSystems rotary-kiln technology
for this advanced plant consisting of three
lines of 10,5 tonnes of waste per hour to serve
the waste management of the Mapo-gu district. The main objective was to select a technology with the highest efficiency and the
best environmental performance, including
the lowest emissions with the best bottom
ash quality for minimum leaching. The chosen technology should also be proven with
actual references.
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund


Babcock & Wilcox Vlund is one

of the worlds leading suppliers
of equipment and technologies
designed to convert waste and
biomass into thermal energy.
Founded in 1898 and headquartered
in Esbjerg, Denmark, the company
is 100% owned by Babcock & Wilcox
Power Generation Group, Inc. in
Barberton, Ohio, USA .
Our companies currently employ
over 10,000 people worldwide of
which over 400 are employed by
Babcock & Wilcox Vlund.


Babcock & Wilcox Vlund A/S

Falkevej 2
DK-6705 Esbjerg
Tel. : +45 7614 3400
Fax: +45 7614 3600

The information contained herein is provided

for general information purposes only and is not
intended or to be construed as a warranty, an offer, or any representation of contractual or other
legal responsibility.
Babcock & Wilcox Vlunds design, engineering, sales,
service, and manufacturing facilities in Denmark:
Esbjerg Aarhus Glostrup/Copenhagen

4 rd edition 2012 Babcock & Wilcox Vlund A/S.

All rights reserved.

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