BB Day 1 Reading

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Literary Nonfiction

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The Amazing
Penguin Rescue
A devastating oil spill, 40,000 penguins, and the
humans who saved their lives BY LAUREN TARSHIS

with her

magine you are an

African penguin living
on an island in the South
Atlantic Ocean. You live with
tens of thousands of other

penguins on a rocky beach. Its

June 23, 2000, and the weathercold
and windyis typical for this time of
year. The beach echoes with penguin noises:

Image Plan/Corbis (Penguin and chicks)

barks and honks and brays. Some of your

fellow penguins fight for territory, while others
cuddle with their mates or dote on
their chicks.
Youre hungry, so you head
down to the waters edge.
You waddle on tiny
feet, and your
wings are too DECEMBER 2014



stubby for flyingbut in the water, you


can swim faster and dive deeper than

any bird on Earth. As you plunge into


the sea, your wings become powerful


propellers. You shoot through the

water at 12 miles an hour, a black-andwhite blur, snatching sardines from
the surface, swallowing them whole,
catching more. Your tightly packed






Algoa Bay


Scale of Miles


feathers protect you from



of map


The oil spill hit the worlds largest

African penguin breeding ground.

the freezing water. You

remain in the sea for hours,
until your belly is full,
before heading back to
Thats when something
As you come to the
surface for air, the water
feels unfamiliar. It is too
thick; it burns your eyes.
You try to swim away, but
suddenly your wings have
become too heavy to lift.
Your body wobbles and
rolls. You feel bitterly cold.
You shiver and gasp for breath.
What you do not know is that a few hours ago, a
cargo ship called the Treasure suffered serious damage

ABOVE: Oil-covered
penguins BELOW: A
penguin is cleaned.

to its hull in the rough winter seas. It split apart, and

as it sank, about 1,300 tons of toxic oil gushed into the

Your wings are heavy

ocean. Now that oil surrounds your breeding ground

because they are

the largest African penguin breeding ground in the

coated with oil and

world. You and thousands of other penguins have been


trapped in the massive oil slick and are soaked with

poisonous oil.
The impact of oil on a penguin (or any bird) is

But your instinct

for survival is strong,
and somehow you

immediate and devastating. You are shivering because

struggle back to shore, fighting against the current.

the oil has caused your feathers to clump and separate,

The journey, usually effortless, is an agonizing ordeal.

allowing the freezing water to lash at your sensitive

You manage to stagger onto the beach and back to

skin. Your eyes hurt because the oil has burned them.

your nest, where you lick and peck at your feathers,


Scholastic Scope DECEMBER 2014

Martin Harvey/Photo Researchers, Inc. (oil penguins); Photoshot/Age Fotostock (cleaning); Jim McMahon/MapMan (map)

goes wrong.

desperate to clean them. Finally, you give up. There is

to accommodate 100 penguins. Other areas of

nothing to do but stand there, terrified, dazed, silent.

the warehouse have been designated for washing

penguins. One room is filled with 10 tons of frozen

Strange Creatures

fish, the amount needed daily to feed the penguins.

Then the beach is invaded by enormous creatures.

Acquiring this enormous quantity of fish every day will

They are humans, but you dont know that. You

be among the workers great challenges.

have never seen a human before. These men and

Actually, everything is a challenge. Simply getting

women understand what you dont: that this oil spill is

one penguin to eat is a monumental task. In the wild,

a catastrophe for you and your species. Some of these

penguins hunt for sardines, gobbling them up while

people have dedicated their lives to helping birds like

the fish are still alive and wriggling. These

you, birds imperiled by oil spills and other human-

penguins wont accept dead fish from human

made disasters. They have participated in bird rescues


around the world. All they care about is saving your life.
But how could you know this?
As these humans swarm the beach,

Eyes: Sharper
vision underwater
than on land

you are overcome with panic. When a

man catches you, you viciously fight
him off with your powerful jaws
and razor-sharp beak. You bite his
arm, ripping his skin through the fabric
of his thick coat. He doesnt let go, so you
strike again, biting his leg and inflicting
a wound that will leave a scar for the rest
of his life. But he cares more about you
than himself.
All across the beach, dozens of people

Beak: Hooked
and razor sharp
for capturing
fast-moving fish

are capturing penguins, enduring

excruciating bites and wing slaps as they load terrified
birds into crates. It is painful, exhausting work, and the
JOEL SARTORE/National Geographic Creative (Penguin)

sight of all of these scared and injured penguins is

Protects from
predators in the

heartbreaking to the humans. Somegrown men

and womenfight back tears.
But they dont give up. Tens of thousands of
penguins are in danger. And these people intend to
save every single one.
Ten miles from the island, outside the city of Cape
Town, a team of scientists and volunteers
has transformed a warehouse into a penguin
rescue center. They work with astonishing
speed. The warehouse contains hundreds
of round enclosures, each large enough

Between 2001 and
2012, the population
declined by 67%.

300 per square
inch, the most of
any bird DECEMBER 2014


hands, so they must be

Penguins in their
holding pool,
about to be fed

force-fed. To force-feed a
penguin, a worker must
restrain it, pry its beak open,
and shove fish down its
throat. Feeding one penguin
can take an hour. Feeding all
the penguins takes an army
of workers 15 hours.
And then there is the
smell. The combined scent
of penguin droppings, dead
sardines, and human sweat
permeates the facilitya
stench so revolting that
many people vomit when they first arrive.
As news of the rescue effort spreads, thousands of

inch by inch. She carefully cleans your eyes and ears

with a toothbrush. You do not bite her. The next day,

volunteers flock to the warehouse, eager to help. They

after your feathers are clean and dry, this woman picks

are a diverse group, including wealthy women from

you up and holds you close to her chest. You do not try

fancy neighborhoods and poor teenagers from the

to get away.

streets of Cape Town. Some volunteers have experience

have one thing in common: a mission to save as many
penguins as possible.

Heading for Home

One day, after several weeks have gone by, you are
put into a box. You feel yourself being moved. When
the box is opened, you are on an unfamiliar beach. You

Terror and Healing

For you, one of thousands of oil-soaked penguins,
every hour brings new terrorsthe force feedings, the
ointment applied to your eyes, the tube stuck down
your throat to pump liquid charcoal into your stomach.
But as time passes, you begin to feel better. The
ointment heals your eyes, and the liquid charcoal helps

stand there until your instinct takes over; then you run
to the water and plunge in. Soon you are on the shores
of a rocky island.
Your island.
While you were gone, humans cleaned up the oil that
had covered the beach. The ocean carried the rest away.
Before long, thousands of other penguins arrive

your body rid itself of the oil you swallowed. You feel

on the island. The air is filled once again with honks

stronger. The humans win your trust and you accept fish

and barks. You have no idea that you have been part

from their hands. There is one woman who comes every

of the greatest animal rescue in history. Nearly 40,000

day. You recognize her voice and greet her with a bark.

penguins were saved. In the coming weeks, researchers

After many weeks, it is, at last, your turn to be

cleaned. You are taken to a room and placed into a
plastic tub. A woman pours vegetable oil over you to

will be elated to observe that many of the rescued birds

are paired up with mates and sitting on eggs.
You dont think about any of this because you are a

loosen the caked-on oil. She washes you with mild soap

penguin. All you know is that your world is finally as it

and warm water, her gentle hands scrubbing your body

should be.


Scholastic Scope DECEMBER 2014

PAGE 18: Photoshot/Age Fotostock (pool). PAGE 19: iStockphoto/Getty Images (paper);
Toby Zerna/Newspix/REX USA (penguins)

rescuing wildlife; others have never owned a pet. All


The Seabird Chronicle

Saving Penguins, One
Sweater at a Time

sweaters. Putting the sweaters on the

penguins was tricky; at first the birds
were determined to tear them off with
their beaks. But amazingly, the sweaters

and whales, interfering with their ability

did the trick, warming the penguins

t was September 1998, and the

to breathe. It coats the fur of otters

and keeping them from preening.

rescue workers at Phillip Island

and seals, making it impossible for

This bought workers time to carefully

Nature Park in Australia had a

them to warm up or cool off. Oil can

clean the oil from each bird. Over time,

big problem: An oil spill near the

also contaminate the food supply. Sea

the birds grew strong and healthy.

island was threatening the little penguins

mammals, for example, become gravely

Eventually, the penguins were well

that lived there. (Little penguins are a

ill after eating an oil-coated fish or plant.

enough to return to the wild.

October 1, 2014

species of penguin, so named because

News of the sweaters success spread.

Of all the creatures that make

they are only 10 to 12 inches tall.) The

their home in the ocean, seabirds like

Tiny sweater patterns were posted

workers were scrambling to save the oil-

penguins are especially vulnerable in an

online so that penguin-loving knitters

slicked birds, but the penguins were in

oil spill. Oil strips feathers of the natural

all over the world could help with rescue

bad shape. They couldnt keep warm. To

oils that keep birds warm. This leads to

efforts. Soon, sweater donations were

make matters worse, they were trying to

hypothermia, a fatal condition. Plus,

pouring in.

preen their feathers to get rid of the oil.

ingesting even a small amount of oil can

In the process, they were swallowing the

be deadly to seabirds.

Enough Sweaters for Now

Sweater Success

Phillip Island have put the sweater

Over the past 15 years, workers on

toxic oil, which would slowly kill them.

If the workers didnt act quickly, the little
penguins were not going to survive.
Then the workers had an unusual
idea: sweaters.
Teeny-tiny penguin

Volunteers got busy with their

donations to good use, helping

knitting needles, and within days

save more than 1,000

the first penguins at Phillip Island

little penguins. (Sadly,

oil spills are not

were outfitted in their new wool

uncommon near the

sweaters. But would

island; the area is crowded

this crazy idea work?

with tankers transporting oil.)

Today, the nature park has more

Especially Vulnerable

sweaters than it needs. In fact, a

Oil spills in the ocean are

message on its website kindly asks

among the most devastating

volunteers to refrain from sending

of environmental disasters.

sweaters for now. Surplus sweaters

When a large quantity of oil leaks

into the sea, it can decimate fragile

have been donated to other wildlife

ecosystems and injure or kill marine

conservation groups, or sold in the gift

life. Oil clogs the blowholes of dolphins

shop, which raises money for the park.

Kristin Lewis

writing contest
Sometimes the problems of the world can seem hopeless and overwhelming. How
did the people in the two articles you just read solve seemingly overwhelming
problems? How do these stories bring hope to readers? Answer both questions
in a well-supported essay. Send it to Penguin Contest. Five winners will each
get The Race to Save the Lord God Bird by Phillip Hoose.

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