4 Subsystems of The Earth (Summary)
4 Subsystems of The Earth (Summary)
4 Subsystems of The Earth (Summary)
these four subsystems are called "spheres." Specifically, they are the "lithosphere" (land),
"hydrosphere" (water), "biosphere" (living things), and "atmosphere" (air).
The atmosphere is composed of all the gases on Earth. It has a boundary that separates space
and Earth.
The most abundant gas is nitrogen.
Greek word atmos
It has no specific boundary but an imaginary line called the Karman line separates the
atmosphere and outer space
troposphere extends to about 14.5 km above the surface of Earth. It is the lowest layer where
the weather disturbances occur.
stratosphere is found 14.5 to 50 km above Earth’s surface. The ozone layer that protects Earth
from the sun’s harmful UV radiation is part of this layer.
mesosphere extends from 50 to 85 km above Earth’s surface. It protects Earth from the impact
of space debris. The coldest temperatures on Earth, at - 90°C are found near the top of this
Hermosphere is composed of charged particles that are blown by the Earth's magnetic field.
These particles create the lights known as auroras. 85 to 600 km above Earth’s surface. Many
satellites also orbit Earth in this layer.
exosphere is the outermost layer. It extends to about 10 000 km above Earth’s surface, though
there is no clear boundary where the exosphere ends and space begin.
Mantle is a 2 900 kilometer layer below the Earth's crust that's made up of silicate rocks rich in
magnesium and iron. Its temperature increases as it gets deeper.
The mantle can be divided into several layers based on the mineral composition and the
type of tectonic deformation. The crust is the first layer that forms the lithosphere, which is
the outer layer of Earth.
The asthenosphere is the layer that's below the lithosphere, and it allows the lithospheric
plates to move. The lower mantle is denser than the upper one, but it still remains solid.
Core, which has a radius of 3 480 km, is the innermost layer of Earth
There are four primary subsystems of Earth: atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and
biosphere. ○
The atmosphereis made up of various gaseous elements.
The geosphere is composed of all the soil, rocks, and minerals from the surface of Earth up to its
The hydrosphereincludes all form of water bodies on Earth.
The biosphereincludes all living things on Earth.
EARTH SCI august 16 2021
Eagle - Biosphere
Mango - Geosphere
Bacteria - Biosphere