Archangel Michael 1st Ray Blue Tuesday Throat Chakra

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Archangel Michael 1st Ray Blue Tuesday Throat Chakra

Archangel Jophiel 2nd Ray Yellow Sunday Crown Chakra

Archangel Chamuel 3rd Ray Pink Monday Heart Chakra

Archangel Gabriel 4th Ray White Friday Base of the Spine

Archangel Raphael 5th Ray Green Wednesday Third Eye

Archangel Uriel 6th Ray Purple & Gold flecked w/ruby Thursday Solar

Archangel Zadkiel 7th Ray Violet Saturday Seat of the Soul

No Chakra Note Color

8 C'
7 Crown B Violet
6 Third Eye / Brow A Indigo
5 Throat G Blue
4 Heart F Green
3 Solar E Yellow
2 Sacral D Orange
1 Base C Red

Chakra Seven:
Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is
our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-
knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom,
understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.
Chakra Six:
Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection
This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the
act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic
faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to
see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture."

Chakra Five:
Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression
This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and
creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as
the vibration of sound representing language.

Chakra Four:
Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of
seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind
and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth
chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and
Chakra Three:
Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition
This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our
personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy,
this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating

Chakra Two:
Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification
The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is
related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to
others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra
brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to
accept change.

Chakra One:
Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents
the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our
sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally
this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.
The First chakra is located at the base of the spine and is
associated with red. It is the chakra that governs our physical
existence, our bodies and our health.

The Second chakra is located in the area below the belly button
or Sacral area as it is best known, and is associated with the
colour orange. This chakra governs creativity, and some say

The Third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is associated

with the colour gold (yellow). It is associated with the will or

The Fourth chakra (the middle chakra in the chain of seven) is

the heart chakra and is associated with the colour green, and also
the colour rose, which is the "colour of love." This chakra is
connected with emotion and human love.

The Fifth chakra is located at the throat and is a bright blue. It

governs communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra
that most influences intercommunication and our "personas." It is
also the link between emotion and thought.

The Sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid-forehead) and

is indigo (deep purply/blue). This chakra is associated with
thought (though some say the third chakra governs thought) and
with vision, particularly psychic vision. It is also the chakra of
spiritual love and connection.

The Seventh chakra is at the crown of the head, and is violet

fading to white further away from the body. This chakra is our
connection to our "higher selves" and to the "divine." It is
associated with wisdom and integration of our eternal selves with
our current physical selves. It is like our umbilical cord to "God."

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