Robin Sharma Be Extraordinary
Robin Sharma Be Extraordinary
Robin Sharma Be Extraordinary
There will never be a better time to be the best you than today
Some people might try to copy the way you think, you talk and you act. But no matter how hard
they try, they will only be a second best to you.
Are you pretty special? NO. You are very special.
There is no competition.
At home, if you are good at cleaning the house, be so good at it that your spouse commented that no one do
better than you.
Having the courage to present your gifts and your highest capacities will yield magnificent rewards.
Life is always fair in the end.
Listening is a master skill for personal and professional excellence.
Leaders listen.
When we go deep into listening to the person we are communicating with, when we allow them
to share what they know, we have the opportunity to get behind their eyeballs and learn, grow and
evolve into our highest and best.
Every person you meet knows at least one thing you dont, dont let them leave without learning
I learn a lot from personal coaching session with each one of you.
Why postpone what you can do today to some time off in the distance? Why delay having a
remarkably good time until you are old? Why wait until you are old to love living?
So fill your days with color. Hunt for the best that this very day will bring.
Laugh a lot
Love a lot
Dream a lot
Read a lot
And if there's an opportunity that the coming hours present to youand we both know there will
be seize it. Because life screams by. So fast.
At midnight tonight, you get a most amazing gifta fresh set of 24 hours.
24 hours that are pure and flawless and limitless.
They offer you the opportunity to show courage and behave brilliantly, connect compassionately
and many more.
So make tomorrow special. No, make it outrageously great.
It is just amazing what one can do in a single day. Each one is a chance to be more of what we are
all designed to be.
Your family
Your work and life
Your gifts
There are many others who are not that fortunate. Be grateful that you have a pair of eyes, ears, hands
and legs.
Be grateful to others. To the farmer whose effort brought the fruit on your lunch. Bless the factory
workers who put together the car you drive. Bless the person who serves you food in the hotel.
The attitude of gratitude. Counting your Blessings. Not taking things for granted. I bet you have a lot
more to be thankful for than you currently see.
What you value in life, increases in value.
This world of ours is full of great thinkers who never realized their greatness.
They were strong on the thinking side but weak on the execution side.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
So jump start your commitment around execution.
And then reach deep into your inner power and have the discipline to do whatever it takes to make
the idea a reality. Because nothing happens until you move.
It's easy to get so caught up in the rush of busyness and the call of our routines that we forget the
imperative of being aware of the very things we are doing.
Leadership is about showing up at your best. You know that. It's about being excellent amid changing
And leadership is about being aware.
Aware of your thoughts
Aware of your priorities
Aware of your passions
Aware that time is short. Aware the brilliance to you by the life you get to lead.
Live with your eyes wide open. Clarity preceeds mastery. Act impeccably.
Know your role. Everyone needs to behave like a leaderno matter what they do.
That means everyone needs to take responsibility for generating the superb results for which that
they are accountable.
Everyone needs to do their part to shape culture. Everyone needs to be positive and inspirational.
Everyone needs to go the extra mile for customersand view change as an opportunity to make
things better.
Everyone really can be a leader and have a profound impact by standing for excellence within the
area of their responsibility; but not everyone is the same.
Everyone can show leadership behavior but doesnt mean everyone will lead the organization.
There is nothing wrong with making a mistake. We are human. A powerful way we all learn and
Just dont make the same mistakes more than once. That shows youre resisting the lesson
available to you. Suggests you are not listening to life. Shows you are not paying attention.
Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. Dont miss them.
Some opportunities never come again. Regret is a choice.
If you dont try, youll never know.
One of the fastest ways to find the solution to an issue or challenge you are facing is to ask the
right questions. The right question inevitably leads you to the correct answer.
6 Questions - Powerful Questions
1. What one thingif I did it, would profoundly improve the way I work? (and how I live)
2. What needs to happen between now and the end of the next 90 days for me to feel that this is
the best quarter of my work and my personal life? (remember clarity preceeds mastery)
3. Who do I need to express appreciation to? (make your list long)
4. What would I like to improve , professionally and personally?
5. What could I be greatful for that I am currently not grateful for?
6. How do I want to be remembered at my retirement party?
You are a brand. No matter what you think, when people hear your name, they conjure up some
When people see you, some emotional response gets evoked.
Like it or not, you (and your good name / reputation) truly are a brand.
What would it take for you to become a cool brand? So that when people think of you, words like
innovative, integrity in the highest order, energetic, humble, world class etc.
How could you become so strikingly great at what you do and who you are that everyone around
you adores everything about you? Something to think about. Something to act on.
Everybody runs from conflict. It makes us feel bad, so we avoid it. Hope it will somehow resolve itself.
It never does. Instead it just festers like a bad wound.
Conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper personal connection.
Every conflict carries within it a chance for us to learn a powerful lesson and to grow as a human being.
And every conflict, whether with a loved one or a customer, is a gorgeous opportunity to forge an even
closer bond with them.
So dont run from conflict. Dont send the email when you know you need to speak some truth face to
face. Leadership is about balancing compassion with courage. And though it can feel so messy, in truth
its a gift. Embrace it. Relish the potential it carries. Celebrate it. It can serve you so well.
Imagine a dashboard with a dial or meter on it. At one end is the word FREEDOM. At the other
Being a leader and living a remarkable life means striking the delicate balance between the two.
Lifes all about a balance. And one of the most vital of all balancepoints is the one involving
freedom and responsibility. Yes, be free. Enjoy the moment. Be wildly passionate. Have a fabolous
time. And yet, be responsible. Set your goals. Keep your promises. Get important things done.
Fulfill your duties.
Growth is the only evidence of life. Growth matters. It make us fulfilled. We are happy when we
are growing and realizing our potential. Growth energizes us (even when it is uncomfortable
and most growth is). Makes us who we really are.
What comes to mind when you think about your best teacher / mentor / boss?
You appreciate the lessons, learning and growth that human being promoted in you. So, why
would you feel any differently about the most trying / challenging / frustrating events of your life?
Are those not the very events that have most shaped you? And evoked your best and highest?
Taught you to what you needed to learn to get you to where you stand today?
They too were your teachers. They too have championed your personal expansion. They too have
inspired your growth. So honor them, because they helped you more than you know.
You can accomplish anything in life, provided that you do not mind who gets the credit.
Leave your ego at the front door when you go to work today and just do superb work. Good things
will happen. For you.
leadership is about a lot more than trying to look good in the eyes of others. It is about being BIW
(Best in the World) at what you do. It's about leaving people better than you found them. And it
is about not worrying who gets the credit for a job well done.
It doesnt matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you think of you.
We waste so much energy worrying about the opinions of others, wanting to be liked, needing to
please. But authentic leadership and real personal mastery are all about rising above social
approvalto self approval. Respect you.
So long as you are living by your values, be authentic, running your own race and doing your
dreams, why worry what anyone else thinks or feels or says about you?
Success isn`t a popularity contest. And at the end of each day, what matters most is whether you
were true to yourself.
Power doesnt come from forcing people to listen to you and coercing them to do what you say
because you have the right title on your business card.
The only way to truly get power is to give it away. Real power comes when you spread your
passion. Offer people a reason to climb your strategic mountaintops, treat them with respect and
give them permission to shine, grow and lead.
What separates the best from the rest comes down to habits. A few good ones will make a massive difference
in the way your career and your life looks at the end. Your habits will define how close to your personal
mountaintop you get. Some good habits:
Align all your actions with the highest levels of excellence and integrity
Put relationships with people first
Leverage adversity to make you / your career an your life even better
Get up early
Under-promise and over deliver (always give people more than they expect and you will win).
Be a passionate learner (read daily, listen to inspiring videos and attend seminars).
Spend the first 60 minutes of each day dreaming, planning or simply working out to maintain remarkable
personal vitality.
Balance being tremendously good at what you do with becoming a tremendously and well-rounded human
Life is very short. Yet it is important to focus on excellence in your career and arriving at success,
however you define it.
But equally important is enjoying the ride. Laughing. Having fun. Experiencing advanture.
And not missing out on Perfect Moments. Mostly, they are free. And they are right in front of you.
Today. If only you make time to look for them.
Praise is a rare commodity. The more you give away, the more everything around you grows towards
However, most people dont give praise freely (even though its free).
Giving praise to all those around you when they most deserve it, makes you look like more. It
elevates you. It makes you look like a hero. It makes you look like a giant within the workplace. So
dont withhold what your teammates most crave.
Its true what they say, the harder you work, the luckier you get.
You may wonder, is a remarkable life the result of luck or are there a series of natural laws at play
that produce great results once we align ourselves with them?
Well here is the answer.
Good things happen to good people. Do the right things and you cannot help seeing the right results.
Do things like adding value to your customers and those who surround you.
Treat everyone you meet like a VIP. Being unexpected honest and surprisingly enthusiastic. Just
keep doing these things and youll be fine. And remember, the more seeds you plant, the more plants
youll see.
Most organizations dont fall apart as a result of one big blow. Most relationships dont end because
of one grand argument. Most lives dont fall to pieces due to one sad event.
Sustained failure happens as the consequence of small, daily acts of neglect that stack up over time
to lead to a blow up, and break down.
Remember the camels back metaphor. Pieces of straw kept on getting piled onto the poor animal.
Each piece alone was light and caused little harm. But every hour, piece after piece got placed on
the camels back until eventually the load was so heavy that a single added straw broke his back.
Ever notice that its the people we love most that we take most for granted? Odd isnt it. Its easy to
spend less time with your family because they will always be there for you (or so you assume).
Its easy to put off expressing your love to your loved ones because there seems to be no urgency to
do so. Its easy to let home relationships slip because you assume there are more pressing things to
deal with. But what could possibly be more important than your family?
A full family photo album is far more impressive to me than an overflowing bank account. Honestly.
So pick up the phone and tell your parents that you love them. Before you leave from work, give
your spouse a hug / kiss like you really mean it. And please, hug your kids and tell them that you
adore them. Your kids will only be young once. And once that window of opportunity closes, it will
be close forever.
Sometimes, when everyone else is waiting for someone else to take the first step, you need to be the
one to drive the change.
Leadership has so much to do with relationships. True leaders build strong social networks and
trusted communities of teammates, suppliers and customers that will help them get to where they're
going. And exceptional leaders know how to connect. Extremely well.
Find ways to connect. With the people you work with. With the loved ones you live with. And with
the strangers with whom you share this journey called life.
Give your best at work.
Do love your love ones.
Go the extra mile in all you do.
Speak truthfully.
Live with honor.
Have some fun.
Because one day, your time will run out.
Stainless steela tremendous invention. But what about a stainless character? On that is noble, aspires
for excellence in all pursuits and never gives up in pursuit of its ideals.
What is within must always appear without. What I mean by that is that the quality of your inner world
eventually is reflected in the quality of your outer world. Your external life can never grow bigger than
your internal one. Life really is a mirrorreflecting who we are, rather than all we want.
A person who dreams pristine dreams and who is impeccably honest, good, ethical and stands for what's
best will soon act in aUgnment with those values. And those actions cannot help but drive extraordinary
results. Inner always creates outer. Always.
We always have a choice. We can always choose between right and wrong. Leadership / success /
greatness stuff really is really simple. Simplebut not easy (and excellent is all about doing what's right
versus what's easy). The best things in life do take effort and commitment and discipline.
The best leaders turn their teammates loose. They clearly communicate the vision, coach and
develop their people and, once done, set them free. Free to use their own creativity and ingenuity to
get the results needed. Free to do excellent work and find splendid solutions. Free to feel what it
feels like to succeed. And free to fail because making mistakes is part of getting to success.
People want to be a part of an organization that lets them bring their gifts to work and be fully alive.
People want to be engaged and feel proud of their contribution.
Will you let the people around yourealize this longing by setting them free? Because if you dont,
someone else will.
Leadership begins at home. Your family is an organization that needs to be managed, cherished and
elevated if you aim to truly get to the rare air life I believe you deserve. I also believe that the highest
moments of your lives are the moments shared with those we love.
Money is not the most important form of wealth. It just isnt. so today, love your loved ones. Cherish
them. Tell them all the things you have wanted to say, but havent had the courage to. You will never
regret showing them how proud you are of them. Ever.
Success doesnt just occur. Brilliant results dont just show up by chance. The finest things in life
take patience, focus and sacrifice. To get to world class, you need to work at it. Daily. Relentlessly.
Just hoping youll get to great as a leader (and human being) is nothing more than magical thinking.
It is a waste of time.
Remember the 1 percentwins. A few little improvements each day, the result of your daily practice,
amount to staggering results over time.
Athletes get better through practicing their sport. Leaders get better by cultivating their craft. By
elevating their skills. By deepening their impact. By conciously stepping toward their mountaintops.
Until they get there.
The most important of all of our human traits is the power we have to choose. To choose how we
live. To choose what we will do. To choose how we will view and consider a circumstance.
Each day we have the opportunity to make choices. And the way we choose shapes our destiny.
So dont get upset. Get excited. Only a fool blames his bad vacation on the rain.
When people feel respected, they feel better about themselves. And people who feel good, do good.
To me, success is all about being in a process of jofully creating a life that reflects your highest
values, your deepest beliefs and your greatest dreams.