Sistem Kendali: Sesi 1

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Sistem Kendali : Sesi 1



Control System : Introduction
Tugas : 20 %
System Dynamic Modelling
Kuis : 20 %
Frequency Model
UTS : 30 %
Time Model
UAS : 30 %
System Response
Stability Of System
Steady State Errors
UTS : 20 sd 24 Okt 2014
UAS : 8 sd 19 Des 2014
Root Locus Technique
Controller Design Using Root Locus Technique
Frequency Response Technique
Analysis of Frequency Response
Controller Design Using Frequency Response Technique
Controller Design Technique For Time Domain Model
Observer Design Technique


Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, Sixth

Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering,Fifth
Edition, Prentice Hall.
3. Richard C. Dorf, Davis Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control
Systems, twelfth edition , Prentice Hall.
4. Graham C. Goodwin,Stefan F. Graebe,Mario E. Salgado,
Control System Design

What is Control?
To control a system means to make outputs of interest follow a
desired behavior (trajectory, profile) despite disturbances and
other errors.
In Automatic Control, the corrective actions required to achieve
the required output behavior are performed by machine.
The design, construction and deployment of the control
machinery involves diverse skills, usually not found in a single
person. Control technologists deal mostly with the construction
and deployment of control hardware. Control theorists deal with
the mathematical principles behind dynamic systems (usually
described by differential equations). The MEs role in control is
focused in the early stages of design: mathematical modeling,
simulation and determination of control algorithms.

Control System Definition

A control system consists of subsystems and
processes (or plants) assembled for the purpose of
obtaining a desired output with desired
performance, given a specified input.

Control System
Desired response

Actual response

History of Control System Theory

1868 first article of control on governors by Maxwell
1877 Routh stability criterien
1892 Liapunov stability condition
1895 Hurwitz stability condition
1932 Nyquist
1945 Bode
1947 Nichols
1948 Root locus
1949 Wiener optimal control research
1955 Kalman filter and controlbility observability analysis
1956 Artificial Intelligence
1957 Bellman optimal and adaptive control
1962 Pontryagin optimal control
1965 Fuzzy set
1972 Vidyasagar multi-variable optimal control and Robust control
1981 Doyle Robust control theory
1990 Neuro-Fuzzy
History Of Control System

Control Books in English

Murray F. Gardner and John L. Barnes. Transients in Linear Systems. Wiley, New York, 1942.
Ed S. Smith. Automatic Control Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1942.
Roosevelt Griffiths. Thermostats and Temperature Regulating Instruments. 1943.
Albert C. Hall. The Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Servomechanisms. Technology Press, MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1943.
5. Hendrik W. Bode. Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design. Van Nostrand, New York,
6. Donald P. Eckman. The Principles of Industrial Process Control. 1945.
7. LeRoy A. MacColl. Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms. Van Nostrand, New York, 1945.
8. W. R. Ahrendt and J.F. Taplin. Automatic Regulation. 1946.
9. Hubert M. James, Nathaniel B. Nichols, and Ralph S. Phillips. Theory of Servomechanisms,
volume 25 of MIT Radiation Laboratory Series. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1947.
10. Henri Lauer, Robert Lessick, and Leslie E. Matson. Servomechanism Fundamentals. McGrawHill, New York, 1947.
11. Gordon S. Brown and Donald P. Campbell. Principles of Servomechanisms. Wiley, New York,
12. Norbert Wiener. Cybernetics; or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine.
Wiley, New York, 1948.

Watts Flyball Governor.


Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Manual relay panels from the early 1960s

First PLC of Allen Bradley, 1974

Control-Oriented Notion of System

System: A device or process having identifiable inputs and
outputs. Drawing the boundaries of a system involves a degree
of abstraction.
Example: Input: Accelerator pedal position; Output:
Speed.Alternative: Input: Fuel flow rate; Output: Torque.
Inputs can be either manipulated at will or be undesirable
external influences. We can set the pedal accurately, but we
cant predict or set the wind force. Undesirable, generally
unpredictable and often unmeasurable inputs (one of the
control engineers enemies) are called disturbances.

Open Loop System

Closed Loop System

Control System



Control System Design Process

1. Establish
control goals

2. Identify the
variables to

6. Describe a controller
and select key
parameters to be

7. Optimize the
paramters and analyze
the performance

If the performance meets the

specifications, then finalize the design

5. Obtain a model of
the process, actuator
& sensor

3. Write the
specifications for
the variables

4. Establish the
system configuration
& identify the

If the performance does not meet the

specifications, then iterate the
configuration and the actuator

The physical layout of a plant is an intrinsic
part of control problems. Thus a control
engineer needs to be familiar with the
"physics" of the process under study. This
includes a rudimentary knowledge of the
basic energy balance, mass balance and
material flows in the system.

Before designing sensors, actuators or
control architectures, it is important to know
the goal, that is, to formulate the control
objectives. This includes

what does one want to achieve (energy reduction,

yield increase,...)

what variables need to be controlled to achieve these

what level of performance is necessary (accuracy,


Sensors are the eyes of control enabling
one to see what is going on. Indeed, one
statement that is sometimes made about
control is:
If you can measure it, you can control it.

Once sensors are in place to report on the
state of a process, then the next issue is the
ability to affect, or actuate, the system in
order to move the process from the current
state to a desired state

Figure 1.3: Typical flatness control set-up for rolling mill

A typical industrial control problem will

usually involve many different actuators see below:

A modern rolling mill

Interconnecting sensors to actuators,
involves the use of communication systems.
A typical plant can have many thousands of
separate signals to be sent over long
distances. Thus the design of
communication systems and their
associated protocols is an increasingly
important aspect of modern control

In modern control systems, the connection
between sensors and actuators is invariably
made via a
computer of some sort.
Thus, computer issues are necessarily part
of the overall design. Current
systems use a variety of computational
devices including DCS's (Distributed Control
Systems), PLC's (Programmable Logic
Controllers), PC's (Personal Computers),

A modern computer based rapid prototyping


Sistem Kendali Ada Di Mana Saja


Control systems are ubiquitous, essential, and largely invisible to the general public.
Products ranging from the paper that we use, water that we drink, the newspapers that we
read, to the drugs that treat our diseases depend on automatic controllers for their
uniformity and consistency. A typical example regulates the thickness of aluminum sheets.
Our homes are full of automatic control systems. There are thermostats to regulate the
temperature of the house, the refrigerator, the dishwasher, the clothes washer and dryer, the
oven, and the hot water heater. The level of water in the toilet tanks and the sump pump is
also automatically controlled. Many household controllers are less obvious. These include
the automatic controllers that regulate the flow of fuel to the furnace, those inside the TV,
radio, CD and DVD players and any other electronic devices in the house and those that
insure that our coffee maker and microwave oven work properly.
The modern automobile is full of automatic controllers. Pollution is reduced, fuel is saved,
and comfort is enhanced by automatic controllers in the car. Stability and control
augmentation systems (SCAS) make nearly every modern vehicle easier for the human to
control and safer. These systems work with the human operator to make him or her
perform better. An excellent example is ABS brakes, one of the SCAS subsystems. Another
excellent example of a SCAS is the basis for Robotic surgery. Still another example of a
SCAS is the control system in the X-29 experimental aircraft.

Sistem Kendali Ada Di Mana Saja

The X-29 was designed to be unstable. Without its control system (SCAS) it
was unflyable. It would disintegrate within seconds. Difficulties in designing its
controller led to important research and new knowledge on the limits of
control systems.
The members of the animal kingdom are also full of automatic controllers. The
temperature of our body, the movements of our limbs, our heart rate and
blood pressure, the amount of glucose in our blood, and our weight are all
regulated by feedback controllers within our bodies. There are serious diseases
that result from improper operation of these controllers. Automatically
controlled insulin pumps and more and more sophisticated controlled
prostheses are helping to mitigate these problems.
Improvements in many aspects of our lives will depend on improved control
systems. For example, better control system would greatly reduce the non
uniformity in temperature that is so annoying in many office buildings and
homes. It has already been demonstrated that autonomous vehicles can safely
navigate a complicated closed course. Improvements in the control of
automobiles could eliminate the need for a human driver and greatly enhance
the safety of automobile travel. Safer cars could be made much lighter, thereby
reducing the amount of energy they need to function.

Wilbur Wright to the Western Society of

Engineers in 1901 :
Men already know how to construct wings
or airplanes, which when driven through
the air at sufficient speed, will not only
sustain the weight of the wings themselves,
but also that of the engine, and of the
engineer as well. Men also know how to
build engines and screws of sufficient
lightness and power to drive these planes
at sustaining speed ... Inability to balance
and steer still confronts students of the
flying problem ... When this one feature
has been worked out, the age of flying will
have arrived, for all other difficulties are of
minor importance.

Karl Johan Astrom, Murray Feedback System

Numerical Control
Numerical control (NC) is the type of digital
control used on machine tools such as milling

NC in milling machine

Large Industrial Robot

Pick & Place robot



Sistem Kendali Industri

Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that encompasses several
types of control systems used in industrial production, including
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed
control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system configurations
such as programmable logic controllers (PLC) often found in the
industrial sectors and critical infrastructures.
ICSs are typically used in industries such as electrical, water, oil, gas and
data. Based on data received from remote stations, automated or
operator-driven supervisory commands can be pushed to remote station
control devices, which are often referred to as field devices. Field devices
control local operations such as opening and closing valves and breakers,
collecting data from sensor systems, and monitoring the local
environment for alarm conditions

General structure of the supervisory control system

for rotary kiln process

Peran Sistem Kendali Dalam Industri

Improved control is a key enabling technology
enhanced product quality
waste minimization
environmental protection
greater throughput for a given installed capacity
greater yield
deferring costly plant upgrades, and
higher safety margins

Integrasi Sistem
Success in control engineering depends on taking a holistic
viewpoint. Some of the issues are:
plant, i.e. the process to be controlled
architectures and interfacing
accounting for disturbances and uncertainty

Better Understanding
of plant
Better Sensors


Better Computing
Better Actuators
Better Control
Provides more finesse by combining sensors and
actuators in more intelligent ways

Future evolution of
control systems and robotics

Metode Desain Kendali

Optimal Control
Robust Control
Adaptive Control
Model Predictive Control

Flexible Manufacturing System

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which
there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in case of
changes, whether predicted or unpredicted.
An Industrial Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) consists of robots,
Computer-controlled Machines, Numerical controlled machines (CNC),
instrumentation devices, computers, sensors, and other stand alone systems
such as inspection machines.

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