Ten Great Gospel Truth - Robert J Wieland
Ten Great Gospel Truth - Robert J Wieland
Ten Great Gospel Truth - Robert J Wieland
Robert J. Wieland
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Good News That Lifts the Heart
Robert J. Wieland
“The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message
to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones,” says Ellen
White in one of her most enthusiastic endorsements.
men” to be saved. In that sense, it is true
that “He saved the world.” Appreciating what
Christ accomplished by His sacrifice, lukewarm
Laodiceans will learn the meaning of faith, and
how to glory in the cross.
(a) When Christ “died for all,” He tasted “death for every one”
(2 Corinthians 5:14 Hebrews 2:9). It had to be the second death
that He “tasted” because what we call death the Bible calls “sleep,”
which everyone experiences except those who will be translated (John
11:11-13; 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17). Therefore there is no reason why
anyone should at last have to die the second death except that he
has resisted or rejected the salvation already given him “in Christ” (cf.
Hebrews 2:3; the Greek word “neglect” in the King James Version means
“despise,” see Matthew 22:5).
(b) At Christ’s baptism, the Father “accepted” the human race in
Him (Matthew 3:17). Thus He is already “the Savior of all men” (John
4:42); no one can any longer doubt that the Lord has accepted him/her
“in Christ.” But Christ is “especially” the Savior “of those who believe”
(1 Timothy 4:101). Our salvation does not depend on our initiating a
“relationship” with Him; it depends on our believing/responding to the
“relationship” He has already initiated with us.
(c) Christ “has abolished death” (the second; 2 Timothy 1:10).
Since no one need be lost at last unless he chooses to reject what Christ
has already accomplished for him, the only reason he can be lost is his
unbelief (John 3:16-19). Christ has “brought life and immortality to light
through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). For “every one,” believers and
unbelievers, He has brought “life,” and for those who believe, He has
also brought “immortality.”
(d) In Romans 5:15-18 Paul sets forth what Christ accomplished
on His cross. Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
illustrates that “verdict of acquittal” or “justification” for “all men.”
Lincoln granted every slave in the Confederate Territories a legal
freedom; but none could experience it until he (1) heard the good news,
(2) believed it, and (3) let it motivate him to walk out into liberty.
The practical value of this truth. “Well, suppose you get up in the
morning with a headache and your digestion has not worked very well
and you don’t feel just right. How do you know you are the Lord’s?
[Congregation: ‘Because He says so.’] Sometimes people say when we
ask them, ‘Have your sins been forgiven?’ ‘Yes, I was convinced that
they were, for awhile.’ ‘What convinced you?’ ‘I felt as though they
were forgiven.’ They did not know anything about it. They did not, in
that, have a particle of evidence that their sins were forgiven. The only
evidence that we can have that these things are so is that God says so.
Don’t look to feelings. Feelings are as variable as the wind.
“We need not have any more doubt as to whether we are the
Lord’s. But there are some people who have not submitted themselves
to the Lord and are not practically His. He has made them His by
purchase; now how can they know that they are His? By His word.
Does this Good News give license to sin? “But now we sometimes
hear people talk as though that was going to sanction sin. No. It will not
do that. It will save you from sinning. When a man’s choice is to be the
Lord’s, then God works in him both to will and to do of his own good
pleasure. The divine power is in this thing. There is no sanction of sin
about it. In fact, it is the only way to keep from sanctioning sin.
“When was it that he bought us? [Congregation: ‘Before the
foundation of the world.’] What kind of folks were we before the
foundation of the world? Sinners, just as we are? Evil beings and willing
to go into evil ways? Making no profession of religion and not particularly
wanting to? Did He buy us then? [Congregation: ‘Yes.’] And He bought
our sins. Isaiah describes it—wounds and bruises and putrefying sores;
no soundness at all.
“Then the choice is forever with me as to whether I would rather
have my sins than to have Him, isn’t it? [Congregation: ‘Yes.’] When sin
is pointed out to you, say, ‘I would rather have Christ than that’” (Jones,
General Conference Bulletin, 1893, sermon No. 17, condensed).
Note: Subheadings in bold have been added by the compiler. The quotations are not
1 The Greek malista consistently has the meaning of “especially” in other New
Testament passages.
2 Ellen White applies this phrase from Ephesians 1:6 to the entire human race (The
Desire of Ages, p. 113).
GOSPEL B y His uplifted cross and on-going priestly
ministry, Christ is drawing “all men” to
repentance. His gracious love is so strong and
persistent that the sinner must resist it in order
to be lost.
Christ did His work, long ago. “ ‘He hath made us accepted in the
Beloved.’ When did He do that? [Congregation: ‘Before the foundation
of the world.’] He did it all before we had any chance to do anything
—long before we were born—long before the world was made. Don’t
you see that the Lord is the one that does things, in order that we may
be saved and that we may have Him?
“Then we can be sure that He has chosen us. He says He has.
“We can be sure that He has predestinated us unto the adoption
of children.
“We can be sure that He had made us accepted in the Beloved.
“We can be sure of all these things, for God says so and it is so.
Then isn’t that a continual feast itself?” (ibid., No. 17, condensed).
“… All that were in the world were included in Adam; and all
that are in the world are included in Christ. In other words: Adam
in his sin reached all the world; Jesus Christ the second Adam, in his
righteousness touches all humanity. …
“Here is another Adam. Does he touch as many as the first Adam
did? That is the question. … It is certainly true that what the second
Adam did, embraces all that were embraced in what the first Adam
did. …
“The question is, Does the second Adam’s righteousness embrace
as many as does the first Adam’s sin? Look closely. Without our consent
at all, without our having anything to do with it, we were all included
in the first Adam; we were there. … Jesus Christ, the second man, took
our sinful nature. He touched us in all points.’ He became we and died
the death. And so in Him and by that, every man that has ever lived
upon the earth, and was involved in the first Adam, is involved in this,
and will live again. There will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the
just and of the unjust. Every soul shall live again by the second Adam,
from the death that came by the first Adam. …
“When Jesus Christ has set us all free from the sin and the death
which came upon us from the first Adam, that freedom is for every
man; and every man can have it for the choosing.
“The Lord will not compel any one to take it. … No man will die
the second death who has not chosen sin rather than righteousness,
death rather than life” (General Conference Bulletin, 1895, pp. 268,
“[Christ] took in His grasp the world over which Satan claimed to
preside as his lawful territory, and by His wonderful work in giving His
life, He restored the whole race of men to favor with God” (Selected
Messages, book 1, p. 343). “He redeemed Adam’s disgraceful fall, and
saved the world” (My Life Today, p.323).
“Every member of the human family is given wholly into the hands
of Christ. … Every gift is stamped with the cross and bears the image
and superscription of Jesus Christ” (MS. 36, 1890).
“Jesus, the world’s Redeemer, stands between Satan and every soul.
… The sins of everyone who has lived upon the earth were laid upon
Christ, testifying to the fact that no one need be a loser in the conflict
with Satan” (Review and Herald, May 23, 1899).
“As soon as there was sin, there was a Saviour. Christ knew that He
would have to suffer, yet He became man’s substitute. As soon as Adam
sinned, the Son of God presented Himself as surety for the human race,
with just as much power to avert the doom pronounced upon the guilty
as when He died upon the cross of Calvary” (ibid., March 12, 1901).
“You may say you believe in Jesus, when you have an appreciation
of the cost of salvation. You may make this claim, when you feel that
Jesus died for you on the cruel cross of Calvary; when you have an
intelligent understanding faith that His death makes it possible for you
to cease from sin, and to perfect a righteous character through the
grace of God, bestowed upon you as the purchase of Christ’s blood”
(ibid., July 24, 1888).
GOSPEL I t follows that it is actually easy to be saved
and hard to be lost if one understands and
believes how good the Good News is. The only
difficult thing is learning how to believe the
gospel. Jesus taught this truth.
Waggoner Agreed
“The new birth completely supersedes the old. ‘If any man be
in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new. And all things are of God.’ He who takes
God for the portion of his inheritance, has a power working in him for
righteousness, as much stronger than the power of inherited tendencies
to evil, as our heavenly Father is greater than our earthly parents” (The
Everlasting Covenant, p.66).
“We need not try to improve on the Scriptures, and say that the
goodness of God tends to lead men to repentance. The Bible says that
it does lead them to repentance, and we may be sure that it is so.
Every man is being led toward repentance as surely as God is good. But
not all repent? Why? Because they despise the riches of the goodness
and forbearance and long-suffering of God, and break away from the
merciful leading of the Lord. But whoever does not resist the Lord, will
surely be brought to repentance and salvation” (Waggoner on Romans,
p. 42).
“Abiding in the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, the flesh with its lusts
has no more power over us than if we were actually dead and in our
graves. … The flesh is still corruptible, still full of lusts, still ready to
rebel against the Spirit; but as long as we yield our wills to God, the
Spirit holds the flesh in check. … This Spirit of life in Christ—the life of
Christ – is given freely to all. ‘Whosoever will, let him take the water of
life freely’” (The Glad Tidings, p. 123).
“Thank God for the blessed hope! The blessing has come upon
all men. For ‘as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men
to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of One the free gift
came upon all men unto justification of life’ (Romans 5:18). God, who
is no respecter of persons, ‘has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly places’ (Ephesians 1:3). The gift if ours to keep.
If anyone has not this blessing, it is because he has not recognized the
gift, or has deliberately thrown it away” (ibid., p. 66).
“Yet do not therefore conclude that the upward path is the hard and
the downward road is the easy way. All along the road that lead to death
there are pains and penalties, there are sorrows and disappointments,
there are warnings not to go on. God’s love [agape] has made it hard for
the heedless and headstrong to destroy themselves. … And all the way
up the steep road leading to eternal life are wellsprings of joy to refresh
the weary” (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 139, 140).
GOSPEL C hrist is a Good Shepherd who is seeking
His lost sheep even though we have not
sought Him. A misunderstanding of God’s
character causes us to think He is trying to hide
from us. There is no parable of a lost sheep
that must seek and find its Shepherd.
(a) This truth flows naturally and logically from the gospel as Good
News (Luke 15:1-10). The false idea is that like a shopkeeper, the Lord
regards us indifferently until we take the initiative to ferret Him out from
His hiding place. The truth is that He seeks us (Psalm 119:176; Ezekiel
34:16). 1
(b) If anyone is saved at last it will be due to God’s initiative; if
anyone is lost at last, it will be due to his own initiative (Jeremiah 31:3;
John 3:16-19).
(c) Our salvation does not depend on our maintaining a relationship
with God; it depends on our believing that He stands at the door and
knocks—seeking to maintain that relationship with us unless we break it
off (Revelation 3:20).
“Not only does He call us, but He draws us. No man can come
to Him without being drawn, and so Christ is lifted up to draw all to
God. He tasted death for every man (Hebrews 2:9), and through Him
all men have access to God. He has destroyed in His own body the
enmity,—the wall that separates men from God,—so that nothing can
keep any man from God unless man builds up again the barrier.
“The Lord draws us, but does not employ force. He calls, but does
not drive. … God has purposed salvation for every soul that has ever
come into the world” (Waggoner on Romans, pp. 140, 143).
“Christ is given to every man. Therefore each person get the whole
of Him. The love of God embraces the whole world, but it also singles
out each individual. A mother’s love is not divided among her children,
so that each one receives only a third, a fourth, or a fifth of it; each
child is the object of all her affection. How much more so with the God
whose love is more prefect than any mother’s! (Isaiah 49:15). Christ is
the light of the world, the Sun of Righteousness. But light is not divided
among a crowd of people. If a room full of people be brilliantly lighted,
each individual gets the benefit of all the light, just as much as though
he were alone in the room. So the light of Christ lights every man that
comes into the world. …
“How often we hear someone say, ‘I am so sinful that I am afraid
the Lord will not accept me!’ Even some who have long professed to
be Christians often mournfully wish that they could be sure of their
acceptance with God. But the Lord has given no reason for any such
doubt. Our acceptance is for ever settled. Christ has bought us and has
paid the price.
“Why does a man go to the shop and buy an article? He wants it. If
he has paid the price for it, having examined it so he knows what he is
buying, does the merchant worry that he will not accept it? … It is not
a matter of indifference to Jesus whether we yield ourselves to Him or
not. He longs with an infinite yearning for the souls He has purchased
with His own blood. ‘The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost’
(Luke 19:10)” (The Glad Tidings, pp. 11, 12).
The Good Shepherd takes the initiative. “He will prepare us; we
cannot prepare ourselves. We tried a long while to justify ourselves,
to make ourselves just right, and thus get ready for the coming of the
Lord. But we were never satisfied; it is not done that way. No master
workman looks at a piece of work he is doing as it is half finished, and
begins to find fault with that. It is not finished yet. It would be an awful
thing if the wondrous Master Workman were to look at us as we are
half finished, and say, That is good for nothing. He goes on with His
wondrous work. You and I may say, ‘I don’t see how the Lord is ever
going to make a Christian out of me, and make me fit for heaven.’
Although we may appear all rough, marred, and scarred now, He sees
us as we are yonder in Christ.
“As we have confidence in Him, we will let Him carry on the work.
Now He says to us, ‘Let Me work, and you watch and see what I am
going to do.’ It is not our task at all. You can go outside of this Tabernacle
and look up at that window. It looks like only a mess of melted glass
thrown together, black and unsightly. But come inside and look from
within, and you will see it as a beautiful piece of workmanship. Likewise
you and I can look at ourselves and all looks awry, dark, and ungainly,
only a tangled mass. God looks at it as it is in Jesus. When we look from
the inside as we are in Jesus, we shall also see written in clear texts by
the Spirit of God: ‘Justified by faith, we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ.’ We shall see the whole law of God written in the
heart and shining in the life. That light is reflected and shines in Jesus
“In Him God has perfected His plan concerning us. Let us take it,
brethren. Let us receive it in the fullness of that self-abandoned faith
that Jesus Christ has brought to us. Let the power of it work in us, raise
us from the dead, and set us at God’s right hand in the heavenly places
in Jesus Christ, where He sits” (ibid., pp. 366-368, condensed).
Ellen White’s Idea
“As Christ draws them to look upon His cross, to behold Him whom
their sins have pierced, … they begin to comprehend something of the
righteousness of Christ. … The sinner may resist this love, may refuse to
be drawn to Christ; but if he does not exist, he will be drawn to Jesus; a
knowledge of the plan of salvation will lead him to the foot of the cross
in repentance for his sins, which have caused the sufferings of God’s
dear Son” (Steps to Christ, p. 27).
There are two Hebrew verbs that are translated “seek” in our English Bibles. One
means searching for something that is lost or hard to find; but that verb is never used as
God commanding us to “seek” Him as though He is hard to find or hiding from us. The
other verb means “pay attention to” or “inquire of.” (See 1 Samuel 28:7, KJV, where
both verbs are used in one sentence. It is the verb “inquire of” in that verse that is
translated in Isaiah 55:6 as “seek ye the Lord.” What the Lord actually said is, “Inquire
of Me while I may be found,” “pay attention to Me.”)
GOSPEL I n seeking us, Christ came all the way to where
we are, taking upon Himself “the likeness of
sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the
flesh.” Thus He is a Savior “nigh at hand, not
afar off.” He “is the Savior of all men,” even
“the chief of sinners.” But sinners have the
freedom to refuse Him and reject Him.
“The choice to glorify God is the choice that self shall be emptied
and lost, and God alone shall be seen, through Jesus Christ. It is that
the whole universe and everything in it shall reflect God. That is the
privilege that God has set before every human being. What did it cost
to bring that privilege to you and me? It cost the infinite price of the
Son of God.
“Did Jesus come to this world and then go back as He was before,
and thus His sacrifice be for only 33 years? The answer is that it was
for all eternity. The Father gave up His Son to us, and Christ gave up
Himself for all eternity. Never again will He be in all respects as He was
“‘He who was one with God has linked Himself with the children of
men by ties that are never to be broken.’ Wherein did He link Himself
with us?—In our flesh; in our nature. That is the sacrifice that wins the
hearts of men. Many look upon it, that the sacrifice of Christ was for
only 33 years, then He died the death on the cross and went back as
He was before. In view of eternity before and after, 33 years is not an
infinite sacrifice at all. But when we consider that He sank his nature
in our human nature to all eternity,—that is a sacrifice. That is the love
of God. And no heart can reason against it. Whether the man believes
it or not, there is a subduing power in it, and the heart must stand in
silence in the presence of that awful truth. I will say it over: ever since
that blessed fact came to me that the sacrifice of the Son of God is an
eternal sacrifice, and all for me, the word has been upon my mind
almost hourly: ‘I will go softly before the Lord all my days’” (General
Conference Bulletin, 1895, pp. 381, 382, condensed).
“There were two questions handed me, and I might read them
now. One is this: ‘Was that holy thing which was born of the virgin Mary
born in sinful flesh, and did that flesh have the same evil tendencies
to contend with that ours does?’ I do not know anything about this
except what I read in the Bible. I have had my time of discouragement
and despondency. That which for years had me discouraged was the
knowledge to some extent of the weakness of my own self, and the
thought that those who in my estimation were doing right and those
holy men of old in the Bible, were differently constituted from me. I
found that I could not do anything but evil. …
“If Jesus, who came here to show me the way of salvation, in whom
alone there is hope—if His life here on earth was a sham, then where is
the hope? ‘But,’ you say, ‘this question presupposes the opposite, that
He was perfectly holy, so holy that He never had any evil to contend
“That’s what I am referring to. I read, He ‘was in all points tempted
like as we are, yet without sin.’ I read of His praying all night, in such
agony the drops of sweat like blood fell from his face. But if that were
all make-believe, if He were not really tempted, of what use is it all to
me? I am left worse off than I was before.
“But O, if there is One—and I do not use this “if” with any thought
of doubt; I will say since there is One who went through all that I ever
can be called upon to go through, who resisted more than I can ever be
called upon to resist, who was constituted in every respect as I am, only
in even worse circumstances than I have been, who met all the power
that the devil could exercise through human flesh and yet who knew
no sin—then I can rejoice. That which He did 1900 years ago He is still
able to do to all who believe in Him.
The Immaculate Conception denies the Bible view of the nature
of Christ. “We need to settle, every one of us, whether we are out
of the church of Rome or not. Many have the marks yet. Do you not
see that the idea that the flesh of Jesus was not like ours (because we
know ours is sinful) necessarily involves the idea of the immaculate
conception of the virgin Mary?
“Suppose we start with the idea that Jesus was so separate from
us, so different that He did not have in His flesh anything to contend
with—sinless flesh. Then you see how the Roman Catholic dogma of
the immaculate conception necessarily follows. But why stop there?
You must go back to her mother, and so back to Adam; and the result?
—There never was a fall. Thus you see the essential identity of Roman
Catholicism and Spiritualism.
“Christ was tempted in the flesh. He suffered in the flesh, but He
had a mind which never consented to sin. He established the will of
God in the flesh, and established that God’s will may be done in any
human, sinful flesh” (General Conference Bulletin, 1901, pp. 403-405,
Jones Agrees
“The faith of Rome is that we must be pure and holy in order that
God shall dwell with us.
“The faith of Jesus is that God must dwell with us, and in us, in
order that we shall be holy or pure at all” (The Consecrated Way, pp.
35, 39, condensed).
The old covenant is the vain promise of the
people to obey, and “gives birth to bondage.”
The spiritual failures of many sincere people
are the result of being taught old covenant
ideas, especially in childhood and youth. The
new covenant truth was an essential element of
the 1888 message, and even today lifts a load
of doubt and despair from many heavy hearts.
“The covenant and promise of God are one and the same. … God’s
covenants with men can be nothing else than promises to them. …
“After the Flood God made a ‘covenant’ with every beast of the
earth, and with every fowl; but the beasts and the birds did not promise
anything in return (Genesis 9:9-16). They simply received the favor
at the hand of God. This is all we can do—receive. God promises us
everything that we need, and more than we can ask or think, as a gift.
We give Him ourselves, that is nothing. And He gives us Himself, that
is, everything. That which makes all the trouble is that even when
men are willing to recognize the Lord at all they want to make bargains
with Him. They want it to be an equal, ‘mutual’ affair—a transaction
in which they can consider themselves on a par with God” (The Glad
Tidings, p. 71).
“The gospel was as full and complete in the days of Abraham as
it has ever been or ever will be. No addition to it or change in its
provisions or conditions could possibly be made after God’s oath to
Abraham. Nothing can be taken away from it as it thus existed, and
not one thing can ever be required from any man more than what was
required of Abraham” (ibid., p. 73).
“These two convenants exist today. The two covenants are not
matters of time, but of condition. Let no one flatter himself that he
cannot be bound under the old covenant, thinking that its time has
passed. The time for that is passed only in the sense that ‘the time
past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles,
when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings,
banquetings, and abominable idolatries’ (1 Peter 4:3, KJV)” (ibid., p.
“God’s precepts are promises; they must necessarily be such,
because He knows that we have no power. All that God requires is
what he gives. When He says, ‘Thou shalt not,’ we may take it as His
assurance that if we but believe Him He will preserve us from the sin
against which He warns us” (ibid., p. 77).
GOSPEL O ur Saviour “condemned sin in the flesh,”
conquering the problem for the human
race. He forever outlawed sin in the vast
universe of God by defeating it in its last lair—
our fallen, sinful human flesh. Because if Him,
there is now no reason for any human being to
go on living under the frightful “dominion” of
sin. Sinful addictions lose their grip if one has
“the faith of Jesus.”
GOSPEL A higher motivation becomes realized
in the close of time than has prevailed
in the church in past ages—a concern for
Christ that He receive His reward and find
His “rest” in the final eradication of sin. All
egocentric motivation based merely on fear
of hell or hope of reward is less effective.
The higher motivation is symbolized in the
climax of Scripture—the Bride of Christ
making herself “ready.”
any such thing,’ but that it is ‘holy and without blemish’ [quoted from
Ephesians 5:25-17, 32]. It is to see Himself perfectly reflected in all His
“And before He comes thus, His people must be in that condition.
Before He comes, we must be brought to that state of perfection in
the complete image of Jesus (Ephesians 4:7, 8, 11-13). And this state
of perfection, this developing in each believer the complete image of
Jesus—this is the finishing of the mystery of God, which is Christ in you
the hope of glory. This consummation is accomplished in the cleansing
of the sanctuary.
“And the blotting out of sins is exactly this thing of the cleansing of
the sanctuary; it is the finishing of all transgression in our lives; it is the
making an end of all sins in our character; it is the bringing in of the
very righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ. … Therefore
now as never before, we are to repent and be converted, that our sins
may be blotted out, than an utter end shall be made of them forever in
our lives” (Jones, The Consecrated Way, pp. 123-125).
“When [the True Witness] comes and speaks to you and me, it
is because He wants to translate us, but He cannot translate sin, can
He? Then, the only purpose that He has in showing us the depth and
breadth of sin, is that He may save us from it and translate us” (Jones,
General Conference Bulletin, 1893, p. 205).
“God is now accused by Satan of injustice and indifference, and
even of cruelty. Thousands of men have echoed the charge. But the
judgment will declare the righteousness of God. His character, as well
as that of man, is on trial. In the judgment every act, both of God and
man, that has been done since creation, will be seen by all in all its
bearings. And when everything is seen in that perfect light, God will be
acquitted of all wrongdoing, even by His enemies” (Waggoner, Signs of
the Times, January 9, 1896).
GOSPEL T he Bible so clearly teaches that
righteousness is by faith. Therefore the
only element that God’s people need in order
to prepare for the second coming of Christ is
genuine faith. The message the world needs
to hear is the truth of righteousness by faith
in the light of the cleansing of the sanctuary
—“the third angel’s message in verity.” Faith
is understood in its true biblical sense—a
heart appreciation of the agape of Christ.
“There are old, yet new truths still to be added to the treasures of
our knowledge. We do not understand or exercise faith as we should.
… We are not called to worship and serve God by the use of the means
employed in former years. God requires higher service now than ever
before. He requires the improvement of the heavenly gifts. He has
brought us into a position where we need higher and better things
than have ever been needed before” (Review and Herald, February 25,
“Great truths that have lain unheeded and unseen since the day
of Pentecost, are to shine from God’s word in their native purity”
(Fundalmentals of Christian Education, p. 473).
“We have been hearing His voice more distinctly in the message
that has been going for the last two years [1888-1890], declaring unto
us the Father’s name. … O that we might gather up our forces of faith,
and plant our feet on the rock Christ Jesus! You should believe that
He will keep you from falling. The reason why you do not have more
faith in the promises of God, is that your minds are separated from
God, and the enemy meant it should be so. He has cast his shadow
between us and our Saviour, that we may not discern what Christ is to
us, or what He may be. The enemy does not desire us to understand
what a comfort we shall find in Christ. We have only just begun to get
a little glimmering of what faith is. … For nearly two years we have
been urging the people to come up and accept the light and the truth
concerning the righteousness of Christ [the 1888 message], and they do
not know whether to come and take hold of this precious truth or not.
… Shall we not arise and get out of this position of unbelief?” (Review
and Herald, March 11, 1890).
“No one has said that we shall find perfection in any man’s
investigations, but this I do know, that our churches are dying for the
want of teaching on the subject of righteousness by faith in Christ, and
for kindred truths” (ibid., March 25, 1890).
GOSPEL T he 1888 message is especially “precious”
because it joins together the true biblical
idea of justification by faith with the unique
idea of the cleansing of the heavenly
sanctuary. This is a Bible truth that the world
is waiting to discover. It forms the essential
element of truth that will yet lighten the
earth with the glory of a final, fully developed
presentation of “the everlasting gospel” of
Revelation 14 and 18.
(a) The ancient Hebrew sanctuary and its services were a type or
pattern of the ministry of the plan of salvation in the heavenly sanctuary
(Leviticus 25:8, 9).
(b) The priests served “unto the example or shadow of heavenly
things” (Hebrews 8:5).
(c) Christ is the true High Priest of the plan of salvation (Hebrews 3:1;
4:14-16; 5:5-10; 7: 24-28, etc).
(d) The worlds final day of judgment way typified by the annual
Hebrew day of atonement (Leviticus 16:26-32).
(e) For God’s repentant people, that day meant a special preparation,
a judgment of acquittal, vindication, and a cleansing of heart (Leviticus
(f) Daniel’s prophecy pinpointed the commencement of the
antitypical (or cosmic) Day of Atonement at the end of 2300 years in 1844
(Daniel 8:14).
(g) We are living today in the grandest era of world history when
the plan of salvation is to be concluded with victory for Christ (Hebrews
9:11-15, 23-28).
(h) The heart-cleansing preparation for the second coming of Christ
will be a special ministry of justification by faith in the Day of Atonement
(10:36-38; 11:22-28; Revelation 14:6, 7, 12).
“If the Lord has brought up sins to us that we never thought of before,
that only shows that He is going down to the depths and He will reach
the bottom at last and when He find that last thing that is unclean or
impure that is out of harmony with His will and brings that up and shows
that to us and we say, ‘I would rather have the Lord that that,’ then
the work is complete and the seal of the living God can be fixed upon
that character. [Congregation: ‘Amen.’] Which would you rather have, a
character—[someone in the congregation began praising the Lord and
others began to look around]. Never mind. If lots more of you would
thank the Lord for what you have got, there would be more joy, in this
house tonight.
“Which would you rather have, the completeness, the perfect fullness
of Jesus Christ or have less that that with some of your sins covered up
that you never know of? If there be stains of sin there, we cannot have the
seal of God. He cannot put the seal, the impress of His perfect character,
upon us until He sees it there. And so He has got to dig down to the deep
places we never dreamed of, because we cannot understand our hearts.
But the Lord tries the conscience. He will cleanse the heart, and bring up
the last vestige of wickedness. Let Him keep on His searching work.
by Robert J. Wieland
There’s tremendous meaning buried in
“1888.” And the One who keeps bringing it up
is the Holy Spirit. It marks the beginning of the
world’s second Pentecost, and people everywhere
are at last beginning to ferret out the story. “1888”
For Almost Dummies tells in a simple way, and in
as few words as possible, what happened, and
what the message still is today. Ten chapters and
appendix. 126 pages. [00240].
by E. J. Waggoner
by E. J. Waggoner
Waggoner penetrates centuries of spiritual
fog to rediscover the inherent power of pure
New Testament justification by faith. He puts his
finger on the true reason for our many spiritual
defeats—unbelief. But he brings spiritual
sunshine to the reader by demonstrating how
to overcome that sinful paralysis—by believing
how good the Good News is. Thirteen chapters,
96 pages. [00208]. Also available in Spanish
by A. T. Jones & E. J. Waggoner
A selection of articles and sermons gathered
from the Review and Herald and Signs of the
Times beginning immediately after 1888.
Readers witness to the blessings this book brings.
Twenty-six selections, including six on Galatians
by Jones, 144 pages. [00214].
It can’t, not until the world is lightened with the glory of that
fourth angel of Revelation 18.
The question most often asked is, “What was the message?”
Why this long delay since “the loud cry” began? Have we
missed something?