The Emerging National Vision by S R Goel
The Emerging National Vision by S R Goel
The Emerging National Vision by S R Goel
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2/18, Ansari Road,
New Delhi - 110 002.
1st Edn.: 1986
Pdf 2015.
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The old enemies will use the old weapons over and over
again so long as Hindu society remains on the defensive.
They will go on calling us communalists, etc. Hindu society
has been on the defensive since 1920 when the Congress
took up the cause of Khilafat. Since then Islam and other
alien forces have been on the offensive. Islam has been
saying that it stands for monotheism while Hinduism
stands for polytheism, that it stands for a casteless society
while Hinduism stands for caste hierarchy, and so on. Now
if we do not know the character of Hindu society, the
character of Varnashrama Dharma and how this social
system has been our great saviour throughout our history,
we are taken in.
Very few people know that the Muslims in India have
always divided their own society into three separate
sections, apart from the fact that there are as many, if not
more, castes among the Muslims as among the Hindu. The
descendents of foreign invaders like the Arabs, the Turks
and the Persians are known among the Muslims as ashraf
which is the plural of sharif, which means the noble ones,
the exalted ones. The converts from the higher Hindu
castes like the Brahmins and Rajputs are knowns as ajlaf.
And the converts from the lower Hindu castes are known
as arzal which is the plural of razil, which means the
ignoble, the mean. This common language of casteism
among the Muslims we do not know. Therefore, when they
talk of Hindu society as caste-ridden and their own society
as casteless, we are taken in.
Again, take for instance this Islamic talk about
monotheism. This is a monstrous idea. It is not a spiritual
idea at all. It puts god above the cosmos and makes all
manifestation bereft of divinity. This is a theological idea.
This is an intellectual concept. But we have been trying to
prove all these days that we are also monotheists. We have
to know the spirituality of Sanatana Dharma as also the
ideology of Islam in order to see through monotheism and
to reject it as an intellectual bluff.
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