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Warm Up l: Potential mechanisms

and the effects of passive warm-up
on exercise performance
Impact Factor: 5.04 Source: PubMed





David John Bishop
Victoria University Melbourne

Available from: David John Bishop

Retrieved on: 30 September 2015

Sports Med 2003; 33 (6): 439-454



Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

Warm Up I
Potential Mechanisms and the Effects of Passive Warm Up
on Exercise Performance
David Bishop
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science, University of Western Australia, Crawley,
Western Australia, Australia

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
1. Warm-Up Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
1.1 Temperature Effects Associated with Warm Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
1.1.1 Decreased Viscous Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
1.1.2 Increased Oxygen Delivery to Muscles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
1.1.3 Speeding of Rate-Limiting Oxidative Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
1.1.4 Increased Anaerobic Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
1.1.5 Increased Nerve Conduction Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1.1.6 Increased Thermoregulatory Strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1.2 Metabolic Effects of Active Warm Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1.3 Elevation of Baseline Oxygen Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1.4 Postactivation Potentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
1.5 Breaking of Actin-Myosin Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
1.6 Psychological Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
1.7 Summary of Potential Warm-Up Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2. Passive Warm up and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
2.1 Short-Term Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
2.1.1 Isometric Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
2.1.2 Dynamic Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
2.1.3 Summary of Short-Term Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
2.2 Intermediate Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
2.3 Long-Term Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
2.4 Summary of Passive Warm Up and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
3. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452


Despite limited scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness, warm-up

routines prior to exercise are a well-accepted practice. The majority of the effects
of warm up have been attributed to temperature-related mechanisms (e.g.
decreased stiffness, increased nerve-conduction rate, altered force-velocity relationship, increased anaerobic energy provision and increased thermoregulatory
strain), although non-temperature-related mechanisms have also been proposed
2) and
(e.g. effects of acidaemia, elevation of baseline oxygen consumption (VO
increased postactivation potentiation). It has also been hypothesised that warm up
may have a number of psychological effects (e.g. increased preparedness). Warm-up techniques can be broadly classified into two major categories: passive warm
up or active warm up. Passive warm up involves raising muscle or core temperature by some external means, while active warm up utilises exercise. Passive
heating allows one to obtain the increase in muscle or core temperature achieved
by active warm up without depleting energy substrates. Passive warm up,
although not practical for most athletes, also allows one to test the hypothesis that



many of the performance changes associated with active warm up can be largely
attributed to temperature-related mechanisms.

Warm up is a widely accepted practice preceding

nearly every athletic event. However, while warm
up is considered essential for optimum performance
by many coaches and athletes, there is surprisingly
little scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness.
Summarising the findings of the many studies that
have investigated the physiological responses to
warm up is difficult. Many of the earlier studies
were poorly controlled, contained few study participants and often omitted statistical analyses. Moreover, warm-up procedures have differed in their
duration, intensity, recovery periods, mode of exercise and whether the warm up was continuous or
intermittent in nature.
Warm-up techniques can be broadly classified
into two major categories: passive warm up or active
warm up. Passive warm up involves raising muscle
temperature (Tm) or core temperature (Tc) by some
external means. Various methods including hot
showers or baths, saunas, diathermy and heating
pads have been used. Passive heating allows one to
obtain the increase in Tm or Tc achieved by active
warm up, without depleting energy substrates. Although not practical for most athletes, passive warm
up also allows one to test the hypothesis that many
of the performance changes associated with active
warm up can be largely attributed to temperature-related mechanisms. Active warm up involves exercise and is likely to induce greater metabolic and
cardiovascular changes than passive warm up. Typical examples of active warm up include jogging,
calisthenics, cycling and swimming.
This review attempts to summarise and draw
conclusions from the many disparate studies that
have investigated mechanisms by which warm up
may affect performance, and changes in performance following passive warm up. While warm up is
also believed to have a role in injury prevention, this
is beyond the scope of this paper (see Shellock and
1. Warm-Up Mechanisms
Warm up has been proposed to affect performance via a variety of mechanisms (table I). As suggested by the name, the majority of the effects of
warm up have been attributed to temperature-related
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Table I. Possible effects of warm up

Temperature related
Decreased resistance of muscles and joints
Greater release of oxygen from haemoglobin and myoglobin
Speeding of metabolic reactions
Increased nerve conduction rate
Increased thermoregulatory strain
Non-temperature related
Increased blood flow to muscles
Elevation of baseline oxygen consumption
Postactivation potentiation
Psychological effects and increased preparedness

mechanisms. However, it has also been suggested

that the physiological and performance changes following active warm up may actually be due to a
residual metabolic acidaemia and that warm up
could therefore be termed acid up.[2] It has also
been suggested that warm up may serve to elevate
2), resulting in a
baseline oxygen consumption (VO
decrease in the initial oxygen deficit and thereby
preserve more of the anaerobic capacity for later in
the task.[3] Limited evidence suggests that under
certain circumstances, warm up may cause postactivation potentiation, resulting in increased neuromuscular activation.[4,5] It has also been hypothesised that warm up may have a number of
psychological effects.[6]
1.1 Temperature Effects Associated with
Warm Up

In 1945, Asmussen and Boje[7] concluded that

a higher temperature in the working organism
facilitates the performance of work. Since then, the
effects of warm up have largely been attributed to
temperature-related mechanisms. Specifically, it has
been proposed that an increase in temperature may
improve performance via a decrease in the viscous
resistance of muscles, a speeding of rate-limiting
oxidative reactions and/or an increase in oxygen
delivery to muscles. However, increased thermoregulatory strain has the potential to adversely affect
certain types of performance.
While the majority of the effects of warm up have
been attributed to temperature-related mechanisms,
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

Warm Up I


many studies have not measured temperature

changes as a result of warm up. In those studies that
have measured temperature changes, it is often difficult to compare results as either rectal temperature
(Tr) or Tm have been recorded. Furthermore, the Tm
recorded in different studies may not be comparable
if taken at different muscle depths (figure 1[8,9]).
Exercising muscles generate considerable heat
and Tm is directly proportional to the relative work
rate.[8] With the onset of moderate-intensity exercise
(80100% of the lactate threshold), Tm rises rapidly
from resting levels (~35C) and within 35 minutes
exceeds Tr and reaches a relative equilibrium after
approximately 1020 minutes of exercise (figure 1).
In commonly-observed ambient conditions
(1030C), Tr is independent of ambient temperature and begins to rise once Tm exceeds Tr. Skin
temperatures (Ts) typically drop during the first 10
minutes of moderate-intensity exercise in commonly observed ambient conditions (1030C).
1.1.1 Decreased Viscous Resistance

Temperature (C)

An increase in Tm may affect performance via a

decrease in the viscous resistance of muscles and
joints. Mild warming has been reported to reduce the
passive resistance of the human metacarpal joint by
20%.[14] Similar changes in passive resistance of the
knee have been reported following short-wave diathermy.[15] Increasing temperature has also been reported to decrease the stiffness of muscle fibres
during contraction.[16] However, Buchthal et al.[16]
also reported that, despite the small increase in
dynamic shortening, there was very little extra ten-














Time (min)
Fig. 1. Temperature measured at rest, during moderate exercise
and during recovery for the rectal (Tr), skin (Ts) and muscle at a
probe depth of approximately 20mm (Tm20) and 40mm (Tm40), in
commonly-observed ambient conditions (1030C).[7-13]

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

sion developed. This suggests that the temperature

effect on muscle elastic properties is quite small.
Further research is required to quantify the effects of
temperature-related changes in viscous resistance on
1.1.2 Increased Oxygen Delivery to Muscles

It has also been suggested that performance

changes following warm up may result from increased oxygen delivery to the muscles via a rightward shift in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
and vasodilation of muscle blood vessels.[17] According to Barcroft and King,[18] haemoglobin at an
oxygen tension of 30mm Hg gives up almost twice
as much oxygen at 41C as at 36C and the oxygen
dissociates from haemoglobin about twice as rapidly
(figure 2). A corresponding effect of temperature on
the dissociation curve for myoglobin has been demonstrated,[19] although the temperature effect is
somewhat smaller. Furthermore, an elevated temperature also stimulates vasodilation of blood vessels and increases muscle blood flow.[20] However,
while an increase in temperature should increase
oxygen delivery to the muscles, this will only en 2 kinetics are
hance aerobic energy production if VO
limited by oxygen delivery.
Using an isolated dog gastrocnemius muscle, it
has been demonstrated that convective oxygen de 2 kinetics during transitions
livery does not limit VO
from rest to ~60% maximum oxygen consumption
2max).[21,22] However, convective oxygen deliv(VO
2 kinetics during transiery may contribute to VO

tions from rest to VO2max.[23] Despite this, neither

active warm up[24,25] nor passive heating of the
thighs (to ~40C)[26] has been reported to speed VO
kinetics during exercise halfway between the lactate
2max, in healthy, young adults.
threshold and VO
There is however, evidence that active warm up can
2 kinetics in the elderly,[27] possibly via an
speed VO
improved rate of oxygen utilisation by the
There appears to be two possible explanations for
these findings. First, in individuals with adequate
muscle perfusion and/or oxygen delivery, greater
convective oxygen delivery may not affect VO
kinetics during transitions to exercise less than
2max. Secondly, the increases in blood flow typiVO
cally achieved by warm up (active or passive) may
2 kinetics.
not be sufficient to significantly speed VO
With their isolated dog gastrocnemius in situ model,
Grassi et al.[23] were able to increase muscle blood
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)



Oxyhaemoglobin saturation (%)












PO2 (mm Hg)

Fig. 2. The effect of changing blood temperature (Tb) on the shape
of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve. PO2 = oxygen partial

m) to ~100 mL/100g/min. This is much

flow (Q
m reported with modergreater than the increase in Q
ate exercise (~20 mL/100g/min) and the increase in
m due to the reactive hyperaemia that occurs in the
first few minutes following the completion of moderate exercise (~40 mL/100g/min).[29] Therefore,
while convective oxygen delivery does represent a
2 kinetics and aerobic
theoretical limitation to VO
energy production, it has not been demonstrated that
temperature changes in response to warm up (active
m to
or passive) are able to sufficiently increase Q
2 kinetics in healthy, young adults.
speed VO
1.1.3 Speeding of Rate-Limiting
Oxidative Reactions

An elevated Tm, as a result of warm up, has been

proposed to enhance aerobic energy production by
accelerating the rate-limiting reactions associated
with oxidative phosphorylation.[26] Increased Tm el 2) of isolated mitoevates oxygen consumption (QO
chondria by a Q10 effect and by decreasing the ratio
between adenosine diphosphate (ADP) production
2 (ADP : O ratio).[30] One of
and mitochondrial VO
2 kinetthe principle limiting factors for muscle VO
ics appears to reside in an inertia of oxidative metabolism.[21-23] Thus, if increasing Tm does speed ratelimiting oxidative reactions, this should be accom 2 kinetics. As a result,
panied by a speeding of VO
less of the initial work will be completed anaerobically and performance may be improved by leaving
more of the anaerobic capacity for later in the task.

However, neither prior moderate- or high-intensity exercise,[24] nor passive heating of the thighs (to
~38C)[26] has been reported to significantly speed
2 kinetics in healthy, young adults. Furthermore,
a Q10 effect of only ~1.2 can be calculated from the
data of Koga et al.,[26] for the effect of increasing Tm
2 response.
on the primary component of the VO
This indicates a very small positive thermal dependence and is much less than the value reported for
most skeletal muscle enzymatic reactions (Q10 =
2.03.0).[31] One possible explanation for these findings is that oxidative phosphorylation has been reported to become uncoupled only above ~40C.[30]
While Burnley et al.[24] did not measure Tm, previous studies have reported a Tm of ~39.0C in
response to exercise of similar intensity.[7,8] It is
therefore possible that these previous studies were
unable to sufficiently raise Tm to significantly affect
2 kinetoxidative phosphorylation and therefore, VO
ics. While further research is necessary, it appears
unlikely that the increase in Tm achieved by current
warm-up procedures improves performance via a
speeding of rate-limiting oxidative reactions.
1.1.4 Increased Anaerobic Metabolism

The acceleration of muscle glycogen breakdown

in humans exercising at high ambient temperatures
was first described by Fink et al.[32] Subsequent
research has demonstrated that an increase in Tm per
se has little effect on resting muscle metabolism, but
increases muscle glycogenolysis, glycolysis and
high-energy phosphate (ATP and phosphocreatine)
degradation during exercise[33] (figure 3). Exercise
in the heat appears to increase muscle glycogen
breakdown by augmenting the secretion of epinephrine and by increased muscle temperature per se.[34]
However, while the critical role of muscle glycogen
availability for endurance exercise performance has
been well established,[35] fatigue during exercise in
hot environments occurs in the presence of adequate
muscle glycogen stores.[36] The more rapid muscle
glycogen breakdown following an increase in Tm is
therefore, unlikely to adversely affect long-term performance. However, an increase in anaerobic metabolism may benefit short-term and intermediate performance.

1 Q10 = (R2/R1)[10/(T2-T1)]; R1 and R2 are rate processes at temperatures T2 and T1 and T2 > T1. Q10 > 1.0 indicates a
positive thermal dependence.
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Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

Rate of anaerobic ATP supply (%)

Warm Up I



long-term performance via a decrease in heat-storage capacity and impaired thermoregulation mechanisms.


1.2 Metabolic Effects of Active Warm Up


Resting Tm






Tm (C)
Fig. 3. Anaerobic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply during exercise at different muscle temperatures (Tm). Rates are expressed
as a percentage of normal (100%).[33,37]

1.1.5 Increased Nerve Conduction Rate

An increase in Tm may also contribute to improved performance by augmenting the function of

the nervous system. Karvonen[38] has demonstrated
that increased Tm improves central nervous system
function and increases the transmission speed of
nervous impulses. Improved nervous system function may be especially important for tasks that demand high levels of complex body movements or
require rapid reactions to a variety of stimuli.[39]
Further research is required to investigate the effects
of temperature-induced increases in nervous system
function on performance.
1.1.6 Increased Thermoregulatory Strain

Increases in thermoregulatory strain following

warm up are likely to reflect changes in both body
temperature per se and hydration status. Exercising
muscle generates considerable heat and causes Tm to
rise in proportion to the relative workload.[8] There
is however, a limit to how much heat the body can
store. Ultimately, long-term performance in uncompensable hot environments appears to be limited by
a critical core temperature.[40,41] Increasing the body
temperature before vigorous exercise may decrease
heat-storage capacity via a decrease in the temperature range before an upper critical Tr can be
reached.[42] Pre-cooling has been reported to have
the opposite effect of delaying the attainment of an
upper critical Tr and increasing run time to exhaustion in dogs[40] and in trained runners.[43] In addition,
decreases in hydration status, as a result of warm up,
may also have a negative influence on the ability of
the body to control its internal temperature.[44]
Warm up therefore, has the potential to decrease
Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

Oxygen delivery to the muscles may also be

affected by a number of metabolic changes that
occur in response to active warm up. For example,
reduced oxygen tension,[45] increased potassium
(K+) concentration[46] and increased hydrogen ion
(H+) concentration[47] have all been reported to
cause vasodilation and to increase muscle blood
flow. Increases in [H+], pCO2 and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in response to warm up may also increase
oxygen delivery to the muscles via a rightward shift
in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve.[48] However, once again, it has not been demonstrated that
metabolic changes in response to active warm up are
m to speed VO
2 kinetable to sufficiently increase Q
ics in healthy, young adults.
It has also been suggested that the residual metabolic acidaemia from a warm-up bout (~80%
2max) leads to improved muscle perfusion during
2 kinetics.[2] However, the
exercise and speeds VO
results of more recent studies suggest that the over 2 kinetics previously reported[2] is
all speeding of VO
primarily related to a reduced amplitude of the VO
slow component and not to a measurable speeding
2 kinetics.[24,49] It could be argued that the
of the VO
active warm up in these studies may not have caused
m to an
sufficient metabolic acidaemia to increase Q
2 kinetics. However, it
extent that would increase VO
has previously been shown that if the warm-up
2max), the subsequent
intensity is too high (~75% VO
metabolic acidaemia is associated with impaired
supramaximal performance and a reduction in the
accumulated oxygen deficit.[50] This was attributed
to an accumulation of H+ and subsequent inhibition
of anaerobic glycolysis[51] and/or interference with
muscle contractile processes.[52] Thus, even if the
greater metabolic acidaemia associated with a more
2 kinetics, it is
intense warm up is able to speed VO
unlikely to benefit performance.
1.3 Elevation of Baseline
Oxygen Consumption

While it appears that warm up does not increase

2 kinetics, warm up may allow subsequent tasks
2. Conseto begin with an elevated baseline VO
quently, less of the initial work will be completed
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)



anaerobically, leaving more of the anaerobic capacity for later in the task (figure 4). As the anaerobic
capacity appears to be a well-defined entity,[53,54]
initial sparing of the anaerobic capacity should increase time to exhaustion and improve performance
in tasks that require a significant anaerobic contribution.
The mobilisation hypothesis is supported by the
results of many studies that have reported a greater
aerobic contribution[17,55-57] and/or a decreased oxygen deficit[3,17,58,59] when tasks are preceded by active warm up. Furthermore, the blunted blood lactate
increase following active warm up, in response to a
2max) provides
standard workload (4 minutes at VO
further support for an attenuation of anaerobic energy production following warm up.[56] However, an
2 is only likely to result in the initial
elevated VO
sparing of the anaerobic capacity if the period between warm up and the criterion task does not allow
2 to return to rest. While VO
2 recovery kinetics
will depend on many factors, following a moderate

Anaerobic metabolism

Aerobic metabolism

O2 Eq (L)

Resting VO2

Anaerobic metabolism

Aerobic metabolism

Resting VO2

Time (min)
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the aerobic and anaerobic contribution to an all-out task with (a) and without (b) prior warm up. O2
2 = oxygen consumption.
Eq = oxygen equivalents; VO

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

2 is likely to return very close

to heavy warm up VO
to its resting value within ~5 minutes.[60] This may
explain why it has previously been reported that
there is no initial sparing of the anaerobic capacity
when there is a 5-minute interval between a moderate-intensity warm up and a 2-minute all-out performance.[50]
1.4 Postactivation Potentiation

The performance of skeletal muscle is affected

by its contractile history. While fatigue will impair
performance, postactivation potentiation acts to improve performance.[61] Postactivation potentiation is
the transient increase in muscle contractile performance following previous conditioning contractile
activity.[62] It is therefore, possible that active warm
up of high intensity, especially if it includes a sprint
component or maximum voluntary contractions
(MVCs) may improve certain types of performance
by increasing muscle contractile performance. In
support of this, power output of both the upper and
lower extremities has been reported to increase following MVCs.[4,5] Increased potentiation has also
been reported following maximal dynamic knee extensions.[63] This potentiation has been attributed to
phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light
chains[64] and/or elevation of Ca2+ in the cytosol.[65]
Not all studies have reported a significant increase in muscle force following a MVC.[63] However, these authors allowed only a 15-second recovery interval between the 10-second MVC and the
dynamic knee extensions. With only a 15-second
recovery interval, it is likely that there was still some
residual fatigue from the MVC, prior to the dynamic
contraction. This is supported by the significant
decline in torque (16.3%) during the 10-second
MVC.[63] Previous studies reporting a significant
increase in dynamic performance following MVCs
have used longer recovery intervals of 35 minutes.[4,5] While it is likely that some of the postactivation potentiation would have been diminished by
this longer recovery interval,[66] the greater reduction in residual fatigue may have more than compensated for the diminished postactivation potentiation.
Thus, with an appropriate rest period, it appears that
active warm up that includes maximal to near-maximal voluntary contractions may be able to increase
twitch potentiation and improve subsequent strength
and power performance (figure 5).
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

Change from pre-MVC value (% )

Warm Up I



Twitch potentiation
Voluntary force



Time (min)

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of changes in twitch potentiation

and maximal voluntary force following a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC).[4,61,66]

1.5 Breaking of Actin-Myosin Bonds

Part of the explanation for the stiffness of resting

muscle may involve the development of stable
bonds between actin and myosin filaments. With
inactivity, the number of bonds increases and hence
the stiffness of muscle increases.[67] However, with
physical activity many of the bonds are broken, and
muscle stiffness decreases.[68,69] Therefore, one of
the benefits of an active warm up may be to minimise muscle stiffness by moving the required
muscle groups through their range of motion.[70] As
a result, the warm up may disturb actin-myosin
bonds and thereby reduce the passive stiffness of
muscle. This may contribute to an increased rate of
force development and an increase in power during
short-duration tasks. While warm up can decrease
muscle stiffness, there is a rapid increase in stiffness, which then becomes more gradual, once the
warm up is completed.[71]
1.6 Psychological Effects

Although warm up has been shown to result in a

number of physiological changes, it is possible that
psychological mechanisms contribute to reported
improvements in performance. Massey et al.[6] reported no improvement in time to complete 100
cycle revolutions when subjects were hypnotised to
forget that they warmed up. However, the warm up
used in this study was quite moderate (mostly running and jogging in place). Active warm up of
similar duration and intensity is not usually associated with improved performance even in the
absence of hypnotism.[72,73] It has, however, been
reported that athletes who imagined a warm up had
an enhanced physiological performance.[74] There Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

fore, while it is possible that there is a psychological

component to warm up, this remains to be confirmed
by further studies, especially studies using warm-up
routines that have previously been shown to improve performance.
Warm up may also provide valuable time for
athletes to mentally prepare for their event. In this
respect, warm up can possibly be considered part of
a pre-performance routine, assisting the athlete to
obtain an appropriate activation state. Qualitative
analysis has concluded that the use of pre-performance routines was a distinguishing characteristic of
successful Olympians.[75] Furthermore, it has been
suggested that warm up may benefit performance by
providing time to concentrate.[1] Thus, increased
preparedness is an additional possible psychological
benefit of warm up.
1.7 Summary of Potential
Warm-Up Mechanisms

The majority of the effects of warm up have been

attributed to temperature-related and non-temperature-related physiological mechanisms. However,
psychological mechanisms have also been proposed
(e.g. increased preparedness). Proposed non-temperature-related mechanisms include increased oxy 2 kinetics, elevation of
gen delivery and speeded VO

baseline VO2 and increased postactivation potentia 2

tion. While warm up does not appear to speed VO
kinetics in healthy, young adults, warm up may
allow subsequent tasks to begin with an elevated
2, if the recovery period between warm up and
exercise is brief. An initial sparing of the anaerobic
capacity should increase time to exhaustion and
improve performance in tasks that require a significant anaerobic contribution. An increase in postactivation potentiation following warm up also has the
potential to improve performance, especially in
strength and power tasks. Proposed temperaturerelated mechanisms include decreased stiffness, increased nerve-conduction rate, altered force-velocity relationship, increased anaerobic energy provision and increased thermoregulatory strain. Decreases in muscle and joint stiffness and increases in
nerve conduction rate following an increase in temperature have the potential to improve performance,
especially strength and power tasks. Increased thermoregulatory strain has the potential to adversely
affect long-term performance.
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)



2. Passive Warm up and Performance

The majority of the effects of warm up have been
attributed to temperature-related mechanisms.[7] Although not practical for most athletes, the use of a
passive warm up allows one to test this hypothesis.
Furthermore, passive heating allows one to obtain
the increase in Tm or Tc achieved by active warm up,
without depleting energy substrates. Passive warm
up involves raising Tm or Tc by some external
means. Various methods including hot showers or
baths, saunas, diathermy and heating pads have been
used. For convenience, performance measures in the
following section have been divided into three major
categories: (i) short-term maximal effort for 10
seconds; (ii) intermediate maximal effort for >10
seconds, but <5 minutes; (iii) long-term fatiguing
effort for 5 minutes.
2.1 Short-Term Performance
2.1.1 Isometric Force

Research has generally reported either no effect[76-79] or only a minor effect[80,81] of increasing
Tm above normal (~35C), on maximal isometric
force (F0) [figure 6; table II]. It should be noted,
however, that these studies all had small sample
sizes (~4 subjects) and consequently often did not
conduct statistical analyses to support their findings.
Furthermore, in both studies reporting an increase in
F0 (0.82.1% per C), the increase in Tm was
achieved with active exercise.[80,81] Active warm up
has been shown to result in greater improvements in
dynamic performance than passive warm up, despite
similar changes in Tm.[82] Therefore, the small
increase in F0 may have been due to mechanisms in

F0 (% max)


Resting Tm








Tm (C)
Fig. 6. Changes in maximum isometric force (F0) as a function of
changes in muscle temperature (Tm).[77-79]

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

addition to an increase in Tm. While some of the

effects of temperature on muscle contractile properties depend on fibre composition, temperature-dependent changes in F0 appear to be identical for both
fast- and slow-twitch fibres.[83,84]
While better designed studies, with greater sample sizes, are needed, it appears that there is very
little effect of increasing Tm above normal on F0.
Thus, small temperature-related increases in joint
resistance, muscle resistance and/or nerve-conduction rate appear to allow very little extra tension to
be developed. These physiological changes are more
likely to increase dynamic contractile properties.
2.1.2 Dynamic Force

The relationship between dynamic force and velocity of contraction for a muscle group can be
described by the formula of a rectangular hyperbola.
While F0 does not appear to be significantly altered
by an increase in Tm above normal, all other parameters of the force-velocity diagram have been reported to increase with increased Tm[76,78,79] (figure
7). Davies and Young[78] reported that increasing Tm
by 3.1C (from 36.839.9C), decreased electrically-evoked time to peak tension (TPT) [7.7% per C]
and half-relaxation time (RT1/2) [7.2% per C] in the
triceps surae muscle. The thermal dependence of
both TPT and RT1/2 decreases with increasing temperature.[31] Furthermore, like maximal isometric
force, TPT has been reported to have a similar
thermal dependence in both major muscle-fibre
Changes in Tm, within the physiological range
(22.538.0C), have also been reported to affect
both maximum velocity of shortening (Vmax: 2.6%
per C) and maximal power (5.1% per C) on a
handgrip dynamometer.[76] Interestingly, similar
values for change in Vmax with increased Tm can
also be derived from the data of Asmussen et al.[85]
and have been reported in isolated cat muscle (unpublished observation). As with maximal isometric
force, TPT and RT1/2, the thermal dependence of
Vmax tends to decrease with increasing temperature.[31] However, in contrast to these previous measures, Vmax has been reported to have a greater
thermal dependence in fast-, than in slow-twitch
fibres.[31] These results suggest that if the above
changes for isolated muscles could be fully utilised
during short-term athletic performance (e.g. running, jumping, cycling), a passive warm up may
Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)


and Boje[7]

Bergh and

Binkhorst et

Clarke et

Davies and


5 MT

4 MT

4 UT

4 MT

5 UT

Performance task
performance changesa





phys. changes


N room temp






C1 cold water




Tm = 32.7

H1 exercise




Tm = 37.7

Vertical jump

Height: 22 mm/C

N room temp






F0: 2.1% per C

C1 cold water




Tm = 3032

C2 cold water




Tm = 3335

H1 exercise




Tm = 3637

F0: 0.8% per C; TPT: 35% per


Vertical jump


Height: 4.2% per C

H2 exercise




Tm = 3839


Peak power: 5.1% per C

C1 cold water



Tm = 2325

(hand grip)

F0: C1 = N = H1 = H2; p > 0.05

N room temp



Tm = 3234

H1 hot water



Tm = 2829

V0: 2.6% per C


Peak power: 5.1% per C

H2 hot water



Tm = 3738

C1 cold water


Tm = 18

C2 cold water



Tm = 23

C3 cold water



Tm = 25

C4 cold water



Tm = 27

N room temp



Tm = 30

H1 hot water



Tm = 35

H2 hot water



Tm = 39

N room temp




Tr = 36.7

Isometric (leg)

C1 cold water


Tr = 28.4

Vertical jump

H1 hot water



Tr = 39.9


Peak power: H = N > C; p < 0.05

N room temp




Ts ~ 25


F0: H > N > C; TPT: H > N > C; p <


C1 cold water




Ts ~ 15

H1 hot water




Ts ~ 35

(hand grip)

F0: C1 < C2 < C3 < C4 = N = H1 =



F0: H = N > C; TPT: H > N > C; p <


Height: H = N > C; 2.4 cm/C


The absence of a p-value indicates that statistical analyses were not performed.

C = cooling; F0 = isometric force; H = heating; MT = moderately trained; N = no treatment; NA = not applicable; NR = variable not reported; phys. = physiological; Tm = muscle
temperature; TPT = time to peak tension; Tr = rectal temperature; Ts = skin temperature; UT = untrained; V0 = maximal velocity; = increase.


Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

Ranatunga et 4 UT


Warm Up I

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

Table II. Physiological and performance changes in short-term performance following heating or cooling



This suggests that temperature-related changes in

the force-velocity relationship may be greater at
faster contraction velocities.
Power (W)

Torque (N m)

Increased muscle temperature

Normal muscle temperature

Velocity (rads/sec)
Fig. 7. Idealised effect of an increase in muscle temperature on the
torque- and power-velocity relationships. Note there is an increase
in maximum velocity and maximum power, but no change in isometric torque (velocity = 0 rads/sec).

increase power output by ~5.0% per C change in

Consistent with the previously mentioned results
for simple muscle contractions, an increase in Tm
(from 2740C) has been reported to increase maximum isokinetic torque (4.74.9% per C)[81] and
vertical jump height (4.24.4% per C)[80,81] [table
II]. Vertical jump performance was affected in direct proportion to the change in peak torque. While
these changes are similar in magnitude to those
predicted from simple muscle contractions, variations in Tm were obtained by immersing the subject
in cold water or by active exercise. It has been
reported that active warm up results in a slightly
greater increase in peak power output than passive
warm up (2.7 vs 2.3% per C).[86] It is therefore,
likely that some of the improvement in performance
can be attributed to the active warm up, rather than
the increase in Tm alone. Slightly smaller increases
in vertical jump height (3.1% per C) and verticaljump power (3.6% per C) have been reported following passive heating alone (increased Tm from
36.339.9C).[78] These smaller than predicted
changes in vertical-jump power may be related to
the previously reported decrease in the thermal dependence of Vmax with increasing temperature.[31]
Changes in peak power, following an increase in
Tm, have also been reported for cycle ergometry
(1.210.0% per C)[78,81,86,87] [table II]. However,
changes appear to be dependent on the velocity of
contraction. Peak power has been reported to increase by 2.0% per C rise in Tm at a cycle cadence
of 54 revs/min and 10% per C at 140 revs/min.[87]
Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

2.1.3 Summary of Short-Term Performance

Despite a scarcity of well-controlled studies, with

appropriate statistical analyses, it appears that passive warming has little effect on maximum isometric
force, but can improve dynamic force. However,
changes in the force-velocity relationship, following
an increase in Tm, may not be fully utilised during
dynamic short-term performance. Furthermore, the
results suggest that passive warm up has a greater
ergogenic effect at greater contraction velocities.
While passive warm up is not practical for most
athletes, it may have an important role in maintaining an elevated Tm between the warm up and shortterm performance (e.g. sprinting, jumping). It appears particularly important that muscles are not
allowed to cool below their normal physiological
range before commencing short-term exercise.
2.2 Intermediate Performance

Three studies have reported that a passive warm

up can improve intermediate performance[7,10,88] (table III). Asmussen and Boje[7] observed, in two
subjects, that passive heating (a 10-minute hot
shower at 47C) raised Tr by 0.50.6C and improved performance (time to complete 956 or 9860
kg/m of work) by ~6%. They also reported a strong
relationship between increases in Tm and performance time and largely attributed the performance
improvement to an increase in Tm, rather than Tr.
Passive heating (hot showers or diathermy for 1518
minutes) has also been reported to improve swimming performance over both 50m (02%; n = 3) and
200400m (1.33.9%; n = 3).[10] However, these
authors reported that when they allowed Tm to return to normal, but Tr to remain elevated, performance remained improved. Thus, in contrast to Asmussen and Boje,[7] they concluded that the beneficial effects of passive warm up on intermediate
performance could mostly be attributed to an increase in Tr, rather than Tm. A statistically significant improvement (1%; n = 10; p < 0.05) in 40-yard
(36.6m) swim performance has also been reported
following an 8-minute hot shower (increased Tr to
38C).[88] In addition, two other studies have reported a relationship between improved intermediate
performance and Tm when the increase in Tm was
achieved by active exercise.[7,81] The limited reSports Med 2003; 33 (6)




4 UT

and Boje[7]


Bergh and

4 MT




Warm up

Performance task




rest (min)

phys. changes (C)



performance changesa

N room temp







Time: H2 < N (~5.8%)

Warm Up I

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

Table III. Physiological and performance changes in intermediate performance following heating or cooling

(956 kg/m)
H1 heating pads




Tr = 0.8

H2 exercise




Tr = 1.5

N room temp





H1 < N (~5.5%)



Sprint time: with Tm

(20 revs)
C1 cold water




Tm = 3032

C2 cold water




Tm = 3335

H1 exercise




Tm = 3637

H2 exercise




Tm = 3839


Luke warm



10 T males N shower

Average speed: 4.7% per C

Peak velocity: 4.7% per C



(40yd [36.6m])

Speed: H > N (~1.0%; p <




3 UT

H shower





N room temp





H1 hot bath



Tr = 1.01.6

H2 exercise



Tr = 0.40.9

H3 exercise



Tr = ~0.6

Swim (50m)


Speed: H1 > N (0.02.0%)


Swim (400m)

Speed: H3 > N (1.42.6%)

H1 > N (2.13.9%)

The absence of a p-value indicates that statistical analyses were not performed.

C = cooling; H = heating; MT = moderately trained; N = no treatment; NA = not applicable; NR = variable not reported; phys. = physiological; T = trained; Tm = muscle temperature;
Tr = rectal temperature; UT = untrained; = increase; = decrease.


Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

H2 > N (0.62.2%)



search to date suggests that passive warm up can

improve intermediate performance.
When discussing the effects of passive warm up
on intermediate performance, it may also be important to consider the effects of contraction frequency.
It has been reported that increasing Tm decreased net
mechanical efficiency when cycling at 60 revs/min,
but increased net mechanical efficiency when cycling at 120 revs/min.[89] Thus, the contraction frequency may determine whether or not passive
warming has an ergogenic effect.
Further research is required to determine the relative contributions of an increase in Tm or Tr to
improved intermediate performance. However, performance improvements are likely to be attributable
to a decrease in joint and muscle resistance and/or an
increase in nerve conduction rate.
2.3 Long-Term Performance

Very few studies have investigated the effects of

passive warm up on long-term performance (table
IV). This is possibly because an excessive body-heat
load is well acknowledged as one of the limiting
physiological factors for long-term performance.[40,41] Therefore, increasing the body temperature before vigorous exercise may decrease longterm performance via a decrease in heat-storage
capacity[42] and/or impaired thermoregulation mechanisms.[44] In support of this, passive warm up has
been reported to decrease intermittent (30 seconds at
2max: 30 seconds passive rest) run time to
90% VO
exhaustion (38.5 + 11.1 minutes vs 72.0 + 17.2
minutes; p < 0.05) in moderate ambient conditions
(21.7C and 36.7% RH).[90] In a similar study by the
same authors, time to exhaustion at 70% of VO
was also impaired (62.0 vs 39.6 minutes; p < 0.05)
when preceded by a warm up that raised Tr to
38.0C.[91] The decrease in run time in both studies
was associated with a decrease in heat-storage capacity and the earlier attainment of a high Tr. At the
onset of exhaustion, there were no significant differ 2, plasma volume changes, total sweat
ences in VO
loss or Ts. Pre-cooling has been reported to have the
opposite effect, increasing heat-storage capacity and
increasing run time to exhaustion in dogs[40] and in
trained runners.[43] Passive warm up therefore, has
the potential to decrease long-term performance via
a decrease in heat-storage capacity and therefore, a
decrease in the temperature range before an upper
critical Tr can be reached.
Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

A number of studies have also reported decreases

in isometric endurance performance following passive warm up.[37,77,92,93] Sedgewick and Whalen[93]
reported a nonsignificant, 2% decrease in the number of isometric handgrip contractions until fatigue
(7 minutes 20 seconds vs 7 minutes 31 seconds)
following 10 minutes of diathermy (Tm =
40.741.1C). A 5.8% decrease in impulse (force
time) has also been reported for 180 isometric handgrip contractions (6 minutes) following 8 minutes
immersion in hot water (48.0C), compared with
immersion in cold water (10.0C).[92] It is possible
that Sedgewick and Whalen[93] did not find a significant difference between conditions as a consequence of their use of a less reliable time to fatigue
The relationship between Tm and isometric endurance appears to be best described by a curvilinear
relationship (figure 8). Clarke et al.[77] reported that
time to fatigue for isometric handgrip endurance,
following immersion in seven different water baths
(Tm = 18.038.5C), was optimal at a Tm of ~27C.
The decrease in isometric endurance did not appear
to be associated with a reduction in the ability of
muscles to exert maximum tension when Tm >27C
(figure 8). Rather, the authors hypothesised that the
reduction in the duration of contractions when Tm
>27C was due to a more rapid accumulation of
metabolites (as indicated by the hyperaemic response; figure 8). This hypothesis is supported by
subsequent research reporting that the decreased
endurance time during repeated isometric contractions in heated muscle is accompanied by enhanced
ATP utilisation, increased rate of phosphocreatine
breakdown and accelerated glycolysis.[40]
While there have been only a few studies, it
appears that passive warm up does not improve, and
may have a detrimental effect, on endurance performance in commonly observed ambient conditions. The detrimental effects of passive warm up on
endurance performance appear to be due to a decrease in heat storage capacity and/or impaired thermoregulatory mechanisms resulting in the earlier
attainment of a high Tr, and/or a more rapid accumulation of metabolites.
2.4 Summary of Passive Warm Up
and Performance

While there is a scarcity of well-controlled studies, with large subject numbers and appropriate staSports Med 2003; 33 (6)


Clarke et

et al.[37]


4 MT

10 UT

Gregson et 6 MT

Gregson et 6 MT

Warm up

Performance task



intensity (C)

rest (min) phys. changes (C) mode

phys. changes

performance changesa

C1 cold water


Tm = 18

Isometric (grip


ttf: C4 > C3 = N > C2 = H1 >

C1 = H2

C2 cold water



Tm = 23

C3 cold water



Tm = 25

C4 cold water



Tm = 27

N room temp



Tm = 30

H1 hot water



Tm = 35

H2 hot water



Tm = 39

C1 cold water




Tm = 22.5

Isometric (knee
extension 2/3

Glycolysis and
ATP use in
heated muscle

ttf: C2 > N > C1 > H

C2 cold water



N room temp



Tm = 35.1

H hot water



Tm = 38.6

N room temp





(30 sec at 70%
2max: 30 sec


ttf: N > A > H; p < 0.05

H hot water




Tr = 38

A active


70% VO


Tr = 38

N room temp





H hot water




Tr = 38

A active


70% VO


Tr = 38


30 sec


Tm = 32.6

12 UT

C cold water
H hot water


30 sec


6 UT

N room temp




H diathermy



30 sec

Tr = A = h = N

(70% VO


ttf: N > A = H; p < 0.05

Tr = A = h = N

(grip 180)

Tm: H > N (24C) Isometric


Total work: C > H; p < 0.05

ttf: N = H

The absence of a p-value indicates that statistical analyses were not performed.

A = active; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; MT = moderately trained; MVC = maximal voluntary contraction; N = no treatment; NA = not applicable; NR = not reported; Tm = muscle
2max = maximum oxygen consumption.
temperature; Tr = rectal temperature; ttf = time to fatigue; UT = untrained; VO


Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)


Warm Up I

Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

Table IV. Physiological and performance changes in long-term performance following passive, general warm up




F0 (% max)




Duration of isometric contractions (% max)

Hyperaemic response (mL 100 mL1)



3. Conclusions
While it has been hypothesised that warm up may
have a number of psychological effects, the majority
of the effects of warm up have been attributed to
temperature-related mechanisms (e.g. decreased
stiffness, increased nerve-conduction rate, altered
force-velocity relationship and increased lactic energy provision). However, other mechanisms have
also been proposed (e.g. effects of acidaemia,
mobilisation of the aerobic system and increased
postactivation potentiation). Despite the abovementioned mechanisms, it appears that passive
warm up does not improve isometric force, but may
improve short-duration (<10 seconds) dynamic
force. However, improvements in dynamic shortterm performance (e.g. vertical jumping and sprint
cycling) tend to be less than those reported for
isolated muscles. While the mechanisms remain to
be fully elucidated, it also appears that passive warm
up can improve intermediate performance (~10
seconds to 5 minutes). Passive warm up does not
improve, and may have a detrimental effect on,
long-term performance (>5 minutes), possibly via
an increase in thermoregulatory strain.






Tm (C)


Fig. 8. Changes in maximum isometric force (F0) [thick line] and

hyperaemic response (thin line) as a function of changes in muscle
temperature (Tm) [a]. Change in duration of isometric contractions
as a function of changes in Tm (b).[77]

The authors have provided no information on sources of

funding or on conflicts of interest directly relevant to the
content of this review.

tistical analyses, a number of conclusions can be

drawn regarding the effects of passive warm up on
performance. It appears that passive warm up does
not improve isometric force, but may improve shortduration (<10 seconds) dynamic force. However,
changes in the force-velocity relationship, following
an increase in Tm, may not be fully utilised during
dynamic short-term performance (e.g. vertical
jumping and sprint cycling). Furthermore, passive
warm up appears to have a greater ergogenic effect
on dynamic short-term performance at faster contraction velocities. While the mechanisms remain to
be fully elucidated, it also appears that passive warm
up can improve intermediate performance (~10
seconds to 5 minutes). Passive warm up does not
improve, and may have a detrimental effect on,
long-term performance (>5 minutes).

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Correspondence and offprints: David Bishop, School of

Human Movement and Exercise Science, University of
Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

Sports Med 2003; 33 (6)

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