Art Nights Marchprog
Art Nights Marchprog
Art Nights Marchprog
Supporting the arts
In the spirit of Art Dubai & Art Nights,
This is Not a Love Song
An exhibition co-curated by Elie Domit
Villa Moda has commissioned two very & Mrs. Deane/Hester Keijser, featuring
talented women to exhibit their works six emerging photographers and one
at their boutique - an international common denominator: the current
installation artist and a Lebanese state of Palestine.
jewelry designer. Patricia Millns who
has shown in major international
museums is doing a fashion inspired
installation called “My friends” which
explores fashion in terms of time & Taste of Zuma with Patricia Millns
culture. Meanwhile the multi-talented Taste of Zuma with Patricia Millns is a
Nadine Kanso (she is also an avid Japanese inspired art display of hand
photographer) is launching her latest made Kimonos and the first of a
“Bil Arabi” jewelry collection based on sequence of art installations with
Arabic letters, but this season featuring Zuma. The Kimonos have been made
colored stones creating a more abstract using Zuma Menus and Brownbook
version of her traditional work. Magazine covers; there will be an
opportunity for guests to write their
favourite Zuma dish on the Kimonos. A
complimentary drink created by Zuma
and Patricia for Brownbook will be
offered to all guests who participate.