Abolitionist No. 2
Abolitionist No. 2
Abolitionist No. 2
Editor: Will Porter
everything you
Thomas Jefferson
The Abolitionist
The Young Americans for Liberty Campus Newsletter
About YAL :
Not that Centcom officials would even publicly admit it (or allow it in their reports),
but the war against ISIS isnt going so well in Iraq. Months of effort at retaking
Ramadi hasnt even gotten the city surrounded, and ISIS seems more entrenched
than ever. Administration officials, at least, seem to be conceding that point, and are
looking to shift their war focus away from Iraq and toward Syria.
Its hard to imagine it, but US officials see Syria as a more promising territory, even
though they trained 54 troops, sent them into Syria, and had them quickly turn into
four or five. Theyre citing the comparative success of the Kurdish YPG in fighting
ISIS there as proof of this, and are looking to escalate their backing for them.
By Jason Ditz
This has been proposed more than a few times, however, and usually gets shot down
by Turkey, which considers the YPG a terrorist organization and doesnt want them
getting any stronger either. The US is desperate for gains, however, and may be less
and less worried about where they come from.
One official quoted by the Washington Post suggested that the vetting process may
be getting the axe too, restricting it to a few top commanders, saying the focus right
now is getting them some [expletive] bullets, and who them is is becoming less of
a concern.
Ironically, ISIS was awash in weapons in no small part because the CIA was
throwing arms at Syria early in the civil war without worrying about where they
ended up. The US seems to have given up on the objections that this strategy didnt
work last time, for lack of any better ideas.
Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism that
the refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to
Israels security justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.
Israel always faced the problem in the past that its national security perspective was
completely out of sync with how Europeans were viewing the emergence of the
European community and the borderless world that was emerging, the Americanborn hardliner told The Jerusalem Post.
In the European models that existed 25 or 30 years ago, it is kind of difficult to hear
an Israeli argument. But now things may be beginning to change a little, posited
The European perspective is beginning to sound a little bit more like Israels
perspective on security issues, compared to what it was in the past.
This is hardly the first time a top Israeli politician reveled in the great misfortune of
an ally, hoping it will engender tighter identification with Israel. Immediately after
the 9/11 attacks, The New York Times reported the following:
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and
Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, Its very good.
Then he edited himself: Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate
sympathy. He predicted that the attack would strengthen the bond between our two
peoples, because weve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United
States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.
Sharing Israels perspective seems to have a self-reinforcing quality. The US
response to the 9/11 attacks that Netanyahu welcomed14 years of widespread,
non-stop war and intervention in the Muslim worldis what caused the European
refugee crisis that Dore Gold welcomes today.
(Note that throughout this essay, by Israel I mean the government and not its
Jewish subjects. Any anti-Semites reading this looking for support for their bigotry
can go jump in a lake.)
Like Israel (and often through Israel), the US has long projected colonialism and
militarism upon countless Muslims, whether through direct force,
powers have proxy wars, clandestine subversion, or puppet dictators.
been subverting,
bombing, invading,
and occupying
Muslim countries
non-stop since 9/11
(Afghanistan, Iraq,
Libya, Syria, Yemen,
Somalia, Pakistan,
etc.). . .
It is a vicious cycle and a cycle of viciousness. The more we adopt Israels perspective,
the more we adopt its policies. The more we adopt its policies, the more we adopt its
problems. The more we adopt its problems, the more we adopt its perspective. And
around we go.
The Abolitionist | Young Americans for Liberty
Of course Israel has done far more than passively serve as a model for US policy. By
leading the drive toward a war on Iraq, its neocons and Israel Lobby actively grafted
Israels foreign policy onto America. The long propaganda campaign diverted the
post-9/11 rage and hysteria into a catastrophic war on an Israeli strategic rival that
had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and posed no threat to American security.
On top of those killed, the Iraq War displaced millions, many of whom fled to Syria.
There they joined hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees who themselves,
their parents, or grandparents were driven from their homes long ago by Israel
Unfortunately for them, Syria is also hated by Israel. So, Israel-firsters in
Washington have since helped make Syrian regime-change official US policy. In
pursuit of that policy, the government has fomented and armed a rebellion that has
plummeted Syria into a devastating civil war.
Actually, it would be more apt to call it an invasion than a rebellion or civil war, as
the leading rebels are predominantly international Sunni jihadists, like ISIS and
Jabhat al-Nusra, which is a branch of Al Qaeda.
10/14/2015 General
meeting. 4:00pm-5:30pm in
LA 161.
As a result, displaced millions are pouring out of Syria (including many originally
from Iraq and Palestine). And these comprise a huge part of the refugees pouring into
Western powers have been subverting, bombing, invading, and occupying Muslim
countries non-stop since 9/11 (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia,
Pakistan, etc.), just as Israel has long subverted, bombed, invaded, and occupied
Palestine, Lebanon, and more.
10/21/2015 General
meeting. 4:00-5:30 in LA
10/24/2015 Students for
Liberty Ohio Regional
10/28/2015 General
meeting and end-of-themonth film screening
(1984 ). 4:00pm-6:30pm in
LA 161.
[Note: This schedule is subject to
And now in Europe, governments are caging displaced Muslims and contemplating
tyrannical measures to maintain security and demographic purity, just as Israel
has done to the Muslims it has displaced within its own jurisdiction since its
Moreover, the ultra-nationalism and Islamophobia that has afflicted Israel especially
since 2009 is now on the rise throughout the West, stoked in Europe by the refugee
influx and in America by the atrocity films of ISIS: that spawn of the Iraq War.
Western governments have always been imperialist, and the Israeli government has
always been a colonial appendage of the West extending into the Middle East. This
was true even before its founding, when its paramilitary precursor trained under the
wing of the British Empire. But now the tail is wagging the dog, and the Western
imperial core is being radicalized by the demands of its militant frontier outpost.
The Washington-led West is becoming ever more like an occupying Global Israel,
forever paranoid, exclusivist, imperious, and warlike. And it is turning the Muslim
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youd like us to know.
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submissions; contact the
editor for details.
world from Mali to Pakistan into an occupied Global Palestine, its people forever
bombed, corralled, and at times driven to desperate violence.
War is remaking the world in Greater Israels own ugly image. It is therefore no
wonder that homicidal racist colonialists like Benjamin Netanyahu and Dore Gold
feel more comfortable in the brutal new world they helped create.
By Will Porter
Email WKP.AnCap@Gmail.com
Twitter @WKPAnCap
Last week, our group held an event for Constitution Day in the Student Center. With
your helpdespite some minor issues with Student Development and Activities
(SDA)our Free Speech Wall was a great success!
A big thanks to everyone who participated; we couldnt have done it without you! We
hope to generate the same level of enthusiasm with future events and activities,
check out our Group Schedule on p.4 of this issue for details.
With our fall leadership transition behind us, we look forward to a busy semester of
activism and interaction with students at WCC. Cheers!
The end result of our "Free Speech Wall" Photo by Adam Vale