Ron Paul America's Most Dangerous Nazi

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Ron Paul quotations from the back cover:

“David Duke was hurt by his past and lost the

election. How many more Dukes are there waiting in
the wings without such a taint?”


“There is plenty of evidence that John Demanjuk —

an American deported to Israel who may be executed
there – is innocent. And now there is also evidence
that Andrija Artukovic was not the war criminal he
was portrayed by to be.”

“Some people even think that the government itself

could have been responsible for the Oklahoma City

He would privatize the National Parks: “I would

dissolve the Department of the Interior.”

Paul would legalize NAMBLA “There should be no

age of consent laws.”




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The Late Former New York City Mayor

Ed Koch:

“Ron Paul's candidacy for President, for

me, was that of a David Duke without an

Ron Paul is no libertarian; he is a crypto-Nazi.

Crypto-Nazism is a term implying a secret support
for, or admiration of, the genocidal political and
economic system invented by Adolf Hitler. The term
is used to imply that an individual or group keeps this
support or admiration hidden in order to avoid
political prosecution or, in Ron Paul’s case, political
suicide. Crypto-Nazis maintain covers such as

“libertarian” and “populist” to disguise a hidden

agenda. They use code words e.g. “Goldman-Sachs”
means Jews.

What makes Ron Paul The Most Dangerous Nazi

in America is his immense popularity and the fact that
he is part of an electoral resurgence of Fascism and
Nazism in other Western democracies. In Greece the
Nazi Golden Dawn Party got 7% of the popular vote
and in France Marine Le Pen got 19% of the vote. In
America Paul got 11.01% of the Republican Primary
vote or 1,821,126 votes. Paul was able to inspire
Edward Snowden to commit an act of treason that
will always be remembered in American history
alongside Benedict Arnold. This book rips the cloak
of deception off of Ron Paul and exposes his true
pathological genocidal self, a Nazi swine without a
swastika. After reading this book ask yourself “Would
I vote for the son of Hitler? Would I vote for Rand
Paul? You can buy Ron Paul, The Most Dangerous
Nazi in America on Amazon by clicking here.


*** Currency destruction.

History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale

police states can result when people finally realize
their money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and
REFUSE to accept it. Yet those who leech off the
Federal Reserve System don’t care.

If you had listened to Ron Paul and purchased Gold

at 1800 an ounce you would be worshipping the
Federal Reserve by this time. The reason Paul hates
the Fed is because its chairpeople are traditionally

ISIS and al-Qaeda were nowhere to be found before

the US launched its war against Iraq -- a war based
on lies pushed by the rabidly pro-Israel neocons who
believed it would help that country dominate the
region. PS Your donation can help me wipe the
smirks off the neocons faces.

Paul is getting closer and closer to saying “Jews”

instead of neo-cons.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your "Vote

NO! on Lynch" Action Fax urging your U.S. Senators
to vote against Loretta Lynch's nomination for
Attorney General.

Paul claims he opposes Lynch because of civil

forfeiture. The real reason is because she is black.



“As they head further down the road of losing wars

and wrecking Anglo-American liberties, Messrs
Obama and Cameron and their supporters in all
parties would do well to read the words of the great
17th century English republican Algernon Sidney, a
man who was revered on both sides of the Atlantic,
who greatly influenced America's founders, and who
was executed by the British Crown for what it
described as sedition. "There must therefore be a
right," Sidney wrote, "of proceeding judicially or extra-
judicially against all persons who transgress the laws;
or else those laws, and the societies that should

subsist by them, cannot stand; and the ends for

which governments are constituted, together with the
governments themselves, must be overthrown. ... If
he [a political leader] be justly accounted an enemy
of all, who injures all; he above all must be the
publick enemy of a nation, who by usurping power
over them, does the greatest and most publick injury
that a people can suffer. For which reason, by an
established law among the most virtuous nations,
every man might kill a tyrant; and no names are
recorded in history with more honor, than of those
who did it."


When the host of Money and Markets, Charles

Goyette, recently said that it is “shocking that the
American people are prohibited from knowing the
whole truth about 9/11,” Paul agreed:

“Boy, that’s for sure. It’s shocking, but then, when you
stop and think about it, shouldn’t we expect this from
our government? Which is really sad. It's politically
very risky to talk about it, but I’ve come to the
conclusion that all government commissions are
designed to protect the government. … I believe that
if we ever get the full truth [about 9/11], we’ll find out

that our government had it in the records exactly

what the plans were, or at least close to it.”

So the government, whoever that might be, knew

about the attack and let it happen. That makes them
mass murderers. Remember before he retired Paul
was part of that very same government.

“Does [foreknowledge of the attacks] prove that our

president and others actually sat down and laid the
plans and did this? I don’t think it does, but I think it
does show that one of the reasons why they want to
cover it up is because they don’t want to say, the FBI
and the CIA were, at the time, spending $40 billion a
year to spy on everybody to make us safe and
secure, and therefore they really messed up, so they
had to hide that. Our own government did more harm
to the liberties of the American people than Bin
Laden did.”

Why even pose a question like that about Bush

planning the attack then say I don’t believe it myself.
Why even bring it into play? Paul feels America’s
enemies are worse than America. He is a traitor. Paul
later commented on ISIS:

That Saudi Arabia is considered a suitable place to

train Syria's future leaders must be some kind of sick
joke. While ISIS was beheading two American
journalists — as horrific as that is — the repressive

Saudi theocracy was beheading dozens of its own

citizens, often for relatively minor or religious crimes.
Again he is paying a backhanded compliment to
those sworn to destroy America and force its citizens
to convert to Islam. He is making excuses for the ISIS
beheadings. He is on their side.
There are 200 million people bordering the countries
where ISIS is currently operating. They are the ones
facing the threat of ISIS activity and expansion. Let
them fight their own war, rather than turning the U.S.
military into the mercenary army of wealthy Gulf
states. Remember, they come over here because we
are over there. So let's not be over there any longer.
In other words let ISIS exist so it can destroy Israel.
That is Paul’s motivation because as a Nazi he
believe Jews are responsible for all the evil in the
world and if you get rid of them you will have utopia.

Paul’s Intelligence Advisor Michael Scheurer is a

favorite of the Islamic and its hostage, Cantile,
quoted him in a video.

So, let’s get straight to the point with a quote from

former CIA chief turned vigorous anti-intervention
campaigner Michael Scheuer. “President Obama
does not have the slightest intention of defeating the
Islamic State, which would require the aerial
slaughter, and boots on the ground demolishing of

the Mujahideen. Think what you will of the Islamists

and their brand of war making, but they have been in
the field fighting since 1979, and their movement has
never been larger, more popular, or as well armed as
it is today.”

Scheuer's criticism of US strategy for fighting jihadists

was once praised by Osama bin Laden in a 2007
video, where the terror leader recommended his book
"if you want to understand what's going on".




What Can Be Learned From the Golden Dawn



Greece's far right Golden Dawn party looks like a

rather nasty piece of work.

Note the photo used in the Ron Paul article. It

does not contain the swastika-like symbol of Golden
Dawn. Golden Dawn looks like Nazis but it really
isn’t, it only looks that way and in fact it is a good

Supporters have been photographed in what appears

to be Nazi-esque salutes; its party logo looks
suspiciously like a swastika. The party has
nonetheless skyrocketed to prominence in Greece in
the aftermath of EU-imposed austerity programs,
which have bailed out foreign speculators in Greek
debt at the expense of the Greek economy. The

party, which was formed in the 1980s, came from

electoral nowhere to win seven percent of the votes
in the 2012 Greek elections.

“In what appears to be Nazi salutes” but which

really are not. Its party logo looks a little like a
swastika but is not. But the proof is in the pudding
and Golden Dawn enjoys popularity so it could not be
Nazi. Nazis, however, enjoyed popularity in

Its platform is clearly populist, anti-bailout, anti-

immigration. Party workers have made inroads in
Greek society distributing food and other assistance
to a Greek population that has seen its formerly
southern European standard of living descend to third
world level existence with the smugly approving
oversight of Brussels

It’s not really Nazi. It is populist, anti-austerity and

nationalistic. Its “Party Workers” are really nice

Two weeks ago, as Greece continues to implode,

polls suggested that the party had more than doubled
its support to 15%, which could well represent the
difference between a minor party and a significant
factor in Greek politics. An earthquake looked to
strike the Greek political scene


There is no doubt about it, the Nazis are on the

rise in Greece and as Ron Paul’s popularity
indicated, also in the United States.

So the powers that be in Greece, backed no doubt by

Brussels and Washington, had 22 party members
arrested, including six Members of the Greek
Parliament and the party leader Nikos Mihaloliakos.
The party's offices were raided by the police
throughout the country.

So a great injustice occurred when members of

the Greek Nazi Party were arrested. There was a
conspiracy to stop Golden Dawn from becoming
more power by the EU and United States.

This is from the Nazi website Stormfront, “So this

is how they stifle the will of the Greek people? By
stamping out and arresting members of the one and
only party that actually gives a damn about the
ordinary Greeks? I hope that the Greek people are
paying attention, and vote accordingly in the
upcoming elections to remove these anti-Greek
bastards from power so that Golden Dawn, or it's new
incarnation, can take power and put control of the
nation back into the hands of the Greek people.”

“The Jew cannot operate, cannot infiltrate and

distort our culture without the Caucasian Capitalist

sell out. The secret to answering the Jewish question

is very simple: The struggle for existence and
ultimately world domination, in the world today is
between two conflicting Wills-To Power, that of the
Jew and the Aryan. The Will-To-Power of the Jew is
finance. The Will-To-Power of the Aryan is war and
discovery, summarized by what is called the Faustian

The party was charged with operating a criminal

enterprise, including murder, assault, and money
laundering. The precipitating event was the murder of
leftish Greek hip-hop singer Pavlos Fyssas by
suspected members of the Golden Dawn party. The
murder was the pretext for the frontal assault on the

The murder was another Reichstag Fire. In other

words it was carried out by Greek anti-Nazis to bring
repression down on the Greek Nazis.

As unappealing as the Golden Dawn appears to us, it

seems rather a stretch to arrest the leaders of a
political party for the alleged actions of its alleged
members. Do we ask the political party membership
of murderers here in the US? Was Nidal Malik
Hasan a Republican or Democrat? It smacks of


“Unappealing?” the article spent numerous

paragraphs praising Golden Dawn. The Greeks have
wiretap evidence linking the leadership of Golden
Dawn to the murder. These are not trumped up

Indeed it appears the Greek elite and their

counterparts in Brussels and elsewhere are
beginning to notice that there are consequences to
their utter destruction of Greece, its economy, and its
society. The financial speculators who have been
bailed out on the backs of the working classes in
Greece suddenly see a history lesson called

“Financial speculators” is a dog whistle term for Jews.

The reference to Versailles is revealing. It is Ron
Paul’s belief that is was the terms of the treaty of
Versailles and not German militarism that justly
brought Hitler to power. He hopes the austerity
imposed by the EU will have similar consequences in

Will arresting the people who have been distributing

food to the starving in Greece reduce or inflame
tensions in Greek society? Can outlawing a political
party without addressing the roots of its extremist
ideology produce desired results?


So all Golden Dawn is doing is distributing food to

poor Greeks? Is that all that Nazis do? The party is
regularly described as neo-Nazi by news media and
academic sources, and members are frequently
responsible for anti-Semitic graffiti. Officially denying
that it has any connection to Neo-Nazism, the party
admires Ioannis Metaxas, the Greek general who
established the 4th of August regime, in Greece
between 1936 and 1941.

Ilias Kasidiaris, a spokesman for Golden Dawn,

wrote an article that was published in Golden Dawn
magazine on 20 April 2011, in which he said: “What
would the future of Europe and the whole modern
world be like if World War II (which the democracies,
or in fact the Jews – according to general Ioannis
Metaxas – declared on Germany) hadn't stopped the
renewing route of National Socialism? Certainly,
fundamental values which mainly derive from ancient
Greek culture would be dominant in every state and
would define the fate of peoples. Romanticism as a
spiritual movement and classicism would prevail
against the decadent subculture that corroded the
white man. Extreme materialism would have been
discarded, giving its place to spiritual exaltation.” In
the same article, Adolf Hitler is characterized as
a great social reformer and military genius.


In an article published in 1987 in the Golden

Dawn magazine titled "Hitler for 1000 years", its
editor Michaloliakos showed his support for Nazism
and white supremacy. Specifically he wrote, "We are
the faithful soldiers of the National Socialist idea and
nothing else" and "[...] WE EXIST, and continue the
battle, the battle for the final victory of our race". He
ends the article by writing "1987, 42 years later, with
our thought and soul given to the last great battle,
with our thought and soul given to the black and red
banners, with our thought and soul given to the
memory of our great Leader, we raise our right hand
up, we salute the Sun and with the courage, that is
compelled by our military honor and our National
Socialist duty we shout full of passion, faith to the
future and our visions: HEIL HITLER!" Furthermore
he uses capital letters for pronouns referring to Hitler
("by Himself", "His people").

On 17 August 1987, the war criminal Rudolf Hess,

Adolf Hitler's deputy in the Nazi Party, who was given
a life sentence at the Nuremberg Trials, committed
suicide. The following day, on 18 August 1987,
Golden Dawn members distributed proclamations in
the center of Athens with the phrase RUDOLF HESS


In pictures taken during the first congress of

Golden Dawn in February 1990, the congress hall is
decorated with the Swastika and the Wolfsangel.[126]

There are many cases in which Golden Dawn

members have appeared to give a Nazi salute. The
founder of the party, Nikolaos Michaloliakos,
appeared to give a Nazi salute in the Athens city
council. He claims that it was merely "the salute of
the national youth organization of Ioannis Metaxas"
The party states its logo is a traditional Greek
meander, not a Nazi symbol.

In May 2012, Golden Dawn ran in Greek elections

under the slogan "So we can rid this land of filth". On
his post-election statement, the leader, Nikolaos
Michaloliakos, had placed a marble eagle on an
obvious position on his desk, which according to
media reports bears similarity to the eagle of the
Nazi Third Reich. After the elections, Eleni Zaroulia, a
Golden Dawn MP, wore an iron cross ring during her
inauguration, a symbol which has been associated
with Nazism. As depicted in a picture taken on 14
September 2012, Panagiotis Iliopoulos, another
Golden Dawn MP, has a tattoo reading the Nazi
greeting Sieg Heil.

On 23 July 2012, Artemis Matthaiopoulos, a

member of Golden Dawn, was elected as MP for the

town of Serres. The website (associated

with SYRIZA), reported that Matthaiopoulos was the
frontman of the Nazi punk band "Pogrom" and
pointed to the band's song "Auschwitz" with anti-
Semitic lyrics such as "fuck Anne Frank" and "Juden

Ilias Kasidiaris quoted the antisemitic hoax The

Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a speech to
parliament on 23 October 2012. Defending himself in
a discussion on whether to lift his parliamentary
immunity over his assault of Kanelli, he quoted
Protocol 19: "In order to destroy the prestige of
heroism we shall send them for trial in the category of
theft, murder and every kind of abominable and filthy

Golden Dawn's leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos,

denied the existence of gas chambers and ovens at
Nazi extermination camps. On 6 June 2013, the
Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris implied during a
stormy debate in the Greek Parliament that he is a
Holocaust denier.

Ironically the Golden Dawn party traces its ideological

origins and even personal and political ties directly to
the leaders of the Greek far-right junta that was
spawned by CIA intervention and ruled the country as


a kind of anti-communist US client state from 1967-


So how bad could this group be if the United States

created them?

Troubles ahead for Europe, migrating from south to

north. Outlawing troubles will not make them



A report from Mark Weinhardt, a Des Moines

lawyer serving as independent counsel to the Iowa
Senate Ethics Committee, finds evidence that a top
staffer in former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s 2012
presidential campaign attempted to pay former Iowa
Sen. Kent Sorenson to join the campaign in a manner
that may violate several federal election laws. The
Paul campaign issue raised by the Weinhardt report
revolves around a $25,000 check written by Paul’s
deputy national campaign manager to a company
owned by Sorenson.

The check was dated Dec. 26, 2011, and drawn

on a Leesburg, Va., jewelry store owned by the wife
of Deputy National Campaign Manager Dimitri
Kesari. Sorenson never cashed that check. Such a
payment made in exchange for something of value to

the Paul campaign would likely qualify as an in-kind

contribution, requiring disclosure on the reports that
the campaign files with the Federal Election
Commission. The $25,000 check was not reported,

The Weinhardt investigation also discovered that

the majority of the revenue paid to Sorenson’s
Grassroots Strategy consulting firm was from one
entity, ICT Inc., a Maryland firm. ICT paid Sorenson
$73,000 from February 2012 through July of 2012.
Weinhardt called the wire transfers from ICT, “deeply

TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Filing Date: 10/13/1995
Entity Type: Corporation File Number: 2551389
Company Age: 18 Years

Registered Agent:
Corpamerica, Inc.
2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400
Wilmington, DE 19808

Business Information
Location Type Single Location
State of Incorporation Maryland
Annual Revenue Estimate $48,000
SIC Code 899, Communications Services, NEC
NAICS Code 517919,

Employees 1

Weinhardt explained that the first payment from

ICT in February for $33,000 could represent a
$25,000 payment to make up for the check that
Sorenson never cashed from Ron Paul’s Deputy
National Campaign Manager Dimitri Kesari, plus his
first monthly payment of $8,000. Additional payments
were made to Sorenson in $8,000 or $16,000
increments through late July of 2012.

Sorenson was extremely vague while being deposed

by Weinhardt about his financial dealings with ICT.
What follows is the transcript from Sorenson’s
deposition regarding his dealings with ICT.

Weinhardt: Who is ICT, Inc.?

Sorenson: It’s somebody I consulted with. I believe

they’re a business out of New Jersey.

Weinhardt: And for whom or what was the consulting


Sorenson: I can’t go back and recollect entirely, but I

know that they’re a video consulting fime that
produces videos for concerts, commercials.

Weinhardt: Do you see that ICT Inc. is incorporated

in Hyattsville, Maryland?


Sorenson: Yeah; but I believe he’s based out of New

Jersey, his business.

Weinhardt: Who is “he”?

Sorenson: I believe – - I’m not sure if it was Nick or

Sonny Spanio (phonetic). I know I’m not pronouncing
the name right. They’re Greek.

Weinhardt: Spell the last name for us the best you


Sorenson: I can’t. I can get that to you, I just don’t – -

I struggle spelling my own name.

Weinhardt: So what was the consulting work that you

were doing for Mr. Spanio?

Sorenson: I don’t think that’s relevant to the


Weinhardt: I think that it is, and I’m going to ask you

to tell me the answer to the question.

Sorenson: I’m not going to answer the question.

Weinhardt: Tell me what it was that you were doing

for the income that was paid from ICT to Grassroots

Sorenson: General consulting on political and

business issues.

Weinhardt: Consulting for what or for whom; in other

works, who was ICT’s ultimate client?

Sorenson: They have a lot of clients.

Weinhardt: I know. But what client were you doing

work for?

Sorenson: I was doing work for ICT.

Weinhardt: I know. But what client of ICT were you

doing work for?

Sorenson: Not a specific client. I was working for


Weinhardt: Describe your activities for ICT that

resulted, to begin with, in your getting $33,000
through Grassroots Strategies on February 9th of

Sorenson: They asked me to consult them on political

issues and also locations for video shoots in Iowa
that would appeal to a fraction of Iowans.

Weinhardt: Do they have any client who was running

for president of the United States in 2012?

Sorenson: I can’t answer that. I mean. I don’t have

the answer to that.


Weinhardt: What politicians, who were running in

Iowa, were clients of ICT?

Sorenson: I don’t have answers to those questions. I

wasn’t privy to that.

Weinhardt: What was it that made you so valuable

that they would pay, I think, well over $60,000 over
the course of 2012 to you?

Sorenson: I don’t know if you understand how this

works, but they – - had an interest in me possibly
running for U.S. Senate in this election cycle. I think
if what had happened over the last twelve months, I
would probably be one of the front-runners right now;
a lot of people believe that. He asked me to come
work for him. He wanted to help make that happen.

Weinhardt: So who is “he”?

Sorenson: Sonny Spanio. But I can’t spell his last


Weinhardt: Do you have a cell phone number or an

office number for Mr. Spanio?

Sorenson: I do not.

Weinhardt: Do you have any contact information for

him whatsoever?


Sorenson: Not on me, no; but I can – - I’m sure I can

produce that.

Weinhardt: When you return for your deposition on

Monday, could you bring us all the contact
information you have for Mr. Spanio?

Sorenson: I will.

Weinhardt: Let me ask this directly: Did the

payments that Grassroots Strategy received for or
from ICT, Inc., have anything whatsoever to do with
the Ron Paul campaign?

Sorenson: No.

Weinhardt: Did they have anything to do with an

identifiable candidate that you know of?

Sorenson: No. Not that I know of.

Weinhardt: Did they have to do with any particular

political issues that you know of?

Sorenson: No. Well – - No. I mean, I know that they

were – - they were – - you know, they have a lot – -
Listen, if you come to me I can’t honestly answer that
question, because do you think somebody is from the
far left is going to come ask me to help them?

Weinhardt: Well, my question is, there are

organizations that are motivated by particular issues,

guns, gay marriage, taxes, things like that. Is there

some issue that ICT was interested in your – -

Sorenson: Not a specific issue.

Weinhardt: – - consulting about?

Sorenson: Not a specific issue.

Weinhardt: So let me understand your testimony.

ICT paid you initially $33,000 and then $8,000 a
month for a number of months for you to help them
find locations for videos and things?

Sorenson: And also information on various voting


Weinhardt: But you never discussed and identifiable

candidate or identifiable issue, and it had nothing to
do with anyone running for president?

Sorenson: No.

Weinhardt: And as you sit here today, you can’t

remember the last name of the person who paid you
the money?

Sorenson: I told you the name, I don’t recall the


Weinhardt: Okay.

Sporer: Is it Spaniel, like the dog?


Sorenson: Spanio. It’s like, S-p-a-n-i-o, but I’m not


Weinhardt: When were you first approached by this

person Spanio?

Sorenson: The first time I met him, I believe, would

have been in 2010. I believe so.

When Sorenson returned to Weinhardt’s law office to

continue the deposition four days later on 9/23/13, he
informed Weinhardt that he intended on invoke his 5th
Amendment rights due to the ongoing federal

Sorenson’s lack of information and knowledge

regarding his own financial dealings with ICT is odd
considering that the money he received from that
client represents the largest single source of revenue
for him in 2011 and 2012. Are we really to believe
that someone who Sorenson can’t identify by name
or by the state in which they do business, offered him
$73,000 out of the blue because that person wants
him to run for the United States Senate?

Are we also to believe that it’s just a coincidence that

the $73,000 he received from ICT in 2012 just
happens to equal an initial payment of $25,000, plus
six monthly installments at $8,000 a month? That six
months worth of compensation also just happens to

correspond with the timeframe that Ron Paul was still

a candidate for the president. The specific amount of
$8,000 per month in compensation also just happens
to correspond with the Dorr memo from August of
2011, which laid out Sorenson’s list of demands in
return for his support of Ron Paul.

While we don’t yet really know who or what ICT, Inc.,

we do know that it is a business entity association
with documentary film maker Noel “Sonny” Izon. We
also don’t know exactly how ICT may be connected
with Ron Paul’s political apparatus, but there seems
to be a connection that links ICT to Ron Paul’s
Deputy National Campaign Manager, Dimitri Kesari.

Pavlo Kesari, Dimitri’s brother, is Facebook friends

with a Noel Izon from Maryland. Izon’s Facebook
profiles says that he works for the AFL-CIO. A
LexisNexis search found that Mr. Izon has a possible
email address of and links him

to an address in Hyattsville, Maryland. LexisNexis

states that he is the manager of Tropical
Investments, the Pres of Interactive Communication
Technology (ICT, Inc.), and other film companies
named An Open Door Production and Scorpion
Pictures, LLC.

Is it just another coincidence that Dimitri Kesari’s

brother just happens to be friends with the guy who
paid Sorenson $73,000? I highly doubt it.1



June 2013: Ron Paul claimed that NSA

surveillance of private American citizens is not
necessary nor has it prevented as many terrorism
plots as officials claim it has. “I don’t really believe
that because I think they fudged the figures. Of those

1. Researcher Craig Robinson serves as the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Prior to founding Iowa's largest conservative
news site, Robinson served as the Political Director of the Republican
Party of Iowa during the 2008 Iowa Caucuses. In that capacity, Robinson
planned and organized the largest political event in 2007, the Iowa Straw
Poll, in Ames, Iowa. Robinson also organized the 2008 Republican
caucuses in Iowa, and was later dispatched to Nevada to help with the
caucuses there. Robinson cut his teeth in Iowa politics during the 2000
caucus campaign of businessman Steve Forbes and has been involved
with most major campaigns in the state since then. His extensive political
background and rolodex give him a unique perspective from which to
monitor the political pulse of Iowa.


50 plots that they stopped, I think 40 were minor plots

overseas, for all we know. So they stretched the
point. And even these hearings today were a bit of a
sham…because they had already decided what the
results would be. They have to try to justify their
existence of destroying the freedom of and the
privacy of the American citizens, otherwise they’re
out of work. It’s sort of like the old story about you
have to burn the village to save the village. They
want to burn the Constitution to save the Constitution.
And even today, [James] Cole, the Deputy Attorney
General says, the Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply
to this. Where did he get this brilliance to know when
it applies and when it doesn’t? If we can go to war
and do all these other things and throw the
constitution out the window so casually, you better be
sure if you give them an inch, they’re going to take a
mile and paint themselves as heroes. The one thing
they don’t do is ever ask the motivation for people
wanting to kill us. If we don’t ask that question we
can’t stop these problems by just taking more
liberties away from the American people. We’re going
in the opposite way. We’ve taken away the
constitution; we’re supposed to be fighting to save
the constitution. It’s completely turned on its head.”

How in the heck does Ron Paul know how many

terrorist plots the NSA thwarted? Does he have an

agent like Snowden inside the NSA? He says 40

were minor plots overseas. What constitutes a minor
terrorist plot that according to Paul should be ignored
in favor of privacy? Ten people getting killed
overseas? Is that a minor terrorist plot? He says that
the motivation of those who work at NSA is purely
pecuniary rather than patriotic so they have to invent
enemies to collect a paycheck. He and Snowden are
the traitors while those at NSA follow the Constitution
and the Patriot Act which allows the Government to
put a pen register on a phone without a warrant
which is essentially what NSA did. But the main
subtext here is the line “The one thing they don’t do is
ever ask the motivation for people wanting to kill us.”
Israel is that motivation and if we cut off military aid to
Israel or work to destroy it all our terrorist problems
with radical Islam will evaporate. Ron Paul wishes to
security strip America so that a horrendous terrorist
attack will occur that can be blamed on American
support of Israel or on Israel itself since the Nazis
have learned a new phrase, “false flag operation.”


The Pauloids came down hard on this book when

they pretended to review it on Amazon. There are no
verified purchases. This was a half-decent review.


J. Weberman is a notorious gadfly, self-

proclaimed expert on Bob Dylan's garbage and
researcher into the conspiracy surrounding the JFK
assassination. He is also a member of both the
Yippies and the Jewish Defense Organization (a
somewhat less extreme version of the Jewish
Defense League, but still too much for the ADL).
Weirdly, the only critical book on libertarian
presidential candidate Ron Paul is written by this
strange character. If you're looking for a balanced,
scholarly account of the interfaces between
libertarianism, conservative populism and Dixiecrat
racism, you won't find it here.

Weberman sets the stage already at page one:

"Ron Paul is no libertarian; he is a crypto-Nazi.
Crypto-Nazism is a term implying a secret support
for, or admiration of, the genocidal political and
economic system invented by Adolf Hitler." Further:
"This book rips the cloak of deception off of Ron Paul
and expose his true pathological genocidal self, a
Nazi swine without a swastika. (...) He was, and is, a
clever calculating Liberty Lobby / Spotlight type Nazi,

a Nazi without a swastika, bent on the mass murder

of the Jewish people and on sending the Blacks
home to Africa. (...) That is why Ron Paul, like the
Spotlight scum that created him, is determined to
create a situation where millions of Jews are
murdered. He is a filthy Nazi pig and he must be

Ron Paul's admirers have rejected Weberman's

garbology out of hand. Should we? I'm less sure.
Behind all the rhetoric, typos and irrelevant
digressions, Alan "Jew" Weberman does present
some pretty disturbing information on both Paul
himself and his allies (or would-be allies).

Paul had friendly relations with Spotlight, the

publication of Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby, which is
indeed a Nazi front group. In 1985, Paul began to
publish newsletters, which were heavily advertised in
Spotlight. Recently, Paul admitted that he had ghost
writers, but who were they? The usual speculation is
Lew Rockwell, a former Paul associate and founder
of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He has denied
involvement, and Weberman believes that the real
ghost writer might have been Willis Carto himself!
The political line of the newsletters does seem similar
to the line of Liberty Lobby: "pro-German"
statements, defence of Nazi war criminals, support

for David Duke, racist slurs against Blacks,

conspiracy theories about Israel, etc, etc. Small
wonder Paul decades later revealed that he never
wrote his own newsletter - but that simply raises the
question why he didn't stop its publication. Didn't he
knew the opinions of the ghost writers? Didn't he
knew his own employees?

Among would-be supporters of Paul, not

necessarily endorsed by him, are overt White
supremacists, Muslim fundamentalists (including our
old friend Yousef al-Khattab), Nation of Islam, Lyndon
LaRouche, a few leftists and even a few Jews,
including the inevitable Neturei Karta. Of course,
Weberman believes that Paul is in on it all. Nor does
Weberman like Lew Rockwell, Murray Rothbard or
Ludwig von Mises, whom he claims are fascists,
racists and/or self-hating Jews. My sick sense of
humour was properly satisfied by the chapter in
which Weberman exposes various individual
weirdoes who (for reasons all their own) supported
Paul's recent candidacy. There's Aakash Dalal and
Anthony Graziano, suspected of fire-bombing a
synagogue and the home of a rabbi. Further, we
have Anson Chi who was seriously injured by a
homemade bomb, and Adam Kokesh who was
interrogated by the Secret Service after implicitly
supporting death threats against Mitt Romney on the

air. Not to be outdone, a certain Douglas Wright (who

had Ron Paul literature in his home) was charged
with attempting to blow up a local branch of the
Federal Reserve...

Weberman devotes almost half his book attacking

Paul's isolationism, which the author believes is really
directed against the State of Israel. He claims that
Paul's proposals to cut "all" foreign aid would weaken
Israel's defences against the Arab states and Iran,
thus setting the stage for the destruction of the
Jewish state. Paul once sponsored a bill to end all aid
to Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Pakistan. He voted no to
sanctions against Iran, doesn't seem to regard Iran
as a threat, and even seems to believe that they have
the right to build nuclear weapons if they so choose.
Instead, Paul has condemned Saudi Arabia,
attempting to link them with international terrorism.
(Weberman is soft on the Saudis, which - ironically -
could also be a controversial position if you're a
Zionist!) The author links Paul to one Michael
Scheuer, a high-ranking CIA operative who
Weberman believes was really an "Islamist
ideological mole" and a "Jew-hater", responsible for
protecting Osama bin-Laden in the years leading up
to 9/11. After leaving the CIA, Scheuer have

apparently become a vocal critic of the U.S.-Israeli


Given the traditional animosity between Jews and

Blacks in the United States, it's interesting to note
that Weberman takes pro-Black positions in his book,
presumably because he views African-Americans as
potential allies against Paul. On some questions, the
author sounds liberal: he supports affirmative action,
welfare systems and HUDs. On the War on Drugs, he
takes a "conservative" position, i.e. he supports the
war on drugs and opposes legalization. However, this
too is "pro-Black" since it was also the position taken
by the Congressional Black Caucus due to the crack
epidemic in poor Black neighbourhoods. By contrast,
Ron Paul opposes liberal programs, while supporting
the legalization of drugs. In Weberman's opinion, this
means genocide of Blacks. Something tells me this
pro-Black orientation cannot possibly be the real
program of the Jewish Defense Organization...

Well, I *did* say the author is a gadfly, didn't I?

My final opinion of "Ron Paul: America's Most

Dangerous Nazi" is that the book, while perhaps
garbologically extreme and somewhat disingenuous,
nevertheless does raise some disturbing questions
about Ron Paul's past and present politics. Perhaps
one day a balanced, scholarly study will be published

about the difficult interface between libertarianism,

conservative populism and Dixiecrat racism?


Having a Nazi like Ron Paul as a Presidential

candidate was deleterious to America. His constant
efforts to make America more vulnerable to a terrorist
attack by hamstringing the NSA, CIA and FBI have
finally paid off when one of his Paulbots, Edward

Snowden, who, despite lack of a formal education,

was able to infiltrate the NSA and steal documents
which he turned over to Glenn Greenwald, a gay
Jewish traitor who was the in house attorney to The
Church of the Creator, a Nazi organization headed by
Matt Hale. Greenwald read coded messages the
Hale’s mother smuggled out of prison to members of
Hale’s crew. The FBI found out this and as a result
he had to give up practicing law.

Snowden told the Guardian that he supported a

third-party candidate for president in 2008.

Snowden did become a traitor at the behest of a

foreign government such as China; he did it on behalf
of Ron Paul. Paul had manipulated him into thinking
that doing so was the right thing to do for “libertarian”
reasons and constitutional grounds.

The brainwashing worked. This kid never even

graduated High School so his education came from
his hero, Ron Paul. But Ron Paul’s motivation was to
weaken the United States Government and its
intelligence community so that another 9/11 type
terrorist attack can take place and be blamed on
America’s support of Israel or deemed a “false flag
operation” by the Israelis. If the devastation is far
reaching enough who knows what people might
think? Ron Paul is a traitor whose loyalty is to

Nazism. What kind of a former Congressman would

praise someone guilty of treason and espionage
against his own country? Paul:

The Fourth Amendment is clear; we

should be secure in our persons, houses,
papers, and effects, and all warrants must
have probable cause. Today the
government operates largely in secret,
while seeking to know everything about
our private lives – without probable cause
and without a warrant. The government
does not need to know more about what
we are doing. We need to know more
about what the government is doing. We
should be thankful for individuals like
Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald
who see injustice being carried out by
their own government and speak out,
despite the risk. They have done a great
service to the American people by
exposing the truth about what our
government is doing in secret.

The constitutionalist Ron Paul cherry-picked and

omitted the treason clause:

Treason against the United States, shall

consist only in levying War against them,
or in adhering to their Enemies, giving
them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall

be convicted of Treason unless on the

testimony of two Witnesses to the same
overt Act, or on Confession in open court.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), called the NSA

PRISM program, "an all-out assault on
the Constitution." Isn’t what Snowden did a violation
of the constitution? If you take Paul’s belief to its
logical end in a Paul Presidency leaking documents
would be legal and all of America’s secrets exposed
to its enemies. Any disgruntled employee or ex-
employee could leak documents and claim to be a
whistle-blower rather than a criminal. Chaos would
ensue. But isn’t this what Ron Paul wants, chaos like
that in the Weimer Republic giving the Nazis a
chance to blame it on the Jews and seize power?


The first donation from the traitor Snowden to the

Paul campaign came from an address in Columbia,
Md., in March 2012, while the second came from
Waipahu, Hawaii, two months later. The first
contribution describes the donor as an employee of
Dell, a company Snowden has done contract work for
in recent years. Snowden is from Maryland, and most
recently for Booz Allen Hamilton in Hawaii. In
addition, Snowden told the Guardian that he


supported a third-party candidate for president in


Snowden believes the Boston Bombing was a

criminal act, not an act of terrorism: "We have to
decide why terrorism is a new threat. There has
always been terrorism. Boston was a criminal act. It
was not about surveillance but good, old-fashioned
police work. The police are very good at what they

Ron Paul: “While the media crowed that the

apprehension of the suspects was a triumph of the
new surveillance state – and, predictably, many
talking heads and Members of Congress called for
even more government cameras pointed at the rest
of us – the fact is none of this caught the suspect.
Actually, it very nearly gave the suspect a chance to
make a getaway.”

Snowden was a Arabist and said he became

disillusioned with the Armed Forces after he heard
other soldiers “getting pumped up over killing Arabs.”




"I'm worried about somebody in our government

might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile.
I mean, we live in a bad time where American
citizens don't even have rights and that they can be
killed, but the gentlemen is trying to tell the truth
about what's going on. He's not defecting; there are
no signs of that happening. It’s a shame that we are
in an age where people who tell the truth about what
the government is doing gets into trouble. No, I don't
think for a minute that he's a traitor.” What are the
odds of Obama ordering a drone strike on Edward
Snowden? Is it in the realm of possibility or is Ron
Paul tapping the vast reservoir of ignorance in
America as Hitler did in Germany.

Snowden is giving the Chinese classified

documents. In a interview with a Government
controlled Chinese newspaper he revealed the the
US National Security Agency’s controversial Prism
program extends to people and institutions in Hong
Kong and mainland China. Snowden said that
according to unverified documents seen by the South
China Post, the NSA had been hacking computers in
Hong Kong and on the mainland since 2009. None of

the documents revealed any information about

Chinese military systems, he said. One of the targets
in the SAR, according to Snowden, was Chinese
University and public officials, businesses and
students in the city. The documents also point to
hacking activity by the NSA against mainland targets.
Snowden believed there had been more than 61,000
NSA hacking operations globally, with hundreds of
targets in Hong Kong and on the mainland. “We hack
network backbones – like huge internet routers,
basically – that give us access to the communications
of hundreds of thousands of computers without
having to hack every single one,” he said.2

According to Senator Lindsey Graham the biggest

threat to U.S. intelligence these days is young men
like Snowden and Private Bradley Manning, who is
accused of leaking a trove of national security
documents published by Wikileaks. “I think that
there’s a group of people, younger people who are
not fighting the war, who are libertarians mostly, who
feel like the government is the problem,” Graham
said, “that those who are trained to defend us are a
bigger threat than those who are trying to attack us. If
somebody finally goes to jail for destroying our



national security and weakening our national

defenses, maybe the next 29-year-old who thinks that
they’re going to be some cult figure will think twice. If
we can run [Snowden] down, it’s imperative that we
catch him. I don’t care where he goes, I don’t care
what we need to do, we need to bring this guy to
justice for deterrence sake.”

Senator Graham wondered whether young

"libertarian" types could be trusted to serve in
classified positions when they proved that they
weren't keen on the strategy. Graham was asked if
Snowden's donations to Ron Paul were the sort of
warning signs vetters should have looked out for.
"No, no," said Graham. "I think people that give
donations to Ron Paul are exercising their right to
participate in the political process. Ron Paul isn't a
threat to America. His policies are."

This is another reason why Ron Paul is the most

dangerous Nazi in America in or out of office. He
inspired a traitor to weaken our defense against
terrorism. PRISM was successfully used to stop a
harmful attack on American citizens. House
Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-
Mich.) said the NSA surveillance successfully
stopped a terrorist attack “within the last few years.”
PRISM stopped a terror attack on the NYC subway.

Najibullah Zazi was captured by the Feds when an Al

Qaeda email was traced back to his computer,
thanks to the massive data mining the NSA is doing.

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

(CISPA). CISPA proponents claim that the legislation
is necessary to protect Americans from foreign “cyber
terrorists,” but the real effect of this bill will be to
further erode Americans’ online privacy.

Under CISPA, Internet corporations are

authorized to hand over the private information of
American citizens to federal agents, as long as they
can justify the violation of your privacy in the name of
protecting “cyber security”. Among the items that may
be shared are your e-mails, browsing history, and
online transactions.

Since Ron Paul considered Snowden a hero it

comes as no surprise that he opposes legislation that
would make it easier to catch people like him. Paul:

Like the PATRIOT Act, CISPA violates

the fourth amendment by allowing federal
agencies to obtain private information
without first seeking a warrant from a
federal judge. The law also allows federal
agencies to pass your information along
to other federal bureaucrats — again

without obtaining a warrant. And the bill

provides private companies with immunity
from lawsuits regardless of the damage
done to anyone whose personal
information is shared with the


In April 2013 when Ron Paul

announced a new online curriculum for
home-school-ers, he named Gary North
as director of curriculum development.
North, 71, is not a professional
educator. He is a leading theorist of Christian
Reconstructionism, a Christian Identity spinoff
movement that denounces democracy, thinks some
forms of slavery are OK and wants to impose a
draconian version of biblical law that prescribes the
death penalty for gays, adulterers, blasphemers,
witches and incorrigible children, among others. In a
2003 column, Paul wrote, “The notion of a rigid
separation between church and state has no basis in
either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our
Founding Fathers.”3 North’s theocracy has all the



markings of a Nazi-like regime; however Paul tries to

obscure this by attacking one facet of Nazi education:

A common feature of authoritarian regimes is the

criminalization of alternatives to government-
controlled education. Dictators recognize the danger
that free thought poses to their rule, and few things
promote the thinking of “unapproved” thoughts like an
education controlled by parents instead of the state.
That is why the National Socialist (Nazi) government
of Germany outlawed homeschooling in 1938.

Since Ron Paul is supplying the curriculum for

home education it is going to be him controlling the
education rather than the State and those
“unapproved thoughts” or “politically incorrect”
thoughts such as those in found his newsletters
would be used to inculcate children. Paul:

Unlike the top-down model of nationalized

education, the homeschool curriculum is
designed to encourage maximum input
from parents and students. While the
curriculum will reflect my belief, and
interest, in Austrian economics, libertarian
political theory, and the history of the
struggle against state power, the
curriculum is being carefully designed to
not show bias toward any one religion. I
hope all parents of any faith—or no

religious belief at all—will feel comfortable

using the curriculum.

“Austrian economics, libertarian political theory, and

the history of the struggle against state power” fascist
economics, Nazi political theory and the history of the
“struggle” as in Mein Kampf (My Struggle) of Hitler
and Nazi Germany.


Here Ron Paul intimates that the Federal

Government staged this event as a practice drill for
martial law.

Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston by Ron Paul

Forced lockdown of a city.

Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door

to door armed searches without warrant. Families

thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched

without probable cause. Businesses forced to close.
Transport shut down. These were not the scenes
from a military coup in a far off banana republic, but
rather the scenes just over a week ago in Boston as
the United States got a taste of martial law.

This was not martial law. There was no curfew.

Most people were happy to go through what they had
to go through in order to avoid becoming a victim of
Islamist terror.

The ostensible reason for the military-style

takeover of parts of Boston was that the accused
perpetrator of a horrific crime was on the loose.

Note the use of the word “ostensible.”

Represented or appearing as such; ostensive: His
ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal was
popularity. A terrorist on the loose was not the real
reason for the lockdown. What was the real reason?

The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for

the government to turn what should have been a
police investigation into a military-style occupation of
an American city. This unprecedented move should
frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.

So three people dying, numerous other’s crippled

for life, many deafened, hundreds seriously injured is
less frightening than a comprehensive police dragnet
for the perpetrators.

What has been sadly forgotten in all the

celebration of the capture of one suspect and the
killing of his older brother is that the police state
tactics in Boston did absolutely nothing to catch

An outright lie. Everyone was on alert and when

someone saw that the covering on their boat had
been disturbed they called police.

While the media crowed that the apprehension of

the suspects was a triumph of the new surveillance
state – and, predictably, many talking heads and
Members of Congress called for even more
government cameras pointed at the rest of us – the
fact is none of this caught the suspect. Actually, it
very nearly gave the suspect a chance to make a

The police were able to accurately identify the

terrorist by piecing together numerous videos. This is
another outright lie but what do you expect from a

The “shelter in place” command imposed by the

governor of Massachusetts was lifted before the
suspect was caught. Only after this police state move
was ended did the owner of the boat go outside to
check on his property, and in so doing discover the

Liar. He said he saw it from his window. “Like all

Watertown residents, Henneberry stayed in his
Franklin Street home as the hunt for Tsarnaev
paralyzed much of eastern Massachusetts on Friday.
When he looked out the window at his boat at one
point during the day, he noticed something was
amiss. "I put pads between the shrink wrap, and it
stopped the chaffing and two of those had fallen
down to the ground. It was really windy, so I didn't
think twice about it," he said.”4

No, the suspect was not discovered by the

paramilitary troops terrorizing the public. He was
discovered by a private citizen, who then placed a
call to the police. And he was identified not by
government surveillance cameras, but by private
citizens who willingly shared their photographs with
the police.

The troops were protecting the public, the

terrorists were terrorizing the public. The police in this
case was the FBI. Of course the Federal Government
does not have cameras in Boston.



As journalist Tim Carney wrote last week: “Law

enforcement in Boston used cameras to ID the
bombing suspects, but not police cameras. Instead,
authorities asked the public to submit all photos and
videos of the finish-line area to the FBI, just in case
any of them had relevant images. The surveillance
videos the FBI posted online of the suspects came
from private businesses that use surveillance to
punish and deter crime on their property.”

So the police cameras did not get a good shot of

the suspects. Most are used for traffic control, not
crime. The photos would have been worthless if not
for the skill of the FBI, which Paul wants to abolish.

Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that

the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in
reality the job of the government is to protect our
liberties. Once the government decides that its role is
to keep us safe, whether economically or physically,
they can only do so by taking away our liberties. That
is what happened in Boston.

Liberty is worthless if you are dead. Anyway

Paul’s idea of liberty is the freedom to kill Jews and
segregate Blacks or send them back to Africa. He
wants to see more terrorist attacks take place in
America as he basically hates the U.S. which he
believes is controlled by ZOG, the Zionist


Occupational Government. He will never say this

openly but this is his sick mindset.

Three people were killed in Boston and that is

tragic. But what of the fact that over 40 persons are
killed in the United States each day, and sometimes
ten persons can be killed in one city on any given
weekend? These cities are not locked-down by
paramilitary police riding in tanks and pointing
automatic weapons at innocent citizens.

Note how Paul fails to mention those who lost

their legs, hearing and more. Over 200. BUT? BUT?
He qualifies this tragedy He is the lowest scum on

This is unprecedented and is very dangerous. We

must educate ourselves and others about our
precious civil liberties to ensure that we never accept
demands that we give up our Constitution so that the
government can pretend to protect us.

Pretend to protect us? They rounded up the

Islamist scum before they could set their bombs off in
Times Square. Paul would have loved to see NYC
attacked because of all the Jews there.




Ron Paul has cleverly chosen certain figures from

academia, the media and the CIA who further his
totalitarian political goal. These individuals are all
pieces in a puzzle that when assembled displays a

John Laughland, a British writer who is a prominent

defender of the late Serbian President Slobodan

Milosevic. Laughland has also defended Ukraine’s

Kremlin-backed president Viktor Yanukovich whose
attempt to steal the 2004 election sparked that
country’s peaceful “Orange Revolution”. He lamented
the fate of Belarusian President Alexander
Lukashenko, Europe’s last dictator. The common
thread is totalitarianism and its intellectual justification
as in Mein Kampf.

Oxford historian Mark Almond: A trustee of a sinister

and deceptively named organization, the British
Helsinki Human Rights Group (BHHRG), which
trades on the good name of the international civil
liberties monitoring organizations founded as a result
of the 1975 Helsinki accords. The BHHRG was an
early defender of Milosevic and Serbian behavior in
the Balkans generally. The BHHRG hates gypsies
just as the Nazis did.


Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former legal analyst for

Fox News who has said that “It’s hard for me to
believe that [7 World Trade Center] came down by
itself” and that the 9/11 attacks “couldn’t possibly
have been done the way the government told us.”
Ron Paul is the new Hitler and he is the new

The Nazi Willis Carto is a fan of Judge Andrew

Napolitano and this appeared on his website.

Focusing on FBI claims that since 9-11 it

has foiled multiple alleged terrorist plots
to kill Americans, Napolitano pointed out
that while there were some 20 such
incidents, three were interrupted by
private citizens who observed suspicious
activity. But the remaining 17 that were
“solved” by the feds all had a common
and reprehensible thread: They were
planned, plotted, controlled and carried
out by the federal government itself. Not
unlike the 1993 first attack on the World
Trade Center, the FBI had agents or

informants befriend young Muslim men by

luring them into cooperation with
encouragement about being “like-minded”
and anti-American. Then, of course, they
were arrested before any damage could
be done—followed by great hoopla the
next day. Napolitano also tackled Israel’s
prime role in promoting a United States
war against Iran, and this may have been
the final straw for those signing his
paycheck. The judge’s final guest and
source of information was Michael
Scheuer, the former chief of the CIA’s
Osama bin Laden-watching unit. While
Scheuer accepts the U.S. government
claim that bin Laden was the architect of
9-11, a point many researchers reject, he
is a courageous critic of Israel and its
U.S. lobby and, as Napolitano’s guest,
pointed out that a war against Iran
benefits Israel and Saudi Arabia but not
the United States.


Eric Margolis who says that “conclusive proof still

lacks” connecting Osama bin Laden to the 9/11
attacks and has speculated that the events could
have been “a plot by America’s far right or by Israel
or a giant cover-up.” Eric Margolis is the son of Henry
Margolis, a Jewish American industrialist, and
Nexhmie Zaimi, an Albanian Muslim journalist.
Margolis supports the Islamic Caucasian Emirate that
perpetrated the Boston Massacre. Margolis is a
supporter of terrorism and has been singled out by Al
Qaeda as some who can be trusted. He
characterizes Hamas and Islamic Jihad as
“Palestinian resistance groups” whose sole objective
is to resist Israeli occupation, not
menace America. This despite the fact that Margolis
is undoubtedly well aware that the stated goal of both
Hamas and Islamic Jihad is the total destruction
of Israel and its replacement with a radical Muslim
theocracy. Under this genocidal scenario, Israeli
Jews would be slaughtered and their survivors forced
to live under the brutal rule of their new Islamist


Southwestern Law School professor Butler Shaffer,

in an article for Rockwell’s site titled, “9/11 Was a
Conspiracy,” asks, “In light of the lies, forgeries,
cover-ups, and other deceptions leading to a ‘war’ in
Iraq, how can any intellectually honest person
categorically deny the possibility of the involvement
of American political interests in 9/11?” The current
practice of accusing the Iranian government of
warlike intentions in order to rationalize one's own
desires to attack that country is one example.

Shaffer blames Israel and America for 9/11, not the

Islamists. “Our wartime suffering is causally
connected with the suffering we inflict upon others. If
we are to understand the nature of our blood-stained
world, we must abandon our self-righteous definitions
of “good” and “evil” and see our problems in terms of
their interconnectedness. Only fools will accept the
“they hate us for our freedom and our values”
rationale for this war. The reality is that others hate
us for the wrongs our government has inflicted upon


them; and we hate those who retaliate against us for

such wrongs.

Walter Block, an neo-Confederate Jewish professor

of economics and fellow at the Mises Institute. He is
the mentally ill Jew who has replaced Murray
Rothbard as the Jew the crypto-Nazis keep around
for laughs. Block is nuts and his writing makes little
sense. Here he defends the rights of the Muslims to
threaten the artists who did caricatures of

However, there is a plethora of other

instances where this is not at all true. For
example, suppose some cartoons were
published that did not depict Muhammad
in an unflattering light, but, rather, blacks
with big lips shuffling along or tap
dancing, Jews with long noses looking
avaricious and holding bags of money, or
hordes of Orientals with a "yellow
menace" caption. If anything is clear, it is
that in most western nations such
caricatures would be deemed
"hate speech" and their authors clapped

into prison forthwith. The same applies to

the use of such words as "nigger," "kike,"
"spic," "chink," "wop," "greaser," "cunt,"
when used in an attempt to denigrate
certain favored groups of people.
("Honky" would not likely result in the
same fate.) And what of holocaust
denial? In many "progressive" nations
denying this historical event, or making
fun of it, is a violation of law. David Irving
now languishes in an Austrian prison for
engaging in his free speech rights on this
topic. An Islamic group in Holland posted
a cartoon of Hitler and Ann Frank in bed
with each other; but for the present
conflagration, this would have likely
resulted in a jail sentence for them.

An argument has been made by Kathleen

Parker that there is a dis-analogy here.
She says: "… the Nazis … were officially
sanctioned enforcers of immoral social
orders that used caricature to further
degrade and dehumanize beleaguered
minorities they ultimately murdered.
There is no equivalence between
organized murder on behalf of a
malignant social system and a-half-dozen
nerdy artists, speaking only for
themselves, lampooning a fanatical
religious sect…"


But David Irving is not a Nazi. He

murdered no one. He merely engaged in
press freedom, or free speech. The same
applies to those who use the racial and
sexual expletives mentioned above. Yes,
great evil was perpetrated by those who
used this denigrating language, and by
those who sported Nazi regalia. The
Nazis murdered millions (the Communists
murdered tens of millions; when Prince
Harry donned the swastika he was
roundly condemned; had he treated the
hammer and sickle in a similar manner, it
would have passed unremarked, but that
is another story). But it is still a logical
fallacy to claim that all who adopt their
regalia, mannerisms, goose-stepping,
etc., are equally guilty; even that they are
guilty of any crime at all. In my own
opinion, just as in the case of prostitution,
pornography, addictive drugs, these are
not nice things; but from the libertarian
perspective they are victimless crimes
and should not be punished by law, or
through extra-legal sanctions: rioting.


Michael Scheuer, a former CIA intelligence officer,

who blames Israel for Islamism. Block and Scheuer
are covered in this book.

Leverett has challenged Western conventional

wisdom on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign
policy and internal politics, documented the historical
record of previous Iranian cooperation with the United
States, and presented the seminal argument in
American foreign policy circles for a U.S.-Iranian

“grand bargain”. His new book, Going to Tehran: Why

the United States Must Come to Terms with the
Islamic Republic (also co-authored with Hillary Mann
Leverett), will be published in 2012.

The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study

of Anti-Semitism (YIISA) was founded in 2006. Its
purpose was to provide a scholarly approach to the
study of contemporary and historical anti- Semitism.
It was attached to Yale's Institution of Social and
Policy Studies. It was fully funded from private
contributions. Deputy Provost and Political Science
Professor Frances Rosenbluth served on the faculty
committee that reviewed YIISA's performance and
concluded that the university should close the center.
In recent years Rosenbluth appointed Iran-regime
apologists Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett to serve
as senior fellows at Yale's Jackson Institute for
Global Affairs. Last September the Leveretts brought
their students to New York to hold a seminar for them
with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Unlike the YIISA conference, the move did not
stimulate any significant controversy at the university.


Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Blasts 'Politicized' U.S.

Intelligence on Syria, Raises Prospect of Obama

Austrian economist Professor Robert Higgs in a

recent talk narrates of how US president Franklin D.
Roosevelt baited the Japanese into attacking the US
that paved way for America’s participation in World
War II.


Who knows why Paul dug up this retread but she

might still have some connection to the Intelligence
Community. Ron Paul knows every facet of American
society that exhibits Jew hating tendencies and he is
determined to unite them.



On March 11, 2012, according to

the Center For Public Integrity, the
Committee to Re-Elect Ron Paul
donated $150,000 to the Foundation
for Rational Economics and
Education, a nonprofit group Paul
himself founded in 1976, according
to documents filed with the Federal Election
Commission. Carol Paul, his wife, is the group's
president, IRS documents show. By law, political
campaign committees may contribute unlimited
surplus funds to 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofits such
as the Foundation for Rational Economics and

Education, and there's no prohibition on a former

candidate directing those funds to his or her own
charity. Although Ron’s Paul’s wife gets no salary his
daughter, Lori Pyeatt gets 60K a year for doing

Internal Revenue Code Section 4958. Taxes on

excess benefit transactions: Disqualified Persons

(4) Family members

The members of an individual's family shall be
determined under section 4946(d); except that such
members also shall include the brothers and sisters
(whether by the whole or half blood) of the individual
and their spouses.


Ron Paul is a crypto-Nazi and in office or out of

office he is a threat. He is not much of a doctor, and
will never make any great advances in medicine as
others, such as Louis Pasteur, have. But Ron Paul
thinks he knows better than Pasteur. Despite
scientific evidence that raw milk can harbor
dangerous microorganisms that can pose serious

health risks in 2013 Paul tacitly recommended raw

milk to his zombies. On May 11, 2011 Paul
introduced H.R. 1830, a bill that would effectively
overturn the federal prohibition on raw milk for human
consumption in interstate commerce. Paul, who had
introduced the same bill in the previous session of
Congress remarked, “Hard as it is to believe, the
federal government is actually spending time and
money prosecuting small businesses for the “crime”
of meeting their customer’s demand for
unpasteurized milk! Americans have the right to
consume these products without having the federal
government second-guess their judgment about what
products best promote health.” According to an
analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), between 1993 and 2006 more
than 1500 people in the United States became sick
from drinking raw milk or eating cheese made from
raw milk. In addition, CDC reported that
unpasteurized milk is 150 times more likely to cause
food-borne illness and results in 13 times more
hospitalizations than illnesses involving pasteurized
dairy products. This is Paul’s latest Nazi newsletter:



by Ron Paul


While I oppose most gun control

proposals, there is one group of
Americans I do believe should be
disarmed: federal agents. The use of
force by federal agents to enforce unjust
and unconstitutional laws is one of the
major, albeit overlooked, threats to liberty.
Too often Americans are victimized by
government force simply for engaging in
commercial transactions disproved of by
Congress and the federal bureaucracy.

Of course Paul wants to disarm Federal Agents.

He is a neo-Confederate who opposes a strong
central government. And who decides if these laws
are unjust, unconstitutional and a threat to liberty?
The Courts? No Ron Paul does. He will decide if the
laws are a threat to his version of liberty, “liberty” to
commit genocide.

For example, the offices of Rawesome

Foods in Venice, California, have been
repeatedly raided by armed federal and
state agents, and Rawesome’s founder,
65-year old James Stewart, has been
imprisoned. What heinous crime justified
this action? Rawesome sold
unpasteurized (raw) milk and cheese to
willing customers – in a state where raw
milk is legal! You cannot even drink milk
from a cow without a federal permit!

James Stewart jumped bail,

having failed to show up for two
court appearances. In one of cases,
he was out on a $30,000 bail in Los
Angeles County on charges of
illegally selling raw milk. In the other, he was out of a
$100,000 bail in Ventura County on charges of
illegally raising funds for Sharon Palmer’s Healthy
Family Farms, according to an article in The
Complete Patient. Stewart was into the notion of the
‘sovereign man,’ which urges people to claim their
‘Common Law Inherent Rights’ and defend
themselves against “all levels of abuse from
Government and Statutes.” Sharon Palmer supplies
Rawesome Foods with raw goat milk and other dairy
products from what is known as a ‘herdshare.’ Under
a herdshare arrangement, the members don’t
consider themselves as buying the milk since they
own the animals. Palmer has no license to sell raw
milk in California, a state which does allow retail
sales of raw milk but which also has very strict laws
governing raw-milk production and sales.

This is hardly the only case of federal

agents using force against those who
would dare meet consumer demand for
raw milk. In 2011 armed agents of the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

raided the business of Pennsylvanian

Amish farmer Dan Allgyer. Federal
agents wasted a whole year and who
knows how many millions of our tax
dollars posing as customers in order to
stop Allgyer from selling his raw milk to
willing customers.

On February 2, 2012 Federal District Court Judge

Lawrence F. Stengel ordered a permanent injunction
against dairy farmer Dan Allgyer prohibiting Allgyer
from distributing raw milk and raw milk products
across state lines; under Judge Stengel’s order, the
injunction was to be in place for a minimum of five
years Stengel found that Allgyer sold raw milk to
members of Grassfed On The Hill, a food buyers
club, at various distribution points in Maryland and
the District of Columbia in violation of federal labeling
laws (the milk containers Allgyer distributed were
unlabeled) and the federal regulation prohibiting raw
milk and raw milk products (other than raw cheese
aged at least 60 days) in interstate commerce. As a
result Allgyer closed down his operation.

The use of force against individuals

making choices not approved of by the
political elite does not just stop with raw
milk. The Natural News website has
documented numerous accounts of
federal persecution, including armed

raids, of health food stores and

alternative medical practitioners.

The Nazi newspaper Spotlight, that supported

Ron Paul ran stories like Peroxide for Improved
Health by T. Valentine, an interview with Fr. Richard
Willhelm, SPOTLIGHT, August, 1986. They
advertisers were the purveyors of quack cures.

These type of police state tactics used

against, among others, raw milk
producers, and alternative health
providers is justified by the paternalistic
attitude common in Washington, D.C. A
member of Congress actually once told
me that, “The people need these types of
laws because they do not know what is

good for them.” This mindset fuels the

growth of the nanny state and inevitably
leads to what C.S. Lewis said may be the
worst from of tyranny “…a tyranny
exercised for the good of its victims.”

All Americans, even if they do not believe

it is a wise choice to drink raw milk should
be concerned about the use of force to
limit our choices. This is because there is
no limiting principle to the idea that the
government force is justified if used “for
our own good.” Today it is those who sell
raw milk who are being victimized by
government force, tomorrow it could be
those who sell soda pop or Styrofoam
cups. Therefore, all Americans should
speak out against these injustices.

African Americans between the ages of 20 and 39

were shown to have the most fast food and
supersized non-diet soda in their diet when compared
with their Caucasian and Hispanic counterparts, as
one-fifth of their calorie intake came from quick
service restaurants. Just another part of Ron’s Paul’s
ridden racist agenda.


Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle (April 8, 1974 –

February 2, 2013) was a Navy SEAL and the most
lethal sniper in American military history, with 160
confirmed kills (out of 255 claimed kills). He was shot
and killed in a rifle range on February 2, 2013, in
Texas, while trying to help another vet get over
PTSD. People were shocked at this tweet but I was
not. I know Paul is a Nazi so for him Jews are the
cause of all the misery in the world. Since Kyle shot
the enemies of the Jews, Kyle became Paul’s enemy.
After he got heat for this remark he wrote, “As a
veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's
violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and
sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr.
Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars
have endless unintended consequences. A policy of
non-violence, as Christ preached, would have
prevented this and similar tragedies.” But one week
later he was back to his original position: “The
warning that "he who lives by the sword dies by the

sword" goes not only for individuals but for entire

societies. It is a warning to all of us. A country or a
society that lives with the violence of pre-emptive war
in fact self-destructs.” If you have info on Ron Paul
contact me at




I first became aware of the Nazi termite

Ron Paul in the late 1970’s through the
Spotlight, a weekly crypto-Nazi
newspaper published by a Nazi front
group known as Liberty Lobby. The
Spotlight repeatedly featured Ron Paul. I
learned about the existence of Liberty Lobby through
Phil Fellows, a rightwing libertarian who let me crash
at Grover Norquist’s National Taxpayers Union
townhouse. Norquist is now a big Paul supporter5 and
a supporter of Muslim candidates for political office.
At this time in my life I worked as a Congressional
investigator in Washington, D.C. It was in this
rightwing milieu that, in 1974, Phil took me to the


Liberty Lobby office at 300 Independence Avenue so

I could display pictures of two tramps that were
picked up from a freight train parked at the back of
the Texas School Book Depository an hour after the
Kennedy assassination. I pointed out their
resemblance to CIA contract agent Frank Fiorini
Sturgis and CIA official Everette Howard Hunt. Both
of these men had gained notoriety after have been
involved in Watergate.6 In fact the CIA spook Howard
Hunt’s identity and photograph had been revealed for
the first time as a result of Watergate.


6. Spotlight got into a legal battle with E. Howard Hunt about Hunt’s role in
the Kennedy assassination after they published an article by Victor
Marchetti that quoted a James Angleton memo that read, “Someday we
are going to have to account for Howard Hunt’s presence in Dallas on
November 22, 1963. This author was also sued by E. Howard Hunt over a
similar issue.


The Liberty Lobby staff was pleased by my

discovery as it could prove highly detrimental to the
CIA. After I discovered they were Nazis I realized
these vermin hated CIA because some of its agents
and officials had been in the OSS7 and because it
was pro-Israel. They asked me who I was. When I
told them my name was Alan Jules Weberman, one
man said “You mean Alan Jew Weberman?” This
outburst of Jew hatred aroused my interest in Liberty
Lobby and while working for Congressman Henry
Gonzalez, a Democrat from San Antonio, Texas and

7. Office of Strategic Services – the precursor to the CIA that fought the
Nazis during the Second World War


an associate of Representative Ron Paul on the

House Banking and Currency Committee, I began to
listen to Liberty Lobby’s radio broadcasts every
morning before going to work at the National
Archives. I couldn’t believe my ears. It was pure Nazi
propaganda. The putrid corpses of Father Coughlin
and Gerald L. K. Smith had been resurrected!

When Liberty Lobby announced

it was coming out with a weekly
publication called The Spotlight I
sent in a money order and
subscribed under a fictitious
name. I became a weekly reader of this vile Nazi rag
for counter-intelligence purposes. I vividly remember
reading the list of those who attended Spotlight and
Liberty Lobby functions and there was always this
man with two first names, Ron Paul. Republican
Congressman Ron Paul this and Ron Paul that.
Congressman Ron Paul will be at the Populist Party
(the political arm of Liberty Lobby) Convention along
with David Duke the 1988 Populist Party presidential
candidate. Congressman Ron Paul will be attending
the dinner for Spotlight economist Martin Larson. On
and on! It reminded me of an old Jackie Gleason bit
where he would read a list of names and then add
“and of course the ever popular Mae Busch!” a silent
movie star that few had heard of. Ron Paul was so

loyal and supportive of Liberty Lobby that he was

given an honorary dinner by it. That was because
Ron Paul shared its Nazi beliefs because he was,
and is, a clever calculating Liberty Lobby / Spotlight
type Nazi, a Nazi without a swastika, bent on the
mass murder of the Jewish people and on sending
the Blacks back to Africa. Paul doesn’t look the part
no screaming speeches – no Hitler mustache - and
that’s one of the reasons for his success. Another
reason people don’t recognize him for what he is
because he is a pediatrician; however Cuban terrorist
Orlando Bosch and Islamist terrorist Ayman al-
Zawahari were also pediatricians.

Back in the 1970’s I reasoned, ‘Okay the Nazis

have one representative in the U. S. Congress that
no one has ever heard of.’ I wasn’t that worried. At
one time the Nazis had many more but were still
unsuccessful: Republican Senator Gerald Nye of
North Dakota, Senator Burton Wheeler of Montana,
and Rep. Martin Dies of Texas were all Nazi
sympathizers if not Nazis. But in retrospect I should
have been very worried. A cancer can start as a tiny

So I’ve known for over thirty years that the Nazis

at Spotlight were Paul’s greatest supporters and he
was their de facto Congressional Representative.

After Paul failed to get re-elected and went on a

speaking tour Spotlight made sure he got the money
he needed to finance his campaign by giving them
their mailing list so he could return to public office.

Spotlight and Liberty Lobby was

old school Nazi, 1930’s to 1940’s
Third Reich Nazi, the residue of
the Nazi intelligence and
propaganda network that
operated before, during and after
the Second World War. They
were different from swastika wearing neo-Nazis like
George Lincoln Rockwell (seen on the left next to
Dan Burroughs, a Nazi who turned out to be a Jew)
and his crew of misfits and in the long run proved to
be more dangerous. Many of the Spotlight policy
board members had been interred, often secretly, as
Nazi spies during the war by the Justice Department
then released after the war ended as they were no
longer considered a threat to national security and
might prove valuable in the Cold War. Ron Paul
wrote that he opposed their interment:

As far back as the Civil War, World War I,

and World War II, very often speaking out
on political issues was met with law
enforcement officials actually charging

them with crimes and even having

individuals imprisoned.

The Spotlight scum were

spies right out of the movie
The House on 92nd Street.
Spotlight contributor Conrad
Grieb was interred by the
Justice Department as a
suspected Nazi spy during World War II. As
documented in the book Undercover by John Roy
Carlson8 Grieb ran the Nazi office in Harlem, hoping
to recruit “Negros.” Conrad Grieb was the author of
numerous articles that claimed it was impossible for
two million Jews to have been killed by diesel engine
exhaust. The Jewish Defense Organization tracked
Conrad Grieb down then paid him a visit on the
Upper East Side of Manhattan. Grieb was no longer a
member of New York City’s social elite class as he
was in the 1940’s. He lived on the fifth floor of a six
floor walk up. One individual gained entrance to the
denied area and pounded on his door. Greib called
the cops then went up the fire escape to the roof. He
began throwing stuff down at us so we ducked under
some scaffolding split up and left before the police



Eustace Mullins, a prominent

Spotlight contributor, was a
confident of the traitorous fascist
poet and propagandist Ezra
Pound. Mullins did a book on
Pound and visited him in the
mental hospital Pound was sent to after the war –
Pound belonged in a federal prison for the act of
treason because Pound had made anti-American
broadcasts from Rome but his influential literary
friends had him committed instead. Mullins, who
blamed the Federal Reserve Bank for everything evil
in the world, was a classic Jew-hating piece of crap.
In The Biological Jew he wrote that

This religious ceremony of drinking the

blood of an innocent gentile child is basic
to the Jew's entire concept of his
existence as a parasite, living off of the
blood of the host.9

Pro-Paul websites promote Mullins lies:

Eustace Mullins Interview! This is

quite an interesting interview from a man
who introduced the world to the reality of



the Federal Reserve. At the urging of

poet Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins began
scouring the Library of Congress for two
years to write his book, Secrets of the
Federal Reserve. Mullins is a bit critical of
Ron Paul, and he also claims that G.
Edward Griffin has ripped him off
tremendously. All in all good, challenging
food for thought. Gnostic Media Podcast
#045 - A Bona Fide Conspiracy10

Tyler Kent, who was imprisoned in the

Tower of London during the war for
treason was employed by Spotlight.
Kent was born in Manchuria where his
father was a U.S. Consul. Eventually,
through his father’s connections, he
joined the State Department and was
posted to the U.S. embassy in London. There, he
became responsible for encoding and decoding Top
Secret messages. With a position which required him
to encode and decode sensitive telegrams, Kent had
access to a wide range of secret documents,
especially the communications between Churchill and
Roosevelt, and he stole many of them. He also
became politically active in support of the front group



known as The America First Committee. On May 18,

1940, Ambassador Joseph Kennedy was informed of
Kent’s treason, and agreed to waive diplomatic
immunity against Kent. On May 20, 1940 Kent was
arrested in a dawn raid at his flat. When officers of
MI5 inspected the flat, they found 1,929 official
documents: besides Churchill’s cables, there was a
book containing the names of people under
surveillance by Special Branch and MI5. Searchers
also found keys to the U.S. Embassy code room.
Kent was specifically charged with stealing
documents that “might be directly or indirectly useful
to an enemy.” On October 23, 1940 Kent was tried in
camera in the Old Bailey. On November 7, 1940 he
was convicted of treason and sentenced to seven
years imprisonment. Ed Delaney indicted for treason
amid charges of working with the Nazi foreign office
worked for Liberty Lobby and Spotlight. Delaney was
a Nazi English-speaking propagandist broadcasting
from Berlin so he fit right in at Spotlight the post-war
Nazi propaganda organ.11



Spotlight and its Holocaust denying creation, the

Institute for Historical Review, maintained
relationships with Nazi officers from World War II.
When he died in 1994, the Belgian Nazi Leon
Degrelle (seen above with Hitler and Himmler), who
commanded an SS Division during World War II, was
memorialized as a "friend of Institute for Historical
Review." Indeed, until he died, the unrepentant Nazi
Degrelle published long essays lauding Hitler in
the Journal of Historical Review. The Journal also
published articles admiring Hitler by Nazi General
Otto Ernst Remer, who was instrumental in
keeping der Führer in power after the failed
assassination attempt against him in 1944, and who
was a featured speaker at the eighth Institute for
Historical Review conference in 1987. The Journal
featured articles by other, lesser-known Nazi scum as
well. Another part of the Institute for Historical Review
/ Spotlight group was Noontide Press. Noontide

Press publishes and disseminates Nazi and anti-

Semitic classics such as The Protocols of the Elders
of Zion, Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries and David
Duke's My Awakening. On audio cassette tape the
titles include: Luftwaffe Songs and Stormtrooper
Marches. Noontide Press's Web site offers full text
versions of Mein Kampf and The International Jew,
and an almost-complete reproduction in English of
Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher's 1934 German
children's book, The Poisonous Mushroom, including
its caricatured illustrations of Jews and its obscene
nursery rhymes.

Just like Ron Paul, under the guise of

libertarianism Spotlight, among other things, railed
against the prosecution of Nazi war criminals,
promoted the David Duke Congressional campaign,
claimed the Mossad was responsible for everything
you can imagine, claimed the Israeli attack on the
USS Liberty was deliberate, targeted every Jewish
politician they could locate and started the Holocaust
denying Institute for Historical Review. While all this
propaganda was being disseminated Ron Paul was
prominently featured in the Spotlight as you can see



These vermin were the same scum whose

masters in Germany were able to mass murder at
least six million of my people including my relatives in
Hungary. The Jewish race had better take these old
school Nazis seriously because they have proven to
be adept at what they do. It is no accident that Paul
has become the most dangerous Nazi in America.

These are America’s smartest, most devious Nazis.

Their longevity makes them even more dangerous as
they wait in the wings for their moment to come when
the economy collapses, when political turmoil
becomes the rule. These maggots’ crypto-Nazi
identities became a must because most Americans
don’t want any part of German WW II Nazism since
Americans died in WWII and Nazism involved the
systematic killing women and children. As a result
Paul has countless Americans fooled into believing
he is something other than what he really is, which is
a potential genocidal maniac.

Unfortunately, the media describes Ron Paul as a

“libertarian” when in reality he is as far from liberty as
you can get – there isn’t any liberty under Nazism or
Fascism unless you call liberty the right to kill Jews,
deport Blacks and other such dark pursuits. Just as
Ron Paul claims to a libertarian Spotlight claimed to
be a “Libertarian” publication thus the name Liberty
Lobby. Spotlight threw all their support behind Paul.
Do you think Spotlight would support anyone other
than a Nazi? “Liberty” is one of Paul’s favorite words.
It is a dog whistle term and means right of one,
emancipation from alleged Jewish political and
economic domination and influence that, according to
the Nazi Paul, are at the root of all of America’s

Some American Jews realize where Paul is

coming from. In 1998 the Republican National
Committee declared: "There is no room in the party of
Lincoln for a Klansman like David Duke."12 The
Republican National Committee never issued a
similar statement regarding Ron Paul, however, the
conservative Republican Jewish Coalition declined to
invite Ron Paul to its presidential candidates forum.
Executive Director Matthew Brooks stated:

As Americans who are committed to a

strong and vigorous foreign policy, we are
deeply concerned about the prospective
presidential campaign of Congressman
Ron Paul. While Rep. Paul plans to run
as a Republican, his views and past
record place him far outside of the
Republican mainstream. His candidacy,
as we've seen in his past presidential
campaigns, will appeal to a very narrow
constituency in the U.S. electorate.
Throughout his public service, Paul has
espoused a dangerous isolationist vision
for the U.S. and our role in the world. He
has been a virulent and harsh critic of



Israel during his tenure in Congress. Most

recently Paul gave an interview in which
he voiced his objection to the recent
killing of Osama Bin Laden.13

Paul admires Osama. According to Paul:

Let there be no doubt, for every terrorist

identified, others will see only a freedom
fighter. That was the case when we aided
Osama bin Laden in the 1980s. He was a
member of the Mujahedeen, and they
were the freedom fighters waging a just
war against the Soviet army. Of course,
now he is our avowed enemy. A broad
definition of terrorism outside the
understanding of those who attacked the
United States opens a Pandora’s Box in
our foreign policy commitments.14



Then there is the Republican component to Paul’s

Nazi cover. How can someone be a Republican and
a Nazi at the same time? Well, Herbert Hoover had a
special relationship with Adolf Hitler and met with him
in 1938. Hoover was a covert supporter of the
German fuehrer. Hoover would oppose America’s
involvement in World War II and fight against FDR’s
Lend Lease program to aid Britain. He assured
everyone that Hitler would soon conquer Europe and
it was better to be his friend. Hoover was the behind
the scenes power of the America First Committee,
leaving the public face to Charles Lindbergh.
According to FDR, there could be no doubt that
Lindbergh was a Nazi. Lindbergh was finally exposed
when he gave his famous anti-Semitic, America First
speech in Iowa. After the speech, which blamed the
Jews for the world’s unrest, Hoover invited Lindbergh


up to his hotel suite at the Waldorf Astoria and

praised him.15





As stated, Ron Paul is a Frankensteinian creation

of Spotlight and Liberty Lobby. Willis Carto created
both these entities that trace back to an organization
intent on sending American blacks back to Africa.
Starting in October 1966 two American journalists,
Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson, published a
series of stories under The Washington Merry-go-
round that recounted the findings of a former Liberty
Lobby employee, Jeremy Horne. Horne said he had
discovered a box of correspondence between Liberty
Lobby leader, Willis Carto (photo above) and
numerous government officials establishing the Joint
Council of Repatriation, a forerunner organization to

the Liberty Lobby. The Joint Council of Repatriation

stated that their fundamental purpose was to
"repatriate" blacks "back to Africa.” Ex-Mississippi
Supreme Court Justice Tom Brady and various
members of the White Citizens’ Councils who had
worked to establish the Joint Council of Repatriation,
also contributed to the founding of Liberty Lobby.
Justice Tom P. Brady was the cracker barrel
philosopher of Mississippi's racist white Citizens'
Councils and the author of Black Monday, a Negro-
baiting tract attacking the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954
school desegregation decision.16 In Black Monday
Brady wrote,

Whenever and wherever the white man

has drunk the cup of black hemlock,
whenever and wherever his blood has
been infused with the blood of the Negro,
the white man, his intellect and culture
have died.17

Brady, then a state Circuit Court judge, insisted

that the Brown v Board of Education decision was
"not the law of the land." Other correspondence
referred to U.S. Congressional support for the
emerging Liberty Lobby, such as from South Carolina


Senator Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat presidential

candidate in 1948) and California U.S.
Representative James B. Utt. Utt made national news
by suggesting that “a large contingent of barefooted
Africans” might be training in Georgia as part of a
United Nations military exercise to take over the
United States. Utt also believed sex education was a
communist plot!18

Willis Carto created Ron Paul. In 1974 Paul

started out as a delegate to the Texas state
Republican convention and was also an unsuccessful
candidate for election to the 94th Congress. In 1976
he was elected as a Republican to the 94th
Congress, by special election to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of United States
Representative Robert R. Casey. He was there from
April 3, 1976 to January 3, 1977. He was an
unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the 95th
Congress in 1976. He was elected to the 96th and to
the 97th 98th Congresses from January 3, 1979 to
January 3, 1985.

He was not a candidate for reelection to the

House of Representatives in 1984, but was an
unsuccessful candidate for nomination to the United
States Senate. He was elected to the 105th and to the


seven succeeding Congresses from January 3, 1997

to the present. He was an unsuccessful candidate for
the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

The Spotlight started publication in September

1975 and was immediately successful, increasing in
circulation annually until it peaked in 1981 at an
average paid run of more than 330,000 per week.
Paul was unsuccessful at getting re-elected in 1976,
but as the Spotlight became more powerful so did
Ron Paul. Ed Crane, the president of the Cato
Institute, reported that Ron Paul told him that “his
best source of congressional campaign donations
was the mailing list for the Spotlight.”19 The Louisiana
Coalition against Racism and Nazism revealed that
the Liberty Lobby was a key David Duke backer in his
successful 1989 run for the state legislature,
providing him a 100,000-name mailing list and direct-
mail expertise. A Liberty Lobby staffer, Trisha Katson,
also worked for Duke around that time.20 The
Spotlight got Paul back in office and kept him office –
in retrospect for good reason – so that their protégée
could become the most dangerous Nazi in America.


In 1985 Paul began selling newsletters. The main

source of subscribers to the Ron Paul newsletter
came from Spotlight, where it was heavily advertised.
People paid $100 a year to get the views of a former
United States Congressman and unsuccessful
candidate for nomination to the United States Senate.
The newsletters were written from the first person.
They had an air of authenticity about them and
contained numerous anecdotes about Congressman
Paul’s experiences in Washington. It is no stretch for
him to have written them as he has subsequently
written numerous books. Paul made more than a
million dollars from this venture. If Ron Paul didn’t
write at least some part of them he would have been
guilty of mail fraud. But he did have help.

In 2001, Paul took “moral responsibility” for the

comments printed in his newsletter under his name,
telling Texas Monthly magazine that the comments
were written by an unnamed ghostwriter and did not
represent his views.

I could never say this in the campaign,

but those words weren’t really written by

me. It wasn’t my language at all. Other

people help me with my newsletter as I
travel around. I think the one on Barbara
Jordan was the saddest thing, because
Barbara and I served together and
actually she was a delightful lady. We
wanted to do something on affirmative
action, and it ended up in the newsletter
and became personalized. I never
personalize anything. They were never
my words, but I had some moral
responsibility for them. I actually really
wanted to try to explain that it doesn’t
come from me directly, but they
[campaign aides] said that’s too

Content analysis of the newsletters reveals an

uncanny contemporaneous resemblance to articles in
the Spotlight leading me to believe that Spotlight
publisher Willis Carto, and not Paul’s associate Lew
Rockwell,22 ghost wrote some parts of them. Carto
had plenty of experience writing newsletters and his


22. In 2008, Rockwell denied in an interview with the New Republic that he
was Paul’s ghostwriter.


office was a few blocks from the Capitol and House

Office Building. In 1955, Carto began publication of
the monthly Right Newsletter and established the
Research Department of Liberty Lobby, which began
publication of Liberty Letter in 1960.

The newsletters mirrored Spotlight’s often

republished Nazi propaganda in regard to the alleged
innocence of accused Nazi war criminals John
Demjanjuk and Andrija Artukovic:

There is plenty of evidence that John

Demanjuk — an American deported to
Israel who may be executed there – is
innocent of the crimes with which he was
charged by the U.S. Justice Department’s
Office of Special Investigations (OSI), in
part with the use of KGB-generated
documents. And now there is also

evidence that Andrija Artukovic, who died

in a Communist Yugoslavian prison at
age 88 after being deported, was not the
war criminal he was portrayed by the OSI
to be. Thanks to Congressman Bill
Dannemeyer and Dave Drier, both
California Republicans, the Justice
Department’s Office of Professional
Responsibility is now looking into
misconduct by the OSI. It’s too late for
Artukovic, but maybe we can use it to
quench the anti-German bigotry that the
Nazi specter is used to stir up.

After all, the Nazis ruled Germany for 12

years a long time ago. The Germans are
a great people. I’m sick of anti-
Germanism, which is not – needless to
say – a hate crime. In fact, it is – like anti-
whitism and anti-Christianism – an
approved belief. How about a German
Anti-Defamation League?

In May 2011 a German court sentenced John

Demjanjuk to five years in prison for his role in the
killing of 27,900 Jews at a Nazi death camp but Ron
Paul knows better. During World War II Andrija
Artuković was named the Minister of the Interior in

the newly formed Nazi Serbian puppet government.

As such Artuković was closely involved in the mass
murder of Serbs, Jews, Roma and the opening
of concentration camps such as Jasenovac. There is
no doubt as to his guilt. After the war he escaped via
Switzerland to Ireland and then finally to California,
where he lived until the mid-1980s. His extradition
was requested by the Yugoslav (Serbian) authorities
to be put on the trial for war crimes. The court in
Zagreb sentenced him to death on May 14, 1986.
These are the mass murdering vermin Paul claims
were innocent. Only someone who condones
genocide like Paul would have sympathy for these
two evil murderers.


As they did in this newsletter Paul and Carto

frequently quoted Paul's "old colleague,"
Representative William Dannemeyer -- who
advocated quarantining people with AIDS--praising
him for "speaking out fearlessly despite the organized
power of the gay lobby." Dannemeyer once
compared Nelson Mandela to Willie Horton, read
graphic homosexual acts on the floor of Congress,
and infamously claimed that airborne spores caused
AIDS, a disease he said was "God’s way of punishing

The Spotlight supported the candidacy of the

racist swine David Duke and Duke appeared at
many of their events. Duke was a KKK Grand Wizard
and a member of the American Nazi Party. Duke:

Jews are trying to exterminate our race. I

think, probably in a moral sense, the

Jewish people have been a blight. And

they probably deserve to go into the
ashbin of history. But saying that and
actually shooting or killing people in
masses, are two different things. I'm not
advocating extermination. I think the best
thing is to resettle them in someplace
where they can't exploit others. And I
don't think they can live among
themselves, I really don't. Let's put it this
way. I question whether 6 million Jews
actually died in Nazi death camps. There
are two major sources for Holocaust
stories. One is the Nuremburg war-crimes
trial, which has been shown by all honest
historians to be a farce of justice. Another
source is the great body of literature and
media work, and at least 90% of that
material is from biased Jewish sources. 23

Ron Paul supported David Dukes bid to become a

United States Senator:

The Duke Victory

David Duke received 44% of the vote in

the Senate primary race I in Louisiana,

23. Evelyn Rich interview, February 1986


60% of the white vote, and 9% of the

block vote. This totaled 100,000 more
votes than the current governor when he

Duke lost the election. but he scared the

blazes out of the Establishment. If the
official Republican hadn't been ordered to
drop out, he might have won. Certainly
there would have boon a run-off.

Duke’s platform called for tax cuts, no

quotas, no affirmative action, no welfare
and no busing. "Tonight, we concede the
election" he said. "But we will never
concede our fight for equal rights for all

To many voters, this seems like just plain

good sense. Duke carried baggage from
his past but the voters were willing to
overlook that. And if he had been
afforded the forgiveness an ex-
communist gets, he might have von.

Liberal columnists like Richard Cohen of

the Washington Post say he got so "many
votes because Louisianans were racist
and ignorant. Baloney.


David Broder, also of the Post and

equally liberal, writing on an entirely
different subject, had it right: “No one
wants to talk about (race) publicly, but if
you ask any campaign consultant or
pollster privately, you can confirm the sad
reality that a great many working-class
and middle-class white Americans are far
less hostile to the rich and their tax
breaks, than they are to the poor and
minorities with their welfare and
affirmative-action programs.”

Liberals are notoriously blind to the

sociological effects of their own
programs. David Duke was hurt by his
past. How many more Dukes are there
waiting in the wings without such a taint?


The Nazi waiting in the wings with less baggage

is Ron Paul himself, as he never openly donned the
swastika or a Klan robe as David Duke did, as shown
in the photographs on the previous page. Liberty
Lobby and Spotlight helped start the Populist Party,
which ran Duke as its presidential candidate in 1988.
In that race, Duke received 48,267 votes across the


The Ron Paul Survival Newsletter accused Israel

of being the perpetrator behind the bombing of a
Berlin Disco.

A LEAD BALLOON to the Reagan

administration for lying about the bombing
of Libya and attempted killing of Khadafy.
It was clear at the time that this
unconstitutional act of war was a
trumped-up affair for U.S. political
reasons, and now it turns out – according
to the West German police – that there is
no “Libyan connection” with the woman
who bombed the disco in Berlin, killing a
U. S. soldier and triggering the Libyan
raid. If anything, she was in cahoots with
Syria, or Israel’s Mossad, which always
seeks to stir up anti-Arab feeling here.

Paul had the same Spotlight line that the Mossad

was behind terrorism and was running false flag
operations. Paul knew better than a Berlin court that
convicted four Libyan-connected terrorists in the
1986 bombing of a West Berlin disco that killed two
U.S. soldiers and a Turkish woman. The court said
the bombing was planned by members of the Libyan
secret service and workers at the Libyan Embassy in
then-East Berlin.


The Spotlight constantly ran articles about the

USS Liberty accusing Israel of deliberately attacking
the American ship. A Spotlight report of November
21, 1977 purported to implicate the CIA's counter-
intelligence chief, James J. Angleton, in having
conspired with Israel in orchestrating the attack on
the Liberty.

An Israeli loyalist who headed the CIA's

liaison with Israel's intelligence agency,
the Mossad, and who also played a key
role in helping Israel develop its nuclear
arsenal (in defiance of President John F.
Kennedy), Angleton believed the
destruction of the Liberty could be used
as a "Pearl Harbor" or "Remember the
Maine" type incident to inflame American
passions against the Arabs.

Paul took the same line in his newsletter:

A Hero Honors Heroes

Marine hero Pete McCloskey, my former

colleague in the House, has always been
a man of courage. The most recent
example was his dedication of a new
public library in Grafton, Wisconsin.


Courage to dedicate a library? Yes,

because of a massive and vituperative
campaign against the private donors who
raised more than a million dollars for the
town’s new library and then named it in
honor of the U.S.S. Liberty. This is the
first memorial to the 34 dead and the 171
wounded American sailors from the
Liberty, which was deliberately assaulted
by Israeli torpedo rocket, and machine
gun fire in 1967 to disguise Israel’s sneak
attack on Syria.. The U.S. flag was flying,
and previous Israeli reconnaissance
flights had identified the ship as
American. Not one of the survivors, not
one U.S. official (at least when talking off
the record), doubts the attack was
deliberate. It went on for hours, and
included strafing of wounded sailors in a
lifeboat. But the sailors and their ship
might have fallen off the edge of the
earth, for all the attention they got. It was
down the memory hole.


`A 1995 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report,

speculated that the federal government bombed the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.24

Oklahoma City

We're far from knowing everything, or

even many things, about the horrific
bombing of the Oklahoma City federal

The latest rumors are tying this to the

private militias. Is the government-media
combine set to smear everyone who
questions the wonderfulness of the
federal government? That’s clearly their
plan, whether or not the criminal
responsible turn out to be “right-wing

Some people even think that the

government itself could have been
responsible. Certainly it has been worried
about its waning authority and respect



among the people, and such an event

builds up the central government.

The government would not use its own

agents, these people say. Spy agencies
frequently use false-flag recruitment. That
is, the crazed men recruited into a 'right-
wing' terrorist cell would not know they
were actually working for the BAT, for

Spotlight ran a similar story:

No Way' Truck Bomb Destroyed Murrah

By Mike Blair

An Oklahoma grand jury has heard more

evidence suggesting the federal
government has covered up many facts
about the Murrah building bombing.

Retired Air Force Gen. Benton K. Partin

has told the Oklahoma County grand jury
there is no way a crude bomb consisting
of a mixture of ammonium nitrate fertilizer
and fuel oil (ANFO) was responsible for
the 1995 destruction of the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Office Building in
Oklahoma City. Partin said he believes

four separate charges, placed within the

building, were responsible for the
devastation. The Justice Department
contends a single ANFO bomb built within
a Ryder rental truck and parked in front of
the building destroyed it.25

“Four separate charges, placed within the

building?” Sound familiar? “Internal demolition?” This
is what the 9/11 revisionists claimed took place six
years later when the World Trade Center was

The Spotlight contained

numerous articles declaring the
innocence of Ernst Zundel, a
Holocaust denying fat Nazi swine.
This made sense as Willis Carto had
started the Institute for Historical
Review (IHR) the first organization dedicated to
Holocaust denial. Carto even sent Holocaust denier
Bradley Smith to Canada in 1984 to cover the trial of
Zundel for The Spotlight. Ernst Zundel was deported
from Canada and convicted of Holocaust denial in
Germany. He described his captivity to The Spotlight
saying, "I was held in solitary confinement with no



windows, a light burning around the clock and a

peephole....Sort of how Rudolf Hess was treated."
Zundel spoke at numerous Holocaust denial Nazi
conferences sponsored by Willis Carto. This is from
the Ron Paul Newsletter:

Would the New Republic, which has been

sickeningly pompous on Rushdie and in
its hymns to secular humanism, defend
things it would find heretical? The answer
is no. This liberal magazine has past
defended Canada’s “anti-hate” law, which
was used to fine and jail a Canadian
author, Ernst Zundel, who questioned the
historical reality of the Holocaust. Liberal
newspapers like the Washington
Post and the Boston Globe have also
praised the Canadian law and this
prosecution. I’ll believe Establishment
liberals are really committed to free
speech when I see Norman Mailer and
his cohorts wearing “I am Ernst Zundel”
buttons and holding readings of his

I personally am offended by writings

advocating fascism, socialism,
Communism, and other forms of special-

interest big government. Many people

understandably find Zundel’s writings
offensive. But his case is no different in
principle from Rushdie’s, except that
Zundel is poor and in jail, and Rushdie is
rich and protected.

So there it is in black and white, under the guise

of “free speech” Paul defended another Nazi like
himself. Note how anti-hate law appears in
quotations. He called Zundel a “Canadian author who
questioned the reality of the Holocaust” and not a
Nazi. He wanted to have readings of his works! Note
that Paul is offended by a bunch of other isms but not
offended by Nazism. “Special interest big
government” is another way of saying Zionist
Occupational Government.

More evidence that Paul parrots

the Spotlight, Liberty Lobby line

comes from Eric Rittberg (who is half-Jewish on his

mother’s side). Rittberg was a former Senior Aide to
US Congressman Ron Paul who defected. From
1997 to 2003 he was Campaign Coordinator for Ron
Paul for Congress, from 1995 to 1996 he was the
National Organizer of Draft Ron Paul for President
Committee, and from 1991 to 1992 he was Travel
Aide then Personal Assistant to Paul who was the
Libertarian Candidate for President from 1987 to
1988. Rittberg was a top aide to Ron Paul for 17
years until he left the fold to run against Paul. Paul
wrote this, “Eric, your enthusiasm for liberty is
infectious. Stay that way. Your help is deeply
appreciated-- US Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX).”

Mark Lane, a Jew who worked for Spotlight,

claimed Willis Carto never said a bad word about
Jews. Rittberg stated:

Ron Paul is most assuredly an

isolationist. He denies this charge
vociferously. But I can tell you straight
out, I had countless arguments
discussions with him over his personal
views. For example, he strenuously does
not believe the United States had any
business getting involved fighting Hitler in
WW II. He expressed to me countless

times, that 'saving the Jews,' was

absolutely none of our business. When
pressed, he often times brings up
conspiracy theories like FDR knew about
the attacks of Pearl Harbor weeks before
hand, or that WW II was just 'blowback,'
for Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy
errors, and such.26

Numerous repetitive articles appeared in Spotlight

that claimed Pearl Harbor was orchestrated by FDR
to get America involved in World War II. Over and
over again Ron Paul’s thought is nothing but pure
Spotlight Nazi ideology. That is why Ron Paul, like
the Spotlight scum that created him, is determined to
create a situation where millions of Jews are
murdered. He is a filthy Nazi pig and he must be
stopped. Paul betrayed his Nazism when he told
Congress that America fought on the wrong side
during World War II:

Any academic discussion questioning the

wisdom of our policies surrounding World
War II is met with shrill accusations of
anti-Semitism and Nazi lover. No one is
ever even permitted, without derision by



the media, the university intellectuals and

the politicians, to ask why the United
States allied itself with the murdering
Soviets and then turned over Eastern
Europe to them while ushering in a 45-
year saber-rattling, dangerous Cold War

America should have aligned itself

with the Axis Powers? That is the
implication here. There is no doubt
in this researchers mind that if “Herr
Von Paul” existed in a different era
he would have been part of The
America First Committee or the
German-American Bund two Nazi front groups. The
America First Committee preached “isolationism”
before World War II. The America First Committee
was really not isolationist – they were a Nazi-financed
front group put in place to keep America out of World
War II so that Germany could defeat Russia and
England. One of America First’s leaders was the
aviator Laura Ingalls. During World War II she was
arrested and charged with being an un-registered
agent of the Nazi German government, and though
she always claimed she had been acting on her own



as an anti-Nazi spy, she was convicted and

imprisoned for twenty months.28 Father Thomas
Coughlin, another prominent American Firster, was
charged with sedition during World War II. Compare
the America First Committee four basic principles
with those of Ron Paul:

 AMERICA FIRST: The United States

must build an impregnable defense for

 PAUL: The United States must build an

impregnable missile defense for America.
Paul: “Preparedness is a word that has
been thrown around a lot recently, but it
begs the question ‘prepared for what?’ No
nation attacked ours, no nation has
threatened ours, no sane leader would do
so as it would be the death warrant of his
own nation, his own people, and likely his
own self. We are prepared to repel an
attack and meet force with force but not
necessarily to protect our nation and the
populace. We are still vulnerable to a
missile attack and have done little to
protect against such a possibility.”

28. The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century, Wall

Street and ... By Glen Yeadon, John Hawkins-page 161


 AMERICA FIRST: No foreign power, nor

group of [Axis] powers, can successfully
attack a prepared America.

 PAUL: No foreign power like Iran can

successfully attack a prepared fortress

 AMERICA FIRST: American democracy

can be preserved only by keeping out of
the European war.

 PAUL: American democracy can be

preserved only by keeping out of the
Israeli-Iranian war.

 AMERICA FIRST: "Aid short of war"

weakens national defense at home and
threatens to involve America in war

 PAUL "Foreign Aid to Israel short of war"

weakens national defense at home and
threatens to involve America in war

Under the guise of isolationism the Jew-hating

Nazi Ron Paul is attempting to keep America out of a
war between Israel and Iran so Israel can be


The German American Bund was formed in July

1933 from the ashes of previous German American
societies. Wilhelm Bohle, a German undersecretary
of state, organized the Nazi support for Germans
abroad, consisting of agitation among
German immigrants and German
Americans, cooperation with other anti-
Semitic groups, and direct
espionage. The Pauls’ were Pennsylvanian German-
Americans and susceptible to recruitment. Allen
Goeppel and Anton Fuchs were Bund leaders in
Pittsburgh. Peter Gaenger, was head of the
propaganda section of the Bund there. Although FBI
records of Bund membership that have been
released list only the Bund leadership evidence
suggested that Ron Paul’s grandfather or father
might very well have been a Bund member.

Paul’s Nazism runs deep in his German blood. His

grandfather Caspar Paul, born in Hohenzell,
Schluchtern, Prussia August 3, 1866, died [living
1930] was said to have emigrated from Germany at
the age of 14. Caspar Paul was married on May 4,
1899 to Sophia Ziegler, born in Pennsylvania, on
September 15, 1874, died February 22, 1964. Paul’s
grandfather became a truck farmer in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and eventually started a successful
dairy farm. He had 4 sons and 1 daughter. His

second son, Howard Casper Paul, was Ron Paul’s


Howard Caspar Paul was born in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania on August 19, 1904. He was married
on October 23, 1929 to Margaret Dumont, who was
born in Pennsylvania on March 7, 1908, and who
died on July 10, 2001. Howard Caspar Paul died on
May 23, 1997. He had an eighth grade education.29

When conscription started in 1940 Howard

Casper Paul was 36 years old. At this time
those aged 18 to 45 were immediately liable for
induction yet there is nothing that I can find that
indicates Howard performed any military service.
Interestingly enough, Paul claims that it was his
father who first made him aware of the plight of

Though I was not active in politics in high

school or college, I recall attending a
Rotary Club meeting in the early 1950s
with my father. The speaker was a
college student from Palestine studying in
the United States. Her story was about
how her family had been forced from their
property, which had been in the family for



centuries, but was then used for Israeli

settlements. I can recall thinking at the
time that this did not seem fair to me, and
it doesn't seem fair to me today.30

This story is made up. I can’t see a Rotary Club

having much interest in Palestinians in the early
1950’s nor do I believe there were Palestinian
exchange students all over the United States.
“Settlements” didn’t start until Israel annexed the
West Bank in the 1970’s.

Grandpa Casper Paul may have visited Nazi

Germany. He had left Germany before the war, but
he and his wife returned there after the armistice.
How long after the armistice that ended World War I?

30. Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom

By Ron Paul

Were they there when Hitler was coming to power or

was in power?

During one of his speeches in Congress Paul

stated, “The foolish entrance into World War I to
satisfy Wilson’s ego led to a disastrous peace at
Versailles, practically guaranteeing World War II.”
Patrick Buchanan had a similar analysis:

It was Wilsonism, liberal interventionism,

not “isolationism” that created the moral
political swamp in which fascism,
Hitlerism, and Stalinism were spawned.
Unable to deal with the truth – that their
own heros produced the disasters that
may yet ring down the curtain on the
Western Civilization.

In Promoting Democracy--An Obsession Whose

Time Has Passed he stated:

Promoting democracy is now our nation’s

highest ideal. Wilson started it with his ill-
advised drive to foolishly involve us in
World War I. His utopian dream was to
make the world safe for democracy.
Instead, his naiveté and arrogance
promoted our involvement in the back-to-
back tragedies of World War I and World

War II. It’s hard to imagine the rise of

Hitler in World War II without the Treaty of

Hitler called the Germans who signed the Treaty

of Versailles the November criminals and called for
their death. The Nazi line is that it was the harsh
treatment of Germany that was to blame for the rise
of Hitler, not economic chaos or the threat of
Communism or the inherent evil of the German
Nazis. Paul stated:

Mr. Speaker, I have come forward in the

past to suggest that the history of this
century has shown us that the foreign
policy of so-called “pragmatic
interventionists” has created a disastrous
situation. Specifically, I have pointed to
the unintended consequences of our
government’s interventions. Namely, I
have identified how World War One
helped create the environment for the
holocaust and how it thus helped create
World War Two and thermonuclear war.
And, I’ve mentioned how the Second
World War resulted in the enslavement of
much of Europe behind an iron curtain
setting off the cold war, and spread the

international communism and then our

own disastrous foray into Vietnam. Yes,
all of these wars and tragedies wars hot
and cold, were in part caused by the so-
called “war to end all wars.”31

There is something strange about the following

sentence taken from the above. “I have identified how
World War One helped create the environment for
the holocaust and how it thus helped create World
War Two and thermonuclear war.” “It” can refer to
World War I or “it” can also refer to “the holocaust”
which would imply World War II was fought for the
Jews, a common anti-Jewish canard. In the rest of
this speech Paul focused on the Communists, rather
than the Nazis. Spotlight publisher Willis Carto
agreed with Paul:

Hitler's defeat was the defeat of Europe.

And of America. How could we have been
so blind? The blame, it seems, must be
laid at the door of the international Jews.
It was their propaganda, lies and



demands which blinded the West to what

Germany was doing.32


Ron Paul would not have gotten

the Spotlight mailing list had he
not met with Willis Carto. Carto
has long been at the forefront of
the Nazi movement in the United
States and the Nazi sponsored Holocaust denial
movement worldwide. Willis Carto was employed by
the John Birch Society as a Major Coordinator for
approximately 4 months in 1959. He was fired by
John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch for anti-

Carto would soon join forces

with Dr. William Pierce a senior
research scientist at a Connecticut
aerospace firm. In 1965 Pierce
quit the John Birch Society and
joined the American Nazi Party
(George Lincoln Rockwell’s group). In 1970, Pierce, a
former American Nazi Party officer and former editor
of the National Socialist World, left the National
Socialist White People's Party, the successor to the



American Nazi Party, to join the National Youth

Alliance which was originally established by Willis
Carto as the "Youth for Wallace" campaign in support
of the 1968 Presidential bid of racist Alabama
Governor George Wallace. After Wallace lost the
Presidential race, Carto renamed his organization the
National Youth Alliance and attempted to recruit
activists to his group. Pierce, like Paul, was a highly
educated man, and that is what made both of them
extremely dangerous Nazis.

Pierce is perhaps best known for his 1978

book, The Turner Diaries, which depicts the violent
overthrow of the “Jew-controlled” U.S. government.
The book served as an inspiration for various right-
wing terrorists who grasped, admired, and attempted
to implement its message including Timothy McVeigh
(1995 Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing) and
Robert J. Mathews (whose group, The Order, was
patterned upon the white revolutionary groups
in Turner Diaries.)

The Order was responsible for a crime spree in

1983 to 1984 which included counterfeiting, bank and
armored car robberies, bombing a synagogue, and
murder – all in the service of their anti-Semitic, racist


It should be noted that some of the major

participants in The Order were introduced to
conspiracy theories about U.S. history through their
membership in the John Birch Society – e.g. Robert
Mathews and David Lane. Mathews also joined
William Pierce’s group, National Alliance.

Paul was a Bircher but denies ever belonging to

the group, though he was listed as a subscriber to its
magazine, American Opinion, according to Birch
records in Brown University’s archives.33 And when
he planned his first run for office in 1974, he has said,
the first person he called for advice was Larry
McDonald, a right-wing congressman who was later
president of the John Birch Society. Paul and the
John Birch Society are also 50-50 co-owners of a
3.8-acre property in Sweeny, Texas that was
bequeathed to them by a constituent of the
congressman who died in 2010. On April 4, 2008
Congressman Ron Paul endorsed The John Birch
Society in a statement from his office. His statement
also congratulated the Society on being “a great
patriotic organization” now in its 50th year. Paul



The John Birch Society is a great patriotic

organization featuring an educational
program solidly based on constitutional
principles. I congratulate the Society in
this, its 50th year. I wish them continued
success and endorse their untiring efforts
to foster ‘less government, more
responsibility … and with God’s help … a
better world.’34

Paul also agreed to be the keynote speaker at the

Society’s 50th anniversary celebration, October 2nd
through the 5th, 2008 in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Let Willis tell you more about himself:



Willis Allison Carto was born July 17,

1926 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. After
graduation from high school in 1944, he
went into the Army to fight for the glorious
democracy of his country, the survival of
Soviet communism, a third and fourth
term for Roosevelt, a chance to kill
Germans by the thousands as desired by
Churchill, Eisenhower and the Zionists,
part of Palestine for them as a bonus,
vast riches for the bankers and war
suppliers, coffin makers and flag makers.
He earned a Purple Heart when he
received a memento from a Jap
infantryman on Cebu Island, P. I. on May
5, 1945. In 1953, with Aldrich Blake, he
founded Liberty & Property, Inc. and
published the first edition of seven which
followed of the First National Directory of
“Rightist” Groups and Organizations in
the United States and Some Foreign
Countries. In 1955, he began publication
of the monthly Right newsletter and
established the Research Department of
Liberty Lobby, which began publication
of Liberty Letter in 1960.


In 1964 he published Western

Destiny magazine until he merged it
with The American Mercury in 1966. In
1975 he began publication of The
Spotlight weekly newspaper and in 1979
he founded the Institute for Historical
Review and began publication of the
scholarly Journal for Historical
Review and organized the first
International Revisionist Conference in
Los Angeles, which was followed by ten
others until 1993. The first issue of the
monthly Institute for Historical Review
Newsletter was published in January
1981, followed by 90 others until late
1993. He published and edited
the Washington Observer
Newsletter from August 15, 1965 through
September 15, 1976. In 1994 he
founded The Barnes Review, a bimonthly
magazine of authentic history, of which
he is the publisher. In 2001, he began
publication of the American Free Press, a
weekly newspaper. Throughout his
career, he has published over 200 titles of
patriotic, nationalist books dealing with
different subjects. He has written under

various pseudonyms as well as his own


What Carto omitted from his autobiography is that

Carto was a close associate of Francis Parker
Yockey, a post-war Nazi intelligence agent. Yockey
killed himself rather than reveal the structure of
ODESSA, the organization of Nazi SS murderers
who escaped the post war dragnet of the Allies. After
Yockey was arrested for passport violations Willis
Carto visited him in jail and slipped him the cyanide
he used to commit suicide. Aside from his cellmate,
Carto was the last person to see Parker alive. Check
the end of the New York Times (June 18, 1960)
article that I have reprinted below for his motivation in
committing suicide.



Carto wrote this about Yockey:

In 1952 the State Department refused to

renew his passport. Repeatedly, he
applied; each time he was rejected. A
game then developed between the FBI
and Yockey, for the FBI had received
orders to keep him under surveillance at
all times. When he dropped temporarily
from sight, as he did frequently, his
friends and relatives and contacts were
constantly interrogated by agents who—
they kept repeating—“just want to talk to


The FBI and CIA wanted to talk to

Yockey about ODESSA an
organization that Yockey was a courier
for: The outcome of a post war Nazi
meeting in Strasbourg was the genesis
of an organization; well-financed and
well-organized, with the express
purpose of helping fleeing Nazis
escape justice. This organization was called the
Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen (The
Organization of former SS members) ODESSA. Nazi
Hunter Simon Wiesenthal learned of ODESSA
accidentally during conversations with a former
member of German counter-espionage who he met
during the Nuremberg trials. The source said the
organization was set up in 1946 after many Nazis
already had been imprisoned. Those in jail contacted
friends and aid committees that had been established
to promote the welfare of prisoners. The assistance
went beyond humanitarian aid, a subterfuge, to
abetting their escape. In short order, ODESSA, built a
large and reliable network geared to achieve its ends,
and began operations. Routes were mapped and
contacts were established. Influential Nazis vanished
as they were secretly ushered out of Germany and
assisted in starting new lives under false names in
foreign countries. At the end of the war, only a

handful of high-ranking Nazi officials stood trial. Many

who were guilty of war crimes escaped with the help

As Yockey’s early association with the

Brownshirts of William Dudley Pelley and the Father
Coughlin movement indicated, Yockey was from an
early age drawn to Fascism and Nazism. Pelley was
arrested in April 1942 and indicted in May for
violation of the Espionage Act. He was convicted and
sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. In 1944, he was
again indicted on practically identical charges.
Yockey had himself discharged from the military
during World War II (he was diagnosed as having
paranoid type dementia praecox), and as a
successful lawyer and District Attorney in Detroit
obtained a job with the prosecution team of the
Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunals in Germany, for
the purposes of infiltration and of seeking out diehard
Nazis in post-War Germany for exfiltration. Yockey
was the first Nazi to deny the existence of the gas
chambers and mass murder in his book Imperium.

These fact-creations were as nothing,

however, to the massive, post-war,
"concentration-camp" propaganda of the
Culture-distorting regime based in
Washington. This propaganda announced

that 6,000,000 members of the Jewish

Race had been killed in European camps,
as well as an indeterminate number of
other people. The propaganda was on a
world-wide scale, and was of a mendacity
that was perhaps adapted to a
uniformized mass, but was simply
disgusting to discriminating Europeans.
The propaganda was technically quite
complete. "Photographs" were supplied in
millions of copies. Thousands of the
people who had been killed published
accounts of their experiences in these
camps. Hundreds of thousands more
made fortunes in post-war black-markets.
"Gas-chambers" that did not exist were
photographed, and a "gasmobile" was
invented to titillate the mechanically-

Keep this in mind if you doubt Ron Paul is a Nazi:

Ron Paul traced back to Carto who traced back to
Yockey who traced back to ODESSA and ODESSA
traced back to Hitler so Paul can be traced back to
Hitler, because that is where this mild mannered
pediatrician is really coming from. But the way Carto


describes Liberty Lobby it has no connection with

Hitlerism and German Nazism:

Liberty Lobby: A united voice for patriotic


Liberty Lobby was conceived in 1955 as a

pressure group for patriotism -- a lobby to
fight the organized, special-interest
lobbies (both foreign and domestic) that
proliferate in the nation's capital. Since
then, numerous other lobbies and groups
have tried to emulate that basic concept.

A decade after the war ended the Nazis began to

regroup as a lobby against Israel [foreign special
interest lobbies] and against American Jews
[domestic special interest groups].

Not only was Liberty Lobby intended to

function as a lobbying force in the nation's
capital, but also as a source of
information and as a clearing house for
grassroots patriotic efforts around the
country, both complementing and uniting
their efforts. From 1955-1958 intensive
coast-to-coast fund-raising efforts were
undertaken. Patriotic leaders from around


the nation closed ranks, eager to set the

populist Institution in motion.

The Nazis were offering their services to other

racist, Jew-hating groups such as the KKK and
wished to form a broad coalition against the Jews
and Blacks.

A major advance came when on June 23,

1958, Liberty Lobby's Research
Department was established. The
Washington beachhead was thus
broached. On August 30, 1958, another
milestone: Liberty Lobby published the
first congressional voting analysis ever
issued by a patriotic organization, laying
the groundwork for thousands of similar
voting records compiled yearly by others.
Liberty Lobby continues to issue its own
Liberty Ledger, compiling the voting
records of all senators and congressmen.

The Nazis were conducting statistical analysis in

order to determine which members of Congress
could be co-opted by them.

Liberty Lobby's first legislative victory

came on March 6, 1959 - the fledgling
populist lobby orchestrated defeat of a

Senate bill (drawn up by Rockefeller

Republican Senator Jacob Javits of New
York) that would have barred from the
mails all citizen groups which disagreed
with the liberal Supreme Court.

Senator Javits wanted the U.S. Postal Service to

declare Nazi literature as obscene and not allow it to
be disseminated through the U.S. mail.

By mid-1959, a formal office for Liberty

Lobby was established in the nation’s
capital. Col. Eugene Pomeroy agreed to
serve as the Washington secretary of the

At a meeting in Washington’s Army-Navy Club in

1953, General Pedro del Valle, Lieutenant Colonel
John H. Coffman, USMC (Ret.); and Lieutenant
Colonel Eugene Cowles Pomeroy (Ret.) created
DAC, the Defenders of the American Constitution,
electing del Valle as president to spread the “anti-
New World Order gospel” into the highest ranks of
the U.S. military hoping to instigate a military coup
against the Eisenhower Presidency. DAC claimed its
main goal was to purge the United States of any
communist influence. The idea behind the group was
to allegedly organize the citizens in each state as
vigilantes against sabotage, terrorism and other

forms of treason, and give them a national voice.

Actually these officers hoped to form their own army
just as Hitler had formed his own private army called
Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). The SA (also
known as Stormtrooper or Brownshirts) were
instructed to disrupt the meetings of political
opponents and to protect Hitler from revenge attacks.
Another thing that may have been going through
Carto’s evil mind was the possibility of a putsch, such
as Hitler’s did with the help of the military in the
infamous Beer Hall Putsch. Carto continues:

Shortly thereafter, the populist Institution's

founding Board of Policy (BOP) was set
in motion, composed of a group of highly
selected patriots of national stature.
Founding chairman of the BOP was the
late Col. Curtis B. Dall who assumed the
post in 1960.


Spotlight’s publisher and

editors, like all Nazis, hated FDR
because he instituted lend-lease
and ultimately brought America to
war against the Axis powers.
Spotlight contained numerous so-
called exposes about FDR and
even hired Col. Curtis B. Dall, the former son-in-law
of FDR, as its front man. Dall was active in New York
City’s social life hosting cotillions and fund raisers for
various causes as he was married to FDR’s daughter
when FDR was Governor of New York. Dall had
become active in politics in the 1940's and in 1948
campaigned for Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, who was
the Presidential nominee of the racist States' Rights
Party. In July 1964 Dall was the head of the
Constitution Party that supported the racist George
Wallace when he ran for president.36 As documented
later in this book Ron Paul was a supporter of the
Constitution Party. Because of his social position the
New York Time’s obituary for Dall described Spotlight
as “an anti-Communist organization.” Carto



Treasurer of Liberty Lobby is Willis A.

Carto. He has held that office since he
founded the Institution in 1955. On
November 24, 1960 the first issue of the
monthly Liberty Letter (a newsletter which
ultimately evolved into the weekly
Spotlight newspaper) was released. The
purpose of Liberty Letter was unique, in
that it was designed to promote political
action, not just education. At this time
there were just 2,000 subscribers. On
January 22, 1966, control of Liberty
Lobby's Board of Policy was turned over
to Americans who signed an oath of
loyalty to the U.S. constitution and who
pledged regular financial support to
Liberty Lobby.

What does the last part of this paragraph mean?

Why would the members of the Board of Policy have
to be Americans and loyal to the U. S. Constitution.
Loyalty oaths were for communists. Carto is hinting
that he began receiving foreign funding for Liberty
Lobby, possibly from the Saudis. The Saudis quietly
passed along money to a variety of anti-Jewish
groups, including those who purvey Holocaust-denial
literature. To take just one example, William
Grimstad, author of The Six Million Reconsidered,

worked after 1977 as a registered Saudi agent.

Noontide Press published the Anti-Zion by William

Another possible source of Liberty Lobby and

Spotlight funding might have been Nazi gold.
Raubgold, "stolen gold" is the gold transferred by
Nazi Germany to overseas banks during the Second
World War. The present whereabouts of Nazi gold
that disappeared into European banking institutions
in 1945 is unknown. In addition to the gold the Nazis
also stole silver from the nations they conquered. In
1973 Liberty Lobby established its popular silver
minting and selling division, Liberty Trust, today the
oldest private mint in the U.S. specializing in pure

Since coming to
Washington in 1961,
Liberty Lobby grew
exponentially: From
2,000 to some
100,000 paid members and subscribers
at present (although for several years
during the early 1980s paid circulation
actually surpassed one-third of a million
readers); From one unpaid employee to
over 60 employees; From a rented desk

in the National Press Building to its own

headquarters two blocks from the Capitol
Building; From an annual operating
budget of $10,000 to $5 million.
Numerous major outreach efforts were
also undertaken during the subsequent
several decades: Issuance of a special
1964 campaign report, LBJ: A Political
Biography, which made history for this
type of publication by distributing 14
million copies, published and they were
distributed from several locations around
the country. As a result of the LBJ report,
Liberty Lobby's monthly The Liberty Letter
skyrocketed to some 150,000 subscribers
- a phenomenon unlike anything yet seen
in the populist movement.

LBJ: A Political Biography was a smear sheet that

was put as a paid insert in many local U.S.
newspapers or distributed for free door to door. Post-
war Nazi literature had never received such
widespread dissemination before!

Publication of 48 special Emergency

Liberty Letters highlighting major
legislative emergency campaigns, urging
patriots to take action on important

matters before Congress. Lobbying

congressional offices and appearing
before congressional committees on a
regular basis. In 1965 a Liberty Lobby
spokesman appeared before
congressional committees no less than
15 times.

In the mid-1970s Liberty Lobby launched

a daily national radio program which, at
its peak, a decade later, was heard over
more than 400 radio stations around the
country. Entitled This is Liberty Lobby, the
broadcast reached millions of Americans
on a regular basis and helped the populist
Institution grow by leaps and bounds.

In 1973 Liberty Lobby established its

popular silver minting and selling division,
Liberty Trust, today the oldest private
mint in the U.S. specializing in pure silver.

In 1975 the BOP voted to establish a

national weekly newspaper, now known
as The Spotlight, to replace the monthly
Liberty Letter. (The Liberty Letter has
since re-emerged as a regular special
green wrap-around newsletter sent
exclusively to members of the BOP.) The

Spotlight, received free by all BOP

members in good standing, soon evolved
into "must" reading for tens of thousands
of Americans who subscribe yearly.

In 1990 Liberty Lobby established the

Populist Action Committee, a non-
partisan, Constitutionally-oriented,
America First PAC dedicated to helping
patriots seeking office not only on the
Populist Party ticket, but as independents
and in the ranks of the major parties.

The above is just a sketchy overview of

some of the populist Institution's major
efforts over the years.

Throughout its history, Liberty Lobby has

been engaged in some of the big battles
in official Washington and around the
country. Just to mention a few: [Carto’s
words now appear in bold type so we can
compare them to those of Ron Paul]

The fight against NAFTA and GATT for

protection of American jobs and

Ron Paul co-sponsored this legislative bill:




To provide for the withdrawal of the

United States from the North American
Free Trade Agreement. Be it enacted by
the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in
Congress assembled,

(a) Withdrawal of Approval -

Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the approval of the NAFTA by the
Congress provided for in section 101 (a)
of North American Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act shall cease to be
effective beginning on the date that is six
months after the date of the enactment of
this Act.37

Derailing the proposed Conference of

the States, another high-level scheme
to dismantle the American republic;

Efforts to expose Bilderbergers and

Trilateralists and the Council on



Foreign Relations and their insidious

influence on world affairs.

On February 18, 2001, Ron Paul appeared on

Radio Free America, a show founded by Willis Carto.
Radio Free America is part of Carto’s American Free
Press, which is labeled as a Nazi group by the
Southern Poverty Law Center. The American Free
Press, which markets books like “The Invention of the
Jewish People” and “March of the Titans: A History of
the White Race,” urged its subscribers to help it send
hundreds of copies of Ron Paul’s collected speeches
to voters in New Hampshire. The book, it promises,
will “Help Dr. Ron Paul Win the G.O.P. Nomination in
2012!” Paul discussed several conspiracy theories. A
transcript of the show was made available through

Here’s Mack calling from Georgia: The

Trilateral Commission and the Council on
Foreign Relations have a lot of power in
choosing the American President. Do you
think our elections are just a fraud on the

Paul: Almost no one gets elected who

isn’t friendly with the Trilateral
Commission and the Council on Foreign
Relations. If you are not in tune with

them, the national media will crucify you.

So you wouldn’t win. I think the people
allow themselves to be deceived.38

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the

Trilateral Commission plays into all sorts of
conspiracy theories about world government and
control by the elite. This elite is often identified as
International Bankers, the Rothschild’s, Kuhn-Loeb,
Goldman Sachs; dog whistle words for Jews. Ron

You referred to who really pulls the

strings. For years now, it's been claimed
by many, and there's pretty good
evidence, that those who are involved in
the Trilateral Commission and the Council
on Foreign Relations usually end up in
positions of power. And I believe this is
true. If you look at the Federal Reserve, if
you look at key positions at the World
Bank or the IMF, they all come from these
groups. If you have national television on,
you might see a big debate about the Far
East crisis, and you have Brzezinski and
Kissinger talking about how to do it. One

38. If you are not in tune with them, the national media will crucify you.


says don't invade today, invade

tomorrow. And the other says, invade
immediately. That's the only difference
you find between the Rockefeller

Defeat of the proposed Constitutional

convention to rewrite the supreme law
of the land;

Combating encroaching power grabs

by United Nations and other global
government bodies that undermine
American sovereignty;

In 2006 Ron Paul opposed America’s membership

and financing of the United Nations and stated,

This new [UN Peacekeeping] commission

will create the beginning of a global UN
army. It will claim the right to intervene in
any conflict anywhere on the globe,
bringing the World Bank and the IMF


formally into the picture as well. It is a

complete new world order...40

Promotion of an America First foreign

policy, particularly in the realm of
Middle East affairs;

That meant cutting off all economic aid to Israel

and siding with its enemies. Ron Paul of course has
proposed cutting off ALL economic aid.

Defeat of the Atlantic Union, the

purpose of which was to merge the
United States with Western Europe;

Advancement of the concept of a

"Taxpayers Bill of Rights" (ultimately
enacted into law);

On November 20, 2008 Ron Paul also expressed

his displeasure with the IRS in a New York Times

I want to abolish the income tax, but I

don’t want to replace it with anything.
About 45 percent of all federal revenue
comes from the personal income tax.


That means that about 55 percent — over

half of all revenue — comes from other
sources, like excise taxes, fees, and
corporate taxes. We could eliminate the
income tax, replace it with nothing, and
still fund the same level of big
government we had in the late 1990s. We
don’t need to “replace” the income tax at
all. I see a consumption tax as being a
little better than the personal income tax,
and I would vote for the Fair-Tax if it
came up in the House of
Representatives, but it is not my goal. We
can do better.

Spearheading the drive for audit

reform and the ultimate abolition of the
Federal Reserve banking monopoly;

Ron Paul has stated:

Abolishing the Federal Reserve will allow

Congress to reassert its constitutional
authority over monetary policy. The
United States Constitution grants to
Congress the authority to coin money and
regulate the value of the currency. The
Constitution does not give Congress the
authority to delegate control over

monetary policy to a central bank.

Furthermore, the Constitution certainly
does not empower the federal
government to erode the American
standard of living via an inflationary
monetary policy.41

The fight for tougher immigration laws

and control of illegal aliens.

Ron Paul,

Illegal immigrants enter the country for

the express purpose of giving birth. But
illegal immigrants also use emergency
rooms, public roads, and public schools.
In many cases they are able to obtain
Medicaid, food stamps, public housing,
and even unemployment benefits. We
must end the perverse incentives that
encourage immigrants to come here
illegally, including the anchor baby




These again are just a few of the

highlights, but they illustrate the
essence of Liberty Lobby's populist
and nationalist agenda, a record of
consistency and success.

The Spotlight folded in 2001, due a

dispute with the Institute for Historical
Review over the money left to Carto
by Jean Farrel Edison, the
granddaughter of Thomas Edison and
the heir to Thomas Alva Edison’s
fortune. Jean Farrel Edison died in
1985, leaving conflicting instructions about the
dispersal of her estate. A handwritten will bequeathed
the money then estimated at $40 million to a South
African-born woman who was Edison's neighbor in
Switzerland. Carto's Holocaust denial institute's
parent corporation, the Legion for the Survival of
Freedom also had a claim to the money because
Edison left further instructions that only a Legion
representative could open the four safe deposit
boxes in Europe, Asia and the United States that
contained cash certificates for the money. Three of
the boxes and $20 million in certificates were found,
according to Irwin Suall of the ADL, who said the
fourth box in Singapore was never located. The


Legion and the neighbor fought over the money in

Swiss courts, finally splitting the estate in 1990.

The Nazi Paul’s columns were then featured for

several years in the American Free Press - a
publication of Willis Carto containing the same crap
that appeared in Spotlight. The American Free Press
sponsored a “First Amendment Festival” in
Washington DC. Only American Free Press
subscribers could attend the event that featured
David Duke. Duke lambasted Jews throughout his
speech noting at one point that “the racial policies of
Israel are more extreme than the policies of National
Socialist Germany.”

The bottom line here is that Ron Paul is part of a

group of crypto-Nazis Carto determined to create a
situation where millions of Jews are murdered. He is
a potential Adolf Hitler, a Nazi bent on genocide. He
must be stopped.






Another reason for Ron Paul’s success is that he

is the racist in a country with a long history of racism.
He is more dangerous than the third party racist
candidate Governor George Wallace. But, like
George Wallace, Ron Paul is a neo-Confederate, and
proud member of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute,
which has been labeled as a neo-Confederate
organization. In a video with a Confederate flag
behind him Paul claimed that the North should have
paid to buy slaves from southern slave owners to
avoid the war, rather than the South renouncing
slavery. Paul also failed to bring up the fact that it
was the South that started the war by attacking the


North in 1861. Paul had this to say about the Civil

War and Civil Rights on December 23, 2007:

Tim Russert: I was intrigued by your

comments about Abe Lincoln. "According
to Paul, Abe Lincoln should never have
gone to war; there were better ways of
getting rid of slavery."

Paul: Absolutely. Six hundred thousand

Americans died in a senseless civil war.
No, he shouldn't have gone to war. He did
this just to enhance and get rid of the
original intent of the republic. I mean, it
was the iron fist…

Russert: We'd still have slavery.

Paul: Oh, come on, Tim. Slavery was

phased out in every other country of the
world. And the way I'm advising that it
should have been done is do like the
British Empire did. You buy the slaves
and release them. How much would that
cost compared to killing 600,000
Americans and where it lingered for 100
years? I mean, the hatred and all that
existed. So every other major country in
the world got rid of slavery without a civil

war. I mean, that doesn't sound too

radical to me. That sounds like a pretty
reasonable approach.

Paul believed that slavery was only an

ancillary issue in the Civil War:

While all Americans should be grateful

that this country finally extinguished
slavery following the Civil War, many
scholars believe that the main issue in the
Civil War was the proper balance of
power between the states and the federal
government. President Lincoln himself
made it clear that his primary motivation
was to preserve a strong central
government. For example, in a letter to
New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley
in 1862, Lincoln said: “My paramount
object in this struggle is to save the
Union, and it is not either to save or
destroy slavery. If I could save the Union
without freeing any slave, I would do it;
and if I could save it by freeing some and
leaving others alone I would also do that.
What I do about slavery, and the colored


race, I do because I believe it helps to

save the Union.”43

You can find this quotation on numerous

racist websites to demonstrate that
Lincoln hated Blacks. What Paul was
trying to tell Congress here was the
Abraham Lincoln was a racist who did not
care about slavery but used the issue to
save the Union. The Russert interview
with Paul continues:

Let me ask you about race, because I, I

read a speech you gave in 2004, the 40th
anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. And
you said this: "Contrary to the claims of
supporters of the Civil Rights Act of '64,
the act did not improve race relations or
enhance freedom. Instead, the forced
integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act
of '64 increased racial tensions while
diminishing individual liberty." That act
gave equal rights to African-Americans to
vote, to live, to go to lunch counters, and
you seem to be criticizing it.



Rep. Paul: Well, we should do this at a

federal level, at a federal lunch counter
it'd be OK or for the military. Just think of
how the government, you know, caused
all the segregation in the military until
after World War II. Tim, you're, not
compelled in your house to invite
strangers that you don't like. So it's a
property rights issue. And this idea that all
private property is under the domain of
the federal government I think is wrong.
So this -- I think even Barry Goldwater
opposed that bill on the same property
rights position and now this thing is totally
out of control. If you happen to like to
smoke a cigar, you know the federal
government's going to come down and
say you're not allowed to do this.

Russert: But you would vote against...

Russert: You would vote against the Civil

Rights Act if, if it was today?

Paul: If it were written the same way,

where the federal government's taken
over property has nothing to do with race
relations. It just happens, Tim, that I get
more support from black people today

than any other Republican candidate,

according to some statistics. And I have a
great appeal to people who care about
personal liberties and to those individuals
who would like to get us out of wars. So it
has nothing to do with racism, it has to do
with the Constitution and private property

On July 3, 2004, Ron Paul was the only

Congressman to vote against a bill hailing the 40th
anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Mr. Speaker, I rise to explain my

objection to H. Res. 676. I certainly join
my colleagues in urging Americans to
celebrate the progress this country has
made in race relations. However, contrary
to the claims of the supporters of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and the sponsors of H.
Res. 676, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did
not improve race relations or enhance
freedom. Instead, the forced integration
dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964
increased racial tensions while
diminishing individual liberty. The Civil
Rights Act of 1964 gave the federal
government unprecedented power over

the hiring, employee relations, and

customer service practices of every
business in the country. The result was
a massive violation of the rights of private
property and contract, which are the
bedrocks of free society. The federal
government has no legitimate authority to
infringe on the rights of private property
owners to use their property as they
please and to form (or not form) contracts
with terms mutually agreeable to all
parties. The rights of all private property
owners, even those whose actions decent
people find abhorrent, must be respected
if we are to maintain a free society. This
expansion of federal power was based on
an erroneous interpretation of the
congressional power to regulate interstate
commerce. The framers of the
Constitution intended the interstate
commerce clause to create a free trade
zone among the states, not to give the
federal government regulatory power over
every business that has any connection
with interstate commerce. The Civil
Rights Act of 1964 not only violated the
Constitution and reduced individual

liberty; it also failed to achieve its stated

goals of promoting racial harmony and a
color-blind society. Federal bureaucrats
and judges cannot read minds to see if
actions are motivated by racism.
Therefore, the only way the federal
government could ensure an employer
was not violating the Civil Rights Act of
1964 was to ensure that the racial
composition of a business’s workforce
matched the racial composition of a
bureaucrat or judge’s defined body of
potential employees. Thus, bureaucrats
began forcing employers to hire by racial
quota. Racial quotas have not contributed
to racial harmony or advanced the goal of
a color-blind society. Instead, these
quotas encouraged racial balkanization,
and fostered racial strife. Of course,
America has made great strides in race
relations over the past forty years.
However, this progress is due to changes
in public attitudes and private efforts.
Relations between the races have
improved despite, not because of, the
1964 Civil Rights Act. In conclusion, Mr.
Speaker, while I join in sponsors of H.

Res. 676 in promoting racial harmony and

individual liberty, the fact is the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 did not accomplish
these goals. Instead, this law
unconstitutionally expanded federal
power, thus reducing liberty. Furthermore,
by prompting race-based quotas, this law
undermined efforts to achieve a color-
blind society and increased racial strife.
Therefore, I must oppose H. Res. 676.44

Ron Paul’s lifelong friend and close political

associate, Lewellen Rockwell argued that the Civil
War "transformed the American regime from a
federalist system based on freedom to a centralized
state that circumscribed liberty in the name of public
order." Desegregation in the civil rights era, he says,
resulted in the "involuntary servitude" of white
business owners. In the past, Rockwell has praised
the electoral success of European neofascists like
Joerg Haider in Austria and Christoph Blocher in



Both Rockwell and Von Mises Institute research

director Jeffrey Tucker are listed on the racist League
of the South's Web page as founding members.
Tucker has written for League publications, and many
League members have taught at the Von Mises
Institute's seminars and given presentations at its
conferences. One founding League member who still
sat on the board of directors in 2007 is Jack
Kershaw, a lifelong segregationist who once was an
official in the Klan sponsored racist White Citizens
Councils of the 1950s and 1960s. Kershaw has never
hidden his racist views. “Somebody needs to say a
good word for slavery,” Kershaw told a reporter in
1998. “Where in the world are the Negroes better off
today than in America?” Martin Luther King
assassination patsy James Earl Ray hired Jack
Kershaw as his appeals attorney. Kershaw promoted
Ray's claim that he was not responsible for the
shooting, which was said to have been the result of a
conspiracy of the otherwise unidentified man named

This amalgamation of neo-confederates hides

their racism under the worn-out guise of State’s
Rights. Paul warned his followers that this dog
whistle term has been recognized as such:


We must not allow the term "states'

rights" to be smeared and distorted into
code words for segregationist policies or
racism. States’ rights simply mean the
individual states should retain
authority over all matters not expressly
delegated to the federal government in
Article I of the Constitution. Most of the
worst excesses of big government can be
traced to a disregard for states' rights,
which means a disregard for the Ninth
and Tenth amendments. The real reason
liberals hate the concept of states' rights
has nothing to do with racism, but rather
reflects a hostility toward anything
that would act as a limit on the power of
the federal government. (What Really
Divides Us? December 24, 2002).

The Ninth Amendment stated “The enumeration

in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the
people.” The Tenth Amendment stated, “The powers
not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of
the Confederate States both contained similar

language to these Amendments. Confederate racists

like Ron Paul not only want to kill Jews but they also
want to bring back segregation, lynchings and Jim
Crow or better yet send African Americans back to
Africa. Ron Paul has a redneck cracker mentality.

John Patrick Bedell, the man who shot two police

officers at the Pentagon before being killed was a
conspiracy theorist and fan of the Ludwig von Mises
Institute Facebook group. In an Internet posting, a
user named JPatrickBedell wrote he was determined
to see justice for the 1991 death of a Marine in
California. The death was ruled a suicide but has
long been the source of cover-up theories. The writer
said the case would be a step toward revealing the
truth behind 9/11.

Paul opposes basic civil rights law - he maintains

his opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and
opposes restrictions on the “freedom” of business
owners to refuse service to blacks. So Paul’s idea of
freedom is the right to be racist. Paul is a faux
libertarian whose real agenda is not individualism but
to prevent the federal government from restraining
the darker racist impulses at work at the state and
local levels. The following is from the Ron Paul

The Double Standard


We know about the crimes at

Bensonhurst and Howard Beach because
of press propaganda and because great
oddities took place in each: white on
black crime. Virtually all inter-racial crime
is black on white, not white on black.

When blacks kill whites, however, it's not

defined as news. A month after the
Bensonhurst killing, points out Jared
Taylor, an almost identical crime was
committed in the Bronx. A white got out of
his car to use a phone. Two blacks asked
him what a honkey was doing on Tremont
Avenue, shouted at him, and then shot
him in the stomach.

There were “no marches, no outbursts,

no handwringing, and hardly any press
coverage.” When a black minister who
helped stir up the Bensonhurst-omania
was asked about it, he said it wasn’t
racism it was “revenge.”

Race and Crime

We hear lots about black-on-black crime.

But what about interracial crime? One out
of ten of those crimes is white on black,

whereas nine out of ten is black on white.

This is even more impressive, in a
negative sense, where you realize that
blacks are only 12% of the population.

Criminologist Jared Taylor reports that if

you subtract the crimes committed by
blacks for the overall U.S. crime rate, we
have no more crime proportionately than
Western Europe and less than Britain.

Who is Jared Taylor? Jared

Taylor is a follower of the
eugenicist William Shockley
who stated “My research
leads me inescapably to the
opinion that the major cause
of the American's Negros intellectual and social
deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and
thus not remediable to a major degree by practical
improvements in environment.”45 Shockley believed
that the Nazi’s picked the wrong race to mass murder
as the Jews were intellectually superior to most
Germans. If you watch the Nazi propaganda film The
Eternal Jew you will find that some of the German
hatred for Jews is based on the fact that they came



over to Germany with nothing and were able to

accumulate wealth by first starting out selling
merchandise from their pockets, then from a tray,
then from a pushcart and finally from a store or chain
of stores. They became professionals like doctors
and lawyers while the German dunkoffs remained
peasants. Jared Taylor claims he has no problem
with Jews and that they are White however the
Jewish Defense Organization of which I am a
member opposes all forms of racism. I have
personally had Jared Taylor’s racist meetings
cancelled for two years in a row. Taylor wants to
sterilize Black women and has received grants from
the Pioneer Fund as has Willis Carto. The Pioneer
Fund was started in 1937 and was closely aligned
with Nazi Germany. Jared Taylor is described as a
“criminologist” by Ron Paul and his newsletter gave
out subscription information about Taylor’s
publications. Llewellyn Rockwell published Jared
Taylor’s article “Hate Crimes Laws Miss the Point
Indeed, They are Instruments of Totalitarianism.”

Another way to get rid of people with African

blood is to refuse medical aid to Africa while it is
experiencing an AIDS epidemic. On July 24, 2008
Ron Paul stated:


Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this

irresponsible legislation, which will ship
$48 billion overseas as foreign aid at a
time when Americans are feeling the
pressure of rapidly increasing inflation
and a weakened dollar. It is particularly
objectionable to ship money to fund
healthcare overseas when so many
Americans either struggle with high
healthcare costs or avoid seeking medical
assistance altogether due to lack of
insurance or funds. As we know, the
federal government does not have $48
billion to send overseas so it will have to
print the money. It is a cruel irony that this
will add to inflation at home which will
increase even further the costs of
healthcare in the United States. Mr.
Speaker, I am saddened by the
prevalence of disease in impoverished
countries overseas. I certainly encourage
every American concerned about
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
overseas to voluntarily provide assistance
to help alleviate the problem. But I do not
believe it is appropriate -- nor is it
Constitutional -- to forcibly take money

from American citizens to send abroad. I

urge my colleagues to reject this and all
foreign aid legislation.46

More Haitians?

If there is one thing we don’t need in this

country, its more Haitians immigrants with
AIDS. Congratulations to the Senate for
stopping, at least temporarily, Clinton’s
plan to have the AIDSians move here to
die at $100,000 a pop, courtesy of the
taxpayers. But what does it tell us about
Clinton that he would like all the Haitians,
AIDS carriers and otherwise, to go on
U.S. welfare in Florida? That he hates the
real America.

Jesse Jackson went on a hunger strike to

protest the idea of keeping the Haitians in
Haiti, or at least out of the U.S.
Unfortunately he went off the diet. As
usual his motive seems to be pure malice
toward white people.



Paul didn’t want to help the Haitians out after a

devastating earthquake. On January 21, 2010 he
claimed that this was for financial reasons but as you
can see from the above excerpt from his newsletter
he hated Haitians long before this national disaster

I rise in reluctant opposition to this

resolution. Certainly I am moved by the
horrific destruction in Haiti and would
without hesitation express condolences to
those who have suffered and continue to
suffer. As a medical doctor, I have
through my career worked to alleviate the
pain and suffering of others.
Unfortunately, however, this resolution
does not simply express our
condolences, but rather it commits the US
government “to begin the reconstruction
of Haiti” and affirms that “the recovery
and long-term needs of Haiti will require a
sustained commitment by the United
States….” I do not believe that a
resolution expressing our deep regret and
sorrow over this tragedy should be used
to commit the United States to a “long-
term” occupation of Haiti during which
time the US government will provide for

the reconstruction of that country. I am

concerned over the possibility of an open-
ended US military occupation of Haiti and
this legislation does nothing to alleviate
my concerns. On the contrary, when this
resolution refers to the need for a long
term US plan for Haiti, I see a return to
the failed attempts by the Clinton and
Bush Administrations to establish Haiti as
an American protectorate. Already we are
seeing many argue that this kind of
humanitarian mission is a perfect fit for
the US military. I do not agree. Certainly I
would support and encourage the efforts
of the American people to help the people
of Haiti at this tragic time. I believe that
the American people are very generous
on their own and fear that a US
government commitment to reconstruct
Haiti may actually discourage private
contributions. Mr. Speaker, already we
see private US citizens and corporations
raising millions of dollars for relief and
reconstruction of Haiti. I do not believe
the US government should get in the way
of these laudable efforts. I do express my
condolences but I unfortunately must

urge my colleagues to vote against this

resolution committing the United States
government to rebuild Haiti.47

In Stay out of Sudan's Civil War House

Amendments to Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Act
11/19/04 he stated:

The fact is we do not know and cannot

understand the complexities of the civil
war in Sudan, which has lasted for 39 of
that country’s 48 years of existence.
Supporters of our intervention in Sudan
argue that this is a clear-cut case of
Sudan’s Christian minority being
oppressed and massacred by the Arab
majority in the Darfur region. It is
interesting that the CIA’s World Factbook
states that Sudan’s Christians, who make
up five percent of the population, are
concentrated in the south of the country.
Darfur is a region in the mid-western part
of Sudan. So I wonder about this very
simplistic characterization of the conflict.48




Paul’s newsletters were filled with racist attacks

on blacks: “Order was only restored in L.A. when it
came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare
checks,” read a typical article from the June 1992
“Special Issue on Racial Terrorism,” a supplement to
the Ron Paul Political Report. Racial apocalypse was
the most persistent theme of the newsletters; a 1990
issue warned of “The Coming Race War.” George
Lincoln Rockwell, the neo-Nazi leader of the
American Nazi Party:

Believed a race war was imminent. He

expressed horror at the prospect of
interracial carnage on American soil but
actually welcomed it as a necessary
element of the social chaos that would
sweep him to power. “Commander
Rockwell was positive” a follower wrote,
that the Blacks were going to go on an
all-out rampage before the decade of the
Sixties as out, and touch off the race war
that so many talked about in those days,"
To a boyhood friend not involved in
American Nazi Party politics Rockwell
confided: "I am convinced that the world
is building to a Race War, in which we are
outnumbered ten to one, we are divided
and decadent, while the colored races are

hard and getting harder.” The terror of

that race war Rockwell believed would
drive the American people to turn to him
as the only politician tough enough to
protect their interests. For Rockwell, the
coming race war was but one battle in the
larger war with the Jew.49

On August 30, 1979 Paul praised the magazine

The American Mercury: “Mr. Bruce, I found all the
articles you sent me from the American Mercury very

Russell Maguire, who owned the Thompson

Submachine Gun Company, became owner of the
American Mercury in August 1952. In 1952 George
Lincoln Rockwell became its editor. Maguire sold
the Mercury to the Defenders of the Christian Faith,
Inc., owned by Reverend Winrod and located
in Wichita, Kansas, in 1961. Reverend Winrod was
known as "The Jayhawk Nazi" during World War II,
and was tried and convicted for violations of
the Sedition Act of 1918. In 1966 the magazine
merged with Willis Carto and Roger Pearson’s
Western Destiny. Pearson was a well known neo-



Nazi and pro-Fascist who headed up the World Anti-

Communist League during its most blatantly pro-
Fascist periods. Pearson was a close associate
of Wickliffe Draper, founder of the Pioneer Fund and
was the largest recipient of Pioneer Fund grants in
history. By then The American Mercury was a
quarterly with a circulation of barely 7,000, and its
editorial content was composed almost entirely of
attacks upon Jews, African Americans, and other

A 1978 American Mercury article praised Adolf

Hitler as the "greatest Spenglerian." The spring 1980
issue celebrated H. L. Mencken's centennial, and
lamented the passage of his era, "before the virus of
social, racial, and sexual equality" grew in "fertile soil
in the minds of most Americans." The issue of The
American Mercury Paul praised included essays
entitled, “You Can't Escape the Kosher Food Tax,”
“Are You Ready for the White Man's Doomsday,”
and “Racism - Black African Style.” The last issue
concluded with a plea for contributions to build a
computer index — with information about the 15,000
most dangerous political activists, actual or alleged,
in the United States.

An article the following year in the Ron Paul /

Willis Carto newsletter was about disturbances in the

Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C.,

and was entitled Animals Take Over the D.C.
Zoo. Another newsletter reported on the heretofore
unknown phenomenon of “Needlin’,” in which “gangs
of black girls between the ages of 12 and 14” roamed
the streets of New York and injected white women
with possibly HIV-infected syringes.


“Needlin’,” a new form of racial terrorism,

has struck New York City streets on the
Upper West Side. At least 39 white
women have been stuck with used
hypodermic needles–perhaps infected
with AIDS–by gangs of black girls
between the ages of 12 and 14. The New
York Times didn’t find this fit to print for
weeks and weeks, until its candidate
David Dinkins was safely elected. Even
then the story was very low key, with race
mentioned many paragraphs into it.

Who can doubt that if the situation had

been reversed, if white girls had done this
to black women, we would have been
subjected to months-long nation-wide
propaganda campaign on the evils of


white America? The double standard

strikes again.

Another newsletter stated:

Today, gangs of young blacks bust into a

bank lobby firing rounds at the ceiling. We
don’t think a child of 13 should be held as
responsible as a man of 23. That’s true
for most people, but black males age 13
who have been raised on the streets and
who have joined criminal gangs are as
big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as
any adult, and should be treated as such.

Paul vilified Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:

So now even the establishment press

admits that Martin Luther King plagiarized
his PhD dissertation, his academic
articles, his speeches, and his sermons.

He was also a comsymp, if not an actual

party member, and the man who replaced
the evil of forced segregation with the evil
of forced integration.

King, the FBI files show, was not only a

world-class adulterer, he also seduced
underage girls and boys. The Rev. Ralph

David Abernathy revealed before his

death that King had made a pass at him
many years before.

And we are supposed to honor this

"Christian Minister" and lying socialist
satyr with a holiday that puts him on par
with George Washington?

Congratulations to Arizona! Who could

doubt that the result would be exactly the
same if the other 49 states could also
vote on a holiday for this affirmative
action saint?

Paul attacked Ronald Reagan for signing

legislation creating the federal holiday in his name,
complaining, “We can thank him for our annual Hate
Whitey Day.” Paul had this to say about King:

St. Martin was a world-class

philanderer who beat up his paramours
("non-violence" didn't apply in all
spheres, I guess). He was a flagrant
plagiarist with a phony doctorate. He
replaced forced segregation in a few
states with forced integration in all
states. And he was a dedicated


socialist. What a guy. He probably

deserves two holidays.

Why, he often asked "is it that people

have to pay water bills in a world that is
two-thirds water?" (Forget a PhD. Give
this man an IQ test.)

Capitalism, he said, has "left a gulf

between superfluous wealth and abject
poverty, has created conditions
permitting necessities to be taken from
the many to give luxuries to the few,
and has encouraged small hearted
men to become cold and
conscienceless." As compensation, he
advocated paying blacks "about fifty
billion" -- $250 billion in today's dollars -
- per year for ten years, although all the
wealth in the country "could not
adequately compensate its Negroes for
his centuries of exploitation and

King advocated racial quotas: "If a city

has a 30% Negro population," then
"Negroes should have at least 30% of
the jobs in any particular company, and
join in all categories."

And David Garrow's Pulitzer Prize-

winning biography reports that King
"made it clear to close friends" that he
considered himself a Marxist."

Even his ballyhooed "non-violence"

was a tactic. He wanted to take power
like Castro did, "but a violent revolution
on the part of American blacks would
find no sympathy and support from the
white population." So he adopted non-
violence as a "strategy for change, a
tactical program."

The official line among some

conservatives and libertarians is that
the civil rights movement started out
well, but went astray after King's death.
In fact, it was bad from the beginning,
never seeking the mere removal of Jim
Crow laws, which would have been
legitimate, but forced integration and
wealth redistribution.

In 1988 when I ran for president on the

Libertarian Party ticket, I was berated
for hours by LP members because I
had refused to vote, while in Congress,


for a Martin Luther King national


I didn't know then about his plagiarism,

but the rest of King's crimes were clear.
J. Edgar Hoover once called his "the
most dangerous man in America." Who
could have known the danger would
continue after his death and threaten to
strangle our culture?

Perhaps, the most damnable lie that

Ron Paul tells about race in the US is
his claim that Martin Luther King and
Rosa Parks are amongst his greatest
heroes. Of course, there's not an ounce
of truth in either claim. For one thing,
he voted against honoring either of
them - twice against making King's
birthday a holiday, and once against
honoring Rosa Parks with the
Congressional Gold Medal. In 2012 the
lying racist pig said this:

One of my heroes is Martin Luther King

because he practiced the libertarian
principle of peaceful resistance and
peaceful civil disobedience, as did
Rosa Parks. But also, I’m the only one

up here — and the only one in the

Republican Party — that understands
true racism in this country is in the
judicial system, and it has to do with
enforcing the drug laws. Look at the
percentages. The percentage of people
who use drugs are about the same with
blacks and whites. And yet the blacks
are arrested way disproportionately.

“Arrested disproportionately?” Paul really believes

that they are not as he stated:

Given the inefficiencies of what DC

laughingly calls the criminal justice
system, I think we can safely assume that
95 percent of the black males in that city
are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. We
are constantly told that it is evil to be
afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational.

After Barak Obama was re-elected by a few populous

states some people in the states that went for
Romney began talking secession. Paul was widely
quoted on the subject:

Actually, after the Civil War, nobody

believes there is a so-called right to
secession, but it is a very legitimate issue

to debate because all of the states that

came into the Union before the Civil War
believed they have a right to secede and
New England in the early part of the 19th
century actually considered it, and
nobody questioned them about whether
they had the right to do it or not.

Since the Civil War, it’s been sort of a

dead issue, but he brought it up. It stirred
the media and believe me, it really stirred
some of the liberal media where they
started really screaming about what is
going on here. “This is un-American”, I
heard one individual say, “This is
treasonous to even talk about it.”


A close aide to Sen. Rand Paul

(R., Ky.) who co-wrote the
senator’s 2011 book spent years
working as a neo-Confederate
racist. Paul hired Jack Hunter,
39, to help write his book The
Tea Party Goes to
Washington during his 2010
Senate run. Hunter joined Paul’s office as his social
media director in August 2012. From 1999 to 2012,

Hunter was a South Carolina radio shock jock known

as the “Southern Avenger.” He has weighed in on
issues like racial pride and Hispanic immigration, and
stated support for the assassination of President
Abraham Lincoln.

Prior to his radio career, while in his 20s, Hunter

was a chairman in the League of the South, which
“advocates the secession and subsequent
independence of the Southern States from this forced
union and the formation of a Southern republic.”

“The League of the South is an implicitly racist

group in that the idealized version of the South that
they promote is one which, to use their ideology, is
dominated by ‘Anglo-Celtic’ culture, which is their
code word for ‘white’,”50

The League of the South is connected with the

Mises Institute which is run by Lew Rockwell and Ron
Paul. Thomas Woods, a prominent Rockwellian, is a
founding member of the League of the South.
Another prominent Rockwellian identified as a
League member is Charley Reese. He is part of the
ultra-Catholic group that revolves around Rockwell.



The Southern Patriot Shop is owned by the

League of the South which paid $158,000 for the
building. The manager is David Sutter. All this is
easily confirmed via League of South web sites.
Joshua Caleb Sutter, is an employee and the son of

Now David Sutter is not unknown in among Nazi

scum. He was a major activist in the Aryan Nations.
He called himself Wulfran Hall, High Counsel of
Aryan Nations. Sutter lived at the compound of the
Aryan Nation for awhile. And when the group split the
new leader, and Sutter’s mentor, August Kreis,
moved the headquarters to a trailer not far from the
Southern Patriot Shop.

Joshua Sutter was previously arrested when he

tried to purchase a firearm with the serial number
ground off. Sutter also was a member of the Church
of the Sons of Yaweh, a racialist Identity church, that
preaches that only whites have souls and that Jews
are the physical offspring of Satan. After the 9/11
attacks Sutter was appointed by the Aryan Nations as
their Minister for Islamic Liaison. His job was to start
building alliances with radical Islamic groups.51



“[T]he Southern League supports a return to a

political and social system based on kith and kin
rather than an impersonal state wedded to the idea of
the universal rights of man. At its core is a European
population.” — Michael Hill, essay on League of the
South website, 2000

The League of the South is connected with

Occidental Dissent, a group that believes Africans
are subhumans. The group compares Black people
to Chimpanzees. These are hardcore racist Nazi pigs
but what do you expect? Ron and Rand are both





Ron Paul is estimated to have 150 to 200

delegates bound to him at the Republican National
Convention in Tampa, Florida plus control over four
state delegations. According to RNC Rule 40, Paul
needed a plurality of delegates from five states for his
name to be put forth for nomination at the convention.
Nebraska was the last state to hold a convention and
its 32 delegates were not required to match the
primary, where Romney won 70% of the vote.
However, prospective delegates must indicate their
presidential preference and are bound to vote for that
candidate for the first two ballots. Paul failed to win a
plurality of delegates in Nebraska in fact he only won
one! Had he succeeded it would have forced a roll
call vote where each delegate of each state would
have been polled on the floor of the convention. If
Paul had succeeded in Nebraska it also would have
meant getting a prime time 15-minute speaking slot,
perhaps a promise of a Cabinet position, and, of

course, influencing the GOP platform to further his

Crypto-Nazi agenda. Since this was Paul’s last
chance to pull off a bloodless putsch and become
President, Nebraska Republican Party officials, for
the first time, hired security52 for the convention to
ward off any disruptions that have occurred at state
conventions such as the one in Arizona, where Paul
supporters got into a shouting match with Romney



Although he got about 11% of the

Republican Primary popular vote53 Paul
was able to amass a disproportionate
number of delegates to the Republican
Convention by poaching the votes
where the delegates were unbound. In this way these
“libertarians” were able to deprive citizens of their
liberty to elect the candidates of their choice. The
liberty to deprive others of their liberty is the
liberty of Ron Paul and his robot like storm


In Louisiana Paul’s slime balls did a great job of

“spreading liberty” and deprived people of the right to
have their vote count. Paul received only 6% of the
popular vote yet Paul dominated the Louisiana
Republican caucuses. He captured 27 of the 46
delegates to which Louisiana is entitled. Paul
supporters also elected one of their own, Henry
Herford, to a senior party post. Week after week,
Paul forces use GOP rules54 to dominate or exert a
large influence at state Republican conventions and
send pro-Paul delegates to the national GOP
convention.55 Louisiana was no fluke. At the Nevada
Republican convention Paul won 22 of a possible 25
delegates to the national convention yet he came in
third with less than 19 percent of the vote. In Iowa
after what the Des Moines Register described as a
"two-day tug-of-war marked by bouts of angry
shouting,"56 Paul supporters walked away with 23 of



28 total delegates to send to Augusts’ Republican

National Convention in Tampa, Florida.57

How do these Ron Paul Stormtroopers manage to

round up delegates? Through physical intimidation! In
Saint Peters County Missouri a Blackman, Eugene
Dokes, who, as chairman of the county's GOP
committee, played a key role in leading the caucus.
But Dokes said he grew concerned Saturday after
supporters of White House hopeful Ron Paul were
"beginning to get physical." "At one point there was
four or five people surrounding me," Dokes recalled
Sunday. "I didn't think it was safe." This is how a Nazi
who used the name Lone Guard was there as a Ron
Paul supporter and later posted,

The lying, cowardly negro who single

handedly embarrassed the GOP by
shutting down the largest caucus in
Missouri because he didn't want any Ron
Paul delegates is now claiming Ron Paul
supporters are threatening his family,
according to Brent Stafford, the man who
Dokes had arrested.

Ron Paul’s followers were able to subvert

democracy by misusing the Electoral College system.


This does not bother them. Democracy is something

they profess to disbelieve in. Yet, at the same time,
Ron Paul’s storm trooper’s claim they want a
Jeffersonian democracy.

Thomas Jefferson favored a nation with most

powers reserved for the states. He was opposed to a
strong central authority and believed that the people
were the final authority in government. Hamilton
believed that the government should be run by those
who were educated and wealthy rather than by “the
mob.” Before my DNS was banned from the website
the Daily Paul I noticed numerous posts that stated:
“This is a Republic not a Democracy.” Republic is a
buzzword for where it is permissible for a minority to
rule over a majority through an Electoral College
system. In reality all the word Republic means is that
a country is not an aristocracy. We are both a
Republic and Democracy. So the Pauloids are elitists
and Hamiltonians, not Jeffersonians. They are also
found of this quotation “James Madison said
Democracy is the tyranny of the majority.” This is
from The Daily Paul:

Even though Ron Paul lost the popular

vote in every state so far, he has now
won the majority of the delegates in 11
states. And the delegate count happens

to be the only thing that matters when it

comes to electing nominees. Thank you
Founding Fathers for the Electoral
College system. And thank you Ron Paul
people who have used that system as the
Founding Fathers' intended.58

Ron Paul supporters have no compunctions about

their activities because they are not libertarians.
Libertarians would not be depriving people of their
liberty, their freedom to choose political leaders by
depriving them of their vote. The Founding Fathers
intended to use the Electoral College System to
protect democracy from the Irish urban poor turning it
into mob rule. The voters the Pauloids
disenfranchised were middle class Republican
voters, not the illiterate Black Irish the Founding
Fathers had in mind. The Pauloids are not using the
system, they are playing the system.

The Nazis are old hands at subverting

democracy. They did it in Germany with the passage
of the Enabling Act. The Enabling Act was passed by
Germany's Reichstag and signed by President Paul
von Hindenburg on March 23, 1933. It was the
second major step, after the Reichstag Fire Decree,


through which Chancellor Adolf Hitler legally obtained

plenary powers and established his dictatorship. It
received its name from its legal status as an enabling
act granting the Cabinet the authority to enact laws
without the participation of the Reichstag. If the
Pauloids took control of Congress they could
conceivably do it here, although it would require a
Constitutional Amendment. What sociological
groups comprise Ron Paul’s supporters? One
group of Ron Paul Slime balls is comprised of
hardcore Nazi scum, like Don Black and his son see
with Paul on the following page.


The mass murderer of six people in

Wisconsin at a Sikh temple, Wade
Michael Page, was a participant in
bands that performed Nazi and
skinhead music. Page started two
bands – Definite Hate and End
Apathy. These bands were heavily
advertised on Don Black’s website, Stormfront.
Interestingly enough the slogan end apathy is often
used by Ron Paul followers as you can see HERE.
This group of Ron Paul supporters consists of racists,
fascists, eugenicists, Skinheads, Klansmen and
Nazis. They realized that a vote for Ron Paul, even
though he doesn’t spell it out, is a vote to kill Jews
and deport Blacks. These vermin know that the only
difference between Ron Paul and Adolf Hitler is that
Hitler put his platform forward in plain German,
shouted it at the German people and made it clear to
them that all the Jews in Europe were going to die
under his rule. Millions of Germans understood what
the final solution to the Jewish problem meant and
supported it. These post-war hardcore Jew-haters
understand that Paul can’t announce that publically
here and get away with it. The media, the ADL, WWII
veterans would be all over him. It would be political
suicide. These wanna be mass murderers know that

Ron Paul is forced to candy-coat his Nazi beliefs

using dog whistle words like “no foreign
entanglements” when he means disown Israel and let
it be destroyed.

Dog-whistle politics, also known as the use of

code words, is a term for a type of political
campaigning or speechmaking which employs coded
language that appears to mean one thing to the
general population but has a different or more
specific meaning for a targeted subgroup of the
audience. The term is used to refer to messages with
an intentional subtext. The key to its use is to
maintain the option of "plausible deniability." For
example the phrase "states' rights", although literally
referring to powers of individual state governments in
the United States, are "code words" for
institutionalized segregation and racism.

In January 2012 Ron Paul was a hot topic on the

talk radio show hosted by Nazis Don Black and his
son Derek. But Paul and Black go back further than
that. In 1981, a lawyer tried to subpoena Ron Paul to
testify in the trial of Black,59 then a Grand Wizard for
the Ku Klux Klan who would later go on to found the
white supremacist, neo-Nazi website, Stormfront.



Black was charged along with two other Klansmen

with planning to violently overthrow the small
Caribbean country of Dominica in what they called
Operation Red Dog. An examination of Operation
Red Dog revealed that in 1981 a group of American
and Canadian White supremacists led by Klansman
and mercenary, Michael (Mike) Perdue planned on
taking over a small West Indian country called
Dominica by overthrowing the government and Prime
Minister Eugenia Charles and restoring its previous
prime minister, Patrick Johns into power. The group
planned to create an Aryan paradise in Dominica and
make money through casinos, cocaine and

On the day the group of white supremacists was

supposed to travel to Dominica, they were arrested
by ATF agents and were found with over thirty
automatic weapons, shotguns, rifles, handguns,
dynamite, ammunition, a confederate flag and a Nazi
flag. The plan would be dubbed The Bayou of Pigs
after the failed invasion of Cuba.

The leader of the group, Michael Perdue, would

plead guilty to planning the coup and turned state’s
evidence. Perdue would testify that several other

60. The Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi: A History By Michael Newton Page



people helped organize and fund the coup and that

two Texas politicians were aware of the plan. Among
those Perdue implicated were David Duke, former
Texas Governor, John Connally and Congressman,
Ron Paul whom he claimed knew about the plot.
Connally was credited with helping Paul win his first
congressional election.61

A judge refused to subpoena Paul and Connally

despite the fact that Perdue had claimed that both of
them were aware of the plot. Don Black’s friend and
fellow KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke was called to
testify before a grand jury but claimed that he would
take the Fifth Amendment and never appeared. While
Duke was never charged with a crime, several books
points to Duke as the organizer who connected
Perdue to the other mercenary Klansmen and the
people who funded their endeavor.62 Everyone else
implicated by Perdue was charged with the plot.

Perdue implicated three men as funders of the

plot, L .E. Matthews of Jackson, Mississippi, James
C. White of Houston, and David Duke’s close friend
and backer, J. W. Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick would kill


62. The Rise of David Duke By Tyler Bridges page 98


himself before he could stand trial and White and

Matthews would be acquitted in court. Former Prime
Minister of Dominica, Patrick Johns would be
sentenced to 12 years in prison for his part of the
plot. Michael Perdue, Don Black and seven other
Klansmen would be sentenced to only 3 years in
prison. Ron Paul has never made a statement
denying knowledge of the plot despite the fact that he
was implicated by Perdue and almost subpoenaed.

Paul was photographed with Black and his son by

David Duke’s former assistant, Jamie Kelso63 who
was an organizer for Ron Paul and the owner of
white supremacist sites, and and a moderator for Black’s neo-
Nazi website, Stormfront.64

Black would become one of Paul’s most

enthusiastic supporters and helped rally the white
supremacist community around Paul, through
Stormfront. Black said he received Paul’s Nazi
newsletters when they were first published and
described how the publications were perceived by
members of the Nazi movement. KKK
Grand Wizard and former Louisiana Congressman


David Duke phoned in to Don Black’s internet radio

show and explained why he’s voting for Paul. Black
told him:

Everybody, all of us back in the 80’s and

90’s, felt Ron Paul was, you
know, unusual in that he had actually
been a Congressman, that he was one of
us and now, of course, that he has this
broad demographic–broad base of

Black donated to Mr. Paul in 2007 and in 2011 it

was revealed that Black donated $500 dollars to the
Ron Paul Presidential campaign. Black told The
Young Turks host Cenk Uygur that he supported
Paul’s presidential candidacy.65 Ron Paul’s campaign
refused to reject the donation and return it. This is
from Stormfront:

Re: Is Ron Paul listening to David Duke's

radio in his closet? Ron Paul could
certainly be a White Nationalist, but if he
ever made any sign of this he would be
done. The second the public hears "white
nationalist", they immediately think of


Ron Paul would be over with. Regardless

of his views though; he is certainly on our

Paul was asked about this: “If they want to

endorse me, they’re endorsing what I do or say — it
has nothing to do with endorsing what they say.” But
if the Nazis are endorsing what Paul has to say there
must be some areas of agreement between them.

Paul received support from other White

Supremacist groups: When Anonymous hacked a
white supremacist website known as American 3rd
Position (A3P) the anti-Nazi fighters discovered:

In addition to finding the usual racist rants

and interactions with other white power
groups, we also found a disturbingly high
amount of members who are also
involved in campaigning for Ron Paul.
According to these messages, Ron Paul
has regularly met with many A3P
members, even engaging in conference
calls with their board of directors. We put
extra effort in ruining the life of A3P
webmaster Jamie Kelso. On top of being
on the board of directors of A3P, former
scientologist, and high ranking Ron Paul
organizer, he also is the account owner of

German Nazi forums and store nsl-, We went
ahead and wiped those websites off the
internet as well, dumping private
messages and order information.

Paul met with Bill Johnson, the chairman of A3P.

Johnson wrote a 1989 book, under the name James
O. Pace, called "Amendment to the Constitution,"
backing what became known as the Pace
Amendment. Here it is, in part:

No person shall be a citizen

of the United States unless
he is a non-Hispanic white of
the European race, in whom
there is no ascertainable
trace of Negro blood, nor more than one-
eighth Mongolian, Asian, Asia Minor,
Middle Eastern, Semitic, Near Eastern,
American Indian, Malay or other non-
European or non-white blood. Hispanic
whites, defined as anyone with an
Hispanic ancestor, may be citizens if, in
addition to meeting the aforesaid
ascertainable trace and percentage tests,
they are in appearance indistinguishable
from Americans whose ancestral home is

the British Isles or Northwestern Europe.

Only citizens shall have the right and
privilege to reside permanently in the
United States.

Ron Paul endorsed Bill Johnson for a seat on the

Los Angeles Superior Court in 2008. Paul would
retract his endorsement after Johnson’s racist views
were made public. In e-mails Jamie Kelso boasted of
being asked to be Johnson’s “personal assistant” and
referred to Johnson as “Ron Paul’s top man in
Southern California for the last 3 years.”

Bill Johnson and I will be meeting with

Ron Paul. I have a teleconference call
with Bill (and Ron Paul) tonight. Much
more later. Things are starting to happen
(thanks to folks like you). I’ll be at CPAC
from Feb. 9 to Feb. 12. I’ll send back
reports to you from personal meetings
with Ron Paul and many others. It’ll be
here on WhiteNewsNow, a place that is
really starting to get interesting because
of the presence of folks like you. Birds of
a feather flock together, and we are really
gathering some quality here.

The militia types also support Paul: Three months

before far-right terrorists killed 168 Americans in

Oklahoma City; Paul’s newsletter praised the “1,500

local militias now training to defend liberty” as “one of
the most encouraging developments in America.”
And he offered specific advice to antigovernment
militia members, such as, “Keep the group size
down,” “Keep quiet and you’re harder to find,” “Leave
no clues,” “Avoid the phone as much as possible,”
and “Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to
have a war, let it begin here.” Timothy McVeigh,
using the alias "T. Tuttle," advertised for sale a
military style launcher in the crypto-Nazi newspaper
The Spotlight that repeatedly featured Paul. The ad,
which appeared in the August 16, 1993 issue and two
subsequent issues, offered for sale a "LAW launcher
replica" which "fires 37 mm flares," as well as the
flares themselves which can be modified for
explosive use. (LAW stands for "light anti-tank

Paul, a Nazi who is planning hate crimes beyond

most people’s comprehension, opposed Hate Crimes

Last week, the House of Representatives

acted with disdain for the Constitution and
individual liberty by passing HR 1592, a
bill creating new federal programs to
combat so-called “hate crimes.” The

legislation defines a hate crime as an act

of violence committed against an
individual because of the victim's race,
religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, gender identity, or disability.
Federal hate crime laws violate the Tenth
Amendment's limitations on federal
power. Hate crime laws may also violate
the First Amendment guaranteed freedom
of speech and religion criminalizing
speech federal bureaucrats define as

There is no evidence that local

governments are failing to apprehend and
prosecute criminals motivated by
prejudice, in comparison to the
apprehension and conviction rates of
other crimes. Therefore, new hate crime
laws will not significantly reduce crime.
Instead of increasing the effectiveness of
law enforcement, hate crime laws
undermine equal justice under the law by
requiring law enforcement and judicial
system officers to give priority to
investigating and prosecuting hate
crimes. Of course, all decent people
should condemn criminal acts motivated

by prejudice. But why should an assault

victim be treated by the legal system as a
second-class citizen because his
assailant was motivated by greed instead
of hate?

HR 1592, like all hate crime laws,

imposes a longer sentence on a criminal
motivated by hate than on someone who
commits the same crime with a different
motivation. Increasing sentences
because of motivation goes beyond
criminalizing acts; it makes it a crime to
think certain thoughts. Criminalizing even
the vilest hateful thoughts — as opposed
to willful criminal acts — is inconsistent
with a free society.

HR 1592 could lead to federal censorship

of religious or political speech on the
grounds that the speech incites hate.
Hate crime laws have been used to
silence free speech and even the free
exercise of religion. For example, a
Pennsylvania hate crime law has been
used to prosecute peaceful religious
demonstrators on the grounds that their
public Bible readings could incite

violence. One of HR 1592's supporters

admitted that this legislation could allow
the government to silence a preacher if
one of the preacher's parishioners
commits a hate crime. More evidence that
hate crime laws lead to censorship came
recently when one member of Congress
suggested that the Federal
Communications Commission ban hate
speech from the air waves. Hate crime
laws not only violate the First
Amendment, they also violate the Tenth
Amendment. Under the United States
Constitution, there are only three
federal crimes: piracy, treason, and
counterfeiting. All other criminal matters
are left to the individual states. Any
federal legislation dealing with criminal
matters not related to these three issues
usurps state authority over criminal law
and takes a step toward turning the states
into mere administrative units of the
federal government.66



On September 7, 2000 Paul opposed the creation

of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
while at the same time pretending to denounce Hitler:

Mr. Chairman, I rise today in hesitant

opposition to H.R. 4115, the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum
Authorization Act. We as vigilant
Americans must never forget the horrific
lessons of the past and those attendant
consequences of corporatism, fascism,
and tyrannical government; that is,
governmental deprivation of individual
rights. A government which operates
beyond its proper limits of preserving
liberty never bodes well for individual
rights to life, liberty and property.
Particularly, Adolph Hitler’s tyrannical
regime is most indicative of the necessary
consequences of a government
dominated by so-called ‘government-
business’ partnerships, gun-confiscation
schemes, protectionism, abandonment of
speech and religious freedom in the


name of ‘compelling government


Hitler was a socialistic gun-

confiscating liberal willing to abandon
freedom of speech and religion in the
name of ‘compelling government
interests” another word for national
security. The Nazis never nationalized the
German means of production and
companies like Mercedes Benz and
General Aniline thrived under Hitler. Hitler
had the socialist wing of the Nazi Party
exterminated during the Night of the Long

Paul continued to characterize Hitler as a

socialist rather than a National Socialist:

The 20th century has produced socialist

dictators the world over, from Stalin,
Hitler, and Mao to Pol Pot, Castro, and
Ho Chi Minh. More than 200 million
people died as a result of bad ideas of
these evil men. Each and every one of

67. Congressional Record, V. 146, Pt. 12, July 27, 2000 to September 13,
2000 page 17229


these dictators despised the principle of

private property ownership, which then
undermined all the other liberties
cherished by the people.

Paul had this to say about the resurgence of

Nazism in Europe:

This legislation refers to the rise of anti-

Semitism in Europe as if it’s a purely
homegrown phenomenon, as if native
residents of European countries are
suddenly committing violent crimes
against Jews. But I think we are only
getting part of the story here. What is
absent from the legislation is mention of
the well reported fact that much of the
anti-Jewish violence in Europe is
perpetrated by recent immigrants from
Muslim countries of the Middle East and
Africa. Reporting on a firebombing of a
Synagogue in Marseille, France, for
example, the New York Times quotes the
longtime president of that region’s Jewish
Council, Charles Haddad, as saying,
“This is not anti-Semitic violence; it’s the
Middle East conflict that’s playing out


The national police state mentality has

essentially taken over crime investigation
throughout the country. Our local sheriffs
are intimidated and frequently overruled
by the national police. Anything worse
than writing traffic tickets prompts swarms
of Federal agents to the scene. We
frequently see the FBI, the DEA, the CIA,
the BATF, Fish and Wildlife, the IRS,
Federal marshals and even the Army
involved in local law enforcement. They
do not come to assist, but to take over.
The two most notorious examples of
federal abuse of police powers were seen
at Ruby Ridge and Waco, where non-
aggressive citizens were needlessly
provoked and killed by government
agents. At Waco, even Army tanks were
used to deal with a situation that the local
sheriff could have easily handled. These
two incidents are well-known, but
thousands of other similar abuses
routinely occur with little publicity. The
Federal police state seen in the action the
Ruby Ridge and Waco hopefully is not a
sign of things to come, but it could be, if
we are not careful.


In a speech reprinted in the

Spotlight Paul remarked: “This fear
has come from the police state
mentality that prompted Ruby
Ridge, Waco and many other
episodes of an errant federal
government.” In 1992, in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, white
separatist Randy Weaver, with his wife, four children,
and a family friend, resisted well over one hundred
law enforcement authorities after federal marshals
attempted to arrest him for failing to make a court
date stemming from illegal gun sales. Protestors for
the Weavers included Aryan Nation members,
skinheads, and Order members' families. Spotlight
ran numerous articles about the incident. After an
eleven-day standoff a federal marshal, Weaver's wife
Vicki and his son Sam were dead and a federal
marshal, Weaver, and Weaver's friend shot. Rep.
Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho) introduced legislation in
the House requiring federal authorities to secure
state and local permission to conduct law
enforcement operations in municipalities. Paul co-
sponsored the bill.

Every American racist is behind Ron Paul. He is

their candidate! They know where he is coming from
and there are plenty of them as historically there was
never a shortage of bigots in America.


A smaller group of Paul supporters consist of

Muslims. There several Facebook pages entitled
Muslims for Ron Paul. A scan of Paul's political
donors shows many common Muslim names, like
Mohammed, Ali and Ahmed.68 Yousef al-Khattab, co-
founder of the Islamist69 website and
group Revolution Muslim, endorsed Ron Paul.71
The Website muslims4liberty, a pro-Paul site,
contained this:

It looks like the Southern Poverty Law

Center (SPLC) needs a serious reality
check. Last week the SPLC added long
time friend of Muslims 4 Liberty, Michael
Boldin to their list of “30 New Activists
Heading Up the Radical Right.”72 Michael
is the Founder and Director of the Tenth


Amendment Center73 (TAC) and Muslims

4 Liberty stands with him TAC against
this despicable slander.

The TAC believes citizens and states have the

right to nullify federal law so it has gained wide
support among neo-Confederates who are still angry
at the powers the federal government accumulated
after the Civil War that allowed it, among other things,
to act against segregation, discrimination. In the
1950s, several states tried unsuccessfully to resist
desegregation by nullifying federal laws. The
Supreme Court has consistently rejected nullification
as unconstitutional.74

LOUIS FARRAKHAN of the Nation of Islam also

supports Ron Paul:

Brother Farrakhan is not anti-Semitic. But

I have to say these people [those who
established the Federal Reserve Bank in
1913] claim to be Jews. And no the
Federal Reserve Bank really don’t have
nobody overseeing them. Congressman
Ron Paul is trying his best but he is like a
man crying in the wilderness to try and


scrape the Federal Reserve and bring the

right to print money back to the U.S.

Farrakhan went on the say that it was no

coincidence that the Anti-Defamation League was
formed in 1913 as its purpose was to stop anyone
from criticizing the Federal Reserve Bank. Out of six
bankers present at the formulation of the Fed, one,
Paul Warburg of Kuhn & Loeb was Jewish.76

Another large group of rank and file Ron Paul

supporters are young Whites. In the results of
a Gallup77 poll broken down by age of respondents,
Ron Paul does disproportionately well with voters
aged 18-34, being the preferred choice of 20% of that



demographic nationally. Some of these kids have no

idea what Paul represents and have no idea of his
hidden agenda. They are dupes. They are generally
the young Paulbots who don’t realize Paul is a Nazi
and instead believe he is a Libertarian who wants to
free the Prisoners of Weed (POW) and legalize
marijuana. Paul plays them like a violin. I assume
they believe he is as far from Nazi totalitarianism as
you can get because he attacks the power of the
State, however, he does this for
several covert reasons. The main
reason is that it is part of his crypto-
Nazi politics. Paul is a neo-
confederate and if this were
American Civil War times he would
be labeled a traitor to the Union.
Paul says that he wants to weaken
the Federal Government and wants certain powers
returned to State Governments just as the
Confederates did. This way the Southern states could
re-institute the right to segregate and discriminate.
“States’ Rights” as in J. B. Stoner’s National States
Rights Party is a dog whistle term for the imposition
of Jim Crow. These younger Paulbots are
programmed with the same buzz words such as
“constitution” and “freedom” as they troll the internet
looking for negative comments about Paul. Freedom

and Bread," was the slogan used by Hitler to great

effect during the Nazi electoral campaign against
tired old President Hindenburg.


But not all of Paul’s youthful followers are Nazi

dupes. Judging from World War II and how America
refused to bomb the Nazi death camps, there will
always be a residual undercurrent of Jew hatred in
America for demagogues like Paul to tap into for
support. That is why, although they have had no Nazi
affiliation in the past, many Ron Paul supporters have
held racist and Jew-hating sympathies that they were
forced to suppress otherwise they would have risked
social ostracism in a politically correct world. This
group caught on to the fact that Ron Paul is a crypto-
Nazi and jumped at the chance to finally express their
hatred for Blacks and Jews in a socially acceptable
way and politically correct way.


Jew-hating “Progressives” are also supporting

Ron Paul. At Truthdig, Robert Scheer calls him “a
profound and principled contributor to a much-
needed national debate on the limits of federal
power.” When former White House correspondent

Helen Thomas said that Jews should leave Palestine

and go back to Poland and Germany Scheer
defended her. Salon’s Glenn Greenwald (photo left)
is so outraged that progressives haven’t abandoned
Obama for Paul that he accuses
them of supporting the murder of
Muslim children. Greenwald had to
stop practicing law after it was
revealed that he had smuggled out
messages from prison on behalf of
Nazi Matt Hale. There’s a Paul fan
base in the Occupy movement and at Counterpunch,
where Alexander Cockburn is a longtime admirer.
Cockburn was fired from the Village Voice for taking
money from anti-Israeli Arab organizations. Paul is a
regular guest of Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz (Jon
Stewart), who has yet to ask him a tough question.
Stewart minimizes the threat posed by radical Islam
and has often been labeled a traitor to the Jews. The
leftist Code Pink endorsed him. Jewish celebrities like
Oliver Stone, Howard Stern and Bill Maher also
support Paul for reasons that are beyond my
understanding, although Oliver Stone showed that
despite the indisputable fact that Adolf Hitler would
have sent him to a gas chamber Stone had sympathy
for him: “Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout
history and it’s been used cheaply.”


Stone, who met with the Iranian Hitler

Ahmadinejad, went on to say that the Jewish Lobby
is preventing an open discussion about the truth of
the Holocaust. Stone’s son recently traveled to Iran
and converted to Shiite Islam. In the early 1980’s
Stone was going to base his move JFK on a book I
co-authored Coup D’Etat in America – The CIA and
the Assassination of John Kennedy however Colonel
Fletcher Prouty talked him out of it. Prouty was on the
Board of Directors of Spotlight. The Jew haters on
the Left know that Paul is a dedicated, incorruptible
enemy of the State of Israel as any Nazi would be.
That is why they rally behind him.


Jews on the far Right also support Paul. In his

book, Liberty Defined Paul expressed his pleasure
that an anti-Zionist self-hating group called
the American Council for Judaism allegedly has
growing support.

Other American Jews have spoken out

against Israel’s treatment of the
Palestinians as well. The American
Council for Judaism is growing in
influence in the American Jewish
community, especially with the younger
generation. Although it’s argued that

Jews are motivated to immigrate to Israel

because they were exiled from Palestine,
only a small fraction of American Jews
ever moved to Israel.

The American Council for Judaism is opposed the

concept of Jewish nationality and a Jewish state. The
editor of its publications, Allan C.
Brownfield, told the New York Times that “While we
wish Israel well, we don’t view it as our homeland.” In
the fall of 2010, Brownfield wrote a glowing
book review of The Dark Side of Zionism, a book that
equates Zionism with Nazism.78 Brownfield’s article
Zionism and Anti-Semitism - A Strange Alliance
Through History was reprinted by the Nazi Institute
for Historical Review.79

Allan C. Brownfeld received his

B.A. degree from the College of
William and Mary, his J.D.
degree from the Marshall-Wythe
School of Law of the College of
William and Mary and his M.A. in
Government and Politics from the University of
Maryland. He has served on the faculties of St.




Stephen's Episcopal School, Alexandria, Virginia,

and the University College of the University of
Maryland. He is not much of a Jew; in fact it appears
as if he has converted to Catholicism somewhere
along the line.

Brownfeld is a columnist for the Fitzgerald Griffin

Foundation,80 a bunch of Jew hating anti-abortion
Catholics that include the Holocaust denier and
Spotlight golden boy Patrick Buchanan. The
Foundation recently honored Joe Sobran, a Jew
hating piece of trash who was fired by William F.
Buckley from the National Review for his anti-Semitic
columns. In 1985 a six-member federal jury found
that Spotlight libeled National Review in the early
1970's by printing that National Review's editor,
William F. Buckley Jr., had a ''close working
relationship'' with George Lincoln Rockwell, founder
of the American Nazi Party. This was a clever ploy
and a big lie used to discredit Buckley. The Nazi’s
considered Buckley a kosher conservative and a
threat to the racist right.

The founder of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation,

Fran Griffin, and a big pro-lifer, supports Ron Paul
despite Paul’s having said that abortion laws should



be left up to the States, rather than abortion being

outlawed on a federal level as murder. If this were to
be the case women in states where it was illegal
could always travel to states where it was not to
terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

The American Council for Judaism

was founded by Lessing J. Rosenwald.
Rosenwald was a pathological piece of
work who wanted to see his own
people destroyed, thinking the Nazis
would overlook him or maybe he
believed that the Nazis were right and he also should
be destroyed? Born in Chicago, Rosenwald was the
son of Julius Rosenwald, a clothier who became part-
owner and was president of Sears, Roebuck and
Company from 1908 to 1923, and chairman from
1923 to 1932. Lessing went to work for Sears in 1911
as a shipping clerk, and in 1920, was given the
important responsibility of opening a catalog supply
center for the growing mail-order. Succeeding his
father, he was Chairman of Sears from 1932 until
1939. Rosenwald was the best
known Jewish supporter of the America First
Committee that was led by his successor at Sears-
Roebuck and lifelong friend Robert E. Wood. He
finally resigned from the Committee's board in
December 1940 over concerns about anti-Semitism,

but stated that he remained "fully in accord with the

Committee's objectives." In 1943, Rosenwald
accepted the invitation to become President of
the American Council for Judaism, a position he held
until 1955; after that he remained Chairman of the

Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal was

another prominent member of the
American Council for Judaism.
Lilienthal was the first Jew to
denounce Israel in Readers Digest
article entitled “Israel’s Flag is Not
Mine.” The Nazi Duke praised Lilienthal for having
dared to expose the truth about Jewish supremacism.
Lilienthal signed a petition that supported
French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson's right to
publish his filthy lies in France. Lilienthal was
published by Regnery Press. Henry Regnery's
grandfather, William H. Regnery, was the founder of
the America First Committee. Lilienthal, the dirty low
life piece of scum wrote this about, Anne Frank, an
innocent Jewish girl killed by the Nazi pigs:

The Diary of Anne Frank may be a fraud.

It was sold as the actual diary of a young



Jewish girl who died in a Nazi

concentration camp after two years of
abuse and horror. Any informed literary
inspection of this book would have shown
it could not possibly have been the work
of a teenager.82

Paul favors self-hating Jews

because they are easier to
deceive and to ultimately
murder than the militant
variety. Ron Paul shook a
hand that shook
Achmadinajad’s hand. The hand belonged to Yisroel
Dovid Weiss, a traitorous “rabbi” who leads Neturei
Karta, a sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to see
Israel destroyed to hasten the coming of the Messiah.
While many Haredim (ultra-orthodox) believe the
Jews get the Holy Land when the Messiah arrives,
not before -- only Neturei Karta actively sides with
Israel's enemies. The late Neturei Karta
leader Moshe Hirsh was a close associate of Yasser
Arafat, and Rabbi Weiss has traveled with a
delegation to Tehran more than once, including on a
trip to attend an infamous conference on so-called
Holocaust revisionism. Weiss told Paul that Judaism



was a religion and "should never be transformed into

nationalism." Paul responded by saying that the
suggestion was "good advice".

Ron Paul’s Jewish senior legal advisor, Bruce

Fein, believes that Paul won’t wait until America is
attacked but would take pre-emptive action if the CIA
called for it:

Ron Paul would close the hundreds of

U.S. military bases abroad, redeploy
weapons and soldiers now dedicated to
defending foreigners and foreign
countries to the U.S. to defend American
sovereignty and Americans, and end our
multiple treaty obligations that require us
to wage war in defense of other nations.
Our government shouldn’t send
Americans abroad on quests to secure
the liberty of foreigners.

Candidate Paul favors the collection of

intelligence on potential adversaries,
trade between the United States and
other nations, and cultural exchanges and
embassies abroad. Like President
Thomas Jefferson, he would seek “peace,
commerce, and honest friendship with all
nations, entangling alliances with none.”

The cornerstone of peace and the

common defense is deterrence. Ron Paul
would embrace a retaliatory capability
sufficient to destroy every living thing in
any country complicit in an actual or
imminent attack on the United States. He
would deploy troops and weapons
systems capable of foiling any acts of war
targeting Americans on American soil.83

Ron Paul, however, said he would never launch a

pre-emptive attack:

Why are we in Korea? We’ve been there

since I’ve been in high school. Why are
we in Japan? We’ve been there since
World War II. Why are we in Germany,
subsidizing their welfare state by paying
for their defense by staying in Germany?
And why are we in five wars in the Middle
East? We’d be much better off. We are
less safe because of this. We’re going
broke. And it undermines our national
security. So why stay any of those
places? There’s no economic or military
advantage for us to be so involved, trying



to make other people live the way we do.

If we have—

Fox News: Well, yeah, but some would

say, Congressman, that there’s a
difference in being defensive or being
offensive, when it comes to protecting our
country. Some believe that we can more
defensive, and when there’s a threat we
can defend against it. Others believe that
we should be offensive, which is part of
the reason why there are some military
bases overseas, so that we’re “leading” in
those areas.

Ron Paul: Right!

Fox News: Why do you believe that that’s

not the way to go?

Ron Paul: Because that’s the way

dictators work. To say it casually that we
should consider being offensive, that’s
what dictators do. This whole idea that
was encapsulated with the last
administration that “we endorse
preventive war, pre-emptive war; we go to
war to prevent somebody from attacking
us,” that is endless war—and for casual

reasons, without declaration. I think that

is so dangerous. We should have a
defense; we should defend our country.
But when you talk about bases because
we might need an offensive war, I
consider that absolutely un-American.84

Fein was raised in an Orthodox Jewish

home and in 1972 graduated from
Harvard Law School with honors. Fein
served as an associate deputy attorney
and general counsel to the Federal
Communications Commission under
Ronald Reagan. He served as Research Director for
Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee
on Covert Arms Sales to Iran. He has been a Visiting
Fellow for Constitutional Studies at the Heritage
Foundation and an adjunct scholar at American
Enterprise Institute. He has advised numerous
countries on constitutional reform, including South
Africa, Hungary and Russia. Sounds like a rational
individual until we discover that he drew up baseless
articles of impeachment for President Obama. But
now the plot thickens.



Fein’s wife, Mattie, an Iranian Jew, took an

interventionist pro-Israel position when she ran for
Congress in Venice, California. Mattie Fein was
asked “Would you support Israel taking military action
to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under
what circumstances?” and she responded “The
United States should support whatever Israel
believes is justified by national security worries over
Iran.” As a result many of the Jew-hating Paulbots
are calling for the removal of Fein as they have
labeled this Jewish Uncle Tom, this token Jew, this
schick dreck, as a Zionist infiltrator.

Ron Paul stated he would not have helped Jews

escape the Holocaust. Fein wrote:

That Kissinger is devoid of moral scruple

or noble character is confirmed by a
recently released Oval Office tape
recording his volunteered advice to then
President Richard M. Nixon regarding the
free emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel to
escape persecution: "And if they put Jews
into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it
is not an American concern. Maybe a
humanitarian concern."85



Ron Paul is against criminalizing hate speech but

Fein is not:

The ugliest marks in the history of the

United States have stemmed from the
incitements to racial prejudice practiced
by Theodore Bilbo, Orville Faubus, the Ku
Klux Klan, and the producers of The Birth
of a Nation. Diatribes of these types
create an explosive social nitroglycerine
waiting for an epithet or racial incident to
spark violence. ...It is said that if racially
or religiously bigoted speech is
squelched, there will be no stopping point
to prevention of genuine free speech.
Nonsense! The progress of civilization
has been the progress of making
refinements and differentiations in the
law. Prohibitions on racially or religiously
derogatory speech have existed in the
United States, Canada, Great Britain,
West Germany, and elsewhere without
undermining democracy, political dissent
or debate. ...Prohibiting racially and
religiously bigoted speech is praiseworthy
because it seeks to elevate, not to
degrade, because it draws from human
experience, not from woolly dogmas or

academic slogans, because it salutes

reason as the backbone of freedom and
tolerance. Is that clear enough?86

When Fein parrots Paul’s line about cutting off

foreign aid he never mentions the word “Israel” but
lists other countries like the Sudan. He is afraid his
family might disown him. There are so many
contradictions about Fein that I have to question
whether is a publicity seeker who would sell out his
own people to get on cable or something more
sinister. Anyway you want to look at it he is serving
the Nazis.


Numerous Ron Paul web pages carry stories that

alleged that Ron Paul is the victim of massive vote



fraud. Researcher Dennis King reported that when

crypto-Nazi Lyndon LaRouche candidates made a
poor showing,

The national office strives to maintain

their morale by telling them it's a result of
"vote fraud." The USLP (LaRouches
political party) has become, in fact, quite
expert on the vote fraud issue. In 1976 it
persuaded local Republicans in four
states, and also a top Ford advisor, to
cooperate in court challenges against
Carter's victory. According to defectors,
the USLP vote fraud experts have also
been hired on occasion as consultants to
mainstream politicians.87

This claim of vote fraud is not the only connection

between Ron Paul and Lyndon LaRouche and his
zombie-like followers. In the mid-1970s LaRouche
and his group were close with Ron Paul associate
Willis Carto, according to LaRouche's deposition in a
libel case and one by Carto in another lawsuit. Carto
said in his 1980 deposition that his group, Liberty
Lobby, never endorsed the LaRouche’s group but
that he was "quite impressed" with its members and



that his organization's newspaper, Spotlight, had

praised it. LaRouche met with Carto in Wiesbaden,
Germany. Questioned about this meeting during a
1984 deposition, LaRouche recalled that they had
discussed "the Jewish question" as well as the
"abomination" of America's postwar occupation of
Germany. LaRouche knows Paul is a crypto-Nazi like
him and sings his praises:

Going into the final Republican

Presidential debate of the pre-primary
series, Rep. Ron Paul's support is
surging, based on the response to his
principled stands against Obama's wars,
and against Obama's violent attacks on
U.S. constitutional principles and civil
rights. Paul has reportedly worked with
attorney Bruce Fein, who has circulated a
bill of impeachment against Obama.
Lyndon LaRouche commented that
should Paul win in Iowa and/or New
Hampshire, it will "trigger a crisis" for the
British-directed perpetual war party.88

According to Dennis King “British” is LaRouche’s dog

whistle term for Jew. LaRouche stated:



In addition to Ron Paul's statement's that

an "impeachment process would be
possible" against Obama in the killing of
American citizens Anwar al-Awlaki and
Samir Kahn, are condemnations from
other leading figures. Already on Sept.
30, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-
OH) made a statement condemning the
administration for what it called "the
extrajudicial killing" of Anwar al-Awlaki, an
American citizen. In the larger context,
the fact that Obama has boasted that he
is responsible for the assassinations of
two American citizens, with no due
process and a "state secret" blanket
claim, is the strongest corroboration to
date of Lyndon LaRouche's April 11, 2009
diagnosis of Obama as an extreme
narcissist in the tradition of Emperor Nero
and Hitler in the bunker. On Friday,
Obama proved that LaRouche was
absolutely correct. As of Friday, Obama is
a lot closer to being removed from office
by impeachment or the invoking of


Section 4 of the 25th Amendment than

most people realize.89

LaRouche agrees with Ron Paul when it comes to

the Fed: “The Fed prefers to please the British, rather
than defend the interests of the United States. These
people have betrayed the country," LaRouche
concluded. "They should get the credit for betraying
the country." He agrees with Paul on 9/11 revisionism
and with Willis Carto on Holocaust denial: In a Carto-
influenced article LaRouche later tried to suppress,
LaRouche stated:

America must be cleansed for its

righteous war by the immediate
elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and
other British agents from the councils of
government, industry, and labor. Zionist
cultism is among the most worthless,
most contemptible of causes.90

What LaRouche is saying here is that America

must make amends for its role in World War II by
purging the various professions of Jews, just as Hitler
did in Nazi Germany.




We shall now examine the cult character

of Zionism at successive levels,
beginning with the commonplace
delusions of the American Zionist or
Zionist fellow traveler. The contemptible
but impassioned sophistry that the Zionist
demagogue offers to all foolish enough to
be impressed with such hoaxes is the
‘holocaust’ thesis. It is argued that the
culmination of the persecution of the
Jews in the Nazi holocaust proves that
Zionism is so essential to ‘Jewish survival’
that any anti-Zionist is therefore not only
an anti-Semite, but that any sort of
criminal action is excusable against anti-
Zionists in memory of the mythical ‘six
million Jewish victims’ of the Nazi
‘holocaust.’ This is worse than sophistry.
It is a lie.

True about a million and a half Jews did

die as a result of the Nazi policy of labor-
intensive ‘appropriate technology’ for the
employment of ‘inferior races,’ a small
fraction of the tens of millions of others -
especially Slavs - who were murdered in
the same way Jewish refugee Felix
Rohatyn proposes today.

So there weren’t any gas chambers – Jews were

worked to death at menial jobs and was only a small
fraction of the others who were murdered. Then
LaRouche brings in Felix Rohatyn to illustrate that
today the Jews are worse murderers than the Nazis

Even on a relative scale, what the Nazis

did to Jewish victims was mild compared
with the virtual extermination of gypsies
and the butchery of Communists. The
point is that Adolf Hitler was put into
power largely on the initiative of the
Rothschilds, Warburgs and
Oppenheimers, among others.

According to LaRouche the Jews brought on their

own destruction by financing Hitler.

The murderers of the million and a half or

more Jews who died in the ‘holocaust’
are any group, Jewish or non-Jewish,
which supported then or now the policies
advocated by Felix Rohatyn or Milton
Friedman. Either you, as a Jew, join with
the U.S. Labor Party to stop Rohatyn and
Friedman or you are implicitly just as
guilty of the death of millions of Jews as
Adolf Hitler.

Here LaRouche says “a million and a half or

more” Jews were killed in the so-called Holocaust
rather than “a million and a half” and again attributes
their death to the Jewish economists Rohatyn and
Friedman then he tells us you have to join him in his
effort to “stop” (kill) these Jews or you will be labeled
“a Nazi” (confusing code word for a Jew) and you will
die like the rest of the Jews when the big day comes
and LaRouche takes power. All these code words
and bizarre theories caused LaRouche to be less of a
threat than Paul, although long as he is alive
LaRouche will remain a threat. In 1976, LaRouche
campaigned for the first time in a presidential election
as a U.S. Labor Party candidate, polling 40,043 votes
(0.05 percent). He received 25,562 votes in the 1988
presidential election, standing under the banner of
the "National Economic Recovery" party. In the 1988
Presidential Election Paul placed third in the popular
vote with 431,750 votes (0.47%), behind Republican
Bush and Democrat Michael Dukakis.



In July 2012 Ron Paul spoke at a rally on Sunday,

August 26, 2012 at the University of South Florida’s
Sundome. This event was going to be the biggest
Nazi rally since the German-American Bund at
Madison Square Garden in New York City, on
February 20, 1939 pictured on the left, however on
twenty-thousand people attended.

The speakers included Doug Weade, Paul’s

campaign manager (the closest Paul will ever come
to weed) and Ron Paul’s former chief of staff Lew
Rockwell. Rockwell reprinted hundreds of Patrick
Buchanan’s articles on his blog. Rockwell is the
reincarnation of neo-Nazi leader George Lincoln
Rockwell. He wrote,

What happened was that when the Nazis

first learned of the fire, they assumed that
it was carried out by the Communists
and, therefore, that it would be a great
piece of political propaganda to use to go
after the Communists. When they later
learned that it was a lone arsonist, they
decided to ignore the truth and still claim
the Communists were behind the fire.
And that is the lie about the Reichstag


Fire—not that it was a False Flag

operation carried out by the Nazis.91

Rockwell has a history of defending Nazis and

wrote, “When Nazi Germany occupied France during
WW2, did the evil Germans forbid the French from
going to church?”92 In a 1990 column defending Nazi
War Criminal John Demjanjuk Buchanan denied that
Jews had been mass murdered using diesel engine

Diesel engines do not emit enough

carbon monoxide to kill anybody. In 1988,
97 kids trapped 400 feet underground in
Washington, D.C. tunnel while two
locomotive spewed diesel exhausts into
the car, emerged unharmed after 45
minutes. Demjanjuk’s weapon of mass
murder cannot kill.

The Paulfest featured at least one

Jew so it would not seem like an anti-
Jewish, anti-Israel event. Professor
Walter Edward Block (see illustration
for his book Thinking the Unthinkable




on the left) spoke. Block lectured about the rights of a

woman to stop an unwanted pregnancy.
He explained that the libertarian theory of abortion
leads to the right of the woman to evict an unwanted
fetus, but not to kill that fetus, a theory he refers to as
"evictionism." Block stated that in the event of an
unwanted pregnancy, a fetus becomes to its mother
what a trespasser is to the owner of the property in
question. The problem here is that the “trespasser” is
afforded no rights, no liberty, from this so-called
libertarian. If the pregnancy is terminated in the six
month of gestation he would remove it and let it die a
horrible death rather than perform a Dilation and

This crackpot is one of the leading

Jewish defenders of voluntary slave
contracts93 arguing that a slave contract is
"a bona fide contract where consideration
crosses hands; when it is abrogated, theft occurs."
He argues that his position shows "that contract,
predicated on private property [can] reach to the
furthest realms of human interaction, even to
voluntary slave contracts.”94 Aside from the re-




legalization of slavery, the Pauloids will be rallying for

more strip mining as Block has written,

To say of a thing that it is “natural” or “unnatural”

is not to say anything about that thing’s intrinsic
value. A thing’s value depends upon whether or not it
satisfies our needs, and contributes to our well-being.
Strip mining, when evaluated rationally, fulfills these
more rational criteria. Block made some stupid
Jewish joke that stereotyped Jews.

Of course the main speaker was Ron Paul. The

former Liberty Lobbyist repeatedly used the word
“Liberty” in an ambiguous fashion as in “the cause of
liberty.” What he precisely meant by the word was
never defined but his audience comprised of 99%
Whites knew what he meant, Paul was unhappy with
the RNC because many of his delegates had been
disqualified because of a rule change and because
he was not going to be given a speaking slot at the
convention. He never mentioned Israel by name
however it was referred to by implication when he
used the term “my foreign policy.” He recalled that
other “mainstream republicans” had told him:

We like you but if you would change your

foreign policy you would have a lot more
success. You need to change your

foreign policy. And of course if I didn’t

have the policy that I do have I don’t
believe we would be here tonight. This is
something they obviously do not
understand; those who do understand it
fear it because of the powerful special
interests behind a foreign policy of
intervention in the military industrial
complex but its complex but they strongly
resent this.

The term “military industrial complex” was

invented by the Leftist sociologist C. Wright Mills and
first used in his book The Power Elite (1956) then
picked up by President Eisenhower in his farewell
address (1960) in which he stated that it was a threat
to democracy. So the dirty Jews are the “powerful
special interests” who pull the strings behind the
scenes and control the armaments industry so they
can profiteer from the wars they instigate. Later on
Paul would state, “The media is part of the military
industrial complex.” In other words the Jews control
the media. Another code word for Jew is “neo-con”
because many of the neo-cons were Jewish. “Right
now we still have neo-cons all over the place they are
not just in one party either.”


Paul traced America’s troubles to 1913 but

refused to admit that a Republican was President at
the time. Paul continues his historical narrative but is
hesitant to use the word “Nazi.” He skipped over a
few decades then stated that it was in the “1930’s
where we had so much Fascism and Keynesianism.”
Earlier he had said that in the 1930’s “the fascism of
Hitler and Mussolini, and they contributed to another
25 million people that died” then made reference to
the “fascism of Europe” and how we “ended up” in
World War II. Paul is not going to blame the Nazis
because he is a crypto-Nazi.

Paul knows by this time he will get nowhere with

the American people unless there is a catastrophic
economic event that can be blamed on Israel: “The
downfall of the economy will provide more excuses to
crack the whip and crackdown on our civil liberties.”
He makes it seem as if the present administration
would be responsible when it would more likely be
crypto-Nazis like himself.

Terrorism is a result of “blowback” and the

chances of anyone being killed by a terrorist are one
in 25 million. He claimed that American soldier had
up to a 20% chance that he would be killed by
friendly fire. Paul said he heard someone remark that
if Paul’s people were in charge Osama Bin Laden

would still be alive. Paul countered “but you know

that I think the answer is so would the 3,000 people
still be alive.” So America was to blame for 9/11 not
Islam. Prior to this Paul hinted 9/11 was an inside job.
Paul said he had also be accused of not being
patriotic – he cited pre-op traitor not only to his
country but to his sex, Bradley Manning and Wiki
U.S. security document publisher Julian Assange as
patriots. Ron Paul ended his farewell address with
this thought:

In 1935 Sinclair Lewis wrote a novel It

Can’t Happen Here and that novel
essentially was a warning because he
believed that it could happen here; it was
an anti-Fascist novel because he was
very concerned about Mussolini and the
Nazis and his whole argument was that it
can happen here. But I would like to
turn that around and say it can happen

Paul qualified this statement saying something for

the good can happen here but his more cognizant
followers caught on to the real drift of his statement.

Currently Ron Paul supporters are a minority. But

remember, Hitler’s "National-Socialist Freedom
Movement" polled 3% of the vote in the December

1924 Reichstag elections, and this fell to 2.6%

in 1928. State elections produced similar results. But
two years later, after the results were in for
the September 1930 Reichstag elections, the Nazis
won 18.3% of the vote, and became the second-
largest party in the Reichstag. This was a result of
the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent
Great Depression during which Germany became the
hardest hit country with unemployment reaching 6.5
million. As long as Ron Paul runs for public office he
is a threat. Hitler was elected to public office; there
was no coup or power grab and Ron Paul is still a
viable candidate waiting in the wings to take power
when the economic and political circumstances are
right. Paul's campaign chairman Jesse Benton stated
that Paul was not considering running under a third-
party candidacy barring "some sort of financially
catastrophic event in this country." Paul was hoping
that an American-Israeli attack on Iran launched
before the 2012 elections will cause an economic
crisis that will catapult him to power just as Hitler
benefited from the 1929 Stock Market crash and the
Great Depression that followed.95 Paul is betting
against America. Ron Paul is a defeatist and traitor to



his country who wants to accomplish what Hitler

failed to do – defeat the United States.

For every generation of Jews there is going to be

some political figure out to mass murder the Jewish
people and this time it is Ron Paul, in league with his
proxy, Ahmadinejad, the Hitler of Iran.




Paul knows that it would be impossible to goad

America into attacking the Jewish state. He needs a
proxy and he sees Iran as his best hope because the
leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is a
Holocaust denier and Holocaust deniers are Nazis
like himself. As reported, Holocaust denial (Holocaust
Revisionism is a euphemism) was an invention of
Francis Parker Yockey, a Nazi spy. Yockey was
linked to Ron Paul through Paul’s associate Spotlight
publisher Willis Carto.


Where are Holocaust deniers

really coming from? Holocaust
deniers are crypto-Nazis not
revisionist historians. First of all
they all know the Holocaust took
place but deny it in order to
further Nazism. Most people were disgusted by
Nazism due to its insane genocidal nature so the
Nazis want to convince people that this pathology did
not exist so people will be attracted to Nazism once
again. They are well aware that unlike themselves,
not too many people are into gassing babies.
Holocaust deniers also want to deny the last
Holocaust so when they perpetrate a new one they
can deny that one too. Another motivation of the Nazi
Holocaust denier is to de-legitimatize the necessity
for the existence of Israel, because the Holocaust
was what convinced the world to give the Jews their
own State. The Nazi despises Israel because the
existence of Israel makes it much harder for the Nazi
insect to kill Jews since, unlike the Jews in Nazi
Germany Jews in Israel are not unarmed. Nazism is
about - among other things - the killing of Jews; it is a
criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder. Finally
these vermin want to desecrate the memory of those
who perished. They’ve taken everything from these


Jews and now they want to take their deaths from

them and make them into non-persons.

The first part of Paul’s plan to destroy Israel then

wipe out the Jewish race is to protect the political
interests of Ahmadinejad, the Hitler of Iran, by ending
sanctions against Iran (Paul was one of four
Congressmen who voted against sanctions) so that
the regime does not capitulate and give up its bomb
making program. Paul wants to help the Iranians get
atomic weapons and the means to deliver them to Tel
Aviv any way he can.


Rep. Justin Amash was one of the four. Justin

Amash is the son of a Palestinian father, and Syrian
mother. The father of this first-generation Arab-
American is a Palestinian whose family was driven
from its home by Israel during its war of liberation and
lived in a refugee camp. Amash is chairman of the
House Liberty Caucus. There’s no formal
membership list, and Amash said about a dozen
regular meetings are held in his office. He hopes the
group gets big enough someday that they need to
move to a bigger space.

In his Position Paper on U.S. – Israel Relations he

stated “The United States has a long and strategically

important history of strong foreign relations with

Israel. As a member of Congress, I will work to
continue and strengthen this relationship. I will also
respect Israel’s sovereignty and will not support
counterproductive efforts to impose agreements or
conditions on Israel. Israel must manage its foreign
relations and domestic policies as it deems to be in
its own best interests as a sovereign nation.” This
has caused some other Arabs to label him pro-Israel;
however, his affinity for Ron Paul indicates this is
merely a ruse. Note the phrase “strategically
important history of strong foreign relations” as to
military relations. Then he goes on to state that
America must minimize its foreign relations with
Israel and let the Jewish State be on its own. Rand
Paul also claims to be pro-Israel yet he is in favor of
letting Iran develop the bomb.

“Ron Paul was an educational figure. He was out

there really presenting things that others had not
been talking about,” Amash said. “This next
generation of liberty Republicans, like Rand Paul and
Mike Lee and Thomas Massie and Raul Labrador,
we’re interested in making sure that … we re-brand
the Republican Party as a place that is welcoming to
people from across the political
spectrum and follows the founding
principles of our country: limited

government, economic freedom, individual liberty.”

Amash voted against H.R. 3783 Countering Iran in
the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012 along with John
Duncan, (R-TN), Walter Jones (R-NC) Dennis
Kucinich (D-OH) Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Ron
Paul (Nazi -TX).

The Palestinian Arab “Christian” introduced H.R.

2399, the Limiting Internet and Blanket Electronic
Review of Telecommunications and Email Act that
restricts the federal government’s ability under the
Patriot Act to collect information on Americans who
are not connected to an ongoing investigation. The
bill also requires that secret Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA) court opinions be made
available to Congress and summaries of the opinions
be made available to the public. It would cripple
America’s ability to fight terrorism, but Amash is on
the other side and wants to see another terrorist
attack that can be blamed on America’s relationship
with Israel or on Israel.



Amash is leading C4L which “was instrumental in

2010 in defeating the free speech-infringing
“Disclose” Act that was directly targeted at our
donors’ privacy. They also joined with my son Rand

in 2011 to nearly derail renewal of key “Patriot” Act

provisions. Campaign for Liberty activists in Delaware
led an effort to defeat HB 88. HB 88 would have
given new powers to state bureaucrats to deny
Delaware citizens their Second Amendment rights by
declaring them “mentally ill.”

The second part of Paul’s plan involves weakening

Israel by cutting off all economic and military aid so
that it will be easier for Iran to destroy it. But he can’t
say this; otherwise people would put this together
with his Nazi Newsletter connections and realize
what his hidden agenda is about. So he says cut off
all foreign aid. All foreign aid should end, which is
blatantly unconstitutional. Paul had to admit “While it
may be a relatively small part of our federal budget,
for many countries it is a large part of theirs and it
creates perverse incentives for both our friends and

In February 2012 Paul asked for House vote on an

amendment that would cut $6 billion of U.S. aid. Paul
was trying to build support for an amendment to the
fiscal 2011 funding bill that would end all foreign
assistance to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Pakistan. If
Paul's amendment gets a vote, it would be the first
time the entire House would vote on whether or not to
give $6 billion to these foreign governments. The vote

would come in the midst of the largest American

fiscal crisis in a generation, which could increase the
chance that it would attract significant support.96

Paul knows well that Israel is the number one

recipient of military foreign aid. Egypt and Pakistan
are next but unlike Israel they are not threatened with
annihilation from numerous hostile nations. He fooled
the New York Times which wrote, “His votes against
support for Israel follow quite naturally from his
opposition to all foreign aid. There is no sign that they
reflect any special animus against the Jewish

The third part of the plan involves bringing all the

military back from abroad, not just from the Middle
East. This would also make it more difficult to come
to the aid of Israel (which would be highly unlikely
under a Paul regime anyway) and more importantly it
would remove a deterrent to war. But it has plausible
deniability due to the word all. His blanket statements
shield his real purposes.



The Paulbots are fond of quoting Benjamin

Netanyahu out of context to show that Paul is a friend
of Israel and is doing Israel a favor by cutting off aid:

My friends, you don't need to do nation

building in Israel. We're already built. You
don't need to export democracy to Israel.
We've already got it. You don't need to
send American troops to defend Israel.
We defend ourselves. You've been very
generous in giving us tools to do the job
of defending Israel on our own.

The rest of this quotation reads:

Thank you all, and thank you President

Obama, for your steadfast commitment to
Israel's security. I know economic times
are tough. I deeply appreciate this.
Support for Israel's security is a wise
investment in our common future. 98

In no way was Netanyahu saying that Israel no longer

wants American economic and military aid. If this
were the case Israel would refuse it.


Ron Paul is Israel’s avowed enemy but he has to

be low key about it so his soft line on Israel is
basically “let’s take Jefferson’s advice and not get
involved in foreign entanglements.” He wants
America to stay neutral. This is reminiscent of The
Neutrality Acts, laws that were passed by the United
States Congress in the 1930s, in response to the
growing turmoil in Europe and Asia that eventually
led to World War II. They were spurred by the growth
in isolationism and non-interventionism in the US
following its costly involvement in World War I, and
sought to ensure that the US would not become
entangled again in foreign conflicts. The legacy of the
Neutrality Acts in the 1930s was widely regarded as
having been generally negative: they made no
distinction between aggressor and victim, treating
both equally as "belligerents"; and they limited the US
government's ability to aid Britain against Nazi

Ron Paul is also fond of saying that Israel can

defend itself because it has 300 nukes. The Nazi
Paul hopes to see the State of Israel reach a point
where it would become so desperate thanks to a
nuclear Iran it have to employ these atomic weapons
and exercise what is known as the Samson Option.
The Samson Option is a term that used to describe
the Israeli deterrence strategy of massive

retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort”

against nations whose military attacks threaten its
very existence.

The use of nuclear weapons by Israel almost

became a reality when, on the afternoon of October
6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in a
coordinated surprise attack, beginning the Yom
Kippur War. Caught with only regular forces on duty,
augmented by reservists with a low readiness level,
Israeli front lines crumbled. By early afternoon on
October 7, no effective forces were in the southern
Golan Heights and Syrian forces had reached the
edge of the plateau, overlooking the Jordan River.
This crisis brought Israel to nuclear alert.

Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the Prime

Minister Golda Meir that “this is the end of the third
temple,” referring to an impending collapse of the
state of Israel. “Temple” was also the code word for
nuclear weapons. The Israelis assembled 13 twenty-
kiloton atomic bombs. The Jericho missiles and the
nuclear strike F-4s were armed and prepared for
action against Syrian and Egyptian targets. They also
targeted Damascus with nuclear capable long-range
artillery. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was
notified of the alert several hours later on the morning
of October 9. The U.S. decided to open an aerial

resupply pipeline to Israel, and Israeli aircraft began

picking up supplies that day.99

There are other aspects of the Samson option

that could destroy the world. Aside from destroying
enemy troops and fortifications the enemy’s oil fields
might be targeted. Exercising the Samson option
would raise the price of gasoline to $50 a gallon. It
would also raise radiation levels and cancer rates
throughout the world and contaminate the food
supply. The West has a strategic interest, like it or
not, in making sure there is not going to be another
Holocaust, this time a nuclear Holocaust, not only out
of moral considerations but out of practical ones,
because an atomic war in the Middle East could
destroy Western Civilization. This is an entirely
different ballgame than when the West stood by and
let the Nazis slaughter at least 6 million defenseless
Jews, something Jews will never let happen again.
That is why Paul’s Iranian policy of using Iran as a
proxy to destroy Israel is irrational because of the
Israeli nuclear arsenal. The only way it makes sense
is if the mass murder of Jews, despite the
consequences, is your main goal.



The United States has no choice. It must join

Israel if Israel decides to destroy the Iranian bomb
factories: If Israel strikes Iran’s bomb factories
unilaterally it is unlikely it could cripple Iran’s
retaliatory capacity. Iran looks at Israel as an
American proxy and would retaliate against the
United States even if the United States had no
involvement in the strike. But if American and NATO
joined in a strike against Iran, Iran could be brought
to its knees and it would be much more difficult for it
to retaliate. I must reiterate. If it means the
destruction of Israel, Ron Paul doesn’t care what the
consequences are for America. Hatred for Jews is in
his blood just as it was in Adolf Hitler’s and Hitler
ultimately destroyed Germany. One has to
understand his mentality which was best articulated
by Willis Carto “If Satan himself, with all of his
superhuman genius and diabolical ingenuity at his
command, had tried to create a permanent
disintegration and force for the destruction of the
nations, he could have done no better than to invent
the Jews.”




Ron Paul is Iran’s best friend in Congress. Paul’s

pro-Iranian stance dates back to at least December
1979 when he voted against awarding compensation
to the hostages who had just returned from Iran. In
Big-Government Solutions Don’t Work (September 7,
2006) Paul said,

In 1953, the U.S. and British overthrew

the democratically elected Mohammed
Mossadegh and installed the Shah. His
brutal regime lasted for over 25 years and
ended with the Ayatollah taking power in
1979. Our support for the Shah incited
the radicalization of the Shiite clerics in
Iran, resulting in the hostage takeover.

Everything is America’s fault, radical Islam has no

responsibility for Iran becoming a theocracy. During

Paul’s appearance on the Alex Jones bogus

conspiracy show, Paul called allegations that Iran
had attempted to assassinate the Saudi ambassador
to the United States a “propaganda stunt” of the
Obama administration. Paul:

Well, obviously, if we’re doing it

[assassinating the Iranian nuclear
scientists] we shouldn’t be doing it. But
this is an act of terrorism and we
sympathize with them, they’re victims of
terrorism and we condemn all terrorism.

Obviously the Iranian

government wouldn’t be killing their
own scientists, so we should have great
empathy for them. If we haven’t done it,
we should prove to them or give them
all reassurance that we have not done it.

In answer to your questions, if we are

doing it, we ought to quit. That wouldn’t
make any sense.

You know, participating in violent acts

that would be equivalent to terrorism. At
the same time, that’s all we talk about,
going around the world in the global war
on terrorism, so there’d be no consistency

there. Well, it’s a real mess; we should

have done a lot less a lot sooner.
Everybody knows we have CIA that’s [sic]
maneuvering in Iran. We had a drone
shot down – maybe 2 drones shot down
over Iran. We’re getting ready to put very
punishing sanctions on them and
disrupting the oil market. And you
know, they’re a very weak nation. They’re
responding in a natural way. But they
don’t want trouble because they know
they can be annihilated in about 40
minutes either by Israel or the United
states. This whole idea that they want a
fight, I think that is all concoction of the
West to prepare the people for a war that
is likely to come when we have a policy
like this. I think it makes the perfect
argument for my non-interventionist
foreign policy when we shouldn’t be
engaged and stirring up trouble.

And all these things we do to try to get rid

of the regime in Iran right now actually
plays into their hands because once we
interfere and put on sanctions, this brings
the Iranian people together. They’re
having elections in a few months and

Ahmadinejad is not that strong politically.

But when we interfere as outsiders, those
who are struggling to get control of their
government and have a more sensible
government, we have to drive them into
the arms of the government. Just as we
were brought together after 9-11, where
there were no dissenters, we came
together, there were no Republicans or
Democrats, so we have to try to
understand how our policies actually do
the opposite of what we intend them to

Paul sympathized with the Iranians. He didn’t

want to see their scientists killed as he wanted them



alive so they could produce an atomic device that will

be used to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He is
acting as a propagandist for Israel’s enemies. The
last thing he wants to see is Iran’s bomb factories
destroy by the United States due to some concocted
idea that Iran wants a war. Paul opposed sanctions
against Iran because he wants to see them
economically strong with plenty of funds for their
“destroy Israel” plans. In 2009 he stated:

I rise in strongest opposition to this new

round of sanctions on Iran, which is
another significant step toward a US war
on that country. I find it shocking that
legislation this serious and consequential
is brought up in such a cavalier manner.
Suspending the normal rules of the
House to pass legislation is a process
generally reserved for “non-controversial”
business such as the naming of post
offices. Are we to believe that this House
takes matters of war and peace as lightly
as naming post offices?101



Statement on Mark-up of HR 1905, the Iran

Threat Reduction Act of 2011 House Foreign Affairs
Committee - Rep. Ron Paul, M.D. November 2, 2011:

I would like to express my concerns over

the Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011
and my opposition to it being brought to
the Floor for a vote. Let us be clear on
one critical matter: the sanctions against
Iran mandated by this legislation are
definite steps toward a US attack on Iran.
They will also, if actually applied, severely
disrupt global trade and undermine the
US economy, thereby harming our
national security. I am surprised and
disturbed that the committee viewed this
aggressive legislation to be so bipartisan
and uncontroversial that a recorded vote
was not even called. Some may argue
that we are pursuing sanctions so as to
avoid war with Iran, but recent history
teaches us otherwise. For how many
years were sanctions placed on Iraq while
we were told they were necessary to
avoid war? Thousands of innocent Iraqis
suffered and died under US sanctions
and still the US invaded, further
destroying the country. Are we safer after

spending a trillion dollars or more to

destroy Iraq and then rebuild it? These
new sanctions against Iran increasingly
target other countries that seek to trade
with Iran. The legislation will severely
punish foreign companies or foreign
subsidiaries of US companies if they do
not submit to the US trade embargo on
Iran. Some 15 years after the Iran
Sanctions Act of 1996 failed to bring Iran
to its knees, it is now to be US foreign
policy to threaten foreign countries and
The Iran Threat Reduction Act authorizes
what will no doubt be massive amounts of
US taxpayer money to undermine the
Iranian government and foment another
"Green Revolution" there. We will
establish and prop up certain factions
over others, send them enormous
amounts of money, and attempt to fix any
resulting elections so that our preferred
candidates win. Considering the
disturbing aftermath of our "democracy
promotion" operations in places like
Egypt, Iraq, Libya, where radical forces
have apparently come out on top, it may

be fair to conclude that such actions

actually undermine US national security
rather than bolster it.

On July 18, 1994, a terrorist attack was mounted

on the Jewish community's AMIA building in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, killing 85 and injuring over 250
people. The AMIA building was totally destroyed and
heavy damage was caused to the surroundings. The
attack was perpetrated by a suicide terrorist driving a
car bomb containing hundreds of kilograms of
explosives. On July 15, 2008 pretending to condemn
the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center
in Buenos Aires in July 1994 and for other purposes
Ron Paul had this to say to Congress:

Madam Speaker, as one who is most

consistently opposed to war and violence,
I join my colleagues in condemning the
brutal and unjustified attack on a Jewish

community center in Argentina 14 years

ago. I do not support this resolution;
however, as it misuses a tragedy 14
years ago in a foreign country to push for
US war against Iran today. Although this
resolution clearly blames Iran and
Hezbollah for the bombing, in fact the
investigation is ongoing and far from
conclusive. In an article titled “U.S. Uses
Probe to Pressure Iran” the Wall Street
Journal earlier this year suggested that
renewed US interest in this 14 year old
case is more related to politics than a
genuine desire for justice.

Reported the Journal,

“As tensions between the U.S. and Iran

persist, Washington and its allies are
using an investigation into a 1994 terrorist
attack in Argentina to maintain pressure
on the Iranian regime. Behind the scenes,
Bush administration officials are
encouraging the probe, which centers on
the bombing of a Jewish community
center in Buenos Aires. One U.S. goal is
to cause legal problems for some of Iran's

political leaders. Administration officials

also hope to use the matter to highlight
Iran's alleged role in financing and
supporting terrorism around the world.

Those pushing for a Unites States attack

on Iran are using this tragic event to
foment fear in America that Iran and
Hezbollah are perpetrating terrorist acts
in the Western Hemisphere. This is
another in an ongoing series of
resolutions we see on the House floor
pushing us toward war against Iran. I
have no doubt that we will see another
similar resolution on the floor next week,
and the week after, and so on until we
find ourselves making another tragic
mistake as we did in 2002 with H J Res
114 giving the president the authority to
attack Iraq. I urge my colleagues to resist
this push to war with Iran before it is too

Once again Paul defended Iran by saying that

there is no conclusive evidence that they were
involved in the terrorist attack. Argentinean



authorities conducted an extensive investigation into

the AMIA attack, with significant international
cooperation, and concluded that "the decision to
carry out the AMIA attack was made, and the attack
was orchestrated, by the highest officials of the
Islamic Republic of Iran at the time, and that these
officials instructed Lebanese Hezbollah -- a group
that has historically been subordinated to the
economic and political interests of the Tehran regime
-- to carry out the attack." Iran and Hezbollah each
had their own reasons for wanting to attack Israeli or
Jewish targets in Argentina in 1994, as they had just
two years earlier when they bombed the Israeli
embassy in Buenos Aires. At the time, Tehran was
furious over Buenos Aires' decision to cease all
nuclear cooperation with Iran in 1992 for fear that
Iran's nuclear program was not limited to peaceful
purposes. In 1994, Argentina terminated its nuclear
cooperation. Hezbollah, meanwhile, sought to
avenge the Israeli assassination of its leader, Abbas
Moussawi, in 1992, and then Israel's capture of
Hezbollah ally Mustapha Dirani in Southern Lebanon
in May 1994. But Ron Paul knows better, his
investigation was more far-reaching than that of the
Argentine Government. On April 5, 2006 Paul
delivered this pro-Iranian speech entitled Iran - The
Next Neocon Target:


If Iran had a nuclear weapon, why would

this be different from Pakistan, India, and
North Korea having one? Why does Iran
have less right to a defensive weapon
than these other countries? If Iran had a
nuclear weapon, the odds of her initiating
an attack against anybody-- which would
guarantee her own annihilation -- are
zero. And the same goes for the
possibility she would place weapons in
the hands of a non-state terrorist group.
There’s been a lot of misinformation
regarding Iran’s nuclear program. This
distortion of the truth has been used to
pump up emotions in Congress to pass
resolutions condemning her and
promoting UN sanctions.

IAEA Director General Mohamed El-

Baradi has never reported any evidence
of “undeclared” sources or special
nuclear material in Iran, or any diversion
of nuclear material.

We demand that Iran prove it is not in

violation of nuclear agreements, which is
asking them impossibly to prove a
negative. El-Baradi states Iran is in

compliance with the nuclear Non-

Proliferation Treaty (NPT) required IAEA
safeguard agreement.

We forget that the weapons we feared

Saddam Hussein had been supplied to
him by the U.S., and we refused to
believe UN inspectors and the CIA that
he no longer had them. Likewise, Iran
received her first nuclear reactor from us.
Now we’re hysterically wondering if
someday she might decide to build a
bomb in self interest.

There are some who may not agree

strongly with any of my arguments, and
instead believe the propaganda: Iran and
her President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
are thoroughly irresponsible and have
threatened to destroy Israel. So all
measures must be taken to prevent Iran
from getting nukes-- thus the campaign to
intimidate and confront Iran.

First, Iran doesn’t have a nuke and is

nowhere close to getting one, according
to the CIA. If they did have one, using it
would guarantee almost instantaneous
annihilation by Israel and the United

States. Hysterical fear of Iran is way out

of proportion to reality.103

Paul wants to see Iran get nuclear weapons more

than anything in the world. He calls them “defensive
weapons.” But what country is Iran threatened by?
Paul quotes El-Baradi the former head of the
International Atomic Energy Agency as saying that
Iran is not developing a bomb. IAEA has now joined
the ranks of those who are warning of the dangers of
a nuclear-armed Iran. Iran is quite possibly
developing nuclear bombs -- with this assessment,
the IAEA has taken a clear stance against Tehran for
the first time. Under former director general, Egypt's
Mohamed El-Baradi, who headed the IAEA from
1997 to 2009, the reports from the Vienna-based
agency always read the same: The IAEA had asked
Iran for more cooperation and transparency, but
Tehran had turned a deaf ear and only granted
limited access to IAEA inspectors. Year after year,
the conclusions that El-Baradei drew from the brief
reports sounded similar: There was no proof against
the Iranians, so they were left alone. In 2009, he was
succeeded by Yukiya Amano of Japan who reported
that a weapons program was indeed underway. Paul
wants Israel to wait until Tel Aviv is destroyed then

103. A Foreign Policy of Freedom By Ron Paul page 358


retaliate. During a town hall meeting in December

2011 Paul was asked what President Paul would do
about Iran:

Well I’d be provoking them a lot less

because they’re reacting to the provoking
of the West saying “we’re gonna put on
sanctions.” We have them surrounded
with nuclear weapons and we’re claiming
that they’re gonna build a nuclear weapon
and there’s no evidence for this. So we’re
just looking for trouble. We’re building the
war propaganda against Iran just as we
did against Iraq. And people want to go to
war against Iran. And I think they’re
reacting to the provocations of so many
other people saying that “we’re liable to
bomb you because you are building a
nuclear weapon.” But our CIA doesn’t
confirm that nor does the UN confirm that.
So they’re acting actually in a rational
manner because they’re saying “they’re
gonna attack us and start bombing us.”
They have to say “well, we don’t have any
nuclear weapons, we can’t really defend
ourselves. So we might sink a boat, sink
a ship out there in the Persian Gulf”,


hoping that we might back off. I just think

we’re treating the whole thing wrong.

Paul knows that Iran is attempting to construct an

atomic weapon to use against Israel so he does
everything he can to facilitate this project. He twists
the truth and accuses America of provoking a
peaceful Iran. By the time Paul gave this speech
there was plenty of evidence Iran is building the
bomb from the UN inspectors yet he disregards it. Is
Paul on some intelligence committee in Congress
that makes him privy to classified information? This is
a lie that Paul knows to be untrue. But what do you
expect from a lying Nazi scum? Notice how Paul
never mentions Israel by name but says “so many
other people.” If he used to word Israel too often
people would get a better idea of where he is really
coming from. Paul says that the threat to sink ships
passing through the Straits of Harmuz with
conventional weapons means Iran lacks atomic
weapons. There is no logic there just propaganda.
Paul’s most convincing argument is that America is
“building the war propaganda against Iran just as we
did against Iraq.” This is why a lot of Iraqi vets
support Paul.



There is an Aesop fable about a shepherd boy

who pretended that his flock was threatened by a
wolf. When the villagers came to help him he told
them “I was just puttin’ you on” and laughed. "Don't
cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when
there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the
hill back to their village. When a real wolf came along
and the boy shouted Wolf! Wolf! no one believed him
and the boy was eaten alive. The neo-cons cried
“wolfowitz” when it came to the dangers emanating
from Iraq and now when a real danger of WMDs
comes from Iran, their warnings and the warning of
others are discredited.

The New York Times reported “[Those who

believe Iran is developing a bomb] criticize the C.I.A.
for being overly cautious in its assessments of Iran,
suggesting that it is perhaps over-compensating for
its faulty intelligence assessments in 2002 about
Iraq’s purported weapons programs, which turned out
not to exist.” The Times also reported:

Haunting such discussions [of Iran’s

nuclear weapons program] is the memory
of the Iraq war. The intelligence on
weapons of mass destruction, which was
one of the Bush administration’s main
rationales for the invasion, proved to be

devastatingly wrong. And the news

media, including The New York Times,
which ultimately apologized to readers for
some of its coverage of claims of Iraqi
weapons of mass destruction, are again
under scrutiny by critics wary of
exaggerated threats.104

The neo-cons are

responsible for the rise of
Ron Paul and Nazism in
America. When they
instigated the war in Iraq
they played right into the
hands of the Nazis who
claimed that the Jews were behind almost all major
wars. Neo-con Paul Wolfowitz and his crew followed
the wishes of the rightwing Likud Party, that wanted
revenge for the SCUD missiles that hit Israel during
the Gulf War, missiles that had the potential to turn
Israel into one big gas chamber, missiles that could
have killed Wolfowitz’s sister who lives in Israel, or
could have killed Wolfowitz himself, who was visiting
Israel during these attacks.105 Israelis had to drape


105. George Bush, A World Transformed, Knopf September 14, 1998.


plastic across their windows and wear gas masks not

knowing what those warheads contained. They were
terrorized by Saddam who should have been taken
out immediately however the US did not want Israel
involved in the war. Later there was no reprisal
against Iraq for this act of war and this made Israel
appear weak. In 1992, while he was working under
then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz,
upset by President George H. W. Bush’s decision to
leave Saddam Hussein's regime in place after the
1991 Gulf War argued in a draft version of a Defense
Policy Guidance paper that the U.S. should use pre-
emptive force to prevent countries from developing
weapons of mass destruction, and act alone if
necessary. Although the draft guidance was quashed
soon after it was leaked to the New York Times,
these doctrines later found their way into George W.
Bush’s national security strategy.106 Wolfowitz had
planned this war years in advance. Jewish neo-cons
were placed in key positions in the Department of

Obama’s choice of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of

Defense is his answer to the neo-cons. Ron Paul

106. Interhemispheric Resource Center Profile of Lewis Libby

Many who object to our continued foreign

policy of endless war and empire
overseas feel encouraged by Obama’s
choice of Senator Hagel to head the
Defense Department. Hagel has shown
some admirable willingness to advise
caution overseas. He is seen as
unenthusiastic over the prospects of a US
war on Iran, which is certainly to be
welcomed. Nevertheless because he
does represent a more moderate voice in
foreign policy than the neo-conservatives
can tolerate, they are dragging his name
through the mud. In choosing Hagel,
then, we can hope the president is
signaling that he will pursue a less
aggressive foreign policy in his second


A massive propaganda operation was begun. The

people involved in this op were too smart to believe
the lies they generated. For example Dr. Laurie
Mylroie the descendant of Holocaust survivors
received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard
University and her B.A. from Cornell. She was an
Assistant Professor in Harvard's Political Science
Department. In 1990 she co-wrote, with New York
Times reporter Judith Miller, the pro-war book
“Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf.” Next,
she became an Associate Professor in the Strategy
Department at the U.S. Naval War College.
Subsequently, she was a member of the staff of the
Washington Institute for Near East Policy with Martin
Indyk. Mylroie and Eleanor Wolfowitz, the former wife
of Paul Wolfowitz, who lost most of his extended
family in the holocaust, wrote Study of Revenge that
alleged Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the first
World Trade Center bombing, was an Iraqi mole.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, who
pretended that he bought this nonsense, asked Bush
to declare Ramzi Yousef an enemy combatant and
transfer him to a U.S. military installation to force him
to confess that he was actually an Iraqi intelligence
agent. This caused a top Bureau of Prisons official to
make an unauthorized entry to Yousef's cell at
Florence, Admax Penitentiary to see if he would go

along with this sham in order to lessen the harshness

of his prison conditions. By 2003 this theory had been
dismissed as one that was concocted to link Saddam
Hussein with 9/11, since, as a result of the arrest of
Ramzi Yousef’s uncle, Khalid Shaikh Muhammed, his
family tree was revealed, and it was demonstrated
that Yousef was not a mole but KSM’s nephew. But
Mylroie continued the deception and even did a piece
for the neo-con Wall Street Journal claiming this new
evidence proved she was right.

When the CIA failed to find a link between

Saddam’s Iraq and Al-Qaeda Wolfowitz
had Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy, form a special unit in
the Pentagon to link the two. Feith’s unit
was known as the Office of Special Plans; actually it
was the Office of War Propaganda. Before he
became part of the Wolfowitz Pack Feith
“represented a leading Israeli armaments
manufacturer (the IDF – the Israeli Defense Forces)
in establishing joint ventures with leading U.S.
aerospace manufacturers for manufacture and sale
of missile systems, to the U.S. Department of
Defense and worldwide.”107 A report by the

107. James Zogby “Revolving Door Poses Danger to Defense” Baltimore

Sun August 7, 2001.


Pentagon's acting inspector general, Thomas F.

Gimble, stated Feith, ''developed, produced and then
disseminated alternative intelligence assessments on
the Iraq and Al Qaeda relationship, which included
some conclusions that were inconsistent with the
consensus of the Intelligence Community, to senior
decision-makers.'' Eric S. Edelman, an
undersecretary of defense, attacked the Gimble
Report. Feith was pleased that the inspector general
had cleared him of violating laws or Defense
Department policies. Richard Perle and David
Wurmser aided Feith.

Richard Perle, a former aide to

the pro-Israel Senator from
Washington “Scoop” Jackson was
an assistant secretary of defense in
the Reagan administration, and a
former member of George W. Bush’s Defense Policy
Board who had strong ties to Likud. Pearle served as
a consultant to Douglas Feith when Feith ran a firm
that was involved with the secular government of
Turkey.108 Richard Perle resigned from the Defense
Policy Board in February 2004,109 after he called for

108. James Zogby New Questions About Feith Washington Watch May 13,

109. Wall Street Journal Review and Outlook February 26, 2004.

the head of the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency

to step down due to the fact that no weapons of mass
destruction were found in Iraq.110 I encountered Perle
while working as a researcher for Senator Richard
Schweiker, (R- Penn). My associate, Michael
Canfield had visited Scoop Jackson’s office and
displayed the tramp shots to Perle, who was his aide.
Perle in turn called the FBI and offered to act as an
informer on Canfield.

It was no coincidence that Iraqi War Hawk David

Wurmser was married to an Israeli terrorism expert at
the Hudson Institute, Meyrav Wurmser. Her Ph.D.
thesis was on the ideas that formed the Likud Party.
Dr. Wurmser taught political science at the United
States Naval Academy. She writes articles for such
neo-con pro-Israel publications as the Weekly
Standard.111 David Wurmser was a special advisor to
Vice President Cheney and a former Director of
Middle East Studies at the American Enterprise
Institute, which was behind the Iraqi National
Congress. The AEI had published a book written by a
man who claimed to be a former Iraqi nuclear

110. Eric Rosenberg “Advisor Want U.S. Intelligence Chiefs to Quit” The
Toronto Star February 18, 2004


scientist which stated the Iraq was hard at work

building an atomic bomb.

This Attack Iraq Pack cooked up

numerous other stories of Iraq’s
potential deployment of WMD’s
and attempts by Iraq to purchase
yellow cake uranium in Niger. In
his State of the Union speech on
January 28, 2003 Bush said, “The British government
has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” WMD
investigator Joseph C. Wilson debunked this lie in
February 2002 and as a result neo-con “Scooter”
Libby released the fact that Wilson’s wife, Valerie
Plame, was a CIA agent112 to the press as a reprisal
against Wilson. Wolfowitz had hired Libby in 1981 as
a speechwriter and an Asia analyst at the State
Department under President Ronald Reagan and in
1989 as a strategist in the Defense Department,
headed by Cheney in the administration of George H.
W. Bush. Between government stints, Libby practiced
law with the firm of Leonard Garment, counsel to
President Richard M. Nixon. Libby was convicted for
perjury in connection with the Plame Affair. Before his



sentence was commuted he was hired by the Hudson


This grouping thought it represented the interests

of Israel but ultimately these deceptions could be a
contributing factor to the destruction of the Jewish
State. The neo-cons removal of Saddam shifted the
balance of power to Iran. It also shifted the balance of
power in the Republican Party. These know-it-alls
gave Ron Paul, a Nazi intent on the destruction of
Israel, ammunition to use against his Republican
rivals. Now Paul can put forth the irrational argument
that if Iran had nuclear weapons it might contribute to
world peace:

I do not quite have the concern that

others have expressed that Iran is on the
verge of having a nuclear weapon. They
have never been found in violation. There
has been a lot of talk and a lot of
accusation, but technically they have
never been found in any violation. There
has been no talk, it has been implied, but
there has been no serious talk that Iran is
a threat to our national security. There is
no way. Even if they had nuclear



weapons, they are not going to be a

threat to our national security. Pakistan,
that is not a democratic nation. It happens
to be a military dictatorship. They have
nuclear weapons. India has nuclear
weapons. As a matter of fact, the nuclear
weapons serve as a balance of power
between two countries. The Soviets, had
30,000 nuclear weapons, and we
followed a policy of containment. We did
not say we have to go into the Soviet
Union and bomb their establishment. No.
Finally that problem dissipated. And yet
we create unnecessary problems for
ourselves. We go looking for trouble, and
I see this as very detrimental for what we
are doing with this resolution.114

Shi‘a teachings promise the return of a messiah.

For some Shi‘a the messiah will be Muhammad al-
Mahdi the Twelfth Imam, who went into occultation in
874 AD and is expected to return before the Day of
Judgment to lead the righteous against the forces of
evil. The Soviets did not believe that the destruction
of Israel will bring about the return of the Mahdi, the



Iranians do, nor did the Soviets believe in an afterlife

in an Islamic paradise.

Iran has made it very clear that it wishes to

destroy Israel. This is from the semi-official Iranian
news agency.

Tehran, October 26 – Iran’s President

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel
to be “wiped off the map.” “The
establishment of the Zionist regime was a
move by the world oppressor against the
Islamic world,” the President told a
conference in Tehran entitled The World
without Zionism. “The skirmishes in the
occupied land are part of a war of destiny.
The outcome of hundreds of years of war
will be defined in Palestinian land,” he
said. “As the Imam said, Israel must be
wiped off the map,” said Ahmadinejad,
referring to the late founder of the Islamic
Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.115

The “wiped off the face of the map” quotation is a

transliteration of vanish from the page of time. The
remark was made at a conference titled World
Without Zionism, a play on Karl Marx’s World Without



Jews. But when the Nazis like Stormfront and Paul

and their self-hating Jewish puppets translate it they
claim that it merely means regime change in Israel to
a “non-Zionist” state. So don’t worry about
Ahmadinejad: he is not another Hitler but just
someone who wants to help out the Jews with regime

On Al-Quds Day 2012 (also known as Death to

Israel Day) the Iranian Hitler made it quite clear that if
millions upon millions of Jews died in an Atomic
Holocaust the world would be free of evil:

It is quite clear to everyone today that

Zionism counters human perfection and
human societies and is the main cause of
human decline. A minority group that is

anti-humane and corrupted and is against

divine values has been organized and is
countering all the divine values. These
are deviated persons who merely think
about wealth and power and dominating
others. For more than two thousand
years, and at least four hundred years,
that a small number of Zionists have
caused turbulence in human societies
and have caused irreparable loses.
Slavery, colonialism have been mainly
planned by these Zionists. World War I
and II - based on clear documents - have
been aimed at domination and the wars
have been planned and designed by
behind the scenes Zionists. The Zionists
since they dominated the US
administration they have brought under
the control all the affairs of the world. A
few people acting behind the scène of US
administrations and they have under the
control all the points of power in the world
and they dominate all the banking system
of the world and also they have
dominated the world media. And they are
using all these tools for destroying values,
cultures, nations and the existence of

countries. You see that wherever there is

a major moral destruction and
decadence. You see there are Zionists
companies and corporations and
wherever there is massacre and a
slaughter the Zionists are involved.

The formation of the Zionist regime

is a pretext and an opportunity for actually
supporting certain governments, the
governments that serve the Zionists.
They want to create convergence
because instead of religion, instead of
God [Allah], instead of the prophet
[Mohammad], the divine book [the
Qur’an] and all the perfect values they
want to destroy all these and instead
create those governments that serve the
Zionists. And the Zionist regime is the tool
that is used by the Zionists for dominating
the Middle East, and the region, and the
world. The existence of the Zionist regime
is an insult to all humanity and the
destruction of the personality and
character of nations and human beings.
You know they are involved in the inter-
racial [racist] teachings. They only
consider themselves as humans and they

consider others as animals. They

actually, the Zionists, consider [as]
authorized the killing of humans and the
Zionist plundering the wealth of others.
You see the Western governments, they
tolerate being insulted, but they do not
tolerate any criticism of the Zionist regime
and they justify all the crimes committed
by the Zionist regime, because they rely
on the Zionists and the Zionists pay them
money for propaganda. And it’s a party
comprising seven to eight thousand
people and they are running all the
affairs. It’s a Satanic party today.

Fighting the Zionist regime is equal

to protecting the rights of all humans and
also defending human dignity and
opening the way for saving humans from
colonialism and arrogance and saving
humans from poverty and misery. The
whole world should know, with the grace
of God, protecting the Zionist regime has
turned into a commitment by many
countries, Western powers, on the other
side. On the other hand you see that with
the grace of god world al-Quds day has
turned into a focal point for unity and

solidarity of Muslims aimed at eliminating

this fake Zionist regime. For several
hundred years humanity has been just
countering the Zionists and for several
hundred for almost one hundred years
you see the nations have been captivated
by the Zionist management. You see in a
big country like the US the presidential
hopefuls they have to bow before the
Zionists and show their commitment
otherwise they will not have the chance in
participating in the American elections…

Dominating Palestine has been a

historical wish by the Zionists; tens of
conflicts have been set up in order to
attain this wish. And close to seventy
years designs have been made and
crimes have been committed for setting
up this fake regime Zionist regime and all
the human boundaries have been
trampled upon so that the Zionist regime
would be imposed on the region. And all
the might and capabilities of the arrogant
powers were used and they managed to
obtain success to some extent, [however]
exactly at a time when they thought the
Zionist regime has been stabilized and it

has been accepted by the regional

nations due to a major move by the
Iranian nation known as the Islamic
Revolution guided by a divine man and
subsequently with the awareness of
nations and their movement against
Zionists and the revitalization of
Palestinian resistance in the past two or
three decades the foundations of the
Zionist regime has been jeopardized and
the philosophy behind its formation has
been put to question. The Zionists they
felt the danger and you see the Western
nations are after saving the Zionist
regime and prior to this they were saving
the Zionist so they would have the [?] of
restoring themselves…

Most dictators trample upon the

rights on nations. The majority of these
dictators depend on the Zionists and the
arrogants. These dictators have no way
but to be dependent on them. But
hopefully the nations have been
awakened and they are demanding their
rights. All nations have been captivated
even in the United States and Europe.
Most governments in the West are

affiliated to the Zionists and the people

have no right to choose. They [the
Zionists] have formed several parties and
in fact when they become tired of one
party they have no choice but to depend
on, resort to, another party and all these
parties are after serving the Zionists. And
you see the people are shouting in the
US and Europe but there is no one to
save the people.

And of course the existence of the

Zionist regime is a guarantee for this
plundering. It’s a base, it’s a focal point.
The arrogant powers overlook the dignity
and respect of all humans including
Muslims. A Muslim nation can destroy all
these arrogant powers and justice is the
opposite aside of arrogance and they will
victimize everything and in order to obtain
power and wealth and any negligence
can cause irreparable losses. Any
negligence will cause a failure.

Today they are engaged in a

complicated scheme and that means a
two state plan. The Zionist regime is a
cancerous tumor. Even a single

cancerous cell in an inch of the Palestine

land the same situation will continue in
the future. The Zionists are domineering
elements and want to they are after
expansionism. An academic colleague of
ours who is at the US met me in one of
my trips overseas. I mean an Iranian met
me he said that you are right concerning
the Zionists. He said we were working in
an academic team and there was a single
person who was a pro-Zionist he wanted
to become a member and the other 15
members opposed his membership and
he just kept coming and going and I felt
pity and I asked the other members for
this pro-Zionist person to become a
member of the academic board after six
or seven years I returned and I saw none
of the members are present there and all
of the members are new and find one of
those old members and I say what
happened to the team and he said that
single pro Zionist person has in fact led to
the expulsion of all the other members
and he has brought his pro-Zionist friends
to become members of that academic


The presence of the Zionist in a

single inch of the Palestinian lands is
dangerous let alone having a government
there. This is my understanding of the
ongoing situation. This is my personal
understanding and this is my
understanding this is the scheme that has
been designed do not level any
allegations against me later on this is my
personal understanding and in fact the
Zionists are after just having a theatrical
performance and they later would say
that okay we going accept a two state
government, a person over the line would
be granted to Palestinians the Zionists
would become independent and even if
ten percent of the land is given to the
Zionist that would still be dangerous and
a two state solution means a historical for
the Zionists to restore themselves and in
fact accepting the two state solution
means just losing and eliminating all the
efforts that have been made for hundreds
of years. And any person who accepts
that two state solution he won’t be in line
with the interest of world nations. All
world nations must pay attention to this -

the criterion for the honesty of rulers and

politicians is contingent on restoring the
rights of nations and also combating the
Zionist regime. One cannot say that he is
that he is after restoring the rights of
nations and he is in line with the Zionist
policies then one cannot believe in him. It
is not possible to have a person who
doesn’t combat the Zionist regime who
reconciles and compromises with the
Zionist regime and at the same time he
cannot claim to be an advocate of
freedom. So one should be cautious so
that the NATO forces will not claim to be
advocates of freedom and freedom will
not be established with the bullets of
NATO forces. What matters is the
independence and the basic rights of

In conclusion I want to address the

arrogant powers and the Zionists. Open
your ears! The spring you spoke about is
not merely an Arabist spring. This is a
starting point. An Arabist spring is good
but you should know that the spring of
humanity will unfold. The Western and


American springs will be unfolded soon

with the grace of Allah.

The nations are going through the

process of awaking. How much longer
can you engage in acts of deception? He
said that I want to make a change and
everybody thought that he wants to make
a change everyone thought he wants to
make changes within in the US and later
he said that he meant the changes in the
Middle East. I am telling you it is to your
benefit to set the Zionists aside and
recognize the rights of nations and also
recognize your interests and pursue your
interests within your own geographical
borders. You should know that a new
spring will be unfolding if you do not pay
attention to this piece of advice. The
nations will in fact contribute to your

Stop supporting the Zionist regime

and they will be of no use for you. The
regional nations have been awakened.
Perhaps though instigating tribal
differences you may have a chance for a
short period of time. This will be for the

short term. You should honestly help the

regional nations. You should know that
very soon the nations will soon eliminate
and put an end to the Zionist regime.

You are after a new Middle East

and we are also after a new Middle East.
A new Middle East will definitely take
shape but with the grace of Allah and the
help of nations there will be no trace of
the existence of the Americans and the

Stop insulting the Iranian nation and

correct your literature. You should be
friends of the Iranian nation that is your
benefit and the Iranian nation has always
managed to bury all its ill wishes in the
course of history and you are the weakest
and the same will happen to you and this
will only bring about embarrassment for
you will bring about shame for you and
the domination of the Zionists will be
destroyed and we have bright prospect
ahead. Communism is gone and
capitalism will also be destroyed and the
Imam of the time will establish the divine
governance and the true prosperity of

humanity will be materialized and we

hope for such a day.

Let’s dispense with the theory, put forth by

many self-hating Jews on the Left, that Ahmadinejad
only hates Zionists and not Jews. Ahmadinejad made
it clear that he is referring to Jews when he uses the
word Zionist.

For more than two thousand years, and at

least four hundred years, that a small
number of Zionists have caused
turbulence in human societies and have
caused irreparable loses – Ahmadinejad.

There was no Zionist movement 2,000 years ago

however there were Jews. Hitler:

Today, after two thousand

years, with deepest emotion I
recognize more profoundly than
ever before - the fact that it was
for this that He had to shed His blood
upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no
duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I
have the duty to be a fighter for truth and
justice. And as a man I have the duty to
see to it that human society does not
suffer the same catastrophic collapse as

did the civilization of the ancient world

some two thousand years ago - a
civilization which was driven to its ruin
through this same Jewish people. -
Munich April 12, 1922

It is quite clear to everyone today that

Zionism counters human perfection and
human societies and is the main cause of
human decline – Ahmadinejad.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that the Jews were

responsible for all the evil and troubles in the world.
This idea was reflected in the propaganda pamphlet
(1930) of the Nazi propagandist Goebbels:

Why do we oppose the Jews?

We are enemies of the Jews,
because we are fighters for the
freedom of the German people.
The Jew is the cause and the
beneficiary of our misery…he is the real
cause for our loss of the Great War…that
is the reason why we, as nationalists and
as socialists, oppose the Jew. He has
corrupted our race, fouled our morals,
undermined our customs, and broken our
power. The Jew is the plastic demon of
the decline of mankind. . . .We are

enemies of the Jews because we belong

to the German people. The jaw is our
greatest misfortune. .

The Nazi Rudolph Hess expressed the same

views according to the retired medical superintendent
of a British Prison, Dr N. R. Phillips, “In my
experience Hess’s strongest delusion was in regard
to the Jews. He regarded them as responsible for all
the troubles in the world. He thought they exercised a
hypnotic influence over everyone and had a hand in
everything unpleasant that happened, even to

World War I and II - based on clear

documents - have been aimed at
domination and the wars have been
planned and designed by behind the
scenes Zionists – Ahmadinejad.

Who triggered the first and second world

wars, that left seventy millions killed and
hundreds of millions injured or homeless?
Who used nuclear bomb against
defenseless people, and stockpiled

116. The Madness of Rudolph Hess - and the Places It Led Him


thousands of warheads in their arsenals?

– Ahmadinejad UN Speech 2011

Ahmadinejad objected to the A-bomb

being dropped on Nazi ally Japan. What these
statements reveal is that we are dealing with
someone who is totally insane. Hitler believed
in conspiracy theories that regarded the Jews
as Communists and claimed that they had
deliberately made Germany lose World War I
by causing strikes, subversion and revolution
on the home front. He also said that they had
deliberately caused the Great Depression.
Hitler never said the Jews CAUSED World War
I. He also blamed the Jews for the surrender of
the Germans and the Treaty of Versailles and
for the disarmament that followed.

But the politicians of the Right

deserve exactly the same
reproach. It was through their
miserable cowardice that those
ruffians of Jews who came into
power in 1918 were able to rob the nation
of its arms. The conservative politicians
have neither right nor reason on their side
when they appeal to disarmament as the
cause which compelled them to adopt a

policy of prudence (that is to say,

cowardice). Here, again, the contrary is
the truth. Disarmament is the result of
their lack of spirit. - Mein Kampf.

You see that wherever there is a major

moral destruction and decadence. You
see there are Zionists companies and
corporations and wherever there is
massacre and a slaughter the Zionists
are involved – Ahmadinejad.

What soon gave me cause for

very serious consideration were
the activities of the Jews in
certain branches of life, into the
mystery of which I penetrated
little by little. Was there any shady
undertaking, any form of foulness,
especially in cultural life, in which at least
one Jew did not participate? On putting
the probing knife carefully to that kind of
abscess one immediately discovered, like
a maggot in a putrescent body, a little
Jew who was often blinded by the sudden
light - Mein Kampf.

A few people acting behind the scène of

US administrations and they have under

the control all the points of power in the

world and they dominate all the banking
system of the world and also they have
dominated the world media –

I gradually discovered that the

Social Democratic Press was
predominantly controlled by
Jews. But I did not attach special
importance to this circumstance, for the
same state of affairs existed also in other
newspapers. But there was one striking
fact in this connection. It was that there
was not a single newspaper with which
Jews were connected that could be
spoken of as National, in the meaning
that my education and convictions
attached to that word - Mein Kampf.

The function of the so-called liberal Press

was to dig the grave for the German
people and REICH. No mention need be
made of the lying Marxist Press. To them
the spreading of falsehood is as much a
vital necessity as the mouse is to a cat.
Their sole task is to break the national
backbone of the people, thus preparing
the nation to become the slaves of

international finance and its masters, the

Jews - Mein Kampf.

From the political point of view it is not in

the interests of Great Britain that
Germany should be ruined even still
more, but such a proceeding would be
very much in the interests of the
international money-markets manipulated
by the Jew - Mein Kampf.

A minority group that is anti-humane and

corrupted and is against divine values
has been organized and is countering all
the divine values – Ahmadinejad.

Their very existence is an incarnate

denial of the beauty of God's image in His
creation. - Mein Kampf.

Slavery, colonialism have been mainly

planned by these Zionists – Ahmadinejad.

That is why the Jewish people,

despite the intellectual powers
with which they are apparently
endowed, have not a culture--
certainly not a culture of their own. The
culture which the Jew enjoys to-day is the
product of the work of others and this

product is debased in the hands of the

Jew - Mein Kampf.

And it’s a party comprising seven to eight

thousand people and they are running all
the affairs. It’s a Satanic party today –

By presenting his doctrine as

part and parcel of a just re-
vindication of social rights, the
Jew propagated the doctrine all
the more effectively. But at the same time
he provoked the opposition of decent
people who refused to admit these
demands which, because of the form and
pseudo-philosophical trimmings in which
they are presented, seemed
fundamentally unjust and impossible for
realization. For, under the cloak of purely
social concepts there are hidden aims
which are of a Satanic character - Mein

He will stop at nothing. His utterly low-

down conduct is so appalling that one
really cannot be surprised if in the
imagination of our people the Jew is


pictured as the incarnation of Satan and

the symbol of evil - Mein Kampf.

And the Zionist regime is the tool that is

used by the Zionists for dominating the
Middle East, and the region, and the
world. The existence of the Zionist regime
is an insult to all humanity and the
destruction of the personality and
character of nations and human beings –

The Jewish domination in the

State seems now so fully
assured that not only can he
now afford to call himself a Jew
once again, but he even
acknowledges freely and openly what his
ideas are on racial and political questions.
A section of the Jews avows itself quite
openly as an alien people, but even here
there is another falsehood. When the
Zionists try to make the rest of the world
believe that the new national
consciousness of the Jews will be
satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish
State in Palestine, the Jews thereby
adopt another means to dupe the simple-

minded Gentile. They have not the

slightest intention of building up a Jewish
State in Palestine so as to live in it. What
they really are aiming at is to establish a
central organization for their international
swindling and cheating. As a sovereign
State, this cannot be controlled by any of
the other States. Therefore it can serve
as a refuge for swindlers who have been
found out and at the same time a high-
school for the training of other swindlers -
Mein Kampf.

You see that wherever there is a major

moral destruction and decadence. You
see there are Zionists companies and
corporations and wherever there is
massacre and a slaughter the Zionists
are involved – Ahmadinejad.

On April 1, 1933, a week after Hitler became dictator

of Germany, he ordered a boycott of Jewish shops,
banks, offices and department stores.

They want to create convergence

because instead of religion, instead of
God [Allah], instead of the prophet
[Mohammad], the divine book [the
Qur’an] and all the perfect values they

want to destroy all these and instead

create those governments that serve the
Zionists – Ahmadinejad.

Hence today I believe that I am acting in

accordance with the will of the Almighty
Creator: by defending myself against the
Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord
- Mein Kampf.

The existence of the Zionist regime is an

insult to all humanity and the destruction
of the personality and character of
nations and human beings. You know
they are involved in the inter-racial [racist]
teachings. They only consider themselves
as humans and they consider others as
animals. They actually, the Zionists,
consider [as] authorized the killing of
humans and the Zionist plundering the
wealth of others – Ahmadinejad.

The Nazis are found of making reference to the

Talmudic passage known as Baba Mezia 114a-114b.
This is made reference to in the Jew hating forgery,
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of Hitler’s
favorite books.


To what extent the whole

existence of this people is based
on a continuous lie is shown
incomparably by the Protocols of
the Wise Men of Zion, so
infinitely hated by the Jews. They are
based on a forgery; the Frankfurter
Zeitung moans and screams once every
week: the best proof that they are
authentic. What many Jews may do
unconsciously is here consciously
exposed. And that is what matters. It is
completely indifferent from what Jewish
brain these disclosures originate; the
important thing is that with positively
terrifying certainty they reveal the nature
and activity of the Jewish people and
expose their inner contexts as well as
their ultimate final aims. The best criticism
applied to them, however, is reality.
Anyone who examines the historical
development of the last hundred years
from the standpoint of this book will at
once understand the screaming of the
Jewish press. For once this book has
become the common property of a


people, the Jewish menace may be

considered as broken

The Protocols claimed this is a Talmudic passage:

"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the
world are not human beings, but beasts." Here is an
accurate translation:

R. Shimon b. Yochai said: Graves of non-

Jews do not transmit ritual impurity, as it
is written, "And you, my flock, the flock of
my pastures, you are Adam" (Ezekiel
34:31) --only you are called "Adam."

We learn the law of ritual impurity from another

verse that uses the word "Adam." "Only you are
called 'Adam'" means that the term "Adam"-"man"-in
particular applies to Jews. Other words, such as
"Ha'adam" - "the man" - also apply to non-Jews. So
the Gomorra is saying that the word "Adam" without
the definite article only refers to Jews. This passage
in the Talmud says nothing at all about who is a
human being. Genesis states that we are all
descendants of Adam and Eve making everyone
human. And besides that, the supposed quote
contains a completely fabricated sentence: "They are


It was Hitler who labeled people as sub-human

untermenchen, not the Talmud or Gomorra. During a
speech in May 1923, Hitler had said, "The Jews are
undoubtedly a race, but not human. They cannot be
human in the sense of being an image of God, the
Eternal. The Jews are the image of the Devil.”

Today they are engaged in a complicated

scheme and that means a two state plan.
The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor.
Even a single cancerous cell in an inch of
the Palestine land the same situation will
continue in the future – Ahmadinejad.

In 1941 Hitler proclaimed “The Jews are a

cancer on the breast of Germany.” On September 16,
1919, Hitler issued his first written comment on the
so-called Jewish Question. He defined the Jews as a
race and not a religious community, characterized the
effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of
the peoples," and identified the initial goal of a
German government to be discriminatory legislation
against Jews.

You are after a new Middle East and we

are also after a new Middle East. A new
Middle East will definitely take shape but
with the grace of Allah and the help of
nations there will be no trace of the

existence of the Americans and the


The ultimate goal must definitely be the

removal of the Jews altogether! – Hitler

And it’s a party comprising seven to eight thousand

people and they are running all the affairs. It’s a
Satanic party today.

At the beginning of the War, or

even during the War, if twelve
or fifteen thousand of these
Jews who were corrupting the
nation had been forced to
submit to poison-gas, just as hundreds of
thousands of our best German workers
from every social stratum and from every
trade and calling had to face it in the field,
then the millions of sacrifices made at the
front would not have been in vain. On the
contrary: If twelve thousand of these
malefactors had been eliminated in
proper time probably the lives of a million
decent men, who would be of value to
Germany in the future, might have been
saved. But it was in accordance with
bourgeois 'statesmanship' to hand over,

without the twitch of an eyelid, millions of

human beings to be slaughtered on the
battlefields, while they looked upon ten or
twelve thousand public traitors, profiteers,
usurers and swindlers, as the dearest and
most sacred national treasure and
proclaimed their persons to be inviolable.
Indeed it would be hard to say what is the
most outstanding feature of these
bourgeois circles: mental debility, moral
weakness and cowardice, or a mere
down at heel mentality. It is a class that is
certainly doomed to go under but,
unhappily, it drags down the whole nation
with it into the abyss - Mein Kampf.

The whole world should know, with the

grace of God, protecting the Zionist
regime has turned into a commitment by
many countries, Western powers, on the
other side – Ahmadinejad.

And the same is true of democracy. In

general even in the early days both
England and France had already been
bound with the fetters of slavery. With, I
might say, a brazen security these States
are fettered with Jewish chains.117 – Hitler




Slavery, colonialism have been mainly

planned by these Zionists. World War I
and II - based on clear documents - have
been aimed at domination and the wars
have been planned and designed by
behind the scenes Zionists –

Although the Jews were lurking unseen

as wire-pullers in the background - Mein

It is clear that Ahmadinejad is a follower of

Adolf Hitler and considers himself the new
Hitler, but according to Paul Ahmadinejad
poses no threat to the United States or Israel,
even with nuclear weapons. Paul wants to lift
economic sanctions on Iran. He wants to re-
establish diplomatic relations with Iran. Paul
loves Ahmadinejad because he knows he is a
Nazi who wants to murder millions of Jews and
Paul is also a Nazi who wants to murder
millions of Jews so Paul uses him as his proxy.

Paul has to use code words but just as

Hitler made it clear to German people what he
had in store for the Jews Ahmadinejad does the
same: May 11, 2006 to a student rally in

Jakarta, Indonesia “Israel is a regime based on

evil that cannot continue and one day will
vanish.” This is from the Iranian Hitler’s
speeches to Iran's Holocaust Conference
January 30, 2008:

I warn you to abandon the filthy Zionist

entity, which has reached the end of the
line. It has lost its reason to be and will
sooner or later fall. The ones who still
support the criminal Zionists should know
that the occupiers' days are numbered. …
Accept that the life of Zionists will sooner
or later come to an end. Thanks to
people's wishes and G-d's will the trend
for the existence of the Zionist regime is
downwards and this is what G-d has
promised and what all nations want…Just
as the Soviet Union was wiped out and
today does not exist, so will the Zionist
regime soon be wiped out!!118

Representatives Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich

(D-OH) were the only two lawmakers who voted
against a resolution condemning Ahmadinejad for his



statements calling for the destruction of Israel and

genocide of the Jews.

Mr. Speaker, I join with my colleagues

here in condemning the statement
reportedly made by Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that “Israel must
be wiped off the map.” I reject this
statement and any such statement by any
government anywhere because I reject
the notion that the use or threat of
violence is an appropriate way to solve
international disputes. While rejecting
comments by Iran that seem to advocate
the use of force, I must also strongly
object to using Achmadinajad’s statement
as an excuse to escalate our own rhetoric
and strengthen our anti-Iranian and anti-
Muslim policies. This condemnable
statement is nevertheless being
conveniently used to expand our policy of
remaking the Middle East in our own
image. I do find it interesting to hear my
colleagues condemning Iran’s implied
threat of force while in the same breath
calling for the use of force against Iran.
Ironically, it is small step from repeatedly
calling Iran “our enemy” with increasingly

militaristic rhetoric to calling for Iran to be

“wiped off the map.” We should keep this
in mind as we condemn the rhetoric of
others while repeating similar rhetoric

The resolution outlined the reasons why the

Iranian leader was in violation of the UN Genocide

Calling On The United Nations Security

Council To Charge Iranian President With
Certain Violations Because Of His Calls
For Destruction Of Israel

Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong

opposition to this resolution. This
resolution is an exercise in propaganda
that serves one purpose: to move us
closer to initiating a war against Iran.
Citing various controversial statements by
Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, this legislation demands
that the United Nations Security Council
charge Ahmadinejad with violating the

119. Congressional Record, V. 151, Pt. 18, October 27 to November 7,

2005 page 24208


1948 Convention on the Prevention and

Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.120

Paul opposes all international bodies that

investigate and punish world leader and military men
for genocide because someday he might be called
before one:

Supporters of the International Criminal

Court are quick to say that the Court is
modeled on the Nuremberg tribunal set
up after World War II, but nothing could
be further from the truth. Nuremberg was
a trial initiated and prosecuted by
sovereign nations. It was a reassertion of
national sovereignty over the crimes of a
regime that disregarded the concept that
saw other sovereign countries as merely
“living space” for their own people. As
one analyst recently wrote, “the
Nuremberg tribunal, unlike the Hague
tribunal, was not really an international
tribunal at all. The judges quite
specifically stated that the act of
promulgating the Nuremberg charter was



‘the exercise of sovereign legislative

power of the countries to which the
German Reich unconditionally
surrendered.’ There was no pretense that
the ‘international community’ was
prosecuting the Germans.”

In October 2009, Ron Paul and Kucinich were

also the only two Members of Congress to vote
against H. Res. 175 condemning the government of
Iran for “state-sponsored persecution of its Bahá’í
minority and its continued violation of the
International Covenants on Human Rights.”

The Iranians made it clear that they want to see

Israel destroyed with nuclear weapons “wiped off the
map” but the Nazis, like Paul, want to deny this to
prevent Israel from launching a pre-emptive strike. It
is also not advantageous for them to admit it as it
would reveal the true nature of the Iranian régime
and further alarm certain righteous Christian
elements within the United States122 like
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann:




We know without a shadow of doubt that

Iran will take a nuclear weapon, they will
use it to wipe out our ally Israel, off the
face of the map. And they’ve stated they
will use it against the United States of
America. We would be fools and knaves
to ignore their purposes and their plan.

This is a posting from Stormfront praising Paul:

Paul said that the quote attributed to M.

Ahmadinejad of wanting Iran to wipe
Israel off the map isn't accurate and that
he was talking about a regime change
[Zionist]...This is a very interesting answer
(even though Ron Paul was obviously
very nervous talking about that), since the
only ones talking about that were White
Nationalist's (I might be wrong, but I don't
think that other politicians or media
reported of this obvious misquote) So, the
question remains... How was Ron Paul
aware of that? If he's aware of that is he
also aware that USA is a ZOG empire?
And, most importantly, is he listening to
Stormfront radio in his closet?

In spring 2009, the American Council for

Judaism’s Issues publication carried an article by

Yakov M. Rabkin that defended Iran and bashed

Israel. Rabkin wrote this about Ahmadinejad and
Holocaust denial:

The BBC quoted Ahmadinejad saying, “If

European countries claim that they have
killed Jews in World War II ... why don’t
they provide the Zionist regime with a
piece of Europe.” While the “if” is
obviously provocative, neither this nor
numerous other quotes suggest that his
goal is to deny this genocide. Rather, he
uses the memory of the mass murder of
Jews in Europe to emphasize the plight of
the Palestinians and to test the limits of
the freedom of speech obtaining in the
West. He wonders why, in the name of
the freedom of expression, cartoons of
Mohammed can be published, while it is
against the law in several European
countries to question or make fun of the
Nazi genocide. The competition of
Holocaust cartoons organized in Iran
attracted some plainly anti-Semitic works,
complete with imagery borrowed from the
rich arsenal of European anti-Semitic
iconography. Some could be considered
as revision and even denial of the mass

murder of civilians committed in Europe in

the early 1940s. This competition caused
a furor in many Western countries, which
was precisely the point the Iranian
president had wanted to make. But he did
not deny the Nazi genocide.

In his speech, when the Iranian president

reportedly first made the remark, the word
“map” does not even appear. In fact, he
was rehashing one of Ayatollah
Khomeini’s decades-old anti-Zionist
diatribes: Esrâ’il bâyad az sahneyeh
roozégâr mahv shavad, which means
“Israel must vanish from the page of
time.” After the canard about “wiping
Israel off the map” circled the world and
entered the public mind, some Israeli
instigators of the anti-Iran campaign
quietly dropped it from further use. A
recent report about Iran published by the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
(JCPA), a Zionist think tank particularly
active in stirring the anti-Iran campaign,
attributes the offensive quote to Khomeini
and translates it correctly, insisting,
however, that the quote is “genocidal.”
The latter term has become a favorite in

recent Zionist publications: the same

report also refers to “the failed genocidal
1948 war of several Arab states and
Palestinians against Israel.”

The American Council for Judaism is the group

that Ron Paul speaks fondly of because they are
traitors to the Jewish people, sick Jews who hate
themselves for being Jewish. Why quibble over the
translation? During a rare Friday prayer lecture at
Tehran University Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme
Leader of Iran, said

From now onward, we will support and

help any nations, any groups fighting
against the Zionist regime across the
world, and we are not afraid of declaring
this. The Zionist regime is a true cancer
tumor on this region that should be cut
off, and it definitely will be cut off.123

Ron Paul knows that the Shi’ite branch is the

brand of Islam is predominant in Iran. He also knows
the Shi’ite branch of Islam has been at odds for
centuries, often in violent conflict with the Sunnis.



There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world and roughly

15% are Shi’ia. Sunnis belong to the Salafiya branch
of Islam, which regards Shiites as little better than
non-Muslims. For the Salafist-Wahhabists being a
Christian or a Jew, people of the book, is far
preferable to being Shiite – a rejectionist of the true

Ron Paul is well aware that the Salafist-

Wahhabists Saudis and the Shi’ite Iranians will
always be enemies. Since he supports the Iranians
he does all he can to discredit the Saudis. On
November 29, 2001 in a speech entitled The War on
Terrorism Paul made it seem as if the Saudi Royal
Family was responsible for 9/11.

The predominant nationality of the

terrorists was Saudi Arabian. Yet for
political and economic reasons, even with
the lack of cooperation from the Saudi
government, we have ignored that
country in placing blame. The Afghan
people did nothing to deserve another
war. The Taliban, of course, is closely
tied to bin Laden and al-Qaeda, but so
are the Pakistanis and the Saudis.124

124. A Foreign Policy of Freedom By Ron Paul page 162


In The Case For Defending America January 24,


Could oil be the reason we have

concentrated on bombing Afghanistan
while ignoring Saudi Arabia, even though
we have never found Osama bin Laden?
Obviously, Saudi Arabia is culpable in
these terrorist attacks on the United
States, and yet little is done about it.

In reality Bin Laden did all he could to bring down

the Saudi monarchy: Ibrahim al-Reemy was a
Yemeni closely linked to Osama bin Laden and was
the organizer of the attempted bombing of the Saudi
Interior Ministry building and the Special Emergency
Forces headquarters training unit at Riyadh on
December 29, 2005. In the late 1960s, Osama Bin
Laden's brother Mahrous bin Laden joined a Salafist-
Wahabist sect opposed to the Saudi regime. With his
assistance, the dissidents who came to Saudi Arabia
from southern Yemen smuggled weapons into Mecca
using trucks belonging to the Bin Laden Group and
attempted to take over the Al-Masjid al-Haram ("The
Holy Mosque") - the holiest mosque in the world and
the primary destination of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Mahrous bin Laden was arrested, but thanks to the
family's connections with the Saudi king, he was

released after the Saudi Security determined he was

an unwitting participant. Bakr bin Laden was given a
contract to repair the damage that was done to Grand
Mosque and soon rebuilt it. Osama Bin Laden
aroused so much enmity in the Saudi Government
that it put out a contract on him.

In a speech entitled A Sad State of Affairs

October 25, 2001 Paul argued:

Our support for the less-than-ethical

government of Saudi Arabia, with our
troops occupying what most Muslims
consider sacred land, is hardly the way to
bring peace to the Middle East. A policy
driven by our fear of losing control over
the oil fields in the Middle East has not
contributed to American Security. Too
many powerful special interests drive our
policy in this region, and this does little to
help us preserve security for Americans
here at home.

Paul blamed the Jews for the American presence

in Saudi Arabia just like he blames the Jews for
everything else. Presently he hates Saudi Arabia
because according to The Times of London Saudi
Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air


defenses to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing

raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

In his speech entitled Statement Opposing

Resolution on Iran given on June 19, 2009 he

Of course I do not support attempts by

foreign governments to suppress the
democratic aspirations of their people, but
when is the last time we condemned
Saudi Arabia or Egypt or the many other
countries where unlike in Iran there is no
opportunity to exercise any substantial
vote on political leadership? It seems our
criticism is selective and applied when
there are political points to be made. I
have admired President Obama’s
cautious approach to the situation in Iran
and I would have preferred that we in the
House had acted similarly.

That is why I am introducing the “Terror

Immigration Elimination Act of 2003.” This
bill will deny student and “diversity” visas
to anyone coming from a country
currently on the State Department’s list of
terrorism-sponsoring countries. Further,
Mr. Speaker, it is time we face reality

regarding Saudi Arabia. We must

remember that most of the 9/11 hijackers
were Saudi nationals. Also, when al-
Qaeda supporters were rounded up from
Afghanistan and held at Camp X-Ray,
reports showed that of the 158 prisoners
more than one hundred were Saudi
nationals. With such an evident level of
involvement from Saudi nationals in these
activities, it is quite obvious that the Saudi
government is not doing all it can, or all it
should, in resolving this urgent problem.
Therefore, Saudi citizens will also be
denied student and “diversity” visas to the
United States under this bill.

Ron Paul believes that the elections in Iran are not

rigged by the Revolutionary Guard. The New York
Times reported on the 2012 Iranian elections:
“Results of the vote have been dismissed as
meaningless by many of the opposition supporters
who filled the streets during the
antigovernment protests set off by the disputed
presidential election of 2009. That was followed by a
harsh crackdown, lasting months that effectively
destroyed the reformist movement and any allied
opposition.” Paul was trying to damage relations with
the Kingdom by placing its citizens on a terrorist

blacklist. In November 2010 Paul again defended

Iran and attacked the Saudis in his Texas Straight
Talk newsletter:

This month the US Administration notified

Congress that it intends to complete one
of the largest arms sales in US history to
one of the most repressive regimes on
earth. Saudi Arabia has been given the
green light by the administration to spend
$60 billion on some 84 new F-15 aircraft,
dozens of the latest helicopters, and other
missiles, bombs, and high-tech military
products from the US weapons industry.

We are told that our increasingly

aggressive policies toward Iran are
justified by that country’s rigid Islamic
laws and human-rights violations, while
the even more repressive Islamic rule in
Saudi Arabia is never mentioned.

Paul is far more interested in disarming the

Israelis than he is in preventing the Iranians

from getting the bomb and the capability to

deliver it to Israel. Paul:

Today, the Israeli political lobby is a

powerful political force. Two to three
hundred nuclear weapons, under Israel's
control, make Israel more powerful than
all the Arab and Muslim countries put
together. But that's not where the real
power lies. The UN can labor tirelessly in
"controlling" one nuclear weapon (in Iran)
that doesn't exist while the international
community does not put pressure on
Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty. In contrast, the world
community rarely even admits that
Israel's nukes exist—and at the same
time Iran has never been ruled in
noncompliance with the NPT. The fact
that Muslim nations become annoyed
with this policy is written off by most in the
West by charging anti-Semitism.125

Paul and Liberty Lobby have both denied being

anti-Semitic despite having been accused numerous

125 Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom


time of being so. Carto would claim to be only anti-

Zionist and even had Jews like Sherman Skolnick,
whose parents were Warsaw Ghetto survivors, on the
Board of Liberty Lobby. Paul has a few token house
Jews who support him. When journalist Jack
Anderson wrote the Liberty Lobby was an anti-
Semitic neo-Nazi organization Carto went as far as
suing Anderson. Liberty Lobby lost this landmark
case. Paul doesn’t come out and say “I am against
Zionism” but implies this in his books, speeches and
Congressional votes. “Zionism” has become a dog
whistle word for Jews as in Achmadinajad’s “World
Without Zionism” conference. In August 2012 Paul
voiced his opposition to sanctions against Iran:

I think this bill would be better named if

we called it Obsession With Iran Act
2012. Because this is what we continue
to be doing is be obsessed with Iran and
the idea that Iran is a threat to our
national security. Iran happens to be a
third world nation they have no significant
navy, air force intercontinental ballistic
missiles. The IAEA and our CIA said they
are not on the verge of a nuclear weapon.
It’s so similar to what we went though in
the early part of the last decade when we
were beating the war drums to go to war

against Iraq and it was all a façade; there

was no danger from Iraq. So this is what
we are doing, beating the war drums
once again. Now since the bill has come
back from the conference if we’re going to
deal with civil liberties in Syria well I
happen to be a civil libertarian I am very
concerned about civil liberties. But let me
tell you this bill is not going to do anything
to enhance the civil liberties of the
individuals in Syria. Now if we were really
interested in civil liberties why wouldn’t
we look to ourselves? Why wouldn’t we
look to the things we do here. What about
our warrantless searches under the
Patriot Act? What about the policy of
assassination and assassinating
American citizens? What about arrests by
the military the National Defense
Authorization Act. What about the drone
warfare that we go on do you we are
protecting civil liberties by arbitrarily
dropping drones anyplace in the world
with innocent people dying? If we want to
really care about civil liberties in Syria?
What do we care about the civil liberties?
What about the secret prisons we have

and the history of torture in this country.

What about the fact that kill lists are being
made by the executive branch of
government and we sit idly by and
approve of it by saying nothing and the
American people put up with it and we
march in this direction marching into a
determination to have another war. When
you put on sanctions on a country it’s an
act of war and that’s what this is all about.
The first thing you do when war breaks
out between two countries is you put
sanctions on the country, you blockade
the country. So this is an act of war. What
would we do if somebody blockaded us
and put sanctions on us and prevented
the importation of any product in this
country? We’d be furious; we’d declare
war we’d go to war so we are the
antagonists. We are over there poking
our nose, poking our nose in other
people’s affairs just looking for the
chance to start another war. First it’s
Syria, than Iran we have too many wars
we need to stop these wars we don’t
have the money to fight these wars any
longer. I am still rather impressed with the

obsession over a weapon that still does

not exist and no concern whatsoever
about many nuclear weapons that are
held by countries that never even joined
the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It is
called for in the debate that Iran should
end all its nuclear programs. But they are
permitted to have their programs under
the Non Proliferation Treaty/ And the
other countries that have weapons
including the countries that hold the
weapons that came from the Soviet Union
system, it seems that that would be a
much greater danger You know the
investigation by the UN or by the CIA has
never indicated that they never enrich
above 20%. And they said they would not
even do it to 20% if they would merely
allow if the west would cooperate and sell
them this material they said we don’t
need it. But we need 20% enrichment for
nuclear isotopes, medical isotopes. So
our refusal to deal with them prompts
them to take it up to enrichment to 20%.
5% of course is what they are allowed to
do for nuclear energies. But this idea that
we can badger people and then defy the

law what we are asking them to do is to

close down their program is you are
asking them to defy international law they
agreed to this they have a right to do this
under this treaty. For us to say that they
must quit it I think it is very close to an
obsession on a country that is incapable
of attacking us. They don’t have a history
of invading their neighboring countries.
The last time they were at war was with
Iraq and we bugged Iraq to go to go into
Iran. So I find this very distressing that
the obsession continues. I find it very very
upsetting that this vote will of course be
overwhelmingly in support of correcting
the civil liberties of Syria and making Iran
toe the line and give up on something that
they are permitted to do. A vote for this in
my opinion in time will show that it’s just
one more step to another war that we do
not need. We have not been provoked.
They are not a threat to our national
security and we should not be going this.
We’ve been doing it to long. For the last
10, 15 years we are just obsessed with
idea that we go to war and try to solve all
the problems of the world at the same

time it is bankrupting us. I strongly urge a

no vote on this resolution.


If Paul were elected President and Israel was

destroyed by Iran there would be no country for
American Jews to seek asylum in. President Paul
would whip up Jew hatred in America with conspiracy
theories and racism. He would eviscerate or destroy
all anti-terrorist laws and let the enemies of America
regroup overseas. There would be a devastating
chemical, biological or radiological attack which he
would have his FBI Director David Duke and CIA
Director Michael Scheuer blame on the remnants of
the Mossad or on the American Jews. A State of War
or State of National Emergency could be declared by
President Paul and Jews could be ordered sent to
concentration camps. There is precedent for this:
Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941, President Roosevelt
issued Executive Order 9066, which permitted the
military to suspend the constitutional safeguards of
American citizens for the sake of national defense.
The order set into motion the exclusion from certain
areas, and the evacuation and mass incarceration of
120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry living on the


West Coast, most of who were U.S. citizens or legal

permanent resident aliens.




Paul is a crypto-Nazi and pretends he is not anti-


Israel is our close friend. While President

Obama’s demand that Israel make hard
concessions in her border conflicts may
very well be in her long-term interest, only
Israel can make that determination on her
own, without pressure from the United
States or coercion by the United Nations.
Unlike this President, I do not believe it is
our place to dictate how Israel runs her
affairs. There can only be peace in the
region if those sides work out their
differences among one another. We

should respect Israel’s sovereignty and

not try to dictate her policy from

The bottom line here is that “respect Israel’s

sovereignty” means Paul wants the US to totally
abandon Israel as an ally and not guarantee its
existence as it has done since 1948. Israel is on its
own. In a May 24, 1996 Congress Daily article Paul,
stating that lobbying groups who seek special favors
and handouts are evil, wrote,

By far the most powerful lobby in

Washington of the bad sort is the Israeli
government and that the goal of the
Zionist movement is to stifle criticism.

This does not sound like a friend of Israel to me!

On September 7, 2006 in his speech entitled Big-
Government Solutions Don’t Work Paul hinted how
the Jews controlled American foreign policy in the
Middle East:

I find it amazing that we in this country

seem determined to completely separate
religious expression and the state, even



to the detriment of the first amendment,

yet we can say little about how Christian
and Jewish religious beliefs greatly
influence our policies in the Middle East?
It should be the other way around.
Religious expression, according to the
First Amendment, cannot be regulated
anywhere by Congress or the Federal
courts. But deeply held theological beliefs
should never dictate our foreign policy.
Being falsely accused of anti-Semitism
and being a supporter of radical fascism
is not an enviable position for any
politician. Most realize it is best to be
quiet and support our Middle East

Paul has to defend himself against charges of anti-

Semitism on many occasions. This is because he is
an anti-Semite. Paul has the same position on Israel
as the Spotlight:

The Spotlight is anti-Zionist, a political

position mandated by Liberty Lobby's
Policy Position No. 5, "Pro American
Foreign Policy." This clearly means a
policy of nonintervention in foreign affairs.
Liberty Lobby sees that most of this

nation's problems today result from

intervention into foreign wars, none of
which have served US interests.
Nonintervention is the original policy for
America, laid down by our government
from the American Revolution to the
Spanish-American War. With two
exceptions, our glorious victories over
Grenada and Haiti, every foreign war has
resulted in disaster for this nation and the
other belligerents. This policy means
hands-off Vietnam, Iraq, Kosovo and the
Palestinian no-win mess. It definitely
means no more taxpayer's money for
Israel. Liberty Lobby's position on this has
been consistent for 45 years, and is the
reason for Israel's agents, such as the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) attacking
and minimizing Liberty Lobby and the
Spotlight at every opportunity. To attain
its subversive aim of unlimited, perpetual
financial gifts for Israel-the most
aggressive nation in the world -- except
perhaps for the USA -- the ADL has made


a fetish of putting down Liberty Lobby

/The Spotlight.127

More lies are found in an excerpt from The

Revolution: A Manifesto, by Ron Paul:

I see no reason that our friendship with

Israel cannot continue. I favor extending
to Israel the same honest friendship that
Jefferson and the Founding Fathers
urged us to offer to all nations. But that
also means no special privileges like
foreign aid – a position I maintain vis-a-
vis all other countries as well. That means
I also favor discontinuing foreign aid to
governments that are actual or potential
enemies of Israel, which taken together
receive much more American aid than
Israel does. Giving aid to both sides has
understandably made many Israelis and
American Jews conclude that the
American government is hypocritically
hedging its bets.128




Paul’s attempt to seem even handed is a smoke

screen. The enemies of Israel don’t need the foreign
aid as much as Israel does because countries like
Saudi Arabia and Iraq have funds from oil revenues.
The other recipients of foreign aid like Pakistan and
Egypt face minimal if any military threats. American
military aid has always given Israel military
superiority. If it stops there is no guarantee that Israel
can maintain this superiority. Paul is too smart to say,
“Let’s cut off aid to Israel.” Then people would see
where he is coming from. So he says let’s cut off aid
to all countries including Israel which is the largest
recipient of it. He has also stated “We should share
intelligence for mutually agreed goals. We should
honor our pledge to refuse any arms sales that would
undermine Israel’s qualitative military edge in the
region.”129 What does this last sentence mean? That
America will not sell arms to Israel’s enemies so the
balance of power remains static? What about Israel’s
quantitative edge? And who is going to decide if an
arms sale undermines this? President Ron Paul? The
same Ron Paul who opposed a House resolution
condemning terrorism inflicted on Israel:



Mr. Farr. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in

support of H. Res. 294, condemning the
terrorism inflicted on Israel, expressing
solidarity with the Israeli people, and
calling on the Palestinian Authority to take
immediate and effective steps to
dismantle the terrorist infrastructure on
the West Bank and Gaza. I also rise
today to express my solidarity with all
those who support the efforts towards
peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Mr. Paul. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition

to this measure. Of course we all deplore
terrorism and violence that any innocents
are forced to suffer. There is, sadly,
plenty of this in the world today. But there
is more to this resolution than just
condemning the violence in the Middle
East. I have a problem with most
resolutions like this because they have
the appearance of taking one side or the
other in a conflict that has nothing to do
with the United States. Our responsibility
is to the American people and to the
Constitution, not to adjudicate age-old
conflicts half-way around the world. When
we take sides in these far off conflicts, we

serve to antagonize the people affected

and end up no closer to peace than when
we started. This bill makes reference to
the need to have solidarity with Israel.
Elsewhere people say we should have
solidarity with the Palestinians and the
Arabs. So, as I have said before when
bills such as this are on the floor, it is sort
of a contest: Should we be pro-Israel or
pro-Arab, or anti-Israel or anti- Arab, and
how are we perceived in doing this? It is
pretty important. But I still believe,
through all these bills attempting to
intervene in the Middle East, that there is
a third option to this that we so often
forget about. Why can we not be pro-
American? What is in the best interests of
the United States? We do not hear much
talk of that, unfortunately. As I keep
saying when votes such as this come to
the floor, the best foreign policy for the
United States is non-interventionism. It is
a policy of American interests first, costs
much less money, and is in keeping with
a long American tradition so eloquently
described by our Founders. I hope the
peoples of the Middle East are able to

resolve their differences, but because

whether they decide or not is not our
business I urge a no vote on this

“Non-interventionism” in this context means that we

should take the side of the Arabs not because it is the
morally right thing to do but because it is in America’s
best interests. Paul told Congress:

Mr. Speaker, this resolution [we are

voting on] in several places asserts that
the United States is “strongly committed”
to the security of Israel. I find no provision
in the Constitution that allows the United
States Government to confiscate money
from its own citizens and send it overseas
for the defense of a foreign country.
Further, this legislation promises that the
United States “remains committed to
Israel, including secure, recognized, and
defensible borders.” So we are pledging
to defend Israel’s borders while we are
not even able to control our own borders.
Shouldn’t we be concentrating on fulfilling
our constitutional obligations in our own



country first, before we go crusading

around the world to protect foreign
borders? I also must object to the one-
sidedness of this legislation. Like so
many that have come before it, this
resolution takes sides in a conflict that
has nothing to do with us. Among other
things, it affirms Israel as a “Jewish state.”
Is it really our business to endorse a state
church in a foreign country? What
message does this send from the United
States to Israeli citizens who are not

Paul is consistently on the side of Israel’s enemies

when it comes to his voting record in Congress:

Statement on H Res 34, Recognizing

Israel's right to defend itself against
attacks from Gaza, Reaffirming the
United States strong support for Israel,
and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian
peace process.

Madame Speaker, I strongly oppose H.

Res. 34, which was rushed to the floor
with almost no prior notice and without



consideration by the House Foreign

Affairs Committee. The resolution clearly
takes one side in a conflict that has
nothing to do with the United States or
US interests. I am concerned that the
weapons currently being used by Israel
against the Palestinians in Gaza are
made in America and paid for by
American taxpayers. What will adopting
this resolution do to the perception of the
United States in the Muslim and Arab
world? What kind of blowback might we
see from this? What moral responsibility
do we have for the violence in Israel and
Gaza after having provided so much
military support to one side?

Madame Speaker, this resolution will do

nothing to reduce the fighting and
bloodshed in the Middle East. The
resolution in fact will lead the US to
become further involved in this conflict,
promising “vigorous support and
unwavering commitment to the welfare,
security, and survival of Israel as a
Jewish and democratic state.” Is it really
in the interest of the United States to
guarantee the survival of any foreign

country? I believe it would be better to

focus on the security and survival of the
United States, the Constitution of which
my colleagues and I swore to defend just
this week at the beginning of the 111th
Congress. I urge my colleagues to reject
this resolution.132

On March 5, 2008 Paul failed to acknowledge the

fact that Hamas sent rockets into Israel from Gaza
prior to Israel’s retaliation:

Madam Speaker: I rise in opposition to H.

Res. 951. As one who is consistently
against war and violence, I obviously do
not support the firing of rockets
indiscriminately into civilian populations. I
believe it is appalling that Palestinians are
firing rockets that harm innocent Israelis,
just as I believe it is appalling
that Israel fires missiles into Palestinian
areas where children and other non-
combatants are killed and injured.133




Paul was interviewed by Iranian television about

the Israeli retaliation against the Islamists of Gaza:

It’s our money and it’s our weapons. But I

think we encouraged it. Certainly the
president has said nothing to diminish it.
As a matter of fact he justifies it on moral
grounds…without even mentioning the
tragedy of Gaza, you know the real
problems that are there. To me I look at it
like a concentration camp. People are
making homemade bombs – like they’re
the aggressors?134

In others word if Gaza looks like a concentration

camp then that makes the Israelis Nazis. No one is
being sent to gas chambers in Gaza. Paul tends to
use the word “concentration camp” and Nazi in a way
that waters-down its true meaning. For example he
told the House “Now we have what I call the
‘Nazification’ of the financial system, not only in
America but worldwide. I don’t use that term lightly.
As a matter of historic fact, the civil forfeiture laws in
this country mirror in many major respects the Nazi
forfeiture laws that were used to confiscate the
property of the Jews.” Due process still exists in



America. Ron Paul had this to during the same

interview for Iranian TV:

I think if we weren’t in the Middle East

there’d be a much greeted motivation for
Israel to deal with all the people and
maybe the Arab League. Maybe they
would be talking to the Arab League
every single day and work out problems.
But they don’t do that. They don’t have
the motivation because they know we’ll
back them up. No matter what happens
over there, Israel knows and our
government knows, Republican or
Democrat that we’ll do whatever is
necessary to bailout Israel.

If Israel has a problem they have to deal

with it. I don’t think it should be any of our
business. It’s just that it’s our business
and we will be blamed because we
support Israel blindly so. And we give
them the money and we give them the
weapons. …

If I personally favor one side or the other

side then it’s really pretty academic
because politically I don’t want to be
involved. If I wanna say well, you know, I

really think the Palestinians have been

ripped off and therefore all the blame is
on Israel, then I’ve sorta stepped in a little
bit more than I want to. I can have a
personal opinion but politically my
position is that America would be much
better off if we just minded our own

Ron Paul wants to weaken Israel so it has to go

begging for mercy to the Arab League. Ron Paul
admits is keeping his true opinions about Israel to
himself as he knows it would be a political disaster if
he expressed them openly. Paul’s ex-confident Eric
Rittberg reported,

Paul is however, most certainly Anti-

Israel and Anti-Israeli in general. He
wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all.
He expressed this to me numerous times
in our private conversations. His view is
that Israel is more trouble than it is worth,
specifically to the America taxpayer. He
sides with the Palestinians, and supports
their calls for the abolishment of the



Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all

of it, to the Arabs.136

In Liberty Defined Paul claims that the Jews would

have trickled into to Israel a little at a time and would
have been welcomed with open arms by the Muslims
and everything would have been ginger-peachy for
the Holocaust survivors but that bad old U.N. messed
things up by voting for the establishment of the
Jewish State:

From the 1890s until 1948, when Israel

became a sovereign nation carved out of
Palestine, immigration was mostly
voluntary, gradual, and accomplished
with due respect for existing land titles.
Zionism, during the first forty years of this
movement, was not about taking land by
force nor was it about militarism, A
continual peaceful transformation would
probably have occurred except for the
political actions after World War II in
which the United Nations turned a local
and demographic issue into an
international and highly politicized one.



Historian Juan Cole has pointed out that

Jerusalem (Palestine), through the many
centuries, was under Jewish rule for only
about 170 years. In other words, there
are many competing claims for the same
land, and it is impossible to decide
between them. Dozens of other regimes
occupied the land for much longer
periods of time. For instance, Muslims
ruled Jerusalem for 1,191 years.137

What Paul is saying is that the Jewish people have

no real claim to the land of Israel. He quotes Juan
Cole, a well-known professor at the University of
Michigan who believes Israel’s Likud Party is
comprised of fascist Jews. Cole has made a career
out of attacking Israel.

Ron Paul sides with the Islamic world against

America and blames anti-Americanism on American
and Israeli foreign policy. He also blames the British,
a favorite target of Nazis due Britain’s role in
defeating Adolf Hitler. Paul:



The West has been at war with the

Muslim world for over a thousand years.
In this century, the British led the charge
prior to World War II. Since that time it
has been the United States. Although the
British remain close allies of ours in
intimidating the Muslim world, it is the
military strength of the United States that
assumes the burden of responsibility for
the policy. It is justified by claiming a right
and need to protect “our” oil. The fear I
have is that our policies, along with those
of Britain, the UN, and NATO since World
War II, inspired and have now awakened
a long forgotten sleeping giant that of
Islamic fundamentalism.138

So America and its allies are to blame for the rise

of Islam, a religion and political system Paul sees as
a potential ally against Israel and the Jews. That is
why Ron Paul supported the construction of a
mosque a few blocks from Ground Zero:

Is the controversy over building a mosque

near ground zero a grand distraction or a
grand opportunity?



Or is it once again grandiose

demagoguery? It has been said, “Nero
fiddled while Rome burned.” Are we not
overly preoccupied with this controversy,
now being used in various ways by
grandstanding politicians? It looks to me
like the politicians are fiddling while the
economy burns. The debate should have
provided the conservative defenders of
property rights with a perfect example of
how the right to own property also
protects the 1st Amendment rights of
assembly and religion by supporting the
building of the mosque. Instead, we hear
lip service given to the property rights
position while demanding that the need to
be “sensitive” requires an all-out assault
on the building of a mosque, several
blocks from “ground zero.”

Just think of what might (not) have

happened if the whole issue had been
ignored and the national debate stuck
with war, peace, and prosperity. There
certainly would have been a lot less
emotionalism on both sides. The fact that
so much attention has been given the


mosque debate, raises the question of

just why and driven by whom?

In my opinion it has come from the neo-

conservatives who demand continual war
in the Middle East and Central Asia and
are compelled to constantly justify it. They
never miss a chance to use hatred toward
Muslims to rally support for the ill-
conceived preventative wars. A select
quote from soldiers in Afghanistan and
Iraq expressing concern over the mosque
is pure propaganda and an affront to their
bravery and sacrifice.

The claim is that we are in the Middle

East to protect our liberties is misleading.
To continue this charade, millions of
Muslims are indicted and we are
obligated to rescue them from their
religious and political leaders. And, we're
supposed to believe that abusing our
liberties at home and pursuing
unconstitutional wars overseas will solve
our problems.

The nineteen suicide bombers didn't

come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan or
Iran. Fifteen came from our ally Saudi

Arabia, a country that harbors strong

American resentment, yet we invade and
occupy Iraq where no al Qaeda existed
prior to 9/11.139

So it is the neo-conservatives (code word for

Jews) who oppose it and not the Christian
evangelical clergy and families of those killed on
9/11. Paul had more to say in favor of the Ground
Zero Mosque:

Many fellow conservatives say they

understand the property rights and 1st
Amendment issues and don't want a legal
ban on building the mosque. They just
want everybody to be “sensitive” and
force, through public pressure,
cancellation of the mosque construction.
This sentiment seems to confirm that
Islam itself is to be made the issue, and
radical religious Islamic views were the
only reasons for 9/11. If it became known
that 9/11 resulted in part from a desire to
retaliate against what many Muslims saw
as American aggression and occupation,
the need to demonize Islam would be



difficult if not impossible. There is no

doubt that a small portion of radical,
angry Islamists do want to kill us but the
question remains, what exactly motivates
this hatred? If Islam is further discredited
by making the building of the mosque the
issue, then the false justification for our
wars in the Middle East will continue to be

The justification to ban the mosque is no

more rational than banning a soccer field
in the same place because all the suicide
bombers loved to play soccer.
Conservatives are once again,
unfortunately, failing to defend private
property rights, a policy we claim to
cherish. In addition conservatives missed
a chance to challenge the hypocrisy of
the left which now claims they defend
property rights of Muslims, yet rarely if
ever, the property rights of American
private businesses.

Defending the controversial use of

property should be no more difficult than
defending the 1st Amendment principle of
defending controversial speech. But

many conservatives and liberals do not

want to diminish the hatred for Islam —
the driving emotion that keeps us in the
wars in the Middle East and Central Asia.

It is repeatedly said that 64% of the

people, after listening to the political
demagogues, don't want the mosque to
be built. What would we do if 75% of the
people insist that no more Catholic
churches be built in New York City? The
point being is that majorities can become
oppressors of minority rights as well as
individual dictators. Statistics of support is
irrelevant when it comes to the purpose of
government in a free society — protecting

The outcry over the building of the

mosque, near ground zero, implies that
Islam alone was responsible for the 9/11
attacks. According to those who are
condemning the building of the mosque,
the nineteen suicide terrorists on 9/11
spoke for all Muslims. This is like blaming
all Christians for the wars of aggression
and occupation because some Christians


supported neo-conservatives aggressive


The House Speaker is now treading on a

slippery slope by demanding an
investigation to find out just who is
funding the mosque — a bold rejection of
property rights, 1st Amendment rights,
and the Rule of Law — in order to look
tough against Islam. This is all about hate
and Islamaphobia. We now have an
epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both
the right and the left who are all for
freedom, as long as there's no
controversy and nobody is offended.
Political demagoguery rules when truth
and liberty are ignored.140

Paul’s son, Senator Rand Paul opposed the

construction of a mosque near Ground Zero:

While this is a local matter that will be

decided by the people of New York, I do
not support a mosque being built two
blocks from Ground Zero. In my opinion,
the Muslim community would better serve



the healing process by making a donation

to the memorial fund for the victims of
September 11th.

Rand Paul is not Ron Paul: Sen. Rand Paul took

what very well could be considered his most pro-
Israel stance yet, saying in an interview that an attack
on Israel should be treated as an attack on the United
States. Asked in an interview whether the United
States would stand with Israel and provide it foreign
aid if the Jewish state was attacked by its enemies,
Paul went a step further and said such an attack
should be treated as an attack on the U.S. 'Well
absolutely we stand with Israel,' he said in an
interview with Breitbart News, 'but what I think we
should do is announce to the world – and I think it is
pretty well known --- that any attack on Israel will be
treated as an attack on the United States.'” On the
other hand in a speech before the Heritage
Foundation Rand Paul seemed to favor containment
of Iran as opposed to taking out their bomb factories.
Is he going to wait until after Israel is attacked with
nuclear weapons then attack Iran? Rand Paul is a
walking contradiction and that makes him dangerous.

Because Ron Paul sees the Islamists as an ally in

the war against the Jews, he has stated the he
opposes religious profiling at America’s airports. The

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) the

American arm of Hamas, thanked Ron Paul for
having rejected profiling during CNN’s Republican
debate, and directed their ire at another presidential
candidate, Rick Santorum. During the debate, CNN’s
Wolf Blitzer noted that Santorum had advocated
profiling in the past. “Just to be precise, is it ethnic
profiling, religious profiling, who would be profiled?”
Blitzer asked. “The folks that are most likely to be
committing these crimes,” Santorum replied.
“Obviously Muslims would be someone you’d look at,
absolutely.” “That’s digging our hole for ourselves,”
Paul disagreed. “What if they look like [Oklahoma
City bomber] Timothy McVeigh?” This was not the
only issue that Paul and CAIR agreed upon. A CAIR
press release read:

As we have stated repeatedly in the past,

the American Muslim community firmly
repudiated Anwar al-Awlaki’s incitement
to violence, which occurred after he
left the United States. While a voice of
hate has been eliminated, we urge our
nation’s leaders to address the
constitutional issues raised by the
assassination of American citizens
without due process of law.


Ron Paul stated:

No I don’t think that’s a good way to deal

with our problems. He was born here, Al-
Awlaki was born here, he is an American
citizen. He was never tried or charged for
any crimes. No one knows if he killed
anybody. We know he might have been
associated with the underwear bomber.
But if the American people accept this
blindly and casually that we now have an
accepted practice of the president
assassinating people who he thinks are
bad guys, I think it’s sad.141

How else could have Paul defended the Imam

who inspired so much violence in the United States
including the Fort Hood massacre of unarmed
soldiers by one of Al-Awlaki’s followers? How many
American soldiers would have had to die in an
attempt to bring Al-Awlaki back to the United States?

Paul is in league with Michael

Scheuer another Jew-hater. It
wasn’t until 1996 that the FBI
recognized the increased threat



to the United States posed by Osama Bin Laden and

created the Osama Bin Laden Unit to handle al-
Qaeda-related matters. From 1996 to 1999, the
Osama Bin Laden tracking unit was at the
Counterterrorist Center. Post-9/11 it was run by
Michael Scheuer. Sheuer attended Canisius College.
U.S. News and World Report ranked Canisius as
22nd among regional schools in its "North Region."
He went on to earn an M.A. from Niagara University
in 1976 and another M.A. from Carleton University in
1982. He also received a Ph.D. in British Empire-
U.S.-Canada-U.K. relations from the University of
Manitoba in 1986. He was never the brightest light on
the Christmas.

Scheuer was an Islamist ideological mole within

the CIA and a truly dangerous enemy of the United
States. Scheuer pretended to go after Osama Bin
Laden but was in reality was protecting him. In order
to hide this Sheuer blamed the Clinton Administration
for CIA’s failure to kill Bin Laden, claiming that he had
the chance to do it numerous times but was
prevented from doing so by his superiors. He offered
no evidence to back up these claims other than his
self serving statements based on his apparent bona
fides while in the CIA: Scheuer was in charge of the
rendition program and was responsible for numerous
kidnappings, imprisonment and torture of 30 lower

level Islamists. This researcher believes he carried

out these operations successfully in order to maintain
his credibility so he could protect the big enchilada,
Osama Bin Laden. Scheuer knew that if Bin Laden
remained on the loose, he would soon carry out an
operation against the United States that would make
the other jihadist terrorist acts look like greasy kids
stuff. Scheuer never made clandestine contact with
Al-Qaeda so the CIA Counter Intelligence Section or
Office of Security had no reason to suspect him.

In retrospect if Sheuer held the same views while

he headed the Bin Laden Desk that he expressed
after he left it, then there is no other explanation other
than that he was an enemy ideological mole. In his
book Imperial Hubris Scheuer called Bin Laden a
“great man” and Bin Laden spoke highly of Scheuer
in a video Al Qaeda released142 and said, "If you want
to understand what's going on and if you would like to
get to know some of the reasons for you’re losing the
war against us, then read the book of Michael
Scheuer in this regard." Additionally Scheuer claimed
that repressive governments like Algeria, Egypt and
especially Saudi Arabia are responsible for the
resurgence of Islamic jihadist fundamentalism in the
Moslem world and he said that he wanted to see


these governments overthrown. He already got his

wish in Egypt which will soon be transformed into an
Islamic dictatorship by the Muslim Brotherhood and
al-Shahab as they have been voted into office.

Scheuer blamed everything on Israel. Even if

there was no Israel these Islamists would still be
intent on establishing a Caliphate and making the
entire world Islamic, starting with the Jews, who
Mohammed failed to convert. But Scheuer argues
that it is not religious or cultural differences that have
made Islam regard America as the enemy. It is solely
the result of America’s support for the State of Israel.
Scheuer wants the Islamic world to focus its hatred
on Israel rather than the United States. Other CIA
and FBI agents may have screwed up when it came
to 9/11 but their failure was unintentional while
Scheuer’s was deliberate! He was transferred out of
the UBL Unit in 1999 and he resigned from the CIA in

After he left the Agency he became an Adjunct

Professor of Security Studies at Georgetown
University, and was a regular contributor to the
Jamestown Foundations Terrorism Focus until he
was fired in 2009. In 2009, Scheuer reported that he

143. Report of the Joint Inquiry into the Terrorist Attacks of September 11,
2001 – by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

had lost his position as a Senior Fellow with the

Jamestown Foundation, after "several major financial
donors to Jamestown threatened to withdraw
funding" if he continued in that role. The funding
threats were pursuant to his criticism of Barack
Obama's "dancing the Tel Aviv two-step" in allegedly
kowtowing to the Israeli lobby, as well as Scheuer's
disdaining of Obama's selection as Chief of Staff of
Rahm Emmanuel, who he called "a U.S. citizen who
during the 1991 Gulf War left America to serve in
Israel's military.” Scheuer has stated, “Israel is not
only an unnecessary and self-made liability for the
United States, it is an untreated and spreading
cancer on our domestic politics, foreign policy, and
national security.” Scheuer published two books
blaming others for his failure to kidnap or murder
Usama Bin Laden. It was Scheuer who trained the
CIA Station Chief in Khost who let a triple agent
wreak havoc on the CIA. Scheuer stated:

Dr. Paul’s non-interventionist policy will

allow foreigners to work out their political
destiny in their own way and at their own
pace; prevent unnecessary additions to
America’s growing list of enemies; and
save countless young lives. Electing
anyone but Ron Paul will further increase
the already strong chances of widespread

Islamist-conducted violence inside the

United States.

Ron Paul stated:

The pharmaceutical plant in Sudan was

just that, a pharmaceutical plant, owned
by a Muslim businessman who was
standing up to the Islamic
fundamentalists, the same people we
pretend to oppose and use as
scapegoats for all our Middle-Eastern
policies. And now we have the
controversial and unconstitutional waging
of war in Iraq.144

The only known use of EMPTA is as a precursor

to Vx a deadly nerve gas; it has no uses in
pharmaceuticals. It is not made accidentally as a by-
product of legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturing.
A soil sample was taken from the grounds around the
Al-Shifa “Pharmaceutical Plant” in the Sudan and
EMPTA was discovered. According to former CIA
Director George Tenet, the CIA sent a human agent
to Al-Shifa who entered the facility grounds, evaded
plant guards, and collected the soil sample from a



designated area within the gates of the plant.145 He

said that a U.S. commercial laboratory analyzed the
sample and found a level 2.5 times that necessary to
be considered a trace presence of EMPTA. Tenet
said the operative had submitted to repeated
polygraph tests to gain assurance that the informant
had carried out the mission as instructed. But of
course Ron Paul has better intelligence than the CIA:

Paul continued to defend Islamist terrorists by

denying that jihad is a pillar of Islam.

Robert Pape, author of Dying to Win,

explains the strategic logic of suicide
terrorism. Pape has collected a database
of every suicide terrorist attack between
1980 and 2004, all 462 of them. His
conclusions are enlightening and crucial
to our understanding the true motivation
behind the attacks against Western
nations by Islamic terrorists. After his

145. Tim Weiner and Steven Lee Myers “U.S. Notes Gaps in Data about
Drug Plant But Defends Attack; Sudan Envoy Angry” The New York Times,
September 3, 1998. Former Shifa export manager Alamaddin al-Shibli
denied that the soil sample could have been taken from Shifa saying, “the
factory was tiled throughout, and there was asphalt everywhere outside the
buildings. Where could anyone have taken a sample?” See Dahne, “Owner
of Sudanese Factory Comes Under Scrutiny.”


exhaustive study, Pape comes to some

very important conclusions. I, like many,
have assumed that the driving force
behind the suicide attacks was Islamic
fundamentalism. Promise of instant entry
into paradise as a reward for killing
infidels seemed to explain the suicides, a
concept that is foreign to our way of
thinking. The world’s expert on suicide
terrorism has convinced me to rethink this
simplistic explanation, that terrorism is
merely an expression of religious
extremism and resentment of a foreign

University of Chicago political scientist Robert

Pape argued that Islam has little to do with suicide
bombing. Rather, he suggested, that suicide
bombers, wherever they are in the world, were
motivated much more by tactical goals. He
juxtaposed the suicide terrorism of the (non-Islamic)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam with Islamist suicide
bombing to demonstrate that a desire to end
occupation is the common factor rather than religion.
Therefore, he suggested that focus upon religion is a
distraction and that policymakers seeking to stop the



scourge of suicide attacks should work instead to

address root causes, which he sees as the presence
of troops or interests in disputed or occupied lands.
This is just another way of convincing Americans that
if they abandoned Israel the threat of terrorism would
subside. The fact remains that most suicide
bombings since 1980 in the world in general and in
the Middle East in particular are sponsored by
Islamist and not secular terrorist groups. Pape avoids
this conclusion by gerrymandering his data so that he
does not need to include the significant numbers of
suicide bombings conducted by Sunnis against Shi‘a
in Iraq.

The following is from a speech by Prime Minister

Mahathir Mohammad of Malaysia to the Tenth
Islamic Summit Conference Putrajaya, Malaysia,
October 16, 2003:

There is a feeling of hopelessness among

the Muslim countries and their people.
They feel that they can do nothing right.
They believe that things can only get
worse. The Muslims will forever be
oppressed and dominated by the
Europeans and the Jews. It cannot be
that there is no other way. 1.3 billion
Muslims cannot be defeated by a few

million Jews. There must be a way. And

we can only find a way if we stop to think,
to assess our weaknesses and our
strength, to plan, to strategize and then to
counter attack. We are actually very
strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be
simply wiped out. The Europeans killed 6
million Jews out of 12 million. But today
the Jews rule this world by proxy. They
get others to fight and die for them.

The enemy will probably welcome these

proposals and we will conclude that the
promoters are working for the enemy. But
think. We are up against a people who
think. They survived 2000 years of
pogroms not by hitting back, but by
thinking. They invented and successfully
promoted Socialism, Communism, human
rights and democracy so that persecuting
them would appear to be wrong, so they
may enjoy equal rights with others. With
these they have now gained control of the
most powerful countries and they, this
tiny community, have become a world
power. We cannot fight them through
brawn alone. We must use our brains

Of late because of their power and their

apparent success they have become
arrogant. And arrogant people, like angry
people will make mistakes, will forget to

This is from a speech Paul gave to entitled

Congress on October 28, 2003 entitled Shouldn’t
Censor Foreign Leaders:

A careful reading of the prime minister’s

speech did not find any explicit calls for
violence. Actually, Dr. Mahathir called for
Muslims around the world to cease using
violence to seek their goals. He stated, “Is
there no other way than to ask our young
people to blow themselves up and kill
people and invite the massacre of more
of our own people?” Also, he advises
against “revenge” attacks and urges
Muslims to “win [the] hearts and minds” of
non-Muslims including “Jews...who do not
approve of what the Israelis are doing.”
While we may agree or disagree with the
cause that Dr. Mahathir espouses, the
fact that he calls for non-violent means to
achieve his goals is to be commended
rather than condemned. This is not to

agree with every aspect of his address —

and certainly not to agree with some of
the ridiculous statements contained
therein — but rather to caution against
the kind of blanket condemnation that this
legislation represents. Do we not also
agree with his words that Muslim violence
in the Middle East has been
counterproductive? President Bush
himself in May invited Dr. Mahathir to the
White House to, in the president’s words,
“publicly thank the Prime Minister for his
strong support in the war against



Ron Paul was sent a copy of this book at his

office, Campaign Committee and PAC. A few weeks
later he released a statement that shocked his
constituency. Business insider148 reported that when




asked about Israel moving its capitol from Tel Aviv to

Jerusalem Paul told evangelical leaders:

The real issue here is not what America

wants, but what does Israel want? If
Israel wants their capital to be Jerusalem,
then the United States should honor that.
How would we like it if some other nation
said 'We decided to recognize New York
City as your capital instead, so we will
build our embassy there?’

Paul was reacting to this book and

to the formation of an organization
known as JAP – Jews Against
Paul. He is a devious, duplicitous
weasel and he released this
statement so people would think “How could Paul be
a Nazi when he favored a position of this nature?” A
smart move on Paul’s part designed to neutralize any
effect this expose might have. Throughout this
expose I never once do I say that Ron Paul is dumb,
however I do say that his followers who don’t pick up
on the dog whistle language and actually believe this
man stands for liberty are dumb brainwashed
zombies. As for his overt and covert Nazi followers,
the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.






We need no more Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

No more Violent Radicalization & Homegrown
Terrorism Prevention Acts!
No more torture!
No more Military Commissions Act!
No more secret prisons and extraordinary rendition!
No more abuse of habeas corpus!
No more PATRIOT Acts!
What we need is more government transparency and
more privacy for the individual! (Ron Paul March 13,


Paul wrote this in his Texas Straight Talk Newsletter:

Some, even conservatives, have offered

the example of President Franklin
Roosevelt's use of a military court to try a
group of Nazi saboteurs during World
War II. It is curious to see FDR as a
model for conservatives, but nevertheless
we were in a declared war and those
captured were agents of a country with
which we were in an active state of war.
We are not currently in a state of war,
despite what pundits might claim.149

For Ron Paul the war between America and

Islamist terrorists does not exist so it is no surprise
that he was one of the three Republican members of
Congress who voted against the PATRIOT Act.

When the PATRIOT Act was passed, it

was in the passions following 9/11, and
that bill should have never been passed.
It was brought up carelessly, casually, in
a rapid manner. The bill that had been
discussed in the Committee on the
Judiciary was removed during the night
before we voted. The full text of this bill



was very difficult to find. I am convinced

that very few Members were able to
review this bill before voting. That bill
should have never passed. We certainly
should continue to maintain the sunset
provisions. But that is a long way off, and
we should be starting to reform and
improve this particular piece of legislation.
This is our first chance to do so.

Demanding domestic security in times of

war invites carelessness in preserving
civil liberties and the right of privacy.
Frequently the people are only too
anxious for their freedoms to be sacrificed
on the altar of authoritarianism thought to
be necessary to remain safe and secure.
Nothing would please the terrorists more
than if we willingly give up some of our
cherished liberties while defending
ourselves from their threat. Many of the
questionable provisions in this bill, such
as the expanded pen register authority
and the expanded use of roving wiretaps,
are items for which law enforcement has
been lobbying for years. The utility of
these items in catching terrorists is
questionable to say the least. After all,

terrorists have demonstrated they are

smart enough not to reveal information
about their plans when they know federal
agents could be listening.150

How does Paul know what would please the

terrorists more? Do you think that terrorists are happy
about laws that make it more difficult for them to
operate? Paul introduced an amendment to weaken
the “sneak and peek” provision and had 300
members of Congress vote and was able to
eviscerate that clause. “Sneak and Peak” means to
execute search warrants without immediately
informing their targets. Thanks to the PATRIOT Act
"Sneak-and-peek" searches are now easier to get,
legal in all jurisdictions, and the law contains no
practical limit on how long authorities can delay
notifying the subject of a search. But contrary to the
impression left by Ron Paul, they aren't
new: some federal courts allowed them prior to the

The irony is that PATRIOT Act-type

regulations were all proposed before 9-
11, and are now becoming a costly



burden to American businesses. I’m

getting more calls every day from
constituents who are being harassed by
government bureaucrats for “infractions”
of all kinds totally unrelated to national
security. This immeasurable cost from the
stepped-up activity of government
bureaucrats will further burden our
economy as it slips toward recession —
and do little to enhance homeland

Paul was just following the anti-terrorist legislation

Nazi Party line as put forth by Willis Carto:

The SPOTLIGHT March 27, 1995



There's a move on in Congress to further

erode Constitutional rights and
protections in the name of "anti-
terrorism." Under the guise of combating
terrorism, a bill has been introduced in
both the House and Senate that presents
further infringements on the rights of



Americans as guaranteed by the

Constitution. Officially called the Omnibus
Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995, the
Senate version of the bill, S. 390, has
been introduced by Sen. Joseph Biden
(D-Del.) and Sen. Arlen Specter (R.-Pa.).
The House version, H.R. 896, has been
introduced by Rep. Charles Schumer (D-
N.Y.). The bill, which was initiated by the
FBI, appears to have bipartisan support,
which could expedite action to get it to the
floor of both houses of Congress for a
vote. While it is a federal crime under
current law for Americans to contribute
funds for terrorist actions anywhere in the
world, the new act would broaden such
crime to a point where it would even be
unlawful to donate money for peaceful
activities, including contributions to the
operation of a hospital, to a group that
has also been accused of committing
"terrorist acts."

Under a provision of the bill the president

has the power to designate any group as
sponsoring terrorism, which would than
make it a crime to donate money to the
group for even lawful - even humanitarian

- objectives. The act would impose guilt

by association. Permanent resident aliens
who support a group listed by the
president as having conducted a terrorist
act could be classified as "alien terrorists"
and be subject to deportation. Special
courts would be convened, before which
the government could appear and show
probable cause that an alien has
supported terrorism by simply being
associated in some obscure manner with
either a group listed as terrorist or any of
its members. The court could then order
deportation based on secret evidence
that would not even be made available to
the defendant's attorney. The act could
provide a general charter for the FBI and
other federal agencies, including the
military, to investigate political groups and
causes at will. It is a wide ranging
federalization of different kinds of actions
applying to both citizens and non-citizens.
It would allow up to 10-year sentences for
citizens who are found guilty by
association and deportation of resident
aliens. While many provisions of the act
could ultimately be found unconstitutional

after years of litigation, the damage could

be enormous to the Constitution in the
meantime. The First Amendment,
guaranteeing freedom of speech and of
the press, and the presumption of
innocence until proven guilty and the right
to bail, are deemed most at risk.

It seems as if Paul is defending freedom of

resident aliens against the power of an evil
dictatorship doesn’t it? How else could he phrase it?
“I feel that resident alien terrorists deserve more
rights so they can get the job done? They deserve
freedom! That is, freedom from FBI scrutiny.”
Freedom? If America would have sided with the Nazi
during World War II as Paul wished, the Gestapo, the
greatest abusers of individual freedom to ever crawl
out from under a rock on the planet earth, would have
replaced the FBI. The Nazi secret police tortured and
terrorized Jews, gays, Communists and all who
opposed them. They sent people to death camps
without due process of law and habeas corpus. Paul
doesn’t care about freedom. Paul wants to hamstring
the FBI, CIA and NSA by not passing any new anti-
terrorist laws and repealing the laws that have
prevented Islamists from launching another
devastating attack like 9/11. Why would Paul want to
see Americans dead? Paul knows that Jews and

Israelis would be the prime targets of Islamic

terrorists. New York City is where they are most likely
to strike. If non-Jews were hurt Paul would only
consider it collateral damage. And there are other
advantages to be gained by Nazis from a terrorist
strike: If a devastating terrorist attack occurs in
America Paul and his followers could always blame it
on “an Israeli false flag operation” or one perpetrated
by the US Government to pass more anti-terrorist
legislation or bring us to war. You think this is
farfetched? This is from a Ron Paul newsletter:

The Middle East, in the last forty years,

has soaked up billions of dollars in the
name of American security and peace.
The more we give Israel, the more we
must give their Arab enemies. The height
of this folly was vividly and tragically
dramatized on October 23, 1981, with the
killing of the 241 Marines in Beirut when
their barracks were destroyed by radical
Moslems. The terrorists probably were
aided by Iran and supplied with
explosives sold to them by Israel,
originating from the United States and
paid for by American taxpayers.


Paul claimed that his votes are in line with the

wishes to the founding fathers. Would the founding
fathers characterize the American Government as a
bunch of psychopaths willing to murder members of
their own armed forces in Beirut by indirectly
supplying them with explosives? This propaganda is
designed to put people in a frame of mind where any
terrorist attack can be blamed on anybody despite
the absence of facts. It is part of a hidden agenda to
allow a terrorist incident or incidents to occur here
and then blame them on America’s relationship with
Israel or on the Mossad without any supporting

What all this boils down to is that Paul regards the

Federal Government as ZOG – the Zionist
Occupational Government and wants to limit its
power then destroy it by hamstringing or dissolving
the FBI, CIA etc. He hopes to do this by promulgating
the idea that it is not worth giving up certain civil
liberties in exchange for keeping Islamic terrorism out
of the United States. He is interested in civil liberties
only to security strip America because he wants to
empower Jew-hating Islamic terrorists so they can
strike America again and drive a wedge between
Israel and the war-weary United States.



Paul believes in all sorts of screwball conspiracy

theories such as the military is involved in a
conspiracy against America as is the CIA. In a March
2009 interview, Paul entertained the bogus
conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s claim that
NORTHCOM, the U.S. military’s combatant
command for North America, is “taking over” the
country. “The average member of Congress probably
isn’t a participant in the grand conspiracy,”152 Paul
reassured the fevered host, essentially
acknowledging that such a conspiracy exists. “We
need to take out the CIA.” In a January 2010 speech,
Paul announced, “There’s been a coup, have you
heard? It’s the CIA coup” against the American
government. “They’re in businesses, in drug
businesses,” the congressman added.153 Eric Rittberg
wrote that that Paul is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist:

He engaged in conspiracy theories

including perhaps the attacks were
coordinated with the CIA, and that the
Bush administration might have known
about the attacks ahead of time. He
expressed no sympathies whatsoever for




those who died on 9/11, and pretty much

forbade us staffers from engaging in any
sort of memorial expressions, or openly
asserting pro-military statements in
support of the Bush administration.

Ron Paul has repeatedly denied that he believes

in 9/11 conspiracy theories, but in an interview in
October 2011, he was asked why he wouldn’t talk
about the “truth” behind 9/11. He responded that he
“just can’t handle the controversy.”

A group called Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

asked Paul whether he believed the official
investigation into the September 11th attacks was
credible. “I never automatically trust anything the
government does when they do an investigation,”
Paul replied, “because too often I think there’s an
area that the government covered up, whether it’s the
Kennedy assassination or whatever.”

Ahmadinejad is the world’s most infamous 9/11

revisionist. In his September 22, 2011 UN
Speech last year he stated,

When the need to form a fact-finding

team to undertake a thorough
investigation concerning the hidden
elements involved in September 11

incident was brought up; an idea also

endorsed by all independent
governments and nations as well as by
the majority in the United States, my
country and myself came under pressure
and threat by the government of the
United States. Instead of assigning a fact-
finding team, they killed the main
perpetrator and threw his body into the
sea. Would it not have been reasonable
to bring to justice and openly bring to trial
the main perpetrator of the incident in
order to identify the elements behind the
safe space provided for the invading
aircraft to attack the twin world trade

Very interesting: if Osama Bin Laden had been

brought to justice in the United States he might have
revealed that he was in league with the United States
or the Israelis. This makes no sense and is the
ranting of a madman who could soon possess
nuclear weapons. On August 7, 2010 he stated:

No Jews were killed in the World Trade

Center, because one day earlier they
were told not to go to their workplace.
They announced that 3,000 people were

killed in this incident, but there were no

reports that reveal their names. Maybe
you saw that, but I did not. What was the
story of September 11? During five to six
days, and with the aid of the media, they
created and prepared public opinion so
that everyone considered an attack on
Afghanistan and Iraq as (their) right.

Revisionism concerning World Trade Center

bombings is nothing new for Ron Paul. Shortly after
the Brooklyn-Jersey City cell of Gamma Al Islamiyya
perpetrated the first World Trade Center bombing this
appeared in the Ron Paul Survival Newsletter.

The New York Bombing

It was only a few days after the World

Trade Center bombing before
Mohammed A. Salameh was arrested. Is
he guilty? Who knows? Some people
think this is a frame-up by anti-Arab
interests. Recall that shortly after the
Kennedy assassination, Lee Harvey
Oswald was apprehended and
accusations were made. We’re still
sorting that one out. From my point of
view, it’s hard to believe the perpetrators


could be as stupid as the authorities


We now know what one homemade

bomb can do to a large city – one billion
dollars of damage. Whether it was a
setup by the Israeli Mossad, as a Jewish
friend of mine suspects, or was truly a
retaliation by the Islamic fundamentalists,
matters little. The cities have become
centers of violence, whether through the
daily and routine terrorism of crime,
political bomb terrorism, or the terrorism
of mob behavior as in Los Angeles.

The leader of the Ron Paul Super PAC, its

founder, chairman and treasurer, is Gary Franchi, a
promoter of 9/11 revisionist conspiracy theories. As
with many other so-called "independent" Super
PACs, which can receive unlimited donations outside
the normal rules of campaign finance, the pro-Paul
group is operated by people with close ties to the
candidate. The group's advisory board members
include Penny Langford Freeman, Paul's political
director from 1998 to 2007, and Joe Becker, chief
legal counsel for Ron Paul 2008.

Franchi has supported the 9/11 Truth Movement,

which supports the idea that the terrorist attacks of

September 11, 2001, were an inside job to create a

pretext for a reduction in American liberty with the
World Trade Center brought down by a planned U.S.
controlled internal demolition, instead of terrorist-
controlled airplanes. Franchi founded the Lone
Lantern Society (a reference to Paul Revere
indicating that foreign enemies are on American soil).
The group supports "the birth of freedom and the
death of the New World Order," a secretive elite that
is supposedly trying to set up a world government.
Lone Lantern has held street demonstrations on the
11th of every month in Chicago and elsewhere,
demanding an investigation of 9/11. In New
Hampshire in 2008, a video shows Franchi asking
Tom Ridge, the former secretary of Homeland
Security, who was campaigning for Senator John
McCain, whether Ridge would support an
investigation of the "controlled demolition" of the
World Trade Center. Ridge was having none of it,
saying, "I just don't buy into that. That's a conspiracy
theory that has no basis in fact. It's almost out of the
Twilight Zone."

According to a 2010 report by the Southern

Poverty Law Center, "Gary Franchi is one of the
leading promoters of a resurgent Patriot conspiracy
theory that alleges the government is creating
concentration camps for U.S. citizens." In 2009 he

co-wrote and co-produced the video Camp FEMA:

American Lockdown, which claims that the Federal
Emergency Management Agency is creating
concentration camps on air bases and in vacant
buildings to house political dissenters when the
federal government proclaims martial law. "Your
church may have already signed a deal with the
devil," reads promotional material for the film. The
film questions whether Census data will be used to
round up Americans. Clips from Franchi's film on
YouTube show Hitler youth marching while the
narrator ominously describes President Obama's
plans to expand AmeriCorps and the USA Freedom
Corps, the volunteer initiative launched by the Bush
administration after 9/11.

In a videotaped interview with

delusionary conspiracy talk show
host Alex Jones, Franchi explained
that at 17 he began to read about
"the committee of 300, the Club of
Rome, the Council of Foreign
Relations," and other groups of the
New World Order. He said his parents, thinking he
was mentally ill, had him heavily medicated for 10
years. But he continued his reading, particularly
about the implantation of RFID microchips by
government, and formed the Lone Lantern Society to

tell people that "the enemies are here." "It's the truth,
it's the message, that's piercing the darkness,"
Franchi told Jones. "Anything that's done in
darkness, anything that is hidden in secret will be
revealed. It's having an impact. People are waking up
by the millions, Alex, by the millions! The New World
Order does not stand a chance."154

This is from Ahmadinejad’s UN Speech 2011 to the

United Nations:

Who used the mysterious September 11th

incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan
and Iraq, killing, injuring, and displacing
millions in two countries with the ultimate
goal of bringing into its domination the
Middle East and its oil resources? By
using their imperialistic media network
which is under the influence of
colonialism they threaten anyone who
questions the Holocaust and the
September 11th event with sanctions and
military action. Last year, when the need
to form a fact-finding team to undertake a
thorough investigation concerning the



hidden elements involved in September

11th incident was brought up; an idea also
endorsed by all independent
governments and nations as well as by
the majority in the United States, my
country and myself came under pressure
and threat by the government of the
United States. Instead of assigning a fact-
finding team, they killed the main
perpetrator and threw his body into the
sea. Would it not have been reasonable
to bring to justice and openly bring to trial
the main perpetrator of the incident in
order to identify the elements behind the
safe space provided for the invading
aircraft to attack the twin world trade
towers? Why should it not have been
allowed to bring him to trial to help
recognize those who launched terrorist
groups and brought wars and other
miseries into the region? Is there any
classified information that must be kept

According to the Iranian Hitler the reason his

country is threatened is not because it is trying to
develop an atomic bomb to use to destroy Israel but
because he is questioning the Holocaust and

September 11th. Osama Bin Laden was killed so that

he would not "identify the elements behind the safe
space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the
twin world trade towers?" Who could have provided
that "safe airspace?" Could it have been the Israelis,
could it have been the Jews or was it Lady Gaga? If
this psychopath gets a-hold of nukes he is crazy
enough to use them.

Who nullified the Breton Woods system

by printing trillions of dollars without the
backing of gold reserves or equivalent
currency? A move that triggered inflation
worldwide and was intended to prey on
the economic gains of other nations.

This is pure Lyndon LaRouche, the failed Hitler.

When you see the LaRouchoids in the street they
have signs saying REVIVE BRETON WOODS
AGREEMENT. The Iranian Hitler got this from the
failed American Hitler.

What is the justification for the presence

of hundreds of US military and
intelligence bases in different parts of the
world, including 268 bases in Germany,
124 in Japan, 87 in South Korea, 83 in
Italy, 45 in the United Kingdom, and 21 in


Portugal? Does this mean anything other

than military occupation?

This is pure Ron Paul, the favorite candidate of

the Nazis. The crypto-Nazi that wants cut off all aid to
Israel. JDO has been on to Paul for decades as he
was a populist hero in the Nazi newspaper, The
Spotlight. He is a very clever weasel cloaking his Jew
hating in isolationism just as the American Firsters
did. More from the same speech:


A future that will be built when humanity

initiates to trend the path of the divine
prophets and the righteous under the
leadership of Imam al-Mahdi, the Ultimate
Savior of mankind and the inheritor to all
divine messengers and leaders and to the
pure generation of our great Prophet. The
creation of a supreme and ideal society
with the arrival of a perfect human being,
who is a true and sincere lover of all
human beings, is the guaranteed promise
of Allah. He will lead the
freedom and justice lovers to eradicate
tyranny and discrimination, and promote
knowledge, peace, justice freedom and
love across the world. He will present to

every single individual all the beauties of

the world and all good things which bring
happiness for humankind.

If the tradition of the Mahdi was authentic, then

there would have been some mention of it in the
Qur'an. On the contrary, even the word mahdi does
not appear in that book! The original legend about the
messianic Imam was adopted by the Shi'is from other
religious communities, to which they added their own
details until it reached its present form. Islam needed
a messianic figure such as the other two major
religions had so they came up with the story that an
imam disappeared then underwent “a minor
occultation”, that is he came halfway back using
Imam’s as cutouts, then he went into a major
occultation which he will remain in until he returns
and sets everything straight - meaning everyone
adopts shi'i Islam including the Sunnis. “Occult” can
mean “to hide or become hidden or shut off from
view” but it can also mean “of or characteristic of
magical, mystical, or supernatural arts, phenomena,
or influences” often connected with Devil worship.
Now the key word here is magical. Magic is
unconditionally & absolutely haram / prohibited. It is a
gunahane kabira (greater sin) leading to Hell fire. A
person who indulges in magic & does not repent is
punishable by Death in an Islamic society, as it is

equivalent to shirk & severely criticized in many many

a hadith

"Keep away from the seven destructive

sins!" They said, "What are they, O
Messenger of Allah?" He answered,
"Associating partners with Allah;
practicing sorcery; taking a life, which
Allah has made forbidden except for a
just cause (according to Islamic Law);
eating Riba (usury) eating up an orphan's
wealth; fleeing from the battle field at the
time of fighting (with the unbelievers); and
accusing chaste women, who never think
of anything that can touch their chastity
and who are good believers, of

So what we have in Shia is a reversion to pre-

Islamic times known as the time of the jinn.

In September 2004 Paul voted against a

commemoration of 9/11:

Mr. Speaker, I am forced to rise in

opposition to this legislation, I do so
despite my desire to commemorate the
horrific attacks on September 11, 2001
and again express my sympathy to the

families of the victims. But don’t be fooled

by the label. This legislation is no mere
commemoration of the events of
September 11, 2001. Rather, it is page
after page of Congressional self-
congratulation. It is page after page of
praise for policies that have made us no
safer from terrorist attack, but that have
certainly made us much less free at
home. Does it not strike anyone else as a
bit unseemly for Congress to be
congratulating itself on this solemn
occasion? What this legislation does not
do is address some of the real causes of
the hatred that lead others to wish to
harm us. Why should we bother to
understand the motivations of madmen
and murderers? It is not to sympathize
with them or their cause. It is to ensure
our self-preservation. Those who oppose
us and who have attacked us have made
it very clear: They oppose our foreign
policy of interventionism and meddling,
and they oppose our one-sided approach
to the Middle East. Therefore, mitigating
the anger against us could be as simple
as returning to the foreign policy

recommended by our forefathers. We

should not be stationing hundreds of
thousands of our troops in more than 100
foreign countries, guarding their borders
while our own remain open to terrorist
infiltration. We should not be meddling in
the internal affairs of foreign countries,
nor should we be involving ourselves in
foreign conflicts that have nothing to do
with the United States. We should not be
sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer
dollars overseas to “build nations” and
“export democracy” at the barrel of a

Paul disguises his Nazism with tirades against

totalitarianism and writes:

The founders wanted to set a high bar for

the government to overcome in order to
deprive an individual of life or liberty. To
lower that bar is to endanger everyone.
When the bar is low enough to include
political enemies, our descent into
totalitarianism is virtually assured. The
PATRIOT Act, as bad as its violation

155. Congressional Record, V. 150, Pt. 13, July 22, 2004 to September 14,
2004 page 17847


against the Fourth Amendment was, was

just one step down the slippery slope.
The recently passed National Defense
Authorization Act continues that slip into
tyranny, and in fact, accelerates it
significantly. It is no longer limited to
members of al-Qaeda or the Taliban, but
anyone accused of substantially
supporting such groups or associated
forces. How closely associated, and what
constitutes substantial support? What if it
was discovered that someone who
committed a terrorist act was once
involved with a charity? Or suppose a
political candidate? Are all donors of that
candidate or supporters of that candidate
now suspects and subject to indefinite
detainment? Is that charity now an
associated force?156

Paul’s agenda is to strengthen any group that

hates Jews. Just like Willis Carto’s Spotlight, Paul
wants to let “charitable” organizations like the Holy
Land Foundation, which was convicted of supporting



terrorism, operate freely in America. He wants to see

the American Muslims elect a pro-terrorist candidate.
Paul told this to Congress in November 1999:

Sanctions are one thing, but seizures of

bank assets of any related business to
the Taliban government infuriates and
incites the radicals to violence. There is
no evidence that this policy serves the
interests of world peace. It certainly
increases the danger to all Americans as
we become the number one target of
terrorists. Conventional war against the
United States is out of the question, but
acts of terrorism, whether it is the
shooting down of a civilian airliner or
bombing a New York City building, are
almost impossible to prevent in a
reasonably open society.157

Paul was right about bombings of a New York

City building being impossible to prevent in 1999
because there were few anti-terrorism laws in place.
Since laws like the PATRIOT Act were passed there
have been no major terrorist incidents within the

157. Congressional Record, V. 145, Pt. 21, November 17, 1999 to

December 3, 1999 page 30043


United States. Paul opposed The National Defense

Authorization Act:

The Bill of Rights has no exceptions for

really bad people or terrorists or even
non-citizens. It is a key check on
government power against any person.
That is not a weakness in our legal
system; it is the very strength of our legal
system. The National Defense
Authorization Act attempts to justify
abridging the Bill of Rights on the theory
that rights are suspended in a time of
war, and the entire United States is a
battlefield in the war on terror. This is a
very dangerous development, indeed.

Paul wants to give enemy combatants the same

rights as American citizens giving them a chance to
be acquitted in an American court of law rather than
being tried by a military tribunal.

Under the guise of protecting Civil Liberties, Paul

wants to security strip America by protecting those


who leak classified information so that the US will

become more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Paul:

It has been charged, by self-proclaimed

experts, that Julian Assange, the internet
publisher of this information, has
committed a heinous crime deserving
prosecution for treason and execution or
even assassination. But should we not at
least ask how the U.S. government can
charge an Australian citizen with treason
for publishing U.S. secret information that
he did not steal?159

Paul wishes to make it easier for terrorists to

board airplanes rather than to protect people’s rights:

The incident of the so-called “underwear

bomber” last Christmas is given as
justification for the billions of dollars the
federal government is spending on the
new full-body imaging machines, but a
Government Accountability Office study
earlier this year concluded that had these
scanners been in use they may not have
detected the explosive material that was
allegedly brought onto the airplane.


Additionally, there have been recent

press reports calling into question the
accuracy and adequacy of these
potentially dangerous machines. My
legislation is simple. It establishes that
airport security screeners are not immune
from any US law regarding physical
contact with another person, making
images of another person, or causing
physical harm through the use of
radiation-emitting machinery on another
person. It means they are subject to the
same laws as the rest of us.160

Why the so called underwear

bomber? Was the underwear
bomber a real person or a figment
of the Government’s imagination?
Why explosive material that was
allegedly brought onto the airplane? On March 14,
2008 Paul made this statement on H.R. 3773 - FISA
Amendments Act of 2008:

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this

latest attempt to undermine our personal



liberties and violate the Fourth

Amendment of the Constitution. This bill
will allow the federal government to
engage in the bulk collection of American
citizens’ communications. In effect, it
means that any American may have his
electronic communications monitored
without a search warrant.

As such, the bill clearly violates the

Fourth Amendment, which states: “The
right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable
cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized.”

The assurances in this bill that Americans

will not have their communications
monitored without warrant are
unconvincing. The bill merely states that
the government should do its best to
avoid monitoring Americans if possible.
We have seen how meaningless such

qualified prohibitions have been as we

recount the abuses over the past several

Just today, we read in the news that the

federal government has massively
abused its ability to monitor us by
improperly targeting Americans through
the use of “national security letters.”
Apparently some 60 percent of the more
than 50,000 national security letters
targeted Americans, rather than foreign
terrorists, for surveillance.

This is what happens when we begin

down the slippery slope of giving up our
constitutional rights for the promise of
more security. When we come to accept
that the government can spy on us
without a court order we have come to
accept tyranny. I urge my colleagues to
reject this and all legislation that allows
Americans to be spied on without a
properly issued warrant.161



FISA wiretaps are authorized by the judiciary in

secret to assure their efficacy. Why would a Nazi get
so upset about Fourth Amendment rights when the
Nazis are known for breaking down people’s doors
without a warrant, searching their home and seizing
their possessions? Why is Paul upset about
communications being intercepted? Because he
wants to see the terrorists succeed. He wants to
hamstring the FBI, NSA and CIA so the terrorists
have a better chance of success. He is hoping they
will hit Jewish targets or New York City, which has a
high percentage of Jews living there. Paul shares a
common goal with the Islamist terrorists – the murder
of every Jew on this planet. It sure seems as if Ron
Paul is out to protect our rights when that is not the
object of blocking this legislation at all. His ultimate
goal is a Fifth Reich. Paul commented on Protect
America Act of 2007:

Madame Speaker, I rise in opposition to

the extension of the Protect America Act
of 2007 because the underlying
legislation violates the US Constitution.
The misnamed Protect America Act
allows the US government to monitor
telephone calls and other electronic
communications of American citizens


without a warrant. This clearly violates the

Fourth Amendment, which states:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons,

houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the persons
or things to be seized.”162

On January 30, 2008 Paul commented on a bill to

extend the Protect America Act of 2007 for 30 Days:

The Protect America Act sidelines

the FISA Court system and places
authority over foreign surveillance in the
director of national intelligence and the
attorney general with little if any
oversight. While proponents of this
legislation have argued that the
monitoring of American citizens would still
require a court-issued warrant, the bill
only requires that subjects be "reasonably
believed to be outside the United States."
Further, it does not provide for the Fourth
Amendment protection of American



citizens if they happen to be on the other

end of the electronic communication
where the subject of surveillance is a
non-citizen overseas.163

Paul wants to protect the rights of terrorists even

when they are overseas along with the rights of
terrorists living in America who get calls from
terrorists overseas. Paul wants to see the number of
Islamists increase in America: Remarks on Violent
Radicalization & Homegrown Terrorism Prevention
Act, HR 1955. This was a bill to establish a
commission to study homegrown terrorism. It passed
the House but died in the Senate.

There are many causes for concern in HR

1955. The legislation specifically singles
out the Internet for “facilitating violent
radicalization, ideologically based
violence, and the homegrown terrorism
process” in the United States. Such
language may well be the first step
toward US government regulation of what
we are allowed to access on the Internet.
Are we, for our own good, to be subjected
to the kind of governmental control of the



Internet that we see in unfree societies?

This bill certainly sets us on that course.

Ron Paul continually takes the sides of the

enemies of America, making excuse after excuse for
terrorists. He never mentions that jihad is one of the
pillars of Islam and that even if Israel were wiped off
the face of the map the Islamic Fundamentalists
would still hate America for being a Christian country
that does not accept Islam and Shar’ia Law.

In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the

Patriots?) We fail to realize that the
extremists, willing to sacrifice their own
lives to kill their enemies, do so out of a
sense of weakness and desperation over
real and perceived attacks on their way of
life, their religion, their country and their
natural resources. Without the
conventional diplomatic or military means
to retaliate against these attacks, and an
unwillingness of their own government to
address the issue, they resort to the
desperation tactic of suicide terrorism.
Their anger toward their own



governments, which they believe are co-

conspirators with the American
government, is equal to or greater than
that directed toward us. These errors in
judgment in understanding the motive of
the enemy and the constant fear that is
generated have brought us to this crisis
where our civil liberties and privacy are
being steadily eroded in the name of
preserving national security. We may be
the economic and military giant of the
world, but the effort to stop this war on
our liberties here at home in the name of
patriotism, is being lost. (6/6/07)

Fighting Terrorism With Big Government -

A Convenience or Necessity? Fighting
terrorism is a top concern for most
Americans. It is understandable, knowing
how vulnerable we now are to an attack
by our enemies. But striking out against
the liberties of all Americans, with the
PATRIOT Act, the FBI, or Guantanamo-
type justice will hardly address the
problem. Liberty cannot be enhanced by
undermining liberty! It is never necessary
to sacrifice liberty to preserve it. It’s
tempting to sacrifice liberty for safety, and

that is the argument used all too often by

the politicians seeking more power. But
even that is not true. History shows that a
strong desire for safety over liberty
usually results in less of both. But that
does not mean we should ignore the past
attacks or the threat of future attacks that
our enemies might unleash. First, fighting
terrorism is a cliché. Terrorism is a
technique or a process, and if not
properly defined, the solutions will be
hard to find. Terrorism is more properly
defined as an attack by a guerrilla warrior
who picks the time and place of the attack
because he cannot match the enemy with
conventional weapons. With too broad a
definition of terrorism, the temptation will
be to relinquish too much liberty, being
fearful that behind every door and in
every suitcase lurks a terrorist-planted
bomb. Narrowing the definition of
terrorism and recognizing why some
become enemies is crucial.
Understanding how maximum security is
achieved in a free society is vital. We
have been told that the terrorists hate us
for our wealth, our freedom, and our

goodness. This war cannot be won if that

belief prevails.165

How much of a better way could anyone find to

pitch “Allow Terrorism to Return to America” to the
American people other than “if you want to be truly
free you have to give terrorists some freedom to do
their thing.” Paulbots are programmed to quote Ben
Franklin: “They that can give up essential liberty to
obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety.” Safety from biological weapons? Chemical
weapons? Radiological weapons? Dirty bombs?
Suicide bombers? None of this existed back then and
if Franklin was told of the casualties of 9/11 he would
have been happy to give the Government the laws it
needed to prevent another 9/11.

Ron Paul of Texas in the House of

Representatives January 9, 2003: Restoring the
Second Amendment. Paul might sound like he is
defending the Second Amendment but his real
motivation is to place weapons in the hands of
terrorists, including semi-automatic weapons that
have no sporting value. He also wants to make sure



that neo-Nazis and Rightwing militias have access to

weapons that are easily converted to full-auto.

Speaker, H.R. 3193 repeals several of

the more draconian citywide Washington,
DC, gun restrictions enacted in 1976. I
rise to restore the right the founding
fathers saw as the guarantee of every
other right by introducing the Second
Amendment Protection Act. This
legislation reverses the steady erosion of
the right to keep and bear arms by
repealing unconstitutional laws that allow
power-hungry federal bureaucrats to
restrict the rights of law-abiding gun

Specifically, my legislation repeals the

five-day waiting period and the "instant"
background check, which enables the
federal government to compile a
database of every gun owner in America.
My legislation also repeals the misnamed
ban on "semi-automatic" weapons, which
bans entire class of firearms for no
conceivable reason beside the desire of
demagogic politicians to appear tough on
crime. Finally, my bill amends the Gun

Control Act of 1968 by deleting the

"sporting purposes" test, which allows the
Treasury Secretary to infringe on second
amendment rights by classifying a firearm
(handgun, rifle, and shotgun) as a
"destructive device" simply because the
Secretary believes the gun to be "non-

Thomas Jefferson said "The constitutions

of most of our States assert that all power
is inherent in the people; ...that it is their
right and duty to be at all times armed."
Jefferson, and all of the Founders, would
be horrified by the proliferation of
unconstitutional legislation that prevents
law-abiding Americans from exercising
their right and duty to keep and bear
arms. I hope my colleagues will join me in
upholding the Founders' vision for a free
society by cosponsoring the Second
Amendment Restoration Act.166

The Founding Fathers never had access to

anything but muzzle loaders so how does Paul know



how they would react to putting weapons that can kill

scores of people in the hands of today’s citizens,
many of whom are Islamic and many of whom are
parts of a permanent criminal underclass that did not
exist back then? Another reason Ron Paul wants to
repeal gun law is so that White can shoot Black
“youth” – a euphemism for “nigger.”

From October, l992:

Carjacking: A Hip-Hop Thing to Do

If you live in a major city, you've probably

already heard about the newest threat to
your life and limb, and your family:
carjacking. It is the hip-hop thing to do
among the urban youth who play
unsuspecting whites like pianos. The
youth simply walk up to a car they like,
pull a gun, tell the family to get out, steal
their jewelry and wallets, and take the car
to wreck. Such actions have ballooned in
the recent months. In the old days,
average people could avoid such youth
by staying out of bad neighborhoods.
Empowered by media, police, and
political complicity, however, the youth
now roam everywhere looking for cars to
steal and people to rob. What can you

do? More and more Americans are

carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I
know advises that if you have to use a
gun on a youth, you should leave the
scene immediately, disposing of the
wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such
a gun cannot, of course, be registered to
you, but one bought privately (through the
classifieds, for example). I frankly don’t
know what to make of such advice but
even in my little town of Lake Jackson,
Texas, I’ve urged everyone in my family
to know how to use a gun in self-defense.
For the animals are coming.

Ron Paul November 13, 2002 Oppose The New

Homeland Security Bureaucracy!

Mr. Speaker, when the process of

creating a Department of Homeland
Security commenced, Congress was led
to believe that the legislation would be a
simple reorganization aimed at increasing
efficiency, not an attempt to expand
federal power. Fiscally conservative
members of Congress were even told that
the bill would be budget neutral! Yet,
when the House of Representatives

initially considered creating a Department

of Homeland Security, the legislative
vehicle almost overnight grew from 32
pages to 282 pages - and the cost had
ballooned to at least $3 billion. Now we
are prepared to vote on a nearly 500-
page bill that increases federal
expenditures and raises troubling civil
liberties questions. Adding insult to injury,
this bill was put together late last night
and introduced only this morning. Worst
of all, the text of the bill has not been
made readily available to most members,
meaning this Congress is prepared to
create a massive new federal agency
without even knowing the details. This is
a dangerous and irresponsible practice.

The Department of Homeland has been able to

prevent another 9/11 yet Paul opposed its existence
on the grounds that it would be just another
Government bureaucracy. What else could he say? -
that he opposed it because he wanted to see
America take another hit like 9/11? How would Ron
Paul deal with terrorism?



July 27, 2007

Mr. PAUL introduced the following bill;

which was referred to the Committee on
Foreign Affairs. A BILL:

To authorize the President to issue letters

of marque and reprisal with respect to
certain acts of air piracy upon the United
States on September 11, 2001, and other
similar acts of war planned for the future.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, This Act
may be cited as the `Marque and Reprisal
Act of 2007'.



The President of the United States is

authorized and requested to commission,
under officially issued letters of marque
and reprisal, so many of privately armed
and equipped persons and entities as, in
his judgment, the service may require,
with suitable instructions to the leaders
thereof, to employ all means reasonably
necessary to seize outside the

geographic boundaries of the United

States and its territories the person and
property of Osama bin Laden, of any al
Qaeda co-conspirator, and of any
conspirator with Osama bin Laden and al
Qaeda who are responsible for the air
piratical aggressions and depredations
perpetrated upon the United States of
America on September 11, 2001, and for
any planned future air piratical
aggressions and depredations or other
acts of war upon the United States of
America and her people.


No letter of marque and reprisal shall be

issued by the President under this Act
without requiring the posting of a security
bond in such amount as the President
shall determine is sufficient to ensure that
the letter be executed according to the
terms and conditions thereof.

Does anyone really believe that a group of

mercenaries would have been capable of effectuating
the operation that the Navy Seals pulled-off when
they captured Osama? Why the security bond? Does


Paul think that Osama might sue the United States if

the soldiers-of-fortune violated his rights?

In 1988 at the University of Houston Paul

declared “Bring American troops home, abolish the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central
Intelligence Agency and dismantle every other
agency except the Justice and Defense
Departments.” The Islamists would love to the FBI
dismantled as it continually brings down domestic
American terrorists with sting operations. Paul wrote,
“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike
Rogers tells us of the tremendous benefits of this
NSA Big Brother-like program. He promises us that
domestic terrorism plots were thwarted, but he
cannot tell us about them because they are
classified. I am a bit skeptical, however. In April, the
New York Times reported that most of these
domestic plots were actually elaborate sting
operations developed and pushed by the FBI.
According to the Times report, “of the 22 most
frightening plans for attacks since 9/11 on American
soil, 14 were developed in sting operations.” Even if
Chairman Rogers is right, though, and the program
caught someone up to no good, we have to ask



ourselves whether even such a result justifies

trashing the Constitution. Here is what I said on the
floor of the House when the PATRIOT Act was up for
renewal back in 2011:

If you want to be perfectly safe from child

abuse and wife beating, the government
could put a camera in every one of our
houses and our bedrooms, and maybe
there would be somebody made safer this
way, but what would you be giving up?
Perfect safety is not the purpose of
government. What we want from
government is to enforce the law to
protect our liberties.”

Ron Paul wants “imperfect safety” and more

terrorist attacks like the one at the Boston Marathon.

If Paul’s constituents were being investigated for

terrorist activity and ties to terrorists they would have
their Congressman object to anti-terrorist laws so that
they either would not be unjustly accused or so that it
would be easier to carry out terrorist attacks. But if
you are a Texan and not involved in terrorism or not
being unjustly accused of it why worry about giving
the FBI more investigatory power? How is it going to
affect you? Ron Paul opposes any program that will


increase America’s security: In December 2012 he


Earlier this month we learned that the

Obama Administration is significantly
expanding the number of covert Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) agents
overseas. From just a few hundred DIA
agents overseas today, the administration
intends to eventually deploy some 1,600
covert agents. The nature of their work
will also shift, away from intelligence
collection and more toward covert
actions. This move signals a major
change in how the administration intends
to conduct military and paramilitary
operations overseas. Unfortunately it is
not a shift toward peace, but rather to an
even more deadly and disturbing phase in
the “war on terror.” In 2010, I said in a
speech that there had been a CIA coup in
this country. The CIA runs the military,
the drone program, and they are in drug
trafficking. The CIA is a secretive
government all on its own. With this new
expanded Defense Intelligence Agency
presence overseas it will be even worse.
Because the DIA is operationally under

control of the Pentagon, direct

Congressional oversight of the program
will be more difficult. Perhaps this is as
intended. The CIA will be training the DIA
in its facilities to conduct operations
overseas. Much of this will include
developing targeting data for the
president’s expanding drone warfare





Most American
evangelicals are pre-
millennial dispensationalists.
They believe that God has a
special plan for the nation of
Israel, which will play a key
role in the end of days and the return of Christ. A
smaller segment of evangelicals holds to what’s
called reformed or covenant theology, which, tends to
teach that in this day the church is what Israel was in
the Old Testament. In other words, Christians are the
new chosen people. Covenant theologians don’t give
Israel any religious significance and are much further
to the right than mainstream evangelicals. While
dispensationalists believe that Christ will return
imminently and establish a biblical reign on earth,
covenant theologians tend to believe its man’s job to
create Christ’s kingdom before he comes back. The
most radical faction of covenant theology is called
Christian Reconstructionism, a movement founded by
R. J. Rushdoony that seeks to turn the Book of
Leviticus into law, imposing the death penalty for gay
people, blasphemers, unchaste women, and myriad

other sinners. Reconstructionists adhere to the view

expressed by Ron Paul at a Pastor's Forum at Chuck
Baldwin's Pensacola, Florida church that Christians
are the new "chosen people," and the righteous must
rule for 1,000 years before Jesus will return.168

Rushdoony is a racist, sexist, Jew-hating bigot

who denies the Holocaust. In Foundations of Social
Order he wrote,

The false witness born during World War

II with respect to Germany is especially
notable and revealing. The charge is
repeatedly made that six million innocent
Jews were slain by the Nazis, and the
figure – and even larger figures – is now
entrenched in the history books. Poncins,
in summarizing the studies of the French
Socialist, Paul Rassinier, himself a
prisoner in Buchenwald, states: ‘Rassinier
reached the conclusion that the number
of Jews who died after deportation is
approximately 1,200,000 and this figure,
he tells us, has finally been accepted as
valid by the Centre Mondial de



Documentation Juive Contemporaine.

Likewise he notes that Paul Hilberg, in his
study of the same problem, reached a
total of 896,292 victims. Very many of
these people died of epidemics; many
were executed. Did the Nazis actually
execute many thousands, tens, or
hundred thousands of Jews? Men to
whom such murders were nothing had to
blow up the figure to millions. Did the
doctor perform a number of experiments
on living men and women? A few
sterilized women and a few castrated
men and their horrified tears and grief are
not enough to stir the sick and jaded
tastes of modern man: make him guilty of
performing 17,000 such operations. The
evils were all too real: even greater is the
evil of bearing false witness concerning
them, because that false witness will
produce an even more vicious reality in
the next upheaval. Men are now
‘reconciled’ to a world where millions are
murdered, or are said to be murdered.


What will be required in the way of action

and propaganda next time?169

Ron Paul is a favorite politician of

Christian Reconstructionists. Gary
North, Rushdoony's son-in-law and star
polemicist of the Reconstructionist
movement was a Paul staffer during the
Texas congressman’s first term and
has called him the “mahatma of self-government.”
“The people who I know who are big Ron Paul guys
are old school Reconstructionists,” says Ron Paul
supporter Brian D. Nolder, the pastor of Christ the
Redeemer Church in Pella, Iowa. Rev. Phillip G.
Kayser (see photo above), another prominent right-
wing Reconstructionist Nebraska pastor, endorsed
Paul. The campaign issued a press
release citing "the enlightening statements he makes
on how Ron Paul's approach to government is
consistent with Christian beliefs." One of Kayser's
"Christian beliefs" was applying the death penalty for
gay male sex.

Ron Paul's has long ties to the Reconstructionist

movement, from which the more broadly accepted
dominionist strain in right-wing evangelical



Christianity flows. When Ron Paul exited the GOP

presidential race in 2008 Ron Paul threw his support
to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who ran on the ballot of the
Constitution Party, sort of the political arm of the
Christian Reconstructionists. (Baldwin parts company
with Reconstructionists on his idea of how the end-
times will go down, but is otherwise well-aligned with
the Reconstructionist agenda). Founded in 1992 by
Howard Phillips, a follower of Rushdoony, the
Constitution Party offers this in the preamble to the
party platform:

The goal of the Constitution Party is to

restore American jurisprudence to its
Biblical foundations and to limit the
federal government to its Constitutional

Ron Paul worked with Howard Phillips in forming

a shadow government to monitor the Carter
Administration. Paul was the shadow Secretary of
Labor.171 Howard Phillips, whose conversion to
Christianity was inspired by Rushdoony himself
routinely refers to gays as "sodomites" in his own
writings. Rushdoony made the conversion of Jews


171. The Morning Record and Journal - Feb 25, 1977


his special mission. (Phillips is of Jewish heritage.) At

a 2008 rally convened by Ron Paul in Minneapolis in
the shadow of the Republican National Convention,
Howard Phillips appeared as a keynote speaker. Ron
Paul has appeared with Howard Phillips at
Constitution Party events, and served as the keynote
speaker of the 35th anniversary gala of the
Conservative Caucus, another of Howard Phillips'

In the 1940s and 1960s, segregationists Strom

Thurmond and George Wallace won chunks of the
electoral vote for their own third parties. (Wallace's
vehicle, the American Independent Party, came
under the Constitution Party tent in 1992.) This is a
sample of Constitution Party thought:

We, the members of the American

Constitution Party, gratefully
acknowledge the blessings of the Lord
God as the Creator, Preserver, and Ruler
of the universe and of our nation. We
hereby appeal to Him for aid, comfort,
guidance and the protection of His Divine
Providence as we work to restore and
preserve this nation as a government of,
by, and for the people. Our republic is a
nation governed by a constitution rooted

in Biblical law and administered by

representatives elected by the people to
preserve, protect, and defend it against
attacks by all its enemies, whether from
without or within. We affirm the principles
of inherent, unalienable, individual rights
upon which these United States of
America were founded. The sole
legitimate function of government is to
secure these rights through the
preservation of domestic tranquility, the
maintenance of a strong national
defense, and the promotion of equal
justice for all. The federal government
has no role as an instrument of salvation.
Salvation is by the blood of Christ and
faith in Him by God's grace.172

Together with Howard Phillips and John Birch

Society president John McManus, Paul has spun a
conspiracy theory about an imminent threat to U.S.
sovereignty under the non-existent North American
Union, which the three contend is a European Union-
style plan already under way, designed to erase
America's national borders and eradicate U.S.
currency. Ron Paul's demand for a return to the gold



standard for U.S. currency, as well as his disdain for

the Federal Reserve, align perfectly with the "biblical"
monetary policy positions espoused by Rushdoony in
his book entitled The Institutes.

Members of the Christian Identity

Church, also believe they are the
chosen people, and not the Jews, who
they have replaced. This is the basis
of Replacement theology. Christian
Identity's origins can be traced back to
the nineteenth century in Great Britain,
where a small circle of religious thinkers advanced
the idea, known as British-Israelism that modern
Europeans were biologically descended from the
ancient Israelites of the Old Testament, specifically,
from the Lost Tribes scattered by invasions of
Hittites, Assyrians and Babylonians. The Lost Tribes
had purportedly made their way to Europe, and from
them descended the modern European nationalities.
British-Israelism increasingly advanced the idea,
common in anti-Semitic circles in the early twentieth
century, that most Jews were not really descendants
of ancient Israelites, but were instead descended
from an Asiatic people known as the Khazars, who
settled near the Black Sea during the Middle Ages.
European (Ashkenazic) Jews were thus "false"
Israelites who further obscured the fact that it was

really White Europeans who were the "true"

Israelites. Every Nazi rag has a reference to the
“Khazar conversion” thanks to Arthur Koestler, who
wrote a book entitled The Thirteenth Tribe. Having
lived through the horrors of World War II Koestler
was attempting to show that Jews were really Aryans,
by pointing to the fact that Christians in Khazikistan
had converted to Judaism. So what? They were only
a small portion of the Jewish world population at the
time. Unfortunately Koestler’s desire to purge the
Jews of their Middle Eastern heritage was used by
the Nazis to attack Jews. One of the most influential
British-Israel advocates of this and other anti-Jewish
ideas was William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn
Independent, the weekly newspaper published by
Henry Ford in the 1920s, and Ford's press adviser
until the 1940s.

The key figure in the transformation of British-

Israelism into what was increasingly called "Christian
Identity" was Wesley Swift (1913-1970), a former
Methodist minister from Southern California. In the
1940s, Swift started his own church, later known as
the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. He was active
in extreme right-wing groups, including the Ku Klux
Klan, and developed a close friendship with the
nation's most prominent postwar anti-Semite, Gerald
L. K. Smith. Because of the activities of Swift,

Christian Identity increasingly became linked with

extreme right-wing ideologies.

Christian Identity penetrated most of the major

Nazi movements. Thanks to Aryan Nations, many
neo-Nazis became believers. Klan leaders such as
Thomas Robb and Louis Beam adopted the faith, as
did some racist skinheads, such as the
Hammerskins. Christian Identity also found a
welcome home in extreme anti-government activism,
notably the tax protest movement, the sovereign
citizen movement (descended from William Potter
Gale's Posse Comitatus) and the militia movement.
The resurgence of right-wing extremism in the 1990s
following the Ruby Ridge and Waco standoffs further
spread Identity beliefs.173

Willis Carto has apparently become an adherent

of Christian Identity. In an article posted on The
Barnes Review website entitled, "Is Christianity
Relevant?," he claimed that the "present day Jews
are not the descendants of the group celebrated in
the Old Testament but as a combination of races in
no way connected to it."



In his address to the segregationist John Birch

Society's 50th Anniversary Gala in 2008, Ron Paul
spoke in the code he knew would be understood by
Christian Reconstructionists and Christian Identitists
alike, who have long ties to the Birch Society.
Reconstructionists refer to the righteous who reside
in a land swept by evil as "the remnant." (A prominent
Christian Reconstructionist publication is called The
Remnant Review). "The remnant holds the truth
together," Paul told the Birchers, "both the religious
truth and the political truth.'" Paul also used the
“remnant” dog whistle term in his speech to his
supporters in Maine after he lost the caucus there.

Paul is no fan of Roman Catholicism and in February

2004 he stated:

This war started a long time before 9-11.

That attack was just the most dramatic
event of the war so far. The Arabs have
fought Western crusaders for centuries,
and they have not yet forgotten the
European Crusades centuries ago.174

On March 28, 2006 in Making the World Safe for

Christianity he wrote:


The toughest task is analyzing what we

do from their perspective. We should try
harder to place ourselves in the shoes of
those who live in the Arab countries
where our efforts currently are
concentrated. We are outraged by a
Muslim country that would even consider
the death penalty for a Christian convert.
But many Muslims see all that we do as a
reflection of western Christianity, which to
them includes Europe and America. They
see everything in terms of religion.175

In commenting on an immigration bill aimed at

keeping Catholic Mexicans out of the United States,
Paul revealed his fondness for FAIR - Federation for
American Immigration Reform – an organization
listed as a hate from by the Southern Poverty Law

There are some elements of this new bill

to be applauded. Measures to require
detention of, and expedited removal of
aliens, for example, are a good step. Also
to be applauded is the requirement for an
additional 250 inspectors at U.S. ports of


entry each year from 2007 through 2010,

although this is unfortunately subject to
the availability of funds. But overall this
bill is a weak substitute for real
immigration and border reform. As the
Federation for American Immigration
Reform (FAIR) says, H.R. 4437 “treats
some of the symptoms, it does not, in
fact, do enough to actually cure the

At the center of the anti-Mexican immigrant web is

the nonprofit Federation for American Immigration
Reform (FAIR), the most important organization
fueling the backlash against immigration. Founded in
1979, FAIR has long been marked by anti-Latino and
anti-Catholic attitudes. It has mixed this bigotry with a
fondness for eugenics, the idea of breeding better
humans discredited by its Nazi associations. It has
accepted $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund, an
infamous foundation. It has employed officials in key
positions who are also members of white supremacist
groups. Recently, it has promoted racist conspiracy
theories about Mexico's secret designs on the
American Southwest and an alternative theory



alleging secret plans to merge the United States,

Mexico and Canada. A senior FAIR official sought
"advice" from the leaders of a racist Belgian political
party. These are Paul’s thoughts on immigration:

Here is a road map for real immigration

reform. First we need better enforcement
of the laws we’ve got — which plainly call
for illegal immigrants to be arrested and
deported and for our borders to be
secure. These things are already law, but
the executive branch over the past
decades has failed to enforce them.
Congress can pass any law it wants, but
unless federal agencies enforce those
laws they are meaningless.

Second we need to eliminate the two

main magnets attracting illegal
immigrants to illegally enter the country,
the welfare magnet and the citizenship
magnet. Failure to address these in an
immigration bill raises questions about
achieving real results. That is why I
introduced three amendments to this bill,
in the hopes that we can finally do
something about the problem of illegal
immigration. I introduced an amendment

to end so-called “birth-right citizenship,”

whereby anyone born on U.S. soil is
automatically an American citizen. I
introduced an amendment to end the
practice of providing U.S. Social Security
payments to non-U.S. citizens. And finally
I introduced an amendment to prohibit
illegal aliens from receiving food stamps,
student loans, or other federally-provided
assistance. Unfortunately, none of my
amendments were even allowed to reach
the Floor for a vote.177

These ideas go against traditional libertarian

thinking. The Libertarian Party Platform states that
Libertarians are prepared to welcome refugees, and
the LP works against discriminatory policies. It states
that a free market requires the free movement of both
capital and labor across borders. Older LP Platform
stances were more pro-open borders. The 2004
Platform called for "the elimination of all restrictions
on immigration, the abolition of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service and the Border Patrol, and a
declaration of full amnesty for all people who have
entered the country illegally.” This is where Ron



Paul’s libertarian cover would prove to be a big

liability if he applied libertarian ideas consistently. He
would be voted out of office by his Texan
constituency. Paul stated:

I voted in favor of the Border Protection,

Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration
Control Act of 2005 and for the SAFE
Port Act of 2006. I continue to support
measures that help secure our borders
and thereby make us less vulnerable to
future foreign attack.178

What happened to Paul’s steadfast rule about the

only true federal crimes being engaging in
counterfeiting, treason, or piracy? It would have been
too much for his constituents to handle had he voted
against this bill. Paul refused to come to the aid of his
fellow Christians who were being slaughtered by
Muslims in Dafur.







In Time Magazine 2008 Ron Paul made his

nomination for Person of the Year:

Amid a horrific financial crisis, all we hear

are calls for more of the money-printing,
spending and subsidies that created this
mess. So I choose my great teacher,
Ludwig von Mises, champion of the
Austrian School of economics, who
taught us how a central bank
like the Fed causes booms and
busts and how to build
prosperity through sound money
and economic freedom.

Ludwig Von Mises taught at the

Vienna University from 1913 to 1934,
while also serving as a principal economic adviser to
the Fascist Austrian government during the Austro-
fascist regime of Engelbert Dollfuss. Chancellor
Dollfuss was killed in July 1934, during an attempt by
Austria's Nazis to topple the regime and seize power
for Nazi Germany. Despite Dollfuss’ death, the
attempt failed and Kurt Schuschnigg succeeded as

Chancellor and ruled until the demise of the regime in

1938. The Austrian state from 1933 to 1938 was not
authoritarian, it was fascist, and the connection
between Austrian pan-German identity and the
state’s fascistizing policies in the media, education
and population politics can shed light on the politics
of Von Mises in the 1930s. Austro-fascism was an
attempt to turn Austria into a fascist state similar to
Franco’s Spain and Mussolini’s Italy that failed after
the Anschluss, the 1938 Nazi annexation of Austria.
Ludwig Von Mises was a fascist economist who
opposed labor unions and all progressive Austrian
economics. Unemployment grew drastically under the
Austrofascist regime to over 25% between 1932 and
1933. In response, the government removed
unemployment benefits from the national budget.
Additionally, the government created the so-called
"Cooperations" of workers and enterprisers charged
with undermining workers' movements. International
trade was restricted and eventually banned.

In 1934 Mises left

for Geneva, Switzerland. This dirt bag
who looked like Adolf Hitler knew that
no matter how much he swore
allegiance to fascist doctrine the Nazis
would exterminate him simply because
he was a Jew. This brought him to his senses. In

Switzerland he was a professor at the Graduate

Institute of International Studies. In 1940, he
immigrated to New York City. He was a visiting
professor at New York University from 1945 until he
retired in 1969, though he was not salaried by the
university due to his crackpot economic theories.
Instead, he earned his living from funding by laissez
faire economists such as Lawrence Fertig.

Had Von Mises not been a Jew he would have

been a willing collaborator with the Nazis. His having
to leave his homeland put him in touch with the true
nature of the Nazis and he wrote the following, which
however still evidences his own self hatred:

If the Jews themselves are to blame for

the fact that those whose ideal is
perpetual war and bloodshed, who
worship violence and are eager to destroy
freedom, consider them the most
dangerous opponents of their endeavors,
it must be because the Jews are foremost
among the champions of freedom, justice,
and peaceful co-operation among
nations. If the Jews have incurred the
Nazis' hatred through their own conduct,
it is no doubt because what was great
and noble in the German nation, all the
immortal achievements of Germany's

past, were either accomplished by the

Jews or congenial to the Jewish mind. As
the parties seeking to destroy modern
civilization and return to barbarism have
put anti-Semitism at the top of their
programs, this civilization is apparently a
creation of the Jews. Nothing more
flattering could be said of an individual or
of a group than that the deadly foes of
civilization have well-founded reasons to
persecute them.179

Ron Paul’s close associate, Lew Rockwell, is

head of the Von Mises Institute along with Murray
Rothbard a Jew who supported David Duke:

Well, they finally got David Duke. But he

sure scared the bejesus out of them. It
took a massive campaign of hysteria, of
fear and hate, orchestrated by all wings of
the Ruling Elite, from Official right to left,
from President Bush and the official
Republican Party through the New York-
Washington-run national media through
the local elites and down to local left-wing
activists. It took a massive scare



campaign, not only invoking the old

bogey images of the Klan and Hitler, but
also, more concretely, a virtual threat to
boycott Louisiana, to pull out tourists and
conventions, to lose jobs by businesses
leaving the state. It took a campaign of
slander that resorted to questioning the
sincerity of Duke's conversion to
Christianity – even challenging him to
name his "official church."

The reality of the current system is that it

constitutes an unholy alliance of
"corporate liberal" Big Business and
media elites, who, through big
government, have privilege and have
caused to rise up a parasitic Underclass,
who, among them all, are looting and
oppressing the bulk of the middle and
working classes in America. Therefore,
the proper strategy of libertarians and
paleos is a strategy of "right-wing
populism," that is: to expose and
denounce this unholy alliance, and to call
for getting this preppie-underclass-liberal


media alliance off the backs of the rest of

us: the middle and working classes.180

Rothbard’s ideas are quite similar to Dukes with

the exception of sending the Blacks back to Africa
and gassing American Jews.

A right-wing populist program, then, must

concentrate on dismantling the crucial
existing areas of State and elite rule, and
on liberating the average American from
the most flagrant and oppressive features
of that rule. In short:

1. Slash Taxes. All taxes, sales,

business, property, etc., but especially
the most oppressive politically and
personally: the income tax. We must work
toward repeal of the income tax and
abolition of the IRS.

2. Slash Welfare. Get rid of underclass

rule by abolishing the welfare system, or,
short of abolition, severely cutting and
restricting it.

3. Abolish Racial or Group Privileges.

Abolish affirmative action, set aside racial



quotas, etc., and point out that the root of

such quotas is the entire "civil rights"
structure, which tramples on the property
rights of every American.

4. Take Back the Streets: Crush

Criminals. And by this I mean, of course,
not "white collar criminals" or "inside
traders" but violent street criminals –
robbers, muggers, rapists, and
murderers. Cops must be unleashed, and
allowed to administer instant punishment,
subject of course to liability when they are
in error.

5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the

Bums. Again: unleash the cops to clear
the streets of bums and vagrants. Where
will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they
will disappear, that is, move from the
ranks of the petted and cosseted bum
class to the ranks of the productive
members of society.181



Rothbard, a leading member of

the American Council on Judaism
was a Jew who hated Jews. He
said America made a grave
mistake when it entered World
War II. Rothbard blamed many
later problems on the fact that the
United States participated in the
war. He tried to justify Nazi Germany by claiming
Hitler’s actions were defensive. Libertarian Chris
Tame witnessed Rothbard claim the Holocaust was
just propaganda made up to justify WW II after the
war. That was the line taken by Rothbard’s favorite
historian182, Harry Elmer Barnes, a prominent
member of the America First Committee who
authored Holocaust denial books published by
Noontide Press. As Willis Carto stated, he publishes
the Barnes Review, a Holocaust denying rag named
in honor of Harry Elmer Barnes, in lieu of the Institute
for Historical Review’s magazine.



Rothbard wrote and Rockwell disseminated this:

Now revisionism teaches us that this

entire myth, so prevalent then and even
now about Hitler, and about the
Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from
beginning to end. Every plank in this
nightmare evidence is either completely
untrue or not entirely the truth. If people
should learn this intellectual fraud about
Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to
ask questions, and searching questions,
about the current World War III version of
the same myth. Nothing would stop the
current headlong flight to war faster, or
more surely cause people to begin to
reason about foreign affairs once again,
after a long orgy of emotion and cliché.
The task of revisionism has been to
penetrate beneath these superficialities
and appearances to the stark realities
underneath – realities which show,
certainly in this century, the United
States, Great Britain, and France – the
three great "democracies" – to be worse
than any other three countries in
fomenting and waging aggressive war.
Realization of this truth would be of

incalculable importance on the current


Paul is constantly quoting this sick, self-hating Jew.

In his Texas Straight Talk newsletter in July 2012 he
wrote, “As Murray Rothbard put it, "Fractional reserve
banks ... create money out of thin air. Essentially they
do it in the same way as counterfeiters.
Counterfeiters, too, create money out of thin air by
printing something masquerading as money or as a
warehouse receipt for money. In this way, they
fraudulently extract resources from the public, from
the people who have genuinely earned their money.”
Ron Paul, like Rothbard, demonized the Federal
Reverse. Paul introduced a bill to abolish it:

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to

stand up for working Americans by
putting an end to the manipulation of the
money supply which erodes Americans'
standard of living, enlarges big
government, and enriches well-connected
elites, by cosponsoring my legislation to
abolish the Federal Reserve. Madame
Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation to
restore financial stability to America's



economy by abolishing the Federal

Reserve. Since the creation of the
Federal Reserve, middle and working-
class Americans have been victimized by
a boom-and-bust monetary policy. In
addition, most Americans have suffered a
steadily eroding purchasing power
because of the Federal Reserve's
inflationary policies. This represents a
real, if hidden, tax imposed on the
American people.184

Same old rightwing nonsense that suggested the

Fed was some sort of a conspiracy to benefit the
well-connected elites – the Jews. The fact that many
of its chairmen had been Jews played into this.
Ahmadinejad was also a fan of well-connected elites
and on August 28, 2007 stated,

Zionists are people without any religion.

They are lying about being Jewish
because religion means brotherhood,
friendship and respecting other divine
religions. They are an organized minority
who have infiltrated the world. They are
not even a 10,000-strong organization.



Congressman Charles Lindberg Sr. opposed the

establishment of the Federal Reserve:

The new law will create inflation

whenever the trusts want inflation...they
can unload the stocks on the people at
high prices during the excitement and
then bring on a panic and buy them back
at low prices...the day of reckoning is only
a few years removed.185

Where would we be without the Fed in the Ron

Paul world of economics based on the works of a
fascist economist named Ludwig Von Mises? Interest
rates would fluctuate wildly. Who would control
interest rates in a Fed-less world? An unfettered free
market? A cabal of Wall Street bankers? Congress?
You can see the problems with these scenarios.
There would be more bank failures: The Fed serves
as a last-resort lender for struggling financial
institutions. Without it, we’d almost certainly see more
bank failures, from Main Street to Wall Street. There
would be less lending: Without the support of the Fed
and other safeguards, banks would be far more
conservative in their lending. Fewer people would
qualify for mortgages, fewer businesses would be



funded, and the economy would look very different.186

Not only does Paul want to get rid of the Fed, he
wants to abolish the Federal Deposit Insurance


The purpose of reconciliation is to identify

suitable targets for budget reductions in
order to reduce spending. Therefore, it is
quite odd that the Financial Services
Committee would use reconciliation as a
vehicle to consider the Federal Deposit
Insurance Reform Act, as this act could
increase the possibility of future bank
failures, and thus increase federal
expenditures. The bill does this by
expanding the federal government's
unconstitutional control over the financial
services industry. This bill also raises
taxes on all financial institutions.
Therefore, I must oppose this bill.

I primarily object to the provisions in this

legislation which may increase the
premiums assessed on participating



financial institutions. These "premiums,''

which are actually taxes, are the premier
sources of funds for the Deposit
Insurance Fund. This fund is used to bail
out banks who experience difficulties
meeting their commitments to their
depositors. Thus, the deposit insurance
system transfers liability for poor
management decisions from those who
made the decisions, to their competitors.
This system punishes those financial
institutions which follow sound practices,
as they are forced to absorb the losses of
their competitors. This also compounds
the moral hazard problem created
whenever government socializes
business losses.

In the event of a severe banking crisis,

Congress will likely transfer funds from
the general revenue into the Deposit
Insurance Fund, which could make all
taxpayers liable for the mistakes of a few.
Of course, such a bailout would require
separate authorization from Congress,
but can anyone imagine Congress saying
"No'' to banking lobbyists pleading for


relief from the costs of bailing out their

weaker competitors?187

Given his antipathy towards FDIC,

and the ease with which Ron Paul can
avoid supporting this system (by simply
withdrawing one's money from a bank),
you'd expect Ron Paul to have no
contact with the FDIC banking system, right? Wrong.
As shown by Ron Paul's 2010 Presidential Campaign
financial disclosure forms Paul not only uses FDIC
protection, but actively maximizes his protection by
keeping the maximum amount of money covered in
FDIC in one bank, and then spreading the rest out to
a number of other financial institutions. If Paul was
able to abolish the FDIC a massive bank failure could
lead to another Depression. Paul’s knows this as well
as I do but he wants another Depression so a Nazi
can take power and blame the economic disaster on
the Jews. Paul is conversant with the most far out
gold conspiracy theories:

Gold Reserve Transparency Act For far

too long, the United States government
has been less than transparent in
releasing information relating to its gold



holdings. Not surprisingly, this secrecy

has given rise to a number of theories
about the gold at Fort Knox and other
depositories. Some people speculate that
the gold has been involved in gold swaps
with foreign governments or bullion
banks, others believe that the gold has
secretly been shipped out of Fort Knox
and sold, and still others believe that the
bars at Fort Knox are actually gold-plated
tungsten. Historically, the Treasury and
Mint have dismissed these theories,
rather than addressing these concerns
with substantive rebuttals. No one from
Congress has been allowed to view the
gold at Fort Knox in nearly 40 years,
recent photographs of the gold holdings
seem to be hard to come by, and the
Mint's and Inspector General's audit
statements contain only the bare
minimum of information.188

Paul’s financial statements indicate that most of

his wealth is in the form of non-numismatic gold coins



and stock in gold mining companies. With gold at

$1700 an ounce Paul must be a very rich man today.

Another economist favored by Paul is Friedrich A.

Hayek. Hayek was a student of Von Mises and
worked under him in the Austrian government’s
economic section. Hayek traced the rise of Austrian
anti-Semitism to the immigration of “visibly different”
Jews from Poland when anti-Semitism in Austria was

When I grew up in Vienna the established

Jewish families were a generally
respected group and all decent people
would frown upon the occasional anti-
Jewish outbursts of a few popular
politicians. It was the sudden influx of
large numbers of Galician and Polish
Jews [during World War I] … which in a
short period changed the attitude. They
were too visibly different to be readily

Hayek also claimed that it was “the rise of the

violent anti-Semitism which led to Hitler, not the other
way around.” Hayek’s family might have been secret
Jews. He had a second cousin on his mother’s side



who was Jewish and he did not return to Austria after

it was annexed by Germany.

Before the end of World War II, in 1944, Hayek,

who was later to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economic Science, startled the Western world with a
book entitled The Road to Serfdom. Despite the fact
that New Deal economics based on the principles of
John Maynard Keynes had rescued America from the
Great Depression and the progressive politics that
accompanied it gave birth to Lend Lease and anti-
Nazism before Pearl Harbor Hayek formulated the
crackpot theory that these economic and political
ideas were eventually going to turn America into a
Nazi country.

THE AUTHOR has spent about half his

adult life in his native Austria, in close
touch with German thought, and the other
half in the United States and England. In
the latter period he has become
increasingly convinced that some of the
forces which destroyed freedom in
Germany are also at work here. The very
magnitude of the outrages committed by
the National Socialists has strengthened
the assurance that a totalitarian system
cannot happen here. But let us remember

that 15 years ago the possibility of such a

thing happening in Germany would have
appeared just as fantastic not only to nine
tenths of the Germans themselves but
also to the most hostile foreign observer.

There are many features which were then

regarded as "typically German" which are
now equally familiar in America and
England, and many symptoms that point
to a further development in the same
direction: the increasing veneration for
the state, the fatalistic acceptance of
"inevitable trends," the enthusiasm for
"organization" of everything (we now call
it "planning").

The character of the danger is, if

possible, even less understood here than
it was in Germany. The supreme tragedy
is still not seen that in Germany it was
largely people of good will, who, by their
socialist policies, prepared the way for the
forces which stand for everything they
detest. Few recognize that the rise of
fascism and Nazism was not a reaction
against the socialist trends of the
preceding period but a necessary

outcome of those tendencies. Yet it is

significant that many of the leaders of
these movements, from Mussolini down
(and including Laval and Quisling) began
as socialists and ended as fascists or
Nazis. In the democracies at present,
many who sincerely hate all of Nazism's
manifestations are working for ideals
whose realization would lead straight to
the abhorred tyranny. Most of the people
whose views influence developments are
in some measure socialists. They believe
that our economic life should be
"consciously directed," that we should
substitute "economic planning" for the
competitive system. Yet is there a greater
tragedy imaginable than that, in our
endeavor consciously to shape our future
in accordance with high ideals, we should
in fact unwittingly produce the very
opposite of what we have been striving

No less significant is the intellectual

outlook of the rank and file in the
communist and fascist movements in
Germany before 1933. The relative ease
with which a young communist could be

converted into a Nazi or vice versa was

well known, best of all to the
propagandists of the two parties. The
communists and Nazis clashed more
frequently with each other than with other
parties simply because they competed for
the same type of mind and reserved for
each other the hatred of the heretic.190

Hayek came out with these anti-New Deal ideas a

year before the war ended. I believe these ideas
were demoralizing to the war effort as America and
the Soviet Union were allies and the implication here
is that there would be no moral difference had we
allied ourselves with the Nazis. In 1947 Hayek started
the Mont Pelerin Society with the help of Tea Party
backer Charles C. Koch.

In February 2012 Paul staged his rally near the

nation's World War I museum in Missouri, asserting
that the U.S. got off track about 100 years ago during
the era of President Woodrow Wilson, who led the
nation through World War I and unsuccessfully
advocated for the nation's involvement in a
forerunner of the United Nations.

190. The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents By Friedrich August

Hayek, Bruce Caldwell


We've slipped away from a true Republic.

Now we're slipping into a fascist system
where it's a combination of government
and big business and authoritarian rule
and the suppression of the individual
rights of each and every American

This labeling of a liberal economic system as

fascist is right out of Hayek.





Assuming Ron Paul was serious about

implementing his social and political programs what
would America be like?


President Ron Paul would not enter into any

treaty regarding global warming and the rise in the
temperature of the earth’s surface would continue.

There is no convincing scientific evidence

that human release of carbon dioxide,
methane, or other greenhouse gases is

causing or will, in the foreseeable future,

cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's
atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's
climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that increases in
atmospheric carbon dioxide produce
many beneficial effects upon the natural
plant and animal environments of the

The environmentalists have given us

global warming hysteria, based on
speculative computer models instead of
actual temperature data, to justify a treaty
to impose federal and international taxes,
rationing and prohibitions on all
U.S. carbon-based energy sources. (June
4, 2009)

Above all, we must never forget our

contract with the American people – the
Constitution that provides the sole source
of legitimacy of our government. That
Constitution requires that we preserve the
basic human rights of our people –
including the right to freely manufacture,
use, and sell energy produced by any
means they devise – including nuclear,

hydrocarbon, solar, wind, or even bicycle


"While it is evident that the human right to

produce and use energy does not extend
to activities that actually endanger the
climate of the Earth upon which we all
depend, bogus claims about climate
dangers should not be used as a
justification to further limit the American
people's freedom," Paul said.192


President Paul would repeal all environmental

legislation. Paul:

On environment, governments don't have

a good reputation for doing a good job
protecting the environment. If you look at
the extreme of socialism or communism,
they were poor environmentalists. Private
property owners have a much better
record of taking care of the environment.
If you look at the common ownership of
the lands in the West, they're much more



poorly treated than those that are

privately owned. In a free-market system,
nobody is permitted to pollute their
neighbor's private property -- water, air, or
land. It is very strict.193

Here is what Paul had to say about Earth Day.

Here are just some of the “achievements”

of an environmental movement that has
flourished by promoting fantastic enviro-
scares, sending out millions of pieces of
semi-hysterical direct mail fundraising
letters, peddling junk science, and
making ever-more-collusive legal deals. A
failed Endangered Species Act which, by
substituting “ecosystem” control for
species protection incentives, has caused
thousands of landowners to drive off or
exterminate the very species that were
supposed to be protected.

A wetlands protection program that has

gone from controlling real wetlands to
regulating buffer zones around tiny
“vernal pools” of spring snow melt, and

193. Amanda Little, "An interview with Ron Paul about his presidential
platform on energy and the environment," Grist, 16 Oct. 2007


even lands that have no water on them at

all, but feature “hydric soils.” An air quality
program that denies permits to dry
cleaning plants unless they can prove
that their emissions will not cause
300,001 instead of the normal 300,000
cancer deaths among 1 million people
who will live for 70 consecutive years next
door to the plant. A “superfund” bill which
has sucked billions of dollars out of
taxpayers to pay lawyers to pursue
“potentially responsible parties” instead of
actually cleaning up toxic waste sites. An
ozone depletion scare whose purported
effect — increasing incidence of
dangerous ultraviolet B at ground level —
turned out to be unsupportable by
evidence. Ludicrous requirements
imposed on the nuclear energy industry,
such as requiring massive concrete vaults
for the storage of old coveralls and air
filters whose radioactivity level a few feet
from the container is less than the
background radiation produced by
ordinary Vermont granite.194

194. 1999 Ron Paul 31:15


Paul would make America a barren land devoid of

animal life. There would be less wetlands, more
pollution, less cleanup of polluted areas, more cancer
through a depletion of the ozone layer and less
stringent rules regarding the disposal of radioactive
material. The younger generation must be desperate
to get behind someone like him who would expose
them to higher cancer rates.

President Paul would eliminate the

Energy (DOE) is a Cabinet level department of
the United States government concerned with the
United States' policies regarding energy and safety in
handling nuclear material. Its responsibilities include
the U.S.’s nuclear weapons program, nuclear
reactor production for the United States
Navy, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic
energy production. DOE also sponsors more basic
and applied scientific research than any other US
federal agency; most of this is funded through its
system of United States Department of Energy
National Laboratories. Are the States going to take
over the nuclear safety function or will the DOE
become part of the Pentagon where it polices and
oversees itself? Is this function going to be
privatized? The DOE has kept things relatively safe.
Is it really worth the savings to put America’s nuclear

weapons at risk? Ron Paul knows this so what is his

hidden agenda here? Possibly to consolidate the
President’s control over the nuclear arsenal?

Next President Ron Paul would eliminate the

2008 Ron Paul said this in a New York Times

First, the Constitution does not authorize

the Department of Education, and the
founders never envisioned the federal
government dictating those education
policies. Second, it is a huge bureaucracy
that squanders our money. We send
billions of dollars to Washington and get
back less than we sent. The money would
be much better off left in states and local
communities rather than being
squandered in Washington. Finally, I think
that the smallest level of government
possible best performs education.
Teachers, parents, and local community
leaders should be making decisions
about exactly how our children should be
taught, not Washington bureaucrats.

The Department of Education has given

us the No Child Left Behind law, massive

unfunded mandates, indoctrination, and

in some cases, forced medication of our
children with psychotropic drugs. We
should get rid of all of that and get those
choices back in the hands of the people.

One of the things the Department

of Education does is enforcing Public
Law 94-142. Before the enactment of
Public Law 94-142, the fate of many
individuals with disabilities was likely
to be death. Too many individuals
lived in state institutions for persons
with mental retardation or mental illness. In 1967, for
example, state institutions were homes for almost
200,000 persons with significant disabilities. These
restrictive settings provided only minimal food,
clothing, and shelter. Too often, retarded persons
were merely accommodated until they died.

It is the purpose of Public Law 94-142 is

to assure that all handicapped children
have available to them, within the time
periods specified in section 612(2) (B) a
free appropriate public education which
emphasizes special education and
related services designed to meet their
unique needs, to assure that the rights of

handicapped children and their parents or

guardians are protected, to assist States
and localities to provide for the education
of all handicapped children and to assess
and assure the effectiveness of efforts to
educate handicapped children.

The first people the Nazis killed were retarded

people. As part of Action T4, six death institutes were
set up in 1940 and 1941 across the German Reich
under the direction of the branches of the Nazi Party,
overseen by a specially-created centre for the
extermination program, established
at Tiergartenstrabe 4, Berlin. These institutes were
responsible for gassing 70,000 mentally ill and
mentally retarded patients from psychiatric
institutions, old people’s homes, nursing homes and

Additionally, the No Child Left Behind law benefits

African-Americans as do other functions of the
Department of Education.195 President Paul would

HUD’s mission is to create strong,

sustainable, inclusive communities and



quality affordable homes for all. HUD is

working to strengthen the housing market
to bolster the economy and protect
consumers; meet the need for quality
affordable rental homes: utilize housing
as a platform for improving quality of life;
build inclusive and sustainable
communities free from discrimination; and
transform the way HUD does business.

This one is an easy one to figure out how getting

rid of HUD fits into Paul’s hidden agenda. It benefits
Blacks who he hates. He would also get rid of the

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
National Park Service
Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey

Leave all of this responsibility to corrupt State

Legislators and the entire environment will go to hell.


It won’t be long until the National Parks have been

sold off then privatized or developed.

President Paul would also abolish the

Transportation Security Administration, leaving
security at airports and other transportation systems
up to the private sector.


How would gay people fare in Ron Paul’s

America? After Sasha Baron pretended to come on
to Paul, Paul stated, "I was expecting an interview on
Austrian economics. So, that didn't turn out that way.
But, by the time he started pulling his pants down, I,
What is going on here? I ran out of the room. This
interview has ended. When this all gets out, I'm

probably going to have to apologize to my supporters

because I think most of them are going to figure out
why in the world didn't I sock this guy in the nose?"196
From the Ron Paul newsletter:

Mass. Legislature Found Only 99% Crazy

The Massachusetts legislature has just

passed a “civil rights” law to protect gays
from discrimination. Like all civil rights
laws, it gives the officially accredited
victims special privileges, but there is one
interesting note. Over the protests of the
gay community, the law excludes from
protection anyone “whose sexual
orientation involves minor children as the
sex object.” Now we know what is the
next frontier for “anti-discrimination” laws
in Teddy Kennedy’s home state.

So in Ron Paul’s America gays would be

considered precursors to child molesters. One clue to
how President Paul would treat gays comes from the
fact that the Nazis banned homosexual activity as
early as 1935. And in 1936, the Nazi Party
established a Central Office for Combating Abortion



and Homosexuality. In 1941 Hitler ordered the death

penalty for any SS and police members found guilty
of homosexual activity. Between 1933 and 1945, the
Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as
homosexuals. Most were sent to prison, but between
5,000 and 15,000 ended up in death camps, where
they were forced to wear pink triangles. Most of these
men were murdered. But Ron Paul must maintain his
libertarian credentials so he does a balancing act
when it comes to gays. Paul did not support a
Constitutional Amendment to define marriage:

Mr. Speaker, while I oppose federal

efforts to redefine marriage as something
other than a union between one man and
one woman, I do not believe a
constitutional amendment is either a
necessary or proper way to defend

Because of the dangers to liberty and

traditional values posed by the
unexpected consequences of amending
the Constitution to strip power from the
states and the people and further
empower Washington, I cannot in good
conscience support the marriage
amendment to the United States

Constitution. Instead, I plan to continue

working to enact the Marriage Protection
Act and protect each state’s right not to
be forced to recognize a same sex
marriage. (9/30/2004)197

On the other hand, according to the website, Paul voted against allowing gay
adoptions in Washington, D.C.; supported "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell;" and said that the Defense of Marriage Act
was "proper." Paul has also stated that he
thinks marriage should only be between a man and a
woman. But others around him can be more frank.
Mike Heath, Paul’s Iowa state director, is a former
board chairman of Americans for Truth about
Homosexuality, which the Southern Poverty Law
Center classifies as a hate group. Had Paul won the
Iowa caucuses, it would have actually been a triumph
for a fundamentalist faction that has until now been
considered a fringe even on the Christian right. Eric
Rittberg reported that Ron Paul has AIDSaphobia:

In 1988, Ron had a

hardcore Libertarian
supporter, Jim Peron,
owner of Laissez Faire



Books in San Francisco. Jim set up a

magnificent 3-day campaign swing for us
in the SF Bay Area. Jim was what you
would call very openly Gay. But Ron
thought the world of him. For 3 days we
had a great time trouncing from one
campaign event to another with Jim’s Gay
lover. The atmosphere was simply jovial
between the four of us. (As an aside we
also met former Congressman Pete
McCloskey during this campaign trip). We
used Jim’s home/office as a “base.” Ron
pulled me aside the first time we went
there, and specifically instructed me to
find an excuse to excuse him to a local
fast food restaurant so that he could use
the bathroom. He told me very clearly,
that although he liked Jim, he did not wish
to use his bathroom facilities. I chided him
a bit, but he sternly reacted, as he often
did to me, Eric, just do what I say.
Perhaps “sternly” is an understatement.
Ron looked at me directly, and with a very
angry look in his eye, and shouted under
his breath: “Just do what I say NOW.”198



Jim Peron has strong ties to the North American

Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and published
a pedophile journal called Unbound out of his San
Francisco bookstore (called free forum books) which
is a pedophile journal. His bookstore in San
Francisco was raided twice by police because of at
least one employee’s child molesting habits and the
pedophile literature was confiscated. Peron hosted
NAMBLA meetings at his bookstore and the 1st
journal was written in 1987 before Paul went and
hung out with him for three days.

The second incident involved one or two

other staffers many years later at the
BBQ in Surfside Beach. I was not in
direct presence of the incident. But
another top staffer, and I believe one of
our secretaries, was witness to it. This
top staffer adores Ron, but was
extremely insulted by his behavior, I
would even say flabbergasted to the
point of considering resigning from his
staff over it.

“Bobby,” a well-known and rather

flamboyant and well-liked gay man in
Freeport came to the BBQ. Let me stress
Ron likes Bobby personally, and Bobby

was a hardcore campaign supporter. But

after his speech at the Surfside
Pavilion Bobby came up to Ron with his
hand extended, and according to my
fellow staffer, Ron literally swatted his
hand away.

Some parts of Ron Paul’s newsletter were written

from the point of view of a Doctor interested in quack
theories about the AIDS virus. Paul touted a now
discredited theory that AIDS was produced by the
United States Army’s Special Weapons Division
located at Fort Detrick, Maryland:

AIDS: Something Else We Can Thank

Government For?

William C. Douglass, MD, writing in the

anti-government medicine Health
Freedom News, gives a fascinating
analysis of AIDS and speculates on its
origin. I’d like to share his research with

“There are many viruses that grow in

animals, and many in humans,” he points
out, “but most of the viruses that grow in
animals don’t affect humans.” For
example, “the bovine leukemia virus” is

“lethal to cows but not humans.” “The

sheep visna virus is also non-reactive in
man. These deadly viruses are
‘retroviruses’ meaning they can change
the genetic composition of cells they

Dr. Douglass believes that AIDS is a

deliberately engineered hybrid of these
two animal viruses cultured in human
tissue, and he blames World Health
Organization experimentation at Ft.
Detrick, Maryland.

Ft. Detrick is one of the centers of

biological warfare research, where federal
scientists are engaged in deliberately
manufacturing deadly diseases for World
War III. Could they have produced AIDS?
Could the government have
experimented with it in the civilian
population, as it did in the 1950s with the
LSD, and had things get out of control? I
don’t know, but these sure are interesting

“I have always said,” notes Dr. Douglass,

“and our forefathers told us this, that the
greatest threat to the people is always the

government. Not foreign governments,

but our own government.”

This conspiracy theory was

invented by the KGB. Operation
Infektion was a KGB disinformation
campaign to spread lies that the
United States Army
invented HIV/AIDS as part of a
biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick,
Maryland. The Soviet Union used it to undermine the
United States’ credibility, foster anti-Americanism,
isolate America abroad, and create tensions between
host countries and the U.S. over the presence of
American military bases (which were often portrayed
as the cause of AIDS outbreaks in local populations).
According to U.S. State Department analysts,
another reason the Soviet Union "promoted the AIDS
disinformation may have been its attempt to distract
international attention away from its own offensive
biological warfare program, which was monitored for
decades. The Soviets developed anthrax, tularemia,
plague, cholera and asbotulinum toxin, enterotoxins
and mycotoxins for biological warfare purposes.”199
More on AIDS from the Paul/Carto newsletters:




The tactics of the homosexual lobby

seem to get more extreme by the day.
Recently, a group invaded Catholic
services at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New
York City and proceeded to shriek, sound
air horns, lie down in the aisles,
desecrate the Eucharist, toss condoms,
wave sacrilegious drawings of Jesus
Christ, and handcuff themselves to the
pews. Meanwhile, thousands more
screamed outside. I’m not Catholic, but
even aside from the violations of private
property involved, I find this morally

The demonstrations were organized by

ACT UP: the Aids Coalition To Unleash
Power because the Catholic Church has
lobbied against homosexual propaganda
in the public schools. Victor Mendolia,
spokesman for ACT UP, calls lobbying
against such programs “criminal.” That is
the correct description for his
organization, of course.

A well-known Libertarian editor just back

from New York told me: “The ACT-UP

slogan, on stickers plastered all over

Manhattan, is ‘Silence = Death.’ But
shouldn’t it be ‘Sodomy = Death’?”

Meanwhile, speaking of acting up, my

former church, the Episcopal, has just
ordained its first openly gay priest. “I’m
floating on air,” said the Rev. J. Robert
Williams. Among the people attending the
ordination in Newark, New Jersey –
conducted by liberal Bishop John Shelby
Spong – were James Skelly, Williams’s
live-in companion.

President Paul would pass a law making

membership in gay organizations a criminal offense
and he would do everything in his power to prevent
gays from being ordained as ministers. President
Paul could base this legislation on the alleged
contagiousness of AIDS.

Caring for the AIDS patient

The government tells us that AIDS cannot

be transmitted "casually." The
government also tells us that it should
raise our taxes, and risk our sons for
Saudi Arabia. Recently, a non-
government physician writing in Gene

Antonio's Healthwatch Report (P. O. Box

90140-264 Arlington, TX 76004, $25 a
year) gave some excellent advice "To
Those Caring for the AIDS Patient."

1. Wear rubber gloves when handling the

clothes, dishes, etc. of the patient.

2. Use paper plates and cups and burn

them afterwards.

3. Boil all his laundry for at least 15

4. Pour a half cup of Clorox in his bath
water before draining it.

5. Always wipe the toilet seat with a

soapy paper towel. Do not put the towel
in the toilet, but in a paper bag to be

6. No kissing, since AIDS can be

transmitted by saliva.

7. No sexual relations, since condoms are

far from foolproof.

8. Do not allow the patient to eat in a



9. Do not allow the patient to drive or

operate machinery due to mental

How often are these sorts of

commonsense precautions taken? Not
often, because they violate the
government propaganda line, and would
be considered a hate crime. But they give
us an idea of how we should actually
proceed, instead of having tax-funded
programs to promote the conduct that
causes AIDS.

Another newsletter warned that “the AIDS patient”

should not be allowed to eat in restaurants because
“AIDS can be transmitted by saliva,” a strange claim
for a physician to make. Paul told Congress AIDS in
a “politically correct disease” -

Think of what it would mean if we

followed this simple logic and
implemented a Federal social program,
similar to the current war on smoking,
designed to reduce the spread of AIDS
within the gay community. Astoundingly,
we have done the opposite by making
AIDS a politically correct disease. There

was certainly a different attitude a

hundred years ago regarding those with
sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis
compared to the special status given
AIDS victims today.200

According to Paul we have to treat people with

AIDS like lepers. If President Paul acted on these
crackpot theories he could have gays quarantined so
that AIDS, which his Surgeon General found to be
highly contagious, could be eradicated. Gays would
be granted “special status” Sonderbehandlung
(“special treatment”) which in the language of the
Nazis would mean execution,


You want to get rid of drug crime in this

country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the
drug laws. - Ron Paul (at the 2011 CNN
Republican presidential debate).

President Paul would legalize all recreational

drugs. Repealing laws against drugs, however, would
require Congressional approval which would be
highly unlikely. What President Paul could do would



be to order his FBI Director not to enforce drug laws

and order his Attorney General not to prosecute
violations of these laws. This would be a violation of
the law in itself. He could, however, order his FBI
Director to give these laws less priority. But this has
already taken place. In 1999 there were a total of
28,192 FBI employees: 11,646 agents and 16,546
support staff. In September 2002, 900 new agents
were hired. The Counter Terrorism Division was
expanded, adding 14 new “sections” and “units”
specializing in trying to combat terrorism. Five
hundred and eighteen agents were reassigned to
counter-Islamist operations from within the agency.
Of them, 400 came from the anti-drug crimes
division, 59 were shifted from white-collar crime
divisions and another 59 were transferred from the
violent crime-fighting sections. Indeed, the FBI has
transferred even more agent positions than it
originally announced and has augmented those
agents with the short-term assignment of additional
field agents from drug and other law enforcement
areas to work on counterterrorism. Before leaving
office former United States Attorney General John
Ashcroft said American law enforcement agencies
have now created a “most wanted list” of 54 drug
organizations that must be toppled here and abroad,
and this is what they will focus on.


After the September 11th attack the number of

agents working narcotics cases dropped 45%, bank
fraud cases dropped 31% and bank robbery
investigations dropped 25%. As would be expected,
the number of newly opened drug cases has fallen in
relation to the decline in the number of field agent
positions allocated to drug enforcement.

So, aside from raiding pot dispensaries

throughout the country, the FBI is concentrating on
fighting the drug gangs and cartels. If President Paul
took the FBI heat off these criminal organizations and
ordered his Attorney General not to prosecute them
under RICO at the same time drugs were still illegal
under State law the Mexican Cartels would have a
field day and over-run this country turning it into Little
Mexico. How can State Governments fight
international or even interstate drug cartels?

The argument which springs from the

criticism of a federalized criminal code
and a federal police force is that states
may be less effective than a centralized
federal government in dealing with those
who leave one state jurisdiction for
another. Fortunately, the Constitution
provides for the procedural means for
preserving the integrity of state

sovereignty over those issues delegated

to it via the tenth amendment. The
privilege and immunities clause as well as
full faith and credit clause allow states to
exact judgments from those who violate
their state laws. The Constitution even
allows the federal government to
legislatively preserve the procedural
mechanisms which allow states to
enforce their substantive laws without the
federal government imposing its
substantive edicts on the states. Article
IV, Section 2, Clause 2 makes provision
for the rendition of fugitives from one
state to another. While not self-enacting,
in 1783 Congress passed an act which
did exactly this. There is, of course, a
cost imposed upon states in working with
one another rather than relying on a
national, unified police force. At the same
time, there is a greater cost to state
autonomy and individual liberty from
centralization of police power.201

201. Congressional Record, V. 152, Pt. 15, September 26, 2006 to

September 28, 2006 Pge 19834


None-the-less Paulbots believe he would make

the southern border safer by advocating an end to
the federal War on Drugs.


Paul, who voted against a bill honoring the Drug

Enforcement Administration would stop the DEA from
actively pursuing drug producers, distributors, and
purchasers by dissolving it in its entirety because he
believes the DEA is an illegal entity:

The IRS and the DEA, with powers

illegally given them by the Congress and
the courts, have prompted a flood of
seizures and forfeitures in the last several
decades without due process and
frequently without search warrants or
probable cause. Victims then are required
to prove themselves innocent to recover
the goods seized.202

The DEA was created with an executive order

(much like FEMA and the EPA). If President Paul
wanted to end the federal war on drugs, he could end
the DEA. He would not need permission from
congress to shut it down. Any department that was

202. A Foreign Policy of Freedom By Ron Paul page 94


created with an executive order can be abolished

without congressional approval. All the President
Paul needs to do is sign his name and America will
become lawless Mexico because state law
enforcement would be unable to cope with the
Mexican drug cartels that would overrun America.



Cannabis is not a drug its

toxicity is too low. It is a herb
that will get you about as
high as a cup of coffee will.
As far as drugs go there are
good drugs and bad drugs.
Hard, toxic drugs are a
dangerous shortcut to happiness. They cause
euphoria, happiness unwarranted by external
circumstance, however they can kill, they can induce
psychopathic activity and you can get seriously
addicted to them and commit crimes to obtain them.
If they were legal a lot of discontented poor and
mentally weak people will turn to them. There would

be massive crack and heroin addiction in the black

ghetto community. It is easy to overdose on heroin so
assuming it was legal so there would also be
numerous deaths of African-Americans. This would
suit the racist Ron Paul just fine. That is why Paul
wants no drug enforcement on a federal level and
says he would leave it up to the states to decide
which drug should be legalized. What state is going
to legalize heroin? If one state did decide to legalize
heroin junkies from the other states will move there or
go there to cop. Can you imagine a state where the
majority of citizens are junkies? Would the state
flower be an opium poppy? So this is really
nonsensical and aimed at people who want to believe
anything. Paul made his position on heroin clear
during a presidential debate:

Q: You say that the federal government

should stay out of people's personal
habits, including marijuana, cocaine, even

A: It's an issue of protecting liberty across

the board. If you have the inconsistency,
then you're really not defending liberty.
We want freedom [including] when it
comes to our personal habits.


Q: Are you suggesting that heroin and

prostitution are an exercise of liberty?

A: Yes, in essence, if we leave it to the

states. For over 100 years, they were
legal. You're implying if we legalize heroin
tomorrow, everyone's gonna use heroin.
How many people here are going to use
heroin if it were legal? I bet nobody! "Oh
yeah, I need the government to take care
of me. I don't want to use heroin, so I
need these laws!"203

Paul was not addressing the Crypts or the Bloods

nor a group of ghetto youth with little opportunity
(who wouldn’t admit to wanting to cop some heroin
anyway), he was addressing a group of well off white
people who had come to hear a Presidential debate.

Paul claims he does not believe that heroin is bad

drug and has stated:

A hundred years ago, a pharmacist

openly advertised, “Heroin clears the
complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,
regulates the stomach and the bowels



and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of

health.” Obviously this is overstated as a
medical panacea, but it describes what it
was like not to have hysterical
busybodies undermine our Constitution
and waste billions of dollars on a drug
war serving no useful purpose. This
country needs to wake up! We should
have more confidence in citizens making
their own decisions, and decide once
again to repeal federal prohibition, while
permitting regulation by the states

President Paul would give the American people

the right to destroy themselves with something he
himself considers “bad stuff.” This throws some light
on the real reason he wants all drugs legalized – to
further mess up the lives of people who use them.
Evidence of this can be found in Paul’s opposition to
free needle exchange and his support of legislation
banning it.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this

legislation. It makes no sense to pay



somebody, pay for free needles to do

something that is currently illegal. It is
very questionable whether it will do any
good. As a physician, I would have to
agree with the opposition that a clean
needle certainly is better than a dirty
needle. I do not think there is a question
about that. But I do believe that there is a
message sent that if we provide free
needles to do something that we are
condoning or encouraging it. But there is
also a strong moral as well as an
economic argument against this. What we
are talking about here is lowering costs of
risky behavior. We are saying that we will
pay for the needles to perform this risky
behavior. But there is another much
larger element that has not been
discussed so far, and that has to do with
the concept that all risky behavior be
socialized; that is, through the medical
system, it is assumed that those who do
not participate in risky behavior must pay
for the costs of the risky behavior,
whether it has to do with cigarettes or
whether it has to do with drugs or whether
it has to do with any kind of safety. So,

therefore, the argument is that we have to

save money in medical care costs by
providing free needles. But there is
another position, and that is that we might
suggest that we do not pay for free
needles and we might even challenge the
concept that we should not be paying
people and taking care of them for risky
behavior, whether it is risky sexual
behavior or risky behavior with drugs. I
think this is very clearly the problem, and
I do not believe we should be socializing
this behavior because, if we do, we
actually increase it. If we lower the cost of
anything, we increase the incidence of its
use. So if the responsibility does not fall
on the individual performing dangerous
behavior, they are more likely to, and this
is just part of it, the idea that we would
give them a free needle. But there is a
moral argument against this as well. Why
should people who do not use drugs or
do not participate in dangerous sexual
procedures and activities have to pay for
those who do? And this is really the
question, and there is no correct moral
argument for this. And the economic

argument is very powerful. It says that if

we lower the cost, we will increase this
behavior. So this concept has to be dealt
with if we are ever to get to the bottom of
this. So, Mr. Speaker, I strongly support
this legislation.205

Paul wants addicts punished for their risky

behavior by letting them get AIDS and Hepatitis. He
argues that if the junkies have to pay for their set of
works they might kick junk because it is just too gosh
darn expensive with a family to feed and all. This
makes no sense. The reason he supported this bill
was to wreak further havoc on the Black community.


Paul’s hidden agenda comes more into focus

after reading the newsletter below:



Ron Paul is arguing in favor of crack. He says that

crack will not cause psychosis and that the proof is
that Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington, D.C. used
crack when he was in office and continued to
function. Of course Marion Barry did not live in the
projects on welfare nor did he live on the streets. The
truth is crack is an addictive drug that produces
numerous psychiatric symptoms, syndromes, and
disorders. The symptoms include agitation, paranoia,
hallucinations, delusions, violence, as well as suicidal
and homicidal thinking. They can be primary to the
drug's effect or secondary to exacerbation of co-
morbid psychiatric disorders. Cocaine use during
pregnancy can increase the complications of
pregnancy and affect the fetus directly. These crack
heads may also use other drugs, alcohol,
and nicotine, which adversely affect the pregnancy as

well. They have an increased rate of miscarriages

and placenta abruption, in which the placenta
separates from the wall of the uterus and results
in stillbirth. There is increasing information that
cocaine may cause birth defects with increased rates
in fetal death rates, malformation, low birth weights,
and behavioral abnormalities. Paul’s hidden agenda
here is that Blacks will go crazy or be stillborn if crack
is legalized. Paul is well aware that a number of
ominous trends emerged in the black community in
the mid-1980s due to crack cocaine. Between 1984
and 1994, the homicide rate for black males aged 14
to 17 more than doubled, and the homicide rate for
black males aged 18 to 24 increased nearly as much.
During this period, the black community also
experienced an increase weapons arrests and the
number of children in foster care. Paul goes on to say
the fear of crack is similar to the unwarranted fear of
pot in the 1930’s when one cannot equate the two.

Paul thought cocaine was pretty cool too!

One hundred years ago, you could buy

cocaine in a drugstore. Most Americans
would be tremendously surprised to
realize that for most of our history drugs
were not illegal. The first marijuana law
was in 1938. And they got around that on

the constitutional aspect by just putting a

tax on it. So there is a lack of respect for
how we solve our problems, a lack of
wisdom on what we ought to do, and a
lack of concern; and this is my deep
concern as a physician, a lack of concern
for seeing people dying and suffering.206

One hundred years ago there were no

gangbangers getting coked up and dropping
hammers on each other and on anyone else in the
Black community caught in the crossfire. Come on,
we know from Paul’s newsletters that he is aware of
Black crime and the role drugs play in it. Then Paul
expects us to believe that it is his concern for “seeing
people dying and suffering” that motivates him rather
than exactly the opposite.

President Paul would free non-violent federal drug

offenders. In addressing Res. 412 Honoring Men And
Women Of The Drug Enforcement Administration on
March 3, 2004 Paul stated:

And then if we look at the prison system,

we have created a monstrosity. Eighty-
four percent, according to one study, 84



percent of all Federal prisoners are

nonviolent drug prisoners. They go in and
they come out violent. We are still talking
about a medical problem. We treat
alcoholism as a medical problem, but
anybody who smokes a marijuana
cigarette or sells something, we want to
put them in prison. I think it is time to stop
and reevaluate this.207

If you end up in Federal Prison for drugs, it is not

just for selling a bag or two of heroin. There is a myth
in this country that U.S. prisons are filled with non-
violent drug users. This assertion is simply not true.
Actually, only 5 percent of inmates in federal prison
on drug charges are incarcerated for drug
possession. Most cases of simple drug possession
are simply not prosecuted, unless people have been
arrested repeatedly for using drugs. In 1999, for
example, only 2.5 percent of the federal cases
argued in District Courts involved simple drug
possession. Even the small number of possession
charges is likely to give an inflated impression of the
numbers. It is likely that a significant percentage of
those in prison on possession charges were people
who were originally arrested for trafficking or another

207. Ibid.


more serious drug crime but plea-bargained down to

a simple possession charge.208 “Non violent drug
user” can also mean heroin and crack dealers who
did not get caught with their weapons.

These evil merchants of death and destruction will

be put back in the Black and Hispanic communities to
deal their drugs again. Paul just wants them free, not
on probation or parole.

Paul also wants to turn gangs loose in the ghetto.

On May 11, 2005 he voted against the Gang
Deterrence and Community Protection Act:

Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, the Gang

Deterrence and Community Protection
Act, (H.R. 1279), is the latest example of
Congress disregarding its constitutional
limitations in the name of “getting tough
on crime.” Gang crime is certainly a
serious issue in many parts of the
country. However, unless criminal gangs
are engaging in counterfeiting, treason, or
piracy, the federal government has no
jurisdiction over the criminal activities of
gangs. In fact, by creating new federal
crimes related to gang activities, but



unrelated to one of the federal crimes

enumerated in the Constitution, the new
federal crimes and enhanced penalties in
this bill usurp state and local
authority. Finally, I must oppose this bill
because it expands the Federal death
penalty. While I recognize that nothing in
the Constitution forbids Federal, State, or
local governments from imposing a death
penalty, I have come to the conclusion
that a consistent pro-life position requires
opposition to any legislation imposing a
Federal death penalty for unconstitutional
Federal crimes. Mr. Speaker, I do not
advocate Federal action to stop individual
States from imposing a death penalty, I
simply oppose compounding the damage
done by creating new Federal crimes by
making those crimes subject to a Federal
death penalty. H.R. 1279 exceeds
Congress’s constitutional authority by
creating new Federal crimes, thus further
burdening the already overwhelmed
Federal judiciary system and taking
another step toward upending our
constitutional system by turning the
States into administrative districts of the

Federal Government. This bill also

creates unwise mandatory minimum
sentences, usurping the sentencing
decisions of judges and juries. Finally,
H.R. 1279 raises serious moral issues by
expanding the use of the Federal death
penalty. Therefore, I must oppose H.R.
1279 and urge my colleagues to do

Paul defended doctors who ran practices where

drugs like oxycontin were promiscuously prescribed
to pill head patients:

Doctors are even being punished for the

misdeeds of their patients. For example,
Dr. James Graves was sentenced to
more than 60 years for manslaughter
because several of his patients
overdosed on various combinations of
pain medications and other drugs,
including illegal street drugs. As a
physician with over thirty years
experience in private practice, I find it
outrageous that a physician would be


held criminally liable for a patient’s

misuse of medicine.210

Florida Assistant State Attorney Russ Edgar

stated that Dr. Graves was fully aware that his
patients were abusing the drugs, and that a trip to the
55-year-old doctor's office was a veritable "tailgate
party" for such abusers. By running a "prescription
mill," the doctor was making $500,000 a year, Edgar
argued in court. So much for Paul’s expertise in law
enforcement. So if you take President Paul’s desire
to see heroin and crack legalized and put it together
will his support of the racist pigs David Duke and
Jarrod Taylor and opposition to a clean needle
program perhaps you can really figure out where
Paul is coming from.

The most bizarre part of Paul’s promise to

legalize drugs lies is his contention that FDR was
responsible for marijuana prohibition:

But prohibition, obviously, when they

passed that amendment to the
Constitution, recognized that the
Congress could not pass laws. And like I
mentioned in 1937, when Roosevelt
decided that we should attack medical


marijuana, that he would do it through

raising taxes. So it is only in recent
history that we have decided that this is a
Federal project. The record is just not
very clear it has been very successful.211

Herbert Hoover was president in 1937 not FDR.

Most knowledgeable pot smokers know that it was
the racist Republican Harry Anslinger (pictured above
in the light overcoat overseeing a marihuana seizure)
who convinced Congress to make pot illegal. Harry J.
Anslinger quotes: “...the primary reason to outlaw
marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”
“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist
brainwashing.” “There are 100,000 total marijuana



smokers in the US, and most are Negroes,

Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic
music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage.
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual
relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”
Anslinger was a creation of the racist, pro-Nazi
Hoover Administration as demonstrated by this
chronology of his career:

 1928 : International Congress against

Alcoholism, Antwerp, Belgium

 1928 : Conference to Revise Treaty with

US, Ottawa, Canada

 1929-1930 : Assistant Commissioner

of Prohibition

 1930-1962 : Commissioner of Federal

Bureau of Narcotics


Willis Carto called himself a

Jeffersonian Libertarian: Paul calls
himself the same thing and
pretends to take a libertarian
position on medical marijuana so
that people won’t think that he is a Nazi. This is a lie
designed to attract the many people in America who

are tired of the War on Drugs. Paul is an advocate of

medical marijuana only because he sees a whole lot
of discontented people who are being oppressed just
as Hitler saw the German’s suffering under the
Weimar Republic. He is exploiting this for his own
ends – he is the only pro-pot candidate who never
smoked marijuana in his life. If Paul were President
the only thing he could do would be to take pot off the
DEA’s Schedule One list of drugs:

(1) Schedule I.—

(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential

for abuse.

(B) The drug or other substance has no currently

accepted medical use in treatment in the United

(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the

drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Paul co-sponsored the States' Rights to Medical

Marijuana Act:

Title: To provide for the medical use of

marijuana in accordance with the laws of
the various States.

Summary: Transfers marijuana from

schedule I of the Controlled Substances

Act to schedule II of such Act. Declares

that, in a State in which marijuana may be
prescribed or recommended by a
physician for medical use under
applicable State law, no provision of the
Controlled Substances Act shall prohibit
or otherwise restrict:

1. The prescription or recommendation of

marijuana by a physician for medical use;

2. An individual from obtaining and using

marijuana from a physician's prescription
or recommendation of marijuana for
medical use; or

3. A pharmacy from obtaining and holding

marijuana for the prescription or
recommendation of marijuana by a
physician for medical use under
applicable State law.

4. Prohibits any provision of the Federal

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act from
prohibiting or restricting a State entity
from producing or distributing marijuana
for the purpose of its distribution for
prescription or recommendation by a
physician in a State in which marijuana

may be prescribed by a physician for

medical use.212

On May 11, 2011 he made this statement

introducing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act, HR

Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce the

Industrial Hemp Farming Act. The
Industrial Hemp Farming Act requires the
federal government to respect state laws
allowing the growing of industrial hemp.
Nine States--Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine,
Maryland, Montana, North Dakota,
Oregon, Vermont, and West Virginia--
allow industrial hemp production or
research in accord with state laws.
However, federal law is standing in the
way of farmers in these states growing
what may be a very profitable crop.
Because of current federal law, all hemp
included in products sold in the United
States must be imported instead of being
grown by American farmers.213




This is what attracts the

legalize pot crowd to Paul
and I can understand it
having been one of the
founders of the Legalize
Pot Movement back in
1967 along with Irvin Dana Beal who is serving a long
sentence for possession and distribution of pot. Many
voters know others who have had to go to jail or
prison as a result of the drug laws, some of whom
had serious medical conditions that ingesting or
smoking cannabis mitigated. The Paulbots are
generally skeptical about politician’s campaign
promises but are willing to take Paul at his word
when it comes to pot. Another problem is that none of
the other presidential candidates including Obama
favor decriminalization or legalization. So Paul has
co-opted a real issue that he has used to further his
main agenda which is racist and genocidal in nature.
Would Dr. Paul prescribe medical marijuana?

Just because I favor the legalization of

drugs doesn’t mean I favor using them, of
course. As a physician, I know they’re
bad stuff. – Ron Paul214


The federal war on drugs has proven

costly and ineffective, while creating
terrible, violent crime. But if you question
policy, you are accused of being pro-
drug. That is preposterous. As a
physician, father, and grandfather, I abhor
drugs. I just know that there is a better
way — through local laws, communities,
churches, and families — to combat the
very serious problem of drug abuse than
a massive federal-government
bureaucracy. - Ron Paul215

Paul has to walk a fine line because the people

who put him in office are anti-drug:

Those who favor strict drug laws should

understand that federal preemption is a
double-edged sword. For example, if a
socially conservative state like Utah
wanted to enact harsh drug policies to
reflect its community standards, federal
law could actually prevent the enactment
of such policies. When the American
people give up state and local authority
over any issue, whether its marijuana,

215. http://vote-

abortion, or gun control, they give up

most of their power to affect policy. It’s far
easier to influence, and hold accountable,
state and local officials. Once the federal
government takes the opposite side of an
issue, however, good luck changing

This is nonsense. The Federal Government could

not prevent New York State from passing the
Rockefeller Drug Laws and who says that the federal
government would be motivated in that direction?



Since President Ron Paul the “constitutionalist”

opposes separation of powers America under
President Paul would soon become a dictatorship:

Tell Congress to pass H.R. 958!

Congress has the authority under Articles

I, III and IV of the Constitution of the
United States to set limits on the
Supreme Court and lower federal courts
in order to correct abuses of judicial



power and continuing violations of the

Constitution by federal courts.

We the People Act (H.R. 958) says the

“The Supreme Court of the United States
and each Federal court” may not
adjudicate any claim involving the laws,
regulations, or policies of any State or
unit of local government relating to the
free exercise or establishment of religion;
any claim based upon the right of privacy,
including any such claim related to any
issue of sexual practices, orientation, or
reproduction; or any claim based upon
equal protection of the laws to the extent
such claim is based upon the right to
marry without regard to sex or sexual
orientation; and that a violation by a
justice or a judge of any of the provisions
of the Act shall be an impeachable
offense, and a material breach of good
behavior subject to removal by the
President of the United States according
to rules and procedures established by
the Congress.217



The United States Constitution Section 1 - Judicial

powers – reads:

The judicial Power of the United States,

shall be vested in one Supreme Court,
and in such inferior Courts as the
Congress may from time to
time ordain and establish. The Judges,
both of the supreme and inferior Courts,
shall hold their Offices during good
Behavior, and shall, at stated Times,
receive for their Services a Compensation
which shall not be diminished during their
Continuance in Office.

So one can only assume that Ron Paul will deem

the decisions that he does not like as bad behavior
and fire the Justices who rendered them. Paul is no
constitutionalist – he wants a dictatorship.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to support,

and cosponsor, the Pledge Protection Act
(HR 2028), which restricts federal court
jurisdiction over the question of whether
the phrase “under God” should be
included in the pledge of allegiance. Local
schools should determine for themselves
whether or not students should say
“under God” in the pledge. The case

finding it is a violation of the First

Amendment to include the words “under
God” in the pledge is yet another example
of federal judges abusing their power by
usurping state and local governments’
authority over matters such as education.
Congress has the constitutional authority
to rein in the federal courts’ jurisdiction
and the duty to preserve the states’
republican forms of governments. Since
government by the federal judiciary
undermines the states’ republican
governments, Congress has a duty to rein
in rogue federal judges. I am pleased to
see Congress exercise its authority to
protect the states from an out-of-control
judiciary. While I will support this bill even
if the language removing the United
States Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over
cases regarding the pledge is eliminated,
I am troubled that some of my colleagues
question whether Congress has the
authority to limit Supreme Court
jurisdiction in this case. Both the clear
language of the United States
Constitution and a long line of legal
precedents make it clear that Congress

has the authority to limit the Supreme

Court’s jurisdiction. The Framers intended
Congress to use the power to limit
jurisdiction as a check on all federal
judges, including Supreme Court judges ,
who, after all, have lifetime tenure and
are thus unaccountable to the people.218

This is a very slippery slope. If Congress were

able to limit the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
over cases with which it had problems with this would
be a first step in destroying the separation of powers
clause in the United States Constitution. The
Separation of Powers devised by the framers of the
Constitution was designed to do one primary thing: to
prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist.
Based on their experience, the framers shied away
from giving any branch of the new government too
much power. The separation of powers provides a
system of shared power known as Checks and

Three branches are created in the Constitution.

The Legislative, composed of the House and Senate.
The Executive, composed of the President, Vice-



President, and the Departments. The Judicial,

composed of the federal courts and the Supreme
Court. Each of these branches has certain powers,
and each of these powers is limited, or checked, by
another branch. Paul stated: “The Founders
recognized that one of the chief dangers to liberty
was the concentration of power in a few hands, which
is why they carefully divided power among the three
branches.” But the Nazi Paul wants to throw a
monkey wrench into this balance of power and pave
the way for a dictatorship in America. When it suits
Paul’s hidden agenda he flushes the constitution right
down the toilet.



In an 1802 letter to the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist

Association, Thomas Jefferson, then president,
declared that the American people through the First
Amendment had erected a "wall of separation
between church and state." Paul, who calls himself a
Jeffersonian, wants to force the judiciary into
breaking down that wall:

In recent years, we have seen

numerous abuses of power by Federal
courts. Federal judges regularly strike

down state and local laws on subjects

such as religious liberty, sexual
orientation, family relations, education,
and abortion. This government by Federal
judiciary causes a virtual nullification of
the Tenth Amendment’s limitations on
federal power. Furthermore, when federal
judges impose their preferred polices on
state and local governments, instead of
respecting the policies adopted by those
elected by, and thus accountable to, the
people, republican government is
threatened. Article IV, section 4 of the
United States Constitution guarantees
each state a republican form of
government. Thus, Congress must act
when the executive or judicial branch
threatens the republican governments of
the individual states. Therefore, Congress
has a responsibility to stop Federal
judges from running roughshod over state
and local laws. The Founders would
certainly have supported congressional
action to reign in Federal judges who tell
citizens where they can and can’t place
manger scenes at Christmas.219

219. Congressional Record, V. 153, Pt. 1, January 4, 2007 to January 17,


The founding fathers did not mention God in the

Constitution, and the faithful often regarded our early
presidents as insufficiently pious. George
Washington was a nominal Anglican who rarely
stayed for Communion. John Adams was a Unitarian,
which Trinitarians abhorred as heresy. Thomas
Jefferson, denounced as an atheist, was actually a
deist who detested organized religion and who
produced an expurgated version of the New
Testament with the miracles eliminated. Jefferson
and James Madison, a nominal Episcopalian, were
the architects of the Virginia Statute of Religious

Paul wants America to move closer to Republic

and farther away from democracy. In a tirade to
Congress entitled A Wise Consistency on February
11, 2004 Paul proclaimed:

We should give up our obsession with

democracy, both for ourselves and
others, since the dictatorship of the
majority is just as destructive to a
minority, especially individual liberty.

Paul also wants to strip power from the executive

branch: Paul was the sponsor of H.R. 2655, the

2007 page 374


Separation of Powers Restoration Act. His legislation

would terminate all existing states of national
emergency and remove from the executive any
power to declare national emergencies; vest power in
Congress alone to declare states of national
emergencies; restrict presidential power to issue
executive orders by denying them any force of law
except as provided for by Congress; and repeal the
1973 War Powers Resolution, which, Paul noted,
granted broad war-making authority to the president.
This would make it more difficult to dispatch America
troops to Israel and would throw the balance of power
between the President, the Commander and Chief,
and Congress out of whack.


Ron Paul is immensely popular among the war-

weary Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. This is
because they would much rather be in a peacetime
army. Hitler was also popular among the war-weary
veterans of World War I. They participated in riots
against the Jews and Communists and made up the
majority of the members of the S.A. the
Stormtroopers. Paul stated:

The elimination of Osama bin Laden

should now prompt us to bring our troops
home from Afghanistan and Iraq. Al

Qaeda was never in Iraq and we were

supposedly in Afghanistan to get Osama
bin Laden. With bin Laden gone, there is
no reason for our presence in the region
– unless indeed it was all about oil,
nation-building, and remaking the Middle
East and Central Asia. – Ron Paul220

President Ron Paul would bring back

approximately 310,000 Active Duty personnel from
overseas where they can join the more than one
million troops stationed in the United States not
counting the Reserves? What are they going to do in
the United States? Will they rebuild the
infrastructure? Nope that would be socialism. Will
they collect their usual paychecks? Paul:

We don't need to pay all this money to

keep troops all over the country, 130
countries, 900 bases. But also, just think,
bringing all the troops home rather
rapidly, they would be spending their
money here at home and not in Germany



and Japan and South Korea, tremendous

boost to the economy.221

Paul is counting Marine guards and military

attaches as part of a vast expanse of U.S. military
power around the globe. But only 11 countries
actually house more than 1,000 U.S. military
personnel. Guess Paul never heard of armed forces
personnel spending their money at a PX and living in
base housing when they are stationed overseas?
Bringing home the troops may cost taxpayers less
but in the long run they will get much less security for
their money, less bang for the buck. What good will
the armed forces do in US? Defend our borders from
foreign invasion? Become Storm Troopers at the
beck and call of their Commander and Chief, Herr
President Ron Paul? If Paul ends welfare,
unemployment insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and
allows U.S. States to bring back segregation,
abolishes the FDIC and Fed he will need more than
the National Guard to suppress an internal rebellion.

Okay all the troops return: Will we build more

bases to house them? Will they have to purchase
home mortgages or pay rent? Will this really
stimulate the American economy as Paul claims? Will



they eventually get discharged from the Army and

into the private sector in order to save even more
money? They will be a drain on the economy not a
boom as their military training is not always
applicable to civilian life. Many would end up
homeless, on the streets.



As a logical consequence stemming from his

belief that there are only three federal crimes, and
assuming Paul really believes it, Ron Paul would do
away with the federal laws against prostitution. Here
are the laws he would ask Congress to revoke:

1) MANN ACT - Only applies if someone

pays the travel costs like an airline ticket
and crosses state lines for the purpose of
prostitution. It is very rare for the Feds to
go after folks under the Mann Act and
usually no one is paying directly for
transportation. The law was originally
referred to as the “White-Slave Traffic Act
of 1910” and prohibited white slavery. It
also banned the interstate transport of
females for “immoral purposes.” Its
primary stated intent was to address
prostitution, immorality, and human

trafficking. The act is better known as the

Mann Act, after James Robert Mann, an
American lawmaker.

2) TRAVEL ACT – The Federal

racketeering laws contain a provision,
much loved by prosecutors, commonly
known as the “Travel Act” — and more
formally as “Interstate and foreign travel
or transportation in aid of racketeering
enterprises.” The Travel Act makes it a
crime to travel in interstate commerce
with the intention of, among other things,
promoting, conducting or distributing the
proceeds of unlawful activity (expressly
including prostitution), if, after the travel,
such an illegal activity is performed. It
would, for example, be a felony violation
of the Travel Act (punishable by up to five
years’ imprisonment), to travel across
state lines (or aid and abet a prostitute in
doing so) for the purpose of promoting or
carrying on the business of a prostitution
ring; it would, similarly (and separately),
violate the Travel Act to send the
prostitute back across state lines to
distribute the proceeds of the prostitution.


3) The PROTECT ACT specifically

implemented several amendments in
connection with sex tourism and
commercial sexual exploitation: (1) in the
area of sex tourism, new provision 2423©
makes it sufficient to show that a United
States citizen or lawful permanent
resident traveled abroad and engaged in
any illicit sexual conduct with a minor,
regardless of what his intentions may
have been when he left the United States;
(2) the addition of 2423(d) specifically
reaches any person who knowingly
“arranges, induces, procures, or
facilitates the travel” of an individual they
know is traveling for the purpose of
engaging in illicit sexual conduct, when
they engage in facilitating the travel for
the purpose of commercial advantage or
private financial gain; (3) new provision
2423(e) punishes an attempt or
conspiracy to violate any of the provisions
in 2423; (4) the definitions contained in
2423(f) broaden the prohibited conduct
under the statute to include commercial
sex acts (as defined in 18 U.S.C. §
1591©(1)) with persons under 18; and (5)

for defendants charged under the sex

tourism provision, 2423© an affirmative
defense was added for defendant who
“reasonably believed” that person who
had engaged in the commercial sex act
was 18. The defendant bears the burden
of proving the affirmative defense by a
preponderance of the evidence.

The PROTECT ACT also changed the

sentencing scheme for 18 U.S.C. § 2423.
For 18 U.S.C. § 2423(a)(traveling for
criminal sex act) the maximum sentence
was upgraded to 30 years imprisonment.
Formerly, the equivalent provision had a
maximum sentence of 15 years. A
mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years
was also enacted. In the revision to
section 2423(b), the maximum sentence
was also upgraded from 15 to 30 years

Paul voted against a bill congratulating the

Government of South Africa upon its first two
successful convictions for human trafficking. How are
state governments going to fight international human
traffickers? Human trafficking involves an act of
recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or

receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or

other means, for the purpose of exploiting them. Is
this what liberty means to Ron Paul, the right to
exploit other human beings? Where do Ron Paul’s
freedom end and other people’s rights begin?



We are bound and determined to write

more rules and regulations dealing with
the first and the second amendment, and
I do not see this as a good trend. It is said
today that those who want to undermine
the first amendment, that it is already
established that pornography is not
protected under the first amendment. And
today the goal is to make sure that the
depiction of violence is not protected
under the first amendment. But do my
colleagues know that the major cause of
violence in the world throughout history
have been abuse of religion and the
abuse of philosophy? So, therefore, the
next step will be, if we can limit the
depiction of pornography and then
violence, be the limitation of the depiction
of a philosophy that deals with religion or

political systems such as Communism or

other fascism.222



Paul voted against requiring operators of wi-fi

networks who discover the transmission of child porn
and other forms online sex predation to report it to
the government.223 Ron Paul defended his stand in
these words:

Mr. Speaker, as a parent, grandparent

and OB-GYN who has had the privilege
of delivering over 4,000 babies, I share
the revulsion of all decent people at child
pornography. Those who would destroy
the innocence of children by using them
in sexually-explicit material deserve the
harshest punishment. However, the Child
Obscenity and Pornography Prevention
Act (HR 4623) exceeds Congress’
constitutional power and does nothing to
protect any child from being abused and


223. Josh Harkinson, Ron Paul's 15 Most Extreme Positions, Mother

Jones, May 16, 2011


exploited by pornographers. Instead, HR

4623 redirects law enforcement
resources to investigations and
prosecutions of “virtual” pornography
which, by definition, do not involve the
abuse or exploitation of children.
Therefore, HR 4623 may reduce law
enforcement’s ability to investigate and
prosecute legitimate cases of child

Legislation outlawing virtual pornography

is, to say the least, of dubious
constitutionality. The constitution grants
the federal government jurisdiction over
only three crimes: treason, counterfeiting,
and piracy. It is hard to stretch the
definition of treason, counterfeiting, or
piracy to cover sending obscene or
pornographic materials over the Internet.
Therefore, Congress should leave the
issue of whether or not to regulate or
outlaw virtual pornography to states and
local governments.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, while I share

my colleagues' revulsion at child
pornography, I do not believe that this

justifies expanding the federal police state

to outlaw distribution of pornographic
images not containing actual children. I
am further concerned by the possibility
that passage of HR 4623 will divert law
enforcement resources away from the
prosecution of actual child pornography.
HR 4623 also represents another step
toward the nationalization of all police
functions, a dangerous trend that will
undermine both effective law enforcement
and constitutional government. It is for
these reasons that I must oppose this
well-intentioned but fundamentally flawed
bill. (Ron Paul June 26, 2002).224

Here is one of the laws that President Paul

would try to get Congress to revoke or order the
Justice Department and the FBI to give low
priority to:

8 U.S.C. § 1466A (2008)





(a) In general. Any person who, in a

circumstance described in subsection (d),
knowingly produces, distributes, receives,
or possesses with intent to distribute, a
visual depiction of any kind, including a
drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting,

(1) (A) depicts a minor engaging in

sexually explicit conduct; and (B) is
obscene; or

(2) (A) depicts an image that is, or

appears to be, of a minor engaging in
graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic
abuse, or sexual intercourse, including
genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital,
or oral-anal, whether between persons of
the same or opposite sex; and

(B) lacks serious literary, artistic, political,

or scientific value; or attempts or
conspires to do so, shall be subject to the
penalties provided in section 2252A(b)(1)
[18 USCS § 2252A(b)(1)], including the
penalties provided for cases involving a
prior conviction.


Child pornography is an international problem and

there is no way it can be dealt with by local and state
police departments. State and local
governments cannot make arrests
overseas nor have their liaisons overseas
make arrests. Under a Ron Paul
presidency Dreamboard, referenced below
would still be in operation and Michael Childs, 49, of
Huntsville, Alabama, (photo on the left) who
sentenced to 30 years in prison, and others like him,
would be on the street.

WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric

Holder announced today the unsealing of
three indictments and one complaint
charging a total of 72 individuals for their
participation in an international criminal
network dedicated to the sexual abuse of
children and the creation and
dissemination of graphic images and
videos of child sexual abuse throughout
the world. Operation Delego, an ongoing
investigation that was launched in
December 2009, targeted the 72 charged
defendants and more than 500 additional
individuals around the world for their
participation in Dreamboard – a private,
members-only, online bulletin board that

was created and operated to promote

pedophilia and encourage the sexual
abuse of very young children, in an
environment designed to avoid law
enforcement detection. To date, 52 of the
72 charged defendants have been
arrested in the United States and abroad.
Members traded graphic images and
videos of adults molesting children 12
years-old and under, often violently, and
collectively created a massive private
library of images of child sexual abuse.225



Ron Paul has stated that there should be no “age

of consent law” in the federal statutes. But his
newsletter espouses a different view in cases where
Black youth is involved:

We don’t think a child of 13 should be

held as responsible as a man of 23.
That’s true for most people, but black
males age 13 who have been raised on
the streets and who have joined criminal
gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary



and culpable as any adult, and should be

treated as such.

Aside from this Paul said that it should be OK by

federal law for a 24 year old man to convince a 10
year old boy or girl to have sex. When pressed on
this issue and other similar issues, Paul said that the
states should have no such laws either! So far we
have legalized prostitution and drugs on a federal
level. What if the States followed suit? A twelve year
old girl should be able to live with a pimp, sell her
body, and use the proceeds to purchase heroin (after
her pimp takes a percentage, that is). Paul told

Mr. Chairman, I rise today in opposition to

the Child Protection and Sexual Predator
Punishment Act of 1998. This bill, if
passed, will further expand the authority
of this country’s national police force and
further “justify” the federal Justice
Department’s intrusion into mail,
telephone and Internet



In a one minute twenty-four second interview with

Peter Zottolo shown on YOUTUBE227, Ron Paul says
he supports NAMBLA and so does the
constitution. Nov 29, 2007

COMMENT: Some jackass got pwnd

when his joke backfired. Don't know
what NAMBLA is? It’s The North
American Man / Boy Love
Association. Yeah, something tells
me Ron Paul wont like that.

On March 14, 2002 Paul voted against the

Federal Penalties for Child Sexual Abuse Act:

The bill before us today simply expands

Federal penalties for already existing



Federal crimes, and does not in any way

infringe on the jurisdiction of the States.
However, Mr. Chairman, I would ask my
colleagues to consider whether child
sexual abuse should be a Federal crime
at all. The Constitution specifies three
Federal crimes, namely treason, piracy,
and counterfeiting. It is a stretch, to say
the least, to define child abuse as a form
of treason, piracy, or counterfeiting.
Therefore, perhaps the best means of
dealing with child sexual abuse occurring
on Federal lands across State lines is to
turn the suspected perpetrator over to the
relevant local jurisdiction and allow the
local authorities to prosecute the crime.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, while I

believe this is a worthy piece of
legislation, I hope someday we will
debate whether expanding Federal
crimes (along with the use of
congressionally mandated mandatory
minimum sentences) is consistent with
constitutional government and
fundamental principles of justice.




There would be no federal sexual harassment

laws under a Paul presidency.

In the past several months the airways

have been filled with Members of
Congress relating or restating their fidelity
to their oath of office to uphold the
Constitution. That is good, and I am sure
it is done with the best of intentions. But
when it comes to explaining our
constitutional responsibility to make sure
unconstitutional sexual harassment laws
are thoroughly enforced, while
disregarding most people’s instincts
towards protecting privacy, it seems to be
overstating a point, compared to our
apathy toward the usurping of
congressional power to declare and wage
war. That is something we ought to be
concerned about.229

Like all other drugs GHB, the date rape drug,

would be legal:

229. A Foreign Policy of Freedom By Ron Paul page 84


I have extensive experience in the clinical

use of gamma hyudroxy butyric acid
(GHB) . . . I have used these substances
for over ten years on hundreds of patients
(and have advised thousands through my
books and articles on the subject). I have
not had one instance reported to me of
adverse effects in my patients. GHB is
the safest, most nontoxic sleep inducing
substance known. It has a wide range of
other therapeutic uses. The therapeutic
threshold for GHB is greater than almost
any known pharmaceutical substance
(the LD50 is40–100 times greater than
the sleep-inducing therapeutic dose of 3–
6 grams!). For each of the
aforementioned procedural and
substantive reasons, I must again oppose
H.R. 2130, the Hillory J. Farias Date-
Rape Prevention Drug Act.230

GHB is available in odorless, colorless, and

tasteless form that is frequently combined with
alcohol and other beverages. GHB has been used to
commit sexual assaults due to its ability to sedate



and incapacitate unsuspecting victims, preventing

them from resisting sexual assault.

Paul voted against life sentences for rapists and

child molesters using the same tired excuse:

Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, the policy behind

H.R. 4679, the Lifetime Consequences
for Sex Offenders Act, is unobjectionable.
Given the high rates of recidivism among
sex criminals, it is certainly legitimate to
take steps to reduce the likelihood that a
paroled sex criminal will commit further
crimes. In fact, given the likelihood that a
sex offender will attempt to commit
another sex crime, it is reasonable to ask
why rapists and child molesters are not
simply imprisoned for life? However, Mr.
Speaker, questions of the proper
punishment for sexual crimes are not
issues properly under federal jurisdiction.
The Constitution grants the federal
government jurisdiction over only three
crimes: treason, counterfeiting, and
piracy. It is hard to stretch the definition of
treason, counterfeiting, or piracy to
include sex crimes. Therefore, even
though I agree with the policy behind H.R.

4679, I must remind my colleagues that

the responsibility for investigating,
prosecuting and punishing sex crimes is
solely that of state and local


Pain Relief Promotion Act of 1999 (H.R. 2260)

27 October 1999

Being strongly pro-life, I’m convinced that

the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court
decision of 1973 is one of the worst, if not
the worst, Supreme Court ruling of the
20th century. It has been this
institutionalizing into our legal system the
lack of respect for life and liberty that has
and will continue to play havoc with liberty
and life until it is changed. It has been
said by many since the early 1970s that
any legalization of abortion would put us



on a slippery slope to euthanasia. I agree

with this assessment.232

The intention of H.R. 2260 was to repeal the

Oregon law legalizing euthanasia and make a
statement against it. None-the-less Paul opposed it.
However, following Paul’s line of reasoning regarding
the legalization of drugs if you are going to legalize
these sometimes lethal drugs like heroin why not
legalize various poisons like arsenic, shellfish toxin
etc. to so that if you wanted to kill yourself (or
someone else) you would be at liberty to do so?

Additionally, this bill empowers the

Attorney General to train federal, state,
and local law enforcement personnel to
discern the difference between palliative
care and euthanasia. Most recently,
though, it was the Attorney General who
specifically exempted the physicians of
Oregon from certain provisions of Title
21, the very Title this legislation intends to
augment. Under the tutelage of the
Attorney General, it would thus become
the federal police officer’s role to

232. Congressional Record, V. 145, Pt. 19, October 26, 1999 to November
3, 1999 page 27069


determine at which point deaths from pain

medication constitute assisted suicide.233

Just as in Roe v Wade Paul refused to federalize

a crime. He did this time after time which makes me
wonder why is he so closely wedded to this abstract
principle that there are only three federal crimes?
According to Paul “Constitutionally, there are only
three federal crimes. These are treason against the
United States, piracy on the high seas, and
counterfeiting (and for a short period of history, the
manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol was
concurrently a federal and state crime).”

Is it worth adhering to these principles when a

lack of federal criminal enforcement is bound to lead
to taking the lives of the unborn and elderly and
giving dope dealers, rapists, pornographers and child
molesters a freer hand? Is this his guiding principle in
life that there are only three federal crimes and this
overrides everything else? Isn’t that what the federal
legislature does, make laws?


233. Congressional Record, V. 145, Pt. 19, October 26, 1999 to November
3, 1999 page 27098


Roe vs. Wade Where To From Here?

November 20, 2004

The 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling caused

great harm in two distinct ways. First, it
legalized abortion at any stage,
establishing clearly that the Supreme
Court and the government condoned the
cheapening of human life. Second, it
firmly placed this crucial issue in the
hands of the federal courts and national
government. The federalization of
abortion was endorsed even by those
who opposed abortion. Instead of looking
for state-by-state solutions and limiting
federal court jurisdiction, those anxious to
protect life came to rely on federal laws,
eroding the constitutional process. The
authors of the Constitution intended for
criminal matters and acts of violence
(except for a few rare exceptions) to be
dealt with at the state level. Now,
however, conservatives as well as liberals
find it acceptable to nationalize issues
such as abortion, marriage, prayer, and
personal sexual matters — with more
federal legislation offered as the only
solution. This trend of transferring power

from the states to the federal government

compounds our problems — for when we
lose, it affects all 50 states, and
overriding Congress or the Supreme
Court becomes far more difficult than
dealing with a single state.234

Of course the anti-abortion groups want federal

legislation. Otherwise if you want an abortion all you
had to do was go to state where it was legal. You
could not have the State Police stopping every
pregnant woman to make sure she was not on her
way to another state to have an abortion. And how
could the local authorities determine if someone were
in the early stages of pregnancy? Would they have to
carry around portable sonographic imagers? Paul’s
goal is to strip the Federal Government of all its
expanded powers and return to a confederacy.


Now, cruelty to animals, nobody is going

to come and defend cruelty to animals.
But quite frankly there will be times it will
be difficult to define. The motivation for



most cruelty to animals is because people

are sick. This is a mental illness. We are
dealing with mental illness here and we
are going to write a Federal law against it.
So if somebody, and it was even
mentioned by the proponents of this bill,
that people like Ted Bundy delight in this.
Yes. These people are psychopaths.
They are nuts. It is an illness. We cannot
pass a law to deal with mental illness. I
strongly object to this approach. We
should be thinking not only about the
process but of the unintended
consequences of passing legislation like

So cruelty to animals is a treatable illness, a

mental illness and not a crime. PETA might disagree.


Under President Paul every Jew-hating piece of

crap would come out of the woodwork and feel
justified attacking Jews and Jewish houses of
worship, community centers etc.. Ron Paul’s mere
candidacy incited the firebombing of two synagogues



in New Jersey. Anthony Graziano threw a firebomb

into the home of a rabbi in Rutherford, New Jersey
and attacked a synagogue in Paramus, New Jersey.
Paulbot Indian Hindu Aakash Dalal was his co-
conspirator. On the day of Graziano’s arrest, a letter
to the editor signed by Dalal was published on the
web site of the Rutgers student newspaper, the Daily

As it happens, Ron Paul accurately

predicted the 2007-2008 housing crisis in
2002 on the floor of the House, while
others were oblivious. To empower the
Federal Reserve System and to ignore
Paul’s ideas would be irresponsible and
illogical. Allowing the Federal Reserve to
continue to exist in its current form is only
rewarding failure and incompetence.236



The author was Aakash

Dalal a sophomore
majoring in chemistry and
biological sciences. Dalal
had been friends with
Graziano since they both
attended middle school
in Lodi. Both of these two maggots joined the Rutgers
University chapter of a group called the Young
Americans for Liberty, which used to be known as
Students for Ron Paul. Dalal who posted a picture of
himself with Paul as his Facebook profile, was
charged with conspiring with Graziano to commit
numerous criminal acts aimed at Jews: nine counts of
aggravated arson, conspiracy to commit aggravated
arson, bias intimidation and criminal mischief. Dalal’s
attorney, Chris DiLorenzo, said that Dalal shouldn't
be considered an accessory to the synagogue
bombings because the Rutgers student was on leave
from college, out of state, working for Ron Paul in the
New Hampshire primaries when the attacks took
place in early January. Graziano was charged with
numerous counts of attempted murder. We can get a
look at the Ron Paul mentality from Graziano’s
Facebook page.

The last post on Graziano’s Facebook page was

on January 24, 2012 by Ck Rafuls. It was a link that

said RONPAUL2012 but went to a story about

Graziano’s arrest. Ck advised him “Don’t drop the
soap Jew Killer.” On January 16, 2012 Graziano
praised a black football player who said he was going
to vote for Paul. Arian Foster must have thought his
first name Aryan Foster. Graziano wrote “Dude, you
are an inspiration for…” on Foster’s wall. On January
11, 2012 Anthony posted a logo from Bromley Pure
Green Tea and wrote, DRINK IT JUST DRINK IT,
January 11, 2012 was when Graziano firebombed the
Rutherford Rabbi’s home. January 8, 2012 “LIVE
Graziano posted “RON PAUL 2012! On Jew’s Wall
on January 2nd.” Jew’s wall was supposed to be pro-
Jewish but was taken over by Jew haters. Graziano
was responsible for an arson committed in Paramus
on January 3, 2012. Graziano threw a
bottle containing gasoline at the rear wall of
Congregation K'Hal Adath Jeshurun, but the resulting
fire burned out quickly. Graziano December 21, 2011:
“Do or die. Ride or die (he rode his bike to the
attacks). We’ll build and multiply. Spread the word
(about Ron Paul) and salute (the new Hitler). Move
without fear, you are a tiger in the field, staring at
prey.” Graziano’s prey turned out to be some little

Jewish children and their parents. Graziano’s dad:

OK PAUL HAS MY VOTE. Kenny Feola: Ron Paul
winning so far. When told that Paul was winning,
Graziano wrote “Yes he is, and obviously certain
“people” (certain subhuman Jews) who hang out in
certain “establishments” (who are part of the power
structure) aren’t too happy.” Graziano was "weeks
away" from another attack because he had submitted
paperwork in an attempt to buy a gun before he was

In Plano Texas,237 a "Ron Paul

grassroots campaign organizer"
who, FEC records show donated
heavily to Ron Paul's campaign,
Anson Chi , was seriously injured as
a homemade bomb he was carrying (most likely to a
neocon target) accidentally detonated. Anson is well
known online at Ron Paul Forums238 and even
developed a popular website on "How to become a



On his talk show this week, Adam Vs The Man,

Ron Pauloid Adam Kokesh read an email from a
viewer which said "There is a way the nomination can
be given to Ron Paul," he read aloud."There is a way
to fix the situation we currently face with Obama
versus Romney. Romney needs to die."240 Kokesh
responded that "it sure is tempting isn't it, to think that
you could take out one life and prevent the deaths of
so many others." Kokesh was contacted by the
Secret Service. Douglas Wright, who plotted to blow
up a bridge spanning the Cuyahoga River, had Ron
Paul literature in his home. Wright’s indictment read,

Wright suggested getting a car that they

can drive into the Federal Reserve Bank
with C-4, and blow it up. Upon hearing
Wright mention blowing up the Federal
Reserve Bank, Baxter advised this is now
higher scale, and wanted everyone to
agree this was an open discussion.
Baxter advised people have been
attacking banks and the Federal Reserve
for a long time, and the Federal Reserve
has branches all over the country. The


group discussed where the Federal

Reserve banks were located.241

Numerous Ron Paul supporters were present at

an Occupy Cleveland demonstration against the






Ron Paul leaves Congress, still the pariah he

always was. No legislation name after him, any office
buildings or bridges. But as long as he is sentient he
is a threat. Paul’s farewell speech to Congress
contained the same seemingly innocuous message
and there was only one interesting part:

Government use of force to mold social

and economic behavior at home and
abroad has justified individuals using
force on their own terms. The fact that
violence by government is seen as
morally justified, is the reason why
violence will increase when the big


financial crisis hits and becomes a

political crisis as well.

Paul hoped for a Depression scale financial crisis so

he could rise to power just as Hitler did. From what
part of society will the increase in violence come
from? From Ron Paul’s Storm troopers.

First, we recognize that individuals

shouldn’t initiate violence, then we give
the authority to government. Eventually,
the immoral use of government violence,
when things goes badly, will be used to
justify an individual’s “right” to do the
same thing. Neither the government nor
individuals have the moral right to initiate
violence against another yet we are
moving toward the day when both will
claim this authority. If this cycle is not
reversed society will break down.

When needs are pressing, conditions

deteriorate and rights become relative to
the demands and the whims of the
majority. It’s then not a great leap for
individuals to take it upon themselves to
use violence to get what they claim is


Paul is making a convoluted argument for the use

of violence by individuals against the government.
Paul blames the government for any violence that
may befall it. The Government uses violence against
its citizens and so the citizens justifiably resort to
violence against the Government, this is the cycle
Paul referred to.

Then we learn that during a time of economic

crisis the majority, also known as the Federal
Government will deprive people of their rights. If this
happens those who are being deprived of their rights
have a right to take up arms against the Federal

What all this boils down to is that Ron Paul is a

piece of the filth that America has dredged up from its
pro-Nazi and isolationist past. In his world, freedom,
liberty, and the Constitution wouldn’t exist; tyranny
and totalitarianism would reign. It would be the Fourth
Reich. Paul’s connection with the Jew hating
pathological genocidal maniacs of Liberty Lobby, his
connection to the Jew hating Nazis David Duke and
Don Black, his defense of Nazi war criminals and
Holocaust deniers puts him a class several notches
below child molesters. Many pedophiles will let their
victims live, the Nazis do not.



In the early 1970’s A. J. Weberman

became a widely known counter-
culture figure after he went through
Bob Dylan’s garbage. He coined the
word “Garbology” to describe the
journalistic technique of searching
through trash for information and called himself a
garbologist. He also invented Dylanology - another
word he coined – which means the study of Bob
Dylan’s cryptic poetry. Weberman was the first to
make the connection between Watergaters E.
Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and the Kennedy
assassination. He was sued by E. Howard Hunt in an
effort to shut him up. Hunt later confessed to his son
that he was part of “the big event.” Weberman was
able to depose former DCIA Richard Helms, CI/SIG
head James Angleton, G. Gordon Liddy, Bernard
Barker and others. Weberman worked as a
researcher for Sen. Richard Schweiker, (R-Pa) and
as a Congressional researcher for Cong. Henry
Gonzalez (D-San Antonio, Texas). Weberman has
numerous political arrests including one for having
tossed a tomato at former President Nixon.
Weberman, along with I. D. Beal, was the founder of
the Yippie Museum, an educational institution
chartered by the Board of Regents of New York

State. He is the subject of an award winning movie

entitled The Ballad of A. J. Weberman. His
revolutionary circle included John Lennon, Yoko Ono,
Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, David Peel, Tom
Forcade, Aron Kay and Phil Ochs. Weberman’s other
books are Coup D’Etat in America, the CIA and the
Assassination of JFK co-authored by Michael
Canfield, My Life In Garbology, The Dylan to English
Dictionary, Homothug, The Secret Life of Rudy
Giuliani, The Devil and Bob Dylan and A History of
Islamist Terrorism in America. He is a Director of the
Jewish Defense Organization and a non-leader of the
Youth International Party.


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