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J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. n a c d . i n


Vaishali M R1, Roopashri G2, Maria Priscilla David3, Indira A P4

Oral Medicine and Radiology

M.R Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital

Senior lecturer1, 2
Professor and head3
Article Info
Received: April 5, 2010
Review Completed: May 10, 2010
Accepted: June 15, 2010
Available Online: July, 2010
NAD, 2010 - All rights reserved

Trismus, a severely restricted mouth opening is a problem
commonly encountered by the dental practitioners. It is very
important that dentists are familiar with the differential diagnosis
of limited jaw opening. Treatment of trismus may be easy or
complicated. It is important to remember that multiple potential
causes exist. Trismus is a condition that impairs eating, interferes
with oral hygiene, restricts access for dental procedures and may
adversely affect speech and facial appearance.

Key words: Trismus, extra articular and intra articular

The term trismus denotes a motor distribution
of the trigeminal nerve, especially spasm of the
masticatory muscle, with difficulty in opening the
mouth.1,2 According to Dorlands illustrated dictionary
trismus means (Greek trimos; grating, grinding)2,3
Trismus has a number of potential causes which
could range from simple and non progressive to
those that is potentially life threatening. In a busy
practice, it is not unusual to see several patients each
month with a complaint of trismus.2
Trismus impairs the ability to incise and masticate
the food, interferes with the oral hygiene and restricts
access to dental procedures. It may adversely affect
speech and it can also compromise or prevent the
construction and use of removable or fixed

The knowledge about normal range of mouth

opening is very essential in the diagnosis of trismus.
It varies from patient to patient within a range of 4060mm.
2 finger breadth (40mm) and 3 finger breadth
(54-57mm) is usual width of opening.
Trismus has been defined variously as a mouth
opening less than 20mm. other authors have used a
classification for trismus such as
Mouth opening of > 30 mm indicated light trismus
Mouth opening of 15-30mm indicated moderate
Mouth opening of < 15 mm indicated severe trismus
The etiology of trismus may be classified as Extra
articular and Intraarticular

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IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010



Extra articular causes

The hallmark of masticatory space infection is
limited jaw opening.2,8 Infections causing trismus may
be of an odontogenic nature. Odontogenic infections
are Pulpal, periodontal and pericoronal and non
odontogenic causes include tetanus which is a life
threatening infection and is rare in the developing
world. Trismus and dysphagia are the most common
presenting symptoms.4, 9, 10
Tetanus is an infectious disease that results from
wound contamination with clostridium tetani, an
anaerobic, gram positive, motile, spore forming rod
which may survive for years in some environment.
Trismus is the common presenting symptom, but
patients often develop dysphagia as well as pain and
stiffness of the musculature. Markedly increased tone
in the central muscle (face, neck, chest, back and
abdomen) with superimposed generalized spasm
strongly suggest tetanus.4
Sustained contraction of the facial muscle causes
risus sardonicus- the so called sneering grin
expression. With severe trismus there is opisthotonos,
caused by generalized spasm and resulting in flexion
of the arms, extension of the legs and rigidity of the
abdominal wall, followed by rigidity of the trunk and
The spatula test is the simple bedside test to
diagnose tetanus. The posterior pharyngeal wall is
touched with spatula and reflex spasm of the
masseter occurs (positive) instead of the normal gag
reflex (negative).

Vaishali M.R., et, al.

trismus. This interferes with patients normal oral

hygiene and eating habits. Patients should be warned
that they will be unable to open their mouths
normally after surgery. The trismus gradually
Post anesthetic infections.
Limitations of oral opening and occasionally
paresthesia after local anesthetic injections for dental
treatment continue to be problems in dentistry.
Although the incidence of such morbidity is low, it is
accompanied often by distress for both patient and
attending clinician and could lead to litigations.14
It is hypothesized that the barbing of the needles
at the time of the injection followed by tissue damage
on withdrawal is a likely explanation for some rare
cases of post injection persistent paresthesia. Post
injection trismus is related to tearing of masticatory
muscle by penetration of the needle during injection
into the muscle. Most commonly involved muscle is
medial pterygiod during inferior alveolar nerve block.
Good injection technique by staying lateral to the
pterygomandibular raphae during penetration will
avoid the medial pterygiod muscle, since this muscle
lies medial to the raphe.15
Drug therapy
Some drugs are capable of causing trismus as a
secondary effect. Phenothiazine, Succinyl choline and
tricyclic antidepressants being more among the most


Trismus can be seen as extra pyramidal side

effects of metaclopromide, Phenothiazine and other



Surgical extraction of the mandibular molars

2. Post anesthetic injections; inferior alveolar nerve

block, posterior superior alveolar nerve block

Direct trauma

Fracture of the mandible.

Other facial fractures.
Patients who have had mandibular third molar
surgically removed frequently have mild to moderate
304 IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010

Radiotherapy is commonly used to treat

squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck
malignancy and regional lymphomas. The primary
advantage of using radiotherapy to treat oral cancer
is the preservation of normal tissue and function,
however complications may develop, depending
upon which healthy tissue are in the path of radiation
beam, the amount of radiation given and the course
of treatment.2


Osteoradionecrosis may occur, resulting in pain,

trismus, suppuration and occasionally a foul smelling
wound. When the muscles of mastication are within
the field of radiation, fibrosis may lead to trismus
reducing the range of movements. Fibrosis and
trismus have been attributed to the ischemia caused
by endarteritis obliterans. Trismus complicates post
radiation dental care.
Trismus is present at the time of diagnosis in
about 2% of the patients suffering with a head and
neck cancer due to tumor growth. For Tumors of
nasopharynx, trismus may be the first sign.6
Fracture of the mandible may cause limited jaw
opening. Backland et al defined as devastating events
e.g. sports injury, administration of general anesthesia
and performance of dental procedure such as difficult
extractions requiring lengthy appointments.2
Trismus has also been reported due to accidental
incorporation of foreign bodies because of external
traumatic injury.11
Another relatively rare cause of trismus is trauma
to the zygomatic arch and zygomaticomaxillary
complex, which interferes with movements of
coronoid process
Temporomandibular joint disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorder may be
divided into extra articular and intra articular
problems (including disc displacement, arthritis,
fibrosis.) intracapsular problem are often caused by
Congenital/developmental cause
Trismus have been reported as a result of
hypertrophy of the coronoid process causing
interference of coronoid against the anterior medial
margin of the zygomatic arch. Coronoid exostosis,
congenital or acquired coronoid hyperplasia,
coronoid osteochondroma, osteoma also results in
opening. 5
pseudocamptodactyly syndrome is a rare

Vaishali M.R., et, al.

combination of hand, foot, mouth abnormalities and

Miscellaneous causes
Oral submucous fibrosis is a potentially
malignant condition, commonly seen in people from
indian subcontinent. Patients presents with trismus
due to fibrosis of the submucosal tissue in the oral
cavity. This causes blanching of the mucosa and can
affect speech by restricting the tongue and soft palate
Hysterical trismus refers to muscular limitation
that is a consequence of psychological trauma17. The
presentations are varied and include paralysis,
blindness, anesthesia, anorexia and vomiting. The
onset of hysteria is usually before the age of 35 and
occurs mainly in women.2
A muscle in spasm is acutely shortened grossly
limited in range of motional and painful. Other terms
for this disorder include myospasm, acute trismus,
charley horse or cramp. If left in a contracted state,
pain decreases, but fibrous scarring and contracture
will begin developing in several weeks as a result of
decreased function. Contracture is also referred to as
chronic trismus or muscle fibrosis.17
Differential diagnosis
A systemic approach using a disciplined and
organized process is more likely to yield an accurate
diagnosis. To diagnose trismus, the clinician must be
able to determine the cause from variety of
possibilities. A thorough history and clinical
examination has to be taken and appropriate
radiograph has to be taken to arrive at a definitive
Possible causes are summarized in table-1
Management of trismus
The success of treatment depends on the
recognization of the cause and initiation of
appropriate management. To manage the initial
phase of muscle spasm, the practitioner should
prescribe the following

IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010



Heat therapy
Soft diet
Muscle relaxants.
Heat therapy consists of placing moist hot towel
on the affected area for 15-20 minutes every hour.
Analgesics- aspirin is usually adequate in pain
management associated with trismus in managing
trismus associated pain.
Diazepam (2.5-5mg 3 times daily) or
benzodiazepam may be prescribed for muscle
When the acute pain is over the patients should
be advised to initiate physiotherapy for opening and
closing the jaws and to perform lateral excursions of
the mandible for 5 minutes every 3-4 hours. Sugarless
chewing gums is another means of providing lateral
movements of the TMJ. When trismus is the
presenting feature and if any infected tooth has to
be removed then closed mouth nerve block usually
provides relief.
If the trismus is suspected to be associated with
the infection, appropriate antibiotics should be
In addition, trismus appliances are used in
conjunction with physical therapy and are most
effective when the condition is the result of muscle
fibrosis or scar tissue that is not yet matured. Trismus
appliance act either externally or internally and the
forces they impart and the force they impact can be
continue or intermittent, light or heavy and elastic or
Treatment objectives are to remove edema,
soften and stretch fibrous tissue, increase the range
of joint motion, restore circulatory efficiency, increase
muscular strength.
Seven appliances have been described in

306 IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010

Vaishali M.R., et, al.

Dynamic bite opener; this appliance was

described by Drane and later by Brown. This appliance
provides continuous elastic forces to depress the
mandible, and the amount and direction of the force
can be controlled.
Threaded, tapered screw: this appliance is
constructed of acrylic resin and is placed by the
patient between the posterior teeth. With gradual
turns of the screw, the mandible is depressed and the
maxillary and mandibular teeth are forced apart.
Screw type mouth gag: employs a screwtype
component similar to the type incorporated into
orthodontic palatal expansion appliance. It provides
continuous, unilateral and inelastic force.
Fingers: patient should use the finger to depress
the mandible, stretch the muscular to the maximum,
and then maintain the position for a slow count of
ten. This exercise is repeated by the patient
throughout the day.
Tongue blades: for years, tongue blades have been
recommended for use as a wedge or as a mouth prop
to sustain maximal opening. Tongue blades are
effective only in a dentate patient.
Continuousdynamic jaw extension apparatus:
this appliance consist of a contra rotating extending
screw attached to the maxillary and mandibular
arches by two resilient stainless steel wire arms that
are connected to acrylic resin splints. The apparatus
distributes the forces generated by the screw over the
entire dental arch covered by the splints. The force
provided is continuous, bilateral and elastic.1
II. Internally activated appliances: rely on the
patients depressor muscle to stretch the elevator
muscles. Since the elevator muscles can generate
forces that are ten times greater than those generated
by the depressor muscles, the mechanical advantage
gained through the use of depressor muscle is limited.
The amount of force delivered depends on the
strength and motivation of the patient, as do the
frequency and duration of stretching.


Examples include
Tongue blade: Tongue blade can be employed so
that force delivered is imparted by the depressor
muscle alone, and thus the tongue blades are not
used as a wedge. A stack of tongue blades held
together with adhesive tape can provide a goal or
standard for opening the masticatory muscles.
Plastic tapered cylinder: this simple, carrotshaped appliance has proven effective and it allows
the patient to easily identify the maximal maxillomandibular distance on initial stretching, by noting
which ring on the taper is reached when both the
maxillary and mandibular teeth come into contact
with the tapered cylinder. This appliance relies on the
patients depressor muscles to depress the mandible.
Modified spatula technique: Trott described, this
method for patients with severe, non irritable but long
standing temporomandibular restriction of mouth
opening. Clinically this method is also useful for
patients with disc displacement without reduction
and for trismus patients16.
The principle is that the elevator muscles are
inhibited by contract-relax technique including
passive forces towards mouth opening.
Starting position and method
The patient opens the mouth as far as possible.
The clinician inserts as many spatulas as can be fitted
between the upper and lower molar teeth. The patient
will experience an increased tension in the
masticatory muscles and the muscle relief becomes
clearly visible.
A contract relax technique is applied. The
patient is asked to gradually increase the closing force
for a few seconds.
After asking the patient to open the mouth wider,
the clinician attempts to insert another spatula
between two others. The patient usually reports an
increase of muscle tension that will decrease after a
few seconds due to decreased activity in the
contractive tissue.
Afterwards, passive mobilization, contract relax,

Vaishali M.R., et, al.

mouth opening and inserting more spatulas is

The mouth opening occurs in the transverse axis
of the head of the mandible the distance between
the upper and lower molar teeth will always be
smaller than between the incisors spatulas are around
2mm wide, therefore only 3-7 spatulas are needed for
an opening range of 20-30mm.
Recommended activities of daily living
Self regulating activities performed at home,
during work significantly influence craniofacial
muscular pain in both the short and long term. Three
principles of mechanical influence, reflex inhibition
and facilitation of sensomotor cortex apply. They may
be performed with or without appliance.
With appliance.
Cork and spatula exercise: with a cork cut to the
appropriate size, exercise may be performed in end
of range aperture. For example, performing rolling
movements with the cork may have a positive
influence on maximum aperture. Changes of neck
position in flexion and extension may also lead to
positive results.
Without appliance
Thumb depression technique is ideal. This
exercise can be performed anywhere without
appliance and without neck appliances.
Trismus, in many ways is mostly harmless, but it
could give rise to many constraints for the patient,
including social injunctions that can cause anxiety
and danger. Therefore, it is important for the clinicians
to be aware of this significant condition, its causes
and the treatment for trismus should primarily be
directed towards its cause and unless treated
properly, trismus may lead to permanent impairment
of function. Treatment objectives are to remove
edema, soften and stretch the fibrous tissue, increase
the range of joint motion, restore circulatory
efficiency increase the muscular strength and retain
muscular dexterity.
IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010



Vaishali M.R., et, al.


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Table-1: Trismus (Aetiology and differential diagnosis)

1. Ankylosis




Odontogenic, Pulpal, Periodontal, Pericoronal


Non- Odontogenic

Tonsillitis (peritonsillar abscess)

Tetanus, meningitis
2. Arthritis



Brainabscess, parotidabscess
Fracture mandible
Fracture zygomatic arch
Incorporation of foreign bodies

3. Meniscus


Dental treatment related Post extraction, Local anesthetic injection



Trauma toTMJ, Myofacialmusclespasm, Internal derangement



Primary and secondary tumors, of epipharyngeal and parotid region



Phenothiazine, Succinylcholine, Tricyclic antidepressants


Radiotherapy &

Osteoradionecrosis, Postradiation fibrosis



Hypertrophy of coronid, Trismus pseudo-camptodactyly, syndrome



Hysteria, Lupus erythematosis

308 IJDA, 2(3), July-September, 2010

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