How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
Truth Revolt
David Horowitz Freedom Center
PO BOX 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964 Elizabeth@
Printed in the United States of America
basic principles espoused by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He is not someone you should be afraid of in any way. Essentially, Romneys campaign slogan was this: Obama:
Good Guy, Bad President.
And heres what Barack Obama and his surrogates said about Mitt Romney: Mitt Romney is
the worst guy since Mussolini. Mitt Romney is the
guy who straps dogs to the top of cars. Mitt Romney
is the kind of guy who wants to put yall back in
chains. Mitt Romney is leading a war on women
and, in fact, has compiled a binder full of women
that he can then use to prosecute his war. Mitt Romney is the type of guy who would specifically fire an
employee so that five years later his wife would die
of cancer thanks to lack of health insurance. Mitt
Romney would take his money and put it in an overseas bank account specifically to deprive the American people of money. The Obama campaign slogan:
Romney: Rich, Sexist, Racist Jackass.
Now, back to the American voter. Lets assume
youve been watching this messaging battle, and
now you have two choices: Barack Obama, Not a
Very Good President vs. Mitt Romney, The Worst
Guy Ever. Who are you going to vote for? Most
This is the hallmark of being stuck inside a bubble. The people who occupy the professoriate have
not had to work a real job a job with real-world
consequences -- in over 30 years. Theyve lived on
a campus where everyone agrees with them, convincing them that their beliefs are universally-held.
Anyone who disagrees is a flat earther. Anyone
who disagrees is a monster. You are a monster.
They used to call this Pauline Kael syndrome.
Pauline Kael used to be a columnist for The New
Yorker. Back in 1972, writing about the George
McGovern/Richard Nixon landslide election, she
famously observed, I live in a rather special world.
I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where
they are I dont know. Theyre outside my ken. But
sometimes when Im in a theater I can feel them.
She could feel the evil rolling off those people.
At the university level, this perspective is commonplace and that leads to ideological discrimination. That discrimination generally doesnt manifest
as purposefully giving conservatives bad grades;
most professors try to stay away from that, and do
not attempt to destroy people in the classroom, except for a few not-that-rare exceptions. Professors
will, however, grade conservative perspectives down
unconsciously, because they believe those perspectives are wrong, and the people who advocate for
them are bad. Thats why when I was in college, I
wrote like a communist on my tests -- thank God
for blue books! I would put my student ID number
on my blue books, and I was now indistinguishable
from a member of the Spartacus Club. I recommend
this strategy for all conservative students at liberal
organizations and liberal universities: theres no
reason to sacrifice your grades because the professors a jerk.
This sort of bullying isnt just present at the universities. It has taken over the media wholesale. For
the media, all arguments are character arguments. If
you disagree with the members of the media about
something, you are a fundamentally bad human
being. The same is eminently true in Hollywood,
where moral narrative is the heart of the business.
Hollywood is incredibly clever about pushing their
narrative. They create a set of characters that you
believe in, like and want to hang out with; you want
to come back and hang out with those characters
week after week after week. Then Hollywood twists
your newfound friends into exemplars of absolutely
irresponsible behavior, representatives of behavior
you find personally unpalatable. But you like the
frameworks they dislike is useful on virtually every front. When youre discussing global warming,
for example, the proper question is not whether man
is causing global warming. The question is whether
man can fix global warming a question to which
the universally-acknowledged answer is essentially
no, unless we are willing to revert to the pre-industrial age. This is a more useful question, and it also
avoids the lefts preferred line of argument on global warming, which is a variation on their preferred
line on gun control: Global warming is man-made.
Dont agree? Thats because youre stupid and hateful. As a general matter, the lefts favorite three
lines of attack are (1) youre stupid; (2) youre mean;
(3) youre corrupt. Sarah Palin is supposedly stupid;
Mitt Romney is supposedly mean; Dick Cheney is
supposedly corrupt. Take away those lines of attack
and watch the discomfort set in.
Rule #5: Spot Inconsistencies in the Lefts Arguments. The lefts arguments are chock full of inconsistencies. Internal inconsistencies inconsistencies
that are inherent to the lefts general worldview.
Thats because very few people on the left will
acknowledge their actual agenda, which is quite
extreme. Leftists prefer to argue half-measures in
which they dont truly believe. For example, they
Healthcare and gun control arent the only examples. On same-sex marriage, the left claims that the
state has no business regulating someones private
lifeunless the left is simultaneously proclaiming
that the state must sanction someones private activity. On abortion, the left says it is for choice, but
ignores that the baby has no choice.
There are almost invariably unbridgeable inconsistencies in the lefts publicly stated positions that
are at war with their actual fundamental principles.
Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all
what they believe about policy by exposing those
Rule #6: Force Leftists to Answer Questions.
This is really just a corollary of Rule #4. Leftists
are only comfortable when they are forcing you to
answer questions. If they have to answer questions,
they begin to scratch their heads. The questions they
prefer to ask are about your character; the questions
they prefer not to answer are all of them. Instead,
they like to dodge issues in favor of those character
If you force a leftist to answer whether he or she
would prefer to give up mom or dad in the name
Theres a reason that major Democratic candidates work with Hollywood. President Obama
then Senator Obama was the first major candidate
to ever use teleprompters in his Iowa caucus win. He
knew he was speaking with the American people,
not the people in the room. People in the room may
have mocked him. He knew better. Ted Cruz should
have been staring into camera during his filibuster.
And he should have been biting his lip when he read
Green Eggs and Ham.
You have to look like youre a nice person in order for people to believe that you are a nice person.
Scientific studies show that people will judge you
literally within milliseconds of seeing you. Make
them see what you want them to see.
In February 2014, about a year after Piers and I
debated gun control on his show, CNN announced
that he would be tossed off the program. Im glad
to have had a hand in exposing his nasty line of argumentation for what it was. But honestly, debating
those on the left is a skill that anyone can learn if
youre willing to put in the time, get to know your