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How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them

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Truth Revolt
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How To Destroy Leftists In Debate

By Ben Shapiro

How The Left Wins Arguments

All that matters is victory.
Thats a message that seems to have been lost
among conservatives, who are constantly focused
on the virtue of their message, the intellectual honesty of their cause, and the frustration of having nobody care about either.
But its because conservatives dont think about
how to win that they constantly lose.
Take, for example, the election of 2012.
Conservatives lost the 2012 election for one blatantly obvious reason. It wasnt just their technology was no good, though the Obama campaign did
have an obvious technological advantage. It wasnt
just that conservatives did a poor job with the media
-- although they did.

The reason that conservatives lost the 2012

election was garishly simple: most people in America dont follow politics that closely. What they see
about the various candidates are what the candidates
say abouteach other, and what the media say about
the candidates.
So, lets assume for a moment that youre a
typical American voter: you care more about Miley Cyrus twerking on the Video Music Awards than
you do about the vagaries of Obamacare. Lets assume all youve really seen about the elections is
the coverage in the mainstream press and what the
candidates said about each other during the debates.
What exactly did the candidates say about each
other during the debates?
Heres what presidential candidate Mitt Romney said about Barack Obama: Barack Obama is
not a very good President. He said Barack Obama
doesnt do a very good job on the economy; he said
that Obamas foreign policy has a lot of holes in it;
he said Obama has done a pretty poor job across the
board of working in bipartisan fashion. But, Romney added, Obamas a good guy. Hes a good family
man, a good husband, a man who believes in the

basic principles espoused by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He is not someone you should be afraid of in any way. Essentially, Romneys campaign slogan was this: Obama:
Good Guy, Bad President.
And heres what Barack Obama and his surrogates said about Mitt Romney: Mitt Romney is
the worst guy since Mussolini. Mitt Romney is the
guy who straps dogs to the top of cars. Mitt Romney
is the kind of guy who wants to put yall back in
chains. Mitt Romney is leading a war on women
and, in fact, has compiled a binder full of women
that he can then use to prosecute his war. Mitt Romney is the type of guy who would specifically fire an
employee so that five years later his wife would die
of cancer thanks to lack of health insurance. Mitt
Romney would take his money and put it in an overseas bank account specifically to deprive the American people of money. The Obama campaign slogan:
Romney: Rich, Sexist, Racist Jackass.
Now, back to the American voter. Lets assume
youve been watching this messaging battle, and
now you have two choices: Barack Obama, Not a
Very Good President vs. Mitt Romney, The Worst
Guy Ever. Who are you going to vote for? Most

people would pick nice guy, bad politician over

Mussolini. And they did.
The exit polls showed that on the major issues of
the day, Americans agreed with Mitt Romney. They
didnt like Obamas record on jobs, the economy,
Obamacare. But when it came to the key question
which candidate cares more about people like me?
Romney got blown out, 81 percent to 18 percent.
Now, thats not because Barack Obama is a warm
and fuzzy guy. Even those who surround Barack
Obama all day describe him as a cold fish. Obama is
not someone who will bring over a bowl of chicken
soup when you have the flu; hes not even the guy
who will drive you to the airport when it inconveniences him. Yet, somehow, he was considered the
more empathetic of the two candidates. Why? Because Romney was perceived as so darn mean.
No wonder the left seeks to avoid political debate at all costs. Why bother? Members of the left
are not interested in having a debate about policy.
They are not interested in debating what is right or
wrong for the country. They are interested in debating you personally. They are interested in castigating you as a nasty human being because you happen

to disagree. This is what makes leftists leftists: an

unearned sense of moral superiority over you. And
if they can instill that sense of moral superiority in
others by making you the bad guy, they will. People
on the left are taught from childhood that they are
better than conservatives it makes them feel good
to hate conservatives. And that hatred is justified because, after all, conservatives are bigots.
This is why its so comfortable to be on the left:
that unearned sense of moral superiority. Unearned,
because folks on the left havent done anything positive for decades. College students sense of moral
righteousness doesnt come from achievement it
comes from believing that you are a bad person. You
are a racist and sexist; they are not. That makes them
good, even if they dont give charity, have never met
a black person, stand for policies that impoverish
minority communities across the United States, and
enable America-haters around the globe. It doesnt
matter that if they pointed out a KKK member to
you, youd run across the lot to knock him out; in
order for them to be morally superior, you must be
morally inferior. Calling you a racist and sexist, a
bigot and a homophobe, gives them a sense of satisfaction with their status in the universe, even if they
never help a single individual human being.

This is a bully tactic. When someone calls you a

racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe because you happen
to disagree with them about tax policy or same-sex
marriage or abortion, thats bullying. When someone slanders you because you happen to disagree
with them about global warming or the government
shutdown, thats bullying. When someone labels
you a bad human being because they disagree with
you, they are bullying you. They are attacking your
character without justification. Thats nasty. In fact,
it makes them nasty.
The Institutional Takeover
The leftist bullies have taken over the major institutions of the United States.
The university system has been monopolized by
a group of folks who believe that its no longer worthwhile debating the evidence on tax rates, or whether
the Laffer curve is right, or whether Keynesian policies actually promote economic growth. They dont
want to debate those issues. What they want to teach
instead is that is you are personally ignorant, bigoted, corrupt, and mean if you disagree with them.
Their opinions are not opinions; they are fact.

This is the hallmark of being stuck inside a bubble. The people who occupy the professoriate have
not had to work a real job a job with real-world
consequences -- in over 30 years. Theyve lived on
a campus where everyone agrees with them, convincing them that their beliefs are universally-held.
Anyone who disagrees is a flat earther. Anyone
who disagrees is a monster. You are a monster.
They used to call this Pauline Kael syndrome.
Pauline Kael used to be a columnist for The New
Yorker. Back in 1972, writing about the George
McGovern/Richard Nixon landslide election, she
famously observed, I live in a rather special world.
I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where
they are I dont know. Theyre outside my ken. But
sometimes when Im in a theater I can feel them.
She could feel the evil rolling off those people.
At the university level, this perspective is commonplace and that leads to ideological discrimination. That discrimination generally doesnt manifest
as purposefully giving conservatives bad grades;
most professors try to stay away from that, and do
not attempt to destroy people in the classroom, except for a few not-that-rare exceptions. Professors
will, however, grade conservative perspectives down

unconsciously, because they believe those perspectives are wrong, and the people who advocate for
them are bad. Thats why when I was in college, I
wrote like a communist on my tests -- thank God
for blue books! I would put my student ID number
on my blue books, and I was now indistinguishable
from a member of the Spartacus Club. I recommend
this strategy for all conservative students at liberal
organizations and liberal universities: theres no
reason to sacrifice your grades because the professors a jerk.
This sort of bullying isnt just present at the universities. It has taken over the media wholesale. For
the media, all arguments are character arguments. If
you disagree with the members of the media about
something, you are a fundamentally bad human
being. The same is eminently true in Hollywood,
where moral narrative is the heart of the business.
Hollywood is incredibly clever about pushing their
narrative. They create a set of characters that you
believe in, like and want to hang out with; you want
to come back and hang out with those characters
week after week after week. Then Hollywood twists
your newfound friends into exemplars of absolutely
irresponsible behavior, representatives of behavior
you find personally unpalatable. But you like the

character and so, the Hollywood emotional appeal

goes, youre supposed to like what he or she does.
This is the Hollywood argument same-sex marriage:
you like certain characters, so if you dont like their
behavior, its because youre mean and nasty. This
is what Hollywood does best.
If you watch Friends, for example, and you
dont think that its moral for Rachel to sleep around
and have a kid out of wedlock especially given
that shes actually in love with the father of her
child then thats because youre intolerant. If you
think that when Murphy Brown has a child out of
wedlock, its wrong to paint her as a saint, as Dan
Quayle pointed out if you say that Murphy Brown
pushed the lie that there are no real negative life consequences for having a baby without a husband -- ,
you are castigated as being a thickheaded bigot, as
Quayle was. Now, twenty years later, Candice Bergen, who played Murphy Brown, admitted Quayle
was right but at the time, Quayle was running for
re-election, and so he had to be wrong.
The left no longer makes arguments about policies effectiveness. Their only argument is character

When To Debate a Leftist

Before getting to how to debate a leftist, the first
question to ask is why debate a leftist in the first
place. Not every fight is worth having. You have to
pick your fights; there are only so many hours in a
day, and if you spend them battling with your hippie ex-roommate from Cal State Northridge on Facebook, you will regret those spent hours on your
There are truly only three situations in which
debating someone on the left is worthwhile. First,
you must: your grade depends on it, or your waiter
threatens to spit in your food unless you tell him
why same-sex marriage is a detriment to Western
civilization. Second, you found an honest leftist actually willing to be convinced by solid argumentation. Congratulations! You found him. He actually
wants to sit down and have an evidence-based conversation with you; you want to have an evidenced
based conversation with him. Everything is just
hunky dory! Then you ride off on your separate unicorns.
Third, you should debate a leftist if there is an
audience. The goal of the debate will not be to win


over the leftist, or to convince him or her, or to be

friends with him or her. That person already disagrees with you, and theyre not going to be convinced by your words of wisdom and your sparkling
rhetorical flourishes. The goal will be to destroy the
leftist in as public a way as is humanly possible.
Here is how you go about doing just that.
The Eleven Rules for Debating a Leftist
Rule #1: Walk Toward the Fire. This is a rule I
learned from my late mentor Andrew Breitbart. He
was a very clever tactician who understood the fight
at a gut level: he got that politics is warfare by other
means, and that you have to treat it like war.
Andrew used to say you have to embrace the
fight, walk toward the fire. He would explain that
you are going to get hit with the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune no matter which way you turn.
You can try to hide from the attacks of the left; you
can run away from them, attempt to ignore them,
pretend that the left has reached some sort of quasiconsensus in which they live and let live. That will
last until the protesters are outside your business,


the government regulators are outside your house,

or the administrators are inside your childs classroom. Then youll realize that while you were willing to let live, the left simply wasnt.
There is no detente. Detente does not exist. No
matter how nice or polite you are, they will come after you. Mitt Romney learned this the hard way. Mitt
Romney is one of the most polite people to ever run
for President. That didnt stop Mitt Romney from
being excoriated as the worlds most worst human
being. John McCain is best friends with people like
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) -- and it did not
matter one iota when it came time for McCain to
run. McCain was called a radical right-winger and
was painted as a crazy, old kook to the vast majority
of the American public.
The left knows this is war. And they know you
are the enemy. You will be castigated. You will get
punched. Thats the way it will go because thats
how the left wins: through intimidation and cruelty.
You have to take the punch, you have to brush it off.
You have to be willing to take the punch.
Rule #2: Hit First. Dont take the punch first. Hit
first. Hit hard. Hit where it counts. Mike Tyson used


to say, Everybody has a plan til they get punched

in the mouth. Thats exactly correct. But throwing
the first punch requires game-planning. Walking
through the door, you have one shot one! to put
someone down for the count from the beginning of
a debate. If done properly, any debate on a single
topic can be over within the first 30 seconds.
This takes research. You have to know your opponent. You have to know what hes going to say,
what his favorite tactics are, and what his default
positions will be. You need to learn your opposition
inside-out. If you can spar with a stand-in before a
debate, do it: theres a reason that both Romney and
Obama did this before their presidential debates. In
most debates that arent presidential, your opponent
will likely take the debate lightly. There is no substitute for preparation. Know your opponents tendencies particularly if he has a tendency to lower his
hands. Thats where you punch.
Rule #3: Frame Your Opponent. I have argued
that the lefts entire playbook consists of a single
play: characterizing the opposition. Its incredibly
effective. And the only way to get beyond character
arguments is to frame your opponent make it toxic
for your opponent to slur you. Then, hopefully, you


can move the debate to more substantive territory.

This is the vital first step. It is the only first step.
It is the reason that the right consistently loses the
black and Hispanic vote not because the rights
policies are so abhorrent to blacks and Hispanics,
but because blacks and Hispanics have been told for
generations that conservatives hate them.
There is no way to convince someone that
you dont hate him or her. You can convince him
or her, however, that your opposition is a liar and
a hater. When a leftist calls a conservative racist,
the conservative tendency is to defend yourself by
explaining why you arent racist. This is a losing
battle. In fact, youve lost the argument the minute
you engage in it. The proper response to a charge
of racism is not, Im not a racist. Never have been.
I have black friends, black bosses, black employees. Youve already given away the store by dignifying the charge with a response. The proper response to a charge that you beat your wife is not
to explain that you dont beat your wife and are in
fact an ardent feminist: its to point out that throwing around accusations without evidence makes
your opponent a piece of garbage. The truth is that
your opponent, who labels you a racist without evi-


dence, is the actual racist: it is he who waters down

the term racism until it is meaningless by labeling any argument with which he disagrees racist.
No rational conversation is possible with someone who insists you are not worthy of debate. In
fact, if your opponent thinks youre not worthy of
debating, he isnt worthy of debating. If your opponent wants to enter a world in which we can have
rational conversations about the costs and benefits
of particular policies, youre happy to do that. If not,
the conversation is over. There will be no conversation in which you call me a racist, and I explain why
Im not a racist. Thats a conversation for idiots.
Now, theres another important point here: dont
wait for your opponent to call you a racist before
going on the offensive. Youve researched your opponent; youve game-planned him. You know hes
going to call you a racist, because he always calls
his opponents racist.

So hit him first by pointing out his vicious tac-

This is what I did with CNNs Piers Morgan

when I debated with him on gun control. Piers Mor-


gan had made himself the face of the gun control

movement in the aftermath of the horrific Sandy
Hook Elementary massacre, and he did it by bringing on folks from the right and then suggesting that
they were evil for disagreeing with him. Or, alternatively, hed bring on kooks like Alex Jones, wait
for them to go berserk, and then suggest that all gun
owners were berserk nuts waiting to go off. When
he had on Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, he
called him an unbelievably stupid man after Pratt
pointed out gun controls failure in municipalities
across the country. He then added, You have absolutely no coherent argument. You dont actually give
a damn about the gun murder rate in America.
In the aftermath of that conversation, I wrote a
column in which I suggested that Morgan had been
off the rails for days in the wake of the massacre at
Sandy Hook. Morgan invited me on to discuss the
Heres how the conversation went:
guest has strong words for me. He says
Im off the rails on guns in America. Ben
Shapiro is editor-at-large at Breitbart.


com and the author of Bullies: How the

Lefts Culture of Fear and Intimidation
Silences Americans. So, why am I off the
rails, Mr. Shapiro?
SHAPIRO: You know, honestly Piers,
you have kind of been a bully on this issue, because what you do, and Ive seen
it repeatedly on your show. I watch your
show. And Ive seen it repeatedly. What
you tend to do is you tend to demonize
people who differ from you politically by
standing on the graves of the children of
Sandy Hook saying they dont seem to
care enough about the dead kids. If they
cared more about the dead kids, they
would agree with you on policy. I think
we can have a rational, political conversation about balancing rights and risks
and rewards of all of these different policies, but I dont think that what we need
to do is demonize people on the other
side as being unfeeling about what happened at Sandy Hook.
It was at this point that Morgan, in the words of
Breitbarts John Nolte, clutched at his pearls.


MORGAN: How dare you accuse me of

standing on the graves of the children
that died there. How dare you.
SHAPIRO: Ive seen you do it repeatedly, Piers.
MORGAN: Like I say, how dare you.
SHAPIRO: Well, I mean, you can keep
saying that, but youve done it repeatedly. What you do, and Ive seen you do
it on your program, is you keep saying
to folks if they disagree with you politically, then somehow this is a violation of
what happened in Sandy Hook.
Later on in the interview, Piers would come
back to this point, belittling me personally because
he disagreed with my arguments on Second Amendment rights. Again, I hammered home the point:
Piers was a loudmouth and a bully:
MORGAN: Do you know how absurd
you sound?
SHAPIRO: Heres where you go into the


absurd and the bullying. Youre absurd, youre stupid. I understand --

MORGAN: Im not bullying.
SHAPIRO: Of course you are.
MORGAN: Im not the one who came in
here and accused you of standing on the
graves of dead children --
SHAPIRO: Because youre the one who
is doing that. Im punching back twice
as hard.
MORGAN: Thats what I call bullying.
SHAPIRO: You know what I call it?
Punching back twice as hard, in the
words of President Obama.
MORGAN: Thats what I call bullying.
SHAPIRO: This is astonishing.
MORGAN: Whats astonishing?


SHAPIRO: Whats astonishing about it

is for weeks now, you have been saying
that anybody who disagrees with your
position is absurd, idiotic, and doesnt
care about the dead kids in Sandy Hook.
And then when I say that its a bullying
tactic, you turn around and that say Im
bullying you for saying that. Its absurd.
Its ridiculous.
Its important to do this. The left doesnt have
a playbook. They have a play. One play. The play:
youre a jerk. they have a play. One play! The play
is youre nasty. Take that away from them, and they
have nothing. There is literally nothing Piers Morgan could say, because he had no facts or evidence
at his disposal at least not for the arguments he
was making.
When I took that tactic away from Piers, he was
essentially finished.
The interview was a two-segment interview.
During the break, Piers had one of his producers
wheel out a victim of a shooting. Undoubtedly, he
was preparing to swivel the camera I could actually see the cameraman prepping to do so and


force me to make my pro-gun rights arguments to

someone who had been wounded in a shooting. But
because I had already called out his bully tactic, that
gambit was off the table. The minute he pulled that
cynical ploy, I would have told him that he was perfectly comfortable not only standing on the graves
of the children of Sandy Hook, but standing on the
wheelchair of a shooting victim. I would have said,
Why do you have to use victims to illustrate your
point? Why cant you just convince me on the basis
of the evidence that what youre proposing is the
right solution for America?
Suffice it to say, Piers was quite unhappy during
the debate.
Rule #4: Frame the debate. The left is expert at
framing debates. They have buzzwords they use to
direct the debate toward unwinnable positions for
you. They are tolerant, diverse, fighters for social
justice; if you oppose them, by contrast, you are intolerant, xenophobic, and in favor of injustice.
Now, all these terms are to be polite a crock,
if considered as absolute moral values. The left is
wildly intolerant of religious people and conservatives; thats why theyre interested in forcing Chris-


tian bakers to cater to same-sex weddings. They

are anti-intellectual diversity, particularly in areas
of American life in which they predominate; thats
why they stifle conservatism on campus and in the
media. And as for social justice, if social is supposed to be opposed to individual, then social justice is by definition unjust. The lefts use of magical
buzzwords places you in a corner, against supposed
universal values that arent universal or universally
Its important that you neuter those buzzwords
quickly, because otherwise you will be arguing
against nonsense terms that can be used against
you. You cant argue against empty terms. So dont
accept the premises of their arguments, which are
largely buzzword based. On same-sex marriage, the
question is not how same-sex marriage hurts your
marriage thats a nonsensical and stupid question,
like asking how enslavement of others hurts you
personally. The question is whether a child needs
a mother and a father. The question is not whether
two people who love each other should be given
state sanction even the left recognizes that such a
definition is too broad, given that it would include
incestuous relationships. The question is why marriage should be redefined, and how same-sex mar-


riage will strengthen the institution.

On gun control, I used this rule against Piers
Morgan when I redefined the debate from why
Americans need a particular type of gun a silly
question, given that Americans dont need many of
the things we consider essential manifestations of
freedom and toward the question of how to square
the Second Amendment with demands of public
safety. To that end, I handed Morgan a copy of the
Constitution. I told him I was happy to discuss the
evidence on gun control, happy to discuss risks and
rights and rewards of particular policies. But we
had to bring the Constitution into the conversation.
I would really like to hear your policy prescriptions for what we should do about guns because you
say you respect the second amendment. You know,
I brought this here for you so you can read it. Its
the Constitution, I told him. The point was to force
Morgan into an area in which he was uncomfortable.
Morgan would later slam down that copy of the Constitution and call it your little book rejecting a
universally-accepted framework for discussing gun
control, and throwing it in the American peoples
faces. Just over a year later, Piers was off the air.
This tactic forcing the left to debate within


frameworks they dislike is useful on virtually every front. When youre discussing global warming,
for example, the proper question is not whether man
is causing global warming. The question is whether
man can fix global warming a question to which
the universally-acknowledged answer is essentially
no, unless we are willing to revert to the pre-industrial age. This is a more useful question, and it also
avoids the lefts preferred line of argument on global warming, which is a variation on their preferred
line on gun control: Global warming is man-made.
Dont agree? Thats because youre stupid and hateful. As a general matter, the lefts favorite three
lines of attack are (1) youre stupid; (2) youre mean;
(3) youre corrupt. Sarah Palin is supposedly stupid;
Mitt Romney is supposedly mean; Dick Cheney is
supposedly corrupt. Take away those lines of attack
and watch the discomfort set in.
Rule #5: Spot Inconsistencies in the Lefts Arguments. The lefts arguments are chock full of inconsistencies. Internal inconsistencies inconsistencies
that are inherent to the lefts general worldview.
Thats because very few people on the left will
acknowledge their actual agenda, which is quite
extreme. Leftists prefer to argue half-measures in
which they dont truly believe. For example, they


say they want to ban assault weapons to stop gun

murders. But that argument is silly, because handguns are used to kill far more people than so-called
assault weapons. And yet the left wont argue in favor of a blanket gun ban, because they know they
will lose.
To take another example, with regard to healthcare, the left suggests that their entire goal is to make
healthcare available to everyone. But they dont
mandate that a certain percentage of the population
go to medical school. Thats because in order for
government to guarantee a products availability,
the government must either hire workers or force
workers to get into a given industry. The government hiring workers would require paying money
for doctors and the left argues that doctors already
make too much money. And the left wont argue
openly for what they would prefer: forcing people to practice medicine for patients deemed worthy by the government. Unless you are willing to
force people using the law to go to medical school,
you cannot have a successful universal healthcare
system. Thats what theyre finding out in Britain,
Canada, and Israel all countries in which private
medicine is on the rise, legally or illegally, outside
government auspices.


Healthcare and gun control arent the only examples. On same-sex marriage, the left claims that the
state has no business regulating someones private
lifeunless the left is simultaneously proclaiming
that the state must sanction someones private activity. On abortion, the left says it is for choice, but
ignores that the baby has no choice.
There are almost invariably unbridgeable inconsistencies in the lefts publicly stated positions that
are at war with their actual fundamental principles.
Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all
what they believe about policy by exposing those
Rule #6: Force Leftists to Answer Questions.
This is really just a corollary of Rule #4. Leftists
are only comfortable when they are forcing you to
answer questions. If they have to answer questions,
they begin to scratch their heads. The questions they
prefer to ask are about your character; the questions
they prefer not to answer are all of them. Instead,
they like to dodge issues in favor of those character
If you force a leftist to answer whether he or she
would prefer to give up mom or dad in the name


of political correctness after all, all families are

equal, so what difference does it make? they will
avoid. If you force a leftist to answer whether they
would force churches to perform same-sex marriages, they will avoid. If you force a leftist to answer
why we should all give up our nice cars while the
Chinese and Russians continue to dump toxic waste
into the atmosphere, they will avoid.
Forcing the left to answer questions is often like
trying to pin pudding to the wall messy and nearimpossible. But its uncomfortable for them to be on
the defensive.
Rule #7: Do Not Get Distracted. You may notice
when arguing with someone on the left that every
time you begin to make a point, that leftist begins
shouting about George W. Bush. Its like Leftist
Tourettes Syndrome. Why did Obama blow out
the budget? BUUUUUUUSHHHH!!!!!
Dont be fooled. You dont need to follow the
idiotic rabbit down into his Bushy rabbit hole. The
same holds true of same-sex marriage, which leftists bring up no matter what the context. You dont
like the current tax rates? Well, you probably think
those taxes are too because PROPOSITION 8.


Arguing with the left is like attempting to nail

jello to the wall. Its slippery and messy and a waste
of resources. You must force them to answer the
question. So the next time they mention Bush, your
reply should be, WILLIAM MCKINLEY. Bush
has nothing to do with anything.
In our gun control debate, Piers Morgan tried
exactly this tactic; during the break, one of his
Oompa-Loompas scurried out with several boxes of
Sudafed. Being from California, I, of course, thought
that we were preparing to cook some crystal meth.
But what was about to ensue was less profitable. He
tried to contend that I was inconsistent because there
are restrictions on the amount of Sudafed you can
buy, but not on the amount of ammunition. I simply
stated that I didnt see the relationship between the
two laws. Id be happy to discuss either in isolation,
but I found the connection unnecessary and distracting. He had to move on.
Rule #8: You Dont Have To Defend People on
Your Side. Just because someone is on your side
doesnt mean you have to defend everything he or
she says. Conservatives get trapped in this gambit
routinely, because they figure that the enemy of their
enemy is their friend: if the left is attacking some-


one, he must be worth defending. But thats not true.

I liked George W. Bush, but his second term was a
disaster area. So was much of his first term. I dont
feel the necessity to defend his Iran policy, because
it was terrible. Period.
Ronald Reagan was not a god. He himself would
have said that. Dont follow people. Follow principle.
Rule #9: If You Dont Know Something, Admit
It. I remember one time when I was younger and
was in a business meeting with a client I was trying
to convince to invest. The client asked me if I knew
about something he had written. I nodded absently;
he then asked me what I thought. I attempted to BS
a response, but failed miserably. Later, someone
older and wiser took me to task for it.
I made it my mission from then on to admit it if
I didnt know enough about something. Dont get
caught in the trap of believing you have to know
everything about everything. Your opponent will
undoubtedly know something you dont. Its fair to
simply state, I didnt know that, but Ill be happy
to research and get back to you.


Another side-note here: dont bring up a topic

with which you arent passingly familiar.
Mitt Romney would have benefitted from that
strategy. When he brought up Benghazi in the Candy
Crowley debate, it was clear he wasnt fluent with
the topic. The result: he got pantsed publicly, even
though he was correct.
Rule #10: Let The Other Side Have Meaningless Victories. This is a parlor trick you can use to
great effect with your leftist friends. Leftists prize
faux moderation above all else; by granting them a
point or two, you can convince them that you arent
a radical right-winger at all. After all, everyone can
admit both parties are terrible!
These are points that mean nothing. You lose
nothing by stating that both the Democratic and
Republican Parties are awful and they look immoderate by refusing to acknowledge the same. The
same holds true with regard to the lefts language.
If the left engages you on immigration reform,
your answer should always be that you are for immigration reform. Now, how do they define immigration reform? Thats the key question. But be-


cause youve already granted the premise that you

like the idea of immigration reform, you dont look
like a naysayer off the bat. The truth is that like most
political buzzwords, immigration reform can mean
virtually anything: it can mean erecting a moat on
the border, or granting blanket amnesty. The conversation is meaningless until you force the left to
define terms. Until then, we can all agree on useless
Rule #11: Body Language Matters. Remember
back in 2008 when John McCain was debating Barack Obama? The imagistics were relatively horrible for Republicans. You had a tall relatively goodlooking black dude versus a short, hunched-over,
angry-looking, balding white refugee from casting
for Emperor Palpatine. During the ridiculous walk
and talk debate, John McCain throttled the mic as
if to strangle it. Whomever looks angriest in debate
loses. Immediately. And during the DNC, Obama
looked like a Greek god descending from the clouds
on an Olympian stage, while McCain looked like he
had gotten lost in front of a green screen in a porn
studio in the San Fernando Valley.
Nixon lost the 1960 televised debate with Kennedy, but won the radio debate. They were the same


debate. Nixon just looked awful.

The left is expert at imagistics. The right is not,
because the right falsely believes that shallow imagistics can be beaten with substance. Which has
worked out fabulously for every great actress who
is 300 lbs. in Hollywood all two of them who are
Everyone laughed at Marco Rubio for swigging
from a water bottle during his response to the State
of the Union; the right protested that such laughter wasnt fair. But the truth is that it was fair. The
water-swigging said two things: that Marco Rubio
was nervous and the Republican party was too incompetent to remember to put a bottle of water on
the podium before him. Imagistics matter.
Bill Clinton knew that body language mattered.
He bit the lower lip, because it conveyed emotion
and control. He had varying types of handshake for
various levels of potential donors (and he had one
special type of handshake for Monica Lewinsky).
He gestured with the elevator-button-push: a fist
with the thumbpad forward, conveying power and
gentleness. He uses wide and open arm motions.


Theres a reason that major Democratic candidates work with Hollywood. President Obama
then Senator Obama was the first major candidate
to ever use teleprompters in his Iowa caucus win. He
knew he was speaking with the American people,
not the people in the room. People in the room may
have mocked him. He knew better. Ted Cruz should
have been staring into camera during his filibuster.
And he should have been biting his lip when he read
Green Eggs and Ham.
You have to look like youre a nice person in order for people to believe that you are a nice person.
Scientific studies show that people will judge you
literally within milliseconds of seeing you. Make
them see what you want them to see.
In February 2014, about a year after Piers and I
debated gun control on his show, CNN announced
that he would be tossed off the program. Im glad
to have had a hand in exposing his nasty line of argumentation for what it was. But honestly, debating
those on the left is a skill that anyone can learn if
youre willing to put in the time, get to know your


own arguments, and get to know the arguments of

the left even better.
And you will be dragged into these debates. You
will be dragged into a fight. It may not be fun; you
may hate it. But you dont have to hate it. In fact,
it can be an absolute blast. The moment you dont
give a damn what they say about you because you
realize theyre lying is the moment you have the upper hand.
Its a thrill when you know how to respond to
someone who calls you a racist without evidence.
Its a thrill to go on the offense. And its a double
thrill to do so when you know the future of the
country is at stake, and youre taking a vital role in
fighting back.
In 2009, Obama surrogate Jim Messina told
Democratic Senators that they could defend Obamacare as stridently as possible because, after all,
If you get hit, Messina said, we will punch back
twice as hard.
For decades, conservatives have been hit by bullies. And theres only one way to deal with bullies.
In the words of the White House, punch back twice
as hard.



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