2004-02 Indonesia Biodiversity and Tropical Forest

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Report on Biodiversity and

Tropical Forests in Indonesia

Submitted in accordance with Foreign
Assistance Act Sections 118/119

February 20, 2004

Prepared for USAID/Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5
Jakarta 10110

Prepared by Steve Rhee, M.E.Sc.

Darrell Kitchener, Ph.D.
Tim Brown, Ph.D.
Reed Merrill, M.Sc.
Russ Dilts, Ph.D.
Stacey Tighe, Ph.D.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
Acronyms....................................................................................................................................... ix
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... xvii
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1- 1
2. Legislative and Institutional Structure Affecting Biological Resources............................... 2 - 1
2.1 Government of Indonesia................................................................................................ 2 - 2
2.1.1 Legislative Basis for Protection and Management of Biodiversity
and Forest Resources ............................................................................................ 2 - 2
2.1.2 Government Institutions Concerned with Biodiversity Conservation
and Management of Forests and other Natural Resources................................... 2-10
2.1.3 Environmental Profiles and National Conservation Strategies........................... 2-12
2.1.4 GOI Budget Expenditure on Environmental Management,
including Biodiversity Conservation, Forestry and
Protected Areas Management ............................................................................ 2-14
2.1.5 International Treaties and Agreements Involving GOI ...................................... 2-17
2.1.6 Legislative and Institutional Issues Affecting Biodiversity
and Forest Conservation ..................................................................................... 2-19
2.2 Non-Governmental Organizations Involved in Forestry and Biodiversity.................... 2-24
2.2.1 Description of Some Key Indonesian NGOs ........................................................ 2-24
2.2.2 Descriptions of Some Key International NGOs.................................................... 2-31
2.2.3 Indonesian NGO Transition Issues and Capacity Needs ...................................... 2-34
2.2.4 NGO Resource Base ............................................................................................ 2-36
2.3 International Organizations............................................................................................. 2-37
2.3.1 Major Dobor Programs and Trends ....................................................................... 2-37
2.3.2 International Funding in the Forestry Sector ......................................................... 2-42
2.3.3 International Funding for Biodiversity Conservation and
Protected Areas Management ................................................................................ 2-43
2.3.4 US Government Initiatives for Biological Resource Conservation
and Management.................................................................................................... 2-46
3. Indonesian Biodiversity Patterns .......................................................................................... 3 - 1
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
3.2 Indonesia's Marine Environment and Region Specific Biodiversity .............................. 3 - 2
3.3 Marine Environments, Coral Reefs and mangrove Communities .................................. 3 - 3
3.4 Sundaland........................................................................................................................ 3 - 8
3.4.1 Kalimantan............................................................................................................. 3 - 8
3.4.2 Sumatra and Associated Islands............................................................................. 3-21
3.4.3 Java and Associated Islands................................................................................... 3-35
3.5 Sulawesi .......................................................................................................................... 3-49

3.6 Papua............................................................................................................................... 3-65

3.7 Nusa Tenggara and Maluku ............................................................................................ 3-77
4. Protected Areas Policy, Status and Management ................................................................. 4 - 1
4.1 Terrestrial Protected Areas ............................................................................................. 4 - 2
4.1.1 A Brief History of Indonesian Protected Area Policy ......................................... 4 - 2
4.1.2 Management and Control of Protected Area Lands............................................... 4 - 6
4.1.3 Protected Area Financing....................................................................................... 4 - 9
4.1.4 Assessment of Indonesia Terrestrial Protected Area Policy
and Management.................................................................................................... 4-12
4.2 A Note on Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia ............................................................ 4-13
5. Status and Protection of Endangered Species....................................................................... 5 - 1
5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 5 - 1
5.2 The Indonesian Endangered Species List ....................................................................... 5 - 2
5.3 The Extent of Endangered Species in Indonesia............................................................. 5-17
5.4 Conservation of Endangered Species.............................................................................. 5-18
5.5 Endangered Species Habitats.......................................................................................... 5-19
6. Conservation Outside of Protected Areas ............................................................................. 6 - 1
6.1 Managed Natural Systems .............................................................................................. 6 - 1
6.1.1 Forest Resources .................................................................................................... 6 - 1 Overview of Indonesia's Forests ................................................................ 6 - 1 Current Status of Indonesia's Forests......................................................... 6 - 2 Forest Land Use Types .............................................................................. 6 - 3 Commercial Forestry ................................................................................. 6 - 4 Environmental Implications of Forest Loss............................................... 6 - 6 Conflict and Forest Resources ................................................................... 6 - 9
6.1.2 Coastal and Marine Resources............................................................................... 6-11
6.1.3 Inland Waters and Wetlands .................................................................................. 6-12
6.1.4 Agro-ecosystems.................................................................................................... 6-13
6.1.5 Ecosystems and Watershed Management.............................................................. 6-17
6.2 Impacts of Development Projects .................................................................................. 6-27
6.2.1 Key Types of Development Projects ..................................................................... 6-27 Mining........................................................................................................ 6-27 Petroleum ................................................................................................... 6-30 Land Conversion........................................................................................ 6-31 Roads and Infrastructure ............................................................................ 6-32
6.2.2 Regulatory Framework for Environmental Management ...................................... 6-33 Environmental Impact Assessment and Management ............................... 6-33 Spatial Planning Process ............................................................................ 6-34 Monitoring and Enforcement for Environmental Management................. 6-35
6.3 Ex-situ Conservation........................................................................................................ 6-36
6.4 Conservation of Economically Important Species and Germplasm ................................ 6-39


7. Major Issues and Recommendations for Biodiversity and Forest Conservation................... 7 - 1

7.1 Major Issues and Recommendations According to Geographic Focus ........................... 7 - 1
7.1.1 Kalimantan............................................................................................................. 7 - 1
7.1.2 Sumatra .................................................................................................................. 7 - 4
7.1.3 Java ........................................................................................................................ 7 - 7
7.1.4 Sulawesi ................................................................................................................. 7 - 9
7.1.5 Papua...................................................................................................................... 7-12
7.1.6 Nusa Tenggara and Maluku ................................................................................... 7-15
7.2 Cross-cutting Themes and Recommendations................................................................. 7-16
7.2.1 Institutional Development, Governance and Protected Areas .............................. 7-16
7.2.2 Status and Management of Protected Areas ......................................................... 7-18
7.2.3 Ecosystems and Watersheds ................................................................................. 7-20
7.2.4 Forest Resources ................................................................................................... 7-22
7.2.5 Coastal and Marine Resources.............................................................................. 7-23
7.2.6 Conflict Management............................................................................................ 7-24
7.2.7 Education, Capacity Building and Training.......................................................... 7-26
7.2.8 Status and Protection of Endangered Species....................................................... 7-27
7.2.9 Inland Waters and Wetlands ................................................................................. 7-28
7.2.10 Impacts of Development ....................................................................................... 7-29



List of Tables
Table 2.1: Central Government Agency Function Related to Conservation
of Forests and Biodiversity Resources...................................................................... 2-11
Table 2.2: Indonesias Membership in International Conservation Treaties............................. 2-17
Table 2.3: Indonesias MOUs/Agreements to Curb Illegal Logging......................................... 2-18
Table 2.4: Summary of Funding for Donor Projects in the Forestry Sector.............................. 2-43
Table 3.1: Comparison of coral diversity and various other ecological
Characteristics for Seven Indo-West Pacific Coral Reef Areas................................ 3 - 5
Table 3.2: Mangrove Area (ha) by Island (group) in Indonesia ................................................ 3 - 7
Table 3.3: Species Richness on Major Indonesian Islands. Kalimantan
Included in Borneo Statistics .................................................................................... 3-11
Table 3.4: The Major Lakes of Sumatra .................................................................................... 3-30
Table 3.5: Comparison of Coral Diversity and Various Other Ecological Characteristics
of the Three Sulawesi Marine Sites and Other Indo-West Pacific Coral
Reef Areas................................................................................................................. 3-56
Table 4.1: Structure and Extent of Indonesias Protected Areas System .................................. 4 - 1
Table 4.2: Major Investments in Indonesian Protected Area Management
During the 1990s....................................................................................................... 4 - 5
Table 4.3: International NGOs (INGOs) Supporting Protected Area
Management in Indonesia ......................................................................................... 4 - 8
Table 4.4: Sources of PHPA financing and the average budget for the
three-year period 1994-1997..................................................................................... 4-10
Table 5.1: Numbers of Indonesian Critically Endangered, Endangered
& Vulnerable Species (spp) and Total Number of Species in
Each Group in Indonesia........................................................................................... 5-16
Table 6.1: Distribution of Indonesias Land, Forest Land, and Watersheds ........................... 6-20
Table 6.2: Distribution of Watersheds and River Systems in Indonesia ................................... 6-20
Table 6.3: Distribution of State Forest Lands .......................................................................... 6-21
Table 6.4: Distribution of Critical Lands Inside and Outside State Forest Area ....................... 6-23
Table 6.5: Areas Affected by National Land and Forest Rehabilitation Program..................... 6-24
Table 6.6: Rehabilitation Areas Compared to Critical Areas .................................................... 6-25
Table 6.7: Rehabilitation Efforts and Critical Lands Inside and Outside State Forest ............. 6-26


List of Figures
Fig. 1.1: Map of Indonesia ...................................................................................................... 1 2
Fig. 2.1a: Sum of Development Expenditure (own resources) and
Routine Expenditures in Sector 10 ........................................................................... 2-15
Fig. 2.1b: Core Environment Expenditure in Sector 10 .......................................................... 2-15
Fig. 2.2: Budget for Nature Conservation and National Parks ................................................. 2-16
Fig. 3.1: Indonesia with Sundaland, Wallacea and Sahul Boundaries ..................................... 3 - 2
Fig. 3.2: Map of Kalimantan...................................................................................................... 3 - 8
Fig. 3.3: Map of Sumatra ........................................................................................................... 3-22
Fig. 3.4: Map of bio-units of Sumatra and its associated islands .............................................. 3-23
Fig. 3.5: The Major Catchment Areas of Java and Bali............................................................. 3-44
Fig. 3.6: Map of Sulawesi .......................................................................................................... 3-51
Fig. 3.7 Map of Papua............................................................................................................... 3-66
Fig. 3.8: Freshwater Systems ..................................................................................................... 3-72
Fig. 3.9: Map of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku............................................................................ 3-78
Fig. 3.10: Avian Biogeographical Units of Nusa Tenggara and Manado.................................. 3-85
Fig. 4.1: Map of Indonesian MPAs ......................................................................................... 4-14
Fig. 6.1: Forest Loss Implications.............................................................................................. 6 - 7
Fig. 6.2: Distribution of Indonesias Lands ............................................................................... 6-22



Accessed Forest

Bina Desa
Conservation Forest
Conversion Forest



A term used to describe forest that has been disturbed by human

activity. Accessed forests are defined not according to a measure of
biological disturbance but by the proximity of the forest to roads,
navigable rivers (in the case of Kalimantan), human settlements,
agriculture, mines, and other developments. Forests are considered
accessed if they are within 0.5 km of rivers or 1 km of roads and other
features. (See also Low Access Forest.)
Asian Development Bank
The establishment by human action of forest cover on land that was not
previously forested or was not forested within living memory.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Indonesia Plywood Association
Alternatives to Slash and Burn Program
Regional Development Planning Board
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/National Development
Planning Agency
Community assistance requirements under forest concessions
Badan Pertanahan Nasional/National Land Agency
Biro Pusat Statistik/Central Statistics Board
Country Assistance Strategy
Convention of Biodiversity
Community-based forest management
Community-driven Development
Clean Development Mechanism
Consultative Group on Indonesia
Conservation International
Center for International Forestry Research
The complete removal of all tree cover for wood harvesting and/or land
An area of natural forest designated for selective harvest under an HPH
license. (See also Production Forest.)
Forest that is designated for wildlife or habitat protection, usually found
within national parks and other protected areas.
Forest that is designated (under an IPK license) for clearance and
permanent conversion to another form of land use, typically a timber or
estate crop plantation.
Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program
Consultative Group on Indonesia. Refers to the group of bilateral and
multilateral donors to Indonesia, as well as the meetings between this
donor group and the Indonesian government.
diameter (of tree trunk) at breast height



Dinas Kehutanan

Era Reformasi
Estate Crops
Forest/Forest Cover

The permanent removal of forest cover and conversion of the land to

other uses. According to the land use definition used by FAO and
accepted by most governments, forest land that has been harvested,
even clear-cut, is not regarded as deforested because, in principle, trees
may re-grow or be replanted. Deforestation is recorded only when the
land is permanently converted to non-forest use. However, the remote
sensing imagery used in this report to determine land cover (the
presence or absence of forest) over time does not make such a
distinction and clear-cut land has been recorded as non-forest or
deforested land.
Donor Forum on Forestry
Department for International Development, U.K.
Directorate General/Direktorat Jendral
Provincial or district agency reporting to governor, mayor or bupati
Forestry Service (regional)
Direktorat Jendral/Directorate General, DG
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/Peoples National Assembly
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/ District or Provincial House of
Environmental Impact Assessment
Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Industry
El Nio Southern Oscillation
Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening Indefinite
Quantity Contract/Natural Resources Management Program. A
program of the United States Agency for International Development
Era of policy reform since the fall of Soeharto, mid-1998
Agricultural crops grown on plantations. The most widely grown estate
crops include rubber, oil palm, coconut, cocoa, and tea.
European Union
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forest Law Enforcement and Governance [Initiative]
Forum Kommunikasi Kehutanan Masyarakat (Communication Forum
on Peoples Forestry)
Land on which trees form the dominant vegetation type. The FAO
defines forest as land with tree crown cover of more than 10 percent of
the ground and land area of more than 0.5 ha. In addition, the trees
should characteristically reach a minimum height of 5 m at maturity. It
should be noted that a canopy cover threshold of 10 percent represents
quite sparse tree cover; most natural forest in Indonesia is closed
canopy forest. The Indonesian government uses a land use definition of
forest in the various land use classes that comprise Permanent Forest

Forest Degradation




Status (see below). However, up to 20 percent of Permanent Forest

Status land has been deforested.
May be generally defined as a reduction in tree density and/or increased
disturbance to the forest that results in the loss of forest products and
forest-derived ecological services. The FAO defines degradation as
changes within the forest class (for example, from closed to open
forest) that negatively affect the stand or site and, in particular, lower
production capacity. Common causes of forest degradation include
selective felling, fuelwood collection, road building, and shifting
Gross Domestic Product
Global Environment Facility
Government of Indonesia
Governance Reform Initiative Project
Deutsche Gesellscahft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, GmbH/German
Development Agency
Hak Guna Usaha/Use rights
Hutan Konservasi/Conservation Forest, incl. national parks, nature and
wildlife reserves, great forests, etc.
Hutan Konversi/Conversion Forest
Hutan Lindung/Protection Forest [for watershed protection]
Hutan Produksi/Production Forest
Hak Pengusahaan Hutan/A license that is granted for the selective
harvest of natural forests over a given period, typically 20 years, and is
renewable for a further period, typically another 20 years. The licenses
are intended to maintain the forest as permanent production forest.
Hutan Tanaman Industri/A license to grow an industrial forest to
supply industrial fiber, usually pulpwood, for 35 years plus 1 rotation
period (typically 8 years for pulpwood.) The license may be renewed
for a further 35 years. Licensees are allowed to clear 100 percent of the
land area but are required to plant only 25 percent. This limited
planting requirement is not always met. Industrial forests are supposed
to be established on degraded land, but in practice they are sometimes
established after clear-cutting natural forest.
Indonesia Bank Restructuring Agency
Indonesian Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan. Also referred to as
BAPI (Biodiversity Action Plan Indonesia).
Integrated Conservation and Development Project
International Center for Research on Agroforestry
Interdepartmental Committee on Forestry
International Monetary Fund
Institut Pertanian Bogor/Bogor Agricultural Institute



Kawasan Hutan Negara
Limited Prod. Forest

Low Access Forest

Natural Forest


Ijin Pemanfaatan Kayu/A license to clear land for the purposes of

establishing industrial timber plantations, agricultural plantations (for
example, oil palm), transmigration sites, or other development
schemes. Although the ostensible purpose of IPKs is to establish
plantations, they are sometimes more highly valued for the roundwood
yielded by land clearance. Wood harvested from IPKs provides a major
share of total roundwood supplies in Indonesia.
World Conservation Union
Japanese International Cooperation Agency
Kabupaten/Regency or District
Kantor Wilayah/Provincial office of a central line agency
State Forest Area
Kecamatan Development Project
Kerinci Seblat - Integrated Conservation Development Project
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia (Ecolabeling Institute)
Forest that is allocated for low-intensity timber production. Typically,
limited production forest is found in mountainous areas where steep
slopes make logging difficult.
A term used in this report to describe primary or mature secondarygrowth forests that are relatively undisturbed by human activity. Low
access forests are defined according to their area and distance from
roads, navigable rivers (in the case of Kalimantan), human settlements,
agriculture, mines, and other development. The minimum distance from
these features is 0.5-1 km. Low Access Forests allocated for use under
an HPH, HTI, or IPK license are defined as potentially low access
forests. (See also Accessed Forest.)
Millenium Development Goal
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Forestry/Departemen Kehutanan (DepHut)
Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops. Previous name of MoF
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat/Peoples Consultative Assembly
Administrative area under traditional Minangkabau governance
Forests composed primarily of indigenous trees that have not been
planted by humans. Natural forests exclude plantations.
Any land use or land cover category other than forest
National Forest Inventory: The NFI, published in 1996, was undertaken
by the Indonesian government (Ministry of Forestry) with financial
support from the World Bank and technical assistance from the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
National Forest Program


Permanent Forest Status



Production Forest

Protection Forest


Non-Governmental Organization
Natural Resource Management
Protected areas
Pemerintah Daerah/Local Government
Peraturan Daerah/Local Government Regulation issued by the local
parliament, DPRD I or DPRD II
Land that is legally allocated as part of the national forest estate and
falls under the control of the Ministry of Forestry. The term refers to
land use (land intended for the purposes of forestry) not to land cover
(land covered with trees). Land under permanent forest status is not
necessarily forested and is not therefore the equivalent of forest cover
(see above).
Perlindungan dan Konservasi Alam/Protection and Nature
Conservation, i.e., DirJen PKA
Forest stands established by planting and/or seeding in the process of
afforestation or reforestation. They comprise either introduced species
(all planted stands) or intensively managed stands of indigenous
species. Plantations may be established to provide wood products
(timber, pulp) or such agricultural crops as oil palm and coconut.
Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan/Guidance for Forest Village
Communities, a government program for implementation by forest
concessionaires, that replace the similar Bina Desa program
Forest that falls within the boundaries of a timber concession (under an
HPH license) and is managed for timber production. Under good
management, harvesting levels are balanced by planting and regrowth
so that the forest will continue to produce wood indefinitely. In
practice, forests within timber concessions are often heavily logged and
sometimes clear-cut.
Forest that is intended to serve environmental functions, typically to
Policy Reform Support Loan
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
raid, e.g., by anti-illegal logging team
The establishment by humans of forest cover on land that was formerly
The reappearance of forest on cleared or selectively logged land
through natural regeneration.
The Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration: A
national survey, published in 1990, that included a mapping exercise,
carried out by the Indonesian government (Ministry of Transmigration)
with funds and technical assistance provided by the British
reduced impact logging




Selective Logging/
Selective Harvesting


Rencana Karya Tahunan/Annual Cutting Plan

All wood in its natural state obtained felling or other forms of
harvesting. Commodities produced from roundwood include sawlogs
and veneer logs, pulpwood, wood-based panels, other processed wood
products, other industrial roundwood
Surat Angkutan Kayu Bulat/Log (round wood) transport license;
since2000, SKSHH
Structural Adjustment Loan
Sub Balai Inventorisasi dan Pemetaan Hutan/Sub-office of [regional]
office for Forest Inventory and Mapping, MoF (under the Planology
Agency/Badan Planologi)
Sub Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam/Sub-office of regional
office of Conservation of Natural Resources, MoF (under PKA)
The selective removal of specific tree species or trees of a specific size
or other quality. Selective logging, depending on its intensity, may or
may not result in partial opening of the canopy cover. Even very
lowintensity selective logging may lead to forest degradation if trees
are felled carelessly or are removed roughly from the surrounding
forest. (including mining pitprops), and fuelwood.
State Forest Area
sustainable forest management
Surat Keterangan Sah Hasil Hutan/Letter of Official Validity for
Forest Products; previously SAKB
Strategic Opportunities 1 to 5, inclusive
Provision of information on implementation of a program or policy
(top-down connotation)
Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan/Forest Land-Use Plan, 1982
The Nature Conservancy
Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat/ Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP)
Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia/Selective logging system
Tebang Pilih dan Tanam Indonesia/Indonesian Selective Harvest and
Planting sylvicultural system for natural production forests
Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan
United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation
Monitoring Centre.
Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan
Technical Execution Unit for national park management
United States Agency for International Development
United States Environmental Protection Agency
cover and soil stability on steep slopes and to protect watersheds.
Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia/The Indonesian Environmental


Yayasan Kehati

Water Resources Sectoral Adjustment Loan

World Bank
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati/National Biodiversity Foundation



Executive Summary
Purpose of the Report
USAID/Indonesia is required under Sections 118 and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act
(FAA) to carry out a background assessment of the status of forests and biological
diversity in Indonesia to ensure that its new strategic plan most effectively improves the
conservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of forest resources in Indonesia.
This assessment must:
Provide an analysis of actions necessary in Indonesia to achieve conservation and
sustainable management of tropical forests.
Evaluate the extent to which actions proposed meet identified needs.

Current status of biodiversity and forests

Indonesia with 17,000 islands is a mega biodiversity country that is ranked first in the
world for number of mammals, palms, swallowtail butterfly, and parrot species. Further,
it is the center of plant species diversity for a number of genera and is one of the worlds
centers of species diversity of hard corals and many groups of reef-associated flora and
Because of the multiple threats to its forests and their associated biodiversity, Indonesia
has been identified, by all recent international priority-setting exercises, as a global
priority for actions to conserve biodiversity. The regional biodiversity analyses in this
report demonstrate that these threats to biodiversity and forests have worsened since the
political, economic and environmental shocks of 1997-1998.
The fall of Suharto in May 1998, saw the central governments control over regional
affairs, including natural resource management, vastly reduced. This has led to worse
forestry practices, increased exploitation of biodiversity and increased conflicts over land
tenure. The rate of deforestation in Indonesia in 2003 was the highest in the world and
reached 2.4 million ha/yr. Overcapacity in the wood-processing industry, which
consumes at least six times the officially allowed harvest (6.3 million m3 for 2003), is a
key factor driving over-exploitation of the forests and illegal logging. Conversion of
forests for agricultural purposes is also a primary cause of forest loss and a secondary


cause of the 1997-98 forest and land fires, which burned nearly 5 million ha and imposed
approximately US$8 billion in economic losses on Indonesias citizens.
The World Bank predicts that all lowland rainforests outside protected areas will be
degraded in Sumatra by 2005 and in Kalimantan by 2010. Lowland forests throughout
Indonesia are the most biodiverse habitats, but are also under greatest threat from habitat
loss, fragmentation and degradation, over-exploitation of resources, and secondary
Approximately 40 million Indonesians depend directly on forest resources (timber, rattan,
firewood, etc.) and millions of others reap indirect benefits. These forest and non-timber
forest products are exploited at unsustainable rates, which will most affect the forest
dependent communities, who will suffer from loss of these environmental services.
On paper, Indonesia has a reasonably representative set of protected areas, but most of
these areas are under intense multiple threats. National conservation strategies are also
reasonably well defined and the local human capacity, if not availability of resources, to
manage protected areas steadily improves. Further, there is a burgeoning and vocal civil
society interest in conserving forests and biodiversity. A nascent environmental
conservation culture is developing in Indonesia, stimulated in part by environmental
catastrophes (e.g., floods, erosion, landslides, loss of potable water and pollution) that are
often caused by bad forestry practices. The increasing empowerment of local
governments and communities through decentralization laws, also offers hope that
governments and local communities will purposively respond to these environmental
crises at both the policy and ground levels.

Actions required to conserve biodiversity and forests

Land tenure conflicts need to be resolved by improved governance, especially by
allowing more transparent participation of all stakeholders in spatial planning processes
and management of forests and biodiversity at all levels of government. The spatial
planning process should be much more focused on landscape level approaches and
mechanisms to encourage better conservation practice outside as well as inside existing
protected areas. Objectives for conservation of forests and biodiversity need to be
mainstreamed into these planning processes. While greater participation in decisionmaking is essential, much greater emphasis is required with outreach to educate

stakeholders of the socio-economic benefits of environmental services. Improved

governance is also required to enforce existing laws and regulations that relate to spatial
plans, and environmental management practices, especially in timber concessions and
protected areas.
Priorities need to be established to determine where conservation actions need to be
implemented in Indonesia and the most appropriate mechanisms for that implementation.

Actions to be taken
This report reviews the regional situation for biodiversity and forests, identifying and
prioritizing some islands and areas within islands for priority conservation actions. This
report also specifies some of these priority conservation actions based on the regional
This report also makes a number of recommendations that will improve overall
governance and assist in the resolution of land use conflicts, improve spatial planning
processes and enforcement of laws and regulations relating to the management of
biodiversity and forests. Conservation initiatives at a landscape scale are encouraged
throughout the report, particularly using an ecosystem approach based on management of
catchment areas, rivers and the entire watershed to the sea.
Recommendations are also made for mainstreaming conservation objectives into
planning processes through the provision of ecoregional plans, endangered species action
plans, improvement of capacity for spatial planning process at provincial and district
levels, educational outreach to inform stakeholders of the socio-economic benefits of
environmental services and policy reviews and reforms for fishing and timber concession
cutting policy.



1. Introduction
Indonesia is renowned for both its biological diversity and the rate of its loss. Indonesia is
the worlds largest and most densely populated archipelago, comprising of approximately
17,000 islands of which around 990 are permanently inhabited. The nation straddles two
of the worlds seven major biogeographic regions, the Oriental and Australasian, and
includes Wallacea, a unique biotic and geographic area that lies in the broad interface
between these two major regions.
Indonesia has been identified by all recent international conservation priority-setting
exercises as a global priority for actions to conserve biodiversity. For example, in
Conservation International (CI) considers Indonesia to be one of 17 megadiversity
countries -- with two of the worlds 25 hotspots.1 It has 18 of the World Wildlife
Funds (WWF) Global 200 ecoregions2, and 24 of Bird Life Internationals 218
Endemic Bird Areas.3 It also has 10% of the worlds flowering plant species and ranks
as one of the worlds centers for agrobiodiversity of plant cultivars4 and domesticated
Indonesias unusually high levels of species richness and endemism are explained by the
fact that it straddles two biogeographic regions, is located in the wet tropics, has many
islands and an extremely complex geological history. The country ranks first in the world
for number of mammal, palm, swallowtail butterfly, and parrot species (World Bank
2001; BAPPENAS 2003). Further, it is one of the worlds centers of species diversity of
hard corals and many groups of reef-associated flora and fauna; indeed, it has the highest
coral species richness in the world (Suharsono 1998).
Indonesias rich biodiversity is being rapidly degraded and increasingly under threat from
rapid landscape change, pollution and over harvesting. Indeed, the country is often noted
to be in an environmental crisis. This report synthesizes and provides updated

Megadiversity countries refers those countries where the highest number of species are found and which account for a high
percentage of the world biodiversity. Hotspots refer to the richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life on
Earth (www.conservation.org).
The Global 200 ecoregions is a science-based global ranking of the Earths most biologically outstanding terrestrial,
freshwater and marine habitats. It provides a critical blueprint for biodiversity conservation at a global scale
Endemic Bird Areas refers to those regions in the world where two or more endemic bird species that have restricted
ranges, i.e., less than 50,000 km2, overlap (www.birdlife.net/action/science/endemic_bird_areas/).
A cultivar refers to a plant that has been selected for a particular attribute or combination of attributes, and that is clearly
distinct, uniform and stable in its characteristics and that, when propagated by appropriate menas, retains those characteristics


information about the status of these threats to biodiversity and forests and their causes,
many of which have been exacerbated by the series of dramatic political, economic and
environmental shocks of 1998-1998 (World Bank 2001).
Recent events, however, offer hope that this environmental crisis can be abated.
Communities throughout Indonesia are increasingly cognizant of the nature of this crisis
through their witnessing and experiencing the considerable loss of life, health and
economic hardship, due to devastating land slides, floods, loss of potable water and
pollution and degradation of many ecosystems. The increasing empowerment of local
governments and communities through decentralization laws also offers some hope that
governments and local communities will now purposively respond to this crisis at both
the legislative and ground level.

Fig. 1.1: Map of Indonesia

Even with increasing awareness in Indonesia of the need to conserve biological diversity
and manage protected areas, loss of biodiversity and forests continues unabated across
the country. The most biodiverse habitats, particularly lowland forests, are under the
greatest pressure. The World Bank predicts that non-swampy lowland forests outside
protected areas will be highly degraded in Sumatra by 2005 and in Kalimantan by 2010


(Holmes 2000)5. While timber, rattan, fisheries, swiftlet nests and other biological
resources are major contributors to the national economy, they are exploited at
unsustainable rates. Approximately 40 million Indonesians directly depend on forest
resources with millions of others reaping indirect benefits (World Bank 2001, Bennett
and Walton 2003). Many of these people find themselves increasingly impoverished by
the economic decline of Indonesia. It is these poor people who are most dependent on
biological resources for their livelihoods and who suffer the most from the impacts of the
degradation of biodiversity and environmental services.
The four key factors leading to biodiversity loss in Indonesia are summarized in the box
Megadiversity Country in Crisis
The main factors affecting biodiversity loss and species extinction in Indonesia and a partial list of their impacts
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation

Between 1985 and 1997, 20 million ha of forest was lost (about 1.5 million ha per year) most of it lowland
forest below 300m where more than 60% of all rainforest species occur.

Since 1997, the rate of forest lost is 2.4 million ha per year or more over 10 years an area as large as
Montana or the UK is lost on forest rich islands such as Kalimantan and Sumatra.
2. Habitat degradation

5 million ha of forests degraded by fires in 1997-98.

60% of Indonesian coral reefs degraded.

Industrial and urban waste pollute fresh and coastal water ecosystems.
3. Overexploitation

Many species of animals harvested to local extinction to supply medicinal and specialist-food markets in

Rapid development in recent decades fueled and funded by non-sustainable use of natural resources.

Millions of increasingly impoverished coastal dwellers, rural villagers, and poor communities contribute to
overexploitation of animals, plants, fresh water and marine fisheries in their search for subsistence.
4. Secondary extinction

Many species dependent on lowland forests are on the verge of extinction. Only a tiny number of
species are the focus of monitoring programs
An additional factor likely to have increasing impact in the future is climate change; already the effects of global
warming are being reflected in coral reef die-off.

SOURCE: World Bank (2001) with amendments

The most visible and intractable aspect of Indonesias natural resource crises is forest
loss. The escalation in the rate of deforestation is intimately linked not only to
degradation of other resources, but also to immense social, economic and political

This oft-cited prediction requires the following contextualization: In that report, Holmes (2000) notes that the reminants of
non-swampy lowland forests in Sumatra in 2005 and in Kalimantan in 2010 will not be viable as timber resources or as
habitats for biodiversity (Holmes 2000: ii). Further, this prediction is based upon the comparison of forest cover maps
produced by the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops c. 1997 with the c. 1985 forest cover maps produced by the Regional
Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration (REPPProT). The c. 1997 maps are satellite images and were produced as
part of an attempt to obtain a rapid overview of the change in forest cover. The scale of these maps is 1:500,000. There was no
ground truthing. The methods and scale of the c. 1997 mapping exercise were intended to provide information on forest cover
only, i.e., natural forest that could be recognized as such on satellite images (Holmes 2000: i). Holmes (2000: 1) notes that
the data must be regarded as provisional.


changes, which began in 1997 and continues to the present. The rate of forest loss was
already high and accelerating in the mid-1990s, but in 1997-1998 these rates escalated as
a consequence of the devastating fires in Kalimantan and Sumatra. These fires were
unprecedented in number and geographic scope, and for the first time, international
attention was drawn to the massive scale of environmental damage occurring in Indonesia
(Barber and Schweithelm 2000). Further, during the economic crisis of 1997-1998,
Indonesia saw the loss of 80% of the value of the Rupiah and the flight of working capital
that led to the collapse of Javas industrial sector. As a result, Indonesians, including
policymakers, looked to their traditional economic base in natural resources to power the
countrys economic recovery (World Bank 2001, Sunderlin et al. 2000). Moreover, with
the fall of the 32-year centralistic Suharto government in May 1998, the call for political
reform (reformasi) by various segments of society and the enactment of a set of
decentralization laws in 1999, the central governments control over regional affairs,
including natural resource extraction, was vastly reduced. Regional governments, unable
to develop during the New Order6, are to a large extent ill equipped to cope with these
new responsibilities. Also, civil society greatly suppressed during the New Order -- has
yet to fully mobilize to monitor and assist the government in its attempts to be
accountable and transparent. Thus, one result of this transition towards decentralization
has been the manifestation and expansion in the regions of the system of corruption,
collusion and nepotism that characterized the New Order regime.
Indonesias multi-dimensional economic and political crisis has exacerbated forest
degradation and biodiversity loss. The economic crisis, dramatic political transition,
unsystematic devolution of authority to provincial and district (kabupaten) levels and
lack of law enforcement have led to increased pressures on forests throughout the
country. Accelerated illegal logging and land encroachment are often sponsored by
powerful political figures and institutions, and continues to be encouraged in the name of
economic recovery and development. Some local governments, with support from the
defense forces, issue permits to remove logs in protected areas (PAs) and areas not
gazetted for logging. The practice is so prevalent and out in the open that it is sometimes
difficult to determine that these activities are in fact illegal. Forest clearing occurs even in
many well-known PAs that have important international donor programs. For example,
30,000 ha of lowland forests in the northern area of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

New Order or Orde Baru is the term coined by Suharto to refer to his regime and to mark a break with the previous
Sukarno regime.


(Sumatra) have been lost in the last few years (World Bank 2001). Due to this illegal
logging, the risk of fire within national park boundaries has increased (Nepstad et al.
1999). Moreover, with the increasing fragmentation of habitats, some conservationists
suggest that many species populations may not be viable. Conservationists increasingly
call for an ecosystem approach that focuses on PAs and surrounding areas, which means
that Indonesian production forests must be managed as buffer zones to PAs to maintain
both permanent forest cover and biodiversity (World Bank 2001, Curran et al. 2004).
Several factors drive deforestation in Indonesia. Political will is a key one. For example,
although previous governments in Indonesia repeatedly expressed commitments to
sustainably manage production forests by 2000, Indonesia in 2003-4 has the highest rate
of deforestation in the world at 2.4 million ha/year. Oil palm plantations were one of the
primary causes of deforestation in the 1990s. Such large-scale land conversion was the
largest cause of the 1997-98 fires, which burned nearly 5 million hectares of forest and
imposed approximately US$8 billion in economic losses on Indonesias citizens and
businesses (ADB 2002). Further driving illegal logging is overcapacity in the woodprocessing industry, which at this point consumes at least six times the amount of the
annual allowable cut of 6.3 million m3 for 2003 (MoF 2003a). Overcapacity is a
consequence of more than a decade of government policy incentives to develop local
value-added industries, as well as below-market stumpage fees and log prices and a lack
of care by banks in their evaluation of new wood-processing investments. Of the US
$51.5 billion in private debt owed to the Indonesia Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA),
US$4.1 billion is in loans to the forest industry, of which US$2.7 billion are classified as
non-performing (World Bank 2001, Simangunsong and Setiono 2003).
Moreover, years of built-up resentment from forest dependent communities and the
political changes in the reformasi era have fomented another set of challenges for
Indonesias forests. Specifically, the New Order denied communities access to their
customary natural resource base, thereby exacerbating poverty for many rural
households. Now, communities that believe they have claims against GoI or logging or
plantation companies for compensation or return of land use rights perceive a sense of
power and are willing to act. In many places, they have created new local pressures on
forests that have exacerbated the strains imposed by large-scale operators (World Bank
2001). Hence the factors driving deforestation are not only multiple, but also are the
legacy of the New Order. Resolution of conflicts over land tenure and management rights
is a key factor to reducing on-going rates of deforestation and achieving more sustainable
natural resources management.

Purpose of Assessment. This assessment reviews the challenges to and opportunities for
improving the dynamic relationship between people, forests and biodiversity in
Indonesia. In doing so, it provides a topical overview of the current situation. It also
recommends approaches and directions that may be pursued to leverage existing
opportunities and create new ones to improve the possibilities of biodiversity and forest
conservation and management. To help ensure biodiversity and forest conservation and
management, the report suggests a focus on improved governance and capacity,
particularly with respect to multiple land-use planning and practice through transparent
engagement and integration of all levels of government and local communities. Support
for this focus will be through creating more awareness that economic gains may be
achieved through better land practices that conserve biodiversity. The emphasis on
multiple land-use planning is part of a contemporary awareness that biological diversity
in Indonesia -- and most countries -- cannot be sustained within protected areas (PAs)
alone, but requires management of the entire conservation domain, much of which is
outside PAs.
Information Sources and Gaps. Literature consulted for this report includes some of the
most recent and trusted overviews as well as detailed analyses of relevant sectors
produced by institutions such as National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the World Bank, and Forest Watch
Indonesia (FWI), as well as USAIDs Natural Resource Management project (NRM III)
and Coastal Resource Management project (CRMP II). Primary and secondary data were
analyzed to provide further detail and crosschecked with the literature. Finally, experts
were consulted (please see Appendix III for a list of experts contacted for this report) to
fill gaps and contribute a further dimension of veracity and accuracy to the assessment.
There are information gaps and inconsistencies, but they are difficult to overcome. For
example, compilation and analysis of credible forest statistics in Indonesia frequently
encounter formidable obstacles (FWI/GFW 2002). Data collection and compilation are
not consistent over time within an agency or between them, thus combination and
comparison of data are extremely difficult tasks (FWI/GFW 2002). The problem of data
quality is also not easily resolved. It is important to take a broader view of the structural
constraints on the responsible institutions. Years of rent-seeking at all levels of
government, especially at the top, have crippled the ability of institutions to regulate
industry properly, including collecting, analyzing and providing quality data (FWI/GFW


With that caveat, we provide a current and accurate compilation of recent assessments of
the status of, opportunities for and constraints to biodiversity and forest conservation and
management in Indonesia.



2. Legislative and Institutional Structure

Affecting Biological Resources
This portion of the report discusses Indonesias legislative and institutional structures that
affect biodiversity conservation and forest management. The section begins with some
brief background on the sweeping changes that have recently taken place in the country.
Next is a summary of the structure of the government, the legislation, and the key
institutions involved in biodiversity conservation and forest resource management.
National conservation strategies are summarized, as well as government expenditures on
biodiversity conservation and protected area (PA) management. There is a brief
discussion of international treaties and agreements related to biodiversity conservation
and forest management that the Government of Indonesia (GoI) participates in. This
section also describes the conservation efforts of international donor organizations, and
national and international non-governmental organizations.
Since the political-economic crisis in 1997-1998 and particularly after the fall of Suharto
in May 1998, Indonesia has experienced dramatic changes in governance that strongly
affect its rich biodiversity, forests and other natural resources. These governance changes
include, among others, new and profound legislation and government restructuring.
Additionally, this era of reform and autonomy has meant a loosening of authoritarian
rule, and hence civil society institutions have blossomed and experienced attendant
growing pains. International organizations must consider and address these changes in
governance in their strategies and operations in Indonesia.
Although this is a period of transformation and opening of government, the long legacy
of authoritarianism and patronage politics has proved a formidable obstacle to
meaningful governance reform. Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism, the local term
for the legacy of the New Order, still influence government decisions, legislation
development, and law enforcement at all levels. This tension between prospective reform
and the deeply entrenched legacy of the New Order has engendered instability,
uncertainty and conflict throughout the country that continue to persist five years into the
reform era. These factors have had strong negative impacts on Indonesias biodiversity
and forest conservation efforts. Facilitating meaningful governance reform will be critical
to ensuring the conservation and management of biodiversity and forest resources.


2.1 Government of Indonesia

Indonesia is a republic that consists of three branches of government: executive,
legislative, and judicial. The President is both the chief of state and head of the
government. The president currently presides over 32 cabinet members, who manage the
executive branch ministries and departments. It is the presidents prerogative to
determine the number and responsibilities of Ministries.
The Peoples Consultative Assembly or Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) is the
countrys highest legislative body. It consists of the House of Representatives or Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) plus 195 indirectly selected members. The MPR elects the
president and vice-president every five years and approves the broad outlines of national
policy, while also meeting annually to consider constitutional and legislative changes.
The DPR consists of the 500-seat unicameral House of Representatives. The judiciary is
led by the Supreme Court, which is preparing to assume administrative responsibility for
the lower court system currently run by the executive. The President appoints Supreme
Court justices. Indonesia consists of 30 provinces and 357 districts (kabupaten), which
since the enactment of decentralization in 1999 have substantially more authority to
govern local affairs.
The recent third amendment to Indonesias constitution (9 November 2001) revised the
electoral process and the structure of the legislative branch. Formerly, the president and
vice president were chosen by vote of the MPR. Beginning in 2004, the president and
vice president will be directly elected by the people. Further, the amendment established
a second legislative body, the House of Regional Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan
Daerah or DPD). Members of this body will be chosen by election with equal numbers
for each province. The total number of members in the DPD will be one third of the
number of members in the DPR. In contrast, the DPR membership is based on
population: larger regions have more representatives.

2.1.1 Legislative Basis for Protection and Management of Biodiversity and

Forest Resources
Indonesias Constitution of 1945 establishes the foundation for state management of
natural resources for the good of the people of Indonesia. From this base, a wide range of


laws have been developed both to conserve biodiversity, forests, and natural resources
and to regulate their exploration, development and exploitation. Some of the more
relevant legislation is briefly summarized below. This section is adapted and updated
from Sembiring et al. (1999) except where noted below. Appendix (IV) provides
additional detail on these laws and the implementing regulations that stem from them.
Law 5/1990. Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
Derived from an earlier Law (No. 4/1982) it is based on the conservation of the potential
of and use of biodiversity and ecosystems in a balanced and compatible manner to
support community prosperity and quality of life. Conservation of biodiversity and
ecosystems is considered the responsibility of the Government and community through
the following three activities: (1) protection of life support systems, (2) conservation of
the diversity of vegetation and wildlife found in ecosystems, and (3) sustainable use of
biodiversity and ecosystems. The Law regulates understanding of the protection of life
support systems, conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of biological resources and
ecosystems, nature conservation areas, use vegetation and wildlife, role of the
community, and activities related to assistance, investigations, and criminal stipulations.
Law 41/2000. Basic Forestry Law (replaces Law 5 from 1967).
Sets the objective of forest management as obtaining maximum, versatile, and sustainable
benefits in the interest of the people and defines how the state will regulate and manage
forest use. Defines main forest functions and the need for planning. Includes provisions
on participatory forestry planning, people's economic empowerment, transfer of partial
authority to regional governments, and community-based forest monitoring.
Law 23/1997. Management of the Environment.
States that natural resources are controlled by the State to maximize the prosperity of the
community. Provides that the government will (1) regulate and develop policy for
environmental management; (2) regulate the availability, allocation, use, management,
and returns from natural resources; (3) regulate the creation of Law and the relationship
between people and the Law; (4) mitigate activities that have environmental and social
impacts; and (5) develop funds for initiatives to conserve the function of the environment.
Replaces Law 4/1982 and provides broader definition of the right to participate, the right
to a healthy and good environment, the right to information, the right to inform/report,
the right to file a class action suit, the right of NGOs to file suits, and strict liability.


Law 24/1992. Spatial Use Management.

Strives to assure the proper the use of space, while safeguarding the nation's territory and
national defense. Seeks to implement the arrangement of protected areas and cultivation
areas and achieve spatial organization with a certain quality. This Act regulates the rights
and responsibilities, planning, use and restraints of spatial planning, including authority
and development. Spatial planning, whether at the national level, provincial level, or
regency level, is carried out in an integrated fashion.

MPR Decree No. IX/2001 on Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources

This decree provides a mandate to the DPR and President of Indonesia to implement
policies on agrarian reform and the management of natural resources according to the
principles of sustainable development, national integrity, human rights, legal supremacy,
justice, democracy, participation and people welfare, taking into consideration the social,
economic and cultural conditions of the community and the ecological functions of
natural resources. This decree addresses directly the need to conduct a comprehensive
inventory of land use, ownership and control and the need to implement reforms on the
control, ownership and utilization of land to increase equity. The decree also addresses
the need to resolve existing conflicts over agrarian resources and proposes an institutional
framework. This decree also clearly recognizes, protects and respects the rights of
traditional communities and cultural diversity in the management of natural resources in
Indonesia. Bappenas notes in IBSAP (2003) that this initiative might provide the basis
for sustainable management of biodiversity if effectively and appropriately enforced.
Draft Law on Natural Resource Management
As a follow up to the MPR Decree No. IX/1999 (above), the Ministry of Environment
with support from various NGOs and universities has proposed a reformed framework for
natural resources management, which applies a holistic approach, consistent with
sustainable development principles, i.e., natural resources are treated as natural capital or
stock, as an integral part of natural ecosystem and the local community. This umbrella
legislation has provisions to ensure more integrated and cohesive consideration for the
carrying capacity and sustainability of the environment under sectoral regulations, such
as for mining, forestry, fisheries and irrigation, which may overlap or contain
inconsistencies. The draft law is being developed through an extensive public
consultation process that is ongoing. (IBSAP 2003)


Several laws address management of biological and natural resources in the coastal zone
and Indonesias marine environment. This legal framework is under revision now
through the efforts of the recently established Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs,
together with donor support.
Law 5/1983. Indonesias Exclusive Economic Zone.
The oceanic area of Indonesia delimits the Exclusive Economic Zone, determined based
on the Act regarding Indonesian Waterways, and bounded as far out as 200 miles,
measured from the starting point of Indonesias marine area. Asserts Indonesias
sovereign right not only to explore, use and manage, but also to conserve biological and
non-biological natural resources from the ocean floor and the land underneath it.
Law 9/1985. Fisheries.
Strives to implement the management of fish resources in an integrated fashion with the
preservation of fish resources as well as its environment for the prosperity and success of
the Indonesian community. Forbids activities that cause pollution and destruction of
fishery resources and their environment, except for research and scientific activities. To
protect natural fisheries, the government determines the species that are protected and/or
the location of the waters as fishery reserves based on the factors that are critical for a
species of fish and/or the area.
Draft Coastal Zone Management Law
A new law to develop coastal zone management programs has been drafted and subjected
to a public participation process. Framework is based on United States Coastal Zone
Management Law of 197x). The law is now being considered by Indonesias House of
Representatives (DPR). (CRMP 2003)
There are several key pieces of legislation that affect biodiversity preservation and
natural resource management indirectly through the determination of roles and
responsibilities of the various levels of government. These are the primary laws and
regulations that define Indonesias decentralization framework, although this summary is
not exhaustive.
Law 22/1999. Regional Governance.
Provides for regional autonomy over all administrative and operational processes of
governance, except defense and security, foreign policy, monetary and fiscal policy,


judiciary and religious affairs, which are retained at the center. Eliminates the
hierarchical relationships between the various levels of government and places them in
parallel status. Outlines a system of shared responsibility between the three levels of
government with regard to natural resource management and environmental conservation.
The central government retains the planning and policy authority that pertain to national
economic development, natural resource use, conservation, implementation of
international conventions, and environmental management issues related to trans-national
and trans-provincial boundaries. The provincial and local governments are both
responsible for implementing these national level policies at the local level. Article 10
outlines other significant responsibilities for provincial governments over natural
resource management issues related to trans-district boundaries and conservation of
coastal zones (12 nautical miles from shore). Article 11 outlines the eleven governance
sectors that will fall under the domain of local government: public works, health,
education and culture, agriculture, communications, industry and trade, direct investment,
environmental management, land use, cooperatives, and labor. Article 7 states that forest
conservation policy is the authority of the central government, but it does not provide for
any central or regional mechanism.
Law 25/1999. Fiscal Balance between Central and Regional Governments.
Articulates the revenue sharing mechanisms that define how natural resource revenues
will be allocated and which levels of government will manage them. Provincial
governments receive 80% of the tax revenues from fisheries, forestry, and mining, 15%
of the oil revenue, and 30% of the gas revenue. Because this Law bases revenue
allocations on natural resources, which are unevenly distributed throughout the country, a
General Allocation Fund (Chapter 3, Article 7) will include 25% of national domestic
(own source) revenues to be allocated 10% to the provincial level and 90% to the
district/municipality level. This general fund will be allocated among the regions
according to the needs and development potential of the region. A Special Allocation
Fund (Chapter 3, Article 8) will address special development needs, including
unpredicted needs, committed needs or national priority needs, at the regional level.
Other laws regulate matters related to development, management, and use of natural
resources and land, especially extractible resources. While these laws are not directly
related to biodiversity and forest conservation, their implementation and interpretation
can have influence the effectiveness of conservation efforts. Some sectoral laws are not
fully consistent with the nature conservation and environmental management laws noted


above, giving rise to uncertainty in interpretation and application. Some of the more
important sectoral laws include Law 5/1960 the Basic Agrarian Law, Law 44/1960 on Oil
and Gas Mining, and Law 11/1967, the Basic Mining Law. These and other related
sectoral laws are described further in Appendix IV.
Hierarchy of Legal Products. Aside from these national laws, there are a range of other
legal products that regulate activities and have the potential to affect conservation
initiatives or results. Each national law is implemented through passage of Government
Regulations (PP, see below), which further specify and detail the requirements laid out in
the law. One law can generate several implementing regulations dealing with different
aspects of the law. In the past, presidential decrees were used frequently to create, in
effect, new laws or new legal responsibilities and authorities. Ministerial decrees also
were frequently used to further specify rules, providing a level of detail beyond the PP.
Often, sectoral ministries developed decrees based on sectoral laws, with insufficient
attention to other related laws. This led to a complicated system of laws and rules of
varying status that sometimes overlapped or conflicted with other ministerial decrees, or
even with other national laws.
Since the advent of autonomy, local regulations passed by Provinces, Districts, and Cities
play an increasingly important role in the overall legislative framework. Local
regulations are also often sectoral in nature, leading to more overlaps or conflicts with
national laws or decrees. To clarify this situation, Decree III/2000 of the MPR (highest
legislative body) stipulated the hierarchy of legislation in the following order:
1. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (UUD 1945) or the 1945 Constitution
2. Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (TAP MPR) or Decision from the
Peoples Consultative Assembly.
3. Undang-Undang (UU) or Law
4. Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perpu) or Government
Regulation on Replacements of existing Laws
5. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) or Government Regulation
6. Keputusan Presiden (KEPPRES) or Presidential Decree
7. Peraturan Daerah (PERDA) or District Regulation
A fundamental principle of the legislative hierarchy is that a lower legal regulation may
not conflict with a higher one. However, this decree does not mention Ministerial
Decrees or Governors Decrees, so their legal status is uncertain, at least in respect to


other legal products in the hierarchy (Effendi 2003). Although ministerial decrees are still
used frequently, it is not clear whether they take precedence over regional laws or
regulations, for example. It is clear, however, that both regional regulations and decrees
must be consistent with the higher national laws on which they are based.
This has led to substantial confusion and conflict over legal interpretations in the
decentralization process as district governments may choose not to implement Ministerial
Decrees. There are also gaps and disconnects across regions as some districts have
adopted rules that may be inconsistent with the rules in neighboring areas. The forestry
sector has manifested a number of important inconsistencies in laws and legal
interpretations that have led to a reduction in the effectiveness of management and
protection of forestlands.
Inconsistencies in the Legal Framework. Beyond the hierarchy issue, there are some
inconsistencies and ambiguities between various pieces of legislation. Disharmony
among laws and regulations contributes to the difficulty of forest resource management
and biodiversity conservation.
One area of inconsistency is language. Even within the basic laws dealing with
conservation, different terms are used to refer to protected areas, impeding clear
implementation of policy. At least three different terms are used to describe conservation
or protection objectives: the Environment (UU No. 23 1997), Conservation Area
(UU No. 5/1990) and Protected Area (UU No. 24/1992). Some legal products refer to
protection, while others refer to preservation, two words with different connotations
(Sembiring et al. 1999). For example, the law on Spatial Use Management uses the term
"protected area" management in the same way as the Presidential Decree of 1990
regarding Protected Areas, but does not use the term "conservation area." The term
"protected area" is not used in the 1990 Law on Conservation of Biodiversity and
Ecosystems, although the word conservation appears in the earlier law on which it was
based. These differences in terminology are important because they influence the
implementation of policy, especially at the regional level.
Beyond the lack of standardized language, there are disconnects among basic laws
governing various sectors. Several important illustrative examples of inconsistencies that
have been noted by several commentators are discussed below.


Mining and Forestry

Mining in Protection Forests is an issue that created substantial controversy in 2003.
Law No. 11/1967, the Basic Mining Law, does not refer to protected areas, but mentions
that mining activities cannot be carried out in areas that are closed for public interest.
Bappenas (IBSAP, 2003: p. 65) notes that Law No. 5/1990 on Nature Conservation
clearly prohibits cultivation (production) activities within nature reserves. Law
No.41/1999 on Forestry also has firm provisions on banning open pit mining in
protection forest areas. Nevertheless within this same regulation there is a special clause
that permits mining activities as long as members of the House approve it. But
according to a joint decree between the Minister of Mining and the Forestry Minister
(No. 969 K/08/MPE/1989) mining activities may be conducted in Nature Reserves.
Forestry and Decentralization.
Many commentators have noted that there are inconsistencies between the Basic Forestry
Law (No. 41/1999) and the Law on Decentralized Regional Governance (Law No.
22/1999). As noted above, the Law on Decentralized Regional Governance devolves to
local government the responsibility for agriculture, environmental management, and land
use. The central government retains the planning and policy authority for natural
resource use and conservation. Although passed later in the same year, the forestry law
does not take into consideration the law on decentralization. The Basic Forestry Law
articulates a centralized decision making structure with respect to forest use and
management. The implementing regulation for this law (PP No. 34/2003) goes even
further in making explicit centralized regulatory control in forest use and management.
This regulation removes the powers of Governors and District Heads to grant small
timber exploitation concessions (Effendi 2003).
Even without inconsistencies in interpretation, legal complexity manifested through a
system of laws, regulations, national decrees, and local decrees can result in weaknesses
in implementation. For example, in the forestry sector hundreds of regulations impact the
behavior of forest concessionaires. Sve notes that one effect of this regulatory pressure
is that most forest operators concentrate on the administrative compliance, while essential
components of sustainable forest management (such as maintaining forest productivity
and ensuring environmental conservation) become secondary concerns, and are often
neglected" (Sve 1999: 4).


2.1.2 Government Institutions Concerned with Biodiversity Conservation and

Management of Forests and other Natural Resources
A wide array of government institutions have authorities that affect biodiversity and
forest conservation and management, as well as natural resource management more
generally. This is partly because natural resource management is inherently inter-sectoral.
Overlaps and inconsistencies in legislation, noted above, also contribute to lack of clarity
in government agencies roles and responsibilities in biodiversity conservation and forest
management. The table below provides a brief overview of the main executive branch
agencies that have responsibilities for conservation or have authorities that affect
conservation and forest management.
Although this is a long list, the Ministry of Forestry stands out as one of the primary
agencies with responsibilities for biodiversity conservation and preservation and
management of forest resources. The Ministry of Forestry is responsible for the system
of national parks and other protected areas. It is also the implementing agency for the
Basic Forestry Law (1999) and for the Law on Conservation of Biodiversity and
Ecosystems (1990). The Ministry of Forestry is directly responsible for administration
and management of 68% of the land area of Indonesia, as well as substantial areas of
marine environment included in the national park system.
Because of the inter-sectoral nature of forestry and biodiversity issues, coordination
among regulatory and management agencies is a critical element for proper conservation
efforts. However, coordination has often been inadequate to achieve consistent
conservation or halt forest degradation. For example, in the forest sector, the intersectoral nature of problem have been explicitly recognized through the establishment in
2000 of the Inter Departmental Committee on Forestry (IDCF), which consists of 13
government agencies chaired by the Coordinating Ministry on Economic Affairs. This
inter-departmental body was one response toward implementing reform commitments
made by the GoI to the Consultative Group on Indonesia, the donor group that provides
assistance to Indonesia in its transition from crisis to stability and growth.

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Table 2.1: Central Government Agency Function Related to Conservation of Forests

and Biodiversity Resources
Central Government

Function Related to Biodiversity and

Forest Conservation

1. Min. of Forestry

Jurisdiction over national forest lands (68% of Indonesias landmass), including

protected areas, national parks, nature reserves, etc.
2. Min. of Environment
Responsible for managing environmental impacts, establishing policies, standards,
and criteria for environmental programs, and regulating pollution discharges.
3. Min. of Mining and Energy
Regulates oil, mining and other energy industries.
4. Min. of Agriculture
Oversees agriculture sector, as well as plantation crops.
5. Coord. Min. of Economic Coordinates work of financial sector agencies, including Ministries of Finance,
National Planning, Industry and Trade, State Owned Enterprises, and special
institutions like IBRA. Co-chairs the Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI), the
group of donor countries.
6. Min. of Defense
Oversees actions of security forces, which have a role in border protection, law
enforcement, military and police operations.
7. Min. of Culture and Tourism
Promotes Indonesia as a tourist destination. Sets standards for hotels and tourist
8. Min. of Home Affairs
Major responsibility for decentralized governance policies and practices, as well as
capacity development for regional governments. Oversees approval of district issued
regulations, which includes justification of district issued natural resource extraction
9. Min. of Industry and Trade
Formerly, regulated licensing of wood processing industry, now only pulp and paper.
Regulates international trade, export licensing and tariffs.
10. Min. of Finance
Oversees national budget, taxation policies, and the distribution of resource revenue
earnings through the decentralization framework. Also, controls general and special
allocation funds, which incorporates part of the reforestation fund.
11. Min. of Settlements and Formerly department of public works. Oversees public infrastructure investments and
Regional Infrastructure
plays a role in oversight/review of spatial planning process.
12. Min. of Justice and Human Strengthens national legal system (including national laws and regulations) in the
framework of rule of law, as well as human rights.
13. Min. of Research and Oversees research and technology activities. Conducts research and maintains data
systems on the distribution of natural resource wealth in Indonesia. Mapping and GIS
14. Armed Forces
Main role in national defense, border protection, and public order. Involved in joint
efforts with MoF on illegal logging.
15. Natl Police
Important role in law enforcement, public order, and criminal investigation. Involved in
joint efforts with MoF on illegal logging.
16. Natl Development
Plans and coordinates national level development. Formerly powerful in determining
Planning Board
budget allocations, now a role of Finance.
17. Natl Land Bureau
Regulates and issues permits for land outside the forest estate.
18. Min of Marine Affairs and Authority over the fishing industry and proposed increasing role in management of
marine protected areas.
19. Judiciary
Judges determine verdicts. Notably weak in issuing guilty verdicts for those clearly
involved in illegal logging.
NB: 1-13 are members of Inter Departmental Committee on Forestry (KepPres 80/2000)

Though reasonably constituted, this new institutional framework for coordination has
faced many obstacles in achieving reform in the forestry sector. Managing the transition
from crisis to stability and growth has pre-occupied the agendas of many government
agencies. Also, due to frequent political changes, there have been a number of different
cabinet line-ups, with some ministries experiencing several overhauls in the senior
management teams. Frequent personnel changes do not contribute to smooth
communication and cooperation among agencies. Also, the inter-departmental initiative
has not been able to overcome the diverse even competing interests, directions, and

2 - 11

incentives of the sectoral agencies to achieve reform in the forestry sector.

Decentralization adds another layer of complexity to the roles and responsibilities of
government bodies with respect to conservation and forest protection. This is discussed
further in Section 2.1.6.
Effective biodiversity conservation and forest resource management faces both horizontal
and vertical obstacles. Interagency coordination and collaboration is lacking at the
national level. Even if coordination improved, however, it would not guarantee
meaningful implementation on the ground. The vertical conflict in interpretation and
application of responsibilities poses a serious challenge particularly to protected areas
management. Protected areas such as national parks still fall under the authority of the
Ministry of Forestry at the center; their management has not been devolved to district
governments. District governments have little if any incentive to manage or conserve
National Parks, yet the Ministry of Forestry lacks the financial and human resources (as
do the provinces and districts) to manage them properly (please see Protected Areas
section for more information).

2.1.3 Environmental Profiles and National Conservation Strategies

Since the mid-1990s, biodiversity has attracted increased attention at the national level as
well as among donors. The Indonesian government through Act No. 5/1994 ratified the
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The Ministry of
Environment is the national focal point for the implementation of CBD, which has three
main objectives: conservation of biodiversity, sustainable utilization of its components,
and the equitable distribution of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources,
including adequate access to genetic resources and transfer of technology and through the
provision of adequate funding. The CBD requires member countries to formulate
conservation strategy, action plan and program for sustainable biodiversity utilization or
to modify the existing similar documents to meet these requirements. The convention
also stipulates that governments integrate sustainable biodiversity conservation and
utilization as much as possible into their relevant national sectoral and inter-sectoral plan,
program and policy. (IBSAP, 2003: pp. 3-5).
The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia (BAPI) was published in 1993, prior to its
ratification of the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). Indeed, Indonesia was one of
the first countries to formulate a biodiversity action plan. BAPI 1993 was designed as a
2 - 12

reference to set priorities and investment in biodiversity conservation during the Fifth and
Sixth Five Year Development Plan (up to 1999) and beyond. BAPIs objectives were to
reduce the rate degradation in key habitats, to develop data and information on the
richness of national biodiversity to be used by decision makers, and to encourage a more
sustainable and environmentally friendly use of natural resources. Although BAPI 1993
was formulated before the reform era, one of its main messages was in fact the need for
institutional reform. (IBSAP 2003: pp. 3-5).
Though there was some outside involvement of NGOs, BAPI was seen to be exclusive,
top down, and had a limited sense of ownership and commitment by stakeholders. This
document also did not clearly lay out institutional responsibilities for implementing
activities toward established targets. Also, BAPI 1993 did not have formal legal basis in
the national legislation, so relevant stakeholders were not legally bound to comply
with its contents. Despite these weaknesses, some biodiversity management activities
were carried out: biodiversity collection and inventory activities were conducted by LIPI
and integrated conservation and development programs (ICDP) were intensified. (IBSAP,
2003: pp. 3-5). According to the World Bank (2001), many of the actions identified as
priorities in BAPI 1993 have been implemented (World Bank 2001), including the
financing of priority PAs and expansion of the PA system, with creation of several new
conservation areas (World Bank 2001).
The Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP 2003) was formulated by
BAPPENAS and many stakeholders to answer the challenge of making sustainable
management and use biodiversity for the prosperity of the Indonesian people a reality. It
covers the period 2003 to 2020. This new biodiversity strategy was formulated through a
process that tried to address the weaknesses associated with BAPI 1993. The specific
objectives of IBSAP 2003 are to review needs and priority actions, to identify what had
been achieved, and what remains to be done; to assess new needs and priorities and revise
action plans accordingly; to identify opportunities and constraints for effective
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; and to prepare to prepare new strategies,
with detailed action plans. (IBSAP 2003: pp. 3-5).
As an outcome of the 2000 Consultative Group on Indonesia (a donor group), the GoI
committed to the formulation of the National Forest Program (NFP) through a
consultative process, yet progress has been slow. The NFP is intended to be an
Indonesia-specific policy, strategy, and action plan to achieve sustainable use of forest

2 - 13

resources, formulated in a transparent manner and in consultation with all stakeholders.

Considering the number of issues that are outside the responsibility or authority of MoF,
a fully satisfactory process for preparing the NFP requires participation by many other
agencies. The Government committed to elevating the NFP process to a higher, interministerial level. It proposed that the NFP would go forward under a temporary statutory
body to be established within 60 days by Presidential Decree and that this body would
involve representatives of all stakeholders at district, provincial, and national levels
(World Bank 2001). The IDCF was charged with completing the NFP in 2000, but has
not. Currently, a Ministry of Forestry working group is trying to develop an NFP with
some donor assistance.
The Ministry of Environment recently released its Status of the Environment in Indonesia
2002, an update to the 1992 version. The report underscores Indonesias initiatives in
environmental control and sustainable development. It is expected to be an information
source and framework for decision makers in developing environmental policy and also
to encourage the broader community to participate in the preservation of the
environment. Key issues discussed include the environmental effects of population and
poverty; urbanization; improper spatial planning; policy coordination, law enforcement
and good governance; and the economic crisis.

2.1.4 GoI Budget Expenditure on Environmental Management, including

Biodiversity Conservation, Forestry, and Protected Areas Management
Based on an analysis of public expenditure data for the period FY94/95-FY98/99, the
World Bank (2001) noted that public expenditure on environmental activities is
extremely low in Indonesia, in terms of percentage of GDP, percentage of government
expenditures and per capita expenditure level (World Bank 2001: 83). The economic
crisis, which began in 1997, significantly affected expenditure on projects with
environmental objectives. Spending at the end of the five-year review period (FY98/99)
was only about a third of the level at the beginning (FY94/95). Moreover, the post-crisis
declines in spending were greater than in other East Asian crisis countries. These
environmental expenditure trends reduce resources and capacity to address environmental
threats, such as increasing pressure on forests, biodiversity, and land, as well as urban and
industrial pollution.

2 - 14

Implementation of the decentralization process implies that more resources would be

needed for environmental management at the regional level. However, the World Banks
(2001) expenditure review also noted that environmental spending by regional
governments declined steeply after the crisis. The World Bank further notes that, three
types of environmental expenditure that will be needed at district and provincial levels
include core expenditures (for example, funding for safeguards capacity building,
protection of local conservation areas and enforcement of national minimum standards),
mitigation expenditures (such as expenditure on erosion control during road construction
and maintenance), and incidental expenditures (such as water supply projects to reduce
exposure to contaminants in existing water sources). Whether regional budgets include
environmental expenditures commensurate with increasing pressures on regional resource
bases will be a critical indicator of political will to support adequate regional safeguards.
Central budget support for a substantial share of the environmental and sustainable
natural resource management activities conducted at the regional level will be essential.

The figure above on the left (World Bank, 2001: 83) illustrates that core domestic
environmental expenditure was around a fifth of expenditure on all activities in all
Sector 10 in most years. Sector 10 is Environment and Spatial Planning, but not all
spending in this category is environmental. Core environmental expenditure is defined
by the World Bank as expenditure on activities that pertain solely or primarily to

2 - 15

environmental management and appear as discrete entries in the budget (World Bank
2001: 83). The figure on the right shows that core environmental expenditure is
comprised of a large share (over 80%) in development spending (project and special
activities) and a small share in routine spending (includes salaries and fixed costs). After
the crisis, development spending on environmental activities declined by 60%, while
routine spending dropped by only 25%.
Domestic financial resources available for nature conservation and national park
management can be found in the Ministry of Forestrys Financial Database for National
Parks (Ditjen PKA 2000). This does not include financial resources contributed by donor
projects or international environmental NGOs. These data are available for a six-year
period up to FY99/00. After that, national level data sources are incomplete because
forest conservation management units in the provinces and regions do not place a priority
on reporting data to the central ministry in a complete and consistent form.

Billions of Rupiah

Analysis of data in the Financial Database for National Parks (Ditjen PKA 2000) yielded
the figure below. The figure shows spending on the entire Directorate General for Nature
Conservation and spending on National Parks as a subset of that. Both nominal and real
(deflated) Rupiah values are shown to indicate the effects of the strong currency
devaluation during the monetary crisis of 1997-9. The figure shows that while nominal
spending appeared
Budgets for Nature Conservation and National Parks
to increase over the
(Source: Ministry of Forestry, 2000)
six year period
DitJen PKA (Rp. Billions, Nominal)
examined, the real
DitJen PKA (Rp. Billions, Real)
purchasing power
National Parks (Rp. Billions, Nominal)
associated with that
National Parks (Rp. Billions, Real)
spending declined,
expenditure at the
end of the period
was less than at the
figure also shows
that National Parks represent about a third of the Ministrys overall spending on nature

2 - 16

2.1.5 International Treaties and Agreements Involving GoI

GoI has engaged the international community concerned with biodiversity and forest
conservation through a number of mechanisms, including formal bilateral and
multilateral agreements. As the table below illustrates, the Government of Indonesia has
ratified or been party to most international conservation treaties. However, making these
agreements and conventions operational and effective in the context of the political
transformation and transition to decentralization has proven difficult.
Table 2.2: Indonesias Membership in International Conservation Treaties
Signatory to CITES

DATE (m/d/yr)


Signatory to Ramsar Wetlands



Signatory to Convention
Biological Diversity






did not sign

Member of International Whaling


currently not a member

Signatory to other international

treaties designed to protect or
manage biological resources

Party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Endangered Species, Hazardous

Wastes, Law of the Sea, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship
Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands signed, but not
ratified: Desertification, Marine Life Conservation

Source: http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/h90/Indonesia.htm

Beyond these conventions and treaties, the GoI has engaged in a number of multi-lateral
and bi-lateral agreements in attempts to curb illegal logging, which is a serious threat to
remaining forest resources and a major priority of the Ministry of Forestry.

CITES: Formulated in 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an
international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and
plants does not threaten their survival. Today, CITES accords varying degrees of protection to more than 30,000 species of
animals and plants, whether they are traded as live specimens, fur coats, or dried herbs. For more information see
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Formulated in Ramsar, Iran in 1971, this convention is an intergovernmental treaty which
provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and
their resources. For more information see www.ramsar.org
The Convention on Biological Diversity was agreed to in 1992 in Rio by the vast majority of the worlds governments and
sets out commitments for maintaining the worlds ecological underpinnings as economic development continues. The CBD
establishes three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. For more information see www.biodiv.org.

2 - 17

Table 2.3: Indonesias MOUs/Agreements to Curb Illegal Logging

East Asian Forest
Law Enforcement
and Governance
(FLEG). 9/1/01
Forest Law
Governance and
Trade (FLEGT).
Asia Forest
Partnership (AFP).

Indonesia-EU. End
2003 (expected)

IndonesiaMalaysia. 6/25/02

Ministerial Declaration agreed at the end of East Asian FLEG conference in Bali.
Includes indicative list of actions for the implementation of the declaration.
EC measures set out in this plan include support for improved governance in woodproducing countries, voluntary partnerships with producing countries to ensure only
legally harvested timber enters the EU market, and efforts to develop international
collaboration to combat the trade in illegally harvested timber.
Asia Pacific forest partnership (AFP) promotes sustainable forest management in
Asia through addressing the following 5 urgent issues: Good governance and forest
law enforcement; Developing capacity for effective forest management; Control of
illegal logging; and Control of forest fires. http://www.asiaforests.org/
MOU on co-operation to improve forest law enforcement and governance and to
combat illegal logging and the international trade in illegally logged timber and wood
products. It aims to establish a system of legality identification and verification in
Indonesia (with capacity-building assistance from the UK), and to move towards
excluding products not so identified from the UK/EU market. http://illegallogging.info/dfid/DFID%20FLEG%20web%20output1.htm
MOU would see the EU ban the entry of illegal logs from Indonesia into their
countries. To aid this, Indonesia will supply both governments with a list of
companies that are licensed to export logs, and will audit local timber companies to
ensure that their logs come from sustainable sources.
LoI to cooperate to improve forest law making and law enforcement to combat illegal
logging. http://illegal-logging.info/dfid/DFID%20FLEG%20web%20output1.htm
Malaysian government bans the importation of logs from Indonesia. On 6/1/03,
Malaysia banned the importation of squared logs from Indonesia.
MOU concerning co-operation in combating illegal trade of forest products contains a
list of objectives and areas of cooperation, including identification of illegal timber,
data collection and exchange of information. http://dte.gn.apc.org/53MoU.htm
MOU to cooperate over their opposition to illegal logging and trade in illegal forest
products by building on existing bilateral schemes and multilateral frameworks.
Contains a list of objectives for the partnership and areas that the partnership will
focus on. http://www.illegal-logging.info/textonly/documents.php?sortByMode=title
MOU to cooperate in some projects including trees planting, investment in
ecotourism, human resources training, illegal logging and forest fires fighting.

As these two tables demonstrate, GoI has made a variety of formal commitments with the
international community to protect and manage the countrys biodiversity and forest
resources. Additionally Indonesia actively participates in forest related international
forums such as the ITTO and UNFF. There is an explicit awareness between GoI and the
international community that properly managing Indonesias natural riches is a
transnational affair.

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2.1.6 Legislative and Institutional Issues Affecting Biodiversity and Forest

Two key issues significantly affect current opportunities and constraints for biodiversity
and forest conservation and management and require some discussion. First is the
transition to decentralized government, begun in 2000. Second is the issue of land tenure
and access to resources.
Decentralization. In Indonesia, forests and natural resources have long been arenas of
conflict among stakeholders with differential political power, especially in regions that
are rich in commercially valuable natural resources (Barber et al. 1994; Dove 1993;
Lynch and Talbott 1995; Poffenberger [ed.] 1990). Until the fall of the New Order
regime, control over natural resources lay within the authority of a highly centralized
state, characterized by authoritarian rule, aggressive exploitation of natural resources, and
the marginalization of forest dependent communities justified by national laws and
policies (Lynch and Talbott 1995, Poffenberger [ed.] 1990, and Barber et al. 1994).
The basic statutes of decentralization were discussed in Section 2.1.1. The Regional
Autonomy Law (No. 22/1999) transfers responsibility and decision-making authority for
the management of natural resources from the central government to provincial and
regency/municipal governments. The Intergovernmental Fiscal Balance Law (No.
25/1999) delineates the natural resource revenue sharing allocations and the levels of
government that will manage them.
Early analysis of the regional autonomy legislation identified some internal
inconsistencies and contradictions with previously passed legislation and regulations
(Kartodiharjo 1999a). During early 2000, the work of the Institutional Task Force for
Forestry Sector Decentralization under the auspices of the Ministry of Forestry and Estate
Crops (MoFEC 2000) revealed that there was no consensus on what decentralization
means, how it should be implemented, and how roles and responsibilities were to be
divided. The Task Force also found that central government and regional government
officials had significantly different opinions regarding virtually every aspect of authority
over and responsibility for forests (MoFEC 2000).
Decentralization is an attempt to resolve the long-standing problem of resource wealth
flowing to the central government without equitable distribution at the regional level
2 - 19

(Dove and Kammen 2001). In response to prior perceptions of inequity, the

decentralization process attempts to ensure that those regions that have natural resources
and bear the costs of their management in turn gain the benefits from their exploitation
(MoFEC 2000). Prior to decentralization, the most resource-rich regions received little
benefit from the immense tax revenues, royalties and profits that those resources
generated (Dove and Kammen 2001). Yet, due to the unequal distribution of natural
resources in Indonesia, the impacts of this natural resource-based revenue allocation
system differ throughout the country. For example, only four provinces gain significantly
from natural resource-based revenue sharing, whereas ten natural resource poor provinces
obtain little under the new resource revenue sharing formulas (Brown 2000). Equalizing
these disparities in natural resource revenue sharing puts strains on the other fiscal
balancing instruments, mainly the General Allocation Fund (Lewis 2001).
The decentralization process has replaced the hierarchical relationship between national,
provincial and district governments with a parallel structure. In this new structure, district
governments wield a broad range of powers both de jure and de facto, including those
related to management of forests and coastal zones, and natural resource management
more generally. This new system has also revised the structure of government agencies.
Formerly, each sectoral ministry had branches at the Provincial and District level. These
district-level agencies implemented rules and guidance and were directly accountable to
the national level line ministries. Now, district level sectoral agencies (e.g., forestry,
mining, and environment) are accountable to the district government and not the national
government. Thus, central agencies have reduced capacity to implement programs, while
local agencies have increased capacity, but less central guidance, management, and
The decentralization process has resulted in confusion of roles and responsibilities, with
conflicting interpretations of rules and competing priorities, particularly with respect to
forestry and natural resource management issues, which affect biodiversity conservation
in many ways (MoFEC 2000). District governments issue regulations and permits that
allow or prohibit actions that may not conform to national laws. The central agencies
may not recognize local rules as legitimate, but they do not have sufficient resources to
enforce the rules consistently across Indonesia. In fact, the decentralization process has
created such a feeling of empowerment at the level of local government that attempts to
exert central authority meet strong vocal protests.

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De facto decentralization has been taking place. De jure implementation processes have
been slow and uncertain, thus, social actors with vested interests (e.g., local communities,
government, companies, and NGOs) have strategically maneuvered themselves, taking
actions regarding natural resource use and interpreting the meaning of decentralization in
a way that suits their own ends. Further complicating the socio-political situation is that
the de facto implementation of decentralization occurs in the context of local government
institutions with weak capacities and limited experience in managing or governing. This
is the legacy of the New Order regime's successful efforts to weaken local institutions
and create a state bureaucracy accountable only upwards (Barber 1989, Dove and
Kammen 2001, Winters 2002)
While implementation has proceeded over the past four years, uncertainty and conflicts in
interpretation are still present. There is conflict between the three levels of government,
between government agencies, as well as conflict sometimes violent between and
within communities (ICG 2001, FWI/GFW 2002). The legislature is now in the process
of considering revisions to the key decentralization laws. While this process may
ultimately succeed in clarifying authorities and responsibilities, at present it is creating
more uncertainty as various sectors and regions compete for influence over the legislative
Decentralization promises both great opportunities and challenges. In theory, devolving
control of biodiversity and forest resources to the level of the users most dependent on
them should lead to improved management practices, compared to a situation where
management is from afar and control is weak. Yet to date, the effects have been primarily
negative for Indonesias biodiversity, forest resources and forest dependent communities.
This is, of course, not due to decentralization per se, but rather the context within which it
was instituted, namely, it was a reaction to the prior situation and it has been
implemented by a set of historically weak government institutions. Thus, a key challenge
for biodiversity and forest conservation and management is to (re) build government and
civil society institutions for sustainable and equitable development. The changes in the
post-Suharto era, particularly decentralization, afford many opportunities to do precisely
Land Tenure and Access. Tenure is perhaps the most contentious and sensitive issue
with respect to state-society relations in Indonesia. There is wide recognition that clear
and secure tenure is a critical factor in proper management of forests, coasts, and natural

2 - 21

resources. At the national level, land tenure, especially in forest lands,4 is a particularly
difficult issue. Officially, the state has jurisdiction over all resources, which it manages
for the welfare of all under a constitutional mandate. In practice, however, in carrying
out development projects, the state has often ignored or denied the land use or ownership
claims of local people (FWI/GFW, 2002, Lynch and Talbott 1995). For example,
throughout the 1970s and 1980s large forest concessions for timber harvesting or for
plantations were granted to business groups by the central government in remote areas.
In many cases, traditional communities had been using these lands for centuries for
swidden agriculture, rattan cultivation, harvesting of non-timber forest products, hunting,
fishing, and other cultural and religious uses. This process of nationally granted land
claims and use rights laid over traditional and tribal ownership claims and use patterns
has led to significant conflicts over rights and ownership in the field. The decentralization
laws, discussed above, deal mainly with the allocation of administrative responsibilities
and government authorities; they did not create institutions or processes that would help
resolve the numerous conflicts over land, forests, and natural resources.
There is general recognition that tenure consists of a bundle of rights, which may
include rights to use, traverse, manage, own, inherit, or transfer land (Lynch and Talbott
1995). A spectrum of different tenure arrangements can be achieved through the bundling
of different rights for different users. Less clearly understood is the notion that rights can
be conferred individually or communally. Currently, the debate over which rights should
be bundled for which users is far from settled. The Ministry of Forestrys understanding
of tenure in the forest estate excludes the possibility of community ownership. Some
NGOs and community activists dispute this interpretation and advocate a change in legal
Thus, the conflict over tenure persists, even though the 1998 reform movement brought
these conflicts into the open and some progress was made with respect to policy. Several
key pieces of legislation have been developed that were expected to help resolve
community tenure issues, for example:

MPR Decree IX/2000 on Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources provides a

legal opening for indigenous people and communities to claim land and resources and

As discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, forest lands refers to lands administered by the Ministry of Forestry. These
lands may or may not have actual forests on them.

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calls on the government to create institutions to resolve land use claims and conflicts
and to revise natural resource management laws to achieve greater consistency.

Regulation from the Minister of Agrarian Affairs/Head of the Bureau of Lands

No. 5/1999 regarding the Guidelines to Resolve Adat (Customary) Communal Rights
Conflicts, in which the National Land Agency would accept the registration of Adat
lands and treat them as a communal and non-transferable right (Fay and Sirait 1999).

However, the MPR decree has not yet been implemented effectively and the Agrarian
regulation is difficult to apply in the forest estate, so does not address a large portion of
conflicts and claims.
Enactment of the new Basic Forestry Law (No. 41/1999) and its implementing regulation
(PP No. 34/2003) does little to resolve the tenure issue, which is related to the manner
and degree of decentralization. Some perceive these rules as attempts to regain authority
and regulatory power at the center. For example, although the regional autonomy law
devolves substantial authority to the regions, a key implementing regulation (PP No.
25/2000) still provides MoF the authority to designate boundaries, functions and zones of
forest areas. The 1999 Forestry Law does establish a category of customary forest (hutan
adat), defined as state forest that happens to lie within the territory of a customary law
community, whose definition the government notes it will elaborate in future
regulations (FWI/GFW 2002: 64). Thus, in this legal product, the concept of state forest
still takes precedence over the concept of traditional (adat) land use claims.
For many involved in biodiversity and forest conservation and management, clear and
secure tenure for forest dependent communities is a necessary, albeit insufficient,
prerequisite for equitable and sustainable natural resource management. It is not this
issue that has engendered such heated debate, but rather the struggle is over what is
deemed appropriate and inappropriate within the rubric of tenure. Although the debate
has waxed and waned for some time, recently the term tenure itself has become so
politically charged that it almost precludes dialogue about meanings, options, and
practical implementation approaches.

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2.2 Non-Governmental Organizations Involved in Forestry and

Biodiversity Conservation
This section provides an overview of some of the key Indonesian and international NGOs
active in biodiversity conservation, forest management, coastal and marine conservation,
and environmental management, more generally. This discussion is not exhaustive, but
rather illustrative because hundreds of new NGOs have been formed in the recent era of
reform. A more detailed list of approximately 75 NGOs concerned with environmental
issues in Indonesia is contained in Appendix V, including addresses and contact
information. The section also provides some assessment of capacity and describes how
these organizations are adapting to the rapidly changing socio-political landscape.
Detailed and specific information on the funding available to NGOs in this sector is not
available. However, some qualitative statements and comparisons are made.

2.2.1 Descriptions of Some Key Indonesian NGOs

National NGOs
This section describes several prominent NGOs focused on forestry, biodiversity, coastal,
legal, and environmental issues. This is because National NGOs often have a range of
interests and advocacy positions. Also, conservation and forestry issues are widely seen
to be integrally related to legal, rights, and governance issues. So, one finds that
traditional governance or human rights NGOs are sometimes active in environmental or
resource issues, while forestry or environmental NGOs may sometimes take on issues
related to land tenure or national development policy. The following discussion is not

The Indonesian Forum for Environment, WALHI or Wahana Lingkungan Hidup

Indonesia was established in 1981 to promote protection of the environment, justice
in the exploitation of the environment for the society at large, and the welfare of
future generations. WALHI's main activities are related to the environment, human
rights, democracy, urban development, community forestry, and marine development
and fisheries. Activities include research, education and training, community
development and facilitation, publications, advocacy and seminars. WALHI consists
of a network of organizations and activists committed to social transformation as the
primary vehicle to equitable and sustainable NRM in Indonesia. The Forum has close
links to the UK organization Friends of the Earth and takes a non-violent, direct

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action approach to campaigning on water, forest, mining and globalization issues in

Indonesia. WALHI has been seminal in publicizing and campaigning against
environmental injustices, while also challenging the environmental mainstream,
such as the feasibility of forest certification in Indonesia. (Colchester 2003)

The Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago, AMAN or Aliansi Masyarakat

Adat Nusantara, is an independent social organization composed of indigenous
peoples communities from the whole of the country. The Alliance aims to be an
organization for indigenous peoples to struggle for their existence, rights and
sovereignty in running their lives and in managing their natural resources. AMANs
programs include strengthening indigenous organizations and developing networks
among them, developing effective information exchange and communications,
advocating indigenous rights and supporting legal defense, strengthening customary
(adat) economic systems, strengthening indigenous women and their organizations,
and providing education for youths.

The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation, or Yayasan Kehati, is an independent, nonprofit donor institution concerned with Indonesian biodiversity conservation and its
sustainable and fair benefit for all people. Kehatis vision is to realize a society that is
concerned, capable and self-reliant in maintaining biodiversity conservation as well
as in controlling, managing, and utilizing biological resources to achieve the highest
quality of life. Kehatis mission is to support and facilitate groups of people to obtain
their rights in accordance with their obligations to improve their capabilities and to
uphold self-reliance in controlling and managing biological resources; support policy
reform efforts and advocacy to uphold the law to achieve sustainable development
with a biodiversity basis; gather funding support, resources and participation from
communities and other stakeholders to assure the sustainability of biodiversity
programs in Indonesia.

Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) is a network that consists of individuals and

organizations committed to concrete, sustainable forest management. FWI strives to
develop data transparency in forest information, by strengthening data and alternative
information sources, increasing technical capacity and constituency, and supporting
public response to sensitive forestry issues. A key result of FWIs activity is the State
of The Forest Report published in collaboration with Global Forest Watch. FWI also
makes serious efforts to promote policies and practices of forest management that

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work to protect and conserve forest resources and to guarantee the justice for local

Telapak was established in 1995 and legally founded in 1997 to work toward a
direction in natural resources management that embraces community, intragenerational, and the unity of life. Telapaks mission is to facilitate and strengthen
the organization and partners, NGO networks, local communities and their leader; to
pressure national companies and international financial institutions with poor
environmental performance; and to promote improved NRM policies and practices.
Telapaks motto is All of the area of Indonesia is conservation area. Telapak has
produced many documentaries about natural resources management in form of high
quality research and translation of advocacy policy in local and national level. Since
2002, Telapak Indonesia Foundation (Yayasan) changed its legal status to Telapak
Association (Perkumpulan) a form that facilitates its ability to spread its mission and
work in the wider community.

The National Consortium for Forest and Nature Conservation in Indonesia

(KONPHALINDO) aims to collect and disseminate information on sustainable
development specifically in the areas of sustainable agriculture, forest fires, urban
ecology and mangroves. It also serves as an information center through publications,
and conducts education and community development activities. Other activities
include publishing a monthly environment journal, and holding seminars/workshops
in conjunction with the government, NGOs and universities.

The Consortium for Supporting Community-based Forest Management System

(KpSHK) is a network organization established in 1997 in response to initiative of
NGOs, indigenous peoples organizations, researchers and participants concerned
with the issues of natural resources, especially forest resources in Indonesia. The
consortium has been positioned as a movement to support systematically the patterns
of natural resource management practices developed by indigenous peoples
throughout Indonesia since years ago. The support is needed as an answer to practices
of commercial forest management ignoring environmental sustainability and
indigenous peoples rights. The consortiums vision is the realization of peoples
sovereignty over sustainable natural resources, especially forests. Activities focus on
revitalizing indigenous institutions for NRM and law, providing technical assistance
in developing NR management models, empowering local people economically

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through capital and market links, fighting for peoples sovereignty through policy
reform, and networking, documentation, and media communication. Emphasizing an
ecosystem approach, KpSHK has advocated reform that values local knowledge,
customary institutions, community control over forests, and tenure reform. This
became known as the SHK approach, which was developed and tested mainly in
communities where customary law remains strong. This was in explicit contrast to
the GoIs community forestry process, known as the HKM approach, which retains
government oversight and control of many decisions and has been developed and
tested mainly with migrant farmers and displaced peasants with little history of forest

The Indonesian Tropical Nature Institute, LATIN or Lembaga Alam Tropika

Indonesia, has a mission to accelerate good forest governance processes at various
levels. To achieve its mission Latin has developed an organization system that is
flexible and responsive to fast-moving changes, as well as accountable, transparent
and democratic. Latin collects data, conducts analysis, and offers the results to the
public through a variety of media. Latin has published 17 books and uses its library,
community forestry journal, websites, seminars, workshops, and discussion to
disseminate information to the public.

The Community Natural Resources Managers Group Foundation, or Yayasan

Kemala, an abbreviation for Kelompok Masyarakat Pengelolaan Sumber Daya
Alam, was formed in 2000 as a local institution transformed from a base in a USAID
project known as the Biodiversity Support Program. The KEMALA program partners
are NGOs and local community organizations with varying experiences working with
local community groups, university or government on issues related to education,
community organizing, income generation, mapping, participatory rural appraisal,
research, advocacy of rights, and protected area management, among others. The
overarching focus of their work is environment protection and human rights. Kemala
partners strive to influence the political and legal agenda to recognize community
rights in natural resource management. Focus area includes the region of Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and parts of Java and Sumatra. Yayasan Kemalas network
includes community organizers, coastal and marine advocates, agrarian and conflict
resolution trainers, and regional autonomy specialists.

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The Communication Forum on Community Forestry, FKKM or Forum Komunikasi

Kehutanan Masyarakat, strives to accommodate peoples aspirations for justice in
natural resource management, promotes sustainable natural resource and ecosystem
management, and promotes social welfare improvements through community
forestry. Community forestry is defined as the ability of local or traditional people in
managing forests continuously either for commercial purpose or as an ecosystem.
Founded in 1997, with funding from the Ford Foundation, FKKM strives to create an
inclusive forum to stimulate dialogue among the multiple stakeholders concerned
with community forestry. The Forum includes government officials, academics,
NGOs, and the private sector. Links with community-based organizations however
have been weak. FKKM invested heavily in two initiatives that it hoped would move
the community forest cause forward: lobbying the IMF and World Bank to introduce
conditionalities in their economic rescue package and acting as a think tank during
the drafting of the Forestry Law. FKKM functions as a loose email network, remains
open to all and is used as a means of sharing advice and experiences. (Colchester

Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) specializes in research and

capacity building, advocacy and community empowerment to accomplish the
principle of Good Sustainable Development Governance. ICEL carries out activities
in legal and policy reform. It seeks to defend the public interest by pursuing the
recognition of their rights with respect to the environment and natural resources. It
also endeavors to enhance the capability of environmental NGOs and the GoI with
respect to Good Environmental Governance.

The Natural Resources Law Institute, IHSA or Institut Hukum Sumber Daya Alam,
was established in 1998 in Yogyakarta as a foundation focusing on law and policy
research and advocacy initiatives related to natural resources issues. IHSA works with
the spirit of independent, professional, non-profit, and non-political party interest.
IHSAs vision is supremacy of law in the field of natural resources to guarantee its
management, which is based on justice, democracy, recognition and respect on
community rights to create social welfare for either nowadays generation or future
generation. IHSA contributes to strengthening and reform of policy and law on
natural resources; provides technical expertise in policy and law-making processes,
supports the efforts of policy and law advocacy in natural resources management
using the principles of good natural resources governance; provides technical support

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for civil society institutions working on strengthening a more decentralized and

democratized natural resources management.

The Indonesian Eco-labeling Society, LEI or Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia, is an

organization that strives to improve natural resources management and biodiversity
through a credible certification and eco-labeling system. LEI gives accreditation for
other parties to act as certification/eco-labeling organizations. LEI also conducts
policy studies and provides input to the government to make more conducive ecolabeling policies.

The Participatory Mapping Network, JKPP or Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan

Partisipatif, focuses on developing institution capacity for community mapping,
providing training and technical assistance to communities, organizations, and

The Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment, RMI or Rimbawan Muda
Indonesia, was established in 1992 in response to the low attention given by the
society to natural resources preservation, notably forests that have been damaged by
exploitation. The institute aims to develop conservation and protection of Indonesias
natural resources so that they will contribute to the welfare of the society. RMIs
activities focus on environment, community forestry, agriculture, gender and women
in development. It also has supporting activities in small enterprises/cooperatives,
human rights and democracy. These activities take the form of study, research,
survey, education and training, and community development, facilitation, and
publication. Past programs have included study and development of bamboo
ethnobotany, ecotourism development for the basic community, conservation
education, development of energy plantations, training on agriculture utilization for
the rural village community, and the dissemination of information about environment

Regional NGOs
Appendix V identifies 68 regionally-based NGOs working on forestry, environmental, or
biodiversity issues. Some of these regional NGOs are actually branches of national
organizations, such as Walhi, WWF, or FWI. Of these, 17 are in Sumatra, 16 in Java, 10
in Kalimantan, 17 in Sulawesi, 3 in Maluku, and 5 in Papua. This distribution suggests

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that the more developed and populated islands have more NGO representation than the
eastern islands. Maluku in particular has few active NGOs, partly attributable to the civil
conflict in that province. A brief description of two regional NGOs is offered for

Volunteers Alliance for Saving Nature (ARuPA) was founded in 1998 as an action
committee for students and environmentalists to encourage reform in Indonesia.
ARuPA was founded with the intention of revising inappropriate national forestry and
natural resource management paradigms and policies. ARuPA is also pushing the
government to reform its uniform, centralized tenurial system into more local specific
and participative policies. ARuPA's vision is the sustainable, fair, and democratic
management of natural resources. The mission is to preserve and sustainably manage
natural resources through community based management. Goals of the organization
are: to promote balance between natural resources and environment stake holders; to
investigate the application of policies regarding the management of natural resources
and the environment; to participate in planning, conducting, and monitoring natural
resources and environmental management activities; to involve local people in
productive activities that use their knowledge of local natural resources; and to
develop more appropriate environmental best-practice management.

WARSI is a regional network organizational established in 1992 with membership

made up of twelve NGOs from four provinces in Sumatra (South Sumatra, West
Sumatra, Bengkulu and Jambi). The organizations focus is biodiversity conservation
and community development. WARSI cooperates with a number of different parties
connected with conservation and development in the four southern Sumatran
provinces, including the Regional Planning Authority (Bappeda), the Nature
Conservation Agency (PHPA), institutions of higher learning, private agencies and
other concerned groups. WARSI is also not limited to NGOs but is open to
professionals and teachers, as well as other groups. WARSI was formed with the
intention to work towards bringing about sustainable development, or, in other words,
development that can fulfill the needs and guarantee the welfare and prosperity of
people in the present, without endangering the continued survival of future

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2.2.2 Descriptions of some Key International NGOs

Many international conservation NGOs have operated programs in Indonesia for many
years, even decades. Of these, Birdlife International, Conservation International, and
World Wildlife Fund have transformed their programs into local Indonesian institutions,
which retain links to the parent organization, but are free standing. This information is
taken from the organizations web sites and promotional materials and is roughly in order
of start date in Indonesia.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). WWF, the largest independent conservation
organization in the world, has collaborated with government agencies, NGOs,
Universities, and community leaders in Indonesia for more than 30 years. WWF
promotes sustainable development and conservation in Indonesia, as a region with the
highest biodiversity in the world. WWF Indonesia was created in 1998 as a national
organization within WWFs international network. It is the largest WWF program in
the Asia Pacific Region. WWF Indonesia works on conservation efforts in more than
ten national parks and protected areas in Indonesia under a bioregional approach that
strives to consolidate conservation efforts, increase conservation awareness, and
promote sustainable use of natural resources. At present, WWF Indonesia offices for
implementing its bioregional approach are located in Jakarta, Denpasar (Wallacea),
Balikpapan (Sundaland), and Jayapura (Sahul). With coordination from Jakarta,
these three offices work with local communities, local governments, and other NGO
to promote conservation and sustainable development to protect the highest
biodiversity regions in the world.

Conservation International/Indonesia Program. Conservation International (CI)

started working in Indonesia in 1991, employing conservation efforts supported by
scientific information and focusing on priority areas facing threats to biodiversity. CI
emphasizes partnership with multiple stakeholders, including non-profit
organizations, government, scientific community, local communities, and the private
sector. CI Indonesia works to strengthen organizational capacity for environmental
conservation in threatened forest and marine habitats. At present, CI works in Papua,
Togean Islands (Sulawesi), Gunung Gede National Park (Java) and Aceh (Sumatra).
The strategy used by CI includes technical assistance and funding to local institutions
to improve conservation with community-based, sustainable development. CI's work
capitalizes on the recent democratization and decentralization of the government,
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which has created opportunities for policy change that may greatly support

Birdlife International. The BirdLife International Indonesia Programme was

established in 1992 as a collaborative conservation programme with the Directorate
General of Nature Protection and Conservation of the Ministry of Forestry. In
addition, BirdLife works closely with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and
maintains strong links and collaboration with NGOs and nature clubs throughout the
country. The goals of the Indonesia Program are to: identify and determine the
conservation requirements of bird species and to promote actions to prevent their
decline or extinction; identify and determine the conservation requirements of key
sites and habitats in Indonesia and to promote the establishment and management of
conservation areas, as well as appropriate land-use planning; strengthen conservation
awareness and skills among all stakeholders to build capacity for nature conservation.

At least five other international environmental NGOs have operations in Indonesia.

These organizations maintain their international status and affiliations in their
collaborative work with Indonesian partner organizations.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC). TNC is a private international conservation

organization with the largest system of private nature protection sites in the world.
The mission of TNC is to protect flora, fauna and natural communities that represent
biodiversity in the world, by protecting the land and water that they need to survive.
TNCs program in Indonesia has been established for more than 10 years, and at
present has 5 offices, with field initiative in Central Sulawesi (Lore Lindu National
Park), Nusa Tenggara Timur (Komodo National Park), and East Kalimantan (Berau
Region). TNC is a USAID implementation partner in a Global Development Alliance
with WWF to combat illegal logging in East Kalimantan and the East Asia Region.
Also in East Kalimantan, TNC is working with local governments and forest
concessionaires to protect and conserve an important population of orangutans and
their habitat.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The Wildlife Conservation Society

saves wildlife and wild lands through careful science, international conservation,
education, and the management of urban wildlife parks. In Indonesia, WCS is
specifically involved in: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, the third

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largest national park on Sumatra, which contains more lowland forest than any other
protected area on the island. WCS's Indonesia Program conducted the first systematic
surveys of BBSNP in 1994 and subsequent work has documented significant
populations of globally important wildlife. WCS is prominent in North Sulawesi with
a long standing program in Tangkoko nature reserve, a site of outstanding
biodiversity. WCS also has important programs addressing the illegal trade in

Wetlands International, dedicated to the crucial work of wetland conservation and

sustainable management, was created in 1995 through the integration of Asian
Wetland Bureau (Asia-pacific region), International Waterfowl and Wetlands
Research Bureau (Europe and Middle East region), and Wetlands for the Americas
(American region). The mission is to sustain and restore wetlands, their resources
and biodiversity for future generations through research, information exchange and
conservation activities, worldwide. In Indonesia, Wetlands International operates in
cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry with programs that date back 20 years.
Numerous activities have been carried out, including site potential surveys, wetlands
rehabilitation, public awareness, and policy and institutional strengthening.

Fauna and Flora International (FFI) was established in 1903 and has been active in
Asia since 1935, starting in India. At present, FFI has offices in Indonesia and
Vietnam, and is active in Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, and other part of East
Asia. In Indonesia, FFI is active in biodiversity assessment efforts and the protection
of tigers in Kerinci Sebelat National Park in Sumatra, Eagle conservation effort in
Java, and Elephant conservation in Aceh.

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is an international campaigning

organization committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime. EIA has
been working to protect the worlds forests and the wildlife and people dependent on
their resources, since the early 1990s. Since 1997, EIA has worked in partnership
with Telapak, an Indonesian NGO. Together, the two have exposed illegal logging in
National Parks, worked with other organizations and communities, and promoted
ideas and information to improve forest policy.

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2.2.3 Indonesian NGO Transition Issues and Capacity Needs

The New Order placed strict limitations on civil society organizations and the scope of
their speech and advocacy. The reform area has seen a blossoming of Indonesian NGOs
addressing biodiversity and forest conservation and management issues. The growth of
NGOs and the rapid political transition have been accompanied by changing priorities,
evolving capacity needs, and growing pains as well. National environmental NGOs often
focus on advocacy and policy agendas, because of the perception that many
environmental governance issues need to be resolved. Regional and local NGOs
(sometimes branches or local chapters of the national NGOs) have been more involved in
direct community development or PA management. Some NGOs need capacity
development to take on greater roles in managing biodiversity and forest resources at the
local level, or advocating appropriate means to achieve sustainability at the national level.
During the New Order, many NGOs used the environment label as the only legitimate
means to deal with political issues such as human rights violations. Because of this past
emphasis on advocacy, some NGOs need new technical skills to better engage locally,
e.g., developing approaches to assist communities with livelihood concerns.
Under the New Order and still today, many NGOs advocate greater community inclusion
and recognition in forestry and conservation policies and decisions for two reasons. First,
they believe control should be devolved to correct past resource allocation injustices.
Second, devolving control of resources to the local or community level should, in theory,
yield better stewardship. For these reasons, many NGOs laud the move toward
decentralization, even though they may still advocate for reforms in the process or the
results. However, ambiguity in the decentralization laws, as well as the weak capacity in
local governments, has allowed a new level of opportunism in resource exploitation at the
local level that has not always benefited conservation efforts and ecosystems. This poses
a challenge to arguments for devolving authority to local people based on simplified
representations of traditional communities opposing the state to preserve local
institutions and practices of sustainable natural resource use (Li 1999).

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In the decentralization era, unclear boundaries created by a history of migrations and state
territorialization5 have exacerbated conflicts both between and within forest dependent
communities. For NGOs, the overlapping claims to territory present a problem that has
yet to receive adequate attention (Campbell 1999), but will be important to moving
decentralized forest and coastal management forward. Effective decentralized resource
management and local conservation efforts require attention to be placed on the diverse
interests within a community, the ways stakeholders influence decision-making, and the
institutions that structure decision-making (Agrawal and Gibson 1999).
Adjusting to new socio-political dynamics in this transition period in Indonesia, as well
as opportunities for new approaches for reform, means that some NGOs are seeking new
skills and capacities. For example, planning, management, research, and technical skills
will be important to improving the livelihood conditions of rural communities. Also, for
example, newer NGOs are often led by a key individual with the skills and credibility to
attract resources and partnerships. As the organization expands, this leader may become
overstretched. Developing skills and capacity in the middle ranks of NGOs will help to
keep up with expansion of opportunities and work load.
Many local NGOs have been key partners of international donors, NGOs, and other
agencies in implementation of biodiversity and forestry conservation programs. This
relationship can be successful. However, many Indonesian NGOs would prefer greater
autonomy in their planning and activities and may feel constrained by donor agencies
administrative requirements (Colchester 2003). Capacity development in grant or contract
administration could help address this issue. Although Indonesian and international
NGOs often form successful partnerships around specific issues, there is also an aspect of
their relationship that involves competition for resources (Colchester 2003).
Some NGOs have experience with basic environmental awareness campaigns. These
efforts are often short-lived and project-based. Capacity is needed in producing and
managing integrated multi-media campaigns, managing media relations, and producing
effective materials that foster and inform a wider environmental constituency.

The term territorialization refers to the process through which all modern states divide their territories into complex
overlapping political and economic zones, rearrange people and resources within these units, and create regulations
delineating how and by whom these areas can be used (Vandergeest and Peluso 1995, 387, cited in Li 1999, 12).

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2.2.4 NGO Resource Base

Some anecdotal or donor-specific information is available on NGO funding sources and
levels, but there is no comprehensive inventory, such as the EU database on Donor
Projects in Forestry (discussed in Section 2.3.1). However, some inferences can be made
based on the size of the NGOs, their programs, and the limited donor-specific
information that is available. 6 Grouping national and international NGOs by size
provides some indication of their resource base.
Some national network NGOs and some international environmental NGOs are quite
large, with programs, staff, and activities in many provinces across the country. Many of
these organizations receive funding from international donors, foreign foundations, direct
fund raising, and endowments. Based on anecdotal evidence about some specific grants,
it can be assumed that NGOs in this group (mainly internationals, but some nationals
also) have budgets in the range of several millions of dollars per year. A substantial
portion of this could be coming from sources outside Indonesia, or at least beyond the
existing pool of donor projects summarized in the next section, 2.3.
Another set of NGOs working at the national level are of an intermediate size, with
reasonable research, administration, and project staff. These groups often have access to
multiple funding sources, such as grants or projects from the international donors or from
the larger NGOs. Annual budgets for this group are likely based around one or several
large grants from the key donor grant programs (e.g., Ford, UNDP/GEF, DFID, Kehati).
These groups would have budgets in the range of US$ 100-500,000, most of this coming
from within the pool of resources summarized below.
Other NGOs that are local, new, or narrowly issue based are quite small and focused in
their activities. These groups may receive funding as branch offices of larger, national
NGOs. These smallest NGOs would have annual budgets well below $100,000, with
most of this coming from within the pool of resources already discussed: funds from
donor projects or sub-grants from larger NGOs. The overlap in funding sources and the
sub-granting process complicates efforts to summarize overall available funding for
conservation and forestry in the NGO community.

Several donors provide grants to NGOs as a major part of their agenda, notably the Ford Foundation and the DFID MultiStakeholder Forestry Program. The Indonesian NGOs, Kehati and Kemala, are also in the business of providing grants to
local NGOs. USAID has several current and former NGO grant programs.

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2. 3 International Organizations
This section discusses donors and international organizations that play a role in
biodiversity and forest conservation and management. First is a discussion of patterns and
trends among donors active in the forestry sector, which is then followed by a discussion
of internationally funded initiatives focusing more specifically on biodiversity
conservation. Finally, this portion of the report closes with a description of several US
governments biodiversity and forestry initiatives with relevance for Indonesia.

2.3.1 Major Donor Programs and Trends

Many donor agencies are active in the forestry sector. The three largest are the European
Union, the United Kingdom Department for International Development, and Japan
through both JICA and Japan/Komatsu Ltd. Also active with substantial funding levels
are USAID, German GTZ, Denmark/DANIDA, Canada/CIDA, the International Tropical
Timber Organization, and the Netherlands through Tropenbos and universities. The
following discussion is based on Bennett and Walton (2003), as well as the EU database
of forest sector projects, described in the next section.
The European Union funds many projects in the forestry sector (US$ 112.6 million of
grants), covering a range of issues from biodiversity conservation, to illegal logging, to
concession management. The EUs flagship forest and biodiversity conservation project
is its long standing (1995-2004) investment in management of Gunung Leuser National
Park in Aceh and North Sumatra. The EU is also supporting an illegal logging response
center in Jakarta. The EU has funded projects to support production forest management
in both South Kalimantan and Berau. It is currently starting up an initiative (2003-9) to
support participative management of all natural resources in the Berau and Bulungan
districts of E. Kalimantan. The EU has also supported efforts to control forest fires, to
strengthen the MoF institutionally, to develop a forest ecosystem inventory project,
FIMP, for three provinces came to an end (US$ not included in above total). The EU
also supports the Forest Liaison Bureau to link its own projects and to provide technical
assistance and coordination to the MoF.
The United Kingdom, through DfID, funds the Multistakeholder Forestry Program or
MFP, the largest single donor project in the forestry sector (US$ 41.3 million from 2001-

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5) for. The MFP is active across Indonesia, supports participatory processes for forestry
resource management, and provides substantial grant funds for NGOs.
Japan, through JICA (US$ 21.5 million) supports programs concerned with carbonfixing, forest tree Improvement, and propagation of native species for rehabilitation and
reforestation across Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra. Biodiversity conservation assistance
is provided to Way Kambas NP, Lampung and Halimun NP, West Java (US$ 4 million,
1998-2003). JICA also supports a mangrove information center to be established in
North Sulawesi and a Forest Fire Prevention Management Project in Jambi, in its third
phase. JICA also funds a project for Forest Sector Development Strategy at the Ministry.
USAIDs assistance program of about US$ 10 million is actually the fourth largest on an
annual basis. USAID funds both the Natural Resources Management Program and the
GreenCOM Environmental Education and Communication Project. More detail on other
donor project investments can be found in Appendix VI.
The multi-lateral donors, World Bank and Asian Development Bank, have also supported
activities that touch on the forestry sector, through both policy reform efforts and land
management efforts. The World Bank has been active in biodiversity conservation and
PA management, but absent from the commercial forestry sector until the economic crisis
in 1997. After the economic crisis, the World Bank helped to include forest policy
reform conditions in both the IMF rescue package and its own structural adjustment loans
in 1998 and 1999. At the end of January 2000 a high-level seminar on forest issues in
Indonesia was co-sponsored by the World Bank, providing a venue to discuss issues such
as deforestation, over-capacity of the wood industry, and exclusion of forest dwellers
from forest management decision making. Since then, the World Bank has been involved
in forest policy dialogue with GoI and has served as coordinator of the Donor Forum on
Forestry, an informal technical advisory body to the Consultative Group on Indonesia
(Bennett and Walton 2003).
The ADB has a number of large projects in development that are related to forestry, land
rehabilitation, and watershed management. When these projects are implemented, the
relative funding levels discussed above will change markedly. ADB support in forestry
has emphasized watershed management, including reforestation initiatives that
incorporate community-based approaches for agroforestry in upper catchment areas. The
on-going Watershed Management Project, Central Java has a community forest

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component and includes reforestation initiatives. A very large (US$100 million) Land
Management and Rehabilitation Project is in preparation. ADB poverty initiatives also
have some bearing on forest lands and rehabilitation. For example, the Poor Farmers
Income Improvement through Innovation Project (US$56 million) has just started in
Central Sulawesi, NTT, and Lombok where it may build on a GTZ fruit tree lease
initiative for state land. ADB also has several large flood control projects, which could
be considered as contributing to forest sector improvement. The South Java Flood
Control Project (US$88 million) includes nursery development and tree seedlings for
farmers. The Flood Management in Selected River Basins Project (US$100 million) was
scheduled for preparation in 2003.
Trends in Donor Assistance. The World Bank has also recently developed a review of
donor assistance to the forestry (Bennett and Walton, 2003), which notes the following:
In the 1970s, when assistance was initiated, aid to the forestry sector focused on proper
development of forest transmigration sites and watershed management. In the 1980s,
donor assistance covered reforestation for watershed management, a national forest
inventory, protected area management, and training and research. From the 1980s to the
1990s, donor aid also moved towards supporting management of natural forests. Starting
in the mid-1980s until now, forest co-management with village communities became a
central focus of donor assistance, e.g., the Ford Foundations support of social forestry in
Java and other islands and GTZs decade-long community-based forest resource
management program in West Kalimantan. Other manifestations of donor focus on
communities include DfIDs Multistakeholder Forestry Program, initiated in 1998, and
the series of USAID-supported NRM projects that began with assistance for management
of both protected areas and concessions and later moved to more decentralized
approaches and community-based initiatives. Once exception to this trend was a longterm project (1992-1999) to replace the existing forest concession systems with the
establishment of permanent production forest areas, which ultimately did not materialize
because in 1994 MoF decided not to accept anymore loan-based projects (Bennett and
Walton 2003).
Other International Organizations
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). CIFOR is an international
research (CGIAR system) and global knowledge institution committed to conserving
forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. CIFOR's research helps

2 - 39

local communities and small farmers gain their rightful share of forest resources, while
increasing the production and value of forest products. CIFOR's mission is to contribute
to the sustained well-being of people in developing countries, particularly in the tropics.
It achieves this through collaborative, strategic and applied research and by promoting
the transfer and adoption of appropriate new technologies and social systems for national
development. In Indonesia, CIFOR has links to the Ministry of Forestrys division for
research and has had important research efforts aimed at shifting land cultivation
systems, forest and land fires, forest industry restructuring and debt, forestry
decentralization, biodiversity inventories, and integrated field activities with local
governments and communities in Malinau, East Kalimantan.
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). ICRAF, established in
1978, is a research institution of the CGIAR system whose goal is to help mitigate
tropical deforestation, land depletion and rural poverty through improved agroforestry
systems. ICRAF's objectives focus on conducting strategic and applied research, in
partnership with national institutions, aimed at developing appropriate agroforestry
technologies for more sustainable and productive land use. The centre seeks to strengthen
national capacities to conduct agroforestry research by encouraging inter-institutional
collaboration and dissemination of information through training, education,
documentation and communication activities. ICRAF works in many countries of
Southeast Asia, with a strategic research program on a watershed triangle of key field
locations in Sumatra (Lampung and Jambi), northern Thailand (Mae Chaem), and
northern Mindanao (Claveria and Lantapan). In Indonesia, ICRAF has produced research
on customary agroforestry systems and promoted policy dialogue on legal issues in the
definition of forest land and tenure systems.
The Ford Foundation began working in Indonesia in 1953 and has provided over 125
million dollars in grants in selected fields. Although it is a non-governmental
organization, it is also an important donor agency because of its substantial grants
program. The substantive focus of the Foundation has evolved over the years in response
to changing needs and priorities in Indonesia. The Foundation has made major
commitments in the areas of education, agriculture and rural development, health and
population, rights and governance, and culture. The Foundations goals are to strengthen
democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and
advance human achievement. In Indonesia, the Ford Foundation has had a program
focused on environment, forestry, and natural resources since at least the early 1990s.

2 - 40

Ford Foundation grants (about US$ 3 million per year) both to government and NGOs
have been instrumental in evaluating, testing, and promoting community-based forestry
and natural resource management approaches, including social forestry, in Indonesia. In
recent years, Ford has expanded support to cover good governance of natural resources in
The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), a multi-lateral agency,
supports 15 forestry projects ranging from about US$ 0.05 to 1 million. The largest of
these is the Sustainable Forest Management and Human Resources Development Project
(US$ 1.1 million, 2001-2003), which include guidelines for illegal logging control,
breeding, plantation management, community-based forest management, wood-based
industry development and strategy and forest certification.
In the 1990s, two CGIAR centers, CIFOR and ICRAF, began a series of action-oriented
research initiatives on the dynamic relationship between communities and forest
resources. Both centers also conduct research on the impacts of decentralization in the
forestry sector, and CIFOR has carried out research on inter-sectoral problems such as
forest industry overcapacity, restructuring and financing.
Many other initiatives to support sustainable forest management are taking place across
Indonesia as well, albeit at a more modest level:
Tropical Forest Trust (TFT) and Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF) focus on reducedimpact logging and improved natural production forest management as well as
linking legal log producers with foreign buyers.
SmartWood, SGS and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute develop forest
certification systems, partly in collaboration. SmartWood certified the first
community forest in Indonesia in 1999 and is interested in expanding this type of
Birdlife Indonesia with European and Japan partners redesign and restructure the last
remaining lowland forest in South Sumatra and Jambi to become a forest
management unit co-managed with the MoF for production, plantation and special
purpose forest.

2 - 41

2.3.2 International Funding in the Forestry Sector

The European Unions (EU) Forest Liaison Bureau (FLB) intermittently collects data on
funding of donor projects in the forestry sector. This database provides a good overview
of forestry-related donor project funding. However, it specifically does not include all
projects and funding agencies that could have impacts on forestry and biodiversity
conservation. The EU estimates total donor project assistance to the forestry sector of
US$248.7 million. This is the sum of all life of project funding commitments. This is
a useful benchmark, but because projects vary in length this figure does not provide a full
picture of current or annual funding available. It would also be helpful to have
information about trends or projects in the planning phase. Please see Appendix VI for a
detailed matrix of donors involved in the forestry sector, their individual project
contributions, and the topical and geographic nature of the assistance.
There are a number of funding sources in the forestry sector that are not reflected in the
donor project data summary. For example, the ADB is sponsoring a US$ 40 Million
watershed rehabilitation and rehabilitation loan project for the period 2000-2005. ADB
projects for flood control are not included, though they may have substantial funding for
forest rehabilitation. The international research agencies, CIFOR and ICRAF, are not
included, presumably because they are not donors. Also, for example, the Ford
Foundation is not a donor project, but it provides funding in the forestry sector of about
US$ 3 Million per year. The Global Environment Facility, implemented by the World
Bank and UNDP, provides millions of dollars in funding for many types of conservation
projects, but most of these are currently not focused in the forestry sector. Appendix VI
also includes a list of projects funded through the GEF.
The following table summarizes the EU data on donor project funding in the forestry
sector. Ford and ADB funding have been added for completeness and an analysis of
average annual spending has been developed based on project years of funding. Funding
levels are ranked by size and percentages are calculated for ease of comparison.

2 - 42

Table 2.4: Summary of Funding for Donor Projects in the Forestry Sector
(does not include all conservation funding, see additional caveats in text)


Life of Project


Ave. Annual


European Union/EC
United Kingdom/DfID +
ADB (loans and grants)
Japan/JICA +
The Netherlands/ Tropenbos +
WB/Alliance + GEF





Grand Total





This shows that although total donor project funding is in the hundreds of millions of
dollars, annual funding for the most recent 5-7 year period has been closer to US$ 60
Million. To put this figure in some perspective, it is useful to note that Indonesias GDP
attributable to forestry and processed wood products in the year 2000 was nearly US$ 4
Billion and export earnings were about US$ 3.5 Billion (excluding pulp and paper, worth
another US$ 2.2 Billion). Also in the year 2000, the GoI earned US$ 275 Million from
forest sector revenues and reforestation funds (not including corporate taxes).

2.3.3 International Funding for Biodiversity Conservation and PA

In addition to international funding aimed at the forestry sector, other funding has
focused more on biodiversity conservation and management, both within PAs and beyond
their boundaries into production areas. Since 1992, the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) has been a key funding mechanism for this purpose, with most projects taking an
ecosystems approach to conservation. Indonesia has a substantial GEF portfolio across
several islands and different ecosystems, totaling approximately US$ 31.6 million. The
World Bank implements most of these projects and the United Nations Development
2 - 43

Program (UNDP) manages a GEF small grants program (World Bank 2001). Some
illustrative GEF projects include:

Biodiversity Collections Project to upgrade biodiversity collections of the Bogor

Herbarium and Zoology Museum ($7.2 million GEF, $4.2 million GoI).
Kerinci-Seblat National Park Integrated Conservation and Development Project ($15
million GEF, $19 million IBRD, $13 million GoI); now closed.
Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP) to establish a coral
reef management system in priority areas and develop models for greater involvement
of communities in reef protection and management ($4.1 million GEF, $6.9 million
IBRD, $1.8 million GoI). COREMAP II will be a second phase ($7.5 million GEF
and $30 million WB). Please see below.
Asian Rhinos is a two-nation project for rhino protection in Malaysia and
Indonesia, with primary focus on the rare and threatened Sumatran rhinoceros
(Dicerorhinus sumatrenis).
GEF Medium-Sized Project (MSP) window provides an opportunity to channel GEF
resources directly to NGOs, universities, local communities and indigenous groups
for conservation activities. Indonesia is developing a strong pipeline of MSP projects
for Berbak-Sembilang (Sumatra), Sangihe (Sulawesi), Mamberamo (Papua); all
involve partnerships between the Directorate-General of Nature Conservation and
international NGOs.
Aceh Elephant Landscapes is a GEF MSP with Flora and Fauna International (FFI)
to protect Indonesia's largest remaining population of Asian elephants through
conservation awareness programs ($750,000 GEF, $ 295,000 Co-financing).

In addition to these GEF funded initiatives, there are other notable projects addressing
marine and coastal issues that are noteworthy. The ADB has committed US$ 50 million
in loans for their Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project (MCRMP), which
focuses on provincial coastal strategic plans and local government regulation models. The
World Bank, ADB and AusAid jointly fund a new phase of COREMAP (Coral Reef
Rehabilitation and Management Project) (mentioned above). This project, which will be
funded in the range of US$ 35 to US$ 80 million, consists of US$ 15 million in grants
with the remainder in loans. Grant funds will be used to support community-based comanagement of three marine protected areas Taka Bone Rate, Wakatobi, and Raja
Ampat -- and to support the creation of province-level marine protected areas in seven
provinces. The loans will primarily fund infrastructure improvements.

2 - 44

Assessment of International Funding of Protected Areas

(World Bank, 2001)
There is a great disparity in funding and staffing levels in different PAs in Indonesia. National
parks are eligible for relatively large government budgets. Because of this, several PAs
receiving donor support became national parks to ensure recurrent cost financing. Both the
number of parks and the amount of funding increased through the late 1980s and 1990s, until
the economic crisis struck. Although more money was allocated to national parks, these
budgets were not always well spent. Since the onset of the crisis, government funding for
conservation has been seriously reduced. Funding by multilateral development banks and bilaterals has increased significantly over the past six years. Since most donors require
substantial government counterpart funding, parks and other PAs receiving outside assistance
have generally received increased government funding. This insistence on adequate
counterpart budgets makes good sense in attempting to ensure sustainability of activities
beyond a project lifetime but does mean that both government and donor funds are
concentrated in just a few areas. (It has been estimated that, in 2000, about 40% of the budget
of the Directorate-General of Nature Conservation development went to just two donor-assisted
parks, Gn. Leuser and Kerinci). (pp. 37-8)
The only question that ultimately matters is whether these efforts are sufficient to slow, and
ultimately stop, losses in the countrys biological diversity. The answer is clearly no. Projects
often suffer from a lack of local support, social and political opposition, problems with capacity
among the executing partners, and corruption (petty or otherwise). The 30 PAs with major
donor financing represent only 10% of the total number of PAs in the country but just over half
of the total land area of terrestrial PAs, that is, donor funding has focused on some of the
largest PAs. Current PA projects have tended to focus primarily on the western islands and on
forest habitats rather than coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems.
Conservation funding has been concentrated in priority areas but not always allocated to
secure maximum biogeographical representativeness and diversity. Engaging local support for
PAs will require greater emphasis and understanding of the ecosystem services they provide
and innovative ways of either financing PAs or providing district development assistance linked
to environmental performance. Many of the PAs in Indonesia cover typically marginal lands.
The densities of fauna will decline even further unless corridors of natural habitat are retained.
Current PAs must be supplemented by a landscape approach to conservation, involving
management of forests and other natural habitats outside PAs in a manner consistent with
conservation objectives. In this context watershed and production forests can play an important
role provided that they remain as forests. (p. 41)

In addition to the GEF mechanism, the major international conservation organizations all
implement a broad suite of biodiversity and forest conservation and management
programs in Indonesia. As noted in Section 2.2.2, The Nature Conservancy (TNC),
Conservation International (CI), The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Birdlife International,
Wetlands International, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Flora and Fauna
International (FFI), and others implement a diverse set of activities across the country.
Some are involved in protected area management, while other initiatives focus on the
transnational problem of illegal logging. As discussed previously, each of these
international NGOs may have a budget of millions of dollars per year. Some of this
amount is already reflected in funds attributed to GEF, UNDP, Ford, DfID, or other
donors. However, these organizations also bring funds from foundations, membership,

2 - 45

etc. Funding above and beyond that discussed in the donor section could be the range of
US $5 to 15 million per year.

2.3.4 US Government Initiatives for Biological Resource Conservation and

This section describes several US Government initiatives and explains their relationship
to forest and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia.
USAID Global Conservation Program (GCP)
The GCP began in October 1999 and is now USAIDs only global conservation initiative.
It complements a wide array of prior and existing USAID-funded biodiversity activities
around the world. The GCP works through six NGO partners: the African Wildlife
Foundation, Conservation International, EnterpriseWorks Worldwide, the Nature
Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the World Wildlife Fund. The GCP
takes a threats based approach, i.e., tackling direct threats to biodiversity through
management on the ground. This approach helps keep field staff, communities and other
stakeholders focused on the resource management task at hand. Moreover, assessment of
causal linkages is useful to identify where and how interventions can be effective and
where monitoring can be done. Further, the threats based approach that integrates
these causal linkages ensures a holistic approach to the conversation and management
issue (Parker 2003).
In Indonesia the GCP supports TNCs coral reef and marine biodiversity conservation
work in Komodo NP, Wakatobi NP, and the Raja Ampat Islands and conservation
financing work with the Indonesian government and private sector, e.g., debt-for-nature
swaps. It has also supported WWFs eco-region based program work in the SuluSulawesi sea.
US Presidential Initiative Against Illegal Logging
As Secretary of State Colin Powell noted, this initiative reaffirms Americas leadership,
and President Bushs leadership, in fighting environmental crime and promoting
democratic principles (July 28, 2003). The initiative will work with developing
countries to combat illegal logging, halt the sale and export of illegally harvested timber,
and fight corruption in the forest sector (Powell 2003). It will attack the root cause of
illegal logging the weakness of institutions and democratic governance in so many
2 - 46

developing countries (Powell 2003). Further, it will also help countries build their
capacity to give their laws teeth through enforcement (Powell 2003). The initial budget
is approximately US$15 million for 19 programs, and [a]s we demonstrate the success
of our approach, we will work with Congress to secure additional funding for a full range
of programs (Powell 2003). Moreover, as Secretary Powell has noted, this initiative
builds on Americas record of leadership in combating illegal logging, will support
and build on existing successful projects, and complement our ongoing bilateral work
with countries around the globe (Powell 2003). USAID/Indonesias programs that
support this initiative include the NRM Program, GreenCom Environmental Campaign,
and the WWF-TNC GDA for illegal logging and timber trade.
US Presidential Initiative on Climate Change
In June 2001, President Bush committed the US to work within the UNFCCC framework
and elsewhere to develop an effective and science-based response to the issue of global
climate change. The goal of USAIDs climate change programs are to promote
development that minimizes the associated growth in greenhouse gas emissions, assists
vulnerable populations and ecosystems to adapt to potential impacts from climate
variability and change, and supports climate observation systems. To accomplish this
goal, USAID works in developing and transition countries, of which Indonesia is one, to
implement solutions that provide climate-related benefits while also meeting
development objectives in the energy and water sectors, urban areas, forest conservation,
agriculture and disaster assistance. USAID/Indonesia contributes to the GCC initiative
through the efforts of the Natural Resource Management Program and Coastal Resource
Management Program II.
USAID Global Development Alliance (GDA) and Public-Private Partnership
USAID has catalyzed a groundbreaking public-private alliance to combat illegal logging.
This alliance builds on the strengths and talents of a variety of partners to confront the
unique challenges of forest conservation in Indonesia. The alliance is comprised of the
U.S. Government, the Government of Indonesia, five international NGOs, numerous
local NGOs, an international forestry research institution and more than 17 companies.
This timber alliance brings in three dollars in resources for every dollar that USAID
commits. This ensures that the impact of US taxpayers money is multiplied by the
leverage gained from the private sector.

2 - 47

These alliance partners are working to: (1) promote the sustainable harvest of forests; (2)
develop a tracking system that identifies legal sources of wood; (3) link legal and
sustainable wood products to buyers such as the Home Depot and (4) provide information
needed by international banks and other financial institutions to avoid financing forest
Among the partners in the Alliance are Home Depot, IKEA, Carrefour, Goldman Sachs,
ABN-AMRO Bank, Caterpillar, Inc., ERDAS, ESRI, BP, the Association of Indonesian
Forest Concession Holders, The Forests Dialog representing a group of the worlds
largest forest products companies including MeadWestvaco, the United Kingdoms
Department for International Development and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. The
Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund-Indonesia are coordinating this
alliance whose members include Global Forest Watch of the World Resources Institute,
the Tropical Forest Foundation, the Tropical Forest Trust, the Center for International
Forestry Research and numerous Indonesian NGOs.
The momentum of this alliance has already achieved commitments from the government
of Indonesia, concessionaires, and pulp and paper companies to stop logging in areas of
high biodiversity. These areas include Tesso Nilo, Sumatra, which is reported to contain
the highest plant biodiversity found anywhere in the world and which is a candidate for
declaration as a National Park. Collaboration is also occurring with concessionaires and
local government in East Kalimantan to protect the habitat of what may be Indonesias
last viable population of orangutans in that province.
In August 2003, alliance partner Tropical Forest Foundation facilitated the first shipment
of Indonesian lumber verified as legal into the United States. This wood was harvested
using reduced impact logging, and is documented to be legal with a recognized tracking
system. This shipment originated from sites under which the Tropical Forest Foundation
has been assisting Indonesian concessionaires to responsibly harvest. The Tropical
Forest Trust (TFT) is also training concessionaires on sustainable management
Formal partnership commitments with various large Indonesian forest products
companies have been developed by TNC in East Kalimantan to help those companies
transition to sound forest management and participate in tracking systems that verify
wood as legally sourced.

2 - 48

Forest Watch Indonesia and Global Forest Watch of the World Resources Institute have
finalized data collection (spatial and non-spatial) of 15 logging concessions in CentralKalimantan. This information will be provided to commercial banks to use as an
investment screen to ensure legality of concessions and sound forest management
Growing numbers of retailers, such as the Home Depot, IKEA, Lowes, and Carrefour
have joined the alliance because it will enable them to purchase legal and responsiblyharvested wood products from Indonesia. Their buying power is a positive incentive for
Indonesians to ensure that their products are legal. Banks such as ABN-AMRO are cofinancing the establishment of a database of concessions and forest conditions to be used
as an investment screen.
US Dept. of Interiors Office of Surface Mining (OSM) Technical Support to GoI
The DOI Office of Surface Mining provides technical assistance to the Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) to improve human resource capacity of the
MEMR and provincial and local institutions to implement decentralized programs of
environmental management of mining activities. OSMs environmental management
training program includes environmental assessment preparation and review, mine
permitting and inspection, water quality protection, soil conservation, sediment and
erosion control and minimization of habitat loss.
Focused assistance has been provided to the MEMRs training agency and to local
governments with environmental management and resource conservation responsibilities.
Much effort has been spent trying to reorient the Ministrys training program to focus on
the needs of the institutions and individuals with the direct responsibility to regulate
mining activitiesthe professional staffs and management of local governments. OSMs
technical assistance has included joint Indonesian/US team-designed training courses in
environmental impact assessment, mine plan review and mine inspection.
OSM also provides technical assistance in governance, regulatory program development
and institutional capacity building. A number of decrees and technical guidance
documents have been prepared with OSM assistance, including Ministerial Decrees on
reclamation guarantees, coal fire management, and mine closure.

2 - 49

OSMs program has also concentrated on establishing linkages between MEMR and the
Ministry of Environment (MLH), and regional environmental management agencies
(BAPEDALDA) at the provincial and district levels. These linkages and joint training
sessions improve the capacity of local units with overlapping responsibilities to work
together to better manage natural and mineral resources. This interagency team approach
has contributed to a greater degree of trust and cooperation between agencies that have a
long history of mutual suspicion and mistrust.
Another result from this bridge building between MLH and MEMR was a request from
MLH for assistance in developing new water quality standards for Coal Mining
discharges. Earlier, MLH issued standards that were generally unattainable (in some
cases ten times as stringent as US standards), were opposed, and finally withdrawn.
OSMs technical assistance enabled MLH to issue effective water quality standards in
July 2003 that were accepted by other Ministries and the coal industry while still
protecting water quality.
OSM has helped the Ministry and local officials to implement a program of maximum
economic recovery of the coal resources in the coal basin along the Mahakam River. In
addition to increased revenues to local governments, a major benefit of this effort is the
improvement of water quality on a critical watershed in East Kalimantan. As new
regulatory requirements are imposed and new technologies introduced, fine coal waste
discharges are being reduced significantly along the mined areas in the Mahakam

2 - 50

3. Indonesian Biodiversity Patterns

3.1 Introduction
The biological history of Indonesia is one of the least understood in the World (Heaney
1984). This is because of two major factors. First, the immense past and ongoing
geological activity of the region has created a complex and fragmented pattern of 17,500
islands. Second, the paucity of tertiary fossil deposits does not allow for a reconstruction
of past faunas (Meijaard 2004). What is known is that, generally, isolation of animals and
plants on islands for long periods of time provides ample opportunities for speciation
events to occur. Long periods of insularity have occurred in Indonesia, such that
speciation in Indonesian mammals, for example, dates back hundreds of thousands or
even millions of years (Meijaard 2004). The modern biogeography of Indonesia, however,
is also greatly impacted by events occurring during the glacial periods, up to as recently
as 10,000 years ago, when most Indonesian seas fell about 125 m from their current
levels (MacKinnon et al. 1996, Heaney 1986).
During these periods of maximum glaciations, many of the current Indonesian islands
were connected by dry land. For example, Sumatra, Borneo and Java (including Bali)
were connected to each other and to Peninsular Malaysia by dry land to form a great land
mass called Sundaland. It has long been considered that during these intense glacial
periods, most species could move freely throughout Sundaland (Heaney 1986). Many of
the islands in Nusa Tenggara were also combined into larger groupings, such as
Sumbawa, Komodo and Flores. Islands on the Sahul shelf to the east, such as the Aru
group of islands, were connected by dry land to both Papua and Australia. Sulawesi, the
outer Banda islands and many of the Maluku Islands have not had dry land connections
to other islands. Consequently, many of these isolated islands, particularly Sulawesi,
retain a high proportion of both unique and endemic species and lower numbers of
species that may have originated in the west from the large landmass of Asia via
Sundaland (the Oriental Bioregion), or from the east from Australia and New Guinea
(Australasian Bioregion) via the Sahul Shelf. Conversely, the islands that formed
Sundaland tend to have a large number of species in common, as do those islands on the
Sahul shelf.


Figure 3.1: Indonesia with Sundaland, Wallacea and Sahul Boundaries

There are a great number of lines that have been drawn on maps to divide Indonesia into
faunal and floral regions (Simpson 1977). Many of these lines are located differently
depending on the manner in which the biogeographic data has been analyzed and
depending on faunal or floral group studied. This Report will use the broad faunal and
floral regional groupings of Sundaland, Wallacea and the Sahul, bearing in mind that
Wallacea is not considered to be merely a transitional region swamped by species from
the adjoining areas, as it is frequently considered to be (see Monk et al. 1997). In fact,
Wallacea is a unique region with extensive autochthonous speciation and proportionately
a large numbers of endemics; it is an important contributor to the overall megabiodiversity of the Indonesian archipelago (Kitchener et al. 1998 and references therein).

3.2 Indonesias Marine Environment and Region Specific Biodiversity

For convenience of both reporting and presenting recommendations, this Report will
present Indonesias biodiversity through a composite based on the following major
islands or island groups: Kalimatan (Indonesian Borneo), Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tengggara,


Maluku, Sulawesi and Papua. Smaller islands and coastal marine areas for the
archipelago will be associated with these above island(s). This will facilitate the selection
of conservation actions that are both for the entirety of Indonesia and for specific islands
or seas in the archipelago. Further, some of the above islands have similarities with those
that are biogeographically closer. For this reason, Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java will be
grouped under Sundaland. Kalimantan will be dealt with in slightly more detail because
many of the statements on its biota will also apply to Sumatra and Java. The same will be
true of the Wallacean islands, although Sulawesi will be dealt with in slightly more detail.
Before the descriptions of the major islands and their associated smaller islands and
coastal marine communities, the broader Indonesian marine environment, coral reefs and
mangrove communities will be dealt with as an opening section. This is because the
extent of the Indonesian archipelago is such that a presentation focused on the major
terrestrial island groupings will not capture, as a focus, the biodiversity importance of and
threats to the broader expanse of oceans and reefs and mangroves in Indonesia.

3.3 Marine Environments, Coral Reefs and Mangrove Communities

Coral Reefs
Globally, coral reefs cover 12% of the ocean area, fringe one-sixth of the worlds
coastlines (Birkland 1997) and contain hundreds of thousand of species of fauna and flora
(Reaka-Kudla 1997). Southeast Asia is recognized as having the worlds richest marine
biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem level (IUNC/UNEP 1985, Kelleher et
al. 1995). The coral triangle is an area including northern Australia, the Philippines,
Indonesia and Papua New Guinea that has the highest coral diversity on Earth. The
region contains more than 2000 species of near shore fishes (Briggs 1974), sea snakes,
and marine mammals, and contains critical habitats and large rookeries of four species of
sea turtles, all of which are on the endangered species list. For all taxa, species richness
peaks in the coral triangle of Southeast Asia, then falls off moving east toward the
Pacific (Werner, T.B. and G.R. Allen. Eds 1998).
Fifty-eight percent of the worlds reefs are reported to be threatened by human activities.
Threats include terrestrial agriculture, deforestation and development that introduce large
amounts of sediment, nutrients and pollution into the coastal areas (Bryant et al. 1998).


These threats cause eutrification and create degraded habitats in the most productive parts
of the tropical oceans that supply the majority of food biomass from the seas. Added to
these threats is the overexploitation of coastal fisheries, often through unsustainable
destructive fishing practices such as cyanide and blast/dynamite fishing. Further, more
than 25% of the worlds coral reefs have been destroyed or seriously degraded by climate
change and its related impacts, such as floods, etc.
Indonesias coastline, estimated to be around 81,000 km long, is ranked as the second
longest in the world1. Approximately two-thirds of the Indonesian coastline is protected
by coral reefs. All types of reefs are present in Indonesia, including fringing reefs, which
are the most common, barrier reefs and patch reefs. These reefs also represent most of the
morphological types, such as sloping reef faces, steep drop offs and pinnacles.
Although Indonesias population is not equally distributed, it has been estimated that
between 60% to 95% of Indonesians live within 100 km of the coast (World Resources
Institute, 2001). It is estimated that 80% of Indonesians living in coastal areas engage in
marine resource-dependent activities, such as fishing and mariculture or related activities
(WWF 1994). Fish products are an important food source and on average contribute twothirds of animal-based protein uptake in Indonesia (FAO 2000).
Indonesia has about 15% of the worlds coral reefs (Tomascik et al. 1997) and lies at the
center of the worlds diversity of corals (Veron 1993), molluscs (Paulay 1997) and reef
fish (Randall 1997). Indonesia has the highest number of coral species in the world, with
more than 77 genera and 450 identified species of scleractinian (stony) corals (Veron
1995). Of the 25 marine sites recommended for certification as Natural World Heritage
Marine sites, seven are located in Indonesia (UNESCO 2003). Indonesia has some 5.8
million km of marine area, and its fisheries represent more than 37% of the worlds total
species (NOAA 1999). The most diverse marine sites in Indonesia are those least
impacted by humans. These are near Ambon and Sulawesi in eastern Indonesia, and they
are about 20% more diverse than sites in the Java Sea, e.g., Pulau Kecil, G. Cemera and
Karimunjawa) (Edinger et al. (1999). This is attributed to both biogeographical
differences and to greater over-fishing in the Java Sea. Table 3.1 presents a recent
comparison of the coral diversity for several of the most recognized areas of marine
biodiversity in the world. Five of the seven regions surveyed include Indonesia, and they
show the global importance of the diversity of coastal and marine regions within
Indonesia to global sustainable development of marine resources.

Discussions with some experts in the field indicate that this number may vary significantly on the mapping protocols


Table 3.1: Comparison of Coral Diversity and Various other Ecological

Characteristics for Seven Indo-West Pacific Coral Reef Areas2.
No. locations surveyed
Total # of species of
reef-building corals
(species diversity)
Mean diversity (# coral
species) / location (2
Proportion (%) of
locations hosting > 1/3
total (beta) diversity in
Mean % Hard Coral
Approx. area
(10 km )














































Centers of endemic marine species frequently occur in places that are isolated by distance
or oceanography, especially in areas of non-reversing currents that flow from the tropics
to the temperate regions. However, the high number of centers of endemics in closely
connected regions, such as the Philippines and the Sunda Islands, concurs with growing
evidence that species with pelagic larval stages (i.e., most tropical marine fish and
invertebrates) do not always disperse widely (Jones et al. 1999; Barber et al. 2000;
Robertson 2001 in Roberts et al. 2002).
Global analyses of the geographic ranges of 3,235 species of marine organisms were
carried out using reef fishes, corals, snails and lobsters as four representative phyla that
have regularly served as proxies for overall biodiversity assessments. These analyses
indicate that between 7-50% of each taxon have small and restricted ranges, which makes
them vulnerable to extinction if their habitats are threatened. Also, it showed that
endemic marine species are clustered into centers of endemism, similar to those seen in
terrestrial taxa. Threatened centers of endemism are considered major biodiversity
hotspots. Roberts et al. (2000) consider that conservation efforts targeted to protect and
conserve these hotspots could help avert extinctions and the loss of tropical marine

BNP = Bunaken National Marine Park, North Sulawesi; S-T = Sangihe-Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi; W = Wakatobi
National Marine Park, South East Sulawesi; RA = Raja Empat, Papua; BI = Banda Islands, Banda Sea, Maluku; KB = E.
Kimbe Bay, Bismark Sea, Papau New Guinea; MB = Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea; GBR = Northern Great Barrier Reef,
Australia. Data from Turak 2002, Turak in prep., Turak and Fenner 2002, Turak and Shouhoko 2003, Turak and Aitsi 2003,
Turak et al. 2003 and for GBR - Turak, unpublished data.


Focusing conservation effort on the 10 highest marine biodiversity hotspots could be

highly effective in preventing species loss. These same 10 centers represent between 59%
and 75% of all species in the global survey. Two of the 18 areas of greatest global marine
biodiversity and endemism include the Sunda Islands hotspot in Indonesia (as well as the
southern Philippines hotspot both of which lie the Coral Triangle). Within those
biodiversity hotspots, the Sunda Islands (includes Wallacea, east of Borneo) have the
third highest reported threats to reefs (Philippines has the highest).
Major causes of Indonesian coral reef degradation are bleaching events associated with
elevated seawater temperatures and the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effect
(Brown and Suharsono 1990), human overexploitation, physical damage and death due to
marine pollution, destructive fishing practices and proximity to major urban centers that
generate pollution (Bryant et al. 1998). Of the 15 reefs studied in three regions of
Indonesia (Java Sea, seven reefs; South Sulawesi, four reefs; and Ambon, four reefs) that
are subject to land-based pollution, such as sewage, sediment, and/or industrial pollution,
30-50% had reduced coral diversity relative to unpolluted reference reefs in their region
at a depth of 3 m, and 40-60% had reduced diversity at a depth of 10 m. Bombed or
anchor-damaged reefs were similarly less diverse in shallow water at 3 m than
undamaged reefs in the same areas. At 10 m depth, the relative decrease in diversity was
only 10%. It is difficult to separate clearly the effects of sewage, agricultural and aquacultural runoff, sedimentation -- mainly due to erosion from logging -- and industrial
effluent. In all cases, the unimpacted reference reefs in the three areas had a greater
diversity than those exposed to urban and riverine pollution. At all sites, pollution had a
greater negative impact on coral diversity than mechanical damage caused by, for
example, anchoring on the same reefs.
Land-based pollution constitutes the greatest threat to reef coral biodiversity in Indonesia,
in particular, the combination of sedimentation and nutrient loading (Edinger et al. 1999).
Pollution reduces the amount of Acropora coral, one of the more important reef builders,
and causes a reduction in habitat complexity. Fish diversity is directly related to habitat
complexity. Therefore, the closer the survey sites are to the pollution sources, which are,
primarily urban centers, the less coral cover and habitat diversity is found, with a
concomitant reduction in fish diversity. Pollution effects on corals endure until the stress
or source is removed. Recovery from eutrophication damage to reefs appears to require at
least 10 years after restoring water quality (Maragos et al. 1985; Grigg 1995). Cesar et al.
(1997) modeled the economic effects of reef degradation in Indonesia and estimated that


the loss to the fishery sector alone (i.e., not including tourism) from reef degradation and
over fishing to be $410,000 per km. Extrapolations from these two studies (Edinger et al.
1999 and Cesar et al. 1997), suggest that Indonesia has already lost 40% of its reef
fisheries resource, yielding an estimated loss of $30 billion to the Indonesian economy
over 25 years.
Mangrove Forests are considered to be one of the most productive and biologically
diverse wetlands on earth, providing habitats for more than 2,000 species of coastal
marine flora and fauna including the endangered dugong and Indo-Pacific crocodile.
Mangrove canopies also shelter hundreds of species of birds. The largest expanse of
Mangrove Forests, around 20% of the worlds total, borders the Sunda Shelf, a region of
Southeast Asia that includes Vietnam, Kampuchea, Thailand, Malaysia and the
Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Indonesias Mangrove Forests remain
the most extensive in the region, covering some 4.2 million hectares (see Table 3.2) with
about 75% of the total amount concentrated on Irian Jaya, and nearly 400,000 hectares
along the south and western coasts of Kalimantan.
Table 3.2 Mangrove Area (ha) by Island (group) in Indonesia
Original during

Current as of 1998 In protected areas
as of 1998



485,025 (53%)

Java and Bali


19,577 (27%)



25,300 (65%)



353,450 (32%)



84,833 (31%)


Maluku and Papua


2,450,185 (59%)






Nusa Tenggara


Source: Wetlands International Indonesia Program, 1998, in BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Agency),
2003. National Document: Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2003-2020, p.26.


3.4 Sundaland
3.4.1 Kalimantan
Kalimantan is 73% of the island of Borneo, which is the third largest island in the World.
It is a relatively flat island dominated by large meandering river systems in which the
water may be tidal up to 150 km inland. Most landscapes have been modified by the
activities of the indigenous people who have been in Kalimantan for at least 35,000 years
(Majid 1982).

Fig.3.2: Map of Kalimantan


Borneo (including Kalimantan) supports the largest expanse of tropical rainforest in the
Indomalayan realm. It is the main center for the distribution of genera of Malesian flora
and Indomalayan fauna. Forest types include Mangrove Forests, Peat Swamp Forest,
freshwater non-peaty swamp forest, the most extensive Heath Forests (kerangas) in the
Realm, lowland Dipterocarp forest, forests on limestone and a variety of Montane Forest
formations (MacKinnon et al. 1986).
Tropical forest species tend to be somewhat fragile assemblages where many species of
trees, mammals, birds and even invertebrates occur at low densities and are often
restricted to a specific forest type (MacKinnon et al. 1986). Consequently, these forest
species are especially susceptible to extinctions. This is a reflection of the observation
that species richness of tropical forest species is often linked to species rareness (Elton
1975; Whitmore 1984). Massive and expansive threats are dramatically reducing
biodiversity in Kalimantan. These threats usually involve the interplay between serial
uncontrolled wildfires during the 1980s and 1990s, land conversion for agricultural
purposes and unrestrained logging practices, both legal and illegal, that have deforested
Kalimantan at Amazonian rates (e.g., The World Bank (2001) predicts that Lowland
Rainforests of Sumatra and Kalimantan will be exhausted as a source of commercial
timber by 2005 and 2010, respectively). The habitats most threatened by these
developments are the more accessible lowland forests, where species richness is greatest
(MacKinnon 1990).
Terrestrial Fauna and Flora
The plants and animals of Kalimantan show much closer relationships to the Asian
mainland and other Sundaic islands than to nearby Sulawesi.
Borneo (including Kalimantan) is the richest of the Sundaic islands for plants, both in
terms of total species richness and diversity, with small plot tree diversity as high as that
found in New Guinea. The island is a major center for plant diversity with 10,000 to
15,000 species of flowering plants, a flora as rich as that found for the entire African
continent, which is 40 times larger (MacKinnon et al. 1986). Borneo has at least 3,000
species of trees including 267 species (58% endemic) of Dipterocarps, which is the most
important group of commercial trees in Southeast Asia (Ashton 1989). The island also
has 2,000 species of orchids and 1,000 species of ferns. Endemism levels are high (34%)
throughout all the plant groups (MacKinnon et al. 1986).


For vertebrate groups, Borneo has a similar number of species to the smaller island of
Sumatra (see Table 3.3) For example it has 222 mammals compared with 196 on Sumatra
and its offshore islands and 183 on Java. The leopard, Panthera pardus (found on
Sumatra), and the Wild Dog, Cuon alpinus (found on Java), are not found in Borneo, but
it has more endemic land mammal species than Sumatra (44 versus 23, MacKinnon et al.
Borneo has 13 species of primates and 10 species of tree shrews, which is more than any
other Asian mainland or island of similar area. Charismatic mammals in Kalimantan
include the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus), Banteng (Bos javanicus), Orangutan
(Pongo pygmaeus), Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus), Bornean Gibbon (Hylobates
muellerii), Flat-headed Cat (Prionaluris planiceps), Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
and the Sun Bear (Helarctos melayanus).
A great deal of public concern has recently been focused on the impact of the destruction
of the Kalimantan (and Sumatran) Lowland Rainforests on the survival of the Orangutan.
Recent discoveries of substantial new populations of orangutan in Central, West and East
Kalimantan, including in secondary forests, have led to an estimation doubling the
population to 50,000-60,000 individuals for the combined population size in Kalimantan
and Sumatra. However, given the rate of degradation of their preferred Lowland
Rainforest habitats, it is still predicted that there will be no wild orangutans surviving in
20 years time (Jakarta Post 2/3/2004).
Borneo has 420 species of resident birds compared to 465 on Sumatra and 340 on Java
and 240 on Sulawesi. Thirty-seven of these are endemic to Borneo. Some 28 Bornean
bird species, including 4 endemic genera (Haematortyx, Chlamydochaera, Chlorocharis
and Oculocincta), are restricted to the Bornean mountains many of these are restricted
to montane habitats. They include the Storms Stork (Ciconia stormi), the Blackshouldered Ibis (Pseudibis davisoni), Galliformes pheasants and the Straw Headed
Bulbul (Pycnonotus zelanicus).
MacKinnon et al. (1986) consider that Borneo is also probably one of the richest islands
of the Sunda Shelf for fishes, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. It has at least 166
species of snakes, compared with 136 species on the Malay Peninsula, 150 species on
Sumatra and 64 species on Sulawesi. It is also much richer in amphibians than the other
Sundaic islands, with at least 100 species, (36 for Java, 29 for Sulawesi). A total of 394

3 - 10

species of freshwater fish are known from Borneo and 149 of these are endemic. This
compares with 272 species (30 endemic) for Sumatra, 132 for Java and 68 species for
Sulawesi (Kottelat et al. 1993).
Table 3.3: Species Richness on Major Indonesian Islands. Kalimantan included in
Borneo statistics







222 (44)
460 (37)




196 (9)
465 (18)

183 (19)
340 (31)

127 (79)
240 (88)

220 (124)
578 (324)


150 (8)

7 (4)
42 (1)

64 (15)
40 (13)

184 (59)

36 (10)
132 (12)
35 (2)

29 (19)
68 (52)
38 (11)

197 (115)
282 (55)
26 (2)

394 (149)
40 (4)

272 (30)
49 (4)




Numbers in brackets are island endemics

* Sumatra mainland

Invertebrate groups are generally poorly known for Kalimantan. Swallowtail butterflies,
with four endemic species, are one of the few well-known groups (MacKinnon et al.
The many threats to the fauna of Kalimantan have already caused several species to be
listed as endangered and placed on the IUCN red list of threatened animals. These
include the Malay Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron m. schleiermacheri), Clouded
Leopard, Bay Cat, Marbled Cat, Flat Headed Cat, Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey and
Western Tarsier (Tarsius bancanus), Elephant and Banteng (Bos javanicus). In the last
several decades, the Sumatran Rhinoceros has disappeared from Tanjung Puting and
Kutai National Parks and may be extinct on Borneo (MacKinnon et al. 1986).
MacKinnon and Phillips (1993) and MacKinnon et al. (1986) list another 23 birds that are
endangered. Overexploitation of the crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), the False Gavial
(Tomistoma schlegeli) and marine and river turtles has also caused these species to be
endangered. Three of the swallowtail butterflies are also endangered. These are Pailio
acheron, Graphium procles and Triodes andromache. Many of the above species that
have become endangered are mobile predators, such as all species in the cat family, or are
3 - 11

species that are large (Rhinoceros, Elephant, Orangutan, Banteng) and require large home
ranges to obtain their living resources. Or if small, such as some of the birds and bats,
they obtain there living resources from widespread areas. To survive in the long-term,
such species require areas that exceed the boundaries of any single gazetted protected
area (MacKinnon et al. 1986).
Coastal and Marine
Major habitats around Kalimantan include the islands rocky coastlines, mangrove/Nipa
palm associations, mudflats and estuaries. Few studies have been published to describe
the west and south of Kalimantan. In these areas mangroves are well-developed and
many large rivers flow into the sea. Almost all of the eastern side of the island is covered
with pristine mangrove swamps, followed by sea grass beds, and then fringing reefs. The
fringing reefs are well developed along the offshore islands at a distance of about 20-40
km (Suharsono 1998). Because of the islands mountains and morphology, much of the
coastline is influenced by the environment of large bays and estuaries at the base of the
watersheds. Some of the small islets have important colonies of nesting terns (Sterna
sumatrana, S. anaetheta), Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus), Bulwers Petrel (Bulweria
bulweri), boobies (Sula dactylatra and S. leucogaster) and the Lesser Frigate Bird
(Fregata ariel) (Salm and Halim 1984). Megapods (Megapodius freycineti), a medium
sized bird that buries it eggs in mounds, were formerly common on the coastal islands,
but are now rare due to the excessive collection of their eggs (MacKinnon and Phillips
1993). Major Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookeries are found on the beaches of the
Anambas, South Natuna and Tambelan islands (Schulz 1987). Green Turtles, Hawksbills
(Eretmochelys imbricate) and occasional Leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) nest on
the beaches and islands at Paloh, West Kalimantan. Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta)
nest occasionally on Pulau Lemukutan (Salm and Halim 1984). One of the most
important Green Turtle breeding grounds in Indonesia is on the Berau islands off East
Kalimantan, especially Sangalaki, Bilang-Bilang, Belambangan, Sambit and Mataha.
Some 12,000 female Green Turtles nest in the Berau Island each year. Schulz (1984)
estimates that 2-3 million turtle eggs are collected from the Berau islands each year.
These eggs are still commonly sold in the streets of Samarinda, the capital of the province
of East Kaliamantan, and other smaller towns throughout the province. The collection of
turtle eggs threatens the populations of turtles throughout Kalimantan and elsewhere in

3 - 12

Mineral extraction in Kalimantan is impacting the coastal areas. Since the 1970s,
Samarinda, on the east coast, has grown as an industrial city due to oil and gas extraction
in the area. Fifteen percent of Indonesias oil and gas reserves are concentrated in this
coastal area with another 30% located nearby inland. Everyday, approximately half a
million barrels of oil water are discharged untreated into the Makasar Strait which
separates the islands of Borneo and Sulawesi. In addition, a large fertilizer plant near
Samarinda dumps untreated ammonia wastes into the sea, and massive fish kills have
been reported periodically since the 1980s. Gold mining and logging are choking the
bays and estuaries with toxins, such as mercury and sediments that destroy the corals at
the mouths of the bays (Wenno pers. comm.).
Apar and Adang Bays located in central East Kalimantan are major national wetland
reserves (Cagar Alam), primarily to protect the mangrove areas and the species that
inhabit them. The areas of Sangalaki and the Derawan Islands in the Berau district are
scheduled to become a district level marine park that protects turtle nesting sites and
dugong habitats. Mauatua Island is an area for the protection of the molluscs, Giant
Clams, and Trochus and Green Turtles.
In the 1980s, Kalimantan, with one million ha of mangroves, was second only to
Papua/Maluku in its area of mangroves (four million ha). However, recent surveys
indicate that only about 350,000 ha remain of the original mangrove in Kalimantan, a
reduction of more than 60%. This moves Kalimantan to third place behind Papua and
Sumatra for extent of remaining mangroves (Wetlands International 1998 in BAPPENAS
2003). The primary causes of mangrove loss are conversion to fish and shrimp ponds,
sediment dumping from the rivers due to erosion from over-logged areas, and loss to
other development causes, such as urban pollution and reclamation.
All major types of Mangrove Forest are found in Kalimantan; these are most extensive at
the mouths of the Kapuas, Mahakam and Sembuku Rivers. Mangroves play a vital role in
consolidating coastlines and offer habitats that are used for a rich assemblage of plants
and animals and are used exclusively by certain species of birds, including the Mangrove
Pitta (Pitta megarhyncha) and the Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis rufigastra), bats, Proboscis
Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) and Silver Langurs (Presbytis cristata). They also provide
nutrients that are important to sustain pelagic fish and prawn nurseries. These mangroves
are dwindling at a rapid rate, particularly in the last five years. This is a direct result of
their conversion to tambak fish and shrimp ponds and removal for wood, building

3 - 13

material and conversion to charcoal. It appears that one of the best remaining areas of
mangrove in Kalimantan is in the Sembuku River delta (Momberg et al. 1998).
Until recently, the Mahakam delta once had the largest expanse of Nipa palm forest in
Indonesia. The last 10 years, however, has seen a massive reduction in the extent of this
forest. This is a consequence of a huge increase in tambak fish ponds and alterations in
the extent of silt and flow rate of the waters of the Mahakam River, which has resulted in
a seaward progression of the brackish/marine water boundary. For example, in 1992 there
were approximately 2,800 ha of tambak, and by 1998, more than 13,800 ha were
converted into tambak ponds. (BAPPENAS 2003).
Nutrients flowing downstream and falling from Mangrove Forests produce a rich
environment for estuarine fauna. Hardenberg (1937 in MacKinnon et al. 1986) reported
80 species of fish from Kumai estuary in Central Kalimantan and 222 species from the
estuary and lower reaches of the Kapuas River. Coastlines throughout Kalimantan are
being degraded and eroded by the removal of fragile coastal vegetation, especially
mangrove and freshwater forests. This has a large impact on the populations of fish and
invertebrates that rely on these nutrients. Increased sedimentation and diminished nutrient
loads also impact and reduce the sea grass beds along the coasts. These beds are
important for dugongs (Dugon dugon), sea turtles, and some fish and sea urchins.
Kalimantan also has several important fringing reefs, especially those around Karimata
Island off West Kalimantan and the Berau islands off East Kalimantan. Barrier reefs and
atolls are also found off East Kalimantan (Salm and Halim 1984).
Shorelines and mudflats along major rivers and lakes are important feeding grounds for a
number of northern Asian migratory birds. For example, Pulau Bruit off Sarawak,
northwestern Borneo, had 10% of the known population of Asian Dowitchers
(Limnodromus semipalmatus) during November 1984 (NPWO/ Interwader 1985). Eve
and Guigue (1989) recorded 146 species of birds in the Mahakam River delta, East
Protected Areas with Coastal and Marine Implications:
There are seven national parks, numerous reserves and other types of protected areas in
Kalimantan. These include:

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Gunung Palung National Park, with an area of 300,000 ha, ranges from the coast to
1160 m. Consequently, it has a wide range of habitats, comprising Peat Swamp Forest,
Montane Forest, Lowland Rainforest and freshwater. The beaches of Datok Island are
a tourism center. It has for many years been the focus of a Harvard University
protected area management program that has focused on encouraging reduced impact
logging, exploring markets for high quality added value timber and establishing a
managed forest area that is capable of generating funding to support conservation
measures throughout the Park. In the last four years, this Park has been subject to
intensive illegal logging, encroachment, hunting and removal of non-timber forest
products. These intrusive activities have severely damaged the conservation value of
the Park and the current research programs there.

Kutai National Park has an area of almost 200,000 ha, created to protect flora and
fauna. This area encompasses a broad lowland region that extends from the coast to
65 km inland, with a width of about 40 km. It contains at least six forest structural
types; more than 800 species of plants (with an average of 250 species per ha); and
more than 300 species of birds, 80% of which are endemic to Kalimantan
(BAPPENAS 2003). It has also been nominated as a center for plant diversity (IUCN
1990, MacKinnon 1990). This Park has suffered as much as any of Indonesias
National Parks over the last five years. Momberg et al. (1998) classified the Park as
severely degraded, and this degradation continues unabated to the present. There has
been encroachment on all of its boundaries, but particularly on the western half; much
of the vland has been claimed by local villagers who have converted large tracts of it
to gardens. Additionally, intense fires during the 1980s and 1990s from the west,
south and north have degraded large areas and provided opportunities for loggers to
enter the Park and cull trees killed by fire. In the last several years, there has also
been a great increase in illegal logging in the Park, the center of which is now
traversed by logging roads. Many non-timber forest products have also been removed
from the Park and hunting is extensive. The Nature Conservancys ecoregional plan
for East Kalimantan lists all protected areas, including Kutai National Park, as a
priority conservation area, despite its degradation (Kitchener et al. 2002).

Tanjung Puting National Park is a coastal site that does not rise more than 100 m
above sea level. It has freshwater habitats, Heath Forests, Mangrove Forests and Peat
Swamp Forests. It has been the focus of a 19-year intensive research program to study
the ecology of the orangutan and associated primates in the Park and the effect of fire

3 - 15

on the vegetation and the orangutan. In 1999, encroachment on the Park from
neighboring villagers and migrants resulted in direct conflicts with researchers in the
Park, and their research centers were vandalized. Illegal logging and hunting
continues unabated. The wild fires of the 1990s burnt large areas of the fringes of the
peat swamps.
Freshwater and Key Watersheds
Wetlands, comprising peat swamps, freshwater swamps and mangroves, are a major
habitat in Kalimantan, and occupy some 20% of its land mass (MacKinnon and Artha
1981). They play a key role in regulating water quality and flow rates and are important
habitats for a broad assemblage of plants and animals. Crucial to the conservation of river
systems and wetlands is protection of their water catchment areas. Water basin and water
catchment maps are available in various forms for some parts of Kalimantan. But in
effect the entire inland mountain region defines the focus of the catchment areas for the
major river systems. Some of catchment areas for the major rivers are partly inside the
boundaries of protected areas (e.g., Kayan River and Kapuas River). However, many are
not protected (e.g., Mahakam, Sembuku, Barito Rivers and other major south flowing
rivers). Increasingly logging and agriculture are moving into the lower slopes of the
unprotected catchment areas, including the Kapuas catchment, which is protected in part
by the Gunung Bentuang and Karimun Reserves, causing extensive erosion and increased
flow and silt in the rivers.
The lowland regions of Kalimantan are drained by major rivers. Kalimantan has in fact
the three longest rivers in Indonesia (Kapuas, Barito and Mahakam). The Kapuas River
drains two-thirds of East Kalimatan and has a watershed of 100,000 km2 (Giesen 1987).
Several of these rivers have extensive lake systems in their inland basins and lowland
reaches. The extensive Kapuas, Negara and Mahakam lakes have important inland
fisheries. The Mahakam also is home to the rare Irrawaddy River Dolphin, Orcaella
brevirostris. Once widespread along the east coast, this dolphin is now reduced to about
50 individuals, which live hundreds of kilometers from the sea. (Chan et al. 1985).
More than 290 species of fish are recorded from the Kapuas River alone. The lower
reaches of Kalimantan rivers are especially rich in species, more than one-third of them
marine species. There is a high level of endemism in separate rivers (MacKinnon et al.
1996). In the Kalaan River in South Kalimantan, the fish species community in shaded

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areas of rivers is different from that found downstream. The adjacent lake community of
Riam Kanan again is different (see in MacKinnon et. al.1986).
These major rivers and their associated basins define boundaries between major
landscapes and frequently delimit the distributional boundaries of numbers of plants and
animals, including some of the primate species. This is particularly the case for lowland
species, because in the lowlands rivers are wide and treacherous and are effective
boundaries to the movement of large numbers of species. For example, the land between
the Kapuas and the Barito Rivers is occupied by the Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis),
whereas the endemic Bornean Gibbon (H. muelleri) occurs elsewhere in Kalimantan and
Borneo. In the headwaters of the Barito, where the two species meet, they interbreed and
hybridize (Marshall & Sugardjito 1986).
Peat Swamp Forests are a unique feature of the Kalimantan landscape, where they cover
from 8% to 11% of the area of the lowlands (MacKinnon and Artha 1981). They are most
abundant along the lower reaches of the Barito River and other south flowing rivers and
around the lakes of the Kapuas and Mahakam Rivers (RePProT 1990). These swamps
support a distinctive forest formation but are rather depauperate in flora and fauna
(Anderson 1972).
Biodiversity Centers
The distribution of animals and plants species in Kalimantan and associated islands are
far from uniform. MacKinnon & MacKinnon (1986) divide Borneo and associated
islands into nine biounits, with seven of these units being on the island itself.
The Meratus Mountains of South Kalimantan are floristically distinct from other hilly
regions and are a site of plant richness and endemism, especially orchids (MacKinnon et
al.1996). The northeast of the island of Borneo, including Sabah and northeastern
Kalimantan and the north coast, including Brunei and East Sarawak, are also noted for
their plant species richness (Myers 1988). Borneo (including Kalimantan) is also the
center for the distribution of the carnivorous pitcher plants, Nepenthes. The northern
lowlands are faunally and floristically much richer in species than the south, including
two endemic squirrels (Petaurillus hosei and P. emiliae), a rat (Chiropodomys major) and
the Mongoose (Herpestes hosei), all of which are confined to this biounit, as are the

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Bornean elephants. Recent DNA studies by WWF, as yet unpublished formally, confirm
that these elephants are a distinct species and are endemic to Borneo.
Lowland Rainforests are the richest habitat for biodiversity in Kalimantan. They contain
major populations of the larger animals, including the charismatic species, such as
Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus); gibbon (Hylobates spp.); langurs (Presbytis); Clouded
leopard (Neofelis nebulosa); other cat species (F. bengalensis, F.marmorata, F. planiceps,
F. badia), Muntjak (Muntiacus muntjak); elephant (Elephas sp.); Sumatran Rhinoceros
(Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) and Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus). Bird species richness is
also high and comparable to that in South and Central America (Wells 1971).
The central Bornean mountains including mount Kinabalu, Sabah, and Kalimantans
highest ranges, contain the distinct montane fauna of the island with 28 restricted range
birds, including 24 endemics and 21 endemic mammals. The hilly country in the center of
Kalimantan is little explored and may contain further endemics.
The Sangkulirang limestone ranges and forests in East Kalimantan also have a rich flora
that has limestone specific elements (Anderson 1965). The area also has a terrestrial
molluscan assemblage unique to the area (WWF unpublished report). It is also a center
for caves in Kalimantan. As caves are uncommon, it is likely that they will contain a
fauna, particularly bats, poorly represented elsewhere in Kalimantan.
Forestry Resources
MacKinnon et al. (1986) stated that during the 20 years prior to 1990, Kalimantan had
lost seven million ha of forests. This rate of loss has increased markedly over the last five
years. Most of the timber from Kalimantan is harvested from natural forest, rather than
plantations. Large scale cutting of forests began in Kalimantan in 1967. Mostly this has
occurred in the valuable lowland and hill dipterocarp forest, in large areas of peat forest,
in freshwater forests and in ironwood forests. Logging on limestone has not occurred
much because of the difficulty of the terrain and the decreased commercial value of trees
on limestone. The same applies to Heath Forest (kerangas) (Whitmore 1984). Mangrove
Forests are greatly exploited for chipwood, raw material and charcoal production; they
are also converted to tambak fish ponds. Logging and subsequent agricultural activities
have reduced and degraded large amounts of specific forest type. More than 60% of the
original area of ironwood has been lost, while lowland dipterocarp forests have been

3 - 18

reduced by a third (MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1986). Many freshwater swamps have
been converted to open swamp habitat, as in the Sungai Negara wetlands and the
Mahakam River Basin.
Loggers focus on less than 100 tree species in Borneo (including Kalimantan) (Burgess
1966), with exports predominantly of 12 species only. In Kalimantan, the most valuable
trees are ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri) and dipterocarps, including Meranti (Shorea
spp.), Merawan (Hopea spp.), Kapur (Dryobalanops spp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.),
Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), and legumes (Intsia bijuga; I. palembanica; Pericopsis
Mooniana and Pterocarpus indicus) (Myers 1984).
It is doubtful whether current selective logging practices in Indonesian forests are
sustainable. This is because the logging rotation cycle of 35 years is considered too short
to allow for regeneration of commercially valuable trees. It may in fact take more than a
100 years for canopy trees to mature (Soedjito 1988), or even longer, because the impact
on the soil fertility and structure of removing forest canopy in such a brief rotation period
is unknown. The general absence of long-term mature forests in Kalimantan can be
predicted to heavily impact those species that require old and senescent trees as habitat.
Protected Areas
Gazetted and proposed protected areas in Kalimantan account for 7.1% of the total land
area and cover most major habitat types and areas of high biodiversity (MacKinnon and
Artha 1981). Protected areas that have international status are Tanjung Puting
(Biosphere Reserve), Gunung Karimun and Bentuang and Kayan Menterang (proposed
Trans Border Reserves).
Kalimantans mountains are some of the most important sites for biodiversity on the
island. More than 10% of the islands montane habitats are gazetted or proposed as
protected conservation areas (MacKinnon et al. 1986). Important mountain reserves in
Kalimantan include Bukit Baka Bukit Raya, Gunung Palung, Gunung Karimun and
Bentuang, Gunung Nuit and Kayan Menterang. These reserves represent most of the
major habitat types of Kalimantan, encompassing as they do lowland, limestone and
Montane Rainforests and sub-alpine ridges, and provide protection for more than half the
islands recorded plant and animal species (MacKinnon et al. 1986).

3 - 19

The most highly threatened habitats in Kalimantan, the lowland forests and coastal
wetlands, are poorly protected (MacKinnon et al. 1986). The most important lowland
protected areas are Kutai, Gunung Palung, and Tanjung Puting National Parks. The
importance of Kutai National Park is confirmed by the observation by MacKinnon (1990)
that the Park supports at least 74 mammals, excluding bats, and 274 species of resident
and visiting birds, which is about half the total for Borneo. The last five years has
witnessed serious encroachment, logging and hunting in all three of these protected areas.
Additionally, these areas have been subject to intense and repeated burning by wildfires.
It is important that these areas are not abandoned to developers, especially Kutai, because
they still retain important assemblages of lowland forest plants and animals. Data from
the heavily burnt and degraded lowlands of Bukit Soeharto, north of Balikpapan, East
Kalimantan (F. Slick, pers comm.), indicate that with careful future management much of
the forest of Kutai, for example, could recover an impressive floristically rich forest
community and presumably also a good proportion of its associated fauna.
Among Indonesian islands, Kalimantan is second only to Papua in terms of species
richness for plants, mammals, birds and reptiles. It also has high levels of endemism.
Consequently, Kalimantan is a priority area for conservation. Species richness and
species diversity is greatest in the Lowland Rainforests. Also the greatest threats to
biodiversity are in the Lowland Rainforests, freshwater systems, coastal communities and
fringing reefs.
Important areas for conservation action in Kalimantan have not changed much since the
1993 Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia, although the extent of degradation to many
of these areas has changed dramatically. Momberg at al. (1998) have suggested some
additional areas for East Kalimantan, such as the complex forested area of Sembuku/
Sambakung and the various limestone forests on the Sangkulirang/ Mangkaliat Peninsula.
This Report considers the most important single areas for conservation action in
Kalimantan are those with both the highest biodiversity and greatest threats. These are the
three major lowland/coastal National Parks (Gunung Palung, Tanjung Puting and Kutai).
Further, the most important ecological systems for such action are the major river
systems, especially their water catchments, lakes, swamps and deltas. These include the
Mahakam, Kapuas and Barito River systems.

3 - 20

Many other areas are important to the conservation of overall biodiversity in Kalimantan.
But their biodiversity is less threatened than the above mentioned areas, either because of
their large size and location in mountainous terrain (e.g., Bentuang-Karimun, Kayan
Menterang and Bukit Baka Bukit Raya), or because they are on rugged limestone terrain
that is largely inaccessible for exploitation (and which has frequently avoided large scale
burning by the wild fires of the 1980s and 1990s). The river systems are selected as
priority systems because in Kalimantan their trajectory of flow largely defines the major
landscapes and determines in large part the landscape function. Furthermore,
management of the entire river system is fundamental to the health of all biotic (and
human) communities downstream.

3.4.2 Sumatra and Associated Islands

Sumatra, which has an area of 473,607 km and is the sixth largest island in the world, is
extremely rich in biotic habitats. It has extensive lowland dipterocarp forests throughout
the island, which form the vegetation matrix of the island. The east coast is dominated by
extensive Mangrove Forests, but also with patches of Peat Swamp Forest. The sandy west
coast supports various types of Coastal Forests. Large peaty freshwater swamps are found
in the south. It also has a number of mountains, some formed by uplift of sedimentary
deposits (Barisan Range) and some by volcanic action (Mts Kerinci, Sinabung, Merapi,
Singgalang). Further, it has had different associations to many of the small islands that
surround it, ranging from recent land connections with them to no connections at all. It
also has a number of major rivers, which in the lowlands have caused ecological barriers
to the distribution of animals and plants, as also have some of the mountain ranges.
Barriers to movement of animals and plants have afforded opportunities for their
speciation in Sumatra. This, coupled with the wide range of habitats in Sumatra, has been
in large part responsible for the islands rich fauna and flora.

3 - 21

Fig. 3.3 Map of Sumatra

3 - 22

Sumatra has the most mammal species in Indonesia (201 spp.), of which nine are
endemic to the Sumatran mainland and a further 14 are endemic to the associated
Mentawi islands. Sumatra also has 22 other species of Asian mammals found nowhere
else in Indonesia, attesting to the close links with Peninsular Malaysia. It is also the
repository of the Sumatran Rhinoceros, Elephant, Tiger (Panthera tigris) and the Forest
Dog (Cuon alpinus), all of which are virtually extinct in other parts of Indonesia (FAO/
van der Zon 1979).

Fig. 3.4: Map of Biounits of Sumatra and its Associated Islands (Whitten et al. 1996)
3 - 23

Small islands with animals and plants are closely associated with those on Sumatra,
include Bangka, Biltung and Anambas/Natuna. These have had recent land bridges with
both Sumatra and Borneo (including Kalimantan). They have an essentially
Sumatran/Bornean fauna and flora, albeit with much fewer species.
The small islands that have been more isolated from Sumatra, such as the Mentawi
Islands and the smaller Simeulue and Enggano Islands, have developed more distinct
faunas. For example, the Mentawi islands, which have been isolated for long periods
without any land connection to Sumatra, have a unique assemblage of endemic mammals,
with 85% of their non-flying species endemic. These endemic mammals are: Pagai
Islands Horshoe Bat (Hipposideros breviceps), Mentawi Macaque (Macaca pagensis),
Mentawi Snub-nosed Monkey (Simias concolor), Mentawi Leaf Monkey (Presbytis
potenziani), Mentawi Gibbon (Hylobates klossii), Loga Squirrel (Callosciurus
melanogaster), Soksak Squirrel (Lariscus obscurus), Mentawi Black-cheeked Flying
Squirrel (Iomys sipora), Mentawi Orange-cheeked Flying Squirrel (Hylopetes sipora),
Mentawi Civet (Paradoxurus lignicolor), Giant Mentawi Rat (Leopoldamys siporanus),
Mentawi Forest Rat (Maxomys pagensis), Mentawi Rat (Rattus lugens), and Mentawi
Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse (Chiropodomys karlkoopmani).
The two small islands of Simeulue and Enggano Islands, which probably have never been
connected by land to Sumatra, have an impoverished fauna. For example, there are no
squirrels on either island. However, Simeulue has three endemic species of snakes, an
endemic bird and a morphologically distinct macaque monkey and a pig, which may also
be taxonomically distinct (Mitchell 1981). Enggano has three endemic mammal species
(Sody 1940), two endemic bird and one endemic snake species (Lieftinck 1984).
Sumatra also has an extremely rich bird fauna. Its bird list of 580 species is second only
to New Guinea. A total of 465 of these bird species are resident and 21 are endemic. At
least 31 species of birds of Asian origin are found on Sumatra, including the Great
Hornbill (Buceros bicornis), which occurs nowhere else in Indonesia (FAO/ MacKinnon
and Wind 1979). Sumatra is also extremely important for migratory species, mostly from
the Palaearctic region, but also from tropical South and Southeast Asia. Nisbet (1974 )
suggests that 11 of these migrants principally winter in Sumatra.
Sumatra lies in the West Malesia plant region along with Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo,
Philippines and part of southern Thailand. Sumatra probably has more than 10,000

3 - 24

species of higher plants, most of which are found in lowland forest. The number of tree
species per unit area equals that of Borneo, and like other Sunda forests are probably the
richest plant communities in the world (Whitmore 1984). The Sumatran forests have a
species diversity that is comparable to Borneo (Meijer 1981), but it has far fewer endemic
genera of plants (17 versus 59). It does have some spectacular plants, including Rafflesia
arnoldii, the largest flower in the world, and Amorphophallus, the tallest flower in the
The Peat Swamp Forests of Sumatra, which are mainly ombrogenous (gaining nutrients
from rainfall), are large areas mostly concentrated along the southern and central parts of
the east coast of Sumatra. They are mostly drained by blackwater rivers. These rivers are
low in nutrients, containing fewer inorganic irons, lower levels of dissolved oxygen and
higher concentrations of humic acids than clear rivers (Janzen 1974). Vegetation in these
swamps generally is both floristically and structurally concentric as plants respond to the
poorer fertility towards the center of a given peat swamp (Anderson 1976). Trees may be
large and as high as 45 m, or stunted and only about 12 m high. Common species are
Tristania obovata and Ploiarium alternifolium. No vegetation appears to be confined to
these peat swamps with perhaps the exception of several species of palm (Salacca
conferta and Livistona hasseltii). Blackwater rivers have an impoverished fauna
characterized by airbreathers, including the fish (Johnston 1967). They also have an
impoverished fauna with low densities of mammals and birds (Merton 1962).
Freshwater Swamp Forests are physically similar to Peat Swamp Forests, but there is a
lack of deep peat; they receive water from both rainfall and rivers. They are mainly on
riverine alluvium and occasionally on alluvium deposits of larger lakes, such as lake
Bento, Kerinci. Their distribution is generally contiguous with peat swamps. Few plant
species are restricted to these forests, but their species composition is more similar to
lowland forests than to Peat Swamp Forests (Whitten 1982). Structurally they are also
variable and range from grassy marshes, pandan dominated forests, to a lowland forest
form. They are richer in animals than Peat Swamp Forest and appear to retain a slightly
impoverished assemblage of those found in lowland forests. They used to have large
populations of the Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the False Ghavial
(Tomistomus schlegeli), but their populations are now low; the endangered White-winged
Wood Duck (Cairina scutulata) also occurs there. The high agricultural value of their
soils (Burnham 1975) has meant that they have suffered greatly from human activities,
such that in 1982 as little as 22% of the original extent of this formation survived.

3 - 25

The lowland forests of Sumatra are, like those in Borneo, extremely diverse in both plants
and animals. They form the matrix vegetation community for the island. The vegetation
is characterized by thick buttressed trees dominated by tall, up to 70 m, dipterocarp
species (Dipterocarpus, Parashorea, Shorea, Dryobalanops), of which there are 112
species, including 11 endemics (Ashton 1982). Other dominants are usually in the family
Caesalpiniaceae (Koompasia, Sindora, Dialium). They are dynamic stratified plant
communities constantly suffering perturbations that produce a range of different gap
types. Huc and Rosalina (1981, 1981b) calculated that at various locations in Sumatra,
the growth cycle in forests averaged 117 years, which is similar to the 108 years
calculated by Noordwijk and Schaik (in Whitten et al. 1996) at Ketambe. Variations in
the particular phases of the growth cycle can be considerable. Even minor variations in
such forests in Siberut Island are apparent to the gibbon monkeys (Whitten 1984).
Animal diversity is not as high as for some other tropical regions though. For example,
the birds at seven Sumatran sites were less diverse than in Africa and South America
(Pearson 1982), although Wells (in Whitten et al. 1996), contests that conclusion. Many
animals, particularly those that feed on fruits and pollen, are nomadic and roam over the
forests in search of food. Most large mammals in Sumatra live primarily in the lowland
forests. And some areas have up to eight species of primate. These are the Orangutan
(Pongo pygmaeus), tarsier (Tarsier bancanus), Siamang (Hylobates syndactylus), Whitehanded Gibbon (H. lar) or the Dark-Handed Gibbon (H. agilis), Silvered Leaf Monkey
(Presbytis cristata), Thomas Leaf Monkey (P.thomasi ), Banded Leaf Monkey (P.
melalophos), Eastern Leaf Monkey (P. femoralis), Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca
fascicularis), Pig-tailed Macaque(M. nemestrina), and Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang).
Sumatra has 10 species of distinctive hornbill birds; eight can be found in a single area of
Heath Forest and Padang forest are largely restricted to Bangka and Belitung islands,
although small areas exist in eastern Sumatra. Heath Forests are on infertile white sand
soils relictual of ancient eroded sandstone beaches. They usually have a vegetation that is
an impoverished and stunted assemblage of trees found in the lowland forest matrix. No
species of animals are known to be restricted to Heath Forests. Padang is a shrubby and
low (less than 5 m tall) vegetation. It is commonly thought to be a degraded Heath Forest
(Whitmore 1984).
The lowland Iron Wood forests of Sumatra are dominated by the species, the Iron Wood
(Eusideroxylon zwageri) generally found on sandy tertiary soils in the central southern

3 - 26

part of Sumatra. Little is known of the fauna occupying this forest type, although, due to
its dominance by a single tree species, it could be expected to be an impoverished
assemblage of the typical lowland fauna. However, it appears to have bird fauna similar
in diversity and number to lowland forests (Whitten et al. 1996).
The extensive mountains in Sumatra are covered from 1200-2100 m above sea level with
lower Montane Forests, from 2100-3000 m with Upper Montane Forest, and above 3000
m with Sub-alpine Forest. Low Montane Forests are characterized by the Fagaceae and
Lauraceae (laurels), diminution of dipterocarp trees and increase in tree ferns. The Upper
Montane Forests are characterized by the order Coniferae (pines and related trees) and
the families Ericaceae (e.g., bilberries Vaccinium, Rhododendron) and Myrtaceae. Trees
are often quite low and gnarled, and mosses and liverworts are common. The Sub-alpine
Forest is characterized by having dwarf forms of the Upper Montane Forest as well as
grasses, rushes and sedges. A number of the mountain flora species are shared with
mountainous flora in many countries, both tropical and subtropical (Rhododendron,
Deschampsia, Gentiana and Primula). The invertebrate and lower vertebrate fauna on
Sumatran mountains iare likely to be impoverished compared to lower altitudes (Whitten
et al. 1996). Chasen and Hoogerwerf (1941) showed that this was decidedly the case with
birds in Aceh, northern Sumatra. They showed that below 12000 m, 134 species were
found, while above this altitude only nine were recorded, all but one also found in the
lowlands. In the sub-alpine zone, 11 species were found but only two of these were
shared with birds found in the lower altitudes, indicating that the Sub-alpine Forest has a
distinct community of birds, including Sunda Whistling Thrush (Myiophoneus
melanurus), Scaly Thrush (Zoothera dauma) and Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus)
(van Strein 1977). The mammal community on Sumatra becomes impoverished above
about 1,200 m above sea level (Robinson and Kloss 1918). At least 11 species of
mammals are more or less restricted to mountains in Sumatra. These are the Grey Shrew
(Crocidura attenuata), Grey Fruit Bat (Aethalopes alecto), Sumatran Rabbit (Nesolagus
netscheri), Volcano Mouse (Mus crociduroides), Giant Sumatran Rat (Sundamys
infraluteus), Edwards Rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi), Hoogerwerfs Rat (Rattus
hoogerwerfi), Kerinci Rat (Maxomys hylomyoides), Kerinci Rat (Maxomys inflatus),
Kinanbalu Rat (Rattus baluensis), Mountain Spiny Rat (Niviventer rapit), and Serow or
Mountain Goat (Capricornis sumatraensis).
About 30% of the plant species from similar forests in Malaysia have some economic
value (Burkill 1966); a similar proportion of economically useful trees could be expected

3 - 27

to be found in Sumatra. Unfortunately, the previously extensive dipterocarp forests,

which provide about 25% of the hardwood timber on international markets, have been so
over-exploited that it is expected that the supply of timber from Lowland Rainforests will
be exhausted by 2005 (World Bank 2001).
The full range of threats to vegetation, plants and fauna from human activities
encountered in Borneo are also found in Sumatra. In addition to dramatic reduction in the
extent of Lowland Rainforest, Heath Forests and Freshwater Swamp Forests have also
declined greatly, the latter converted to irrigated agricultural land. Loss of Mangrove
Forests is also widespread, mainly converted to aquaculture (Whitten et al. 1996).
Coastal and Marine
Coastal ecosystems commonly encountered in Sumatra are mangroves, beach vegetation
on accreting coasts, beach vegetation on abrading coasts, brackish water forests, rocky
shores and coral reefs.
Mangroves are located along the coast of all provinces in Sumatra and are common also
on the adjoining islands. In the 1980s, Sumatra had more than 850,000 ha of mangroves,
the third largest area of the islands in Indonesia. By the late 1990s, only a little more than
480,000 ha (53%) remained. However, the loss of mangroves on other islands moved
Sumatra to now having the second largest area of mangroves among the other islands
(BAPPENAS, 2003). Mangroves are well developed on the inshore and offshore islands
due to the many large rivers that flow into the sea bringing in high sediment and
decreasing salinity.
Similar to Kalimantan, mangroves are a key ecosystem for coastal stability and for the
conservation of a wide range of plants and animals that are dependent on the habitat of
and nutrient flow from mangal and to the economy of Indonesia. Whitten et al. (1996)
document dramatic changes in the accretion of parts of the Sumatran coastline, indicating
that both Jambi and Palembang had been ports at the end of promontories about 1000
years ago, and speculate on the crucial role of mangroves in coastal accretion.
The most commercially valuable mangrove related species is the paenaeid prawns, which
supports an export market worth $150 million annually (Anon 1979). Conversion of
mangroves to tambak fish ponds is the major factor in the destruction of the mangrove

3 - 28

communities, particularly in eastern Sumatra. Turner (1977) also observed that the
conversion of mangroves to tambak is commercially unprofitable and would lead to a
loss of jobs. To indicate this, Turner (op. cit.) showed that the average coastal tambak
produces 287 kg of fish/ha/yr, which is more than the offshore shrimp yield, but the loss
of one hectare of tambak actually leads to an approximate net loss of 480 kg/ha/yr of
offshore fish and shrimp per year.
On accreting coasts, there are a wide variety of sand binding, salt tolerant, hardy herbs,
grasses and sedges (Whitmore 1984), inhabited by adapted assemblages of crabs and
crustaceans. These coasts are also used as nesting sites for Green Turtles, the eggs of
which are commonly sold in Padang; Hawksbill Turtles in the region of Sibolga; and the
rarer Leatherback Turtle at scattered sites. Most concentrations of turtles are on the
offshore islands and the west coast of the mainland (Soegiarto and Polunin 1980), but
there is little recent confirmation of turtle nesting sites.
Brackishwater forests or Nipa (Nypa fructicans) forests are scattered along the inner
boundaries of mangroves. It has only the date palm (Phoenix paludosa) restricted to it.
The coastal environment of West Sumatra consists of a chain of islands and shallow
water reefs, separated from the mainland of Sumatra by deep water. The islands extend
from Simuelue Island in the north to the Enggano Islands in the southeast. The eastern
sides of these islands are, in some places, covered by mangrove. Some coral species are
adjacent to the mangrove roots. Further eastward, more corals appear and among the
most abundant are massive Porites, which can form minor atolls. They are mostly
dominated by coral boulders of Porites and big columns of Goniastea corals. The reef
flats are wide, and they slope down gently to 5-10 m depth. The soft bottom substrate
coral communities are dominated by various species of Acropora, Seriatopora and
There are two chains of small islands running parallel to the east coast of Sumatra at a
distance of approx 10 km and 30 km, respectively. The inshore chain is located on the
continental shelf with a depth around 50-100 m while the outer chain is in the 200 m
isobath on the continental slope. The reef flats are narrow and gently sloping down to 10
m depth. On the western side of the island are spur and groove formations, and the
eastern side is well protected from strong wave action. Coral reef communities are
subject to heavy sedimentation from the Sumatran rivers. Coral sites surveyed here

3 - 29

ranged from good to poor, and 49 genera were noted (Suharsono 1998). Reefs are poorly
developed on the northern part of the east coast of Sumatra but are widespread around the
offshore island to the south of Riau Kepulauan as far as the islands of Bangka and
Freshwater and Key Watersheds
Major lakes occur in every province in Sumatra. Because these lakes have been isolated
for long periods of time they have extremely different fauna and flora. However, past
palaeo connections between the rivers of eastern Sumatra and western peninsular
Malaysia insinuate closer faunal relationships between some elements of the freshwater
fauna of these areas than occurs between rivers in eastern Sumatra and those elsewhere in
Table 3.4: The Major Lakes of Sumatra
North Sumatra
West Sumatra

South Sumatra


Area (km)


Hulu Batumundam
Di Bawah
Di Atas
Lakes along the Siak Kecil River
Dusun Besar



Source: Ecology of Sumatra. Whitten et.al. 1996

For example, the same species of Freshwater Stingray (Dasyatis sp) occur in both the
Indragiri River, East Sumatra, and the Perak River, western Malaysia (Taniuchi (1979).
Seven of the 15 Sumatran lakes listed in the above table have been studied. In none of
these were there sharp temperature gradients -- the maximum difference between top and
bottom did not exceed 5.5 degrees centigrade. The euphotic zone was generally the same
as the epilimnion, and the lakes were stratified with relative little overturn of water strata
(Ruttner 1931). Some of the deeper lakes, such as Lake Kawar, have few biota whereas
the shallower higher nutrient lakes have a rich invertebrate fauna and probably also fish
fauna (Whitten et al. 1997).
3 - 30

Biodiversity Centers
John MacKinnon in Whitten et al. (1997: figure 1.32) described 14 biounits for Sumatra
and 12 biounits for associated island groupings (see map above, Fig. 3.3). Some of these
centers of distribution may be enigmatic as a consequence of the massive volcanic
explosion that formed Lake Toba 30,000 years ago. For example, there appears to be a
boundary that runs northeast and southwest through Lake Toba; some 17 species of bird
are found to the north of the lake and only 10 to its south (Mackinnon in Whitten et al.
As stated above, the Lowland Rainforests, Mangrove Forests and mountain tops are
centers of biodiversity. The Lowland Rainforests are recognized primarily for their high
biodiversity and species richness, and the Mangrove Forests for their bird, crustacean,
molluscan, fish and prawn assemblages. The mountain tops are known for their unique
and frequently endemic species of animals.
The Mentawi, Simeulue and Enggano Islands are centers of biodiversity. The Mentawai
is an important jewel in the Indonesian biodiversity crown, particularly for its endemic
primate assemblage.
The oriental family Irenidae, comprising the fairy blue wren birds (Irena), leafbirds
(Chloropsis) and ioras (Aegithina), appear to have their center of evolution in Sumatra
(Dunn 1974).
The Tesso Nilo forest in Riau Province consists of 188,000 ha and is one of the
remaining extensive areas of Lowland Rainforest in Sumatra. This forest has one of the
highest known diversities of vascular plant species in the world. It is also one of the few
remaining safe havens for elephants in Sumatra (WWF Indonesia 2003).
In Sumatra, more than a hundred species of trees are probably commercially exploited.
This has resulted in the total forest decreasing from over 23 million ha to less than 16
million ha, with provinces of South Sumatra and Jambi recording the most rapid rates of
forest loss (Lampung already had little forest cover in 1985).

3 - 31

North Sumatra has 2.18 million ha of protected areas and 1.63 million ha of production
forest, yet the forest cover is only 1.89 million ha. Substantial portions of protected areas
are no longer forested. Over the three islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, 82%
of the conservation forest area has forest cover, but in some provinces the amount is only
half of the designated area. Only Aceh in North Sumatra, Central Kalimantan and North
Sulawesi still have intact forest cover in their conservation areas. Great swathes of
protection forest in North and South Sumatra, Lampung and South Kalimantan are no
longer tree covered. Over all of Indonesia, only 60% of the protection forest still has
forest cover. In Lampung, this is only 6% and in South Sumatra it is 25%.
In Sumatra, the dry lowland plains will lose essentially all their dominant forest cover
soon after 2005. Land clearing will continue in the swamp forests and is likely to increase
in the hill and mountain forests as the area of the other types diminishes. Thus in Sumatra,
in a decade or so, most of the remaining intact forests will be in the hills and mountains.
Between the mid 1980s and 1993, Sumatran mangroves decreased by 29% (681,700 ha to
485,025 ha) (World Bank 2001).
Regeneration in Sumatra after selective logging suggests that it is unlikely that
regenerated forests will grow to their original heights (Ng 1983). Forestry practices
directly and indirectly affect animal distributions and numbers. Some animals will be
found in the most disturbed areas. Proper selective logging is considered not disastrous
for much of the Sumatran forests, although squirrels and birds can be expected to fare
badly (Whitten et al. 1997).
The extensive forest fires of 1997 and 1998 in Sumatra damaged 1,740,000 ha. The
majority of forest that was burnt was 380,000 ha of lowland forest, 300,000 ha of swamp
forest and 260,000 ha of scrub and grass, with the remainder timber plantations,
agricultural lands and estate crops.
Protected Area Coverage
Sumatra has nine national parks; these are at the core of the protected areas system of
Sumatra. Two of these National Parks are huge. These are Gunung Leuser in South Aceh
and North Sumatra, and Kerinci Seblat in West Sumatra, both of which are
approximately 1,000,000 ha. Gunung Leuser is also a Biosphere Reserve established
because of its unique assemblages of fauna, including hornbills, Golden Cat (Catopuma

3 - 32

temminckii), and its habitats that range from Lowland Rainforest, Peat Swamp Forest,
Freshwater Swamp Forest and lakes to Sub-alpine Forests. The World Bank (2001) report
did not recommend any specific additions to the protected area system in Sumatra,
indicating that they considered it, by comparison to other islands in Indonesia, to be
Sumatra has had two important recent additions to its protected areas: Bukit Tigapuluh
National Park, Riau Province, and important additions to Gunung Leuser (such as
Singkil). However, both of these two National Parks have become increasingly
threatened from local communities. For example, there are at least 25 sawmills operating
in the neighborhood of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park. Gunung Leuser is also under great
threat from illegal logging (World Bank 2001).
In fact, most national parks in Sumatra are currently suffering multiple threats from
human activity. Some 30,000 ha of forests in the northern areas of Bukit Barisan Selatan
National Park have been lost in the last few years, and there are major problems with
illegal logging in both Gunung Leuser and Bukit Tigapuluh National Parks (World Bank
The management of Gunung Leuser National Park has been assigned to a NGO, the
Lueser International Foundation, which also has responsibility for managing protection
and productive forest lands on the border of North Sumatra an Aceh. Most funds to this
Foundation are from the European Union. Despite this innovative management approach,
the National Park has suffered high levels of damage, and the increase in illegal logging
inside the Park was stated to be dramatic by the World Bank (2001). The World Bank
(2001) further states the army, police, national park staff and other members of the local
elites are usually involved. The World Bank (2001) considers that the habitat of the
Orangutan in the Park will be destroyed by about 2006, and that its herds of elephant
have been so fragmented that they are now below the threshold for their long-term
Kerinci Seblat National Park, even after an ambitious integrated conservation and
development project involving some $47 million, has not been able to show success in
conserving its biota. In fact, the Park has fallen under increased threats. These threats
involve the building of roads that increase access into the Park, conversion of land for
agricultural purposes, removal of timber and non-timber forest products and hunting.

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Many forest people in Sumatra, such as the forest edge people on Siberut Island and the
Kubu on the mainland, are now hunting with access to new markets and new
technologies; their hunting is becoming increasingly less sustainable. Numerous nontimber forest products are also extracted from protected areas in Sumatra.
In the year 2000, it has been estimated that about 40% of the budget of the Director
General of Nature Conservation went to just two donor-assisted national Parks in
Sumatra -- Gunung Leuser and Kerinci Seblat.
Sumatra has a rich biodiversity similar to that of other Sunda islands, but slightly
impoverished for most groups when compared to Borneo/Kalimantan. It has a number of
unique and endemic fauna not found elsewhere, and retains a higher representation of the
Asian mainland fauna and flora than elsewhere in Indonesia. Most of the broad habitat
types on Sumatra and Kalimantan are fairly similar and most of the threats to the
destruction of these islands are also similar. Both islands had extensive lowland forests,
which are the most biodiverse habitats. However, the continuing degradation of Sumatran
Lowland Rainforests and their associated faunas is advanced over that of Kalimantan,
such that the World Bank predicts that almost all these forests on Sumatra will have a
damaged vegetation canopy cover by 2005.
Support for activities to conserve the biodiversity of national parks in Sumatra that
include Lowland Rainforest (Gunung Leuser, Siberut, Kerinci Seblat, Bukit Tigapuluh,
Berbak, and Bukit Barisan Selatan) is, as with similar national parks in Kalimantan, of
the highest priority. In fact it can be argued, because proportionately more of the
Sumatran Lowland Rainforests are degraded than in Kalimantan that the Sumatran
national parks are of a higher priority.
Of the six Sumatran national parks with Lowland Rainforest, those that are of a landscape
scale and include mountain forests, particularly low Montane Rainforest (also inhabited
by many species from the Lowland Rainforest) should be singled out for urgent
conservation support. This is particularly true because with the destruction of the
Sumatran lowland forests, it is predicted that loggers will move to the Peat Swamp
Forests and to the hilly and lower mountains to obtain their timber. Thus, among the
above group of six Parks, Gunung Leuser, Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan Selatan are

3 - 34

Deleted: resources

of the highest priority. However, Siberut National Park, because of its unique endemic
animal assemblage, should also be elevated to the highest priority for support.
The Tesso Nilo Conservation Landscape concept, including the Tesso Nilo proposed
National Park (WWF Indonesia 2003), is also of the highest priority for support as a
special conservation management area. This area is some 3 million ha encompassing
parts of Jambi, Riau and West Sumatra Provinces. It represents a cross-section of some of
Sumatras most important habitats, from Montane Forests in the west, through lowland
forest to Peat Swamp Forest in the east. It would allow for wildlife corridors so that
elephants could move freely between existing protected areas, including Kerumutan,
Rimbang Baling and Bukit Bungkuk Wildlife Reserves and Bukit Tigapuluh National
The largest and most important national parks in Sumatra, Leuser and Kerinci Seblat, are
trans-provincial parks. Their successful management necessitates the collaboration of a
number of informed governments at provincial and more local levels as well as civil
society. Consequently, considerable support needs to be provided to inform all
stakeholders of the value to them of the ecosystem services provided by these parks.

3.4.3 Java and Associated Islands

Java, with an area of 130,000 km, which is slightly larger than New York State, has two
large associated islands, Madura (5,672 km) and Bali (5,560 km). Java and Bali have 20
volcanoes that have been active in the past, making them the most volcanically active
islands in the world (van Bemmelen 1970). These volcanoes impact the biodiversity of
these islands enormously, creating as they do the highly fertile alluviums that once
sustained enormous forested areas and now the high density of humans. In the recent past,
volcanoes also dramatically changed the surface landscapes and altered river flows in
both Java and Bali (Bennett and Bennett 1980)
In 1995, Java had a population of 114 million people living at an average density of 862
people/km. This high density of people is a result of historical influences and the high
fertility of its volcanic soils, which lend themselves to terracing for irrigated rice farming.
Nearly 200 years ago, the Dutch colonial office described Java as being overcrowded
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(van der Kroef 1956). Whitten et al. (1996) state that in 1817, 12% of Java was cultivated
but that by 1870 the figure was 18%; 1920, 50%; and at present 64%. The rate of
population increase only accelerated rapidly at the end of the nineteenth century,
probably because of a combination of factors including cultivation of the dry uplands,
improvement of irrigation systems, intensification of rice field cultivation, a diversifying
economy and growth in the major commercial activities of towns. The extremely high
density of people in Java and Bali is in part sustained by the fact that these two islands
have had a disproportionate share of Indonesias revenues from natural resources and
international commerce (Whitten et al. 1996).
The biodiversity and natural resources of Java and neighboring islands are severely
impacted by human population pressures. These impacts include the continuing decline
of forested areas, particularly on higher dry lands; coral reef destruction; coastal and
inland erosion; blocking of watercourses by human refuse; overloading the natural
oxidizing capacity of inland rivers with human effluent; loss of many common species of
animals and plants by conversion of natural or complex habitats to simple agricultural
systems, and use of air guns and agrochemicals (Whitten et al. 1996).
Some 15% of Java is critical land subject to serious soil erosion, a fact recognized by
the Dutch. The average loss of soil on agriculture land has been estimated at 123 tons
/ha/year (World Bank 1990). Farming on uplands, particularly intensive farming of
vegetables, clearing of trees from uplands and lack of consistency in applying expensive
terracing has resulted in a recent increase in erosion, flooding and landslides that have
resulted in significant loss of human life.
Java is the best-known island botanically in Indonesia (Ashton 1989). The total number
of plant species, including weeds and cultivated species, mostly from the Americas, is
over 6,500, of which 4,500 are native. Java has about half the known plant genera that are
of Malesian origin. However, some of the Sundaic families of plants are surprisingly
poorly represented, such as the Palmae, rattans, Calamus and Daemonorops and
dipterocarps, for which there are just 10 species -- compared with 267 on Borneo and 105
on Sumatra. Sixteen genera of plants are endemic to Java, eight from mountains and six
from deciduous forests. The mountain fauna of Java and Bali has the greatest affinities
with Sumatra and is singularly different from Borneo. Despite the land connections with

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Borneo and Sumatra discussed earlier, Java has 111 genera, predominantly trees, and
three families that might be considered Sundaic, which are absent from the others.
Destruction of habitat, particularly lowland habitats, by both volcanoes and humans, may
account for the impoverished flora on Java (Endert 1935).
Examples of the most spectacular plants on Java are first, the giant Rafflesia plant, of
which there are two species in Java (Rafflesia rochussenii and R. patma). Rafflesia is
remarkable in that it has no stem, no leaves and no proper roots. Secondly, Edelweiss
(Anaphas javanica) is a famous plant found in Java and Bali. It grows in the mountains
and can reach 8 m high and has a stem as thick as a persons leg. And thirdly, the Lettuce
Tree (Pisonia grandis), which is an attractive relative of Bougainvillea.
There is a floristic gradient from west to east in Java, probably because the species rich
everwet forests are more abundant in West Java, less so in Central Java and less again in
East Java. The north coasts are also different than the south coasts because they are drier
and have fewer beaches and headlands; they were originally bordered by mangroves.
Swamps were common behind mangroves but these have long been converted to rice
fields and fish ponds. There are virtually no primary or old secondary forests now within
35 km of the north coast. Compared to the south coast, the north coast now has far fewer
beach formation plants, but many more mangrove plant species (23 versus one species).
The number of species throughout Java decline with altitude, with a number of plant
zonal disjunctions at 1000 m, 1500 m, 2000 m, 2400 m to 2500 m and 3000 m (van
Steenis and Schippers Lammerste 1965). For example, 99% of the 217 orchid species
have been recorded between 800-1,200 m, although not exclusively (Comber 1990).
The flora on the islands off West Java are generally not different from mainland Java.
Although, the Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java have some species absent from the
mainland, such as the rare tree Ouratea arcta, and the floral affinities of this island are
closer with Bangka Island and Kalimantan than with Java. Nusa Kambangan, close to the
south coast of Central Java, has a relictual plant assemblage, including rare and endemic
species of plants such as the Giant Voodoo Lily (Amorphophallus decus-silvae). These
have been protected by the fact that the island has prisons and is off limits to most people.
However, in recently some 30,000 trees are estimated to have been felled on Nusa
Kambangan; a continuation of this activity will see these relict forests degraded in just a
few more years (Jakarta Post 2/7/2004). The remote island of Bawean, about half way
between Java and Kalimantan, has a distinctly Javan flora, although again some species

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recorded there are not known from Java. The Kangean islands to the east, such as Madura
and Bali, have a flora that differs little from that of East Java.
Many of the plants introduced in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, West Java, have become
spectacular weeds throughout Indonesia. The most notable is the Water Hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes), which now clogs waterways on most of the island, but others
include Piper aduncum, Sagittaria platyphylla and Mikania micracantha (Whitten et al.
Lowland Rainforests in Java (and Bali) do not have one dominant species or one
dominant family of plants, and the variability in species composition is such that no
typical assemblage can be described. However, four dominant species are common.
These are Artocarpus elasticus, Dysoxylum caulostachyum, Langsat (Lansium
domesticum) and Planchonia valida (Kartawinata 1975).
The deciduous forests of Java and Bali occur where there are four or more dry months.
These forests contain only a few of the species found in lowland forests; one of the few
emergents is Salmalia malabarica. Deciduous forests may be found near Indramayu,
Madura where fragments still exist; near Pagantenan and Baluran National Park, which
mostly consists of this vegetation; and eastern and western Bali. Nothing is known of the
fauna of these forests.
Virtually all forests on limestone have been lost on Java. But apparently no species of
plant was restricted to these forests (van Steenis 1931).
Swamp forests have all but disappeared from Java and may never existed on Bali. It is
estimated that they once covered an area of 72,000 ha, but that now only 7,700 ha remain
(Whitten et al. 1996). They were generally formed in depressions of volcanoes or behind
riverbanks. Little has been written on the fauna of these Javan swamps.
Mountain forests show similar vegetation to that described for Sumatra in this Report.
However, the vast array of mountains in Java has provided a natural laboratory to study
variation between mountain flora and vegetation. Van Steenis (1972), among others,
found that the composition of plant communities can differ significantly between
mountains or even neighboring ridges as a result of minor differences in aspect or age of
soil. As with other islands, the demarcation between lower mountain and lowland forests

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is at about 1000 m altitude and is largely floristic. The lower boundary of the Upper
Montane Forests in most of Southeast Asia is generally quite abrupt, but on Java there is
a gradual change, probably because the volcanic soils are relatively nutrient rich
(Whitmore 1984). Lower Montane Forests in Java are characterized by oaks (Lithocarpus
and Quercus), chestnuts (Castanopsis) and numerous species of laurels (Fagaceae and
Lauraceae) (Mukhtar and Pratiwi 1991). The Upper Montane Forest and Sub-alpine
Forest have an assemblage of plants similar to that described for Sumatra.
Javas mammals, like its flora, are less rich in species than Borneo and Sumatra, but Java
does have a high level of mammal endemicity. Its terrestrial mammal fauna consists of
137 species, including 18 rats and mice, and 68 bats (Sody 1989, Kitchener and Maryanto
1993). Sody (1933) was correct in stating that the Bali mammal fauna was an
impoverished form of that on Java, although a further four species of bat have been added
to Bali since then (Kitchener and Foley 1984 and Kitchener et al. 1993). A collection on
Kangean Island in 1982 added an additional 10 species of bat to the fauna of that island
(Bergmans and van Bree 1986).
The degree of endemism among Javas mammals is moderately high at 22 species or 16%
of the total mammal species. Of the 18 species of native rodent, seven are endemic to
Java. Java also has three endemic monkeys (Javan Lutung, Semnopithecus auratus; Javan
Leaf Monkey, Presbytis comata; and Javan Gibbon, Hylobates moloch). The last two
species are among the most endangered primates in Indonesia. The Javan leaf-eating
monkey has only 4% of its original lowland forest habitat remaining; it occurs in a few
forest patches in West Java and Mt. Slamet, Central Java (MacKinnon 1987, Supriatna et
al. 1992). Two forests with potentially good habitat for gibbon are Mt. Wayang and Mt
Kendang, but neither area is protected.
The most famous carnivores on Java and Bali were the tigers. These are now extinct on
Bali and appear to be also extinct on Java, but reasonable numbers survive in Sumatras
large national parks. The leopard (Panthera pardus) is still quite widespread in Java, but
their ranges are diminishing rapidly. The Wild Dog (Cuon alpinus) used to be widespread
in Java but is now restricted to Ujung Kulon National Park and Alas Purwo National Park
(Whitten et al. 1996). The endemic Javan Pig (Sus verrucosus) is confined to lowland
forest below 800 m altitude; it is common in teak plantations (Zuhud 1983). The Javanese
Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is the largest animal in Java and is now reduced to
about 50 individuals in the Ujung Kulon National Park; it is an extremely endangered

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species. The Bawean Deer (Axis kuhli) has a total population of 200-400 individuals and
is one of the rarest deer in the world, restricted as it is to the small island of Bawean
(Notowinarno 1988).
Javanese mammals show a marked mountain zonation. A number of rat species are
confined to montane and sub-alpine zones, and the majority of these are endemic; only
one of these mountaintop rodents, the ubiquitous Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans)
ventures below 1,500 m (data from Corbet and Hill 1992). While the larger carnivores
traverse many mountain habitats, the gibbon and two species of leaf-eating monkey are
rarely found above 1,250 m.
Java has 430 species of birds, of which about 340 are resident; the remainder migrate to
breed elsewhere. Bali has only 320 species, with all but six of the Bali residents also
resident in Java. The exceptions are the Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi), Rainbow
Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), Elegant Pitta (Pitta elegans) (restricted to Nusa
Penida); Brown Honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta), and Black-faced Fruit Dove
(Ptilinopus cinctus) (van Balen in Whitten et al. 1996). A total of 30 bird species are
endemic to Java and Bali, with one restricted to Bali and 20 to Java. All but one of the 20
endemics on Java are found in West Java. Nineteen of the endemic species are relatively
common and give no reason for concern. However, the Javan Lapwing (Hoplopterus
macropterus) appears to be extinct, and the status of seven others is precarious
(MacKinnon 1988). Most of the endemic species are now confined to Montane Forests.
Hoogerwerf (1948) demonstrated that there were marked trends in bird assemblages
along altitudinal gradients. Most species (420 species) were found in the lowest zone,
between sea level and 800m; there was another major boundary at 1,300-1,600 m.
Birds of special interest include the following species: Javanese Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus
bartelsi), which is one of the rarest birds in the world and possibly one of the most
endangered. It occurs in lowland forests and numbers as few as 50 pairs (Meyburg et al.
1989). The Javan Scops-owl (Otus angelinae) has been observed only on a few occasions.
The Javan Lapwing (Chettusia) appears to be extinct; almost nothing is known of its
ecology. The Bali Starling has been confined since 1970 to West Bali National Park,
where the entire population is only about 60 birds. It is likely to become extinct in the
wild (Simmonds 1993). Large numbers of the Bali Starling are, however, bred in zoos
around the world.

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Most birds from Java and Bali can be purchased in bird markets that flourish in large
towns and cities throughout these islands to meet the peoples traditional desire to
maintain captive birds. This trade, combined with habitat destruction mainly through
forest conversion, endangers many species of birds. One of the major threats to birds is
the widespread netting of migrant waders and resident birds along the coastlines of
northern Java, especially from Indramayu to Ceribon. This netting is said to involve 56
species from 20 families, with just five species accounting for the majority of the catch
(Milton 1984).
Java and Bali have 87 species of terrestrial and freshwater snakes, 42 lizards, eight
freshwater turtles and 36 amphibians (Whitten and MacCarthy 1993). More reptiles and
amphibians are found in West Java than in East Java, but some species found in the East
are not found in the west. These include: Indochinese Sand Snake (Psammophilis
condanarus), Russells Viper (Vipera russelli) and Fruhstorfers Mountain Snake
(Tetralepis fruhstorferi). A total of six reptiles and 11 amphibians are endemic to Java.
The reptile and amphibian fauna of Java is relatively poor when compared to that of
All five marine turtles still nest sporadically along the Javanese south coast. Well-known
sites are Cikepuh (Ujung Genteng), Meru Betiri and Ujung Kulon. But their numbers are
said to be well below levels of former times (Whitten et al. 1996). Liem (1971) studied
frogs and toads on Mt. Gede Pangrango National Park and observed two endemic species:
Leptophryne cruenata (the only Javanese frog or toad found to occur above 2,250 m
altitude) and the rare Rhacophorus javanus. Most forest and non-forest species were
found in the slow moving streams and standing water, but there was a marked fall in
species richness with increasing altitude, from 10 species below 1,350 m to five species
between 1,800-2,000 m, to a single species above 2,250 m.
Caves are specific environments and have a unique assemblage of fauna in Java and Bali.
There are about 1,000 caves in Java and Bali, of which appoximately 200 have been
mapped (R.K.T. Ko in Whitten et al. 1996). The majority has been formed in limestone
areas and most of these are in the area of Mt. Sewu, C. Java and in the smaller area
around the Karangbolong hills to the west of Jogyakarta in C. Java. Caves are the
essential habitat for a number of insect eating and fruit eating bats (Bent-winged Bat,
Miniopterus spp., Leaf-nosed bats, Hipposideros spp. and Rhinolophus spp., False
Vampire Bat, Megaderma spasma, Myotis spp., and the Cave Fruit Bat, Eonycteris

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spelaea). A number of other bats roost in caves but are not obligate cave dwellers. These
include the Wrinkle Lipped Bat, Tadarida plicata; troglodite species whip scorpions,
Stygophrynus dammermani; crab, Sesarmoides sp; prawn, Macrobranchium poeti; and
possibly a blind fish, Puntius microps (Whitten et al. 1996).
Coastal and Marine
The Java Sea to the north is quite shallow, less than 200 m, making it vulnerable to
coastal pollution because there is no deep trench nearby to capture sediments and
pollutants. The Java Trench, to the south of the island, is where the Indian Ocean reaches
its greatest depth of 7,450 m. Generally, the northern coast is a shallow set of river deltas
created by the rivers from the islands mountains, interspersed by coral reefs. The
western and eastern ends of the coast have a mixture of corals and mangroves. The south
coast is primarily drop offs with a few fringing reefs. In the 1980s there were more than
171,000 ha of mangroves on Java, but by 1998, less than 20,000 ha (27%) remained
(BAPPENAS 2003). On the eastern half of Java, mangroves used to cover 1600 km of
coastal lands; by the late 1990s, less than 800 km remain, much of which is degraded
(Hinrichsen 1998).
The fringing reefs along the south coasts of Java develop only in certain areas such as
Panaitan Island, Pangandaran, Pangumbahab and Parangtritis. The most extensive reef
developments on Java occur along the coast of Grajagan. Watu Ulo to Blambangan
Peninsula. Coral reefs in this area are subject to high-energy waves and are dominated by
the reef-building, shallow corals of Acropora. By contrast, the northern coast of Java
lacks fringing reef except in Banten Bay and Jepara Bay. Millions of tons of sediment are
deposited along the north coast of Java every year (Suharsono 1998). Jakarta Bay alone
receives the sediments from the runoff of 13 rivers, creating a flat coastal plain subject to
frequent flooding and vulnerable to sea level rise. Coral reefs are well developed on the
offshore islands in the Java Sea such as the islands of Karimunjawa, Bawean, Kangean
and Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands). The Thousand Island Archipelago (which
actually number about 110 islands) are scattered in a vertical group north from Jakarta in
the shallow Java Sea. Due to their proximity to Jakarta, many of these coral islands have
been developed into resorts. Coral reefs on the offshore islands north of Java are patch
reefs or fringing reefs, which slope gradually down to a depth of 15-20 m (Suharsono
1998). The waters off the western tip of Java within the confines of Ujung Kulon
National Park contain the submerged remnants of Krakatau Volocano. The seascape is

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cracked volcanic rock around Krakatau with caves and tunnels around Ujung Kulon. This
area is still re-developing its coral reefs on top of the volcanic floor, but is known to
harbor large schools of fish and other fauna (Muller 1999).
Coral reef ecosystems adjacent to rapidly growing cities such as Jakarta have collapsed or
have deteriorated drastically due to pollution (Suharsono 1998). In Jakarta Bay,
researchers had to travel 25 km offshore to find viable coral reef communities.
(Hinrichsen 1998). In Jepara, Central Java, one study showed that at Pulau Panjang, the
coral cay islands are threatened by sewage, sediment and aquaculture (Edinger et al.
1999). Coral bleaching event in 1983 caused large-scale mortality of reefs in the Sunda
straits and at Kepulauan Seribu (Suharsono 1998).
Freshwater and Water Basins
The hydrology of Java is better known than any other Indonesian island; this is because
of the requirement of managing the irrigation of agricultural lands. As a result there are
no free flowing or wild major rivers remaining on Java. Java has 36 reservoirs and 13
lakes, while Bali has just one reservoir and four lakes (World Bank 1990).
Most of the 24 water catchments in Java are short (30-70 km), narrow, steep and with an
area less than 250 km. Seven of the catchments exceed 3,000 km; the largest are
Brantas (11,050 km) and Bengawan Solo (15,400 km). The Brantas River drains water
from the slopes of Mt. Kawi Kelud- Butak, Mt Wilis and the northern slopes of Mt.
Liman-Limas and close mountains. Mojokerto, now 30 km from the sea, was a major port
at least from the 10th century to the end of the 14th century; it has been silted up and
stranded inland by sediment from this catchment. About 85 years ago serious degradation
of the Brantas was already being observed as a consequence of deforestation of the
watershed (Altona 1913). An integrated land use plan for the Brantas watershed has been
completed by Taylor and Soetarto (1993). Waters of the Solo River that flow from the
Bengawan Solo catchment on the slopes of Mt. Merapi and Mt Lawu, Central Java,
deposit about 11 million m at its mouth and extends the lowland alluvial flats about 70 m
a year; tidal influences can be detected about 100 km upstream.
Despite the adequate rainfall, the small water catchments and inappropriate vegetation
cover have led to water shortages in recent years (Trihadiningrum 1991). Management of
water resources is a growing problem in Java because of the competition for water by

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farmers to irrigate their land, domestic urban users and industry (Hadwinoto and Clarke

Fig. 3.5: The Major Catchment Area of Java and Bali

(Source: Whitten, et.al. Ecology of Java and Bali, 1996)

Java experiences some of the highest erosion rates in the world (Meijerink 1977). Studies
in the upper Konto water catchment, East Java, showed that sediment originating from
residential areas, dirt roads and footpaths are just as important to the overall basin
sediment yield as dry land agricultural fields and bank erosion (Rijsdijk and Bruijnzeel
There are 132 species of freshwater fish known from Java and Bali; almost all known
from Bali also occur in Java. Java has fewer fish species than are found in Sumatra or
Borneo, but the density is the same as for Borneo and higher than for Sumatra. Surveys of
Balis rivers and lakes found that few indigenous fish survived. Apparently, Bali had an
impoverished original fish fauna, and human activities have reduced it still further.
Eleven of the Javan species and two of the Bali species are endemic (Whitten et al. 1996).
The largest freshwater fish known from Java is the Giant Catfish (Bagarius yarrelli),
which can grow to more than two meters long; it may, however, be extinct. The worlds
largest eel (Thyrsoidea macrurus) grows to 2.4 m and has been recorded from estuaries in
West Java. The past connections between Java and other large paleo-rivers of Sundaland
probably explain why northern flowing rivers on Java are richer in species of fish than
the southern flowing rivers (Kottelat et al. 1993).
There are over 600 species of butterfly on Java and Bali, nearly 40% of which are
endemic at subspecific level. The swallowtails and milkweed butterflies suggest that

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Javan butterflies have their closet affinities with Sumatra and less so with Borneo
(Whitten et al. 1996).
Biodiversity Centers
All the national parks in Java have been well selected and are the centers of diversity for
some groups of animals and plants, with the possible exception of Pulau Seribu.
Sub-alpine and Montane Forests are significant for the conservation of biodiversity of
Java, because they are among the most intact areas of forest remaining in Java. Further,
they contain a number of endemic species and many lowland species that are able to also
live in their lower montane zones.
Relatively extensive, but disturbed Mangrove Forest are confined to Alas Purwo National
Park and on two small islands on the north coast, D. Dua and R. Rambut. These patches
are undoubtedly centers for a complex mangal associated relictual community of animals
and plants (see mangroves in Kalimantan, this report).
Rawa Pening is all that remains of a substantial lake before it became a peat swamp and
then a reservoir. However, this swamp has been protected to a degree and has been much
researched by a group working from Satya Wancana University, Salatiga. It retains a rich
freshwater animal and plant community.
It is unusual to consider that disturbed gardens and mixed plantations should be regarded
as centers of biodiversity. But in a dramatically changed landscape, such as occurs in
Java, these places retain important relictual populations of a lowland biota that has all but
disappeared from many areas. Further, vertebrate surveys on Java show that species
richness is often highest at the disturbed edges of natural forests than inside the forest
(D. Kitchener pers. comm.).
Caves contain unique assemblages of vertebrates and are crucial habitats for a number of
insectivorous and fruit eating bats, swiftlets, endemic whip scorpion and crickets.

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Protected Area Coverage

Until the last five years, protected areas in Java were more closely protected than
elsewhere in Indonesia, although all faced removal of forest resources that constituted a
slow but steady rate of attrition. Each protected area has fixed boundaries, many of them
marked in the field. In the last five years many of the largest protected areas, such as
Baluran have been severely encroached by poor people and damaged by large scale
removal of trees, bamboo, rattan, black leaf fibers of the wild sugar palm (Arenga
pinnata) and non-timber forest products (World Bank 2001).
There are numerous protected areas in Java and Bali. They comprise 89 Nature Reserves
(209,615 ha), eight Game Reserves (196, 064 ha), 32 Recreational Parks (6,086 ha), two
Nature Marine Reserves (219, 625 ha) (RePPProT 1990), and nine National Parks: Ujung
Kulon, Kepulauan Seribu, Gunung Halimun, Gunung Gede Pangerango, Karimunjawa,
Bromo Tengger Semeru, Meru Betiri, Baluran, Alas Purwo (MFI/UNESCO/CIFOR
2003). Most of these National Parks are substantial areas and most have high
conservation values. For example, Gunung Halimun (40,000 ha) embraces the largest
area of Evergreen Forest in Java. Ujung Kulon is the largest remaining tropical rainforest
in West Java and retains the remaining population of the Javanese Rhinoceros. Together
with the island of Krakatau, this National Park has been declared a Natural World
Heritage Site by UNESCO. Gunung Gede Pangrano (15,000 ha) represents mostly subalpine and montane communities. Karimunjawa is a chain of 27 islands that represents
also Lowland Rainforest, sea grass, and algae fields, Coastal Forests and Mangrove
Forests. Bromo Tengger (50, 276 ha) has sub-alpine and montane ecosystems. Meru
Betiri (58,000 ha) has Mangrove Forest and Lowland Rainforest systems; it is most
famous as a marine turtle rookery. Baluran (25,000 ha) represents expanses of dry
lowland ecosystems, including Monsoon Forest. This park has been badly damaged by
locals and its conservation value is largely surpassed by Alas Purwo to its south. Alas
Purwo (43,420 ha) comprises moist deciduous forest. Some of its grazing grounds are a
magnificent spectacle of the largest herd of Banteng (Bos javanicus) and Javanese Deer
(Cervus timorensis) in Java.
State forest land covers 3.1 million ha, about 24% of Javas total land area. Little of this,
however, is still good quality natural forest, but rather is degraded, deforested, or

3 - 46

converted to plantations or mixed agricultural uses. Of the "state forest area," about 20%
is in protection forests, designated to preserve watershed and ecosystem functions, 14% is
in protected areas (parks and nature preserves), and 65% is in production forests, mainly
plantations. Java has over 2.1 million hectares of critical land (land which has a level of
degradation and reduced ecological function), which represents 9% of Indonesia's total
and 16% of Java's area. This is well above the national average of 12%. Most of this
critical land (82%) is outside the state forest area and the remaining 0.4 million ha is state
forest land. The national land and forest rehabilitation program intends to address 0.2
million ha on Java. This represents 9% of the island's critical land and 6% of the area
affected by the program.
Since 1961, Java has been unique among the islands of Indonesia in that the management
of all forests outside nature reserves, game reserves, recreational forests and national
parks is entrusted to Perhutani. Perhutani is a state owned enterprise with the joint aims
of benefiting social welfare and making a profit to manage its own projects. Perhutani
manages about 5,300 km of protection forests (steep lands and mangroves, protected for
their hydrological functions) as well as 19,000 km of plantations. Perhutani land totals
nearly 2.5 million ha or 19% of Java and is distributed more or less evenly throughout the
major provinces. Recently tensions, sometimes violent, have emerged between forest
communities and Perhutani. These tenisions have their roots in long standing disputes
between these two groups over land tenure of forest land and ownership of trees.
Although Perhutani has responded to these social and economic concerns of communities
(Whitten et al. 1996), an increasing cycle of impoverishment of these communities sees a
continuation of these conflicts, as villagers increasingly require trees and non-timber
forest products to survive.
The extensive teak forests of Java almost certainly originated from trees bought from
India by early Hindus. After the Dutch East India Company acquired large territories
along the north coast of Java in the 18th century, all teak wood was owned by that
Company. At the beginning of the 19th century, when the Dutch Government assumed
control of these teak plantations, more sustainable logging of these forests occurred.
Destruction of these plantations began under the Japanese occupation and has been
accelerating in the last few years.
Home gardens (kebun) are an important aspect to vegetation and fauna of Java. They
account for 17% of Javas agricultural land (Soemarwoto and Soemarwoto 1984). They

3 - 47

are a mix of a wide range of fruit trees and coconuts that support a rich assemblage of
lowland fauna. A typical home garden may have 50 species of plant, including 12 tree
species and the total number of plant species in a small hamlet may be as high as 200
species, including 64 tree species (Penny and Ginting 1984). A two hectare area of
garden and paddy field in Ungaran, Central Java, has at least four lizards, one rare
freshwater turtle, 12 snake and 30 butterfly species (D. Kitchener pers. comm.)
Radical land use patterns over the last 150 years have left only small, scattered remnants
of Javas natural ecosystems, especially in the lowlands. For this reason, the existing low
lying national parks in Java are essentially habitat islands embedded in an agricultural
landscape. This makes the National Parks containing the biologically rich lowland forests
(Ujung Kulon, Meru Betiri, Baluran and Alas Purwo) the top priority for conservation
efforts in Java. Additionally, Meru Betiri is perhaps the most important marine turtle
rookery in the entire Java and Nusa Tenggara region, which confirms further its position
as a top priority for conservation. All these low-lying Parks are currently being degraded
by human activities, including removal of non-timber forest products and trees for
construction purposes. This damage is greatest in Baluran National Park, which recently
has been severely encroached. Hunting of its wildlife has also increased dramatically.
Both Baluran and Alas Purwo National Parks represent the drier lowlands. Both require
support for the management of their biodiversity values. However, of these two parks,
Alas Purwo National Park has the more intact ecosytems and Javas biodiversity would
benefit more by focusing effort to manage the threats to Alas Purwo National Park, rather
than Baluran National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park retains an impressive assemblage
of Javas Lowland Rainforest fauna, including the flagship conservation species, the
Javanese Rhinoceros.
Of the lowland National Parks in Java, Ujung Kulon is considered the most important
National Park for support to conserve its biodiversity, followed in order by Meru Betiri,
Alas Purwo and Baluran.
The Nusa Kambangan relictual lowland plant assemblage, including rare and endemic
species of plants such as the Giant Voodoo Lily (Amorphophallus decus-silvae), urgently
requires additional protection to prevent the destruction of its forests by local villagers.

3 - 48

Sub-alpine and Montane Forests are significant for the conservation of biodiversity of
Java, because they are among the most intact areas of forest remaining in Java. Further,
they contain a number of endemic species and many lowland species are able to also live
in their lower montane zones. For this reason, Gunung Halimun, Gunung Gede
Pangerango and Bromo Tengger Semeru National Parks are also of a high priority.
However, all these Parks receive considerable management support from the Government
of Indonesia, and the Gunung Gede-Pangerango is particularly well staffed relative to
other parks in Java. While all the mountain parks are threated from human activities,
these threats are not as severe as those experienced by the National Parks in the lowland
areas. Consequently, the need for support to manage their biodiversity is less than is the
case for the lowland parks.
The marine National Parks, Kepulauan Seribu and Karimunjawa, both suffer greatly from
over fishing and damage to their reefs, particularly from physical damage caused by
anchoring boats, pollution and general tourism. Of these two parks, Kepulauan Seribu
National Park is much more threatened and degraded because of its proximity to Jakarta.
It is in the direct path of huge off-shore water plumes that carry pollutants onto its reefs.
Karimunjawa is much more protected and retains a fairly intact assemblage of small reef
fishes. Karimunjawa is the priority choice for marine conservation effort in the waters
around Java.
All extensive remaining patches of natural vegetation on Java, even if secondary, are of
the highest conservation significance. Initiatives to conserve the remnant biodiversity of
Java require exploration of new approaches to management, particularly outside
protected areas. A wealth of biodiversity exists in village gardens, and their associated
agricultural land, throughout Java. Strategies need to be explored to maintain and
increase the variety of plants and animal in village gardens and plantations and to educate
villagers of their vital role in conserving this important element of their biodiversity.

3.5 Sulawesi
Sulawesi Island has an area of approximately 187,880 km and a coastline of about 6,000
km. Sulawesi, while not having the richest terrestrial biodiversity of the Indonesian
islands, does have the highest proportion of faunal endemics and contains one of the most
3 - 49

fascinating and unique fauna found in Indonesia. It also harbors some of the greatest
marine biodiversity in nearshore areas in Indonesia and in the world. It contains more
endemic mammal species that any other island and is second only to Papua in the number
of endemic birds and reptiles (BAPPENAS 2003) This terrestrial fauna includes the
unique Babirusa pig(Babyrousa babyrussa), dwarf buffaloes (Anoa depressicornis and
A quarlesi), Bear Cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) and a divergence of the tiny tarsier primates.
The reasons for the unique nature of biotic diversity in and around Sulawesi in part lies
with the geological history of Sulawesi. The islands unique shape results from the
submarine collision between the Oriental and Gondwanic geological plates as a
consequence of the continuous northern movement of the Gondwanic Plate millions of
years ago. This collision forced the welding and buckling of the geologically disparate
arms of Sulawesi, with the major contact zone for this welding process occurring in
Central Sulawesi. This puts Central Sulawesi, and Lore Lindu National Park in particular,
at the hub of the biodiversity integrity of Sulawesi. This is because it is in Central
Sulawesi that the diverse habitat types and richly biodiverse mountains from two
previous land masses connect from the north, south and south eastern regional provinces.
Most of Sulawesi lies above 500 m in altitude; about 20% of the total land area is above
an altitude of 1000 m. The highest mountains ranges are in Central and Northern
Sulawesi. The fauna and flora of Sulawesi show a generally closer affinity with islands to
the east. The Sulawesi bird fauna is exceptional in that 67% of the species have affinities
with Sundaland (Mayr 1944). The mountain flora of Sulawesi is derived from
autochonous speciation (endemics) and species that have migrated from other places in
the world, mainly from cold climes (van Steenis 1972). Sulawesi butterflies and moths
are most strongly associated with the Philippines (Hollaway 1987).
The modern distribution of plants and animals in Sulawesi does not appear to have been
greatly impacted by volcanic eruptions such as those that have occurred at Tambora,
Sumbawa or Lake Toba, Sumatra. Sulawesi has 11 active volcanoes (Whitten et al. 2002)
and the most devastating eruption in Sulawesi in recent times was that of Colo volcano
on Una-una Island in Tomini Bay.

3 - 50

Fig. 3.6: Map of Sulawesi

3 - 51

Sulawesi has a relatively sparse human population but a diverse and complex ethnic mix.
People began converting natural forests to other forms of vegetation in Sulawesi many
hundreds of years ago but this process has only accelerated since 1970, when commercial
logging, transmigration and estate crop projects began to receive enormous government
support. Areas with high agricultural potential have clearly been utilized more than areas
with lower potential. Thus, nearly all the wet lowland forest on volcanic soils has been
felled, compared with only 10% of such forest on ultrabasic soils.
Of the 128 indigenous mammal species, 79 or 62% of them are endemic to Sulawesi; that
percentage rises to 98% if the bats are excluded. Rats and bats form a high proportion of
the mammal fauna. New species of mammals continue to be found, as is the case
throughout Indonesia (Hill 1983). A total of 17 genera of resident birds are endemic to
Sulawesi and its surrounding islands. This includes a large number of spectacular species,
such as the Dark Green Bee-eater (Meropogon forsteni), Brightly Colored Hornbill
(Rhyticeros cassidix), Crowned Myna (Basilornis celebensis) and Finch-billed Starling
(Scissirostrum dubium). Sulawesis best known bird is the Maleo (Macrocephalon
maleo), which incubates in pits built by the adult birds. Of the poorly surveyed
amphibians of Sulawesi, 76% of the 25 indigenous species are endemic. A total of 13 of
the 40 known lizard species on Sulawesi are endemic. The Sulawesi invertebrate fauna is
generally poorly known. However, of the 38 species of large and striking swallow tailed
butterflies, 29% are endemic (Whitten et al. 2002).
Whitten et al. (2002) guess that the number of higher plant species in Sulawesi may be
relatively low, approximately 5,000 species. They have had to guess because the flora of
the island is incompletely surveyed and poorly known. Only seven species are known to
be endemic (E. de Vogel in Whitten et al. 2002). While Sulawesi has the usual coastal
habitats found elsewhere in Indonesia, freshwater habitats are generally nutrient poor and
so freshwater vegetation is impoverished. Lowland and hill forests have the most tree
species of forest types in Sulawesi, but they have a reduced assemblage of dipterocarps
(seven species).
Sulawesi has relatively small areas of both Peat Swamp Forests (at Rawa AopaWatumohai National Park) and Freshwater Swamp Forests. These peat swamps appear to
have a rich assemblage of animals, particularly birds. The vegetation varies over the
swamp from low Casuarina sp. trees to large 35 m tall trees and many Livistona palms
3 - 52

scattered among pools covered with lotus lilies (Nelumbo nucifersa) and mat plants.
Freshwater swamps are normally found in Sulawesi in riverine alluvium, but they also
occur on the alluvium around Lake Poso and the south of the Ranu Lakes (Whitten et al.
2002). The vegetation in these swamps is variable and none of the areas studied have
dominant species in common. Nothing is known of their mega fauna.
Sulawesi forests growing on ultrabasic rocks occur in eastern parts of Central Sulawesi,
South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. They are the most extensive such forests in the
world; they cover some 8,000 sq. km. These forests are little studied, particularly their
fauna, but on the western shore of Lake Ranu in Morowali Reserve, the trees are shorter
and more scrubby than in other lowland forests (L. Clayton in Whitten et al. (2002). Such
forests around Soroako are dominated by Iron Wood (Metrosideros sp), Agathis,
Calophyllum, various Burseraceae and Sapotaceae and at least two dipterocarps (Vatica
and Hopea celebica) (van Balgooy and Tantra 1986).
Forest on karst limestone in Sulawesi are distributed throughout the provinces, but are
least common in Central Sulawesi, where they are absent from much of the western
region. They tend to have vegetation that is an impoverished assemblage of forests found
on deeper soils. A species of grass (Cymbopogon minutiflorus) appears endemic to
limestone in Sulawesi. These limestone forests have been exploited to some degree,
particularly those around Maros. Apart from molluscs, which are shown to have species
endemic to limestone elsewhere in Asia, no fauna is known to be restricted to these
limestone substrates.
The mountain forests have vegetation that is zoned and characterized similarly to that
described for Sumatra; much of its flora is not found in the lowlands. Whereas the
lowland forests are not dominated by one group of trees, the lower Montane Forests are
dominated by the oaks (Lithocarpus spp.) and chestnuts (Castanopsis spp.). The Upper
Montane Forests are characterized by Rhododendron spp. (19 of the 24 Sulawesi species
are endemic) Wintergreen (Gaultheria) and Bilberries (Vacinium) (13 of the 16 Sulawesi
species are endemic). The sub-alpine zone is dominated by myrtles (Leptospermum and
Decaspermum) (Whitten et. al.2002).
One of the most alarming discoveries of the 1990s is the extent to which hunting of
wildlife, including the endemic Babirusa, Anoa and the Crested Black Macaque, for bush
meat markets is destroying wildlife and pushing some endemics to extinction (Allard

3 - 53

2000). Breakdown of traditional methods of harvesting the eggs of the Maleo birds has
also seen a dramatic reduction of populations of this species (Whitten et al. 2002). Many
of the small islands associated with Sulawesi were deforested by 1920. The southwest
peninsula of Sulawesi has lost much of its original vegetation because of human activities.
Extensive grasslands of non-Alang alang grasses occur in the valleys to the east of Lore
Lindu National Park (World Bank 2001). Consequently there is concern that a number of
species on Sulawesi and its associated islands, particularly Talaud and Sangihe, are
endangered. The IUCN include the following endangered species on the red list:
Sulawesi Tarsier (Tarsius spectrum), Sulawesi Civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroeckii),
Dugong (Dugong dugon), Babirusa, lowland Anoa, Mountain Anoa, Chinese Egret
(Egretta eulophotes), Milky Stork (Ibis cinereus), Maleo, Estuarine Crocodile,
LeatherbackTurtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Fortens Tortoise (Indotestudo forsteni) Talaud
Black Birdwing Butterfly (Triodes dohertyi), Palu Swallowtail (Atrophaneura palu) and
Tambusisi Wood Nymph (Idea tanbusisiana).
Whitten et al. (2002) consider that this IUCN list is almost certainly incomplete and that a
number of other species are also extremely vulnerable, such as the Caeulean Paradiseflycatcher (Eutrichomyias rowleyi) on Sangihe Island, the Blue and Red Lory (Eos histrio)
(Sangihe and Talaud), Sangihe Hanging- parrot (Loriculus catamene) and Elegant
Sunbird (Aethopyga duyvenbodei) (Sangihe) and the Talaud Kingfisher (Halcyon
enigma). The endemic fish in Lakes Poso, Lindu, Towuti, Matano, Wawanto and
Mahalona include four Duck-billed Fish (Adrianichthys kruyti, Xenopoecilus poptae and
X. oophorous (Poso) and X.sarasinorum (Lindu). Recent introductions of fish to Lake
Lindu and commercial fishing in the Lake by migrant Bugis people have likely
exterminated its endemic fish.
Coastal and Marine
Within Indonesia, Wallacea, which includes Sulawesi, has the most extensive reef
development and the highest coral species diversity (Suharsono 1998).
Sulawesi has a coastline of approximately 6,000 km that incorporates many diverse types
of ecosystems and habitats. Sulawesi is a globally important natural laboratory of
evolution and species diversity. It is second in Indonesia only to Papua as a center of
endemism (BAPPENAS 2003). Three of the six national marine parks (Bunaken,
Wakatobi, Take Bonerate) are located in Sulawesi, each different from the others because

3 - 54

of their geographical influences. Two of those sites have been recommended to become
Natural World Heritage Marine Sites Bunaken and Wakatobi (UNESCO 2003), with
some discussion of Take Bonerate also being included.
There are 24 important wetland areas in Sulawesi including Mangrove Lantung and
Tondano Lake, North Sulawesi. These wetland areas include 43 sites for nesting water
fowl, more than 50 migrant species of birds (23 species of which are threatened). There
are 67 endemic species of marine fish reported from the mangrove areas (BAPPENAS
There are 16 nationally recognized wetland or marine conservation areas in Sulawesi,
totaling 2,800,000 ha of marine and 695,000 ha of wetlands (BAPPENAS 2003).
Mangrove Forests were once widespread along the coasts of Sulawesi but are rapidly
disappearing. From an original area of approximately 270,000 ha in the 1980s, there are
less than 85,000 ha (31%) of mangroves remaining, and only 6,300 ha are under
protection. The mangroves in Sulawesi previously accounted for a mere 4% of the
national total area of mangroves, reduced now to 2% (BAPPENAS 2003). These have
largely been destroyed by the same human activities mentioned earlier in this Report.
South Sulawesi had more remaining patches of mangrove than the other provinces in
Sulawesi combined (Darsidi 1982, BAPPENAS 2003). There are 16 species of mangrove
in all Sulawesi, and 15 species of mangrove in Kwandang Bay, North Sulawesi (two of
which are rare: Excoecaria agallocha, Camptostemon philippinense) and one which is
endemic (Xylocarpus moluccensis) (BAPPENAS 2003). The mangrove habitats of
Sulawesi support a wide variety of rare and endangered species such as the Estuarine
Crocodile (Crocodylus porosis), the Sulawesi Civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroekii), the
Vegetarian Pig (Sus celebenis), two monkey species (Macaca tonkeana and, Macaca
ochreata), an endemic snake (Enhydris matannenis) and heron (Mycteria cinerea). There
are also 34 migratory bird species including the White - belly Marine Hawk (Haliaeetus
leucogaster), a white egret (Ciconia episcopus), and the Black-necked Mermaid (Sterna
sumatrana). A new move toward conservation has been the establishment of community
mangrove reserves in North Sulawesi and programs to shift from burning wood from the
mangroves and using charcoal made from coconuts instead. These practices are being
supported and expanded through government and donor work in the areas.
The marine biodiversity is extremely rich and results from a mixing of Indian Ocean and
Pacific Ocean waters along the coasts and between the islands of Sulawesi. Table 3.5

3 - 55

compares three sites in Sulawesi (Bunaken National Marine Park, Sangihe-Talaud Islands,
Wakatobi National Marine Park) with some of the most prominent sites for biodiversity
in the Indo-Pacific region and in the world.
Table 3.5: Comparison of Coral Diversity and Various Other Ecological
Characteristics of three Sulawesi Marine Sites and other Indo-West Pacific Coral
Reef Areas. 3








No. locations surveyed

Total reef-building coral
Ave. coral diversity /
location (2 sites)
Proportion of locations
hosting > 1/3 total (beta)
diversity in region
Ave. % Hard Coral
Approx. area
(10 km ) of region







































A brief summary of the biodiversity of the three national marine parks (Bunaken, Taka
Bonerate and Wakatobi) follows, and as these sites are priority areas for conservation and
protective management.
Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, consists of six islands and a coastal section that
includes part of the Tanjung Kelapa coast near Manado Bay. It is a classic small,
integrated reef ecosystem, including mangroves, sea grass and coral in a wide variety of
habitats (fringing reefs, lagoons, drop offs, pinnacles, etc.). Numerous studies recently
have identified this area as extraordinarily high in marine biodiversity, close to matching
and second only to the Raja Ampat area in Papua.
One of the most famous and rarest endangered marine species in the world is found in
North Sulawesi. This is coelacanth fish (Latimeria chalumnae), a rare and ancient genus
(370 million years old) that was re-discovered in the western Indian Ocean in 1938. Until
1997, it had not been found anywhere else in the world. However, in 1997-98, two living
animals were discovered in North Sulawesi, and DNA studies indicate that these may
BNP = Bunaken National Marine Park, North Sulawesi; S-T = Sangihe-Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi; W = Wakatobi
National Marine Park, South East Sulawesi; RA = Raja Empat, Papua; BI = Banda Islands, Banda Sea, Maluku; KB = East
Kimbe Bay, Bismark Sea, Papau New Guinea; MB = Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea; GBR = Northern Great Barrier Reef,
Australia. Data from Turak 2002, Turak in prep., Turak and Fenner 2002, Turak and Shouhoko 2003, Turak and Aitsi 2003,
Turak et al. 2003 and for GBR - Turak, unpublished data.

3 - 56

indeed be a new undescribed species of the genus Latimeria , which is one of only two
fish genera on the CITES Appendix I, a list of the most rare and endangered species in
the world (Erdmann and Moosa 1999).
Several rare and charismatic species are also found near the shore of North Sulawesi,
including molluscs, turtles, dugongs, cetaceans and strange fishes. The endangered
molluscan species include the Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas), the Horned Helmet (Cassis
cornuta) and the Pearly-chambered Nautilus (Nautilus pompillius) (Ministry of Forestry
et al. 2003). Turtles found here include the Leatherback (Dermochelyes coriac), Green
Turtle (Chelonia mydas), and Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). The
endangered marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon) is found regularly in at least
one village within the Park. There are numerous cetaceans that transit through or spend
parts of their lives in the marine waters within and near Bunaken National Marine Park.
These include the following marine mammals that are all listed on the IUCN Red List
(similar to the CITES Appendix I or II): the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
with reports in 2003 of divers swimming with three individuals in Manado Bay; the
Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps); the Pygmy Killer Whale (Feresa attenuate) and
the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) (Reeves et al. 2003). In addition, a variety of rare and
beautiful sea horses (Hippocampus spp.), including sea dragons and pygmy sea horses,
have also been found. All sea horse species have been put on the CITES lists due to their
over harvesting and consequent rarity. Ecotourism has placed some of the endangered
fauna in this Park at greater risk. This prompted the local private sector and government
agencies in North Sulawesi to conduct a survey in 2003 to evaluate the number of tourists
that the Park can carry. This was carried out as a basis for developing management tools
to limit the impact of tourism on the Park.
Two of the worlds leading coral reef biodiversity specialists, Drs. Lyndon DeVantier and
Emre Turak, who compiled the marine biodiversity lists for Sangihe-Talaud, Raja Ampat
and the Northern Great Barrier Reef, completed a survey in North Sulawesi in December
2003, primarily in Bunaken Marine Park waters. Bunakens coral condition exceeded that
of the other pristine areas like Raja Ampat and the Northern Great Barrier Reef, with
an average live coral cover of 42%. This good condition was attributed by the authors to
the management of the Park in the last few years. There were 390 species of hard coral
representing 63 genera and 15 families recorded. This is an extremely high number for
such a small area. If the extraordinary coastal habitats of Lembeh Straits and Likupang
were included, the scientists predict that North Sulawesis species richness might exceed

3 - 57

that of Raja Ampat, which has an area 20 to 30 times as large. High diversity was also
frequently recorded within a single site. This included a world record of 221 coral species
in a single location near Mantehage Island. At least 20 species of rare and restricteddistribution corals were found in Bunaken. In addition, and importantly, 85% of the sites
here included more than 30% of the full species list found in the Indo-Pacific region. This
indicates that North Sulawesi is a reservoir of global marine biodiversity, like a bank,
should there be a need to replenish other reefs in the Indo-Pacific after a disaster.
Bunaken Marine Park is being proposed as a Natural World Heritage Marine Site along
with four or five other marine sites (Raja Ampat, Wakatobi, Derawan Islands, Banda and
Flores Islands and Taka Bonerate) as a cluster site to conserve the distinctly
representative marine habitats in Indonesia. The area being proposed for the North
Sulawesi cluster site incorporates Bunaken National Park, Manado Bay, north coast of
Likupang, Talise Islands, Bangka and Gangga, as well as Lembeh Straits. This suggests
that the key watershed for protection and the target areas for pollution control are the
Tondano, and the Lembehan Strait-Likupan catchment areas (PWS), and the cities of
Manado and Bitung, but this needs confirmation. (See Fig.3.4)
The Taka Bonerate National Marine Park, South Sulawesi, is an atoll of 220,000 ha that
is surrounded by more than 500 km2 of corals. This atoll is the largest in Indonesia and
the third largest in the world. The topography of this Park is unique, consisting of a chain
of 21 islands of dry coral and a large flat sunken reef. There are 95 species of coral fish
and several species of fish of high economic value such as the grouper (Epinephelus spp),
skip jack (Katsuwonus spp.) and Napoleon Wrasse (Cheilinus undulates), all three of
which are valued both as food and as attractions for tourists (Ministry of Forestry et al.
2003, BAPPENAS 2003). There are 244 species of molluscs found here, including the
rare Triton Trumpet (Charonia tritonis), the Fluted Giant Clam (Tridacna squamosa) and
the Pearly-chambered Nautilus (Nautilus popillius). The Hawksbill (Eretmochelys
imbricata), the Pacific Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and the Green Turtle (Chelonia
mydas), which are on the CITES lists, nest there as well (Ministry of Forestry et al. 2003).
Wakatobi National Marine Park, Southeast Sulawesi, lies in a remote area of small
islands with sheer reef wall drop offs in many places. The Park has 25 chains of coral
reefs with a total coast line of 600 km. Hundreds of coral species have been identified,
including approximately one hundred species of ornamental reef fish. These include the
Napoleon Wrasse, the Peacock Grouper (Cephalopholus argus), and Titan Triggerfish
(Balistoides viridescens). Sea birds abound, such as the Brown Booby (Sula leucigaster

3 - 58

plotus) and Hawksbill, Loggerhead and Pacific Ridley turtles are frequently found. This
area is not threatened by pollution or input from major rivers or cities since it is a five
hour boat ride from Kendari, the nearest major city, although it still suffers from some
local coral reef degradation due to overexploitation and destructive practices.
Sulawesi is particularly well endowed with lakes; it has 13 lakes that have an area greater
than five km. It has the second and third largest lakes in Indonesia (Towutu and Poso).
Most significant lakes have been surveyed in the last decade. These lakes are extremely
diverse, ranging from the extremely shallow Lake Tempe (<1m deep in the dry season) to
the beautiful Lake Matano, which at 590 m, is the deepest lake in South East Asia. These
lakes occur at all altitudes and are found in each of the provinces. Most are formed by
tectonic activity, but Lakes Tondano and Moat were formed by volcanic activity and
Limbota and Tempe are flooded lakes. Aopa Swamp is the only large water body that is a
swamp. Freshwater molluscs are among the better known of the macro invertebrates from
the Sulawesi lakes. A total of 45 species of molluscs are known from Sulawesi lakes; 17
of these are from Lake Poso. Most molluscs are endemic species. Lake Poso has the most
distinctive molluscs, including two endemic genera, both of which may now be extinct
(Whitten et al 2002).
Little is known of the river systems, although the size and shape of Sulawesi precludes
the development of long rivers, such as those found in Sumatra and Kalimantan; the
longest is about 200 km. Most rivers are typically meandering channels, but the Palu
River, several in Morowali and the Jeneberang River, for example, are braided (Metzner
1981). Many Sulawesi rivers arise in mountainous catchment areas but others arise in
lakes, limestone caves and swamps.
Water birds are far more common than they are in the Sunda islands, probably because
they are closer to the migratory pathways. Most species found on the lakes may also be
found along the coast. The exception is the Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus),
which is more common on the lakes. At certain times of the year, Lake Tempe is a major
lake for water birds (Uttley 1986).

3 - 59

Biodiversity Centers

The terrestrial biota of Sulawesi is unevenly distributed over the island. It tends to form
groupings or biounits that relate in large part to the geological history of the island. Of
the Sulwesi peninsulas, only the southwest Peninsula has flora that has its strongest
affinities outside Sulawesi and that is with Sundaland (van Steenis 1972). This may be
due to some possible, but unconfirmed, land connection through the Nusa Tenggara
islands of Flores or Sumbawa (Whitten et al. 2002). The allopatric distribution of closely
related congenerics such as the Sulawesi Macaque, carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.), Pond
Skater/Water strider (Ptilonera) and white - eye birds (Zosterops spp.), support the view
that the Sulawesi biounits are: the North Peninsula, Central Area, including Banggai
Islands, Southeast Peninsula and the South Peninsula. Among the endemic birds, some
species are known only from a specific peninsula. Half of the endemic species are known
from all regions of Sulawesi and half have partially restricted distributions.
Whitten et al. (2002) draw attention to the uniqueness of the Malili Lake system in the
southeast biounit. The entire system is connected by rivers and contains three large lakes
(Matano, Mahalona and Towuti), and two smaller lakes (Masapi and Wawantoa). Of the
100 or so species of copepod, mollusc, prawn and fish endemic to Sulawesi found in this
system, only a prawn and a goby fish are shared by all five lakes. This leads to
speculation that the system is both an important repository of species and information
about the origins of the Sulawesi freshwater fauna (Whitten et al. (2002).
The islands of Sangihe and Talaud are centers for endemic birds and butterflies. This
island group also contains sites for endemic fishes and coral species and coral morphotypes due to the islands remoteness from other areas and the predominant oceanographic
currents. They are one of the regions with the highest biodiversity relative to their area in
Sulawesi and Indonesia.
The area in general from the southern boundary of Bunaken National Marine Park near
Manado Bay along the northern coast of Sulawesi, and down the eastern coast to the
southern tip of Lembeh Island is considered to be one of the two or three most diverse
sites in the world for marine biota.
Bunaken National Park, is a classic small, integrated reef ecosystem, including
mangroves, sea grass and coral in a wide variety of habitats (fringing reefs, lagoons, drop

3 - 60

offs, pinnacles, etc.). It has an extraordinarily high level of marine biodiversity, close to
matching and second only to the Raja Ampat area in Papua.
Taka Bonerate National Marine Park, South Sulawesi, is the largest atoll in Indonesia. It
is surrounded by more than 500 km of corals and has a diverse reef fish community.
Wakatobi National Marine Park, Southeast Sulawesi, has superb and representative coral
reefs. It has approximately one hundred species of ornamental reef fish, many sea birds
and Hawksbill, Loggerhead and Pacific Ridley Turtles.
Protected Area Coverage
Sulawesi has a diverse system of protected areas, including six national parks (Lore
Lindu -- a World Heritage Site and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, established to protect
landscape wildlife values and social customs in the adjoining communities; Nani Warta
Bone; Bunaken-Manado Tua Marine National Park; Taka Bone Rate; Rawa AopaWatumohai and Wakatobi) (Ministry of Forestry/UNESCO/CIFOR 2003). Sulawesi also
has 19 nature reserves and an assortment of tourism parks and wildlife refuges (World
Bank 2001). These areas cover most major habitats and at face value represent most of
the key elements of the islands biodiversity.
The south peninsula of Sulawesi has 26 conservation areas, but none that are of a
substantial size and capture the full dimension of a landscape. There are also no national
parks in this biounit, despite the fact that, at least for some vertebrate groups, it is the
most biologically divergent of the biounits. It is also a region where land conversion is
most marked such that little land remains for selecting additional conservation reserves to
represent the region.
The northern Peninsula biounit is the best protected, at least on paper. It has Bogani Nani
Wartabone National Park (300,000 ha), which represents a range of habitats from 50 m to
2,000 m in altitude. It has a rich assemblage of vertebrates and most of the charismatic
species for Sulawesi mentioned above. Tangkoko-Duasudara Nature Reserve (8,867 ha)
on the northeast tip of the northern peninsula in the Kabupaten of Minahasa is one of the
most important conservation sites in North Sulawesi. It contains the highest population
densities of several of Sulawesis endemic species including the Crested Black Macaque,
Spectral Tarsier, and Red-knobbed hornbill. The reserve contains three volcanoes: the

3 - 61

1,109 m Gn. Tangkoko (formerly known as Gn. Batuangas) and the parasitic ash cone of
Batuangasis. This topography provides for many habitats, including Alang alang
grassland, secondary scrub, Casuarina Forest, Beach Forest, Lowland Rainforest,
Montane Rainforest, and Cloud Forest. The Reserve suffers many threats, including
logging, fires, agricultural encroachment, harvesting of Livistonia palms and other nontimber forest products (Lee at al. 2000).
Central Sulawesi has Lore Lindu National Park (217,991 ha), which ranges in altitude
from 500 to 2,600 m. It is a landscape scale Park that has Sub-alpine Forest through to
Lowland Rainforests that support 117 mammal, 88 bird, 29 reptile and 19 amphibian
species. It was declared by UNESCO in 1977 as a Biosphere Reserve. Although the
central Luwuk peninsula and Banggai and Togian Islands appear to be lumped with the
rest of the central region as a biounit, few biological surveys have been carried out there.
Further, there remain extensive forested areas and opportunities to gain additional
representation of the Luwuk Peninsula and Banggai islands and to coalesce existing
proposed conservation areas (Whitten et al. 2002:104) into larger more landscape scale
representative protected areas.
The Southeast biounit, including Buton Island, has 17 protected areas or proposed
protected areas (Whitten et al. 2002), including Rawa Aopa Watmohai National Park
(105,194 ha). This Park ranges from the coast to an altitude of 981 m and has lower
Montane Rainforest, Lowland Rainforest, Mangrove Forest, Coastal Savanna and
Freshwater Swamp Forests. It has a remarkable variety of plants including at least 257
genera and 323 species as well as a wide variety of vertebrate species, including 155
species of bird (MoF/UNESCO/CIFOR 2003).
None of these protected areas are safe from encroachment, conversion or illegal logging,
which is often tacitly accepted by conservation authorities and local governments, who
remain unconvinced of the economic and social value of these parks. Mining, both legal
and illegal, continues unabated in protected areas; it has been particularly damaging in
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park. Currently some 4,000 illegal gold miners work
the slopes of the Park. An additional 5,000 gold miners work illegally a foreign owned
lease near Manado, impacting the waters surrounding Bunaken Marine National Park
(Sydney Morning Herald 2000). In Lore Lindu National Park, the Park authorities
recently allowed local migrants to encroach park land and turned over 2000 ha to these
migrants, rather than defend the Park (Indonesian Observer 2000).

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Much lower deforestation rates occur in Sulawesi than elsewhere in Indonesia, mainly
because the Sulawesi lowland forests were cleared by the mid 1980s. Sulawesi is mainly
a mountainous island with lowlands only occupying about 25% of the total area. By 1985,
only a quarter of these lowlands still carried forest, with rapid clearing occurring in the
transmigration areas. Further, Sulawesi has an impoverished assemblage of dipterocarp
trees, which are the mainstay of forestry practices in the Sunda islands. For example its
seven species of dipterocarp can be compared to 267 and 106 species found in Borneo
and Sumatra, respectively (Ashton 1982). The main commercial timber trees in Sulawesi
are the tall Agathis, the legume Podocarpus indicus, the gum tree Eucalyptus deglupta,
Beremba (Duabanga mollucana) and Gutta Perca (Palaquium spp.). Sandalwood
(Santalum album) is almost extinct in Sulawesi. Holmes (2000) further stated that
lowland forests are now essentially defunct as a viable resource in Sulawesi. Although,
Sulawesis remarkable biodiversity and endemism are mainly found in the upland forests
this should not preclude efforts to save the remaining lowland fauna and flora,
particularly that in the coastal areas. Mangrove Forests along these coasts have been
particularly hard hit by conversion. Between the mid 1980s and 1993, they decreased by
64% (84,833 ha to 152,567 ha).
Despite the relative low rates of deforestation in Sulawesi compared to that found on the
Sunda islands, Holmes (2000) showed that between 1985 and 1997 Sulawesi lost 20% of
its natural forest cover. This figure does not account for forest quality, or the fact that
land classified as forests may contain logged or burned forest areas of reduced value for
biodiversity conservation. While factors involved in deforestation are those reported
earlier in this Report, an increasing threat are local migrants. Possibly as many as
200,000 people are moving into forested areas from urban areas of Sulawesi and from
other islands. These migrants have converted vast amounts of forest to the high-value
cash crops, coffee and cocoa (Whitten et al. 2002).
Sulawesi is the most spectacular center of endemicity for plants and animals in Indonesia.
Its high mountainous terrain has protected much of its fauna and flora, although almost
nothing remains of its lowland forests. It has the most extensive system of lakes in
Indonesia as well as the largest forests on ultrabasic substrates in the world. It is one of

3 - 63

the foremost two or three places globally as a center for marine biodiversity. While
Sulawesi has on paper extensive protected areas, some additions are required, and
planning is needed to integrate these protected areas into a system that conserves
representative landscapes and their functions.
The terrestrial priority on Sulawesi should be to connect the existing protected areas with
protected forests (Hutan Lindung) to form a more integrated system of protected areas,
particularly to link protected areas in both the southern and southwestern arms of the
island to those in North Sulawesi Province through the hub protected area in Central
Sulawesi -- Lore Lindu National Park. Conservation of biological values in Lore Lindu
National Park, which is a landscape scale park, through community participation in park
management, is the top terrestrial priority. Other terrestrial protected areas in Sulawesi
are extremely important for conserving important plants and animals, but none other is as
geographically important or has the same variety of topography and diversity of habitats.
There is urgency in all Sulawesi terrestrial protected areas to avert and ameliorate threats
to these parks caused by encroachment, hunting and illegal logging. Lore Lindu National
Park is facing all these threats and there is a steady attrition of its biological values and
the value of its ecosystem services to the large community in Palu and its surrounds.
Conservation of the biota of Sangihe and Talaud islands is also a high priority. These
islands have a unique endemic community of animals and plants.
Freshwater lakes have been severely degraded and their biota despoiled in Sulawesi. The
Malali Lake system may be one of the few remaining Sulawesi freshwater systems that
can be conserved. There is a priority to survey this system and evaluate its biological
South Sulawesi is poorly served by protected areas, despite the fact that its biota is
amongst the most degraded and threatened in Sulawesi. An initial study to determine
priorities for biodiversity action in the Maros-Pangkajene area in South Sulawesi (Allard
et al. 2000) should be progressed as a priority.
Bunaken National Park and Taka Bonerate National Marine Park both are nationally and
globally important centers of marine diversity that are heavily impacted by a range of
threats. They are the top priority areas for conservation activities. Wakatobi is also an

3 - 64

immensely important center for marine biodiversity, but it is not threatened and requiring
intensive management as are Bunaken and Taka Bonerate.

3.6 Papua
The island of New Guinea is the second largest island in the World. The Indonesian
province of Papua (Irian Jaya) comprises an area of greater than 416,000 km and covers
the western half of the island of New Guinea. It is perhaps the biologically richest and
most diverse assemblage of ecosystems in the Tropical Pacific region. Papua contains
almost half of Indonesias total biodiversity; it contains a significant portion of the
worlds remaining tropical forests as well as some of the most pristine coral reefs in the
world. It has a unique array of plant and animal species, including Bird of Paradise, bird
wing butterflies, tree kangaroos, cuscus, orchids, Auricaria trees and rhododendrons.
Papua owes this rich biodiversity to a combination of factors. The first factor is its wide
altitudinal range, from sea levels to the highest mountains in the Asia pacific region.
Second, Indonesia straddles two major Biogeographic Regions (Oriental and the
Australasian) and is the only country to do so. This provides for a mixing of different
faunas on Papua. Third, it has an enormous array of habitat types, ranging from alpine
vegetation on the highest mountains, surrounding alpine valleys, a variety of Montane
Forests in the many rugged ranges throughout Papua, a diverse mix of lowland forests,
swamps, Coastal Savannas and mangroves. Fourth, much of the landscape has remained
untouched by development until recent times, making it one of the last remaining tropical
wilderness areas in the World (Conservation International 1999).
The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia (1993), prepared by the National
Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), reported that over 90% of forest cover of
Papua remains intact. Conservation International (1999) stated that figure had fallen to
75%-80%. Clearly, threats to Papuas biodiversity are mounting rapidly. The major
threats to Papuan ecosystems are from large-scale infrastructure projects, such as dams,
roads, large- and small-scale mining, and oil and gas development. An example of the
affect of roads is reported by the World Bank (2001), which stated that a new road
constructed from Wamema in the Baliem Valley up to Danau (Lake) Habbema in the
alpine zone and beyond through protection forests has opened these areas to illegal
logging. This road has led to the systematic removal in January 1995 of low quality
timbers that make up the Montane Forests on steep and erodible terrain at 3000 m altitude.
3 - 65

Fig. 3.7: Map of Papua

Other threats are forest conversion for transmigration and plantation, agriculture logging
and the introduction of exotic species. Marine ecosystems are threatened like those
elsewhere in Indonesia. There is an increasing awareness in Papua of the dangers of
introduced animals and plants. Wasur National Park, for example, has a number of
introduced plants that clog up waterways and replace riparian vegetation. The
establishment of several populations of Macaque Monkeys (Macaque fascicularis) is a
threat to Papuan birds and other fruit eating animals. Introduction of the toads Bufo
melanostictus and B. marinus may well be disastrous for small mammals and amphibians.
The introduced fish, the Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) and Climbing Perch
(Anabas testudineus), are well established and compete with and predate on native fish.
The cultural integrity of many forest dwelling people in Papua (e.g., Asmat, Korowai,
Dani, Bauzi) is closely linked to the biodiversity of their surrounds. Their traditional
methods of utilizing forests and savanna may be closely related to the high biodiversity
values of their forests and need to be intimately understood and incorporated into

3 - 66

conservation management plans. The rise of large-scale development in Papua threatens

the indigenous communities that comprise 250 ethnic groups and threatens activities to
conserve the Papuan biodiversity.
An important factor in retarding the development of rational conservation strategies and
practice is the general paucity of information available in Papua. Such information lacks
sadly behind the availability of information on the biota in other major Indonesian islands
and in Papua New Guinea (Richards and Suryadi, Eds 2002).
There are few vegetation studies that have been carried out in Papua, but studies from
neighboring Papua New Guinea show that undisturbed Humid Rainforests in Papua are
likely to be more diverse than many tropical forests in South America, Africa or South
East Asia. The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia (1993) considered Papua to have
the highest species richness and endemism in Indonesia for birds and plants, as well as a
high ranking for mammals and reptiles.
It has been estimated that Papua may have as many as 20,000 to 25,000 vascular plant
species. However, they state that the plants of Papua are extremely poorly known; only
180,000 specimens have been collected there -- most collections are restricted to a few
small areas in the Vogelkop, Cyclops Mts, Mt. Jaya, Timika region and Mt Trikora-Lake
Habbema. An astonishing 60-90% of the plants may be endemic to Papua. Lowland
forests in particular, need greater protection. As is the case elsewhere, these are the most
accessible forests for exploitation and they also have the highest species richness of
plants (Conservation International 1999).
A recent survey by Conservation International (1999) lists 164 mammal, 330 reptile and
amphibian, 650 birds, about 250 freshwater and 1200 marine fish and an estimated
150,000 insect species. These numbers are much higher than reported in the Biodiversity
Action Plan for Indonesia (1993). Numbers of most of these animal groups are likely to
be underestimated; amphibian and lizards combined, for example, may be as high as 500.
The mammal fauna of Papua, at 164 species, is poorly known and has much fewer
species than Papua New Guinea (227 species). Apart from the survey by Kitchener et al.
(1997) at Gag Island, Kitchener et al (1998) in the P.T. Freeport Contract of Work area,

3 - 67

and Singadan and Patiselanno (2002) in the Mamberamo River Basin, there has been
extremely little mammal survey work carried out in Papua, particularly that which
attempts to compare species diversity with habitats or altitudinal gradients (Boeadi and
Widodo 2000). In the Freeport Contract of Work area, Papua, there was no trend for
small ground mammals species richness or mammal species diversity to change from sea
level to almost 4000 m altitude, such as is commonly found in Nusa Tenggara and
Sumatra (Kitchener and Yani 1997, Kitchener et al. 2000). However, the various lowland
forest types had different mammal assemblages, and there were indications of
recognizable mammal groupings below an altitude of 1,000 m, between 1,000 m and
1,600 m, and above 2,100 m. The richest known mammal area in Papua is the Lorentz
National Park where 90-100 species have been recorded (Conservation International
1999), which is also among the highest species richness in the Australo-Pacific region.
The bird fauna of Papua is dominated by forest species, many of which are widespread
lowland species (Beehler et al. 1986). Although the lowlands are among the most
accessible habitats in Papua, their avifauna remains poorly documented. However,
Conservation International (1999) reports that tropical lowland forests in Papua support
almost 200 different breeding bird species. Endemic birds species richness is highest in
the Vogelkop, followed in order by Raja Ampat islands, and the Biak/ Numfor islands;
many of these endemics are rare. Endangered species numbers have risen sharply
recently. Several years ago they included the Waigeo Brush-Turkey (Aepypodius bruijnii),
Biak Pied Monarch (Monarcha brehmii), Brass Friarbird (Philemon brassi), Golden
Fronted Bowerbird (Amblyornis flavifrons), and Salvadoris Fig-parrot (Psittaculirostris
salvadorii). Conservation International (1999) listed a further 18 threatened bird species
in Papua, including the New Guinea Harpy Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae) and the
MacGregors Bird of Paradise (Macgregoria pulchra). Another 30 species were
identified as near threatened. The recent Indonesian lists for endangered birds (Noerdjito
and Maryanto 2001) greatly increases the endangered Papuan bird species, including a
number of raptors and all the species of the Bird of Paradise. In addition to resident birds,
Papua lies in the path of international migrants. Consequently, southwestern Papua,
including Wasur National Park, is a globally significant staging ground for waterbirds
and waders, both from the arctic and from Australia.
Papuas most fragile ecosystem for birds and mammals is probably the sub-alpine plateau
region. It is important for montane endemics, such as the birds Orange-cheeked
Honeyeater (Lichenostomus chrysogenys), Snow Mountain Quail (Anurophasis

3 - 68

monorthonyx) and the Snow Robin (Petroica archboldii) (Conservation International

1999), and the rodents Arianuss Rat (Stenomys omlichodes), Glacier Rat (Stenomys
richardsoni), Alpine Wooley-rat (Mallomys gunung) and Subalpine Woolly-rat
(Mallomys istapantap) (Kitchener et al. 1998).
Anurans (frogs and toads) are the only amphibians found in Papua. Four native frog
families are represented: the Hylidae (39 species, 2 genera) and Myobatrachae (5 species,
3 genera), which are of Gondwanic origin, The Ranide (13 species, 3 genera) and
Microhylidae (39 species, 12 genera), which are of South East Asian origin. They are
also the dominant groups in Australia. The microhylidae have undergone an extensive
radiation in New Guinea and Papua. Introduced species are the toads Bufo melanostictus
and B. marinus, although it is not certain if the latter species has in fact yet crossed into
Papua from Papua New Guinea. The Papuan frog fauna shows much lower levels of
endemism than that of Papua New Guinea (30% versus 63%). Furthermore, there are no
frog genera endemic to Papua. These statistics are likely to change as the Papuan frog
fauna is better documented; the microhylid genus Oreophryne is likely to be the most
diverse genus in Papua (Richards et al. 2000). Many of the total of 98 species of Papuan
frog have extremely restricted distributions, suggesting that this number will be
dramatically increased with more surveys. For example, a recent survey in northern
Papua collected 25-30 new species of frog.
The rather impoverished freshwater turtle fauna include some interesting members. For
example, the Pig Nosed Turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) is the only member of the family
Carettochelyidae. All six marine turtles recorded elsewhere in Indonesia occur in Papua
and are threatened. There are 140 species of lizards and 75 species of terrestrial
freshwater and marine snakes in Papua. The only endemic snake (Heurnia) is confined to
the Mamberamo River drainage of northern Papua (Conservation International 1999).
Coastal and Marine
The marine biodiversity of Papua is extremely diverse, associated as it is with the Eastern
Indonesian center of global marine biodiversity. This diversity is due it part both to the
location of Papua on the border between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and to the
variety of landscapes found on the coasts and offshore (caves, cliffs, mangrove lowlands,
steep drop offs, sandy and rocky beaches, reefs and sea grass, etc.). Oceanographically
and biogeographically, the northern coast of Papua lies in a region that is on the western

3 - 69

border of the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the northeastern entrance of the Indonesian
flow of currents from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Raja Ampat, the group of islands
in northern Papua, are part of the same geological ridge that forms the Palauan islands in
the western Micronesia part of the Pacific Oceania; it is for this reason that many of the
same dramatic and biogeographically diverse tropical habitats, flora and fauna are present
in both areas.
Papua (combined with Maluku in this reference) was and still is host to the greatest area
of mangroves of any island in Indonesia. In the 1980s there were more than 4 million ha
of mangroves, which by 1998 had been diminished to less than 2.5 million ha (59%). The
southern coast of Papua is continuously covered by mangrove. These rivers cause high
sedimentation and salinity fluctuations. The extensive mangrove stands in Bintuni Bay
and other regions are extremely wide with distance from shore to open water of more
than 10 km, and dense, such that one can get lost for days in them trying to find the
correct passages into the villages and landing sites.
Reefs along the southern coast are poorly developed. Papuan reefs are most developed in
Cendrawasih Bay, Padaido Island, Auri Island, Mapia Island and Raja Ampat islands.
Coral reefs in Cendrawasih are in good condition and are both diverse and well
developed. Generally the offshore islands have narrow fringing reefs with a steep slope
down to 20 m. (Suharsono 1998).
The Raja Ampat Islands, situated along the northwest coast of Papua, is an area of
outstanding marine biodiversity and stunning marine and terrestrial habitats. It is
considered to be the single most biodiverse marine site in the world at this time
(BAPPENAS 2003, UNESCO 2002, Turek pers. comm. 2003). The Raja Ampat area has
been given the highest recommendation for any marine site to have been nominated to
become a Natural World Heritage Marine Site (UNESCO 2002). It is being proposed as
part of the Indonesian Marine Cluster Site nomination. The island group encompasses
more than four million ha of land and sea. The vast majority of the island group rests on
the continental shelf edge that creates a strong gradient from clear water to wave-washed
open oceanic conditions, to sheltered and turbid bays (Erdmann and Pet 2002). The
archipelago is expected to harbor more than 70% of the worlds known coral species. A
total of 537 hard corals were identified, more than 10 of which are thought to be
undescribed species. Overall reefs and coral communities in the Raja Ampat area are in
good health. Coral cover is moderate (33%) but reefs did not seem to be suffering from

3 - 70

any recent serious detrimental effects. There is little evidence of pollution, coral
bleaching, despite the 1998 regional bleaching events, Crown of Thorns outbreaks or
sediment pollution (The Nature Conservancy 2003).
At least two major marine turtle rookeries are found in the Raja Ampat area. The small
beaches and coves of the Misool island chain have nesting sites for Hawksbill Turtles
(Eretmochelys imbricata). The Islands of Sayan and Piai support large rookeries of Green
Turtles (Chelonia mydas). More than 65 Green Turtle carapaces were found on a beach,
and local evidence indicates that some hunting for turtle eggs and animals continues, with
some suggestion that products made from these turtles appear in the Bali market.
Although there are no known Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) rookeries in
Raja Ampat, they have been sighted there; they are known to nest on the north coast of
the Birdshead Peninsula (The Nature Conservancy 2003).
Papuas marine ecosystems are threatened, like those elsewhere in Indonesia, by
overexploitation in some areas, land-based sources of pollution, which is a new
phenomenon resulting from logging and other development activities, and destructive
fishing practices.
Freshwater endemic species are found throughout Papua. Almost all lakes are unique
ecosystem with endemic species. A number of these lakes have been identified below as
centers of biodiversity. Conservation International (1999) identifies 23 freshwater
systems (Fig. 3.6)
All river systems in Papua that traverse a broad range of elevations display obvious
faunal zonation from the mouth to upstream. In the Wapoga Basin, for example, clear
zones, identified by their distinctive assemblages of insects (Zygoptera and aquatic
Heteroptera), were in the Lowland Swamp Forest, Lowland Rainforest, Pre-Montane
Foothills, and Lower Montane areas. In the Wapoga Basin, generally the main river
channels below 1000 m altitude presented a uniformly harsh environment with a limited
aquatic insect fauna. By contrast, the most diverse sites were overflow channels and
smaller rivers and tributaries of the mountain zone between 300 m and 1000 m
(Polhemus 2000).

3 - 71

Fig. 3.8: Freshwater Systems

Source from CI [1999; page 32] The Irian Jaya Biodiversity Priority Setting Workshop

The best-known fauna in lakes and streams are the fish; this is a result of the extensive
surveys by Gerry Allen and his colleagues over the last 15 years. Recent surveys by Allen
et al. (2002) in the Yongsu-Cyclops Mountains and the southern Mamberamo Basin,
Papua, illustrate two major types of fish communities in Papua. They are the coastal
stream communities dominated by species with marine egg and pelagic larval stages
(Yongsu) and communities where fish spend their entire life cycle in freshwater
(Mamberamo). The Cyclops coast is probably the best example of a steep gradient coastal
stream habitat in Papua. The only comparable areas are high offshore islands, such as
Yapen, Biak and islands in the Raja Ampat Group. The Yongsu system remains in
excellent condition, lending credence to the need for an integrated conservation
management plan for the entire Cyclops coast. But it does not appear to contain endemic
fish. On the other hand, the Mamberamo Basin contains the highest proportion of
endemic fish of all the major New Guinea rivers. Although five species in Mamberamo
are also endemic to the combined Sepik-Ramu systems, relatively few are unique to only
one of these rivers. Of great concern is the observation that this endemicity is matched by
the numbers of exotic fish (17%), introduced during the 1970s and 1980s that are also
3 - 72

found in these rivers in the Mamberamo Basin. These include the Tilapia (Oreochromis
mossambica) and carp (Cyprinus carpio), which are notorious for creating turbid
conditions in previously clean lakes and frequently replace native fish due to their prolific
breeding. (Allen et al. 2002). Specific freshwater fish that are threatened in Papua are:
Freshwater Sawfish (Pristis microdon), Giant Freshwater Stingray (Himantura
chaophraya), Blehers Rainbowfish (Chilatherina bleheri), Sentani Rainbowfish (C.
sentaniensis), Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus), Arfak Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia
arfakensis), Boesemans Rainbowfish (M. boesemani) and lake Kurumoi Rainbowfish (M.
parva) (Conservation International 2002). In other areas of Papua, exotic fish that
compete with or prey upon native fauna, such as the Striped Snakehead (Channa striata)
and Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus), are particularly threatening to the native fish.
Freshwater ecosystems, in Papua are susceptible to the full range of threats mentioned
elsewhere in this Report. Conservation International (1999) states that there is serious
discussion about a project to divert water in the Digul River to create irrigation for the
transmigration settlements north of Merauke. The Danau Bian Wildlife Sanctuary and
Kume Maurake Strict Nature reserve may be seriously and adversely affected by such a
Biodiversity centers
The Biodiversity Action Plan (1993) identified a number of key priority sites for the
conservation of biodiversity in Papua. These were identified in large part because they
are centers of biodiversity. The wetland sites identified were as follows: Danau
Rombebai and Mamberamo Basin (lakes, swamps and mangroves), Bintuni Bay
(mangroves), Kimaam Island (Swamp Forest), Wasur (Peat Swamp), Lorentz (Swamp
Forest) Danau Sentani (lake ecosystems). The top priority terrestrial sites were: Gunung
Lorentz (a broad range of habitats representing the a full altitudinal gradient from the sea),
Cyclops (lowland forest, forest on ultrabasic substrates and Montane Forest), Wasur
(Mangrove, Savanna grassland, Freshwater and Monsoon Forest), Kimaam Island
(Mangrove , Freshwater and Savanna grassland, and the Jayawijaya Mts. (lowland forest,
reshwater, Montane Forest and savanna grassland).
Conservation International (1999) carried out a semi-quantifiable process to determine
priority Conservation Areas in Papua, based on the following criteria: the level of

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biological importance of an area, extent of human threats, urgency for conservation

action, and importance of additional research required for an area.
A number of freshwater lakes were identified as high priority for conservation by
Conservation International (1999). This was because they are important areas of fish and
crayfish endemicity. These are Danau Bira (Lake Holmes), Lake Sentani, Lake Kamaka,
Paniai Lakes, Ayamaru Lakes, Lake Kurumoi, Lake Yamur (which peculiarly contains
Bull Shark (Carcharinus), which is usually marine or estuarine species), Lake Laamora,
and Lake Aiwaso. The last five lakes mentioned, from Voglekop and Southern freshwater
systems, are new priority areas additional to those identified by the Biodiversity Action
Plan (1993). Also, Conservation International de-emphasized Kimaam Island as having
only a medium priority for conservation.
The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia (1993) lists the following as centers for plant
diversity in Papua: Arfak (montane flora and endemism); Kumbe- Merauke (Swamp
Forests and Moist Savanna); Mamberamo-Rauffauer (lowland flora); Mt Carstenz
(Lorenz) (alpine flora and low swamps); and the Cyclops Mts (ultramaphic flora).
Conservation International (1999) supports these areas but adds a great number in
addition as having high conservation value. These include: the Salawatti- Batanta region,
central Vogelkop, Fak fak and Bomberai Utara, Danau (Lake) Pianiai, Cyclops Mts, Mt
Doorman, Jayawijaya Range, Southern Irian lowland forest, Wageo Island, Misool Island,
Yapen Island, Biak- Supiori Islands and Kobroor Island, Aru). Because of the need to
conserve animals, Conservation International would add the following areas to these
plant conservation areas: all the Aru Islands (for insects); north coast mangroves and
lowland forests, Foya Mts, van Rees Mts, the entire Maberamo Drainage, and a eastern
extension of the southern Irian lowland forest and eastern extension of the southern
savannas from Wasur (birds); Danau (Lake) Triton and some of the additional bird areas.
The Mamberamo Basin contains an almost intact assemblage of Lowland Rainforest on
the northern side of the central Cordillera. It is the largest river catchment in Papua,
draining all northward flowing streams that descend from the central mountains from the
border with Papua New Guinea west to 137 degrees longitude. For example, a short
survey there in the pristine lowland areas during a single dry season (Richards and
Suryadi 2002) collected 129 butterfly, 480 moths, 23 fish, 21 frog, 36 reptile, 143 bird,
69 mammal and 234 plant (at one site, Furu) species. The Basin retains most of its forest
cover and has only a sparse human population.

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The Raja Ampat Islands, situated along the northwest coast of Papua, is an area of
outstanding marine biodiversity and diverse marine and terrestrial habitats. It is
considered to be the single most biodiverse marine site in the world at this time
(BAPPENAS 2003, UNESCO 2002, Turek pers. comm. 2003).
Protected Area Coverage
The large protected areas for Papua, from the Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia
(1993), are Tamrau Utara, Tamrau Selatan, Arfak, Weyland, Memberamo, Jayawijaya,
Kimaam and Lorentz and Wasur areas. Teluk Cendrawasih National Park (1,453,500 ha)
was added in 1997; it is the largest marine national park in Indonesia and has extensive
coral reefs and over 209 species of fish. Four species of marine turtle are frequently seen
there, along with Dugongs, and Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus). Lorentz National
Park (2,450,000 ha) was designated in 1997. It is the most complete ecosystem for
biodiversity in Southeast Asia or the Pacific, ranging from the coast to the glazier on the
Mt. Puncak Jaya, and has 630 species of bird. It has been declared by UNESCO as a
World Heritage Site and by ASEAN countries as an ASEAN Heritage Site. Wasur
National Park (413,810 ha) is the largest relatively undisturbed wetland in Papua. It has a
vast open waterway Rawa Biru, which along with its coastal beaches, attracts palaearctic
migrant waders. It directly borders upon Papua New Guinea (MFI/UNESCO/CIFOR,
Conservation International (1999) suggests that the current protected areas system
contains a significant percentage of the provinces most important ecosystems, and was
relatively well designed. That report stated that additional biologically critical areas (i.e.,
those containing numerous endemic species, high species richness, and/or unique natural
features), should be added to the current system. These include: The karst areas of the
Birds Neck, the lowland terra firme forests at the southern base of central mountains,
and the Tami River valley on the north coast adjacent to Papua New Guinea. They
recommended extensions to the borders of several protected areas, including the Tamrau
Mountains and Mamberano lowlands to include adjacent biologically important habitat.
The World Bank (2001) also recommends Mamberano-Foja be added as a protected area
and that management capacity for protected areas needs to be considerable upgraded.
Some conservation management practices in Indonesia have been contentious, including
Integrated Conservation Development Projects (ICDPs). However, some of the most

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successful ICDPs in Indonesia have been in Papua. For example, empowered local
communities have taken an active role in demarcation, protection and stewardship of
Arafak and Wasur National Parks (World Bank 2001).
The rate of deforestation in Papua has not been dramatic, with most logging being
restricted to coastal lowland forests and Mangrove Forests. The World Bank (2001)
reports that between the mid 1980s and 1993, Papua mangroves decreased by 13%
(382,000 ha to 201,300 ha).
Papua is the most spectacular center of endemicity for plants and animals in Indonesia.
Its high mountainous terrain has protected much of its fauna and flora, although, almost
nothing remains of its lowland forests. It has the most extensive system of lakes in
Indonesia as well as the largest forests on ultrabasic substrates in the world. It is one of
the foremost two or three places globally as a center for marine biodiversity. While Papua
has on paper extensive protected areas, some additions are required, and planning is
needed to integrate these protected areas into a system that conserves representative
landscapes and their functions.
There is a profound absence of biological information about Papua. Consequently, there
is a priority need for an ecoregional planning process, based on available information,
including that of Conservation International (1999), to identify the major ecological
systems requiring conservation actions, both for protected area planning but also to
indicate priority areas for ground surveys.
High country habitats in many of the existing protected areas are considerably less
threatened by hunting, logging, and land conversion compared to the lowlands. For this
reason, priority activities to conserve biodiversity in these protected areas needs to be
focused on the coastal mangroves, lowland forests and savanna.
The south coast of Papua, in Wasur National Park, is an important stop over place for
palaearctic migrant wader birds on their way to the northern coast of Australia. It has
been designated as a wetland of international importance. These resting areas for
migrants are of immense importance to the global survival of a number of migrant bird
species. There is a priority in establishing the importance of this part of the Papuan

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coastline for migrant birds and to establish a management process to protect them from
hunters, and to conserve the habitats that they utilize.
The recently discovered biological importance of the Raja Ampat islands indicates that
this group of islands and their surrounding marine environments are of the highest
priority for support to conserve their biodiversity.

3.7 Nusa Tenggara and Maluku

Nusa Tenggara comprises the smallest islands in Indonesia and is divided into two
provinces, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). The largest
island in NTB is Sumbawa (15,255 ha) and in NTT is West Timor (14,395). Nusa
Tenggara, Maluku make up about 8% of the land area of Indonesia. Most of these islands
are young, ranging from 1 to 15 million years old (Audley Charles 1987). The Nusa
Tenggara islands fall into the western half of the Inner and Outer Banda arcs. The inner
Banda islands tend to be mostly volcanic; some have been combined during the glacial
maxima up to 10,000 years ago, into larger dry land masses (such as Komodo and Flores).
These past larger island groupings have left an imprint on the faunal assemblages and the
nature of intra-specific morphological and genetic variation found in the higher
vertebrates that currently inhabit these modern islands (Kitchener and Suyanto 1996).
Eastern Indonesia is at the junction of four main geological plates (Indo-Australian,
Pacific, Eurasian and Philippine Sea). It is the interaction between these plates that
produces the complex geology and tectonic activity in Nusa Tenggara (Monk et al. 1997).
Consequently, these islands are a mixture of volcanic islands, coral reef islands,
continental crust fragments and composite islands formed from different sources.
The oceanic volcanic islands of the Inner Banda Arc are geologically the simplest. These
include Lombok, Sumbawa, and Flores. Solor, Adonara, Pantar. Komodo is the exception
amongst the Inner Banda Arc Tertiary volcanic islands as it was formed in part during the
Mesozoic. Flores is a particularly unstable part of the NTT inner islands. This instability
is influenced by the Banda Arc-continent collision at the Timor Trench to the south of the
Flores. Flores now has 14 active volcanoes. Volcanoes further to the east of the Banda
arc are increasingly younger in age (Carlile and Mitchell 1994).

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Fig. 3.9: Map of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku

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The non-volcanic islands in the Outer Banda Arc are derived from the basement rocks of
the Australian continental margin (Audley Charles 1993), most emerged from the sea
only about 4 million years ago. These include the islands of Sumba, Raijua, Sawu, Roti,
Semau and possibly Timor (Harris 1991). Whatever their origins, islands in the Banda
Arc are now mainly composed of raised shallow- and deep-marine sediments, and they
are characteristically limestone, with karts formations (Monk et al. 1997).
Maluku islands are generally small, like those in Nusa Tenggara. The largest islands are
Halmahera (20,000 ha) and Seram (17, 429 ha); no other island is larger than 8,000 ha.
Many of the islands in the southern Maluku are also part of the Banda Arc of islands.
Although many of the islands in the southern Maluku were influenced and formed by
geological process related to the Banda Arc, that formed the Banda Islands, much of the
northern Maluku islands, including the larger islands, were formed by the contact zone
between the Indo-Australian Plate and the westward movement of the Pacific Plate
during the Miocene. (Hamilton 1979).
Southern Maluku volcanic islands that are part of the Inner Banda Arc include Wetar,
Romang, Damar, Teun, Nila Serua, Manuk and the Banda Islands. They are all young
and almost all are active and surrounded by fringing reefs of some 75 m in width (Pannell
1991). The northern part of the Inner Banda arc (part of the Buru-Seram-Ambon complex)
is not active and is composed of old, eroded volcanic rocks.
Outer Banda Arc islands in the Maluku include, Kisar, Leti, Moa, Lakor, Sermata Islands,
Luang, Babar Islands, Tanimbar Islands, Kai Islands, Watubela Islands, Gorong Islands
and Seram Laut. They are characterized by a complex mix of sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks. This mix is detailed in Monk et al. (1997:40), who states that
whatever their origins, these islands are now composed primarily of raised shallow and
deep marine sediments and are consequently limestone with karst formations.
A number of islands in northern Maluku are believed to have broken away from the
continental crust and rifted to their present location several hundred km away. Obi,
southern Bacan and the Buru-Seram-Ambon complex are believed to have formed in this
manner and to have reached their present position in the late Pliocene. They are believed
to have strong geological affinities with crustal fragments in Nusa Tenggara (Sumba and
Timor Islands) (Burrett et al. (1991).

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North Maluku is believed to be the most complex geologically in the region, with many
islands being composites of other islands. Halmahera Island is the product of inner
volcanic arc islands outer arc islands, raised coral reefs and continental crustal fragments.
Further, Haymaker, Moratai, and the small islands between the southeast arm of
Halmahera and Weigo Island have a different derivation from the rest of the Maluku (and
Nusa Tenggara).
The Aru Islands, 125 km from the Papuan coast, are the only true continental islands in
the Maluku. They are surrounded by the shallow Arafuru Sea which has a maximum
depth of only 20 m.
The rural population comprises 85% of the total population of Nusa Tenggara. While
most of them are agriculturalists, little of the land is under permanent cultivation. The
Ministry of Forestry has jurisdiction over most of the land area of Nusa Tenggara and
Maluku, and therefore forestry and reforestation policies affect virtually the whole
population (Monk et al. 1997).
Smaller islands have many of the same ecological and environmental problems as those
of the larger islands already discussed in this Report. But small islands also have
problems that are unique to them because of their reduced landmass. Environmental
threats tend to be more profound on smaller islands because they have fewer resources,
both natural and human, and ecosystem collapse happens more rapidly. A geometric fact
of small islands is that they have relatively larger coastlines in proportion to area than do
larger islands. Consequently, they are frequently more exposed to outside pressures. For
these reasons, forested lands are extremely important to prevent erosion of small water
catchment areas and subsequent sediment flows to the surrounding seas that can so
rapidly degrade surrounding reefs and animal and plant communities.
The plant diversity in the Inner and Outer Banda Arc islands is essentially the same. A
total of 407 endemic species and five genera of plants are known from Nusa Tenggara
and Maluku, of which only eight species are shared between Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.
The endemic genera are Septogarcuinia (Sumbawa), Sautiera and Sinthraoblastes
(Timor), Parakibara (Halmahera) and Pseudsmelia (Halmahera and Moratai). The
highest number of endemic species is on Lombok and Timor Islands, with 10% and 10.3

3 - 80

%, respectively. Western and eastern floral elements within these islands have no obvious
demarcation boundary and Wallaces line has no significance for plants between Bali and
Lombok Islands. Both Indo-west Malesian and eastern genera and species are moderately
represented in Nusa Tenggara, the former being mainly rainforest plants and the latter
being a mix of rainforest and seasonal species. All families of west and east Malesia are
found in Nusa Tenggara, except for minor rare families (van Steenis 1979).
Most of the vegetation structural types found in other major islands reported in this report
also occur in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.
Lowland Evergreeen Rainforests are common throughout Nusa Tenggara and Maluku,
generally on the drier slopes of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. In the more arid parts of the
region, pockets of lowland forest and gallery forest are often restricted to ravines. The
most important expanses of tropical Lowland Evergreeen Rainforest are in central and
north Maluku. These have a high proportion of dipterocarps, similar to densities found in
Malaysia (Jones and Darsidi 1976)
One form of this forest is the structurally complex tropical Semi-Evergreen Rainforest,
which is transitional between the Lowland Evergreeen Rainforest and Monsoon Forest.
The Semi-Evergreen Rainforest is characterized by having low, pure stands so that the
diversity of plants is less than in Lowland Evergreen Forests. Deciduous trees may be up
to a third of all the taller species. The dipterocarp, Dipterocarpus retusus, is the only
species in this family that occurs in Nusa Tenggara, where it is restricted to the western
areas. On Sumbawa this species is replaced on drier slopes by the Sumbawan endemic,
Heritiera gigantean. Eight species of dipterocarp are known from the Maluku. Many of
the remaining dipterocarp forest are dominated by the endemic species Shorea selanica.
Tropical Montane Forests occur in several places in Seram, Mt Rinjani, Lombok, Bacan,
Halmahera, Moratai, Buru and Obi, and on other island, but published information on
them is extremely scarce. Little aseasonal Montane Forest survives in Nusa Tenggara
and Maluku (just 1.9% of north Maluku and 0.2% of southern Maluku); it survives on
Ambon Seram and Flores. Seasonal Montane Forests occur above Monsoon Forests. It is
more prevalent in Nusa Tenggara and southern Maluku (1.2%) than in Central and
Northern Maluku (0.2%). Most of the mountainous areas of Nusa Tenggara must have
originally been covered with seasonal Montane Forest (Collins et al. 1991). In some areas
the gum tree (Eucalyptus urophylla) dominates these forests and many such forests are

3 - 81

being cleared, but some fragments still exist on Timor (van Steenis 1972) .Timor
Mountains are the driest in the region, if not the whole of Malesia; they are continuously
burnt and almost all are degraded to some extent up to their summits.
Heath Forests are rare and un-described in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, with small
patches in East Timor, Sula Islands and Trangan Island, Aru (Monk et al. 1997). Forests
on ultra basic rocks occur on Timor, Leti, Ambon, Seram, Obi, Bacan, Halmahera and
Gebe Islands. The only descriptions of the fauna and flora on ultra basic rocks in
Indonesia are from Kitchener, Ed. (1997) for Gag Island. Forest on limestone rocks in
Nusa Tenggara and Maluku occur in both everwet and aseasonal areas are similar in
structure to those reported from other islands in this Report. In Maluku they occur on
Buru and Seram Islands.
The recorded species of mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs in Nusa Tenggara and
Maluku have recently been dramatically revised. Surveys between 1987 and 1996 by the
Western Australian Museum and LIPI of some 32 islands in these regions have described
numerous new species (Kitchener and Suyanto, eds 1996; Kitchener pers. comm.).
Possibly the most surprising result was that these surveys almost doubled the known
species of frogs in the region and mammal species recorded from most islands. Synoptic
accounts for most of these recently surveyed vertebrate faunal groups have not been
produced save for the bats. As is the case with plant species, these faunal surveys
revealed that for the vertebrate groups, except for birds, Wallaces Line was not the most
significant biogeographic boundary. In fact the brief survey of Lombok Island increased
the known mammal fauna there from 22 to 54 species- with all the additional species
being of Asian origin. The survey of the other entire island in Nusa Tenggara similarly
added large numbers of mammal species of Asian origin to their inventories. It was only
when the Tanimbar Islands were reached that a significant Australasian mammal element
appeared, including several un-described species of Mosaic-tailed Rats. The Tanimbar
Island group, and not the boundary between Bali and Lombok, appears to be the major
interface between the Oriental and Australasian regions for mammals, and other
terrestrial vertebrate groups (D. Kitchener pers. comm). Thus, for many invertebrates,
and birds and butterflies, this interface is better represented by Webers Line than
Wallaces Line (see also MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1986; Vane Wright and Peggie
1994; Whitmore 1981b).

3 - 82

Monk et al. (1997) review the recent literature and conclude that in the general area of
Wallacea, Nusa Tenggara, except for Tanimbar, which has a mixture of Indo-Malay and
Australian elements, is dominated by Indo-Malay forms to the west. The Sula islands are
part of Sulawesi; Central and South Maluku, including Seram and Buru, are more closely
related to Australia than to Papua; and North Maluku centered on Halmahera, including
Bacan, the Sula Islands and Obi have greater affinities with Papua.
The bat fauna of the Inner Banda arc is greatly influenced by the Sundaic elements which
diminish evenly from the Javan sources area. But there is a rapid increase in the
proportion of endemics in the inner Banda Arc from west to east for bats but no such
trend for the Outer Banda Arc islands. For bats, the islands of the Inner and Outer Banda
Arcs are not clearly characterized as either continental or oceanic islands. Perhaps this is
because these islands straddle the region between two large source areas to the west
(Sunda) and east Sahul). There has, however, been considerable speciation in this region
and endemic bat species have become widely distributed in both Banda Arcs. These bat
endemics are presumably adapted to insular environments which may explain their ability
to persist on even small Outer Banda Arc islands. Frequent volcanic eruptions in the
inner Banda Arc islands (which have among others included in the 20th century Gunung
Agung, Bali; Gunung Rinjani, Lombok; Gunung Ranaka, Flores; and Gunung Api, Banda
Neira) may have offered opportunities for invasion of both Sundaic and Lesser Sunda
elements into the Banda Islands, a situation presumably to the competitive advantage of
the endemics that may be expected to be adapted to small island ecosystems. Other
eruptions in this region have included the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history,
namely, Mt. Tamora on Sumbawa in 1815. Moyo Island, only 3 km from the foothill of
Tambora, was directly in the path of the eruption column and was covered to a depth of
some 0.9 m of ash (Self et al. 1984). Despite this, Moyo Island now has a richer bat fauna
than would be predicted from either its area or distance from the Java source area. Moyo
also has a relatively rich non migratory passerine bird, snake and frog fauna in relation to
its area. Clearly recovery and re-invasion by vertebrate of areas in Nusa Tenggara and
Maluku devastated by these volcanic explosions fauna can be relatively rapid and
complete. Of the various biogeographic hypothesis, the constant perturbations model
seems to best fit the dynamics of bat species richness in the Inner and Banda Arc islands
(Kitchener 1998).
Mammals of the Maluku include marsupials (six species of Cuscus, Phalangeridae,
including endemic species Strigocuscus pelengensis in the Sulu islands; Phalanger

3 - 83

ornatus in the Halmahera group; Phalanger rothschildi in the Obi Islands and Phalanger
sp on Gebe Island (an undescribed Cuscus is also recorded from Timor Island far to the
south-fide D. Kitchener; Sugar Glider, Petaurus breviceps, and the Seram Bandicoot
(Rhynchomeles prattorum)). The bats are the most common mammals encountered in the
Maluku but there appears to be no endemic genera there, although there are a few
endemic species (Corbet and Hill 1992).
Pattern of bird colonization in the region are complex and far from being understood. The
large number of endemic species (144 species or 39%), high overall species richness (672
species) results from the fact that most of the islands with birds are oceanic and that these
have been variably colonized from the Sunda and Sahul regions. The region is
characterized by high levels of endemism at subspecies and species levels but not at
generic levels (seven genera). The Central and Northern Maluku have patchy distribution
of many birds. For example, Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias panayensis) on Seram and Obi;
Mountain tailorbird (Orthotomus cuculatus) on Buru; Seram and Bacan; Tyto owls
(Tytonidae) on Taliabu and Buru; and the Black-eared Oriole (Oriolidae) on Buru and
Tanimbar (P. Jepson in Monk et al. 1997)
The most commonly accepted biogeographic boundaries for birds in Nusa Tenggara are
those of MacKinnon and Wind (1980) (see fig. 3.10). Although there remains contention
as to whether the island of Obi should be included with north or central Maluku (Monk et
al. 1998). Monk et al. (1997) note that the butterflies of north and central Maluku have
the same boundaries (Vane Wright and Peggie 1994) as the birds of MacKinnon and
Artha (1981).
Amphibians and reptiles of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku total at least 45 species of frog
species, mostly Rana, Litoria and Rhacophorus (L. Smith pers. comm.), which is about
twice the number generally reported from the region.
Freshwater fish are largely unrecorded and unreported in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku
(Kottelat 1994), except for Komodo Island where some 14 species are known (R. Lillee
in Monk et al. 1997).
The fauna in caves is generally unreported in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. However, Batu
Tering cave on Sumbawa have an extremely large bat fauna involving large fruit eating
species (Pteropus, Dobsonia and Eonycteris) and a representative of local insect eating

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bats including Miniopterus, Myotis, Hipposideros and Rhinolophus (Kitchener pers.


Fig. 3.10 Avian Biogeographical Units of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku

(Source: Monk, et.al. Ecology of Nusatenggara and Maluku. 1996)

There is a good deal of information on the butterflies of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku
(Monk et al. 1997). Information from Seram Island, Maluku, indicates that moth diversity
peaks at about 600-1000 m above sea level in the upper levels of the lowland forests; it is
lowest in disturbed habitats. Species diversity is lower than for Sulawesi but higher than
for similar sized Pacific islands (Holloway 1993).
Coastal and Marine
Nusa Tenggara is situated on the border of the Indian Ocean and the Banda Sea. It
consists of several thousand islands, stretching east to west, with coastlines dominated by
rugged, rocky shores sloping relatively steeply into the sea. Reef flats are mostly narrow,
with the slope varying from gentle to steep down to 30-50 m. The southern coasts are
exposed to oceanic swell throughout the year and the corals are dominated by encrusting

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or low-branching morphologies. In some places there are fairly sheltered bays with
mangroves, and there are also several places with strong tidal currents flowing through
the straits. Coral development is greatest on the western and northern coasts of the islands,
and the coral diversity is extremely high. The underwater topography is rugged and
known as a refuge area for coral species (Suharsono 1998).
The coral areas of western Nusa Tenggara are approximately 25,000 ha (BAPPENAS,
2003). Three small islands of (Gili Trawanga, Gili Meno, and Gili Air) are popular diving
and tourism areas due to their coral reefs in excellent condition (more than 40% coral
cover) and beaches.
Komodo Island is a National Park with a large marine area. It is certified as a Natural
World Heritage Site, primarily for the protection of the Komodo Dragon, but now,
increasingly, for its diverse and lush marine life.
Nusa Tenggara has a relative small area of mangroves compared to the other islands of
Indonesia (38,000 ha), most of which are still intact (25,000 ha or 65%) (BAPPENAS,
2003). All sixteen species of mangrove found in Indonesia are reported from Lombok
and the Gili Islands.
The 1983 world coral bleaching event caused large scale coral mortality in Lombok (and
Bali and Karimunjawa). Coral reef ecosystems adjacent to rapidly growing cities such as
Ambon have collapsed or deteriorated drastically due to pollution (Suharsono 1998).
The Maluku has numerous large and small volcanic islands. Generally these are situated
in areas of high earthquakes activity. Maluku is surrounded by deep seas and is located
between the Sunda shelf in the west and the Sahul shelf in the east. Several volcanic
islands with fringing reefs are found in Banda and Halmahera. The coastlines are usually
rugged with narrow and steep beaches. Reef flats are narrow and gently sloping seaward
to about 2-5 m, followed by a drop off at an angle of about 80-90 to depths greater than
100 m. The shallow sub-tidal reefs are dominated by smaller corals while the walls are
densely covered by massive and encrusting corals, soft corals and gorgonians (Suharsono

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Three areas in the Maluku have been identified as conservation priorities to conserve bird
migratory areas and for the marine life. These are Manusela, G. Kapalat Mada and
Yamdena (BAPPENAS 2003).
Although limited data on watershed sub-catchment areas and length of river systems is
available, it is not particularly useful to assess the extent of water systems. This is
because the smaller and more rugged islands tend to identify more and smaller tributaries
as separate catchments. For example, Nusa Tenggara claims to have more river
catchments than Sumatra and Kalimantan combined, and nearly as much total river
length. Because of these issues of scale and definition, it is difficult to compare the
extent of water systems in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku with the other islands. However,
the concept of critical lands and the national land rehabilitation program provide some
insight into land and watershed management needs as defined by the GoI.
Nusa Tenggara and Bali have a combined land area of 7.3 million ha, which is the
smallest in the country. This island chain has seven major river basins comprising 7.2
million ha of watershed area and over 18,000 km of river length. State forest land covers
3.2 million ha, about 44% of the archipelago's total land area. Of this "forest area," about
39% is in protection forests, designated to preserve watershed and ecosystem functions;
16% is in protected areas (parks and nature preserves); and 45% is in production forests
under varying levels of exploitation, including conversion to other land uses. The island
has over 1.7 million ha of "Critical Land" which represents 7% of Indonesia's total and
23% of the island's area. This is twice the national average for critical lands, indicating a
high concentration of degradation in a relatively small area. Most (78%) of this critical
land is outside the state forest area and the remaining 0.4 million hectares is state forest
land. The national land and forest rehabilitation program will target only 100,000 ha in
Bali and NTT, 7% of the area's critical land and 4% of the area affected by the program
FWI/GFW 2002 (Director General for Water Resources, Department of Kimpraswil,
Maluku has a land area of 7.8 million ha, 4% of Indonesia's total. The island has three
major river basins with 3,500 km of river length. State forest land dominates 90% of the
islands area, covering 7.0 million ha. Only about 53% is still good quality natural forest.
Another 45% is degraded forest and 2% is entirely deforested. Of this "forest area," about
3 - 87

26% is in protection forests, designated to preserve watershed and ecosystem functions;

6% is in protected areas (parks and nature preserves); and 68% is in production forests
under varying levels of exploitation, including conversion to other land uses. The island
has over 0.7 million ha of "critical land," which represents 3% of Indonesia's total and
9% of the island's area. Most of this critical land (74%) is outside the state forest area and
the remaining 0.2 million ha is state forest land. The national land and forest
rehabilitation program provides no data on program activities in Maluku (BPS Statistik
Indonesia 2002; Ministry of Forestry 2002).
Biodiversity Centers
The 10 biounits in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku combined are biodiversity centers.
However, within these units there are habitats and biotic assemblages that are of special
interest as follows:
All the national parks (see list immediately below)
The Yamdena Island group. This assemblage of islands is at the interface of the
Australasian and Oriental faunal Bioregions. It has a unique assemblage of terrestrial and
marine island faunas that offer in microsm the opportunity to explore a major contact
zone and gain an understanding of the morphological and genetic factors that determine
the distribution of animal and influence their distributional boundaries.
Gunung Ranaka and associate mountain areas in Manggarai Province in Flores for its
Montane Forests that retain some of the unique rodent fauna and avifauna of the Flores
The island of Halmahera retains a particularly important assemblage of birds and likely
also of all other biotic groups.
Komodo National Park for its viable population of Komodo Dragons and for the reefs
and their biota that surround Komodo and its associated islands.

3 - 88

Protected Area Coverage

Although Nusa Tenggara and Maluku have numerous and extensive protected areas,
more than half of these remain ungazetted. Few reserves have been gazetted in the most
endangered habitats, the Lowland Rainforests, which are the richest habitats for
biodiversity in these regions. For example, 31 endemic birds and almost all mammals are
associated with lowland forests in Sumbawa (Jepson and Monk 1995).
In Nusa Tenggara, three biounits have been proposed (see earlier sections of this Report).
These include Sumba only; Flores (Lombok, Sumbawa through to Alor) and Timor
(Wetar and surrounding islands). Maluku has seven biounits: Halmahera (Moratai,
Halmahera, Bacan, Obi, and smaller islands)- it is the richest group for biodiversity
Sula islands; Buru; Seram/Ambon group; Kai Islands; Aru Islands and Banda group
(MacKinnon and Artha 1981). It is important that each of these biounits individually is
well represented by protected areas.
The national parks in the region are as follows:
Gunung Rinjani National Park (41,330 ha) a landscape scale area from the Montane
Forests through to lowland forests and savanna.
Komodo National Park (173,300 ha) for its reefs and associated biota. It is both a
UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve.
Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park (87,984 ha). It is some of the last remaining
Monsoon Forests in Sumba. Mostly it is sharply rising hills from sea level to 600 m. It
contains 118 species of plant, 87 species of bird and 57 species of butterfly.
Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park (47,014 ha), represents all forest types in Sumba.
It is particularly important for the bird assemblage that it contains.
Kelimutu National Park (5,000 ha) provides habitat for 19 restricted range bird species
and four endemic species of mammal.
Manusela National Park (189,000 ha) is a landscape scale park that comprises Coastal
Forest (including mangroves), swamp forest, Lowland Rainforest, Montane Rainforest

3 - 89

and Sub-alpine Forests. It is the quintessentially important protected area in the Maluku
as exemplified by its 117 species of bird (14 endemic).
Many of the proposed reserves are located at lower altitudes. However, the main purpose
of most of the is recreational, except for reserves in the Aru islands and the Banda Sea
which are mainly strict nature reserves and wildlife sanctuary reserves. For the Flores
biounit, many of the reserves are purely recreational parks, and many at lower altitudes
have been promoted to attract tourism and so offer less protection than previously.
Consequently, it is concluded that there is inadequate protected areas, both by designation,
location, purpose to adequately represent the biodiversity in each of Nusa Tenggara and
Maluku biounits.
The Duabanga forests of Mt. Rinjani were first logged in 1922. Currently, production
forest in the region is mainly mixed lowland forest and Hill forest up to 1,300 m above
sea level.
State forest land (classed as conservation, protection, production, and conversion
forests) are a key element of landscapes and watersheds in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.
The amount of production forest in Nusa Tenggara and Bali is 1,248,402 ha and this
comprises protected areas (515,649 ha); limited production forest (538,378 ha);
production forest (556,543 ha); conversion forest (345,889 ha). The comparable figures
for Maluku are 1,809,634 ha; 443,345 ha; 1,653,625 ha; 1,053,171 ha; and 2,034,932 ha,
East Nusa Tenggara and Bali, stand out in Indonesia as having 23% of their land in
critical condition, namely land with a high level of degradation and decreased functions,
which is twice the national average. The smaller islands of the eastern archipelago
generally have steeper slopes and lower rainfall than the larger islands, leading to higher
rates of land classed as critical. In NTT and Bali, 32% of non forest land is critical, in
Maluku it is 65%. NTT and Bali are well above the national average in terms of the
critical lands inside the forest estate, whereas Maluku is well below the national average
(BPS Statistik Indonesia 2002). The National Land Rehabilitation Program to restore
critical lands (Press Release No. S.14/II/PIK-1/2004, Enam Menteri Hadiri Pra

3 - 90

Pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Rehabilitasi Hutan Dan Lahan (GN RHL), 8 Januari
2004) plans only minimal effort in Maluku and none in NTT.
Despite the reduced species richness and number of endemic species, this region must not
be thought of simply as an area of transition between the Sahul and Sunda source areas to
the east and west, respectively. It is in fact a complex mix of different island types that
have provided the substrate for some 10 clearly recognizable biounits. Indeed, the
oceanic nature of most of its island has been responsible for the evolution of some
interesting species in the region.
It has a series of excellent national parks that represent the Flores, Sumba and Seram
biounits. However, Flores itself, with its fascinating rodent and bird assemblage is poorly
represented, as is the Timor unit. Most of the seven Maluku biounits are also not well
represented by gazetted protected areas. The standout island requiring a better protected
area system is Halmahera Island.
In selecting priorities for conservation interventions in this region, consideration should
be given to support areas which are extremely important to represent the biota within
each of the biounits, giving extra weight to those areas that are most threatened and
which currently receive little donor support or attention. Unfortunately, threats to current
protected areas or proposed protected areas are intense throughout the region. But
perhaps threats to Manusela National Park, in part because it is relatively inaccessible,
are less than those on the island of Halmahera, which is covered with forestry
concessions and experiences illegal logging, extraction of non-timber forest products and
intense hunting. Much of the area of Manggarai on Flores Island is also severely
degraded by illegal logging, but the area focused on Gunung Ranaka and its associated
high mountain ranges are relatively protected by their rugged topography, although they
also experience extensive illegal logging, hunting and removal of non-timber forest
products. Sumba Island has been seriously degraded by removal of the Sandalwood
forests over much of the island and their replacement by Alang alang grasslands. The
national parks on Sumba are few of the remaining refuges for the biota of this unique
biounit. The ecology of the low lying Tanimbar Islands are an extremely threatened by
the wholesale removal of their vegetation cover by both legal and illegal logging, and
also by intensive hunting. Destruction of this vegetation cover is leading to extensive

3 - 91

sediment run off onto the surrounding fringing reefs, which is causing damage to corals
and reef biota.
For the above reasons, the priority areas requiring support for the conservation of their
biodiversity in the region are, first, Halmahera, then in order, Tanimbar islands, Manupeu
Tanah Daru National Park and Laiwangi-Wanggameti National Park (Sumba Island),
Manggarai District (Flores Island) and Manusela National Park (Seram).

3 - 92

4. Protected Areas Policy, Status and Management

While the previous Chapter looks at biodiversity patterns and conservation of
biodiversity in specific protected areas, this Chapter focuses on broad, national-level
protected areas policy, status and management. This is important in terms of
understanding opportunities and constraints for working in specific individual protected
areas. Further, it is important for identifying entry-points to leverage best practices in
conservation management in one site to the broader national protected area system.
Indonesia has established a network of 379 terrestrial protected areas covering 18,398
million hectares and 35 marine PAs covering 4,723 million ha. Established mostly during
the 1980s, Indonesias protected area system is founded on a habitat and biodiversity
representation approach.
Table 4.1: Structure and Extent of Indonesias Protected Areas System

No. of units Area (Hectares)

Area (%)

1. Terrestrial Areas
1.1 National Parks







1.3 Nature Recreation Parks




1.4 Wildlife Reserves




1.5 Grand Forest Parks




1.6 Hunting Parks









1.2 Strict Nature Reserves

2. Marine Areas
2.1 National Parks
2.2 Strict Nature Reserves
2.3 Nature Recreation Parks
2.4 Wildlife Reserves














Combined Totals:
3.1 National Parks
3.2 Strict Nature Reserves



3.3 Nature Recreation Parks







3.4 Wildlife Reserves

3.5 Grand Forest Parks




3.6 Hunting Parks








Source: PHKA 2002


Indonesia has allocated 10% its land area as Protected Areas. While Indonesia has a long
history of Protected Areas management, rapid growth of the national system occurred
most significantly in the 1980s. Based on the efforts of a number of international and
Indonesian conservationists, Indonesians Protected Areas system was designed primarily
to provide representation of significant habitat and biodiversity of Indonesia. While such
a strategy makes sense in terms of the preservation of Indonesias rich natural heritage,
this approach often comes into conflict with economic development agendas espoused by
various levels of government, local communities and the private sector. A successful
Protected Areas system in Indonesia requires effective balancing of conservation of
Protected Areas with sustainable development in the broader landscape. Spatial planning
provides an excellent tool for achieving this.
Appendix VII of this report contains a complete list of terrestrial and marine Protected
Areas sorted by categories stipulated in GoI legislation. The appendix includes name,
category, IUCN class, size, location, type of ecosystem, level of threat, management
authority and associated urban areas. Due to the sheer number of Protected Areas in
Indonesia, we have not inserted the PA table into the body of the report. Additionally,
please see Appendix X for a country map of the location of protected areas.

4.1 Terrestrial Protected Areas

4.1.1. A Brief History of Indonesian Protected Area Policy
Protected Area Networks. Since its inception, protected area policy in Indonesia
adopted concepts largely from the west, often before these had been ratified in
international policy. Indonesia has been at the forefront of experimentation for emerging
international policy ideas on protected areas.
The late colonial era (1900-1940) was characterized by two influential citizens
movements formed in response to public shock over extinctions and the speed of humaninduced landscape change. The first movement (1900-1910) was rooted in European
natural history and forestry traditions and motivated by the belief that natural monuments
were part of a cultural heritage and should be protected from ruin. The second movement
(1920s) originated from within the international fraternity of big-game hunters who
promoted the ideal that human conquest of nature carries with it a moral duty to ensure
the survival of threatened species. Together these movements established the principles

that the study and appreciation nature (e.g., of wildlife, scenic landscapes, unusual
features etc.) were a legitimate and economically viable land use and that state land and
funds should be allocated for this purpose.
In response to the first movement, the Dutch administration passed the 1916 nature
monument ordinance and subsequently designated 110 sites, mostly on Java. The 1932
ordinance on wildlife reservations was a response to the second movement and was
linked with the 1933 London Convention on African Wildlife that formalized national
parks, wildlife refuges and strict nature reserves in international (colonial) law. As a
result, 17 wildlife refuges, mostly in Sumatra and Kalimantan, were designated
(Dammerman 1929).
In the atmosphere of post-WWII internationalism, leaders of these citizens movements
collaborated with leading scientists and resource mangers to form the IUCN within the
United Nations. Subsequently, a key policy focus of the IUCN (1974-1982) was the
establishment of a worldwide network of PAs that represented the spectrum of
ecosystems, habitats and species living on Earth (Dammerman 1929; Holdgate 1999).
This representative principle was expressed in the 1980 World Conservation Strategy
(IUCN/UNEP/WWF 1980) and re-affirmed in the 1992 Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD). The CBD, guided by the results of an eight-year (1974-82) national
park development project, managed under the auspices of FAO/UNDP and which
produced a National Conservation Plan (NCP) for Indonesia, confirmed the location of
virtually all new reserves designated under the New Order (1967-98). The NCP
(MacKinnon & Artha 1982) proposed the establishment of a major ecosystem reserve
(MER) in each bio-geographic region of Indonesia to include continuous habitat types
and, if possible, the richest examples of those habitats, augmented with smaller reserves
to protect special or unique habitat types and regional variations. A national land use
plan was a key target of Indonesias third five-year development plan and, to varying
degrees, NCP reserves proposals were included in the Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan or
national Forest Land-Use Plan (TGHK) (Jepson et al. 2002). The influential Regional
Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration (RePPProT) (RePPProT 1990b)
version of the TGHK settled on a minimum set of 80 MERs. Designation and
management of these were the backbone of the 1993 Indonesian Biodiversity Action
Plan, and all but seven had been designated by 1997.


In policy terms the NCP signified a shift to more and larger reserves distributed
throughout the archipelago. Since 1950, the average size of a protected area has increased
by a factor of 2 and the average size of a cagar alam (strict nature reserve) has increased
15 times. Whereas the largest reserve in the Dutch Indies has 416,000 ha, Indonesia now
has 8 reserves over 500,000 ha and the largest (Gunung Leuser) is 2,505,600ha.
At first sight, a reserve expansion policy seems at odds with the resource management
ethos of the Suharto regime, which exploited forests to increase GNP and consolidate
power through awarding lucrative concessions to cronies. However, the New Orders
protected area policy provided an effective means to reign in the concession culture that
had gotten out of hand, while at the same time bringing international kudos to the Suharto
presidency. National Parks appear relatively late in Indonesias PA history. The first
Indonesian national parks were declared at the 1982 Bali World Parks Congress but
were not enacted until Law 5 of 1990.

Protected Area Management Models. After the 1982 Bali Parks Congress, the focus
of international assistance moved from PA network planning and designation to park
management. The Dutch government funded a School of Environmental Management to
train a new generation of government park managers. It was operational from 1984-1993
and 400 people graduated from its intensive 9-month course. The schools faculty taught
a model of park-management located within a wilderness worldview of conservation and
based on the African game reserve, i.e., a park director reporting to the center and leading
a cadre of rangers and supporting staff. Indonesia lacked adequate human resources so
these personnel were allocated from the existing forest police.
The mid 1980s saw the emergence of an indigenous Indonesian environmental movement
led by a returning generation of western-educated Indonesians. This new
environmentalism was deeply concerned with justice, and environment became an
umbrella under which the broader issues of social justice could be debated. The subdiscipline of social forestry embraced social justice and attracted some of the best critical
thinkers in natural resource management. Its teaching at western universities meant that
Indonesias young environmental leaders and a new generation of natural resource
management professionals in development agencies were part of the same extended
academic peer group. Defining national park management in term of community-based
(co-) management was not difficult because a) national parks in Indonesia lack a pre-


existing ideology and b) the development aid-NGO nexus was already established in
Jakarta-based resource management.
The vastly increased international resources for conservation following the 1992 Rio
Earth Summit allowed experimentation with community-based management in Indonesia
on a grand scale. The most widely adopted model was the Integrated Conservation and
Development Project (ICDP) model, of which Kerinci Seblat National Park ICDP was
the flagship World Bank project with a US$35 million budget over 5 years (1996-2001).
Confidence in this model waned following a 1998 World Bank assessment (Wells et al.
1999) of 18 Indonesian ICDPs, which concluded that very few ICDPs in Indonesia can
realistically claim that biodiversity conservation has or is likely to be significantly
enhanced by past or future activities.
Table 4.2: Major Investments in Indonesian Protected Area Management During
the 1990s

Source of


Total external


GoI budget


Area (1,000ha)

Annual budget (S1,000)


Gunung Leuser


















Bukit Tiga puluh





Ujung Kulon













1995 1997























1992 1996
1996 1997
1992 1996
1993 1997
















Taka Bone
Togian Islands
Lore Lindu


1996 2002
1996 2001


Yayasan Leuser

1993 1999
1994 1997



1992 1995

1993 2004
1994 1996

Kerinci ICDP;
WWF, Warsi



Wetlands Intl



Tangkoko Dua









Irian Jaya






























Note: Adapted with additions from Wells (1997). Please note that the government agency managing each of these
protected areas is the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA) of the Ministry of

Many PA advisors, both inside and outside government, saw the limited capacity of MoF
(and in some cases the implementing agencies) as a major contributor to the poor
performance of protected area management projects. Further, it was recognized that the
short-term nature of funding for ICDPs, the lack of local government support and the
absence of a fully effective legal system contributed to the perceived failure of ICDPs in
Indonesia. Rectification of these deficiencies may still make ICDPs an effective vehicle
for conservation activities in Indonesia.
Moreover, some groups have suggested that conservation outcomes would be enhanced if
management control were given over to specially constituted bodies. In response, the
government allocated a park management concession for Gunung Leuser National Park
to a specially constituted foundation financed by a 7-year, US$37.4 million European
Union project grant. MoF has also developed pilot management approaches with a
business-NGO partnership (Komodo) and quasi-governmental multi-stakeholder board
(Bunaken, North Sulawesi). The latest model, currently under development, is
conservation concessions, where an NGO acquires a former logging concession to
manage in effect as a protected area, but does not partner an existing government park
management unit.

4.1.2 Management and Control of Protected Area Lands

The Basic Forestry Law of 1967 classified forestlands as state lands under the authority
and management jurisdiction of MoF. Protected areas are a sub-category of national
forest placed under the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Nature Conservation

(PHPA). During the Suharto regime all protected area categories, except Grand Forest
Parks, were managed under the regional office system, whereby a hierarchy of agencies
and officials reporting directly to the central government in Jakarta operated in parallel to
the Dinas system comprising local government agencies reporting to the district or
province governments. National Parks were administered by a Technical Management
Unit (UPT) reporting jointly to the Kanwil (representative of the central government at
the province level) and Director of National Parks in Jakarta. By 1998, 39 of the 41
national parks had UPTs with staffs of between 25 and 274. All other protected areas
were managed by the district sub-offices of a provincial Office of Conservation of
Natural Resources (BKSDA), which were understaffed, under-resourced and lacking in
This regulatory and management framework for PAs was overlaid on the complex web of
patron-client relationships that constitute the de facto institutional arrangement governing
the management of forest lands in Indonesia. Moreover, the move towards larger
reserves and adoption of the MER concept increased the area of protected areas overlaid
on the income generating territories of these local governing elites.
From the late 1980s onwards the MoF Directorate of Nature Conservation developed
partnerships with international conservation NGOs (INGOs) and bilateral development
agencies to strengthen their management capacity. In 1990, MoF had joint programs with
WWF (est. 1962) and the Asian Wetland Bureau (est. 1987). Subsequently, five more
international NGOs established programs and representative offices and by 2003 all but
two of these had converted to Indonesian franchise NGOs (Table 3.2). The majority of
MoF-INGO programs focused on two or more national park projects, and some INGOs
became contractors for components of park management mega-projects managed under
MoF-aid agency partnerships. In addition, development projects such as USAIDs NRM
and the Biodiversity Conservation Network (BCN) provided policy development support
and invested in the development of local civil society partners and community groups.


Table 4.3: International NGOs (INGOs) Supporting Protected Area Management

in Indonesia

World Wildlife

rep. office/
signed MOU

1990s protected area focus



Kayan Mentrang NP (92-P)

Betung Kerihun NP (96-P)
Kerinci-Seblat NP (95-01)
Leuser NP (95-97)
Bukit Tigapuluh NP (95-99)
Ujung Kulon NP (95-P)
Lorentz (92-P)
Wasur (92-00)
Mutis-Timau NR (95-P)

Yayasan WWF
Indonesia (1998)



(Asian Wetland


Danau Senterum (89-93)

Berbak/Sembiling (89-P)

Council for Bird


Sumba 92-P

The Nature


Lore Lindu



Tangkoko (91-96)
Bukit Barisan (97-P)


Indonesia (2003)


Togian Islands

Fauna & Flora


1996 with LIPI

Kerinci-Seblat (93-P)

Rhino Fund


Way Kambas, Bukit Barisan

Selatan, Kerinci Seblat,
Ujung Kulon


FY2002 ($)

16 (core)


22 (core)
23 (project)






24 (core)
x (project)
4 (core)
30 (project)


1 (core)


Partnerships with INGOs were needed for MoF for a range of reasons, including the need
to: a) develop knowledge of the natural resources of lands in the protected area estate;
b) enhance the agencys limited human, technical and financial resources; c) demonstrate
commitment to biodiversity and PA ideals to the international community; d) bolster the
standing and legitimacy of park management units to local government; and e) establish a
line of communication with communities living in protected areas. With one or two
exceptions (e.g., Bunaken Marine National Park), the last two of these needs have proved
difficult to establish and sustain. To date, almost half of MoF-INGO partnership projects
have closed within eight years, and the majority of PA management projects managed by
development agencies have been unable to sustain activities beyond five years. Protected
areas were difficult to integrate into the political economy of the Suharto era because,


unlike logging or plantation concessions, they did not generate local revenue.
Gazettement of a reserve signifies the acceptance of a PAs existence by local
government and leaders because it gives PA officials recourse to local courts to deal with
instances of land encroachment, resource extraction and poaching. To date, only the
Kerinci-Seblat National Park has been gazetted and this only after significant amounts of
donor aid.
The relationship between MoF and INGOs and the role of the latter in PA management
has entered a period of flux. This is a result of international trends in civil societygovernment relations, regional autonomy and decentralization of management of certain
functions of forestlands. There are indications that two alternative paradigms of park
management are forming. The first is a social forestry approach whereby local
government actors and communities together protect and manage forest resources for
their direct socio-economic benefits. This approach will involve local and national
NGOs, international and national research institutions and local government actors with a
focus on those national parks that have a track record of community-based management
and social forestry research. This approach is likely to attract funds from international
donor government sources.
The second strand is more protectionist and is concerned with managing and protecting
attributes of nature, such as mega-fauna, species diversity and wilderness, whose benefits
to society accrue at large spatial and temporal scales. This approach will involve land
coming under the direct management control of international conservation NGOs or
international research groups who sub-contract parts of the management to local civil
society groups, government departments and/or business management. Many of these
quasi-private wildlife sanctuaries and strict-nature reserves will be established on exforest concession land.

4.1.3 Protected Area Financing

In the mid 1990s, government budgets for protected areas were high by international
standards. For the three-year period 1994-97, the Directorate of Nature Conservation
received 19% of the overall MoF Budget (equating to $34.7 million annually) and
National Parks received nearly 27% of this allocation ($10.2 million in 1996/97). Nearly
70% of this budget came from two sources, the MoF development budget and the
Reforestation Fund, both of which were financed by tax revenues from logging and

concession fees (MacAndrews & Saunders 1998). These sources of funding disappeared
following the economic and political changes of 1997, and the real value of the routine
budget was eroded. The amount of international assistance in dollar terms remained
consistent or increased up until 2001 because in 1997 the EU-financed Leuser and World
Bank/GEF financed Kerinci-Seblat projects were just getting under-way. The
significance of these projects in terms of the overall PHPA budgets increased.
International development aid is an important source of funding for PA management in
Indonesia because it accounts for 40-55% of the annual operating budgets of the eight
international conservation NGOs with Indonesia programs. These organizations together
are the largest employer of protected area management specialists, yet, with the exception
of WWF, they receive less than 20% of their operating budgets from parent
organizations. Any reduction in development aid flows to these organizations could have
serious repercussions for the human resource base in protected area policy and
Table 4.4: Sources of PHPA financing and the average budget for the three-year
period 1994-1997

Proportion (%)

DIK (routine budget),

DIP (Development Budget)
DR (Reforestation fund)
BLN (International assistance, excluding INGOs)
IHH/LHK (fees from forest products and log auctions)


(US$ ,000)

Calculated from data in MacAndrews & Saunders 1998

A number of policy studies have considered options to replace the anticipated decline in
revenues from logging, which financed PA management in Indonesia before 1997. Ideas
for alternative financing can be divided into two types: a) those that could generate
revenues at a scale to finance PA management through the government (MoF) budget and
b) those which reduce the cost of park management by building local buy-in through
improving the livelihoods of rural peoples. The first category includes debt-for-nature
swaps and carbon credits and the second low-impact resources extraction and

4 - 10

All of the above ideas, however, come with their own set of challenges. Debt-for-nature
swaps will require a stronger legal and institutional basis for PA management than is
currently the case. The carbon-credit idea has yet to flourish because of disagreement
over the Kyoto protocol and difficulties in creating an international mechanism for
transferring and auditing such credits. Further, it is uncertain whether Indonesias
terrestrial protected areas can attract international tourists on a significant scale. In terms
of dive tourism, Indonesias reefs, sea mounts and currents are of international standard,
but building an economically significant marine tourism industry would require major
investments in transport infrastructure as well as major reforms in licensing and
organizing the tourism industry. From the MoF/PHKA perspective, the only realistic
forms of new financing currently available are the US$ 10 million allocation for Sumatra
from the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Funds interest of BirdLife International, CI and
TNC in taking on conservation concessions.
A number of political, economic, and technical problems have so far thwarted financing
mechanisms that seek to promote co-management of protected areas through providing
new income sources for communities and/or local government. Decentralization means
that local leaders need forests (timber and land) to consolidate their authority, and for
many communities the immediate returns from wild logging exceed those from low
impact resource extraction (McCarthy 2001). While Indonesias protected areas contain
many high value resources (e.g., resins and medicinal plants) or could be the location for
in situ propagation of high value products (e.g., birds and garden plants), capturing the
economic potential of these resources is severely constrained by a) the absence of
existing commodity chains, b) the lack of business skills and entrepreneurship within the
NGO sector, and c) the high levels of corruption that community entrepreneurs face from
local government or security officials.
The quality of the major financial investments in PA management during the 1990s was
not fully subject to rigorous and independent study. In part this is because donors and
implementation agencies act as partners in project delivery. As a result, performance and
impact measures are agreed jointly and assessed by project supervision missions
undertaken by staff of the donor and government agencies and consultants. In the context
of PA management, reliance on internal stakeholder forms of performance evaluation is
not fully objective because the organizational survival and well-being of the institutions
concerned is linked to the amounts of funds disbursed. Internationally, the sub-optimal
performance of conservation and protected area investments is leading to calls for

4 - 11

conservation audits.
The Nature Conservancy has tested a conservation audit
methodology on its Komodo National Park project. This represents an important
development over the supervision mission approach.

4.1.4 Assessment of Indonesia Terrestrial Protected Area Policy and

The 90-year old Indonesian protected areas initiative can claim many successes that
represent foundation stones for success in the 21st century. These include:
A policy history that represents major trends in thinking since the internationalization
of the PA movement at the beginning of the 20th century.
A science-based PA design that almost represented the macro-scale bio-geographic
diversity of Indonesia in a system of designated protected areas.
A huge area of land and sea designated as PA, at least in the policy and planning
documents of the international community and national government.
An extensive international network of senior professionals who at some time in their
careers have worked on an Indonesian PA initiative.
A large body of Indonesian government officials trained in conservation, although
admittedly now this body is fragmented and demoralized.
A large number of Indonesian professionals with on-the-ground work experience in
A policy discourse that has aligned PAs with macro-economic policy and social
justice agendas.
The Indonesian PA effort does however lack certain dimensions that characterize
countries with effective PA policy and management. These include:
Linking of PA policy with broader social policy relating to health, recreation, wellbeing and identity.
A national PA vision rooted in the public sphere, including a portfolio of PA
categories that represent the main strands of this vision and the relationship with
Household name foundations and charities that purchase land and/or lobby for
government acquisition to support this national vision.
A landscape wing to the PA movement, comprising writers, artists, photographers
etc. who generate public wonder and appreciation of nature and a popular meaning
for PAs.

4 - 12

Integration of PAs with popular culture and the presence of social practices relating to
recreational, aesthetic and intellectual pursuits.
Generating flows of capital and entrepreneurship between cities and their rural
hinterlands through domestic recreation (weekending etc).
Business sector marketing products (excursions, retreats, food-products, crafts, etc.)
on the basis of PA brands and the public association of these with desirable qualities
such as authenticity, escape, adventure and purity.
A size and configuration for PAs that is compatible with the implementation capacity
and mandate of the management agency (as perceived by local actors) taking into
account the landscape context.
A professional and empowered PA management service possessing its own vision,
heroes, values and principles.
A government and university scientific service able to deliver international standard
research, monitoring, advice and comment.

4.2 A Note on Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a more recent phenomenon in Indonesia relative to
terrestrial PAs. Indeed, it was the work of Rodney Salm in the 1980s that raised MPAs as
an important policy issue for biodiversity conservation and management in Indonesia.
This chapter primarily concerns terrestrial protected areas.
Currently, there are six marine parks included in the Indonesian PA system, which still
fall under the authority of MoF. The new Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs has
initiated talks with MoF to have the parks reassigned from MoF to their ministry.
Presently, there is a Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries and they
are co-managing the system. There are also a number of other mainly terrestrial
protected areas that have marine components.

4 - 13

Figure 4.1: Map of Indonesian MPAs. Approximate locations are marked with red
triangle; numbers correspond to those in above 6 tables. Possible MPA sites are marked
with green triangles.

Note: Green highlighted entries indicate possible MPAs (based upon map examination);
verification still required.

4 - 14

5. Status and Protection of Endangered Species

This section of the report discusses the status and protection of endangered species in
Indonesia. It discusses the threats to endangered species in Indonesia, the extent to which
the governments recognition of endangered species matches the IUCNs identification
through its Red List, the attempts to protect these species and the opportunities and
challenges for future action plans.

5.1 Introduction
Indonesia, India, Brazil and China are among the countries with the most threatened
mammals and birds (www.iucnredlist.org). This statement is confirmed for Indonesia by
the 164 and 117 species of endangered mammals and birds, respectively, on the IUCN
Red List. However, the number of endangered bird species recognized by GoI is much
higher than these above figures, namely, 390 endangered bird species or 25% of the
known Indonesian bird species.
Other sections of this report indicate that numerous proximal factors impact biological
diversity and endangered species, such as encroachment of protected areas, expansive
removal of habitat of endangered species by logging (both legal and illegal), introduction
of exotic species, agricultural expansion, wild fires, reef damage and hunting. But the
underlying factors threatening endangered species, also detailed in this report, tend to be
a widespread lack of a conservation culture, obscure land tenure rights, poor or absent
multi-use spatial plans and a corrupt judiciary. Thus, although the National Development
Planning Body, Bappenas, (2003) recently updated Indonesias Biodiversity Strategic
Action Plan (IBSAP), implementation of this one and its predecessor has been poor due
to the aforementioned constraints.
Several examples that most dramatically capture the dimension of the threat to
endangered species are as follows: First, a million birds a year (including many
endangered species) are trapped and taken from forests, wetlands and coastal habitats,
principally to sell through the Javanese and Bali domestic markets, with fruit doves and
parrots among others also being exported. Second, over the last decade, some 20,000 to
25,000 tons of fish were taken annually from Indonesian waters to supply the Chinese
live fish trade, which operates mainly through Hong Kong. These fish mainly come from
plundering coral reefs, usually through the use of extremely detrimental methods, such as
cyanide poisoning (which only stuns the target fish, but kills many smaller fish and
crustaceans), bombing reefs, and collecting fish during spawning aggregations. This has
led to a number of reef fish becoming endangered (World Bank 2001).

5.2 The Indonesian Endangered Species Lists

GoI does not automatically place on the Indonesian endangered species lists those species
that are on the current IUCN list. Consequently, there are differences between the GoI
and IUCN lists. Appendix VIII provides a list of protected species according to GoI
legislation as well as the IUCN red lists for mammals, birds, and reptiles. It is evident
from this list that there is not full harmonization with the IUCN list. The IUCN red list
for Indonesia contains the following species of mammals, birds and reptiles:
Scientific Name


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

IUCN Category

Zaglossus bruijnii


Pseudocheirus schlegeli

Data deficient

Antechinus habbema

Data deficient

Pseudochirops albertisii


Antechinus naso

Data deficient

Pseudochirops corinnae


Antechinus wilhelmina

Data deficient

Pseudochirulus caroli

Data deficient

Dasyurus albopunctatus


Dactylopsila megalura

Dasyurus spartacus


Lower risk: near

Phascolosorex doriae

Data deficient

Planigale novaeguineae


Echymipera clara

Data deficient

Microperoryctes murina

Data deficient

Ailurops ursinus

Data deficient

Phalanger alexandrae

Data deficient

Phalanger gymnotis

Data deficient

Phalanger rothschildi


Phalanger vestitus


Spilocuscus papuensis

Data deficient

Spilocuscus rufoniger


Strigocuscus celebensis

Data deficient

Dendrolagus dorianus


Aethalops aequalis


Aethalops alecto

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Dendrolagus inustus

Data deficient

Dendrolagus mbaiso


Dendrolagus ursinus

Data deficient

Aproteles bulmerae

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Thylogale brownii


Dobsonia beauforti


Thylogale brunii



Dobsonia emersa

Data deficient

Lower risk: near

Manis javanica

Data deficient

Hylomys parvus

Critically endangered

Crocidura beccarii


Crocidura minuta

Data deficient

Crocidura orientalis


Crocidura paradoxura


Crocidura tenuis


Suncus mertensi

Critically endangered

Tupaia chrysogaster


Tupaia longipes

Lower risk: near

Acerodon celebensis
Acerodon humilis

Dobsonia exoleta


Critically endangered


Scientific Name
Dobsonia minor

IUCN Category
Lower risk: near

Dyacopterus spadiceus

Lower risk: near

Megaerops kusnotoi


Neopteryx frosti

Lower risk: near

Dobsonia peronii

Nyctimene aello


Scientific Name
Hipposideros dinops
Hipposideros madurae

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Hipposideros muscinus


Hipposideros papua

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Nyctimene cyclotis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Nyctimene draconilla


Hipposideros wollastoni

Nyctimene minutus

Lower risk: near

Rhinolophus canuti

Nyctimene celaeno
Nyctimene certans

Paranyctimene raptor

Pteropus chrysoproctus

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Pteropus ocularis


Pteropus pohlei


Pteropus pumilus


Pteropus speciosus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Pteropus argentatus

Pteropus temmincki
Rousettus bidens

Styloctenium wallacei

Lower risk: near

Syconycteris carolinae


Syconycteris hobbit

Lower risk: near

Rousettus spinalatus

Thoopterus nigrescens

Emballonura raffrayana

Lower risk: near

Taphozous achates


Nycteris javanica

Lower risk: near

Emballonura furax

Coelops robinsoni
Hipposideros breviceps


Hipposideros coxi


Hipposideros sorenseni
Hipposideros sumbae

Rhinolophus celebensis
Rhinolophus creaghi

Rhinolophus nereis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Rhinolophus simplex


Glischropus javanus


Hesperoptenus gaskelli


Kerivoula myrella

Lower risk: near

Rhinolophus keyensis

Miniopterus schreibersii

Myotis ridleyi

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Myotis stalkeri


Nyctophilus heran


Nyctophilus timoriensis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Myotis hermani

Pipistrellus kitcheneri
Pipistrellus macrotis

Pipistrellus papuanus

Data deficient
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Scotophilus celebensis

Data deficient

Pipistrellus minahassae
Pipistrellus mordax



IUCN Category
Lower risk: near


Scientific Name

Mops sarasinorum

IUCN Category
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Mormopterus doriae


Otomops formosus


Otomops johnstonei

Lower risk: near

Chaerephon johorensis
Cheiromeles parvidens
Cheiromeles torquatus

Tadarida australis
Tarsius bancanus
Tarsius bancanus
Tarsius bancanus

Data deficient

Tarsius dianae
Tarsius pelengensis

Data deficient

Tarsius pumilus

Data deficient

Tarsius sangirensis

Data deficient
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near


Macaca nemestrina


Macaca nigra

Lower risk:

Macaca nigrescens
Macaca ochreata
Macaca ochreata
Macaca pagensis
Macaca pagensis siberu


Presbytis comata
Presbytis femoralis
Presbytis femoralis
Presbytis femoralis
Presbytis femoralis


Presbytis fredericae

Data deficient

Presbytis frontata

Data deficient

Presbytis hosei canicrus

Data deficient

Presbytis hosei everetti

Presbytis melalophos
Presbytis potenziani
Presbytis potenziani

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Trachypithecus cristatus
Pongo abelii
Pongo pygmaeus
Pongo pygmaeus

Data deficient

Macaca maura

Nasalis larvatus

Simias concolor siberu

Trachypithecus auratus
Trachypithecus auratus

Data deficient

Macaca hecki

Macaca tonkeana

IUCN Category
Lower risk: near

Presbytis thomasi
Simias concolor

Data deficient

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Macaca fascicularis tua

Scientific Name

Data deficient

Data deficient
Lower risk:

Tarsius spectrum
Macaca fascicularis
Macaca fascicularis
Macaca fascicularis
Macaca fascicularis


Hylobates agilis agilis

Hylobates agilis
Hylobates agilis unko

Critically endangered
Critically endangered


Data deficient
Data deficient
Data deficient

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Critically Endangered
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Hylobates lar vestitus

Lower risk: near

Hylobates moloch

Critically endangered

Hylobates moloch

Critically endangered

Hylobates klossii

Data deficient

Data deficient


Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Hylobates muelleri
Hylobates muelleri
Hylobates muelleri
syndactylus syndactylus
Nycticebus coucang

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Nycticebus javanicus

Data deficient

Cuon alpinus


Catopuma badia
Catopuma temminckii

Lower risk: near

Neofelis nebulosa


Panthera pardus melas

Panthera tigris

Critically endangered

Orcinus orca

Pardofelis marmorata

Data deficient

Sousa chinensis

Prionailurus planiceps

Amblonyx cinereus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Lutra lutra


Lutra sumatrana

Data deficient

Stenella longirostris

Data deficient
Lower risk:
Lower risk:
Lower risk:

Lutrogale perspicillata
Martes flavigula
Melogale personata


Steno bredanensis

Data deficient

Lower risk: near

Tursiops truncatus

Data deficient

Mustela lutreolina


Physeter catodon


Helarctos malayanus
Arctogalidia trivirgata

Data deficient

Indopacetus pacificus

Data deficient

Mesoplodon ginkgodens

Data deficient

Cynogale bennettii


Ziphius cavirostris

Data deficient

Diplogale hosei


Dugong dugon


Elephas maximus


Tapirus indicus


sumatrensis harrissoni

Critically endangered

Balaenoptera borealis



Critically endangered

Balaenoptera edeni

Data deficient

Rhinoceros sondaicus

Critically endangered

Prionailurus viverrinus

Data deficient

Balaenoptera musculus


Balaenoptera physalus


Feresa attenuata

Data deficient
Lower risk:

Grampus griseus

Data deficient

Lagenodelphis hosei

Data deficient

Lissodelphis peronii

Data deficient

Orcaella brevirostris
Orcaella brevirostris

Data deficient

Stenella attenuata
Stenella coeruleoalba


Lower risk: near



Critically Endangered
Lower risk:

Data deficient


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Sus barbatus oi

Lower risk: near

Sus verrucosus


Axis kuhlii


Bos javanicus


Bubalus depressicornis


Bubalus quarlesi


Hystrix brachyura

Lower risk: near

Babyrousa babyrussa

Hystrix crassispinis
Bunomys coelestis
Bunomys fratrorum
Bunomys heinrichi
Bunomys prolatus


Scientific Name
Margaretamys parvus


Mayermys ellermani


Maxomys baeodon


Maxomys dollmani

Maxomys pagensis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Maxomys wattsi


Melasmothrix naso

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Maxomys hylomyoides

Melomys aerosus
Melomys fraterculus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Melomys obiensis
Mus vulcani


Chiropodomys muroides

Lower risk: near

Coccymys albidens


Crunomys celebensis


Eropeplus canus


Haeromys margarettae


Haeromys pusillus

Kadarsanomys sodyi

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Komodomys rintjanus

IUCN Category


Paruromys ursinus


Paulamys naso

Lower risk: near

Pithecheir melanurus
Pogonomelomys bruijni

Critically endangered

Pseudomys delicatulus

Lower risk: near

Rattus adustus


Rattus bontanus


Rattus elaphinus



Rattus enganus

Critically endangered

Leptomys elegans

Critically Endangered

Rattus feliceus

Leopoldamys siporanus


Macruromys elegans

Critically endangered

Rattus foramineus

Lower risk: near

Macruromys major


Rattus hainaldi

Lower risk: near


Mallomys gunung

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Rattus hoogerwerfi


Rattus jobiensis

Lower risk: near


Hydromys habbema
Hydromys hussoni

Mallomys istapantap
Margaretamys elegans




Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Rattus koopmani

Lower risk: near


Rattus mollicomulus


Rattus pelurus
Rattus sordidus

Lower risk: near

Rattus timorensis

Data deficient

Sundamys maxi


Taeromys arcuatus


Taeromys hamatus

Lower risk: near

Megapodius bernsteinii


Taeromys punicans
Tateomys macrocercus

IUCN Category

Casuariidae - Cassowaries and Allies

Lower risk: near
Casuarius bennetti
Casuarius casuarius


Casuarius unappendiculatus


Megapodiidae - Megapodes
Aepypodius bruijnii


Macrocephalon maleo

Megapodius geelvinkianus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Eulipoa wallacei


Hylopetes bartelsi

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Hylopetes sipora


Phasianidae - Grouse and Allies

Lower risk: near
Anurophasis monorthonyx
Lower risk: near
Arborophila charltonii
Lower risk: near
Argusianus argus
Lower risk: near
Caloperdix oculea

Hylopetes winstoni

Critically endangered

Lophura bulweri


Hyosciurus heinrichi


Lophura erythrophthalma


Hyosciurus ileile


Lophura hoogerwerfi

Iomys sipora


Lophura ignita

Lower risk: near

Lariscus hosei

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Lophura inornata


Melanoperdix nigra


Pavo muticus


Polyplectron schleiermacheri

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Uromys anak
Xenuromys barbatus

Lariscus niobe
Lariscus obscurus
Petinomys lugens

Rhizothera longirostris

Sundasciurus brookei

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Sundasciurus jentinki


Turnicidae - Buttonquails

Nesolagus netscheri

Critically endangered

Turnix everetti

Prosciurillus abstrusus
Prosciurillus weberi

Rollulus rouloul
Anatidae - Ducks and Allies


Cairina scutulata


Salvadorina waigiuensis



Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Indicatoridae - Honeyguides
Indicator archipelagicus

Halcyonidae - Halcyonid Kingfishers

Lower risk: near
Actenoides concretus
Lower risk: near
Actenoides monachus
Lower risk: near
Cittura cyanotis
Lower risk: near
Tanysiptera carolinae
Lower risk: near
Tanysiptera ellioti

Lower risk: near


Picidae - Woodpeckers
Dinopium rafflesii
Meiglyptes tukki

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near

Megalaimidae - Asian Barbets

Lower risk: near
Megalaima henricii
Lower risk: near
Megalaima javensis
Lower risk: near
Megalaima mystacophanos
Lower risk: near
Megalaima rafflesii

Tanysiptera hydrocharis
Tanysiptera riedelii
Todirhamphus australasia
Todirhamphus enigma

Bucerotidae - Typical Hornbills

Lower risk: near
Aceros corrugatus
Aceros everetti


Aceros subruficollis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Anthracoceros malayanus
Buceros bicornis
Buceros rhinoceros
Buceros vigil

Harpactes duvaucelii
Harpactes kasumba
Harpactes orrhophaeus
Harpactes whiteheadi

Todirhamphus lazuli
Todirhamphus nigrocyaneus

Data deficient

Cuculidae - Old World Cuckoos

Lower risk: near
Cacomantis heinrichi
Lower risk: near
Carpococcyx radiatus
Carpococcyx viridis
Lower risk: near
Cuculus vagans
Lower risk: near
Phaenicophaeus diardi
Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Centropidae - Coucals
Centropus chalybeus

Lower risk: near


Centropus nigrorufus


Centropus rectunguis


Cacatuidae - Cockatoos and Allies

Coraciidae - Typical Rollers

Eurystomus azureus

Data deficient
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Todirhamphus funebris

Trogonidae - Trogons
Harpactes diardii

IUCN Category

Cacatua goffini

Lower risk: near

Cacatua moluccensis


Cacatua sulphurea


Cacatua alba


Alcedinidae - Alcedinid Kingfishers

Lower risk: near
Alcedo euryzona
Lower risk: near
Ceyx fallax



Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Psittacidae Parrots

Strigidae Typical Owls

Charmosyna toxopei

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near

Eos cyanogenia


Eos histrio

Lower risk: near

Aprosmictus jonquillaceus
Charmosyna multistriata

Eos reticulata
Loriculus catamene
Loriculus exilis

Loriculus pusillus
Lorius domicella


Lorius garrulus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Micropsitta geelvinkiana
Prioniturus flavicans
Psittacula longicauda

Psittinus cyanurus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Psittrichas fulgidus


Tanygnathus gramineus

Lower risk: near

Psittaculirostris salvadorii
Psitteuteles iris

Tanygnathus lucionensis

Collocalia papuensis
Hydrochrous gigas

Tyto nigrobrunnea


Tyto sororcula

Data deficient

Otus angelinae


Otus beccarii

Otus rufescens

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Otus sagittatus


Otus siaoensis

Otus umbra

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Uroglaux dimorpha

Data deficient

Otus mentawi

Otus silvicola

Aegothelidae Owlet-Nightjars
Aegotheles wallacii

Data deficient

Batrachostomidae Asian Frogmouths

Lower risk: near
Batrachostomus auritus
Lower risk: near
Batrachostomus harterti
Lower risk: near
Batrachostomus mixtus
Lower risk: near
Batrachostomus stellatus
Lower risk: near
Eurostopidae Eared-Nightjars
Eurostopodus diabolicus


Caprimulgidae Nightjars and Allies

Caprimulgus concretus

Tytonidae Barn and Grass Owls



Otus enganensis

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Tyto inexspectata

Otus alfredi

Ninox ochracea

Apodidae Typical Swifts

Collocalia vulcanorum

Ninox rudolfi

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Ninox ios

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Loriculus flosculus

IUCN Category

Caprimulgus pulchellus


Lower risk: near


Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Columbidae Pigeons
Caloenas nicobarica

Lower risk: near


Columba argentina

Critically endangered

Ducula cineracea


Ducula pickeringii
Ducula rosacea

Lower risk: near

Gallicolumba hoedtii


Goura cristata


Goura scheepmakeri


Goura victoria


Ptilinopus dohertyi


Ptilinopus granulifrons

Ptilinopus subgularis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Treron capellei


Treron floris

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Ptilinopus jambu
Ptilinopus monacha

Treron fulvicollis
Treron oxyura

Treron teysmannii

Lower risk: near

Turacoena modesta


Treron psittacea

Scolopacidae Snipes and Allies

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Scolopax celebensis
Scolopax rochussenii


Tringa guttifer


Burhinidae Thick-knees
Esacus magnirostris

Lower risk: near


Charadriidae Plovers and Allies

Lower risk: near
Charadrius javanicus
Lower risk: near
Charadrius peronii
Vanellus macropterus

Critically endangered

Laridae Gulls and Allies

Sterna bernsteini

Critically endangered

Accipitridae Hawks and Allies

Lower risk: near
Accipiter nanus

Aquila gurneyi

Lower risk: near

Erythrotriorchis buergersi

Data deficient

Harpyopsis novaeguineae

Megatriorchis doriae

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Spilornis kinabaluensis


Aquila clanga

Ichthyophaga humilis
Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus

Heliornithidae - Sungrebes
Heliopais personata

IUCN Category


Rallidae - Rails
Aramidopsis plateni


Spizaetus bartelsi


Gymnocrex rosenbergii


Spizaetus nanus


Gymnocrex talaudensis


Falconidae Falcons

Habroptila wallacii

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Megacrex inepta
Porzana paykullii
Rallina leucospila
Rallina mayri

Microhierax latifrons

Lower risk: near


Papasula abbotti

Critically endangered

Anhinga melanogaster

Data deficient

5 - 10

Lower risk: near



Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Ardeidae - Herons
Egretta eulophotes


Gorsachius goisagi

Lower risk: near

Zonerodius heliosylus

Meliphagidae - Honeyeaters
Lower risk: near
Lichmera notabilis

Philemon brassi

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Philemon fuscicapillus


Melidectes princeps
Myzomela kuehni

Threskiornithidae - Ibises
Pseudibis davisoni

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Pelecanidae - Pelicans
Pelecanus philippensis

Lower risk: near

Leptoptilos javanicus


Mycteria cinerea


Petroica archboldi
Poecilodryas placens

Chloropsis cyanopogon
Critically endangered

Procellariidae - Petrels and Allies

Oceanodroma monorhis

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Pittidae - Pittas

Pitta megarhyncha

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Pitta nympha


Pitta schneideri


Pitta venusta


Pitta baudii
Pitta caerulea
Pitta dohertyi
Pitta granatina

Calyptomena viridis
Eurylaimus ochromalus

Chloropsis venusta

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near

Corvidae - Cinclosomatinae
Androphobus viridis
Eupetes macrocerus

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Corvidae - Pachycephalinae
Colluricincla sanghirensis
Pitohui incertus

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Corvidae - Corvinae
Cicinnurus respublica
Coracina bicolor
Coracina dispar
Coracina fortis
Corvus florensis

Eurylaimidae - Broadbills
Calyptomena hosii

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Irenidae - Fairy-Bluebirds

Fregatidae - Frigatebirds

Pterodroma phaeopygia


Petroicidae - Australo-Papuan Robins

Lower risk: near
Microeca hemixantha

Ciconiidae - Storks and Allies

Fregata andrewsi

Pardalotidae - Pardalotes and Allies

Gerygone hypoxantha


Ciconia stormi

IUCN Category

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Corvus fuscicapillus

5 - 11

Lower risk: near

Epimachus bruijnii

Lower risk: near

Epimachus fastuosus


Loboparadisea sericea

Lower risk: near


Corvus unicolor

Ptilonorhynchidae - Bowerbirds
Lower risk: near
Archboldia papuensis

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near


Scientific Name
Macgregoria pulchra
Oriolus hosii
Oriolus xanthonotus
Paradigalla carunculata
Paradisaea rubra
Pericrocotus igneus
Pityriasis gymnocephala
Platysmurus galericulatus
Platysmurus leucopterus
Sphecotheres hypoleucus


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Cyornis sanfordi
Cyornis turcosus
Enicurus ruficapillus
Ficedula bonthaina
Ficedula dumetoria
Ficedula henrici
Ficedula rufigula
Ficedula timorensis
Geomalia heinrichi
Muscicapa segregata
Rhinomyias addita

Corvidae - Dicrurinae
Dicrurus sumatranus

Lower risk: near


Rhinomyias colonus

Eutrichomyias rowleyi

Critically endangered

Rhinomyias umbratilis

Monarcha boanensis

Critically endangered

Monarcha brehmii


Monarcha everetti


Trichixos pyrropyga

Monarcha julianae

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Zoothera dumasi

Monarcha leucurus
Monarcha sacerdotum
Myiagra atra
Rhipidura fuscorufa
Rhipidura opistherythra
Terpsiphone atrocaudata

Zoothera dohertyi

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Zoothera erythronota
Zoothera everetti
Zoothera machiki
Zoothera peronii
Zoothera schistacea

Corvidae - Aegithininae
Aegithina viridissima

Saxicola gutturalis

IUCN Category
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Sturnidae Starlings and Allies

Lower risk: near
Aplonis crassa
Lower risk: near
Aplonis mystacea
Lower risk: near
Basilornis galeatus

Lower risk: near


Corvidae - Malacotoninae
Lower risk: near
Philentoma velatum
Muscicapidae - Old World Flycatchers and

Streptocitta albertinae

Critically endangered
Lower risk: near

Sturnus melanopterus


Leucopsar rothschildi

Cochoa azurea


Cochoa beccarii


Cyornis caerulatus


Cyornis ruckii

Critically endangered

5 - 12


Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Pycnonotidae - Bulbuls

Pycnonotus squamatus

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Pycnonotus zeylanicus


Setornis criniger


Alophoixus finschii
Iole olivacea
Ixos malaccensis
Pycnonotus cyaniventris
Pycnonotus eutilotus
Pycnonotus melanoleucos

Malacopteron albogulare
Malacopteron magnum
Megalurus albolimbatus
Napothera atrigularis
Napothera macrodactyla
Ptilocichla leucogrammica
Stachyris grammiceps
Stachyris leucotis
Stachyris maculata
Stachyris nigricollis
Trichastoma rostratum

Zosteropidae - White-eyes
Heleia muelleri
Madanga ruficollis
Zosterops flavus
Zosterops grayi
Zosterops kuehni
Zosterops mysorensis
Zosterops nehrkorni
Zosterops uropygialis

Malacopteron affine

Lower risk: near

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Nectariniidae - Sunbirds and Allies

Lower risk: near


Aethopyga duyvenbodei

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Anthreptes rhodolaema
Dicaeum everetti
Prionochilus thoracicus

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Melanocharitidae - Berrypeckers and Longbills

Melanocharis arfakiana

Critically Endangered
Lower risk: near

Sylviidae - Old World Warblers and Allies

Lower risk: near
Alcippe brunneicauda
Lower risk: near
Cettia carolinae
Lower risk: near
Crocias albonotatus
Lower risk: near
Garrulax rufifrons
Lower risk: near
Kenopia striata
Lower risk: near
Macronous ptilosus
Lower risk: near
Malacocincla malaccensis
Malacocincla perspicillata

IUCN Category

Passeridae - Sparrows and Allies

Lower risk: near
Lonchura stygia
Lonchura vana


Padda fuscata


Padda oryzivora

Lower risk: near

Ploceus hypoxanthus

Lower risk: near

5 - 13

Data deficient


Scientific Name


IUCN Category

Scientific Name

Chelidae - Side-necked Turtles

Sauria - Lizards

Chelodina mccordi

Critically endangered

Varanus komodoensis

Chelodina parkeri

Serpentes - Snakes

Chelodina siebenrocki

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near

Elseya branderhorsti


Chelodina reimanni


Chitra chitra

Critically endangered

Pelochelys bibroni


Pelochelys cantorii


Carettochelyidae - Pig-nose Turtles


Cheloniidae - Marine Turtles

Caretta caretta


Chelonia mydas


Eretmochelys imbricata

Critically endangered

Lepidochelys olivacea


Dermochelyidae - Leatherback Turtles

Critically endangered

Bataguridae - River Terrapins

Batagur baska

Critically endangered

Callagur borneoensis

Critically endangered

Cuora amboinensis

Lower risk: near
Lower risk: near
threatened as
Cyclemys dentata

Cyclemys dentata
Cyclemys oldhamii

Leucocephalon yuwonoi

Critically endangered
as Geoemyda

Malayemys subtrijuga


Notochelys platynota


Orlitia borneensis


Heosemys spinosa


Testudinidae - Tortoises
Indotestudo forstenii


Manouria emys


Python molurus
Iguanognathus werneri


Crocodylia - Crocodiles

Amyda cartilaginea

Dermochelys coriacea

Data deficient
Lower risk: near

Anomochilus leonardi

Trionychidae - Softshell Turtles

Carettochelys insculpta

IUCN Category

5 - 14

Crocodylus siamensis

Critically endangered

Tomistoma schlegelii


Endangered species referred to in this report are principally those on the official
Indonesian endangered lists. The reason for this is that GoI lists are those that will be
adhered to by GoI when conservation initiatives are being planned in Indonesia. Until
now, there is no evidence that the placement of animals or plants on GoI endangered
species lists automatically infers increased protection to a species. The export of species
on GoI and CITES lists is restricted by custom and quarantine inspectors through the
normal ports, but ways are usually found to circumvent such restrictions by traffickers of
endangered species (World Bank 2001).
The Indonesian endangered animal and plant lists have been compiled and presented in
the 2001 publication Jenis jenis Hayati yang Dilindungi Perundang-undangan
Indonesia (eds M. Noerdjito & M. Maryanto). Species in that publication are officially
recognized as endangered in that their endangered status is supported by a Ministerial
decision or Surat Keputusan Menteri. A more recent publication for plants Tumbuhtumbuhan Langka di Indonesia by H. Wiriadinata et al. (2001) has further information
and also includes some proposed additions to the list of endangered plants. A list of
endangered species presented in the Statistics Report of MoF presents much lower figures
for numbers of endangered species than Noerdjito & Maryanto (2001). Perhaps species
categorized as vulnerable are not included in the MoFs statistics, but this could not be
Of interest is that the 2001 listings show many additions to those in the 1993 Biodiversity
Action Plan for Indonesia coordinated by Bappenas. These additions in large part result
from better knowledge of the status of wildlife, but also in no small part to the continued
degradation of the Indonesian environment in the 1990s.

5 - 15

Table 5.1: Numbers of Indonesian Critically Endangered, Endangered &

Vulnerable Species (spp) and Total Number of Species in Each Group in Indonesia
No. Endangered
spp (Noerdjito &
Maryanto Nov.

No. Endangered
Spp (GoI
Action Plan

No. Endangered
spp (IUCN
Redlist 2001 &

Total No.
spp 2001








9 (126)*

104 (117)



















184 (NA)





* More complete list of Collar & Andrew (1988). Interim third edition of IUCN Red Data Book.

Within the listing of endangered animals and plants in Peraturan Pemerintah Republik
Indonesia No.7 and 8 (1999) (www.dephut.go.id), a group of 11 endangered charismatic
species receives extra protection from a Presidential Decree (KepPres). They are as
Anoa (Anoa depressicornis, Anoa quarlesi);
Babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa);
Javanese Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus);
Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis);
Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis);
Bird of Paradise (all species in the family Paradiseidae);
Javanese Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi);
Sumatran Tiger (Phantera tigris sumatrae);
Leaf Monkey (Presbytis potenziani);
Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus);
Javanese Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
The formulation of GoI endangered plant and animal species lists is somewhat ad hoc.
While senior staff from LIPI are always invited to meet with the MoFs Directorate of
Nature Conservation staff when forming and reviewing such lists, criteria for the
selection and categorization of endangered species are unclear. For example, LIPI

5 - 16

scientists consider that the IUCN 2003 red lists for Indonesia (www.iucnredlist.org,
tables 5 & 6) are not complex enough for many faunal species, but are overly complex
for many plant species. However, a LIPI/MoF workshop to review the IUCNs 2003 red
list recommended that most or all of the mammal and plant species on the IUCN list
should also be added to the Indonesian endangered species list.
LIPI is the national custodian of the excellent Indonesian computerized plant and animal
database (developed by the GEF supported Biodiversity Collection Project). This has the
capacity to produce distribution maps of endangered species provided sufficient data is
available. LIPI is also the final arbiter of the taxonomic status of endangered species.
This is sensible, as LIPI is the national repository of taxonomic expertise and is well
equipped to make global changes of taxonomic synonyms on their national biological
However, the level of ecological information appended to their databases is inadequate to
provide information on the current status of populations of endangered species. PHKA
considers that monitoring species on the GoI endangered species list is the preserve of
LIPI. However, LIPI considers itself ill-equipped to carry out such monitoring activities.
Thus, there is a major inter-institutional gap in roles and responsibilities.

5.3 The Extent of Endangered Species in Indonesia

There was a dramatic increase in all groups of species recognized as endangered in
Indonesia between 1993 and 2001. For example, mammals and birds increased by 104
and 264 species, respectively. It is important to note that this reflects effort in identifying
threatened species and not necessarily an increase in the actual number of species
endangered. Interestingly, the Noerdjito & Maryanto (2001) endangered list has fewer
fish and plants than the IUCN 2001 red list, and fewer mammals than are on the IUCN
2003 red list.1 However, it has almost four times as many birds listed than the IUCN 2003
red list (greatly influenced by the 67 raptors species on the Noerdjito & Maryanto (2001)
endangered list).
For a discussion on the extent of endangered species by region, please see the section on
Biodiversity Patterns in Indonesia.
The difference in these mammals lists in large part relates to the inclusion of a large number of bats categorized as vulnerable
on the IUCN list.

5 - 17

5.4 Conservation of Endangered Species

Information obtained from MoF and from NGOs indicates that GoI has no ratified action
plans for any Indonesian endangered animal or plant species2.
No action plans are currently in preparation for plants. For animals, a GoI survival plan is
currently being produced but only for the Javanese Eagle -- one of the 11 charismatic
species on the most highly protected GoI lists (PP7 and PP8). GoI has been involved with
several international NGOs in the preparation of action plans for the Sumatran Tiger
(Phantera tigris sumatrae), Javanese Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus), Komodo
Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and Bali Mynah (Leucospar rothschildi).
WWF Indonesia has produced survival plans for the Orangutan, Sumatran Tiger, and
Javanese Rhinoceros, which they have presented to MoFs Directorate of Nature
Conservation, but to date there has been no response from the government. WWF is also
preparing an action plan for Indonesian sea turtles. Additionally, the IUCN has sponsored
an orangutan survival action plan as well as. Further, in the 1990s PHPA and the IUCN
Conservation Breeding Specialists group conducted population viability analyses for a
number of species including the Sumatran Rhinoceros, Bali Starling and Javan Hawk
Eagle. The reports arising from PVA workshops included conservation action points. As
with other natural resource issues, the aforementioned plans and strategies have suffered
in their implementation due to broader, crosscutting issues discussed in other portions of
this report.
Most of the funding of ecological research on Indonesian endangered species has come
from international sources (bilateral, multilateral, universities and private) and has been
channeled through both local and international NGOs, bilateral agencies and zoos. Most
of this information has found its way into privately produced survival plans for several of
the 11 flagship endangered Indonesian species, as well as the Bali Mynah.
Management of endangered species is still retained by GoI because endangered species
and other conservation activities are exempt from decentralization under Act No. 22 of
1999 (see earlier sections). GoI continues to implement a strict preservation model for

That being said, in 1995 PHPA and Bird Life together developed a format for species recovery plans and produced three, for
the Bali Starling, Yellow Crested Cockatoo and Javan Hawk Eagle. The last of these stimulated a wide range of local NGOled conservation activities across Java (pers. comm. P. Jepson 2004).

5 - 18

endangered species (Category 1, IUCN). However, many other current decentralization

policies, including aspects of the forest estate, tend to move implementation of
conservation of endangered species to co-management scenarios with districts and
provinces. For example, many NGOs advocate that land set aside for endangered and
other species without the consent of local communities should be returned to those
communities (Kompas, 26 January 2001). Introduction of Integrated Conservation and
Development programs (ICDPs), social forestry and protected areas as means to conserve
endangered and other species have been difficult to fully actualize because of the
contentious issues of land tenure (FWI/GFW 2002; please see earlier section on
legislation and institutions). This has resulted in local communities and local
governments, down to the village level, reclaiming their perceived rights in the form of
intensified illegal logging and land encroachment, with devastating impact on endangered
species. Official GoI action plans for priority endangered animals and plants are urgently
required. These plans need to be mainstreamed into district, province and GoI multi landuse spatial plans.
Given the lack of official GoI action plans for any endangered species, we conclude that
there is a general absence of integrated planning for endangered species involving
protected areas, other conservation domains and corridors linking populations. Further,
since decentralization, spatial planning has mainly devolved to provinces and districts
(please see section on legislation and institutions), which are generally ill-equipped to
both design the process and technically carry out the work (Brown and Jarvie 1999).
In summary, the lack of available meaningful multi-use land and spatial planning that
incorporates the requirements of endangered species, coupled with a general neglect of
such plans where they exist, continue to result in a dramatic increase in Indonesian
species that are endangered. Degradation of lowland forests, wetlands and coastal marine
environments, encroachment of habitats in protected areas and other areas, pollution and
hunting will continue to threaten Indonesian animals and plants in the near and long-term.

5.5 Endangered Species Habitats

Many of the critically endangered species, especially the 11 species protected by
presidential decree, are large animals that require extensive tracts of land (or ocean) to
maintain viable populations. This is particularly the case with predators, such as the
species of cats (Felis spp), Kubung (Cynocephalus), Musang air (Cynogale), and Raptors
5 - 19

(e.g., Falconidae, Pandionidae), all of which are species that range widely and are
A large majority of the animals and plants that are endangered are those from the mid to
lowland rainforests of Indonesia, including species that inhabit the forest canopy
(Primates (Hylobatidae, Macaca, Pongo, Presbytis, Simias, Nasalis Tarsius), the Tree
Kangaroo (Dendrolagus), and Squirrels (Petaurista, Phalanger, Ratufa)) and under-story
(Cervus spp, Muntiacus, Tapirus, Iomys, Lariscus, Lutra). The endangered bird species
are also disproportionately from these forests (MacKinnon et al. 2000), as are the species
of endangered plants, particularly Dipterocarpaceae, Rafflessiacea, Orchidacea and
Palmae. A key challenge to protecting these endangered species is that their habitats lie
in the same location as commercially valuable timber resources, viz., mid and lowland
Pollution and degradation of wetlands, fresh water and coastal environments has also
endangered a number of species. The Mahakam River Dolphin is reduced to about 70
individuals. Many species of water birds or birds that breed in wetlands are endangered,
as are both freshwater and sea turtles, three species of crocodile, and a much wider range
of fish than are listed, e.g., in Central Sulawesi (Whitten et al. 1987).
Summary. Indonesia is among the countries with the most threatened flora and fauna and
has recognized this through legislation that recognizes their need for protection. Yet the
challenges to protecting endangered species are many: Proximate causes include
encroachment of protected areas, logging, introduction of exotic species, agricultural
expansion, wildfires, reef damage and hunting. More tenacious challenges are
institutional, such as obscure land tenure, poor or absent spatial planning, unclear roles
and responsibilities of government agencies at all levels, and a corrupt judiciary. Further,
there is a lack of harmonization between internationally recognized endangered species,
viz., those on the IUCN Red List, and the species that Indonesia recognizes. Moreover,
there is a lack of coordination among the government institutions involved in
identification and protection of endangered species. Indonesia lacks any official action
plans for endangered species, and there is a general absence of integrated planning for
endangered species involving protected areas, other conservation domains and corridors
linking populations. The lack of available meaningful multi-use land and spatial planning
that incorporates the requirements of endangered species, coupled with a general neglect
of such plans where they exist, continues to result in a dramatic increase in Indonesian

5 - 20

species that are endangered. Degradation of lowland forests, wetlands and coastal marine
environments, encroachment of habitats in protected areas and other areas, pollution and
hunting will continue to threaten Indonesian animals and plants in the near and long-term.

5 - 21

5 - 22

6. Conservation Outside of Protected Areas

This section addresses issues of conservation and management in natural systems beyond
the protected areas reserve. Important conservation values may be captured in managed
natural systems, including forests, coastal areas, wetlands, and agricultural areas. Beyond
natural areas, this section discusses threats posed by development projects as well as
opportunities for conservation through zoos and seed banks.

6.1 Managed Natural Systems

This section describes the major managed ecosystems of Indonesia and analyzes their
present conservation status. For each system, ecological and social importance is
discussed. Economic and ownership issues are raised where these are an essential
component of the threat, as in the forestry sector. All of these managed natural systems
play a vital role in providing environmental services. This includes but is not limited to
ensuring air and water quality, regulating erosion, managing water flows, and
maintaining productive soils. All of these are essential components of healthy ecosystems
that can contribute to biodiversity conservation. A country map of vegetation types is
included in Appendix XI of this report.

6.1.1 Forest Resources Overview of Indonesias Forests
Indonesias forests are among the most extensive, complex, diverse, and valuable in the
world. Indonesias forests account for about 10% of the worlds remaining forests and are
important to the survival of Indonesias biodiversity: home to 25% of all fish species,
17% of birds, 16% of reptiles and amphibians, 12% of mammals and 10% of plants (Lele
2000). Globally, Indonesias forests represent a treasure trove of unique biodiversity and
endemic species. Indonesias forests are a globally important climatic resource, both as
an atmospheric filter and as a sink for carbon that would otherwise contribute to global
warming. Tens of millions of poor and indigenous peoples depend on the forests for their
livelihoods. Tens of millions of others benefit from commercial use of forests, which
contributes important shares of Indonesias trade earnings, GDP, tax revenue and


Indonesias forest estate is also vast, covering about two thirds of the nations land 120
million hectares encompassing not only actual forested areas, but also millions of
hectares of agricultural land, mining operations, upstream villages and downstream towns
(Bennett and Walton 2003). The forests are also diverse with links to the national
economy and local incomes, export earnings and domestic trade, small scale livelihoods
and vast industrial enterprises, foreign and domestic investment, private and state
management, and security and conflict issues (Bennett and Walton 2003). The wealth of
forest resources, both products and environmental services, also results in extensive
conflict over control of these resources. These are reflected in horizontal conflicts
between local communities and timber concession holders, as well as vertical conflicts
between different levels of government. (Bennett and Walton 2003). Besides forested
land within the designated state forest area, millions of hectares of additional land are
forested or are managed agroforestry systems that contribute to conservation of forest
biodiversity and environmental services. Current Status of Indonesias Forests
While Indonesia has some of the worlds largest and most biologically diverse forests in
the world, these forests have undergone significant change in recent years. GoI policy to
boost forest production through the timber concession and plantation systems has
generated significant revenues for development, but has also resulted in significant forest
degradation. Since 1995, more than 20 million hectares of forest have been cleared, thus
resulting in one of the highest rates of tropical forest loss in the world. Additionally,
millions of hectares of forest have been degraded to some degree, thus putting growing
pressure on the maintenance of environmental services and biodiversity conservation.
Since the mid-1990s, rates of forest degradation appear to be on the rise. While data
remains unreliable, estimates for forest degradation from such institutions as the World
Bank and the Ministry of Forestry range from 2.4 to 3.6 million hectares per year. This
significant increase in forest degradation is attributed to a range of often inter-related
problems including illegal logging, and a gap between wood-based based industry
capacity and a legal, sustainable supply of timber. The GoI is aware of this problem, and
is under mounting international pressure from donor countries as well as international
NGOs to reverse this trend. (FWI/GFW, 2002). This requires effective and equitable law
enforcement, rationalizing and down-sizing of the wood-based industry, and managing


forests for integrated environmental services and resource benefits rather than only for
timber production. Forest Land Use Types
The GoI categorizes State Forest land into four major components (Bennett and Walton
2003). This includes:
Conservation areas or Kawasan Konservasi (20 million ha)
Protection forests or Hutan Lindung (34 million ha) intended to prevent erosion and
safeguard water resources
Production forests or Hutan Produksi (58 million ha) managed primarily for timber
exploitation by forest concessions, and
Conversion Forests or Hutan Konversi (8 million ha) designated for release from the
state domain for agricultural utilization, mostly plantation systems, in particular oil
palm (GoI, Law 41 of 1999).
It is important to note that up to 10 million hectares of State Forest land are currently not
covered with trees. Additionally, millions of hectares of land outside of State Forest land
are forested and/or are managed as agroforestry systems. (Bennett and Walton 2003).
Conservation Areas. Conservation areas comprise Indonesias protected areas system,
described in great detail earlier in this report. With the objective of conserving
Indonesias rich biodiversity for Indonesians and the global community, Indonesias
conservation area is sub-categorized into national parks, strict nature reserves, nature
recreation parks, wildlife reserves, grand forest parks and hunting parks. All subcategories follow international IUCN standards, and fall into IUCN categories I through
IV. Indonesias conservation area comprises both terrestrial and marine protected areas.
Protection Forest. Protection forests are designated to safeguard essential environmental
services, particularly hydrology and erosion control. It consists of riparian areas, steep
slopes, or watershed areas that preserve ecosystem functions or provide important
environmental services. As the second-largest categorization of forest land, protection
forests contribute significantly to the biodiversity and forest conservation landscape. By
law and practice, protection forest lacks the same legal and institutional support for
protection compared to conservation areas. The protection forests are not patrolled or
policed for the most part, and often occur within local government boundaries and within
active timber concessions.


Production Forest. Most commercial forestry takes place in Production Forest.

Companies are provided forest concession rights, or Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH), for
a period of thirty-five years to harvest forests under Indonesias selective harvesting
guidelines. Typical forest concessions range in size from 50,000 to 200,000 hectares. As
of December 2001, there were 351 forest concession holders managing a total area of
36.56 million hectares of forest. Concession holders include private companies, as well as
parastatals under the control of the Ministry of Forestry.
Since Indonesias decentralization initiative was launched in 1999, there has been a surge
in the issuing of small scale forest concession permits, primarily at the district level. The
legal status of such permits remains unclear, and the right to authorize forest concession
permits remains a source of contention between central and local level government
agencies. (Bennett and Walton 2003).
Conversion Forest. As noted above, a substantial area of land has been allocated to be
converted from forest to other uses, mainly agriculture, but also other activities such as
transmigration and other development projects. In terms of agriculture development,
forest land is typically converted to oil palm for the production of crude palm oil, or
timber plantations to provide fiber to Indonesias growing pulp and paper industry.
Similar to the forest concession rights system described above, conversion forest
licensing is oriented toward large-scale investments. Two key licenses associated with
conversion forest are the permits for forest clear cuts, or Izin Pemanfaatan Kayu (IPK)
for the clearing of forest for development activities, and the permit for Industrial Timber
Plantations, or Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI). (Bennett and Walton 2003: 51). Since
1999, there has been a moratorium on the provision of new licenses for forest conversion.
This moratorium does not affect activities of existing permit holders. Commercial Forestry
Indonesias forest-based industries contribute significantly to the national economy,
though long-term sustainability hinges on a significant increase in supply of timber and
fiber. This can not come from sustainable management of natural forests, and, instead,
will need to come from a variety of plantation systems that could be developed on
existing degraded forest land.


Wood-processing Industry. Indonesias wood-based industry is ranked third in overall

non-gas and oil export value, after electronics and textiles. In 2001, wood-based exports
were valued at more than $4.23 billion, and accounted for almost 10% of Indonesias
non-gas and oil revenues. (Bennett and Walton 2003:52). While wood-based exports
were led by plywood through the 1980s and 90s, pulp and paper exports have been
gradually replacing plywood as the primary export product. Indonesias pulp capacity
rose from 606,000 metric tons in 1988 to 4.9 million metric tons in 2000. Paper
production capacity rose from 1.2 million to 4.3 million metric tons during the same time
period. Operating at current capacity, Indonesias pulp and paper mills would consume
some 24 million cubic meters of timber, more than four times the current Annual
Allowable Cut (Barr 2000).
Log Production. Annual round wood consumption by the wood-processing industry is
generally regarded to be around 60 million m (Bennett and Walton 2003). With annual
allowable cut (AAC) from Indonesias forests in 2002 at 12 million m, this means that
legal, authorized consumption is only a fifth of actual demand. As the AAC has been
reduced in recent years to 6.3 M m in 2003 and further to 5.7 M m in 2004, there has
not been a noticeable decline in wood processing activity and industrial timber demand,
meaning a larger and larger share is coming from illegal and unsustainable sources
(Ministry of Forestry, Press Release, Jan. 2003). Official statistics indicate that wood
supply comes from a variety of sources, including timber concession (HPHs), forest
clear-cutting for plantations (IPKs) and industrial timber plantations (HTIs).
Additionally, teak plantations on Java contribute to overall log production, but are a
minor share of the total.
Timber Certification. Responding to growing international market demand for certified
timber, particularly from North America and Europe, there has been increased interest on
behalf of the GoI, international and national NGOs and some business leaders to develop
certified eco-friendly timber from Indonesia. The Indonesian Ecolabeling Institute (LEI)
was established in 1998 to facilitate the development of timber certification, combining
international standards as set by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with Indonesian
forestry regulations. While there has been extensive training in timber and forest product
certification, to date there have been only two concessions that have received and
maintained certification standards. Ecolabeling and certification could enhance market
value of Indonesias forest product outputs if there were a greater focus on North
American and European finished product markets, but the current focus is on products


and markets currently not as interested in ecolabeling and certification. Further, forest
tenure in Indonesia is problematic to international ecolabel standards as forest tenure is
currently granted to the State rather than local communities or private holders.
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) Although timber extraction has long dominated
commercial forestry in Indonesia, the countrys forests also produce a diversity of nontimber forest products (NTFPs), some of high commercial or local value such as rattan,
resins, fruits, and medicinal plants (Bennett and Walton 2003). Rattan contributes to an
export market for furniture, handicrafts and mats. While cultivated in local agroforestry
systems in Central and East Kalimantan, a highly sought-after large diameter rattan cane
is harvested directly from natural forests in Sulawesi. Production of this cane has dropped
in recent years primarily due to loss of natural forest habitat for the more sought-after
large-diameter canes (Bennett and Walton 2003: 53).
Birds nests, gaharu wood, various resins, honey, mushrooms and medicinal plants are
also important NTFPs gathered from natural forests, typically by individual harvesters,
and contributing significantly to rural livelihoods as well as domestic and export markets.
Sago, as well as various fruits, roots, leaves and wild animals are also collected for local
consumption. Damar resin is collected from smallholder-cultivated agroforests in
southern Sumatra. Industrial-scale production systems from plantations produce
turpentine and gondorukem from Pine resin as well as eucalyptus oil (Bennett and Walton
2003: 53). Environmental Implications of Forest Loss.
As mentioned earlier in this Chapter, Indonesias forests have suffered significant
degradation since the 1980s and this has been exacerbated since the late 1990s. This has
significant impact on Indonesias economy, as indicated by the growing gap in timber
supply for wood-based industry and reduced export earnings from the sectors exports.
Additionally, this has had a significant impact on Indonesian society, as forest
degradation has led to loss of livelihoods for many forest dependent communities,
horizontal and social conflict over remaining forest resources, and increased incidences
natural disasters precipitated by forest degradation. Finally, this has had significant
impacts on biodiversity conservation and environmental services management. This is
captured in the figure below, which demonstrates the broad impacts of forest loss in


Beyond Forest Loss: Impacts & Implications

Soil quality Poverty (rural)


Flooding Social costs (urban)

Fires, haze, health impacts

Drying Forest Land

& Loss

Drought, water shortage

Decline in: jobs, revenue tax receipts, foreign

Forest Industry Future

Fewer resources for: econ. recovery, debt,

development needs
Decrease in water quality and quantity

Watershed Degradation

Decrease in health, economic activity,

agricultural output
Increase social conflicts: vertical and horizontal

Resource Scarcity
(water, air and forest)

Less livelihood opportunity for adat people, forest

dependent poor
[Forest Loss Implications; Source: USAID NRM III Program Presentation to Bappenas, 2003]

Figure 6.1: Forest Loss Implications

Forest Fires. Fires have been the preferred method for clearing land for agricultural
development for thousands of years in Indonesia. The scale of use of fire for land clearing
has grown dramatically in direct correlation to the expansion on oil palm and timber
plantations. While the least expensive method for clearing land for a plantation manager,
the environmental cost for Indonesia is significant. The on-going use of fire for land
clearing has resulted in yearly fires that cover Indonesia and its neighbors in a thick
smoke and haze. This disrupts economic activities and creates health hazards, and
threatens biodiversity. Besides direct impact from fire, plant growth and photosynthesis is
affected. Further, migratory routes of various species of animals are altered and
destroyed. An economic resource valuation of Indonesias 1997-98 forest fires indicates
the cost for Indonesia at $7 billion and its neighbors at $2 billion. (ICG 2001:4,
Applegate 2001).
Illegal Logging. Illegal logging is considered by the GoI, national and international
NGOs and the donor community to be a leading cause of forest degradation in Indonesia
(see GoI, DFF and NGO statements to the Consultative Group on Indonesia meetings,
2000-2003). The substantial gap between legal timber supply and wood-based industry


capacity is met largely through illegal logging, and these activities have a detrimental
effect on the environment. Among other things, illegal logging activities within forest
concessions include over-harvesting beyond the legal and sustainable quota, as well as
harvesting trees from steep slopes and riparian habitat designated as protection forest. It
includes timber harvesting and land encroachment in conservation areas and protection
forest. Illegal logging includes the falsification of relevant logging and travel documents
that inhibit adequate regulation of logging activities to ensure sustainable forest
management. It includes exercising the use forest clearance permits without following-up
on the development of plantations. In all these cases, illegal logging threatens
biodiversity conservation and damages the environmental services of forests by going
beyond or circumventing existing policies that regulate sustainable forest management.
Debt, Restructuring and Overcapacity. Indonesias wood-based industry has installed
capacity to consume seven to ten times the Ministry of Forestrys Annual Allowable Cut.
Additionally, this wood-based industry is in serious debt and in many cases totally
bankrupt. A recent study showed that the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency
(IBRA), which is charged with restructuring and then selling corporate debt, holds
approximately US$ 1.734 billion debt and a sizable share of wood processing capacity
from Indonesias wood-based industries (Simangungsong and Setiono 2003).
Restructuring and selling this debt in order for wood-based industries to continue poses a
significant threat to biodiversity and conservation of forest resources, as it encourages
unhealthy firms to exploit forests in a non-sustainable manner in order to keep in
business. Debt restructuring could provide a unique opportunity for rationalizing
Indonesias wood-based industry overcapacity with sustainable forest management if
debt restructuring were clearly linked to the demonstration of legal and sustainable
supplies of timber and fiber. Additionally, the GoI has recently labeled Indonesias pulp
and paper industry as a strategic industry in terms of its capacity to generate export
revenues and create jobs. This threatens biodiversity and environmental services
management of forests, since pulp and paper capacity outstrips current sustainable levels
of timber and fiber production. Unless industrial capacity is rationalized with sustainable
production levels, wood-based industry will continue to threaten biodiversity and forest
conservation in Indonesia.

6-8 Conflict and Forest Resources

A key threat to Indonesias forest resources is conflict. While conflict over forest
resources in Indonesia and around the world has been prevalent for decades, Indonesia
has witnessed a recent surge in the scope and depth of conflict over forest resources.
These conflicts can be broadly categorized as horizontal and vertical in nature. Horizontal
conflict includes conflict among local communities as well as between local communities
and concessions (timber extraction and/or plantation development) over management and
or extraction rights to forest resources. Vertical conflict includes conflict between
different levels of government over authority over the licensing and regulation of timber
extraction and/or forest conversion. A powerful incentive driving interest in and conflict
over control of forest resources is their relative liquidity into cash. Very low level
investments in equipment, labor and operating rents can quickly be converted into
significant cash flows. Virtually wherever commercially-viable stocks of timber are
present, powerful individuals and institutions including but not limited to the Indonesian
military, are involved in forest extraction activities (Jarvie et al. 2003).
Factors contributing to conflict over Indonesias forest resources are numerous. First,
natural wealth of Indonesias forest estate, in terms of timber, non-timber forest products
and conversion to plantations, is enormous. Indonesias forests have and continue to
attract entrepreneurs trying to make money, as low levels of investment can reap huge
financial rewards. Second, over-exploitation of Indonesias rich forest resources lead to
increased competition among entrepreneurs and local communities to maintain control of
remaining forest resources. Third, large-scale forest resource allocation in Indonesia has
been top-down and elitist. Large-scale logging commenced in the 1970s, with all
licensing and permits coming from the center. Jakartas political elite benefited from this
policy, leading to disenfranchisement and anger in and around forested areas in the Outer
Islands. Fourth, industrial development policy resulted in over-capacity in wood-based
industry such that natural forests could no longer sustainably supply industry. This put
more pressure on available forest resources, and led to increased conflict in forest areas.
Fifth, forest resource tenure rights are controlled by the State and tend to be allocated for
large-scale commercial operations including timber extraction and conversion to
plantations. Farmers and communities living in or adjacent to state forests often for
many generations have no clear way to establish management rights over their forest
resources. Especially when confronted with a commercial operation, this leads to conflict.
At the very least, the lack of mechanisms for individual and/or community tenure


perpetuates a policy of forest exploitation rather than one of sustainable forest

management and conservation. Sixth, the Indonesian military generates a significant
portion of their budget through the exploitation of forest resources, including timber as
well as endangered wildlife (ICG 2001). Forest resource exploitation is perpetuated
through the militarys territorial command structure and contributes significant revenues
to the military budget. Seventh, laws and regulations established to regulate sustainable
forest management are neither regularly nor equitably enforced. Indonesias laws and
regulations place steep fines and jail terms for forest crimes, but are rarely implemented.
Arrests are often made, but few cases work their way through the legal system to
completion. Finally, the recent decentralization and regional autonomy process has led to
conflict among different levels of government over control to allocate and regulate forest
The scope and depth of conflict over forest resources is widespread. As Jarvie et al. note
in their recent study, No group in Indonesian society is innocent of involvement in
conflict. Within each group of stakeholders, some elements promote illegal activities that
lead to conflict, while other group members suffer directly or indirectly from these
actions. This includes police and military officials, some of whom have, in the course of
their duties, suffered serious injury or even died defending the written law, while others
have benefited enormously. This same observation applies to communities. International
companies buying forest products, or providing logging tools, are also directly or
indirectly complicit in engendering conflict. Whereas timber-related conflict is based in
rivalry for ownership of resources among political elites, security forces and different
elements of civil society and patterns of conflict vary by forest type and industrial
exploitation. Those directly responsible for conflict are local gangs or syndicates, except
in West Papua, where state-societal conflict prevails. Criminal syndicates constitute
alliances among new and local political elites, business interests and security forces.
(Jarvie et al. 2003: 9)
Eradicating conflict over Indonesias forest resources involve a number of issues
grounded in the principles of good governance. This includes regular and equitable
enforcement of existing laws and regulations; provision of adequate forest management
tenure mechanisms for individuals and community groups; clarification of roles and
responsibilities over forest resource licensing and regulation between different levels of
government; and reduction in the militarys generate budget revenues through forest
resource exploitation.

6 - 10

6.1.2. Coastal and Marine Resources

Indonesias coastal and marine resources are described in Chapter Three of this report.
The rich biodiversity of these resources contribute significantly to Indonesias national
economy and support the livelihoods of tens of millions of Indonesians. This section
looks at the environmental threats to major coastal and marine ecosystems outside of
protected areas.
Like its forests, Indonesias coastal and marine resources are being exploited at an
unsustainable rate. On-going degradation of coral reefs and mangrove forests, overfishing of both reef and pelagic fish species, and pollution of coastal and marine
resources is leading to a dramatic reduction of the productive value of these resources. As
a result, coastal communities are among the poorest in Indonesia, with many living in
subsistence conditions, lacking basic facilities including access to clean water, public
health and education facilities. Trapped in a vicious cycle of debt often
intergenerational coastal fishing communities often succumb to dangerous, destructive
and illegal fishing practices to increase their catch.
Degradation of Indonesias coral reefs occurs through over-fishing and illegal fishing
practices, sedimentation and pollution-related problems. Over-fishing and illegal fishing
activities include blast and poison fishing, as well as damage from nets. Destruction of
coral reefs due to these practices quickly results in reduced fish-catch, thus leading to
over-fishing on existing reefs, and then expansion of illegal fishing activities to more
distant coral reefs.
Coral reef damage caused by sedimentation and pollution-related problems tends to be
concentrated on fringing reefs located at the base of major watersheds. Poor development
planning can lead to increased erosion and sedimentation during and after construction of
roads and other infrastructure development. Poor land-use management by farmers can
result in agriculture activities leading to increased erosion and sedimentation. Poorly
planned land clearing and logging can further exacerbate erosion and sedimentation.
Similarly, pollution stems from up-stream discharge of industrial waste as well as
agricultural runoff of residues from fertilizers and pesticides. Reducing the threats to
coral reefs from sedimentation and pollution-related problems requires an integrated
approach of working with both coastal communities as well as upstream stakeholders
through effective integrated watershed management initiatives.
6 - 11

Destruction of Indonesias mangrove forests stems from rapid logging of mangrove

forests, primarily to feed the countrys growing pulp and paper sector, as well as through
conversion to aquaculture. Of the countrys 4.25 million hectares of mangrove forest,
more than 1 million hectares have been designated for logging. The rate of mangrove
forest degradation, especially along coastal areas of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and
Papua, is unsustainable. Besides contributing to reduced stock of economically-viable
fish species, loss of the protective mangrove forest habitat is resulting in increased
flooding during high tides in the rainy season, as destroyed mangrove forests can no
longer play their crucial role of buffering the coast from stormy seas.
While Indonesias coastal and marine resources are in peril, there are signs of hope. In
2000, the Government of Indonesia established the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Affairs. Previously a Director General position in the Ministry of Agriculture, raising
Fisheries and Marine Affairs to a cabinet-level ministerial position provided the
necessary political support to ensure Indonesia established policy enabling conditions and
institutional capacity for more sustainable coastal and marine resources management.
With the support of USAID, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs has launched a
national law on sustainable marine resources management. Further, the Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Affairs is establishing effective programs that support Indonesias
trend toward decentralization and regional autonomy.
Yet there is still a great deal of work to be done to ensure more sustainable marine and
coastal resources management. This includes policy development and capacity building
for sustainable marine resources management through establishment of a vibrant marine
protected areas network that focuses on increased fisheries production; developing
models for decentralized coastal and marine resources management; and integrating
coastal and marine resources management into larger, integrated watershed management

6.1.3 Inland Waters and Wetlands

Inland waters and wetlands are increasingly affected by flooding, sedimentation,
urbanization, industrialization, and accompanying pollution. More generalized
environmental destruction in forested uplands affects both water quality and water
quantity in more heavily populated downstream regions. Both agriculture runoff and
industrial discharges contribute to a worsening of water quality. Land conversion (forests
6 - 12

to agriculture or settlements) and land filling (for development projects and settlements)
affect both watersheds and wetlands, with increasing evidence of imbalanced hydrologic
regimes seen in seasonal drought and flooding. Freshwater systems, both natural and
man-made, are important sources of fish protein for Indonesians and their degradation
will result in negative nutritional impacts.
In some areas near major population centers on Java, competition for water between
housing, industry, and agriculture (primarily for irrigated rice) is becoming acute and will
only intensify in coming years. Recent promulgation of a new water resources regulatory
framework has generated serious, and often contentious, public debate especially linked
to the possibilities of private sector involvement and possible fee structures for irrigation
water (user fees).
On a larger, more visible scale, Indonesian development projects have created vast areas
of degradation in important wetlands and peat areas. Destructive logging and land
clearing practices have affected water regimes and moisture retention to the extent that
seasonal fires (caused by land clearing, etc) have affected peat lands, with attendant
health impacts due to haze. The million hectare rice project has destabilized a vast area
of fragile swamp forest habitat in central Kalimantan, home to orangutans and other
endemic species.

6.1.4 Agro-ecosystems
The core of Indonesian agriculture is irrigated rice. Each year, 10 million hectares are
planted in rice, much of this in double-cropped systems. Indonesias yield of nearly 4.5
tons/hectare is the highest among tropical rice systems. Well over half of Indonesias
rice is produced on Java, and the Java provinces plus South Sulawesi and North Sumatra
account for over 70% of national rice production (Fakih, Rahardjo et al, 2003). Rice
cultivation is also the largest single occupation in the nation (and indeed in the world). In
terms of biodiversity, tropical wet rice monoculture is in fact a rich aquatic system due
to 3,000 years of co-evolution of rice plants and insect complexes. Studies (Settle et al.
1996) have identified more than 700 species of arthropods in a single hectare of rice field
on Java.
Throughout the 1990s it is estimated that nearly 50,000 hectares per year of highly
productive irrigated rice on Java were lost to the development of housing and industry
6 - 13

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around burgeoning urban centers (Wahono, 1999). From areas surrounding metropolitan
areas like Jakarta down to the environs of kota kecamatan (sub-distict capitals) the loss of
agricultural land is quite visible. As little as 15 years ago, Bekasi District bordering
Jakarta, now an industrial area, was one of the largest rice producing districts in the
nation. This has caused many to eye the less densely populated outer islands as
alternative agricultural production areas, often with disastrous results. In the mid-1990s
political schemes like Suhartos dream of the Million Hectare Rice Estate in Central
Kalimantan resulted in unmitigated disasters (Barber and Schweithelm 2000, Hayes
1997, Kartodihardjo 1999). The only ones benefiting were the companies and associated
GoI bodies, which cleared over 500,000 hectares of forest. The lessons have not been
fully internalized as there is still talk of rice estates, either publicly or privately
organized, being established in Sumatra and even Papua. Fortunately, these schemes
require huge infrastructural investments not currently available. Just as in the case of
massive crude palm oil plantations, development of large scale industrial agriculture
puts pressure on forests and often ends up leaving behind areas of degraded, erosion
prone, land (ANGOC, 1999).
Besides rice, Indonesia has perhaps 250,000 hectare in highland and lowland vegetables.
Lowland vegetable production comprises chili, shallots, grain legumes (soybean,
mungbean), and corn, often grown in rotation with rice as dry season crops (palawija).
Upland vegetable production mostly involves areas dedicated to exogenous vegetables
(cabbage, beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc.) where most of the produce is destined for urban
areas(Pertanian dalam Angka, BPS, 2002).
In highland and lowland vegetable as well as in rice production, the pollution load
introduced to the environment from the overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
presents a serious problem affecting not only fauna and flora, but public health as well.
Vegetable crops such as cabbage are sprayed up to 30 times a season with cocktails of
toxic chemicals (Eveleens et al, 1996). Epidemiological studies conducted under the
auspices of a USAID supported Integrated Pest Management Project (BAPPENAS-FAO)
in the 1990s showed that besides obliterating life in soil and water, 20% of pesticide
spray events resulted in mild to moderate poisoning for the human sprayer, as defined
by three or more signs and symptoms of neurobehavioral toxicity (Kishi, Hirshhorn,
Dilts, et al 1996; Murphy et al 1999), hence constituting a major public health problem
on top of environmental damage. When farmers are taught good agro-ecosystem
management methods, poisonous pesticide use can be reduced up to 90% in vegetables,

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and removed entirely from most rice systems. Similar approaches are now being applied
to chemical fertilizers, which besides being increasingly expensive to farmers are also
causing soil fertility problems through overuse while contributing to pollution of water
A number of studies have been commissioned over the last decade to produce erosion
maps with the view to restricting agricultural practices in areas with a high risk of
erosion. However, these local maps and their recommendations are seldom rigorously
followed. Partial shifting agriculture systems in many places, for example along steep
slopes of the upper Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, contributes greatly to land
erosion1. Government programs, albeit not usually on the scale of the Million Hectare
Rice Estate, also contribute to erosion and degraded land. In a recent preliminary study
for an ADB project on degraded land (Pontius, et al, 2003), a survey team found that in a
majority of field sites visited degraded land was caused by government programmatic
interventions: failed citrus plantations in Sulawesi, abandoned teak and tea plantations in
Java, neglected rubber estates in Sumatra. Local communities seldom have the resources,
or the knowledge, to rehabilitate such degraded resources.
Shifting and pioneer agriculture has been estimated to affect some 38.9 million hectares
in Indonesia (RePPProt 1990). Partial systems of this sort can encourage the spread of the
fire disclimax, alang alang grass (Imperata cylindrica), which dramatically alters the
ecology and biodiversity of massive areas of Indonesia. RePPProt (1990) estimates that
10 million hectares have been converted to alang alang. In addition to improving
agricultural practices in the outer islands of Indonesia, monitoring and regulating the
plantation industry is essential to stop the ever increasing expanse of the alang alang
grasslands since often these industries often clear forests for timber but do not fulfill their
obligations to plant (FWI/GFW 2002, Telapak 2001).
Farming of prawns and fish in tambak ponds along the entire coastline of many
Indonesian islands degrades the coastline and eliminates the protective sheath of
mangroves. This is having a destructive effect on populations of local coastal and marine
fish and crustaceans, and is seriously damaging biodiversity. Studies on comparable
tambak in Thailand indicate that tambak ponds with an open connection to the sea are not
Partial shifting agriculture systems is differentiated here from integral shifting agriculture systems, the latter of which
has been demonstrated to be a productive and sustainable form of agriculture and would not be considered a significant cause
of land erosion (Conklin 1957, Dove 1981).

6 - 15

viable for many years and that economic returns from such practices in the mid-term are
less rewarding than the traditional coastal fisheries that they have replaced. Hamilton and
Snedaker (1984) note that the fisheries and coastal protection functions of mangroves
may far outweigh the value of any other form of land-use.
Almost all freshwater lakes in Indonesia, except for Papua where many are protected by
their remoteness, are severely impacted by surrounding farming practices, which
dramatically alters their biological diversity. Upland lakes and watersheds surrounded by
agricultural land are highly vulnerable to fertilizer and pesticide runoffs. Most of this runoff results from highly wasteful, large-scale overuse of chemical inputs and is avoidable
as both technologies and training methodologies exist to remedy this problem. There is a
need to continue to monitor and restrict the effluent (industrial and fertilizer) and
sediment run off into these water bodies. This is particularly important as many of these
water bodies have endemic species (e.g., Poso and Lore Lindu in Sulawesi). Probably
nowhere in Indonesia is the impact of such farming practices on both biological diversity
and people more pronounced than in the middle Mahakam region, East Kalimantan.
There is a growing awareness downstream of the effect of damaging these water bodies.
This includes greater turbidity in waters, flash floods, alteration of watercourses and
shifts in the brackish/sea water boundaries, which so dramatically effect the distribution
of the riparian vegetation, particularly the freshwater forests and mangroves. These lakes
themselves are also very important commercially. For example, the Kapuas lakes produce
75% of all freshwater fish consumed in West Kalimantan. The Mahakam Lakes of East
Kalimantan supply most of the local market in east Kalimantan for freshwater fish and
also 30% of all dried freshwater fish consumed in Java (Bappenas 1993, MacKinnnon et
al. 1996).
Agricultural policy and land use practices in Indonesia have had serious impacts on
biodiversity in Indonesia. A glaring example of this is the oil palm plantations in Sumatra
and Kalimantan. These monoculture plantations exclude most of the original biodiversity
and frequently also are sited on the best agricultural land for mixed crops.

Deleted: Fakih M, Rahardjo T, Pimbert

M, et al, 2003: Community Integrated
Pest Management in Indonesia:
Insitutionalizing Participation and People
Centered Approaches, IIED/IDS press,
London 2003

Settle, W, Hakim, A, Cahyana,

Yulianingsih, Managing Tropical rice
pests through conservation of generalist
natural enemies and alternative prey,
ECOLOGY 77(7), 1975-1988.

Wahono, F Revolusi Hijau: Dari

Perangkap Involusi ke Perangkap
Globalisasi, in WACANA No. IV, 1999,
INSIST Press, Jogyakarta p. 9-47

Eveleens, KG, R. Chisholm, E. van der

Fliert, M.Kato, P. Schmidt, Mid term
Review of the Phase II FAO Intercountry
Program for the development of IPM on
Vegetables in South and Southeast Asia,
FAO Asia Pacific Office, Bangkok.

Kishi, M, Hirshhorn, N, Dilts R.,

Djayadisastra M, Relationship of
Pesticide Spraying to Signs and
Symptoms in Indonesian Farmers,
Scandinavian Journal of Work and
Environment, 1995.

Murphy,H, R.Dilts, A.Sanusi, et al

Health Effects of Pesticide Use
Among Women Indonesian Farmers
H., Journal of Agro-Medicine,
Charleston USA, 1999.

ANGOC(Asia NGO Coalition),

National Policies on Food Security in
the Asia Pacific, in Food Security in
the New Millennium, Consumer
International Press, 1999. pp125-139

Pertanian dalam Angka, 2002, Biro

Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

6 - 16

6.1.5 Ecosystems and Watershed Management

Many analysts and experts believe that an ecosystem approach2 is the most effective way
in the long run to maintain and maximize biodiversity. Major international conservation
organizations and academics have promoted concepts of landscape management,
bioregional planning, or other broad scale planning efforts as a way to deal with the
increasing threats to biodiversity and environmental resources. As summarized in a
report by the World Bank (2001), ecosystem level planning and management embraces
a continuum of different land uses from strict protected areas to production landscapes. It
also means:
Retaining a permanent forest estate including natural lowland forests as well as hill
and montane forests;
Creating new PAs to maintain remaining fragments of natural forest and protecting
forest corridors that link remaining forest blocks;
Managing production forests for sustained forest production and as buffer zones
around, and corridors between, PAs to maintain as large an area of forest as possible,
thereby effectively increasing the conservation value; and
Seeking new options for managing forests after logging, rather than allowing
conversion to inappropriate forms of agriculture. Such forest management could
involve various management systems e.g. agroforestry, community management of
production forests, and afforestation of degraded lands but should be designed to
encourage natural regeneration, maintain native species and maximize biodiversity
The World Bank recommends that biodiversity conservation in Indonesia needs to be
mainstreamed into traditional development. This means the incorporation of biodiversity
issues, options and objectives into sectoral policies, sustainable national and regional
development programs, and project impact assessment and mitigation/management plans
in order to promote conservation management within the production landscape. In effect,
projects in traditional sectors such as water, urban, agriculture, infrastructure, industry,
energy, rural development and tourism need to balance environmental priorities in order
to ensure sustainable development (World Bank, 2001).
The ecosystem approach insists upon the rigorous definition of an ecosystem by linking various ecosystem concepts and
their interactions at different scales. This method is not limited to the application of a single ecosystem model for all cases.
Instead, this approach depends upon viewing the ecosystem from a range of perspectives and using different system models to
capture the complete pictureOne ecosystem perspective consists of abiotic and biotic components

6 - 17

As discussed in later sections of this chapter, Indonesias environmental and natural

resource management approaches are mainly sectoral in nature and not particularly
effective in their implementation. There is significant opportunity to design stronger,
better integrated environmental management systems at the national to regional levels.
Watershed Management. Watershed management3 provides an effective base for
strengthening landscape management and mainstreaming sustainable forest and
environmental services management. Watersheds provide an example of a manageable
environmental system where conservation and development can be bought together in a
practical, concrete, and timely manner. Indeed, the watershed is a concept that clearly
and concretely demonstrates the short-term and long-term socio-economic benefits of
forest and biodiversity conservation and management.
Field initiatives focusing on watershed management in East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi,
and Papua demonstrate this. For example, in East Kalimantan multiple stakeholders in
and around the provinces key commercial hub of Balikpapan work together to
sustainably manage the two watersheds Sungai Wain and Manggar that supply the
city of approximately 500,000 people with its water, while also preserving the high level
of biodiversity in the area, most notably the sun bear, red leaf monkeys, and several
endemic species of birds, etc. (SKA-LORIES nd). Political will, awareness and action
were cultivated and demonstrated all levels: a multi-stakeholder board oversees
watershed management, the city government has invested US$ 200,000 per year and
alternative livelihoods have been developed for those previously engaged in illegal
logging and encroachment. Moreover, the success of Balikpapans watershed
management has drawn the attention of others in East Kalimantan, with the approach
being replicated in East Kutai and Bontang. Keen interest is also being shown by other
cities and districts. Integral to the success of watershed management is a multistakeholder
approach that builds awareness and turns it into action that demonstrates the socioeconomic benefits of biodiversity conservation through watershed management.
Further, watershed management holds the promise of locally derived protected areas that
fit IUCN categories V and VI. These initiatives can take the form of conservation
concessions for protecting high value critical habitats that lay outside the existing
protected area system. Indeed the Balikpapan watershed management initiative could fit
Watershed management is used in its broadest sense to refer to the watershed and its impacts on it from beyond defined
boundaries. It is the unit of pragmatic intervention and is a component of an ecosystem.

6 - 18

this schema, and CIFOR in northern East Kalimantan will shortly begin monitoring a
community-based conservation concession of a watershed funded by the IUCN. Integral
to bolstering these local management and conservation initiatives is the development of a
supportive policy framework at the national level.
The consequences of not managing watersheds and conserving their environmental
services and resources, particularly in the upper catchment areas, also demonstrate the
multiple benefits of their appropriate management. The recent (November 2003) floods in
northern Sumatra that took the lives of at least 180 people are a tragedy that attests to the
need for effective watershed conservation and management. The Sumatra disaster is only
the latest in a long series of flooding and landslide events due to watershed degradation in
Indonesia. WALHI, the Indonesian forum on environment, has identified numerous
cases of natural disasters related to resource degradation in recent years. Landslides in
Java and Sulawesi have kept this issue in the public eye during the second half of 2003
and into 2004. The increasingly severe and frequent flooding of Jakarta due to the
development of weekend estates and resorts for Jakartas affluent in the citys catchment
also demonstrates strong evidence for the need for watershed conservation and
management. Other cities, notably Bontang and Medan have also experienced increased
flooding in recent years.
Land and Watershed Areas. The rationale for GoI and donor focus on watershed
management to conserve and manage environmental services and contribute to
biodiversity and forest conservation in Indonesia arises from the countrys particular
landscape characteristics and the mapping of certain administrative categories and
demographics on to those attributes. Indonesia encompasses 189 million hectares of land
area, much of which is steep and mountainous. Sumatra and Kalimantan account for
55% of this area; Papua accounts for 19% and Sulawesi 10%. The smaller islands of
Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku make up the remaining 15% of land area.
Notably, Java with only 7% of Indonesias land area is home to 60% of Indonesias

6 - 19

Table 6.1: Distribution of Indonesias Land, Forest Land, and Watersheds

Major Island

Area (ha)


Area (ha)


Land (ha)


Land" as
% of All
































































Source: Statistik Indonesia, 2002. Watershed data from Department of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure

Watershed areas and sizes follow in proportion to land area of the major islands.
Although limited data on watershed sub-catchment areas and length of river systems is
available, it is not particularly useful as an assessment tool. This is because the smaller
and more rugged islands tend to identify more and smaller tributaries as separate
catchments, with the result that Nusa Tenggara claims to have more river catchments than
Sumatra and Kalimantan combined, and nearly as much total river length. Because of
these issues of scale and definition, it is difficult to provide an overall analysis of
watershed management issues and needs by island group, though some specific cases are
used illustratively in section 3. The concept of critical lands and the national land
rehabilitation program provide some insight into land and watershed management needs
as defined by the GoI.
Table 6.2: Distribution of Watersheds and River Systems in Indonesia
Major Island
MALUKU (*na)
Grand Total

Area (ha)

% of

No. of Major
River Basins

Total Length
of River (km)

Source: Director General for Water Resources, Department of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, 2002.

Forest Lands. State forest land accounts for two-thirds of the land area in Indonesia.
As discussed in section 6.1.2 of this chapter, this is an administrative definition and some

6 - 20

of this area is not covered by forests. It is clear, however, that forest lands (categorized
as conservation, protection, production, and conversion forests) are a key element of
landscapes and watersheds in Indonesia. Like the population, forest land is not evenly
distributed across Indonesia. Over 90% of the land is categorized as state forest in the
eastern, less-developed islands of Papua and Maluku. In the larger western islands of
Sumatra and Kalimantan, state forest land represents about half to 60% of their total area.
Java, the most populous island, is only 24% state forest, much of this categorized as teak
plantations and national parks.
While much of this vast estate was once land with forests on it, currently nearly half is
not. Forest Watch Indonesias 2002 assessment reveals that 56% of the state forest
land can still be described as natural forest, 37% is degraded, and 8% is entirely
deforested. This is an indication that the biodiversity represented in the forest is likely
similarly threatened or reduced from its prior extent.
Table 6.3: Distribution of State Forest Lands
































































Source: Ministry of Forestry, "Statistics of Production Forest Management," 2002

6 - 21

Distribution of Indonesia's Lands


Millions of Hectares













Protection Forest

Protected Areas

Limited Production Forest

Production Forest

Conversion Forest

Non State Forest Land

Figure 6.2: Distribution of Indonesias Lands

Of the 120 million ha of state forest, more than half (55%) is allocated to production and
conversion uses. Only 17% is in formal protected areas (parks, nature reserves). Another
28% is protection forest.
Critical Lands. Twenty three million hectares, or 12%, of Indonesias lands are
classified by the Ministry of Forestry as critical. Based on documentation from the
Ministry of Forestry, determination of critical lands is based on the level of degradation
and the decrease of ecological functions. Assessment of critical lands depends on the
function of the land: for example, in protection forests, assessments are based on land
cover, crown density, slope, erosion and land management; in agricultural areas
assessments are based on land productivity. (MoF 2003b)
The distribution of critical lands mainly follows the distribution of land in Indonesia, with
some important exceptions. The western, more populous and more intensively used
islands tend to have a higher concentration of critical land. Bali and NTT, however,
stand out as having 23% of lands in critical condition, twice the national average. The
smaller islands of the eastern archipelago generally have steeper slopes and lower rainfall
than the larger islands, leading to higher rates of land classed as critical.
The distribution of critical lands does not necessarily follow the distribution of state
forest land. About a third of this critical land is inside the national forest estate and two
thirds is outside. In other words, non state forest land represents only a third of all land,
but includes two thirds of the land in critical condition. Only about 7% of all forest land

6 - 22

is in critical condition, while 22% of non forest land is critical, three times higher. In
Bali and NTT, 32% of non forest land is critical, in Maluku it is 65%, and in Papua,
nearly all. Java, Bali, NTT, and Sumatra are well above the national average in terms of
the critical lands inside the forest estate, whereas Maluku and Papua are well below the
national average.
Table 6.4: Distribution of Critical Lands Inside and Outside State Forest Area

as % of
Non Forest


State Forest















Land in
Forest Area

as % of

State Forest







































Source: BPS, Statistik Indonesia 2002, Ministry of Forestry, 2002

Given gaps in official data sources on forest and land use issues, caution is needed in
drawing sweeping conclusions. These findings suggest, however, that the matrix of lands
and habitats that support biodiversity is most heavily affected, degraded and/or disturbed
outside the forest estate in the lands held by local governments, communities, small
holders, and the private sector. This distribution can influence thinking about priorities
for intervention.
National Land Rehabilitation Program (Movement). To protect forest and land from
further degradation and recover its critical functions, the GoI recognizes that serious
rehabilitation efforts are needed. Reforestation programs in Indonesia date back to 1976.
More recently, the Minister of Forestry issued a decree (No. 20/Kpts-II/2001) dated 31
January 2003, concerning criteria and standards on rehabilitation of forests and lands as
guidance for implementing integrated and sustainable forests and lands rehabilitation.
From the GoI perspective, the purpose of forests and land rehabilitation is to recover the
degraded natural forest and land resources in order to achieve optimal function and
maximum benefit for all parties, to ensure environmental balance and water scheme in
watershed areas, and to support sustainable forestry development.

6 - 23

The main activity in rehabilitation efforts is planting tree species that provide benefits to
the local communities, balancing forest function and peoples needs. The Ministry of
Forestry has recently launched a National Land Rehabilitation Program (Movement).
Over a five year period, this movement, known as GN RHL, seeks to rehabilitate 3.1
million hectares of forest and critical land in 68 priority watersheds involving 27
provinces and 242 districts and cities.4 Based on a replanting cost of Rp. 6 million (about
$700) per hectare, the GoI has allocated Rp. 18.5 Trillion ($2.2 Billion) for this effort.
The program will involve the planting of 169 million tree seedlings. (Cite: Press Release
No. S.14/II/PIK-1/2004, Enam Menteri Hadiri Pra Pencanangan (Soft Opening)
Gerakan Nasional Rehabilitasi Hutan Dan Lahan (GN RHL), 8 Januari 2004.)
The distribution of land in this rehabilitation program does not mirror the distribution of
land or critical land across Indonesia; 60% of the effort is focused on Sumatra and
another 20% on Kalimantan. The program plans only minimal effort in Maluku and none
in Papua. Java, Bali, and NTT, which have a larger concentration of critical lands, will
receive a small share of rehabilitation efforts.
Table 6.5: Areas Affected by National Land and Forest Rehabilitation Program

Major Island

Program Area


Rehab. In
State Forest

% distrib.

Rehab. In non
State Forest





















































Source: Ministry of Forestry, 2003. Materials accompanying GNRHL, Lampiran 4c: Luas Sasaran Dan Perkiraan
Kebutuhan Biaya Rencana Rehabilitasi Hutan Dan Lahan Lima Tahunan Pada Das Prioritas I Kelompok Penutupan
Lahan I Dan II Per Propinsi Di Seluruh Indonesia

Although the scale and budget for this activity is large, it will affect only a fraction of the
vast area assessed as critical. Though it aims to affect 13% of the critical land area, the
distribution of program efforts is far from uniform. Relative to critical lands, the
rehabilitation scheme targets more resources and effort in Sumatra and Sulawesi
(rehabilitation area is 20 to 30 percent of critical area). The program focuses little or no
Critics of this approach (e.g., J.Post editorial, Jan. 23, 2004) point out that planting 600,000 ha per year, even if successful,
will not help much if deforestation continues as 2 million ha per year.

6 - 24

attention in Maluku and Papua, where critical land areas are a smaller portion of the total.
If need is a criterion for resource allocation, however, it would appear that Java, Bali,
NTT, and Kalimantan are under-represented in the rehabilitation program. Java, Bali,
and NTT have concentrations of critical lands much higher than the national average, but
they stand to receive lower than average shares of rehabilitation program effort.
Table 6.6: Rehabilitation Areas Compared to Critical Areas

Major Island

Total Critical
Land Area (ha)

as % of
Total Land

Program Area

Rehab as %


































Source: Combined from sources above.

In addition, the land rehabilitation program is focused on the most severely degraded
lands. Two thirds of the program is located on areas with small trees and undergrowth,
open land, dry land agriculture mixed with undergrowth (Land Cover Classification I).
The other third of the program is focused on dry secondary forest, secondary swamp
forest, and secondary mangrove forest (Land Cover Classification II). This reflects the
focus of the program on restoring watershed and ecosystem services and supplying
commercial timber in the future. When evaluating additional intervention needs,
biodiversity and forest conservation planners must consider whether to focus more effort
on relatively in tact forest areas, rather than on severely degraded lands.
Rehabilitation efforts are unevenly distributed inside and outside the State Forest area.
Though two thirds of critical lands are outside the forest estate, nearly half the
rehabilitation program area is inside the state forests. Relative to the critical lands, the
program plans nearly twice the effort inside the forest estate (19% of area affected) as
outside (11% of area affected). Looking at individual regions, this imbalance is even
greater (e.g., in Bali/NTT and Kalimantan). Effort within the forest estate, again, is

6 - 25

unevenly distributed. Sixty percent of the effort is located in production forest areas
(limited, production, or conversion). Another 30% of the effort is located in protection
forests (i.e., areas that protect watershed and ecosystem functions). Ten percent of the
effort is located in conservation forests (protected areas). This allocation is consistent
with an emphasis on production and service provision from the national forests. A
biodiversity-oriented approach would yield a different distribution of rehabilitation
resources, more focused on conservation areas and protection forests as key habitat.
Table 6.7:

Rehabilitation Efforts and Critical Lands Inside and Outside State

Land (ha)




% of

Non State
% of



Rehab area
Rehab area
as % of
as % of
Rehab in
Rehab in
Critical Land
Land in State Forest in Non Forest
Land (Ha) Forest Area





Summary. The GoIs forest and watershed rehabilitation program is a major effort, but is
not focused on producing biodiversity protection and benefits. By focusing on critically
degraded forest areas, especially uplands and watershed areas, the program will help
toward restoring some habitat areas and ecosystem functions, with some positive
influence on biodiversity conservation. However, the program is limited in its reach and
is not targeted toward biodiversity conservation objectives. Additional efforts could be
designed to complement the national program in areas where it is working, or to
supplement it in areas where it is lacking. Relatively less effort is planned for Eastern
Indonesia and the smaller islands. Also, relatively more of the programs resources are
focused inside the forest estate, while most of the critical lands are outside the forest

6 - 26

6. 2 Impacts of Development Projects

The section reviews the impacts of the internationally and locally funded major
development projects on biological diversity and tropical forest resources. Indonesias
framework for evaluating and managing the impacts of development project is discussed.
The section also covers environmental review and permitting requirements as they
concern major projects.

6.2.1 Key Types of Development Projects

Indonesias on-going development process has significant impacts on the conservation of
biodiversity and forests. Population pressure has led to opening of large tracts of forest
land for settlements and agriculture development. Economic development has led to
increased urbanization and the expansion of numerous urban areas into once rural
environments. Increased and intensified industrial and agriculture production has led to
increased pollution in river systems and groundwater tables. This section focuses
specifically on the impact of large-scale development projects on biodiversity and forests.
It includes the impacts of mining and petroleum as well as road and infrastructure
development. Land conversion is discussed briefly, as this has been addressed in greater
detail in the previous section of this report. This section ends with a brief discussion on
Indonesias policy framework for regulating the environmental impact of major
development projects.
It is important to note that public spending on general infrastructure for development
services, including but not limited to roads, ports, power generation and distribution,
clean water supplies and waste water treatment systems, has dropped markedly since the
start of the Asia economic crisis in 1997. As Indonesia emerges into a more stable
economic recovery, investments for maintenance and development of such infrastructure
is on the rise. This includes both GoI and donor supported development financing for
infrastructure. Mining
Mining has been taking place in Indonesia for thousands of years, though large-scale
commercial mining operations began relatively recently, in the late 1960s. Presently,
Indonesia is a world leader in the production and exporting of key mineral resources
6 - 27

including copper, gold, nickel, silver, and coal. While mining contributes significantly to
the national economy, mining is also one of the most environmentally damaging. It leads
to habitat destruction, produces large quantities of waste in the form of slag heaps,
overburden and tailing. Mines and their processing units are also a source of water
contamination from ore tailings and chemicals. Open pits are a hazard to both people and
wildlife, and ponds formed in open pits can become a breeding ground for mosquitos and
other vectors of various tropical diseases (MacKinnon 1996:581). Environmental impacts
of mining activities are regulated through the Ministry of Environments Environmental
Impact Management Agency (Bapedal), primarily through preparation and then
monitoring of Indonesias Environmental Impact Assessment process (AMDAL).
Additional regulations are administered by the Ministry of Minerals and Energy.
Large scale commercial mining activities occur across Indonesia. Significant operations
include Freeport, in Papua province; Newmont, on Sumbawa Island, Nusa Tenggara; and
Kaltim Prima Coal in East Kalimantan. There are literally hundreds of other commercial
mining activities in Indonesia, and data of site location and scope of activities is
Artisanal and smallscale mines (ASM) are also scattered across Indonesia, with notable
aggregations of coal and gold ASMs in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java, Maluku
and Papua. There has been a surge in ASM activities since 1998, and this is leading to
significant environmental and public health threats. ASM gold operations are releasing
untreated mercury, which results in severe and irreversible health damage to both adults
and children. Mercury also enters river systems, polluting water resources as well as
poisoning fish and river habitats (World Bank 2001: vi-vii). Unlike large-scale,
commercial mining, ASM activities are unregulated and there is thus no clear legal
framework to manage the increasingly negative impacts of ASM on the environment.
Of special note in the field of ASM, OSM brought specialists to the Dimembe Gold
Mining District east of Manado where significant small scale mining is taking place. The
bulk of the ore beneficiation was being carried out by mercury amalgamation, perhaps the
worlds most environmentally destructive form of ore processing. Each of the several
hundred processing units loses about 1 liter of mercury each month causing tons of
mercury to be discharged into the environment annually. Alternatives to mercury
amalgamation are limited, and can carry their own set of environmental and human health
risks. OSM provided technical assistance to BAPEDALDA of North Sulawesi, including

6 - 28

site visits, to help reduce the mercury processing. A conversion to cyanide vat leach
processing was suggested as being much more environmentally friendly and efficient in
recovering gold from the local ore. In 2002 there was one pilot vat leach system in the
district now there are 34. The deployment of this technology will almost certainly reduce
the current level of mercury impacts to the surrounding watershed.
Coal Seam Fire Suppression.
Indonesia's fire and haze problem is increasingly being ascribed to large-scale forest
conversion and land clearing activities making way for pulpwood, rubber and oil palm
plantations. Fire is the cheapest tool available to small holders and plantation owners to
reduce vegetation cover and prepare and fertilize extremely poor soils. Fires that escaped
from agricultural burns have ravaged East Kalimantan forests on the island of Borneo
during extreme drought periods in 1982-83, 1987, 1991, 1994 and 1997-98. Not only
were the economic losses and ecological damage from these surface fires enormous, they
ignited coal seams exposed at the ground surface along their outcrops.
Coal fires now threaten Indonesias shrinking ecological resources in Kutai National Park
and Sungai Wain Nature Reserve. Sungai Wain has one of the last areas of unburned
primary rainforest in the Balikpapan-Samarinda area with an extremely rich biodiversity.
Although fires in 1997/98 damaged nearly 50% of this Reserve and ignited 76 coal fires,
it remains the most valuable water catchment area in the region and it has been used as a
reintroduction site for the endangered orangutan and a study site for the endangered
Asian Sun Bear.
OSM provided Indonesia with the capability to take quick action on coal fires that
presented threats to public health and safety, infrastructure or the environment. Technical
assistance and training transferred skills in coal fire management through MEMRs
Training Agency to the regional offices; giving the regions the long-term capability to
manage coal fires. Funding was also included to extinguish 107 coal fires as
demonstrations to the Indonesian Government and training exercises. Successful
demonstrations obtained visible benefits for a large number of local interests and received
overwhelmingly favorable public response. This built the public and political support
needed to continue this work.

6 - 29

These successes encouraged MEMR to officially assume the responsibility for coal fire
management by Decree 1539/20/MPE/1999. The Ministry reallocated internal funds to
support portions of the immediate suppression projects and committed a portion of the
Coal Royalty Fund to provide long-term support for coal fire suppression activities. Coal
fires continue to present a serious risk to Indonesias ecosystems, population and forest
resources. The Ministry and local governments in East Kalimantan are still working on
the coal fire inventory. It presently contains 164 coal fires, but it is far from complete.
Unless these coal fires are managed or extinguished, they will add to the already
catastrophic cycle of anthropogenic forest fires that further reduce Indonesias forest
resources and endangered species while contributing unnecessarily to global carbon
Protecting Critical Resources - Building Linkages Between Forestry And Mining
There has recently been conflict between the two Ministries over mining in protection
forests. MEMR issued mining concessions to 152 companies to explore and exploit
minerals in areas that were later declared protection forests by the Ministry of Forestry
(MoF). The two Ministries were unable to resolve the issue so DPR is now involved.
The sentiment in the DPR seems to be to issue permits for exploitation to companies who
have discovered deposits thus honoring original commitments. OSM provided MoF
some basic mining information they could use in meetings with the DPR and MEMR.
Additional working papers were provided to MoF on the impacts of mining on
watersheds, water quality and quantity, the very values protection forests were set aside
to protect.
MoF and the Min. of Environment (MOE) have no in-house expertise on mining or
geology. This lack of expertise puts them at severe disadvantage when trying to make
any case against mining practices and MEMR. The strategy in developing linkages
between MEMR, MoF and MOE is to help the agencies develop more rational positions
in consultation with others and then better defend those positions when overlapping
interests collide. Petroleum
Indonesia is the second largest exporter of petroleum products east of the Persian Gulf,
with extensive production of gas and oil in upper Tertiary basin beds located primarily in

6 - 30

coastal and marine areas of Sumatra, East Kalimantan, the north coast of Java and the
southern coast of Papua. Major oil refineries are located in East Kalimantan, and produce
diesel oil, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil and gas oil (Burbridge, et al. 1988). There are LNG
plants in Aceh, East Kalimantan and Java. BP is currently constructing a new LNG plant
in Bintuni Bay, Papua.
Oil and gas exploration and development areas cover large tracts of land, primarily
consisting of coastal and marine habitat, but permanent facilities including pipelines and
refineries are relatively small. There is significant negative environmental impact
associated with oil and gas production. Construction work, discharge of refineries, oil
spills and leaks can change nearby habitat. Local fish stocks may decline as a result of
increased water temperatures from discharge of cooling water from processing plants
(MacKinnon. 1996: 584).
Large scale oil pollution is harmful to marine and coastal habitats as well as their
associated fauna. It leads to a dramatic increase in water temperature and decrease in
oxygen. Mangrove forest ecosystems are especially vulnerable. This was demonstrated
by the Showa Maru oil tanker accident in the Malacca Straights in 1975 (Soegiarto and
Polunin 1980; Baker 1982). Oil slicks at sea seriously affect marine animal life by
disrupting the food chain (phytoplankton and zooplankton) as well as directly poisoning
birds, fish and marine mammals.
Similar to large-scale, commercial mining, the environmental impact of gas and oil
production is regulated through the Ministry of Environments Environmental Impact
Management Agency (Bapedal), primarily through preparation and then monitoring of
Indonesias Environmental Impact Assessment process (AMDAL), and additional
regulations administered by the Ministry of Minerals and Energy. Land Conversion
Large-scale land conversion is for development of plantations (primarily oil palm and
timber) as well as for the countrys transmigration program. Forest conversion for
plantations is discussed in the previous section. Forest conversion for plantations is
regulated though a number of licensing requirements authorized by the Ministry of
Forestry. This includes the forest clearance license (IPK) and industrial timber plantation
license (HTI).

6 - 31

Indonesias transmigration program has moved more than 2.5 million people from
relatively densely populated areas in Java and Bali to relatively sparsely populated areas
in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. Transmigration camps are typically
cleared from forested area, and provide areas for homes as well as an average two
hectares agriculture land per family. There have been transmigration programs in
Indonesia since the early 1900s, peaking during the New Order regime of 1965 through
1998. Since 1999, there has been little expansion of transmigration activities.
Clearing for transmigration sites results in the loss of biodiversity and forest resources
when forest land is cleared for site establishment. Success of a transmigration site rests in
the care given to land clearing. Often, land clearing results in significant loss of top soil,
thus resulting in low agriculture productivity for transmigrant farmers. This often leads to
encroachment into nearby forest land, thus resulting in additional forest and biodiversity
loss (MacKinnon, 1996:392). Roads and Infrastructure
Transportation systems, roads and infrastructure are major type of development projects
with significant impact on biodiversity and forest conservation, especially where they
occur in rural and/or forested areas5. Environmental impacts of roads are rarely
considered during the planning process for public transportation in Indonesia. Instead,
road design and placement is based on opening access to new land for economic
development. Especially in forested or recently forested areas, routes for roads are often
aligned along former logging roads. When former forest concession and forestry
plantation roads are converted to public roads (lower cost to local government), most
primary environmental impacts have already taken place, so less priority is placed on
environmental review. While design and construction of new roads is regulated under
Indonesias environmental impact assessment system (AMDAL), the upgrading of roads
is not. Thus, many public roads passing through forest and upgraded from logging
concession roads, are basically unregulated in terms of environmental impact.
Without this stage of environmental review the significant secondary environmental
impacts of roads are not well documented. Data on secondary impacts of roads such as
encroachment, illegal logging, and forest fires are not commonly available for
transportation planning and therefore are not formally considered by planning authorities.
However, there is an awareness of these issues among regional planning officials.

This section draws on Huttche (1999).

6 - 32

Road planning and building takes place from the scale of trans-province highways to the
scale of local district or village roads. Many see roads as a key infrastructure element
that can stimulate or facilitate development by lowering transport costs and improving
market access. Local governments find transport projects an easy, visible symbol of
development and progress for citizens seeking results from their newly empowered local
Managing proper design and construction of roads and infrastructure can result in
increased opportunities for social and economic development, while mitigating harmful
environmental impacts including loss of biodiversity and forest resources. A key tool for
proper design is the spatial planning process. Spatial planning offers a key to balancing
economic growth with sustainable environmental management and can ensure a more
integrated approach towards sustainable development.
6.2.2 Regulatory Framework for Environmental Management
The main regulatory tool for managing environmental impact in Indonesia is an
environmental assessment process called the AMDAL. The AMDAL was legislated
initially through the Environmental Management Act of 1982 and Government
Regulation No. 29/1986 regarding Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The
Ministry of Mines and Energy enacted an updated regulation regarding prevention and
mitigation of environmental damage and pollution in 1995. The Environmental
Management Law was revised in 1997, and the AMDAL regulation was updated in 1999
(WB 2001: 72). Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
A comprehensive set of environmental laws, regulations, and decrees govern Indonesias
AMDAL process. The key element of AMDAL is an environmental impact assessment
that aims to identify and describe potential significant environmental impacts of a
planned activity or business prior to commencement of the activity or business. The
assessment measures impact, then recommends a menu of alternatives including a noaction option. Additionally, Environmental Management Plans (RKL) and Environmental
Monitoring Plans (RPL) describe abatement and mitigation measures as well as control
measures regarding the implementation of environmental management practices.

6 - 33

While Indonesias AMDAL process is consistent with international standards, its

implementation often limits its effectiveness in influencing project planning, design, and
implementation. Many AMDALs do not focus on relevant aspects of the affected
environment in sufficient detail. Second, key issues unique to each particular sector are
not adequately addressed. For example, there is rarely any attempt to reconcile potential
mining activities and potential future land use at the site. Third, AMDAL findings and
recommendations are often not necessarily taken into account in the decision to approve a
permit application or in the specifications for environment-related design or operating
requirements for the proposed project. Fourth, there is little follow-up on the
implementation of the environmental management and monitoring recommendations
submitted with the AMDAL. Finally, the AMDAL process is designed to address
project-level environmental impacts, and thus often misses landscape-level impacts such
as impacts related to the overall scale of development in a region and its rate of expansion
(World Bank 2001: 73). Spatial Planning Process6
Spatial use planning and management are regulated through Law 24 of 1992. This law
stipulates that spatial planning must be environmentally sound, and must strive to
overcome negative environmental impacts. Spatial use plans should specify patterns of
land, water, and air use, and other natural resources, in compliance with the laws
principles. The Spatial Planning Law (1992) also provides for incentive and disincentive
instruments, respecting the rights of citizens. Also, sustainable development should be
incorporated into the spatial use management plan. Key agencies involved in the planning
process include the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bappenas, and the Ministry of
Environment at the central level, and their regional counterparts the regional planning
(BAPPEDA) and environmental agencies (BAPEDALDA). The spatial use plan becomes
the basis for issuing location permits for proposed development projects.
As in other areas of Indonesian environmental management, the legal theory does not
always translate into practical reality. From a management perspective, the spatial
planning process could be improved by managing the process of planning, including
public participation and consultation at key points in the process, rather than focusing
only on specific technical inputs. All technical inputs could be provided in a more
coordinated and integrated manner. More effort is needed in using transparent, objective

This section draws upon Brown and Jarvie (1998).

6 - 34

criteria to evaluate alternatives and providing the results of these decisions to the affected
public. In this way, the spatial planning process could contribute to the process of
conflict prevention and provide avenues for resolution of differences during the planning
of a project, rather than after ground breaking.
From an environmental perspective, spatial planning and land use decisions are not
always well supported, environmental and social implications of alternatives are not fully
analyzed, and conservation and protection of natural areas are not emphasized. Focus
tends to be on economic development. Data are always an important gap in Indonesia.
Planners do not always understand the types of data and analyses they need, those that are
available, and how to access them to improve the basis and rationale for plans. This is
especially true for socioeconomic data and indicators that are difficult to map. Even if
better physical, spatial and biological data were available, values of environmental
resources and community resource use patterns are poorly understood, especially near
undeveloped (potential conservation) areas. Consequently, land use decisions specified
in plans are not always well supported and the environmental and social implications of
development decisions are not analyzed or documented.
In both regional spatial planning and environmental management, coordination is weak
among the various agencies that implement these processes, both at the national and the
local level. Sectoral agencies promoting projects can often dominate the process, which
should be managed by the planning and environmental agencies, which are sometimes
weaker in technical capacity or political influence. This can lead to gaps both in plans and
in implementation, where the advocating agency presses forward with insufficient review
from agencies that could build upon or mitigate the impacts of planned projects. After the
planning process, implementation is often inconsistent. Plans are not always enforced and
even good plans can be changed easily through political intervention. Monitoring and Enforcement for Environmental Management
Although some agencies have training and expertise in technical procedures and aspects
of environmental inspection, significant gaps remain in the inspection process, standards
used, and responses to violations. Gaps include the lack of performance-based standards
for assessing compliance, lack of monitoring, implementation or reclamation plans or
requirements, and lack of standardized and practical sanctions, tailored to the severity and
frequency of violations by firms or project proponents (World Bank 2001). Finally, in

6 - 35

most sectors and situations, especially in forestry and mining, the regulatory sanctions are
either too little to be meaningful or too large to be practical. For example, mine or mill
closure may be a legal sanction, but it is nearly never implemented due to administrative
complexity or political resistance. More regular monitoring and enforcement of
environmental management regulations is the key to ensuring that these legally-sound
laws and implementing regulations result in a policy that balances sustainable
development with adequate conservation of biodiversity and forest resources.

6.3. Ex-situ Conservation

Indonesia has a large number of zoos, rehabilitation centers, and botanical gardens.
Unfortunately, there are no GoI specific requirements or policies that regulate the overall
objectives and practices of these organizations, or set specific professional standards to
ensure that they adhere to modern practices, including animal husbandry, housing and
staff training. There is also a lack of GoI coordination or maintenance standards for seed
banks. Please see Appendix IX for a list of zoos, herbariums and botanical gardens
managed by GoI and their contact information.
The Indonesian National Museum and Herbarium play a key role in developing and
maintaining the national biodiversity databases, including, presumably, those involved in
all ex- situ conservation. However, there are no regulations to ensure that ex-situ
conservation organizations lodge a duplicate set of their biological data with either the
National Museum or Herbarium.
Ex-situ conservation of fauna within Indonesia is limited to several efforts by GoI that
are both poorly funded and largely uncoordinated. For example, the 12 Elephant
Conservation Centers in Sumatra, which house some 400 captive elephants removed from
the wild population to reduce human elephant conflicts, have been criticized, both for
being poorly run and providing inadequate veterinary care (www.elephantfamily.org).
Zoos (22 listed in http://sea.nus.ed.sg/). Those criticized included the 10 largest zoos, all
of which are members of the South East Asian Zoos Association,, none of which
currently has a real role in the conservation of Indonesian biodiversity (The World
Society for the Protection of Animals 2000 Report). The most successful past
conservation program by an Indonesian zoo was the development of techniques to breed
Komodo Dragons by the Gembira Loka Private Zoo. Other private zoos (Taman Safari
and Taman Burung) are attempting to breed birds of paradise and parrots.
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Wanariset Orangutan Center, East Kalimantan has 330 Orangutan in captivity. It focuses
on rehabilitation, re-introduction, policing, education and outreach. It has a very
professional staff that has done much to raise public awareness of the endangered status
of Orangutan and improve the husbandry of Orangutan in captivity. It currently has a
program of limited re-introduction of captive Orangutan into the wild in sites where
Orangutans were once common but are now absent. This reduces or eliminates the
possibility that released orangutans will transfer to native populations of Orangutan a
wide range of infections contracted from humans, including, hepatitis, tuberculosis and
Ex-situ conservation of flora within Indonesia is maintained by GoI and private
institutions through a series of botanical gardens and arboreta.
Arboreta. The key arboreta are Sibolangit, Medan; Haurbentes and Darmaga, Bogor; and
the Tahura public parks run by the Ministry of Forestry, which comprise Tahura Juanda;
Bandung; Tahura Hatta; Padang; and Tahura Bukit Suharto, East Kalimantan. These
Tahura parks serve mainly a recreational role. The latter was severely devastated by the
bushfires of the 1980s and 1990s. However, it serves as a valuable center from which to
monitor the cycle of recovery of vegetation after severe fires.
Germplasm. Collections and botanical gardens are managed by the Ministry of State for
Research and Technology (Kebun PUSPITEK, Serpong) and the Ministry of Agriculture
(Kebun Paseh, near Subang). The Ministry of Agriculture maintains a series of
germplasm gardens for coconuts, spices, mango, rubber and other crops. They also have a
series of cold storage facilities for medium-term germplasm storage of seeds, spores and
tissue culture. No institutions have facilities for long-term storage. Cendrawasih
University and the departments of agriculture and estate crops also maintain collections
of tubers, fruits and plants for plantations in West Papua.
Cultivars. Several species of global importance originated in Indonesia, including black
pepper, nutmeg, cloves, sugar cane, citrus fruits and many other tropical fruits. More than
6000 species of plants and animals are utilized on a daily basis by Indonesians, either
harvested from the wild or cultivated (Bappenas 1993). Numerous wild plants and
animals are harvested for domestic and or commercial consumption as food, handicrafts,
medicines, fuel and building materials.

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Botanical gardens are in Bogor (Kebun Raya) Cibodas, Purwodadi and Bali; they are
well managed by LIPI. These are the Indonesian centers for the conservation of plants,
but they are principally educational and recreational botanical gardens and enact little exsitu conservation; they lack determined conservation action plans. Other specialized
botanical gardens are the medicinal plant gardens of Tawangmangu, Central Java and
Lido, West Java, which are operated by the Minister of Health; and the Orchid Palace
Telanaipura, Jambi, operated by the Jambi Government.
Educational botanical gardens have been established by the Minister of Education and
Culture at the University of Gadjah Mada, Jogyakarta, and the University of Indonesia,
Depok. Large privately owned botanical gardens include Taman Bunga Keong Mas,
Taman Mini Indonesia; Wiladatika Flower Garden, Cibubur; and Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta.
Ex-situ conservation outside Indonesia. There have been several international breeding
programs for endangered Indonesian animals. Examples are Silvery Gibbons (Perth,
Western Australia, Howlett, UK and Santa Clarita, USA); Bali Mynah (Brookfield Zoo,
USA and Riverbanks Zoo, USA); Komodo Dragon (Smithsonian National Zoo, USA,
Memphis Zoo, USA and Parken Zoo, Sweden); and Sumatran Tiger (Minnesota Zoo,
USA). Most of these breeding programs have been very successful. For example, while
there are estimates of only 400-500 Sumatran Tigers in the wild (most in five National
Parks and two game reserves), there are now some 235 individuals in zoos elsewhere in
the World. The Indonesian Zoological Parks Association has played an important part in
the success of these programs. There are some 33 Silvery Gibbons held in zoos outside
Indonesia, some breeding successfully, while the wild population in Java dwindles to
about 2000 individuals (www.tiho-hannover.de/gibbons). The largest zoo colonies of
Orangutan is in Singapore, but large colonies are also found in America where 175
Orangutan are in captivity. These North American zoos participate in a breeding program
as part of the Orangutan Survival Plan (www. Brookfieldzoo.com) Estimates place the
population of wild Komodo Dragons at about 1000 individuals, but it is estimated that
World wide there are some 5000 individuals - with 95 bred successfully in eight North
American zoos. Although there may be as few as 60 Balinese Mynah birds in the wild,
some 750 individuals are held captive in zoos throughout the World, including 230 in
North America (www.brookfieldzoo.org). A consortium of North American zoos has also
developed a Bali Mynah species survival plan through which they intend to re-introduce
these birds to West Bali.

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Plant seed banks exist in a number of institutions in the Ministry of Forestry and several
universities, but lack of funds and coordination has hampered the maintenance of these
collections and resulted in a general decline in the value of these banks to conservation.
Information on these seed banks was sought from a number of senior staff at the National
Herbarium and Kebun Raya Botanical Garden (the Indonesian center for plant
conservation) without success. It may be concluded, then, that there is not an active
program to develop such seed banks for the propagation and conservation of endangered
plant species.

6.4 Conservation of Economically Important Species and Germplasm

Indonesia is the richest country in the world for native species that have become
cultivars. These include cultivars of the fruits: mango, durian, rambutan, salak, duku;
minor grain legumes or local vegetables, tomato, water spinach, chili peppers, ananas,
rice, Madurese Cattle, Garut Goat, Kedu Fowl and Alabio Ducks and Banteng Cattle. The
Bogor Agricultural Institute also has fish breeding and fish production programs that also
utilize Indonesian freshwater endemics (Bappenas 1993),
Initiatives to conserve economically important species and germplasm in Indonesia have
focused on plant breeding of rice, emphasizing seed banks, seed improvement and seed
breeding. Such efforts on economically important species such as oil palm, rubber and
cacao, are dominated by the private sector. Presently there is a move towards revitalizing
local varieties and to this end the national biology institute maintains a genebank.
Research and development centers for food and vegetables (Puslitbang Tanaman
Sayuran and Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan) maintain cultivars. However, while there
have been concentrated efforts to produce cultivars of rice, corn, soybean and peanuts,
little attention has been given to other plants cultivated by Indonesian farmers. In the past
50 years, no new cultivars of the fruits mango, durian, rambutan, salak, duku, or the
minor grains, legumes or vegetables have been released by government institutions. The
only recent production of crop cultivars are of rubber and sugar cane (Bappenas 1993).
The decline in genetic stocks is not well documented or monitored. As an example, of the
1,500 cultivars of wild Indonesian rice, only one cultivar has been propagated for the
whole of Indonesia. Importation of many fruits into the Indonesian markets is also
severely undercutting the development and retention of Indonesian cultivars (Ministry of
Environment 2003).
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7. Major Issues and Recommendations for

Biodiversity and Forest Conservation
This section outlines a number of major issues facing biodiversity and forest conservation
in Indonesia, both currently and in coming years. They are condensed from the body of
the report. Following each major issue is a set of recommendations to address the
aforementioned issues. We have divided the discussion of major issues and their
respective recommendations into two complementary sections: the first is a geographic
focus that provides an island-by-island synopsis, and the second is a cross-cutting
themes perspective that provides a synopsis of the major issues found across the
archipelago as they relate to biodiversity and forest conservation and management.

7.1 Major Issues and Recommendations According to Geographic Focus

7.1.1 Kalimantan
Among Indonesian islands, Kalimantan, the Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo, is
second only to Papua in terms of species richness for plants, mammals, birds and reptiles.
It also has high levels of endemism. Consequently, Kalimantan (and Borneo) is a priority
area for conservation in Indonesia. Species richness and diversity in Kalimantan are
richest in its lowland rainforests. The greatest threats to biodiversity are also in the
lowland rainforest, as well as freshwater systems, coastal communities and fringing reefs.
Important areas for conservation action in Kalimantan have not altered much since the
1993 Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia, although the extent of degradation to many
of these areas has changed dramatically. Momberg et al. (1998) have suggested some
additional areas for East Kalimantan, such as the complex forested area of Sebuku/
Sembakung and the various limestone forests on the Sangkulirang/ Mangkaliat Peninsula.
This report considers that the most important areas for conservation action in Kalimantan
are those with both the highest biodiversity and greatest threats. These are the three major
lowland/coastal National Parks (Gunung Palung, Tanjung Puting and Kutai). Further, the
most important ecological systems for such action are the major river systems, especially
their water catchments, lakes, swamps and deltas. These include the Mahakam, Kapuas
and Barito River systems.


Many other areas are important to the conservation of overall biodiversity in Kalimantan.
However, their biodiversity is less threatened than the above mentioned areas, either
because of their large size and location in mountainous terrain (e.g., BentuangKarimun,
Kayan Menterang and Bukit Baka Bukit Raya), or because they are on rugged limestone
terrain that is largely inaccessible for exploitation (and which mostly avoided large scale
burning by wild fires in the 1980s and 1990s). The river systems mentioned above are
selected as priority systems because their trajectory of flow largely defines the major
landscapes and determines in large part the ecological functions of these landscapes.
Consequently, management of the entire river system is fundamental to the health of all
biotic (and human) communities downstream.
The conservation foci and priorities in Kalimantan are:
1. The recovery of the three key lowland National Parks (Kutai, Gunung Palung and
Tanjung Puting), the mangrove and coastal communities of Sebuku and the Mahakam
River deltas. For the three National Parks, this would initially require development of
strategies to rehabilitate their degraded lands, consolidate existing boundaries, bolster
the capacity of their PA management, and provide alternative livelihoods for local
2. The protection of the upper catchments of the major river systems (at least the
Kapuas, Barito and Mahakam) and a conservation strategy for the multiple use and
sustainable management of natural resources in their water basins. This would require
in some case the identification of the catchment areas and associated water basins, the
strict enforcement of existing logging regulations on steep slope lands, possible
removal of shifting agriculture from these catchments and integrated and transparent
spatial planning with downstream stakeholders. A test case could be the Mahakam
River because it involves land management scenarios to be adopted along the length
of this river system by a number of districts and for coordination by the province.
There is already a clear indication of interest by the East Kalimantan provincial
government and at least four district governments in the management of the
Mahakam River system (Kitchener pers. comm.). This interest stems from the
economic cost to the constituencies of the various concerned governments arising
from the lack of an effective management plan for the Mahakam River. The


Mahakam system is an immensely important conservation target because its lake and
delta system support an important assemblage of water birds and waders, including
north Asian migrants, and constitute the last habitat of some remaining 50 Irrawaddy
Dolphins in Kalimantan. The lakes and river are also extremely important
commercially for the supply of freshwater fish in East Kalimantan and as dried fish
for Java. The delta also had the largest expanse of Nipa palm in Kalimantan -- one of
the largest in the world as well as a huge area of crucial mangrove habitat that needs
to be rehabilitated to protect the coastline and local fisheries.
3. The development of multiple-use spatial plans at provincial and district levels for the
entirety of Kalimantan that would serve to mainstream conservation requirements
into all development sectors. The matrix of habitats in which protected areas are
embedded is absolutely necessary to conserve the biodiversity of Kalimantan,
particularly for many of the endangered species, such as the orangutan. For this
reason, better natural resource management in land outside protected areas is
imperative to conserve many species that are currently endangered or vulnerable to
becoming endangered. A test case could be conducted in a district that has not been
extensively developed and has relatively fewer spatial planning conflicts, such as the
Berau district of East Kalimantan.
4. A review of the cutting strategy for forest concessions. Many logged concessions
retain impressive assemblages of plants and animals (a population of some 1000
orangutans was recently located in a logged over forest in the district of Berau. While
it may not be possible at this period in the development of Indonesia to prevent an
initial cull of timber in concessions deemed important as biodiversity centers,
governments may be convinced of the need to alter cutting schedules in the longer
term in important conservation areas. This would provide a greater amount of time
and greater opportunities for a more developed conservation culture to form in
Indonesia. In doing so, re-growth forest may incur dramatically altered cutting
schedules that would be more protective of their biodiversity.
5. Focused attention on the protection and conservation of the biodiversity in and around
fringing coral reefs and atolls, particularly in the Berau islands. These islands have a
unique role to play as rookeries for a number of endangered species of sea turtles, and
their reefs support a high diversity of fish and marine invertebrates.


6. Support for the addition of a protected area in the Sangkulirang Peninsula to conserve
the limestone plant and animal communities that are unique to Kalimantan and are
currently not represented in the existing Indonesian protected area system.
7. Support for conservation of the Kalimantan coastline through a program to
rehabilitate mangrove forests, once widely distributed around the island. This would
require a review of development policies regarding fish and shrimp ponds (tambak),
the presence of which is a major factor in the degradation of mangrove communities.
Rehabilitating mangrove forests would also require the regulation of cutting of
mangroves for firewood, construction purposes and making of charcoal.

7.1.2 Sumatra
Sumatra has a rich biodiversity similar to that of other Sunda Islands but slightly
impoverished for most groups when compared to Borneo. It has a number of unique and
endemic fauna not found elsewhere and retains a higher representation of the Asian
mainland fauna and flora than elsewhere in Indonesia. Most of the broad habitat types on
Sumatra and Borneo are fairly similar and most of the threats to their degradation are also
similar. Both islands had extensive lowland forests, which are the most biodiverse
habitats on both islands. However, the continued degradation of Sumatras lowland
rainforests and their associated faunas is advanced over that of Borneo/Kalimantan, such
that the World Bank predicts that almost all these forests on Sumatra will have a
significantly damaged vegetation canopy cover by 2005.
Support for activities to conserve the biodiversity of national parks in Sumatra that
contain lowland rainforest (Gunung Leuser, Siberut, Kerinci Seblat, Bukit Tigapuluh,
Berbak, and Bukit Barisan Selatan) is, as with those in Kalimantan, of the highest
priority. Indeed, it can be argued that because proportionately more of the Sumtran
lowland rainforests are degraded than is the case in Kalimantan, the Sumatran national
parks are of a higher priority than those in Kalimantan.
Of the six Sumatran national parks with lowland rainforest, those of a landscape scale
that also include mountain forests, particularly low montane rainforest (also inhabited by
many species from the lowland rainforest) should be singled out for urgent conservation
support. This is particularly true because with the degradation of the Sumatran lowland
forests, it is predicted that loggers will move to the peat swamp forests and to the hilly

and lower mountains to obtain timber. Thus, among the above group of six parks,
Gunung Leuser, Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan Selatan are of the highest priority.
However, Siberut National Park, because of its unique endemic animal assemblage,
should also be elevated to the highest priority for support.
Priority support is also required for the Tesso Nilo area, gazetted as a key protected area,
to conserve its landscape array of habitats and representative assemblage of plants and
animals. Most importantly, it will provide wildlife corridors to link other protected areas
in Sumatra and allow greater movement to larger mammals, such as elephants and tigers
and vagile birds. Urgent assistance is required because the area is threatened by illegal
logging, wildfires and extraction of non-timber forest products.
The largest and most important national parks in Sumatra, Leuser and Kerinci Seblat, are
trans-provincial parks. Their successful management necessitates the collaboration of a
number of informed governments at provincial and more local levels as well as civil
society. As a consequence, considerable support needs to be provided to inform all
stakeholders of the value to them of the ecosystem services provided by these parks.
The conservation foci and priorities in Sumatra are:
1. Recovery, especially of the lowland rainforest habitat in the following National Parks
(Leuser, Siberut, Kerinci Seblat, Bukit Duabelas, Bukit Tigapuluh, Bukit Barisan
Selatan, Way Kambas), and a refocus on protecting Berbak and Sembilang National
Parks, because their peat swamp forests and fresh water swamp forests, which will
likely become a target of illegal logging and encroachment after 2005.
2. Employment of different strategies for the implementation of conservation activities
in the largest National Parks, which have been the focus of previous initiatives.
Initially, this will require a review of the reasons for the lack of success of donor
support to achieve conservation success in, for example, Leuser and Kerinci Seblat
and for the failure of conservation groups to successfully defend Bukit Tiga Puluh
from encroachment and illegal logging. Among other aspects, this review should
explore the Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDPs) that were
successful in Indonesia or that could have been successful given different foci, e.g.,


longer time frames, different administrative structures and different funding channels
for project implementation.
3. Support for the gazettment of the Tesso Nilo forest, Riau Province, as a National Park
embedded in the Tesso Nilo Conservation Landscape. This landscape could include a
special conservation management area that integrates Tesso Nilo forests with those of
Kerumutan, Rimbang Baling and Bukit Bungkuk Wildlife Reserve and Bukit Tiga
Puluh National Park. In particular, it would be helpful to support the rehabilitation of
forests and the re-design of existing Acacia and oil palm plantations to allow for the
establishment of wildlife corridors, which would to allow elephants and other mobile
animals to move freely between forest patches.
4. Preparation of an island wide management plan for Siberut Island. This island is one
of the largest jewels in the Indonesian biodiversity crown. If the islands biological
diversity is to be conserved and the current exploitation of its fauna and flora is to
cease, a multi-use spatial plan developed with local communities in a collaborative
and transparent manner is required. This process would begin by a targeted outreach
program to educate villagers and decision-makers of the value of ecosystem services
to the islands communities.
5. Protection of the upper catchments of the major river systems and a conservation
strategy for the multiple use and sustainable management of natural resources in their
water basins. This would require in some cases the identification of the catchment
areas and associated water basins, the strict enforcement of existing logging
regulations on steep slope lands, possible removal of shifting agriculture from these
catchments and an integrated and transparent spatial planning with downstream
6. Development of multiple-use spatial plans at provincial and district levels for all of
Sumatra that would serve to mainstream conservation requirements into all
development sectors. This is required for the same reasons noted earlier for
7. A review of the future cutting strategy for forest concessions for the same reasons
noted earlier for Kalimantan.


8. Support for the conservation of the Sumatran coastline through a program to

rehabilitate mangrove forests, once widely distributed around the island. This would
require a review of development policies regarding fish and shrimp ponds (tambak),
the presence of which are a major factor in the destruction of mangrove communities
in Sumatra, as well as regulation of the cutting of mangroves for firewood,
construction purposes and making of charcoal.

7.1.3 Java
Radical land use patterns over the last 150 years have left only small, scattered remnants
of Javas natural ecosystems, especially in the lowlands. For this reason, the existing low
lying national parks in Java are essentially habitat islands embedded in an agricultural
landscape. This makes the national parks containing biologically rich lowland forests
(Ujung Kulon, Meru Betiri, Baluran and Alas Purwo) the top priority for conservation
efforts in Java. Additionally, Meru Betiri is perhaps the most important marine turtle
rookery in the entire Java and Nusa Tenggara region, which confirms further its position
as a high priority for conservation. All these low-lying parks are currently being
degraded by human activities, including the extraction of non-timber forest products and
limited trees for construction purposes. This damage is greatest in Baluran National Park,
which recently has been severely encroached. Moreover, hunting of its wildlife has
increased dramatically. Both Baluran and Alas Purwo National Parks represent the drier
lowlands. Both require support for the management of their biodiversity values.
However, of these two parks, Alas Purwo National Park has the more intact ecosystems
and Javas biodiversity would benefit more by focusing efforts to manage the threats to
Alas Purwo National Park, rather than Baluran National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park
retains an impressive assemblage of Javas lowland rainforest fauna, including the
flagship conservation species, the Javanese Rhinoceros.
Of the lowland national parks in Java, Ujung Kulon is considered the most important to
support to conserve its biodiversity, followed in order by Meru Betiri, Alas Purwo and
Sub-alpine and montane forests are significant for the conservation of biodiversity of
Java because they are among the most intact areas of forest remaining in Java. Further,
they contain a number of endemic species, and many lowland species are also able to live
in their lower montane zones. For this reason, Gunung Halimun, Gunung Gede-


Pangerango and Bromo Tengger Semeru National Parks are also of a high priority.
However, all these Parks receive considerable management support from GoI. Further,
Gunung Gede-Pangerango is particularly well staffed relative to other parks in Java.
While all the mountain parks are threatened by human activities, these threats are not as
severe as those experienced by the national parks in the lowland areas. Consequently, the
need for support to manage their biodiversity is less than is the case for the lowland
The marine national parks, Kepulauan Seribu and Karimunjawa, both suffer greatly from
over fishing and damage to their reefs, particularly from physical damage caused by
anchoring boats, pollution and general tourism. Of these two parks, Kepulauan Seribu
National Park is much more threatened and degraded because of its proximity to Jakarta.
It is in the direct path of huge off-shore water plumes that carry pollutants onto its reefs.
Karimunjawa is much more protected and retains a fairly intact assemblage of small reef
fishes. Karimunjawa is the priority choice for marine conservation effort in the waters
around Java.
All extensive remaining patches of natural vegetation on Java, even if secondary, are of
the highest conservation significance. Initiatives to conserve the remnant biodiversity of
Java require exploration of new approaches to management, particularly outside
protected areas. A wealth of biodiversity exists in village gardens, and their associated
fields, throughout Java. Strategies need to be explored to maintain and increase the
variety of plants and animals in village gardens and plantations and to educate villagers
of their vital role in conserving this important element of their biodiversity.
The conservation foci and priorities in Java are:
1. The conservation of more remnant lowland rainforests and mangroves in existing
protected areas. For example, Gunung Halimun has more lowland rainforests
surrounding it than it has inside its boundaries. And Nusa Kambangan, on the south
coast of central Java, urgently needs protection to prevent recent illegal logging
activities that threaten to degrade this relatively undisturbed relict of lowland forests.


2. Support for the implementation of initiatives in Java that strive to identify larger
landscape scale areas for conservation of biodiversity and management of these
landscapes, through better integration of the existing protected areas, and improved
spatial planning and conservation practice in land outside the existing protected areas.
3. Encouragement of the diversification of plants in village gardens and the conservation
of their associated wildlife. A wealth of biodiversity exists in village gardens and
associated fields throughout the island. Strategies need to be developed to maintain
and increase the variety of plants and animal in these gardens and to educate villagers
of their vital role in conserving this important element of biodiversity.

7.1.4 Sulawesi
Sulawesi is the most spectacular center of endemicity for plants and animals in Indonesia.
Its high, mountainous terrain has protected much of its fauna and flora, although almost
nothing remains of its lowland forests. It has the most extensive system of lakes in
Indonesia, as well as the largest forests on ultrabasic substrates in the world. It is one of
the foremost two or three places globally as a center for marine biodiversity. While
Sulawesi has extensive protected areas on paper, some additions are required, and
planning is needed to integrate these protected areas into a system that conserves
representative landscapes and their functions.
The terrestrial priority on Sulawesi should be to connect the existing protected areas with
protected forests (hutan lindung) to form a more integrated system of protected areas,
particularly to link protected areas in both the southern and southwestern arms of the
island to those in North Sulawesi through the hub protected area in Central Sulawesi -Lore Lindu National Park. Conservation of biological values in Lore Lindu National
Park, which is a landscape scale park, through community participation in the
management of the park is the top terrestrial priority. Other terrestrial protected areas in
Sulawesi are extremely important for conserving important plants and animals, but none
other is as geographically important or has the same variety of topography and diversity
of habitats. There is urgency in all of Sulawesis terrestrial protected areas to avert and
ameliorate threats to these parks caused by encroachment, hunting and illegal logging.
Lore Lindu National Park faces all these threats, and there is steady attrition of its
biological values and the value of its ecosystem services to the large community in the
city of Palu and its surrounds.

Conservation of the biota of Sangihe and Talaud islands is also a high priority. These
islands have a unique endemic community of animals and plants.
Support for the Bogani-Nani Wartabone National Park, North Sulawesi, to abate threats
to this center of biodiversity in this region is also of the highest priority.
Freshwater lakes have been severely degraded and their biota despoiled in Sulawesi. The
Malali lake system may be one of the few remaining Sulawesi freshwater systems that
can be conserved. There is a priority to survey this system and evaluate its biological
South Sulawesi is poorly served by protected areas, despite the fact that its biota is among
the most degraded and threatened in Sulawesi. An initial study to determine priorities for
biodiversity action in the Maros-Pangkajene area in South Sulawesi (Allard et al. 2000)
should be considered a priority as well.
Bunaken National Park and Taka Bonerate National Marine Park both are nationally and
globally important centers of marine diversity, which are heavily impacted by a range of
threats. They are top priority areas for conservation activities. Wakatobi is also an
immensely important center for marine biodiversity, but it is not as threatened, nor does it
require the intensive management needed in Bunaken and Taka Bonerate.
The conservation foci and priorities in Sulawesi are:
1. The continuation of efforts to conserve the habitats and biota of Lore Lindu National
Park, Central Sulawesi. This Park is the hub connecting the star-shaped peninsulas of
Sulawesi that form different biounits. Lore Lindu has a pivotal role in providing
connectivity between these various biounits of faunas and floras. It currently suffers
threats from encroachment, particularly in the northeastern part, but this can be
contained by conflict resolution and long-term engagement of local resident
communities surrounding the Park through collaborative management of the Park.
2. Support for decentralized conservation management of Bunaken National Park to
ensure institutional and financial sustainability of Bunaken Advisory Board and

7 - 10

Concerned Citizens Forum. A particular focus should be raised capacity in solid

waste management. This solid waste originates from Manado and the North Sulawesi
mainland, and its effective management can be part of a broader strategy linking
environmental management issues and development planning that demonstrates
ridges to reef management.
3. Establishment of a system of protected areas in the south peninsula biounit by
coalescing some of its existing 26 protected areas. A particular focus should be the
Maros karst country that was the subject of a planning assessment by Allard et al.
4. Support for the reclassification of Tangkoko Duasudara Nature Reserve to the status
of a National Park to complement the conservation values in Bogani Nani Wartabone
National Park.
5. Preparation of a protected area strategic plan for the Luwuk peninsula to assess
possibilities of coalescing some of the existing protected areas to form a system of
reserves that would represent and conserve landscapes and their functions in the
eastern part of the central biounit.
6. Preparation of an island wide management plan for Sangihe and Talaud Islands.
These islands have an interesting endemic community that warrants conservation
attention. It requires the development of a multi-use spatial plan in close collaboration
with local communities. This plan should include an integrated protected area system.
This process would begin by a targeted outreach program to educate villagers and
decision-makers of the value of ecosystem services to the islands communities.
7. Preparation of a management plan for the Malili lake system in the southeast biounit.
The entire system is connected by rivers and contains three large lakes (Matano,
Mahalona and Towuti) and two smaller lakes (Masapi and Wawantoa). The
preparation of a management plan would also enable a needed evaluation of the
predicted (Whitten et al. 2002) importance of this system as a repository of species
and would provide information about the origins of Sulawesi freshwater fauna.
8. Protection of the upper catchments of the major river systems and a conservation
strategy for the multiple use and sustainable management of natural resources in their

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water basins. This would require, in many cases, the identification of the catchment
areas and associated water basins, the strict enforcement of existing logging
regulations on steep slope lands and integrated and transparent spatial planning with
downstream stakeholders.
9. The development of multiple-use spatial plans at provincial and district levels for all
of Sulawesi that would serve to mainstream conservation requirements into all
development sectors. This is required for the same reasons given earlier for other
10. Development of the northern part of Sulawesi as an integrated eco-tourism zone with
World Heritage Site status. This would encourage sustainable, conservative,
integrated and holistic management of the region, which is now undergoing major
development activities.
11. Assistance in the management of Wakatobi and Taka Bonarate National Marine Parks
to prepare the scientific and social research and documentation needed to join with
Bunaken National Park as Indonesias Marine Cluster World Heritage Site in 2005-7.
12. The identification and management of key watersheds and coastal urban centers that
most significantly threaten coral areas, particularly those in marine parks. The ecoregional planning process to be carried out by the Nature Conservancy in 2004-2005
may assist with this selection.

7.1.5 Papua
Papua is perhaps the biologically richest and most diverse assemblage of ecosystems in
the Tropical Pacific region. It contains almost half Indonesias total biodiversity and has a
significant portion of the Worlds remaining tropical forests as well as some of the most
pristine coral reefs in the world. It has the largest area of mangroves of any Indonesian
island. Freshwater endemic species are found throughout Papua because almost all lakes
are unique ecosystem with endemic species. The Raja Ampat Islands, situated along the
northwest coast of Papua, is considered to be the single most biodiverse marine site in the
world at this time. Clearly because of its rich biodiversity, Papua is both an Indonesian
and world priority for conservation activities to conserve its biota.

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Unfortunately there is a profound absence of biological information about Papua.

Consequently, there is a priority need for an eco-regional planning process based on
available information, including that of Conservation International (1999), to identify the
major ecological systems requiring conservation actions -- both for protected area
planning but also to indicate priority areas for ground surveys.
High country habitats in many of the existing protected areas are considerably less
threatened by hunting, logging, and land conversion compared to the lowlands. For this
reason, priority activities to conserve biodiversity in these protected areas needs to be
focused on the coastal mangroves, and lowland forests and savanna.
The south coast of Papua, in Wasur National Park, is an important stop over place for
palaearctic migrant wader birds on their way to the northern coast of Australia. It has
been designated as a wetland of international importance. These resting areas for
migrants are of immense importance to the global survival of a number of migrant bird
species. There is a priority in establishing the importance of this part of the Papuan
coastline for migrant birds and to establish a management process to protect them from
hunters, and to conserve the habitats that they utilize.
The recently discovered biological importance of the Raja Ampat islands indicates that
this group of islands and their surrounding marine environments are of the highest
priority for support to conserve their biodiversity.
The conservation focus and priorities in Papua are:
1. Support for the management of lowland habitats (mangroves, lowland rainforest,
savanna, swamps) in all existing protected areas, but particularly in the Cyclops,
Lorentz and Wasur areas and on Biak Island. Emphasis is on the lowlands because in
many of the existing protected areas and elsewhere, the lowlands are considerably
more threatened by hunting, logging, and land conversion than are the highlands.
2. Conservation of the habitat of palaearctic migrant wader birds and the birds
themselves in the coastal part of Wasur National Park. There is a priority to identify
and conserve migrant bird sites and habitats along this part of the Papuan coastline.

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3. Conservation of the Raja Ampat Islands. This group of islands has one of the highest
diversities of corals in the world. Further, its terrestrial fauna is varied and interesting,
but little surveyed or studied. Conservation efforts should focus on the preparation of
a management plan in close collaboration with the islands inhabitants.
4. Support for a transparent, collaborative eco-regional planning process, particularly at
the provincial and district levels. This should begin as soon as possible without
necessarily waiting for more information on Papuas biological resources.
5. Support to produce background geophysical and biological information to
mainstream conservation of biodiversity into multi-use spatial plans. Information
required includes land use maps, vegetation maps, forest cover maps, water
catchment maps, erosion potential maps, endangered species action plans, and ecoregional conservation plans. Additionally, capacity -- both human and technical -needs to be dramatically increased in the spatial planning divisions of all levels of
government in Papua. This support is urgently required because of the need to plan
for the expected growth in economic development in Papua of 10% per annum
(Conservation International 2000).
6. Support is required for detailed organized collections and surveys to provide an
adequate baseline of information on which to develop the appropriate conservation
strategies for Papua. There is a need for a biological survey plan for Papua. This plan
should focus on specific groups and habitats to survey and should not be a
continuation of the somewhat random processes that have historically occurred in
Papua. Surveys should be designed to maximize the amount of ecological information
gained and to be less focused on taxonomic collecting. Freshwater lake systems
should be an initial focus.
7. Support to develop practices to manage or eradicate the many exotic species that have
recently entered Papuan ecosystems. These include the Macaque Monkey (Macaca
fascicularis), the fishes Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambica) and carp (Cyprinus
carpio), Mimosa (Mimosa pigra), and the toad (Bufo melanostictus).
8. Support for the writing and distribution of English and Indonesian versions of The
Ecology of Papua. This is the only missing volume in the Indonesia Ecology of
series, and will be an important contribution to better understanding the ecology of

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Indonesia in general and Papua more specifically. This is especially important given
the rich biodiversity of Papua.
9. Flexibility to respond to changes in conservation priorities as a consequence of new
information or changes in status of existing protected areas. For example, Lorentz
National Park is of enormous importance to biodiversity in Papua. Several mining
leases in that park have been requested and discussed for a number of years. The
possible granting of these leases is reason for great concern regarding the biota of the
park and would warrant priority attention.

7.1.6 Nusa Tenggara and Maluku

Despite the reduced species richness and number of endemic species, this region must not
be thought of simply as an area of transition between the Sahul and Sunda source areas to
the east and west, respectively. It is in fact a very complex mix of different island types
that have provided the substrate for some 10 clearly recognizable biounits. Indeed, the
oceanic nature of most of its islands has been responsible for the evolution of some
interesting species.
The region has a series of excellent national parks that represent the Flores, Sumba and
Seram biounits. However, Flores itself, with its fascinating rodent and bird assemblage, is
poorly represented, as is the Timor unit. Most of the seven Maluku biounits are also not
well represented by gazetted protected areas. The standout island requiring a better
protected area system is Halmahera Island.
In selecting priorities for conservation interventions in this region, consideration should
be given to support areas that are extremely important to represent the biota within each
of the biounits, giving extra weight to those areas that are most threatened and that
currently receive little donor support. Threats to current protected areas or proposed
protected areas are intense throughout the region. But perhaps threats to Manusela
National Park, in part because it is relatively inaccessible, are less than those on the
island of Halmahera, which is covered with forestry concessions. Further, it has been the
site of illegal logging, extraction of non-timber forest products and intense hunting. Much
of the area of Manggarai on the island of Flores is also severely degraded by illegal
logging, but the area focused on Gunung Ranaka and its associated high mountain ranges
are relatively protected by their rugged topography, although they also experience
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extensive illegal logging, hunting and removal of non-timber forest products. Sumba
Island has been seriously degraded by removal of sandalwood forests and their
replacement by alang alang grasslands. The national parks on Sumba represent the few
remaining refuges for the biota of this unique biounit. The ecology of the low lying
Tanimbar Islands are extremely threatened by the wholesale removal of their vegetation
cover by both legal and illegal logging, and also by intensive hunting. Destruction of this
vegetation cover is leading to extensive sediment run off onto the surrounding fringing
reefs, which is causing damage to corals and reef biota.
For the above reasons, the priority areas requiring support for the conservation of their
biodiversity in the region are, first, Halmahera, and then in order, Tanimbar islands,
Manupeu-Tanah Daru National Park and Laiwangi-Wanggameti National Park.
The conservation foci and priorities in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku are:
1. Support for the establishment of a gazetted protected area system for Halmahera, the
Tanimbar group of islands and for the montane forests of the Manggarai district of
2. Support is urgently required for the management of the biodiversity of the two
national parks on Sumba Island.

7.2 Cross-Cutting Themes and Recommendations

In this section, we discuss the major issues found across the archipelago that strongly
affect biodiversity and forest conservation and management. Following each major issue
is a set of recommendations.

7.2.1 Institutional Development, Governance and Decentralization

There is a need for stronger partnerships between central government and local
government agencies, as well as civil society organizations, to create effective
conservation programs. Additionally, it is important to continue the process of
empowering PA managers so that they are able to coordinate easily with local
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governments and communities. Most kinds of PAs and conservation efforts can only
succeed with local involvement, but management authority for many PAs remains at the
central GoI level. There is a need to design conservation strategies that provide for future
economic growth and improved welfare of local stakeholders at the provincial and district
Governmental institutions at all levels require budgetary support, public support, and
improved human resource capacity to protect natural systems adequately. Management
needs are greatest and capacity is most limited at the local level. Similarly, civil society
institutions need capacity and skills to engage as useful partners with government
agencies charged with conservation and environmental preservation.
Indonesias decentralization process also requires on-going institutional development
support. Competition among different levels of government in managing and allocating
forest resource utilization permits puts increased pressure on forest resources and the
biodiversity they contain. Institutional development support can help clarify roles and
responsibilities of different levels of government in more effectively managing forest
resources. Such support can include principles of good governance, on order to ensure
government constituents at the national and local level are adequately engaged in the
policy- and decision-making process.
One widely-recognized gap in the decentralization framework is the treatment of crossboundary issues and coordination issues. Nominally, provinces are responsible for issues
that affect more than one district. In practice, however, no institutions have been
established to take on or facilitate the coordination role among competing districts.
Further, the decentralization process has created animosities among the different levels of
government that impede wise and considered treatment of cross-boundary issues. This is
particularly detrimental for environmental systems, which usually do not conform to
human administrative boundaries. Clearly, forests, fish, rivers, ecosystems, coral reefs,
and populations of game exist across district boundaries and cannot be managed properly
and sustainably based solely on the district-level perspective. Similarly, any
environmental or public services that have the nature of public goods, such as water
supply, clean air, communication networks, will be undersupplied, if all management
decisions are taken at district level, rather than from the perspective of the overall welfare
of the entire society.

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Key issues of institutional development that contribute to effective biodiversity and forest
conservation are good governance and decentralization. These issues are discussed
extensively throughout this report. It is not in the scope of this report to focus specific
recommendations on governance and decentralization.
There is a need to continue to build the institutions and capacity for sound conservation
strategies and environmental protection, including:
Development of institutional capacity in provincial and district service offices dealing
with spatial planning that incorporates watershed, forest, and coastal zone
Development of institutional capacity in the systems and processes of law
enforcement local police, judges, and prosecutors to improve the understanding
and enforcement of laws regulating protected areas, natural resource use, and
environmental management.

7.2.2 Status and Management of Protected Areas

Management of PAs is in a poor state as a consequence of many factors. Encroachment
into PAs is rampant, both from commercial/industrial interests and from local
communities seeking livelihoods. Legal protection from such encroachment is lacking
because of the general disrepair of the legal system -- even where laws are strong,
enforcement is weak or non-existent. The situation is worsened by inadequate funds,
which are declining in real terms (both from GoI and donors), and a poor capacity for
management. These problems have been exacerbated by the decentralization of
government, which has confused roles and responsibilities over some aspects of PA
management and planning. Together, these factors mean that much of the PA system,
which is impressive on paper, has become merely an open access area, where ownership,
management, authority, responsibility, and enforcement are largely absent.
Despite this, progress is possible in PAs, especially where PAs or conservation activities
offer demonstrable benefits that can be shared among local stakeholder groups.
Examples include areas where nature-based tourism provides substantial earnings relative
to local potential (e.g., Komodo NP and Bunaken NP) or where environmental services
contribute substantially and visibly to the local economy, such as water supply in Java,

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Balikpapan, and other areas. Approaches that emphasize shared benefits, livelihood
improvements, and visible results to local communities and stakeholders are likely to
have greater positive impact than approaches that emphasize conservation for its own
sake or preservation without multiple-use options.
Overall, this report endorses approaches that expect communities to respond to economic
and prudence-based arguments for conservation by adopting wiser planning and
encouraging better practices for resource use. A complementary protectionist approach,
however, will also be needed to balance the risks for Indonesias mega-fauna and
localized mega-diverse habitats.
Although Indonesias PA system is large and complex, there are some remaining areas
and habitat types that are underrepresented. There remains the need for a comprehensive
review of the adequacy of the existing PAs to represent, and where possible duplicate,
important habitats, communities, ecosystems and landscapes. Further, there is a need to
consider the integration of the PAs with the surrounding habitat matrix to ensure that an
integrated system of conservation areas is achieved. In particular, wildlife and habitat
corridors that link biological communities in PAs are important for the preservation of
species and ecosystems. Identification of such linkage areas and their restoration through
appropriate agro- and forest management practices can contribute positively to the status
of PAs and individual species.
Expanding the area under protected status does not currently confer protection or
improved conservation in practice. The challenge is to ensure that the conservation
environment improves so that PAs are better protected in the future, along with the
habitat matrix in which they are embedded. Many of these issues are addressed in other
sections and particularly below in the sections on conservation management outside of
PAs, such as conservation of forest resources.
From a broader perspective, Indonesias protected areas program lacks an overall vision
and popular mandate. This is partly due to the history of development of the PA system,
the limited number of experts involved in the process, and the top down manner of GoI
decisions before 1998. To last through times of change and hardship, however, PAs need
the support of a strong popular will and mandate for their continued existence. Sellars
(1997) and Carruthers (1995) suggest that protected area policy works when conservation
values are imbedded in the values and beliefs that people associate with their national or

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regional identities. This indicates that utilitarian (use/benefit) arguments for protected
areas need to be balanced with and supplemented by moral-aesthetic-value arguments.
The interaction between nationalism, heritage, local pride and wise use together create
the social and economic benefits that have established national parks and protected areas
as key elements of the social infra-structure of developed nations.
There are opportunities to invest in the improvement of Indonesian protected area policy
in a manner that will support broader social and economic goals relating to
decentralization, democracy and good governance. These include:
Support for the conservation of entire landscapes, such as geographic gradients from
mountain tops to coastal areas. Priority should be given to freshwater systems, from
their upper catchments to the river mouth, which provide crucial ecosystem functions,
such as wildlife corridors and habitats for endemic, vagile or migratory species. Fresh
water systems that also provide important services, such as the Kapuas and Mahakam
River systems, should be given priority attention.
Support for recognition and conservation of important habitat types that are currently
not represented, or are poorly represented, in existing PAs. These would include, for
example, limestone/karst areas and some coastal/marine systems.

7.2.3 Ecosystems and Watersheds

Ecosystems and watersheds provide a useful and manageable scale for project
interventions with potential to improve conservation and environmental management. In
many cases, watersheds provide visible, locally-relevant areas where improved
management practices can give rise to tangible benefits in the mid term. These benefits
provide evidence and create incentives for continued investment and improvement.
Environmental services that produce clear economic benefits and win-win solutions
provide a natural entre for wider involvement of local governments and stakeholders.
Water supply is a good example. Where improved natural resource management produces
or simply assures access to improved water quality and quantity, local people and
institutions can see the benefits and approve of the governance decisions and
management practices that have been employed. Other areas where peoples livelihoods

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are clearly dependent on the quality of the environment include agroforestry practices,
coastal zone activities, and tourism activities, among others.
As noted earlier, the administrative boundaries of local governments are not designed to
address ecosystem level impacts and watershed management needs. These crossboundary issues have been exacerbated by the decentralization process, which has created
dozens of new local governments, but no new regional level institutions for
environmental management.
Upstream and downstream issues, needs, benefits, and losses can be quite different,
raising different concerns for stakeholder groups and creating different opportunities for
appropriate interventions. One area that combines opportunities in governance,
management, and communities, is the idea of compensation across boundaries for the
production of environmental services or the mitigation of environmental losses.
Although there have been some local experiments, the continuing power struggle over
authority and responsibility among levels of government has impeded the widespread
adoption of these kinds of approaches.
There is a long history of watershed management activities and a large literature on
which to draw in designing interventions in this area. The recommendations below are
informed by lessons learned derived from this literature and experience. In general, there
is a need to support activities that develop skills, models, and institutions for integrated
watershed management.

Strengthening networks of communities and stakeholders focused on broader

watershed management issues. In larger areas, one successful approach has been to
develop stakeholder networks in upper- and lower-watersheds separately, then bring
them together for wider level planning and implementation of activities.
Working with local governments to develop and test innovative financing
mechanisms that address the fact that often the natural resource management
practices employed by upland groups have a profound effect on the quality of life in
downstream communities. Some local governments in North Sulawesi and East Java
have already begun experimenting with green taxes and other compensation
mechanisms to reward those who augment environmental service delivery or to
compensate those who suffer from environmental degradation externalities.

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Exploring opportunities to combine watershed/habitat protection activities with

community development and livelihoods enhancement, especially in the areas of
agroforestry, community-based planning, water management, community-level forest
management activities. Activities in this area can usefully be combined with
initiatives to address tenure uncertainty, as discussed in the section on forest
resources, below.

7.2.4 Forest Resources

The rapid rate of forest degradation is a key issue for management outside of protected
areas, because it negatively affects both biodiversity and environmental services. There
are many proximate causes of deforestation, including industrial overcapacity, illegal
logging, seasonal drought and fires, uncontrolled licensing and land clearing practices,
and confusing or contradictory legal frameworks. However, the underlying causes are
governance issues, not technical concerns amenable to specific investments.
Land tenure is another key issue, also a governance issue at its core. The term tenure
encompasses the issues of access, security, control, rights and responsibilities to use and
manage forests specifically, but also land and natural resources more generally. Tenure
also touches on fundamental concerns about equity and justice, which complicate the
political and policy environment in which solution approaches can be developed and
implemented. Uncertainty of tenure creates economic incentives for short-term
management practices, rather than long-term investments. Increased certainty would
lengthen planning horizons and increase investment in the resource, (e.g., tree planting,
agroforestry, less destructive harvesting techniques). These kinds of investments can
improve environmental service delivery and may increase biodiversity, at least relative to
the current rapid rate of degradation (though perhaps not relative to the prior pristine
Forest conversion to agriculture or settlements is part of the issue of forest degradation,
but it has special features worth noting. With the rapid rate of forest loss in Indonesia,
more attention is needed on future scenarios where there will be much less forest area and
much more converted and degraded land. Policy decisions and precedents established in
the next few years will largely determine the status of this degraded land, the activities
allowed on it, and the people who have access to it.

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These large tracts of converted natural forest may become industrial monoculture
plantations accruing benefits to a few; agricultural systems of varying ownership patterns
and variable productivity; decentralized, small holder agroforestry systems; or some
combination of all these. With no management framework and continued conflict over
rights and responsibilities under decentralization, however, these converted areas could
also simply remain open access areas, lacking management and investment. Some
additional research may be needed, but it seems probable that biodiversity conservation
and environmental service delivery needs would be better met by mixed agroforestry
systems than strict monocultures, conventional agriculture, or open access areas (the
practical default option at present). Biodiversity and conservation benefits would be
higher if agroforestry systems were interspersed in networks of local and national
protected areas, riparian zones, and multiple use recreation areas that provide habitats and
corridors for wildlife. There are opportunities now to influence the policies that will
affect outcomes on these converted forest lands for many years to come.
Despite rapid rates of forest loss, there are many opportunities for investment in
Indonesias forest sector with the principal long-term aim of improving biodiversity
conservation outside the protected areas system. These opportunities are framed as
recommendations below.

Facilitation of forest management and policy dialogue that brings together knowledge
and expertise from government, universities and NGOs at the national to local level in
order to define a clear vision towards sustainable forest resource management.
Support for the creation more incentive-based approaches for managing forest lands,
both natural and degraded.

Facilitation of the development and adoption of local level forest management plans
and strategies that both involve stakeholders and improve governance. Focus should
be on protecting and improving management of remaining natural forests in some key
forest-rich districts.

7.2.5 Coastal and Marine Resources

Degradation of coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass beds from conversion,
destructive fishing practices, and commercialization are major issues in the coastal and
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marine sector. These concerns will be aggravated in coming years by rapid growth,
urbanization, and industrialization in the coastal zone, as well as intensification of fishing
effort based on strategic policies of the GoI. Livelihoods of Indonesias population, the
majority of whom live in the coastal zone, will be affected, positively or negatively, by
the policies and approaches adopted today. Already there are livelihood concerns in the
fishing sector where bigger boats and catches threaten both the marine resources and the
small fishers dependent on them.

Support for the promotion of sustainable fish management strategies in collaboration

with multinational donor projects and international environmental NGOs. A project
and literature review should be the basis of an identification of priority conservation
and management targets in coastal and marine sectors and approaches to abate
primary threats.
Support for a review of current fishing legislation and policy, including international
agreements, to evaluate the extent to which conservation and sustainable use of
Indonesian fisheries is protected by law and agreement. Identification of and
reporting on the fishing practices that are most inimical to conservation in this sector
is also needed.
Establishment of multi-stakeholder working groups at regional level such that these
groups have official input into GoI policy reform in the sector, thereby harmonizing
the needs of local stakeholders with national policy and achieving buy-in into
policy reform and implementation at all levels.

7.2.6 Conflict Management

Conflicts over natural resources are commonplace due to overexploitation of resources,
ambiguous transition to decentralization, poor relations between ethnic groups,
marginalization of rural communities and attendant resentment, and lack of law
enforcement and prosecution of illegal activities. Conflict stems from poor governance,
perceptions of historical injustice, inequitable and inconsistent law enforcement,
breakdown and shifting of prior power relationships, lack of broadly accepted multiple
land-use spatial plans to resolve resource use conflicts, as well as abuse of power.

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The International Crisis Group (2001) provides a useful summary of the difficult struggle
ahead to reduce the risk of conflict and the negative impacts of destructive extraction:
Indonesia needs to engineer a better balance between the claims of the state, private
corporations and ordinary citizens to natural wealth, while ensuring that extraction is
environmentally and socially more sustainable. This will take time and requires tradeoffs
between economic growth, environmental sustainability and the interests of different
stakeholders (ICG, 2001. p. 2). Again, the crux of the issue is governance and the need
for long-term approaches. One good sign is that there are a number of civil society
organizations engaged in providing training and capacity building in conflict resolution,
as well as a nascent legal framework for a national institutional approach, based on MPR
TAP IX/2001.
Thomson et al. (2003), note that conflict is more likely where government agencies are
involved, where capacity for oversight is low, where tenure is uncertain, and where the
legal system does not provide a path to just recourse. Since all of these conditions are
present in Indonesia, donors face a wide array of possibilities for interventions that could
help in addressing conflict over resources. However, Jarvie et al. (2003) note that there is
no single approach toward resolution, but rather case-by-case responses are needed. The
following recommendations, derived from the reports cited here, aim at fundamental
governance processes and institutional approaches, rather than conservation or forest
policy alone.
Support for forest management tenure mechanisms for individuals and community
groups that constructively engage all levels of government, thereby leading to an
acceptable and appropriate resolution of tenure ambiguities and conflicts. Support for
these mechanisms would also address the need to clarify the roles and responsibilities
of licensing and regulation between different levels of government.
Strengthening of equitable and consistent enforcement of laws and regulations
through support for existing judicial reforms and capacity building of the judiciary, as
well as through support of civil society initiatives that focus on legal literacy and
monitoring the court system. The successes in legal literacy generally and building
capacity of the local judiciary specifically in handling cases concerning illegal
wildlife trade, e.g., in southern Sumatra, may provide useful guidance.

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Support for reform of the budgeting process for security forces to increase
transparency, improve incentives for applying the rule of law, and reduce the need for

7.2.7 Education, Capacity Building and Training

To deal with the broader governance issues that lie behind the biodiversity and
conservation issues identified in this Report, the need for capacity strengthening for
government and civil society is nearly boundless. At the level of project interventions
and short-term training needs, a variety of courses and curricula have been developed and
delivered by a range of development actors. These have not always been wellcoordinated and targeted across regions, sectors, and development sponsors. Training
programs should recognize that every skill that needs to be developed in regional
governments also needs to be developed among civil society organizations, to provide
skilled partners and watch dogs in the process of governance. Some of the specific
training needs identified, based on the issues addressed in this Report, include: public
consultation, participatory planning, environmental policy, resource valuation,
environmental impact analysis, public service delivery, law enforcement, conflict
prevention, management, and resolution, outreach and communication, constituency
development, and planning and management capacity.
With respect to protected area management and biodiversity conservation needs, Sudibyo
(2003) notes that technical and institutional capacity among trained and capable
practitioners is one of the most urgent challenges. Generally, a lack of appropriate skills
and specialization are serious weaknesses in staff of national parks and conservation
centers. The World Parks Congress report (WPC 2003) recommended strengthening
institutional, societal, individual, and group capacities for PA management.
Improving governance and improving conservation awareness in Indonesia are both longterm change processes. Recognizing the long-term nature of these issues, the level of
need, and the depth and breadth of impact required, approaches and strategies that act
through the educational system should be considered. Decentralization has opened up
new opportunities in the formal education sector to incorporate tailored environmental
education into local curricula since local schools now have the authority to determine
20% of their curriculum. Also, as discussed above, resource and environmental issues
often provide a useful vehicle for discussing broader governance messages. Moreover,

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most schools are unprepared to take on this task due to the lack of qualified human
resources, so there should be a substantial demand for any curriculum services, technical
assistance, or capacity building that can be offered.
Adult education approaches that address both governance and conservation issues should
also be considered. Farmer field school models of training are extremely relevant and
effective in the context of decentralization. They have proved successful in Indonesia,
and tailoring this approach, for example, to an integrated watershed management
framework offers robust and productive opportunities.

Support to provinces and districts in the development of an environmental package to

be inserted into school curricula. Begin with pilot projects with local governments,
leading to a generic package that can be modified to the topical requirements of
individual regions.

7. 2.8 Status and Protection of Endangered Species

In the battle to save endangered species, the generalized threat of habitat loss is more
important than any specific threat, such as poaching or pollution. The habitats and
ecosystems that endangered species need to survive must be preserved both inside and
outside of protected areas. It is instructive to note that the ranges of some of Indonesias
key endangered megafauna the Javanese eagle and the Birds of Paradise (an entire
family) as well as other threatened but less well-known species, are not confined to
parks and protected areas.
Lack of knowledge continues to be a major issue in species conservation. We may not
know enough about an endangered species habitat needs, reproductive cycle, or current
threats to develop appropriate and practical conservation interventions. Consider also
that there are hundreds of species in Indonesia yet to be described, many of which may be
as threatened as the known species. In the past, much conservation investment was
focused at the level of science in the field. As Indonesias crises have grown, along with
the need for visible results, many organizations have refocused to the policy level or have
emphasized community involvement, to the extent that field-based science is now lacking
in many areas and organizations.

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Public attitudes environmental awareness and conservation consciousness are also

important in the quest to save endangered species and to manage protected areas
appropriately. Although awareness of environmental issues and conservation needs has
increased in recent years, there is still much room for improvement both in the
constituency for improved conservation and in the translation of awareness to action at a
meaningful scale. People recognize environmental problems, but there is little connection
to manageable actions that people can take to correct these problems. There is a common
perception that the government should handle these problems better, but there is little
connection between peoples needs and government decisions.

Support for activities that contribute to preservation, conservation awareness, and

decentralized resource management of endangered species habitats.
Support for the gathering of improved biological information on a priority group of
endangered species so as to better inform their management.
Support for the establishment of a multi-stakeholder group to organize conservation
efforts for a priority group of endangered species, develop conservation action plans
for these species preservation and implement and monitor the success of these plans.
This type of forum and conservation action plan currently exist only for the orangutan
and Javan eagle, and even in those cases implementation has not proceeded as
expected, thus there is a need to revisit and build upon these initiatives.
Initiatives to protect Indonesias critically endangered mega-fauna from poaching,
hunting and other forms of persecution. Combating wildlife crime is one of the best
performing sectors in Asian conservation with strong networks, a cadre of committed
and experience individuals and models that work with appropriate levels of funding.
It is an area of conservation with high public interest and brings many conservation
issues into sharp relief. Further more it brings profile and standing to the role of the
ranger and other field-based staff.

7.2.9 Inland Waters and Wetlands

Inland waters and wetlands are increasingly affected by flooding, sedimentation,
urbanization, industrialization, and accompanying pollution. More generalized
environmental degradation in forested uplands affects both water quality and water

7 - 28

quantity in more heavily populated downstream regions. Both agriculture runoff and
industrial discharges contribute to a worsening of water quality. Land conversion of
forests to agriculture or settlements and land filling for development projects and
settlements affect both watersheds and wetlands, with increasing evidence of imbalanced
hydrologic regimes seen in seasonal drought and flooding. Freshwater systems, both
natural and man-made, are important sources of fish protein for Indonesians and their
degradation will result in negative nutritional impacts.
On a larger, more visible scale, Indonesian development projects have created vast areas
of degradation in important wetlands and peat areas. Destructive logging and land
clearing practices have affected water regimes and moisture retention to the extent that
seasonal fires (caused by land clearing, etc.) have affected peat lands, with attendant
health impacts due to haze. The million hectare rice project has destabilized a vast area
of fragile swamp forest habitat in central Kalimantan, home to orangutans and other
endemic species.
Some opportunities in this area have already been addressed in the discussion of
ecosystem and watershed level approaches. The need for integrated planning and
governance systems is similar for river systems and for wetlands.

Support for collaboration and coordination among agencies involved in inland water
and watershed management to assess their environmental status, conservation needs,
and priorities.
Support for grounded studies that demonstrate the economic benefits of these
ecosystems as one means of informing local governments and communities of the
value to them of conserving these water bodies.

7.2.10 Impacts of Development

Development initiatives can either positively or negatively affect biodiversity and forest
conservation and management, depending on the type of development project and its
planning, implementation and monitoring. Indeed, a road project in a heavily forested
area that does not consider environmental impacts will more than likely negatively affect
the surrounding biodiversity and other natural resources and services. On the other hand,

7 - 29

many development projects such as solid waste management and sewage treatment, to
which only 1% of the Indonesian population has access, not only improve the health of
the human population, but also benefits biological resources and their habitats.
Generally, the impacts of development projects will be exacerbated or mitigated,
positively or negatively, by governance processes. Planning systems, environmental
impact assessments, and mitigation strategies are presently not well designed,
implemented, or monitored. While these processes are all nominally subject to regulation,
the rules are routinely ignored and the final plans are seldom enforced. This creates a
dynamic of unchecked development, exacerbated by the long-standing growth paradigm
that fueled Indonesias rapid growth in the past two decades. Additionally, there has been
a penchant to exploit development projects as rent seeking opportunities, often at the cost
of proper planning, implementation and monitoring.
Lack of planning and environmental management systems at the design stage has
influenced most kinds of infrastructure investment to date. To facilitate future growth,
Indonesia has estimated a need for US$ 78 billion in infrastructure needs in coming years
(CGI meeting, Dec. 2003). Based on the inadequacy of regulatory systems, it can be
expected that future roads, bridges, and power generation networks will continue to
contribute to environmental degradation. Aside from the direct impacts of infrastructure
development, there are also the secondary impacts associated with migration,
encroachment and land conversion that accompany transport networks, as well as
individual investment projects, such as factories or mines.
Mining has been much in the news of late with the controversy over mining in protection
forests. In fact, the immediate impacts of mine development are relatively small and
localized. The more serious impacts of mining involve the disposal of tailings and waste
products, as well as the secondary impacts, such as in-migration of job seekers with their
attendant need for facilities and services.

Building of capacity of stakeholders at the local and regional levels to design,

implement and monitor environmental impact assessments (AMDAL). This means
strengthening of planning and regulatory systems, decision-making processes and
participation of constituents.

7 - 30

Building of awareness among civil society of the positive and negative environmental
impacts of various development initiatives so that they can make informed decisions
about whether to support a particular development project.

7 - 31

7 - 32

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Biodiversity and Tropical Forest
Conservation, Protection and Management:
Assessment and Recommendations
Foreign Assistance Act Sections 118/119

February 20, 2004

Submitted to: USAID/Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5
Jakarta 10110

Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Conservation,

Protection and Management in Indonesia:
Assessment and Recommendations
Appendix I


Appendix II

Bio Data Sketch of Team Members

Appendix III

List of Persons Contacted

Appendix IV

Legislation Affecting Biodiversity and

Forest Conservation and Management

Appendix V

Indonesian NGOs Involved in Conserving

Biodiversity and Forests

Appendix VI

Donors Involved in Conserving Biodiversity

and Forests

Appendix VII

Protected Areas

Appendix VIII

Protected Species Including Endangered

Species and IUCN Red List

Appendix IX

Ex-Situ Conservation Efforts

Appendix X

Country Map of Protected Areas

Appendix XI

Country Map of Vegetation


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Bio Data Sketch of Team Members

Bio Data Sketch of Team Members

Tim Brown is an economist specializing in environmental and natural resource
management issues with over twenty years of experience in policy analysis, program
design and implementation, project management, and institutional development. As
current Chief of Party (COP)/Natural Resources Advisor for USAIDs NRM/EPIQ
program, Dr. Brown has demonstrated capability as the overall manager of the NRM
team, playing a key role in bridging between the project organization, USAID, and
Government of Indonesia sponsors. He coordinates, liaises, and works closely with other
NRM Program Partner Organizations. Dr. Brown also fills the role of Natural Resource
Economics Policy Advisor, overseeing a team of economists and analysts engaged in
economic analysis, forestry policy reform, and decentralized capacity strengthening
programs. Dr. Brown has 12 years of experience managing natural resources programs in
developing countries, including Indonesia, Mali, Zaire, and Nepal and for development
agencies, such as USAID and ADB. Dr. Brown has been conducting policy analysis at a
senior level for over 10 years, advising government department heads, ministerial
working groups, and donor forums. He has worked in Indonesia since 1996 with the
National Planning Commission, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, regional
government agencies, as well as the private sector. Dr. Brown holds a Ph.D. in
Agricultural and Resource Economics from University of California, Berkeley. Dr.
Brown speaks and reads Indonesian language at a level sufficient to maintain close
working relations with government counterparts and project.
Russ Dilts has more than 25 years of international experience in the areas of sustainable
agriculture/community IPM, non-formal education, program design, management and
evaluation, social science research, and participatory training. He has worked with
government agencies at all levels, national and international PVOs/NGOs, and a variety
of international development organizations on projects supported by USAID, NORAD,
AUSAID, The Netherlands, CIDA, The World Bank, IDRC, UN-FAO, and UNICEF in
countries across Asia. His work reflects a strong mix of managerial and leadership skills
(program design and management, staff development, organization and institution
building) and hard skills in participatory training, non-formal/community education,
organizing, evaluation, and social science research applied in settings ranging from
international conferences/workshops to village farmer field schools. Most recently he

led and managed UN-FAOs largest field training activity, a program that reached over 2
million rural farmers across 12 Asian countries. Dr. Dilts holds a Ph.D. in International
and Non-formal Education from the University of Massachusetts. He speaks and reads
Indonesian fluently.
Darrell Kitchener has extensive experience in project management in the areas related
to the environment, particularly the conservation of biological diversity and management
of natural resources. He has both extensive practical experience and has published
theoretical papers in the field of conservation preserve design. For the last five years he
has lived in Indonesia working in senior program management in two conservation
organizations, as Director of Conservation for The Nature Conservancy and as Director
of Western Indonesian programs for the WorldWide Fund for Nature. With WWF and
TNC Indonesia, he managed a total of seven large international programs involving
funding from six bilateral agencies. He has worked for most of the last 14 years in
Indonesia and has a good working knowledge of all major islands and numerous smaller
islands in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, including East Timor, but also has field
experience in Southwest China and the Philippines. Previously, he was for 28 years a
senior research biologist at the Western Australian Museum, and occasionally Acting
Head of the Division of Natural Sciences. During this period he published 130 scientific
papers in refereed journals, mostly as the senior author. This work was in fields as
diverse as nature preserve design, conservation management, rapid ecological appraisal,
biodiversity assessment, ecophysiology, island biogeography, mammalian reproduction,
lizard and bird ecology, and Systematics. Dr. Kitchener holds a Ph.D. in Zoology from
the University of Western Australia. He speaks and reads Indonesian language at a level
sufficient to maintain close working relations with government officials and others.
Reed Merrill has more than ten years professional experience in natural resources
management work, specializing in protected areas management, forest policy and
management and agricultural development primarily in Indonesia. As current Protected
Areas and Forest Management Advisor for USAID's NRM/EPIQ program, Mr. Merrill
has demonstrated capability in developing innovative approaches to decentralized
protected areas and forest management initiatives at the field level, applying lessons
learned from field initiatives to support national-level policy reform in support of
decentralized natural resources management, and replicating these initiatives in other
field sites. Mr. Merrill's long-term work with the Ministry of Forestry and Indonesia's
conservation community has led to important policy reform in support of decentralized

approaches to co-management of protected areas, particularly national parks. He holds a

Masters Degree in International Agricultural Development from the University of
California, Davis. He has been working in Indonesia since 1993 on protected areas
management, agricultural development and decentralized natural resources management
projects. He speaks and reads Indonesian fluently.
Steve Rhee is experienced in the institutional aspects of international conservation and
development. He is currently completing his Ph.D. at the Yale School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies, where he also received his Masters degree. He has worked as a
practitioner and analyst of the institutional aspects of conservation and development for
approximately 10 years, the majority of which has focused on Indonesia. Since 1999, he
has collaborated with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in
Indonesia on research initiatives related to governance, decentralization, stakeholder
relationships, and institutions/organizations involved in forestry issues from local to
global levels. Additionally he has work experience in Nepal, Thailand, Lao PDR,
Vietnam and Cambodia. He speaks and reads Indonesian fluently.
Stacey Tighe is has over twenty years of experience in policy and operational roles in
coastal resources management and marine sciences. She has a broad-based educational
background in earth sciences, marine biology (coral reef ecology) and marine policy,
with a PhD in geological oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. Currently
based in Indonesia as Senior Technical Advisor serving the final two years of the Coastal
Resources Management Project implemented by the University of Rhode Islands Coastal
Resources Center, Dr. Tighe provides a broad range of technical oversight and mentoring
of project staff and counterparts in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and regions on
monitoring, GIS and information management, marine conservation and strategic
planning for coastal management. Dr. Tighe has extensive field experience in marine
policy, marine survey operations and management and has participated in the design and
review of coastal resources management projects. She is an experienced trainer and
training manager and has provided editorial and management oversight for the
communications programs for two environmental projects. Dr. Tighe was technical
advisor and coordinator providing technical support for ICRI workshops for the
Philippines, Jamaica, and the Middle East, and served for almost two years as the Red
Sea Marine Park Advisor for USAID/EPIQ in Egypt. Dr. Tighe is an experienced public
speaker with extensive international experience, including considerable field experience
in the Middle East and tropical ecosystems.

Paul Jepson is a conservationist with 19 years experience in the UK and Asia. He is a
specialist in conservation policy, strategy and planning, particularly in protected area
design and management. Other areas of expertise include: organizational management
& change, nature-based recreation, bioregional management, social marketing &
perceptions of nature, biodiversity assessment & monitoring, wildlife trade, and threatened
species conservation. He pursued a career in urban conservation in the UK before moving
into international conservation in 1991. He obtained his Ph.D. in biodiversity and
protected area policy at the University of Oxford in September 2001 and is now
Programme Leader of the Conservation Practice Programme at the Environmental
Change Institute in Oxford. He is known for his ability to initiate and manage
conservation programmes and projects. For six years (1991-1997) he was head of the
BirdLife Indonesia Programme and prior to that conceived and established the
Shrewsbury Countryside Unit and Strategy. Subsequently he helped develop new
reserves and conservation projects in Indonesia and Vietnam and led a restructuring of
the Fauna & Flora InternationalAsia Pacific programme. In 2002 he formed a small
policy think-tank Conservation Direct which has recently completed a major
independent conservation audit of Asian elephant conservation including developing
and testing a new method for performance evaluation in the NGO sector. Dr. Jepson is an
experienced ornithologist. He is a founder and former Chairman of the Oriental Bird
Club, an experienced wildlife tour leader, author of numerous scientific and popular
articles, and of a popular travel guide, Birding Indonesia.
Kuswata Kartawinata is an expert in tropical botany and ecology, with nearly 50 years
of experience in those fields. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Ecology from the University
of Hawaii in 1971 and has produced over 130, primarily peer-reviewed, publications
during his career. He has held senior positions ant the National Institute of Biology of the
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, the Regional Center for Tropical Biology for Southeast
Asia, and the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Southeast Asia.
Further, he has held other esteemed positions such as Director of the Bogor Herbarium,
Senior Program Officer at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and
Director of the Bulungan Research Forest for CIFOR. Indeed, in 1991 he received a
Distinguished Service Medal from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. He has sat

on the editorial board of seven journals and is an affiliate faculty member at 11

universities in Indonesia, the United States and the UK.
Kathy MacKinnon has been associated with conservation projects in Indonesia since
1971. In 1994, she became senior biodiversity specialist in the Environment Department
of the World Bank.

List of Persons Contacted

List of Persons Contacted



Ir. Ibnu Maryanto,

Dr Siti Nuramaliati Prijono,

Dr Irawati,


Dr Dedy Daernadi,
Dr Harry Wiriadinata,

Ir Sunarto,

Drs. Antong Hartadi,

Ka. Sie Pemulihan Populasi

Ir. Nazar Foed,


Tim Jessup,
Team Leader
Dr. Rob Lee,
Agung Prasetyo,


Agus Purnomo,
former CEO of WWF Indonesia
Dr. Chip Fay,


Maurice Knight,
Chief of Party
Faridah Zaituni,


Dr. Chris Bennett,


Dr. David Brown,

Senior Economist for the Multistakeholder
Forestry Program
Tim Nolan,
Azis Khan,
Forest Economics Specialist
Sulaiman Sembiring,


Balitbang Zoologi, LIPI, Cibinong.
Ph: 0251-8765056
Balitbang Zoologi, LIPI, Cibinong.
Ph: 0251-8765056
National Herbarium, Bogor.
Ph: 0251-322035
National Herbarium, Bogor.
Ph: 0251-322035
National Herbarium, Bogor.
Ph: 0251-322035
Conservation International, Jakarta.
Ph: 021-78832564.
Ditjen PHKA, Biodiversity Directorate,
Ministry of Forestry, Jakarta.
Ph: 021-5720227.
World Wide Fund for Nature, Jakarta.
Ph: 021-5761070.
Ph: 021-7209596
Ph: 0251-321527
CIFOR, Bogor
Ph: 0251- 622622
WWF Indonesia, Jakarta
Ph: 021-5761070
Ph: 0251-625415
Ph: 021-7209596
Environment Desk, World Bank Indonesia, Jakarta
Ph. 021-52993000
Consultant DfID/World Bank Indonesia
Ph. 021-52993000
Ph: 021-5704401
European Union Forest Liaison Bureau, Jakarta
Ph: 021-5720219
Ph: 021-7209596
Institut Hukum Sumberdaya Alam (IHSA), Jakarta
Ph: 021-75903617 /18

Legislation Affecting Biodiversity and Forest Conservation and

APPENDIX IV: Indicative Laws and Regulations Affecting Biodiversity and Forest Conservation and Management1


UUD 1945

Constitution of 1945
GBHN2 1998-2003


Discusses natural resources in terms of social welfare rather than in terms of protection and conservation.
Promotes environmentally sustainable development, discusses community involvement, and the fair
allocation of land, water and marine resources.
Agrarian Renewal and
Provides a potentially legal opening for indigenous people, peasant farmers and the poor to claim land
Natural Resources
and resources, while also carrying the potential to replace exploitative polices and practices of the past
(Colchester et al. 2003).
UU 41/2000
Basic Forestry Law
Replaces UU No. 5/1967. Key difference between this Law and UU No. 5/1967 is that it attends to
participatory forestry planning, people's economic empowerment, transfer of partial authority to
regional governments, and community-based forest monitoring.
Article 4 and Article 5 assert the power of the "state" to regulate and manage forest use; however, the
"state" is not defined specifically as either the central or regional government.
Article 10 asserts that the objective of forest management is to obtain maximum, versatile, and
sustainable benefits in the interest of the people.
Article 6 states that the functions of a forest consist of conservation, protection, and production, and
that forestry planning is necessary to maintain these functions. Article 11 states that forestry planning
should be transparent, participatory, inclusive, and accountable, with particular sensitivity give to local
and provincial desires.
Article 30 calls for community-based cooperatives to participate in forest management and Article 34
specifically states that customary/traditional communities should participate. However, Article 4 (subarticle 3) states that the rights of customary/traditional communities do not take precedence over
national interests.
Article 48 defines forest area delimitation and protection as the responsibility of the central
government. This Law does not explicitly deal with the transfer of authority from the central to regional
Article 68, Article 69 and Article 70 promote community participation to a greater degree than UU No.
5/1967. These Articles recognize that community participation is not just for political expediency, but
actually enhances forest management. Article 68 states that the community has a specific supervisory
responsibility for forest management.
Establishes a category of customary forest (hutan adat), it defines it as state forest that happens to lie
within the territory of a customary law community, whose definition the government notes it will
elaborate in future regulationsIn short, the government unilaterally determines which communities
qualify as customary and then unilaterally decides which community rights to respect (FWI 2002:

Adapted from Sembiring et al. (1999) except where noted.

Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN) is the broad State Policy Guidelines made by the MPR (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) or Peoples Consultative Assembly.

PP 34/2003

Implementation of Basic
Forestry Law

UU 5/1967

Basic Forestry Law3

PP 6/1999

Forest Utilization and

Forest Products
Harvesting in Production
Forest Protection

PP 28/1985

SK 969-429/1989

Joint Regulation between


Makes explicit centralized authority and regulatory power in forest use and management. This
regulation removes all the powers of Governors and Rural District Chief Executives to issue Timber
Exploitation Concessions, whether for natural forests or plantation forest, and stresses that the power
to manage and administer timber production and exploitation is vested in the MoF. Moreover, it is
considered to be contradictory to the Ministers stated goal of conservation and reforestation and is
very much oriented towards the licensing of forest exploitation (Effendi 2003).
MoFEC determines national forests as protected forests based on function, characteristic, or
Forest management is indicated by achieving the greatest benefit and by protection through
intervention, research, extension, and education regarding forestry.
Regulates forest protection, capacity, organization, development, and enterprises, as well as
replanting, while also regulating Nature Reserve Forests and Tourism Forests and developing Wildlife
and Hunting reserves.
Replaces PP No. 21/1970 and PP No. 7/1990.
Defines who can harvest timber from natural forests, viz., cooperatives and state and private
Regulates areas of forest protection, Forest Reserves (Hutan Cadangan) and other protected forests.
The objective of forest protection is to protect against or limit destruction.
In reality, the Law does NOT include arrangements for the protection of Protected Forests or the
protection of Nature Wildlife Reserves (Suaka Alam) that consist of Nature Reserves (Cagar Alam),
Wildlife Reserves (Suaka Margasatwa) and/or Tourism Forests [Tourism Parks (Taman Wisata) and
Hunting Reserves (Taman Buru)].
RE: Manual for the Implementing Regulation of Mining and Energy Initiatives in forest areas.
States that in a National Park, Tourism Park, and forest with special functions, mining activities cannot
be conducted unless activities have a non-commercial characteristic, e.g., geological mapping and
general mining investigations; geological investigations connected to the possibility natural disasters;
and research of the potential of excavated materials such as mineral resource inventories using
certain exploration methods.
However, this SK permits the implementation of mineral mining activities in National Parks, Tourist
Parks, Forests with special functions, and other regions such as Nature Reserves, Wildlife Reserves,
Hunting Reserves, limited Production Forests, and Production Forests utilized as forest areas by

Now replaced by the UU No. 41/1999 Basic Forestry Law

The Ministry of Forestry (MoF) was previously known as the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops (MoFEC).
Ministry of Mining and Energy
See Sembiring et al. (p. 22) for chart of activities.

KepPres 32/1990

Management of Protected

UU 1/1973

Indonesian Continental

UU 5/1983

Indonesias Exclusive
Economic Zone

UU 23/1997

Management of the


See Sembiring et al. (p. 24) for list.

Pasal is translated as Article

First regulation to provide a detailed interpretation regarding various protected regions, in total 15.
Objectives of managing protected areas are to improve the protection functions of the land, water,
climate, vegetation and animals with national cultural value and to maintain the biodiversity of
vegetation, animals, ecosystem types, and the uniqueness of nature.
Makes serious effort to create environmental protection of Indonesias Continental Shelf.
According to Article 88, anyone undertaking activities whether exploration, exploitation or scientific
investigation should prevent pollution of the seas and air in and around the Shelf and prevent the
spread of pollution.
According to Article 10, Clause 1, exploration and exploitation must protect certain important factors,
viz., national safety and defense, communications, transmission of electricity and telecommunications,
fisheries, oceanic and other scientific investigations, and Nature Reserves. According to Article 2,
conflicts of interest regarding the use of the natural richness of Indonesias Continental Shelf will be
resolved based on existing laws and policies. The Government reserves the right to halt enterprises
or withdraw business permits if they contradict the aforementioned stipulations in Article 1.
The oceanic area of Indonesia delimits the Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE). This is determined
based on the existing Act regarding Indonesian Waterways, which includes the ocean floor, the land
beneath it and the water above it, bounded as far out as 200 miles, measured from the starting point of
Indonesias marine area.
According to this Act, Indonesia possesses the sovereign right not only explore, use and manage, but
also to conserve biological and non-biological natural resources from the ocean floor and the land
underneath it. Thus, exploration and exploitation activities of biological natural resources must adhere
to stipulations regarding management and conservation determined by the government.
In substance and scope UU No. 23/1997 is considered more progressive than UU No. 4/1982, the
predecessor to UU No. 23/1997. Key changes are as follows: beyond maintaining various principles
that have existed (the right to participate and the right to a healthy and good environment), it also adds
a number of other principles, such as the right to information, the right to inform/report, the right to file
a class action suit, the right of NGOs to file suits, and strict liability.
States that natural resources are controlled by the State to maximize the prosperity of the community
and that the government determines this regulation. To implement this, the government will do the
following: (1) regulate and develop policy regarding the framework of environmental management; (2)
regulate the availability, allocation, use, management, and returns (pemanfaatan kembali) of natural
resources, including genetic ones; (3) regulate the creation of law and the relationship between people
and the content of the law, as well as the creation of law regarding natural resources and produced
resources, including genetic ones; (4) mitigate activities that have social impacts; and (5) develop
funds for initiatives to conserve the function of the environment according to existing laws and

UU 5/1990

Conservation of
Biodiversity and

PP 7/1999

Conservation of Plant and

Animal Species

PP 62/1998

Partial Transference of
Governance Affairs
regarding Forestry to
Regional Governments

PP 68/1998

Nature Reserves and

Nature Conservation

PP 18/1995

Tourism Businesses in
Use Zones of National
Parks, Botanical Gardens,
and Tourism Parks

Derived from UU No. 4/1982 and is known as KSDH ; it is based on the conservation of the potential
of and use of biodiversity and ecosystems in a balanced and compatible manner to support community
prosperity and quality of life.
Consists of 14 Chapters that regulate understanding of the following: the protection of life support
systems, the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of biological resources and ecosystems,
nature conservation areas, the use vegetation and wildlife, the role of the community, the transfer of
affairs and tasks of assistance, investigations, criminal stipulations, transference stipulations and
closing stipulations.
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems is considered the responsibility of the Government and
community through the following three activities: (1) protection of life support systems, (2)
conservation of the diversity of vegetation and wildlife found in ecosystems, and (3) sustainable use of
biodiversity and ecosystems.
According to this PP, the objective of conserving plant and animal species is (1) to prevent the
extinction of these species, (2) to maintain the genetic purity and biodiversity of these species, and (3)
protect the balance and stability of the ecosystem so that it can benefit human prosperity sustainably.
Provides a List of Plant and Animal Species that are Legally Protected
This PP is considered to be an implementing regulation for Article 38, UU No. 5/1990. In examining
the PP, it is clear that partial transference of affairs that is intended here is in the implementation
framework of the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, and does not include forest
concessions. This PP regulates the partial transference of governance affairs to Head of Province,
including the management of botanical resources and arranging forest boundaries. Also, certain affairs
are transferred to the Head of the Regency .
Regulates the decree of areas as and management of KSA and KPA . Management entails
management planning, conservation and use. Consisting of Nature Reserves (Cagar Alam) and
Wildlife Reserves (Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa), KSA are determined after passing through several
stages. Also, an area is designated as a Nature Reserve Area (Kawasan Cagar Alam) or Wildlife
Reserve upon meeting certain criteria13.
The objective of this PP is to improve the use of the natural beauty and uniqueness found in the use
zones of National Parks, Botanical Gardens and Tourism Parks, based on the conservation of natural
resources and ecosystems.
Tourism enterprises can be carried out by cooperatives, state owned enterprises, private companies
and individuals. After receiving judgment from the local Governor and the Ministry responsible for
tourism, MoFEC provides permits, the longest of which is 30 years, according to the type of enterprise.

KSDH is an acronym for Konservasi Sumber Daya Hayati and is translated as Conservation of Biodiversity
See Sembiring et al. (p. 32) for details.
KSA is an acronym for Kawasan Suaka Alam or Nature Wildlife Reserve Area.
KPA is an acronym for Kawasan Pelestarian Alam or Nature Preservation Area
Ibid p. 33

UU 24/1992

Spatial Use Management


Hierarchy of Legislation in

UU 22/1999

Regional Governance

The objective of this Act is to assure the proper the use of space, while safeguarding the nation's
territory and national defense. Other objectives include the implementation of the arrangement of
protected areas and cultivation areas and achieving spatial organization with a certain quality.
This Act regulates the rights and responsibilities, planning, use and restraints of spatial planning,
including authority and development. Spatial planning, whether at the national level, provincial level,
or regency level, is carried out in an integrated fashion.
According to this Law every person has the right to the following: (1) to enjoy the use of space,
including the increased value of space as a consequence of spatial organization, (2) to be aware of
the spatial planning, (3) to have a role in the arrangement of the spatial planning, the use of the spatial
organizing, and the control of the use of space, and (4) to obtain proper compensation as a
consequence of the implementation of development activities that accord with spatial planning.
UU 5/1994
Ratification of the UN
The objective of this law is to conserve biodiversity, use resources sustainably, and share the profits
Convention on
that result from the efficient use of genetic resources in a fair manner, including by means of access
Biodiversity Conservation
that equals natural resources, with the transfer of technology that is used and with attention to all
rights to resources and funding that is sufficient.

Sets out the hierarchy of legislation in Indonesia. Ministerial Decrees (KepMen) are conspicuously
missing from the list of legislation, which makes its status and authority unclear. its exclusion creates
many problems in the context of regional autonomy that TAP MPR No. III/2000 leaves unresolved with
respect to the regulatory authority of Ministerial Decrees. One fundamental principle of the legislative
hierarchy is that a lower legal regulation may not conflict with a higher one. In this case, since TAP
MPR No. III/2000 does not mention Ministerial Decrees it is assumed that they are no longer
considered products of legislation and hence have not legal authority (Effendi 2003).
Acknowledges regional autonomy over all administrative and operational processes of governance
with the exception of defense and security, foreign policy, monetary and fiscal policy, judiciary and
religious affairs. These will be retained by the central government.
Eliminates the hierarchical relationships between the various levels of government and places them in
parallel status.
The responsibility for managing natural resources and the environment (Article 7 through 11 in
Chapter 4) is distributed across three levels of government: central, provincial and local (kabupaten
and kotamadya).
Outlines a system of shared responsibility between the three levels of government with regard to NRM
and conservation. The central government retains the planning and policy authority that pertain to
national economic development, natural resource use, conservation, implementation of international
conventions, and environmental management issues related to trans-national and trans-provincial
boundaries. The provincial and local governments are both responsible for implementing these
national level policies at the local level. Article 10 outlines other significant responsibilities for
provincial governments over natural resource management issues related to trans-district boundaries
and conservation of coastal zones (12 nautical miles from shore).

PP 25/2000

Governmental Authority
and Authority of a
Province as an
Autonomous Region

UU 25/1999

Fiscal Balance between

Central and Regional

Article 11 outlines the eleven governance sectors that will fall under the domain of local government:
public works, health, education and culture, agriculture, communications, industry and trade, direct
investment, environmental management, land use, cooperatives, and labor.
Article 7 states that forest conservation policy is the authority of the central government, but it does not
provide for any central or regional mechanism to prevent overexploitation or conversion of protected
areas. (from Task force report)
Delineates the authority of the central and provincial governments, but does not explicitly articulate the
authority of the regencies/municipalities. UU No. 22/1999 is assumed as sufficiently detailing the
authority of the local (regency/municipality) governments.
Authority is provided to a Provincial Government vis--vis a local government (regency/municipality)
when the issue or sector crosses district boundaries within the said province. Moreover, when the
issue or sector crosses provincial boundaries, the central government will maintain the authority over
said issue or sector.
With respect to natural resource management, the PP stipulates that the central government maintains
the authority to determine forest areas and changes in their use and function.
Articulates the revenue sharing mechanisms that define how natural resource revenues will be
allocated and which levels of government will manage them.
Under the natural resource allocation system stipulated in the law (Chapter 3, Article 6), provincial
governments receive 80% of the tax revenues from fisheries, forestry, and mining, 15% of the oil
revenue, and 30% of the gas revenue.
Because this law bases revenue allocations on natural resources, which are unevenly distributed
throughout the country, a General Allocation Fund (Chapter 3, Article 7) will include 25% of national
domestic (own source) revenues to be allocated 10% to the provincial level and 90% to the
district/municipality (kabupaten/kotamadya) level. This general fund will be allocated among the
regions according to the principles developed in the House of Representatives Decree XV of 1998,
that is, according to the needs and development potential of the region.
A Special Allocation Fund (Chapter 3, Article 8) will address special development needs, including
unpredicted needs, committed needs or national priority needs, at the regional level.
According to an analysis carried out jointly by BAPPENAS and NRM, the central government will still
retain a major share of natural resource earnings primarily because it still retains a large share of the
largest tax revenue source, i.e., oil. Also, because of the unequal distribution of natural resources in
Indonesia, the result of this natural resource-based revenue allocation will be variable across the
Does not make provisions for the regional funding of, or financial benefit from, protected areas. The
Law does not change the current practice in which the central government funds the management of
protected areas and also receives protected area user fees. This leads to disincentives at the regional
level, particularly at highly used National Parks such as Bunaken, Komodo, and Gunung Gede
Pangrango, where local communities bear the [foregone] opportunity costs of the land, but do not gain
the direct financial benefits.

UU 5/1960

Basic Agrarian Law

Guidelines to Resolve
Customary (adat)
Communal Rights
Conflicts from the Minister
of Agrarian Affairs/Head of
the Land Bureau

UU 44/1960

Oil and Gas Mining

UU 1/1967

Foreign Financial

UU 11/1967

Basic Mining Law

SK 5/1999

UU 6/1968

Domestic Financial

UU 9/1985



A Conservation Area is a part of what is referred to in the Basic Agrarian Law. This Act discusses
issues regarding the earth, water and atmosphere.
Although the scope of this Law seems vast, based on the contents of the Articles that deal with
allocation, the allocation and regulation of conservation areas is not emphasized in the Law.
Environmental protection regarding land is referred to in Article 15: The cultivation of or caring for the
land, including increasing the fertility while preventing its destruction, is the responsibility of every
person, legal body or agency that has a relationship with the land, with attention to a weak economy.
There are three aspects of the law that are related to decentralization and development of the role of
community in the management of conservation areas15.
Initiates a process that will determine criteria for the recognition of customary community based rights
(hak ulayat).
Bureau of Lands will accept the registration of customary (adat) lands and considers them as a
communal and non-transferable right.
Allows customary communities to lease their lands to government, which can then transfer these rights
to private sector (Fay and Sirait 2002)
Mentions nothing about the protection of the environment, but rather is geared toward exploitation.
According to this Law, exploitation of oil and gas may occur in conservation areas; there is no explicit
recognition of conservation areas as areas in which exploitation cannot occur. More specifically,
Article 7 states that mining activities may not take place in areas that are closed for public interests.
Although if broadly defined it could include conservation areas, this interpretation is weak and needs
This law is part of a packet of New Order policies that were created to support the Indonesian
economy in the midst of a crisis situation. This law was created with the objective of improving the
strength of the potential economy to be realized. Foreign Financial Investment is one way to actualize
the potential economy. This law does not refer at all to the management of natural resources or
conservation areas.
This law is related to improving various potential strengths of the mining sector to develop the
economy. It does not refer to protected areas.
Article 16 clarifies areas in which mining activities cannot be carried out. This Article does not mention
conservation areas and protected areas, except for those areas that are closed for public interest.
Public interest is left to vague interpretations.
Contains dispositions and concessions for new financial investment enterprises. For example,
Chapters 9 through 15 discuss various tax exemptions, e.g., being exempt from paying wealth tax or
company tax.
In a general way, this Law possesses the spirit of environmental protection. For example, Article 3,
Clause 2 states the following: To achieve the objective in the same manner as in Clause 1, the
Government implements the management of fish resources in an integrated fashion with the

See Sembiring et al. (p. 39) for details regarding allocation).

Ibid. p. 39-40

UU 5/1984


UU 12/1992

Plant Cultivation Systems

UU 16/1992

Quarantine of Animals,
Fish, and Plants

UU 15/1997


UU 11/1974


UU 9/1990


UU 4/1992

Settlements and Housing

PP 33/1970

Forest Planning

preservation of fish resources as well as its environment for the prosperity and success of the
Indonesian community.
This law generally states that it is forbidden to carry out activities that cause pollution and destruction
of fishery resources and their environment, except for research and scientific activities. To protect
natural fisheries, the government determines the species that are protected and/or the location of the
waters as fishery reserves based on the factors that are critical for a species of fish and/or the area
(Article 8, Clause 1).
Regulates the development of industry in Indonesia. However, this law seriously attends to the
environment. This is reflected in the point that recalls UU No. 4/1982 (the Basic Environmental
Management Law) and the basis and objective of developing industry that is referred to in this Law,
e.g., the preservation of the environment.
Emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment. Especially for the use of space, Article 44
states the following: (Clause 1) the exploitation of space for the needs of plant cultivation agrees with
spatial organization and use of land based on existing regulations. (Clause 2)The implementation of
activities in the same manner as intended in Clause 1 is carried out with attention to its suitability and
the lands capacity and the preservation of the environment, especially the conservation of land.
The quarantine of animals, fish and plants attempts to support the preservation of natural resources
and to prevent the entry and spread of animal and fish disease or organisms that disturb vegetative
According to Article 23, land that is used for transmigration activities should be in accordance with the
allocation and spatial planning of the area and other relevant regulations and laws. Essentially, land
that is allocated for conservation areas may not be used for transmigration activities.
This law only provides general regulations and mentions that water, water sources as well as irrigation
buildings/systems must be protected and safeguarded, as well as maintained and protected so that
they can fulfill their functions. Furthermore, water and water sources, including the natural richness
that they contain, possess social functions.
This law does not provide any regulations regarding the management of conservation areas. In fact
many tourist developments are located in conservation areas, thereby evincing the Law's disregard for
conservation areas.
Every person or agency that builds a house has the following responsibilities: (1) to obey technical,
ecological and administrative rules and regulations; (2) to monitor the area that has been exposed to
effects, based on the monitoring plan; and (3) to manage the environment based on the environmental
management plan. These three points state that settlements must be outside protected areas,
whether rural or urban areas that function as living environments and locations of activities that
support life or ones way of living.
This PP mentions that forest planning is the comprehensive arrangement of a system of allocation,
availability, provisions and use of the forest; forests are protected by arranging a system of activities
that are in accordance with space and time (Article 1, Clause 1).
Article 6 states that forest planning is arranged based on the Forest Strengthening Plan, according to
the forest function, covering protected forests, production forest, nature forest reserves and tourism

Indonesian NGOs Involved in Conserving Biodiversity and Forests

NGO - Sumatera
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address



Email Address

Yayasan Pagar Alam Semesta (PASE)

Khairul Azmi (0812 6903680)

Jl. Singgah Mata No. 18, Banda Aceh 23242

P.O. Box 26 / BNAST Banda Aceh 23236


Yayasan PUGAR Aceh

Saifuddin, NH

Jl. T. Hasan Dek, Kpl. H. Budiman No. 158

Kel. Beurawe, Banda Aceh


Yayasan Ekowisata Sumatera

Hamonangan Siringo-ringo (0812 6576519)

Jl. Sutomo Ujung Kel. Durian, Gg. Sehati No. 1





Kelompok Studi Konservasi Alam (KSKA)

Riswan - Koordinator Pelaksana

Jl. Samanhudi Lingkungan IV No. 19

Medan 20152




Yayasan Leuser Lestari

M. Sidik

Jl. Samanhudi Link. IV No. 19

Medan 20152




Yayasan Citra Mandiri

Sandang P. Simanjuntak (08126711452)

Jl. Kampung Nias I No. 21

Padang 25212




Rifai Lubis - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Mutiara No. 12, Air Tawar Timur

Padang, Sumatera Barat 25132



HP Anastasia: 0812 6782947

Harry Oktavian (0812 7525289)

Jl. Balam No. 17, Kampung Melayu, Sukajadi

Pekanbaru, Riau




Kaliptra Sumatera
Rully Syumanda

Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan 89F, Sukajadi





Laksana Samudra
Fadil Nandila

Jl. Kaudin Ujung No. 92




Yayasan Prakarsa Madani

Budi Setiawan

Komplek UNJA No. B-19

Jl. H.A. Manaf - Telanaipura, Jambi




Yayasan Citra Bina Mandiri

Abdul Hadison (0811 747464)

Jl. Kenanga II No. 26, RT05/RW02

Sei Kambang Telanaipura, Jambi 36124




Yayasan Gita Buana

Vivi Asmara (0812 7822343)

Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No. 54 (Lr. Sederhana)

RT11/RW04, Simpang III, Sipin Jambi 36126




Yayasan Kelopak

Jl. Kapuas II No. 16, RT20/02



(as of 8 Sep 03)


Institution, Contact Person

Desri Erwin (Ides)

Postal Address
Padang Harapan, Bengkulu 38225



Email Address

Mitra Bentala
Iqbal Pandji Putra (0812 9398714)

Jl. Flamboyan No. 16

Bandar Lampung




Fathullah (0812 7984899)

Jl. Teuku Umar No. 58/64

Penengahan, Bandar Lampung




Alas Indonesia
Verry Iwan Setiawan

Jl. Kiwi 3/4 Kedaton

Bandar Lampung




NGO - Jawa
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address



Email Address

Konsorsium Pendukung Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (KpSHK) Jl. Arzimar III No. 17, Tegal Lega
Joko Waluyo - Koordinator Nasional (0811 845648)
Bogor Baru, Bogor 16152


0251-380967 kpshk@indo.net.id

Wetland Indonesia

Jl. A Yani No. 53, Bogor 16161


Kebun Raya Cibodas

Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat


0263-512233 kriclipi@cianjur.wasantara.net.id

RACA Institute
Boedhi Wijardjo - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 125A

Jakarta Selatan


021-7990567 racainstitute@indo.net.id

Konservasi Alam Indonesia Lestari / KAIL

Nurhadi - Direktur

Jl. Manggar 89, Tegalsari, Ambulu, Jember,

Jawa Timur


0336-883528 latinjember@jember.wasantara.net.id

Rimbawan Muda Indonesia

Jl. Sempur No. 55
Pengurus Harian: Ika Hikmawati, Nani Saptariani, Ulfa HidayBogor 16154


0251-320253 rmibogor@indo.net.id
Nani: 0812 9712057

Yayasan PUTER
Agus Muldya - Direktur Eksekutif

Permata Cimanggu Blok A No. 4 Kedung Badak

Tanah Sareal, Bogor 16152


0251-335068 puter@indo.net.id
0251-351357 Boy: 0812 8049657; 0816 4739338

Hapsoro - Koordinator

Jl. Palem Putri III No. 1

Komp. Taman Yasmin Sektor V, Bogor


0251-508375 telapak@telapak.org
halim@telapak.org (0811 111863)

Yayasan Alam Mitra Indonesia (ALAMI)

Tatang Mitra Setia/Herda Napitupulu

Komplek PLN Klender, Jl. Paron No. 53, Jakarta


021-7972862 alami@prima.net.id

Lembaga Alam Tropika Indonesia (LATIN)

Arif Aliadi - Direktur Eksekutif (0812 1102660)

Jl. Sutera No. 1

Desa Situgede Kec. Bogor Barat 16115


Yayasan Ekowisata Halimun

Teguh Hartono

Jl. Subadra III, No. 8, Bantar Jati, Bogor


Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia (TERANGI)

Silvianita - Direktur

Jl. Belimbing No. 14, Kemang Timur, Jakarta Selatan


Biological Science Club (BScC)


Jaring Pela

Jl. Tegal Parang Selatan III/49A, Mampang Prapatan

Jakarta 12790


Yayasan Mangrove

Komplek IPB II, Jl. Merkurius, Blok C No. 4



0251-626593 latin@latin.or.id



0251-621672 imred@indo.net.id

Institution, Contact Person

Nyoto Santoso
Yayasan Biodiversity Conservation Indonesia (BCI)

Postal Address
Sindang Barang, Bogor 16680
Jl. Komplek Sindang Barang Asri, B-22
Sindang Barang - Bogor 16680




Email Address

0251-420320 bci@indo.net.id

NGO - Kalimantan
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address



Email Address

Niel Makinuddin - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Juanda I No. 8

Samarinda 75124




Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (SHK) Kalimantan Barat

Matheus Pilin - Koordinator

Kompleks Bumi Indah Khatulistiwa

Jl. Budi Utomo Blok A4 No. 5
Siantan Hulu, Pontianak 78241




Program Pemberdayaan Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (PPSHK) Kompleks Bumi Indah Khatulistiwa
Pius Daren - Direktur Program
Jl. Budi Utomo Blok A4 No. 5
Siantan Hulu, Pontianak Utara 78241




Yayasan Karya Sosial Pancur Kasih (YKSPK) - PPSDAK

Yohanes Janting - Koordinator PPSDAK

Jl. Gusti Situt Machmud

Gg. Selat Karimata II Blok B No. 7 & 8
Siantan Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat



Yayasan Pupuk Tagua (YPT)

Salvinus Sem, ST - Ketua

Jl. Budi Utomo Komplek Pangeran Permai

Blok B No. 11, Pontianak 78061


Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (SHK) Kalimantan Timur

Ade Cahyat - Koordinator

Jl. Wijayakusuma I, RT 19 RW 04 No. 97

Samarinda 75124, Kalimantan Timur




Yayasan Tahanjungan Tarung (YTT)


Jl. Harum Manis 6 No. E 38, Panarung 73111

Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah




BIKAL - Institute for Coastal and Environment


Jl. Juanda 4 No. 69, Samarinda 75124

Kalimantan Timur




Yayasan Titian
Darmawan Liswanto

Jl. Parit Haji Husein II, Komp. Telkom no. F 1

Pontianak, 78124, Kalimantan Barat




Yayasan Orang Utan Indonesia

Jl. Hasanudin No. 10 Belakang, Pangkalan Bun

Kalimantan Tengah 74111



NGO - Sulawesi
Institution, Contact Person
Forum Petaupan Katouan (FPK)
Petrus Polii - Program Koordinator BP

Postal Address
Jl. Santo Joseph No. 61
Kleak, Ling. III, Manado 95115




Email Address

(baru pindah)


Yayasan Tanah Merdeka (YTM)

Arianto Sangaji - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Tanjung Manimbaya No. 111 B

Palu 94113



Rony Toningki - Pelaksana Sekretariat

Jl. Tanjung Dako No. 35 A




Yayasan TOLOKA
Jafar M. Amin - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Lumba-Lumba No. 3, Ampana

Kab. Poso, Sulawesi Tengah



Muchlis L. Usman - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Bunga Seroja No. 12

Kendari 93121, Sulawesi Tenggara



Darmawati La Ode Gahu - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Sao-sao Perumnas Blok I No. 20,

Kel. Bende, Kota Kendari 93117, Sul. Tenggara



YPSHK Sultra
Yusuf Tallamma - Ketua (0816246426)

Jl. Ronga III No. 72 D Perumahan Tumbu

Mandonga 93111 Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara



Yayasan SULUH Indonesia

A.S. Iskandar Alam - Direktur Eksekutif (as of end Mar 03)

Perumahan BTN DPRD Sultra Blok B. No. 9

Wua-Wua, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara


Yayasan Bumi Sawerigading (YBS)

Sahbuddin Umar DP. - Direktur

Jl. DR. Ratulangi No. 92 A, Kel. Salu Bulo,

Kec. Wara Utara, Palopo 91913, Sul. Selatan



UPR Sulawesi via WALDA

Daniel Parande - Koordinator

Tanete Kindan, Lembang Madandan

Kec. Rantetayo, Toraja; PO Box 68 Rantepao



Yayasan Baka Disura

Imanuel Bombong - Direktur Eksekutif

Desa Osango, Kabupaten Mamasa 91362

Sulawesi Selatan

via UPR Sul.

Firdaus - Direktur Eksekutif
Yayasan ASA Nusantara
Amrullah Amsar - Direktur

Jl. Ganggawa No. 41 (sebelah Barat SDN 3 Pangsid),

Pangkajene Kab. Sidenreng Rappang, Sul.Sel. 91611
Kompleks Bumi Permata Hijau,
Jl. Bumi 22 Blok D9 No. 6, Makassar 90221










NGO - Maluku
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address


Sven Loupatty - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Dr. Kayadoe RT 003 / RW 05

Kudamati - Kec. Wasahiwe, Ambon 97116


Yayasan Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

(YPPM). Abdulgani Fabanjo - Ketua (0812-4115004)

BTN Kebun Cengkeh, Blok A2 No. 10, Ambon


Jaringan Baileo Maluku

George Corputty - Koord. Baileo Ambon (0813 42729925)

Jl. Ina Tuni No. 9, Karang Panjang, Ambon

Kotak Pos 1192, Amboina 97001




Email Address
"Yayasan Hualopu" <hualopu@eudoramail.com>
"Sven Loupatty" <sven_l@scientist.com>
"Loury Sipasultta" <dojalou@yahoo.com>

Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address



Email Address

Yayasan Bulan Matasak (YBM)

Yayasan Konservasi Laut (YKL) Makassar

WALHI Sultra
La Ode Ota - Direktur Eksekutif Daerah

Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 130, Desa Langgea,

Kec. Ranomeeto, Kab. Konawe Selatan
Sulawesi Tenggara



NGO - Maluku
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address


Sven Loupatty - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Dr. Kayadoe RT 003 / RW 05

Kudamati - Kec. Wasahiwe, Ambon 97116


Yayasan Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

(YPPM). Abdulgani Fabanjo - Ketua (0812-4115004)

BTN Kebun Cengkeh, Blok A2 No. 10, Ambon


Jaringan Baileo Maluku

George Corputty - Koord. Baileo Ambon (0813 42729925)

Jl. Ina Tuni No. 9, Karang Panjang, Ambon

Kotak Pos 1192, Amboina 97001




Email Address
"Yayasan Hualopu" <hualopu@eudoramail.com>
"Sven Loupatty" <sven_l@scientist.com>
"Loury Sipasultta" <dojalou@yahoo.com>

NGO - Papua
Institution, Contact Person

Postal Address



Email Address

Konsorsium Penguatan Masyarakat Adat Papua Barat

(KONPENMA), Deky A. Rumaropen - Direktur Pelaksana

c/o YPMD, Jl. Jeruk Nipis No. 117,

Kotaraja, Jayapura


World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Sahul

Benja V. Mambai - Direktur Eksekutif Interim

Jl. Angkasa Indah II No. 10

PO Box 1780, Jayapura 99012



Yayasan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Cyclop (YPLHC)

Yuvenalis A. Ledang - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Taruna Bakti No. 3

Waena, Jayapura 99358

R. Yuven 572053


Wahana Lingkungan (Wahli) Papua

Jl. Raya Sentani - Padang Bulan, M-48

(Belakang Kantor Lurah Hedam), Jayapura


Yayasan Lingkungan Hidup (YALI) Papua

Jl. Ifar No. 82, Abepura, Jayapura




NGO - Jakarta/National
Institution, Contact Person
Yayasan Kehati
Ismid Hadad - Direktur Eksekutif

Postal Address
Gedung Patra Jasa, Lantai 2, Ruang 2G
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 32-34, Jakarta 12950



Email Address

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Ian Dutton - Country Director

Wisma Kemang, Lantai 2

Jl. Kemang Selatan Raya no. 1, Jakarta 12560




Conservation International Indonesia Program (CI)

Jatna Supriatna - Direktur Eksekutif

Jl. Pejaten Barat No. 16 A, Kemang, Jakarta 12550




Yayasan WWF Indonesia

Mubariq Ahmad - Direktur Eksekutif

Kantor Taman A9 Unit A1

Jl. Mega Kuningan, Lot 8-9/A9, Jakarta 12950




Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI)

Togu Manurung - Direktur

Jl. Sempur Kaler No. 7, Bogor 16154




Wild Conservation Society (WCS)

Robert Lee

Jl. Pangrango no. 8, Bogor 16151




Yayasan Kemala
Dadang Trisasongko

Gedung Ratu Plaza, Lantai 17

Jl. Jend. Sudirman 9, Jakarta 10270




Donors Involved in Conserving Biodiversity and Forests

List of Projects within the Forestry Sector





9 World Bank
9.1 World Bank-WWF
9.2 GEF - WB - NGOs

Indonesia Illegal Logging and Law

Enforcement Assessment
Indonesia Forests and Media
Project (INFORM)

Total World Bank

10 I.T.T.O.
Sustainable Forest Management
and Human Resources
Development and implementation
of guidelines to control illegal
logging for SFM in Indonesia. PD
74/01 Rev.1(M)
Training of Trainers for the
Application of the ITTO and the
National C & I of SFM PD42/00
Rev.1 (F)
The implementation of a
community based trans-boundary
management plan in Kalimantan.
PD 44/00 Rev. 4 (F)
Model development to establish
commercial plantations of
Dipterocarps. PD 41/00 Rev. 3
Increasing genetic diversity of
Shorea leprosula and
Lophopethalum multinervium for
breeding and genetic improvement.
PD 106/01 Rev. 1 (F)




Participatory rural appraisal in the

planning and establishment of
sustainable community based
forest management model. PPD
20/01 Rev. 2 (F)
Strategies for the development of
wood-based industries in
Indonesia. PD 85/01 Rev. 2 (I)
Introduction of a village industry in
the community around HTI, PD
58/99 Rev. 1 (I)
Management of Kayan Mentarang
NP to promote trans-boundary
conservation along the border
between Indonesia and Malaysian
State of Sabah and Sarawak,
Phase I. PD 38/00 Rev. 1 (F)



Project Sites


Total (USD)

2002-2003 USD


186,081 West Sumatra

2002-2004 USD





2001-2003 USD


2001-2003 USD



2000-2002 USD



2002-2004 USD


764,954 Betung Kerihun NP,

West Kalimantan

2002-2005 USD


461,212 Yogjakarta

2002-2005 USD


427,535 Yogjakarta




Grant portion

1,098,900 Jakarta



51,081 IPB, West Java

2002-2004 USD


480,850 Jakarta

1999-2002 USD


363,536 IPB, West Java

2001-2003 USD


853,398 Kalimantan

DRAFT, 21 August 2003

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this document
do not reflect the views of the European Commission
and Ministry of Forestry

Source: FLB - EU
Jakarta - Indonesia



Consolidating Sustainable Forest
Management Certification in
Indonesia. PD 80/01 Rev.6(M)
Programme to Facilitate and
Promote Adoption of RIL in
Indonesia and the Asia Pacific
Region. PD 110/01 Rev.2(I)
Strengthening Central and SubNational Institutions to Enhance
Plantation Forest Development.
PPD 56/02 Rev.1(F)
Assessing the Contribution of
Selected Non-timber Forest Based
on Community Participation
Approach to support SFM. PPD
55/02 Rev.2(I)
Improvement of Processing
Efficiency of Tropical Timber from
Sustainable Sources in Indonesia.
PPD 57/02 Rev.1(I)






Total I.T.T.O.
11 Korea/KOICA
Watershed Management
Sericulture Development
12 Japan/Komatsu Ltd.
Research and Development
Techniques of Dipterocarp Species
Total Komatsu
SouthEast Asia Fire Danger Rating
System Project
Climate Change, Forest and
Peatswamps in Indonesia (CCFPI)









44,144 Jambi, South













2000-2003 USD
2000-2003 USD




1998-2003 USD






1999/00 - USD
2002-2005 USD


Forest Resource Management for 2002-2004 USD

Carbon Sequestration (FORMACS)






Kaltim Social Forestry Project

Total CIDA
Grants to support participative
forestry resoruce management


Project Sites


Total (USD)




Grant portion

All Korean
experts have
already left MoF



Grant portion


Grant portion

1,300,000 Indonesia only

4,090,000 Jambi, South
Sumatra and Central
3,000,000 Nunukan District,
East Kalimantan

1998-2003 USD





830,000 Samarinda, East




2003 USD

Grant portion

all over Indonesia

Total Ford
ADB (loans and
grants not nessarily
with MoF)

DRAFT, 21 August 2003

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this document
do not reflect the views of the European Commission
and Ministry of Forestry

Source: FLB - EU
Jakarta - Indonesia




Land Management and



Poor Farmers' Income

Improvement through Innovation
South Java Flood Control
Flood Management in Selected
River Basins


Total ADB (loans and





Project Sites


Total (USD)
Central Java







Java, Sulawesi, NTT

88,000,000 Java





EC + EU-MS + Private EU
Other Donors
Sub-Total Aid

30.66% Grant
69.34% AID
100.00% Only

DRAFT, 21 August 2003

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this document
do not reflect the views of the European Commission
and Ministry of Forestry

Source: FLB - EU
Jakarta - Indonesia


The following is brief description of the various donor initiatives, extracted from Bennett
and Walton (2003). Please see table attached for tabular, more concise representation of
the information below.
EU (US$ 112.6 million of grants).
US$37.4 million grant project (1995-2004) for management of Gunung Leuser
National Park in Aceh and North Sumatra

US$33.8 million (1998-2005) to support production forest management projects in S.


US$20.5 million (2003-9) to support participative management of all natural

resources in the Berau and Bulungan districts of E. Kalimantan. This project follows on
from the Berau Forest Management Project, 1997-2002, which focused on assistance to
Inhutani II, a parastatal timber company.

US$11.4 million (2002-7) for a forest fire management project in S. Sumatra that
complements institutional strengthening at the MoF level.

In 2001, the seven-year forest ecosystem inventory project, FIMP, for three provinces
came to an end (US$ not included in above total).

US$ 2.4 million (2002-4) for an illegal logging response center in Jakarta.

US$ 6 million (1997-2004) for the Forest Liaison Bureau, which links to each of the
above projects.

United Kingdom / DfID (US$ 42.7 million)

US$ 41.3 million (2001-5) for the Multistakeholder Forestry Program or MFP,
headquartered in the MoF and active across Indonesia; MFP has focused on local
participative processes for forestry resource management.

US$ 1.4 million (1998-2003) to support the Barito Ulu Project in C. Kalimantan via
Cambridge University. Currently in its second phase, this project also jointly funds a
seconded staff member at the World Bank in Jakarta to work on forestry dialogue and
governance issues.
Germany / GTZ (US$ 18.8 million).

US$ 14.2 million (1994-2004) for the Integrated Forest Fire Management Project in
East Kalimantan, now in its third phase

US$ 4.6 million (1997-2005) for the Strengthening the Management Capacities of the
Ministry Project, now entering its third phase, with special emphasis on working with
MoF in support of the National Forest Program (NFP) initiative.
Netherlands (US$ 6 million for 2001-5).

The Netherlands, through Tropenbos, continues to support forestry research and

development in Kalimantan, now in its fourth phase. This includes development of the
debt-for-nature swap for a unique 150,000 ha nature reserve in the failed ex-1 million
ha peat swamp development area of C. Kalimantan, in collaboration with the German
government and Shell.

Denmark / Danida (US$ 7.9 million & US$ 3 million) RECHECK

In Bandung and other areas, the Forest Seed Project is in its second phase (20022004).
Japan / JICA (US$ 21.5 million)
US$ 2.5 million (2001-2006) for the Carbon-Fixing Forest Management Project
implemented in Bogor, West Java.

US$ 5 million (1992-2002) for the Forest Tree Improvement project implemented in

US$ 0.18 million (2003-6) for the propagation of native species for rehabilitation and
reforestation occurs in a number of provinces across Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra.

Biodiversity conservation assistance is provided to the National Parks of Way

Kambas, Lampung (US$ 3.7 million, 2000-2004) and of Halimun, West Java (US$ 4
million, 1998-2003).

US$ 1.5 million (2001-4) for a mangrove information center to be established in

North Sulawesi.

US$ 2.5 million (2002-2006) for the Forest Fire Prevention Management Project in
Jambi, in its third phase.

US$ 2.3 million (2001-3) for Forest Sector Development Strategy at the Ministry.

Korea / KOICA (US$ 1.5 million).

Korean assistance is for sericulture development (US$ 0.8 million, 2000-2003) and
watershed management (US$ 0.7 million, 2000-2003).
Canada / CIDA (US$ 1.8 million).

US$ 1.3 million (1999-2005) to support the South East Asia Fire Danger Rating
System Project

US$ 0.5 million (1998-2002) to support the Center for Social Forestry in
Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.
USA/ USAID (US$ 10 million)

US$ 8 million (2002-4) to support Natural Resources Management Program, which

follows on from USAIDs earlier natural resource management projects starting in
1991. NRMPs focus sites locally are East Kalimantan and North Sulawesi though it is
also active in other parts of Sulawesi and Papua. Participative and decentralized natural
resource management and good governance in general are key features.

US$ 2 million (2002-2005) for the GreenCOM Environmental Education and

Communication Project, which collaborates closely with the NRM.
International Tropical Timber Organization, ITTO (US$ 6.6 million).

The ITTO supports 15 forestry projects ranging from about US$ 0.05 to 1 million.

The largest project is the Sustainable Forest Management and Human Resources
Development Project (US$ 1.1 million, 2001-2003), which include guidelines for illegal

logging control, breeding, plantation management, community-based forest

management, wood-based industry development and strategy and forest certification.
Ford Foundation (US$ 3 million).
The Ford Foundation continues to support grantees in and outside government to
support participative forestry resource management. In recent years, Ford has expanded
support to cover good governance of natural resource management in general and to
integrate this with its support for overall good governance.

Asian Development Bank (US$ 384 million of loans and grants).

ADB support to the sector has emphasized watershed management. The current
generation of ADB reforestation-related initiatives includes preparation of a
community-based approach similar to the World Banks Learning and Innovation Loan
(LIL) process, which develops a project for community-based agroforestry in upper
catchment areas.

Among the reforestation-related initiatives are the on-going Watershed Management

Project, Central Java, located near Ciamis in the Citandui and Cimene watersheds,
about US$3 million out of a total US$40 million. It has a community forest component.

The Land Management and Rehabilitation Project (US$100 million) is in preparation.

The Poor Farmers Income Improvement through Innovation Project (US$56 million)
has just started in Blora, Palu (Central Sulawesi), Ende (NTT), East Lombok where it
may copy the GTZ fruit tree lease initiative for state land (see above).

The South Java Flood Control Project (US$88 million) includes nursery development
and tree seedlings for farmers.
The Flood Management in Selected River Basins Project (US$100 million) is scheduled
for preparation in June/July 2003.


Please find below a list of projects funded through the GEF (World Bank 2001: 40):
1. Full Projects World Bank
Biodiversity Collections Project
$7.2 million GEF, $4.2 million GoI
The first GEF grant to Indonesia under its pilot phase was for $7 million over six years to
allow the unique and priceless biodiversity collections of the Bogor Herbarium and
Zoology Museum to be upgraded.
Kerinci-Seblat National Park Integrated Conservation and Development Project
$15 million GEF, $19 million IBRD, $13 million GoI
An ambitious six year integrated conservation and development project in Sumatra aimed
to secure the biodiversity of Kerinci-Seblat National Park (KSNP) by increasing the
ownership and participation of local communities and other stakeholders in park
management and biodiversity conservation through consultation over boundary
demarcation, mapping of community lands, conservation agreements and area, and
village development activities designed to improve livelihoods yet reduce pressure on
park and forest resources. The project took a landscape approach with conservation
planning extending into buffer zone forests and logging concessions.
Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP)
$4.1 million GEF, $6.9 million IBRD, $1.8 million GoI
Indonesia has some of the richest coral reef systems in the world. Supported by a multidonor group, COREMAP establishes a coral reef management system in priority areas in
five eastern Indonesian provinces. It is expected that COREMAP will develop useful
models for greater involvement of communities in reef protection and management.
$7.5 million GEF and $30 million WB
2. Full Projects UNDP
Asian Rhinos
The GEF supports a two-nation project for rhino protection in Malaysia and Indonesia,
with the primary focus on the rare and threatened Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus
sumatrenis). The project has carried out surveys to establish the status of remaining rhino
populations in Sumatra and has established special rhino protection forces to protect
viable populations of rhinos in their native habitats.
3. Full Project UNEP
Forest Fires Prevention and Capacity Building
GEF funded an Emergency Response Measure to combat fires in Indonesia and prevent
regional haze in South East Asia. This project built capacity at the provincial level for
monitoring and mapping fire hot spots.

4. Medium Size Grants

The creation of the GEF Medium-Sized Project (MSP) window provides an opportunity
to channel GEF resources directly to NGOs, universities, local communities and
indigenous groups for conservation activities. Indonesia is developing a strong pipeline of
MSP projects for Berbak-Sembilang (Sumatra), Sangihe (Sulawesi), Mamberamo
(Papua); all involve partnerships between the Directorate-General of Nature Conservation
and international NGOs.
Aceh Elephant Landscapes
$750,000 GEF, $ 295,000 Co-financing
In northern Sumatra, a GEF MSP assists Flora and Fauna International (FFI), government
agencies and local student groups in their efforts to protect Indonesia's largest remaining
population of Asian elephants. Conservation awareness programs are an important
component of the project and build on traditional Acehnese respect and folklore about the
province's elephants.
Berbak-Sembilang Ecosystem
$0.7 million,
This project will: (1) prepare and implement a management plan for the Greater BerbakSembilang Ecosystem, based on biodiversity conservation values and socio-economic
realities; (2) expand the National Parks within the ecosystem to more effectively protect
the entire ecosystem; (3) strengthen national park management; and (4) increase
community and NGO involvement in park management and biodiversity conservation.
Sangihe-Talaud Forest
$0.8 million
This project will: (i) increase awareness amongst village communities and local govt.
with respect to the islands' endemic fauna and the importance of forest conservation; (ii)
build sustainable local govt. initiatives for the conservation of key forests and ensure
these forests are mapped, demarcated and included in relevant land-use plans; (iii) initiate
village-level forest conservation task forces; (iv) prepared and support implementation of
actions for the island's threatened fauna; (v) identify and pilot agroforestry to take
pressure off forest resources; and (vi) build local PHPA and NGO capacity for site and
species conservation.
Sungai Wain Protection Forest
$1 million
The primary objective of the project is to conserve the rich ecosystem of the Sungai Wain
Protection Forest by developing a successful, sustainable management system. It is hard
to overestimate the benefits that will accrue from conserving this forest: being the last
example of a complete Bornean lowland dipterocarp forest in the area.
Indonesia Forest and Media (INFORM)
$0.9 million
This project's primary objective is to stimulate better forest protection by creating an upwelling of public interest, concern and action on this issue. It will achieve this by

preparing and disseminating, through various communication channels, authoritative

information about about forest loss and its consequences and by proposing action that the
public can take to address illegal exploitation of forest resources.
Surabaya Sustainable Urban Transport
The project aims to establish an environmentally sustainable urban transport system in
Surabaya. The expected outcome is an improved modal split for public transport and nonmotorized transport, resulting in significant CO2 reductions from transport sector in
Surabaya. Approaches used will have high replication potential in other developing cities,
as Surabaya is a typical lower income developing city
Solar Home System
$24.3 million
The project will expand the market for solar PV home systems, within the framework of a
least-cost rural electrification strategy, utilizing on private sector delivery/installation
mechanisms. It will promote the application of environmentally sustainable energy
systems in rural areas where such systems represent the least-cost alternative. The project
will also strengthen the capacity of the Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and
Application of Technology (BPPT) to promote solar PV systems, to support and sustain
decentralized rural electrification.
Western Java
$3.1 million
This project will lay strategic framework which will form the institutional and
community foundation for sustainable environmental waste management among the
participating local and provincial governments; prepare detailed designs for the
investments to be implemented mostly during the subsequent two phases; and form the
basis for reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by establishing commercial scale
compost production.
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP)
$0.4 million
This project will assist GOI in the implementation of Articles 6 (General Masures for
Conservation and Sutainable Use) and 8 (In-Situ Conservation) of the Convention
on Biological Diversity through the completion of an updated Indonesian Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP). The first IBSAP was prepared in 1991 and was
adopted as part of the GOI 25 years Development Strategy for 1991-2015. The new
IBSAP aims to review the successes and weaknesses of the first IBSAP, the effectiveness
of previous and present national policies, laws and institutions, and building on that, to
identify current challenges, options and priorities for conservation and wise use of
Indonesian biodiversity.
5. UNDP Small Grants program provides grants up to $50,000 for NGOs and for
community-based environmental conservation efforts.

Protected Areas





Alas Purwo

National Park

Bali Barat

National Park


National Park


National Park

Betung Kerihun

National Park

Bogani Nani Wartabone

National Park

Bromo Tengger Semeru

National Park

Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya

National Park

Bukit Barisan Selatan

National Park

Bukit Dua Belas

National Park

Bukit Tiga Puluh

National Park

Danau Sentarum

National Park

Gunung Gede Pangrango

National Park

Gunung Halimun

National Park

Gunung Leuser

National Park

Gunung Palung

National Park

Gunung Rinjani
Kayan Mentarang

National Park


National Park

Kep. Karimun Jawa

National Park

Kep. Seribu

National Park

Kepulauan Wakatobi

National Park

Kerinci Seblat

National Park


National Park


National Park

Lore Lindu

National Park

Manupeu-Tanah Daru

National Park


National Park

Meru Betiri

National Park

Rawa Aopa Watumohai


National Park


National Park

Taka Bonerate

National Park

Tanjung Puting

National Park

Teluk Cenderawasih

National Park

Ujung Kulon

National Park


National Park

Way Kambas

National Park

National Park

National Park

National Park

National Park

National Park






Management Authority

Associated Urban Areas

of Threat

43,420.00 East Java


East Java
West Kalimantan
North Sulawesi, Gorontalo
East Java
West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan
Bengkulu, Lampung
Riau, Jambi
North Sulawesi
West Kalimantan
West Java
West Java, Banten
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
West Kalimantan
West Nusa Tenggara
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
Central Java
South East Sulawesi
W Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, S Sumatra
East Nusa Tenggara
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
Central Sulawesi
East Nusa Tenggara
East Java
South East Sulawesi
South Sumatra
West Sumatra
South Sulawesi
Central Kalimantan


NP Management Unit

Tropical Humid Forest, Coastal Marinehigh

NP Management Unit

Tropical Humid Forest

NP Management Unit

Tropical Humid Forest

Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Tropical Humid Forest
Grassland, Coastal Marine
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Tropical Humid Forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical Humid Forest
Marine & Coastal
Coastal Marine
Tropical Humid Forest


NP Management Unit



NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit


NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit


NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit
NP Management Unit

Pematang Reba
Bogor, Sukabumi

North Jakarta
Sungai Penuh

Palembang, Musibanyuasin

Pangkalan Bun



Batukahu I/ II/ III
Gunung Tukung Gede
Pulau Dua
Pulau Sangiang
Rawa Danau
Cawang I/II
Despatah I/II
Dusun Besar
Pager Gunung I/II/III/IV/V
Taba Pananjung
Talang Ulu I/II
Bantar Bolang
Curug Bengkawah
Gebungan (Gn. Ungaran)
Gunung Butak
Gunung Celering
Karang Bolong
Keling I/II/III
Nusakambangan Barat
Nusakambangan Timur
Pager Wunung Daruprono
Peson Subah I/II
Pringombo I/ II
Sub Vak 18c & 19b
Telogo Dringo
Telogo Ranjeng
Telogo Sumurup
Ulo Lanang Kecubung
Vak 50 Comal
Wijaya Kusuma
Bukit Sapat Hawung
Bukit Tangkiling
Pararawen I/ II
Gunung Sojol
Gunung Tinombala
Pangi Binanga
Tanjung Api
Gunung Batu Gamping

Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve



Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Kalimantan
Central Kalimantan
Central Kalimantan
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
DI Yogyakarta

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
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Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Management Authority

Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas



Plawangan Turgo
Teluk Baron
Pulau Bokor
Besowo Gadungan
Curah Manis Sempolan
Gua Nglirip
Gunung Abang
Gunung Picis
Gunung Sigogor
Kawah Ijen Merapi Ungup-ungup
Manggis Gadungan
Nusa Barung
Panjur Ijen I/ II
Pulau Bawean
Pulau Noko dan P. Nusa
Pulau Sempu
Saobi (Kangean)
Sungai Kolbu Iyang Plateau
Muara Kaman Sedulang
Padang Luway
Teluk Apar
Watu Ata
Way Wuul/ Mburak
Wolo Tado, Ngede Nalo Merah, Siung
Mas Popaya Raja
Gua Ulu Tiangko
Kelompok Ht. Bakau Pantai Timur
Kelompok Ht. Bulian Luncuk I
Kelompok Ht. Bulian Luncuk II
Pulau Anak Krakatau
Gunung Api Kisar
Gunung Sahuwai
Kep. Aru Tenggara
Pulau Anggarmase
Pulau Larat
Pulau Nustaram
Pulau Nuswotar
Pulau Pombo
Hutan Pinus Janthoi
Rafflesia I/II Serbojadi
Gunung Sibela
Pulau Seho

Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve



DI Yogyakarta
DI Yogyakarta
DKI Jakarta
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
N. Aceh Darussalam
N. Aceh Darussalam
North Maluku
North Maluku
North Maluku

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
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Marine & Coastal
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Tropical humid forest
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Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Management Authority

Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas



Dua Saudara
Gunung Ambang
Gunung Lokon
Tangkoko Batuangus
Aek Liang Balik
Batu Gajah
Batu Ginurit
Dolok Saut
Dolok Sibual-buali
Dolok Sipirok
Dolok Tinggi Raja
Martelu Purba
Batanta Barat
Biak Utara
Misool Selatan
Pegunungan Arfak
Pegunungan Cycloop
Pulau Supriori
Pulau Waegeo Timur
Pulau Waigeo Barat
Salawati Utara
Tamrau Utara
Wondi Boy
Yapen Tengah
Pulau Berkeh
Pulau Burung
Pulau Laut
Gunung Kentawan
Gunung Sebatung
Tel.Kelumpang Selat Laut Selat Sebuku
Bulu Saraung
Pegunungan Faruhumpunai
Bunga Maskikim
Arca Domas
Bojonglarang Jayanti
Cadas Malang
Cigenteng Cipanji
Dungus Iwul
Gunung Burangrang
Gunung Jagat

Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
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Nature Reserve
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Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve



North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi
South Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sumatera
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
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Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Management Authority

Associated Urban Areas

Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
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Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation




Gunung Papandayan
Gunung Simpang
Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Gunung Tilu
Kawah Kamojang
Leuweung Sancang
Nusa Gede Panjalu
Pananjung Pangandaran
Tangkuban Perahu (Pelabuhan Ratu)
Telaga Bodas
Telaga Patenggang
Telaga Warna
Yung Hun
Gunung Nyiut Panrisan
Gunung Raya Pasi
Kep. Karimata
Lo Pat Fun Pi
G. Tambora Selatan
Pulau Sangiang
Toffo Kota Lambu
Batang Palupuh
Beringin Sati
Lembah Anai
Lembah Harau
Pangean II
Rimbo Panti

Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve



West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Management Authority

Associated Urban Areas

Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation


Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation


Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation





Ngurah Rai
Raja Lelo
R. Suryo
Prof. Ir. Herman Yohanes
Sultan Thahasaifudin
Wan Abdul Rachman
Cut Nyak Dien / Pocut Meurah Intan
Bukit Barisan
Sultan Syarif Hasyim
Sultan Adam
Ir. H. Juanda
Pancoran Mas
Dr. Mohammad Hatta

Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park
Grand Forest Park



Cental Sulawesi
Central Java
East Java
East Nusa Tenggara
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
North Sumatera
South East Sulawesi
South Kalimantan
West Java
West Java
West Nusa Tenggara
West Sumatera

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas




Gunung Nanu'ua
Semidang Bukit Kabu
Landusa Tomata
Pulau Ndana
Dataran Bena
Pulau Rusa
Lingga Isaq
Pulau Pini
Pulau Rempang
Padang Mata Osu
Gunung Masigit Kareumbi
Pulau Moyo
Gunung Tambora Selatan

Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park
Hunting Park



Cental Sulawesi
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
North Sumatera
South East Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
West Java
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas



Lombuyan I/ II
Pinjam/Tanjung Matop
Muara Angke
P. Rambut
Dataran Tinggi Yang
Pulau Semama
Danau Tuadale
Pulau Baun
Pulau Kassa
Pulau Manuk
Rawa Singkil
Gunung Manembo-nembo
Dolok Surungan
Karang Gading Langkat Timur Laut
Danau Bian
Kep. Raja Ampat
Pulau Dolok
Sabuda Tataruga
Kawasan Hutan Bukit Batu
Kel.Hutan Danau P.Besar/Bawah
Kel.Hutan Tasik Belat
Kel.Hutan Tasik Tanjung Padang
Buton Utara
Tanjung Amolengo
Tanjung Batikolo
Tanjung Peropa
Pleihari Tanah Laut
Pulau Kaget
Bonto Bahari

Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve




Central Kalimantan
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
DKI Jakarta
DKI Jakarta
East Java
East Java
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
Nangroe Aceh Dar.
North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi
South Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest


Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas



Lampoko Mampie
Gumai Pasemah
Gunung Raya
Isau-isau Pasemah
Padang Sugihan
Gunung Sawal
G. Tambora Selatan

Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve
Game Reserve




South Sulawesi
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Nusa Tenggara

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest


Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas



Danau Buyan Tamblingan
Pulau Sangiang
Bukit Kaba
Lubuk Tapi Kayu Ajaran
Grojogan Sewu
Gunung Selok
Sumber Semen
Telogowarno, Pengilon
Tuk Songo
Bukit Tangkiling
Tanjung Keluang
Air Terjun Wera
Gunung Gamping
Plawangan Turgo
Angke Kapuk
Gunung Baung
Kawah Ijen Merapi Ungup-ungup
Bukit Soeharto
Pulau Sangalaki
Pulau Besar
Teluk Kupang
Teluk Maumere
Tujuh Belas Pulau
Tuti Adigae
Bukit Sari
Gunung Api Banda
Pulau Kassa
Pulau Marsegu
Pulau Pombo
Taman Laut Banda
Kepulauan Banyak
Pulau Weh
Batu Angus
Batu Putih
Deleng Lancuk
Holiday Resort
Lau Debuk-debuk
Sijaba Hutaginjang
Gunung Meja
Kepulauan Padaido
Teluk Yotefa
Muka Kuning (Batam)
Pulau Padamarang
Teluk Lasolo

Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park



Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Kalimantan
Central Kalimantan
Central Sulawesi
DI Yogyakarta
DI Yogyakarta
DKI Jakarta
East Java
East Java
East Java
East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
Nagroe Aceh Darussalam
Nagroe Aceh Darussalam
North Sulawesi
North Sulawesi
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
North Sumatera
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi
South East Sulawesi

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Marine & Coastal

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas


Muara Angke




Tirta Rimba Air Jatuh
Pleihari Tanah Laut
Pulau Kembang
Cani Sirenreng
Danau Matano dan Mahalona
Danau Towuti
Goa Patunuang
Kepulauan Kapoposang
Nanggala III
Punti Kayu
Gunung Pancar
Gunung Papandayan
Gunung Tampomas
Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Kawah Kamojang
Telaga Bodas
Telaga Patenggang
Telaga Warna
Gunung Kelam
D. Rawa Taliwang
Gili Meno, Gili Air, Gili Trawangan
Gunung Tunak
P. Satonda
Pulau Moyo
Lembah Harau
Mega Mendung
Pulau Pieh
Rimbo Panti

Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park
Recreation Park



South East Sulawesi
South Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sumatera
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera
West Sumatera

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Marine & Coastal
Tropical humid forest

Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation
Regional Office of Nature Conservation

Associated Urban Areas










Gunung Abang Agung (RTK.8)

Gunung Abang Agung (RTK.8)
Burung Mandi I, II dan III
S. Kurau
Sungai Brang
Lawu Utara, Lawu Selatan and Wonogiri, KPH Surakarta
Tangen, Lawu Utara and Gemolong, KPH Surakarta and Telawa
Wonogiri, Lawu Selatan, Purwzntoro, and Batu Retno, KPH Surakarta
Pegunungan Paleleh
Lembok - Hulu Sungai Keraitan
Lindung Pulau Tarakan
Hutan Bayafa (RTK.34)
Hutan Boineno (RTK.32)
ILE Mahino (RTK.144) Pulau Lomblen
KOA (RTK.29)
Manufui (RTK.199) Pulau Timor
Mbeliling (RTK.109)
Oelmu (RTK.2) Pulau Semau
Pulau Pura (RTK.5)
Riwu (RTK.23)
Selie (RTK.78)
Pematang Neba Reg. 28
Serkung Peji REG.26
Gn. Walakletan
Gunung Nona
Gunung Sinopa
Gunung Sirimau
Pulau Damar
Pulau Gee
Pulau Maluku
Pulau Mitan
Pulau Moapora
Pulau Namwaan
Pulau Nyata
Pegunungan Irier
Pulau Miosnum Barat
Sungai Gesa
Sungai Vriendscop - Sungai Jinsowe
Liang Anggang
Batu Landi, Batu Pabeloang, Ambo Padang, Takoki,dan Lantebung


Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest






Central Java
Central Java
Central Java
Central Sulawesi
East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
South Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi



Tropical humid forest

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

District Forest Office

District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office

Associated Urban Areas





Sungai Balar
Uwai Toboru
Air Upang
Gunung Lintang dan Bukit Panti
Tanjung Pandan
Gunung Berantak


Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest
Protection Forest






South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
South Sumatera
West Kalimantan



Tropical humid forest

Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest
Tropical humid forest

District Forest Office

District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office
District Forest Office

Tropical humid forest

Tropical humid forest

Associated Urban Areas


Protected Species Including Endangered Species and IUCN Red List








Bubalus depressicornis
Bubalus quarlesi
Articitis binturong
Arctonyx collaris
Babyrousa babyrussa
Balaenoptera musculus
Balaenoptera physalus
Bos sondaicus
Capricornis sumatrensis
Cervus kuhli; axis kuhli
Cervus spp.
Cuon alpinus
Cynocephalus variegatus
Cynogale bennetti
Dendrolagus spp.
Diceorhinus sumatrensis
Elephas imaximus sumatranus
Felis badia
Felis bengalensis
Felis marmorota
Felis planiceps
Felis temmincki
Felis viverrinus
Helarctos malayanus
Symphalangus syndactylus
Hylobates Klossii
Symphalangus syndactylus
Hylobates Klossii
Hystrix brachyura
Iomys horsfieldi
Lariscus hosei
Lariscus insignis
Lutra lutra
Lutra sumatrana
Macaca brunnescens

Anoa dataran rendah, Kerbau pendek

Anoa pegunungan
Paus biru
Paus bersirip
Kambing Sumatera
Rusa Bawean
Menjangan, Rusa, Sambar (all of from genus Cervus)
Paus (all of from famili Cetacea)
Kubung, Tando, Walangkekes
Musang air
Kanguru pohon (all of from genus Dendrolagus)
Badak Sumatera
Lumba-lumba air laut (all of from famili Dolphinidae)
Gajah Sumatera
Kucing merah
Kucing hutan, Meong congkok
Kucing dampak
Kucing emas
Kucing bakau
Beruang madu
Bajing terbang ekor merah
Bajing tanah bergaris
Bajing tanah, Tupai tanah
Berang-berang utara, kucing air
Lutra Sumatera
Monyet Sulawesi

Endemic Sulawesi
Sulawesi, Buton
Nias, Riau, Sumatera, Bangka
Sulawesi, Sula Island, Togean NR
Tropical Waters of Indonesia, Java, Laut Banda
Tropical Waters of Indonesia, Java, Laut Banda, Flores
Jawa, Kalimantan
Endemic Sumatera
Endemic Bawean Island
Java, Sulawesi, Timor, Kalimantan, Papua
The Ocean Surrounding of Indonesian Territory
Sumatera, Jawa, Panaitan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
The Ocean Surrounding of Indonesian Territory
Tropical Coastal Water, East Sumatera, Maluku
Endemic Borneo
Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Bali
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Jawa, Bali
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Mentawai Islands, Siberut NP
Mentawai Islands, Siberut NP
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Batu Islands, Pagai Islands, Riau Islands, Kalimantan, Jawa
South East Sulawesi


Appendix I
Appendix I


Appendix I
Appendix I
Appendix I
Non Appendix
Appendix I
Appendix I


Non Appendix
Appendix II

Critically Endangered

Appendix I


Appenedix II
Appendix I
Appendix II

Data Deficient
Appendix I
Lower risk/Near Threatened
Appendix I
Lower risk/Near Threatened
Appendix I

Data Deficient

Appendix I
Appendix II


Macaca nigra
Macaca maura
Macaca pagensis
Macaca tonkeana
Macrogalidea musschenbroeki
Manis javanica
Megaptera novaeangliae
Muntiacus muntjak
Mydaus javanensis
Nasalis larvatus
Neofelis nebulusa
Nesolagus netscheri
Nycticebus coucang
Orcaella brevirostris
Panthera pardus
Panthera tigris sondaica
Panthera tigris sumatrae
Petaurista elegans
Phalanger spp.
Pongo pygmaeus
Pongo abelii
Presbitys frontata
Prionodon linsang
Prochidna bruijni
Ratufa bicolor
Rhinoceros sondaicus
Simias concolor
Tapirus indicus
Tarsius spp.
Thylogale spp.
Tragulus spp.

Monyet Hitam Sulawesi

Monyet Sulawesi
Bokoi, Beruk Mentawai
Monyet jambul
Musang Sulawesi
Trenggiling, Peusing
Paus bongkok
Kidang, Muncak
Sigung, Teledu
Kahau, Bekantan
Macan dahan
Kelinci Sumatera
Lumba-lumba air tawar, Pesut
Macam kumbang, Macam tutul
Harimau Jawa
Harimau Sumatera
Cukbo, Bajing terbang
Kuskus (all of from genus Phalanger)
Orang utan Kalimantan
Orang utan Sumatera
Lutung dahi putih
Musang congkok
Landak Irian, Landak semut
Badak Jawa
Simpei Mentawei
Tapir, Cipan, Tenuk
Binatang hantu, Singapuar (all of fromi genus Tarsius)
Kanguru tanah (all of from genus Thylogale)
Kancil, Pelanduk, Napu (all of from genus Tragulus)
Lumba-lumba air laut all of from famili Ziphiidae)

Tangkoko NR, Batuangus NR,

Siberut, Sipura, Pagai Islands
Togian Islands, Sulawesi (central)
Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara
The Ocean Surrounding of Indonesian Territory
Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Bangka, Belitung, Lombok, Kalimantan, Riau Islands
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Natuna Islands
Endemic Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Natuna Islands, Bangka, Kalimantan, Jawa
The Ocean Surrounding of Indonesian Territory
Kalimantan, Jawa, Kangean, Bali
Sumatera, Natuna, Kalimantan, Jawa
Papua, Togian, Sulawesi, Timor, Aru, Halmahera, Morotai, Bacan
Kalimantan, Kutai NP, Tanjung Putimg NP
Sumatera, Leuser NP
Endemic Borneo
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Bangka, Belitung
Kai, Aru Islands, Papua
Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Natuna, Anambas, Banyak Islands
Ujung Kulon NP
Sipura, Pagai Islands
South and Central Sumatera
Sulawesi, Sangihe, Togean, Sewlayar
Papua, Aru Islands, Kai Islands
Banyak, Batu, Sumatera, Karimata, Riau Islands, Kalimantan, Jawa, Sumatera
The Ocean Surrounding of Indonesian Territory

Appendix II
Critically Endangered
Lower risk/Near Threatened

Aethopyga exima
Aethopyga duyvenbodei
Alcippe pyrrhoptera
Anhinga melanogaster
Aramidopsis plateni
Argusianus argus
Bubulcus ibis
Cacatua galerita

Burung alap-alap, Elang (all of from famili Accipitridae)

Jantingan gunung
Burung madu Sangihe
Burung udang, Raja udang all of from famili Alcedinidae)
Brencet wergan
Pecuk ular
Mandar Sulawesi
Kuntul, Bangau Putih
Julang, Enggang, Rangkong, (all of from Fam Bucerotidae)
Kakatua Besar Jambul Kuning

Sumatera, Papua, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Alor, Bonerate, Tukangbesi

Jawa, Bali, Lombok, Kangean, Pagai, Nias, Banyak, Riau, Bangka, Sumatera, Kalimantan
Jawa (central and west)
Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Timor
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Lower risk

Cacatua goffini
Cacatua moluccensis

Kakatua Gofin
Kakatua Seram


Lower Risk/near threateneAppendix I


Lower risk/Near ThreateneAppendix II


Appenidx I
Appendix I


Appendix II

Critically Endangered
Critically Endangered

Appendix I

Critical Endangered
Critical Endangered
Data Deficient

Appendix I
Appendix I
Appenidx II
Appendix II

Appendix I

Critical Endangered
Appendix I
Low Risk/Near ThreatenedAppendix II


Appendix I & II
Appendix II


Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata

Kakatua kecil jambul kuning
Cairina scutulata
Itik liar
Caloenas nicobarica
Junai, Burung mas, Minata
Casuarius benneti
Kasuari kecil
Casuarius casuarius
Casuarius unappenddiculatus
Kasuari gelambir satu, Kasuari leher kuning
Ciconia episcopus
Bangau hitam, Sandanglawe
Colluricincla megarhyncha sanghirens Burung sohabe coklat
Crocias albonotatus
Burung matahari
Ducula whartoni
Pergam raja
Egretta sacra
Kuntul karang
Egretta spp.
Kuntul, Bangau putih (all of from genus Egretta)
Elanus caerulleus
Alap-alap putih, Alap-alap tikus
Elanus hypoleucus
Alap-alap putih, Alap-alap tikus
Eos histrio
Nuri sangir
Esacus magnirostris
Wili-wili, Uar, Bebek laut
Eutrichomyias rowleyi
Seriwang Sangihe
Burung alap-alap, Elang (all of from famili Falconidae)
Fregeta andrewsi
Burung gunting, Bintayung
Garrulax rufifrons
Burung kuda
Goura cristata
Mambruk Ubiaat
Gracula religiosa mertensi
Beo Flores
Gracula religiosa robusta
Beo Nias
Gracula religiosa venerata
Beo Sumbawa
Grus spp.
Jenjang (all of from genus Grus)
Heliastur indus
Elang Bondol
Himantopus himantopus
Trulek lidi, Lilimo
Ibis cinereus
Bluwok, Walangkadak
Lorius roratus
Leptoptilos javanicus
Marabu, Bangau tontong
Leucopsar rothschildi
Jalak Bali
Limnodromus semipalmatus
Blekek Asia
Lophozosterops javanica
Burung kaca mata leher abu-abu
Lophura bulweri
Beleang ekor putih
Loriculus catamene
Serindit Sangihe
Loriculus exilis
Serindit Sulawesi
Lorius domicellus
Nuri merah kepala hitam
Macrocephalon maleo
Burung maleo
Megalaima armillaris
Megalaima corvina
Haruku, Ketuk-ketuk
Megalaima javensis
Tulung tumpuk, Bultok jawa
Maleo (all of from famili Megapodidae)
Megapodius reintwardtii
Burung Gosong
Burung Sesap
Musciscapa ruecky
Burung Kipas Biru
Mycteria cinerea
Bangau Putih Susu, Bluwok

Sumatera, West Java
Papua, Yapen
Aru Island, Seram, Papua
N Papua, P. Yapen, P. Batanta, P. Salawati
Sumatera, Jawa, bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sulawesi, Togian, Buton, Kalimantan
Sangihe Islands
Jawa (Central and western highlands)
Chrismast Island, Australia
Papua, Siberut, Mentawai, Babel, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Ternate, Sumba, Roti, Flores
all Indonesian region
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan
Sumatera,Jawa, Kalimantan
P. Sangir, P. Talaud
Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kalao, Tukangbesi, Sula Islands, Seram

Critical Endangered


Lower Risk/near threatened



Appendix II
Appendix II
Appendix I

Sumatera, Kalimanta, Halmahera, Papua, Ambon (all Indonesian region)

Jawa, Sumatera (Way Kambas NP), Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Bangka, Anambas Islands
Java (Western Mountains, Gunung Slamet)
Western Papua and small Islands,
Appenndix II
all Indonesian region
Appendix II
Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Bali, Sulawesi, Selayar, Bacan, Papua, Sumba, Alor, Tanimbar
Sumatera, Jawa, Sumbawa, Bali
Sumba, Tanimbar, Buru, Seram, Ambon, Saparua, HarukuAru, Numfor, Papua
Appendix II
Sumatera, Babel, Panaitan, Jawa, Bali, Moyo, Seribu Islands
Bali (Bali Barat NP)
Critical Endangered
Appenidx I
Sumatera, Kalimanatn, Sulawesi, jawa, Timor, Papua
Jawa (Gunung Gede Pangrango NP, Ijen Mountains, Gunung Karang)
Appendix II
North, East, SE Sulawesi
Lower risk
Appendiix II
Seram, Ambon
Appendix II
Appendix I
Endemic Jawa, Bali
Endemic Jawa
West Java
Lower risk/near threatened
Waigeo, Jobi, Misool, Papua, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Morotai, Kalimanatan, Lombok
Laut Kecil Island, Masalembo Island, E Java, Bali, Flores, Rinca Alor, Selayar, Banda, Aru Islands, Bonerate
Laut Kecil Island, Masalembo Island, E Java, Bali, Flores, Rinca Alor, Selayar, Banda, Aru Islands, Bonerate
Sumatera, Jawa, Sumbawa, Sulawesi


Numenius spp.
Nycticorax caledonicus
Otus migicus beccarii
Pavo muticus
Plegadis falcinellus
Polyplectron malacense
Probosciger aterrimus

Burung Madu, Jantingan

Gagajahan all of from genus Numenius)
Kowak merah
Burung hantu biak
Burung alap-alap, Elang (all of from famili Pandionidae)
Burung cenderawasih (all of from famili Paradiseidae)
Burung merak
Gangsa laut (all of from famili Pelecanidae)
Burung paok, Burung cacing (all of from famili Pittidae)
Ibis hitam, Roko-roko
Merak kerdil
Kakatua Raja

Sangihe, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Siberut, Natuna, Sangihe, Sulawesi, Mentawai, Nias, Papua, Babel, Papua Islands
Sumatera (Berbak NP), Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, Jawa, all Indonesian regions
Jawa, Kalmantan, Sulawesi, Manado Tua, Sangihe, Ambon, Flores, Papua, Bacan, Ternate, Tanimbar
Appendix II
Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimanta, Sangihe, Papua, Eastern Indonesian Islands)
Appendix I
Sulawesi, Banggai Islands, Sumatera, Jawa, Halmahera, Seram, Ambon, Lombok, Flores, Sumba
Sumatera, Kalimantan (upper of Kapuas river and Mahakam rivers)
Sumatera, Jawa, Flores, Sulawesi, Ternate, Halmahera, Merauke, Flores, Sumba
Low Risk
Appendix I

Psaltria exilis
Pseudibis davisoni
Psittichas fulgidus
Rhipidura euryura
Rhipidura javanica
Rhipidura phoenicura
Satchyris grammiceps
Satchyris melanothorax
Spilornis cheela
Spizaetus bartelsi
Sterna zimmermanni
Sturnus melanopterus
Sula abbotti
Sula dactylatra
Sula leucogaster
Tanygnathus sumatranus
Threskiornis aethiopicus

Glatik kecil, Glatik gunung

Ibis hitam punggung putih
Kasturi raja, Betet besar
Burung namdur, Burung dewata
Burung kipas perut putih, Kipas gunung
Burung Kipas
Burung kipas ekor merah
Burung tepus dada putih
Burung tepus pipi perak
Elang Ular Bido
Elang Jawa
Dara laut berjambul
Burung dara laut (all of from famili Sternidae)
Jalak putih, Kaleng putih
Gangsa batu aboti
Gangsa batu muka biru
Gangsa batu
Gangsa batu kaki merah
Nuri Sulawesi
Ibis putih, Platuk besi

Jawa (Western and central Mountais)

Kalimantan (Mahakam, Barito, Seruyan)
Appendix II
Sumatera, Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Bangka, Belitung, Kalimantan, Maratua,
Jawa (western)
Jawa (Gunung Gede NP, Papandayan, Ijen Mountains) , Bali (Low land)
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan
Appendix II
Appendix II
waters arround Sulawesi, Papua, Sangihe, Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Timor, Kalimantan
waters arround Sulawesi, Papua, Sangihe, Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Timor, Kalimantan
Jawa (Baluran NP), Bali, Lombok
Enggano, Sumatera
Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Buru, Flores, Roti, Papua, Tukangbesi Islands
Sumatera, Bangka, Jawa, Sangihe, Sulawesi, Peleng, Sula, Ternate, Ambon, Buru, Lombok, Bacan,
Lombok, Jawa, Enggano, Buru, Seram, Aru, Papua, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Riau Islands,
Sulawesi, Tatalud, Sangihe, Togian, Buton, Sula, Maratua, Banggai Islands
Sumatera, Jawa, Riau Islands, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Seram, Geser, Kai Besar Islands, Tanimbar, Babar, Salawati, Papua,

Penyu tempayan
Kura-kura Irian
Kura irian leher panjang
Penyu hijau
Labi-labi besar
Soa Payung
Sanca hijau
Buaya air tawar Irian
Buaya muara
Buaya siam
Penyu belimbing
Kura irian leher pendek

All tropical waters in indonesia
South Papua, Lorentz NP
SE Papua, S Papua
Indonesia & Papua Nugini
Critically Endangered
Southern Papua,
Northern Papua, Papua
Sumatera, Mentawai & Riau Islands, Kalimantan, Sumbawa, Maluku Islands, Sulawesi
W Java, E Kalimantan
all tropical seas in Indonesia

Batagur baska
Caretta caretta
Carettochelys insculpta
Chelodina novaeguineae
Chelonia mydas
Chitra indica
Chlamydosaurus kingi
Chondrophyton viridis
Crocodylus novaeguineae
Crocodylus porosus
Crocodylus siamensis
Dermochelys coriacea
Elseya novaeguineae

Critically Endangered

Appendix I
Appendix I
Appendix II


Appendix I

Critically Endangered

Critically Endangered
Critically Endangered

Appendix II
Appendix II
Appendix II
Appendix I
Appendix I


Eretmochelys imbricata
Gonychephalus dilophus
Hydrasaurus amboinensis
Lepidochelys olivacae
Natator depressa
Orlitia borneensis
Python molurus
Python timorensis
Tiliqua gigas
Tomistoma schlegelii
Varanus borneensis
Varanus gouldi
Varanus indicus
Varanus komodoensis
Varanus nebulosus
Varanus prasinus
Varanus timorensis
Varanus togianus

Penyu sisik
Bunglon sisir
Soa-soa, Biawak Ambon, Biawak pohon
Penyu ridel
Penyu pipih
Kura-kura gading
Sanca bodo
Sanca Timor
Kadal Panama
Senyulong, Buaya sapit
Biawak Kalimantan
Biawak coklat
Biawak Maluku
Biawak komodo, Ora
Biawak abu-abu
Biawak hijau
Biawak Timor
Biawak Togian

Indonesia & Papua Nugini

Kai Islands, Aru Islands, Batanta, Jobi, Maffor, Papua
Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua
Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua
East Nusa Tenggara, C and S Maluku, Papua
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Jawa, Nusa Barung, Sumbawa, Sulawesi
Lombok, komodo, flores, solor, sumbawa
Maluku, Papua
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan
South Papua
Talaud Islands, Malukus Islands
Komodo Island, Radar Island, Flores Island
Riau Islands, E Sumatera, Java
Misool, Salawati, Papua, Biak, Yapen
Savu, Roti, Semau, Timor
Sulawesi, Togian Islands, Selayar

Kupu bidadari
Kupu sayap burung peri
Kupu sayap burung goliat
Kupu sayap burung surga
Kupu burung priamus
Kupu burung rotsil
Kupu burung titon
Kupu trogon
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja
Kupu raja

Sulawesi, Kep. Banggai, Buton

Wondiwoi Mountains, Meno River, Paniai Lake
Seram, Waigeo, Manokwari, Papua
Etna, Manokwari, Jayapura
Seram, Ambon, Wai Islands, Aru Islands, Jayapura
Arfak, Waigeo, Salawati, Misool,
Papua, Waigeo, Salawati, Misool
Sumatera, Natuna Islands, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Nias, Batu, Jawa, Kalimantan
Morotai, Halmahera, Tewrnate, Bacan, Sulawesi
Sulawesi, Selayar, Tanahjampea
Sumatera, Nias, Natna, Kalimantan, Bawean, Kangean, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Buton
Sangihe, Sula Isl, Morotai, Halmahera, Bacan, Buru, Seram, Ambon
Tanimbar Islands
Sumatera (Toba Lake), West Java

Selusur Maninjau
Ikan raja laut
Belida Jawa, Lopis Jawa (all of from Notopterus)
Pari Sentani, Hiu Sentani (all of from genus Pritis)
Wader goa
Peyang malaya, Tangkelasa
Arowana Irian, Peyang Irian, Kaloso

Sumatera (Danau Maninjau)

Manado Tua (Bunaken NP)
Sumatera, Jawa
Papua (Danau Sentani)
Jawa (Goa Jomblang)
Sumatera, Bangka, Kalimantan

Critically Endangered

Appendix I


Appendix I
Appendix I

Lower risk


Appendix II
Appendix II
Appendix I
Appendix II


Appendix I
Appendix I
Appendix II

Cethosia myrina
Ornithoptera chimaera
Ornithoptera goliath
Ornithoptera paradisea
Ornithoptera priamus
Ornithoptera rotschldi
Ornithoptera tithonus
Trogonotera brookiana
Troides amphrysus
Troides andromanche
Troides criton
Troides haliphron
Troides helena
Troides hypolitus
Troides miranda
Troides plato
Troides rhadamantus
Troides riedeli
Troides vandepolli
Homaloptera gymnogaster
Latimeria chalumnae
Notopterus spp.
Pritis spp.
Puntius microps
Scleropages formosus
Scleropages jardini


Antiphates spp.

Akar bahar, Koral hitam (all of from genus Antiphates)

Indonesia Water Seas

Ketam kelapa
Kepala kambing
Triton terompet
Kima tapak kuda, Kima kuku beruang
Kima Cina
Nautilus berongga
Ketam tapak kuda
Kima kunia, Lubang
Kima selatan
Kima raksasa
Kima kecil
Kima sisik, Kima seruling
Troka, Susur bundar
Batu laga, Siput hijau

Talaud Islands, Maluku, Papua, Eastern NTT

Sumatera, Jawa, Seribu Islands, Sulawesi, Sangihe, Obi, Saparua, Ambon, Banda, Aru
Western Kalimantan, Kangean, Buru, Seram, Obi
Simeulue, Banyak Islands, Batu Islands, Nias, Panaitan, Jawa, Bali, Sulawesi, Manipa, Kasiruta, Bacan, Ambon
Sulawesi Seas
Panaitan, Madura, Sulawesi, Obi, Ambon, Papua
Indonesia Water Seas
Simeulue, Nias, Malaka, Jawa, Ambon, Madura, Arafura
Northern Kalimantan, Cenderawasih Bay
Simeulue, Banyak Islands, Nias, Batu Islands, Siberut, Mentawai Islands, Panaitan, Cenderawasih Bay
Simeulue, Banyak Islands, Nias, Batu Islands, Siberut, Mentawai Islands, Panaitan, Cenderawasih Bay
Pagi Islands, Mentawai, Batam, Panaitan, Jawa, Seribu Islands, Ternate, Bacan,
Sumatera, Jawa, Seribu Islands, Sulawesi, Lae-lae, Ternate, Obi, Saparua
Jawa, Flores, Komodo, Flortes, Langkai, Sulawesi,

Birgus latro
Cassis cornuta
Charonia tritonis
Hippopus hippopus
Hippopus porcellanus
Nautilus pompillius
Tachipleus gigas
Tridacna crocea
Tridacna derasa
Tridacna gigas
Tridacna maxima
Tridacna squamosa
Trochus niloticus
Turbo marmoratus


Borrassodendron borneensis
Caryota no
Ceratolobus glaucescens
Cystostachys lakka
Cystostachys renda
Eugeissona utilis
Johanneste ijsmaria altifrons
Livistona spp
Nenga gajah
Phoenix paludosa
Pigafatta filaris
Pinanga javana

Bindang, Budang
Palem raja/Indonesia
Pelem Jawa
Pinang merah Kalimantan
Pinang merah Bangka
Daun payung
Palem kipas Sumatera (all of from genus Livistona)
Palem Sumatera
Korma rawa
Pinang Jawa

Eastern Kalimantan
Eastern Kalimantan
Western Jawa
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Jawa, Kalimantan
Sulawesi, Papua

Rafflesia, Bunga Padma (all of from genus Rafflesia)

Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa

Bunga bangkai jangkung

Bunga bangkai raksasa

Sumatera, Jawa
Sumatera (bengkulu)

Anggrek kebutan
Anggrek hitam
Anggrek koribas
Anggrek hartinah
Anggrek karawai

Jawa, Bali

Rafflesia spp.
Amorphophallus decussilvae
Amorphophallus titanum




Ascocentrum miniatum
Coelogyne pandurata
Corybas fornicatus
Cymbidium hartinahianum
Dendrobium catinecloesum




Dendrobium d'albertisii
Dendrobium lasianthera
Dendrobium macrophyllum
Dendrobium ostrinoglossum
Dendrobium phalaenopsis
Grammatophyllum papuanum
Grammatophyllum speciosum
Macodes petola
Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum
Paphiopedilum praestans
Paraphalaenopsis denevei
Paraphalaenopsis laycockii
Paraphalaenopsis serpentilingua
Phalaenopsis amboinensis
Phalaenopsis gigantea

Anggrek albert
Anggrek stuberi
Anggrek jamrud
Anggrek karawai
Anggrek larat
Anggrek raksasa Irian
Anggrek tebu
Anggrek ki aksara
Anggrek kasut kumis
Anggrek kasut berbulu
Anggrek kasut pita
Anggrek bulan bintang
Anggrek bulan Kalimantan Tengah
Anggrek bulan Kalimantan Barat
Anggrek bulan Ambon
Anggrek bulan raksasa

Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku
Sumatera, Kalimantan
Jawa, Sumatera
Western Kalimantan
Eastern Kalimantan
Western Kalimantan
Sulawesi , Maluku


Phalaenopsis sumatrana
Phalaenopsis violacose
Renanthera matutina
Spathoglottis aurea
Vanda celebica
Vanda hookeriana

Anggrek bulan Sumatera

Anggrek kelip
Anggrek jingga
Anggrek sendok
Vanda mungil Minahasa
Vanda pensil

Sumatera, Kalimantan
Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan
Sumatera, Kalimantan

Kantong semar (all of from genus Nephentes)

Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua


Kalimantan (Kapuas)
Kalimantan (Kapuas)
Kalimantan (Kapuas)
Kalimantan (Kapuas)
Kalimantan (Kapuas)
Sumatera (Riau)
Sumatera (Palembang)
Sumatera (Padang)
Sumatera (Palembang, Lampung)


Nephentes spp.
Shorea stenoptera
Shorea Macrophylla
Shorea gysberstiana
Shorea pinanga
Shorea compressa
Shorea seminis
Shorea martiniana
Shorea mexistopteryx
Shorea beccariana
Shorea mcrantha
Shorea palembanica
Shorea lepidota
Shorea singkawang

Source : Government Regulation of The Republic of Indonesia Number 7 Year 1999, Date 27 Januari 1999, Concerning Preservation of Plants and Animal Species


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Monotremata - Egg-laying Mammals

Zaglossus bruijnii


Dasyuromorphia - Marsupial Carnivores

Antechinus habbema

Data deficient

Antechinus naso

Data deficient

Antechinus wilhelmina

Data deficient

Dasyurus albopunctatus


Dasyurus spartacus


Phascolosorex doriae

Data deficient

Planigale novaeguineae


Peramelemorphia - Bandicoots
Echymipera clara

Data deficient

Microperoryctes murina

Data deficient

Rhynchomeles prattorum

Data deficient

Diprotodontia - Diprotodont Marsupials

Ailurops ursinus

Data deficient

Phalanger alexandrae

Data deficient

Phalanger gymnotis

Data deficient

Phalanger rothschildi


Phalanger vestitus


Spilocuscus papuensis

Data deficient

Spilocuscus rufoniger


Strigocuscus celebensis

Data deficient

Dendrolagus dorianus


Dendrolagus goodfellowi


Dendrolagus inustus

Data deficient

Dendrolagus mbaiso


Dendrolagus ursinus

Data deficient

Thylogale brownii


Thylogale brunii


Pseudocheirus canescens

Data deficient

Pseudocheirus schlegeli

Data deficient

Pseudochirops albertisii


Pseudochirops corinnae


Pseudochirulus caroli

Data deficient

Dactylopsila megalura


Pholidota - Pangolins
Manis javanica

Lower risk: near threatened

Insectivora - Insectivores
Hylomys parvus

Critically endangered

Chimarrogale sumatrana

Critically endangered

Crocidura beccarii


Crocidura minuta

Data deficient

Crocidura orientalis


Crocidura paradoxura




Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Crocidura tenuis


Suncus mertensi

Critically endangered

Appendix CITES

Scandentia - Treeshrews
Tupaia chrysogaster


Tupaia longipes


Chiroptera - Bats
Acerodon celebensis

Lower risk: near threatened


Acerodon humilis



Aethalops aequalis

Lower risk: near threatened

Aethalops alecto

Lower risk: near threatened

Aproteles bulmerae

Critically endangered

Cynopterus nusatenggara

Lower risk: near threatened

Dobsonia beauforti


Dobsonia emersa


Dobsonia exoleta

Lower risk: near threatened

Dobsonia minor

Lower risk: near threatened

Dobsonia peronii


Dyacopterus spadiceus

Lower risk: near threatened

Megaerops kusnotoi


Neopteryx frosti


Nyctimene aello

Lower risk: near threatened

Nyctimene celaeno


Nyctimene certans

Lower risk: near threatened

Nyctimene cyclotis

Lower risk: near threatened

Nyctimene draconilla


Nyctimene minutus


Paranyctimene raptor

Lower risk: near threatened

Pteropus argentatus

Data deficient


Pteropus chrysoproctus

Lower risk: near threatened


Pteropus ocularis



Pteropus pohlei



Pteropus pumilus



Pteropus speciosus



Pteropus temmincki

Lower risk: near threatened


Rousettus bidens

Lower risk: near threatened

Rousettus spinalatus


Styloctenium wallacei

Lower risk: near threatened

Syconycteris carolinae


Syconycteris hobbit


Thoopterus nigrescens

Lower risk: near threatened

Emballonura furax


Emballonura raffrayana

Lower risk: near threatened

Taphozous achates


Nycteris javanica


Coelops robinsoni

Lower risk: near threatened



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Hipposideros breviceps


Hipposideros corynophyllus


Hipposideros coxi


Hipposideros crumeniferus

Data deficient

Hipposideros dinops

Lower risk: near threatened

Hipposideros inexpectatus


Hipposideros macrobullatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Hipposideros madurae

Lower risk: near threatened

Hipposideros muscinus


Hipposideros papua


Hipposideros sorenseni

Lower risk: near threatened

Hipposideros sumbae

Lower risk: near threatened

Hipposideros wollastoni

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus canuti

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus celebensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus creaghi

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus keyensis


Rhinolophus nereis

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus philippinensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinolophus simplex


Glischropus javanus


Hesperoptenus gaskelli


Kerivoula myrella


Miniopterus schreibersii

Lower risk: near threatened

Myotis hermani

Data deficient

Myotis ridleyi

Lower risk: near threatened

Myotis stalkeri


Nyctophilus heran


Nyctophilus timoriensis


Pipistrellus kitcheneri

Lower risk: near threatened

Pipistrellus macrotis

Lower risk: near threatened

Pipistrellus minahassae

Data deficient

Pipistrellus mordax

Lower risk: near threatened

Pipistrellus papuanus

Lower risk: near threatened

Scotophilus celebensis

Data deficient

Chaerephon johorensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Cheiromeles parvidens

Lower risk: near threatened

Cheiromeles torquatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Mops sarasinorum

Lower risk: near threatened

Mormopterus doriae


Otomops formosus


Otomops johnstonei


Tadarida australis

Lower risk: near threatened

Appendix CITES

Primates - Primates
Tarsius bancanus borneanus

Data deficient



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Tarsius bancanus natunensis

Data deficient


Tarsius bancanus saltator

Data deficient


Tarsius dianae



Tarsius pelengensis

Data deficient

Tarsius pumilus

Data deficient

Tarsius sangirensis

Data deficient

Tarsius spectrum

Lower risk: near threatened


Macaca fascicularis fascicularis

Lower risk: near threatened


Macaca fascicularis fusca

Data deficient


Macaca fascicularis karimondjawae

Data deficient


Macaca fascicularis lasiae

Data deficient


Macaca fascicularis tua

Data deficient


Macaca hecki

Lower risk: near threatened

Macaca maura



Macaca nemestrina



Macaca nigra



Macaca nigrescens



Macaca ochreata ochreata

Data deficient


Macaca ochreata brunnescens



Macaca pagensis pagensis

Critically endangered

Macaca pagensis siberu

Critically endangered

Macaca tonkeana

Lower risk: near threatened

Nasalis larvatus


Presbytis comata



Presbytis femoralis batuana

Data deficient


Presbytis femoralis chrysomelas

Data deficient


Presbytis femoralis cruciger

Data deficient


Presbytis femoralis percura

Data deficient


Presbytis fredericae

Data deficient

Presbytis frontata

Data deficient


Presbytis hosei canicrus

Data deficient


Presbytis hosei everetti

Data deficient


Presbytis melalophos melalophos

Lower risk: near threatened


Presbytis potenziani potenziani



Presbytis potenziani siberu



Presbytis thomasi

Lower risk: near threatened


Simias concolor concolor


Simias concolor siberu


Trachypithecus auratus auratus



Trachypithecus auratus mauritius



Trachypithecus cristatus

Lower risk: near threatened


Pongo abelii

Critically Endangered

Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus


Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii


Hylobates agilis agilis

Lower risk: near threatened




Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Hylobates agilis albibarbis

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylobates agilis unko

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylobates klossii


Hylobates lar vestitus

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylobates moloch moloch

Critically endangered

Hylobates moloch pongoalsoni

Critically endangered

Hylobates muelleri abbotti

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylobates muelleri funereus

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylobates muelleri muelleri

Lower risk: near threatened

Symphalangus syndactylus syndactylus

Lower risk: near threatened

Nycticebus coucang menagensis

Data deficient


Nycticebus javanicus

Data deficient

Carnivora - Carnivores
Cuon alpinus



Catopuma badia



Catopuma temminckii

Lower risk: near threatened

Neofelis nebulosa


Panthera pardus melas


Panthera tigris sumatrae

Critically endangered

Pardofelis marmorata

Data deficient

Prionailurus planiceps


Prionailurus viverrinus

Lower risk: near threatened


Amblonyx cinereus

Lower risk: near threatened


Lutra lutra


Lutra sumatrana

Data deficient


Lutrogale perspicillata



Martes flavigula robinsoni


Melogale personata orientalis

Lower risk: near threatened

Mustela lutreolina


Helarctos malayanus

Data deficient

Arctogalidia trivirgata trilineata


Cynogale bennettii


Diplogale hosei


Macrogalidia musschenbroekii


Paradoxurus hermaphroditus lignicolor



Cetacea - Dolphins and Whales

Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Lower risk: near threatened

Balaenoptera borealis


Balaenoptera edeni

Data deficient

Balaenoptera musculus


Balaenoptera physalus


Megaptera novaeangliae


Feresa attenuata

Data deficient


Globicephala macrorhynchus



Grampus griseus

Data deficient


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Lagenodelphis hosei

Data deficient


Lissodelphis peronii

Data deficient


Orcaella brevirostris

Data deficient

Orcaella brevirostris [Mahakam subpopulation]

Critically Endangered


Orcinus orca



Sousa chinensis

Data deficient

Stenella attenuata


Stenella coeruleoalba


Stenella longirostris


Steno bredanensis

Data deficient

Tursiops truncatus

Data deficient

Neophocaena phocaenoides

Data deficient


Physeter catodon


Indopacetus pacificus

Data deficient

Mesoplodon ginkgodens

Data deficient

Ziphius cavirostris

Data deficient



Sirenia - Sea Cows

Dugong dugon


Proboscidea - Elephants

Tapirus indicus


Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni

Critically endangered

Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis

Critically endangered

Rhinoceros sondaicus sondaicus

Critically endangered

Babyrousa babyrussa


Sus barbatus oi

Lower risk: near threatened

Sus verrucosus


Axis kuhlii


Bos javanicus


Bubalus depressicornis


Bubalus quarlesi


Capricornis sumatraensis sumatraensis


Elephas maximus
Perissodactyla - Odd-toed Ungulates

Artiodactyla - Even-toed Ungulates

Rodentia - Rodents
Hystrix brachyura


Hystrix crassispinis

Lower risk: near threatened

Bunomys coelestis


Bunomys fratrorum

Lower risk: near threatened

Bunomys heinrichi

Lower risk: near threatened

Bunomys prolatus


Chiropodomys karlkoopmani


Chiropodomys muroides

Lower risk: near threatened

Coccymys albidens


Crunomys celebensis



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Eropeplus canus


Haeromys margarettae


Haeromys pusillus


Hydromys habbema

Lower risk: near threatened

Hydromys hussoni

Lower risk: near threatened

Kadarsanomys sodyi

Lower risk: near threatened

Komodomys rintjanus


Leptomys elegans

Critically Endangered

Leopoldamys siporanus


Macruromys elegans

Critically endangered

Macruromys major


Mallomys gunung

Critically endangered

Mallomys istapantap

Lower risk: near threatened

Margaretamys elegans


Margaretamys parvus


Mayermys ellermani


Maxomys baeodon


Maxomys dollmani


Maxomys hylomyoides

Lower risk: near threatened

Maxomys pagensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Maxomys wattsi


Melasmothrix naso


Melomys aerosus

Lower risk: near threatened

Melomys fraterculus

Lower risk: near threatened

Melomys obiensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Microhydromys richardsoni

Lower risk: near threatened

Mus vulcani

Lower risk: near threatened

Papagomys armandvillei


Paraleptomys wilhelmina


Paruromys ursinus


Paulamys naso


Pithecheir melanurus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pogonomelomys bruijni

Critically endangered

Pseudohydromys occidentalis


Pseudomys delicatulus

Lower risk: near threatened

Rattus adustus


Rattus bontanus


Rattus elaphinus


Rattus enganus

Critically endangered

Rattus feliceus


Rattus foramineus

Lower risk: near threatened

Rattus hainaldi

Lower risk: near threatened

Rattus hoogerwerfi


Rattus jobiensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Rattus koopmani

Lower risk: near threatened

Appendix CITES


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Rattus mollicomulus


Rattus pelurus


Rattus sordidus

Lower risk: near threatened

Rattus timorensis

Data deficient

Sundamys maxi


Taeromys arcuatus


Taeromys hamatus


Taeromys punicans

Lower risk: near threatened

Tateomys macrocercus


Tateomys rhinogradoides


Uromys anak

Lower risk: near threatened

Xenuromys barbatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylopetes bartelsi

Lower risk: near threatened

Hylopetes sipora


Hylopetes winstoni

Critically endangered

Hyosciurus heinrichi


Hyosciurus ileile


Iomys sipora


Lariscus hosei


Lariscus niobe

Lower risk: near threatened

Lariscus obscurus

Lower risk: near threatened

Petinomys lugens

Lower risk: near threatened

Prosciurillus abstrusus


Prosciurillus weberi

Lower risk: near threatened

Pteromyscus pulverulentus

Lower risk: near threatened

Sundasciurus brookei

Lower risk: near threatened

Sundasciurus jentinki


Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Hares

Nesolagus netscheri

Critically endangered

Appendix CITES



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Chelidae - Side-necked Turtles

Chelodina mccordi

Critically endangered

Chelodina parkeri


Chelodina reimanni

Lower risk: near threatened

Chelodina siebenrocki

Lower risk: near threatened

Elseya branderhorsti


Trionychidae - Softshell Turtles

Amyda cartilaginea


Chitra chitra

Critically endangered

Pelochelys bibroni


Pelochelys cantorii


Carettochelyidae - Pig-nose Turtles

Carettochelys insculpta


Cheloniidae - Marine Turtles

Caretta caretta


Chelonia mydas


Eretmochelys imbricata

Critically endangered

Lepidochelys olivacea


Dermochelyidae - Leatherback Turtles

Dermochelys coriacea

Critically endangered

Bataguridae - River Terrapins

Batagur baska

Critically endangered

Callagur borneoensis

Critically endangered

Cuora amboinensis


Cyclemys dentata

Lower risk: near threatened

Cyclemys oldhamii

Cyclemys dentata

Heosemys spinosa
Leucocephalon yuwonoi

Geoemyda yuwonoi

Malayemys subtrijuga


Notochelys platynota


Orlitia borneensis


Siebenrockiella crassicollis


Testudinidae - Tortoises
Indotestudo forstenii


Manouria emys




Sauria - Lizards
Varanus komodoensis
Serpentes - Snakes
Anomochilus leonardi

Data deficient

Python molurus

Lower risk: near threatened

Iguanognathus werneri



Crocodylia - Crocodiles
Crocodylus siamensis
Tomistoma schlegelii

Critically endangered



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Casuariidae - Cassowaries and Allies

Casuarius bennetti

Lower risk: near threatened

Casuarius casuarius


Casuarius unappendiculatus


Megapodiidae - Megapodes
Aepypodius bruijnii


Macrocephalon maleo


Megapodius bernsteinii

Lower risk: near threatened

Megapodius geelvinkianus

Lower risk: near threatened

Eulipoa wallacei


Phasianidae - Grouse and Allies

Anurophasis monorthonyx

Lower risk: near threatened

Arborophila charltonii

Lower risk: near threatened

Argusianus argus

Lower risk: near threatened

Caloperdix oculea

Lower risk: near threatened

Lophura bulweri


Lophura erythrophthalma


Lophura hoogerwerfi


Lophura ignita

Lower risk: near threatened

Lophura inornata


Melanoperdix nigra


Pavo muticus



Polyplectron schleiermacheri



Rhizothera longirostris

Lower risk: near threatened

Rollulus rouloul

Lower risk: near threatened


Anatidae - Ducks and Allies

Cairina scutulata


Salvadorina waigiuensis


Turnicidae - Buttonquails
Turnix everetti


Indicatoridae - Honeyguides
Indicator archipelagicus

Lower risk: near threatened

Picidae - Woodpeckers
Dinopium rafflesii

Lower risk: near threatened

Meiglyptes tukki

Lower risk: near threatened

Megalaimidae - Asian Barbets

Megalaima henricii

Lower risk: near threatened

Megalaima javensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Megalaima mystacophanos

Lower risk: near threatened

Megalaima rafflesii

Lower risk: near threatened

Bucerotidae - Typical Hornbills

Aceros corrugatus

Lower risk: near threatened


Aceros everetti



Aceros subruficollis



Anthracoceros malayanus

Lower risk: near threatened



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Buceros bicornis

Lower risk: near threatened

Buceros rhinoceros

Lower risk: near threatened

Buceros vigil

Lower risk: near threatened

Trogonidae - Trogons
Harpactes diardii

Lower risk: near threatened

Harpactes duvaucelii

Lower risk: near threatened

Harpactes kasumba

Lower risk: near threatened

Harpactes orrhophaeus

Lower risk: near threatened

Harpactes whiteheadi

Lower risk: near threatened

Coraciidae - Typical Rollers

Eurystomus azureus


Alcedinidae - Alcedinid Kingfishers

Alcedo euryzona

Lower risk: near threatened

Ceyx fallax

Lower risk: near threatened

Halcyonidae - Halcyonid Kingfishers

Actenoides concretus

Lower risk: near threatened

Actenoides monachus

Lower risk: near threatened

Cittura cyanotis

Lower risk: near threatened

Tanysiptera carolinae

Lower risk: near threatened

Tanysiptera ellioti

Lower risk: near threatened

Tanysiptera hydrocharis

Data deficient

Tanysiptera riedelii

Lower risk: near threatened

Todirhamphus australasia

Lower risk: near threatened

Todirhamphus enigma

Lower risk: near threatened

Todirhamphus funebris


Todirhamphus lazuli

Lower risk: near threatened

Todirhamphus nigrocyaneus

Data deficient

Cuculidae - Old World Cuckoos

Cacomantis heinrichi

Lower risk: near threatened

Carpococcyx radiatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Carpococcyx viridis

Critically endangered

Cuculus vagans

Lower risk: near threatened

Phaenicophaeus diardi

Lower risk: near threatened

Phaenicophaeus sumatranus

Lower risk: near threatened

Centropidae - Coucals
Centropus chalybeus

Lower risk: near threatened

Centropus nigrorufus


Centropus rectunguis


Cacatuidae - Cockatoos and Allies

Cacatua alba


Cacatua goffini

Lower risk: near threatened

Cacatua moluccensis


Cacatua sulphurea

Critically endangered

Psittacidae - Parrots
Aprosmictus jonquillaceus

Lower risk: near threatened

Appendix CITES


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Charmosyna multistriata

Lower risk: near threatened

Charmosyna toxopei

Critically endangered

Eos cyanogenia


Eos histrio


Eos reticulata

Lower risk: near threatened


Loriculus catamene



Loriculus exilis

Lower risk: near threatened


Loriculus flosculus



Loriculus pusillus

Lower risk: near threatened


Lorius domicella



Lorius garrulus



Micropsitta geelvinkiana

Lower risk: near threatened


Prioniturus flavicans

Lower risk: near threatened


Psittacula longicauda

Lower risk: near threatened


Psittaculirostris salvadorii



Psitteuteles iris

Lower risk: near threatened

Psittinus cyanurus

Lower risk: near threatened

Psittrichas fulgidus



Tanygnathus gramineus



Tanygnathus lucionensis

Lower risk: near threatened



Apodidae - Typical Swifts

Collocalia vulcanorum

Lower risk: near threatened

Collocalia papuensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Hydrochrous gigas

Lower risk: near threatened

Tytonidae - Barn and Grass Owls

Tyto inexspectata



Tyto nigrobrunnea



Tyto sororcula

Data deficient


Strigidae - Typical Owls

Ninox ios


Ninox ochracea

Lower risk: near threatened


Ninox rudolfi

Lower risk: near threatened


Otus alfredi



Otus angelinae



Otus beccarii


Otus enganensis

Lower risk: near threatened


Otus mentawi

Lower risk: near threatened


Otus rufescens

Lower risk: near threatened


Otus sagittatus



Otus siaoensis

Critically endangered

Otus silvicola

Lower risk: near threatened


Otus umbra

Lower risk: near threatened


Uroglaux dimorpha

Data deficient


Aegothelidae - Owlet-Nightjars
Aegotheles wallacii

Data deficient


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Batrachostomidae - Asian Frogmouths

Batrachostomus auritus

Lower risk: near threatened

Batrachostomus harterti

Lower risk: near threatened

Batrachostomus mixtus

Lower risk: near threatened

Batrachostomus stellatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Batrachostomus poliolophus

Lower risk: near threatened

Eurostopidae - Eared-Nightjars
Eurostopodus diabolicus


Caprimulgidae - Nightjars and Allies

Caprimulgus concretus


Caprimulgus pulchellus

Lower risk: near threatened

Columbidae - Pigeons
Caloenas nicobarica

Lower risk: near threatened

Columba argentina

Critically endangered

Ducula cineracea


Ducula pickeringii


Ducula rosacea

Lower risk: near threatened

Gallicolumba hoedtii


Goura cristata



Goura scheepmakeri



Goura victoria



Ptilinopus dohertyi


Ptilinopus granulifrons


Ptilinopus jambu

Lower risk: near threatened

Ptilinopus monacha

Lower risk: near threatened

Ptilinopus subgularis

Lower risk: near threatened

Treron capellei


Treron floris


Treron fulvicollis

Lower risk: near threatened

Treron oxyura

Lower risk: near threatened

Treron psittacea


Treron teysmannii

Lower risk: near threatened

Turacoena modesta


Heliornithidae - Sungrebes
Heliopais personata


Rallidae - Rails
Aramidopsis plateni


Gymnocrex rosenbergii


Gymnocrex talaudensis


Habroptila wallacii


Megacrex inepta

Lower risk: near threatened

Porzana paykullii

Lower risk: near threatened

Rallina leucospila

Lower risk: near threatened

Rallina mayri

Data deficient

Scolopacidae - Snipes and Allies



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Limnodromus semipalmatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Numenius madagascariensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Scolopax celebensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Scolopax rochussenii


Tringa guttifer


Appendix CITES

Burhinidae - Thick-knees
Esacus magnirostris

Lower risk: near threatened

Charadriidae - Plovers and Allies

Charadrius javanicus

Lower risk: near threatened

Charadrius peronii

Lower risk: near threatened

Vanellus macropterus

Critically endangered

Laridae - Gulls and Allies

Sterna bernsteini

Critically endangered

Accipitridae - Hawks and Allies

Accipiter nanus

Lower risk: near threatened

Aquila clanga


Aquila gurneyi

Lower risk: near threatened

Erythrotriorchis buergersi

Data deficient

Harpyopsis novaeguineae


Ichthyophaga humilis

Lower risk: near threatened

Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus

Lower risk: near threatened

Megatriorchis doriae

Lower risk: near threatened

Spilornis kinabaluensis


Spizaetus bartelsi


Spizaetus nanus





Falconidae - Falcons
Microhierax latifrons

Lower risk: near threatened

Papasula abbotti

Critically endangered

Anhinga melanogaster

Lower risk: near threatened

Ardeidae - Herons
Egretta eulophotes


Gorsachius goisagi


Zonerodius heliosylus

Lower risk: near threatened

Threskiornithidae - Ibises
Pseudibis davisoni

Critically endangered

Threskiornis melanocephalus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pelecanidae - Pelicans
Pelecanus philippensis


Ciconiidae - Storks and Allies

Ciconia stormi


Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus

Lower risk: near threatened

Leptoptilos javanicus


Mycteria cinerea




Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Appendix CITES

Fregatidae - Frigatebirds
Fregata andrewsi

Critically endangered

Procellariidae - Petrels and Allies

Pterodroma phaeopygia

Critically endangered

Oceanodroma monorhis

Lower risk: near threatened

Pittidae - Pittas
Pitta baudii


Pitta caerulea

Lower risk: near threatened

Pitta dohertyi

Lower risk: near threatened

Pitta granatina

Lower risk: near threatened

Pitta megarhyncha

Lower risk: near threatened

Pitta nympha


Pitta schneideri


Pitta venusta


Eurylaimidae - Broadbills
Calyptomena hosii

Lower risk: near threatened

Calyptomena viridis

Lower risk: near threatened

Eurylaimus ochromalus

Lower risk: near threatened

Ptilonorhynchidae - Bowerbirds
Archboldia papuensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Meliphagidae - Honeyeaters
Lichmera notabilis

Lower risk: near threatened

Melidectes princeps


Myzomela kuehni

Lower risk: near threatened

Philemon brassi

Lower risk: near threatened

Philemon fuscicapillus


Pardalotidae - Pardalotes and Allies

Gerygone hypoxantha


Petroicidae - Australo-Papuan Robins

Microeca hemixantha

Lower risk: near threatened

Petroica archboldi

Data deficient

Poecilodryas placens

Lower risk: near threatened

Irenidae - Fairy-Bluebirds
Chloropsis cyanopogon

Lower risk: near threatened

Chloropsis venusta

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Cinclosomatinae
Androphobus viridis

Data deficient

Eupetes macrocerus

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Pachycephalinae
Colluricincla sanghirensis

Critically endangered

Pitohui incertus

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Corvinae
Cicinnurus respublica

Lower risk: near threatened

Coracina bicolor

Lower risk: near threatened

Coracina dispar

Lower risk: near threatened



Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Coracina fortis

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvus florensis


Corvus fuscicapillus

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvus unicolor


Epimachus bruijnii

Lower risk: near threatened

Epimachus fastuosus


Loboparadisea sericea

Lower risk: near threatened

Macgregoria pulchra


Oriolus hosii

Lower risk: near threatened

Oriolus xanthonotus

Lower risk: near threatened

Paradigalla carunculata

Lower risk: near threatened

Paradisaea rubra

Lower risk: near threatened

Pericrocotus igneus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pityriasis gymnocephala

Lower risk: near threatened

Platysmurus galericulatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Platysmurus leucopterus

Lower risk: near threatened

Sphecotheres hypoleucus

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Dicrurinae
Dicrurus sumatranus

Lower risk: near threatened

Eutrichomyias rowleyi

Critically endangered

Monarcha boanensis

Critically endangered

Monarcha brehmii


Monarcha everetti


Monarcha julianae

Data deficient

Monarcha leucurus

Lower risk: near threatened

Monarcha sacerdotum


Myiagra atra

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhipidura fuscorufa

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhipidura opistherythra

Lower risk: near threatened

Terpsiphone atrocaudata

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Aegithininae
Aegithina viridissima

Lower risk: near threatened

Corvidae - Malacotoninae
Philentoma velatum

Lower risk: near threatened

Muscicapidae - Old World Flycatchers and Allies

Cochoa azurea


Cochoa beccarii


Cyornis caerulatus


Cyornis ruckii

Critically endangered

Cyornis sanfordi


Cyornis turcosus

Lower risk: near threatened

Enicurus ruficapillus

Lower risk: near threatened

Ficedula bonthaina


Ficedula dumetoria

Lower risk: near threatened

Ficedula henrici


Appendix CITES


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Ficedula rufigula

Lower risk: near threatened

Ficedula timorensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Geomalia heinrichi

Lower risk: near threatened

Muscicapa segregata

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinomyias addita

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinomyias colonus

Lower risk: near threatened

Rhinomyias umbratilis

Lower risk: near threatened

Saxicola gutturalis

Lower risk: near threatened

Trichixos pyrropyga

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera dumasi

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera dohertyi

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera erythronota

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera everetti

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera machiki

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera peronii

Lower risk: near threatened

Zoothera schistacea

Lower risk: near threatened

Sturnidae - Starlings and Allies

Aplonis crassa

Lower risk: near threatened

Aplonis mystacea

Lower risk: near threatened

Basilornis galeatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Leucopsar rothschildi

Critically endangered

Streptocitta albertinae

Lower risk: near threatened

Sturnus melanopterus


Pycnonotidae - Bulbuls
Alophoixus finschii

Lower risk: near threatened

Iole olivacea

Lower risk: near threatened

Ixos malaccensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus cyaniventris

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus eutilotus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus melanoleucos

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus squamatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus tympanistrigus

Lower risk: near threatened

Pycnonotus zeylanicus


Setornis criniger


Zosteropidae - White-eyes
Heleia muelleri

Lower risk: near threatened

Madanga ruficollis


Zosterops flavus

Lower risk: near threatened

Zosterops grayi

Lower risk: near threatened

Zosterops kuehni

Lower risk: near threatened

Zosterops mysorensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Zosterops nehrkorni

Critically Endangered

Zosterops uropygialis

Lower risk: near threatened

Sylviidae - Old World Warblers and Allies

Alcippe brunneicauda

Lower risk: near threatened

Appendix CITES


Scientific Name

IUCN Category

Cettia carolinae

Lower risk: near threatened

Crocias albonotatus

Lower risk: near threatened

Garrulax rufifrons

Lower risk: near threatened

Kenopia striata

Lower risk: near threatened

Macronous ptilosus

Lower risk: near threatened

Malacocincla malaccensis

Lower risk: near threatened

Malacocincla perspicillata


Malacopteron affine

Lower risk: near threatened

Malacopteron albogulare

Lower risk: near threatened

Malacopteron magnum

Lower risk: near threatened

Megalurus albolimbatus


Napothera atrigularis

Lower risk: near threatened

Napothera macrodactyla

Lower risk: near threatened

Ptilocichla leucogrammica


Stachyris grammiceps

Lower risk: near threatened

Stachyris leucotis

Lower risk: near threatened

Stachyris maculata

Lower risk: near threatened

Stachyris nigricollis

Lower risk: near threatened

Trichastoma rostratum

Lower risk: near threatened

Nectariniidae - Sunbirds and Allies

Aethopyga duyvenbodei


Anthreptes rhodolaema

Lower risk: near threatened

Dicaeum everetti

Lower risk: near threatened

Prionochilus thoracicus

Lower risk: near threatened

Melanocharitidae - Berrypeckers and Longbills

Melanocharis arfakiana

Data deficient

Passeridae - Sparrows and Allies

Lonchura stygia

Lower risk: near threatened

Lonchura vana


Padda fuscata


Padda oryzivora
Ploceus hypoxanthus

Lower risk: near threatened

Appendix CITES

Ex-Situ Conservation Efforts






1 Kebun Raya Bogor

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 13

Bogor 16122



2 Kebun Raya Cibodas

Jl. Sindanglaya, Cianjur

Jawa Barat



3 Kebun Raya Purwodadi

Jl. Purwodadi, Pasuruan

P.O. Box 104, Lawang 65201



4 Kebun Raya Eka Karya

Jl. Candi Kuning, Batu Riti

Tabanan 82191



5 Herbarium Bogoriense

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 22

Bogor 16122








1 Kebun Binatang Taman Sari Bandung

Jl. Kebun Binatang No. 6

Bandung 40132, Jawa Barat



2 Taman Safari Indonesia - Unit I

Jl. Raya Puncak, Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat



3 Taman Safari Indonesia - Unit II

Desar Jatiarjo, Kecamatan Prigen, Kab. Pasuruan

Jawa Timur



4 Gelanggang Samudra Jaya Ancol

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7

Jakarta 14430

ext. 1811


5 Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Jl. Harsono RM No. 1, Jakarta 12550



6 Taman Burung - TMII

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Jl. Raya Taman Mini, Jakarta 13560



7 Taman Buaya Indonesia Jaya (TBIJ)

Office: Jl. Bandengan Utara No. 27, Jakarta 11240

Farm: Desa Sukaragam, Bekasi - Jawa Barat



8 Taman Margasatwa Tinjomoyo, Semarang

Unit Pelaksana Daerah Pengelola Taman Margaraya

Tinjomoyo, Kec. Gunung Pati, Semarang 50234


9 Kebun Binatang Surabaya

Jl. Setail No. 1, Surabaya 60241








10 Taman Wisata Satwa Taru Jurug

Jl. Ir. Sutami No 109, Surakarta 57126, Jawa Tengah


11 Kebun Raya dan Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka

Jl. Kebun Raya no. 2, Yogyakarta 55171



12 Taman Akuarium Air Tawar - TMII

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,

Jl. Taman Mini, Jakarta 13560



13 Sea World Indonesia

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7, Jakarta 14430



14 Taman Kaloka Widya Mandala

Wanasuka Baturaden, Banyumas, Purwokerto

Jawa Tengah


15 Musium Serangga dan Taman Kupu-TMII

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,

Jl. Taman Mini, Jakarta 13560


16 Taman Satwa Safari Bengkulu

Location: Kompleks Taman Remaja Lingkar Timur

Office: PT Safari Nusa Lestari, Wisma Lesitta
Jl. Merapi XIV No. 46, Bengkulu 38227


17 Kebun Binatang Taman Ria Aneka Rimba, Jambi

Jl. Cendrawasih I, Palmerah, Jambi 36139


18 Kebun Binatang Mini Ribang Kemambang, Lahat

Dinas Pariwisata Dati II Lahat

Jl. Amir Hamzah 150, Lahat 31411, Sumatra Selatan


19 Kebun Binatang Medan

Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 712, Medan, Sumatra Utara








20 Taman Buaya Asam Kumbang, Medan

PT Alam Murni Bahana

Jl. Bunga Raya II No. 59, Asam Kumbang, Medan 20133
Medan 20133

21 Kebun Binatang Sriwijaya

Jl. Raya Talang Taling No. 1 Km 51, Sumsel 31171

Office: Jl. Jend. Bambang Utoyo No. 2, Palembang



22 Taman Hewan Pematang Siantar

PT Unitwin Indonesia
Jl. Kpt. MH Sitorus No. 10, Pematangsiantar 21115



23 Taman Wisata dan Margasatwa Kasang Kulim

Jl. Raya Teratak Buluh, Desa Kubang,

Kab. Kampar, Pekanbaru - Riau


24 Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya "KINANTAN"

Jl. Cindua Mato, Bukittinggi 26113

Sumatra Barat


25 Taman Buaya Indonesia Jaya - Bali

Jl. Raya Denpasar, Bedugul, Desa Werdi Bhuwana

Kec. Mengwi, Kab Badung, Denpasar 80351


26 Taman Burung Citra Bali

PT Taman Burung Citra Bali International

Jl. Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu, Gianyar



27 Rimba Reptil Bali

Jl. Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu, Gianyar




28 Taman Kupu-Kupu Bali

PT Kupu-Kupu Taman Lestari

Jl. Batukaru, Sandan Wanasari, Tabanan, Bali








29 Taman Reptilia - Musium Fauna Indonesia "Komodo" Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,
Jl. Taman Mini, Jakarta 13560



30 Taman Lele Semarang

Jl. Walisongo KM 10, Tugu, Semarang


31 Kebun Binatang Mini Teluk Penyu Cilacap

Dinas Pariwisata Dati II Cilacap

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 8, Cilacap 53212



32 Kebun Binatang Seruling Mas Selamanik

Dinas Pariwisata Dati II Banjarnegara

Jl. Praja No. 2, Banjarnegara 53414



33 Taman Rekreasi dan Kebun Binatang Umbul

Jl. Raya Delopo, Madiun, Jawa Timur



34 Taman Burung Malang

Desa Jeru, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur

35 Kebun Binatang Pontianak

Jl. Adisucipto No. 10, Sei Raya, Pontianak

Kalimantan Barat



36 Taman Satwa Mini "Galuh Sari"

Pemda Kodya Dati II Banjarmasin

Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 2, Banjarmasin 70111



37 Taman Fauna Banjarbaru

Sub BKSDA Kalimantan Selatan

Jl. Pangeran Hidayatullah No. 5, Banjarbaru

38 Taman Rekreasi Ayung Padang Galak

PT Abdi Persada Nusantara, Padang Galak, Sanur







39 Elephant Safaries

PT Wisatareksa Gajahperdana
Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, Pesanggaran, Denpasar

40 Kebun Binatang Bitung

Sub BKSDA Sulawesi Utara

Jl. Babe Palar 68, Manado 95117

41 Kebun Binatang Karuwisi

Jl. Cendrawasih No. 66, Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan

42 Taman Burung Ujung Pandang

Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 3C, Makasar

Sulawesi Selatan

43 Taman Kupu Bantimurung, Makasar

Jl. Matahari No. 34, Sungguminasa, Kab Gowa

Sulawesi Selatan




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