Pawpaw Biology and Production

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The Biology of Carica papaya L.

(papaya, papaw, paw paw)

Version 2: February 2008

This document provides an overview of baseline biological information relevant to risk

assessment of genetically modified forms of the species that may be released into the
Australian environment.

For information on the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator visit the OGTR website.
The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator


PREAMBLE ........................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 1 TAXONOMY ............................................................................................................. 3
SECTION 2 ORIGIN AND CULTIVATION ............................................................................... 4
2.1 CENTRE OF DIVERSITY AND DOMESTICATION ............................................................... 4
2.2 COMMERCIAL USES ....................................................................................................... 4
2.3 CULTIVATION IN AUSTRALIA ........................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 Commercial propagation ........................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Scale of cultivation ..................................................................................... 7
2.3.3 Cultivation practices ................................................................................ 10
2.4 CROP IMPROVEMENT .................................................................................................. 13
2.4.1 Breeding ................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Genetic modification ................................................................................ 15
SECTION 3 MORPHOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 17
3.1 PLANT MORPHOLOGY ................................................................................................. 17
3.2 REPRODUCTIVE MORPHOLOGY ................................................................................... 17
SECTION 4 DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................... 18
4.1 REPRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Sexual reproduction ................................................................................. 18
4.2 POLLINATION AND POLLEN DISPERSAL ....................................................................... 20
4.3 FRUIT/SEED DEVELOPMENT AND SEED DISPERSAL ...................................................... 22
4.4 SEED DORMANCY AND GERMINATION ......................................................................... 23
4.5 VEGETATIVE GROWTH ................................................................................................ 25
SECTION 5 BIOCHEMISTRY.................................................................................................... 25
5.1 TOXINS ....................................................................................................................... 26
5.2 ALLERGENS ................................................................................................................ 27
5.3 OTHER UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS OF PHYTOCHEMICALS ................................................. 27
5.4 BENEFICIAL PHYTOCHEMICALS................................................................................... 28
SECTION 6 ABIOTIC INTERACTIONS .................................................................................. 29
6.1 ABIOTIC STRESSES ...................................................................................................... 29
6.1.1 Nutrient stress .......................................................................................... 29
6.1.2 Temperature stress ................................................................................... 29
6.1.3 Water stress .............................................................................................. 30
SECTION 7 BIOTIC INTERACTIONS ..................................................................................... 30
7.1 WEEDS........................................................................................................................ 30
7.2 PESTS AND DISEASES .................................................................................................. 30
7.2.1 Invertebrate pests ..................................................................................... 30
7.2.2 Other pests ............................................................................................... 31
7.2.3 Diseases ................................................................................................... 31
SECTION 8 WEEDINESS ............................................................................................................ 33
8.1 WEEDINESS STATUS ON A GLOBAL SCALE ................................................................... 34
8.2 WEEDINESS STATUS IN AUSTRALIA ............................................................................ 35
8.3 CONTROL MEASURES .................................................................................................. 35
SECTION 9 POTENTIAL FOR VERTICAL GENE TRANSFER .......................................... 35
9.1 INTRASPECIFIC CROSSING ........................................................................................... 35
9.2 NATURAL INTERSPECIFIC AND INTERGENERIC CROSSING ............................................ 36
9.3 CROSSING UNDER EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS .......................................................... 37
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 38

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................... 52

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

This document describes the biology of Carica papaya L. with particular reference to
the Australian environment, cultivation and use. Information included relates to the
taxonomy and origins of cultivated C. papaya, general descriptions of its morphology,
reproductive biology, biochemistry, and biotic and abiotic interactions. This document
also addresses the potential for gene transfer to occur to closely related species. The
purpose of this document is to provide baseline information about the parent organism
in risk assessments of genetically modified C. papaya that may be released into the
Australian environment.
The plant is a short-lived, fast-growing, woody, herb-like tufted tree that can grow up
to 10 m in height (Morton 1987; Du Puy & Telford 1993; OECD 2005). It generally
branches only when injured. It is now grown as a fruit crop in all tropical countries
and many sub-tropical regions of the world. It was deliberately introduced to
Australia more than a century ago (Garrett 1995).
In Australia, red and pink-fleshed cultivars of C. papaya are often known as ‘papaya’
to distinguish them from the yellow-fleshed fruits, known as ‘paw paw’ or ‘papaw’
(Papaya Australia 2007), but both of these common names refer to the same plant
species. Irrespective of its flesh colour, C. papaya is generally known as ‘papaya’ in
other countries and this term will be used throughout this document to refer to
plants/fruits of both flesh colours. In some areas, an unrelated plant, Asimina triloba
(Annonaceae), native to north America, is also called pawpaw (Morton 1987).
Carica papaya L. belongs to the small family Caricaceae and is a dicotyledonous,
polygamous (having male, female or hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant) 1,
diploid species with a small genome 2 of 372 Mbp/1C (Arumuganathan & Earle 1991)
and nine pairs of chromosomes (Bennett & Leitch 2005). The genus name Carica is
derived from the Latin name for a kind of fig which the leaves and fruits of Carica
papaya resemble; the specific epithet papaya probably comes from the common name
for the fruit (Du Puy & Telford 1993).
Until recently, the Caricaceae was thought to comprise 31 species in three genera
(namely Carica, Jacaratia and Jarilla) from tropical America and one genus,
Cylicomorpha, from equatorial Africa (Nakasone & Paull 1998). However, a recent
taxonomic revision proposed that some species formerly assigned to Carica were
more appropriately classified in the genus Vasconcellea (Badillo 2002). Accordingly,
the family’s classification has been revised to comprise Cylicomorpha and five South
and Central American genera (Carica, Jacaratia, Jarilla, Horovitzia and

In nature, papaya plants are dioecious: male and female flowers are found on separate plants (De La
Cruz Medina et al. 2002). Commercial papaya cultivars tend to be inbred gynodioecious (having
bisexual/hermaphrodite flowers on some plants and only female flowers on other plants of the same
species), or out-crossing dioecious (Kim et al., 2002) but there are also monoecious plants (having both
male and female flowers). See Section 3.2 for further discussion.
The amount of DNA in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is expressed as the total number of base pairs
(bp) in a haploid (1C) chromosome complement.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Vasconcellea) (Badillo 1971), with Carica papaya the only species within the genus
Carica (Badillo 2002). The highland papayas, Vasconcellea, are considered the
nearest relatives to Carica papaya although the relationship is not close (Aradhya et
al. 1999; Van Droogenbroeck et al. 2002). A more recent study (Van Droogenbroeck
et al. 2004) actually suggested that there are two lineages within the Caricaceae
family and that some members of Vasconcellea are more closely allied to Carica
papaya than others; this has implications for the successful use of Vasconcellea
species in hybrid breeding programmes (see Section 2.4.1).
While there is considerable phenotypic variation within the genus Carica papaya,
DNA fingerprinting of 63 accessions from different countries has indicated that there
is limited genetic variation and that the level of genetic variation among dioecious
cultivars is similar to that of the hermaphrodite cultivars (Kim et al. 2002).
2.1 Centre of diversity and domestication
Although opinions differ on the origin of C. papaya in tropical America (Garrett
1995; Aradhya et al. 1999; OECD 2005) it is likely that C. papaya originated from the
lowlands of eastern Central America, from Mexico to Panama (Nakasone & Paull
1998). Its seeds, which remain viable for several years if dried, were distributed to
the Caribbean and south-east Asia (Philippines) during Spanish exploration in the 16th
Century, from where it was further distributed to India, the Pacific and Africa
(Villegas 1997). Papaya was introduced into Hawaii in the early 1800s by the Spanish
explorer Don Francisco Marin and became an export crop of Hawaii in 1948 (Fitch
2005). Today, papaya is widely distributed throughout the tropical and warmer
subtropical areas of the world (Villegas 1997) and has become naturalized in many
areas (Morton 1987).
Undomesticated papaya was a spindly plant with nearly inedible fruits. During
domestication the species has undergone considerable changes in fruit size, fruit flesh
colour, mating system and growth habit (Manshardt & Moore 2003).
2.2 Commercial uses
Economically, Carica papaya is the most important species within the Caricaceae,
being cultivated widely for consumption as a fresh fruit and for use in drinks, jams,
jellies, ice-cream, pies and as dried and crystallised fruit (Morton 1987; Facciola
1990; Villegas 1997). Nutritionally, the ripe papaya fruit is a good source of calcium
and an excellent source of vitamins A and C (Nakasone & Paull 1998) – see Table 9
in Section 5.3. Data from the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey showed that
the average consumption of raw papaya fruit in Australia was around 135
g/person/day (FSANZ 2002).
Worldwide, the 2005 figures for papaya fruit show that some 6,634,580 tonnes were
produced in 54 countries (FAO 2007a). The top 10 producers are given in Table 1.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Table 1. Top 10 papaya producing countries in 2005 (FAO 2007a)

Country 2005 Production (kilo tonnes)

Brazil 1,573.82
Nigeria 834.04
India 783.38
Mexico 709.48
Indonesia 646.65
Ethiopia 259.17
Congo 215.98
Peru 171.06
Colombia 137.66
Philippines 132.00

The major exporters of papaya are Mexico, Malaysia and Brazil – see Table 2. Much
of the harvest in some countries is not exported, particularly in Southeast Asian
countries, and the fruits are consumed or traded locally; the value of papaya to small
farmers can be more significant than income derived from rice and in terms of daily
consumption papaya ranks second only to banana in Southeast Asia (OECD 2005).
The Papaya Biotechnology Network of SE Asia was formally launched in March 1998
with the primary objective of enhancing income generation, food production,
nutrition, and productivity for resource-poor farmers by integrating proven
biotechnology applications into their agricultural practices (ISAAA 1999). The
network is composed of experts from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and

Table 2. Top 5 papaya exporting countries in 2005 (FAO 2007b)

Country 2004 Exports (kilo tonnes)

Mexico 81.88
Malaysia 46.74
Brazil 40.12
Belize 28.71
Netherlands 9.23
The unripe papaya fruit has a high latex content that may make it unsuitable for raw
consumption although raw shredded green papaya is often used in Asian salads. Green
fruit, if peeled, seeded and cooked is used in a variety of savoury Asian dishes
including pickles and chutneys and for canning in sugar syrup (Morton 1987). Leaves
and flowers may also be used as a cooked vegetable (Facciola 1990; Watson 1997);
young leaves are cooked and eaten like spinach in the East Indies and sprays of male
flowers are sold in Asian and Indonesian markets and in New Guinea to be boiled and
eaten as a vegetable (Morton 1987). Papaya seeds have a peppery taste and can be
dried in a dehydrator then ground in a mortar and pestle and used like pepper (Papaya
Australia 2007).
Papaya also has several industrial uses. Biochemically, its leaves and fruit are
complex, producing several proteins and alkaloids with important pharmaceutical and
industrial applications (El Moussaoui et al. 2001). Of these, however, papain, is a
particularly important proteolytic enzyme that is produced in the milky latex of all
plant parts but especially in the green, unripe papaya fruits (see also Section 5). The

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

latex is harvested by scarifying the green skin of the fruit to induce latex flow, which
is allowed to dry before collection for processing (Nakasone & Paull 1998). The
principal producers of crude papain are Zaire, Tanzania, Uganda and Sri Lanka and
the principal importing countries are the United States, Japan, United Kingdom,
Belgium and France (Practical Action 2006). In 2001, global world production of
papain was in the order of 900 metric tonnes/year (AfricaBiz Online 2001).
Evolutionarily, papain may be associated with protection from frugivorous (fruit-
eating) predators and herbivores (El Moussaoui et al. 2001). Commercially, however,
papain has diverse uses. In food biotechnology, papain is used in the production of
chewing gums, for chill-proofing beer, in tenderising meat, in the preparation of fish
protein concentrates for animal feed, in the development of roast beef-like flavors by
partial hydrolysis of proteins, for production of dehydrated pulses and beans, and in
the improvement of the protein dispersibility index of soya flour (Morton 1987;
Practical Action 2006; Papaya Genome Project 2007). In the pharmaceutical/cosmetic
industries it is a component of soap, shampoo, lotions, skin care products and
toothpaste (Morton 1987; Practical Action 2006). Papain has also been used in the
textiles industry, for degumming silk and for softening wool (Villegas 1997) and for
tanning leather. It also has a wide variety of medical and veterinary applications such
as in drug preparations for various digestive ailments, in the preparation of vaccines,
for deworming cattle, in the treatment of gangrenous wounds and hard skin, for
reducing swelling, fever and adhesions after surgery, and dissolving membranes in
diphtheria (Morton 1987; Cornell University 2001; Mezhlumyan et al. 2003; Practical
Action 2006).
2.3 Cultivation in Australia
2.3.1 Commercial propagation
Australian papaya plantations are established mainly from seedlings, usually
purchased from specialist papaya nurseries (O'Hare 1993). Growers can also obtain
seeds directly from a professional seed supplier; as at April 2007 in Australia there
was only one such commercial supplier (Max Bell 3 pers. com). Such suppliers need to
take account of the sexual reproductive type and the genetic variability of the variety
and need to adopt rigorous controlled crossing procedures (Watson 1997). Australia
does not have a papaya seed certification scheme; most commercial seed is produced
via hand-pollination of mature but unopened flowers to ensure purity of seed
production (Max Bell pers. com). Both bisexual and dioecious seed is offered in
Australia. Bisexual seed produces both bisexual (67%) and female (33%) trees;
dioecious seed produces female (50%) and male (50%) trees (see Section 4.1). Hybrid
seed is recommended as hybrids tend to be more vigorous than their parents, produce
more fruit and are less susceptible to disease (Papaya Seed Australia 2007). All
papaya fruits are affected by climatic changes but when grown under stable conditions
hybrids are very consistent in fruit shape and size.

As at April 2007, Max Bell was the Papaya Australia Industry Development Officer, based at
Cardwell in Queensland

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

In Australia the seed is planted in December and January for seedlings to be ready for
field planting in February and March; this allows young plants to reach a height of
about 1 m before winter retards growth (O'Hare 1993).
The practice of growing plants from seed gives rise to variation, and vegetative
propagation is seen as a means of maximising profitability and uniformity. Plants can
be grown from stem cuttings which should be hardened off for a few days and then
propped up with the tip touching moist, fertile soil until roots form (California Rare
Fruit Growers Inc. 1997; OECD 2005). Semihardwood cuttings planted during the
summer root rapidly and should fruit the following year. Commercial papaya growers
in South Africa use papaya cuttings (Hansen 2005). A variety of grafting techniques
have been used with varying success (Sookmark & Tai 1975; OECD 2005).
Micropropagation has also been attempted for a number of cultivars (George 1996;
Chan & Teo 2002; Fitch 2005) and Hansen (2005) listed a number of commercial
advantages that micropropagation has over seed propagation including reduced time
to produce new varieties, ease of maintaining genetic uniformity, and production of
plants that are all the same sex. Agronomically, there is evidence that
micropropagated trees have a shorter juvenile phase than seedlings and thus produce
fruits lower on the stem with the associated benefit of earlier and greater yields (Drew
1988; Chan & Teo 2002; Hansen 2005). One cost benefit analysis of using
micropropagation has also shown that a micropropagated crop of a dioecious variety
has a much higher return per hectare than a conventional crop grown from seedlings
(Hansen 2005). Currently in Australia, a project is underway to micropropagate 16
elite lines produced in a breeding programme so that field trials of the lines can be
planted in north Queensland by early 2008 (HAL 2006).
Despite the stated advantages of vegetative propagation, commercial propagation of
papaya continues to be done largely via seed and probably reflects the ease of
processing and lower start-up costs associated with seed propagation.
2.3.2 Scale of cultivation
In 2006, prior to cyclone Larry, Australia was producing around 12.4 kilo tonnes of
papaya fruit (Max Bell, pers com). Most of this was for local consumption (see Table
3 for export trends).
As it grows best in warmer climates (see Section 6.2), papaya is predominately grown
commercially in Northern Queensland areas including Innisfail, Mareeba, Proserpine,
Yarwun, Yeppoon, Gympie and the Sunshine Coast districts; it is also grown in
northern NSW, Western Australia (Kununurra and Carnarvon) and the Northern
Territory (Humpty Doo) but Northern Queensland accounts for > 95% of Australia’s
production (Garrett 1995). In home gardens where fruit does not need to meet flavour
criteria, papaya can be grown as far south as the south coast of New South Wales in
warm, sheltered spots (Baxter 1997). A climate statistics comparison of the range of
locations in which papaya can be grown in Australia is given in Appendix 1.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

The papaya industry in Australia is relatively small and there are a few major growers
with plantations of approximately 50 ha and around 200 smaller producers with
plantations in the 5 – 10 ha range (Max Bell pers. com). Adverse weather conditions
in the early 2000’s caused problems to the industry. Continuing drought in central
Queensland saw most growers there cease papaya production (HAL 2006). The
occurrence of cyclone Larry in March 2006 resulted in 95% loss of fruit bearing trees
in Australia’s two main growing areas of Innisfail and Mareeba. It was estimated that
it would take 9 to 18 months for production to return to pre-cyclone levels (Papaya
Australia 2007).
Table 3 gives the recent history of papaya production and value in Australia prior to
cyclone Larry. Most of Australia’s papaya production is consumed within the country.
Table 3. Papaya supply, disposal and value in Australia*
Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004
Volume tonnes 9,622 11,314 8,976 9,952
Area ha 537 457 623 650
Yield t/ha 17.9 24.7 14.4 15.3
Gross value $’000 7,300 12,500 9,900 15,233
Exports, fresh
Volume tonnes 8.4 0.7 0.0 1.4
Value $’000 15 1 0 5
Unit value $/kg 1.79 2.02 0.00 3.50
Imports, fresh and dried
Volume tonnes 22.4 6.9 5.5 18.6
Value $’000 26 7 5 37
Unit value $/kg 1.18 1.05 0.91 1.97
* table taken from Foster et al. (2005)

Both dioecious and gynodioecious (bisexual) varieties of papaya are grown

commercially in Australia, but the Queensland industry has been based on dioecious
outcrossed varieties (see Table 4) that are generally recommended because they have
high fruit yields (Drew et al. 1998; Chay-Prove et al. 2000). In bisexual varieties, fruit
production on hermaphrodite trees may be affected by air temperatures leading to
decreased yields and/or poorly shaped fruit (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) 2003). These bisexual papaya are affected by a condition
known as carpellody or "cat-facing" (Papaya Seed Australia 2007) which is caused by
the fusing of the ovary and stamens during adverse weather conditions (see Section
4.1.1). The resulting fruit is deformed and unmarketable and these lines are only
recommended for coastal north Queensland and the Atherton Tableland, where the
relatively predictable tropical climate does not affect fruit shape unduly. The fruits
from hermaphrodite trees are pyriform in shape whereas fruits from female plants are
spherical (Urasaki et al. 2002a; Crane 2005) – see also Table 6.

Table 4 lists the varieties that are grown in Queensland. Varieties that are grown in
north Queensland include the established yellow hybrid varieties, Hybrid 1B and
Hybrid 11B, the red-fleshed Hawaiian ‘Sunrise Solo’ varieties and Hybrid 29 grown
in the lower rainfall areas. In central Queensland the yellow-fleshed hybrid varieties
Hybrid 29 and Hybrid 14 are popular and in south-east Queensland the inbred yellow-
fleshed PG lines and ‘Richter Gold’ lines are recommended (O'Hare 1993; Ross et al.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

2000). Numerous other varieties and lines are suited to, or have been developed for,
Australian conditions (eg ‘Petersen’, ‘Improved Petersen’, ‘Sunnybank’, Arline/57’,
‘Bettina’, ‘OE’, ‘Yarwun Yellow’, ‘Guinea Gold’, ‘NT Red’).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Table 4. Papaya varieties most commonly grown in various areas in Queensland*

Area Variety Papaya Type

Atherton Tableland Hybrid 1B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 11B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 14 Yellow dioecious
Sunrise Solo Red gynodioecious
Coastal North Queensland Hybrid 1B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 11B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 13 Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 14 Yellow dioecious
Sunrise Solo Red gynodioecious
Central Queensland Hybrid 1B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 11B Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 13 Yellow dioecious
Hybrid 29 Yellow dioecious
South-east Queensland PG Yellow dioecious
Richter Gold Yellow dioecious

* Data taken from Ross et al. (2000)

Despite the wide range of varieties available, approximately 60% of commercial

production in Australia is accounted for by Hybrid 1B and approximately 30% by
‘Sunrise Solo’ (Hansen 2005). Although Hybrid 1B fruit has good appearance, it does
not have good flavour whereas ‘Sunrise Solo’, while having excellent flavour, has
poor fruit shape, is thin fleshed and is susceptible to winter spot that causes
blemishing of the fruit skin (Drew 2005). Hansen (2005) noted that there appears to
be a genetic linkage between the desirable character of ‘musk’ flavoured fruit and the
deleterious character of susceptibility to winter spot. Considerable effort has been
invested in breeding programmes to develop commercial lines of both yellow and red
fleshed varieties that have fruits with both good flavour and appearance (Drew 2005;
Hansen 2005; HAL 2006).

Ross et al. (2000) listed the fruit types preferred by the Australian market as follows:

• Yellow-fleshed (1-2 kg): eg Hybrids 1B, 11B, 13, 14, 29, Richter Gold.
• Red, pink or orange-fleshed (1-2 kg): eg New Guinea Red types
• Pink, red or scarlet-fleshed (500 g – 1kg): eg Sunrise Solo, Eksotika
• Pink or red-fleshed (1-3 kg): eg New Guinea Red and Paris-Sunrise Solo
• Pink or red-fleshed varieties sold in hard green condition: used in traditional
Asian cuisine as a vegetable or salad ingredient.
2.3.3 Cultivation practices
Conditions for commercial planting of papaya (eg plantation layout, planting
spacings, drainage, irrigation, fertilising, cropping cycles) are given by O’Hare (1993)
and Benson & Poffley (1998). The more important points are considered below.
Commercially planted papaya performs best on well-drained soils with a minimum
topsoil depth of 0.5 m, a pH of 5.5 – 6.5 and shelter from strong winds (O'Hare 1993;
Elder et al. 2000a). Plants grow best on the high organic content soils of the tropics

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

but are adaptable to a range of soil types (Benson & Poffley 1998) except heavy clay
soils (O'Hare 1993). It is recommended that soil should be analysed for nutrients at
least 3 months prior to planting and appropriate fertiliser applications made at least 2
months prior to planting (O'Hare 1993). The recommended soil nutrient levels for
south Queensland are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Recommended soil nutrient levels for commercial growing of papaya in South

Nutrient Optimum range

pH 5.5 – 6.5
Organic carbon > 2%
Nitrate nitrogen > 40 mg/kg
Sulphate sulphur > 20 mg/kg
Phosphorus > 30 mg/kg
Potassium > 0.6 meq/100 g
Calcium > 3.0 meq/100 g
Magnesium > 1.0 meq/100 g
Sodium < 10% exchangeable cations
Chloride < 250 mg/kg
Conductivity < 0.2 mS/cm
Copper 0.3 – 10 mg/kg
Zinc 2 – 10 mg/kg
Manganese 4 – 45 mg/kg
Iron > 2.0 mg/kg
Boron 1.0 – 2.0 mg/kg
* data taken from O’Hare (1993)

Under reasonable conditions, trees yield well for two years, after which production
declines. It is therefore advisable to make fresh plantings each year to ensure
continuity of supply (O'Hare 1993). While planting may be done at any time of year,
it is recommended that in Queensland 8 – 10 week old, hardened-off seedlings are
planted out in February and March (or, in very hot areas, delayed until April) so that
they are well established by winter (O'Hare 1993).

As the sex of plants can be difficult to determine before they start flowering (but see
Section 4.1), several plants are established in each planting site within the plantation
to ensure that the optimum ratio of sex types is achieved. Seedlings will be supplied
at least 3/pot and the contents of each pot are planted in a single hole/site (O'Hare
1993). When the sex can be determined, plants are thinned to achieve the desired sex
ratio and to reduce the competition that may affect fruit production. Seedlings planted
in February and March will usually begin flowering from October to December, with
the male flowers forming first (O'Hare 1993). Thinning involves cutting off unwanted
plants at ground level although some growers cut females at a single site at 300 mm
above ground level so that they can re-shoot and become available as replacements
should the first female die. For dioecious varieties, a ratio of one male to 8-10 female
plants is recommended to maximise yield whereas for bisexual varieties, the aim of
thinning is to have one bisexual plant in each planting position (Nakasone & Paull

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

1998; Chay-Prove et al. 2000). Male pollinators should be in such a position that the
pollen will drift through cropping trees on the wind at the time of flowering (Benson
& Poffley 1998).
The spacing of plants in a plantation depends on the slope and management system
and, in Australia, there are basically two practices (O'Hare 1993; Benson & Poffley
1998). Single rows are recommended on locations where the slope is greater than 8%
and therefore where the slope is too great to allow machine access. The rows are 3 m -
3.5 m apart with planting sites being 1.5 m apart in the rows. This gives a plant
population of 1,900 plants per hectare. On land where the slope is less than 8% and
therefore where machinery needs access, double rows are used. In this conformation,
which gives a higher planting density than single rows, two rows are planted 1 m – 2
m apart and then there is a space of 3.5 m - 4 m to the next double row; planting sites
are 1.5 m apart in the rows.
Ideal plants start fruit set at as low a height as possible; this is achieved by
maximising leaf growth in young trees by irrigating and fertilising (O'Hare 1993).
Yield and fruit quality vary with location, variety and season as well as agronomic
practices such as irrigation (Elder et al. 2000a).
Under commercial conditions, irrigation is essential during periods where the
minimum monthly rainfall drops below about 100 mm (Nakasone & Paull 1998) – see
Section 6.1.3 for a discussion of the effect of water stress. Irrigation can take the form
of undertree sprinkling, trickle or overhead depending on water availability (O'Hare
1993). In many instances fertigation (irrigation of plants with water containing
fertilizer) may be an efficient way of applying nutrients to the crop. Runoff and
drainage in a plantation needs to be controlled and, again, the type of measure taken
depends on the slope of the land (O'Hare 1993). Contour drains are used in land with
a slope of less than 8%. and are constructed so as to divert runoff into a grassed
waterway. Mounds, where the soil is built up to 30 – 40 cm high along the rows, are
recommended for land with a slope of greater than 8%. In addition highly sloped land
should also utilise infall roads. These roads are usually spaced six rows apart up the
slope and facilitate both plantation management and erosion control as well as
interception of runoff.
Providing that adequate fertiliser has been applied at planting, no further applications
are necessary until flowering unless the plantation is in a high rainfall area where
nutrients are leached from the soil (O'Hare 1993). Potassium is particularly important
for the production of high quality fruit. Boron deficiency is common and is
manifested by the occurrence of ‘bumpy fruit’ and poor fruit flavour. Addition of
borax or a foliar spray such as Solubor® at six-monthly intervals is sufficient to
overcome the problem (Benson & Poffley 1998). Once optimum soil levels of
nutrients have been achieved, annual applications of a complete NPK fertiliser will
maintain the levels (O'Hare 1993).
Weeds compete with papaya plants for water light and nutrients – see Section 7.1 for
a discussion of weeds and their chemical control. In double row plantations, the main

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

interrow is usually grassed and kept mown (O'Hare 1993). Ground covers such as
Pinto peanut (Arachis pintoi) and Maku lotus (Lotus pedunculatus) may also assist in
weed control but compete with the papaya plants for moisture (O'Hare 1993).
Mulching is a common weed control practice. Mulching seedlings with coarse grass
hay has also been shown to produce plants with thicker stems and to promote earlier
flowering and increasing fruit set, yield and average fruit weight The response to
mulching was probably due to a number of factors including better use of the total soil
volume, lower soil temperatures in the first few centimetres, reduced soil and water
loss, improved conditions for soil mycorrhiza and decreased nematode populations
(Elder et al. 2000b; Elder et al. 2002). Walsh & Ragupathy (Walsh & Ragupathy
2007) confirmed improved arbuscular fungal colonisation of papaya roots in mulched
The major pests and diseases of papaya in Australia, together with their control are
discussed in Section 7.2. Monitoring for pests and diseases at two-weekly intervals is
advised (O'Hare 1993).
Seedlings usually begin flowering 9 - 12 months after they germinate (California Rare
Fruit Growers Inc. 1997) and it then takes from 5 – 9 months for fruit maturation
(O'Hare 1993). In the annual cropping cycle of an Australian plantation, the bulk of
the crop flowers between November and March and is harvested between September
and December (O'Hare 1993). In a tropical plantation, each plant ripens 2 – 4 fruits
per week (Morton 1987) and the crop may require harvesting and packing at least
once a week all year round (Papaya Australia 2007). In subtropical climates fruit set
declines, or may even cease, during the colder winter months (Allan 2002).
Commercial harvesting and packing is done by hand and fruits must be handled
carefully so as to avoid blemishes and bruising that will make the fruit unmarketable.
The fruit must have started to colour before it is picked (O'Hare 1993). In cooler
months, fruits are ethylene ripened under controlled conditions which provide a
temperature of 29 – 32o C, good air circulation, humidity of 85 – 90% and an ethylene
atmosphere supplied either continuously or as single shots every 12 hours (O'Hare
1993). In warmer months, fruit is allowed to ripen naturally. Ideally, fruit should
reach the market with between half and three-quarters colour in summer and between
three-quarters to full colour in the winter months. Storage and transport of fruit should
be done at a temperature of 13o C and 90% humidity (O'Hare 1993).
2.4 Crop Improvement
2.4.1 Breeding
Papaya is generally regarded as a cross-pollinated species but self-fertilization does
not result in inbreeding depression and inbred lines have been used to advantage to
help fix useful genetic characteristics in both gynodioecious and dioecious lines
(Aquilizan 1987).
The open-pollinated dioecious varieties of papaya that formed the basis of the
Queensland industry tend to be highly variable in characteristics such as fruit shape,
taste, size, flesh-colour, firmness and yield (Elder et al. 2000a). In particular, fruit
shape is an important component in the production of uniform fruit packs for which
the market will pay premium prices. The development of inbred dioecious lines by

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

self-fertilising male plants (ambivalent males – see Section 4.1.1) has led to the
availability of these lines for the production of hybrids with more uniform
characteristics; the system is called the Yarwun (Queensland) System for fixing
dioecious type inbred lines (Aquilizan 1987).
Disease resistance, increased yields and improved quality and storage traits are the
most important breeding objectives (Nakasone & Paull 1998). Worldwide, papaya
ringspot virus (PRSV - see Section 7.2.3) presents the most significant problem to
production. Genetic resistance to PRSV does not exist in Carica papaya; PRSV-
tolerance is found in some lines which have been used to introgress tolerance into
cultivars such as ‘Cariflora’ (Conover et al. 1986). The genus Vasconcellea contains a
number of species with resistance to PRSV and some of these have been crossed with
papaya to obtain resistant interspecific hybrids (Papaya x cauliflora, Papaya x
quercifolia and Papaya x pubescens [cundinamarcensis]) (Drew et al. 2005b).
However, such crosses are problematic due to genome incompatibility (Magdalita et
al. 1997) - see also Sections 9.2 and 9.3 - and only Papaya x quercifolia hybrids have
shown some levels of fertility and hence may prove of use in back-crossing
programmes. Sajise et al. (2004) showed that a Papaya x quercifolia hybrid had cross
compatibility with two Philippine local inbred selections but not with inbreds from
other countries; this highlights the importance of the genotype of the Carica papaya
parent in such crosses. Studies have also been done to characterize molecular markers
for PRSV resistance in Vasconcellea species (Dillon et al. 2005a; Dillon et al. 2005b)
and should assist attempts to transfer this trait into papaya.

Some species of Vasconcellea are considered to possess other traits (eg high quality
fruits, high level of proteolytic enzymes, cold tolerance) that could be useful in
breeding programmes for papaya improvement (National Research Council 1989;
Scheldeman & Van Damme 2002). In particular, the babaco (a natural sterile hybrid
derived from crosses between V. cundinamarcensis and V. stipulata) has high yields
and is the only Vasconcellea species cultivated intensively (although on a small scale)
in Ecuador, Australia and New Zealand (Morton 1987). The plant is slender and no
more than 3 m high, but the 5-angled fruits reach 30 cm in length and are usually
seedless. The plant is not known in the wild and is propagated by cuttings.

Fitch (2005) discussed a number of papaya varieties that have been developed to meet
a range of breeding objectives including tolerance to Phytophthora and improved fruit
quality and yield. Some varieties are grown worldwide particularly the ‘Solo’ group
(developed in Hawaii), ‘Tainung’ (developed in Taiwan), ‘Eksotika’ and ‘Eksotika II’
(developed at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute),
‘Maradol’ (developed in Cuba) and ‘Hortus Gold’ (developed in South Africa)
(OECD 2005).

In Australia, two recent breeding projects have been funded by Horticulture Australia
Limited (Drew 2005; Hansen 2005). Cycles of random mating (to break the linkages
between traits like high sugar level and susceptibility to winter spot), coupled with
micropropagation of promising individuals has resulted in saving time and money in
not having to genetically fix good individuals through the production of inbred lines
(Hansen 2005). These projects have resulted in the production of a number of

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

promising lines with good yields of high quality, good tasting fruit that can be
maintained in tissue culture storage until required for further breeding programmes or
for direct commercialisation. Transcript and carotenoid profiling, and identification of
genes expressed during papaya fruit development is also being undertaken in
Australia and provides an alternative way of approaching molecular breeding or
genetic modification strategies for altering fruit quality traits (Devitt. et al. 2006a;
Devitt. et al. 2006b).

Linkage maps have been developed to assist breeding through mapping candidate
genes, searching for quantitative trait loci of agronomic traits (Sondur et al. 1995) and
developing marker assisted selection. Most linkage maps have been concerned with
markers for traits such as sex determination and fruit flesh colour (Fitch 2005). Sex
determination has been particularly studied because of its close link to efficient
commercial fruit production. Liu et al. (2004) used chromosome walking and fine
mapping to locate the sex determination locus in papaya and also found that there was
suppression of recombination around the locus indicative of degeneration of the Y
chromosome. Molecular markers and DNA diversity have been used to study the
relationships among papaya and other members of the Caricaceae (Van
Droogenbroeck et al. 2002; Van Droogenbroeck et al. 2004) and such studies are
considered important for being able to exploit genetic potential in breeding
programmes for improvement of papaya.
In 2004, an integrative multi-institutional consortium, based at the University of
Hawaii, was formed to sequence the papaya genome (Papaya Genome Project 2007).
The project was 88% completed in April 2007 and had an estimated genome
completion date of December 2007. The project aim is to map and clone papaya genes
related to improvement of economic value and efficiency of cultivation.
2.4.2 Genetic modification
Early experiments with papaya established plant tissue culture regeneration systems –
a necessary precursor to successful transformation. The main pathway of regeneration
is via somatic embryogenesis and although embryogenic cultures have been induced
from various explant types, the most successful explants are immature zygotic
embryos (Fitch & Manshardt 1990) and young seedling tissues (Fitch 2005).
Transformation protocols involving both Agrobacterium tumefaciens and
microprojectile bombardment were developed in the early 1990s (Fitch et al. 1990;
Fitch et al. 1993) and both procedures have been improved over time to give good
results (Fitch 2005). In Australia, Mahon et al. (1996) found that a biolistic system
using somatic embryos, derived from immature zygotioc embryos (Drew et al. 1994),
of an Australian dioecious cultivar (OE) as target tissue resulted in efficient
transformation that yielded 41% successful transformants (kanamycin resistance) and
transformed plantlets within 6 months of bombardment. Drew et al. (2005b) pointed
out, however, that a drawback of using zygotic embryos as target tissue is that it is not
possible to apply the technology directly to an elite female or hermaphrodite cultivar,
only to progeny.
The first commercial trait used in genetic modification experiments was resistance to
PRSV and fruits from commercial lines have been available since around 1998;
papaya was thus the first genetically modified (GM) fruit crop used for human
consumption. GM PRSV-resistant papaya was developed in Hawaii in response to the
devastating impacts of the disease in Hawaii and south-east Asia; for a historical

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

account of the research see Gonsalves (1998). Two cultivars ‘SunUp’ (red-fleshed)
and ‘Rainbow’ (yellow-fleshed) that resist the virus by expressing PRSV coat protein
( a concept known as parasite-derived resistance) were successfully developed in
Hawaii (Gonsalves & Manshardt 1996) and their commercial production rapidly
reversed the declining Hawaiian papaya industry (Manshardt 1999; Ferreira et al.
2002; Gonsalves et al. 2004). The mechanism of the resistance is thought to be via
post transcriptional gene silencing and there is a suggestion that a threshold level of
expression must be attained before silencing is effective (Gaskill et al. 2002).
‘Rainbow’ seedlings take much longer to develop resistance to PRSV than ‘SunUp’
and this is thought to be due to the fact that ‘SunUp’ seedlings reach the threshold
level more quickly because they are homozygous for the transgene (Gaskill et al.
2002). ‘SunUp’ shows no resistance to PRSV strains from Thailand and Taiwan. The
two lines were approved as food in the USA in 1997 (FDA 1997) and in Canada in
2003 (Health Canada 2003) and were approved for commercial growing in the USA
in 1996 (USDA/APHIS 1996).
A number of other countries are also attempting to develop commercial lines of GM
PRSV-resistant papaya lines (Fitch 2005). The Papaya Biotechnology Network of
Southeast Asia was launched in March 1998 and seeks to expand the biotech capacity
of its members through information exchange and transfer of proprietary technology
from the private-sector of developed countries to national institutes in Southeast Asia
(ISAAA 1999). In the region encompassing Australia, Southeast Asia and China:
• Stable PRSV resistance was obtained in GM plants derived from two
Australian cultivars (OGTR 1998; Lines et al. 2002). The technique involved
using a transformation and regeneration protocol based on the microprojectile
bombardment of secondary somatic embryos mentioned above (Mahon et al.
1996) and plants did not show infection after 18 months of field exposure to
the virus. These field trials have now ceased and no further trials are currently
underway in Australia.
• Small field trials of PRSV-resistant papaya are underway in the Philippines
(ABSP II 2004; Magdalita et al. 2004)
• The Department of Agriculture in Thailand started field trials of GM PRSV-
resistant papaya in 1999 at the Khon Kaen Horticulture Experiment Station in
Tha Pra. In mid-2004 unapproved GM plants were found in a large number of
plantations; this led to the destruction of the field trials and a government ban
on any further trials.
• China has been undertaking field trials and is likely to approve the commercial
release of PRSV-resistant lines in the near future (ABSP II 2006).
Fitch (2005) listed other priorities for papaya transformation. Of these, the following
genetic modifications have reached field trial stage: resistance to fungi, resistance to
arthropods, and delayed ripening. In Australia there has been a field trial testing GM
papaya plants modified for delayed fruit ripening (OGTR 2000). Currently there is a
field trial growing six different types of GM papayas that have been genetically
modified to delay fruit ripening by downregulating ACC (1-amino-cyclopropane-1-
carboxylic acid) synthase, an intermediate enzyme in the biosynthesis of the plant
hormone, ethylene; there is also one type that has been modified to delay fruit
ripening by a change in the perception of ethylene (OGTR 2003).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

3.1 Plant morphology
Morphological description of papaya can be found in a number of sources (Morton
1987; Du Puy & Telford 1993; OECD 2005). The hollow green or deep purple trunk
can grow to 10 m, is straight and cylindrical with prominent leaf scars, and can
become 30-40 cm thick at the base, thinning to 5 – 7.5 cm at the crown. The leaves
emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral on nearly horizontal
petioles 25 – 100 cm long and form a loose open crown. The leaf blade, deeply
divided into 5 to 9 main lobes, varies from 25 – 75 cm in width, and has prominent
yellowish ribs and veins. Colleters (short-lived multicellular stalked globules) are
present at leaf bases and along vein margins and their secretions may aid in protection
against desiccation and/or protection against insect predators (Ronse Decraene &
Smets 1999). The life of a leaf is 2.5 to 8 months and new leaves arise at the rate of
1.5 – 4 per week. All parts of the plant contain white latex.
3.2 Reproductive morphology
The flowers (see references at the bottom of Table 6) are born on inflorescences
which appear in the axils of the leaves. Papaya has a highly complex capability in
sexual expression (see also Section 4). Some plants bear only short-stalked pistillate
(female) flowers, or hermaprodite (perfect) flowers (having female and male organs),
borne on short stalks, while others may bear only staminate (male) flowers, clustered
on long panicles. There are also monoecious plants having both male and female
flowers. Pistillate trees tend to be stable while staminate and hermaphrodite trees may
be ‘ambivalent’, going through seasonal sex reversals (Storey 1976). Table 6 gives
details of the various characteristics associated with the main flower types. There is a
range of possible variation and the proportion and type of flowers produced may vary
even on the same tree (Villegas 1997). Hermaphrodite flowers are of two main types –
elongata and pentandria - with an intermediate type between these two.
Table 6. Characteristics of the major flower types in papaya*

Character Male Female (pistillate) Hermaphrodite: Hermaphrodite: Hermaphrodite:

(staminate) elongata intermedia pentandria
inflorescence Pedunculate solitary or few short peduncled short peduncled short peduncled
pendulous flowered cyme, stalk cluster, stalks less cluster, stalks less cluster, stalks less
panicle 3.5 – 5 cm long than 25 cm than 25 cm than 25 cm
25 – 100 cm long
corolla trumpet-shaped, 5 almost free petals 5 partially united Undefined: petals 5 almost free
2.5 cm long, 5 (fused at base); petals, fused from may be fused up petals; petals
lobes, light petals fleshy, ¼ - ¾ of their total to 2/3 of their fleshy,
yellow/cream yellow/cream length length or free yellow/cream

stigmas NONE 5, fan-shaped on a 5, fan-shaped 5, fan-shaped 5, fan-shaped

short style

ovary rudimentary non- ovoid oblong, 2-3 cm elongate distorted, irregular ovoid oblong, 2-3
functional ovary long, central cavity, shape cm long, 5-
(or pistillode) numerous ovules furrowed

stamens 10 in 2 whorls NONE 10 borne at the 2-10, some or all 5 attached by long
alternating with throat of the of which are filaments near
petal lobes corolla in 2 distorted base of ovary
clusters (5 long, 5

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Character Male Female (pistillate) Hermaphrodite: Hermaphrodite: Hermaphrodite:

(staminate) elongata intermedia pentandria

Shape of n/a Spherical/ovoid cylindrical to pear- carpelodic (cat ovoid and lobed
resulting fruit shaped face)

* data compiled from McGregor (1976); Villegas (1997); Du Puy & Telford (1993); De La Cruz Medina et al.
(2002); Ronse Decraene & Smets (1999)
The fruits are technically classified as fleshy berries (Villegas 1997) sometimes called
pepo-like berries since they resemble melons by having a central seed cavity. They
are borne axillary on the main stem, usually singly but sometimes in small clusters.
The fruit has a smooth exocarp (peel) and thick, fleshy mesocarp and in shape may be
globose, ovoid, obovoid, or pyriform, 7-35 cm long, and 0.250-10 kg in weight.
Female plants produce medium to large round-shaped fruit of good quality with a
large seed cavity; hermaphrodite plants produce small to medium elongated fruit of
good quality but with a smaller seed cavity; male plants with bisexual flowers may
produce a few, elongated, poor quality fruit (Crane 2005).
4.1 Reproduction
Fruit production in papaya plants may occur following either cross-pollination (out-
crossing), self-pollination or parthenocarpy (a form of asexual reproduction in which
fruits may be produced without fertilisation), depending on whether dioecious or
gynodioecious lines are planted and the particular cultivar that is grown (Rodriguez-
Pastor et al. 1990; Nakasone & Paull 1998; Louw 2000; Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2003). Rodriguez-Pastor et al. (1990)
demonstrated that when out-crossing is limited experimentally by bagging flowers to
prevent pollen flow, 90% and 94.7% of fruit from hermaphrodite flowers of ‘Sunrise
Solo’ and ‘Kapoho Solo’, respectively, may be produced following either self-
pollination or parthenocarpy. Of these, potentially 35% of the Sunrise Solo fruit were
produced parthenocarpically and ca 65% were produced following self-pollination.
Kapoho Solo produced no parthenocarpic fruit (Rodriguez-Pastor et al. 1990).
Parthenocarpic fruit were reported to be of adequate commercial size and quality.
Garrett (1995) also investigated the potential for alternative papaya lines to produce
fruit parthenocarpically. She demonstrated that such fruit may be produced at much
lower frequencies and are of poor size and quality, compared to sexually derived fruit.
Garrett (1995) also indicated that low numbers of seeds are produced by
parthenocarpic fruit and that approximately 4% of such seeds may be viable,
depending on the variety of papaya. It is not clear whether these seeds were produced
sexually (perhaps by inadvertent contamination with pollen) or asexually.
Nevertheless, many researchers (Gillaspy et al. 1993; Vivian-Smith et al. 2001)
contend that, by definition, parthenocarpic fruit contain no viable seeds.
4.1.1 Sexual reproduction
Papaya flowers can be grouped into three basic forms that reflect whole plant gender:
female, male or bisexual (hermaphrodite). With controlled cross-pollinations between
flowers of each gender, the ratio of female, hermaphrodite and male offspring are
predictable, as summarised in Table 7 and as follows:

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

i. pistillate flowers pollinated by staminate flowers give equal numbers of

male and female progeny
ii. pistillate flowers pollinated by pollen from bisexual flowers give an equal
number of female and bisexual progeny
iii. bisexual flowers either self or crossed-pollinated with other bisexuals give a
ratio of one female to 2 bisexual
iv. bisexual flowers pollinated by staminate ones produce equal numbers of
female, male and bisexual progeny.
The second and third combinations thus produce the maximum number of fruit-
bearing plants.
Table 7. Summary of gender ratios following pollinations between male (M), female (F)
and bisexual (B) C. papaya gender forms*

Pollination No. of resulting Females No. of resulting Males No. of resulting


FxM 1 1 -

FxB 1 - 1

M x M† 1 2 -

BxB 1 - 2

BxM 1 1 1

MxB 1 1 1

* summarised from Storey (1976)

† note that because of gender reversals or alterations, ‘males’ may bare functional carpels and set fruit.

The genetic or chromosomal basis for this complicated reproductive pattern is poorly
understood (Villegas 1997; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) 2003). However, as summarised by Somsri et al. (1998), a
common hypothesis is that sex is controlled by a single locus with three alleles — M1
(male), M2 (hermaphrodite) and m (female). Male/staminate (M1m) and
hermaphrodite plants (M2m) are heterozygous whereas female/pistillate plants (mm)
are homozygous recessive. Combinations of dominants, namely M1M1, M1M2, or
M2M2 are lethal, leading to post-zygotic abortion of such ovules; the lethal effect of
these homozygous dominant sex-determining alleles is further evidence of the
degeneration of the Y chromosome (see also discussion in Section 2.4.1).
Accordingly, this hypothesis predicts that viable males can only be M1m (dioecious)
and viable hermaphrodites can only be M2m (gynodioecious). A cross of two
hermaphrodites normally yields a 2: 1 (hermaphrodite:female) ratio.
Recently, Chan-Tai et al. (2003) obtained a hermaphroditic papaya mutant from
‘Sunrise’ that has a genotype designated M@ml. Selfing of this mutant resulted in all
progeny being hermaphrodite as the female genotype is lethal because of a lethal gene

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

(l) being linked to the homozygous recessive genotype (ie mlml) in this particular
mutant, and the dominant M@M@ genotype is not lethal. Crossing of the mutant with
another hermaphrodite (M2m) resulted in a 3:1 (hermaphrodite:female) ratio because
neither the M@M2 genotype nor the mlm genotypes were lethal.
Crosses within, among and between the normal dioecious and gynodioecious papayas
result in a complex array of sex-type ratios with a further layer of complexity being
added by environmental influences such as temperature that can lead to the production
of a range of functional male and female flower types (Fitch 2005; OECD 2005) and
can even cause sex reversals. Of particular importance in the Australian breeding
system is the occurrence of sexually ambivalent (fruit-bearing) male trees; these have
been used to fix dioecious inbred lines (Aquilizan 1987) – see also Section 2.4.1. A
high proportion of dioecious cultivars in Queensland produce sexually ambivalent
male plants which, under short warm days and low night temperatures, form
hermaphrodite flowers at the tip of the inflorescence (Aquilizan 1987).
Considerable effort has been invested recently in developing molecular tests to
determine the sex of papaya seedlings (Somsri et al. 1998). These would be
advantageous commercially, as plant sex could be determined before reproductive
maturity. Male-specific (Parasnis et al. 2000) and hermaphrodite-specific (Lemos et
al. 2002; Deputy et al. 2002) tests have been developed using a variety of molecular
techniques. Urasaki et al. (2002b)} also developed a molecular test to distinguish
male and hermaphrodite plants from females and further refined the procedure
(Urasaki et al. 2002a) to minimize the risk of false negatives and provide a single-step
DNA extraction method for routine sex testing. Chaves-Bedoya & Nuñez (2007)
developed a SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) marker to determine the
sex type of papaya plants.
Efforts to identify molecular markers for sex are complicated by environmental
variables including temperature, humidity, soil nutrients that may modify the
functional gender of plants (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) 2003). In hot (>35 ºC) and dry conditions, for example,
bisexual flowers may become functionally male, with poorly developed and non-
functional female parts (Watson 1997; Nakasone & Paull 1998). At low (<20º C)
temperatures, by contrast, bisexual flowers may become functionally female because
of carpelloidy, a condition in which the stamens resemble carpels but remain
associated with the developed fruit, leading to distorted fruit shape (Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2003). Bisexual flowers of
variety ‘Solo’ may produce 100% carpellodic flowers when minimum temperatures
are less than 17º C (Nakasone & Paull 1998). Such changes in functional gender can
be either temporary or permanent.
Changes in functional gender in response to environmental variables have been used
advantageously in papaya breeding programs and to help select the most appropriate
varieties for commercial cultivation in particular regions (Chay-Prove et al. 2000;
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2003).
4.2 Pollination and pollen dispersal
As might be expected from the variety in flower types (see Section 3.2) the
occurrence of cross-pollination can vary considerable eg hermaphrodites can self-
pollinate or they can be pollinated from adjacent male plants, while in dioecious
plants where males and females are separate, cross-pollination is essential. In

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

addition, factors such as environmental conditions, floral characteristics associated

with the various flower types and flower receptivity may affect the level of cross-
pollination (OECD 2005). Commercial fruits are best obtained following the transfer
of pollen from staminate flowers to pistillate flowers.
In Australia, seasonally variable papaya fruit production (in terms of both quantity
and quality) has been attributed to several factors including low pollen viability and
an absence of suitable pollinators.
Pollen can be produced all year around. However, Garrett (1995) observed that pollen
production by papaya trees varies seasonally and according to the variety of plant that
is cultivated, but a general trend is for decreased quantities of pollen during
winter/early spring. The viability of pollen that is produced also varies seasonally and
according to variety (Magdalita et al. 1998) with viability being low in winter.
Garrett (1995) determined that, on average, 90% of freshly dispersed pollen grains
were viable but that in winter, viability dropped to about 45% in some lines and as
low as 4.5% in others. No information was provided on the duration of pollen
viability, but Allan (1963) indicates that extremes of humidity reduce the storage life
of papaya pollen which, under ideal (artificial) storage conditions, potentially remains
viable for about 5-6 years.
Garrett’s (1995) observations of seasonal variation in pollen viability are broadly
consistent with similar studies conducted in South Africa (Allan 1963) and Israel
(Cohen et al. 1989), where it was concluded that minimum temperatures below 10º C
significantly affect pollen viability, possibly as a consequence of degenerated pollen
mother cells (Allan 1963).
In contrast to pollen production and viability, the receptivity of papaya stigmas
remains high throughout the year. If pollinated with viable pollen, both female and
hermaphrodite flowers can successfully produce fruit, even in winter (Garrett 1995).
Garrett (1995) provided no data regarding the numbers of flowers (female, male or
hermaphrodite) that are produced in each season. It is difficult, therefore, to determine
the relative importance of variable pollen viability and likely seasonal variations in
the number of actual flowers, particularly female flowers, in affecting total fruit
Pollinator efficiency or abundance may also affect fruit production. There may be
1,000 seeds in a single fruit, indicating that 1,000 viable pollen grains would have
been deposited on a receptive stigma (McGregor 1976). The more seeds in a fruit, the
larger the fruit grows; fruits with less than 300 seeds are not generally marketable
(McGregor 1976).
In a detailed series of experiments done in Central Queensland, Garrett (1995)
demonstrated that pollination by native and European honeybees, or by wind, is rare.
Rather, Garrett (1995) determined that hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae:
Macroglossinae), many in the genus Hyles, are the primary pollinators of papaya in
central Queensland. Hawkmoths are also primary pollinators of papaya in Kenya
(Martins 2004). In Queensland it was observed that seven hawkmoth species pollinate
papaya flowers and that four additional species are likely to be pollinators (Garrett
1995). Of these eleven species, eight were active at dusk (18:00 – 19:00); the
remaining three were active during the day. Usually, moths spent about three seconds
at each flower before moving to another. Foraging focussed on groups of up to three
trees, with each tree in the group being visited in turn, before flying to another part of

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

the orchard. This behaviour did not appear to be affected by wind direction (Garrett
1995). Total foraging time and the distance between groups of trees visited by
pollinating moths were not recorded.
Plants that are pollinated by hawkmoths are described as being ‘sphingophilous’. The
flowers of such plants are typically white to cream in colour, have long tubes, produce
copious nectar and open at sunset or during the night emitting a characteristic odour
(Gibson 2001). Nectaries of staminate papaya flowers are located on the central
rudimentary pistil. Pistillate flowers actually do not produce nectar but have a fragrant
stigmatic exudate (Ronse Decraene & Smets 1999). Irrespective of nectar production,
both flower types have nectar guides that provide hawkmoths with tactile and contact
chemosensory stimuli (Astridge & Hansen 2005). Hawkmoths are regarded as long
distance and fast flyers (Ronse Decraene & Smets 1999; Gibson 2001) but there are
no data on likely gene flow distances in papaya as a result of hawkmoth pollination.
However, there have been studies in other genera pollinated by hawkmoths and, for
example, pollen dispersal of up to 65 m has been reported in the African orchid Disa
cooperi (Johnson et al. 2005) and up to 350 m in the central American rainforest tree
Pithecellobium elegans (Chase et al. 1996).
If a papaya plant is inadequately pollinated, it will bear a light crop of fruits lacking
uniformity in size and shape. In particular, fruit weight and yield of trees in central
Queensland may drop in January following the reduced pollination in the previous
winter months of July and August by hawkmoths (Garrett 1995). Hand-pollination in
July and August in commercial plantations that are not entirely bisexual (and, hence
self-pollinating) has the potential to increase yields (Garrett 1995) but is labour
intensive and unlikely to be justified on economic grounds.
Despite floral morphology suggesting insect pollination, several authors have
indicated that wind pollination may also be important (Nakasone & Paull 1998;
OECD 2005) especially in some countries. For example, very high papaya pollen
counts (10 – 18% of total aeropollen) have been recorded in the outskirts of Calcutta
(Chakraborty et al. 2007). Species in which both wind and insect pollination occur are
described as having an amphiphilous pollination mechanism.
4.3 Fruit/seed development and seed dispersal
The first crop of fruit is low on the stem. The fruits range in size from 10-50 cm long
and vary in mass from about 350 g to as much as 12 kg (OECD 2005). Fruits from
female trees are spherical whereas the shape of fruit from bisexual trees is affected by
environmental factors, particularly temperature, that modify floral morphology during
early development of the inflorescence (Nakasone & Paull 1998).
Unripe fruits are green and hard and rich in latex. Ripe papaya fruits have smooth,
thin yellow-orange coloured skin and contain no latex. Depending on the cultivar,
flesh thickness varies from 1.5 to 4 cm (Nakasone & Paull 1998) and flesh colour may
be pale yellowish to red (Villegas 1997; Nakasone & Paull 1998). In immature fruits,
the developing seeds have white seed coats (Lange 1961). Mature fruits contain
numerous grey-black spherical seeds 5 mm in diameter and coated with a transparent,
gelatinous aril/sarcotesta (Villegas 1997). There are usually 60 – 65 dried seeds per
gram (10288). The cold temperatures experienced over winter months in subtropical
climates may affect seed development; under-developed seeds may be found in fruits
that set in autumn and seed abortions occur in the coldest months (Allan 2002). Trees
yield well for two years, after which production declines (Benson & Poffley 1998).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

The ripe fruit is indehiscent and therefore seeds are not dispersed without assistance.
Worldwide, many birds and animals eat the fruit and disperse the seeds (OECD 2005).
In Australia flying-foxes (sometimes referred to as fruit bats) have been considered a
pest species by fruit growers since the beginning of European settlement because they
eat a wide range of commercial and backyard fruit including papaya (Tidemann et al.
1997), although their main diet is assumed to come from native plants (Birt et al.
1997). Grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) occur along coastal eastern
Australia and have been observed in NSW, feeding on papaya fruits (ABS 2001).
Other species that also occur in papaya growing areas include the Black Flying-fox
(Pteropus alecto), Little Red Flying-fox (Pteropus scapulatus), Spectacled Flying-fox
(Pteropus conspicillatus), Tube-nosed flying fox (Nyctimene robinsoni), and
Common blossom bat (Syconycteris australis). There appears to be no scientific
literature specifically detailing papaya seed dispersal by these species but it could be
assumed that at least some of these species feed on papaya fruit and could disperse
seeds. Flying foxes (Megachiropterans) have a very short digestive tract and food will
pass through the gut within 12 – 30 min (Birt et al. 1997). This means that seeds are
not digested and can germinate after being passed in the faeces. The observation of
volunteer papaya plants in old campsites and house sites (Max Bell pers. com)
indicates that humans also play a role in seed dispersal.
4.4 Seed dormancy and germination
Seed of papaya is photoblastic (has an absolute requirement for light in order to
germinate) (Vasquez-Yanes & Orozco-Segovia 1996). Seed should be mature to
maximise viability (Lange 1961). Nonetheless germination of seeds of papaya has
been reported to be slow, erratic and incomplete (Ellis et al. 1985). The seeds have
inhibitors that prevent germination while they are still inside the fruit or if they are
released prematurely. Significant early germination of seeds that fall onto the soil
would be hampered by the presence of the sarcotesta which would first have to
decompose (Lange 1961). In commercial nurseries, the sarcotesta should be removed
at harvest to reduce the time taken to germinate (Lange 1961).
Queensland growers have reported inconsistencies in germination rates and loss of
viability during drying and storage of seeds (Ashmore & Drew 2006). Freshly
harvested seeds that are not dried have very low and variable germination (OECD
2005). Air-dried papaya seeds stored in the dark at room temperature and room
atmosphere lose viability after 3 years (Vasquez-Yanes & Orozco-Segovia 1996) but
Bass (1975) noted only small viability losses in papaya seed stored for 6 years at 10o
C and moisture content in equilibrium with 50% Relative Humidity (9-10% moisture
content). Thus, desiccated storage at low temperature would seem to be advantageous
and, for example, Ellis et al. (1985) recommended that freshly extracted papaya seeds
are rubbed to remove the sarcotesta then thoroughly washed in running water before
being dried for storage under desiccation and below 15o C. However, desiccation to
too great a level can present problems. Three categories of ex situ seed storage of
mature seeds have been defined (Roberts 1973; Hong & Ellis 1996):

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

• ‘Orthodox’ seeds are those that are able to be dried, without damage, to low
levels of moisture content [2-6%], and the period of viability is extended by
lowering their temperature and moisture content during storage;
• ‘Recalcitrant’ seeds are those that cannot be dried without loss of viability and
there is no satisfactory method for maintaining the viability of intact seeds
over the long term;
• ‘Intermediate’ seeds are those that cannot be dried to below about 10%
moisture content without showing stress and have medium-term storage under
optimal conditions.
Papaya seeds have been classed as being ‘intermediate’ with regard to desiccation
tolerance and show stress at moisture contents of less than 8% - 10% (Ellis et al.
1991). However, Wood et al (2000) concluded that desiccation resulted in dormancy
being induced rather than reducing seed viability and showed that heat shock (4 h at
36o C) followed by a return to a lower temperature (26o C) could be used to break
dormancy following storage under desiccation. Clement et al. (2004) suggested the
presence of papaya seeds in the seed bank and the heat rise that accompanies clearing
and burning as explanation for the spontaneous appearance of papaya plants in
Amazonian Dark Earths where papaya is not currently cultivated or where volunteers
are destroyed as weeds.
Photoblastic seeds can also survive storage under moist conditions if kept in the dark
and around 38% of papaya seeds stored artificially for 5 years under such conditions
still germinated (Vasquez-Yanes & Orozco-Segovia 1996). Some 55% of papaya seed
remained viable for 2 years after burial 5 cm below the surface in the wet soil of a
tropical rainforest (Vasquez-Yanes & Orozco-Segovia 1996).
Even under non-ideal conditions, papaya seeds can persist and remain viable in the
soil. For example, in the subtropical Mt Kuwanoki Forest Reserve on Hahajima
Island, viable papaya seeds (papaya is an introduced species) were found in samples
taken from the soil profile to a depth of 20 cm (Naoko et al. 2003) – the length of time
the seeds had spent in the seed bank was not determined.
Treatment with gibberellins may promote germination of papaya seeds and reduce the
time taken to germinate and a preapplication for 24 hours with giberrellic acid (GA3)
has been suggested (Ellis et al. 1985; Bhattacharya & Khuspe 2001). Germination can
occur in 16 - 20 days continuing up to 40 days; much faster germination (5 – 9 days)
has been obtained with in vitro germination (Bhattacharya & Khuspe 2001).
Percentage germination may vary from 3 – 71% depending on the cultivar and
temperature, with 30o C being optimal (Bhattacharya & Khuspe 2001).
Cryopreservation of shoot tips and seeds of papaya has been successful (Azimi et al.
2005; Drew et al. 2005a) as a method of providing long-term conservation of the
species. Ashmore & Drew (2006) reported that North Queensland seed that was
desiccated and cryostored for 6 months had better germination than desiccated seed
stored at temperatures ranging from – 20o C to 15o C.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

4.5 Vegetative growth

Developing papaya trees can produce a new node every 3 -4 days (Sondur et al.
1995). Under unmanaged conditions, trees can live for 15 -20 years (OECD 2005) and
reach 8-10 metres in height but in cultivation, they are usually destroyed when they
reach heights that make harvesting of fruit difficult (Villegas 1997).
Varieties such as Hybrid 29, a semi-dwarfed hybrid, that set fruit at a comparatively
low height can be advantageous as they can remain in production for longer because
of ease of harvesting. On the other hand, the short internodes of a dwarf tree can lead
to undesirable compaction of the fruits as they develop (Sondur et al. 1995).
Cultivated trees in Australia are usually replaced after approximately 4 years when
they exceed 4 m in height (O'Hare 1993).
Papaya trees normally grow as single-stemmed trees with a crown of large palmate
leaves emerging from the apex of the trunk, but trees may become multi-stemmed
when damaged (Villegas 1997). Under cultivation, a process known as ratooning is
sometimes employed to allow fruits to develop closer to the ground and also to help
overcome dieback (which is localized in the apex); the stem of a tall tree is cut back to
approximately 1 m above ground and three strong shoots equidistant around the stem
are allowed to grow back (O'Hare 1993). Growers believe that ratooning is more
economical than replanting because land preparation and irrigation lines are already in
place. Also, production is re-established two (or more) months sooner than if
replanting was undertaken (Elder et al. 2002). However, the advantages need to be
balanced against the possible decrease in average fruit weight of the ratoon crop
compared with a newly planted crop (Elder et al. 2002).

Papaya plant parts contain many biologically active compounds, a selection of which
are listed in Table 8.
Table 8. Some chemical compounds occurring in Carica papaya*
Chemical Main plant part in Recorded
which chemical occurs level/concentration
alkaloids leaves 1,300 – 1,500 ppm
carpaine leaves 150 – 4,000 ppm
dehydrocarpaines leaves 1,000 ppm
flavonols leaves 0 - 2,000 ppm
tannins leaves 5,000 – 6,000 ppm
nicotine leaves 102.8 ppm
prunasin (cyanogenic leaves No data
benzylglucosinolate latex 116,000 ppm
caoutchouc latex 45,000 ppm
chymopapain a & b latex No data
lysozyme latex No data
Malic acid latex 4,400 ppm

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Chemical Main plant part in Recorded

which chemical occurs level/concentration
papain latex 51,000 – 135,000 ppm
butanoic acid fruit 1.2 ppm
carpaine fruit 200 ppm
cis-and trans- linalool oxide fruit 250 – 2,238 ppm
α-phellandrene fruit No data
α-terpinine fruit No data
methyl-thiocyanate fruit No data
caricin seeds No data
benzyl-isothiocyanate seeds 2,000 – 5,000 ppm
carpasamine seeds 3,500 ppm
linoleic acid seeds 5,389 ppm
oleic acid seeds 193,545 – 202,400 ppm
palmitic acid seeds 28,791 – 30,107 ppm

* data compiled from Duke (2007)

Papaya belongs to a group of plant species known as laticiferous plants. These plants
contain specialised cells (laticifers), dispersed throughout most plant tissues, that
secrete a substance known as ‘latex’. Latex is a complex mixture of chemical
compounds with diverse chemical activities. Collectively, these compounds are
thought to be involved in defence of the plant against a wide range of pests and
herbivores (El Moussaoui et al. 2001).
The latex of papaya plants is rich in enzymes known cysteine proteinases, which are
used widely for protein digestion functions in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Commercially, papaya latex is harvested from fully grown but unripe fruit, the skin of
which contains numerous laticifers. Ripe papaya fruit contains no latex (Villegas
1997), possibly because the latex-producing cells cease functioning or breakdown
with age.
Cysteine proteinases may constitute as much as 80% of the enzyme fraction in papaya
latex (El Moussaoui et al. 2001). The most well studied proteinases from papaya are
papain, chymopapain, caricain and glycyl endopeptidase. Other enzymes known from
papaya latex include glycosyl hydrolases such as β-1,3-glucanases, chitinases and
lysozymes, protease inhibitors such as cystatin and glutaminyl cyclotransferases and
lipases (El Moussaoui et al. 2001).
Unripe papaya fruit, papaya seeds and latex extracts have been implicated in
numerous toxic and allergenic responses in mammals, including humans, as discussed
in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, below.
5.1 Toxins
The use of papaya leaf, fruit and root extracts as traditional medicines (Akah et al.
1997; Eno et al. 2000) and the complex, largely uncharacterised, chemical
composition of papaya latex, suggests the potential for effects on the health of humans
or other organisms. A compound present in crushed papaya seed that is believed to
have activity against helminthic intestinal parasites, benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC –

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

derived from benzylglucosinolate), has been shown to have an effect on vascular

contraction using a canine carotid artery in vitro model (Wilson et al. 2002). Other
studies have suggested possible purgative effects of root extracts (Akah et al. 1997)
and antihypertensive activity of fruit extracts (Eno et al. 2000). The presence of
cyanogenic compounds in papaya has also been reported (Seigler et al. 2002). Carica
papaya is a rare example of a species in which a glucosinolate (benzylglucosinolate)
and a cyanogenic glycoside (prunasin) co-occur (Olafsdottir et al. 2002); generally
plants that produce glucosinolates do not produce a cyanogenic glycoside and vice
versa. Excessive consumption of plant parts that contain cyanogenic glycosides
(leaves and roots, in the case of papaya) may induce adverse reactions, due to the
formation of cyanide in the digestive system of the consumer, although none have
been recorded for papaya.
5.2 Allergens
Papain, a product of papaya latex, is widely used in both the food manufacturing and
pharmaceutical industries. Sensitisation to papain among workers in these industries
is well known (Baur et al. 1988; Iliev & Elsner 1997). Immunoglobin E (IgE)
antibodies against all four of the major papaya cysteine proteinases in latex (papain,
chymopapain, caricain and glycyl endopeptidase) have been identified in people who
show an allergic response to a pharmaceutical product derived from papaya latex
(Dando et al. 1995). The presence of these antibodies demonstrates that all four
cysteine proteinases are allergenic.
Papaya may also have allergenic properties when ingested. For example, an allergic
reaction, manifesting as a skin rash, has been reported following use of throat
lozenges containing papaya, which appeared to be due to the papaya extract contained
in the lozenges (Iliev & Elsner 1997). Around 50% of patients with latex allergy have
hypersensitivity to certain plant foods, especially fruits; Diaz-Perales et al. (1999)
noted that papaya fruits contain class I (allergenic) chitinases that correspond to
proteins detected with a pool of sera from patients with latex-fruit allergy. Latex-
allergic patients may develop oropharyngeal itching (the oropharynges is the part of
the pharynx at the back of the mouth) and angioedema (rapid swelling of the skin,
mucosa and submucosal tissues, particularly around the mouth/throat and hands;
sometimes followed by itchiness) if they eat papaya (De Clerck. et al. 2007).
An extreme allergic reaction to skin contact with unprocessed papaya fruit has also
been reported (Ezeoke 1985). Papaya fruit pickers manually harvesting fruit are
advised to wear gloves and protective clothing, as latex oozing from the fruit stalk
may cause skin irritation (Morton 1987).
Papaya pollen is able to induce respiratory IgE-mediated allergy (Blanco et al. 1998)
and one IgE-reactive, 100k Da protein component with esterase activity has been
identified (Chakraborty et al. 2007). The pollen can contribute significantly to the
aeropollen and aeroallergen load in areas where papaya plants occur (Chakraborty et
al. 2007).
5.3 Other undesirable effects of phytochemicals
The antifertility properties of papaya, particularly of the seeds, have been the subject
of significant evaluation using animal models, especially in India where there is
interest in the development of a safe and effective oral male contraceptive (Lohiya et
al. 1999). A complete loss of fertility has been reported in male rabbits, rats and
monkeys fed an extract of papaya seeds (Lohiya et al. 1999; Pathak et al. 2000;

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Lohiya et al. 2002), suggesting that ingestion of papaya seeds may adversely affect
the fertility of human males or other male mammals.
In India and parts of south-east Asia and Indonesia, consumption of papaya fruit is
widely believed to be harmful during pregnancy, since papaya is believed to have
abortifacient properties (induces miscarriage during pregnancy) or teratogenic
properties (causes malformations of the foetus) (Adebiyi et al. 2002). For example,
Adebiyi et al. (2002) suggest that unripe papaya fruit may induce miscarriage in
susceptible pregnant human females. Conversely, a papaya fruit extract is used for
prevention of miscarriage by traditional African healers (Eno et al. 2000). A number
of early studies, largely conducted in India, suggested that unripe papaya fruit, latex
extracts or papaya seeds have deleterious effects on pregnancy in laboratory animals
(Schmidt 1995). However, more recent analysis suggests that ripe papaya fruit or
purified papain do not cause malformations of rat foetuses.
Ingestion of unprocessed ripe papaya fruit has no impact on the number of viable
foetuses or foetal weight in rats (Adebiyi et al. 2002). Likewise, purified papain
derived from latex of unripe papaya did not impact adversely on prenatal development
when administered orally to pregnant rats (Schmidt 1995). However, in vitro, crude
latex derived from unripe papaya fruit stimulates contractions in non-pregnant rat
uterus (Adebiyi et al. 2002).
5.4 Beneficial phytochemicals
The vitamin A and C content of one medium papaya fruit (approx 350 g edible
portion) exceeds the Dietary Reference Intakes established by the US Food and
Nutrition Board for adult minimum daily requirements (OECD 2005). The vitamin C
content is much higher than in either tomatoes or oranges (Benson & Poffley 1998).

Papaya fruit is marketed as a source of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals

necessary for wellbeing (Papaya Australia 2007). Table 9 gives key nutritional
elements of the fruit.

Table 9. Papaya Fruit Nutritional Values (Per 100g edible portion only)*

Value –
Value –
Nutrient USDA Nutrient
Papaya Australia

Water 89.3g 88.83g

Energy 123kJ / 29kcal 163kJ/39kcal

Protein 0.4g 0.61g

Fat 0.1g 0.14g

Carbohydrate (total) 6.9g 9.81g

Carbohydrate (sugar) 6.9g 5.9g

Dietary fibre 2.3g 1.8g

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Value –
Value –
Nutrient USDA Nutrient
Papaya Australia

Cholesterol Nil Nil

Sodium 7mg 3mg

Potassium 140mg 257mg

Calcium 28mg 24mg

Magnesium 14mg 10mg

Iron 0.5mg 0.1mg

Zinc 0.3mg 0.07mg

Beta-carotene 910ug 276ug

Thiamin 0.03mg 0.027mg

Riboflavin 0.03mg 0.032mg

Niacin 0.3mg 0.338mg

Vitamin C 60mg (171% of RDI) 61.8mg

Vitamin A Eq 150µg N/A

* nutritional data taken from the Papaya Australia (2007) website and the USDA National Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference (2006).


6.1 Abiotic stresses
6.1.1 Nutrient stress
Papaya is a fast-growing, heavy-producing crop and, as such, commercial plantings
generally require fertiliser applications, particularly nitrogen to maximise fruit quality
and yield. The literature would suggest that nutrients are not limiting to growth in
non-managed environments and that papaya is able to grow in a range of nutrient
conditions albeit at the expense of general vigour and fruit quality as nutrition
6.1.2 Temperature stress
Under commercial conditions, papaya has exacting climate requirements for vigorous
growth and fruit production. It must have warmth throughout the year and will be
damaged by light frosts (O'Hare 1993); even brief exposure to O° C is damaging and
prolonged cold without overhead sprinkling will kill the plants (California Rare Fruit
Growers Inc. 1997). Temperatures below 12-14º C strongly retard fruit maturation
and adversely affect fruit production (Nakasone & Paull 1998) but hotter
temperatures, if accompanied by dry conditions, can also adversely affect fruit set

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

(Elder et al. 2000a). Similarly, soil temperatures below 15o C limit growth (O'Hare
1993). An ambient temperature range between 21 and 33º C is ideal (Villegas 1997;
Nakasone & Paull 1998; OECD 2005).
6.1.3 Water stress
While drought reduces tree growth, fruit set, fruit size and quality, and canopy cover
(O'Hare 1993; Crane 2005) papaya plants are considered to be relatively resistant to
drought (Marler et al. 1994). During water deficit, plant growth is arrested, leaf
abscission is induced and photosynthetic rate is greatly reduced but the plants are able
to increase mineral solutes such as Na, K and Cl and this is thought to contribute to
osmotic adjustment (Mahouachi et al. 2006), a factor that delays dehydration (Marler
et al. 1994). Re-supply of water can bring about plant morphological and
physiological recovery without irreversible effects of water stress.
Papaya plants are intolerant of waterlogging (Marler et al. 1994; California Rare Fruit
Growers Inc. 1997; Benson & Poffley 1998) and well-drained soils are essential.
Waterlogged plants die within a matter of days following stomatal closure and
abscission of expanded leaves (Marler et al. 1994). Plants that are not killed do not
recover well.
7.1 Weeds
In Australia, a large number of weed species (especially broadleaf and grass species)
are known to be a problem in papaya plantations. An InfoPest search performed by
GrowSearch Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland)
in September 2006 listed 143 genera from 43 families as being weeds of papaya. The
main herbicide chemical recommended for use on these weeds is glyphosate with the
other main chemicals being glufosinate-ammonium, oxyfluorfen, diuron, haloxyfop
and fluazifop.
A study of the growth and yield response of the variety ‘Sunrise Solo’ to various weed
management strategies (Akinyemi et al. 2004) showed that herbicide usage is the most
sustainable practice and, when compared to other strategies such as hoe weeding and
intercropping, had beneficial effects on commercially important parameters in terms
of reduction in days to 50% flowering, and an increase in fruit yield.

7.2 Pests and diseases

7.2.1 Invertebrate pests
Singh (1990) reported that about four insect and mite species are major pests of
papaya worldwide, although 35 other arthropods may infest the plants. In Australia,
fruit-spotting bugs (Amblypelta lutescens and A. nitida), two-spotted mite
(Tetranychus urticae) and broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) are the most
serious pests (Chay-Prove et al. 2000). Oriental scale, once a significant problem, has
become a minor and infrequent problem since release of a wasp (Comperiella
lemniscata) for biological control (Astridge & Elder 2005).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Far north Queensland was the site of an outbreak of the Asian Papaya fruit fly (PFF),
(Bactrocera papayae) in papayas near Cairns on October 17, 1995 (DPI & F 2007).
Regarded as a serious threat to the horticultural industry, the outbreak was controlled
by an eradication campaign that began within 10 days of detection. PFF populations
were reduced by 99% in the first 12 months and the program was formally closed in
mid-1999 following declaration of eradication of PFF from mainland Queensland on
30 April 1999.

Appendix 2a lists the major invertebrate pests of papaya and the chemicals used for
their control. A number of these pests have native or exotic insect parasitoids and/or
predators capable of reducing the size of pest populations (Appendix 2b). These can
contribute to an Integrated Pest Management approach providing that the ecology of
both the pest and the beneficial organism are understood (Blanche et al. 2002).
Konno et al. (2004) concluded that the papain produced in latex of papaya leaves is an
important factor in protecting the plant from lepidopteran larvae. The protease activity
of the papain in fresh latex exuded from leaves is extremely high (195.8 unit mg-1)
although activity in leaves as a whole is quite low (0.362 unit mg-1); insects thus
confront a highly condensed toxin immediately after eating the leaves.
7.2.2 Other pests
Flying foxes (Pteropus spp.) are the chief mammalian predator of papaya fruit in
Australia (Tidemann et al. 1997). Birds (especially currawongs) and possums may
attack the ripe fruit (Baxter 1997) and there has been an estimate of 20% crop loss due
to the combined foraging of flying foxes, birds and possums (Walsh et al. 2006).
Commercially, fruit may be picked when it is beginning to colour and then be ripened
under ethylene to reduce losses from these pests (O'Hare 1993). Exclusion netting has
been suggested as a means of protecting fruit but can be cost prohibitive (Tidemann et
al. 1997).
Rats and wild pigs can cause severe damage to young plants (Max Bell pers. com.)
7.2.3 Diseases
Because of extensive monoculture and a narrow gene pool, papaya is susceptible to
numerous diseases (see Appendix 3).
In Australia, the major fungal pathogens of papaya include phytophthora root and fruit
rot (Phytophthora palmivora), black spot (Asperisporium caricae), brown spot
(Corynespora cassiicola), anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) and powdery mildew
(Oideum caricae.). Several fungal species (eg Rhizopus spp., Stemnophyllum spp.,
Phomopsis spp.) also cause postharvest fruit rots that are controlled by pre-harvest
fungicide treatments or post-harvest dipping of fruit in a fungicide such as perchloraz.
Yellow crinkle, mosaic and dieback are phytoplasma-associated diseases of papaya
(Guthrie et al. 1998; Fitch 2005); yellow crinkle and mosaic may be symptoms of the
same disease complex (Fitch 2005) while dieback is caused by a different
phytoplasma group (Padovan & Gibb 2001). Papaya dieback is the major limiting
factor to the papaya industry in southeast and central Queensland (Drew et al. 2005b;
Walsh et al. 2006). There is currently no commercial strategy for controlling these

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) (see also Section 2.4.1) has become the limiting factor
for commercial papaya production in many areas of the world (Nakasone & Paull
1998). PRSV is a member of the potyvirus family of single-stranded RNA viruses
and strains are found in nearly every papaya-growing region (Gonsalves 1998). There
are two types of PRSV: Type P (PRSV-p) that infects cucurbits and papaya; and Type
W (PRSV-w) that only infects cucurbits. Internationally, PRSV-p has significantly
reduced crop productivity in Hawaii, the Carribean, Brazil, south-east Asia and other
papaya growing areas. Control measures such as roguing and quarantine have had
only limited success in most countries and considerable effort has been put into the
development of genetic modification for resistance (see Section 2.4.2) and resistance
through interspecific hybridisation (see Section 2.4.1).
PRSV-p was first identified in Australia in 1991 (Thomas & Dodman 1993) near
Caboolture (Queensland Sunshine Coast) and suburban Brisbane and was
subsequently recorded in Bundaberg and Beaudesert (Chay-Prove et al. 2000).
PRSV-p is transmitted by aphids, mechanical transmission of sap and the movement
of infected plants (Chay-Prove et al. 2000). Its spread in Australia is being managed
by a quarantine zone, which limits movement of papaya and cucurbits (eg. cucumber,
pumpkin and watermelon); the area south of latitude 24º30' S, and east of

longitude 150º00' E (vicinity of Moura, arrowed on Fig. 1) is declared to be a pest

quarantine area for papaya ringspot (Queensland Government 2002).

PRSV-p remains restricted in distribution in Queensland. Several outbreaks have

occurred in south-east Queensland, but these were contained by removing and
destroying infected plants. The virus is relatively common in backyards of some
northern suburbs of Brisbane, but the rate of spread appears to be low (Persley 2003).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Figure 1. Map of Central and South-east Queensland showing location of pest

quarantine area (enclosed in dotted line) for papaya ringspot (arrow shows the
approximate location of latitude 24o30’ S and longitude 150o E)
There have been numerous attempts to characterise the ‘typical’ traits of weeds
(Baker 1965; Bazzaz 1986; Noble 1989; Roy 1990; Williamson & Fitter 1996), but
the most successful predictors of weediness remain taxonomic affinity to other weedy
species and the history of a given species’ weediness elsewhere in the world (Panetta
1993; Pheloung et al. 1999).
In managed agricultural systems, papaya is easily controlled by herbicide spraying
(see Section 8.3) and volunteer plants are not regarded as a weed problem (OECD
2005). With regard to factors relevant to the potential weediness of papaya in
unmanaged environments there are two types of considerations. Firstly, there are
those attributes that might predispose papaya to weediness; these include:

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

• Papaya may persist after cultivation and spread along roadsides and disturbed
habitats where other plants have not established (OECD 2005). Space et al.
(2000) suggested that in Rota, of the Mariana Islands, papaya may be invasive
in highly disturbed habitats. Similarly, Kwit et al. (2000) observed the
establishment of exotic C. papaya seedlings following disturbance of forest
canopies by a hurricane in Florida. Persistence and spread in the Australian
ecosystem has not been observed apart from observations of volunteer plants
in a few old campsites and housesites in Queensland (Max Bell, pers. com)
and the occurrence of naturalised populations in two Australian territories (see
Section 8.2)
• Worldwide, papaya fruit is consumed by a wide range of vertebrates that could
potentially spread seeds into ecological habitats (OECD 2005).
• Papaya has a pioneer ecology due to a number of features that include fast
growth, short life cycle, prolific seed production, seed dormancy, and capacity
to establish significant seed banks (OECD 2005). Wood et al. (2000)
concluded that papaya seeds would be able to form a semi-persistent seed bank
in the soil and still retain the capacity to respond to heat shock (see Section
• Plants can flower and bear fruit all year round under optimal conditions.
• Genetic diversity within commercial cultivars provides adaptability and allows
cultivation of the plant under a relatively wide range of conditions (OECD
Secondly, there are those attributes that do not favour the establishment of the plant as
a serious weed; these include:
• Optimal growth of the plant is restricted by requirements for warm
temperature, adequate moisture and good nutrition (see Section 6).
• Trees yield well for two years, after which production declines (Benson &
Poffley 1998).
• The plant does not have any significant asexual reproduction mechanism (see
Section 4)
• Because of the highly complex capability in sexual expression (see Section 4)
sex ratios for obtaining optimal fruit (and seed) set would be unlikely to occur
without human intervention.
• Carica papaya has limited taxonomic affinity to other weedy species (see
Section 8.1 below).
8.1 Weediness status on a global scale
Papaya has naturalised in many tropical and sub-tropical countries (Randall 2002) but,
on balance, it is not considered to be a significant weed in any region of the world
(OECD 2005).
Internationally, the small shrub, Vasconcellea pubescens (formerly Carica pubescens;
‘mountain papaya’), is the only relative of papaya that has been recorded as a weed
(Randall 2002). Mountain papaya has naturalised in New Zealand where it occurs in
scattered open and shrubland communities on the north island (Landcare Research
2007). It is considered to be ‘moderately invasive’ in some tropical areas (Bingelli et
al. 1999; Randall 2002).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

8.2 Weediness status in Australia

Groves et al. (2003) assigned a rating of ‘1’to Carica papaya in natural ecosystems
indicating that it is “naturalised and may be a minor problem but not considered
important enough to warrant control at any location”. In agricultural ecosystems,
papaya is also not considered a problem (Groves et al. 2003).
Herbarium records and associated specimen notes indicate that in Queensland,
C. papaya may form small, low-density self-perpetuating populations (data provided
by the Queensland Herbarium). However, seedlings are often out-competed by
Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) (Max Bell pers. com) which is a coloniser of
disturbed sites, including roadsides, and particularly untended areas in many parts of
Queensland. Seed spread by pests such as flying foxes would appear not to be a
significant problem (see Section 4.3).
Papaya is established along roadsides and bush tracks throughout Christmas Island
(an Australian Territory in the Indian Ocean) and is naturalised on North Keeling
Island (also an Australian Territory in the Indian Ocean) in disturbed Pisonia grandis
forest (Du Puy & Telford 1993).
Vasconcellea pubescens does not occur in Australia (Groves et al. 2003; Australian
Plant Name Index 2005; Australia's Virtual Herbarium 2007) and no other Caricaceae
species have naturalised in Australia (Groves et al. 2003).
8.3 Control measures
In agricultural habitats volunteer plants can be killed by spraying with a herbicide
such as paraquat, glyphosate or triclopyr (OECD 2005). An InfoPest search performed
by GrowSearch Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries,
Queensland) in September 2006 listed oryzalin as a spray for use on non-bearing
During the tree thinning process that is practiced when the sex of trees becomes
evident (Section 2.3.1), plants cut off at ground level will not reshoot whereas those
cut about 300 mm above ground can reshoot (O'Hare 1993).
The possibility of genes transferring from C. papaya to other organisms is addressed
below. Potentially, genes could be transferred to: (1) commercially and domestically
cultivated papaya and naturalised papaya populations, (2) wild papaya (Vasconcellea)
species, (3) other plant genera, and (4) other organisms. With particular regard to the
possibility of gene transfer to other plants (including other papaya plants), each of two
potential barriers must be overcome before gene flow can occur successfully. Pre-
zygotic barriers include geographic separation, differences in floral phenology,
different pollen vectors and different mating systems such as stigmatic or stylar
incompatibility systems. Post-zygotic barriers include genetic incompatibility at
meiosis, selective abortion, lack of hybrid fitness and sterile or unfit backcross
9.1 Intraspecific crossing
Cross-pollination of one C. papaya plant to another mediated via an insect pollen
vector is the most likely means by which papaya genes could be transferred from
papaya to other organisms, including cultivated and naturalised C. papaya. In

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Australia, hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) are the most likely pollen vectors
(see Section 4.2).
Viable seeds and potentially fertile progeny would be produced when pollen is
transferred between papaya plants, irrespective of whether the transfer occurred to
cultivated or naturalised papayas. As naturalised papayas occur throughout the range
of papaya cultivation (Australia's Virtual Herbarium 2007), gene transfer between
naturalised and cultivated papayas is likely.
Various organisations and agencies have specified isolation distances for growing
papaya; these are cited in OECD (2005). The Hawaiian Identity Preservation Protocol
for non-GM papaya seed production specifies a minimum of 400 m isolation from
other varieties; the Papaya Biotechnology Network of Southeast Asia proposed that
non-GM papaya should be separated by 400 m from GM papaya; USDA-APHIS
approved an isolation distance of 500 m for GM papaya field trials. Manshardt (2002)
reported that A series of experiments conducted in Puna, Hawaii in 1997 indicated
that when commercial fields of hermaphrodite plants are separated by more than 400
m, cross-pollination will be a rare event (Manshardt 2002; Manshardt et al. 2007).
Note however, that the type of flowers that are present on a papaya plant will
influence the level of cross-pollination that will occur with female plants showing a
higher frequency than hermaphrodite plants. Further experiments conducted in Oahu,
Hawaii in 2003 confirmed that transgene dispersal through pollen drift between
hermaphrodite papayas is an inefficient process (Manshardt et al. 2007).

9.2 Natural interspecific and intergeneric crossing

The closest relatives of C. papaya and, therefore, the species with which C. papaya is
most likely to hybridise and exchange genes are species of Vasconcellea (formerly,
Carica)(Badillo 2002). None of these species occurs in Australia, eliminating the
likelihood of genes transferring naturally to wild papaya species.
Nevertheless, wild papayas (Vasconcellea spp.) naturally posses a number of
desirable traits including resistance to pathogens, cold tolerance and higher sugar
content of fruit (Drew et al. 1998), that breeders have sought to introduce into
C. papaya using traditional plant breeding techniques. Difficulties in producing
hybrids between C. papaya and Vasconcellea spp. underscore the negligible risk of
gene transfer from C. papaya to wild papayas in Australia. For instance, several
investigations (Manshardt & Wenslaff 1989a; Manshardt & Wenslaff 1989b; Drew et
al. 1998) have indicated that following pollination of C. papaya with pollen from wild
papayas (and vice versa), pollen grains germinate on the stigma successfully and
pollen tubes grow through the style and penetrate the ovules, thereby facilitating
fertilisation. Subsequently, however, abortion of these ovules, or endosperm failure,
prevents further development of hybrid embryos or production of viable mature seed.
The inability of papaya to hybridise naturally with its closest relatives and the
infertility of such hybrids when they are formed artificially (see below), illustrates the
reproductive isolation of C. papaya from other plant groups (Manshardt & Wenslaff
1989a) and indicates that the likelihood of gene transfer between C. papaya and other
plant species in the wild is negligible.

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

9.3 Crossing under experimental conditions

The post-zygotic barriers to successful hybrid formation have limited the success of
traditional breeding programs (Manshardt & Drew 1998) and indicate that the
generation of inter-specific hybrids is only possible with significant human
intervention, including techniques such as embryo rescue (Manshardt & Drew 1998).
When hybrids are generated using these techniques, they appear as morphological
intermediates between the two parental species (Magdalita et al. 1997).
In Australia, an embryo rescue protocol developed for 90 day old Carica papaya
embryos (Magdalita et al. 1996) was used successfully to produce hybrids between
C. papaya and wild papaya (Vasconcellea) species including V. quercifolia,
V. pubescens, V. goudotiana and V. parviflora (Drew et al. 1998). However, many
hybrids were of low vigour and did not survive when transplanted to the field.
Although other hybrids survived to reproductive maturity and a few produced viable
pollen (Drew et al. 1998), the backcross progeny (derived from re-crossing to the
original C. papaya parent) were infertile, probably because of large changes to the
chromosomes (OECD 2005). The success of intergeneric crosses may, to some extent,
depend on the genotype of the Carica papaya parent used as well as the time of year
at which pollen is collected and the post-pollination time at which hybrid embryos are
rescued (Magdalita et al. 1998).

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

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Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

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Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

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The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator


Appendix 1. Comparison of monthly temperature and rainfall statistics in areas where papaya
is grown in Australia*

Kununurra, Humpty Doo, Mareeba, Gympie and Alstonville represent areas where
commercial production occurs. Narooma, on the south coast of NSW is unsuitable for
commercial growing of papaya but represents climatic conditions under which growth is
possible but far from optimal.

1. Kununurra – Western Australia

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 36.4 35.5 35.3 35.5 32.9 30.5 30.2 33.6 36.4 38.3 38.8 38.1 35.1

Mean min temp 25.1 24.9 24.1 21.3 19.1 15.9 15.0 17.5 20.8 23.7 25.4 25.7 21.5

Mean rainfall (mm) 196.6 213.0 140.1 21.2 10.0 1.3 3.9 0.1 2.8 25.5 70.9 105.3 727.7

2. Darwin (Humpty Doo) – Northern Territory

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 31.8 31.4 31.9 32.7 32.0 30.6 30.5 31.3 32.5 33.2 33.2 32.6 32.0

Mean min temp 24.8 24.7 24.5 24.0 22.1 19.9 19.3 20.5 23.0 25.0 25.3 25.3 23.2

Mean rainfall (mm) 419.0 358.1 319.1 102.9 21.0 2.0 1.3 5.4 14.9 69.3 140.4 246.1 1685.9

3. Mareeba – Northern Queensland

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 31.2 30.8 29.9 28.6 27.1 25.5 25.2 26.5 28.2 30.4 32.1 31.9 29.0

Mean min temp 20.9 21.2 20.0 17.7 15.3 12.3 11.2 11.7 13.5 16.0 18.7 20.3 16.6

Mean rainfall (mm) 201.9 238.5 191.1 47.4 22.6 14.2 7.1 6.9 5.1 14.5 53.8 103.0 844.5

4. Gympie – Southern Queensland

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 31.3 30.4 29.4 27.3 24.5 22.1 21.9 23.3 26.0 28.3 30.2 31.3 27.2

Mean min temp 19.6 19.6 18.1 14.6 10.8 7.9 6.2 7.1 10.1 13.8 16.4 18.5 13.6

Mean rainfall (mm) 165.1 169.2 146.2 84.9 73.4 61.1 54.9 39.6 47.2 72.1 89.1 135.3 1133.2

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

5. Alstonville – Northern New South Wales

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 27.2 26.7 25.9 24.0 21.2 18.9 18.6 19.9 22.3 24.1 25.4 26.9 23.4

Mean min temp 19.5 19.4 18.3 15.9 13.3 10.9 9.9 10.6 12.7 14.8 16.6 18.5 15.0

Mean rainfall (mm) 177.6 234.3 283.7 196.8 198.6 151.5 91.9 73.0 52.4 108.3 132.2 160.6 1743.7

6. Narooma – South Coast of New South Wales

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

Mean max temp 23.4 23.7 22.8 21.0 18.6 16.6 16.0 16.7 18.2 19.4 20.5 22.0 19.9

Mean min temp 16.3 16.6 15.3 12.7 10.1 7.7 6.6 7.2 9.0 11.1 12.9 15.0 11.7

Mean rainfall (mm) 92.7 85.6 105.6 80.4 80.5 86.4 50.6 49.7 62.1 71.9 71.8 73.1 868.5

* data taken from the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology website, April 2007:

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Appendix 2a Major invertebrate pests of papaya in Australia*

Common Name Species Family Chemical control

Banana-spotting bug Amblypelta lutescens ssp. lutescens Coreidae endosulfan; trichlorfon

Fruitspotting bugs Dasynus fuscescens; Amblypelta nitida Coreidae endosulfan; trichlorfon

Oriental scale Aonidiella orientalis Diaspididae Petroleum oil

Loopers various species Geometridae spinosad

Sorghum head caterpillar Cryptoblabes adoceta Pyralidae spinosad

Yellow peach moth Conogethes punctiferalis Pyralidae endosulan; spinosad; fenthion

Broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus Tarsonemidae dicofol

Cucumber fly Bactrocera cucumis Tephritidae dimethoate

Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Tephritidae dimethoate

Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni Tephritidae dimethoate

Two-spotted (Red spider)

mite Tetranychus urticae Tetranychidae dicofol

Redbanded thrips Selenothrips rubrocinctus Thripidae spinosad

Leafroller moths various species Tortricidae spinosad

* information taken from an InfoPest search, performed by GrowSearch Australia (Department of Primary Industries and
Fisheries, Queensland) in September 2006; O’Hare (1993); Chay-Prove et al. (2000)

Appendix 2b Parasitoids and predatory insects attacking papaya insect pests*

Insect Pest Australian native Australian native Exotic parasitoids Exotic predatory
parasitoids predatory insects insects

Banana-spotting Pentatomophaga Pristhesancus Pheidole

bug bicincta (tachinid fly) papuensis (assassin megacephala (ant)
+ unidentified wasp bug)

Oriental scale Chilocorus baileyi Encarsia citrina + Chilocorus

(coccinellid) Aphytis spp. circumdatus
(wasps) +
Comperiella spp.

Yellow peach moth Argyrophylax Pristhesancus

proclinata (tachinid plagipennis
fly) (assassin bug)

Queensland fruit fly Pristhesancus Diachasmimorpha

plagipennis longicaudata (wasp)
(assassin bug) + + Fopius arisanus

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Insect Pest Australian native Australian native Exotic parasitoids Exotic predatory
parasitoids predatory insects insects
praying mantises (wasp)

Two-spotted (Red Stethorus histrio

spider) mite (coccinellid) +
lacewing larvae

Redbanded thrips Lacewings,

predatory thrips,
predatory bugs

* information taken from Blanche et al. (2002).

Appendix 3. Major diseases of papaya in Australia*
Category Disease name Causal agent Symptoms

first symptoms are small well

defined dried pink spots on the
surface of ripening fruit; lesions
grow to 5 cm diameter, become
Fungal anthracnose Colletotrichum gloeosporioides prochloraz
rounded, sunken and brown to
black in colour; lesions also occur
on petioles; post-harvest infection
usually produces stem-end rot.

Black pustules on the abaxial chlorothalonil;

black spot Asperisporium caricae surface of the leaf; pustules also tebuconazole;
occur on fruit but are superficial. mancozeb

lesions in which spores are

brown spot Corynespora cassicola produced occur on the stem, chlorothalonil
fruits, petioles and leaves

fruit surface is covered by a

whitish mycelium and numerous
sporangiophores; the fruits
become brown-blackish and
fruit rot and Phytophthora palmivora metalaxyl-M
drop; firm dark brown lesions
root rot
appear on the roots and stem
base; leaves wilt; roots develop a
soft, wet rot.

crown leaves develop yellow

powdery Oidium caricae; Oidiopsis triadimenol;
patches and white fungal growth;
mildew taurica sulphur
fruit shows circular white patches

Yellowing and wilting of leaves;

Pythium root
Pythium spp. soft rot in the roots that may metalaxyl-M
extend into the trunk

The Biology of Carica papaya L. (papaya, papaw, paw paw)
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Category Disease name Causal agent Symptoms

old leaves turn yellow and then

yellow crinkle unknown phytoplasma dry and fall; juvenile leaves
develop a clawed appearance

inner crown leaves become

Candidatus Phytoplasma bunched and yellow then die;
australiense stem begins to die back from the
top; fruit shrivels

crown leaves turn yellow and

mosaic unknown phytoplasma
have shrivelled edges

early symptoms include yellowing

and vein clearing in young leaves
and sometimes severe blistering
and leaf distortion. Dark
papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)
concentric rings and spots or “C”-
shaped markings develop on the
fruit which may turn tan-brown as
the fruit ripens.

necrosis of the tip and borders of

young leaves; on green fruits,
there is exudation of watery latex
papaya meleira virus
on the surface, which later
becomes stained and darkened
due to the oxidation of the latex

* information taken from an InfoPest search, performed by GrowSearch Australia (Department of Primary Industries and
Fisheries, Queensland) in September 2006; PaDIL (2005); OECD (2005); Walsh et al. (2006).


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