Business Environment
Business Environment
Business Environment
An organization's mission statement describes what the organization stands for and
why it exists. It explains the overall purpose of the organization and includes the
attributes that distinguish it from other organizations of its type.
A mission statement should be more than words on a piece of paper; it should reveal
a company's philosophy, as well as its purpose. This declaration should be a living,
breathing document that provides information and inspiration for the members of the
organization. A mission statement should answer the questions, What are our
values? and What do we stand for? This statement provides focus for an
organization by rallying its members to work together to achieve its common goals.
But not all mission statements are effective in America's businesses. Effective
mission statements lead to effective efforts. In today's quality-conscious and highly
competitive environments, an effective mission statement's purpose is centered on
serving the needs of customers. A good mission statement is precise in identifying
the following intents of a company:
Company policies
Company policies are guidelines that govern how certain organizational situations are
addressed. Just as colleges maintain policies about admittance, grade appeals,
prerequisites, and waivers, companies establish policies to provide guidance to
managers who must make decisions about circumstances that occur frequently within
their organization. Company policies are an indication of an organization's
personality and should coincide with its mission statement.
Formal structures
Organizational cultures
Organizational climates
A byproduct of the company's culture is the organizational climate. The overall tone
of the workplace and the morale of its workers are elements of daily climate. Worker
attitudes dictate the positive or negative atmosphere of the workplace. The daily
relationships and interactions of employees are indicative of an organization's
Managerial philosophies
Philosophy of management is the manager's set of personal beliefs and values about
people and work and as such, is something that the manager can control. McGregor
emphasized that a manager's philosophy creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Theory X
managers treat employees almost as children who need constant direction, while
Theory Y managers treat employees as competent adults capable of participating in
work-related decisions. These managerial philosophies then have a subsequent effect
on employee behavior, leading to the self-fulfilling prophecy. As a result,
organizational philosophies and managerial philosophies need to be in harmony.
Customers demand satisfaction with the products and services they purchase and
Suppliers require attentive communication, payment, and a strong working
Sociocultural Dimension:
The social dimension or environment of a nation determines the value system of the
society which, in turn affects the functioning of the business. Sociological factors such as
costs structure, customs and conventions, cultural heritage, view toward wealth and
income and scientific methods, respect for seniority, mobility of labor etc. have farreaching impact on the business. These factors determine the work culture and mobility
of labor, work groups etc. For instance, the nature of goods and services to be produced
depends upon the demand of the people which in turn is affected by their attitudes,
customs, so as cultural values fashion etc. Socio-cultural environment determines the
code of conduct the business should follow. The social groups such as trade unions or
consumer forum will intervene if the business follows the unethical practices. For
instance, if the firm is not paying fair wages to its business in indulging in black
marketing or adulteration, consumers forums and various government agencies will take
action against the business.
Technological Dimension:
Economic Dimension:
Economic environment refers to the aggregate of the nature of economic system of the
country, the structural anatomy of the economy to economic policies of the government
the organization of the capital market, the nature of factor endowment, business cycles,
the socio-economic infrastructure etc. The successful businessman visualizes the external
factors affecting the business, anticipating the prospective market situations and makes
suitable to get the maximum with minimize cost.
Global Influence:
Global dimension of environment refers to factors in other countries that may have an
effect on organizations in India.