Fusion 360 Workshop
Fusion 360 Workshop
Fusion 360 Workshop
Fusion 360 combines very fast and easy organic modeling with precise and direct modeling.
Organic modeling allows you to conceptualize ideas and explore multiple forms. Direct solid
modeling allows you to make your designs more manufacturable. All this is wrapped around a
dashboard that enables you to collaborate with your team, keep track of versions, comments, and
tasks, save and retrieve data in the cloud.
Software download Link: http://fusion360.autodesk.com/about
Learning Resources: http://fusion360.autodesk.com/resources
Sample Designs & Gallery: https://fusion360.autodesk.com/projects/popular
1. Launch Fusion 360 software & create your Autodesk ID with any of your existing email
Fusion 360 Desktop shortcut
2. Now you can see the Home page of Fusion 360, which is very user-friendly & more
interactive like any Social Media websites. All your activities & design file you can locate
here. In future this will help you to share, comment, like & export files with your friends
& team members.
Select +Create icon the top right corner as sown in the image & select Design
Give new Design name as Headphone- your name enter your name & Select Create
Your new design starts in a separate tab. Here is your Fusion 360 user-friendly interface
3. Now you are going to start design with simple Sculpt box. Reason for using sculpt
modeling to get T-Splines which will allows you to create desired shape with freeform
Select Command Symmetry, select 2 faces as shown in the image & Select OK
Select highlighted nodes (point) right click mouse button to access shortcut keys &
select Edit Form
Press hold horizontal arrow & drag to make square box to oval share. Repeat the same
for top center node.
Because of Symmetry, you can notice changes will take on opposite direction also.
Select Clear Symmetry to remove Symmetry, select 3D model & click ok.
7. Now lets start editing Face & Edges.
Select 4 faces using shift key & right click select edit form.
Press hold alt key to add edges & press hold corner arc as shown in image to change
the scale. As you are using alt key Fusion will add 4 new faces with different scale as
shown in image below.
Now select 4 inside face, press hold alt key & press hold horizontal arrow & drag
towards opposite side to add additional thickness to selected face.
Repeat last two steps which is scale & additional thickness to create one more
additional face as shown
Create additional scale for bottom 2 faces using alt key & scale icon as shown in image
Select the face show in image & use Rotate key to make it little smiley
8. Now we are going to create Speaker outlet.
Select the faces which are shown in image, use alt key & side arc to create additional
scaled face.
Select 2 faces shown in image, usr alt + top arrow to extend the length towards top
Select side 2 faces & use corner arc to taper the top edge
Select edge to rotate to create gap between speaker head & Headband
10. Its time now to create opposite side speaker head. You can mirror the existing Speaker
head to duplicate it. To mirror the object you need to have reference plane at the center.
Use Mirror function to create duplicate by selecting 3D model & Construction plane
Add your creativity, ideas & skill you have learnt so far & make it more attractive.
11. Last step is applying materials & colors to make it more beautiful for presentation
Select face which you want to apply colors, right click & select Materials
Select the materials which you prefer. Add different colors to individual faces.