Best Practice Methods For Determining An Electrode Material's Performance For Ultracapacitors
Best Practice Methods For Determining An Electrode Material's Performance For Ultracapacitors
Best Practice Methods For Determining An Electrode Material's Performance For Ultracapacitors
Ultracapacitors based on electrochemical double-layer capacitance (EDLC) are electrical energy storage devices that store and
release energy by nanoscopic charge separation at the electrochemical interface between an electrode and an electrolyte.1
While the charge storage mechanism of EDLCs is based on the
interfacial double-layer of high specific area carbons, another
class of capacitors is based on pseudocapacitance, and thus
associated with electrosorption and surface redox processes at
high surface area electrode materials such as metal oxides and
conducting polymers. Hybrid capacitors are the combination of
a faradic battery-type electrode coupled with a capacitive electrode in a two-electrode module (termed an asymmetric capacitor).2 While the energy density of ultracapacitors is very high
compared to electrostatic and electrolytic capacitors, it is still
significantly lower than batteries and fuel cells. Coupling ultracapacitors with batteries (or another power source) is still
required for supplying energy for longer periods of time. Thus,
there is a strong interest as enunciated, e.g., by the US Department of Energy, for increasing the energy density of ultracapacitors to be closer to the energy density of batteries.3
The electrode material is a key component that determines an
ultracapacitors capacity and the most definitive test for a new
electrode material is how it performs in a full scale, commercial
ultracapacitor. However, it is not always practical to use a full
sized, packaged cell, especially when dealing with minute quantities of material and/or a large number of different types of
samples to be tested. The goal of this manuscript is to review
experimental procedures that accurately evaluate a materials
performance, yet are flexible and rapid enough to accommodate
a large number of samples over a wide range of material types
and quantities. In addition, test results should be repeatable and
match those from other locations and research groups. At this
time, the measurement methods for determining a materials
performance are not well standardized and as a result it is difficult to assess the true performance reported in the literature,
which in our opinion is hindering progress in this field.
Methodology for electrode material testing can be grouped
into test fixture configuration and measurement procedures. Test
fixture configuration includes the test fixture type along with
guidelines for electrode mass and thickness, and other cell
Broader context
Without advances in electrical energy storage (EES), important alternative forms of energy cannot be fully realized. Secondary
batteries and electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs or ultracapacitors) are the two main types of EES devices. Ultracapacitors based on electrochemical double-layer capacitance are electrical energy storage devices that store and release energy by
nanoscopic charge separation at the electrochemical interface between an electrode and an electrolyte. The capacity of an ultracapacitor is largely determined by the electrode material and as a result research to improve the performance of electrode materials
has dramatically increased. While test methods for packaged ultracapacitors are well developed, it is often not feasible for the
materials scientist to assemble full sized, packaged cells to test electrode materials. Methodology to reliably measure a materials
performance for ultracapacitor electrode use is not well standardized with the different techniques currently being used yielding
widely varying results. In this manuscript, we demonstrate best practice test methods that accurately predict a materials performance, yet are flexible and quick enough to accommodate a wide range of material sample types and amounts.
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components including the electrolyte, separator, current collectors, and binder. Measurement procedures include electrochemical measurements and parameters along with the
computations to reduce the data to the desired metrics.
Cyclic voltammogram
10 mA
20 mA
20 mV s1
40 mV s1
Two-electrode cell
ECP in the
thickness for the 1.33 mg cm2 mass loading was 14 mm.6 The
electrodes with a mass loading of 72 mg cm2 thus have a thickness of about 0.75 micron, an order of magnitude thinner than
commercial ultracapacitor electrodes. It is important to use
appropriate electrode thicknesses and masses for any meaning to
be attached to reported values of specific capacitance and energy
The most common organic electrolytes are tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TEABF4) in either propylene carbonate
(PC) or acetonitrile (AN). Common aqueous electrolytes include
5M KOH and H2SO4. Since energy stored is related to the square
of voltage, organic electrolytes are currently used in commercial
ultracapacitors due to their wider electrochemical window (about
2.7 volts) as compared to about 1 volt for aqueous electrolytes.
Ionic liquid electrolytes are also being adopted due to their
increased electrochemical windows and improved thermal
stability. A materials performance with an aqueous electrolyte
will typically yield higher specific capacitances and does not
indicate its performance with an organic or IL electrolyte. Fig. 3
shows SWCNT paper electrodes of equal mass measured with
aqueous (paper : H2SO4, 1 V : 72 mg cm2) and organic (paper :
organic, 3 V : 72 mg cm2) electrolytes.6 The values for aqueous
electrolytes are consistently 4050% higher than with the organic
electrolyte over a wide range of current densities. The presence of
faradic charge storage or pseuodocapacitance specific to acidic
mediums can also inflate the measured capacitance relative to
organic electrolytes. The performance disparity for different
electrolytes also depends upon material type and morphology.
Table 2 shows specific capacitances for electrodes composed of
chemically modified graphene material.4 For this material, the
specific capacitance differences due to the electrolyte have in our
work ranged from about 20 to 25 percent higher for the aqueous
electrolyte. Other cell components such as binders, current
collectors, and separators also have an effect upon cell performance. However, when from a commercial source, their impact
upon measured values is relatively small.
Measurement procedures
electrode mass with the duration of charge and discharge corresponding to typical ultracapacitor applications. Current
should be adjusted to provide charge and discharge times of
approximately 5 to 60 seconds.11 For example, a test cell with two
10 mg electrodes composed of 100 F g1 specific capacitance
material will have a capacitance of 0.5 F. With a discharge
current of 40 mA, corresponding to a discharge density of
4 A g1, discharge time from 2.7 to 0 volts will be approximately
34 seconds. Fig. 3 shows the dependence of specific capacitance
on the rate of discharge and electrode mass loading.6 For the
electrode labeled paper : H2SO4, 1.33 mg cm2 with reported
electrode thickness of 14 mm,6 the measured specific capacitance
varies significantly (from over 120 F g1 to about 85 F g1) for
discharge rates of less than 2 A g1. This effect is most
pronounced with the thicker electrode highlighting the importance of using electrode thicknesses that match packaged cells.
While the use of CC data is recommended, CVs may be used to
calculate capacitance. Using eqn (2) and CV data, I is the average
current during discharge (from Vmax to zero volts) and dV/dt is
the scan rate. As with CC curves, capacitance depends on scan
rate, voltage range, and computation method. The cell should be
cycled for 20 or more cycles prior to recording the data and
should only be cycled from 0 volts to the maximum voltage.
Fig. 6 shows two CVs, one cycled from 0 V to 1 V (top) and the
second is the same cell cycled from 1 V to 1 V (bottom). The
first (blue) and the 20th (red) cycles are shown on each CV. When
a cell is first cycled or when it is cycled from a negative to positive
voltage, there are increased current levels due to reversing the
polarity of the cell. This demonstrates the importance of determining the point of zero charge when using a three-electrode cell
Csp/F g1
Cyclic voltammogram
Cell configuration
0.25 A g1
0.5 A g1
1.0 A g1
2.0 A g1
10 mV s1
20 mV s1
40 mV s1
100 mV s1
Packaged ultracapacitora
Two-electrode test cell (package
Two-electrode test cell (Celgard
Three-electrode test cell
Fig. 8 Nyquist plots for: (left) packaged cell, (middle) two-electrode test cell with Celgard separator, and (right) two-electrode cell with separator
material from package.
Summary of recommendations
While a three-electrode cell is valuable for determining electrochemical-specific material characteristics, a two-electrode test
1300 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 12941301
Measurement methods for determining a materials performance
for use as an ultracapacitor electrode are not well standardized
with various techniques currently being employed leading to
wide variations in reported results. The various experimental
procedures were reviewed and best practice methods were recommended that effectively simulate a packaged, commercial cell,
yet are flexible and rapid enough to accommodate a large
number of samples with a wide range of material types and
quantities. We believe adoption of these measurement practices
will enable the more accurate determination and reporting of an
electrode materials performance.
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
(DMR-0907324), by Graphene Energy, Inc., and by a startup
package to RSR by The University of Texas at Austin.
1 B. E. Conway, Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Scientific
Fundamentals and Technological Applications, Plenum Publishers,
New York, 1999.
2 B. E. Conway and W. G. Pell, Double-Layer and Pseudocapacitance
Types of Electrochemical Capacitors and Their Applications to the
Development of Hybrid Devices, J. Solid State Electrochem., 2003,
7, 637644.
3 J. Goodenough, Basic Research Needs for Electrical Energy Storage:
Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Electrical Energy
Storage, April 24, 2007, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, DOE,
July 2007.
4 M. D. Stoller, S. Park, Y. Zhu, J. An and R. S. Ruoff, GrapheneBased Ultracapacitors, Nano Lett., 2008, 8(10), 34983502.
5 V. Khomenko, E. Frackowiak and F. Beguin, Determination of the
Specific Capacitance of Conducting Polymer/Nanotubes Composite