Project Name:: The Devils Helper
Project Name:: The Devils Helper
Project Name:: The Devils Helper
The reason why we chose this title for our film is, because the genre for
our production is horror. The word 'devil' would automatically give a clue
to the audience that its a horror film. It also relates to the doll were going
to use which will be a possessed doll.
The length if this film will only be 2 minutes as its only the opening
sequence. This would be a perfect length for the audience to get a overall
idea of what the film is going to be about.
Group members:
Arrani Kugathas Cinematographer, we gave Arrani this role because she
knew what we had to do, also because she had everything organised.
Ganesh Pillai- Editor, we gave Ganesh this role because he knew how to
horror and also because both od these films used a 'doll' to scare the
audience, which is what we will be doing with out opening sequence.
The setting of our production will be in a empty school, this is a very basic
setting as we all know something bad will happen if there's no one around
the character. The rationale behind this text is that older siblings should
make sure that they are looking after their younger siblings properly if
they are in their care.
The representations we will operate are:
We will test the success of our production by posting our opening
sequence on YouTube, this will allow anyone to view our production.We will
then collect all the results and compare the results from the teenagers
and the adults to see the difference.
Generic codes and conventions:
The generic codes and conventions we will be operating are tension
music, quick cuts and also camera angle. The reason for this is because
the genre is horror, so we need to make sure that it scares the audience .
As Our opening sequence will be in an empty building. This is conventional
in horror films as they often use empty rooms. We will be editing the lights
making it darker as this is another conventional in horror film
What are the overt messages with in the production?
The obvious message of the production is to always keep an eye on little
children, and also not to pick up anything that doesnt belong to you. Also
to be always aware of your surroundings.
Resource constraints:
The things that may affect our production is if one of the actors cant make
it when were filming, this would affect us we only have 2 main actors, also
because we have to book our equipment's before hand.