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The Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Act, 2015

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NO.PAS/Legis-B-05/2015-The Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2015 having been
passed by the Provincial Assembly of Sindh on 24th February, 2015 and assented to by the
Governor of Sindh on 28th February, 2015 is hereby published as an Act of the Legislature of
to amend the Sindh Local Government Act, 2013.
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Sindh Local Government Preamble.
Act, 2013, in the manner hereinafter appearing;
It is hereby enacted as follows:1. (1) This Act may be called the Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Act, Short title and
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. In the Sindh Local Government Act, 2013, hereinafter referred to as the Amendment of
said Act, in section 8section 8 of Sindh
Act No. XLII of 2013.
(a) in sub-section (2), in clause (a), for the words and Union
Committee, the comma and words Union Committee and
Ward shall be substituted;


in sub-section (3), for the words and Union Committee,

the comma and words Union Committee and Ward shall be

In the said Act, in section 9



Amendment of
section 9 of Sindh
in sub-section(1), after the words limits of, the words a Act No.XLII of 2013.
council except a Union Council or Union Committee during
the process of delimitation shall be inserted;

in sub-section(2), in clause (b), the full stop at the end shall

be replaced by a colon and thereafter the following proviso
shall be added:Provided that the limits of a local area shall remain
unchanged after announcement of election schedule by the
Election Commission till the notification of returned
candidates of the election..


In the said Act, for section 10,the following shall be substituted:-

Substitution of
section 10of Sindh
Act No.XLII of 2013.

10. Delimitation of Union Council, Union Committee and Ward.

(1)Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,
determine the number of Union Councils, Union Committees and
Wards in Municipal Committees and Town Committees in
accordance with the First Schedule.
(2)After demarcation of the Councils under section 8 and
determination of the number of Union Councils, Union Committees
and Wards under sub-section (1), the Election Commission shall
delimit the Union Councils, Union Committees and Wards.
(3)As far as possible(a) the area of a Union Council, Union Committee or a
Ward, as the case maybe, shall be a territorial unity;
(b) the population of the Union Councils, Union
Committees or Wards, as the case may be, in a District
shall be uniform;
(c) the boundaries of a Union Council, Union Committee or a
Ward shall not cross the limits of a revenue t aluka or as
the case may be, a Metropolitan Corporation, District
Municipal Corporation, Municipal Corporation, Municipal
Committee and Town Committee;
(d) the principles laid down in the Delimitation of
Constituencies Act, 1974 or any other law, for the time
being in force, may be adhered to.
(4) A Union Council or Union Committees hall consist of f o u r
W ards for general members and shall be an area consisting of one or
more revenue dehs or wards, or one or more census blocks, as
determined for the purpose of the last preceding census, or a census
block or a revenue deh, delimited and notified as such by the
Election Commission.
(5)The Ward in an urban or rural area shall, as far as possible,
consist of a census block or adjoining census blocks as determined
for the purpose of the last preceding census or a census block or
blocks and a revenue deh or dehs delimited and notified as such by
the Election Commission.
In the said Act, in section 14, for sub-section(2), the following shall Amendment of
be substituted:section 14 of Sindh
Act No.XLII of 2013.
(2) Government may, after inviting objections from the residents of
any Town Committee, Municipal Committee, Municipal
Corporation or Metropolitan Corporation and hearing those from
amongst them who wish to be heard in person, declare by
notification the status of such council accordingly..


In the said Act, for section 17, the following shall be substituted:-

Substitution of
section 17 of Sindh
17. Extension or alteration of area of a Council. Government may, after Act XLII of 2013.
inviting objections from the residents of any Union Council, Union
Committee, Town Committee, Municipal Committee, Municipal
Corporation or Metropolitan Corporation, and hearing those from
amongst them who wish to be heard, by notification after consulting
concerned Council, extend, curtail or alter the limits of such Council,
or declare that any such Council, shall from a specified date, cease to
be Union Council, Union Committee, Town Committee, Municipal
Committee, Municipal Corporation or Metropolitan Corporation.
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to
a Union Council and Union Committee, during the period of
delimitation process..

In the said Act, in section 18(i)

Amendment of
section 18 in Sindh
in sub-section(2), for clauses (a),(b),(c),(d), the following shall Act No.XLII of 2013.
be substituted:(a) a Chairman and a Vice Chairman as joint candidates;
(b) four general members each elected from his respective
(c) one woman member;
(d) one labourer or peasant member; and
(e) one non-Muslim member:
Provided that the Chairman of each Union
Committee shall represent the Union Committer in
Metropolitan Corporation or Municipal Corporation, as the
case may be, and Vice Chairman shall represent the Union
Committee in respective District Municipal Corporation;;

(ii) for sub-section(3), the following shall be substituted:(3)District Municipal Corporation: There shall be a District
Municipal Corporation for each district in a Metropolitan
Corporation and shall comprise of the following members:(a)



all the elected Vice Chairmen of the Union Committees

falling within that District;
reserved seats to the extent of 22% for women members,
5% for non-Muslim members and 5% for labourer or
peasant members elected in the manner provided in
section 18-A;
the District Municipal Corporation so constituted shall
elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively from
amongst its members elected by show of hands..

for sub-section (4), the following shall be substituted:(4) Metropolitan Corporation: A Metropolitan Corporation
shall comprise of the following members:(a) all the elected Chairmen of the Union Committees of
respective Districts;

(b) reserved seats to the extent of 22% for women members,

5% for non-Muslim members and 5% for labourer or
peasant member elected in the manner provided in
section 18-A;
(c) the Metropolitan Corporation so constituted shall elect a
Mayor and Deputy Mayor from amongst its members
elected by show of hands..
(iv) in sub-section(5), for clauses (a),(b),(c),(d) and (e), the following
shall be substituted:(a) a Chairman and a Vice Chairman as joint candidates;
(b) four general members each elected from his respective ward;
(c) one woman member;
(d) one labourer or peasant member; and
(e) one non-Muslim member.;
(v) in sub-section (6), for clauses (a), (b) and (c), the following shall
be substituted:
(a) All elected Chairmen of the Union Councils in respective
(b)reserved seats to the extent of 22% for women members, 5%
for non-Muslim members and 5% for labourer or peasant
members elected in the manner provided in section 18-A;
(c) the District Council so constituted shall elect a Chairman
and a Vice Chairman as joint candidates from amongst its
members by show of hands..
(vi) in sub-section (7), for clause (a), (b) and (c), the following shall
be substituted:(a) members elected by Union Committees;

reserved seats to the extent of 22% for women members,

5% for non-Muslim members and 5% for labourer or
peasant members elected in the manner provided in section
18-A of the Act;

(c) the Municipal Corporations so constituted shall elect a

Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively as joint candidates
from amongst its members by show of hands..
(vii) for sub-section (8), the following shall be substituted:(8) Municipal Committees: There shall be as many Municipal
Committees consisting of single member wards as may be
determined by Government and shall comprise of the following
members:(a) each member elected from its respective ward;
(b) reserve seats to the extent of 22% for women members, 5%
for non-Muslim members and 5% for labourer or peasant
members elected in the manner provided in section 18-A;
(c) the Municipal Committees so constituted shall elect a
Chairman and a Vice Chairman as joint candidates from
amongst its members by show of hands..

(viii) in sub-section (9), for clause (b) and (c), the following shall be
substituted:(b)one woman, one labourer or peasant member, and one nonMuslim member elected, in the manner provided in section 18A;
(c) the Town Committees so constituted shall elect a Chairman
and a Vice Chairman as joint candidates from amongst its
members elected by show of hands..

In the said Act, in section 21(i)

for sub-section (1), the following shall be substituted:-

Amendment of
section 21 in Sindh
Act No.XLII of 2013.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a council other than a

Union Council and Union Committee shall after notification of
Woman, Non-Muslim, Laborer and Peasant members in terms of
Section 18(A), elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Chairman
and Vice Chairman, as joint candidates, as the case may be and a
leader of the Opposition in the respective Council.;
(ii) in sub-section (2), after the word less the words from the day
of taking oath shall be added;
(iii) for sub-section(3), the following shall be substituted:(3) On expiry of the term of office of the Council, Government
shall immediately send a request to the Election Commission for
holding fresh election within 120 days:
Provided that Government may appoint an Administrator to
perform the functions of the Council until the elected Council
assumes the office..

The ward will be basic electoral unit.

Insertion of new
section 8-A in Sindh
Act No.XLII of 2013


Substitution of
Sindh Act No.XLII of
(1) For the purpose of Local Government Elections, the Election 2013.
Commission shall delimit Councils, Committees and Wards in the
manner as provided in this Act..


In Schedule-I, in Part-C, under the heading Union Committee in Amendment of

Metropolitan Corporation, for the figures10000 to 50000, the Schedule-I of Sindh
Act No.XLII of 2013.
figures 40000 to 50000 shall be substituted.

In the said Act, for section 31-A, the following shall be substituted:-


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