Bataan Sustainable Strategy

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1. FOREWORD - 11
a. What is the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy
b. What is the basis of the BSDS?
c. Why is the BSDS different?
d. Scope of the BSDS
e. Formulation of the BSDS
Adoption of the BSDS
2. OVERVIEW - 19
a. Geography
i. Location
ii. Physical Setting
iii. Total Land Area
iv. Climate
v. History
b. Coastal Character
a. Demography
b. Family Income and Expenditures
c. Labor and Employment
d. Education
e. Ethno-linguistic Groups and Indigenous People
a. Natural Values
i. Protected Areas
- Bataan National Park
- Roosevelt Protected Landscape
ii. Forests, Watershed, and Uplands
iii. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
b. Socio-cultural, Tourism, and Recreational Values

i. Cultural and Historical sites

ii. Religious Establishments
iii. Tourism and Recreation
c. Settlement and Development Features
i. Agriculture and Fisheries
ii. Forestry
iii. Commercial, Industrial, Shipping, and Ports
iv. Mining and Quarrying
v. Institutional and Residential Areas
vi. Bataan School of Fisheries and Marine Academy of
Asia and the Pacific (MAAP)
a. Strategic Role in Central Luzon and Manila Bay Area
b. Development Trends
a. Pollution from Land-Based Activities
b. Habitat and Resource Degradation
c. Siltation and Sedimentation
d. Over-Fishing and Destructive Fishing
e. Oil Spills and Sea-Based Sources of Pollution
Multiple Resource-Use Conflicts and Governance
g. Transboundary Issues
a. Our Vision
b. Our Mission
c. Our Desired Changes and Outcomes
a. Inform
b. Mitigate
c. Protect and Preserve
d. Develop
a. Partnership Approach
b. Institutional Mechanisms

What is the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy?

What is the basis of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy?

The Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy (BSDS) embodies the

VISION and MISSION of the people of Bataan to chart a course for the
preservation of Bataans rich natural endowments. It is an optimistic
statement by and for the people of Bataan to whom the provinces natural
resources, particularly the coastal environment, provide a source of livelihood,
transportation, recreation, a sense of beauty, culture, and history.

The last three decades have seen the birth of a new object of inquiry
the coastal zone. Environmental planners and scientists have identified this
strip of land and sea as a spatial area, which requires special study and
treatment. The focus on coastal zone and planning and management has
been brought about by two parallel developments first, the changing
orientation of human activities and second, an increasing awareness of
environmental issues. The coastal zone may be defined in three ways: (a)
ecologically, as the land area influenced by the sea; (b) politically by
some arbitrary distance inland from the high tide level; or (c) socially as the
area occupied by people dependent on the sea for livelihood. For any means,
except setting an arbitrary distance, the exact extent of the coastal zone
defines rigorous definition due to the interconnectedness of ecosystem and
human activities within this productive strip.

The sustainable development strategy is a document covering the

environmental, economic, and social aspect of Bataans natural endowments
to which Bataeos ascribe different values and threats real or perceived
that impair those values. It is not easy to turn this knowledge and concern
into concrete actions. It would take combined efforts of the local government
from provincial level to municipal and barangay levels and the various
sectors comprising the civil society, to work hand in hand in realizing this
vision and mission. This would involve the changing of peoples behavior and
attitude, which is not a small task. The BSDS takes on this challenge by
tasking every level of society with the responsibility of managing our Godgiven natural resources from our forest, rivers, and overall coastal environment.
Dependence on a common resource will make it possible for us,
stakeholders, to start realizing a common vision towards a sustainable
natural resources management.
As a whole, the BSDS constitutes broad statements of activities for
long term (20 years) implementation of Bataan Integrated Coastal
Management Program. This would serve as a comprehensive environmental
management framework that would provide directions in achieving targeted
outcomes and formulating a series of specific action plans and programs
involving the participation of both government and non-government sectors.
The key in achieving the shared vision is the development of partnership
among the stakeholders and synergy of effort of many different players with
different skills and perspectives. At the end of the day, any action program
within the coastal strategy framework, whether taken by an individual, a
community, or sector, represent a contribution to the fulfillment of the shared
vision and mission for Bataan.

The coastal zone is also a place where coastal communities exist.

These are groups of people engaged in various sectoral activities. In
perspective, coastal communities have multiple sources of income and
though they live at the edge of the bountiful sea, they are ironically poor, live
in crowded places and mostly merchandized. However, they are resourceful
when resources are degraded. They may lack monetary resources but they
do find ways to survive. Co-existing with coastal communities are different
sectors who are also engaged in other activities, which define the socioeconomic composite realities within the coastal zone. These include economic
and commercial, religious, and political sectors, among others. Diverse
activities also create diverse perspectives on how to use and manage the
resources within the coastal zone.
Understanding the complexity of the overall coastal system including
people and their coastal environment is the basis in forming the vision for the
Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy. This would also facilitate the
work context with which all the stakeholders in Bataans environment can
be involved. It is time that we probe beneath the surface and root the various
ills and possible solutions to sustainably manage, protect, and conserve the
coastal environment.


Destruction of coastal resources has been increasing. Degradation of

coral reefs, mangrove forest, estuaries, seagrass beds these are caused
by poverty-driven over-exploitation, destructive fishing methods, pollution,
wanton conversion, erosion, and other impacts of an ecologically unsound
development process. As it is, very few coral reefs near populated areas can
be considered healthy. Many mangrove forests are gone, giving way to
brackish water fisheries and reclamation. Many estuaries have become
sewers. These ecosystems are fast losing their biological and structural
diversity and, consequently, the abundance of life they should support. Further
impacts from the land area come in the form of water pollution from cities,
industries, and intensive farmlands. Human movements and activities further
compound this, creating a form of crisis due to overexploitation and population.
Much of these crises are due to lack of proper management schemes over
the use of resources, which brings about the common property dilemma
Various viewpoints, contentions, and claims have been put forward which
simply underscored the tremendous diversity of systems throughout the
world in determining who owns or who has the rights to coastal resources.
For example, harvesting of fish stocks is often subject to competitive scramble
in an open access system. There are very few tenurial system (if any) that
governments recognize outside of national policies. It is difficult to determine
informal riles for resource use. Uncertainty of access rights or tenure of
coastal resources has often left the poor fishing communities with very limited
choices except to take what they can, without even an assurance that young
fishes left to grow will return benefits to those who practice conservation.
There is simply very limited or no incentives for conservation of resources.
However, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that when people have
incentives and reasons to expect that investment in resource management,
protection and conservation will bring future benefits, they do protect the


Now, although the coastal zone is currently seen as being seriously

impacted, its potentials may be contiuously tapped to support the wellbeing of the local people and other stakeholders. This productive area can
and will continue to support many local communities, but control and
management are essential. This is where efforts towards an integrated coastal

management (ICM) come in, including the formulation of an achievable and

implementable coastal strategy. In this process, the following are necessary
Partnerships. The Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy has been
developed by major stakeholder groups from the public and private sectors,
local governments, provincial and regional government agencies, civil society
groups (NGOs, POs, CBOs and religious groups), fisherfolks and farmers
from Bataan. As such, these sectors would be working as partners in
executing the coastal strategy.
Sustainability. Basically, the coastal strategy aims to strengthen the
capacity and capability of the stakeholders to understand and overcome
barriers to create win-win solutions and situations in achieving the shared
vision in addition to balancing the values among resource users and
beneficiaries. This will trigger well-founded commitment and consensus
among stakeholders aside from participating actively in implementing action
Synergy. As stated earlier, the diversity of perspective among stakeholders
in Bataan was taken into context and was used as a source of strength and
dynamism which would be crucial in executing the Bataan Sustainable
Development Strategy. Combining sectoral inputs to promote province-wide
and region-wide interests, enhance effective planning, development, and
implementation can do this. The net result is a synergetic effect in realizing
the shared vision and mission.
National and local policies. In line with other plans and programs, the
Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy builds upon the directions defined
by national and local policies. This is not designed to create new programs
but rather consolidates sectoral programs and initiatives while providing a
forum for inter-agency and multi-disciplinary information sharing and decisionmaking.
International Conventions and Agreements. International conventions
and agreements provide guidance and actions within the framework of

Figure 1. The Bataan Land and

Coastal / Marine
Ecosystem Interaction Network.


Why is the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy different?

There are many programs and projects covering the management of
our environmental resources, both social and natural. However, most of
these are largely sectoral, some are duplicatory and some are just for
gaining popularity mileage. This created a tendency for stakeholders to
compete with each other in realizing a common goal. The BSDS provides
a framework by which stakeholders can focus on specific action plans
without stepping on each others toes, but rather creating a synergistic
effort in fulfilling a common goal. As such, the strategy differs from previous
environmental management initiatives because:

It provides key roles for all sectors within a single management

framework, including the central and local government agencies,
the private or business sector, civil society groups, the academe or
educational institutions and local communities, along with the UN
and donor agencies as well as multilateral financial institutions;
It links economic planning and development programs to environmental and resource management goals;
It combines social issues such as poverty alleviation, food security,
public health, gender mainstreaming, youth education and the welfare
of marginalized groups of society with that of sustainable management
and development of our natural resources;
It encompasses both land- and sea-based human activities which
impact on the coastal and marine environment; and
It shifts financial model from government-supported environmental
facilities and services to self-sustaining investment opportunities for
the public and private sectors.

Scope of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy


The strategy covers the following spatial areas: a) the land and water
on the seaward side of coastal watersheds, including the upland
watershed boundaries of all 12 towns of Bataan; and b) the sea and
seabed area within the maximum 15 km municipal waters limit as defined
by Republic Act 8550 (The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998). This is
also the spatial area covered by the Bataan Integrated Coastal
Management Program (BICMP).

Within this boundary, the scope of BSDS would include any activity
or processes, which have an impact on the coastal marine environment
both at the present and in the future. These include activities in the coastal
uplands/watershed/forest areas, going down the catchment areas through
the rivers and tributaries; then further down to the coastal areas where
agricultural, aquaculture, industrial, commercial, institutional and
residential areas are concentrated; then to the coastal marine environment
from mangrove and mudflat areas, municipal and commercial fishing
areas, sea grass beds and seaweeds, coral reef and other marine areas.
Figure 1 represents the schematic interaction of Bataans land and
coastal/marine environment linkage network. The network shows the
various activity centers, which has an impact on the Bataan coastal and
upland environments. Based on this, two broad impact categories can
be identified. These are:

CATCHMENT IMPACTS these are impacts of land-based activities

as well as other resource use and management practices which
affect the integrity of terrestrial ecosystems such as forest,
watershed and its tributaries (rivers and waterways), arable and
disposable lands, among others. Mostly, these activities affect the
quality of water that enters our seas (Manila Bay and South China
Sea) and cause sedimentation of estuaries. Most of these activities
also generate garbage which litter our coastlines.


include the effects of establishments and activities in land and sea
such as garbage and sewage from residential and commercial areas,
industrial waste, chemical and oil spill, waste and used oil from
ships and boats, among others, which cause pollution of the marine
and coastal environment.

The Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy is taking a broad

view of the coastal and marine environment. This interaction network
presents a simple schematic linkage of various activity centers to give
stakeholders an idea of the different values of the Bataan coastal
environment and their relationships. Furthermore, it shows the extent or
area of concern covered by the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy.

Shown in Map 1 is the operation area of the Bataan Integrated Coastal

Management Program (BICMP). The program covers the whole Bataan
Peninsula and its coastal waters.
There is no definite timeline identified in the sustainable development
strategy. The adoption of work programs and time schedule to meet the
desired outcomes will be included in the next stage of the BICMP, i.e.,
development of the Strategic and Implementation Plan for the Bataan
Sustainable Development Strategy, and issue-specific/area-specific action
plans. The stakeholders will determine how fast the shared Vision and
Mission will be achieved by committing to the strategy and implementing
action programs for which they will have ownership. This may take 20-25
years or more, and will require political will and steadfast devotion among
stakeholders even if changes occur. The key indicator of progress will be
the peoples enjoyment and renewed interest in the marine and coastal
environment of Bataan and this will not change overnight. It will take a
gradual yet measurable change over time before we can see the outcome
of the Sustainable Development Strategy.
Formulation of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy
The consultation initially covered the nine Bataan municipalities along
the Manila Bay coastline Hermosa, Orani, Samal, Abucay, Balanga,
Pilar, Orion, Limay, and Mariveles last August 1 to September 1, 2000.
Results of these consultation workshops were then integrated with the
larger Manila Bay Coastal Strategy. A provincial level integration workshop
was later held in October 18, 2000. After synchronizing the BSDS with
the baywide coastal strategy, three more municipal level consultation
workshops were held in the three remaining Bataan municipalities
Dinalupihan, Bagac, and Morong to make the BSDS whole and more
appropriate to the Bataan situation covering both the Manila Bay and
South China Sea coastline and the lone inland municipality (Dinalupihan).
The process of formulating the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy
is shown in figure 2:

Figure 2. Schematic
presentation of the
consultation process for the
Bataan Sustainable
Development Strategy.


Adoption of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy

The comprehensive consultation and approval process (see figure 2)
for the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy resulted in a consensus
among those who care for the totality of Bataans coastal / marine and
upland environment and those who believe in sustainable development. These
include fisherfolks, policy makers, members of the academe, non-government
organizations, government agencies and local government units, the business
sector, religious groups and other groups comprising the civil society sector.
These are the same partners who will be using the strategy to act decisively
and collectively to manage the provinces environmental resources.

Coordinates Source


The commitment to pursue the coastal strategy was manifested through

the Bataan Declaration, signed on August 20, 2001. Ultimately, the Bataan
Sustainable Development Strategy, as the framework in formulating issueand area-specific action plans will be institutionalized through legislation.
The achievement of the shared vision really depends on the commitment
of the stakeholders involved in sustaining the productivity of our natural
resources. In the meantime, however, individual and collective efforts of
stakeholders, in partnership and under the framework of the coastal strategy,
are being called upon to restore the heritage of Bataan for further generations.

Bataan lies in the southwestern part of the Central Luzon Region. It is a
strategic peninsular province bounded in the west by the South China Sea and
in the east by the Manila Bay the gateway to the Philippines political,
social and economic center. It is bounded inland by the province of Zambales
in the north and by the provinces of Pampanga and Bulacan in the northeast.
Its capital is Balanga City, about 124 kilometers from Metro Manila and 31.30
nautical miles from Manila across the Manila Bay.
The province is composed of 12 municipalities covering a land area of
137,296 hectares (1,373 sq km). Eleven of these towns are coastal areas.
Nine municipalities are located along the Bataan-Manila Bay coastline, namely:
Hermosa, Orani, Samal, Abucay, Balanga, Pilar, Orion, Limay, and Mariveles
in the southern tip where waters from the Manila Bay and the South China Sea
meet. Two municipalities, Morong and Bagac lie in the Bataan-South China
Sea coastline. Dinalupihan is the lone landlocked municipality, which is the
entry point to Bataan coming from Pampanga and Zambales. The provinces
coastline is approximately 177 kilometers from Hermosa looping up to Morong,
excluding the Subic Bay Metropolitan Area.
Physical Setting
Bataan is divided by two mountain groups of volcanic origins. The northern
side is composed of Mt. Natib, Mt. Sta. Rosa, and Mt. Silangan. The southern
group is composed of Mt. Mariveles, Mt. Cuyapo, and Mt. Samat. The
topography of the province is classified as generally hilly and mountainous
with a narrow plain on the eastern side (see Map 2. Bataan Topographic Map).
In the entire land area of the province, only the limited plain on the eastern part
offer soil areas for planting food crops. As such, most of Bataans agricultural
production areas are concentrated in this area. Although Bataan is generally
classified as rugged terrain, 98% of its surface area actually lies on less than
30% percent slope and more than 60% have slopes ranging from 0-18%. The
highest elevation is in the Mariveles mountains at 1,388 meters above sea
level (masl).


Map 2. Bataan Topographic Map

(Source: NAMRIA 1:250:000 Map).

Bataan has abundant water resources in the form of rivers,

streams, creeks, waterfalls, and springs. There are more than 100 rivers
in the province radiating from the two aforementioned mountain groups.
These are important not only for irrigation but also for navigation and
fishing as well. Talisay and Almacen Rivers are the two major rivers in
Bataan. Talisay has its headwaters in the Mariveles mountain group
extending up to Pilar and Balanga into the Manila Bay. Almacen River
has its headwaters in the Natib mountains extending down to Hermosa
and exits through the Orani Channel to the Manila Bay. The status of
most watersheds in Bataan is shown below.

Total Land Area

Bataan has a total land area of 1,373 square kilometers or 137,296
hectares. This land area constitutes 0.5 % of the total land area of the
Philippines. Compared to other provinces of Central Luzon, Bataan has
the smallest land area and represents 7.63% of the whole land area of
Central Luzon.
Among the twelve (12) municipalities in Bataan, Bagac has the
largest land area of 23,120 has., while Pilar is the smallest with an area
of 3,760 has (see table 1).

Status of watershed areas.

Drainage Way

Area (has)

Total Eroded Area (has)

Abo-abo River
Batalan River
Lamao River
Saysayin River
Agloloma River
Mamala River






Bataan has distinct dry and wet seasons categorized as Type I in
the Coronas system. The dry season begins in November and ends in
April while the rainy season starts in May and ends in October. The most
rains come in June to August. Mean average rainfall in August is heaviest
at 633 mm. Bataan is often visited by typhoons. Farming systems in the
province follow these climatic cycles. Most crops, including fruit trees
and other perennials, are planted during the rainy season so that the
young plants receive as much rain water before the dry months.

Table 1. Land Area, Electoral Districts, and Number of Barangays
Second District

First District








Balanga City

LAND AREA (has.)


14Bataan Profile
CY 2003-2004

Several villages in the coastal plains of Bataan were already thriving
communities when Spanish missionaries found them in the 1570s. Bataan,
then known as Vatan, was part of the vast Capampangan Empire that
included the provinces of Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac and some
portions of Bulacan, Zambales, and Pangasinan. Natives who were
predominantly fishermen, farmers, and craftsmen inhabited these coastal
villages. Meanwhile, Aeta tribes occupied most of the hillsides. Governor
General Pedro Manuel Arandia established the province of Bataan in
1754. This was composed of San Juan de Dinalupihan, Llana Hermosa,
Rani, Samal, Abucay, Balanga, Pilar, Orion, Mariveles, Bagac, and
Morong. The first eight towns previously belonged to the Spanish provinces
of Pampanga, while the last three, along with Maragondon in Cavite,
were part of the Corrigimiento de Mariveles. Limay, the twelfth town was
established only in 1917 (Bataan SEP, 1999).

Muddy tidal flats along with alluvial sandbars characterize the
coastline along the Manila Bay. Mangrove areas can be observed from
Orani to Orion, along with seaweed areas and seagrass patches areas
from portions of Balanga and Pilar down to Mariveles. The deeper
portions are the coastal areas of Orion to Mariveles. Poor coral reef
patches, mixed with sandy-rocky bottom can be found in the Mariveles
area, where the coastline begin to take on a rocky character looping
from the mouth of Manila Bay to the western side of the province. The
South China Coastline is interspersed with pristine beaches with rocky
portions and fringes of coral reef in good condition from Bagac to
Morong, which is a haven for marine turtles and other marine animals.

When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, the selection of the
Peninsula as the Filipinos last defensive stand against invading Japanese
brought fame and infamy to Bataan. When the United States entered
World War II, Bataan Peninsula was the scene of bitter fighting between
the combined forces of Filipinos and Americans against the Japanese
Imperial Army. On April 9, 1942, Bataan defenders surrendered, but a
small force remained on Corregidor Island and continued fighting until
May 6, 1942. About 37,000 Filipino and American soldiers were captured
in Bataan and forced into the infamous 70-mile Death March from
Mariveles to a concentration camp in Capas, Tarlac. US Forces in Februray
1945 retook Bataan from the Japanese. Today, the battlefields of Bataan
and Corregidor are considered as national shrines (Bataan SEP, 1999).
The rehabilitation of Bataan proceeded slowly after the war. Disastrous
floods wrought havoc in the province in 1960 and 1972 and caused big
economic dislocation. Bataan was also not spared from the problem of
insurgency, which added to its concerns. However, the economic growth
of Bataan persisted through an excruciating pace (Bataan SEP, 1999).
Today, Bataan is at the midst of accelerated development and before her
lies a future full of promise and challenges both to her leaders and populace.


Table 2: Coastal Character of Bataan


Coastal Character
1. Brushland/Industrial

Southern Bataan(Mariveles & vicinities)

2. Urban/Fisheries and Aquaculture


Bataan(from Limay & northwards)

3. Fisheries/Agricultural/ Coastal Tourism

Western Bataan(Bagac and Morong)


coral reefs, seagrass, and seaweeds

special economic zone

urban centers

natural spawning area

mangroves and mudflats

large agricultural areas inland

large tracts of fishponds and mussel culture farms

pristine beaches

coral reefs, seagrass, and seaweeds

marine turtle nesting sites

breeding grounds of giant clams

mountainous terrain


Bataan province received the 1999 Gawad Sa Makataong Pagunlad achievement award for attaining the highest level in human
development index since 1994. The award was given to Bataan in
recognition of the province registering the highest levels in life expectancy
and basic education based on the increase in gross school enrolment
and per capita income in the past 5 years. The province ranked number
one among the ten outstanding provinces Cavite, Batanes, Bulacan,
Rizal, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga, Ilocos Norte, and Benguet. The
Human Development Network (HDN) in cooperation with the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and National Economic
Development Authority (NEDA) gave the award. The HDN is a group of
the foremost names in development practice, research and advocacy.

of the province for CY 2005. Coastal settlers, mostly fishermen, dwell near
the seacoast and majority of them are migrants from other provinces.

Family Income and Expenditures

Based on the 2000 report, total number of families is Php 110,190.
The average annual income of these families was Php 183,976 while their
average annual expenditure was Php 155,002. This indicates a low incidence
of poverty in the province.

Labor and Employment

Bataans population annually increases at the rate of 2.74%. This
rate was recorded as the highest in Region III and even higher than the
national average of 2.2%. The rapid growth in population could be attributed
to migration factor. Opportunities for employment and livelihood brought
about by the economic development in the province entice people to
settle in Bataan. As of 2005, the projected population was computed at
638,700. The municipalities of Mariveles (with 96,800) and Dinalupihan
(with 89,900) have the highest recorded population followed by Balanga
City (with 83,900), which is the seat of the Provincial Government. The
least populated towns are Morong (with 24,300) and Bagac (with 24,000).

In 2003, labor force participation was 65.3% of the total 374,000

population of 15 years old and above. Employment rate was computed at
83.9% while unemployment rate is high at 16.1%. Employment is mainly
related to the presence of industrial and economic zones including business
opportunities and resources in the province.
In terms of different employment categories, the service sector has
the biggest share of employed persons with 55.88%. Around 25.49% is
with the industry sector and 18.63% is with the agriculture, forestry and
fisheries sectors.

Population tends to grow rapidly in the municipalities of Hermosa,

Dinalupihan, and City of Balanga with annual growth rates of of 3.86,
3.40, and 3.37 percent, respectively. Least growth rates are associated
in the towns of Bagac (1.44%), Orani ( 1.63%), and Abucay (1.79%).
Densely populated areas are Orani, Pilar, and Dinalupihan with population
density of 9 persons/hectare for each municipality.
The province also has 87 coastal barangays distributed in the ten
coastal municipalities and one coastal city. The population in coastal
barangays is approximately 220,032 or 34.45% of the projected population

As of SY 2004-2005, literacy rate in the elementary level is 91.52%

and 97.44% in the secondary level. Access to educational opportunities is
being provided by 183 elementary schools, 48 secondary schools, and 20
tertiary schools, owned and operated by the government and private persons/
groups. Technical vocational schools also operate in the province offering
trade courses, Computer Education, Health Care, Hotel and Restaurant
Management, and other short-term courses. Non-formal education for outof- school youth and adults is also conducted in various district schools in
the province.


Ethno-Linguistic Groups and Indigenous Communities

Based on the 2000 Census on Language and Dialect, there are
419,041 or 96.16% Bataeos who speak Tagalog. About 31,508 (2.04%)
speak Kapampangan (or Pampango), 11,923 (0.61%) speak Ilocano
and the rest speak Waray, Cebuano, Bikolano, and other Philippine
Aetas and Negritos are two indigenous cultural groups living in the
upland areas of Bataan. In 1991, they numbered around 18,423. After
Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991, Aetas from the nearby province of Zambales
migrated to Bataan. Most of them stayed in Dinalupihan, some in
Morong, and a few in Bagac. These groups are known for their
dependency on the environment for their subsistence. They used to
practice slash-and-burn farming, thus, contributing to upland degradation.
At present, they are learning sustainable agricultural practices.
About 85% of Bataeos are Roman Catholics, followed by Iglesia
ni Cristo (4.21%) and Aglipayans (2.40%). Other religious groups (8.39
%) in the province are the United Methodists, Baptists, Born Again
Christians, and other religious organizations.

An Aeta father hunts for

food in the rich river inside
the Bataan Natural Park.

Fish processing industry in Balanga City.


During the municipal consultation workshops, the stakeholders
identified the different aspects of Bataan to which certain values are
ascribed. These include the: (a) Natural values which cover natural
resources and habitats; (b) cultural, tourism and recreational values; and
(c) settlement and development values.

trees reaching up to 30 m. The average diameter range from 50 cm- 100

cm. Vines, including rattans, climbing bamboos, and climbing ferns,
are also abundant including tree saplings, arborescent palms, and
herbaceous vegetation. There are also species of gymnosperms and
angiosperms. A 1998 BNP survey recorded 211 species of wildlife.


Towards the northwestern side of BNP, there is a patch of forest

that is characteristically dry and water-stressed during dry season.
Deciduous trees occur along the evergreen species. Montane forests
occur on several peaks over 1,000 masl within BNP. Climbing bamboos
remain abundant in many areas. Mossy forest is confined along the
peripheries of Mt. Natibs Peak at 1,100 masl up to near the peaks
summit. In this forest, the vegetation is dominated by dwarf stands of
trees. Climbing pandans and rattans are common.

Protected Areas
The Bataan Natural Park. The Bataan Natural Park (BNP) has a
total area of 18,335 hectares. It covers portions of Hermosa, Morong,
Orani, Samal, Abucay, and small areas of Balanga and Bagac.
The Bataan Natural Park has a dendritic radial drainage system
that is covered by six major watersheds - Morong River Watershed;
Almacen Watershed; Talisay Watershed; Bagac Watershed; Sutuin
Watershed; and Bayandati Watershed. The watersheds of BNP are the
main sources of ground and surface water that supply the domestic,
industrial, and agricultural needs of communities around the Protected
Area. Lowland agricultural lands found along the eastern (Manila Bays
side) and western coasts (South China Seas side) of Bataan draw its
irrigation water from the surface water that originates from BNP. Similarly,
the communities of Bataan source water from springs, rivers, and wells
for domestic supply. The fresh surface and subsurface water that flow
down from the elevated areas of BNP also contribute significantly to the
preservation of brackish water environment found along the coastal margins
of Bataan, which is vital to the survival of aquaculture, Bataans most
important industries.
Of the BNPs total area, at least 5,623 hactares or 30.67% are
grasslands and agricultural areas. Grasslands cover much of the
deforested areas not under agricultural production consisting largely of
grassy patches and residual forests. The lowland forest occupies 10,990
hectares or 59.94% of the protected area. Much of the lowland forest is
partially logged. Dipterocarp species are common in this habitat type.
The canopy range of the largest trees is from 20 m to 25 m with occasional

The BNPs coasts are characterized by an irregular series of

alternating peninsulas, small embayments, and sandy beaches. A marine
study recorded at least 74 species of benthic algae, 3 genera of sea
grasses, 123 species of phytoplankton, 254 species of benthic
invertebrates, and 155 species of fishes.
There are several sitios located within or partly occupied by BNP,
having a total population of 3,514 or 1,701 households. Approximately
90% of the said population are migrants from Southern Luzon, the Bicol
Region, and the Visayas. The remaining10% is composed of Aetas and
Negritos (Nordeco/DENR, 1998).


The Roosevelt Protected Landscape.

Based on Proclamation No. 273 dated April 2000,
the Roosevelt National Park (RNP) was declared
to be under the National Integrated Protected Area
System (NIPAS) and to be known as the
Roosevelt Protected Landscape (RPL). It is within
the territorial jurisdiction of the municipalities of
Dinalupihan and Hermosa, having a total land area
of 786.4 hectares. The national road going to
Olongapo City traverses the area.


Grassland comprises 87% of the area

dominated by cogon and talahib while the
remaining 13% are remnants of old growth forest
and teak/mahogany plantation. At present, RPL
is an important refuge for game animals and rare
endangered species, such as python, monitor
lizard, cloud rat, quail, kingfisher, flycatcher and
fruit bats. Furthermore, this area has been the
favorite place of local townsfolk for weekend
picnics, camping, and excursions.

Forests, Watershed, and

Coastal Uplands
There are three big watershed groups in
Bataan, namely: (a) Subic watershed from
Morong including half of Bagac, (b) the Mt.
Natib watershed from Dinalupihan down to
Balanga, and (c) the Mariveles watershed from
Mariveles to Limay, Orion, Pilar and the other
half of Bagac (Bataan Profile, 2000). Smaller
watershed areas constitute these three
watershed groups. The province is drained by
more than 100 rivers and small tributaries
radiating from these watershed areas and
serves various purposes, such as irrigation,
navigation, and water reservoir. The provinces
water supply comes from these freshwater
sources and an extensive water reserve,
extracted by numerous deep wells and free flow
areas in all municipalities.
The coastal upland of Bataan is composed
of rocky hills, brush lands, grasslands, and
plantation forests planted to various fast
growing forest species, such as giant ipil-ipil
and gmelina. These can be found mostly in
the sloping areas of Mariveles and nearby
towns. These areas are also planted with mix
orchards, such as cashew and mango
plantations, among others. Coastal uplands
gently slope down to the coastal plains where
most agricultural areas are located.
The Mariveles watershed that supplies water for
the whole municipality.


Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

Bataan has an extensive estuarine area where the tides flow in and
meet the freshwater from the river system. The towns of Hermosa and
Orani are the best examples of estuarine areas in Bataan as the waters of
the Manila Bay enter through the Orani Channel up to the Almacen and
Orani rivers.
Mangroves in Bataan can be found in patches from Orani to Orion and
certain parts of Limay and Morong. There are 135.30 hectares of mangroves
in the province and the healthiest stands can be found in Samal and Balanga.
The mudflat areas can be found from Orani to parts of Orion, with Samal
having the most extensive mudflats where muscles, oysters, mud crabs
and other shellfishes abound. The mangroves and mudflats are also breeding
and feeding grounds of waterfowl and migratory birds.

Table 3: Mangrove Area Per Municipality

Mangrove Area Per Municipality
(As of July 2005, Mun. Agriculturist Office)

20 has.
33 has.
2 has.
30 has.
36 has.
1.9 has.
12.4 has.
135.3 has

Thick mangrove areas can be found along

the shorelines of Abucay, Balanga City,
Pilar, and Orion.

Migratory birds can be found in the
mangrove areas of Bgy. Puerto
Rivas and Tortugas in Balanga City.

Bataan boasts of pristine and rocky beaches with coral reefs,

seaweeds, and seagrass beds. Coral reefs are found in coastal areas of
Mariveles near the mouth of Manila Bay North Channel looping to Bagac,
Morong and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority along the Bataan-South
China Sea coastline.
The coastal waters of Bagac and Morong abound with numerous fish
species, coral reefs, seagrass and seaweed beds, and breeding areas of
marine turtles, (olive ridleys and green turtles commonly known as the
pawikans). A turtle sanctuary was established in Brgy. Nagbalayong in
Morong. This is co-managed by a non-government organization, with the
support from the DENR-Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (DENRPAWB). Seaweeds also abound in the coastal areas of Balanga City to
Orion, while seagrass patches can be found in Orion, Limay and Mariveles.
The windowpane oyster, locally known as capiz, used to be abundant in
Manila Bay, but still can be found along the coast of Samal. There are also
giant clams in Morong.

Baby turtles (olive ridleys) may be found nesting

along the shores of Bagac and Morong.



Every town in Bataan has a feast day, historical landmark, and religious
links to a glorious past.

Cultural and Historical Sites

Among the most notable historical landmarks is the Dambana ng
Kagitingan in Mt. Samat, Pilar which was completed in 1970, consisting of
colonnade and a huge memorial cross at the mountains summit. Annually,
Bataan Day or Araw ng Kagitingan is celebrated nationwide every 9th of
April. Veterans from World War II and their families come and gather at the
Shrine of Valor to commemorate the bravery of Filipino soldiers who offered
their lives to regain freedom from the Japanese and peace. There are two
0-km Death March markers (one in Mariveles and the other in Bagac),
which indicate the points where the Death March started. Every kilometer
along the Roman Highway and MacArthur Highway, from Bataan to Capaz,
Tarlac are Death March Markers to show the extent of the march wherein
thousands of soldiers died.
Religious Establishments

The 418-year old church in

Abucay, Bataan.


Century-old churches that bespeak of a colonial past, where

Christianity made a lasting impression to most Bataeos, characterize
Bataans religious values. The most notable of these old churches is the
414-year old Sto. Domingo Parish Church at Abucay, one of the few
churches in the country that has withstood nature and mans propensity
for change. The church is also the site of the first printing press in the
country established by Tomas Pinpin at around 1610. Another cultural
and religious icon is the Nuestra Seora Virgen del Rosario in Orani,
which is said to be miraculous as typified by devotees who pay tribute to
her especially on her feast day, celebrated every second Sunday of
October. Each municipality in Bataan has its own feast day in honor of a
patron saint. Cenaculo or plays about the life and passion of Christ are
held in most municipalities during the Holy Week.

Tourism and Recreation

Bataan has a high potential for investments in tourism and recreation.
Tourism and recreation sites include: (1) the Dinalupihan Nature Center
within the Roosevelt Protected Landscape, ideal for picnics, camping,
swimming, hiking, trekking, and other recreational activities; (2) Mt.
Malasimbo, a conical-shape mountain in Dinalupihan; and (3) Mt. Natib,
which is a favorite destination of mountain climbers and nature trekkers.
Other notable sites are Dunsulan Falls at the backhills of Mt. Samat in
Pilar; the Sibul Spring and Pasukulan Falls in Abucay; the Balon Anito hot
springs and Mt. Tarak Ridge in Mariveles; Pilis Falls in Samal; and Mt.
Silangan in Morong, which boasts of Pintong Alipi, an 80-foot high waterfall
cascading to a pool of refreshing cool water. This is again a site inside the
Bataan Natural Park fit for eco-tourism.
Pristine beach resorts are found in Bataan, such as the Montemar
Beach Resort in Bagac, the Waterfront Beach Resort in Morong and the
Bay Spring Resort in Mariveles. These beach resorts offer complete
amenities for weekend relaxation. Numerous inland resorts from Hermosa
to Mariveles complement these leisure areas.

Adventure trekking in one of

the cool streams inside the
Bataan Natural Park.

The white sand beach of Montemar
Resort in Bagac, Bataan.


Agriculture and Fisheries
Agricultural and fishery productions are major sources of income for
the people of Bataan. Productions range from palay, vegetables, fruits,
fish, shellfish and other marine species. The municipalities of Dinalupihan,
Hermosa, Orani, Samal, Abucay, and Pilar are targeted to become the
main contributors for agro-industrial production. The rest of the municipalities
also contribute significantly to the agricultural productivity of Bataan.
The entire agricultural land of the province is devoted to ricelands,
croplands, and fishponds. Total effective area for palay production is
14, 514 hectares as of CY 2004.
Aquaculture production is common in the province where brackishwater
and freshwater fishponds having total area of 4,288.65 hectares produce

good quality tilapia and milkfish, tiger prawns and mudcrabs. From the
coastal areas, bivalves such as mussel, oyster, halaan, kabia, and capiz
(which thrive only in Samal) are bountiful.
The coastal waters of Bagac and Morong are noted as milkfish fry
ground areas. Spearheading the drive for sustainable fishery production in
the province, a square kilometer fish sanctuary was established in Orion in
1999. Among the different species caught in Bataan fishing grounds are:
acetes (alamang), anchovies, mullet, white shrimps, whiting (asohos),
thread fin bream bisugo, blue crab sardines, mackerel, bivalves or shellfish,
big eyed and yellow fin tuna, slip mouth (sapsap), squid and siganids
(samaral and kitang).

Table 4: Agricultural and Fisheries Profile

Source: Socio-Economic Profile, 2004, PPDO



114,139 metric tons (2004)

1,202 metric tons (2004)

Milkfish and tilapia

2,725 metric tons (June 2005)


Municipal fishing
Commercial fishing

4,124.15 metric tons (June 2005)

2, 366.49 metric tons (June 2005)
Fishing is one of the leading sources
of income of Bataeos.

Lowlands and plains are devoted to agriculture. Major crop is palay

wherein production was recorded at 114, 139 MT as of 2004. Other crops
are corn, with a total production of 1,202 MT; legumes like mongo, peanuts,
cowpea, pole, and bush sitao; rootcrops such as sweet potato, cassava,
arrowroots, and others. Fruits such as mango, banana, cashew, and
vegetables like eggplant, tomato, squash, bitter gourd, and leafy vegetables
are also produced.
Mangrove forests serve as spawning grounds for fish and marine life.
It also serves as refuge for migratory birds like white heron (Kanaway)
found in Barangays Puerto Rivas, Sibacan and Tortugas, Balanga City.
Mudflats, on the other hand, contain mussels, oysters, mud crabs, and
other shellfishes.
Commercial, Industrial, Shipping, and Ports

Forestland in the province covers 65, 430 hectares or 48% of the total
land area. This is classified as timberland, forest reservation, watershed,
national shrine/national parks,military/naval reservation, and civil reservation.
Forest area is characterized as mixed forest composed of patches of old
growth and mostly residual forest of dipterocarps (red and white Lauan,
Apitong, etc.) and other prime species of Narra, Mahogany, Molave, Teak,
Akle, giant Ipil-Ipil, Eucalyptus, Yemane/ Gmelina, A Margius, A.
auriculiformis, etc. Minor forest products include bamboo, bulio, rattan,
hingiw, and other vines suitable for basket making and small cottage industry.
Fruit trees are also abundant such as mango, cashew, coconut, avocado,
star apple, coconut, banana, coffee, and others.
The forest land also serve as refuge for wildlife such as wild boars,
wild chickens, wild ducks, snakes, birds, etc. Patches of open land is
dominated by cogon and talahib and serve as grazing land for cattle, goat,
and carabao.

The province has various commercial establishments in all its

municipalities, with Balanga City as the center of trade and commerce. It
also hosts industries such as the Petron Bataan Refinery (PBR)
Petrochemical Industrial Complex, Total Petroleum Philippines, UniOil
Philippines, Philippine National Oil Company-Petrochemical Development
Corporation (PNOC-PDC), Philippine Resins Industries, Inc (PRII), Bataan
2020 Papermills, Ammunition Plant in DND Arsena, Orica Philippines, Inc.,
Herma Group of Companies, different locators at Bataan Economic Zone
in Mariveles, Hermosa Economic Zone, and Bataan Techno Park in Morong,
and other light to medium industries in other municipalities. These
establishments are complemented by the existence of ports to facilitate
the transport of raw materials, products, and people. There are ten private
ports/discharging and loading points in the different parts of the province
and three national ports under the jurisdiction of Philippine Ports Authority
The Port of Orion (formerly Port Capinpin) in Barangay Putting
Buhangin in the Municipality of Orion has a total area of 499,764.80 sq.m.
more or less with an initial reclaimed area of three hectares. A 120-meter
long rock breakwater protects the entire length of the port. The structure/
facilities include the berthing areas for RORO vessels; multi-purpose wharf


and fast craft vessels. A temporary passenger terminal shed with a capacity
of 100 passengers has been provided in addition to the elevated water
steel tank and a temporary parking area. As a fast craft ferry terminal, Port
of Orion caters to the daily average of 1,200 embarking and disembarking
passengers. The 22-nautical mile distance can be covered in one hour
from Bataan to Philippine International Convention Center complex.
The Port of Mariveles is categorized as a municipal port in Mariveles,
Bataan. The terminal office is located within the 32-hectare Herma Industrial
Complex (formerly BASECO) in Mariveles, Bataan. The berthing facility is
a two-finger pier measuring 7.00 m x 12.00 m and 7.20 x 62.30 m. It lies 14
26.0 latitude on the East and Westside entrance of Manila Bay.


Petron Bataan Refinery
PPI/ Limay Bulk




Crude Oil Storage Tanks

LPG Storage Tanks
Open Storage Area
Open Stacking Area
Storage Tanks
Open Storage Area

1,000,000 barrels
100,000 barrels
53,000 metric tons
180,000 m
3,000 m
4,000 m
455,000 barrels
10,000 m

Storage Tanks
LPG Storage Vessels
Vertical Silos
Star Bins
Intermediate Bins
Loading Bins
Vertical Silos

180,000 barrels
12,000 metric tons
18,000 metric tons
2,500 metric tons
320 metric tons
120 metric tons
110,000 metric tons
50,000 metric tons

The Bataan Economic Zone in

Mariveles, Bataan caters to major
industries that export their products
to Asia and the United States.

Product Pier
LPG Pier

Length & Width

Ave. Draft


Cargo System

439 m x 15.90 m
85.36 m
24.6 m x 3.0 m
305 m x 49 m
341.38 m x 53.35 m

3.98-13 m

Loaders/ Pipelines

5.40 m
15.85 m
22.86 m


Loaders/ Pipelines
Submarine Pipes
Submarine Pipes

426.7 m x 411.4 m
299 m x 4.5 m

14.0 m
4.50 m


Unloader/ Conveyor

13 m wide
178 m x 5.0 m
18.0 m x 20.0 m

14.0 m

Loading Platform

Sea berth

260.0 m x 40.0 m

11.0 m


Finger pier

60.0 m x 4.0 m

3.50 m



530.0 m x 5.0 m

20.0 m

Pipelines/ tanks

Edison Bataan

50.0 m x 6.0 m

6.0 m


Robust Rocks

200.0 m x 7.0 m

6.0 m

Loading Ramps

Herma Port

358.0 m x unlimited

7.50 m

Graving dock/crane


217.0 m x 15.0 m

14.50 m

Portalino unloader


156.0 m x 10.0 m

14.50 m



Pier Head
Protective beam



Name of Cargo Handler

Area of Operation

Type of Equipment

DJ Roque Const.Co.Inc.
Ace Technical
Herma Port Terminals
Planters Products Inc.
Oilink International Corp.

Lamao Anchorage
Mariveles Anchorage

Special equipment for stevedoring work

Equipment for bulk cargo and grains
Equipment for explosives and dangerous cargos
Special equipment for petroleum products
Shovel grab, conveyors
Pipelines, storage tanks
Pipelines, storage tanks

Mining and Quarrying

Quarrying areas are composed of gravel and sand and boulders found
in the municipalities of Balanga and Mariveles. In Balanga, the quarrying
area is found in Barangay Cupang where rocks used for building construction
and other use abound. In Mariveles, the Sisiman point is the source of
boulders, gravel and sand. It has an anchorage area, has a depth of 20 ft.
at a distance of 10 ft. from the shore. Robust Rocks Resources Corporation
owns this.
Sisiman Point is a coastal upland area, a rocky hill and grassland
area with patches of brushland species.
The Provincial Government of Bataan through the Provincial
Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) regulates quarrying


Mining and quarrying are also sources of income for the people of
Bataan. The province is rich in quarry resources such as sand, gravel,
basalt, boulders, armour rock, and mineral like diatomaceous earth.
These resources are usually extracted from the riverbeds, private
lands, and coastal uplands of Mariveles. Diatomaceous earth, however,
are not allowed to be extracted due to its location which is within the
SBMA area.

The Sisiman Point in Mariveles, Bataan is

a key quarrying area of the province.

Such quarry materials supply the demand for housing and construction
materials for the various government infrastructure projects such as roads,
bridges, private and public ports, and piers located within the coastal
municipalities of Hermosa down to Mariveles, Bagac, and Morong.
Presently, there are only 6 operational industrial permittees and no
quarry permittees due to the expiration of their permit. These permittees
are supplying the quarry requirements of the three operational crushing
plants namely Acumen Construction and Development Corporation (ACDC),
DNew Bataan Concrete Products (BCP), and Rockmix, Inc.all located in
Institutional and Residential Values
The increasing population in Bataan has spurred the development of
residential areas in the province. These are located both in urban and rural
barangays particularly the low-lying flat areas. Institutional areas include
churches and religious centers, schools and colleges, hospitals and health
centers, government offices, public market, public sports complex, etc.

The Provincial Capitol is home to

the various agencies of the
provincial government.

The Bataan Peoples Center is the

ideal venue for large events like
concerts and graduations with a
seating capacity of over 6,000.


Bataan School of Fisheries and Maritime Academy of Asia

and the Pacific (MAAP)
One of the educational institutions which aim to provide training in the
field of Fishery Production and Processing is the Bataan School of Fisheries
in the Municipality of Orion. The curricular offerings include four-year high
school education, three-year Fishery Technology, Hotel and Restaurant
Technology, Garments and Two-Year Computer Secretarial. As a
government educational institution, more students enroll year after year,
gaining adequate and quality training.
The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) is a private
tertiary educational institution located at Kamaya Point, Alas-asin, Mariveles,
Bataan. The Associated Marine Officers and Seamens Union of the
Philippines (AMOSUP) is funding its operation. The school aims to produce
highly trained and competitive seamen, marine engineers and deck officers
and workers for them to qualify for international ocean vessels. Courses
offered are Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and other related
short-term courses. Cadets and other trainees of MAAP apply the theories
they have learned at the training ship of the school named T/S Kapitan

One of the premiere schools in the country is the
Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific
(MAAP) in Mariveles, Bataan.




Bataan is one of the most progressive
provinces in Central Luzon and Manila Bay Region.
The province plays a significant role in the region
because it is strategically located right in the
middle of the countrys growth triad corridor of
SBMA, Clark Special Economic Zone and Metro
Manila. It plays a major role in the Central Luzon
W Growth Corridor, as the regions industrial
heartland owing to the presence of anchor
industries within the Province. It is also a strategic
transport route and transshipment point linking
SBMA area and other Central Luzon provinces to
Metro Manila. In addition, the province is a key
contributor to the overall economic productivity in
Central Luzon.
Bataan hosts several industries and
companies that produce diverse products such
as Petroleum, petrochemicals, plastics, fiberglass,
sportswear, footwear, soya oil, tennis balls, paper,
ammunition, and many more. Diverse marine,
agriculture, and aquaculture products are likewise
produced. With the completion of the BagacMariveles road and the opening of SBMA Morong
Gate, transshipment business within the province
would be cost efficient which in turn could boost
the Central Luzon W economic growth center.
Pristine beaches and natural parks
complemented by scenic springs and waterfalls
as well as historical markers provide a setting for
a healthy tourism investment in the province.


Potential investors are currently eyeing Bataans vast lands. The
province is undergoing major improvements in anticipation of a growing
industrial market. Moreover, a world-class recreational facility in Morong is
underway which Ayala Land, Inc is developing. In addition, the San Miguel
Corporation Feed Mill Project is being constructed in Mariveles that will
utilize cassava, corn, and other agricultural products as raw material for
feed production. The province was chosen as its site because of the vast
plantation area and rich soil suited for the crop.
The competitive market value, abundance of skilled workers and
the availability of more lands and port areas make Bataan an attractive site
for economic zones in the country. Presence of economic zones ensures
that the province lives up to the expectations of all its investors as a primary


investment capital of the country. The first economic zone in the country was
put up in Mariveles in 1972.
As Bataan positions itself at the center of our countrys economic
upheaval, the men and women of the province are gearing up for the expected
turn-over of new jobs, better labor scenarios, and the establishment of the
province as the hub of economic activities in Central Luzon. Bataan, the
choice of todays investors, promises potential opportunities as the peninsula
open its doors to economic progress.
With such development trends, comes another task that of
protecting, maintaining, and conserving the bounties of nature amidst new
technologies and changing patterns of modern living.


The coastal zone is the most productive area in the marine environment
but studies reveal that this is also the most exploited ecosystem. Human
and economic activities in the coastal area put pressure on the marine
environment. The province is endowed with two fishing grounds Manila
Bay and South China Sea once considered to be among the richest
traditional fishing grounds with some of the most diverse aquatic resources.
In Manila Bay, fishing effort has already exceeded the maximum sustainable
yield or MSY (Manila Bay Refined Risk Assessment, 1994). Sustenance
fishermen and fish workers depend primarily on fishing as source of income.
The marginal fishermen are considered to be the poorest populace living in
the coastal areas. The major environmental problems in Bataan as viewed
by the various stakeholders are:

Pollution from land-based activities

Habitat and resource degradation
Over-fishing and destructive fishing
Oil spills and other sea-based sources of pollution
Siltation and sedimentation
Multiple resource use conflicts and governance
Transboundary issues

Following are the consequences of unregulated use of the coastal

and marine resources:

Massive harvest of marine resources for consumption, ornamental

and building materials has further depleted the already dwindling

Catch per unit effort (CPUE) has declined tremendously, resulting in

lower income especially for small fisherfolks.

Continued operations of destructive fishing method and rampant

dynamite fishing have caused the depletion of fish stocks and
destruction of the marine ecosystem. The flora and fauna have been

damaged causing the deterioration of the ecosystem. Around seventy

percent (70%) of the coral reefs have been destroyed.

The open access to fishing areas has resulted in conflicts between

municipal and commercial fisheries which have to be resolved.

Only five percent (5%) of the mangrove forests remain in existence.

Mangroves are being cut for charcoal and firewood, and converted
into aquaculture projects, thereby depriving the nursery and spawning
grounds for some commercially important fish food and invertebrates,
and shoreline protection for coastal municipalities.

Seagrass beds are being scraped, resulting in loss of stabilizers for

beach areas and habitat for marine species. Seaweeds are also overharvested. Capiz or the windowpane oyster, which used to be abundant,
is facing extinction.

Pollution, siltation and sedimentation contribute to the degradation of

marine resources.

Health issues (e.g., paralytic shellfish poisoning due to Red Tide,

incidence of waterborne diseases)

The serious degradation of the marine resources has greatly affected

the economic condition and quality of life among the coastal inhabitants.
This lamentable situation is a result of ineffective and poor management of
the coastal area. It is high time that something is done about the catastrophic
trend of pollution, over fishing and other activities that deplete our fisheries
and aquatic resources.
Discharges cause this to happen. A non-point source delivers pollutants
indirectly through environmental changes. Pollution arising from non-point
sources accounts for a majority of the contaminants in streams and rivers.



Pollution is a common problem in all municipalities and city of Bataan.
Water pollution occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to
the addition of large amounts of materials to the water. When it is unfit for
its intended use, water is considered polluted.

sources accounts for a majority of the contaminants in streams and rivers

and on to seas. Example is when fertilizer from a field or wastes from
poultry and livestock are carried into a stream by rain, in the form of run-off,
which in turn affect aquatic life.

Two types of water pollution exist: point source and non-point source.
Point source includes emissions of harmful substances directly into the
body of water. Garbage dumping and sewage and industrial wastewater
discharges cause this to happen. A non-point source delivers pollutants
indirectly through environmental changes. Pollution arising from non-point

The technology exists for point source pollution to be monitored and

regulated but need to be fully supported by the local government. Nonpoint source is much more difficult to control. The following are the major
causes of pollution in Bataan and their overall impact to the socio-economic
life of the people and the environment.

The discharge of solid wastes and

nutrients into coastal waters is a
major cause of eutrophication.



Rapid growth of population due to increased birth rate and migration.

The discharge of soil, solid wastes, and nutrients into coastal

waters is a major cause of eutrophication (an aging process that
slowly fills in the water body with sediment and organic matter)
especially areas of limited water circulation.

Lack of monitoring system and environmental facilities and services

to collect and treat discharges of raw sewage, toxic and hazardous
waste, and untreated and inadequately treated wastewater
generated by domestic, agricultural, and industrial sources. The
province has no sewerage system and sanitary landfill yet.

Lack of local ordinances and laxity in implementation of

environmental laws, rules, and regulations.

Lack of awareness, enforcement, and inadequate facilities and

equipment for solid waste management. All municipalities and
city are practicing only the method of garbage collection and
dumping. Republic Act 9003 or the Waste Management Act
however, requires all LGUs to convert their open dumpsites into
controlled dumpsites by 2005, establish recycling and composting
facilities and operate sanitary landfills for residual waste by 2007.


Increased population will generate increased volume of waste.

This will require a more extensive waste management system
and greater financial allocation on the part of the government.

Certain marine organisms are capable of accumulating chemicals

within their bodies from prolonged exposure, making possible
contraction of poisons by humans. Also, certain contaminants
such as heavy metals are non-biodegradable and constitute
permanent additions to the environment. Heavy metals found in
fish and shellfish tissue eventually affect humans.

Phosphates and nitrates from sewage, agricultural waste, and

excess use of feeds in aquaculture result in algal bloom,
eutrophication, and fish kills. Periodic algal bloom of Pyrodinium
known as red tide and other harmful algal species has resulted
in morbidity and mortality cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning
(See Manila Bay Refined Risk Assessment).

The presence of pathogens, such as E. coli causes illnesses,

ranging from diarrhea, typhoid, and dysentery to minor respiratory
and skin diseases. Swimming in polluted water is also unsafe.

Solid and toxic wastes in the rivers, waterways, and marine areas
are detrimental to marine life. There are cases when glass and
hypodermic needles cause injuries and death among marine
mammals, fishes, turtles, and others. Improperly disposed wastes
are often mistaken by marine turtles as jellyfish.



Habitat of an animal means the place where it is able to live. It has a
physical (e.g., temperature, areal extent); chemical (e.g., salinity, dissolved
oxygen); and biotic (food availability) components. It is important that the
biophysical integrity of habitats is maintained, and they are adequate and
suitable to support the flora and fauna living within. Habitats and biodiversity
should be protected and preserved, and these are threatened by factors
such as chemical pollution, biological or physical destruction, until the
quality of the ecosystems becomes unsustainable.
For the past years until the present time, there has been an increasing
number of activities that affect marine, coastal, estuarine, and riverine
environment. Corollary to this are the tremendous growth in urban areas
and industrial development in or adjacent to the coastal zones.
In Bataan, degradation of habitats such as forest and upland areas,
mangroves, mudflats, seagrass beds, coral reefs and other marine habitats
are also evident. The causes and negative impacts on the environment
and the life of the residents are identified as follows:


Habitat degradation affects the growth of different marine

organisms/species which affect livelihood sources.


Rapid population growth and migration factor put pressure on the utilization of
resources for basic needs and livelihood.

People engage in unsound agricultural and forestry practices, mismanagement

of watersheds, exploitation of mangroves, earth-moving activities for
construction and dumping of wastes and effluents.

Some municipal and commercial fishers use illegal fishing methods/practices

and explosive fishing techniques.

Reclamation, scraping, siltation, and sedimentation destroy seagrass ecosystem

and benthic organisms/species. Sand movement affects their distribution and

Coastal land conversion for aquaculture is one of the major causes of loss of
coastal vegetation. Brackish water aquaculture is being developed at the
expense of vast tracts of coastal land, including mangroves and mudflats.

Upland areas are habitats that serve as watershed and source of water and
raw materials for various economic and recreational activities. Forests and
upland areas, such as the Roosevelt Protected Landscape, has been stripped
off of vegetation due to encroaching, migration, illegal cutting, and improper
upland agricultural practices. However, most of the upland areas in Bataan are
already in an advanced state of degradation and only a fraction remains.

Open access to resources results in over-fishing, and excessive collection of

turtle eggs along beaches, corals, giant clams, and capiz shells for housing
and ornamental handicrafts, and mangrove wood for charcoal, fuel, and
Christmas trees.

Permanent settlements in coastal areas are unregulated by the government.

There is apathy and lack of awareness among the public and a tendency to
implement short-term solutions addressing only the symptomatic causes rather
than taking a holistic viewpoint in addressing environmental concerns.


Rapid growth in population brings forth increased demand for basic need
resources, settlement areas and livelihood opportunities. Resource depletion
is expected because of over-exploitation.

Destruction and loss of biodiversity in the upland, coastal, and marine areas
create ecological imbalance.

Habitat degradation affects the growth and reproduction of different marine

organisms/species, which affect livelihood sources. It also reduces the potential
for eco-tourism development in the coastal areas. Destruction of mangroves
and coral reefs result in loss of shoreline protection for coastal communities.

Seagrasses are smothered and displaced into depths beyond their ability to
survive. Seagrass beds serve as nursery, shelter, and food for fish and
invertebrates. They also reduce sedimentation, contribute to stabilization of
shores, and interact with coral reefs and mangroves in reducing wave energy
and regulating water flow.

Explosions during blast fishing are devastating. In coral reefs, re-colonization

of damaged habitats is very low and complete recovery may take several
decades. Coral reefs serve as important habitats of marine species, and their
loss subsequently affect fishery productivity and income of fisherfolk.

Lesser trees and other sturdy vegetative cover will decrease water-holding
capacity, which will result in loss of protection from heavy rains and devastating

Conversion of mudflats results in loss of habitat for shellfish, crustaceans and

benthic communities, and feeding grounds of waterfowl and rare and
endangered migratory birds. Bird watching can be a major eco-tourism activity.



Natural processes such as weathering and erosion normally cause
siltation and sedimentation.However, inappropriate development activities
(i.e., forest denudation, conversion, reclamation) in the uplands, critical
watersheds, and coastal uplands hasten the process of siltation and

Uncollected solid wastes accumulate

in waterways and riverbanks.


Deforestation due to illegal cutting of trees, shifting cultivation and

unsustainable agricultural practices are common in all municipalities
in the province and are identified as primary causes of siltation in
the coastal plains and in coastal areas.

Reclamation of coastal areas and conversion of critical areas such

as mangrove stand into other uses, are mostly unsustainable in

Uncollected solid wastes from domestic, agricultural, commercial,

and industrial sources accumulate in waterways and riverbanks.


Unregulated quarrying for sand, gravel, rocks, and other materials

causes erosion and sediment deposits that flow to the river system
thus also worsen these problems in the province.


Shallowing and clogging of rivers and waterways result in flooding

and affect navigation system.

Increased sedimentation and water turbidity can cause a variety

of impacts on coral reefs. These include screening out light needed
for photosynthesis and natural growth of aquatic species; scouring
and smothering of corals by sand and other transported sediments,
which result to poor survival of juvenile corals due to loss of suitable

With siltation, sedimentation, and eutrophication, fish respiration

becomes impaired, plant productivity and water depth become
reduced and aquatic organisms and their environment becomes


for local fishers to change their destructive fishing practices. Lack of
alternative livelihood often drives people to encroach upon productive inland
Over-fishing occurs when the rate or level of fishery removals
and upland areas to pursue other avenues for subsistence.
jeopardizes the ability of the resource (i.e. species or stock) to produce
the maximum sustainable yield on a continuing basis.
Majority of the coastal waters in Bataan are over-exploited and its
resources are depleted. This situation necessitates the kind of management
The need for fishers to provide food for themselves and their families
intervention that will help regenerate and enhance these at the rate faster
is a major reason for continued exploitation of marine species. The openthan its natural healing.
access regime for fishing is the biggest problem. With the lack of policies
and programs geared toward sustainable use of resources or the ability
and funding to effectively enforce such regulations, there is little incentive
Illegal fishing takes the
form of blast or dynamite




Increasing coastal population, high dependence on fishing as the

primary source of income, and lack of alternative livelihood options.

Open access to fishery resources and lack of ordinances

concerning catch limit practices.

Management problems and lack of equipment and other resources

to support the implementation of laws and ordinances, as well as
fish wardens and Bantay Dagat volunteers.

Improper process of handling cases and weak punishment and

penalties imposed on those who are caught using banned fishing
methods and practices such as cyanide and blast fishing.

Easy access to raw materials for illegal fishing such as ammonium

nitrate and poisonous substances.

Few maritime policemen to monitor fishing activities.

Lack of public awareness concerning various fishery policies and

the impacts of over-fishing and destructive fishing practices.


Lack of alternative livelihood results in higher in-migration rate

leading to illegal settlements in critical areas thus, adding more
ecological and socio-economic stress to the already fragile coastal

Open access and no catch limit practices breed unfair competition

between commercial and municipal fishermen leading to economic
dislocation. The net effect is the overexploitation of fishery
resources and encouragement of using illegal and destructive
methods to get more catch and short-term profit.

Management problems lead to social unrest. Improper

implementation of laws gives confidence to illegal fishers to
continue their practice because they know they can go around
the rules. It is necessary to institutionalize bodies that will help
fish wardens and small fisherfolks in their legal concerns and
monitor the sales of raw materials being used in making dynamites
and poison.

Profit motive and easy money schemes include conversion and

reclamation for intensive fishpond operations, thus, leaving smaller
fishing areas for small fisherfolks and clogging of estuarine areas
such as the case of Orani Channel. This increases fishing effort
but with diminishing returns - catching lesser quantity of fish per
unit of time spent in fishing. This is largely unsustainable as easy
money making schemes often involve short-term but highly
destructive production methods, which means more economic
losses in the long run.

Increasing demands for local governments to provide alternative

livelihood options, develop appropriate infrastructures, compensate
for fishing losses, rehabilitate damaged habitats and fishing areas,
and attend to the welfare of fisherfolks to prevent ignorance and
apathy toward sustainable management of fishery resources.



Manila Bay is considered a primary gateway of economic development

of the country. This is because of its characteristic as natural harbor, wherein
shipping and navigational activities are being associated.
The presence of several operating ports and harbors both government
and privately owned, including their amenities and facilities, encouraged
large scale development along the bay. This means that the bay is envisaged
to catch up more shipping and navigational activities to support the several
industrial firms operating along the bay, particularly at the coastal side of
Due to the enormous number of shipping activities at the bay, the
possibility of oil spill is always present. According to the records of the

Philippine Coast Guard, the largest oil spill incidence in Manila Bay
happened in Mariveles, Bataan in 1999 when MT Mary Anne spilled a total
volume of 747,991 liters of oil. From February 1998 to December 2004, out
of 18 oil spill incidences in Manila Bay, 9 or 50% happened in the Bataan
In addition, operational and accidental oil spill can also be attributed
to the 6,715 units of motorized bancas/fishing boats operating at the
municipal waters of Bataan. Other sources of sea based pollution such as
transport flush out and dumping of solid and liquid waste, septage and
dredge materials from industrial, commercial, and domestic activities
aggravate the state of water pollution of the bay.

Due to the enormous number

of shipping activities at the bay,
the possibility of oil spill is
always present.


Table 6: Oil Spills in Manila Bay



31-Mar -98
2 -May-98

PBRC Limay Bataan

Herma Shipping
M/T Ocean Pride
M/T Bocaue
M/T Sea Brothers
M/T Mary Anne
M/T Christian Albert
Baseco Shipyard
MV Super Ferry
MT Sea Mark
MV Princess of New Unity
MV Pulilan
MT Deborrah Dos
MV New Vigor
Super Ferry 5
Tacoma svc port
MV Piya Bhum
MV Hanjin Kwangyang



Total Volume in Bataan

Total Volume in Manila
Total Number of Spill in Bataan
Total Number of Spill in Manila




Limay, Bataan
Limay, Bataan
Limay, Bataan
Limay, Bataan
SH, Manila
Mariveles, Bataan
SH, Manila
Engr Island, Mnl
NH, Manila
LImay, Bataan
NH, Manila
Limay, Bataan
LImay, Bataan
LImay, Bataan
NH, Manila
NH, Manila
MICT, Manila
MICT, Manila


Everyone depends on one common natural resource base for all our
socio-economic activities. Different groups have different needs and priorities,
which mean varied interests and methods of resource use, thus leading to
competition for a limited resource and conflicting resource uses. For
example, conflict arises among fisherfolks in the town of Orion because
fishermen from Samal and Limay were caught using destructive fishing
gears in the municipality of Orion. Fisherfolks in Orani resorted to mass
actions because of the proliferation of fishponds, both legal and illegal, in

the Orani Channel, which impede navigation in the area going to the
municipal fishport and thus affect fishing areas for subsistence of small
fishermen. In Morong and Bagac, the proliferation of beach resorts threaten
the natural habitat of an endangered marine creature, the pawikan and
further compounded by poaching activities in the area. Aside from this, the
bangus fry collection areas of small fishermen are also affected. The issues
and concerns in Bataan center upon the following:

Overfishing, illegal, and

destructive fishing methods
lead to over-exploitation of
fishery resources.

All forms of pollutants threaten

not only the ecosystem but
also the aesthetic value of
Bataan coastline



Unregulated establishment of fishing and mussel culture areas.

Increasing population and open access to resources. This

constitutes various users deriving different benefits from a limited
resource and therefore, numerous interests and priorities which
create numerous conflicts (e.g., municipal vs. commercial fishing;
aquaculture vs. municipal fishing; habitat vs. residential development;
tourism vs. municipal fishing; shipping vs. fisheries and aquaculture;
agriculture vs. residential and commercial development; habitat vs.
industries; etc.).


Lack of integrative management approaches, sea-use plan, improper

zoning scheme, and differences in priorities bring about multipleuse conflicts in the province. This is reflected by the loose
coordination between local governments and agencies which have
different mandates, thus, creating overlapping and sometimes
conflicting priorities accorded to the use of resources.
With the passage of RA 8550 known as the Philippine Fishery
Code, coastal municipalities are given a free hand to define the
limits of their municipal waters up to the 15 km. limit. In terms of
jurisdiction, particularly in Manila Bay and other semi-enclosed
areas, there are overlaps between municipalities in the 15-km
municipal waters boundary.

Differences in political viewpoints and priorities, as well as lack of

awareness, tend to make people become unconcerned about the
problem, which of course affect the process of making the right
decisions to solve the problem.

Absence of coastal zoning and sea-use plans adversely affect the

way natural resources are being used. In cases where
comprehensive development and physical framework plans exist,
their implementation are subject to lapses and inconsistencies.
There is no integration of land- and sea-use plans.

Apathy, lack of awareness, and resolve to implement existing rules

and ordinances are the usual culprits in the degradation of resources
and the environment. This often leads to uncontrolled or
unmonitored conversion and reclamation of critical areas into other
uses an unsustainable development pattern.

Absence of monitoring of resource uses also result in unregulated

habitat conversions.

Coastal zones are also utilized as residential areas because of

the rapid growth of fisherfolk population. The trend of agricultural
land conversion into subdivisions has been prevalent in almost all
parts of the province. Coastal uplands are also inhabited.

Fishermen blame low catch to over fishing in the municipal waters

and the influx of transient fishermen while the unavailability of
housing facilities and lack of permanent residence have forced
some fishermen to squat near the coastal area. Squatting has
become rampant in these areas because they are undeveloped.

Illegal fishing bring forth easy moneymaking scheme and more

fisherfolks are attracted to it.


Increasing resource users with varied interests and priorities

accorded to a limited resource, results in further decline in
resources, lower productivity and potential for other development
in both agriculture and fishery, and other economic activities.

If there are continuous and rampant lapses in implementation of

existing rules and ordinances relating to resource use, constituents
tend to lose confidence in the governance process and will not
cooperate in managing critical habitats.

Unresolved resource use conflicts mean unregulated resource use,

leading to more land conversion and reclamation of critical areas,
overfishing, coupled with illegal and destructive fishing.

Increased demands for the government from the national to the

local level to act and intervene in resolving conflicts in resource

Lack of awareness means lack of cooperation and disinterest in

active participation to manage and protect critical habitats. This
must be overcome by continuous information, education and
communication campaign leading to social mobilization to
sustainable development of natural resources and protection of
critical habitats.


Bataan is one of the four coastal provinces that share the semi-enclosed
Manila Bay Region with the National Capital Region (NCR).
On the northwestern side of Bataan, it shares Subic Bay with the
province of Zambales. There are also other non-coastal provinces that affect
Bataan through the river systems. Geographical limits define the seaward

boundaries among these provinces in terms of area exploitation as

embodied in the existing Fishery Code. Lapses in implementing policies
also contribute to the breaching of defined boundaries. As a result,
transboundary issues adversely affect the provinces and NCR, which
surround Manila Bay. This water body has been the catch basin for all
kinds of refuse and unwanted by-products of modern living.

Mangroves are among the critical habitats that must be

maintained in the Bataan Coastal Areas

This water body has been the catch basin for all kinds
of refuse and unwanted by-products of modern living



Domestic, industrial, and agricultural wastes find their way into water
bodies such as tributaries, creeks, and rivers, as well as coastlines.
These pollutants go beyond defined boundaries across time. Garbage
and sewage from Metro Manila affect those living in Bataan and
Cavite because of tidal movements and water current.

Manila Bay and other open water areas are common property
resources to government and private sectors, down to individual
fisherfolk. No single ruling entity or group exercises control over it.
The Fisheries Code sets a minimum 15-km limit for municipal fisheries.
However, this results in overlapping jurisdictions among municipalities.

There is also the continuous encroachment of commercial fishing

vessels into municipal waters, which is a source of conflict with
municipal fishers. In addition, there is unrestricted access to
commercially valuable species that is the prime cause of
overexploitation of fishery resources.

Habitats spread across political boundaries. Among the critical

habitats within the Manila Bay Region are mangroves, upland forests,
mudflats, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. These habitats are already
in an advanced state of degradation.


All forms of pollutants threaten not only the ecosystem but also
the aesthetic quality of Manila Bay and Bataan coastline. This
would make tourism development in the area a high-risk investment
if unresolved. Health risks will also continue to mount and will
only add more pressure on the government and other sectors to
put into more resources time, money, and manpower for the
provision of health and other services.

Destruction of mangroves and coral reefs result in loss of shoreline

protection to coastal communities, while upland deforestation
causes erosion, siltation and sedimentation, clogging and
shallowing of waterways, shoreline changes, and more flooding
incidences that affect human lives and property. Without the natural
protection provided by these habitats and resources, impacts of
coastal hazards and natural calamities are aggravated. Moreover,
more financial resources have to be spent for economic recovery,
restoration of habitats and damaged properties and infrastructure,
construction of seawalls and dikes, etc.

Overfishing in the bay area as a result of transboundary conflicts

leads to economic dislocation and depleted fish stocks. Results
show the dwindling mature fish population and pressure put on
younger species. Some fishermen even claim that some species
are no longer caught at present. This is supported by the Manila
Bay Refined Risk Assessment, which show the change in
dominant species composition in the bay. Windowpane oysters
or capiz, which used to be abundant, has practically disappeared
in Manila Bay, except in Samal, Bataan where it can still be

Ballast water, if released untreated, may contain alien, exotic

and invasive species, including red-tide causing organisms. Red
tide has affected the health and income of people dependent on
Manila Bay for living.

Numerous ships enter Manila Bay and some of them dock in ports
of Bataan. Should these ships dump ballast water, that may
contaminate marine organisms and affect not only the coastal waters
in Bataan but the whole Manila Bay.




A well-developed community with an abundant natural resource, clean environment
and responsible citizenry empowered and committed to care for nature and its bounty.
Magkaroon ng isang maunlad na pamayanan na may masaganang likas-yaman,
malinis na kapaligiran at mga mamamayan na may pagmamalasakit at pananagutan
sa kalikasan.

To clean the environment, develop it sustainably and make it safe from harmful human
activities for use to live peacefully, blissfully and honorably amidst natures bounty
through active participation in integrated resource management efforts.
Gawing malinis, maunlad at ligtas ang kapaligiran mula sa pinsalang gawa ng tao
upang makapamuhay ng mapayapa, masaya, masagana at marangal sa
pamamagitan ng aktibong pakikilahok sa nagkakaisang paraan ng pangangasiwa sa
ating likas-yaman.



In the next 20 years, Bataeos envision a well-managed

environmental resource, which consider the relationships between
ecosystem & socio-economic systems, with an institutionalized proactive
participation of various interest groups. The following are the desired

Sustained watershed productivity and conformity of water resources

to water quality standards for public water supply (class AA) &
recreation (Class B for rivers and SB for coastal and marine waters)
along with the navigability and fishability of waterways and coastal

Restored and well-managed critical habitats. This includes wellmaintained and sustained physical environment and biological
community, integrity, and diversity.

Economically viable activities and food sufficiency with healthy

ecosystem and healthy human population.

Well-established waste management system including control of

pollution sources.

Restored and well-maintained cultural, historical, and religious

establishments to preserve the sanctity of Bataans glorious role in

A responsible, well-informed, well-educated citizenry effective of

empowered communities and committed stakeholders as well as
strengthen capacities and capabilities of local government units to
manage natural and economic resources, based on well-informed
decision-making process with due consultations with concerned

Resolved multiple resource-use conflicts and improved potential for

sustainable development through proper implementation of relevant
laws, ordinances, and control measures

In relation to the desired outcomes, a set of expectation for various

stakeholder groups was also listed during the consultation process. These
expectations are fully anchored on the basis of formulating the Bataan
Sustainable Development Strategy.



MANAGEMENT is a rational human activity directed towards controlling

the use of available resources in order to achieve certain objectives in the
most socially acceptable, economical and profitable manner. This, in
essence, is the general principle behind the Bataan Sustainable Development
Strategy (BSDS). Attuned to the VISION and MISSION, residents of Bataan
would like to be part of making the Manila Bay Region and parts of the
South China Sea as center for a sustainable coastal management and
development scheme where diverse resource use is regenerated and
enhanced through systematic strengthening of institutional support network,
pro-active partnership of all stakeholders, and a view point that the
environment will ultimately direct the path of progress and development.

PROTECT AND PRESERVE the significant natural, cultural, historical

and socioeconomic values and features of Bataans coastal
environment for present and future generations through integrated
planning and management.

DEVELOP opportunities within Bataans coastal areas as well as

directions for future uses of resources in partnership with various
sectors and stakeholders.

In recognition of the fundamental and natural, socio-cultural, economic

and strategic values of Bataans coastal environment and the various risks
it faces from human activities, steps have to be taken to take care of this
heritage for both the present and future generations. The coastal strategy
also aims to ensure that our Vision and Mission would be realized and
accomplished. The strategies identified by the stakeholders to attain the

INFORM the stakeholders of their rights and responsibilities and

make them highly aware of the issues and problems concerning
the coastal environment of Bataan, for them to be mobilized towards
a sustainable and active participation in environmental management

MITIGATE pollution and other damaging activities through integrated

approaches and measures to lessen the ecological, economic and
social impacts, and sustain the range of values found in Bataan.


INFORM the stakeholders of their rights and responsibilities and make them highly aware of the issues and
problems concerning the coastal environment of Bataan, for them to be mobilized towards a sustainable and
active participation in environmental management programs.




People need to understand the interrelationships and interaction

between the different life-support systems within Bataans coastal
environment and the impact of different human activities.
Education and information are essential in making people fully aware
and committed to act towards sustainable use, prevention of risk and
continued enhancement of values of Bataans coastal environment.
Public involvement and consensus building through inter-sectoral and
inter-agency cooperation shall be advanced.
Policies and decisions shall be based on reliable, understandable
and accessible scientific and technical information concerning the
use, development and management of Bataans coastal and marine


Strengthening and building local capacities through information and

education are crucial in sustaining environmental management


Rights of coastal communities and affected indigenous communities

shall be respected and observed.


Appreciation of the importance of natural, historical and cultural sites

can only be achieved through continuing education and information
drive efforts.


Educational curricula regarding the sustainable use, prevention of risk,

and continuous protection of the environment shall be developed and
applied in partnership with the schools and academe.


National Government Agencies

Local Government Units
(Provincial, Municipal, and Barangay)
Non-government Organizations,
Peoples Organizations and other
Community-based Organizations
Religious Organizations
Civic Organizations
The Private Sector
Academic and Educational Institutions
National and Local Media
Communities / Households





Raise understanding and level of awareness on coastal and marine

processes, features of geological, ecological, cultural, historical and
economic significance, environmental, economic, and social impacts
of damaging human activities, management issues, policies and
regulations, population management, health and sanitation.


Recognize the rights of coastal communities and strengthen

communication links with them and other key stakeholder groups
concerned with the range of values supported by Bataans coastal

Objective 1: Raise understanding and level of awareness on:

coastal and marine processes; features of geological, ecological,
cultural, historical and economic significance; environmental,
economic, and social impacts of damaging human activities;
management issues; policies and regulations; roles and
responsibilities; population management; and health and


Develop capacity-building programs through training and formal and

non-formal educational opportunities for local coastal and marine
environment managers and planners.


Develop and integrate subjects on ecology and environment into

primary, secondary, and tertiary educational curricula, and include
resource and environmental management activities as part of the
community work program of schools and universities.


Promote information and knowledge management and sharing of

experiences, lessons learned, good practices, and technical and
scientific information to enhance planning, decision- and policymaking, and influence actions of communities and other

1.1 Update the Bataan ICM communication plan and develop, produce,
and disseminate a wide range of information, education and
communication (IEC) materials in partnership with NGOs,
government agencies, media, and other stakeholders.
IEC campaign and materials on:
ICM, Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy, integrated
land- and sea-use zoning plan
impacts of human activities that cause damages to
ecosystem and human health (e.g., unregulated quarrying,
destructive fishing, domestic, industrial and agricultural
wastes, unregulated development, illegal logging, etc.)
waste minimization, segregation, recycling, re-use,
monitoring of water use & waste discharges, use of fertilizers
& pesticides


restoration and protection of habitats, resources, and

historical, cultural, religious and tourism sites
conservation of water
roles, duties, and responsibilities of different sectors
corporate environmental and social responsibility
population and environmental management, including safe
motherhood, family welfare, and child survival
reducing health risks among women and children, proper
sanitation, prevention of diseases, and other health
consequences of environmental threats.

1.2 Educate stakeholders and conduct regular public awareness

campaigns on existing environmental and resource policies, laws and
ordinances, the need for compliance and cooperation, as well as
regular reviews of zoning policies.

Objective 2. Recognize the rights of indigenous peoples and

coastal communities and strengthen communication links with
them and other key stakeholder groups to encourage their
involvement in planning and decision-making.

1.3 Conduct fora and symposia to discuss and assess resource and
environmental management issues, research, and development
programs along with preservation and management of cultural and
historical sites.

2.1 Raise level of community awareness of the ancestral and traditional

knowledge and heritage of indigenous peoples, and promote
mechanisms to protect their rights and get their support.

1.4 Mobilize stakeholders to participate actively in managing and

sustaining the natural and cultural heritage of Bataan by implementing
activities, such as coastal and river clean-up, mangrove reforestation,
tree planting, clean-and-green projects, monitoring of illegal fishing,
commemoration of Bataan Day, Earth Day, World Environment Day,
and others.

2.2 Conduct regular consultations, discussions and consensus building

with fisherfolk, Peoples Organizations, community-based
organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders concerning resource
and environmental management policies and programs, alternative
livelihood projects, and other economic development plans.


National and local governments,

decision / policy-makers
Industries / Business Sector
Non-government Organizations,
Peoples Organizations and Civic Groups
Academe and Educational Institutions
Youths and Schoolchildren
Fisherfolk and Farmers
Gender Groups (Women / Men)


Objective 3. Develop capacity-building programs through training

and educational opportunities for local coastal and marine
environment managers and planners, in coordination with
research and educational institutions, NGOs, and other concerned
3.1 Develop and conduct short courses and training programs and
workshops on ecosystem dynamics, integrated river basin and
coastal area management approach, and related issues to enhance
management and technical skills of environmental planners and
Short courses and training programs and workshops on:

ICM as a primary tool to manage Bataans coastal

environment and the range of values it supports.

environmental management, waste management, business

and technology for local government and the private sector

participatory approach on data gathering, sustainable

resource use, environmental protection and management

public service and communication standards and skills of

agencies tasked with resource, environmental and economic
development planning and management responsibilities,
along with monitoring, feedback, and response mechanisms

international conventions and instruments, national and local

laws, legal procedures and regulations pertaining to
environmental and resources management
3.2 Strengthen networks and linkages among government agencies,
private sector, NGOs, donor agencies, and other concerned sectors
to coordinate and sponsor short courses, training programs and
workshops, and educational opportunities in environmental and
resource management.


Objective 4.
Include subjects on ecology and environment in
the primary, secondary, and tertiary educational curricula, and
environment-related activities in the school programs.
4.1 Develop lessons, syllabi and other educational materials on
environment and ecosystems, waste management, and protection
of historical and cultural sites, and integrate them in the curricula of
the primary, secondary, and tertiary shools.
4.2 Coordinate with the educational sector and other stakeholders for
the conduct of resource and environmental management activities
as part of the community work program of schools and universities.
4.3 Develop programs on resource and environmental management
activities for the National Service Training Program (NSTP) and Civic
Welfare Training Service (CWTC).
4.4 Organize and implement activities for school children and youth,
such as essay-writing contest, painting contest, waste
characterization, tree planting, clean-up activities, to build
awareness and mobilize their participation.

Objective 5.
Promote knowledge management and sharing of
experiences, lessons learned, good practices, and technical and
scientific information to enhance planning, decision- and policymaking, and influence actions of communities and other
5.1 Document and disseminate materials on experiences, lessons
learned, good practices on ICM and sustainable development using
a range of communication strategies (community organizing, multimedia, print and broadcast, folk media, etc.).
5.2 Develop multi-media (e.g., print, radio, TV, video and internet)
materials and other materials using traditional methods to promote
and share information about ecosystem dynamics, environment, ICM
and other lessons and good practices.
5.3 Develop an integrated process and mechanism for accessing,
processing and disseminating information on values, corresponding
environmental issues (e.g., pollution, habitat degradation, etc.), and
management response.


MITIGATE pollution and other damaging activities through integrated approaches and measures to lessen the
ecological, economic and social impacts, and sustain the range of values found in Bataan.





Control pollution from land-based activities that threaten Bataans

coastal and marine environment.


Minimize the risks from destructive coastal and sea-based activities

that threaten Bataans coastal and marine environment and the range
of values it supports.


Regulate activities that result in erosion, siltation and sedimentation,

and shoreline changes, and implement plans and projects that will
address these issues.



The desired outcome of mitigating damages to and sustaining the

values of Bataans coastal environment will support the same range
of values in the future for a healthy condition, and ideally, these
values will offer a better experience than at present.
Restoration, rehabilitation, and management of critical priority areas
(values) are necessary and essential to sustain the life support
systems of Bataans environment for the benefit of present and future
Establishment of guidelines, criteria, and standard of environmental
quality must consider the cumulative effects of various resource
utilization process on the environment, its values, and sustainable


National Government
Agencies (PPA, Coast Guard,
Local Government Units
Private Sector
NGOs and Civil Organizations
Recyclers, Junk Dealers
Communities and Households


Objective 1.
Control pollution from land-based activities that
threaten Bataans coastal and marine environment
1.1 Enact and implement environmental protection policies and decisions
that will maintain water quality sufficient to sustain existing and
future beneficial uses in marine and estuarine waters.

Characterize different water resources and develop criteria

for their utilization.
Establish guidelines, rules, regulations, and ordinances,
including monitoring and enforcement mechanisms governing
the use of water resources as waste receptacles.
Formulate and issue policy guidelines, rules, and regulations
on discharges of municipal sewage, industrial and agricultural
wastewater, solid waste collection and disposal, dumping of
dredged materials, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and use
of feeds in poultry, livestock and aquaculture farms, and
establish monitoring and enforcement mechanisms
Promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for agricultural

1.2 Develop and implement integrated pollution management system

with comprehensive program that defines targets, supporting policies,
legislation, and budget to reduce long term loads of garbage,
nutrients, toxic and hazardous substances, sediments, pathogens,
and other air and water pollutants.


In partnership with concerned sectors, establish and operate:

integrated ecological solid waste management facilities

sewerage system for domestic and commercial waste

in-farm waste treatment facilities and recycling and recovery

facilities for agricultural waste (e.g., animal waste from
piggery, poultry, and ruminants recycled into bio-gas or
composted into fertilizers)

toxic and hazardous waste management system

air pollution control devices

on use of
must be
of water

Objective 2: Minimize the risks from destructive coastal and seabased activities that threaten Bataans coastal and marine
environment and the range of values it supports.

Objective 3. Regulate activities that contribute to erosion, siltation

and sedimentation, and shoreline changes, and implement plans
and projects that will address these issues.

2.1 Implement sustainable fisheries and aquaculture production and

management systems.

3.1 Prepare detailed plan for priority rehabilitation and restoration of

habitats and other areas with extensive erosion and damages to
sustain and enhance the productivity and values of Bataans coastal

Aqua-silviculture and other mangrove-friendly aquaculture

Proper use and application of pesticides and feeds in
aquaculture farms

2.2 Establish an oil/chemical spill response system to prevent extensive

damage to coastal and marine systems along the Bataans coastline,
in coordination with the Oil Spill Contingency Plan for Manila Bay
and in coordination with existing private facilities in the province.
2.3 Implement guidelines for discharges of operational waste from ships,
and use of anti-fouling chemicals and harmful paints.

3.2 Implement sustainable upland agricultural production and forest

management systems

2.4 Evaluate feasibility and establish and operate a shore reception facility
to mitigate dumping of ballast water and shipping waste in Manila
Bay and nearby areas around Bataans coastline.

2.5 Identify dumping activities (e.g., dumping of dredged materials,

septage sludge, solid waste, toxic and hazardous waste, etc.) along
waterways and into the sea, and issue guidelines and ordinances
prohibiting such activities.
2.6 Operate and maintain navigational aids and vessel traffic scheme to
avoid accidents and ensure safety and efficient shipping and port

Reforestation of upland watershed and catchment areas

River- and stream-bank stabilization
Reforestation of mangrove areas and abandoned fishponds
Dredging of heavily silted rivers
Delineation of buffer zones

Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) and agroforestry system in watershed and catchment areas
Monitoring system for slash-and-burn farming in upland
Integrated forestry development and management plan
Socialized industrial forest management agreement (SIFMA)

3.3 Establish setback and buffer zones along riverbanks, beaches, and
coastal shoreline
3.4 Regulate and monitor reclamation activities, mining and quarrying,
over-extraction of groundwater, and logging/cutting of trees in the
watershed, mangrove, and protected areas.


PROTECT AND PRESERVE the significant natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic values and features of
Bataans coastal environment for present and future generations through integrated planning and management.





Maintain and sustain the integrity of resources, habitats, and



Delineate reserved public lands, protected and sensitive areas and

foreshore areas based on their functional and other potential uses.


Ensure that indigenous communities, various cultural, historical, and

religious establishments, recreational sites and unique geological
features are protected against inappropriate development.


Ensure equitable, sustainable harvesting and conservation of fish

stocks as well as other key resources.


Protect aquifers and water sources from over-extraction and





Protection and preservation of significant natural and cultural features

of Bataans coastal environment will ensure the long-term viability of
values supported by the coasts, especially those significant to the
integrity of biological community (flora and fauna) and the physical
environment (geological, geomorphological) as well as aesthethics
(cultural and visual).
The condition or state of the environment should be protected from
potential damages because it provides the basis of human health and
welfare, sound ecological and cultural resources, and the direction of
future development activities.
Precautionary measures, guidelines, criteria, and standards to
maintain and sustain protection and preservation efforts should be
established and defined.
Strict and consistent enforcement of laws is necessary to ensure that
the environment and the natural and cultural heritage of Bataan are
protected and preserved.

National Government Agencies

Local Government Units
FARMCs, Fisherfolk, Farmers
Private Sector
NGOs and other Civil Society Groups
Academic & Educational Institutions
Indigenous Communities
Communities and Households


Objective 1. Maintain and sustain the integrity of resources,
habitats, and biodiversity.
1.1 Develop integrated planning and monitoring to enhance and improve
management of wetlands, coastal habitats, watershed areas,
estuaries, and bays.
1.2 Establish and manage system of marine protected areas and
sanctuaries for key habitats and rare and endangered species.

mangroves and mudflats

coral reefs
marine turtles
waterfowl and migratory birds
giant clams
capiz or windowpane oyster
other indigenous rare and endangered species found in

1.3 Establish fishery reserved areas, fish sanctuaries, and bangus fry
collection points for small fisherfolk.
1.4 Rehabilitate habitats and other areas with extensive damages to
sustain and enhance the productivity and values of Bataans coastal


upland watershed and catchment areas

natural parks and protected areas
coastal habitats (mangroves, mudflats, seagrass beds, coral

1.5 Apply integrated environmental impact assessment and risk

assessment for activities that cause or may cause irreversible
damage to critical features of Bataans coastal environment.
1.6 Restore abandoned fishponds back into mangrove areas.

Objective 2. Delineate reserved public lands, protected and

sensitive areas and foreshore areas based on their functional and
other potential uses.
2.1 Establish a register and accounting system for sensitive and reserved
public lands, titled and untitled mangrove and mudflat areas, as well
as sensitive geomorphological, historic and cultural areas; unstable
areas subject to erosion, inundation and land slips; areas of high
visual integrity; foreshore areas; wilderness and remote areas.
2.2 Establish sustained protection and integrated management of the
Bataan Natural Park, Roosevelt Protected Landscape as areas where
settlement and development activities will be limited or banned to
preserve its inherent ecological integrity and cultural value.

Critical features of Bataans coastal environment, traditional

fishing areas and other critical habitats must be protected and
preserved against inappropriate development processes.

Objective 3.
Ensure that indigenous communities, various
cultural, historical and religious establishments, recreational sites
and unique geological features are protected against inappropriate
3.1 Establish and implement programs and policies for the protection
and management of indigenous sites in accordance with their culture
and traditions, and develop education and economic opportunities
for indigenous peoples.
3.2 Manage and preserve various cultural, historical, archaeological and
religious establishments, recreational sites and unique geological
features, and zoning of these areas
management plan (together with the integrated land- and
sea-use plan)
criteria and guidelines for restoration and restoration plan
(for damaged sites)
legal and financing mechanisms
users fee system
monitoring and enforcement system
3.3 Incorporate zoning, protection, and maintenance of indigenous,
cultural, historical, archaeological, religious and unique geological
sites into local development plans and land-use plans
3.4 Include criteria and guidelines for the protection of indigenous,
cultural, historical, archaeological, religious and unique geological
sites in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) criteria for
evaluation of development, infrastructure, and tourism projects.

Objective 4.
Ensure equitable and sustainable fish harvesting
and conservation of fish stocks and other key resources.
4.1 Review the status of commercial and municipal fisheries as well as
aquaculture and mariculture areas in order to identify future
sustainable management options.
4.2 Establish sustainable use and production schemes for fishery

allowable catch limit according to type of fishery (municipal

or commercial) and fishing gear and quota system
allowable fishing methods
open and closed fishing season to allow regeneration
no-catch zones
areas for harvesting commercially and ecologically important
permitting and licensing system
appropriate technology, methods, practices, feeds, and
specifications for aquaculture and mariculture production

4.3 Control illegal, unregulated, and destructive fishing practices and

prevent easy access to raw materials used for dynamite and cyanide
4.4 Develop fisheries management plans (in accordance with the
Fisheries Code), appropriate indicators for all major fish species,
commissioning of stock assessment, monitoring and research
programs, as well as provision of extension facilities and services.
4.5 Monitor and control the introduction of alien and invasive species.


Objective 5.
Protect aquifers and water sources from overextraction and contamination.
5.1 Identify all existing and potential sources of water supply (surface
water and groundwater) and determine current use and demand
5.2 Establish water rights and users fee system, and apply demandside management and water-use reduction technologies to promote
recycling and regulate extraction and use of water
5.3 Determine aquifer capacity and establish limits to deepwell
construction, groundwater extraction, and free flowing water systems
5.4 Construct water supply system from surface water in accordance
with the conservation of habitats and ecosystems
5.5 Construct/rehabilitate irrigation systems and multi-purpose water
reservoirs to increase water availability for agricultural, domestic,
and industrial use.


DEVELOP opportunities within Bataans coastal areas as well as directions for future uses of resources in
partnership with various sectors and stakeholders.




Development processes should occur at varying and applicable scales

from the dense urban form to low scale infrastructures, designed
to protect and enhance the natural environment from commercial
ventures, which provide employment opportunities to public ventures
designed to enhance community use and benefits.


Develop Implementation Plan for the Bataan Sustainable

Development Strategy to address issues and areas of concern such
as habitat degradation and wanton conversion, illegal/destructive
resource use methods, and pollution.


Development in coastal locations should recognize existing

settlements and new settlements should be properly planned and
implemented based on a strategic planning and management

Establish a clear system of facilitating major developments in

suitable coastal locations, through integrated environmental impact
assessment (IEIA) and risk assessment, integrated planning and
management , and systematic approval processes for development
in coastal areas.


Develop and/or improve facilities for public use and recreation.


Develop alternative livelihood options that would benefit and

accommodate the needs of communities and reduce habitat and
resource over-exploitation and destruction.


Encourage the adoption of innovative partnership arrangements

among the public and private sectors, civil society and communities
for the development and operation of environmental infrastructure,
and effective delivery of services.


National Government Agencies

Local Government Units
Shipping and Ports Sector
Fisheries Industry
Private Sector
NGOs and other Civil Society Groups
Academic & Educational Institutions
Financial Institutions
Inter-governmental Institutions
Indigenous Communities, FARMCs,
Fisherfolk, Communities and


Objective 1.
Develop Implementation Plan for the Bataan
Sustainable Development Strategy, and identify action plans with
clear targets, timeframe, budget and financing strategy,
institutional arrangements, and supporting policies and laws.
1.1 Together with various sectors and stakeholders, formulate and adopt
the Operational Plan for the Bataan Sustainable Development
Strategy to protect the natural and cultural heritage, address issues
and areas of concern such as habitat degradation and wanton
conversion, illegal/destructive resource use methods and pollution,
and ensure sustainable development.

Objective 2.
Establish a clear system of facilitating major
developments in suitable coastal locations, through integrated
land- and sea-use planning, integrated environmental impact
assessment (IEIA), risk assessment and management, and systematic
approval processes for development in coastal areas.
2.1 Develop and adopt integrated land- and sea-use plan, including base
map, Atlas and geographical information system (GIS) to guide and
support decision-making of local officials, planners, and
environmental resource use managers.

1.2 Develop project proposals for financing and implementation of the

actions plans, and meet the targets within the given timeframe.

of critical
areas for
varied uses
such as
tourism and
should be


Define management boundaries and area of responsibilities

to achieve proper and sustainable development.
Consider and incorporate Bataans coastal character into
the process of municipal and provincial development planning
Apply planning schemes and ordinances uniformly and
systematically over defined areas such as wetlands, estuaries
and coastal, and marine waters.

2.2 Identify areas for development and provide direction for site selection,
scale of use and scope of development activities in critical areas
such as upland (>15% slope), coastal and foreshore areas, and
other key habitats.
Ensure appropriate port infrastructure and coastal dependent industrial
development. Commercial developments in and around fishing facilities,
fishing grounds and ports will rlespect the rights of access of current
Proposals for new industries, tourism and real estate developments or
large scale expansion must demonstrate that cumulative and longterm effects on the environment are manageable and provide appropriate
compensation for any net loss of access to the foreshore.

Ensure that sensitive sites are identified to protect against inappropriate development and

Develop criteria and standards to provide clear guidance for appropriate

investments along the coasts.
In accordance with the integrated land- and sea-use zoning plan, identify areas
where development activities will be restricted or prohibited.
Identify investment priorities to ensure that Bataan does not lose the chance to
capitalize on major coastal development proposals, but at the same time, will not
compromise or destroy its resources in the process of investment and development

Strict zoning
along with
land- and seause plans must
be developed to
ensure that
processes do not
impinge on
critical areas in
the province.

2.3 Establish review, approval, and monitoring system for major developments through a single coordinating agency to ensure consistent and
non-conflicting use and advice (e.g., Integrated EIA/EIS system, Risk
Assessment and Risk Management).
2.4 Formulate guidelines to develop and direct the future use of critical
resources and to improve engineering designs of buildings & infrastructures in critical coastal areas through an integrated zoning plan.
Guidelines and standards for:
locating, designing, and developing plans for urban centers and
residential areas, industrial areas, tourism and recreation establishments and protected areas, among others.
buildings in foreshore areas, including priorities for improvement, or for removal or relocation to less biophysically- socially- and visually-sensitive inland sites
design of infrastructures, including waste treatment and disposal systems, which should be incorporated into the integrated land- and sea-use plan.
proper reclamation and conversion of agricultural areas and
coastal habitats
design and construction of coastal and mountain-side roads
2.4 Enforcement of strategic priorities to improve facilities and livelihood in
human settlements.

Avoid proliferation of built-up areas in critical areas, key habitats, and protected areas
Integration of drainage and waste collection and disposal
systems into building plans
Development of a long-term forward plan to maintain and replace
infrastructure facilities (e.g., every 25 years).
Development and maintenance of scenic coastal roads and
transport corridors without affecting the ecological integrity of
critical areas.


Objective 3. Develop and/or improve facilities for public use and

3.1 Allocate areas along beaches and natural parks to ensure public access
and enjoyment of amenities.

Objective 4.
Develop alternative livelihood options that would
benefit and accommodate the needs of communities, and reduce
habitat and resource over-exploitation and destruction.
4.1 Undertake research and development programs to identify and support
resource use for coastal communities

3.2 Establish forest and mangrove parks and bird-watching areas.

3.3 Upgrade facilities in historical, cultural and tourism sites, and enforce
policies and regulations against vandalism and other acts of desecration.
3.4 Enhance historial- and nature-based tourism and ensure that tourism
developments are in suitable locations, and designed to have minimal
impacts ecologically and aesthetically.
3.5 Develop guidelines for the operation of permanent or temporary venues
for staging major coastal activities, sporting and cultural events in
conjunction with major users, with emphasis on the protection of the
environment and promotion of public awareness.

4.2 Establish and develop indigenous industry among the indigenous

coastal communities of Bataan.
4.3 Formulate and implement alternative livelihood programs for upland,
lowland, and coastal communities.

community-based forest management and socialized industrial

forestry development and management arrangement and
community-based mangrove reforestation
culture of capiz or window pane oysters, mussels, mudcrabs,
and seaweeds

4.4 Provide stewardship contracts to primary resource users (e.g.,

indigenous and upland communities in critical watershed areas;
communities in coastal areas) to sustain productivity of critical resources
and to prevent destructive and illegal use of resources.

Resource tenure improvement and alternative livelihood

Community-based forest and coastal resources management

4.5 Carry out eco-tourism programs together with the indigenous

communities and coastal communities.
4.6 Implement plan for the relocation of illegal/informal settlers along the
coast and waterways, and develop livelihood programs for relocated

Base maps, such as the road
network map of Bataan are important
tools in decision making.

Objective 5. Encourage the adoption of innovative institutional

mechanisms and partnership arrangements among the public
and private sectors, civil society and communities for resource
conservation and management, the development and operation
of environmental infrastructure and effective delivery of services,
protection of natural, cultural and historical and socioeconomic
values, and implementation of actions identified in the Bataan
Sustainable Development Strategy and the Operational Plan.
5.1 Establish and institutionalize a working Project Coordinating Committee to
oversee the implementation of ICM program and the activities and actions
plans identified in the Operational Plan of the Bataan Sustainable
Development Strategy.
5.2 Set-up and operationalize an integrated river basin and coastal area
management system for the province.
5.3 Undertake ICM activities, resource conservation, pollution reduction
and other actions identified in the Bataan Sustainable Development
Strategy, and replicate best ICM practices through inter-governmental,
inter-agency and intersectoral approach.
5.4 Develop investment plans and public-private partnership arrangements
for the establishment and operation of environmental facilities and
services, such as water supply and sanitation, integrated solid waste
management system, sewerage system, toxic and hazardous waste
management system, etc.
5.5 Establish shared-ownership system for municipal fisheries and
aquaculture, forest and upland areas, and other resources through
cooperatives and partnership agreements.

Objective 6. Ensure that data collection, research, environmental

and socio-economic monitoring, information management and
analysis, and program/project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are
coordinated and integrated and will provide concrete direction and
support to management, policy- and decision-making.
6.1 Establish and operate an integrated information management system
(IIMS) with GIS capability as a centralized data collection, service and
information processing system, as well as environmental and socioeconomic monitoring system to improve management capacity through
decisions and policies based on scientific/technical data.
6.2 Conduct of program audits to assess research and development
requirements to improve management of Bataans coastal resources
and its values.
6.3 Direct research efforts and monitoring activities towards priority areas
through data analysis and risk assessment (e.g., effects of pollution
on fisheries and coastal waters, etc.)
6.4 Conduct of carrying capacity studies on priority areas (e.g., critical
habitats, aquaculture, pollution loading), resource & fish stock
assessment & monitoring.
6.5 Conduct environmental and resource mapping, assessment, and
6.6 Implement the Eco-Watch and Blue Flag System to monitor beach
and coastal water quality.
6.7 Monitor Red Tide occurrences and indicators of algal blooms and fish
6.8 Establish and put into operation a monitoring and evaluation system to
assess performance, results/outcomes and impacts of ICM activities,
actions identified in the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy,
and the action plans under the Implementation Plan of the Sustainable
Development Strategy.


Objective 7. Formulate and implement ordinances, monitoring and law

enforcement mechanisms, penalties, and complementary system of
incentives and market-based instruments to address the adverse effects
of pollution and unsustainable resource use.
7.1 Enact policies and ordinances that would limit conversion and reclamation
of traditional fishing grounds, bangus fry collection areas, mangroves and
mudflats, and the mining and quarrying of sand and rocks from beaches
and rocky shores.
7.2 Enact polluter pays penalties along with various economic or marketbased instruments that will add strength to existing laws and regulations
on pollution and resource use.
7.3 Issue sanctions and stiff penalties on illegal, unregulated, and destructive
fishing activities.
7.4 Strengthen maritime police, Bantay-Dagat volunteers and fish wardens
capability to enforce policies, rules, and regulations.
7.5 Establish a legal office that would assist fish wardens in dealing with legal
impediments in filing cases against violators of established policies.
7.6 Establish property rights system to ensure optimal allocation and use of
resources, and reduce multiple-use conflicts.
7.7 Enact local ordinances for the adoption and implementation of the integrated
land- and sea-use plan, priority actions (identified in the Bataan Sustainable
Development Strategy and ImplementationPlan) as well as for the
implementation of national laws and International Conventions, Protocols
and instruments related to pollution and development of areas that will
affect biodiversity, wetlands and other key habitats and resources.


7.8 Adopt users fee system to maintain natural parks, recreational areas, and
historical and cultural sites.
7.9 Formulate and implement policies and ordinances prohibiting the cutting of
mangroves and filling in of mudflat areas for resettlement, tourism, commercial
and industrial areas and development of ports and jetties.

Objective 8. Develop and implement incentive and recognition systems

to promote excellence in using, managing, and sustaining productivity
of the different values of Bataans coastal environment.
8.1 Promote and give recognition to voluntary work and accomplishments.
- Cleanliness contest, etc. (e.g., Clean and Green Contests)
- Awards for Kontra-Kalat sa Dagat and mangrove reforestation activities
- Gawad Galing Pook
8.2 Promote ISO 14000 compliance certification for private companies,
industries and local government units, and assist them towards the
implementation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS).




The Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy is a partnership. This

means that in executing the strategy, every stakeholder groups have to
do their part. Everyone has a specific role to play at various levels and
degrees. The following are some of the actions expected from the various
stakeholder groups in Bataan:

National, Provincial, and Municipal Governments

It is expected that provincial and municipal local government units,

with support from the National government, would: (a) develop and
implement local plans of action and support of the sustainable development
strategy; (b) institutionalize local administrative and financial support,
including planning and approval systems consistent with the sustainable
development strategy; (c) establish partnerships with the private sector
and civil society groups; (d) mobilize local stakeholders and empower
them to become stewards of environmental resources; (e) identify
opportunities for economic development that will support the strategy; (f)
identify and integrate existing programs and activities of LGUs into action
plans; and (g) establish monitoring and evaluation systems.

implement environmental information, education, and communication

campaigns; (c) strengthen linkages between environmental and social
programs and their execution, e.g., poverty alleviation, alternative livelihood
credit / extension services as well as gender issues; (d) ensure that the
rights of indigenous communities and marginalized groups are known,
respected, and observed; and (e) raise funds in support of identified Action

Communities being the end beneficiaries of the Bataan Sustainable

Development Strategy, are expected to: (a) be informed of issues and
responsibilities; (b) support and participate in the development and
implementation of action programs; (c) volunteer as communicators,
educators, and advocates of the environment in various activities such
as Kontra Kalat sa Dagat, Linis Barangay, Bantay Gubat, Bantay
Pawikan, Bantay Dagat, environmental monitoring activities among other
worthy community-based activities.

Academe and Educational Institutions

Private Sector

The private sector, as part of their social responsibility to their host,

are expected to: (a) exercise corporate responsibility in relation to the
sustainable development of Bataans natural resources; (b) work in
partnership with the provincial and municipal government units, including
civil society groups and communities in implementing the strategy; and
(c) invest in the environment and in developing opportunities that would
benefit the people and the environment.


Civil Society Groups

NGOs, POs and religious groups can do the following: (a) organize
and mobilize communities along with other sectors/stakeholders to
implement action programs outlined in the strategy; (b) formulate and

Being the center of knowledge and education, academic and

educational / research institutions are expected to provide or assist in:
(a) providing expertise and advice on relevant information from the national
to the local levels; (b) interpret monitoring data and research/development
information to be used by local stakeholders; (c) undertake research and
development programs that would address information gaps and
uncertainties in relation to policy and management issues in the province;
(d) participate actively in policy and decision-making processes both at
the national, regional, and local levels; (e) build and strengthen local
capacities through training and formal / non-formal education; and (f)
develop and coordinate environmental education programs and events
focused on schoolchildren and the youths.


UN, International Agencies, and Donors

The United Nations, along with other international agencies and donor
groups, can support the execution of the Bataan Sustainable Development
Strategy by providing both technical and financial assistance in such areas
as: (a) capacity building; (b) training and education; (c) demonstration projects
and preparation of working models; (c) case studies, transfer of experiences,
and information sharing from other regions; (d) networking among regular and
parallel ICM sites and support groups; (e) new technologies and approaches
(e.g., information technology and biotechnology); (f) effective implementation
and monitoring of international conventions; (g) addressing transboundary
issues; (h) forging partnerships between foreign investors, operating companies,
and local stakeholders; and (i) leverage financing for environmental investments.

Financial Institutions

Financial institutions can support the implementation of the Bataan Coastal

Strategy by providing expert advice and assistance on the following: (a)

establishing sustainable environmental facilities and services; (b) soft loans;

(c) grants; (d) loan guarantees; (e) bonds and securities; (f) setting aside of
green fund or environment fund; and (g) establishing micro-credit programs for
micro-businesses and small-scale enterprises involving local communities and
marginalized groups.
Existing institutional mechanisms need to be identified along with the
responsible agencies/sectors and the legal instruments associated with various
social and economic activities in the coastal area. By doing these, existing
conflicts between agencies, overlapping of functions and lack of uniformity
between provincial and municipal ordinances as well as between municipalities.
There are also cases when there are national laws with provisions for local
implementation, but local government units are hardly aware of such. There
were also cases when municipal ordinances exist, but are not known to the
people. This will also assess the capability of an agencys enforcement

Table 7. Essential Institutional Mechanisms by Sector.





RA 8550 Fisheries LGU, DA-BFAR


Province of
Bataan &



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional help.
e.g.: Bantay Dagat/monitoring
of fishing activities and IEC


Various PDs and



Province of
Bataan &



Private Industries, NGOs, POs &

other civil society groups can
provide additional help.


International &
National Maritime


Bataan, Manila
Bay & South
China Sea
Coastline &
Adjacent areas



Shipping & Private Industries can

help LGUs, PPA & PCG; NGOs &
Civil society groups can also








Waste Mgt.

National Laws &



Province of Bataan
& various



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional


National Laws &


LGU (Provl Tourism Province of Bataan

& various
Office), DOT



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional


DAO 34 & other

Envtl Laws &


Province of Bataan
& various



Private industries can provide big

support along with NGOs & other
civil groups.


Forestry Code &

other National
Laws &


Province of Bataan
& various



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional


National Laws &



Province of Bataan
& various



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional


National Laws &



Province of Bataan
& various



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional


National Laws &



Province of Bataan
& various



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional

National Laws &



Province of Bataan
& various





BICMP, NGOs can provide inputs

for planning







Econ. Devt.

National Laws &


Province of
Bataan &



Overall, planning in relation to the Bataan Sustainable Development

Strategy and its implementation should consider three major sectors
economic, society, and environmental/human health sectors. These
sectors influence each other and efforts of agencies toward this end
should be well-coordinated. The lack of coordination in these efforts
often leads to conflicts in policies and other negative effects. Thus,
there is unbalanced development, unstable and short-lived effort one
that cannot be sustained for a long-time. Hence, if Bataan is to pursue
an integrated coastal management program, the stakeholders concerned
agencies and various sectors with mandates to care for nature and its
bounty should have coordinated and stable efforts which can be sustained
over a long period.



NGOs, POs & other civil society

groups can provide additional

The ultimate end of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy is

to balance the development and management efforts of the different sectors
and agencies. It also seeks to balance people, localities, and generations.
This is in line with the three dimensions of sustainable economic, social,
and environmental supported by growth with equity, people
empowerment, and maintenance of ecological integrity. With this effort,
the strategy can work simultaneously at the top, on the policy level and at
the bottom on the program or project level. Overall, the Bataan Sustainable
Development Strategy provides the framework for a more in-depth
environmental management plan and other action plans.



Several indicators have been established to assess the level of progress

regarding the implementation of the Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy
(BSDS). The indicators provide a systematic method for each stakeholder and
the community to track the movement of the Bataan coastal and marine
environment toward management arrangements, systems and processes that
are identified in the strategy.
The attainment of desired outcomes achieved by the objectives, strategy
and action plans of the BSDS can be classified into:

Institutional activities these include the individual and collective policy,

legal and administrative action of national and local governments in
accordance with the sustainable development strategy.

Operational activities this refers to the measures taken by the

stakeholders for the mitigation, protection and preservation of the coastal
and marine resources and the values/benefits that the community derive
from them.

Environmental state this refers to the quality and quantity of natural

resources, and the state of human and ecological health. Indicators
in this type reflect the functional status of the coastal and marine
environment for human, industrial, and tourism purposes.

One of the early initiatives to implement the Bataan Sustainable

Development Strategy involves the signing of a manifesto of support and
commitment of stakeholders. This manifesto categorically implies to attain the
desired outcomes and changes stipulated in the strategy. In the interim, the
institutional, operational and environmental indicators will be adapted to the
Bataan Sustainable Development Strategy and the changes and revisions will
be done from time to time as the monitoring and reporting system develops
based on the capacity of various stakeholders, both national and local level
increases. An Implementation Plan for the BSDS will also be developed to
identify action programs and activities with clear, measurable targets and
responsible sector/agency/institution. This will help in the tracking of activities
being undertaken to implement BSDS and the outputs and outcome being
generated as a consequence.


1. Inter-agency, multi-sectoral councils established at local
levels.- number of coastal and non-coastal LGU councils


2. Formulation of the Integrated Coastal Zoning and Sea-use
Plan.- number of LGUs with duly approved ICZSUPs


3. Adoption of national and local coastal and marine policies
and ordinances.- number of policies and/or ordinances


4. Multi-sectoral voluntary agreements.- number of agreements







1. Coastal land- and sea-use zoning scheme along the Bataan
coastline. - length of coastline (km)


2. Catchments areas with environmental coastal management
plans. - total catchments area (km)


3. Coastal and marine areas with environmental management
programs. - total coastal and marine area (km2)




1. Industries and private enterprises secure certification of ISO
14000 compliance or other similar environmental standards
certification *.


2. Integrated Solid Waste Management System (materials
recovery facility and centralized sanitary landfill) - number of LGUs
with solid waste management system


3. Sewage treatment facility - percentage of coastal population
with treatment facilities


4. Drinking water - percentage of population with access to safe
drinking water







Bataan Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO). 2005. Socioeconomic Profile 2004, Province of Bataan. PPDO, Balanga City,
Bataan, Philippines.
Bataan Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO). 1994.
Provincial Physical Framework Plan / Comprehansive Provincial
Land Use Plan, Province of Bataan (Planning Period 1993 2002).
PPDO, Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines.


Photos used in the publication are taken from the Bataan

Management Information System Office collections, the Provincial
Tourism Office, PEMSEA, DENR NCR and the Bataan Integrated
Coastal Management Program Project Management Office

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). 1995. Fisheries Sector

Program Resource and Ecological Assessment of the Manila
Bay, Final Report. BFAR, Department of Agriculture, Quezon City,
GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme on Partnerships in Environmental
Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) and Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). 2001. Manila Bay
Initial Risk Assessment. PEMSEA Technical Information Report
No. 2001/01, 112 p. GEF/UNDP/IMO PEMSEA, Quezon City,
National Statistics Office (NSO). 2000. 2000 Census of Population. National
Statistics Office, Manila Philippines.
Tambuyog Development Center. 1990. Compilation of Manila Bay Research
/ Studies. Tambuyog Development Center, Philippine Social
Science Center, Quezon City, Philippines.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Protected Areas
Management Board (DENR-PAMB) Management Plan for Bataan
Natural Park, 2001. Provincial Environment and Natural Resources
Office, Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines.


The BCCFI aims to act as a catalyst and provide counterpart funding for the Bataan Integrated Coastal Management
Program (BICMP) to build better coastal governance, explore ways for a dynamic and sustainable public-private
partnerships in environmental management, increase awareness, and promote community participation in coastal
resources management.

Member Companies

Ayala Land, Inc.

Core Maritime Corp.
Grand Asia Shipyard, Inc.
Herma Shipyard, Inc.
Limay Bulk Handling Terminal, Inc.
Limay Grinding Mill Corp.
Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific
Metro Alliance Holding & Equities, Corp. (formerly
the Bataan Polyethylene Corporation)

Orica Explosives Philippines, Inc.

Petron Corporation
Petron Foundation, Inc.
Philippine Resins Industries, Inc.
Planters Products, Inc.
PNOC - Alternative Fuels Corporation
San Miguel Corporation
Total Petroleum Philippines, Inc.
Oilink International

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