Nahid - Ns - 09.04.2015 - The Elements of The Promotionmix

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Companies also consider many factors in developing the promotion programs, including the type
of product, target market, the buyers decision process, stages of product lifecycle and channels
of distribution etc. The elements of the promotion mix are given to below;
The element of the promotion mix







Figure: The elements of the promotion mix

Advertising is one of the main elements of promotion mix for communicating with target
customers. Advertising is defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion
of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. It is defined as any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor.
The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising
message generally must be bought. The non- personal means that advertising involves mass
media that can transmit a message to large groups of individuals, often at the same time.
It is very important promotion tool particularly for companies whose products and services are
targeted at mass consumer markets. It can be very cost-effective method for communicating with
large audiences.
Advertising can be used to create brand images and symbolic appeals for a company or brand, a
very important capability for companies selling products and services that are difficult to
differentiate on functional attributes.

The numerous communication platforms of the advertising are Print and broadcast ads, Packagingouter, Packaging inserts, Motion pictures, Brochures and booklets, Posters and leaflets, Directories,
Reprints of ads, Billboards, Display signs, Point of purchase displays, Audiovisual material,
Symbols and logos, Videotapes etc.
Because of the many forms and uses of advertising, it is difficult to make all-embracing
generalizations. Yet the following qualities can be noted.

Public presentation
Advertising's public nature confers a kind of legitimacy on the product and also suggests a
standardized offering. Because many persons receive the same message, buyers know that
motives for purchasing the product will be publicly understood.

Advertising permits the seller to repeat a message many times. It also allows the buyer to receive
and compare the messages of various competitors. Large scale advertising says something
positive about the seller's size, power and success.

Amplified expressiveness
Advertising provides opportunities for dramatizing the company and its product through the
artful use of print, sound and color.

The audience does not feel obligated to pay attention or respond to advertising. Advertising is a
monologue in front of, not a dialogue with, the audience.
Advertising can be used to build up a long-term image for a product or trigger quick sales.
Advertising can efficiently reach geographically dispersed buyers. Advertising might have an
effect on sales simply through its presence. Consumers might believe that a heavily advertised
brand must offer good value.

Direct Marketing
Direct marketing in which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate
a response or a transaction. Direct marketing consists of direct connections with carefully
targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting
customer relationships. For example, Dell computer interacts directly with customers, by
telephone or through its Website, to design built to order systems that meet customers individual
needs. Buyers order directly from Dell and Dell quickly and efficiently delivers the new
computers to their homes or offices.
The common communication platforms of direct marketing are; Catalog, Mailings, Telemarketing,
Electronic shopping, Fax mail, E-mail, Voice mail etc.
Direct marketing involves a variety of activities including database management, direct selling,
telemarketing and direct response ads through direct mail, the internet and various broadcast and
print media. One of the major tools of direct marketing is direct response advertising, whereby a
product is promoted through an ad that encourages the consumers to purchase directly from the
Although there are many forms of direct marketing-direct mail, telemarketing, internet
marketing- they all share four distinct characteristics.

Direct marketing is


The message is normally addressed to a specific person

The Message can be prepared to appeal to the addressed individual
A message can be prepared very quickly
The message can be changed depending on the person's response.

Interactive/ Internet marketing

The internet is the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history of
marketing as well as advertising and promotion. Interactive media allow users for a back and
forth flow of information they receive in real time. The new media allow users to perform a
variety of functions such as receive and alter information and images, make inquiries, respond to
questions and of course make purchases. While the internet is a promotional medium, it can also
be viewed as a marketing communication tools in its own right. Because of its interactive nature,
it is a very effective way of communicating with customers.

The common platforms of internet marketing are Internet, call centre, telephone marketing. Websites,
e-mail etc

Sales promotion

Sales promotion consists of short term incentives to encourage the purchase or sales of a product
or service. Whereas, advertising and personal selling offer reasons to buy a product or service,
sales promotion offers reasons to buy now. Sales promotion is defined as those marketing
activities that provide extra value or incentives to the sales force, the distributors or the ultimate
consumer and can stimulate immediate sales.
Sales promotion is generally broken down into two major categories such as;

i) Consumer oriented sales promotion

ii) Trade- oriented sales promotion
Consumer oriented sales promotion is targeted to the ultimate user of a product or service and
includes couponing, sampling, premiums, rebates, contests and sweepstakes etc.
Trade oriented sales promotion is targeted toward marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers,
distributors and retailers.
The common communication platform of the sales promotion involves Contests, games,
Sweepstakes, lotteries, Premium and gifts, Sampling, Fairs and trade shows, Exhibits,
Demonstrations, Coupons ,Rebates, Low-interest financing, Entertainment, Trade in allowances,
are highly divers, they offer three distinctive benefits
programs, Tie-ins,
They gain attention and usually provide information that may lead the
consumer to the product.
Incentive. They incorporate some concession, inducement or contribution that gives value to
the consumer.
Invitation. They include a distinct invitation to engage in the transaction now.

Publicity/ public relations

Another important component of an organizations promotional mix is publicity and public
Publicity refers to non-personal communications regarding an organization, product and service
not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship. It usually comes in the form of a news
story, editorial or announcement about an organization and its product and services. Techniques
used to gain publicity include news releases, press conferences, feature articles, photographs,
films and videotapes.
An advantage of publicity over other forms of promotion is its credibility. Consumers generally
tend to be less skeptical toward favorable information about a product or service when it comes
from a source they receive as unbiased.
Another advantage of publicity is its low cost, since the company is not paying time or space in a
mass medium such as TV, radio or newspapers.
Publicity is not always under the control of an organization and it is sometimes unfavorable.
Negative stories about a company and its products can be very damaging.
The common communications of the public relations are Press kits, Speeches, Seminars, Annual
reports, Charitable donations, Sponsorships, Publications, Community relations, Lobbying, Identity
media, Company magazine, Events etc.

The appeal of public relations and publicity is based on three distinctive qualities such as are
High credibility. News stories and features are more authentic and credible to readers than ads
Ability to catch buyers off guard. Public relations can reach prospects who prefer to avoid
sales people and advertising
Dramatization: Public relations has the potential for dramatizing a company or product .

Public Relation
Another major mass-promotion tool is public relations- building good relations with the
company are various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate
image and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories and events. Public relation is
defined as the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and
procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest and relations generally has a
broader objective than publicity as its purpose is to establish and maintain a positive image of the
company among its various publics.
Public relations use publicity and variety of other tools including special publications,
participation in community activities, fund raising, sponsorship of special events and various
public affairs activities to enhance an organizations image.

Personal Selling
The final element of an organizations promotional mix is personal selling, a form of person to
person communication in which a seller attempts to assist and persuade prospective buyers to
purchase the companys product or service or to act on an idea. This interaction gives the
marketer communication flexibility, the seller can see or hear the potential buyers reactions and
modify the message accordingly. Personal selling is the most effective tool at later stages of the
buying process, particularly in building up buyer preference, conviction and action. Personal
selling has three distinctive qualities.

Personal confrontation. Personal selling involves an immediate and interactive relationship

between two or more persons. Each party is able to observe the other's reactions at close hand

Cultivation. Personal selling permits all kinds of relationships to spring up, ranging from a
matter of fact selling relationship to a deep personal friendship. Sales representative will
normally have customers' best interests at heart.

Response. Personal selling makes the buyer feel under some obligation for having listened to
the sales talk.

Steps in Developing Effective Communication

We now examine the major steps in developing an effective integrated marketing
communications and promotion programs. The marketing communicator must follow the
following steps.

Identifying the target audience

Determining the communication objectives
Designing a message
Choosing media
Selecting the message source
Collecting feedback

Identifying the target audience

A marketing communicator starts with a clear target audience in mind. The audience may be
potential buyers or current users. The audience may be individuals, groups, special publics or the
general public. The target audience will heavily affect the communicators decisions on what will
be said, how it will be said, when it will be said, where it will be said and who will say it.

Determining the communication objectives

The marketing communicator needs to know where the target audience now stands and to what
stage it needs to be moved. The target audience may be in any of six buyer readiness stages.
These stages include awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase.

Designing a message
Having defined the desired audience response, the communicator turns to developing an effective
message. Ideally, the message should get attention, hold interest, arouse desire and obtain action.
In putting the message together, the marketing communicator must decide what to say and how
to say it.

Message content (what to say)

The communicator has to figure out an appeal or theme that will produce the desired response.
There are three types of appeals:

Rational appeal
Emotional appeal
Moral appeal.

Rational/informational appeals. Rational appeal focuses on the reasons for purchasing.

Rational appeals relate to the audiences self-interest. They show that the product will produce

the desired benefits. It focuses on the consumers practical, functional or utilitarian need for the
product or service and emphasizes features of a product or service and or the benefits or reasons
for owning or using a particular brand. Rational based tends to be informative and advertisers
using them generally attempt to convince consumers that their product or service has a particular
attributes or provides specific benefit that satisfies their needs.
Many rational motives can be used as the basis for advertising appeals including comfort,
convenience, economy, health and sensory benefits such as touch, taste and smell and rational
motives are quality, dependability, durability, efficacy, efficiency and performance etc.
Weilbacher identified several types of advertising appeals that fall under the category of rational
approaches such as are;
Ads that use a feature appeals focus on the dominant traits of the product or service.
A competitive advantage appeal is used, here the advertiser makes either a direct or an indirect
comparison to another brand and usually claims superiority on one or more attributes.
A favorable price appeal makes the price offer the dominant point of the message.
News appeals are those in which some type of news or announcement about the product, service
or company dominates the ads.
Product/ service popularity appeals stress the popularity of a product or service by pointing out
the number of consumers who use the brand, the number who have switched to it, the number of
exports who recommend it or its leadership position in the market place.
Emotional appeals.
Emotional appeals stir up either negative or positive emotions that
can motivate purchase. Emotional appeals relate to the consumers social or psychological needs
for purchasing a product or service. Communicators may use positive emotional appeals such as
are love, pride, joy and humor etc. sometimes the negative emotional appeals such as are fear,
guilt and shame. Many feelings or needs can serve as the basis for advertising appeals designed
to influence consumers on an emotional level.
Personal states or feelings

Social based feelings


Affiliation/ belonging


Moral appeals.
Moral appeals are directed to the audiences sense of what is right and
proper. They are often used to urge people to support social causes such as a cleaner
environment, better race relations, and equal rights for women and aid to the disadvantaged.
An example of a moral appeal is the March of Dimes appeal, God made you whole. Give to
help those He did not

Message structure.
The communicator must also decide how to handle three message
structure issues. The first is whether to draw a conclusion or leave it to the audience. The
second message structure issue is whether to present the strongest arguments first or last. The
third message structure issue is whether to present a one sided argument or a two sided argument.
Message Format.
The marketing communicator also needs a strong format for the message.
In print ad the communicator has to decide on the headline, body copy, illustration and color. To
attract attention, advertisers can use novelty and contrast; eye-catching pictures and headlines;
distinctive formats; message size and position; and color, shape and movement. If the message is
to be carried over the radio, the communicator has to choose words, sounds and voices.
If the message is to be carried on television or in person, then all these elements plus body
language have to be planned. Presenters plan their facial expressions, gestures, dress, posture and
hairstyles. If the message is carried on the product or its package, the communicator has to
watch texture, scent, color, size and shape.

Choosing Media
The communicator must select channels of communication. There are two broad types of
communication channels;

Personal communication channel

Non-personal communication channel.

Personal communication channel.

In personal communication channels, two or more
people communicate directly with each other. They might communicate face to face, over the
telephone, through the mail, or even through an internet chat. Some personal communication
channels are controlled directly by the company. But other personal communications about the
product may reach buyers through channels not directly controlled by the company. These might
include independent experts-consumer advocates, consumer buying guides, and others-making
statements to target buyers. Or they might be neighbors, friends, family members and associates
talking to target buyers.
Other companies create opinion leaders-people whose opinions are sought by others-by
supplying influencer with the product on attractive terms or by educating them so that they can
inform others. Buzz marketing involves cultivating opinion leaders and getting them to spread
information about a product or service to others in their communities.
Non-personal communication channel.
Non-personal communication channels are media
that carry messages without personal contact or feedback. They include major media, atmosphere
and events. Major media include print media, broadcast media, display media and online media.
Atmospheres are designed environments that create or reinforce the buyers learning toward
buying a product. Events are staged occurrences that communicate messages to target audiences.
Selecting the Message Sources.
In either personal or non-personal communication, the
messages impact on the target audience is also affected by how the audience views the
communicator. Messages delivered by highly credible sources are more persuasive. Thus, many
food companies promote doctors, dentists and other health care providers to motivate these
professionals to recommend their products to patients. Marketers hire celebrity endorsers-well

known athletes, actors, and even cartoon characters-to deliver their messages. But companies
must be careful when selecting celebrities to represent their brands. Picking the wrong
spokesperson can result in embarrassment and a tarnished image. For example, Pepsi and Kodak
faced similar embarrassment when their spokesperson, boxer Mike Tyson, was accused of
beating his wife and was later jailed for rape.

Collecting Feedback
After sending the message, the communicator must research its effect on the target audience.
This involves asking the target audience members whether they remember the message, how
many times they saw it, what points they recall, how they felt about the message, and their past
and present attitudes toward the product and the company. The communicator would also like to
measure behavior resulting from the message-how many people bought a product, talked to
others about it or visited the store.
Feedback on marketing communications may suggest changes in the promotion program or in
the product offer itself.

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